#will Lakes and Avalanches makings ever be consistent
thessaliaxiv · 2 years
Holidailies 2022, Day 4: The Year of Dry Snow
Most of the snow you ever see will have a particular consistency–easy to pack into snowballs and snow people, falls from the sky in big white fluffy poofs or smaller flakes. That's the kind of snow my hometown gets.
One year, however, it got so cold that the ambient temperature didn't get above about 20ºF, well below zero. There was a long stretch of time where there was blue skies and not a touch of moisture in the atmosphere. And then there was an overnight bout of precipitation in the form of snow, but a most peculiar kind of snow. It was dry. It didn't pack at all, and any slight breeze would send a flurry of it into the air like a sandstorm. It was most unusual. After a couple days of continued cold but pleasant weather and a fairly constant breeze, drifts started forming from the tiny granules, brushing clear off of flat lawns and gently angled roofs, and making rather impressive piles on the sides of houses, cars that had been parked for a time, and so on. In many places it was about 4' deep.
This was during the time I went to college each day about 65 miles away from where I resided. I rode the bus, spending a total of 14 hours away from home each day, including a short journey around the southern edge of a lake at the bottom of a valley between a range of very high, steep hills, through national forest. I wasn't too disappointed to hear that the road was closed at one point and that I'd lose a couple days of classes due to the closure. This peculiar, unpackable snow had fallen down the hillside and onto the roadway in a massive avalanche, and the road crews got to work clearing it up.
I'm not sure what I was expecting as the bus approached the affected area once the road reopened, but I did not at all expect to see snowdrifts twice as tall as the bus I was in, literally this tunnel of greyish white through which we traveled. It was so surreal to look out the window, see no view, look up and up and up and continue to see the snow wall continue out of view. The entire hillside had lost its two feet of snow, and it had piled onto the flat roadway and only the topmost layer of these weird granular flecks falling into the lake itself. Keep in mind that most years, that area gets MAYBE 5" of snow per year. It took an exceptionally long time for that snow to melt, and it never did get slushy or wet, it just evaporated as temperatures neared thawing point. Most bizarre.
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starbooksye · 2 years
I have no reason to do this
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gguktarts · 5 years
decathect | jjk (1)
1. to withdraw one’s feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss
summary: if one thing was clear to you when you first met Jeon Jungkook, it was that he would never love you. at least, not the way you wanted him to.
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pairing: jjk x reader genre: unrequited love au? || angst || little fluff if u Squint || drabble series word count: 2.7k parts:  1 / ? | next » cw: uhh kinda unhealthy depictions of a crush, & jk is a fuckboy w lots of tatts and long hair so that deserves a warning on its Own i say
note: so,,, this was supposed to be a short fic bc i wanted my heart broken but it turned into a drabble series……………….we’ll see how that goes!!! rip
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You’ve heard of him from your friends, and from their friends: about the infamous Jeon Jungkook and the reputation that precedes him. He’s, first and foremost, an art major — and an excelling one at that. In the short three years he’s been an undergrad, his work has been featured, so far, in a total of 4 major art exhibitions. His displayed work apparently sells rather quickly, too, which surely earns him more than enough money to successfully continue his various artistic endeavors and out-of-uni activities. You’ve heard he’s also into tattoos, boxing, and photography on the side, for example. Whether it was true or not was not something you focused on, but considering his friends were they ones telling the tales, you didn’t doubt it. Not that you thought of it often, or at all, really.
What you did question was why exactly he felt the need to stop by Taehyung’s very own, very private, and very expensive Goghrik’s Vancrylics paint collection to use instead of his own. You didn’t want to think him as cheap because, quite frankly, you knew nothing more than those whispered rumors and offhanded comments Jimin and Yoongi perpetrated on occasion. So, you settled for thinking nothing until you could get concrete answers. 
For a long time Jungkook remained a simple ghost, until finally one day he just existed. Everywhere, and then, always. As if meeting him once meant he’d open the door to your home to welcome himself as an indefinite guest, you suddenly had no week free of his presence or his trace. Like a growing avalanche you learned about him with repeated increase, sometimes by choice, and sometimes by mere coincidence. Maybe it was pure coincidence, too, how you came to fall for him — for Jeon Jungkook, the artist, the fuckboy. With time though, you came to a different understanding.
