#will I have to write this script myself
alicedrawslesmis · 1 year
Again. When will they adapt les mis as a christmas movie about a mall santa with a checkered past and a security guard falling in love.
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sugar-grigri · 7 months
If Fumiko is monstrous then Fujimoto should start presenting her as such
Fumiko is written to remind us that Denji is a child, and I repeat, she is the symbol of a child's sexual trauma in all its horror and "paradoxes".
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Touching Denji without his consent, catching an adolescent who hasn't yet discovered himself off guard, is the most obvious way of proving the link between the theme of sexual assault and Fumiko, but it doesn't stop there.
The fact that Denji accepts only proves this point: it shows just how much he's someone who needs boundaries and protection. He passively listens to what he's told without question simply because Fumiko has the upper hand.
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She has one, but spends her time pretending she doesn't, in particular by disguising her age like a predator, calling him "senpai" when she's 22, and playing up her protective role as a "bodyguard" when she's only there to stop Denji thinking for himself
As can be seen in the dialogue between Miri and Denji, she positions herself as an interlocutor, standing in Denji's shadow, influencing his decisions and distracting the boy from the substance of Miri's message.
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But she's a complete paradox, still trying to make Denji believe she's protecting him, she refers to Chainsaw Man as a "child", which rather than demonstrating a good intention shows that she's well aware of what Denji is and that she's abusing him head-on.
Who protects a child by attacking him?
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Once again, I insist, these are two pages from the same chapter. Dare you tell me that Fumiko doesn't present any contradictions?
Above all, she makes it seem as if she only wants what's best for Denji, even when he hasn't responded to her pleas for help. Once again, there's a paradox: the predator blames her victim for not having seen her own vulnerability, whereas she’s only abusing those of her victim.
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Fumiko is a metaphor for the very dangerousness of sexual assault, gentle on the surface but insidious, its violence only made clear and felt after the event, rising like a tide.
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When Yoshida convinces Denji to give up his normal life, he leaves him in the hands of Fumiko, a public hunter, who symbolises the extent to which, despite the monster in front of them, danger also exists among men, and that the milieu of public hunters is a harmful world for a child.
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I think the reason Fujimoto doesn't immediately place Fumiko in a position of condemnation is to instil a feeling of frustration and powerlessness at seeing Denji unprotected, to make it clear that "he's missing something", a parental figure.
But I think that for the writing to be complete, the author has to take a clear stance on the subject, in his own way of course, but explicitly
Seeing Fumiko next to Denji makes me anxious, it's such a common form of violence that it pulls me out of my reading.
Fumiko is a monster, so I pray that Fujimoto will have fun explicitly detailing her dark side and her horror.
If he doesn't, then she'll remain an unfinished and confusing chimera, the result of lazy writing and a fear of commitment.
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hey-scully-itsme · 15 days
dipping my toes into the world of crossover fanfic and telling myself over and over that i do not need to come up with a perfect justification for why something is happening in order to write it bc a) it's fanfiction and b) the source material has done weirder and dumber shit
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phone calls my detested
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sorivii · 8 months
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If only he could tell Raph how sorry he is.
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ch3rubd0lls · 6 months
oh god oh jesus she literally burned alive she was literally just a girl she must've been in so much pain my god i hate this life oh god she died thinking she could never get to heaven because that's impossible unless your body is intact Oh jesus christ what the fuck she died alone in pain on FIRE after being imprisoned and threatened with torture and rape for over a year after spending half a decade going insane and fighting for a country that would sell her out as soon as it became convenient for them politically. I'm going insane someone dunk me underwater i'm literally staring god in the face and asking what she did to deserve this shit Jesus christ oh dear golly gosh her ashes are literally in the wind and the water she is still here around somewhere that fucks me up so bad
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nessypanda-art · 3 months
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Vaguely reworked the drawing I did! I'm enjoying the vibes it's giving.
I'm tempted to draw a comic for this crime drama AU, but it would require me to ignore the other projects I've got so we'll see, maybe it'll be a fun little side project that inevitably takes my full focus.
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slvttyspider · 4 months
so I'm sitting my ass here recovering from cleaning and I have House of Asmodeus on loop lol. I like to think Angel is Stupid Popular there, like yes he's known but he's treated like a real celebrity and even recognized as such at the lounge. more than his normal day to day. Angel is like that unofficial celebrity. he's on a pedestal until demons decide they wanna try and knock him down a peg and use his occupation as a way to do it.
going back to the Lovely House, he doesn't like going when Val has him scheduled. but when he does go, he tries to make it worth his while. but man... I like to think that's also how he meets Fizz and kind of gets to know his side of life. and the comparison.... god, the comparison.
