unitcd · 6 months
@wiishescametrue liked.
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Stepping up to her silently, he watches for a moment before speaking. "Why are you snooping around here, Honey?" If Rafe gives her a fright, well, it's probably deserved for lurking around like she is.
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entangledmuses · 6 months
@wiishescametrue asked: “ if you collapse this blanket fort, i cannot legally be held responsible for my actions. ” ( matty to belly)
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Belly cocked her head and then laughed at Matty. "Collapse it? Why would I do that? I was going to ask if I could join." She replied.
The girl smiled brightly, then batted her eyes innocently. "Pretty please? I promise to behave and not destroy it." She then said, placing her palms together "I'll bring popcorn, and other goodies." She then chuckled.
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diemauergone · 7 months
@wiishescametrue liked for a starter !
                         "  there's  an  over  600  year  old  grimoire  that  the  vatican  owns  .  .  i  would  seriously  love  to  get  my  hands  on  it  .  "  if  only  she  could.  it  would  be  impossible  since  it's  not  at  all  in  the  museums  but  where  the  actual  pope  stays.  and  behind  doors.   she  rested  her  chin  in  her  palm  ,  and  let  out  a  sigh.  "  my  luck  though  ,  it  would  be  similar  to  the  book  of  the  damned.  and  would  get  me  in  trouble.  " 
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inbeautifulruins · 3 months
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❝ Why would I lie to you ...? ❞ Why would she even think that he could ? After what she's been through , what he's been through. The last thing he'd consider doing is hurting her in any way.
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He looks up at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes but he does his best to keep such a feeling at bay - as conversations that are emotionally charged never get far. ❝ What gave you the idea I would ? ❞
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▸ was any of it true? ( aria to buck) @wiishescametrue
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diemauermoved · 7 months
                festivals  in  stuttgart  weren't  rare.  there  was  always  some  sort  of  celebration  going  on  .  which  ,  thankfully  there  was  a  small  fair  in  the  city  so  he  was  able  to  take  her  to  it  .  honey  was  beautiful  and  oliver  had  been  making  sure  to  take  his  time  with  her  and  win  her  trust  .  which  ,  was  rare  considering  he  wasn't  the  type  that  actually  got  serious  with  anyone  .   "  what  ever  you  want  to  do  or  purchase  ,  i've  got  you  covered  .  "  he  smiled  ,  looking  over  to  her  as  they  walked  through  the  crowds  .  "  i  want  you  to  have  fun  .  " 
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@wiishescametrue sent : [ COMMUNITY ]: the sender and receiver visit a local fair, festival, market or parade together for a date. ( honey and oliver)
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devilsanddarlings · 1 month
💕 emmett and elisa
Emmett & Elisa - 74%
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Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Emmett and Elisa has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
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bittcntwiin · 2 months
@wiishescametrue. ADAM.
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❝ ---- you don't have to hide what you just did, you know. i've seen magic be done. ❞ the stilinski twin stated simply, his shoulders rising and falling in a small shrug. ❝ though, i'm not used to it like i used to be, unfortunately. ❞ he added on. the witch that was with the pack had also perished alongside the rest of his pack.
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drsncw · 5 months
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@wiishescametrue asked: Send me a ▲ ( alaric)
Send me a ▲ for my muse's reaction to yours: we got 5. hugging from behind when they weren't expecting it
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She'd been so caught up working she hadn't realized she was no longer alone, the surprise catching her in a weird position. Although she knew no one was trying to hurt her, or was attacking her because the presence was familiar, the surprise itself almost made her panic. It took a lot for her to not completely freeze up at the action, she took a small breath as she centered herself. "You scared me" she admitted after a moment, knowing he might understand the reaction.
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She has to be getting a laugh out of trying to dress him up like this. And sure, he can't blame her for finding it funny, but he finds it...the tie? Really? What is he? In an all guy acapella group? John B shakes his head. ❝ I feel so high school. ❞ he tells her. Despite still being in there, it's certainly different enough to feel it.
❝ You're enjoying this too much, B. ❞
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Send me a ✦ @wiishescametrue
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unitcd · 8 months
@wiishescametrue liked for sarah
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"I don't know about you, but I think that you and I need to make a pact so that we don't get pulled into the boys' stupid ideas." Well, more herself than Honey. . .
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entangledmuses · 6 months
@wiishescametrue asked: ❝ i know i can’t protect you from everything, but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control. ❞ ( steve to sharon)
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Sharon looked up at Steve, her expression changing as she smiled softly at him, feeling nothing but pure gratitude and love for this man in front of her.
"Our Job isn't exactly something you can protect me from." She reminded him, her smile only for him.
"What do you want to try and protect me from Steve?" She asked softly, her hand reaching for his cheek, touching it tenderly.
"and why do you wish to protect me so much?" She asked curiously.
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diemauergone · 4 months
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@wiishescametrue : 🌸 for your muse to give mine flowers ( taylor and lena )
                              his   voice  ,  saying  her  name  caught  her  attention  away  from  her  phone.  and  instantly  ,  her  eyes  fell  to  the  beautiful  bouquet  of  different  types  of  flowers  .  she'd  never  been  given  that  before.  and  lena  remained  quiet  before  smiling.  "  i  .  .  what  did  i  do  to  deserve  them?  "  a  dumb  question  though,  she  wasn't  use  to  this.  the  whole  romance  thing. 
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walkingthroughfire-a · 8 months
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[ Text ] : No worries, I saved it as Taylor Launter.
[ Text ] : Now my friends either think I'm super lucky or a stupid liar.
[ Text ] : But my dad is Stephen Strange, so they're leaning more toward lucky.
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[text] - so this is my number, but don’t save my name as anything sketchy. ( taylor/jessa)
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devilsanddarlings · 4 months
[TASTE | 🍽️] You can taste what your soulmate is eating/drinking. ( elisa and emmett. because after the convo we had--I had to lmao)
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The familiar flavor bursts over his tongue so suddenly and unexpectedly that Emmett almost drops his controller in surprise. It had been decades since he’d unknowingly ate the last slice of pecan pie he’d ever be able to consume, but the vampire would still know the taste of that syrupy sweetness anywhere.
Back in the day it had been a rare treat; one saved only for birthdays and holidays because the ingredients necessary to make it were prohibitively expensive in the middle of a depression. But he still considered it to be a taste of home; one he was glad to be given again, until the implications of just what that meant for himself - and for Rosalie - began to sink in.
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iamdarcylewis · 5 months
@wiishescametrue's Ric sent [TEXT] - i’m at taco bell you want anything? 
[Text] Oooh a Baja Blast! [Text] And a crunchwrap supreme ofc [Text] Still mad at you though [Text] So bring dessert too
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She has the nerve to ask him that ? Ask if he hated her when she left him? Alex laughs though it's hollow and lacking any real amusement. " You really want to ask me that, right here ? Right now ? " He asks.
" What do you want to hear? That no, I forgive you. You had a dream and you went to live it. You followed your dreams, good for you Pam. " He claps his hands together. "Good for you."
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His expression turns sour . " Of course I hated you, and you know what part of me still does because you know why? Because I let you in. I showed you everything that everyone else mocked me for. That everyone left me for and you said that didn't matter, that you'd stay. Hell, you married me! Til death do us part, right? At least I meant it, you didn't. You meant 'until something better comes along.'.
So yeah, I hated you. And I still do."
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"When I left town, did you hate me?" ( Pam to alex) @wiishescametrue
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