#hey hi is etho ok
swamp-chicken · 10 months
etho will never forget that time bdubs used the word plethora incorrectly. 10 years ago
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jellieland · 9 months
What would you do if you knew you were going to die?
“Oh,” says Lizzie sullenly, “you want to talk to me now?”
She shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t know. Try some last-ditch attempt to survive? Kill someone else?”
She glares.
“Are you happy now?” she snaps. “Is that what you wanted to hear? Now go away.”
“Oh, come on,” says Jimmy, looking slightly offended. “Is this targeted? I bet I’m the only one you asked this. Am I the only one you asked this?”
Still, after a moment, he considers it.
“Well, he says. “As long as somebody else goes first, I don’t really care, to be honest. I’d just… do what I like, I guess! Yeah! I’d do what I like. That sounds good.”
“Ooh,” says Mumbo. “I would try and take as many people as possible down with me.”
He looks thoughtful.
“That is what this game’s about. Isn’t it?”
“You know,” says Tango, thoughtfully, and then immediately breaks into yelling, “I would love to not die in the dumbest way possible! That would be just great!”
He shakes his head.
He takes a breath, lets it out, and is calm again.
“But hey,” he says. “It’s gonna happen sooner or later anyway. Right?”
“Just gotta keep trying.”
“I’d stay vigilant!” says Skizz. “Hey, it’s not over til it’s over!
“I mean, maybe I’d try being a bit less nice? See how that works out? But, eh. No regrets.”
“That’s what’s important, you know?”
“I would make the most of it,” says Etho. “Do what I can.”
He shrugs, half-smiling.
“And then I would go home.”
“Fight it,” says Martyn, wearily. “I guess.”
“Die, presumably!” says Bigb, and grins. “Ooh, or would I?”
“Hey, and what about you? What would you do? Just ask people questions? That’s kinda sad, don’tcha think?”
“What are you talking about?” says Grian, narrowing his eyes. “You don’t know who’s going to win. Nobody knows that until it happens. You don’t know you’re going to die until it happens. Not really.”
Cleo laughs. “Really? You’re asking me?”
After a minute, they shake their head.
“I know what you mean, though,” they say, and shrug. “I would do what I always do. I would hold on. Until I can’t, anymore.”
“I mean, see if I could do anything about it!” says Impulse.
He looks away. Gives an almost sheepish smile.
“I- I don’t really want to die,” he says.
“Die?” says Bdubs. “I’m not gonna die! What are you talking about, I’m never gonna die! I’m the best! I’m super strong!”
He clears his throat awkwardly.
“And- even if I did. Even if I did, I wouldn’t just let it happen. I have stuff to do.”
He pauses.
“I- ok, maybe I would work on my fighting skills a bit, even though they’re already GREAT! Just, uh, just in case! Just in case I needed to really show off. For some reason.”
He glances over his shoulder.
“Don’t tell Gem I said that. Or Pearl.”
“…Or Cleo. In fact, maybe just keep this to yourself, ok, you little tattletales!”
“Kill whoever said that!” says Joel, posture ready to pounce. “Are you threatening me? Is that what this is?”
He squints suspiciously.
“You better not be. I’ll get you.”
“Make it count,” says Scott.
“I’d have fun!” says Gem. “I would enjoy myself!”
She looks curious.
“Wouldn’t everyone?” she asks.
“…Try and make it count,” says Pearl.
“What do you mean?” says Scar, confused. “What would I do if I knew I was going to die? Isn’t that everyone? Isn’t that just-”
He frowns. “That’s just living. Right? Am I wrong?”
He looks curiously up at the Secret Keeper, towering above him.
“Is that not just life?”
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introboy · 9 months
Downstairs Neighbors AU
This is part 2 of my @mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @follow-the-compass-home! It is a short introduction to the downstairs neighbors AU-- more information can be found here (x)!
In Grian’s defense, he left his balcony door open. He did. 
The only possible explanation is that, for whatever reason, someone must have closed it. Maybe it was Mumbo, the breeze disturbing his blueprints, or Pearl, bothered by the bright sun. But Grian knows himself, and when he took off, he had left a path open for his return. 
And it’s really not his fault that he can’t see glass like this. Whoever designed the sliding glass door is the true culprit, and should be held accountable accordingly. Unfortunately, exacting revenge on the architect of his apartment building would not help Grian out of his current situation. 
As it is, he lies crumpled on the balcony, wing twinging in discomfort and head spinning too fast to even consider changing back to human form. A feather, his feather, drifts slowly to rest beside him. It beckons Grian to take a rest himself. 
But as much as he loves curling up on the ground, Grian loves being warm and having a functional wing more. He lets out a mournful cry, calling for one of his roommates to come open the door. A moment passes.
The door does not open.
Grian shrieks again, more aggressively this time. Someone is clearly home; the door didn’t magically close on its own. At least, he didn’t think it did. Maybe Scar had been fooling around with magic on inanimate objects again. 
Regardless of any potential magical properties of the door, footsteps finally approach. Grian can’t very well see who it is from his position, but he lets out a relieved caw, grateful not to spend another moment longer in the cold. 
