#why is he bringing up plethora. its been a decade PLEASE give the man a break
swamp-chicken · 10 months
etho will never forget that time bdubs used the word plethora incorrectly. 10 years ago
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buckybarnesbingo · 3 years
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Titles Game
Tonight I'm Going Back to My Old Ways - suggested by @steverogersnotebook
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky didn’t usually go for straight guys. Not since Brock in college, anyway. But tonight, all he could see was the blond across the bar. He was laughing with his friends, and he was gorgeous. Muscles for days, a body Bucky wanted to climb like a tree, and a wonderful smile that was a combination of Hallmark wholesome and downright dirty that shouldn’t have worked, but did. The piercing blue eyes just sealed the deal: Bucky was going to get him in his bed. (there would definitely be a tag in there about how they need to communicate and how Steve's not straight)
@wolfnprey - Bucky had settled down after he started a family. Everything told him he didn't deserve happiness, but he was beyond listening. Until some old ghosts showed up. Literal ghosts, and they were hellbent on making sure Bucky's life was upended. He'd buried the necronamicon in the basement ten years ago, but now he was digging it up with the help of his old partner. If only Steve was forgiving.
@steverogersnotebook - (Early recovering Bucky) finds it hard to come to terms with the modern Brooklyn, seeks out night clubs and smokes like a chimney in an effort to feel the way he remembers feeling.
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow - Their relationship had been strained in a way that Bucky was pretty sure couple's therapy couldn't fix. Not that he had tried. He wasn't about to unload all of his trauma concerning not being his old self anymore on some poor middle-aged Brooklynite mother of three even if she did have a degree that supposedly helped. There was no way she was prepared to help a brainwashed assassin with a fault list from Coney Island to hell and back again. So instead he'd unloaded all of that on Natasha. As a best friend, she was legally obligated to listen to him anyway. And besides, she was cheaper; she could be bought with a whine and a wine. However, talking to Natasha also meant he got the cold, hard truth that his relationship was suffering not because he'd forgotten who he was and became a brainwashed assassin for decades, but because he'd forgotten who Steve was and hadn't spent a lot of time figuring it out again. So per his therapist's (Natasha's, whatever) advice, Bucky's getting back to his roots and rebecoming the man who knew everything about Steve Rogers and hoping that maybe somewhere along the line, he can figure out what it was that made the two of them work so perfectly together.
More under the cut!
Down the rabbit hole - suggested by @liquidlightz
@phoenixgryphon - MCU Nat going down the rabbit hole that is pre Cap2 TWS information
@steverogersnotebook - An edgy Alice AU where bucky meets the OUAT version of the mad hatter.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t sure how, but he was constantly seeing the same figure out of the corner of his eye. A tall, muscular blonde, who seemed as though he wasn’t quite there, which was why Bucky was sure he was imagining the man, or confusing multiple tall muscular blonds. They weren’t as uncommon as one would think, and Bucky was so tired, so he decided not to worry about the blond. Until the day he literally fell down a rabbit hole - in Brooklyn, of all places - and ended up in another version of New York.
@wolfnprey -  Stripper AU. Nat drags Bucky to Down the Rabbit Hole for a particular stripper named Alice who is a beefy blond with bright blue eyes.
@bookdragon13 - Or alternatively: Steve goes to Storybrooke during his quest to find Bucky and meets Jefferson. Steve immediately goes “Bucky?” And Jefferson, in his sassy way, says “who the hell is Bucky?” But proceeds to use his hat to help Steve find his Bucky, if only to meet his lookalike Whether or not this becomes angsty, I’m not sure
@psychiccatpanda - Bucky In the 21st Century:  After spending too much time on the internet trying to figure out what some of the things he’d been hearing about really were, Bucky wishes he’d trusted Tony when he said, “Snowflake, there’s whole swaths of the interwebs you don’t want to know.  Trust me, please?”  Now, six and a half hours later, he knew that there was Avengers fan fiction (and what that consisted of) and Avengers cosplay porn.  He wasn’t sure what to do with this information.  But maybe he just needed to do some more research. After a snack.
@liquidlightz - Alpine was very protective.  Bucky loved gardening and he'd planted many different flowers, but there was a fat rabbit that kept popping by and eating all the best tulips, daylilies, you name it.  Bucky was hesitant to harm the creature, but Alpine was having no more of it.  She chased said rabbit down its hole and Bucky had to dig her back out.
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow - Bucky’s family owned a farm so he'd had a plethora of pets his entire life, but when he'd moved to the big city, Bucky had stuffed Top Hat the white rabbit in her carrier and told her they were headed for the adventure of a lifetime, no looking back. And truth be told, sometimes New York was lonely. But the other truth was he didn't miss Indiana at all. He loved New York, but he'd never regretted his move more than the day he came home to discover Top Hat not in her enclosure. He had to go door to door on the entire floor and maybe the floor above and below his. Everyone had to help find his missing long-eared, fluffy-tailed best friend. Cue everyone in Bucky's apartment complex searching the entire building for one white rabbit trying to pull her own disappearing act. And cue Bucky searching for a rabbit, but finding maybe a little more along the way.
You pull hope from defeat in the night - suggested by @somesortofitalianroast
@steverogersnotebook - After a terrible loss on a mission, Bucky and [strained relationship/preferred pairing] are nearly wiped out themselves. One has to get out and get help for the other before it's too late for them too. In dragging the injured party to safety, promises made in supplication reignite hope for a resolution.
@somesortofitalianroast - (pre-serum!steve/Winter Soldier!Bucky) After exhausting missions, there’s nothing Steve likes better than hooking up with a guy at a bar, preferably one who would believe him when he said he wouldn’t break. Tonight, he chose the guy carefully, a big, beefy brunet with thighs for days and something about him that made him look gentle. One night turned into another. And another. And another…. Who said hookups couldn’t lead to love?
@bookdragon13 - Just when Bucky was feeling his lowest, walking around Brooklyn at night, he hears a faint meowing. Bucky finds the white kitten and takes it to the local vet. Afterwards, he couldn’t just leave the white fur ball behind, adopting her and giving her the name Alpine. With Alpine around, Bucky couldn’t help but start feeling like he could climb out of the hole he’d dug himself in. He can’t help but laugh at Alpine’s antics and when he’s having a bad day, she cuddles with Bucky as he rubs his fingers through her fur
@liquidlightz - Bucky had written off more cheques than his body could cash, yet again.  Losing badly at poker and getting beaten down for failing to pay up.  This night was turning out better than the last, as he found himself in the hands of a gorgeous Doctor with gentle hands who seemed to enjoy his attempts at flirting through bloodied teeth.  Things might be looking up, he was going to go all in and take another chance tonight.
@wolfarrowepz - (Winterhawk, hockey AU)The Avengers were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs.... less than a third of the team had been with them when they won the championship 3 years ago. Now all Bucky wants to do is go home and sulk and ice his knee in peace. Clint has decided he needs to come to dinner with the team to show all the rookies and new guys to show them that losing isn't the end of the world. Fuck it all if Bucky will do whatever Clint asks. Bucky he liked him since they joined the team together as rookies. Clint is 100% oblivious to every move Bucky makes but if Clint asks him to do something he will. Clint on the other hand is convinced Bucky isn't into him. Cue pining and the inevitable "of course I Like you, you dope!" moment.
With Steel and Silver Burning Heart - suggested by @ibelieveinturtles
@steverogersnotebook - Dragon trainer AU, Steve goes to slay the dragon, Bucky's the dragon trainer. They meet, they clash, they enemies to friends to lovers.
@phoenixgryphon - big beefy bucky the blacksmith.  who builds broadswords to bring in the bills
@somesortofitalianroast - (Regency!AU) James Barnes was well aware that he was the Marquis of Buchannan in name only. With no money left in the estates coiffers and three younger sisters - the oldest a mere year before her official debut - to support, he was desperate. Desperate enough to approach the new Duke of Brooklyn - a known rake with a history of getting in duels - with an offer: he supplies the cash for Rebecca’s debutante and in return, he gets James. But what happens when the purely financial relationship is no longer purely financial?
