#why is there gluten in everything
glittergroovy · 2 months
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plumdale · 5 months
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Remember when I said I’m a baker. Yeah I lied
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Will someone come give me a hysterectomy I’ll make you donuts
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bowlzone · 9 months
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Today's cereal is Oatibix Flakes Nutty Crunch!
Initial impressions: I simply must apologize for the sorry state of this poor cereal box, purchased from a supermarket a large distance from my house, I swaddled it in my arms as I soldiered on through a thunder storm but it was clearly not enough to save it's constitution. However the inside remains just as pristine as ever for this exciting new review! Oatabix Flakes Nutty Crunch is a cereal made up of a number of different components; classic oatibix flakes, honey comb, almonds, cornflakes and caramelized nuts. Before pouring it out, I followed the instructions on the top of the box and shook vigorously. Hopefully this means a nice even distribution of bits throughout.
Post bowl thoughts: All the individual components merge here to form an extremely dusty and beige bowl of cereal, without a particularly distinct smell. When I take my first spoonful, the texture of the oatibix flakes makes me feel like my teeth are small millstones grinding against each other to turn wheat into flour. It's not all together unpleasant, but I can't shake the thought from my head as I make my way through the bowl. The additions here of honey comb, almonds, cornflakes and caramelized nuts get slightly lost and instead pop up every once and a while to add a crunch of texture. They don't impact the taste at all though, which is a shame as it means the whole bowl stays relatively bland. This is a cereal that would hugely benefit from the addition of some fruit to add a brightness to the neutral palate it possesses straight out the box. On the whole my main complaint with Oatibix Flakes Nutty Crunch is that it is not gluten free. Surely replacing the wheat in Weetabix with oats is a great way to exclude gluten from the cereal as a whole, but no. This cereal contains malt barley extract, right down near the bottom of the ingredients list. It's frustrating that clearly no thought was put into making this cereal an accessible option for people stuck with expensive and uninteresting free-from foods, when a small adjustment could have enabled it. All in all, unnecessary inclusion of gluten aside, this isn't a bad bowl of cereal. It's also not a good one. Perhaps as I work my way through the box and add some mix-ins, I'll feel more generous towards it, but as things stand I can only offer a shrug.
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sodrippy · 4 months
mealkits are so prevalent now youd think at least one of them would do gluten free
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certifiedceliac · 8 months
Ive got a lot of gripes about American food, but by far one of the most annoying things in general is how hard it is to find unsweetened/low sugar (not sugar free!) foods
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I have made a dire mistake
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milkweedman · 1 year
I had asked my mom to ask her sister specifically but her family in general about eds stuff (just like trying to guage if it runs in the family on that side, etc), bc my aunts kids have combinations of health problems that tend to be comorbid with eds (autism, gi stuff, etc). And my mom got back to me and said they said they were all actually struggling with some joint issues thay were getting a lot worse as well and im just 😐😐😐😐😐😐 i was just wondering if one cousin in that family was having joint problems but holy shit dude
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schwazombie · 5 months
Still thinking about the fact that when Husband went to get an ADHD specialist they told him that yeah, he probably had it, but weren't going to give him a diagnosis because he lives with me and I keep him on track. What in the 1950s bullshit
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
ridiculous that there isn't a treatment for gluten intolerance that doesn't require giving up gluten. what if i love bread and noodles
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songsandfairytales · 10 months
once again I am the cause of my own suffering. this time it just happens to be in the form of a gluten free everything bagel.
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dragpinkman · 1 year
you dont want to know how much daring breaded "chicken" i could go through in one week. i cant afford this daily need, i have to ration each bag
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kutyaharapas · 5 months
hate this cycle of being asked "oh are you not eating youre getting so thin eat more" or making jokes like "haha im also doing the (my name here) diet today" in the reference of eating nothing. im depressed. i dont feel like eating. be a little nicer to me please? its a chore and everything tastes boring. im trying my best. and also you made it entirely unfun to eat in this house
when i get out of the slump i knowwwww ill be asked wow dont you think you should lose weight/i have exercise tip for you for no reason at all haha and other fun stuff. have a healthy relationship w food and my body challenge impossible
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mooninagust · 6 months
eating out yesterday, suffering today. the epic highs and lows of a celiac.
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murrkrowng · 7 months
literally the only good thing about having the autoimmune disorder that i have is that i never have to eat corn or lettuce again
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