#why i’m wrecking my sleep schedule right before starting a new job is beyond me but we persist. we move
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Me: I think I’m getting over my irrational fear of demonic possession
Also me: *has a nightmare about demonic possession, wakes up from it at 5am, refuses to go back to sleep, and spends whole day tired*
#this is really on me honestly. like there’s zero part of this that isn’t on me#this week i watched the exorcism of karen walker and i also watched the devil on trial documentary#the latter actually helped me because having been presented with all the information i was like ‘i’m going out on a limb here but i don’t#think this guy was demonically possessed’. like why would the demon just squat in his body? and you’re telling me this mom was drugging#all her kids with sominex/dyphenhydramine? you know; the drug that’s responsible for THE HAT MAN???#like i’m sorry but i think this child was hallucinating. and the man the demon supposedly went in just used it as an excuse to kill his mate#anyway. so i watched the conjuring iii last night and honestly it really isn’t scary. like there’s barely any jumpscares and the horror#in general is pretty lowkey. compared with the first conjuring movie; plus the nun which ruins my day whenever i think about it#it’s really not a scary movie. but i guess the ideas lodged themselves in my brain and i ended up dreaming about being possessed and living#in a creepy house and i think a suspicious priest was trying to exorcise me. it was a lot#i could not fall back asleep. i tried but it was impossible. i was also too scared of sleep paralysis tbh. i often experience sp#if i wake up in the middle of the night; am awake for an hour or more & fall asleep again#and i was like ‘genuinely if i experience sleep paralysis while i’m thinking about demons i will be found dead’#i still think my fear is generally less though. like i’m realising how irrational and silly it is and i’m laughing at certain points#in these movies. the demon voice they always do during exorcisms is so camp! it’s ridiculous#maybe i should write a demonic possession novel. see if i can scare myself#why i’m wrecking my sleep schedule right before starting a new job is beyond me but we persist. we move#personal
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-9)
Word count: 4.2K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, teehee ;)
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: There is no angst in this part whatsoever. Fun break, right? ;)
The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23 the best! <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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Kevin kept stealing glances at you. It started out guilelessly, but then he got suspicious real quick.
“Something is up with you!” He finally proclaimed.
You looked up innocently from the bowl you were mixing the batter in. “What?”
“Oh, don’t give me that look. I know something is different today,” Kevin insisted. “Jack, back me up here!”
Jack looked up from his book, sweet and oblivious. “What?”
It only furthered Kevin’s annoyance. “Look at her!” He pointed a finger accusingly at you. “She’s humming!”
“She hums sometimes,” Meg shrugged from her place near the flowerpots in the balcony, where she sat cleaning her telescope.
You winked at her and she blew back a kiss.
“Did you see that!” Kevin shouted. “And now she’s winking!”
“Kev, you need to take it down a notch,” you grinned at him.
“Say what you want, Y/N, I know you’re keeping something from us,” he announced. 
“It’s just that I have an evening to myself for the first time in a while. It’s good to know that I can be in bed by eleven.”
“That’s a good enough reason to hum if you ask me,” Jack said absently. “God knows we’ve all wrecked our sleep schedules beyond repair now.”
“Y/N, Cas and Pam at least have night jobs,” Meg said. “We have zero excuses.”
Kevin gave up on trying to wriggle out the reason for your humming out of you and settled for stealing the cookie batter.
“Let’s not bake this. Let’s just eat this out of the bowl.”
You smacked his hand away, taking the bowl with you to the kitchen counter.
The door to the apartment opened and Cas came in. He looked ready to drop.
There was an outburst of excitement at his entry and he gave everyone a tired but happy smile.
“I thought I’d find you guys here,” he said, dropping on your sofa. 
“Long day?” You asked sympathetically.
He sighed. “It’s always a long day when you’re posted in the pediatric ward. I don’t look forward to it.”
 “But you’re so good with children!” Meg said.
You zeroed in on her. “How do you know that?”
“I-I ran into him at the hospital,” she said, suddenly busy with her lens. “It was nothing.”
Didn’t look ‘nothing’ to you, but you didn’t press her on it. Solidarity was the key to a healthy roommate relationship. Afterall, she had helped you out with Kevin earlier and hadn’t spoken a word about the coat.
You needn’t have worried, because Kevin clearly wasn’t over you.
