#wild specualtion
thebrikbox · 6 months
The Great Greta Garbo
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Glamorous, compelling, and ever so famous was the iconic movie star, Greta Garbo. She graced Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s with films like “Wild Orchids” and “The Kiss.” Altogether, she starred in thirty-three films and captivated men and women alike.
Greta was born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson on September 18, 1905 in Stockholm, Sweden and died April 15, 1990 in New York City at the age of 84 to pneumonia. Her childhood was that of poverty where her family lived in the slums. Her father was an itinerant laborer and didn’t earn much money to give his family the life he wanted for them to have. When Greta was old enough to work, she took various positions to help ease the strain of supporting the family.
One fateful day, film director Erik Petschler saw Greta and was mesmerized with her beauty after seeing her in a commercial advertising women’s clothing and he offered her a small role in his 1922 film “Peter the Tramp.” She was bitten by the acting bug and she started school at the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm. She landed a major role in a 1925 Swedish movie “Gösta Berlings Saga” (The Saga of Gösta Berling). The director, Mauritz Stiller changed her birth name to Garbo as he felt it was fitting and becoming for her unique beauty. Seeing her potential, he negotiated with MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) Studios in Hollywood and secured her a contract. Louis B. Mayer had doubts about Greta’s screen performance until the release of her first American 1926 film “The Torrent.” Her lustrous glow and the fluidity of how she moved impressed Mayer so much so that he gave her an exclusive contract.
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1930’s “Anna Christie” was Greta’s first sound film. The movie was marketed with “Garbo talks!” She would earn three Oscar nominations for best actress for her performances in “Anna Christie,” “Camille,” and for “Ninotchka.” She never did win, but she did receive an Honorary Academy Award in 1955. She won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for best actress for her performance in 1935’s Anna Karenina. Her last film was “Two-Faced Woman” in 1941 and it received bad reviews that greatly humiliated her. Her acting life halted despite offers for other films after the movie flop.
Greta never married nor did she have children. Her first romance was with her often co-Star John Gilbert. In her latter years, she had a relationship with Leopold Stokowski, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. It’s rumored that she had an affair with Russian-born millionaire George Schlee, stealing him from his wife. It’s specualted that Greta was bisexual, some would claim she was predominantly lesbian, but no one could confirm that. Though she appeared in events, she disliked the feeling uncomfortable acting like a socialite because it wasn’t who she was.
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Greta would live the remainder of her life in a New York City apartment. She was an honored guest in the White House and She received treatment for breast cancer and would have dialysis treatment at a local hospital where she would later die from pneumonia. She will always be regarded as one of the most beautiful and graceful women that gifted us with her talent.
Until next time, Aloha oe.
Photos: *Getty Images, Posterlounge
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Hello! I love your determination series, and as it so happens i've been thinking about it for quite some time now so I just have to ask. Approximately how old is y/n in mental and physical age?
I tried to calculate it on my own and according to almighty google, roger formed the roger pirates about 52 years ago from the current plot and he reached the final island 39 years before the present day and thus became known as the king of pirates. Assuming y/n met him on some island only a few months after he became pirate king, that would mean y/n's mental age(including the time it takes for her to be resurrected/reborn) would be about 40-41 years give or take and adding to that y/n age when they met (which i assume to be around 10-11 since everyone calls them a kid). Y/n's mental age is well over 50-52 years👵 Wow that's actually insane.
Again tho this is purely a specualtion and heavily based on whatever information google and your writing has give me so it could be innacurate lol. Just a wild guess i suppose🤠🤠
Wow props to you for doing the math for all that! (Hawt damn am I bad with numbers lol)
But to answer your question….i kinda don’t have a set number in mind.
Y/n within determination is 10-12 physically and still somewhat mentally. Even though they’d been on the sea for decades they retain mostly the mind of a kid. Mind you, a very wise and intelligent kid with some degree of depression mixed in.