The door squeaks open. 
“Hey, wha– oh. Oh geez. Oh… uh. Ok. Ok. I don’t know how to deal with this. Etho-”
The door squeaks shut. 
Despite Grian’s definite brain injury, he can tell that was not one of his roommates. He screams in frustration, disturbing the feather that had come to rest by his head. But before he has time to process the new development any longer, the door opens once more.
“Listen, I don’t know what to do, I was sleeping peacefully and the next thing I hear is all this noise and this thing’s on the ground. Why is it so loud? Is that just a bird thing? And why is it just laying there, I don’t understand–”
“Hold on, Bdubs,” a new voice joins in. “Gimme a minute here.” 
Footsteps approach Grian, and a face leans over his, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Grian can spot the exact moment when the man notices the injured wing; his mismatched eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh, snappers,” the man says.
The last thought Grian has before everything descends into chaos is oh no, it’s the downstairs neighbors. 
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sleepy0s · 2 months
Be the bigger person
Alternatively (if watcher Grian)
X: be the bigger person
Grian: ok
Grian: *transforms into mind melting eldritch being that could be, if it were capable of being such lowly states like matter, larger than the man.*
I thieved this from a commenter, thank you Crescendo_of_Thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!
My apology for last post
533  Words
Hermitcraft was under attack. The breach had been made known at 2:47am and these people worked fast because they had already lost Gem, Doc, Ren, Impulse and Pearl. So, everyone was in a panic. 
“OKAY! WHO ELSE IS MISSING?” Xisuma yelled out from his pillar of dirt, trying to tame the manic hermits. Luckily, at the moment, no one else had been abducted. “Okay- okay, we need a plan. Any ideas?” No one responded, all staring at their admin for guidance.
Xisuma was panicking internally, admin training had not prepared him for what to do in this situation. At all. His attention was caught when he spotted Bdubs staring into the shadows, whispering to Etho, who whispered to Cleo, who whispered to Jevin, and on and on, until Keralis whispered to Xisuma. “There seems to be a.. Figure in the trees.” He mumbled into his ear.
And then he could hear rustling in the trees, and around them, and before he could stop it, almost all fo his hermits were pinned down, except for Xisuma, Grian and Scar. “Hey-” Xisuma began, but was cut off by the ‘leader’ talking. “Look. Man, all respect, love you guys.” He began, “But! A little birdie told me you guys were harbouring a watcher, and we thought, why don’t we go see bthat petty, filthy god like creature.” He laughed, before pausing and looking around at all the hermits. 
“However, none of this lot look like watchers. Tell me, where you keeping the thing? Everyone says they are LaRgE, DaNgErOuS cReAtUrEs, but I don’t believe it, I think they just make up things to make them seem all powerful. HAH! I bet they’re actually the same size as all of us…” Xisuma, and honestly everyone else had stopped listening to the man on his rant. 
Xisuma spotted Grian reaching for his gun in his back pocket and swiftly reached and grabbed it before he could, “Grian, no. What if he attacks?” He whispered, trying not to attract the attention of the guy. 
“Wha- But he’s threatening us!?” Grina hissed, wings fluffing up defensively. He had already lost his players once before, he wans’t letting it happen again. 
“Grian- be the bigger person.” 
Xisuma sighed. “I mean, be the bigger person.”
“...Are you guys even listening to me!?” The man screamed, turning around to face them. 
“...what the void.” He paled at the sight infront of him.
A creature taller than double the build limit, covered in tattoos of eyes. Wait no, they are blinking- definitely not tattoos. Dressd in ancient clothing, multiple pairs of large, wings on its back, the colours shifting in and out as if the void was held in its wings. A mask covered their face.
The being, a watcher shrunk it’s size partially, so the intruder could see it’s face. All the hermits instinctively closed their eyes as Grian Xelqua leaned down, removing it’s mask to reveal not a face, but thousands and thousands of eyes, all staring at the head of the intruders. “Boo.” He laughed.
The intruder just stared at him, mind melting as he saw into the future, the past, the present, everything, everywhere all at once.
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pride-duo · 3 months
ok so for my liml inspired vigilante au here are the ties. morally grey but they also hold laws to higher standards than let's say the bad boys.
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tango's fit is obviously inspired by his decked out dungeon master skin, impulses is pretty much a one-to-one of his hc10 skin, etho is etho, and skizz.... I didn't know what to do for skizz so im gonna be real I threw stuff on and called it a day it looks silly tho it fits him methinks. also funny running gag me and bff have is that ethos fit is just his casual outfit with a mask and his hair down. that's all. only change.
Also I don't have proper hero-names for them so I'm just calling them by the corresponding letter of ties/first letter of their name. yeah.
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Cub and the Wardens lore mayhaps? 👀 The Deep Dark... what's going on there?
Ok lets see...