“Y/N’s keeping something from us,” he complained to Cas promptly. “She’s humming, and smiling and baking those cookies!”
“She does all those things normally,” Cas said. You gave him an exaggerated bow, and Kevin’s jaw dropped.
“Now she’s- she’s doing that!” he spluttered.
You threw the kitchen rag at him. “Why are you scrutinising me with a magnifying glass, when we all should be clearly interested in Jack’s date! Why is nobody asking him the questions?”
“It was good,” Jack said, finally setting the book down. “Claire’s awesome! Hey, Y/N, guess what I found out? Her mom’s a Professor at the law school!”
“Claire Mills, if it helps,” he added.
Professor Mills. You would have never guessed she had a daughter that old. She didn’t look it. You were instantly reminded of her barging into Sam’s office. What would have happened, if she hadn’t?
“You know what? Fine! Don’t tell me,” Kevin crossed his arms over his chest.
You walked over to him, and ruffled his hair. “It’s really nothing. If it was anything big, I’d tell you.”
It was true. A professor had smiled at you for a bit. That was all there was to it.
“Fine,” he gave in, sneaking away the bowl of cookie batter. “Keep smiling though, you light up the room.”
9th September 2008
‘You’ll be okay by yourself?” Aunt El asked you, worry creasing her forehead.
“Mom!” Jo groaned. “She’s not by herself! She’s with me.”
Ellen looked at her like that was hardly a good thing and you snickered.
“I worry that instead of her influencing you in a good way, you’re going to spoil her,” she admonished Jo good naturedly. “Please don’t get drunk and annoy the neighbours.”
“We’re totally getting drunk and annoying the neighbours,” Jo whispered conspiratorially behind her mother’s back.
Ellen was heading to Wisconsin for a bar owners convention. At least, that’s what she had told you. Jo believed it was a pretense for her to get drunk with her own friends.
“I’ll help out Jo at the diner,” you told your aunt, getting up to walk her to the door. 
Aunt El placed a hand on your shoulder. “You know you don’t have to, Y/N. Jo has plenty of help there.”
“I want to,” you offered, and she smiled.
“Alright girls,” Aunt El said. “Don’t have too much fun.” She hugged both of you and chasetly kissed your forehead. It was such a pure gesture of affection, it brought back memories of your Gran and the few faded ones of your mom.
“Pick your poison, my sweet child,” Jo grinned, pulling out a bottle of Vodka mere minutes after Ellen’s car had left the driveway. She had a hoard of bottles with her under the table. “We also have Whiskey, rum and this sweet mother of everything holy - Tequila.”
You stared at the assortment of liquor in horror. “Jo, I’ve only ever had beer, and two pints were more than enough to me as high as the holy heaven. This is a stupid idea.”
“In this house, we live for stupid,” Jo said, pouring some of the colourless liquid in a shot glass. “At least when my mother isn’t home.”
You looked at her dubiously.
“C’mon, Y/N, this will be fun!”
Her grin was so infectious that you gave in. 
“Pour away, bar wench,” you said, delicately putting your hand against your forehead like a gothic European woman. Your cousin howled with laughter and slid the glass towards you. “Let’s start with Vodka, shall we?”
The next day you would know that you shouldn’t have started with Vodka. Hell, you shouldn’t have started with anything! It felt like waking up in another reality when you opened your eyes the next morning. In fact, even doing that had been a struggle. The sun was shining too brightly through the tiny slit in the curtains, almost assaulting you in the eyes and your head felt like it had grown a few pounds over the night.
You groaned, wanting to roll over and go back to sleep, but a wave of nausea hit you and you shambled out of the bed, making it just in time to the bathroom to hurl your gut into the toilet. It was nasty and felt neverending. After the puking fit passed, you just curled on your side on the wet bathroom floor, wondering why the hell people put themselves through this? Sure, it had been a fun night, and after the second glass of vodka, you didn’t remember much anyway. Just really vague memories. There was some dancing on the staircase involved, jumping on the bed, and really loud music. Your throat was already sore from all the yelling and laughing, the throwing up had only made it worse.
You tried to recollect why you were in your bra and shorts. Oh, strip poker. You wanted to bang your head against the bathroom tiles, but even moving made the nausea worse. Only the thought of Jo finally made you get up and go looking for her in the house, which was a total mess. There were clothes everywhere. It was like the wardrobes had all burst open spilling clothes all over the house. 
