#wifi ralph sucks
kiirostarz · 11 months
I don't know if this Disney theory has already been said... but I've been thinking about it.
In the Wreck It Ralph movie, in the Sugar Rush video game there are some runners that are recolors of other runners. Not only do they not appear in the second film, but at the end of the first they are not even there or even a trace of them.
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I was thinking that Turbo practically knew how to handle the video game code, that he even created an avatar for himself in the game (I was also thinking if Turbo's character was a character he stole, or if he created it especially for him 🤔) However, I wouldn't be surprised if Turbo created recolors based on other characters as well. Why? Surely to prevent Vanellope from having a chance to enter the competitions, I'm sure he would do everything possible to prevent her from even participating in the slightest.
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This would also explain why in the end they disappear, since, as turbo died, everything he did in the video game disappeared, the code manipulated etc... Even the recolors.
I think this would have been more interesting to explore in the sequel, you know...they clearly wanted to focus on Vanellope because people really liked her in the first movie. (Even me, I think his character in the second movie didn't do her justice...)
Just imagine that after the events of the first movie, not only vanellope but also the runners and the other characters in the video game changed in a certain way, and some runners remember the recolors and want to bring them back because after all they are their friends. And, besides, we could see how Vane and the runners have a closer relationship, after all the bullying and everything that happened in the past. I don't know... I've always been fascinated by the world of Sugar Rush, it's a shame I haven't seen more of it. Even the characters had too much potential to have their own franchise, like frozen, Encanto...
(yeah, i think that's all and sorry if i wrote something wrong, english isn't my first language 😅)
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lumosinlove · 3 years
Between Fifth And You
chapter two
It’s Saturday night for Manhattan’s elite, and we know what that means. The Noble House of Black beckons, and one particularly family seems to be a little behind on preparations—at least, their youngest son is.
Spotted—Logan Tremblay, looking hot in nothing but basketball shorts. Better soak up that fading blue August heat while you can, Lo. Or are you more interested in something a little more…fiery? But in the LES? Why so far from home, Dorothy? Eye color isn’t the only thing green about the Tremblay family. And they have a bad habit of sorting everything out with a little help from Ben Franklin.
“Shoot, shoot!”
Logan pivoted on his heel and was able to toss the ball around his opponent’s shoulder. He only caught a glimpse of red hair as Finn caught it with ease and jumped it up to the rim.
Finn O’Hara. One of these days Logan was going to step on his own shoes watching Finn O’Hara. His pale chest looked like sugar dusting, his exertion-red cheeks the goddamn cherry.
“Point moo-oi!” Finn shouted, slapping Will Morgan and Percy Marshall on their bare backs. “That’s how you say it, right, Tremblay?”
Logan feigned a shudder. “Non.”
“Shorty’s got game,” Will laughed, sweat dripping down his dark brown skin, darkening the leather bracelets he wore.
Percy shook his head, swallowing over a caught-breath, his silver Star of David swinging at his throat. “Shorty must be cheating with his Upper Side shoes.”
Logan just narrowed his eyes and laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “You’re just tall. Doesn’t mean you’re good.”
“Yeah, yeah, Mazel tov, you fucker.”
“I’m finally winning,” Finn grinned. “And now I gotta get back to the shop. I said be back in five…pretty sure it’s been fifty-five.”
Logan swallowed. “I’ll—I’ll walk you.”
Percy slapped him on the back as they left, and Finn held the cage door of the basketball court open for him.
“So, you’re back at school?” Finn asked as he pulled his shirt on. Logan nodded, following suit, picking at the neck where it stuck to his sweaty skin.
“Yeah,” Logan nodded. “I’m supposed to be getting fitted for a suit right now.”
Finn snorted. “What does that have to do with school?”
“Oh,” the corner of Logan’s mouth raised as he realized. “Nothing, I…well, you know. The social scene. It sort of all feels like one thing, up there.”
Finn pouted at him. “Poor baby. Too many parties.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Logan laughed.
“Hey, feel like lunch?”
“I thought you had to be back.”
Finn shrugged. “I’m hungry.”
Logan bit his lip, wondering how many different ways his older sisters could actually kill him. Honestly, he thought he’d just die on the spot of he passed up the change to be squeezed into one of the small restaurants that Finn frequented. Screw the grand tables of his life. Logan wanted cracked leather booths small enough to let their ankles brush. Not that he’d ever say that out loud.
Finn didn’t disappoint. They walked down the shade of Mott street, then turned at a bakeshop on the corner. Finn pointed at it.
“You’ve been here, haven’t you?”
Logan raised a shoulder. “I don’t get down here much.”
Finn snorted. “Listen to you. Down here. You’re down here enough to pop into my bookstore all the time.”
Logan studied the cakes in the windows, biting his lip when he realized Finn’s eyes were still on him in the reflection. “I…yeah.”
Finn flicked the bill of Logan’s hat which shaded the back of his neck. “How’s that latest book you bought?”
Logan turned away from the window to get them walking again, not sure where they were going but trusting Finn to lead. “I’m starting school, man, I don’t have all the time in the world.”
Finn just laughed. “Come on, let’s catch the 6.”
Logan found himself squeezed into a tiny French restaurant in the West Village that served them even tinier croissants.
“I know the chef,” Finn said popping one he had spread jam and butter on into his mouth. “Dumo. Don’t pay a cent. I fucking love these things.”
Logan would have bought Finn a thousand of the tiny pastries without a blink just to see him lick a bit of jam from his thumb again.
“Dumo doesn’t sound very French…” Logan began cutting up his waffle.
Finn laughed. “Pascal Dumais does.”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s more like it.”
Logan glanced at a woman and her baby, who had started crying. He tried to think of something to say. For someone who’s job seemed to be making small talk at various parties and charming people with his accent—or so his mother sometimes said—he sure was horrible at it.
“So, what’s the suit for?” Finn asked, taking a sip of his black coffee.
“A fashion show,” Logan sighed, hiding his surprise—and maybe delight—at Finn’s unknowing shrug. “It’s…sort of a lot. Lots of people and cameras. And I always have to wear something green.”