The Deep Dark is a series of tunnels beneath the Depths *I know, creative*
The Depths are the 'floor' of the main cavern, these tunnels run beneath it and are full of skulky fauna and stuff that has tumbled down their over the years from up above. It's an area of the under-city that is very much disconnected from the rest of under-city society. Even more so than the blaze-born Pyres, who are pretty anti-social in their own right. It's dark down there. Like...nearly pitch black. Sometimes inhabitants of the Deep Dark can go months without seeing any sort of light. That suits them though. It's an area populated by under-city folk who can't handle the noise of the main cavern, you can find some of the Bat Hybrid covens and some Phantom Mutants though they don't all live down there.
Of course, the most (in)famous group living down there are the Warden Mutants. They're solitary by nature, they typically live in small nuclear families if they even bother to have families at all, and they don't have particularly strong inter-personal ties as a subspecies like, say, the Cat and Dog clans. They're still people of course, with all the benefits and flaws, but they also take their peace and quiet very seriously. It gets violent quickly in the Deep Dark. Since it's an area beyond labs influence even more so than the Depths, which are now more or less managed by Ethos gang, a lot of organized crime has moved down there.
Warden Mutants are incredibly strong, and their subspecies glamor traits, the sonic shrieks paired with their ability to expand their sensory range through skulky fauna, mean that they rule the Deep Dark. They're dangerous, and they know it. So a lot of them get involved in organized crime to protect their territory and keep things quiet and dark as they like it.
This is where Cub grew up.
He was another gutter rat, never knew his parents or any sort of family, scrounged around to survive. When the Anarchy happened he was eleven, and a lot of broken tech and stuff from the labs was cast into the Depths and some of it ended up in the Deep Dark. He started tinkering with it. After the Anarchy began to settle and the labs were reestablished as a force for good in the under-city, he heard through the skulk about a school being opened in the Depths. Cub was nearly fourteen and he'd never had any sort of formal education, but he still decided to go. It was the first time he'd ever left the Deep Dark.
Loud, loud, loud, loud, LOUD. And bright, stars, why was it so bright!?
But he realized through attending the new school in the Depths that was an outreach channel for gutter rats like him that he was actually pretty smart. From there, he went on to earn himself a scholarship through the acclimation program to go topside to go to college, he was one of the first kids who was sent up after the Anarchy in an attempt to reestablish these channels the labs ran that were kind of abandoned while everything was fixed up.
Once he got up there, even if it was way to loud and way to bright, Cub realized he never wanted to go back down into the dark again.
Of course, I plan to expand on all of this in fics later down the line, especially because Cub has become something of a favorite in this AU which was not on my bingo card, but hey, I love writing him in this context so I'd love to do more for him! 💖
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pseudocyance · 3 months
so here is the fic I spoke about last night
Takes place near the end of 3rd life and middle of season 8
Ah shit I copied it from Google docs and it didn't save my paragraphs fuck noooo I have to fix it
Ok read if you want
“I can't believe you scammed another person out of their armor” Grian called to Scar, exasperated.
“Hey, Etho got his reputation points and I got some new pants. They're shiny!” Scar's voice echoed across the sand. He seemed to skip towards the edge, red eyes darting over the expanse of the desert.
“Can you believe all of this is ours?”
“No, not really” Grian glanced back up at the building he was designing. The supports gave the hint of what Monopoly Mountain would one day become. Something about building was just so… perfect to him. His favorite style was rustic but this small castle seemed fierce. It was a monument to defend.
He was jolted out of his thoughts as a crack of thunder rang across the sand.
“SCAR?” Grian's head whipped around. He was alone on the top of the mountain.
“No, nonono. He can't be-” a ping sounded on his communicator. A message from Cleo glowed on the screen reading “did anyone else just hear that? Did someone lose their last life?”
No. Scar couldn't have died. They had just made a life here in the desert. They were settling. Grian rushed to the edge of Monopoly Mountain and looked down, expecting the worst.
And there Scar was. He had fallen off the edge onto the staircase that wound along the side of the cliff. His body lay, limp on the sandstone. Grian fought back tears.But something was off. His skin was no longer the dull silver it had become as a red-life. He also wore no armor. Instead, he had a long, red coat and a small hat of the same shade.
Grian rushed down the stairs. “Scar!”
He reached his companion's body and kneeled down. There was definitely something different about him. Was this what happened when someone lost their last life?
Scar eyes flew open as he jolted awake, gulping for air. His irises seemed to glow a pure green like sunlight shining through leaves.
His gaze focused on Grian.
“What happened? Did I die again?” He paused. “Why are we in the desert?”
“I think you might have died again, but that doesn't make sense. This was supposed to be perma-death.”
“What? Perma-death? What do you mean?” Scar looked perplexed. “Wait, wait, wait. Grian, why are your eyes green? Where's that hazel I've gotten so used to staring into?” a cheeky smirk appeared on his face.
“Why- why are my eyes green?” it was now Grian's turn for confusion. “My eyes are green because I'm a green.” The two stared at each other.
“You're not my Scar, are you?”
Scar had no idea what had just happened. One minute, he had been falling into the Boatem Hole, and the next he was in a desert he didn't recognise and missing all of his items.
Grian kneeled at his side. His brow was creased and his gaze darted around.
