#maybe i should write a demonic possession novel. see if i can scare myself
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
Me: I think I’m getting over my irrational fear of demonic possession
Also me: *has a nightmare about demonic possession, wakes up from it at 5am, refuses to go back to sleep, and spends whole day tired*
#this is really on me honestly. like there’s zero part of this that isn’t on me#this week i watched the exorcism of karen walker and i also watched the devil on trial documentary#the latter actually helped me because having been presented with all the information i was like ‘i’m going out on a limb here but i don’t#think this guy was demonically possessed’. like why would the demon just squat in his body? and you’re telling me this mom was drugging#all her kids with sominex/dyphenhydramine? you know; the drug that’s responsible for THE HAT MAN???#like i’m sorry but i think this child was hallucinating. and the man the demon supposedly went in just used it as an excuse to kill his mate#anyway. so i watched the conjuring iii last night and honestly it really isn’t scary. like there’s barely any jumpscares and the horror#in general is pretty lowkey. compared with the first conjuring movie; plus the nun which ruins my day whenever i think about it#it’s really not a scary movie. but i guess the ideas lodged themselves in my brain and i ended up dreaming about being possessed and living#in a creepy house and i think a suspicious priest was trying to exorcise me. it was a lot#i could not fall back asleep. i tried but it was impossible. i was also too scared of sleep paralysis tbh. i often experience sp#if i wake up in the middle of the night; am awake for an hour or more & fall asleep again#and i was like ‘genuinely if i experience sleep paralysis while i’m thinking about demons i will be found dead’#i still think my fear is generally less though. like i’m realising how irrational and silly it is and i’m laughing at certain points#in these movies. the demon voice they always do during exorcisms is so camp! it’s ridiculous#maybe i should write a demonic possession novel. see if i can scare myself#why i’m wrecking my sleep schedule right before starting a new job is beyond me but we persist. we move#personal
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Dear diary,
Does it make me a cold heartless bitch?
I mean probably but I don't give a fuck, I am sure if you heard all the thoughts inside my head you'd never talk to me and you'd steer clear of me as if I were demon. For perhaps I am, can I answer "how was your day" or give advice to those who seemingly are drawn to me and send messages about thier troubled lives? Of course.
I do like to help others if I can but at the same time pardon me for secretly thinking less of you. Common sense is not common to sense to everyone if those individuals are simply ignorate to awareness of life or fail to think over thier actions.
I feel at times like a chameleon for there is the image in which I go about my work and interactions with other humans. Then there are the sides me that stay hidden and only surface on occasion.
Is it really such a contradiction that you can't wrap your mind around a woman who wants darkness passion and affection? I am both the sweetest dream and an icicle that could kill you if plunged into your chest.
I have a little side but I keep it hidden in terms of writings here and from much of my life. Sometimes I think to kill it but you can't ever truly kill a part of yourself, damage it? Mentally fuck yourself over? yes.
It just creates the circle of it being a resistant and desiring to be acknowledged and let out now and then. Just as the another part of me wishes to explore more darkly intimate aspects of bondage etc.
I'll say after reading about cnc I will say I am curious to explore that as well. Maybe it's the movies that Romanticism all aspects of love.
For the possessiveness and controlling characters do not scare me, the characters who could do something truly horrible as far as crimes go but get away with cause they are dangerous powerful men? That should scare me but it doesn't. I find the thought of being an obsession or fantasy, desire of such an individual flattering and entertaining.
Who wouldn't want to be loved by a man capable of great destruction yet he will do anything for you, cause you're his love.
I'll read romance novels of all kinds, but I must say the twisted ones I find romantic even if they meant to be a bit horrific. The ml who kidnaps the female lead, and the fight and struggle but in the end they find a life together. After all it was done out of love and he wasn't such a bad guy after all.
I am so contradictive in some ways, fiercely independent and stubborn on some things and at the same time so codependent, clingy on others.
I wouldn't believe you if you said I was beautiful, if you loved me and I can't say I know what it would take to allow me to truly believe such things were possible.
I'd think you only love an illusion for how can you ever love the real me? They say you have to love yourself first and that may be well true and good advice.
I like myself some days and I've always had this need for approval and found the greatest joy in being loved by another so pardon me for not being feminists enough, but no I can't live without a man. I doubt any of us women could, we need them in a way they need us.
I take all these tests to determine what I should do with my life and personality ones and I have yet to find any with a semblance of understanding the struggles in my soul... but poetry? That will get me, it let's me see I am not so alone in my thoughts and feelings.
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carmenlire · 6 years
Oh jesus, I sure would cry if SOMEONE, like my FAVOURITE author *cough* you *cough*, would write a christmas prompt for my birthday that's coincidentally on DECEMBER 12TH, 12 days before CHRISTMAS, I'm just thinking out loud here
It is midnight in Germany so Happy 18th Birthday Julia!!! You are so amazing and I am so glad that we are friends and I just want you to know that you’re super lovely and I am so happy to have you in my life
read on ao3
“And what are we supposed to be doing here?”
Sighing exasperatedly, Magnus wraps his scarf around his neck. It’s a little hideous– a mishmash of patterns and swirling colors courtesy of Madzie– but it was a gift and Magnus makes it work, wearing an austere black coat to really let the riot of colors pop.