Finn hummed in understanding. “It’s the eyes, yeah?”
Logan nodded. “A lot of fast English, too.”
Finn tilted his head. “I didn’t know that was hard for you. You’re perfect.”
Logan tried not to flush and covered it with a shrug. “I lived in France until I was fifteen before we finally moved to my dad. It’s still nice to be able to read lips sometimes. With the flashes and they make it super dark…I don’t know.”
“No, that makes sense,” Finn said, brown eyes soft. He smiled. “Hey, well, if you don’t want to go to the fitting, come man the shop with me. I’d love the company.”
Logan looked at him and ached, but saw his older sister Noelle’s pleading, excited expression in his mind. He might not love the scene, but he loved his sisters. “I wish I could. Really.”
They finished up their food and Logan had to admit that he lingered over his coffee until Finn said he absolutely had to leave.
“Hey, Tremblay,” Finn called from down the sidewalk, and Logan turned in the full knowledge that seeing the smile Finn sent him would only make him want to stay more.
The dutiful son wants the bookshop boy…I don’t know, Lo. How will their royal highnesses feel about that?
“Come buy more books you don’t read soon, okay?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile back. “D’accord.”
Finn walked backwards a few steps, yelling, “And bring me something green!” before turning and jogging down the subway stairs.
Logan laughed as he called his driver to him, escaping the heat for air conditioned leather.
Pearls or diamonds, Upper Siders? Armani or Ralph? What, like you have other questions tonight?
Well, I have one for you. A tip from a friendly scroller gave me a peak at tonight’s guest list. Do you think we’re in for more than just a showdown on the runway? Cat fights over cat walks is what I always say.
[Image description: Two name cards reading, from left to right, Leo Knut and Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Sebastian Montague]
Remus found Julian already dressed and tapping at a game on his phone when he descended the winding staircase of their penthouse.
“You waiting for mom and dad?” Remus said, dropping a kiss to the top of his head.
“And you,” Julian said.
“Right, right,” Remus smoothed his black tuxedo, trying to ignore the subtle glint of blue-silver embroidered into the black velvet. His mother was a planner—which Remus liked usually—but this design had not aged well. This suit had a twin that it no longer belonged with. Remus clenched his jaw as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He’d hoped wearing it would feel like defiance.
But it only felt like he was lonely. He gave his head a hard shake. He had Leo. He couldn’t let New York throw him.
“Gossip Girl’s going crazy. Of course,” Julian said.
“Jules, you shouldn’t read that stuff,” Remus sighed. “It’s just gossip—”
“Just posted about Sirius,” Julian murmured.
Remus huffed, pushing his hair out of its too neat style in the mirror. “So?”
Julian shrugged, but pointedly looked away when Remus took out his own phone.
The photo looked like one from the paparazzi, but the sight of Sirius on the red carpet made Remus’ throat close up.
I spy a statement piece. Or maybe it’s just a statement. Sirius Black arrives on the red carpet—or should I say black carpet—with none other than New York’s favorite icon, in worship and fashion alike. The Saint of these streets is looking particularly dashing tonight, hand in hand with the heir of this city. Ouch, Re. Looks like you’ve been dethroned.
Remus stared down at the screen, neck hot. Sirius’ suit sleeves had the barely there leather half moon cut-outs that Remus remembered tracing onto his skin.
Sirius had smiled into their kiss. Think anyone will notice?
Remus had just laughed. Everyone will notice.
But there was Saint, a crown of moonstones in his golden hair.
Remus looked down at his own suit. Of course Saint had thought of a way they’d match, that was all it was, but it still felt like a snub.
“I sort of miss him,” Julian said quietly.
Remus’ heart pulled. He swallowed and clicked his phone off. He looked at Julian, who looked almost sheepish.
“Do you?” Julian asked even more quietly.
“Don’t you like Leo?” Remus asked.
“Of course,” Julian nodded quickly. “But…”
“Remus,” Hope smiled, coming down the stairs arm-in-arm with their father. “Jules. Ready, boys?”
Remus didn’t think saying no was an option. He cleared his throat, pushed his hair back.
“Almost,” he said, backtracking towards the stairs. “Just a second. Gotta call Leo, make sure he hasn’t left yet.”
“We can watch a livestream of the red carpet and the show,” Natalie said. “Sit.”
Finn groaned, squished beside Natalie on her tiny sofa. “That feels like I’m stalking him.”
“We’re allowed to stalk the boys we like.”
“You’re dating my brother, Nat. Does this mean you stalked him?”
“It really does,” Alex said, coming in from the kitchen with their margaritas and dropping a kiss to Natalie’s temple.
“Hm,” Natalie smiled up at him, accepting a kiss to her lips. “Scruffy.”
Finn sighed and pulled a knee up to his chest, watching the loading video Natalie had pulled up.
“Your wifi sucks,” he mumbled.
“It’ll load,” Natalie scooted over for Alex and passed Finn his drink.
“Salsa, too,” Finn said, waving it over.
Finally, the video popped up to a view of the red carpet.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Alex said.
“Be nice,” Natalie laughed. “It’s fashion!”
“Look,” Alex sighed. “I know they’re wealthy and it’s suppose to be all, I don’t know sandy beaches and wristwatches, but not a single one of these people look remotely happy. Like take a look at this guy—“
Finn looked over the sandy-haired man posing in front of the cameras—well, not posing, really. Kasey Winter, the commentators were saying.
“Nice hair,” Natalie crunched on a chip. “And listen to that, his mother’s one of the biggest producers at Weird Sisters Records.”
“Fine, but he looks like he’s ready to kill someone. I mean, anyone else think its kind of fucked up that the New York families go to a New York university where New York businesses draw from New York’s elite?”
“Yes,” Finn and Natalie said in unison.
And then there was Logan.
Finn let out an embarrassing sound and set his drink down, leaning forward.
Logan walked out in front of the cameras with three girls—his sisters, Finn remembered. Not to mention he followed all of them on Instagram. They had a lot of shoes, sure, but they seemed all right.