And had there been crying? You remembered in flashes that you were sobbing ceaselessly in Jo’s arms at one point. 
Jo was nowhere to be seen. You did the only logical thing and called her phone.
“Morning, sunshine!” Jo answered on the third ring, voice absolutely nice and chirpy.
“How?” You croaked. 
Jo’s laughter echoed from the other side. “I’m just good at handling it. I was going to wake you before I left for the diner, but you were out for good. Figured you’d call when you woke up. Man, drunk Y/N is my new favourite person in the world. She’s a freaking rockstar! We are so doing this every weekend.”
Well, you wanted to dropkick drunk Y/N from the roof of the house. She got to have all the fun and you were the one to suffer especially when you didn’t even remember anything. From your seat next to the phone you gawked at the clock. It was just past noon.
You groaned.
“There, there,” Jo said sympathetically. “There’s a bottle of Advil on my nightstand. Take two and keep drinking water. You should be better in a few hours, okay?”
“Do you want me to come over?” She asked, sounding worried now.
“I'll be fine,” you answered, quickly.
“Just keep sipping on some water and don’t skip the meal. Eat some bread, I’ve heard that helps, too.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Jo asked. Her voice hitched, as if she was nervous. “I’m going out with Dean after work. Is it okay with you if he stayed over?”
“Of course!” you said immediately. “It’s no problem at all.” 
“Thanks, Y/N. I owe you one.”
After hanging up the phone, you studiously did what Jo had said. Took the pills, filled a water bottle and then snuggled up on the couch, playing some mindless sitcom on the TV.
You didn’t pay any attention to it. Instead, you thought about Dean. When you had first met Dean, you were a little unsure about what to make of him. He wasn’t exactly hostile towards you, but it wasn’t hard to spot the wariness, as if he didn't trust you being around Sam, or rather didn’t want to trust. After the funeral that had completely changed. He had been more than welcoming and understanding. In fact, he had taken the time out to show you around the town in his car. According to Jo it was super rare of him and that he must really like you. His words from the graveyard came back to you. “You have to take care of yourself first, before you can take care of anyone else.” It had been just for your ears, and you knew exactly who he had been hinting towards.
You wondered idly, if you’d had a big brother, would he have been just as protective of you as Dean was of Sam? But Dean wasn’t just Sam’s brother, he was more than that, he was also a parent. Must have been awful to be the responsible one since such a small age and then doing such a great job. Look at how Sam had turned out to be.
You sighed, readjusting yourself. You so wanted to call Sam, but didn’t want to disturb him when he was busy studying for the Bar. You had taken to dropping by their place in the mornings with food. It made you feel like one of those evil scientists, because Dean’s face would light up the moment he saw you, expecting the pie. It was all really cute. Sam’s eyes, however, were only reserved for you. There was so much longing in them that it made your legs weak. The moment he saw you, though, the longing would be replaced by purest of joys. You would run to him and he’d catch up in his arms, kissing you soundly each time. That feeling, of being so wanted, was the best thing in your life right now. 
It was always the little things. How he never touched you without being completely sure that it was what you wanted. The first night you had stayed over, you had woken up in the middle of the night to find him sleeping on the carpet below you. The sight would have melted the hardest of hearts.
You didn’t know what most couples did, had nothing to compare this with, but Sam was definitely different. He read to you. He would open his textbooks, and read out loud cases and laws and proceedings. You didn’t understand much, but you loved to see him so immersed in it, his deep voice had become an anchor, steadying your life around it.
Once, after much persuasion, he had obliged you by playing a piece of Chopin on the Grand Piano. He said he was rusty, since he had been out of practice for so long, only having started playing again recently. You didn’t understand classical music. Whatever he played, it was all lovely.
On Sundays you would go to the park with picnic baskets, and you would rant about the ducks endlessly. Sometimes Dean and Jo would join you, but mostly it was just the two of you, stealing quiet moments. The soft touch of his rough hands drove you mad sometimes, but he never did anything more than kiss you. At first you wondered if he didn’t want anything more, despite Gran’s ‘boys only want one thing’ speech, and it left you feeling so frustrated. You would have believed it too, that he wasn’t interested in you like that, if you hadn’t seen his pupils dilate after he kissed you. His hands would start shaking a little and he would gulp before pulling away. He felt something, even if he didn’t want to show exactly what it was. 