“What do you mean, your Scar? Wait, that means you aren't my Grian”
Grian's mouth opened to respond, but something caught his eye on the border of the desert.
“Shit,” he muttered. “Ren's crew is coming.”A red banner bobbed through the trees. “Act natural. You're my red, and if they know there's something wrong, they'll attack.”
Scar didn't know what to be more shocked about - Grian calling Scar “his red” or Grian swearing.
“Why would Ren attack us? Did you do anything to annoy him?”
“I'm a green. That's enough of an issue for him. Oh, and you're going to have to take all of that-” he gestured to Scar's flamboyant outfit "- off. You should be wearing armor, not a waistcoat.”
“Only my Grian can tell me to take my clothes off,” Scar smirked. Grian's cheeks became as scarlet as Scar's jacket, which led Scar's smirk to become even deeper.
The green stuttered, “I- uh, get some armor on. Looks like we're going into battle.”
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
1109 notes
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
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plumadot · 5 months
Hey plume! Some ideas for other 3rd lifers (races and classes included but not always both); half-orc joel, circle of wildfire gnome bdubs, arcane trickster rogue etho, battle smith artificer teifling impulse
You don't have to take any of these suggestions but im so obsessed with this au and wanted to share some thoughts bsjsbs
lemme tell you about bdubs. bdubs is a half elf. everyone he meets asks if his non-human parent wasn't actually a gnome BUT HE'S JUST A VERTICALLY CHALLENGED HALF ELF OK AND HE'LL ARGUE WITH YOU UNTIL YOU DROP IT
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megabuild · 3 months
ok coming off anon for pics so really quick summary basically jimmy made a new smp and olis on it but he joined late. so oli joined and jimmy was away in a cave with sausage. so jimmy invites him over
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then when oli eventually gets over to them hes like why are you spending time with OTHER men. he then changes his oli and jim song to oli and oli and its like a whole thing. i think theres something wrong with him
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Oh goodness gracious. Where do you live boy hey girl… what’s his PROBLEM. That’s fine also btw LOL I would like to think most people consider me an etho guy or alternately the constantly being harassed by demons guy
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the-cusk · 10 months
Ok fine let's do theory time. This will be mostly about Session 7 and Gem's task. Now, I got two big points here, (a) The End/The Void is an entity that is independent of The Watchers and (b) Gem's task and, by extension, she herself came from that entity's will.
Now the obvious connection is obvious, yeah yeah who opened the End portal, but this goes farther. So, uh, remember episode 1? Specifically, when Gem and Lizzie found pumpkins and formed an alliance of sorts? Pumpkins, that's right. They became kind of a big deal. Since then, Gem and Lizzie had been consistently connected to The End. When Lizzie got the hard task to get everyone to sleep, first thing she thought of? The End. But then, why did she die to the very thing she was intertwined with.
Well, Scott of course. Scott has consistently been the most resistant to influence from cosmic entities. He actively spit in the faces of The Watchers multiple times now, after all. He was meant to die in the void. But not just because of his own aspect, but because Lizzie hasn't fully assimilated to her new connection. She didn't wear a pumpkin. The End had to shoot blindly, and with Scott's aura of negation he wasn't gonna be the one hit.
Now let's have an aside about what The End's intentions are in this series. Cause all cosmic entities gotta have one right? Well, The Watchers designed the games to be a feast of discord, war, betrayal, all of the fun stuff. The End, on the other hand, seeks to, well, end the games, as fast as possible. How were the first two reds created? Now, it's probably not exactly a humanitarian motivation from The End here. Whether it's merciful oblivion or just a thirst for finality, it still creates war and brutality, just not in the same way as The Watchers. The Watchers want the feast to stretch for as long as possible, as the payoff will be that much sweeter. The End wants to finish everything as fast as possible. You could argue that the Boogie curse has origins in The End, with Skizz as the catalyst, but I don't feel like going into that atm.
Ok, finally, how does that connect to Session 7's events? Well, as mentioned before Lizzie died when she wasn't meant to, with overwhelming feelings of rage and a desire for revenge against (most of) the server. In addition, two other reds, mumbo and jimmy, died to a forced hard task from grian and etho. So, all the reds except The Watchers' special boy Martyn are gone. Not awesome if you want everything to return to dust quickly. But, mainly, Lizzie's, uhhhh, let's call it curse, people like that word, transferred to Gem in the form of a hijacked task. I mean, it doesn't function according to any of the rules set by the Secret Keeper. And neither did Gem's end portal task, really, if you think about. Oh abd neither did Bdub's free the end. Wait. Bdub's? Free the End? And hey, would you look at that, he's also the first infected. And who's next? Impulse, Pearl? Ain't that our little end fighting army? (Also, Bdubs was the first ever person to get the Boogie curse but again, not getting into that. So, uh yeah, basically The End, an entity in opposition to The Watchers, has hijacked the task system, and possibly brought Gem in, in order to free itself and then end the series as quickly as possible. A desperation move, really, but it makes sense, this season's torture was gonna be especially prolonged.