@liquidlightz - Bucky was not amused when the blade pierced his heart.  Fuck, that hurt! "You asshole", he berated his not-looking-so-hot-now date on the other end of that dagger, "I thought we were having a good time." Bucky had to thank his lucky stars, and not his wits, that this hunter was a moron and that blade was cheap metal and not silver.  He should, maybe, start being a little more discerning in his hookups.
@bookdragon13 - As a Knight of the Realm, Bucky was sworn to protect the royal family. He didn’t mean to fall in love with the Princess in the process. Neither did Bucky realize he was a jealous man, until he saw another knight, Brock, try to kiss the Princess, with her unwilling. Bucky immediately called Brock out, challenging him to a duel. When Brock was wounded, Bucky threatened that if Brock tried anything with Her Royal Highness again, he wouldn’t be so lenient.
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t-oresama · 5 years
My thoughts on Sulli, her life and death
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I wanted to gather my many swirling thoughts on the passing of Sulli, especially because it’s taken me a little while to truly process that she's gone, so her we go. There is obviously going to be mentions of death, depression, bullying and suicide, so there's your warning for this reality that Sulli was bravely facing for so long. There will also be mention of Jonghyun, but only to show the drastic differences in what led to he and Sulli finding their ends the way they did.
Sulli has been a Korean celebrity for 14 years. She debuted as an actress when she was 11, and debuted as a singer in f(x) when she was 15. I honestly didn't know that she was only 25 until today, because she's been around seemingly for forever. 25 years old. Barely in her mid-20s. The time where you're finally starting to get a grasp on this thing called adulthood and enjoy it. There was a video floating around from a variety show she did where she said she wanted to be a mother before she died. She won't get to now. She had her dream cruelly ripped away from her. And I've found in this processing that I've been more angry than anything. Yes, I'm sad, shocked and heartbroken over the loss of this beautiful, spunky, and brave girl, but I'm mostly just so, so pissed off.
There is an obvious understanding for idols or any celebrities that their personal lives are not very personal after becoming famous. Everything they do is magnified because they have become so prolific and, yes, idolized. But this doesn't mean that their privacy entirely should be taken away. It doesn't make them any less susceptible to pain, frustration, fatigue, and sadness. And it doesn't mean that, just because their actions are magnified, that EVERYTHING they do HAS to get reported on, does it? Surely not. But ever since Sulli's "laziness" controversy and subsequent leaving f(x), every post, every picture, every quote out of Sulli's mouth became an article. For 5 years, she has had to defend herself for believing in women's rights for equality and choice, for loving a man that happens to be older than her, for not wearing a goddamn bra. This year has been rife with extremely vile and illegal accusations and convictions. Never once did Sulli break the law in any action she did or said. She was still a young woman trying to find herself, and good for her if she wanted to act outside of the "proper Korean lady" norm. It never hurt anybody. But because she was famous, it was weird and scandalous. She was called a pig, she was called a feminazi, she was called an attention whore, and that is just the beginning of what she had to endure from every salacious article and malicious commenter for 5 YEARS.
I hate to bring him up like this, but this is the second suicide of a high-profile K-pop idol in 2 years so I must bring this up to make my point. And I preface that I am not a therapist or psychologist, but unfortunately looking back now, the signs become more evident in death than in life.I despise when people pin the cause of SHINee's Jonghyun's death on K-pop, and that the industry is what drove him to suicide. In fact, I ranted about just this a couple of weeks ago. He had a horrible illness in depression that was made worse by the pressures and nearly unreal expectations of K-pop, but depression had lingered with him for years. Nothing in the outside world suddenly drove him over the edge. His depression just engulfed him one day to the point of no return. But with Sulli, I do blame the industry.
I blame the industry. I blame the Korean media and the Korean media translation sites, some that cherry-picked the most negative and controversial headlines to gain clicks. I blame the netizens who hid like cowards behind computer screens attacking a young woman with the ferocity of a fictitious video game villain, throwing insults, slurs, and expectations at every new pointless article. I blame Korean society for having these high expectations to begin with, and still, YEARS after Jonghyun's death, stigmatizing those who suffer from mental illness and write it off as "a bad day" or "attention seeking". Her environment did not help her, but hurt her. It kicked her while she was down for all these years with no relief. I mean, for goodness sake, Sulli joined a show literally called "The Night of Vicious Comments" in order to attempt to show strength in the face of so much adversity and get people to understand that words hurt, especially how many she was getting on a daily basis. Some of her last mentions in Korean media was her doing a live broadcast on two different occasions, and having one where a man wouldn't leave her alone and one where her breast was exposed for all but a half a second. Never were these considered by the public at large to be mistakes, but ploys at attention seeking. Rarely was there sympathy for this girl who was just trying to find her place in the world and fight back against oppression. She was already suffering from mental anguish-- the reason she left f(x) all those years ago-- but no one except for Sulli herself can ever convince me that it wasn't the culmination of all this hate for all these years that drove her to her breaking point. Now these same publications-- some even cashing in like they did for Jonghyun releasing multiple articles on the deceased for website hits-- and these same people who left these vicious comments and the Korean society at large want to say "Oh, what a tragedy. What a shame we didn't stop this sooner. She was human after all." Shame on the lot of you. I never would wish anything ill on anyone, but I hope the people who left even one hate comment for Sulli or any other celebrity take a good look at themselves and realize their words can kill. I hope they realize what they've caused.
Her last Instagram live had Sulli saying that she wasn't a bad person, and asking desperately why people send her hate. That is so heartbreaking. She was bullied relentlessly and all she wanted was to know why. For being herself? For being outspoken? For going against this inhuman mold of K-pop idols and Korean celebrities who are chaste and pure and robotic that the industry has set as a standard? For not wearing a goddamn bra? Heartbreaking. I do believe she was already suffering from sort of mental strife, whether that was depression or something else, but it was perpetuated by a society that completely and utterly failed her. My first thought reading the news of her death this morning was "I'm so sorry, Sulli," and not because I ever left her a hateful comment (and, honestly, you are entitled to not like a celebrity, but to waste so much energy constantly bombarding them with hateful messages? Like, how do so many nasty people have time to do that?). But because I saw it happen. Because I would click on the occasional clickbaity article and give those publications a motivation to keep translating the absurdly controversial. Because I never commented something nice. And, as a result of her death, I've seen a flood of comments of concern and love go to some idols Sulli was closest to, like Taeyeon and Tiffany and Amber and IU (and countless more), asking if they are okay, showing them support. It truly sucks that this is what it takes for the good to truly outweigh the bad, and that this is inevitably too little too late. But I think any normal person who knew what Sulli was constantly up against feels some sense of sorrow or guilt for what's happened, even those of us who don't live in Korea who don't impact Korean celebrities like those in Korea. There's also guilt for not seeing the signs of her suffering until it was too late. But, as with Jonghyun, those most open about their pain, who try to put on this brave front, can end up being the ones who suffer most. There needs to be a greater vigilance in online commenting, privacy protection, sensationalist articles, and insuring the well-being of Korean celebrities. This involves a total shift in how the Korean industry has been working for decades, but part of me wants to hope that THIS death, not the first of its kind, can lead to something to change. I selfishly and maybe foolishly hope that something can change.
To end this very long post/rant, I want to dedicate this last paragraph to Sulli. Choi Jin Ri. The effervescent Peach. The big baby of f(x). The princess of eye smiles. The girl who dared to go against an industry just to stay true to herself. Again, I am so sorry that we have collectively failed you. You deserved so much more than what you had to endure. And I am so sorry that your dream of being a mother will never be realized. I am sorry the plethora of milestones that laid ahead for you you'll never experience. I'm so sorry you were suffering. I hope wherever you are that you are finally, deservedly, at peace. No bad words or malicious intentions can come close to touching you now. Thank you for both what you have generously shared with us in your solo work and your work as a member of f(x). You are a legend and a true game-changer. The world wasn't ready for someone like you, and some of them didn't deserve you. But thank you for leaving us with so much of you in your songs and performances and words and true, uncapturable beauty. Rest in everlasting peace.
Finally, if you reading this are suffering with negative thoughts or mental anguish, please find the hotline that corresponds to your country and seek help. https://ibpf.org/resou…/list-international-suicide-hotlines… There are people who are there to help. Take time to practice true self care and love over these next few days. Stay safe and stay strong.