“I saw this thing on Gossip Girl about one of the sisters,” Natalie said. “She—”
“Nat, why the hell do you read that?”
Natalie shot him a look. “Like you don’t.”
Finn ignored them, too focused on the dark, nearly black, velvety green cape—or was it cloak?—that covered Logan’s shoulders down to above his elbows, falling to an elegant point at the small of his back over his black suit. The sisters had a similar get-up in one way or another—a green train, a shawl, a corset. Logan’s clasp was a silver fleur-de-lis.
“Green,” Finn breathed.
“What?” Alex asked.
Finn bit the inside of his cheek at Logan’s expression. It was meant to be blank, Finn thought, at-ease and untouchable, but it came off almost enticing. His dark eyelashes swept against his cheeks. Finn watched his throat bob around a swallow, his adored eyes shifting from flash to flash.
“Nothing,” Finn answered his brother.
“How’d you meet this kid anyway, Fish?” his brother asked.
“I was closing up shop about a month ago,” Finn said. “And he stopped at one of our windows. Looked like he’d run the entire island, he was breathing so hard. Not to mention it was pouring like nothing else. Thought he was gonna pass out, so I unlocked the door and let him in to get dry. I don’t know, he was kind of shy at first. Listened to me talk for about an hour before he started giving anything back.” Finn shrugged, watching Logan walk off screen. “I invite him to play basketball with me, Morg, and Percy now. We get lunch after sometimes.”
Natalie sighed. “He looked like one unhappy camper.”
“I think his family puts a lot of pressure on him. He’s the baby. Only son. All that bullshit.”
“I kind of want that cape,” Natalie said.
Alex sighed. “That’s the idea.”
Natalie slapped his chest, then kissed his cheek, and Finn watched Logan walk off-screen.
“What say you, Capulet?”
Sirius looked down at Saint at his shoulder. “They’re out of crab puffs.”
“Boo,” Saint said. “You still closing the show?”
“Shouldn’t you be in hair and makeup?”
Saint stepped in front of him, the gold band of moonstones nestled in his curls glinting in the dark stage lights. “Looking for someone?”
Sirius just reached out and ran a gentle thumbnail beneath where Saint’s golden eyeliner had smudged against his brown skin, striking it back to a point. “Nope. See you after the show.”
Saint clucked his tongue. “I’m unimpressed.”
“What else is new?” Sirius said.
Saint went to smile, when his eyes flickered behind Sirius and he raised his eyebrows. “That.”
Sirius turned around, and quickly schooled his expression. The cameras were going wild, and in front of all the flashing lights was Remus, hand-in-hand with Leo Knut.
“They make a sunshine pair,” Saint said from beside him. “How’re you feeling?”
Sirius touched two fingers to one of the black-leather moons on his jacket sleeve. They were meant to go with Remus’ stars. He remembered planning for them. He’d thought…part of him had thought if he’d worn them tonight—
“Cloudy sky,” he replied to Saint.
“I was gonna say dappled sunlight in…” Saint glanced around. “A dark forest.”
Remus and Leo were wearing dress shirts, collars rumpled and unbuttoned at their throats, each in a smooth shade of cream. Their hands, decked out in golden rings, were laced together, and they both wore pale gray slacks, slim cut, and laceless nikes.
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun…hmm, but don’t I spy some burning jealous?
“What are we going for here,” Saint raised an eyebrow. “Left in a hurry and didn’t get the dress code?”
“We’re going against me,” Sirius replied, slipping his hands into his pockets and trying to stand straight. “That’s all.”
“Sunlight in a dark forest, indeed.”
Sirius watched them looking out over the flashes, and tried not to look surprised when golden eyes met his own. Remus’ expression didn’t change either. Instead, he simply blinked, then looked away. Leo, tall and lean, leaned into his ear, and Remus smiled. The cameras popped like champagne.
I love right here, Sirius remembered his own voice, the feeling of the soft skin by Remus’ eye beneath his thumb. I love right here when you smile.
“I need to get backstage,” Sirius said shortly, and turned on his heel.
“I’ll be watching.”
“Don’t I know,” Sirius called as he weaved his way through the crowd, heading backstage. The woman with a radio in her ear looked annoyed and nervous when he slipped past her, and radioed that he had arrived to whoever it was that needed to know.
“Sirius!” Alice called, hands full of makeup brushes and up in the air. “Jesus Christ, do you think I have all fucking night?”
Sirius shrugged out of his red carpet jacket—which someone took—and slid into her chair. “Sorry, Al.”
She twirled a protective cape around his shoulders, snapping it at the base of his neck. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty. But then again, I think everyone’s pretty.”
Sirius closed his eyes, letting her begin. “People are.”
Alice had just finished contour when Sirius all but felt his mother’s presence. A shift in the air. A cooler wind. People standing up straighter and shivering.  
“Sirius,” his mother’s face appeared in the mirror. Her red lipstick was the brightest thing about her, and even that was almost mauve. Her dress was tight around her breasts, but cascaded in thick waves of velvet behind her, and she wore tall leather boots. It almost looked like armor. “You’re very late, darling.”
“Sorry,” Sirius said. “Saint and I got caught up in the crowd, I guess.”
She hummed. “You two looked fetching out there. He’s much more pleasing than that other boy ever was. His family is important, too.”
It was true, that his mother had never liked Remus much. Though, Sirius couldn’t compare him and Saint. They were two different oceans.
“Get dressed,” his mother breathed, and was already snapping her fingers at one of the other models before Sirius could say another word.
“All right?” Alice asked him quietly.
Sirius looked at himself in the mirror. Her contour made his face look almost gaunt, as was the general makeup for all of the models, and he knew he’d be given dark eye makeup next, his hair fluffed into perfect curls.
“Fine,” Sirius said, and closed his eyes to let her work.
Sirius was shrugging into his given outfit—a billowing longcoat, 20th century in fashion, and a longer tunic made almost entirely of the thinnest black silk. It would shimmer when he walked, he knew, and his tall, lace-up boots, the flat sole so thin and delicate that he almost felt barefoot, would disappear beneath the shimmer. His mother was cold, stubborn, and cruel sometimes, an unfeeling, yawning sort of dark, but she was talented.