Liking Jungkook was no coincidence.  It was a curse – a long, and tediously everlasting hex you’d so far failed to get rid of.  
And it all started, you begrudgingly admit sometimes, with some paint and very little luck.
Being in one of the most prestigious Universities in the country naturally means you consistently face the demon of a huge – nay, an enormous campus. A wide lake rests between dispersed buildings while Hi-Q food marts border each cluster of separate dorms, connected all entirely by desire paths and concrete roads. It's no surprise then that a map is the standard gift given to all entrance students, though by now you’ve memorized practically all zones you inhabit (i.e. the Natural Sciences’ Atrium, the Physics Department, and your own dorm). Most people still use theirs, along with the mandatory transportation fare card Admissions urges all newcomers to get. More than anything it’s a must-have for anyone who wants to actually make it on time to class — more so when they’re not blessed with taking courses on a near-by group of Departments.
And it just so happened you’re amongst those ill-fated few.
For four years now you’ve been a resident of Dorm C, exactly the furthest of the dorms from the NS Atrium. Instead you’re — uselessly — at a walking distance from the Plastic Arts department, a place you’ve ventured to for only a single semester back in your second year. Back then you had decided that taking Pottery was a great way to fill in some of your electives, an idea which mostly Taehyung, an art major himself, cemented in your head. You remember nothing of your treks to the department, nor of the lessons you received, but your memory often recalls it happened whenever you visit him. Your final project, a 2-piece set of misshapen cups of tea, still rests atop one of his many bookshelves to this day. Taehyung calls them “endearing”, something about them “truly reflecting a purpose beyond what their ‘perfect brethren’ are subjected to”. Which, really, is code for “they could be used as mugs, but I like them better as vases for Namjoon’s succulents,” and you’re okay with that.
Namjoon, an English Lit major, is Tae’s roommate and the other occupant of their two-bedroom flat. As luck would have it they stay on the floor above your own, right atop your much smaller and much lonelier dorm room. It’s actually one of the shared excuses you all use for your constant visits.
Half of the time you spend on their flat includes being tucked away on their couch, reading astronomy journals or watching documentaries Joon frequently sits through alongside you, or sleeping under Tae’s covers simply because he enjoys the company and can’t seem to sleep otherwise. The rest of the time the boys, sometimes with you in tow on an off day, migrate to Jimin and Yoongi’s shared flat in Dorm D. They share their space with Jungkook, if Yoongi’s complaints about late-night water-fests were anything to go by, though you’ve never seen him there.
No, ironically, the first time you crossed paths with him was in the lobby of Dorm C — your dorm. You remember he was shifting and wandering around like a lost puppy, his eyes restlessly searching for something or someone. It was him, you knew, because he’s often featured in your shared friend’s Instagram posts, and because he’s very hard to miss.
He was — is big, towering over you easily, and was then dressed all in black. A mix of comfy and effortlessly put together in perfect execution, the rolled-up sleeves of his sweater did nothing to hide the ink covering his veiny forearms. You were instantly thankful — you’ve always been drawn to tattoos. They’re admirable on others and on yourself, and you instantly had to push down the desire to keep marking your body for reasons only pertinent to the feeling of the needle on your skin or the aesthetics of the design. Your poor ass couldn’t afford another so soon, anyway.
The other thing that gave him away was his signature dark hair, long and parted in the middle to fall over his round, soft eyes. It covered his multiple piercings but did nothing to take away from the sweet persona that settled over him. Despite the dark and the goth, he seemed… cute. Very cute, and very confused. The way his eyebrows furrowed at his phone screen just before he searched through the scattered students was a dead giveaway. He was likely lost, but that wasn’t very surprising. For all the time Tae and Joon spend on Dorm D, the same couldn’t be said otherwise. Visits to Dorm C were seldom for the rest.
And a lost Jungkook… wasn’t your problem. A simple look at his boyish features was enough to ignite some sort of weird somersaults in your chest, and you wanted nothing more than to ignore it and run far away. So, you tried.
Blinking away the staring he had thankfully not noticed, you made for your own room as embarrassment coursed through your jittery limbs.
You didn’t make it very far before your plan backfired. You had to go near him to reach the elevator, and it apparently didn’t matter that you were practically hiding inside your bag, your hand rummaging through it for your room cardkey.