He meets Alec’s eyes in the mirror. “We’re going to the Christmas Fair downtown. We’re supposed to be having fun. Nothing serious, no business or worry of demonic sightings.”
Turning around, he takes the few steps over to Alec, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s shoulders. “We’ll browse around the shopping booths and eat something sweet and freeze our asses off.”
Alec smiles and leans in to kiss him only to pull back abruptly. “You have different chap stick on,” he says accusingly.
“Peppermint,” Magnus confirms, placing a smacking kiss on Alec’s cheek and trying not to coo and the vaguely disgusted look Alec throws him. “I thought it only appropriate. Tis the season, after all.”
Alec shakes his head but he’s hiding a smile. Magnus will take it as a win.
The two of them leave the loft and Magnus doesn’t try to hide his smile when Alec immediately reaches over and grabs his hand, thumb sweeping over his palm. They take the subway– yes, Alexander, I was taking the subway before your grandfather was even born– and get off at the stop that leads to Midtown Manhattan, close to Rockefeller Center. It’s two weeks before Christmas and the sidewalks are jam-packed with tourists and stressed shoppers.
Magnus doesn’t mind, though. There’s something about the very air in December that’s achingly sentimental. While he’s never been one to practice Christianity, Christmas is something that he’s celebrated for the past couple centuries, ever since he first landed in Europe.
Still, New York City at Christmastime is another beast altogether. They pass a dozen vendors selling Christmas trees and Magnus is paying far more attention to Alec than he is to his surroundings.
Doing his best to keep his fondness under wraps, Magnus internally rolls his eyes at Alec’s expression. He’s trying to look unaffected at the crowd of people and the miles of lights and garland and decorations. They’re rounding the corner when Alec stops in his tracks and Magnus grins as Alec’s eyes light up.
“Still aren’t sure what you’re supposed to do,” Magnus teases.
Alec doesn’t even spare him a glance as he takes in the crowds of people milling about in barely organized chaos. This Christmas Fair has been going on in the city every December 12th for over a hundred years and it’s gained quite a following.
Families are milling about, kids racing by with cookies and toys. Magnus looks around and breathes in the scent of balsam and toasted marshmallow and feels something settle into place.
For the millionth time, he wonders at how Christmas could be so much more than a simple day.
He startles, though, as Alec pulls him toward the closest booth.
“Are you looking for anything in particular,” Alec absently asks, paying close attention to the boxes of artisan chocolates on display.
Humming, Magnus thinks for a minute before shaking his head. “Not really, I’m afraid. I usually end up buying whatever catches my eye. What about you?”
He eyes a box of peppermint bark, debating, while he waits for Alec’s answer.
No,” Alec finally says. “You know that we don’t really celebrate Christmas. While I know more than other shadowhunters, I can still be pretty clueless. Izzy, Jace, and I usually exchanged gifts and snuck out of the Institute to eat dinner but that’s about it.”
“I still don’t know how even shadowhunters keep their heads in the sand about Christmas, especially in New York. Signs of it are literally everywhere, darling.”
Alec shrugs. “You’re forgetting that we spend most of December at the Academy until we graduate. Idris has their own holidays. Though none that mean unlimited gingerbread,” Alec ends distractedly.
Magnus looks up from the chocolate and sees that Alec’s moved on to the next booth– homemade gingerbread cookies.
“I didn’t know you liked gingerbread,” he says, amused.
“It’s never come up.”
Alec looks over at him, considering, and Magnus grins as he moves on without buying the peppermint bark. Laying an arm around Alec’s back, Magnus looks between Alec and the gingerbread, bemused.
“Alexander, you’re about to start drooling.”
Glaring, Alec just asks, “Do you want one?”
Magnus makes a show of thinking before finally suggesting, tongue in cheek, “We could share one?”
He bites back his laughter at the incredulous look Alec shoots him. “I don’t share my gingerbread,” Alec says firmly.
Magnus sighs dejectedly, gently bumping his hip against his boyfriend’s. “Very well,” he says sadly. “I thought it would be romantic to share but I forgot my boyfriend is possessive over his sweets.”
“Frosting or no frosting?” Alec doesn’t even deign to acknowledge Magnus and Magnus tucks a hand into Alec’s back pocket as he murmurs, “Surprise me, darling.”
Alec pays for the cookies and immediately bites the head off his frosted gingerbread Santa, meeting Magnus’s scandalized eyes without expression. “It’s the best part,” is all he offers and Magnus laughs as he shakes his head, nudging them to keep going.
The two of them make their way through dozens of booths. There are wood cutouts and photography booths and they pass enough food vendors that Magnus starts to wonder if Alec’s stomach isn’t both bottomless and made of cast iron.
He’s long known that his boyfriend has a sweet tooth to rival the Cookie Monster’s but it’s something else entirely to see Alec in his element.
There are quite a few toy booths, and Magnus finds himself in quite a few heated debates with Alec over the best present for kids. Magnus discovers– much to his surprise– that Alec’s a fan of classic toys. Magnus himself very much prefers toys that light up and make obnoxious noises and all around look fun.
Alec, by contrast, likes toy soldiers and spinning tops and toys that look more suited to what a character in a Dickens novel would have salivated over.
As he watches Alec absolutely lose his shit at a rather terrifying Jack in the Box, Magnus wonders who their kids will take back after. He doesn’t voice the sudden direction of his thinking and he’s quietly surprised to realize that the thought doesn’t make his heart squeeze in his chest painfully. No instead, it settles something in him.
