#why women kill karl
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Karl Grove is a gay icon.
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onthemerits · 10 months
no one told me that the simone-karl plot from why women kill would rip my heart out and stomp it into little itty bitty pieces
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farchoooon69 · 3 months
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The only straight married couple that the history books will refer to being "very close friends". Perhaps even "constant companions". But NOT "romantic lovers".
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short-gremlin · 7 months
if i had a nickel for every time i saw jack davenport play a gay man who died a death that personally hurt me i'd have two nickels
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fruity-phrog · 5 months
I cannot express the way the “He’s a human being” scene in Why Women Kill makes me feel. Just the human need to scream when you’re talking to a group of people, begging them to help you, because there’s no reason why they shouldn’t, they are watching a man suffer before their very eyes as a hate crime is displayed in front of them, but they all just stare. Simone’s desperation and voice breaks and lurches into the crowd to find someone to help while clearly not wanting to stray too far from Karl - tore my heart to pieces.
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thatrandomblogsays · 2 months
“Soulmates don’t have to be romantic” you’re absolutely and Why Women Kill wrote the most beautiful platonic soulmate love story of a woman and her gay husband who went from happily married, kind of enemies, to best friends and ended with Simone nursing Karl as he died from AIDS. One of the most wonderful and gut wrenching love stories I’ve seen in awhile.
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xxcherrycherixx · 2 months
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anyway i just finished why women kill and i need to just say that beth ann and april are lesbian lovers now 🏳‍🌈
they have a daughter and live together, they're definitely fucking.
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a-fucking-tornado · 7 months
So like, I finished watching Why Women Kill s1 yesterday and it's just so. good. Like, I'm in love with it. I'm currently in the middle of s2 (although it's not as good as the first one). I'm in love with all the storylines! They're all just so perfect omfgs I love them-
Anyways, I kinda made wallpapers for my phone and I decided to share them. Hope you enjoy it! <<3
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personinthepalace · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time Lucy Liu played a character who is platonic soulmates with a male character then I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but I love that it has happened at least twice so far
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welcome to day #47389394 of me getting emotionally attached to a fictional middle aged gay man
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phonedidion · 2 years
i never understood the whole obsession with sad elderly gay men but i think im getting it now. i would like to thank irving severance and karl wwk for educating me i am listening and learning
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
just finished season one of why women kill…did i watch the whole season in two days? …maybe
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Jack Davenport on Why Women Kill Season 1
as Karl on Why Women Kill Season [S1 E1]
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huckleberr1es · 2 months
ight i watched season 1 of why women kill and imma be real. im gonna drop season 2. season 2 didnt need to happen. as far as im concerned it was a single season gem of a show with no mediocre follow up.
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the woobification of the lords is something ill never be able to wrap my head around 😭 its insane to me how people can have such a horrible interpretation of events and characters based off of what we have in the actual game
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lady dimitrescu isnt some gentle giant who only hates men and loves women and treats them like queens and she just loves living a quiet life with her daughters, she kills and tortures people 😭😭 she like actively killed her maids and drank their blood 😭 they have a basement that has so much blood in it that it goes up to ethans THIGHS
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they are muderous and SADISTIC, including the daughters
the woobfication of the dimitrescu daughters is always the most confusing to me. their faces are literally covered in BLOOD 😭😭 they chase ethan around and stab him will laughing and giggling, cassandra literally calls it a HUNT, it is fun to them and they enjoy it
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people always try to frame it as ethan breaking into their homes while they are scared and afraid 😭 i can assure you that nobody is afraid of him at first 😭 they dont think hes an actual threat, thats why they toy with him. and dont act like they were unaware of what he wanted. they were all present at the family meeting with miranda, they were all present when they JARRED rosemary 😭 they know what ethan wants, they know who ethan is, to frame them as "minding their own business" is the most absurd interpreation you could make of them
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they were all involved, they all knew what he wanted, and they all HAD what he wanted
you can feel sympathy for lady D, when she cries for her daughters with tears in her eyes, she loved them, they were her family, but you cannot deny the hypocrisy. "how can you kill my daughters for your own!" you have his daughters head in a pickle jar! her daughters werent innocent defenless babies who were scared of big ol ethan stomping around in their house, they have weapons! they wanted to hurt him, and they did, and when he fought back he won
i cannot stress enough that in every single fight, ethan is not the first to strike. he is either backed into a corner where its either his life or theirs, or he is literally being tortured/ chased around, what do you want him to do? these people have pieces of his baby, should he have lied down and died?? 😭
whenever ethan is in a situation where the other person isnt stabbing him in the abdomen 100 times he tries to HELP them 😭 he tries to help absoulute strangers of a village he doesnt even know while he knows his own daughter is missing, even when the stranger is also a jerk to him 😭 he wants allies, he isnt actively trying to make enemys, and before you cry "karl heisenberg!" im getting there...