Essentially my first theory, and I don't have too much knowledge on lore and stuff, but sometimes words are in your head and you have to get them out somehow.
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd Life Remastered Irl Segment 1 1/2
If you are just joining this and just happened upon this a warning it is highly recommended to read the prologue and Session 1 before continuing on here. With that being said while these people (save for Slimer) may be real everything they say or do is fictional this story is entirely satire. And most importantly a warning this story has sensitive topics mainly of self harm and suicide. The whole point of this story is to raise awareness for those that are struggling with Mental Health.
After sending my footage to Doodl3 I log into the discord and turn on my webcam and mic. "Hey Guys" I say looking at Mumbo "Hello Mustache or should I say no Mustache" Everyone except for Etho has their webcams on. Mumbo: "Hey I do too have a mustache. It's just very small and while I'm at it you're trying to tell me you aren't a real slime" Everyone bursts out laughing Etho: He has a point there "Etho I noticed in the Ancient City your voice sounding hoarse are you ok Etho: I'm sick right now but even still I won't miss a single session of this " "Yeah you definitely don't want to miss this" I hold Rylee up and get a bunch of awwws from everyone Scar: You take care of Rylee now Slimer" "He's my therapy dog but he's also a very friendly one" I wave his paw at everyone "He's all I have left" Bdubs: Wish I had a puppo" "Then get a puppo boyo" Bdubs: I would but it's a lot of work you're lucky you got a dog for free that loves you" "Wait till somebody else arrives it's like I don't exist to him" Impulse: Puppo" I wave Rylee's paw and feel a sharp pain in my chest followed by a whopping cough and unintentionally drop Rylee as everyone is gasping and going woah. I am reaching desperately for my inhaler Grian: Slimer do you need me to call 999?" I finally grab my inhaler and put it in my mouth and feel at ease gasping and coughing for breath as everyone looks relieved Me: Sorry about that everyone" Scar: Hey here's some advice for you don't apologize for something you can't control" Impulse: The important thing is that you are ok and we didn't lose a player" Jimmy: Yeah I need my captain" Bdubs: And I need my hype bro" Joel: I'm just glad nobody died" Me: Let's change the topic Bigb I noticed you died as well stage is all yours talk to us about what happened" Bigb: I was going back to my base to talk to Impulse Cleo and Etho and that's when Gem over there hit me from behind and crit me so I was running because I realized what was going on and that's when Grian comes out of nowhere and smacks me that's when I knew it was either Gem or Grian is Bogey. They unfortunately chased me to a cliff where Grian knocked me off" Me: Annoying voice as always Grian" Grian: HEY" Me: Well I'm going to feed Rylee and take him out I'll join you guys in a bit"
I leave the group alone and go to feed Rylee they all see me by his side petting him as he eat Scar: Aww him taking care of Rylee reminds of Jellie" I go to get Rylee's leash forgetting that my Webcam Mic and Discord is still on.
While I'm on my walk the sky is beautiful in the early evening. Traffic is slow but slowly speeding up Rylee is happy wagging his tail and he finally poops but that is when voices begin again "End it" "Kill yourself" "Bring Rylee with you" "You are nothing" A truck is coming by and I slowly walk to the edge of the sidewalk pulling Rylee with me the poor dog doesn't even know what's going on as I step closer to the edge and the truck is getting closer. Suddenly I snap back into reality realizing what's going on I drop the pooey bag grab Rylee and book it back to my apartment tears in my eyes.
Bdubs: So you give me the Golden Apples you have next session?" Scar: You my friend have yourself a de-" The door to my apartment bursts open tears in my eyes as I take Rylee's leash off and lay on the bed everyone going "Hey hey HEY HEY" as I pull my inhaler out and use it.
As I go to my computer I gulp trying to think of some lie Grian: I think all of us need to have a talk with you about what we just saw" Major: Why are you so upset did somebody hurt you" Scar: Talk to us we're all here for you" Mumbo: Please we're all worried for you" Cleo: Yeah what's wrong did something happen with you and Rylee?" I gulp and say "Kind of" Pearl: What do you mean kind of?" "Well I was on my walk and I started to space out" Gem: Why is that something to be upset about"
Realizing I have no way out I take a deep breath and say "I heard voices in my head while I was on my walk and" Grian's eyes go wide "I tried to walk in front of an oncoming truck with Rylee Scott: WHAT" Joel: THE" Bigb: HECK?" Grian: Are you actually kidding me right now?" I shake my head at Grian's question Grian: How long has this been going on for? Cleo: More importantly why haven't you told anybody?" "It's not as easy as you think I didn't tell you all of you for this reason" Scar looks absolutely hurt and shocked by this news Bigb: Didn't tell anybody for what reason you tried to kill yourself and your dog?" "Bigb it isn't as easy as you think I've been dealing with this since........" Bigb: Since when?" "....." Grian's eyes widen in realization Grian: Since your divorce? With Laura?" I nod my head Grian: And you didn't think to talk to me?" Me: It's not as easy as you think Grian the first step is always admitting you have a problem which is the hardest part" Grian: Hey calm down alright I'll be coming over to your place later tonight and me and you are going to have a very serious talk about what is going on and whether you can continue in the Life Series with us" Not feeling like I have a choice I nod and log out of Discord turning off my webcam and my mic.