Magnus can’t help but look over at Alec– his boyfriend, perhaps even his husband one day– and see the decades unfold. He can’t think of anything more adorable than a son with Alec’s stoic mannerisms or a daughter that loves potions and cooking as much as he does.
He blames Christmas for the sudden yearning that overtakes him and clears his throat when Alec looks back up at him. “I wish I’d had something like this when I was a kid,” he says and Magnus looks at the jack-in-the-box with suspicion.
“Out of all the toys you could pick, you want something that’s meant to scare people?”
“It’s colorful and a surprise and plays music. Really, hits all the requirements for a successful children’s toy.”
Magnus just eyes the toy warily and gently but inexorably guides Alec away from the toy booth. Alec lets him with a small smile and Magnus hides his grin in Alec’s shirt when he throws an arm over his shoulder, pulling him close.
They run into a row of ornament vendors and spend quite a while looking through ornaments of all shapes and sizes and materials.
“I had fun decorating the loft with you last week.”
Magnus looks up from where he’d been mulling over a stethoscope ornament for Catarina to see Alec gently lift a glass-blown orb from its hook. Taking the stethoscope with him, Magnus wanders over to Alec, replying, “I’m glad to hear that. It was fun trimming the tree with you, darling. I usually enjoy decorating by myself with one of my jazz records and a glass of wine but maybe I just needed to find the right helper,” he teases with a grin.
Alec laughs but most of his attention is still on the ornament. Coming to stand next to Alec, Magnus takes in the script on the front and his smile widens.
“Today only, we’re offering free engraving on all ornaments,” comes a voice behind them and Magnus turns around to see one of the employees approaching them. They’re dressed in holiday cheer with red bow earrings and an elf’s hat.
“Free engraving,” Alec repeats.
Taking the ornament gently from Alec’s hands, the staff member nods. “It’s usually a dollar a word but since it’s the first day of the fair, it’s our promotion.” She takes a second to read the ornament before looking back up at them with a smile. “Are you interesting in personalizing it?”
To his surprise, Alec speaks first. “Yeah, let’s add our names to it,” he says and looks to Magnus for confirmation.
Magnus looks over at Alec and sees that Alec’s already watching him with that damned look in his eye– like all he sees is Magnus.
“I think it only right that we have a memento of our first Christmas together, don’t you,” he asks softly.
He watches Alec’s eyes light up before he’s following the vendor to the engraving station to fill out an order form.
Magnus checks out with another employee in the meantime and meets Alec at the front of the shop just a few minutes later.
“Julia said that it’ll take about an hour to finish ours and we should come back later to pick it up.”
“Julia,” Magnus asks with a raised brow. “Don’t tell me you made a friend, Alexander.”
“Shut up” Alec mutters. “She was nice and mentioned that she had bought the same ornament for her girlfriend last week.”
Smiling, Magnus doesn’t say anything and the two of them wander around the market, though Magnus’s gaze zeroes in on a booth further up the thoroughfare. He comes to a stop in line and Alec shoots him a curious smile.
“Hot chocolate?”
Magnus hums, reading over the menu. “I only drink hot chocolate in December and this particular booth has the best cup I’ve ever had– and their marshmallows are in the shape of reindeer. Do you want some?”
“No, I think I’m going to head over to the mulled wine booth across from here.”
Magnus looks up as Alec steps away from him. “You’re choosing wine over hot cocoa? Over marshmallows and enough sugar to fell an elephant? You don’t even like alcohol,” Magnus says accusingly.
Laughing, Alec takes another step back. “The only alcohol I’ve ever enjoyed is mulled red wine. With the cinnamon stick? It’s like juice that makes me want to take a nap,” he says sheepishly.
“Very well, then. Leave and go get your nap juice. I’ll just be waiting for my dessert in a mug.”
Magnus sees Alec grin before he’s turning away to get his own drink. The line for the hot chocolate is long, though, and Alec sidles up to him just as he’s placed his order.
“Back so soon,” Magnus sniffs. “Maybe that’s a sign that hot chocolate is definitely the most popular Christmas drink.”
Alec just takes a sip of his wine, humming in satisfaction.
The sun has officially set by the time they make it back to the ornament stand and pick up their purchase. Magnus shivers a little in his coat, burying his nose in his scarf a little deeper.
Alec looks adorable with a red nose and ruddy cheeks and Magnus pauses at the edges of the fair to throw away his empty cup.
Before they can continue, though, he steps up to Alec and unwinds part of his scarf around Alec’s neck. For his part, Alec stands unmoving with a faint grin.
“You know we can’t walk like this,” he says dryly.
Magnus arches a brow. “I’m getting tired of you ruining all of my romantic gestures.”
Alec huffs out a laugh as he shakes his head. “I love your romantic gestures, just not when they get in the way of my food or when they become a tripping hazard.”
“And the say romance is dead,” Magnus mutters. Before he can say anything else, Alec is kissing him. It’s lingering and soft and when it ends Magnus doesn’t want to open his eyes.
“I have to keep you on your toes somehow, babe.”
Opening his eyes, Magnus grins at Alec before unwinding the rest of his scarf and looping it around Alec’s neck, hushing his protests.