“Hey—uh, Y/N right?” you heard, and your body froze.
A look up, and there he was. Jeon Jungkook, calling your name. It was weird hearing your mesh of letters on his tongue, foreign to his palette yet pronounced to perfection. Equally confused as he looked before, and even further more embarrassed (you couldn’t help but think, amongst all the chaos in your mind, that his voice was ridiculously soothing and fitting for his physicality), your throat only let out a very intellectual “huh?”
“Um,” Jungkook’s eyes went wide, his head cocked to the side at your reaction. His feet shifted under him, and you tried ignoring the way his cheeks grew a lovely shade of pink when he spoke again.
“I’m Jungkook, and hyung—Taehyung mentioned you before. He isn’t answering and I’m a bit lost, so I was wondering if you could give me directions? Unless you’re not… Y/N?”
You’re often a recurrent character in Tae’s stories, so it shouldn’t have surprised you he’s spoken of you before. But it did.
“I am Y/N,” you relented, maybe a bit more bitterly than you intended. You couldn’t help but pout at the sudden reminder of Tae’s love for recording you during your most… inopportune moments. “Where is it you want to go?”
The boy in question rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a bunny-like smile making a sudden appearance. His teeth seemed to jut out a bit, and his upper lip disappeared almost entirely, but you were sure of one thing instantly: his smile was the prettiest one you’d ever seen.
You felt your chest constrict at the sight without any sense of permission, your ears going up in flames. Clearly, you were bonkers. You continued your walk towards the elevator, praying he’d keep up somewhere a bit farther from you.  But he followed without question, easily settling besides you and offering glances from the corner of his eye. You pressed the up button and pretended not to notice, playing around with your cardkey while you both waited.
“To hyung’s dorm — I haven’t ever been there, as strange as it sounds, and I need to borrow some paint.”
“Borrow some paint?” you hummed, the notion seeming somewhat silly to you. “After you’ve used it you can’t return it, so would it really be borrowing?”
You moved to look at him questioningly, curiosity getting the best of you, and the feeling you were hit with was far too paralyzing for you to carry. It was a sudden storm of affection, a wave of currents that spread and tightened, tickling and burning your stomach each second you saw his crinkled eyes, his teeth fully bared into a humorous grin. It made your feet stick to the ground even after the doors of the elevator greeted you open.
“You’re a weird one aren’t you?” he muttered airily, more to himself than anything, before shrugging and prompting you to follow him inside the confined space. “Technically, you’re right, but saying I’m borrowing stuff sounds nicer, doesn’t it? It’s all about semantics. Don’t worry though, hyung lets me take some of his whenever I run out.”
Neither of you said much after that, but you did take him all the way to Tae’s and Joon’s front door. He thanked you softly before you left, with a smile sincere and gentle in ways you hadn’t expected. You remember nodding along and, possibly, wishing him good luck on his art project, but you weren’t sure by the time you reached your room.
You remember skipping your assignments that night, choosing instead a hot shower and the comforts of your recently cleaned bed. It was the first attempt at forgetting the whole event, a new mission for your mind to complete before a crush settled its anchor.
You were used to six handsome guys. You drew the line at seven.
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Meeting Jungkook for the first time was disastrous for the days that followed. Maybe you were being a bit dramatic, but it was rightfully warranted. Your brain had vaguely memorized what he looked like outside of pictures, and now you saw him everywhere. It was the frequency bias all over again, and it had no escape, just like that one time you wanted to dye your hair and suddenly half the population seemed to be dying it that very color. Similarly, interacting with Jungkook meant noticing him in your peripheral when he wasn’t front and center, knowing it was him in the distance. It only worsened when your paths began to regularly cross.
It happened and continuous to happen mostly in the presence of Tae or Joon, or any of Jungkook’s roommates. 
Whenever you’d spend some time on the couch with Joon, he was there. Whenever you woke up midday and decide it was high time to cook brunch for three (four then), he was already there. When Yoongi invited you over to hear some of the pieces he’s been working on, Jungkook was miraculously in the apartment. Oh, you wanted to steal some of Tae’s shirts? Jungkook catches you red handed, some stolen paints of his own right in his treacherous hold.
It’s absolutely maddening.