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jhope-seok · 7 years
The First & The Last (Hoseok’s POV)
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Disclaimer: All of the things mentioned in this story are all works of fiction and have been made up by me, the author.  I did not intend to make anything based on real life, and any coincidences to real life are purely coincidences.
Genre: Smut / J-hope X reader / College!AU / House Party / Rough Sex? / Kinky? / Namjoon & Suga appearances
Inspiration: This video (gif taken from video – gif made by @xwonho​) & this picture
@1leeminhyuk​ Request: “You show up at his house party and you never show up to parties because you’re a good person and you keep to yourself, pure or whatever, and Hoseok sees you and he’s like ‘Damn I need a piece of that.’”
Length: 11,335 words
Masterlist |  Reader POV
[Jennie 2:03pm]  “Hoseok I can't wait to see you tonight!”
[Lisa 2:45pm]  “I had so much fun last night, Hoseok! Round two tonight?”
[Sara 3:12pm]  “Hey babe ;) I miss your cock. Wanna hook-up tonight?”
[Christy 3:45pm]  “Hobi, we haven’t played in a while. See you at your party tonight? ;)”
Hoseok sat on his bed scrolling through all the texts he’d gotten while he’d been asleep, smiling to himself as he pictured each individual girl. He had such a plethora of pussy to choose from, but tonight he wasn’t really looking to get someone he already had. He couldn’t deny to himself that he loved the fact that these girls were throwing themselves at him and his cock, but he was bored of them. He was looking for a new plaything, and he hoped this party would bring what he wanted.
He and his parents worked out an agreement that he could throw an extravagant party once a year. They paid for him to live in a gigantic house all by himself, excluding the staff of course. Consequently he made them agree to pay for him to get a DJ, a store’s worth of alcohol, and security to hold a party big enough to host half the campus, otherwise he told them he’d move into an apartment with his closest friend, Suga. His parents were vehemently against this idea because they despised his best friend and the way he’d rejected his own parents’ money, and Hoseok’s parents were sure Suga would somehow convince him to do the same.
As much as he loved the fact that he was only 21 and got to live in an enormous house, he often found himself lonely. There was a lot of empty space and empty rooms that his parents filled with artwork and furniture in an attempt to make it look more lived in, but it made him uneasy knowing that most of the house would never be used. Which was why whenever a girl threw herself at him, he never said no to the temporary company. It kept his mind occupied for a short while, and he couldn’t deny that he loved the sex these girls were dying to give to him.
He imagined their “love” for him was only due to his high status, they were looking to get close to him in hopes to become the one to tie him down and become heir to the money he had. But, he knew deep down he would never let one of these girls ever get their hands close to it. Mostly because he himself didn’t want to ever have to touch the money his parents threw at him. He wanted to earn the money, wanted to make a name of himself, separate from his parent’s empire.
As Hoseok got out of bed, he took a chance to look at himself in the mirror hanging by his door. He admired his figure and gave himself a small pep talk reassuring himself that he party would go great, before heading down to get himself food and to check in on the status of the party setup. He grabbed the plate the staff had left for him on the counter in the kitchen and strolled out into the main living space, where he found everything to be well under way.
He admitted to himself that the whole thing looked a little ridiculous in daylight. The stage took up the entire back wall of the large front room and the pile of alcohol next to the bar only grew as an endless stream of people brought in box after box of expensive alcohol. He saw his party planner, one of his family’s oldest friends, off to one side meticulously checking and rechecking his clipboard. Hoseok crept up behind him and clapped him on the back, causing the other man to jump rather high and drop his clipboard.
“Namjoon! Dude! Why didn't you come wake me up?” Hoseok said through his laughs.
“Hoseok, god damn it. You scared the shit out of me.” The older man adjusted his glasses, and Hoseok could see that, although Namjoon was less than two decades older than him, his age had begun to show in small wrinkles around his eyes. “I didn't come wake you up because your parents informed me that you seem to be with another girl every day, so I didn't want to accidentally...” he coughed, “...interrupt you. Also, you know I get lost upstairs. Too many doors,” the older man mumbled with a wave of his hand as he gathered himself and his clipboard.
“Ah, well they're not wrong about the first part. But, all those girls leave soon after they arrive. Can't have them thinking it's serious,” he nudged Namjoon with a smirk.
Namjoon chose to ignore the younger man’s statement and instead got down to business. “So, everything’s almost set up. The DJ should be here by 7 along with the bouncers and they're,” he said with a gesture towards the front door, “almost done moving all the alcohol in. Are you going to have yourself ready by 8:30 when the party starts?”
Hoseok shrugged, asking the time from the older man. “I don’t see why I have to be ready at the exact moment the party’s supposed to start. Shouldn’t I make some sort of...grand entrance? I mean it’s my last party ever. Senior year and all.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes at Hoseok’s statement. “You can do whatever you want. But can you please remember to text me so I know what your plan is. I need to be informed. You know how drunk girls get.”
Hoseok laughed at his friend’s statement. He knew what he meant, as before last year’s party he’d only intended to go upstairs for a short nap before it all started, but wound up waking up three hours after the party started. He’d woken up to over a hundred texts and calls from Namjoon, his friends, and dozens of angry girls about his lack of appearance at his own party.
“I promise it won’t happen again,” Hoseok promised. Namjoon gave him a look of dismay and he smiled and winked at him, walking away to circle back around to the kitchen to put his plate away.
Hoseok found himself with several hours to spare and decided that instead of getting ready for the night, he would use this free time to work on his music. He ran up the back stairs and down the hall to his studio and shut himself off from the world, enclosing himself in his safe space. He took a second to take a deep breath and enjoy the silence of the room as its warm arms wrapped around him.
During his sophomore year, he had asked his parents for this room to be changed from an extra, unnecessary bedroom to a music studio. He had to bet that by now he spent more time in this small space than he spent anywhere else in the world. He came here to write, sing, produce, and rap whenever he felt the pressures of his parents weighing down on him. They wanted him to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or whatever they decided at the time that he should be doing; something that was going to make them even more money and put the family name to “good use.” Naturally, they hadn’t been the happiest when he proposed the idea of his own music studio to them.
To them, the idea of becoming a musician would be a waste of his time and their money. It wasn’t a “guaranteed career” as they had so kindly put it, and he didn’t think he would ever forget the look of disappointment on their faces when he told them this new found dream. But, he hoped one day they would come to understand his passion and drive he had to make his dream to come to fruition.
As he sat in front of the small soundboard, he pulled up the song he’d spent most of his time working on. He clicked play and closed his eyes as he listened to his own voice burst through the speakers. This song in particular held a lot of meaning to him, and he knew that even if no one else ever understood the meaning behind his lyrics, he only wanted his parents to hear this and know that he was grateful for the opportunities they’d provided to him. Even though it broke his heart to be a disappointment and a disgrace to his parents and the family name, he wanted to use his music to prove that he could and would break through into the music industry and make a name for himself. He wanted his parents to trust him. Hoseok knew that this life was meant for him, and he would do whatever it took to make sure his parents acknowledged that he was dedicated to this life and that music would be a successful career for him.
Hoseok was ripped from his thoughts by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He didn’t realize how many times the song had played on repeat, nor how much time had gone by, and when he checked his phone his screen shone with the name: “Namjoon.” He caught a glimpse of the time at the top of the screen as he swiped across his screen to answer it, 8:00pm.
“What’s up dude?” Hoseok asked, still lost in his music.
“The party starts in 30 minutes. Will you be ready?” Namjoon’s voice was strained through the speaker and Hoseok smiled, picturing the look of stress on the other man’s face.
“Yes, I will be ready. But I don’t plan on making an entrance until at least 30 minutes after the party has started. Maybe an hour depending on how I feel.” He spun around in his chair as he spoke, his thoughts shifting from his music to his texts he’d received earlier in the day, and the women that had sent them to him.
“Okay. Just, promise me you won’t take a nap?”
“I promise,” he said with a chuckle.
Hoseok stood up and stretched, deciding it was a good idea to start getting ready. Knowing himself he would probably go through three different outfits before finally choosing one. He took the several strides down the hallway to his room and hopped in the shower, acknowledging that he would probably need to take one in the morning if the night went how he was hoping it would.