I think y/n is definitely a bit older than that though because they met Brook and Linlin.
But to be honest the set number doesn’t really matter much to me partially because I’m terrible of keeping track of that stuff lol
This might’ve not been helpful but thank you for being dedicated enough to do that math
Seriously tho, I’m still surprised by everyone’s dedication and love for my works somethings
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zalia · 1 year
(Possibly Unhinged) Theory Rambling
2 thoughts I was poking recently, one leading on from the first. The first regards the Deterministic Chaos exotic lore. The 2nd regards Soteria from Spire of the Watcher and the Dreaming City.
Thought 1
Deterministic Chaos and the identity of the bracketed speaker.
I wondered at first if it was Praedyth, but I am pretty sure now that it is one of the Chioma copies.
Firstly, Rohan feels like he recognises the voice, which would tally since Chioma was one of the founders of Neomuna. It’s likely that they have many recordings of Chioma and Maya Sundaresh that Rohan will have heard.
Second, some of the ways the bracketed speaker talks tally closely with some of the Chioma copy sections in the Aspect lore book.
Bracketed Speaker:
wondering what might have been if we had stayed in our familiar prism-prison or kept tightrope-walking across the quantum wilds.
Chioma Copy in Aspect
227.18's Chioma turns wry. "What's a little more tightrope walking between friends?"
and again, in Aspect
You've got to translate everything into metaphor to understand it, here, and this is like tightrope walking on a greased line. You and Maya lean into each other.
Also, some of what the bracketed voice describes sounds very much like some of what the Chioma copy in Aspect experiences.
Bracketed Speaker:
is disincorporated immortality really so bad compared to the others' ends?
Would you have preferred an attack by vitreous helicoprion or stumbling over the edge of unreality?
Chioma Copy in Aspect
Duane-McNiadh walks too quickly, not testing the ground. He's gone before you can blink—fallen through an unseen edge of the simulation.
The entire Volitive section of the Aspect lore covers the many ways various copies die, with Chioma as the focus character.
Also, with Neomuna and the Veil being a thing, I would like to add that I am side-eying the fuck out of this section of the Aspect lore:
Somewhere, a veil is always lifting.
Somewhere, Kabr is always dooming himself.
Somewhere, a door is always opening.
Somewhere, they are always stepping through.
Anyway, this led to
Thought 2
This is a bit more specualtion, for sure.
With Spire of the Watcher, we learned about an AI called Soteria, the Augur Mind. Soteria is an AI partly created from the Vex, and a fragment of Soteria now exists in Neomuna, dormant in the Vex network, but vital to the Cloud Ark. Augur is a term meaning seer/prophet/oracle, or someone who interprets signs to predict the future, and Soteria was used to interpret data to predict locations of possible planets for human colonisation. She also predicted the Black Fleet.
A friend who has studied classics, pointed out that Soteria is an epithet for Persephone, meaning deliverance/safety/salvation.
Cool, so we now have another mythological figure who descended to the underworld and returned (Ishtar/Inanna/Osiris) related to Neomuna.
In Season of the Splicer we saw various Vex Minds in the Expunge missions as we worked to stop Quria Blade Transform. Labyrinth, Styx, Tartarus, Delphi. We fight the Oppressive Minds (including Dikast - Dikastes was a legal position in Ancient Greece who could pass judgement, and Dimio - probably referencing Deimos, god of fear/terror).
Labyrinth - Theseus and the Minotaur. The Labyrinth was built following advice from the Oracle at Delphi.
Styx - One of the rivers of the Underworld, often said the mark the border between the world of the living, and the world of the dead
Tartarus - An area of the Underworld where the dead were punished e.g. Sisyphus
Delphi - A sacred precinct in Ancient Greece, home to the famous Oracle of Delphi.
Oh hey, another descent to the underworld, and another prophet.
So, we have Vex minds, a descent to the underworld, and prophets. We have Quiria, Blade Transform, who was/is responsible for the curse on the Dreaming City.