A few hours later Doodl3 sends me a text "Yo dude you're blowing up" Me: What do you mean?" Doodl3: Check your subscriber count you just gained 1.5 million in the past 2 hours you are now at 8 million subscribers" Me: WHAT?" I check my phone at the latest video and scroll to the comments. "Man I feel sorry for this guy hearing voices in his head and suicide that would explain why he was always staring so blankly" I'm genuinely confused by what everyone is talking about and how they knew this information until I get a link from Doodl3 saying "you might want to check this out and after we have quite a bit to talk about" I click on the link and see it's my discord confession to the entire group somebody was recording me without any of us knowing and posted the video to an anonymous account.
Fury is in my eyes as I storm over to my computer where everyone is chatting about the video and scream "WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS IT" Grian: Calm down there is no need t-" "CALM DOWN CALM DOWN MY SUBSCRIBERS NOW KNOW ABOUT WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON WITH ME BECAUSE ONE OF YOU RECORDED AND FILMED IT AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM?" Scar: Getting angry isn't going to help with it" "WELL I'M ONLY ANGRY AT WHOEVER DID THIS" I break out into a coughing fit and use my inhaler again "So I give you guys a chance to stand up for yourself bring yourself forward whoever did it and I won't be angry" After nobody confesses I am fed up I lean into my mic and say "you know what everyone?" Grian: No I know that tone in your voice don't do it or you won't be getting the surprise I have for everyone" " SCREW ALL OF YOU" as chaos unfolds I log out of Discord turn off my mic and webcam and lay on my bed Rylee laying next to me wagging his tail and licking my tears away. Meanwhile my phone is blowing up from texts from Doodl3 Grian and everyone else.
I'm crying for I don't know how long before I feel a tightness in my chest and I knock my inhaler away I'm unable to get to it before I feel weak coughing and wheezing as my vision gets blurry and I fall to the ground. I hear my apartment door open and a faint voice ???: HEY" I see somebody pick up my inhaler and put it in my mouth ???: Hey you ok? "Who are-" I feel myself lifted on my couch Grian: Easy now it's ok" Me: Grian? How did you- Grian: you left your apartment door unlocked I heard you coughing so I came in to help you wondering if you were alright breathe compose yourself recover then we need to talk" Grian notices a violin near my bed and sees an opputunity to help Grian: You play?" I nod Grian: What songs do you like to play? Me: I can play any video game soundtrack but my personal favorite is Waterfall from Undertale but I'm currently practicing Blaze of Iris from Epic Battle Fantasy 5 that one is 7 and a half minutes" As Grian sees me calm down he begins to speak Grian: So how long have the voices been going on for?" Me: Ever since Laura......." Grian looks at me with a look of sympathy Grian: You loved her didn't you?" Me: Yes Rylee is all that i have left" Grian: Have you ever felt suicidal?" Me: Yes the voices ahve been telling me to end it from time to time but this is the first time I attempted it" I see Rylee lay on Grian's lap Me: Traitor" I say as I see him wag his tail Grian: Hello Ry Ry" He pets Rylee
Me: So you said you had a surprise for me?" Grian: For everyone actually we aren't doing anymore regular videos for this season we are heading over to Minecon Los Angelos for 2 weeks well except Etho he said he isn't feeling very well but he will still be in this season with us livestreaming as well we're all meeting up in person" My eyes go wide Me: What about Rylee I can't go anywhere without him" Grian: Don't worry I made arrangements for you and Rylee all of us you and I are going to the airport in 2 days so that we can go to Los Angelos the airport allows therapy dogs the limo all of us will be getting in will have enough room for all of us including Rylee. Everyone is on board pets are going to be looked at. And Hotel allows pets and" He whispers into my ear Grian: There's going to be food there when we arrive at the hotel for guests of honor all paid for beforehand so everyone can eat to their heart's delight" My eyes perk up Grian: There's a catch though you need to apologize to everyone for what you said to everyone because we don't know who uploaded that video and even if we did you can not and I repeat CAN NOT take your anger out on us" I look really guilty about what I said Grian: You know Bdubs daughter Ariana heard you say that and she is concerned she looks up to you she really loves your videos and to hear you say that to her father is a lot for her to go through"
I grab my phone and text @doodl3 "Yo listen I promise to explain everything but I have an important question for you how good are you at moderating a stream the rest of this season is going to be live at Minecon this year with everyone else more importantly will you be there?"
To be continued in segement 1 2.0
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fr-likes-chocolate · 9 months
(sorry if the life characters personalities are off im still new to the fandom)
This was something I was writing during purgatory and secret life, I have no motivation to finish but I still want to post it, so have my Grian and Phil brother headcannon combined with Ghostza :)
Something was wrong on the server, Grian knew it. There were reports of a ghostly figure from many different people over a span of two weeks, so it wasn’t a task of any sort… people did say the ghost looked like martyn, but wasn’t martyn still red? Not to mention people who lost all three lives never came back as ghosts, it was something else.