By the time he finally finished in the shower and fully dried himself off, he could hear the faint echoes of music downstairs, indicating that the party had started. He pictured the crowds of girls that would show up just for him and he had to stop to take several deep breaths to keep his fantasies at bay. He knew that if he got too aroused before the party he’d be unable to stick to his original plan of finding himself new pussy to play with.
Hoseok walked into his closet, dropped his towel at the entrance, slid on a pair of black boxer briefs and started sifting through the many racks of clothes that spanned the walls. He picked out a nice pair of dark jeans and a pressed white shirt. He took a glimpse at himself in the mirror and frowned at his reflection. The look was too plain for him, and he went back to find something that would really make him stand out from the rest of the crowd. He knew just being himself would help him stand out, but he wanted to flaunt it tonight. He grabbed a red, silk jacket off of a hanger and slipped it on, admiring himself in the mirror. This was more towards the look he wanted to achieve, but it was missing something.
He smoothed the cool fabric under his hands and turned slightly to the right and left trying to figure out what this look needed. He turned around to skim over the clothes left in his closet and when his eyes landed on a deep purple, velvet robe, he smirked to himself. “Perfect.”
He grabbed it off its hanger and put it on, appreciating the way it made him look just the right amount of ridiculous. He knew no one else would ever imagine wearing anything like this, and he smiled knowing how all of the girls downstairs would be dying to take it off of him. He slipped on the most expensive pair of shoes he owned and gave himself one last once over in the mirror.
His hair dried in the time it took him to pick out his outfit, and he was pleased to find it had dried to lay perfectly across his forehead. He sweeped a few pieces out of his eyes, giving a glimpse of his forehead and he winked at himself in the mirror.
“Damn, it’ll be easy pickings tonight,” Hoseok muttered to himself.
For the finishing touch, he grabbed a pair of sunglasses off the shelf and eased them on. They were reflective so he knew it would give him an air of mystery that the girls loved so much. They wouldn’t be able to tell where he was looking, or who he was looking at, making them ever more eager to be the one he chose.
He walked back into his bedroom to grab his phone from where he’d left it earlier on his bed. He unlocked it and saw that it was much later than he’d expected it to be, nearing 9:45pm, but he was surprised to find he only had one missed text from Namjoon, which read:
[Namjoon 9:30pm] “Party is in full swing, Hoseok. Any time now would be great.”
Hoseok laughed to himself and slipped his phone into his back pocket. He took a deep breath before exiting his room and heading down the hall towards the stairs. The closer he got, the louder the music got, and he straightened his robe one last time before rounding the corner to descend the stairs. Everyone stopped to watch his entrance and he flashed his signature smile, knowing that alone would make all the girls that were already here instantly wet.
The people that were lucky enough to be entering the party just in time to witness his arrival, stopped in their tracks, allowing him to pass in front of them. He greeted the party with open arms, as girls swarmed around him. He headed towards the bar, pushing through the crowd to reach his destination. He climbed on top of the bar, grabbed a bottle of champagne, and yelled, “Cheers to senior year!” before shaking and  popping the champagne, letting it rain down on all of the people at his feet.
He dropped down on the backside of the bar and ordered the bartenders to start lining up shots of whiskey and tequila for whoever wanted them. He grabbed a bottle of the most expensive whiskey he could find and took several large swigs straight from the bottle before pouring a few shots for the girls right at the front. Once most of the people were occupied with their shots he snuck out around the bar, taking his bottle of whiskey with him.
Hoseok made his way over to the stage, where he hopped up, and greeted the DJ. “My man!” he yelled over the loud music. The DJ gave him a slap on the back of acknowledgment. “Keep the energy up tonight! It’s my final party so let’s make it a real banger!” The DJ nodded his head in confirmation.
Hoseok surveyed the party from the stage for a few moments before spotting Namjoon in far back corner. He jumped off the stage and made his way to the older man. “Dude, you really did it this time. It’s perfect!”
“Thanks, Hoseok. I’m sure your parents will be happy that they won’t have to worry about anymore of these parties in the future!” Namjoon said with a chuckle.
“I know how much you’re going to miss planning them!”
Namjoon’s only reply was a loud laugh that caused him to buckle over in amusement. Once he finally collected himself, Namjoon straightened his shirt and said, “Well, I’m sure your parents will have other events for me to plan, so maybe they’ll put my skills to proper use!”
Hoseok just smiled, and took another swig from his bottle. “I’m sure they will.” He turned to look out at the people and the party and noticed several girls dancing close to the end of the stage, near him and Namjoon. They seemed to be entertained amongst themselves but one girl stood out to him, and after staring for a few long seconds, he put her name to her face: Christy.
[Christy 3:37pm] “Hobi, we haven’t played in a while. See you at your party tonight? ;)”
He smiled to himself, thinking that although she was not the fresh pussy he was looking for, she was certainly not leaving much to the imagination. She was clad in a short dress, so short that he swore that if she bent over he would get a full-on view of her pussy. She was watching him, giving him what he took as her best “come hither” look, and although she was not new, he would not deny her the chance. He knew that if he found himself uninterested in her, he would just move onto the next girl.
“I believe, duty calls,” Hoseok gave the older man one last pat on the back for good measure, before sauntering up to Christy.
“Hey baby,” he said, snaking an arm around her waist.
“Hey, you. You kept me waiting long enough,” she turned in his arms to face him, her hands exploring his chest.
From his angle he could see completely down the front of her dress to see the curves of her tits that led straight down to her bare navel. He could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, and he swore if she shifted just right he would get a glance at her perfectly pink nipples. However his hopes were squashed when she lifted his chin up with her hands and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.
He hadn’t realized how drunk she’d been, and he could taste the mix of many different alcohols on her lips and tongue as she shoved it deep into his mouth. He gently pushed her away, trying hard not to give away the sense of uneasiness he felt as her hands groped down his stomach.
“How about we go upstairs and get the real party started, baby,” she slurred in his ear, her teeth nibbling on his lobe.
“Christy, baby. As much as I would love to play with you tonight, I can’t tie myself down to you. You know I’m a wanted man,” he caressed her back as he broke the news to her. He kicked himself mentally for his poor first choice, knowing very well that this stunt with her would cost him with the other girls.
She frowned and huffed. “Your loss.” She turned back to her friends, but not before she gave him one last sneak peek down her dress, where he could now fully see her nipples. He fought with himself, but knew that it was for the better. She wasn’t new, and he was on a mission tonight.
He wandered the party some more, sipping from his bottle of whiskey and enjoying the drunken state he had settled into. He was in the middle of brushing off another girl who’d desperately clung to his shirt when he caught a glimpse of his best friend laying in one of the sofas near the front of the room, his girlfriend curled up in his lap. Hoseok shook off the girl with a muttered, “Sorry,” before making his way over to his friend.
“Suga!!” Hoseok yelled as he plopped into the sofa next to his friend. “What’s up, man!”
“Hope!” Suga acknowledged him. His girlfriend was busy peppering kisses all along his neck, but Hoseok didn’t bother to interrupt her. He was glad to have found someone who he knew wouldn’t disappoint him. “This party is even bigger than last year. Are you gonna miss these after you graduate?”
“Nah, dude. They’re fun and all. And I love the girls,” Hoseok waved his arm around the room, “but this is just too much. I can’t wait to have the time to seriously focus on my music.”
Suga nodded, taking a sip from his own bottle of whiskey. Suga was one of the only people on the planet that knew about his music, other than the producers he’d sent it to, and his parents of course. They’d met freshman year of high school and hit it off right away, their bond incredibly strong. Now, in college, they were still inseparable, and Suga had grown to be one of the only people Hoseok truly trusted.
“Well, where are you going to work on music after you graduate? Aren’t you moving back in with your parents? Or rather, aren’t your parents forcing you to move back in with them?” Suga raised an eyebrow at him. His best friend was also a rapper, but Suga preferred to go out and rap at underground bars. He didn’t want to become famous for his music, but supported Hoseok in his goal to pursue the path to fame.
Hoseok sighed. “They want me to move back in so they can keep better watch of me. But I’ve been saving money throughout college and I want to get my own place. And I’ll find some studio to produce music, or I’ll buy equipment to produce in my new place.” Hoseok shrugged, and took a sip as he looked around the party.