The clock chimed and you opened your eyes. Had you really fallen asleep again, despite having woken up at noon? The TV was still playing a rerun of Days of our lives. You sat up feeling steadier. In fact, your stomach was settled, too. It was like the hangover of morning had never happened. Despite it being only 6, it was dark outside. You walked to the window to see that the sky was overcast. 
Deciding to listen to Jo’s sage advice, you made yourself grilled cheese and ate it as quickly as you could before getting to the mess that the house was in. Dean would be flabbergasted if he saw the condition of the place. You grabbed all the clothes and folded them neatly into two piles- yours and Jo’s. Seriously? Had there been a drunk fashion show? Then rounded up the empty bottles and put them in the trash can. It took you over an hour to clean the rest of the house.
At least Jo had put the mail inside on the table before leaving. You decided to put it in the drawer for when Aunt El returned from her weekend. As you were sliding it in, you noticed that one of them was addressed to you and on the letterhead of-
You hurriedly tore open the envelope and pulled out the contents. Unfolding the first paper, you went through the content furiously for the words that you were looking for. As you read them, the paper slipped out of your hand, fell onto the table. You were running before you knew it, running out of the house and into the street. It had started raining outside and your feet slipped on the wet pavers of the sidewalks. Several times you slipped and fell, but you didn’t let that stop you. Each time you picked yourself up, running till you were drenched and out of breath, till you had reached his house.
You banged on the door, not stopping until it opened. Sam stood there, his annoyance swiftly melting into first surprise, then concern.
“Y/N!” He ushered you inside, quickly closing the door behind you. 
“Sam... S-Sam,” You tried to say and he immediately dragged you inside. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re shivering and soaked to the bone,” he fretted, seating you on the sofa and throwing a rug over you. “What were you thinking? You know you can’t deal with the cold!”
“Sam,” you said, grabbing his hand to stop him from hovering over you. “I- I got in!”
He came to a halt. “What?”
“I got into North Carolina Central,” you finally managed through chattering teeth. “I got in!”
His grip on your arms loosened just for a second and then he was pulling you to him, kissing you with an emotion that probably didn’t have a name. 
“I’m so proud of you,” he said, pulling back, a grin of true happiness breaking across his face. “You did it, Y/N! You did it! This is incredible.”
You could see that he meant it. Each word. And his eyes were saying more than that, they were brimming with gratification. Instead of saying anything, you leaned forward and kissed him some more, deeply, pouring all your feelings into it, till a violent shiver ripped through you.
“Shit!” He swore. “You’ve got to get out of these. You can use my bathroom to wash. I'll get you some of my clothes. Not that they’d fit.” He scratched the back of his hair, looking nervous.
Anything to get out of these clothes. Now that you were so cold, you realised just how reckless it had been to get wet in the rain. 
“Come on.” Sam slowly led you upstairs to his room. “I’ll just turn the hot water on for you.”
You looked around Sam’s room as he disappeared in the bathroom. All the times that you had been to the house, he had never invited you up here. Not once. Looking around, you noticed how clean and organised the room was. There weren’t many personal touches, given how little time he had spent here in the past few years, but there was a picture on his table, of him and Dean, laughing at something. 
“In you go,” Sam said, coming out. “There’s a towel for you, and er... I’ll leave the clothes on the bed.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled shyly and walked into the bathroom, clutching at your wet clothes. Locking the door, you stared at the girl in the mirror. She looked bright eyed and… happy. Like the whole world was at her feet. 
The hot shower did calm your nerves, soothing your skin and getting the mud out of your hair. It felt impolite to leave your clothes in the cloth basket at the foot of the sink, but what other choice did you have? Wrapping the towel around your body, you peeked out to make sure you were all by yourself, before stepping out. Sam had laid out a tshirt, a pair of boxers, sweat pants and even a sweater. You felt your face heated up at the sight of them. It felt so intimate to pull on the boxers. You pulled the T-shirt over your head next. It almost reached your lower thigh. Boldly, you decided to ditch the sweatpants, not feeling the need for them after a warm shower.
In the living room, Sam was tending to the fire, his back turned towards you. Feeling brave, you climbed down the staircase. Sam turned at the sound of your feet and his eyes widened, an audible gasp leaving his lips. The reaction was both flattering and encouraging as you walked towards him slowly and kneeled down in front of him. He gulped and breathed out, leaning back just a bit. You moved forward, caressing the side of his face. He sighed as if your touch pained him. 