“Lord Vader,” came a voice from behind him, and Sirius laughed even before he turned to face Thomas Walker.
“Sounds about right,” Sirius said, and they clasped hands, pulling them into a one-armed hug. “You look fantastic, though.”
Thomas spun slowly on his heel, letting the long, loose fitting white linen of his button-down—which went out in two, tuxedo-like tails at his back—flare out above his slim, black trousers. He wore a thin scarf of distressed wool.
“Like a fallen gentleman, no?” Thomas grinned. “I might try and steal these pants. And maybe the shirt for Noelle.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sirius smiled, spying Noelle’s green eyes behind his shoulder. “She’ll love that.”
Noelle wrapped her arms, which were draped in a transparent green cloth, around Thomas’ waist. “Thanks for thinking of me, T baby.”
Thomas laughed in surprise. “Who let you back stage?”
“I’m a Tremblay, they’ll let us in anywhere.”
Thomas turned his head to capture Noelle in a soft kiss.
“See you after, hm?” Noelle said. “I’m gonna go say hi to my friend, she’s walking tonight, too.”
“Yeah, we’ll ride to Honeyduke’s together.”
Noelle raised an eyebrow at him. “You coming, Black?”
“Saint all but owns the place,” Sirius said. “Of course I am.”
Sirius walked. He didn’t look down, or hear the cameras. It wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, to be up here, not able to see past the lights—but something tonight was different. It felt as it had the night of his and Remus’ first kiss.
In that show, he had had one, thin line of black lipstick traced over the center of his bottom lip. It had marked Remus’ throat and cheeks like soot by the end of it all.
Remus had been waiting for him back stage.
“Come here,” Remus had whispered, and laced their fingers together.
“Where?” Sirius had answered, surprised by their palms pressing together.
But it hadn’t been a place. Remus had pressed them back in between clothing racks, and crashed their mouths together.
Here, Remus had whispered, and kissed him again.
Sirius felt the absence of the stage lights like a wash of cold air, and he stretched out his back, letting his stony face drop a little. He glanced around, but there was no one to be found. His cheeks were warm just thinking about it.
“Good,” his mother said as he passed her by to take off the makeup, and that was all.
Saint looked across Honeyduke’s and felt like it was his. Logan was laughing with Thomas and Noelle, and he had Kasey Winter beside him, securing tickets to one of their favorite bands to see together.
“Done,” Kasey said, and flashed one of his rare smiles.
“I knew you were my favorite,” Saint took a sip of his drink, and Kasey scoffed.
“Me or my mom?”
“Maybe a little of both. Oh, and we’re going to sushi beforehand.”
Kasey’s smile was larger now. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. You gonna leave with that drummer again? What’s her name?”
Saint smiled. “Oh, Sally. And I make it a habit to always leave with the drummer.”
Kasey just shook his head. “Yeah, yeah. I’m getting a drink and leaving you to your one-liners.”
Saint watched him go, feeling settled, and set about scanning the room for Sirius. He was sure he’d know if he was there—people tended to swarm to Sirius, even if he didn’t ask for it. It was part of the reason they were so close. People flocked to Saint, too. So, they asked for each other’s company. A more intimate, calm part of life. Sirius was quiet. Saint wasn’t, but he let Saint , for a moment, be that way, too. Saint was loud. Sirius wasn’t, but Saint had his ways to fire him up.
“Another drink, sir?”
Saint looked over his shoulder, only to turn all the way around, interest peaked. The bartender had sandy hair, and a strong jaw, his cheeks textured by acne scars in some places. He had brown eyes—save for a sliver of green in one.
“Only if you have one with me,” Saint said, and glanced down at his name-tag. “Luke.”
Luke arched an eyebrow, pressing the heels of his palms onto the bar between them, revealing rolled up sleeves and some type of vine tattoo, wrapping all around both of his forearms.
“I’m working, sir.”
“Is that a later?” he nodded at the tattoo. “Nice.”
“I don’t think so,” Luke said.
“Oh, no?”
Luke scowled—how did he look so handsome doing that?
“Do you make it a habit to go home with all the waiters, too?”
Saint didn’t let his expression flicker, just smiled nice and slow.
“Hillrock,” Saint said. “Neat.”
The barkeep turned away.
Ouch. Looks like not everyone worships at your alter, Saint.
The elevator doors opened, revealing the party to Sirius one outfit after the next. He had changed for the afterparty—the first of three. He wore a tight, thin black t-shirt and dark jeans. He hadn’t bothered to wash off the dark, smudged eyeliner from the show. His combat boots went up to just below his knee, and had the same nearly naked feeling sole. It made him feel soundless, like a shadow.
Maybe that’s why it was easy to find Remus and stand beside him without him stirring.
“You’re a little underdressed,” Sirius said without looking at him.
“Says the boy wearing a t-shirt,” Remus replied evenly.
Sirius scowled. “I meant at the show.”
“People like to be surprised,” Remus replied evenly.
“Who’s Leo?”
“My boyfriend.”
Sirius turned towards him. “You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”
Remus matched him. They were nearly chest to chest. “You didn’t say a word to me in class.”
“You didn’t—“
“I had the last word,” Remus snapped. “I figured maybe you’d finally have something to say back.”
Sirius stared at him, heart pounding in his ears. For a moment, he let himself look. At the golden eyes, hair more blond than ever from the summer’s sun. Sirius couldn’t stand that mouth set in a frown.
“Guess not,” Remus said softly, lips dropping open in the way they used to before they kissed.
Sirius all but felt him vanish into the writhing crowd.
Finn looked up when a flash of color on the morning-silent street outside caught his eye. He set the books he was holding down, took the pen out from between his teeth.
“What the hell?” Finn laughed as he pulled open the door to his bookshop to find Logan standing there. “It’s five in the fucking morning, what are you doing here? Couldn’t sleep?”
“Never did,” Logan said, and that’s when Finn saw that Logan was still in his suit from the livestream.