“Well, you know if you ever need or want a roommate after college, I’m here,” Suga reached out and pushed Hoseok a little. Hoseok smiled, knowing this was Suga’s way of showing affection.
“Thanks dude, but I don’t think you and I would do well together in a small space. I mean, you have a girlfriend, and I like…you know,” he waved his hand dismissively, “Fucking random girls.”
Suga laughed, causing his girlfriend to jump. Hoseok watched as his friend apologized to his girlfriend, which somehow turned into a makeout session. Hoseok took that as his cue to leave, kicking his friend one last time before standing up and leaving.
He wandered the party some more, feeling defeated that his plan for the night was failing. All of the girls that came up to him had been previous conquests and far too drunk. And any girl he caught sight of whose face was unfamiliar to him didn’t entice him enough to make any move. But, as he was making his way back across the room, his eyes glanced back to the front of the house and they caught sight of you as you walked through the front door.
His eyes scanned over your length and he knew in an instant he had never seen you around before. You looked different than the girls he was used to and the way your hair shone as the lights reflected off of it and the way the cutouts on the dress perfectly showcased your body made his pulse race and his dick hard thinking about what he wanted to do to you. You were beautiful to him, in a way he’d never seen a girl before, and in that moment he knew he had found the new pussy he had set out to find that night. He had to have you.
He pushed his way through the crowd, and without thinking yelled, “Hey, hot stuff!” He wasn’t sure what compelled him to yell those words, knowing very well that there were tons of other girls at the party who could’ve mistaken his words to be about them instead of you. And, just as that thought crossed his mind some girl grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Hoseok!” she wrapped her arms around his waist, locking him into her embrace.  As he looked down at her, eyes refocusing on the environment around him, he recognized her.
[Lisa 2:45pm] “I had so much fun last night, Hoseok! Round two tonight?”
“Lisa, babe. Not tonight. Sorry,” he pushed her away with a decisive, but gentle shove and continued on his way. But, by the time he got to where you’d been only moments ago, you were gone. He circled in his spot trying to catch another glimpse of you, annoyed that Lisa had gotten in his way. He took a sip of his whiskey as he thought where you could’ve gotten away to, and it hit him.
“The bar. Duh.” But when he arrived at the bar, he only found Jennie, who clung to him like Lisa had, and blocked his possible views of you.
“Hoseok! Babe! I missed you!” she played with his belt loops as she pulled herself closer to him. “Where have you been all night?”
“Hey, sorry. I’m kind of busy. Text me,” he said without so much as a second glance to her, not willing to let another girl get in his way of finding you.
His mind raced as he tried to formulate possibilities of where you had slipped away to, not wanting to immerse himself back into the mass of dancing people to try and find you. But, just as he was about to give up, he spotted you, near the edge of the dance floor with another girl who seemed to be trying her best to get your body to move like hers. As he approached you, you began to let go of whatever was holding you back, and he smiled as he watched you dance. Your moves weren’t the best, but from this angle your hair bounced against your back and drew his eyes down your back to your beautiful ass. He watched for a few more seconds and the thought crossed his mind again that you were the one he’d been waiting for that night. Although you were not as scantily clad as most of the other women at the party, the fact that he would be entering unknown territories got him almost as hard as the thought of you riding his dick did.
He adjusted his robe and put on his best smile as he closed the gap between you both. “Hey baby! There you are! You ran away from me!”
His voice caught your attention and he found himself amazed by your beauty again as you turned to face him full on. He was in front of you now, and he grabbed your waist, pulling you close to him. He was entranced by the slight scent of perfume you gave off as your hair shifted off your shoulders. “Baby, where have you been all my life?”
Hoseok was too lost in your body as it pressed against his to notice the way you were looking at him. So, when you shoved him away, his smile dropped.
“Excuse me?!”
“Come on baby, don’t be like that,” he said, pulling you back against himself. He tried not to let your disgusted demeanor deter him, and so he was more bold this time and let his hands rest on top of your ass. Most girls liked his confidence, but with you, this did not seem to be the case.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you cannot touch me just because you feel like it. And I am certainly not your baby.”
In the blink of an eye, your hand came up to meet his cheek: sharp, swift, powerful. He could have sworn the pain from the impact echoed throughout his entire body, down through his neck all the way to his toes. His face stung worse than anything he’d ever felt before. His ear was ringing and his jaw tensed on its own, as he tried to mask his anger. “Who the hell does this girl think she is?!” he thought to himself. “She should be so lucky that I choose her to be the one I lay my eyes on tonight, and she slaps me?!” Hoseok felt his anger slowly boiling underneath his skin as he turned to watch you storm away.
Your friend lingered for a second, and he could have sworn her eyes were wide, her face panicked. But before he could register anything she ran after you. He didn’t want to look around at the horrified looks he knew were on people’s faces around him, so in an instant he was following close behind you both.
He followed the path of parted people out to the backyard, where he watched as your friend tried to console you. He wasn’t exactly sure why you would still be so angry, seeing as you were the one who slapped him. But as he watched and listened to you and your friend, the words barely reaching his ears, he came to a sudden realization. The reason you looked so new to him and reacted the way you had was because you didn’t know who he was. He didn’t realize that was even possible, with his wild popularity around campus, but he took several deep breaths to steady himself and decided he wouldn’t let this faze him on his mission.
He took the steps down to the grass with a hurried grace, making sure to catch your attention as he yelled, “There you are!”
You and your friend turned towards his voice, a look of surprise strewn across your faces. Your friend stepped between you and spoke with confidence he didn’t expect to come out of someone her size. “I'm sorry but she's taken, and you'll have to come through me before you can get to her.”
Hoseok let a small smile creep over his face as he approached you both, trying not to seem so taken aback by your friend’s--“girlfriend’s”--words. He couldn’t figure out if she was telling the truth, but knew there was one way to figure out. “That's okay, there's plenty of me to go around.”
He could tell that that was not the answer either of you had been expecting, as he watched as your friend’s facade broke for a split second as you grabbed at her. But, he continued, taking the pause as an opportunity, “I’m sorry. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. My name is Hoseok. I’m the owner of this house.”
He watched with glee as your mouth dropped open at his name. He could only imagine the thoughts that were running through your mind, and he guessed they were along the lines of, “This is the guy I’ve heard so much about! He’s way hotter in person!”
His thoughts were cut off when your friend jumped in again. “We know who you are.”
He raised his eyebrows at her. “Oh? But, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your friend here before.” He made sure to inspect your reactions as he emphasized ‘friend,’ and when neither of you jumped to correct him his earlier thoughts had been confirmed that you two were not in fact a couple, pushing him to further to commit to you and your beautiful body.
But, you seemed content on standing your ground. “Yeah and I don’t think you’ll see any more of me ever again.”
“Oh now, don’t be like that. We just got off on the wrong foot,” he pouted. “Please, let me make it up to you. I apologize if I came across the wrong way, but you are the most beautiful girl I've seen in my whole life, and I just couldn't let this chance to meet you pass me by.” Hoseok mentally high-fived himself, proud that he had come up with a good excuse on the spot. Although, he had to admit to himself that it wasn’t a complete lie. You were hot, even dressed so conservatively, compared to the other girls at the party. Plus, with so little makeup on he still found his fantasies running wild about what you would look like being filled up with his dick.
“Yeah, sure she is,” your friend scoffed at him, but as he watched her build up her wall to block him out, he saw your wall chipping away behind your eyes.
When you whispered his name, his eyes lit up. “Yes, finally. I’m breaking ground. This is the hardest I’ve ever tried for pussy,” he sighed to himself.
Your friend did not seem pleased with your response, and faced you, visibly annoyed. “Y/N, what are you doing?”
Hoseok grinned. This was the slip up he’d been waiting for. “Y/N, is it?” He offered his hand to you.  “It's a pleasure to meet you. Please let me correct my errors for you.”
You seemed entranced with his smile, but grabbed his hand, giving it a soft shake. When your hand left his own, he was surprised at how empty it felt, wondering what it was about a simple handshake that left him wanting more. Most girls threw themselves at him and even after an entire night of being wrapped around them and in them, he never once had been left with such an overwhelming sense of emptiness. He shook out his thoughts at the sound of your voice.
“How do you propose to correct your errors?”