Angel getting into that demonic temptation to do some reckless shit because he's jealous with some of the things he sees; how Fizz lives n shit and can't help but think "wow, must be nice." he probably doesn't know about Mammon, though. so. there's always that grey area to write about.
but yeah Angel being an icon at house of Asmodeus. he likes Ozzie. tries to get sweet with him at one point lol probably got into it with Fizz and that's how shit started spilling and their chemistry started... maybe.. bc Angel probably saw Ozzie as an escape. too bad that role is occupied :/
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ohbrightnewday · 4 months
stimming isn’t enough i need to EAT IT [mean girls]
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dhmis-autism · 10 months
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#I GUESS MY WRIST FUCKING UP PUT ME FURTHER BACK THAN I THOUGHT#but also like. i was JUST talking about it in chat. i have a comic about the Three Of Them that i wrote in a frenzy in FEBUARY.#by the time i rewrote the dialogue and figured out the ending it was SEVEN FUCKING PAGES. SOLID.#OF JUST SCRIPT.#I STILL HAVENT EVEN FINISHED SKETCHING IT. YOU GUYS ARE NOT SEEING THAT SHIT UNTIL 2024#sometimes an idea of them will grasp me and i will just write the script out in the middle of the night#I realistically. dont even know if you guys are gonna like my scripted stuff.#the first scripted thing i wrote was a yellow&duck comic that im STILL SKETCHING BACKGROUNDS ON#i could be really bad at writing for them. i could totally not get them at all.#but hey!#we'll see when we see I guess#BUT YEAH UH. SORRY FOR LITERALLY ALL I POST BEING WIPS NOWADAYS I AM JUST WORKING ON LIKE 5 DIFFERENT DRAWINGS AT ONCE#STILL TRYING TO GET MY SPRING STUFF DONE. AND ITS ALMOST FALL. SO :]#I JUST CARE SO MUCH ABT THOSE PUPPETS DAWG I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THEM#I HAVE!!! EVEN MORE DRAWINGS THAT I JUST HAVENT SHARED!!! bc i either made them for something real specific in the discord#or bc theyre phone doodles and i dont think theyre that great. or bc i made them just for a friend and thats like. theirs now kjdhkjdfhs#a lotta times once i finish drawing smth for a friend ill just never post it bft. so its just like. for that one thing and nothing else#ANYWAYS HAPPY 3 AM IM FORCING MYSELF TO GO TO BED#AND I STILL HAVE THE ANIMATIONS#AND THE FANART FOR LIKE 5 FICS I WANNA DO#OHHH GOD CMONNN BRO IM NEVER FINISHING ANYTHING#my postings
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Is there any Essek scene in particular you’re hoping is included in the show?
Oh man oh god oh fuck. This list could go on SO long.
To be fair, the thing with Essek is that there are a lot of very small and fun but not narratively load-bearing scenes, and then a few major scenes that have a decent amount of narrative weight to them. For instance, the first study scene (the second is important but could be combined into it if that the pace required it), the Scourger incident, the dinner, and most of episode 97 have a lot of narrative impact, either for Caleb's arc or for the plot as a whole. I've already suggested I need to see the ninth floor tower conversation animated like a fish needs water to breathe, and I'd love both the times Essek physically pulls Caleb out of danger, of course.
There's also a lot of wiggle room in how you pace the Nein and break up their arcs (which I think was more rigid translating campaign 1 to LoVM—even when arcs are shifted around, the sequences of events are kept somewhat orderly) which means that speculation is pretty hard, particularly when it comes to Essek, who meets the Nein so far into the campaign. Basically, any of these things might not be as narratively necessary by then, depending on what they choose to cut or focus in on. I could speculate on that, and I'm sure I will extensively, but at a certain point I might as well just write a series worth of scripts as a fun side project.
That being said, I do really hope the Scourger scene remains, because it is so cinematically interesting, and I do consider it a major turning point between the wizards, regardless of either of them realizing it at the time or not.
And I also really want to watch him have a panic attack over whiskey cocoa. It is in no way load-bearing, but nonetheless, I would like to see it, and I think I deserve it.