“You look like an icicle, Alexander. I won’t have you catching a cold and ruining my plans in a few days.”
“Oh? And what are these plans you have that are more important that a potentially sick boyfriend?”
Narrowing his eyes, Magnus takes his hand and they start the walk back to the subway station. “I’ll have you know that I need to wrap your presents and I can’t do that if you’re in the apartment with me, now can I?”
“I guess,” Alec sighs dramatically though his lips are twitching at the corners.
The commute back to the loft is pleasant as it can be, considering they’ve taken the subway. Magnus immediately leaves his bags by the foyer and makes his way to their bedroom, Alec right behind him.
Changing into comfortable pajamas, they return to the living room, though Magnus grows confused when Alec goes to their bags.
“Leave that, darling. We can go through everything in the morning.”
Alec doesn’t listen and after a few minutes of rummaging, he pulls out the box, going right to the tree and turning it on before placing the ornament right in the middle.
Magnus walks over to him and studies the tree. While most assumed that Magnus would have an elegant Christmas tree with a classic theme, the truth was that he loved the chaotic potential of such a statement piece. He had ornaments from friends stretching back decades and there was popcorn string and multicolored lights and tinsel. Each and every thing on the tree was a memory for Magnus and his heart clutches a little at Alec’s new addition.
“Perfect,” he says, kissing Alec with the heat of the fire at his back.
“It’s our first Christmas living together,” Alec says as he looks over the tree, the colorful lights playing over his face.
“The first of many.”
Turning to the living room proper, Magnus stops Alec when he goes to sit on the couch.
With a wave of his hand, a dozen pillows and a mountain of blankets fall to the ground in front of the couch. Alec smiles but doesn’t protest and they settle onto the floor with the fireplace below the television providing them with a little extra warmth.
“What do you want to do for the rest of the evening, babe?”
Shifting closer to Alec, Magnus lays his head on his chest. “We could watch a movie if you–”
Magnus tilts his head up to see Alec looking at him. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear there was a pleading note in his voice.
“You want to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer? The children’s movie? With that horrendous claymation?”
Alec scoffs. “Claymation is a gift that just just keeps on giving and it’s my favorite Christmas movie,” he admits.
“I had no idea you knew any Christmas movies, let alone animated ones.”
Magnus climbs to his feet and the dvd appears in his hand. He makes his way to the tv and places the disc in the player before returning to Alec who’s delightfully warm.
“It was on the television at the restaurant we went to that first Christmas, when we snuck out.” Alec shrugs and Magnus trails a hand over his chest as he continues, “It looked fun. It was silly and that dentist elf– Hermey– was weird but endearing?”
“Well, then, let’s watch it.”
Magnus settles over Alec again, relaxing into his boyfriend as Alec’s arm wraps around him, sweeping over his back.
The watch a cheesy movie and order in takeout and share a bottle of wine.
The perfect day, Magnus thinks with a drowsy smile.
The Christmas Fair was a staple for Magnus– he’d been going since the very first one all those years ago. As he lets himself fall asleep to the sound of Alec’s breathing, Magnus knows that he’s found that missing piece that makes this time of year all the more special.
Love. Alexander.
Magnus and AlexanderOur First Christmas2018
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heyscience · 6 years
If I Were Inquisitor - Ask Meme.
@batsintheshadows @tea-me-and-smut @foxywolfmeerkat13 @howling-at-night OMG THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS HOLY SHIT!! Thanks so much for writing yours, and I’m so stoked to finally share mine!
If you are reading this and want to give it a shot, please reblog the original post and I’ll send you an ask! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I LOVE READING PEOPLE’S ANSWERS. THEY’RE ALL. SO GOOD!!!!
1. Race: I want to be a giant muscley mountain of a Qunari. I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was, at smashing my enemies’ faces in and giving the best goddamn hugs there is. 
2. Class/Specialization: Two-handed Warrior/Champion. I like hitting things, and I love the idea of getting involved in all that pompous Orlesian chevalier bullshit and RUINING IT for ALL OF THEM.
3. Your homeland? It’s gotta be somewhere warm and by the sea (because I love the ocean and also I can’t deal with the cold cos I am WEAK), so I’m thinking Rivain. Ooh! And that would mean I’d have a bunch of sick tattoos and piercings! Rad.
4. Your family? (Ok so I’m basing this loosely off my irl family because they’re my best point of reference I guess????)
So, my family. I love them, but they’re a mess.
My Mum was the ideal Tamassran. A devout adherent to the Qun. She worked as a healer and was very well respected in her field.
That was until she met my Dad, who in short, looked at the Qun and was like ‘fuck this shit I’m out.’
Dad was a soldier and one day he was wounded in battle, ended up in the hospice where Mum worked, wooed her, and they ran away together to Rivain.
They had my brother and I and then realised that they’re actually polar opposites and it’s a wonder they were ever attracted to each other. They split up, re-partnered and had more kids. So I have a pile of siblings that I have varying degrees of blood relation with, but we all consider each other fully part of our extended, convoluted family (for serious - irl I have 9 siblings).
Mum taught me business sense and how to tend to battle wounds, Dad taught me how to fight. I’ve got a lot of family of various races all over Thedas, all related (not necessarily by blood) one way or another. People say lovely things about my Mum, and the craziest things about my Dad - the stories of his exploits are so outrageous it’s difficult to believe any of them are true (like irl my dad was involved in organised crime for a while but quit cos he got bored????).