“Grian..? Hey Grian can we talk?” Grian looked up to to see Ethoslab standing by him, “Sure, what do you need?” Etho messed with his hands, he seemed slightly spooked “I had an encounter with the ghost.” Grian raised an eyebrow, “Okay? What does that have to do with me?” Grian asked, Etho sighed, “when I mean encounter I mean it talked to me, i felt how cold he was... He asked for you, he wanted me to take you to him.” Grian looked around, Etho had no reason to lie to him, “ok where is this ghost..?” Etho gestured for him to follow him.
Soon the pair got to a small secluded cave, Grian started to hear a chant of sorts, “Bolas bolas bolas...” Etho sucked in a breath “Hey there, I brought Grian like you asked are y-“ the ghost cut him off “GRIAN!” the ghost flew and embraced Grian, making he yelp and shiver from the freezing cold. “Uh hello..? Who are you..?” The ghost floated back, allowing Grian to get a look, he had long white-blonde hair, a tattered robe, a gas mask hanging from his neck, ruined black wings, and a large wound across their chest. Still Grian could see the familiar icy blue eyes and striped bucket hat. “Wait…. Phil?” The ghost smiled “hi Grian! How have you been??”
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lauren-no-why · 2 months
ok ok while my work computer is tied up crunching away at bird data:
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Oh my god you've given me permission to just go off endlessly on Johnnie, you're a gem.
For the folks reading this who don't already know him, Johnnie Redmayne is an absolute joy. Kid brother to the two current (well, 1967 current) leaders of the World Enders gang, Johnnie is a thrillseeker, a hedonist, the type to leap before he looks, to live with zero regrets, and most of all, he just wants to have fun. There are a lot of implied but not explicit-in-text reasons for this that have to do with the World Enders being centered primarily in East LA, primarily nonwhite and/or of lower economic class, mostly young rebels during an era of counterculture but instead of the white hippie flower child route they're out there causing violence and mayhem and just loving every minute of it.
Anyway, Johnnie is also dead, murdered essentially in a drug dispute, though that's kind of underselling it but I won't rewrite the whole premise of Vide Noir here. But because this is the time and space and cosmic horror fuckery fantasy drug made from the ashes of dying stars and the void between time and space and reality or whatever, he's presumably confronted with some REALLY HORRIFIC things as his mind is slingshotted out into the void where the dead don't so much float as drown as they're fully overwhelmed with whatever goes on out there. And Johnnie? Well - who the heck does this. He's like "uhhh, no thanks! Nope, I hate this, and I'm not going peacefully, death sucks and is boring at best and really really fucked up at worst, so I'mma take a rain check and go back to where all the fun is. Seeya." And now he's a ghost, out making fun of Buck Vernon on midnight desert highways and probably causing a lot of problems for other people because that's way more fun than the alternative.
He's a character who has the potential to be saddled with so much darkness and misery, so much trauma, and I'm sure it's all in there but instead he's not going to dwell on it or make it his personality because that sucks man. He's taken the World Ender ethos to a new level - live your life how you want, die if it kills you who cares, and skipped past the dying normally part right back to the existing for the sake of finding joy in the chaos and destruction and the booze and the ladies and the not being crushed under the heel of cops and an oppressive society but instead sticking it right back to them.
Anyway this kid is hilarious and wonderful and I sure hope he surfaces in the next album and also Eddie Sandstrom is an absolute delight and he better come back to reprise his role even if he doesn't really look 18 anymore I don't really care.
I'm going to stop and move on now even though I really could keep going. Have a pic.
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🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Buddy, it's the Dead Man's Hand scene in the movie, how could it not be. Hey Ben feel free to remake this all you like forever, you're doing great.
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Also Until the Night Turns if that counts as a scene, because it does in the movie that plays in my head. Massively underrated song by the fandom, this does so much heavy lifting with the characterization and setting and people need to pay it more attention.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
More! fun! facts! yes let's see. Oh, I think a fun one that's easy to miss is that we actually have an image of Buck Vernon's driver's license and the contents of his wallet. So now you can all know his birth date, height, eye color, etc plus the fact that he keeps SO MANY PHOTOS OF LEE with him. I love this kind of stuff. It's a movie prop that doesn't actually surface in the movie in a viewable form other than I think one of the photos, which is why this isn't on the wiki as not being in the movie itself makes it sort of borderline canon, but it's on the prop designer's website as an example of her work.
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shade-e-e-es · 1 year
Ooh ooh ooh! I love the sound of your early players/phantom Etho headcanons! If you’re ok with it, I’d love to hear more, especially about Etho copying Joehills’s code?
Why thank you for asking!!!
Etho first realized he could change code when he wanted to go out into the sun. Wanted to see the sky and all that, y’know. Eventually he just went. I’m gonna do it. And he did, and he didn’t burn.
After a particularly brutal attack by a player that left his face incredibly cut up, Etho, while hanging out with Doc, declares that he wishes he was a player. It’s then that Etho reveals that he can go into the sun now, that he would just need a player to change his entire form as long as they were willing to have their entire being studied.