The centre of the curse is the Shattered Throne dungeon, where Dul Incaru waits. The Shattered Throne was originally Mara Sov’s Throne World, otherwise known as Elusinia.
So, how does Soteria tie into this?
Well, there was this thing in Ancient Greece called the Elusinian Mysteries. These were the initiation rites for the cult of Demeter... and Persephone.
Does this mean anything? Maybe not. I may be badly reaching. But uh... an AI that is a product of both humanity and the Vex (the human world and the Underworld)... may possibly be something to do with breaking the curse.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
babymon, what does firstmix mean? 🤔 has any information about the characters in of leaked?
hello, dear anon!!!
we don’t have any official confirmation yet, but in an interview first said that he filmed a love scene with someone outside of the main cast of only friends, so the specualtions have been running wild!!!
a lot of actors have been taken into consideration, including papang, earth, gawin, fluke, and tay, but most of the fandom believes it might be mix because he was spotted on set and he’s one of the people first is closest to. im personally manifesting sea with everything i have LIKE YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD IM MANIFESTING THAT MY CLOWN MAKE UP IS /ON/ but if it’s not him, then i do really hope it’s gonna be mix!!!
i loved to see first and mix together in moonlight chicken and i also think they have a very nice chemistry, so i really wouldn’t mind getting more of them!!!!
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further job from trek challenges league for environment and conservation
further job from trek challenges league for environment and conservation, wersja robocza dzeti for genres initiative_vxyq2309 there is lapidary note for scientific walk of life across for pioneering 100% campaign via continent explorings. expedition to be carry out to central orient from polish-latin nationality conservation advocate living nowadays in sweden, and french-based wildlife detective, author of the footprint of living beings. born to be wild is initiative from LBE and ECL league. continent grant for protect and research the nature is one of the initiatives from that. temki trademark zone is virtual concept for temki base for natural resources and growth by science in so-called european africa. the other are manufactured stuffs producted from weogu, the indopeuropean autonomic state from region what is now xinjiang-kashgaria.swedish concept futurist is working currently for design about sci-fi vehicle working for wildlife genres monitoring and evaluate the ecologic status across wild orient and kaukasus. problematic projects are come from that. there is a concept of harmonic growth for innovations by saving the nature and explore the nowadays grants across wild orient, kaukasus and european-origin state in africa, following them. QSBN EW29CJYDMAoDHCN august_2019sjaoc9/()=&¤10+4. adopted quatl pietrzak< specualtive fiction heroes league for nature privilege in Europe _: such as a working text it is short intro about explore the undiscovered territories, wild places and living beings with their ecological requiremens and the humankind, ethnoworld and folk and business of wild orient and kaukasus, and for instance for working by demo projects for healthy environment, natural resources and resilient societies from european NGOs and european gov-agencies including the League of Environment Challenges, Vdem-he Toils, CEEweb for Biodiversity, ECOS and Livelihoods Funds. There is important job from helping private companies growing for better world across continent the Europe with the heritage and innovations, take a new standards in health of environment and looking for experts, whose take intuitive ventures launches for further generations. <<further key facts<< ¤The world in the future - 5 innovations that will change our lives - Everything about the topic ¤Człowiek przyszłości? NaukowoTV ¤Human rights and freedom of conscience at portal of Life Gate adopted quatl pietrzak_:30aEFTndwoq august2019
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tinkdw · 7 years
Idk if you've already been asked this, sorry if you have you don't have to answer again, but how do you think Cas' depression arc would be addressed and/or given closure (if it is to be addressed). Love your metas btw.
Sorry this is short as I’m on holiday so I’m super sporadic and up a mountain!
In short...it’s DEFINITELY going to be addressed. They didn't work 2 years worth of intense Cas story into s11/12 in order to not address it.