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the thing that bothers me with how people treat donna is that although she isnt the WORST she gets woobfied the MOST imo, like she is the ONLY lord (other than karl but hes a outlier because he wanted ethan to come over so they could make out on his bed) who actively lures ethan in, miss dimitrescus, yeah sure u could say that he trespassed, same with moreau, but donna literally LURES HIM IN with hallucinations of his DEAD WIFE, then OPENS THE DOOR for him and TAKES HIM DOWN THE ELEVATOR
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she is literally one of the people who ACTIVELY leads him to where she is
she also uses psychological puzzles , like making ethan perform surgery on a wooden doll of his wife and making him run away from a monster that cries like a baby and calls him "dada" 😭 she did not need to do any of that... like at all 😭 she did it because she wanted to 😭 she is by no means innocent at all
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she toyed with him for literally no reason other than her own desire and then ethan doesnt even intentionally kill her. he is in a situation where is his trapped in the house and has to find angie, the doll, to avoid being attacked by dolls with like 100 knives stapled onto them
its only when he defeats angie its revealed that he had actually stabbed DONNA. he didnt even intentionally kill her 😭
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then moreau... poor moreau... 😭
moreau in my opinion is one of the more sympathetic lords. whoever he was in his life pre cadou has no influence or impact on his life post cadou, the cadou just wrecked his brain functions
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all he is is just mirandas minion at this point, he only wants to please her and doesnt really think about anything else for himself 😭
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i dont have much to say about moreau because theres not really many people who woobfiy him or pay him any attention really 😭 though i will say he was very unabashedly evil 😭 he did horrible things, such as eating the fishermen and his experiments with the cadou on the villagers, he did it for mirandas approval but its not a excuse for it, hes still a villian 😭 now we are onto karl.... this guy... the woobification of him is insane 😭 first of all, something i dont see people acknowledge is that he actually HAS killed villagers! no he doesnt just use dead bodies (which btw isnt really a step up 😭 some of u set the bar too low man) the lycan gauntlet that he made ethan run through? yeah, he used that before! he has an entire PA system set up in it! he has lights and huge spikey metal death traps! he did not make all of that just for ethan just to "play appearances" for miranda. there were other people who went through that. and they DIED!
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their deceased bodies are still in there! karl is messed up and eccentric 😭 it makes him fun, let him be messed up and evil 😭 and yes, karl used DEAD bodies instead of killing people who were alive, so surely that makes him far less evil right?
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karl really isnt a good person, he has reasons for the things he does, he wants to take down miranda and i dont think hed be creating undead zombies in the first place if it werent for her ruining his life but that isnt justification, its just an explanation for why he does what he does. he has a sympathetic back story and motives but you cant erase what he did, hes a villain! he tries to use a baby as a weapon!!! all 4 of the lords are villains, and instead of making other characters worse to uplift your favorite character that did something bad, you can just accept that the character you like did bad things 😭 they are all fictional, if i like moreau it does not mean i endorse eating fishermen 😭 you can like a character that is flawed, or evil, or did insanely messed up things because its RESIDENT EVIL. they are EVIL! they do bad things! like im sorry! but if your fave has a villains wiki it probably means they did some bad things! 😭
i wish people would be able to enjoy a character without entirely dismissing the bad things they did. its okay to like a character that does bad things, its ok to find them interesting and fun! but you cant deny what actually happens in games to try and make them appear as innocent. you dont have to justify every little thing that they do, just accept them as a whole!
of course this doesnt apply to AUs or just posting for fun. you can change media to be what you want to make it more fun. im going to draw lady dimitrescu treating ethan like a unwanted family pet. does that mean that i think she would really do that in canon? no! she would bite him and then tie him up like a pinata and give her daughters blindfolds and bats!
but people need to be able to recognize that fanon is NOT canon.
this post is about canon interpretations,
this is just addressing people who genuinely believe that those kinds of portrayals of the character is an ACCURATE portrayal, because its not.