Doc, being himself and knowing many game breaking things before he even got into redstone, proclaims he knows someone who can be considered a player.
A platform of gold, netherrack, light it on fire. Place a paw on the base and go JOE. HEY. CAN YOU COME HERE I NEED HELP.
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Not entirely a player but close enough!!
Joe is all for being a pain in Mojangs butt. They keep trying to remove them after all
So basically, the three just hang out for a while while Etho stares into Joes code and copies it All. And after he copies it all theres 2 joes. And then they sit and stare at Etho as he messes with each individual line to see what it does. Slowly changing himself from a carbon copy of herobrine to his own person.
The only thing he can’t change is his busted eye, the scarring, and the fact that he gets really violent when he’s around people who don’t sleep. He has to go to therapy for that.
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cactusringed · 10 months
i WILL sleep soon but im having too many thoughts
the fact that etho decided that he was just going to be Very Nice To Bdubs.
bdubs? he must have been euphoric. he was finally given a spot in ethos heart in the way etho always has one in his. this was some sign that said hey, i matter to him too!
which only made it worse for him when etho did things for grian and cleo he would never do for him.
bdubs wondering if it meant anything at all to etho, or if it was some big joke. if he and his stupid big heart was some joke to etho. if etho understood that all itd take to get bdubs on his side was the slightest attention that way, dropping the act once he was satisfied with bdubs devotion.
to bdubs, it sure would be looking like he didn't ever matter to etho, only what he could do to keep etho alive did. nothing about his wellbeing or even happiness mattered to etho
bdubs told him he would not kill him, no matter what. even when etho told him he wouldn't blame him if we did. and etho couldn't even bother lying about failing a task for bdubs' sake
its not even that bdubs would care if etho attacked him for a task. if there was anything he could do for etho he'd do it in a heart beat, including losing a few hearts. but the fact that etho didn't even care enough to go 'yeah sure id fail a task for you' after bdubs proclaimed his loyalty
then, seeing how etho treats grian and cleo...
i need bdubs to be furious
i need him to be angry on his own behalf. to recognise his self worth and realise he deserves better.
he would give everything to etho. what more does etho want from him? what more could he give to make etho care about him? how DARE etho build him a place in his home, pull bdubs in close, only to treat him like shit?
i need bdubs to be furious
and im going to be completely honest, i need to see him snap and kill etho. hes a man being pushed to the brink, and etho needs to learn that bdubs isnt some sidekick thats going to follow him around. that bdubs would give him the world if etho had bothered to give him even a shred of loyalty and care. and that etho FUCKED IT UP
ok im falling asleep while writing this if i got anything wrong thats why. bed time. nighnigh
Brother when I tell you that the be nice to bdubs day episode makes me sick after what etho did. Oh my god. Oh my god.
The thing is about etho is that, he doesn't lie to bdubs. I don't think he does, anyway. All that kindness he offered bdubs - well, it was obviously a bit to embarrass him, but it was also all true. He doesn't like to lie to bdubs. He's haunted by the time he promised something (a life) and didn't deliver, to the point where when he did it again (promised to help bdubs with anything he needed, then laughed at his face when bdubs sought out his help) he felt SICK
Etho doesn't like to make promises, because he hates not to deliver on them. Bdubs loves to make promises he wholeheartedly intends to deliver on, or that he hopes the receiving party will know he'll try his heart off to deliver on. Bdubs values, so much, the very act of trying, the intent behind it. Etho values results. It's a dissonance neither can really see. So it leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings
Bdubs has promised so much to etho, so many times - etho must believe the words empty, no matter how earnest bdubs is. Meanwhile, because Etho is so careful about managing expectations, he comes off as... Aloof. As not returning even half of bdubs' earnest feelings. It's such a difference in their expression of love.
Etho felt bad, and thus he pushed himself to express love in a way bdubs would understand - through words of adoration. But then he immediately returned to his old ways. Immediately withdrew, as if scared. Because he is scared. In truth, he's terrified of the feelings he holds for bdubs, and how much it can hurt the both of them. But instead of seeing that, Bdubs can only see it as Etho playing a sick game with him. Bdubs, so starved for Etho's attention and love and devotion.
I doubt he would've promised cleo or grian he would protect them against the boogeys. He's told cleo before, that he's not a protector. He doesn't want to give the impression he is because he hates the idea of betraying that impression. But in the moment, he did become a protector. But it's that seed of doubt that it plants that hurts so much.
Because now, Bdubs will always see etho and remember that he refused to vow his protection to bdubs, whilst turning around and protecting his allies. He'll always see etho and remember that heartbreak.
He feels like he's been throwing so, so much love to a complete brick wall. Somethings gotta snap.
I want bdubs to either kill etho or try to hurt him - to genuinely go after him. But also if he does - if either of them do - I'll have a category 10 ethubs meltdown I s2g
This can only end in tragedy I swear I swear I swear I feel so SICK it's late and my head hurts so this probably makes no sense but. My god
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