“Y/N, don't fall prey to his tricks. He's a player,” your friend uttered not-so-quietly under her breath.
“My reputation precedes me. But, you can't believe everything you hear. And I promise I will not treat your friend like that. I apologize for my garish behavior back there, but I knew if I let her walk away I would forever regret not knowing at least her name.” This time he was caught off guard by the sincerity in his own voice, wondering to himself if his lies were morphing into the truth. Nonetheless, his mouth kept moving, and produced more words that tiptoed the line between fiction and reality. “So I would very much like to treat Y/N here to the VIP treatment. If you'll allow it.”
He looked between you and your friend, who now seemed to be close to storming away. “I'm not her parent, it's her decision,” she huffed.
“So. What does the VIP treatment entail?” Hoseok offered a sincere smile at your question, applauding his persistence to break away at your resistance.
“Let me show you,” he extended his hand again, and when you took it he laced his fingers through yours. He shivered as the warmth of your hand spread up his arm and down his spine. He wasn’t sure why your touch had such an effect on him, as it was normally the other way around, and you showed no signs of having been affected by his touch.
When you both entered the house again, he led you back past the party, down a hallway next to the kitchen to the back stairs. As he began to ascend the stairs he turned to glance back at you, “First part of the VIP treatment, a tour of the house. You've already seen most of the main floor, but the upstairs is where the magic happens.” He wanted to gauge your reaction, but he didn’t want to seem eager, so he turned around and continued on the journey to the upper level, picturing the look of hesitation he was sure you had.
He knew that you would be skeptical of him, questioning his intentions, and he didn’t want to lose the progress he’d already made. He knew he was correct when you responded with a dry, “The magic, huh?”
Hoseok nodded, turning back again, and offered a dismissive, “You’ll see.”
He was still debating with himself where he was going to take you. Most of the rooms upstairs were empty, and he knew that if he took you straight to his bedroom he expected he’d get a swift kick in the nuts, which was not his intended outcome of the night. So, as you reached the top floor he made a last minute decision to take you somewhere he’d never shown any girl before.
When he opened the door to his music studio he watched as confusion swept over your face, but you entered anyways. You seemed to be examining the surroundings and he took that opportunity to shut the door behind you both, welcoming you to his studio. “This is where the magic happens.”
He strode over to you, and led you to the chairs in front of the soundboard. He could see the questions bouncing around in your head behind your eyes, glancing from him to the soundboard and back. But, when you spoke again he found himself caught off guard at the words that came out.
“So. Is this the VIP treatment?”
“Well,” he started, not quite sure how to answer. In a way it was a very special place for him to take someone he intended to hump and dump, but it was also not his original plan when he first saw you walk through his front door. He went with a partial truth. “It's the start of it. There's more to show but this is the main event, if you will.”
You shot back with another question that left him equally as confused as the first one. “Well, why is this the main event? Are you going to tell me you're some secret famous musician I've never heard of?”
“Not yet,” he thought to himself. To you he said, “Not necessarily. I like to make music, and this is my studio.” He meant to end his point there, but as he stared into your eyes he found his mouth continuing to move. “I mean, most people don't even know I have this. Or that I make music. So consider yourself very important.”
Your cheeks flushed and he smiled, proud that even his amateur slip up had caused your wall to crumble even more.
“Can I hear it?”
“My music?”
“Yes. That's why you brought me here isn't it? The main event?” Your eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
“Oh,” he thought to himself. “I guess that’s kind of what it looks like. Although, this isn’t the exact main event I was aiming for. But I did say that this was the main event, and I guess it might look weird if bring her here and then all we do is sit here and talk.” He sighed internally.
“Well…. Okay.”
Hoseok turned to his computer and clicked through until he got to his music player. There were several songs that had been completed, but for now he chose to pick out the song he’d intended to be for his parents. He didn’t expect you to think much of it, and well, he didn’t expect to see much of you after tonight. So, he decided if he was going to show you his music, he might as well show you this song to test out the waters with the “public.”
As he clicked play he heard the speakers snap to life, the music washing over his body. He watched you with careful anticipation, and was happy to see your surprise as his voice finally spilled out over the back track.
“You’re a rapper?”
Your question sounded to him like a statement formed as question, so in lieu of an answer he nodded, continuing to gauge your reaction as the song progressed. When the song had reached it’s first chorus the thought popped into his mind that he wanted to perform for you. He still wasn’t sure where this night was going, and if he had a solid chance with you. You’d seemed to be less keen on running away from him, or at least slapping him again since he’d brought you into his studio, but he wasn’t sure yet on your level of attraction to him. He knew that if he began to rap for you that it would give him an excuse to pull himself closer to you, to make the experience more special, more like a main event, and possibly increase his chances of getting you to sleep with him. But, he’d never actually performed for anyone before.
He battled with himself, looking back and forth between you and his computer, watching the seconds tick by on the counter at the top of the screen. Every time he looked at you though, the thought kept crossing his mind that this was either going to happen or not, and he came to the conclusion that his best shot at bedding you was to rap for you. So, he pulled his chair as close to yours as he could, planted his legs outside of yours and started rapping.
He was pleased with himself as he saw your cheeks redden, a sure sign of some sort of attraction. He maintained eye contact with you as the lyrics poured out from his mouth. Hoseok wanted to make sure he caught every movement your face made in response to his song. But, somewhere nearing the second bridge, the lyrics of his own song got to him, and he became overwhelmed with sadness. Sadness that his parents had never heard this song, sadness that he might never earn their approval for pursuing a career in music. He did his best to hide it, closing his eyes and trying to pass it off as being immersed in the song. For obvious reasons, he couldn’t tell if you were believing his act, but he kept rapping until the song ended, the silence wrapping it’s arms around you both again.
When he opened his eyes, he found you staring at him. He saw hints of lust stirring in your eyes and he felt his own lust for you returning. You were leaning forward in your chair and it was giving him a great view of your cleavage but your words drew his eyes back up to your face.
“Hoseok, that was amazing.”
“Y/N,” he whispered back. He let his eyes glance to your lips, which he noticed looked extremely kissable. He also imagined your lips wrapped around his dick, and he had to suppress his urge to jump your bones right there, knowing you needed to be coaxed. But, as he sat ever still, you leaned out of your chair and placed your arms on his thighs. He was cheering in his head, congratulating himself for his plan working, as you closed the distance between you both and kissed him.
Hoseok’s internal cheers transformed into fireworks as your lips pressed deeper into his. As he cupped your face he noted that they were hot and tasted like tequila and champagne, a mix he never knew was his favorite until now. The warmth from your lips was spreading through his chest, unleashing his hunger that he’d been keeping at bay, but he did his best to try slow himself down.
When you stood up, breaking your lips from his, his hands dropped to his legs, and he felt a sense of dread creep up his spine. “Why is she standing up? Is she leaving? That’s so cruel of her to kiss me and then leave-” his internal rant halted when your first leg came to rest next to his on his chair. He could feel the beast inside of him roiling up to take control, his lust consuming him. Your lap settled into his own and he was already grabbing at your flesh before your mouth met his own for a second time.
Hoseok did not hold back. His mouth struck yours with a craving so strong he knew it could only be satisfied by your taste. You opened up your mouth to him and he let the mix of alcohol on your tongue meld with the whiskey on his own. Your hips ground into his and he let out an involuntary growl, pushing up into your hips. He was growing ever impatient, ever more erect, and when you made to remove him of his shirt he welcomed it, stripping himself of his outer robe and jacket, removing his shirt along with them.
Your fingers against his skin caused his dick to pulsate. Your nails grazed his abs and his body shivered with pleasure, wanting to feel your nails against his back as he pummeled into your core. He had let his hands migrate to your ass, grabbing onto it and helping your hips grind against his dick.
He was lost in his senses until you bit his bottom lip. Hoseok realized he had let you push the boundaries of his control too far. He gave your ass a firm spank, trying to regain and further establish his dominance.
You broke away from his lips with a small yelp that he found oddly cute. “What was that for?”
His body was acting on its own, his subconscious taking over as his mind raced to catch up. His hands came up to wrap around your hair and pulled your head back, revealing the smooth untouched skin of your neck. Hoseok was amazed at his own ability to take control so easily. He normally didn’t care about being dominated when it came to the girls he fucked around with, but as his cock jumped in his pants he realized how much he wanted to dominate you. He had tried so hard to get you here and he would not let you think for a second that you would manipulate him.