“Ah, I see,” Finn said, eyes flicking up and down his broad form. He swallowed dryly. “The nature of afterparties, I suppose. Well, you—you look good. For someone who’s been up all night, I mean.”
Logan just smiled, one of his small, secretive ones. Finn watched as he stepped forward so they were almost toe to toe in the doorway.
“Wh…” Finn’s voice dropped off with a breathless laugh. He couldn’t help but look at Logan’s mouth. His full lips that could speak a language Finn couldn’t even begin to describe.
Logan just reached up to the base of his own throat and unclipped the fleur-de-lis clasp there. In one smooth swoop, he drew his short cloak from his shoulders and around Finn’s, right over his worn gray t-shirt, clicking it in place. The fabric brought a gentle scent, and he figured it must be Logan’s cologne.
“Something green,” Logan said softly. A warm, early morning breeze ruffled his hair, pushing the curls forward. Finn couldn’t move. “What are you doing here?”
“Inventory,” Finn whispered, then cleared his throat. “Inventory.”
“Okay,” Logan said. “I’ll help.”
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vicholas · 6 years
Before I watched WiFi Ralph Ralph Breaks the Internet I wondered why I had barely seen people talking about the movie but now that I have watched it I understand and the reason is that it’s because it sucks
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
Alright, I should get this written so I can actually go to sleep. Today was alright, not the best but not bad. I woke up to my alarm at 10:55 (again, setting up my schedule so I could sleep in multiple days a week was SUCH a good decision) then got ready and made my way down to the DV courthouse for my last shift for the time being, I’m hoping to get back there at some point depending on how the next few months play out. There was an amusing interaction with the sheriffs at the metal detector by the front where one of them was like ‘you work here?” and looking kinda doubtful and the other one was just like “oh yeah, she works here, she’s good” and the first one was like “well if you’re gonna vouch for her she must be good” 😂 it makes life much easier when you can get on the sheriff’s good side, so I try my best to stay there. Got to the clinic, ended up waiting almost an hour for a case, which I spent looking at the secured transactions flashcards I have written up so far. There’s no wifi at the courthouse (grr cook county why) so I just had it pulled up in a tab and was looking at them. I’m definitely going to need to listen to some lectures on the subjects, because there’s only so much I can take in from reading words without an actual explanation of how these things work. But around 1:30 I got pulled in for a case, I was the first one of the volunteers (there were probably like 4 or 5 of us) to get a case, so that made me happy lol I know they give me the more difficult ones because they know I know what I’m doing and they very much appreciate that, lol. It was a fairly typical case, woman filing against the father of her children (they had six kids together) because he wouldn’t stop showing up at her house like every single day, banging on the door and demanding to see her, so obviously that’s not great. He was also like, regularly climbing into her house through a window he had broken, like she’d come home and he’d just be in her house waiting for her, I was a little worried about whether it would be granted or not at first because harassment cases tend to be kind of a toss up, but as we got further into it and there were some physically violent incidents along with threats like “I’m going to do to you what your sister’s husband did to her” because her sister was killed by her husband. so yeah, not great stuff lol. What was really frustrating was when we looked her up in the system, this was like, the 6th year in a row she’s come to file for an order, and each time the case just kinda fell through the cracks, she’d miss a court date and it’d be dismissed, or they couldn’t serve him, just procedural errors that reflect the incompetence of the system.  But we got everything printed and filed, then had to wait quite a while because there was a backlog, which then of course meant once we got to the courtroom there were a ton of people ahead of us, because we were one of the last ones to file since we started an hour late. As soon as we walked into the courtroom and I saw the judge I was like 😑😑😑😑😑😑 she’s probably my least favorite judge currently at the courthouse, I know I’ve talked about her on here before because I’ve had past cases go bad in front of her. She’s young, really young, like she looks like she couldn’t be more than 30 but I know if she’s a judge she’s gotta be at least like, 35, all of which I bring up because younger judges often feel insecure in their positions and then end up overcompensating by lashing out at people. This judge was just extremely condescending and rude, treating the victims like idiots and insisting she take control of the entire process, instead of allowing them to speak she has to control the narrative and if it didn’t fall into her already decided model, then well that sucks for you. I started getting a little more worried at this point because I know the way the affidavit was written could be misleading if they didn’t read it properly (and by properly I mean reading the whole damn affidavit, which seems to be too difficult for some judges 😑), and if she wouldn’t let my client explain it could look like the situation was a lot less extreme than it actually was. So we finally get called, one of the last, it’s at least 5 pm at this point. so my client goes up, and the judge starts being super obnoxious and just snaps at her over literally nothing (she was mad the client would say “yes” before she finished her question???? like that’s not something to get bent out of shape over) and ended up passing the case and said she’d recall it in a minute, which was just like ??? really?? was that necessary?? So my client comes back and she’s like truly bewildered as to what had just happened and what she’d done wrong, and she started crying because she was tired and stressed and just wanted to get through this, and I got really mad because she had been doing so well the entire day, it’s a fairly regular occurrence for people to break down while telling us their story, but she had been doing really well, so seeing this happen when we were so close to the end was really fucking frustrating. but one of the female sheriffs I’m friendly with and I were able to get her to calm down a bit until the case got called again, and I was basically like I know she’s crazy but just humor her for now. So she goes up and I’m really having my fingers crossed this doesn’t blow up in our faces. They get through the introductory questions okay, then she looks at the affidavit and starts questioning why it had taken her a week to come in from the last incident, but she at least allowed my client to explain that him showing up has been a daily occurrence for months now, and that he’d regularly come inside her house without permission, and that seemed to be enough to sway the judge, so she granted the order and I really just had a big sigh of relief, that at least it was over and we got a positive outcome, even if I was still hopping mad about how my client was treated. like seriously, you’re in a courthouse that’s specifically dedicated to domestic violence, you’re dealing with victims here, not criminals, and there is absolutely no excuse for losing your temper on someone who has been brave enough to come here and try to protect themselves when that is really a huge feat. There’s just no fucking excuse. I noted it on my court report I filled out afterwards, but I kinda doubt