“Is this not okay?” You breathed uncertainty. “Do you not want this?”
Maybe the hurt was clear on your face, because Sam drew your hand away from his face and placed it over his heart. Through the thin layer of his t-shirt, you could feel it pounding hard.
“Not want this?” He laughed breathily. “It feels like I’ve wanted nothing but you since I first saw you.”
You didn’t understand. “Then why don’t you ever-” you trailed off.
He took your face in his hands, looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. “Y/N/N,” he whispered and the hair on the back of your head stood straight at the intensity in his voice. He had never called you that before. “Don’t you see? You’re too good. I-I don’t think I’m saying it right… part of me feels that I don’t deserve this… I don’t deserve you.”
“Sam! What’re you talking about?”
He looked away, not meeting your eyes. It was something you couldn’t bear.
“Do you know what my first thought was, when I saw the acceptance?” You asked gently, placing your other hand which wasn’t resting over his heart, on his face, making him look at you. The very light stubble there prickled the skin of your palm. “That I had to tell you. It was enough to make me run in the rain, because I knew no one would be as happy for me as you would be!”
“I was happy because you deserve this and the world.” His eyes were a liquid galaxy. They held the universe’s power over you.
He still wasn’t getting it. “Sam,” you said, voice low. “I love you.”
His grip on your face slacked and his hands slid down to your shoulders, eyes roving all over your face, like he was trying to memorise every line, every curve of it.
Your name falling from his lips did strange things to your body. Suddenly you were yanked forward and with none of the softness you had come to expect from Sam, but with a desperation that left you reeling. His fingers twisted in your hair and he was kissing you hungrily, like there was no tomorrow, like the world would cease to exist if stopped now. For you it would, if he stopped. You grabbed onto his shoulders, feeling the tense roll of his muscles as his lips traveled down the column of your neck, leaving wet kisses in their wake.
And you? Your body was on fire. It didn’t hurt, just tingled so pleasantly that you never wanted it to stop. An incoherent moan left your mouth as you held on to Sam like dear life.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, voice hoarse.
You nodded, unable to form proper words, and then fumbled with the hem of his t-shirt. God, don’t stop now. Don’t stop ever.
Sam yanked his shirt off of over his head in one swift move and you were left to marvel at that carved out muscles. You ran your hands lightly over his chest, abs and stomach till the skin disappeared beneath the waistband his pants. 
His hands disappeared under your shirt, feeling the skin of your back and shoulders. You shivered and he pulled his hands back. 
“Do you want to go upstairs?” He was nervous, you realised. You dipped down to his chest.
Before he could do anything else, you stuttered, “Sam?”
His eyes were wide, breath coming pants. “Yeah?”
“I-I’ve never done this before… I want to... but I don’t know how…” your voice trailed off and you looked down at his hands where they held yours. 
Sam placed one finger under your chin and titled it up so he could look into your eyes, “We’ll take it slow… only if you want to. And if you don’t-”
You put your finger to his lips. “I want to, really.” You might spontaneously combust if it didn’t happen now. 
That was all Sam needed to hear. He scooped you up in his arms, and carried you to the very bedroom you had just left. There was no fire here, but the room was dim and his bed was somehow already warm. He didn’t waste a second before his arms were circling your waist. You caught hold of the hem of your t-shirt and pulled it over your head. Sam gasped, his eyes doing that thing again which made you go all weak in the knees, made your bones soft.
“Can I?” His voice was oh so soft, and when you nodded, he pulled you back to him, chest against chest and skin against skin. You’d be damned if it wasn’t the most wonderful feeling in the world.
“God, I love you,” he breathed into your hair. “I’ve wanted to say it for so long. I can’t believe that you feel the same way.” He kissed your forehead. “And you’re so beautiful. Each time I look at you, you take my breath away. What are you doing to me?”
This was what touched you the most about being with him. He treated you like the most precious blessing in the world, like you were some special favour granted to him by destiny when you were just… you. The only reason you could tell him that you loved him so freely was because you knew he felt the same way. How could you not know, when he looked at you like you were his wish come true? His every gesture, every word just went to further prove it. 
But he did try to prove it for every moment of the night, with his touches, kisses and reverences. He tried to prove it over and over. Later, exhausted, after he had fallen asleep, you lay with your head over his arm, thinking that he needn’t have tried at all. You would forever remember that he loves you. It was the one thing you would never question.