I love my family but I’m really bad at keeping in contact with them, so I get the occasional letter from Mum being like ‘ARE YOU DEAD?!’
Leliana has taken to sending her reassuring updates preemptively.
5. Who were you before? I imagine I’d be part of something like a dnd adventuring party.
We started out as a ragtag group of misfits, travelling the land in search of gold and glory. It was mostly treasure hunting and mercenary gigs, and some of the work we did on the high seas was um, legal-adjacent (piracy). But occasionally we’d stop to lend a hand to those in need, pass ourselves off as bards to earn extra coin in small-town taverns, and we even involved ourselves in vigilante justice a couple of times.
We grew into our own little family, and eventually we found ourselves wanting to do the type of work that really mattered. That’s why we signed ourselves up to work security at the Conclave, with a plan to move into aiding refugees in Ferelden afterwards. It didn’t. Quite. Work out that way. Unfortunately.
6. Would you be religious? That’s a hard no.
7. Do you have a mabari? YES PUPPY! Who is also a fully fledged member of our adventuring troupe I might add.
8. Your opinion on other races? Elves = rad, dwarves = awesome, humans = eh, dragons?? = HELL YES
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be? Stubby.
10. What would your tarot card look like? This one is hard! I’m thinking a lot of compass imagery (because the sea and travelling and finding your way etc.)...and I’d have to be facing at an angle that best accentuates my glorious biceps.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold? I like to be in the centre of the action, but I’m not sure where that would be?? Probably in the main Skyhold courtyard near the entrance, in amongst the merchants? It’d be a good spot to see the comings and goings, check in with recruits and workers for the Inquisition, and also play with any kids who might be around. 
It’s important to make sure the kids of the Inquisition are happy and healthy and, um, ok Josie I’ll admit it, they’re also way more fun to hang out with than that stuffy noble whoeverthefuck you just brought in from Orlais.
12. What would you do for fun? Knock back beers in the Herald’s Rest with my companions, come up with dirty drinking songs with Sera, get blackout drunk with Dorian (although I’ll eventually realise it’s a very unhealthy coping mechanism and encourage Dorian to join me in cutting down the booze), swap stories and quality bants with Varric, beg Vivienne for fashion advice, gush over romance novels with Cass, have tea and gossip sessions with Josie, poke fun at Cullen, spar with the Inquisition recruits (and scare the shit out of them), and, just anything to distract from the looming horror that is Corypheus.
13. What armour would you wear? Heavy, shiny, and bloodstone red.
14. What would your room look like? Organised chaos. I love playing host so my room would look mostly neat, but the writing desk would be an absolute mess. It would probably make poor Josie hyperventilate (which is why I’d always suggest we discuss things in her office, or at least give me plenty of notice before swinging by my chambers so I can tidy up). 
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold? I’d wanna be friends with pretty much everyone, but I think I’d be closest with Dorian (BUT of course only after giving him a solid scolding for his views on slavery, and I’d only continue talking to him if he came to his senses).
We have a very similar sense of humour, and. Oh man. I have way more feelings about this than I thought I would. In short - I can imagine both laughing with him and collapsing on the floor together with a bottle of wine (each) and many tears.
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition? This makes me sad because my closest friends outside the Inquisition would be my adventuring party and they..would’ve...the Conclave...EVEN MY MABARI. MY POOR PUPPY. OH GOD WHY. TOO MANY FEELINGS.
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with? Cole. It’s not that I don’t like him, I’d just be super awkward around him, like ‘HELLO SPIRIT CHILD HOW ARE YOU TODAY. OH, IS THAT AN INSECURITY OF MINE YOU JUST POINTED OUT?! WELL COOL, GOOD TALK.’ 
18. Who would you romance? I know this isn’t possible in Inquisition but I would like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Isabela. SHE IS MY FICTIONAL SOULMATE OK.
(Also I’m more than a little bit in love with Cullen but I hate myself for it so)
19. Would you do pranks with Sera? AbsoLUTELY.
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)? 100% YES. It’d only be an occasional thing tho, cos while I’m a masochist and I like being tied up I’m not really a sub. I’d mostly go to him for bondage tips and um. Requests for. Demonstrations.
21. Would you keep Cole around? Yes. I’d still be weirded out by him, but I acknowledge that it’s completely not his fault. I’d take his word for it that he just wants to help people and let him have at it with that freaky mind-reading and vanishing shit he does.
22. Can you play the game (politics)? A little bit. I’d have to work the scandal angle. Being a Qunari I could never hope to assimilate into the realms of the nobility, but I could win their favour by being something of a novelty. Much like Casanova in this brilliant adaptation starring David Tennant - watch from 10:42.
You see, you don’t have to be liked by everybody, just the right people, and you can usually get them onside by just being very fucking entertaining.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)? Ghosts. I’m not sure how well that translates to a Thedas setting but still, it’s my biggest fear so I’m sticking with it.
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach? Mages.
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars? Ok, so I have a proposal for how to fix this bullshit:  
1. The Chantry should relinquish any and all control over the affairs of mages. Separation of Church and State, simple as that.
2. The Templar Order should be disbanded, and the practice of indenturing soldiers by saddling them with a lyrium addiction should be banned.