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stari-hun · 1 month
The Dittarsdorfs
A concentrated pot of poison.
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Mr. Dittarsdorf is only Dittarsdorf we see zero trace of. The story itself makes the decision to show you the interaction between Theopil and Arcana, the origin of The Salvation. But as for Mr. Dittarsdorf the only appearances we get from him are talking about Theopil behind his back and weighing his expectations for the family name onto Isolde. But what’s most interesting about Mr. Dittarsdorf is how he was the one to get Evangeline into therapy. Mr. Karl saw Evangeline as a daily product, and the rest of the manor was too young or didn’t have the status to suggest it. Their doctor, although paid off by Evangeline’s stalker, must’ve brought it up and he agreed. But after he still neglected his family, being a person she could never ground herself to. Theopil haunts the narrative however Mr. Dittarsdorf despite putting many things in place that led to the way things turned out for the family, ultimately slips through the cracks. A part of this is due to the fact that Isolde herself is both an unreliable narrator, but also her disinterest in anyone but Kakania.
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Theopil is the ghost that haunts the narrative. He’s engrained in every corner and crack of the story because of how he seeped into others lives and minds. He created The Salvation as a hope for Arcanists and humans against the storm, but it ultimately lead to his death from extending a hand to someone who had no intentions of taking it.
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The main story and Isolde’s character event talk at length about how the talent of the Dittarsdorfs is always inherited most by the women in the bloodline. It’s why when Theopil created The Salvation with the immunity ritual painted into it, it only gained the status of a masterpiece when Isolde added to it.
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Evangeline is the character who proceeds the plot. Through her parallels to Isolde and Trista we can gather her backstory as well. Evangeline likely became a medium at Trista’s age or slightly older, but not as old as Isolde was. Her attitude and dialogue before Trista’s death implied her eagerness to awaken Trista wasn’t entirely from family tradition but instead because she was fearful for keeping the art alive. Her attitude towards making money and her frantic nature implies she might not have been financially stable enough to enjoy the arts at a young age, but did after discovering her own talent for opera. Mr. Dittarsdorf then married her for her status as the Star of Vienna before neglecting her along with the rest of the family. However a lack of being seen and cared for is what led to his death, as she killed him in a fit of mania after not giving her the right access to cope. Instead letting her kill the animals of their garden time and time again while disposing of them without her knowledge. Nonetheless Evangeline had a strong connection to life. After Trista’s death she couldn’t let go. Even in her fateful act of killing her own husband, Evangeline hummed Trista’s lullaby.
An interesting fact about her though is how much Isolde and her are parallel. Besides them both killing off the other side of their family, Isolde was also talked about in the manor as being sick in the same way Evangeline was. Theopil would’ve seen the parallels growing up which is why he created The Salvation for Isolde after learning about The Storm.
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An early cause of Isolde’s sickness was Trista. Isolde was too inexperienced as a medium to make spirits obey her command, and Trista took advantage of that in her jealousy that Isolde lived and she didn’t. Many of her scenes lean into her being unstable in a far more malicious way than Isolde or even Evangeline. In her own chapter she was melancholy about not growing up with Theopil and Isolde even aloof and amused at the way they were growing up. However in the next chapter from an outside view of Isolde’s childhood we see how Trista took pleasure in making Isolde sick and in pain, her comments about it being a shame she didn’t join her far more serious than a child’s comment. Trista was deeply and violently jealous at being “forgotten” by her family after her death in the same way her world did. Every Dittarsdorf is given their own lullaby just for them when they’re born. Much like Trista’s door, she sees both of these things as forgotten fragments of everyone’s memories. Trista’s mentality being older than her age reveals itself when Isolde talked about Mr. Karl’s door and how the opulence was a facade to embarrass and degrade her. It was a scene to show how distressed she was while around him and how it stacked under him teaching her for every class. Isolde started becoming ill and her mental stability started crumbling from spirit’s interference. As Trista choked her as a child until she threw up for growing older than her despite being younger, Isolde later commanded Trista along with many other spirits to take control off her life for her. Despite this, it’s implied Isolde is easily able to take back her place from them at any time.
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