“Y/N,” he whispered, lips pressing against the curve of your neck. He let his tongue flick out, grazing up your smooth skin until he reached your ear. “Oh, Y/N. You are so bad.”
He nibbled on the skin below your jawline, relishing in the way you quaked under his touch. When you whimpered his name, his brain snapped. He grabbed your chin, forcing your gaze back into his. “Tonight is about you, my dear. You will be a good little girl, won't you?”
When he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he tugged on your hair. “Use your words, baby doll. I need to hear you say it,” he murmured into your ear.
“Yes, what?” he growled.
“Yes, Hoseok.”
As his name rolled off your tongue, he wished he could taste the sweetness he heard in your voice, but he found in this moment he wanted anything but sweet. So he prompted you with a “Hmm. Try again,” hoping you would play into one of his wildest fantasies. Many of the girls that catered to his every sexual need did a pretty good job of acting out the rest of his fantasies, and he’d checked off most of the things on his fantasy bucket list. But one box, left unchecked, was standing out to him now. As he felt you tremble beneath his touch he knew that you would succumb to him and his commands, and he wanted you to be his test run. He wanted to see how it felt to have someone call him “Daddy.”
When he got your response, his dick grew harder, begging to be enveloped by your folds.
“Yes, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl.”
“Holy fucking shit,” he thought to himself, his dick straining under your weight and his pants. “That sounds so fucking good coming from her pretty little mouth. I need to fuck her, right now.”
“That’s good princess. Now, stand up,” he hoped that you could not hear the strain in his voice as he felt precum leak onto his stomach. When you did as he asked, he smiled to himself, pleased to find you were keeping true to your words. He adjusted his hand in your hair as you stood, trying to focus on the soft texture of your hair as his fingers tangled in it. Anything to keep his mind focused on the present, instead of listening to your voice saying, “Yes, Daddy,” as it replayed over and over again in his head.
“Walk, baby doll.”
He followed close behind you as you walked to the door, and lead you in the direction of his bedroom, back towards the staircase you had come up earlier. When you entered his room, he watched your eyes widen at the sight of his enormous bed. His parents had insisted on getting him a king sized bed, even though the most people it had ever housed was two. He didn’t want to allow you too much time to take in your surroundings, bringing your attention back to him and his cock as it ached more than ever.
“Welcome to the second stop on the tour.” Hoseok leaned down to kiss your neck, sucking lightly, as his hands fell from your hair to explore your body. He wanted a better angle on your ass, so he spun you around, kissing you with a furious passion, no longer aiming at being gentle with you. He grabbed your ass with both hands, pushing your hips against his as his mouth trailed down from your lips to the hollow of where your neck met your collarbone, leaving more marks of himself on your supple skin.
As more precum seeped out of his tip he hoisted you into the air, lips never breaking contact with your collarbone as he took you to his bed. With one simple throw you were displayed before him on his own bed, looking eager for your next command.
“Sit up,” he barked, pleased as you did as you were told without hesitation.
“Take off my pants.” This time, however, he was left unhappy as you wavered. He leaned over and wrapped his hand back into your hair, brows furrowing together as he pulled hard. “I said take them off. Is there something wrong, baby doll?”
“No, Hoseok.”
You looked so innocent staring up at him through your eyelashes, and he couldn’t believe how easy it was to make this fantasy a reality. “What did I say earlier? Try again.”
“Yes, Daddy.” He was wondering why it felt so good to hear it coming from you, and why he’d never tried this with any of the other girls he’d fucked before. He knew they would have given in as easily as you had, but it felt so much more satisfying to hear it coming from your mouth, knowing you had been so hard to break.
He stroked your face, rewarding your quick correction. “Good. Now, do it.”
Hoseok watched as your hands moved with haste to undo his jeans and pull them down. He stepped out of his jeans, kicked them to the side and took note of the way your tongue darted out to lick your lips when you caught sight of his cock outlined by his briefs. You were even quicker to remove his briefs and he grinned to himself, delighted to see you were was eager as he was to have your mouth filled with his length.
“Open,” he ordered as he stepped forward, closing the distance between your mouth and the tip of his dick. Before the last syllable left his mouth you were doing as he commanded, your tongue slipping out over your plump bottom lip. He took one last step and let his tip rest on your tongue. When your mouth closed around his tip he had to clench his abs, the urge to cum almost overtaking him.
He yanked on your hair, forcing your eyes back up to him. Hoseok wanted to watch your face twist with pain as he shoved his dick down your throat. His dick grazed the back of your throat and his mouth curled up into a smirk, cherishing the gagging sound that came out of your throat.
“Do you like that baby doll? Do you like choking on my dick?” His dick twitched, and when he didn’t get an answer from you, he pulled out and repeated his question.
“Yes, Daddy.” Your voice was rough, and his body tingled knowing that in such a short amount of time he’d turned you into such a good submissive slut.
“Good girl,” he smirked. With one rough thrust, Hoseok forced his way back into your mouth and down your throat. His picked up the pace of his thrusts, trying to preserve the feeling of your tongue pressed against the underside of his dick and the tightness of your throat as he pushed in and pulled out again. He let out a loud groan, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling as tears streamed down your face.
The urge to cum down your throat was so overwhelming, but he managed to hold himself back, and pulled his dick out of your throat. Bands of saliva hung from your lips to his dick, and he inhaled deeply trying to implant this image in his brain forever. Then he realized there was another image he’d much rather prefer be etched in his mind.
“Stand up,” he yanked you upwards by your hair. “Take off your dress.”
Hoseok saw a hint of hesitation behind your eyes, and he was prepared to rip it off of you when you reached behind your back to disrobe. His eyes travelled with your dress, taking in every inch of your body as it was revealed. Your bra and panties did almost nothing to hide the rest of your body from him and he couldn’t wait any longer.
With a swift push, you were back on his bed, on display once again. He made quick work of removing you from both your bra and panties, and when he was done he licked his lips ready to devour you. “Oh baby doll. You've been hiding this body from me all night.”
As he crawled on top of you, he couldn’t hide the grin that formed on the edges of his lips. His kissed you once, hard and rough, before biting his way down to your magnificent tits. He paused for a second to admire how your nipple was already rock hard and the way your chest heaved up towards him in anticipation. He gave you what you desired, watching as your mouth opened as his lips came down to suck and bite at the supple skin.
Your hands tangled themselves in his hair, and for a moment he considered removing himself from your tits and making you beg for his touch. But, he could hear the way your breath faltered and he couldn’t deny that he loved knowing that he was having an effect on you. He also couldn’t deny that he loved the way your fingers tightened on his scalp as his mouth worked harder.
His hands became bored and travelled down to your core, enjoying the way his fingers slid so easily into your folds. He traced a line from your entrance up to your clit, and smirked as he heard you gasp. “Baby doll, you are so wet for my cock aren't you? Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want Daddy to fuck you?” He emphasized his words with a flick of his tongue on your nipple as his fingers circled your entrance, aching to open you up.
“Yes, Daddy. Please,” was all you could moan, yet the three simple words sent shivers down his spine.
He couldn’t wait any longer, and now that he had the permission he needed, Hoseok breathed one last, “Good,” before burying two fingers deep inside of you.
Hoseok revelled in your warmth as it enveloped his fingers. He curled his digits upwards to push against the one spot he knew would make your head spin, unable to hold back his thoughts, letting them spill out over his tongue. “You’re tight baby doll. I can’t wait to open you up with my cock.”
Your back arched upwards as his fingers pumped in and out of you, bringing your tits back into his mouth. He sucked as hard as he could on the soft skin, urging your body to loosen around him. His own mind was spinning as your moans became louder and your words began to lose meaning.
“Fuck...Hoseok...Yes...Fuck...Daddy...Oh my god,” you grew louder with each word, and he could feel your walls tighten around his knuckles. He knew your orgasm was nearing but wanted to prolong your high, and removed himself at the last second.