3. All people in Thedas (and I mean ALL) should be taught about magic from a young age, both the gifts and dangers of its use. Everyone should learn about magical safety and how to resist demonic possession.
4. Mage children should attend the same schools as everyone else, but they can hone their skills in their late teens to early adulthood in mage colleges, with free tuition paid by the State (of wherever part of Thedas this is). They can research magic, learn a trade or train in combat, whatever they choose. Mages will be allowed to earn money, marry, have families, and have some actual freaking rights. None of this ‘hunt ‘em down and lock ‘em up’ bullshit.
5. Also the Rite of Tranquility WHAT THE FUCK. I can’t believe it’s a thing people actually agree to do. This rite should be downright fucking outlawed, and severe penalties levelled at the people who attempt it.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why? Briala. I wouldn’t suggest to Briala that she should get back together with Celene, because honestly their relationship was really fucked up and Celene abused the power imbalance between them. Briala deserves better (like for example me..maybe...but y’know, only if she wants to..)
So I would keep Celene on the throne but hand over all real power to Briala. Celene is a crafty one however, so we’d have to corner her with blackmail and keep a hidden killswitch on hand in case she tries to pull a fast one on us (just like the Voltron kids should be doing with Lotor, which sorry, I know that isn’t related but I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers? NEVER.
Seriously Fuck the Qun. The Qun actively promotes eugenics with how they selectively “breed” their people. ALSO the Qunari are gaslighted into believing that they will literally go insane if they don’t follow the Qun?!!!?!?!!??!??! FUCK THAT SHIT.
So yeah, I was never keen on the idea of allying with the Qunari, so when Gatt’s like ‘if you sacrifice the dreadnought there will be no alliance’ I’m like ‘I am ok with this.’ Also, of course, I love the Chargers with all my heart and couldn’t bear to lose them.
28. Would you go after Blackwall? Yeah. He should put all his moral posturing to good fucking use and try being an actual hero. I’d make him join the Wardens, cos it’s effectively a death sentence (or an early grave at least ) and I don’t 100% dislike him, so I know he’d be cool with it because he has a giant fucking hard-on for the Wardens (Jesus fuck). 
29. Would you drink from the well? Nnnnnoooooooooo..and it’s because I would fucking die for Morrigan. I wish I could say I have a well considered reason, but I’m just pathetic like that. She could say jump and I’d say ‘I’d rather not, but, counter offer - would you instead like to sit on my face?’ 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded? Minrathous. It’s warmer there (I love Skyhold but fucking hate the cold), and I would involve myself in the inevitable slave uprising - helping out in whatever way I can. Also I’d just be having a fucking great time terrorising the Magisters, rocking up at the Magisterium like ‘LOOKIT ME I’M A RAGING QUNARI HERE TO INVADE, RARRGHH!! oh hey Dorian, what’s up babe how’ve you been????’
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? The five stages of grief:
Denial - lol no ur not, you’re our painty pyjamas nerd! 
Bargaining - but you’re a god right? Does that mean you can bring them back? Can you undo all this somehow? You gotta have superpowers or some shit right??!?
Depression - After all we’ve been through...you never even saw us as people, did you? Did you ever think of me as a friend? Or anyone else? How could you be ok with murdering your friends? Solas, please, you don’t have to do this. I know that if we work together we can find a better way. You don’t have to destroy the world to save it.
Acceptance - ..................I fUCKING HATE YOU SOLAS.
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questionable-arts · 3 years
I’m going to post pictures of all the characters I have made so far. I’m also going to write the characters bios for them I’m going to put in the game. The descriptions are told from Rosemary’s perspective, since she is the character you would play as. Yes I got the character bio idea from Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls no you can’t stop me. I will edit this when I draw more characters and add them. Long post incoming.
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Name: Oliver (might change it later I dunno)
Likes: insects, painting and seashells Dislikes: mud, hot weather and bragging
Oliver serves as the mage and stat booster of his team, but he can’t do much damage on his own, or so I was told. Thanks to a deal he made with some kind of evil entity or something, he and his friend Silas gained some very lethal powers. Oliver can form huge crystals from the ground, but it seems like he isn’t very good at it yet. His hands get numb after a long time and he can’t make any more, so just try not to get impaled and when he’s vulnerable, a punch to the face or two should be enough. He has a very carefree attitude, and even if you do punch him in the face he will probably still be nice to you. He cares about his friends more than anything, but he does have some self esteem issues. He also makes most of the strategies for his friends.
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Name: Silas
Likes: rain, novels and writing Dislikes: loud noises, horror stories and mosquitoes
Try to avoid fighting him, because if you don’t, you’ll be lucky to end up with just a few cuts, burns and nightmares after. He used to be the medic of his group, who would mainly use magic to make sure that him and his teammates wouldn’t get injured. He still had a dagger in case he had to do his own fighting, but otherwise he stuck to his role. One day Oliver tried making a deal with a demon that would give him powerful magic, so he could impress the team leader, Leon. Silas caught him making the deal, and wanted to stop being useless in most fights, so he sacrificed his own eye, giving the both of them new powers. He can now open voids to another dimension, with a horrific monster sealed inside. The creature can’t escape, but it can still attack you and grab you with it’s giant black tentacles. It attacks anything blindly except for Silas, I guess they’re friends or something. If you get touched by it at all, it might infect you with a virus that spreads black gooey stuff on your skin that burns. Wash it off as soon as you can and you should be okay. Silas himself is soft spoken and gentle, and he seems like a nice, caring dude, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared of him. He’s definitely the most responsible and mature of his team, kind of like a big brother to the other two.