A/N 2: *Wiggles eyebrows* Finally some action eh? ;) Let me know what you think about it. The next chapter is mostly in present times and pretty crucial for the progress of the story, if I do say so myself ;)
Once again, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who commented and reblogged. You are AWESOME!
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leigh-kelly · 7 years
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assthetic-angel · 6 years
I have learned a lot in 2017, about life, myself, and others. I have been through a lot. I want to write it down to let it go. I don’t want to forget or deny, but shift my focus towards the future by laying out the past year, processing some things that may have been pushed to the back burner, and reflecting on everything.
At the beginning of the year things were okay. I was still recovering from being hospitalized in October as well as constantly moving back and forth between my boyfriend’s and my parents’ place, and the toll that had taken on my life and my relationships with my boyfriend, family and friends. I was working for Time Warner Cable, and had been for about a month. But shortly after the start of January, I quit after being publicly humiliated at work. I wasn’t on good medication, I was in a  fragile place with nonexistent self esteem and I was very unstable. In hindsight the incident probably wasn’t that bad, but I still feel it was uncalled for and at the time it broke me. My boyfriend at the time, who I was living with, was also unemployed. The relationship was toxic and continued to spiral downward until the end of February when he kicked me out after a fight. 
I was miserable and the relationship was fucked up beyond all repair, but it still destroyed me. We had been together for a year and a half. I was a wreck. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I had to move back home with my parents for the umpteenth time. It was okay for probably a week before my parents went crazy and started trying to control my life and make me miserable. I know their intentions were good and they were just trying to help, but their methods were atrocious and traumatizing. They forced all these rules on me like I was some kind of learning disabled 5 year old and forced me to sign a contract saying I would do all this ridiculous bullshit. And if I didn’t, they were going to hike my rent way up, and I had no means of income at the time. My “rent” was paid through me doing work around the house. I had no problem with that, but if I made any mistakes such as forgetting a glass in my room, or forgetting to turn a light off or some other stupid, minuscule thing like that, even once, they were going to hike my rent up. And I had to work a lot to make sure my rent was paid, because they only gave me so much money for a certain task, but it wasn’t much, and there’s only so much that can be done. I had a curfew, even though I was 21, and at one point my mom tried to force me to take some idiotic life class. I refused. 
Living with all of that was difficult, and my relationship with my parents at the time was awful and my life was effectively a living hell. It became even worse in March when things came to blows after I fucked up. I had stolen some money from my mom (about $60) which I am NOT justifying, it was wrong, and I lied to her about it which made the situation worse, but her reaction was also bad. I’m not upset with the fact that she was mad at me and upset, but she flipped absolute shit, over a small amount of money. She disowned me, called me names such as a heathen and degenerate, said everyone in the family thought I was a drug addict and I lied about being sexually assaulted a few weeks earlier to make them feel bad. And it was extremely difficult for me to tell my parents, who halfway, subtly blamed me for what had happened. I was afraid that they wouldn’t believe me or use it against me later, which is exactly what my mom did. She then threatened that if I didn’t get literally everything off my bedroom floor by the time she got off work she was going to trash all my belongings. At the time, I still had a lot of unpacked boxes and such that I had had to bring back from my ex’s. I didn’t have a lot of time to do any of this and was busting my ass all day. Thankfully she came around a little and gave me till the end of the night but it was still very difficult and stressful and I was an absolute mess, as usual.
It took a lot of time for my parents and I to get along again after that. This whole time, of course, I’m still dealing with my ex who I was obsessed with and trying to constantly get back. At the same time, my ex’s step father was dying of multiple cancers. Despite what had happened I still cared for his family because we had been close. My parents were pressuring me to get a job, and I started applying in April. I was trying very hard to get back in my parents’ good graces and recover from everything. I applied for a summer job at a company, and I had done their summer job program for the past three summers, but in 2016 had some issues towards the end so I wasn’t sure if they would take me back or not. They did hire me again, which placated my parents a bit, but instead of working at the office headquarters they were sending me to the manufacturing plant. My ex’s stepfather passed in May, and at the end of the month I started my job.