( The latest crackiest hilarious notion I’ve seen from certain people is that Cas is dead because he has had no story for 2 years and they don't know what to do with him, just kept him around for no reason, as that’s what you do with a series regular, of course. Misha is only going to come back because he sucked up to Singer and only as Jimmy, cos you know, let’s extract Jimmy from his resting place in Heaven with his soulmate just to get in the way of Destiel, and he will hook up with Jody and go live in Wayward Sisters... LMAO. I have no idea what show they think they’re watching as Cas’ story is so important to the themes of SPN overall (family, belonging, finding yourself, humanity, friendship, love) and the boys, even aside from Destiel, he has had a huge arc in s11/12 all around these themes so... it’s not going to just go away ).
This is what I hope and what I feel more than a meta but...
Cas’ depression arc, because it’s TV, is not going to be solved with medication and time. It has to be ‘solved’ by him looking at himself and releasing himself from his inner demons. 
IMO he will face himself metaphorically (and I hope literally) in death and return with a different outlook. That was the whole point of his mental instability leading to terrible choices and death in s11 and s12, both times he put his faith in Lucifer and Jack to solve things and put himself down as a tool for them to do it. 
The story with Jack was just an exaggerated version of what he did with Lucifer. It’s the climax of this story for him ever since he made terrible decisions since season 6, hence all the mirroring with season 6 in season 12, to remind us that this is CAS, he has to face his past too, just as Sam and Dean are. He is living the same story as they are re: facing his past and having a terrible climax point in death and a rebirth, just as they both did in s8/9.
He needs to learn that he is NOT a tool, that he deserves to be his own person and to have nice things, that he has made good and bad decisions. He needs to do this for himself and separately from Dean and Sam, though with their help of course, but it has to be an internal thing in the end, just as Dean’s is and Sam’s is, it’s all internal but with the help of exterior forces, but they have to do the final push themselves.
I also think that he will get a hero arc through Jack and also address his desire to be human through him, reconciling his angelic and human sides of himself and family and making a choice.
A part of me really HOPES (though this is WILD WILD WILD speculation and wishing, not meta based really), that we will see Cas really memory!less or just really different and ‘wrong’ for a couple of episodes. I would love it if he is memory!less and we see a more carefree Cas, I want a mix of Emmanuel and Crazy!Cas - where he is himself, just as Dean was in 12x11 - I feel like this could be such foreshadowing. It is such a good way of showing WHO CAS IS, a huge theme of season 12 and I feel we didn't see this with Cas, it would be amazing. 
Cas smiling and it not being a wry smile because he’s hiding his true feelings of feeling like crap or whatever. An actual real to goodness SMILE.
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Cas being looked after by the boys, smiling, Dean smiling back because he can't help it, Cas is irresistibly adorable and kind and good, touching him in passing as he gives him a sandwich and Cas leaning into it, smiling at him as he does, small gestures of kindness and caring, because this is Cas without the baggage, just CAS and Dean can't help it, it exposes more of Dean’s feelings, even though he says at first that it isn’t Cas, he realises (probably Sam points it out after we know Dean knows but he won't admit it, that he is himself, that this IS Cas without the baggage). 
Then Cas gets his memories back and he retains some of this, because he’s forgiven himself or on the path to it, it actually helps him move forwards whilst showing the AUDIENCE who Cas really is beneath all his crap, just like 12x11 did for Dean, but make it so obvious and at the same time show us some great Dean/Cas.... I just... I want this so much. I doubt we will get it but I imagine something like it at least as an exposition.
I was also just talking to @bluestar86 about how I/we would love it if not only Chuck but hopefully Claire could give him closure and forgiveness, textually, about Jimmy. To really close this off once he does face all this himself. It feels to me like they’ve kept Claire and Cas apart as they try to emphasises that Cas is no longer using Jimmy’s vessel but it is his ow body, but now Cas needs to be validated, he needs to be forgiven with words and clearly. I think once he gets back, once he starts to forgive himself is the point where this could happen. Perhaps 13x10 but I would personally expect it a little later, IDK when Claire will be back or if she will but I would love it if it was either in 13x10 (though that seems a bit early for me), but if we hear Claire is going to be in episode 13x15-22 I would love this and hope for it...).