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Name: Leon
Likes: Fights, sweet things and comic books. Dislikes: Losing, fishing and vegetables
Leon is the leader of his team consisting of himself Silas and Oliver. Despite being a just a trio of kids who ran away from home to pursue a life of crime, thanks to Leon’s leadership they are organized and tough to beat. He may be pretty cocky and impulsive, but he can be pretty clever. So he doesn’t raise any suspicion, instead of using a sword or an axe he sharpened the edge of an electric guitar he found and uses that as his weapon instead. It is just as sharp so keep that in mind. Also, don’t steal or break his sunglasses, because they are his most prized possession and he will probably cry. He is a hopeless romantic, and flirts with almost everyone around him.
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Name: Vivian
Likes: Myths, photography and abstract art Dislikes: Pests, young children and neon colors
Vivian seems very cold on the outside, but she is a little nicer on the inside. She doesn’t talk much and doesn’t seem to be very sociable. I think she likes me, though. Maybe. Her parents have a shop for potions and stuff. They leave Vivian home alone for days on end sometimes to get ingredients. I wish my parents trusted me that much. Well, maybe Vivian wasn’t able to eat whole jars of peanut butter and do nothing but play video games all day long. I wonder if maybe there’s some way I could show her all the fun stuff people could do before the world ended. Anyway, she collects stuff from before the apocalypse happened, and seems to like hearing me talk about them. She also can make plants grow and control them. That’s all I really know about her though.
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Name: Rosemary
Likes: House plants, video games, and fiction Dislikes: Homework, reality, and heavy metal
Oh wait, this one’s about me. Should I make this in the third person like the other ones or would that be weird? Uh, whatever. I have fire powers! I can manipulate it, and stuff. I also can’t die ever. After I realized that, I had a few existential crises and sealed myself in a cave because I didn’t want to go insane or get really bored. But then Vivian woke me up and now we’re trying to figure out why the world ended, but I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t mostly doing it because I like fights and I have a crush on her. I’m questioning whether I’m satisfied out here, though. Sure, I get to be in a place with magic and spells and adventure, but all the fun things are all gone, most people are dead and all my favorite games and songs have all been long forgotten, and I can never hear or see them again. Everything I care about is just a bunch of burning memories. In the end, maybe I can just make the best of this, make a few friends, have little fun, and when I watch em all die again I can just go back into the cave. This really sounds shitty when I put it like that, huh?
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Name: Lance
Likes: fall, birds, and meeting new people Dislikes: junkyards, centipedes, and insults
Lance is a robot that was built for helping his creator, who was a apparently a famous roboticist. He was the first and only robot to be able to think and have it’s own personality. Sadly after he was not needed anymore he was almost destroyed by his own father. Luckily, Lance was able to escape right before he was going to be killed. He loves talking to people and learning new things about them. He is very selfless and brave, but also very sensitive and gullible. He has a habit of taking things too seriously. He is on our side, so I don’t really need to write down how to beat him up, but I will anyway. He is fast and will not get tired unless it’s night time, since he runs on solar energy. He mainly uses the blades on his arms to attack, but he also can shoot a laser from his power core. It is very dangerous, and he doesn’t use it unless he is going to die. It kills almost anything, so if you’re looking to kill him and you see his core glowing, get ready to run for your life.
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ruthlessbookfish · 7 years
Cover Reveal for Sound of Silence by Elizabeth Miller
Title: Sound of Silence
Author: Elizabeth Miller
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Cover Creations Photography: Lindee Robinson Photography Models: Travis Bendall & Debbie Schemansky Release Date: May 15, 2017
War isn’t a testament to a man’s strength—finding peace with it is. Navy SEAL Caden Lawless is coming home. Holding his best friend as he bled out in the Afghanistan desert, Caden became bound by Justin’s desperate plea to care for his fiancée and to love the son he’d never know. Battling a barrage of memories and with a head full of noise, Caden travels cross country in his beat up Chevy to make good on his promise. One knock on Piper Stevens’ door and he knows she isn’t broken. Pregnant and mourning the only man she’s ever loved, Piper wields her anger as a sword, slashing into Caden’s grief and his heart. As Caden works to silence his demons, he finds a new mission, one far away from the heat and depravity that clawed its way into his soul. He demands his way into Piper’s life, intent on helping her pick up the pieces. But even as the tentative fingers of a burgeoning friendship spread into something far deeper than either believed possible, duty calls for Caden to return to the battlefield. Fate brought them together—will war tear them apart? Or will Caden reclaim the sound of silence and remain with the woman who taught him love didn’t die in the desert?