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end-orfino · 2 months
ahhhhhh i remember why i dont read comics & books and watch movies as much as I should. Because they make me lose it
#i get suddenly hit with a tsunami of inspiration and an urgency to Make Something#but the urgency isn't about the process of making it's about I Have Stories To Present Too. I have to See Them Realized.#and that hit of urgency is obviously far too short lived to make anything. esp since it comes in a set with a feeling of 'wow this-#-thing was so great' that transforms into intensified perfectionism of No No What Im Doing Here Isnt Good. What Is This. Disgrace-#-to my idea AND to what inspired it AND to my self proclaimed status as an amateur storyteller#which turns into artblock. so like low chances that ill even get a singular good drawing made during this#and the multiple comic or script or whatever ideas that appear in my head during this are out of the question entirely#oh and all of this appears next to the normal feelings caused by a good story like attachment to the characters and having to process it-#-for a while and if its very good then even sometimes rarely i get the need to make fanart#so all of this combined just leads to me not being able to do anything for a while and feeling awful about it.#fun./sar#i wish i was a normal artist people here are so resilient and do stuff even though they dont want to or they DO want to#because idk they enjoy being pissed bcs of a thing not turning out right and they dont mind how tedious it can get-#-and they enjoy sacrificing hours&days&months of their lives without a guarantee that anyone will appreciate it accordingly and itll pay of#its probably the resilience though#im weak like a dried twig both mentally and physically#this sounds like i never enjoyed drawing&writing ever. and to clarify thats far from true. i frequently enjoy it#just never frequently enough and consistently enough to actually make something more 'worthwhile' or linear#it's like a wind that comes & goes that i have no control over.#i try to keep telling myself that in the past i struggled to make anything 'bigger'....& know i even made animatic shitposts#this sounds so stupid god. an animatic shitpost being an achievement.#its not an art skill achievement its a fighting tooth and nail with my own self to actually finish it because its a struggle almost every-#-time achievement#what im saying is im trying to tell myself that i already improved. im doing more than i could have done in the past.#even if the process is so slow and i dont know when ill advance again#if ill advance again. i just gotta believe i guess? thank u parappa
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first finished piece of lifesteal fanart yaayyy!! I. I started this during the second round of the mcytblr sexyman contest. Why does art take me so long. I finished most of it a while ago but the scythe just took forever because I couldn’t figure it out and kept redoing it. I think it turned out good though!
#clownpierce#mcyt#lifesteal smp#lifesteal#btw I am Ssoooo normal about lives being represented with red hearts and white stars. <- is not normal and is constantly thinking about#undertale and deltarune. I am the opposite of normal I see my little video games everywhere.#also I actually finished this a day or two ago I just couldn’t figure out what to caption it. Me when the Issues#Oh wait. Uhhh. Should I tag for blood. Probably#cw blood#That’s probably good. I’m sure it’s fine#actually technically I drew this for someone bc they voted clown in the polls. But I said Id draw anyone and they said to just draw whoever#I wanted and so I just picked a sketch id doodled a while ago. And now it’s been a while since the event. And they didn’t really even#request this piece so I’d feel weird tagging them. I’ll still send it to them tho but like I’d feel weird mentioning it in the body of the#post Since while this was technically a request it was really mostly a thing for me that someone else gave me an excuse to draw#also no ID this time I’m having a certified Written Language Learning Disorder-Austin crossover event combo attack#so I am doing these sentences ok but description sentances will Not go well probably. If someone else writes an ID I’ll credit you and add#it to the original post. Honestly even if someone writes like the script for an ID o the start of one I’d be able to elaborate on it I just#can’t start one and do it entirely myself right now#chara makes things
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girlthingdecay · 6 months
#i kind of want to kill myself. im so disconnected from anything. i have no original thought. everything is scripted#everything is just put together pieces from things ive heard elsewhere and i do not have a single original thought#everyone can see that im masks all the way down and everyone can see that i am nothing underneath and even that is a stolen way of saying it#i have no way of making nothing palatable but i am simply nothing. invite me over and ill try to adapt to you and write a new script based#off new media but if you make me truly comfortable and somehow manage to unplug my behavior then youll be rewarded with me just sitting#beside you on the floor and staring at whatever media you show me without speaking much and only occasionally seeking further warmth from#you#i vocalized it to someone close recently but im a nothing void and i wish people all acted in exactly the way i wanted regardless#i have selfish fantasies about people just doing everything to make everything easy for me and if i were a god i would be an entirely#selfish one#if the right people would go and stay as i please even though im a nothing void and dont deserve them around#if they would all do whatever i needed like gave me cuddles or sex or affirmation or money or treats#if life was one long cycle of being the most treated god by everyone then maybe i could be something i dont know#maybe something could be manifested into me#everyone already projects an idea onto me so maybe a collective idea held by all with a great deal of love would make whatever they say of#me true and maybe then id exist fully#until then oh well#though in reality im just sanitizing a bit. having others fully as puppets serving me isnt something that i want because i think itll “fix”#me by any measures and id likely only grow far more sadistic and selfish but i wish for that world because i could live in perfect comfort#i could do anything i wanted and have anything i wanted and nobody would stop me#sorry this is just like. a long rambling in tags. i should shut up now
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horrorlesbians · 11 months
thought of yet another film idea I’ll never be able to make 😡
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moldwood · 3 months
hm... maybe it Is a life dream to make an animated curse of strahd show
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