that is ever going to be taken into consideration because sadly judges are largely untouchable, even when they act inappropriately. sigh. at least we won in the end, and hopefully this one will stick, she seemed very determined that she was going to handle this and I believed her. So we went back downstairs and I tried to control myself but basically exploded at my supervisor about the judge, which she fully understood lol so that helped a bit. But I headed out, it was like 5:45 at this point and The Flash came on at 7, so I was in a bit of a rush. But I walk down to the train station and while waiting for the train I ran into a friend from church who happens to be a lawyer as well, both him and his wife are and they work in public interest law, and they’re just super cool people, so I talked to him for a few minutes about how mad I was mostly haha before the trains showed up and we went in different directions. Train to the bus, bus is slow, so by the time I got home it was like 6:52, so I ran inside and turned on the tv, and was just able to heat up some food and sit down to watch the episode. I was of course excited for this episode because it had Leo in it, even if he’s not *my* Snart, he’s still a great character and I adore Wentworth Miller and his acting. There’s also the fact that we were getting Earth-X Black Siren, which I had mixed feelings about, partially because after the crossover I got really mad that they hadn’t written earth-x Laurel as part of the rebellion, and right after Sara had the confrontation with evil Lance they end up at the rebel HQ and both of them are faced with the sister they had lost and like, tell me that’s not an absolutely brilliant plan for a scene. So knowing they didn’t do that ticked me off, though I guess it makes sense that if Tommy and Oliver were evil Laurel might be too, but I thought her sister being murdered by Nazis would be enough to make her part of the rebellion, but oh well. As far as the actual episode goes, I enjoyed it for the most part, Leo was well used, his lines were always very fitting and witty, and I liked how he just completely saw through Barry in like two seconds. I kinda had to laugh at little at them trying soooooo hard to convince us that the entire team was so broken up about losing Ralph when like, nobody in the audience fucking cares about him and most are glad he’s “dead” (I’m pretty certain they’re gonna bring him back). Siren-X’s powers were pretty cool, the superhearing thing was awesome, and she seemed to be very power as far as her canary cry (siren cry?) goes. I really did like the climax moment when both Leo and Barry are down and Leo just cuts through the crap and gets to Barry, getting him to save the day, I liked it a lot. I feel like Siren-X could’ve been used more, though tbh I really didn’t need a Nazi version of Laurel Lance when we already have an evil version of her. Is there an earth out there where Laurel has powers and is a good person? Because that I’d like to see. Anyway. As soon as that was over I switched to Rise since Black Lightning is over now I can watch that live. It was an okay episode, didn’t really do anything for me, kinda felt like more of a filler than anything else. I laughed when there were like “it’s tech week!” and they hadn’t done a full run through of the show yet because on the one hand I’ve legit opened shows without having done a full run through, but on the other the idea of a school musical with that big of a cast to have not done a full run through until tech is fucking nuts. I also kept laughing at how much the principal was concerned about ticket sales, because ticket sales to the school musical are *obviously* such a huge source of income to the school that he should be this concerned about it (most schools would be lucky if they break even on the money put into the show by ticket sales). So yeah, not my favorite episode, but not bad. After that I was out of current shows to watch so I went back to Game of Thrones which I haven’t watched in a while, and ended watching 2x02. Pretty good episode, I continue to love Arya and just how kick ass she is with everyone, and I’m curious to know how this all plays out. I will say I was kinda confused by the last scene, because I admittedly had not been paying all that much attention, but it looked like Jon Snow was getting chased by a crying baby ?? Lol, that was an amusing thought. I had been slightly distracted because I was officially switching over my twitter account, which meant I was soft blocking all the IRL people to move them to my other account so my old one will just be for internet peeps. So I got that done and ended up being down like 120 followers 😂 but since I unfollowed a bunch of people that count had gone down as well so the disparity isn’t that big. I also changed my handle to match my URL here, so if you want to look me up my @ADACanary there. I have my account temporarily on private just so IRL people don’t get confused, but if you request me and you’re not an IRL person and like, don’t look like a super creeper (lol) I’ll approve you. But yeah, after that I basically started getting ready for bed and here we are. I have a 9:30 am PT appointment tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll at least have more time to study than I would’ve if I had slept in till like, noon lol. And yeah, we’ll go from there. I’m way tired now so I’m gonna head to bed. Goodnight my loves. Sweet dreams.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-09 22 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT Review: Home Invasion Leaves Home
The New Poster For BLINDSPOTTING Tests Your Bias
Details Come Out About That Already Weird-Ass Joker Movie
EVERTHING SUCKS! Isn’t Perfect, But It Certainly Doesn’t Suck
Friends Who Kill Together, Stay Together
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Oscars 2018: Our final predictions
Cinema Blend
Anya Taylor-Joy And Olivia Cooke Share The Fantastic True Story Behind The Fake Crying In Thoroughbreds
H1Z1 Has Gone Free-To-Play
Why Arrow Could Lose Another Major Character In Season 6
Top Chef Colorado Has Picked Its Winner
The Incredible Way Gotham Just Delivered A First Look At Batman
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War': Kevin Feige Reveals Thanos' Backstory in the MCU
No 'Snyder Cut' Insight to Be Found on 'Justice League' Blu-ray
'Avengers: Infinity War': Shuri Meets Bruce Banner and Scarlet Witch in New Photo
New 'Shazam!' Photos Reveal Best Look yet at Costume
A Closer Look at Zachary Levi's 'Shazam!' Costume
Film Comment Magazine
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Deep Focus: A Wrinkle in Time
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Film Inquiry
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
HAVE A NICE DAY: Money Makes the Story Go Round
BEAST OF BURDEN: Daniel Radcliffe Delivers The Goods
The Successes & Failures In Adapting I AM LEGEND
Film School Rejects
Mackenzie Davis to Star in the New ‘Terminator’
Dafne Keen Leaps from ‘Logan’ to ‘His Dark Materials’
Martin Scorsese’s Joker Movie Will Pay Homage to Martin Scorsese
The Enduring Feminist Vision of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’
Archie Comics Continues Its Global Reinvention With a Bollywood Bash
Reddit Movies
Robert Downey Jr. Confirms He Still Wants to do a Third Sherlock Holmes Movie
Official Discussion: The Death of Stalin (US Release) [SPOILERS]
Joaquin Phoenix doesn't regret turning down Marvel roles
Official Discussion: A Wrinkle In Time [SPOILERS]
For audiences in Mexico, 'Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2', will simply be titled 'WiFi Ralph'
Roger Ebert
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
When Is a Superhero Movie Not Just a Movie? When it is "Black Panther."