Anyway this got long and I have to go but yeah, I have FEELINGS about this :D
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
But are we not going to talk about how possessive Anthony's hold is?
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AOh you mean this?
I actually can't stop thinking about this. There's no space between their bodies. The way his thumb is pressed against her stomach, she's not breathing, you can just tell she isn't. He's so close to her, their whole bodies are pressed together, and his bare hand is on her skin, right on her collarbone and it's burning. It also looks like his fingers might be curved under the neckline of her dress. The difference between the way Anthony's holding Kate and the couple next to them? It's huge.
Anthony, sweet bb slut, she's not your wife yet. You can't just grope her like that when your mother's probably on the other side of the room. Not to mention her mother and sister.
Wild unfounded specualtion just because I wanna: Anthony asking Kate to sneak away and meet him later. It's never gonna happen, but imagine that. I'd have to die.
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Nah, i doubt rejet as a whole will dive into homosexual realtionships or attravtiveness. Cuz Japan is very conservative and very closed of to begin with. Their whole yaoi franchise is just a fetish for girls (and there are some very good yaois out there). Lol but Laito seems more confident in his sexuality rather than anuthing else in my eyes. I personally am veru confident and can flirt with anyone (as laito does in the games with the guys) and ppl do specualte i like girls when i don't
There actually is a whole genre of BL games geared towards (young) females as well which kind of exists alongside otome games. However, DL is obviously meant to be part of the more 'traditional' otome games which features one female heroine and her harem of pretty boys.
Also as fans we're allowed to go crazy with our imagination and create our own stories and alternative scenarios, so I'd say go wild to all of my followers who enjoy BL and want to bring it to DL. :p
I just don't see myself joining in because it's not my cup of tea.
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Some of these Endgame "spoilers" floating around the internet are pretty wild (and I don't believe them at all, and I will be bailing on any searches after the H'Wood premiere because I don't *actually* want to be spoiled), but wow a few of them have had some Loki-Thor moments that will cause me to sob uncontrollably in the theater if anything close to those specualtions happens.
I mean, not that I wasn't already planning on sobbing uncontrollably in the theater.
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rayonfrozenwings · 7 years
Renee’s Fan Theories for SJM (ACOTAR and TOG)- that she still likes...
So I’ve written a few theories and now I’m not sure I completely agree with my first thoughts for some of them. Especially as I look further into it. But I thought I would put a small list together of my current theories - the ones I still like. haha. So if you are interested in this sort of stuff it’s easier to find with Tumblr’s lovely new updates and such. I will put them in the order that I have posted them because I think you will see things change in my thinking as I have discussions with people in the fandom. For example I now think Erilea and Prythian are parallel worlds not the same world, which I initially thought in my Erilea post. 
Erilea v Prythian - The same world? parallel world? 
Starfall and the Wild Hunt
Name Origin - Aelin
Archeron Sisters as the Fates - Part 1
Archeron Sisters as the Fates - Part 2: Specualtion on the Archeron Mother
Truth Teller vs The Subtle Knife (New)
Archived - OLDER Fan Theory Posts - 
This series of posts I did might still have merit - But I am not as invested as I was when I wrote them. Since seeing the crossover possibilities in My Erilea post (which came after these posts) I think the parallels are still possible, but I don’t particularly think Prythian or Erilea is based on a “bible stories” but rather other Mythologies. E.g. Prythian - Greek and Erilea a different Mythology. 
However if you view another world (not Prythian or Erilea) as having a bible type of mythology - and certain characters being taken from that world aka Amren, The Bone Carver, The Weaver, and Koschei, then my theory could provide background information for these characters. Because the Bone Carver mentions that his world has most likely “turned to dust” it is a possibility that he came from a place based on the bible.