I was initially disappointed that I had to work at the factory but still thankful that I had a job. I thought it was good news, but my mom who was always unhappy with me wasn’t satisfied at first. I went to talk to her about it one day and she ended up flipping shit on me saying that I was going to hate the job, that this was going to be the worst summer of my life and it was my fault because they didn’t want me back at the plaza. As if I didn’t know they hated me there and was negative towards myself enough already. So I decided that it was going to be the best summer of my life, even if just to spite her. 
The job wasn’t actually that bad, and throughout the summer my mother finally started to come around and we were actually able to work on our relationship. In June though, that’s when my life changed and things really started to turn around. One day at work, while talking to my friend Jessica, this other kid came over in the morning and started talking to us. He and Jessica knew each other, but I didn’t know shit, I hadn’t even been working there that long. Little did I know this would be the love of my life (I know it’s cliche). We started talking, had common interests, and decided to hang out sometime.
Our first date was good but really awkward at times. We had fun and talked about a lot of things, we were supposed to see a movie but ended up just walking around together talking about stuff. I had a good time hanging out, but at the time really wasn’t looking for romance or a relationship, so I was a little ambivalent towards the end. He wanted to hold my hand, wanted to kiss me. I was awkward and so was the kiss, and I ended up texting my friend to help get me out of the situation and used some bullshit excuse to run away. At that point in time, I had no intentions of dating him and wasn’t even sure if I wanted to hang out anymore. 
But I decided to give him another chance, and our second date was a fucking blast. We took his motorcycle to the mall, I bought lots of cool stuff and we went to an arcade and played lots of stupid games together and had lots of fun. Soon, we were hanging out just about every day, even though he worked 3rd shift and I was on 1st. It really was the best summer of my life. I had never met someone so sweet and patient, funny and weird and a little bit crazy, but insightful and kind, and a lot like me. I had never been treated so well before. I wasn’t looking for love, but boy did it find me.
At the end of summer I worked towards getting hired on officially at work, going for a position on third shift which he helped me to get, and which made things a lot easier since we were on the same schedule then. Right before I switched over to 3rd shift, I had to have a surgery done because I was constantly in pain and they didn’t know why. They thought it was my kidney (because it is a little fucked up) but the pain never got better, the surgery basically did nothing. They still don’t know what’s wrong with me, and the pain hasn’t been as bad recently, but that’s an ongoing thing. Around the same time, things started to come to a head with my boyfriend’s dad and step mom (who is a ROYAL fucking cunt) when they were trying to hike his rent up for no actual reason, even though they treated him like shit at the house anyways. They tried to raise his rent to $700 a month, but they had already basically made him a prisoner in his room, excluded him from everything else the family and his siblings did, flipped shit if he ever tried to use to kitchen, wouldn’t even let him keep food in the kitchen, which resulted in him having to constantly spend money on fast food, and did nothing but fuck him over. He could hardly even sleep there because his step mom doesn’t know how to get off her fat lazy ass and control her stupid, pathetic, psychotic children. So instead of paying $700 a month to be treated like garbage, he ended up moving in with his actual mom, who wasn’t going to charge him any rent at all. The only issue was that she lived kind of out of the way. 
Once he moved there, I was with him almost every day because we would carpool a lot. We were working on trying to find our own place, so we were hoping he wouldn’t have to be there too long. Work was going well and things were good and almost kind of stable. In November, we managed to find ourselves an apartment. But about two weeks before we were going to move, his mom decided she wanted to move. She rents houses, and wanted to rent out a better one in the same city. It was just inconvenient because we had to pack up and move all my boyfriend’s things again, which weren’t even unpacked from the first move to his mom’s because his room was so small, just to move them again in a couple weeks. But we did it, at the tail end of November we got moved into our apartment, I got my precious cat back (she was staying at a friend’s bc I couldn’t have her at my parents’ house), and we then had a lovely Christmas together. 
My mental health has been up and down, and we encounter lots of problems. Things seem to fuck up left and right, but I guess that’s just life. Despite all the little problems and setbacks, at the end of the day this is the big picture. And the big picture is looking bright. 
Now, I’m going back to school in a couple weeks and I’m going to finish getting my degree. My boyfriend’s career is going well at work and he’ll hopefully be getting a nice promotion soon. I get to go back to a somewhat normal schedule soon, and hopefully my boyfriend can score a good position on first shift. 
At the end of the day, I have to remember to have hope. Things are better than they ever were before. I just wish my mental health would stop making me forget that. But I’m going to try as hard as I can.
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