Screen Rant
Fortnite is Coming to Mobile
The Librarians Canceled On TNT, Is Seeking New Home
Valve Is Finally Going To Start Developing Games Again
Sherlock Holmes 3 is Still Happening According to Robert Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr. Teases ‘Armageddon’ In Avengers: Infinity War
Slash Film
The Morning Watch: Mark Hamill’s Walk of Fame Ceremony, The Art of Method Acting & More
TV Bits: Seth Rogen Remaking ‘Plebs’, Kenneth Lonergan Signs For More Amazon, Amazon’s First Animated Adult Series, and More
Superhero Bits: DC Black Label Is Coming, Where’s Hawkeye, Shazam Set Photos & More
Daily Podcast: Jon Favreau’s Star Wars TV Series, Terminator casting, Sopranos Prequel Movie & Other Big News
Vin Diesel To Star In ‘Bloodshot’ Movie Adapted From Valiant Comics
0 notes
yellowkuwago · 7 years
My WiFi Sucks (A Short Story)
As a millennial (”night owl” as well), WiFi is a must-have. It is the source of everything beautiful and innocent (sometimes the TOTAL OPPOSITE)... including Queen B’s slay existence, memes, fan fictions, and Koreans. Internet is very substantial to a single, tiny, life form like Ellie.
But one night, an unexpected problem shut Ellie’s wonderful internet life after a strange boy named Ralph broke into her bedroom window w/o permission. 
Will she be able to figure out how to fix her internet? Will she be able to figure out how to fix Ralph? Will she be able to figure out how to fix herself?
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, I’m tired so let’s get to writing this. Today was fine I guess, just uneventful and not particularly interesting. My alarm went off at 10:55 and I got ready to head to the DV clinic. Commute was uneventful, got there ten minutes before my shift began, so good timing. Then I started waiting for a case. The receptionists in the waiting area are always on a power trip about the “no cell phones” rule, it’s meant to just be no calls, but they’ll get mad if you're on your phone for any reason, so instead of just using it normally I opened my laptop (there’s no wifi in the building because cook county sucks, or I would’ve just gone on my laptop) and used it as a shield so I could go on my phone behind it, lol. I was kinda irritated because I kept thinking about how productive I could’ve been if I had wifi, but alas, I didn’t, so I really couldn’t do much. So we waited, and waited. There were a lot of volunteers and just not any cases really, so we got released around 2:30, a full two hours before our shift normally ends. Alright, so I head home, when I get off the train the next bus was still 16 minutes away, so I went to the coffee/donut store right there and got a vanilla cone because it at least has less calories than a donut at least. Got on the bus and got home, and decided to try and be productive in the free time I have. I left my civil rights law book at school, but the cases we had to read for today were posted online, so I was able to do the reading for them. I read through two shorter ones, then did the syllabus summary for the other two longer ones (25+ pages at like 10 point font, ain’t nobody got time for that) and managed to write fairly thorough case briefs, so I was pleased with that. I heated up some left over mac and cheese from the other night for dinner (so good) and watched some more Riverdale until it was time for the flash. I can’t say I was expecting much, because they’ve been playing the promo for this episode for weeks now, and it looks fucking ridiculous, and it turns out that was a pretty accurate prediction. I dislike Ralph so much, and I don’t understand why the show seems to have focused all of their storylines around him and his personal growth, while this is The Flash ffs we don’t need to make an unlikeable prick the center of attention. I thought the meta’s powers were inventive, to say the least, but the concept was still rather ridiculous, as was their eventual solution. So yeah, I wasn’t terribly impressed there. Black Lightning, on the other hand, had another kick ass episode. I’m so sad next week is the season finale because 13 episodes is wayyyy too short. There was so much good in this episode, but I absolutely adored the sequence towards the end where Khalil and Tobias try to take over Garfield High and Anissa and Jefferson are running around trying to fight them, and there’s that incredibly badass scene where Anissa takes on Tobias’ female goon person and she’s just shooting and shooting at Anissa, who is just standing there with the bullets bouncing off of her until goon lady was out of ammo, and like, that was just so incredibly bad ass I loved every second of it. I liked that they showed Jennifer wavering between wanting to go fight with her dad and sister and her desire to not get involved in that life, but of course she’s the one who saves the day at the end with her powers that end up bringing her dad back to life after his heart stopped, and like.....the poetic beauty of that is just too fucking much. I love the writers of this show, and it’s very clear they know exactly what they’re doing, which is more than I can say about some other CW DCTV shows.....anyway. It was a good episode and I’m sad it’s season is also almost over, since I’m still sad legends is gone. After Black Lightning finished I watched the new episode of Rise that my DVR recorded, because apparently it’s on at the same time as Black Lightning, but that will no longer be a problem after next week so it’s no biggie. It was a solid episode, the different musical choices were well done, their version of My Junk at the end was perfectly done, as was Lilette singing Those You’ve Known to the empty auditorium. Really enjoying this show so far. After that I finished the last five minutes of the episode of Riverdale I had left, so now I just need to watch next week’s to be up to date, but being that there’s another episode coming out tomorrow and I’ll probably be watching Designated Survivor when it airs I’m sure I’ll soon be two behind anyway. Sigh. I watched the news for a bit then before starting to get ready for bed, and that’s pretty much it. It’s almost 1 am so I think I will take my leave now. Goodnight my dearies. Hope you had a wonderful day.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-09 19 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT Review: Home Invasion Leaves Home