Angels 3.1: Amren, The Bone Carver, and Styrga
Angels 3.2: Highlords as Descendents of Arch-Angels
Angels 3.3: Origins of the Illyrians
- Edited/ Updated with some older posts that may or may not have merit.
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amiboisland · 5 years
Fans Go Wild After This Beautiful Photo Singer, Simi with Bulging Stomach Emerged
Fans Go Wild After This Beautiful Photo Singer, Simi with Bulging Stomach Emerged
Nigerian singer, Simi shared a new photo with her stomach bulging out and her followers bombarded her comment section with congratulatory messages while pointing out the size of her tummy.
Some of the commenters wrote “Simisola getti Belle” – a line from Simi’s latest song.
The singer who ignored all the comments is yet to deny or confirm the specualtions. See some comments below.
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thestuckylibrary · 9 years
I just have to say this to someone - I'm so nervous about ca:cw. That the Russos will kill any attempt of Stucky, so to speak. I feel like they've modified things lately towards the (oh so frustrating) brotherly love? I'm just really nervous.
I’m not sure you should be. On one hand I know that I’d love to see the complete and utter destruction of a heteronormative mould and get some actual, real queer superheroes. It is highly unlikely that we’ll get that in cacw. As important as I think it is, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any actual queerness in mcu for a few years. I’m thinking that we’re going to get something quite similar to catws in cacw; no actual romance, but also leaving no doubt as to the intensity and depth of Steve and Bucky’s relationship. Assuming that the narrative sticks to the same obvious love between them, wether people read it as platonic or romantic, there is still going to be room for a queer reading no matter what. Everything that we’re being told from promotions so far is pointing to cacw being highly psychologically and emotionally driven. To make Steve and Bucky’s relationship less intense, less ambiguous would undermine the impact of the story, so I don’t think the Russos would do that. 
I also kind of suspect that a few things could have happened. They could have either realized independently or had it pointed out to them that they have been queerbaiting to a point and are trying to negate that. That’s probably a bit of a stretch to be honest but I can believe the best in people sometimes. By saying that stucky shippers will love it and so on they have been raising hope (most likely futile) that there will be tangible lgbt+ existence in cacw. See, like I just proved my own point; even though I’m like 99% sure there will be no actual queerness in the film I’m still saying mostly and 99%. As I said in the last chunk, it’s extremely likely that there will be plenty of room for lgbt+ readings of cacw, but no actual solid lgbt+ romance. Or any romance, if interviews are to be trusted. When I hear the Russos say brotherly love, I think the real message is that there won’t be canonically lgbt+, not that there won’t be the same room for a queer reading that the previous movies have. I mean the fact that lgbt+ people aren’t given room in a big international movie makes me furious, but I’ve already been over that and that’s not what I’m trying to convince you.
If they’re giving interviews outside a con environment, the conversation isn’t going to be directly with fans either, it’s gonna have different questions and different answers. Also disney could be breathing down their necks being like, hey man keep it faMILY FRIENDLY. They could be sick of people asking them to talk about a romance they don’t even see as being there, they could be sick of having to defend their creative liberty. They could be not able so say much more than brotherly love without giving away something, gay or not. It could be literally anything, any combination of factors that are making us hear the “they’re brothers” line more often. The simplest answer is that they didn’t direct it as romance and they’re not advertising it as such.
I’m gonna stop my wild speculation and close with this: I desperately want lgbt+ representation in a big, widely loved international franchise. It would make such a difference and I’m furious in general about the fact that it’s not happening, but I do think that cacw will be as gay as it is allowed to be under the context it’s being created in. Unless the Russos surprise me and either greatly impress me, giving us an actual queer superhero or greatly disappoint me and make Steve and Bucky less close, which would undermine the story. I think we’re gonna have the same level of lgbt+ subtext as we got in catws. 
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