She’s down the hall. I can hear her music and her muffled voice as she sings. My hard cock hears her too and I’m suddenly angry about having more space. I want her with me, wrapped in my blankets, shifting restlessly as I watch her and make her wait for me to climb on top of her soft body. Fuck, I rub myself painfully against the zipper of my jeans. I huff through my frustration and get in the shower that I turn cold to appease my aching dick. It does little to ease the tension in my balls so I take matters into my own hand and beat off to images of her tits that I conjure in my mind. Even as I groan out my release I know it’s not good enough.   I need Piper. God, I’ll beg. I will. I’m not above it. Now that we’re settled in a new place, I can’t wait to make her mine. I promised slow but my pulse speeds while I towel off and throw on a pair of pajama pants, eager yet unsure of what I’ll say when I’m there. My palms sweat. Goddamn, I’m nervous. I stop dead in the hallway, feet from her room. For Christ’s sake, you’d think I’ve never approached a woman for sex. But this isn’t just that. I want to be careful with Piper. Correction, I want hard, primal fucking with Piper, but there’s time for soft and slow too. I want it all. I want all of her, all of the time. I exhale and ease my heart into a steady beat, one that mimics the low bass throbbing out the beginnings of the stalker anthem “Every Breath You Take”. Well, okay. Maybe I need to layoff and refrain from begging. I laugh and rub my chest as I step into her doorway. Fuck. Me. This roomie shit is hard and now so am I—again. Twelve months of no pussy zeros in on Piper in a tank and the female version of plaid boxers, short enough to show cheek as she bends to put a sweater in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She stands, throwing her head back on a high note. I can’t help but smile as she hits Sting’s pitch to perfection and then twists to gather the last garment from the laundry basket. Piper’s engrossed in her music and doesn’t notice me leaning against the doorframe so I cross my arms and watch the show as it moves into “I need a Hero”. “Nice moves, sunshine,” I murmur when she turns and her tits bounce through the dance. This is good shit. Her head snaps up and she stumbles to the nightstand to switch off her Blu-ray speaker. “Don’t stop on my account. That was better than a lap dance.” “Oh, my God. Don’t you know how to knock?” She grabs a pillow from her bed, hugging it to her torso. My grin grows. “I’ve seen your tits. You think hiding them from me will dissuade my imagination?” Her gaze narrows in on mine, but then it flicks down to my abs and lower to my stiff cock. No shower in the world could kill that boner. She closes her eyes, but her accelerated breath moves the pillow up and down. Good, I like the direction she’s headed. “Caden?” “Piper?” “How long . . . You’re trying . . .” She bites her bottom lip. I nod. “Like so irritating you could tie me up? Because I might like that with you. Or, we can role play? I’ve got this fantasy.” Her mouth falls open and then she swings the pillow and clocks me in the ear, a sneak attack that takes me off guard. I don’t know if I should be pissed at the assault or thrilled as my predatory nature wakes from sleep. The second hit lands on my hip. I snarl and size up my prey, at the same time stealing away her weapon. She pants and the tits I dream about heave, drawing my attention to the hard knots of her nipples straining against the fabric. I stalk toward her. “You sure about this, sunshine?” “I’ve got a good arm, Popeye. You scared?” I stop and glare at her. “What did you call me?” She laughs and chucks a pillow at my head. “Popeye the sailor . . .” she croons. Oh, fuck no. I advance. She retreats—singing. God is she hot, toned muscles, tanned skin, curves in every goddamn right place. And it hits me like a ton of feather pillows. I’m falling in love with Piper Stevens. The desperate ache in my cock is a pressing issue, but so is hearing her laugh and seeing her teasing smile every day. I want her voice to fill these walls until they crumble, even when the song is about me eating my spinach. This has moved beyond possession and into a dark cavern I’ve yet to explore. By the heavy lurch of my heart I’m not sure it’s ready to let her in. But I’m pretty sure that’s what happens. I’m going to share this piece of me and she’ll do the same. Together we’ll steady our pulse. Goddamn, the thought unleashes a primal instinct to claim her, take her, make it so no other man will ever have her again. But first I’m going to wipe that grin off her face and make her scream. My initial pillow strike misses as she lobs to the left. The second hits her square over the head. Her eyes flare and then narrow and I can tell the minute tactical thought gives way to a frantic need to conquer her target. She misses a lyric and attacks in reckless swings. I’m trained in the art of war and in a minute, I chase her over the bed and to the other side of the room with quick snaps to the back of her thighs and a crack to her ass. She twirls with indignation, gripping her backside and I drop my weapon. One arm around her waist, the other on her nape, I haul her against my chest and slam my mouth on hers. Sweet Jesus she kisses me without hesitation, sucking my tongue into her mouth on a groan. We go deep, long open licks I use to punish her for singing that fucking song. It takes every ounce of my self-control not to pin her against the wall, peel off her shorts and fuck her into an apology. I’ll save that for later.   I tap her ass and help to wrap her legs around my waist and it’s the best, most natural place for her to be. When she wiggles into position, she slides down against my straining dick and I almost shoot my load. I moan and tug her hair, peeling her away to find her flushed skin, watch her lowered lids flutter against her cheeks as I rub the throbbing head of my cock against her pussy through fine layers of cotton.
Also Available
Lawless is a short story introduction to Piper and Caden available for free
Author Bio
She wears many hats. Some include wife, mother of two small boys, writer, reader, lover of gummy bears and Henry Cavill. She’s a proud Indie author who adores a broken hero, a feisty heroine, and lots and lots of sexy times. In 2013 she decided to flex her writing muscles and began her debut novel: Midnight. Published in 2014, she continues writing sweet romantic, okay maybe a little bit erotic, suspenseful adult contemporary novels with characters you’re destined to fall in love with.
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