“Not so quick, baby doll. Can’t have you cumming so soon. Plus, I don’t recall giving you permission.” He leaned up to watch your face as a look of disappointment painted itself on your features, causing him to smirk in return. He loved knowing that you were so easy to control, that your hard exterior from earlier in the night had only been a facade. His blood boiled under his skin, wrought with the authority he held over you. He’d never been able or allowed to stretch the limits of his dominance before and he hoped he never had to come down from the high he was on as the power coursed through his veins.
He flipped you over on your stomach and brought his hand down, swift and hard, against your perfect ass cheek. He admired the way his slap rippled under skin, spanking you again as the first ripples died down, hand tingling. “Do you promise to be a good girl, and cum when I tell you?”
“Yes, Daddy. I will.” Your response was so perfect and coy, he had to give you several more spanks to make sure you understood that he had the power to give and take your orgasm whenever he wanted.
“Do you like it when I spank you, baby doll?” He’d been watching your wetness grow on the sheets underneath you, and he slipped his fingers between your folds to feel for himself. When he didn’t get a quick response he reached up with his free hand to grip onto your hair once more, giving you one last spank. “Answer me,” he demanded.
“Yes, Daddy. I love it when you spank me. Please, god, fuck me already.”
He loved the urgency in your voice, as it made his cock twitch against his stomach. He was past denying himself the feeling of your pussy around his shaft, but since you were still hesitant to obey his orders he felt there was one last thing he needed to do before granting himself that relief.
“Hmmm, you haven't been a very good girl, Y/N,” he moved off the bed to go grab a pair of handcuffs he kept in a drawer next to his bed. “I think you still need to be punished.”
He had bought the handcuffs on a whim, the one time he’d ever been into an adult toy store. Suga had taken him because his girlfriend had demanded they try something ‘new’ in the bedroom, and Suga had been too embarrassed to go on his own. While they were there, Hoseok found himself in the handcuffs section while Suga was looking at butt plugs. A saleswoman had come up and talked him into buying them, reassuring him that even if he didn’t have a use for them now, it was always good to have a pair handy. “Pun intended,” he recalled her saying with a smirk as she took his cash. As he walked back to the bed he guessed she was right.
He could sense your surprise as he snapped the first cuff into place, and he smiled to himself as the other one locked around your wrist. When your hands were securely held behind your back, he pulled back on the short chain between your arms, admiring his work. He situated himself on the bed, lining himself up with your entrance. His cock was throbbing, ready to dive deep inside of you, but he wanted to make you beg for it one last time.
His fingers felt their way along your slit as he hissed out, “Baby doll, you are so wet. Tell me what you want.” He emphasized his last word with a soft smack to your cunt, enjoying the way it made you jolt forward, tugging on the chain in his hand.
“Please, Daddy. Fuck me. God, please. Fill me up with your cock.”
He couldn’t contain the growl that bubbled within him, and it spilled out over his lips as he pulled your hips as close to him as he could get them. He let his length slide over your wetness, lubricating his dick. Hoseok was appreciating the way you glided easily over his shaft when he felt your hips shake against his thighs.
“Please, Daddy. Fuck me.” Your moan was soft and gentle, and the innocence that lined your words sent his mind into overdrive.
He yanked back roughly on the handcuffs, lined himself up, and thrusted into your core in one swift motion as your hips collided with his own. His eyes clouded over as his length spread you open. The way your walls pushed back against him as he entered into your heat, your scream ringing in his ears. He’d never been with a girl whose pussy was so tight, and it took everything he had in him to stop himself from reaching his climax before he could appreciate how your warmth strained to accept his girth.
To keep his orgasm at bay he spoke, hoping you wouldn’t hear the strain in his voice. “Oh my god baby doll. You are so fucking tight,” his hands gripped at your hips to steady himself. “Hmm if I didn't know any better, I might say that you've never been fucked before.”
Your silence was answer enough, and he assumed he was your first. He’d taken many other girls’ virginities, but this time was so much more meaningful for him. You had fought back on his early advances, standing your ground to him, and to know he had broken through your defenses and was now conquering you made his balls ache as you rolled your hips against him. He pulled out far enough so that only his tip rested inside your walls, revelling in how your core kept its hold on him.
You struggled against his grip and he grinned, his control over his own body slipping back into place. “Mmmm baby you are so greedy. You're going to have to beg for it now. Tell me how bad you want my cock.”
“I want it so fucking bad, Daddy. Please fuck me. Fuck me hard. I want your cock so bad. Please, give it to me.” He liked your answer, but he waited. He wanted to see if you would try and disobey him, try to push back anyways. What he got was so much better. “Daddy, please.”
He didn’t let the last syllable leave your tongue before he leaned himself into you again, pushing all the way to the hilt. He was so hungry this time, sick of the teasing game, and began to thrust in and out of you at an alarming rate. His balls had been aching for release, and while he was managing to keep his orgasm at bay, his need to stretch your walls was more pressing.
He grabbed onto the handcuffs again, pulling you back into him with each thrust forward. His head lolled back as his hips made contact with yours over and over again, his grunts turning to moans as the tension in his body slowly released. He was savoring the sensation of your cunt wrapped around his cock, pushing back against his every motion. Hoseok was lost in the moment, until he heard your voice cry out.
“Hoseok, fuck, yes, please fuck me harder. I'm gonna c-”
He didn’t let you finish your statement, grabbing onto your waist with both hands now, leaning down into you, letting his tip graze against your g-spot as his thrusts increased. Your scream as you orgasmed was guttural, ripping through his chest as your cunt clenched around his dick. He didn’t slow down his thrusts, wanting to prolong your orgasm as long as he could, his eyes raking in every detail of your body while you came. He couldn’t tell when your first orgasm ended, but soon your moans were picking up again, walls contracting around his length again as your second orgasm overcame you.
Even as your sounds subsided, his pace did not slow. Hoseok was so close to his own high and he wanted to ride it out as long as he could. He considered cumming in your pussy, ruining it for your first time and claiming it as his own, but he pictured your pretty little mouth wrapped around his cock from earlier, and realized he would much rather look you in the eyes as his cum sprayed down your throat.
When he was so close he couldn’t take it, he pulled out, immediately taken over by a sense that something was missing. But, he didn’t want that feeling to last for long, so he flipped you over, pulled your face up to his by your chin, and ordered you to open up. You obeyed without any hesitation this time, opening yourself to him, and he wasted no time in shoving himself back down your throat.
The moan that escaped his lips was soft, hands tangling themselves in your hair, pushing it out of the way to watch your lips suck him in. His returned to his previous pace, fucking your face back to the edge of his high, which he was on the precipice of with a few thrusts. “Fuck yes baby doll. I'm gonna cum.”
He let himself tip over the edge as his seed spilled into your throat. Your eyes came up to meet his as tip lingered at the back of your mouth, cock twitching against the roof of your mouth. His own mouth twitched into a smile as you swallowed his cum without even being ordered to do so.
As his balls finished emptying themselves, he pulled out and fell to his bed, reaching to unhook the handcuffs from your wrists. He was still high from his orgasm and almost didn’t hear you murmur, “Wow. That was….amazing,” as you laid down next to him. Hoseok let his head fall back on the sheets below him, eyes closed, every breath filled with the scent of sex.
As his mind came back to earth he tried and failed to remember another time any other girl had let him truly destroy them. The list of girls he’d fucked was long, yet as your fingers drew circles on his abs he realized he might never find another girl who would be as obedient as you, and that upset him. However, his brain caught up with yours and registered what you’d said, and he lifted his head to look at you. There had been a hint of disappointment in your voice, one that had him raising his eyebrow at you.
“Hmmm.” He wasn’t sure if you were disappointed in the way the night had ended, or if you were disappointed in the fact you’d never get to fuck him again. His confidence told him it was the latter, so Hoseok reached for your waist, pulling your body closer to his. “If you think that was amazing, I have much more in store for you baby doll. I'm never letting you go.” He kissed you, genuinely kissed you, and enjoyed how soft your lips were against his, as a new list formed in his head. One that detailed all of the ways he would make you his only fucktoy. He assumed he was your first, but he was determined to make you his last.
A/N: AAAH! This is the longest “oneshot” I’ve ever written! I hope you guys like Hoseok’s POV as much as I loved writing it!!!! And thanks a HUGE BUNCH to @wonhosgoofyasslaugh​
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