The New Poster For BLINDSPOTTING Tests Your Bias
Details Come Out About That Already Weird-Ass Joker Movie
EVERTHING SUCKS! Isn’t Perfect, But It Certainly Doesn’t Suck
Friends Who Kill Together, Stay Together
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Oscars 2018: Our final predictions
Cinema Blend
Anya Taylor-Joy And Olivia Cooke Share The Fantastic True Story Behind The Fake Crying In Thoroughbreds
H1Z1 Has Gone Free-To-Play
Why Arrow Could Lose Another Major Character In Season 6
Top Chef Colorado Has Picked Its Winner
The Incredible Way Gotham Just Delivered A First Look At Batman
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War': Shuri Meets Bruce Banner and Scarlet Witch in New Photo
New 'Shazam!' Photos Reveal Best Look yet at Costume
A Closer Look at Zachary Levi's 'Shazam!' Costume
New 'Avengers: Infinity War' Promo Art Adds More Characters
Joker Origin Story To Use Plotline From The Killing Joke
Film Comment Magazine
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Festivals: Berlin 2018
The Film Comment Podcast: Personal Problems (The Movie)
Film Inquiry
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
HAVE A NICE DAY: Money Makes the Story Go Round
BEAST OF BURDEN: Daniel Radcliffe Delivers The Goods
The Successes & Failures In Adapting I AM LEGEND
Film School Rejects
Martin Scorsese’s Joker Movie Will Pay Homage to Martin Scorsese
The Enduring Feminist Vision of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’
Archie Comics Continues Its Global Reinvention With a Bollywood Bash
How ‘Black Panther’ Fixed the Marvel Formula
Watch ‘Phantom Thread’ Reimagined as an ’80s Rom-Com
Reddit Movies
Official Discussion: The Death of Stalin (US Release) [SPOILERS]
Joaquin Phoenix doesn't regret turning down Marvel roles
For audiences in Mexico, 'Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2', will simply be titled 'WiFi Ralph'
Demi Adejuyigbe shares his theme for Ready Player One, which was narrowly beaten out by Alan Silvestri’s effort.
'Coco' Oscar-Winning Producer Darla K. Anderson Leaving Pixar (Exclusive)
Roger Ebert
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
When Is a Superhero Movie Not Just a Movie? When it is "Black Panther."
Screen Rant
Fortnite is Coming to Mobile
The Librarians Canceled On TNT, Is Seeking New Home
Valve Is Finally Going To Start Developing Games Again
Sherlock Holmes 3 is Still Happening According to Robert Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr. Teases ‘Armageddon’ In Avengers: Infinity War
Slash Film
Superhero Bits: DC Black Label Is Coming, Where’s Hawkeye, Shazam Set Photos & More
Daily Podcast: Jon Favreau’s Star Wars TV Series, Terminator casting, Sopranos Prequel Movie & Other Big News
Vin Diesel To Star In ‘Bloodshot’ Movie Adapted From Valiant Comics
Hulk Hogan’s Gawker Lawsuit Might Become a Limited TV Series
New Alamo Drafthouse Video Store Will Offer Free VHS Rentals
0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-09 16 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT Review: Home Invasion Leaves Home
The New Poster For BLINDSPOTTING Tests Your Bias
Details Come Out About That Already Weird-Ass Joker Movie
EVERTHING SUCKS! Isn’t Perfect, But It Certainly Doesn’t Suck
Friends Who Kill Together, Stay Together
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Oscars 2018: Our final predictions
Cinema Blend
Anya Taylor-Joy And Olivia Cooke Share The Fantastic True Story Behind The Fake Crying In Thoroughbreds
H1Z1 Has Gone Free-To-Play
Why Arrow Could Lose Another Major Character In Season 6
Top Chef Colorado Has Picked Its Winner
The Incredible Way Gotham Just Delivered A First Look At Batman
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War': Shuri Meets Bruce Banner and Scarlet Witch in New Photo
New 'Shazam!' Photos Reveal Best Look yet at Costume
A Closer Look at Zachary Levi's 'Shazam!' Costume
New 'Avengers: Infinity War' Promo Art Adds More Characters
Joker Origin Story To Use Plotline From The Killing Joke
Film Comment Magazine
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Festivals: Berlin 2018
The Film Comment Podcast: Personal Problems (The Movie)
Film Inquiry
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
HAVE A NICE DAY: Money Makes the Story Go Round
BEAST OF BURDEN: Daniel Radcliffe Delivers The Goods
The Successes & Failures In Adapting I AM LEGEND
Film School Rejects
Martin Scorsese’s Joker Movie Will Pay Homage to Martin Scorsese
The Enduring Feminist Vision of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’
Archie Comics Continues Its Global Reinvention With a Bollywood Bash
How ‘Black Panther’ Fixed the Marvel Formula
Watch ‘Phantom Thread’ Reimagined as an ’80s Rom-Com
Reddit Movies
Official Discussion: The Death of Stalin (US Release) [SPOILERS]
Joaquin Phoenix doesn't regret turning down Marvel roles
For audiences in Mexico, 'Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2', will simply be titled 'WiFi Ralph'
Demi Adejuyigbe shares his theme for Ready Player One, which was narrowly beaten out by Alan Silvestri’s effort.
'Coco' Oscar-Winning Producer Darla K. Anderson Leaving Pixar (Exclusive)
Roger Ebert
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
When Is a Superhero Movie Not Just a Movie? When it is "Black Panther."
Screen Rant
Sherlock Holmes 3 is Still Happening According to Robert Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr. Teases ‘Armageddon’ In Avengers: Infinity War
Rumor: Danny Boyle to Direct Bond 25 This Year If Script is Approved
X-Men: Dark Phoenix Needs To Kill One Of The First Class Team
Barack & Michelle Obama in Talks to Produce Netflix Shows
Slash Film
Superhero Bits: DC Black Label Is Coming, Where’s Hawkeye, Shazam Set Photos & More
Daily Podcast: Jon Favreau’s Star Wars TV Series, Terminator casting, Sopranos Prequel Movie & Other Big News
Vin Diesel To Star In ‘Bloodshot’ Movie Adapted From Valiant Comics
Hulk Hogan’s Gawker Lawsuit Might Become a Limited TV Series
New Alamo Drafthouse Video Store Will Offer Free VHS Rentals
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