You wouldn’t mind it so much if it weren’t for the fact that each new stare, each new smile, leaves your stomach in complete shambles.
Who could take you back to the time when you hadn’t heard his loud laugh? To when he hadn’t seen you loafing around in your onesie after a killer test and stayed to comfort you? He even called you cute, shared some of his milk and made sure to leave only after he’d seen you smile. Sometimes he’d even notice you watch your documentaries only to pop a random question about space, or even about the science behind Star Trek or Star Wars when “Clearly FTL travel isn’t possible?” (To which you’d answer: “Not yet it isn’t, you non-believer”) before falling quiet and leaving you be. They were small conversations with no more than 3 lines exchanged, but they were more than enough for the butterflies seeping through your ribcage to go on a frenzy.
And despite everything you heard and everything you began to know, Jungkook was possibly the softest, sweetest, and most annoying person you knew. At least superficially. 
You still knew nothing personal about him, with your interactions being limited to shared spaces, but you didn’t think much of it until you began to see all kinds of things: his cute habits, his quirks, and even the way his tattoo collection grows.
You’ve silently noticed the way he wiggles his toes when he sits to watch a series, how he blinks a lot when he’s confused. You’ve seen the way he scratches the back of his head when he’s not confident about something, and how his eyes smile before his lips do, and the way his laugh resonates all around the room in the most euphoric melodies. All of this you come to know as unequivocally Jungkook. And you know, you know you’re so whipped for him that you can’t stop being in-tuned with it, with his little things.
But you’re also aware of your situation, and it doesn’t surprise you when your chest starts to hurt over it — over him, because you see his other things: the way each week curls a different girl around his waist, the way his eyes turn cold when he says he doesn’t do relationships, and the way he looks at you.
It’s never with disgust or anything of the sort. It’s just that you’ve seen the way he looks at the girls he fucks with, the girls he finds attractive, the girls he likes for a single night to then discard them.
And he’s never looked at you like that. You suppose that’s good, but... then again, you guess it means you’re nothing. After all, Jeon Jungkook never offers you any hope, he never shows any interest. Technically you’re not even his friend — not really. You’re Taehyung’s other best friend, an outside addition to his usual friend group, and now to his life. You’re okay with that, you have to be. You haven’t sought him out, haven’t done anything to close the gap between you. Water and care is something you never wanted to give your unjustified feelings. You never wanted them to grow, even now.
You just failed to take note of the rain pouring over the earth and pooling beneath your feet, and you don’t notice you’re drowning until you see him at the end of the day.
The girl attached to him is a stranger to you, just like the rest you’ve seen, yet you can’t seem to shake the thought that something must be different. Whatever she has seems to be enough for the tattooed man to shatter his distaste for PDA, at least for the time being.
Your legs hesitate to unceremoniously halt in the middle of the hall. Your eyes battle not to widen and not to stare, for a second desperate to make sure that what you’re seeing is real, that you’re seeing Jungkook kiss for the first time in forever as if you hadn’t known all this time that he fucks and loves behind closed doors. 
And it doesn’t matter that the kiss isn’t gentle, that he’s kissing her as if she were the very air he needed to breathe. No, what makes you sick is how he notices, how he sees you, and how he does nothing but pull her closer in response.
You push yourself to move as soon as his eyes drift away again, unwilling to tremble before him and unwilling to make any more mistakes.
Class would have to wait. You needed coffee, even if it meant being late. And you absolutely hate being late to Astrophysics, but you definitely hated seeing him more.
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From Peoples Park to Echo Park
(Post- Trump era, Part 3)
March 26th 2021
By Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
It was Easter 1971 in Berkeley, California.  I was visiting the Bay Area and I wanted to see the place where the students had fought the police. The park was small, maybe an acre; it looked like any other city park.  A couldn’t-be-overlooked wooden sculpture of a giant clenched fist assaulted my view.   Other than that, it was very nice and banal.  Some kids with backpacks were attentively listening to a guitarist.   He played a song I’d never heard of, “18” it was called.  I really liked it.  I asked who did the song and the guitarist said, Alice Cooper.  I thought it was a chick.  Boy, was I wrong!
By this time, the New Left was dying a slow death.  Much has been written about the Peoples Park riot.  Click here for more information. I wont rehash the entire history here, however, it was the strangest trip I’d ever been on.  It’s recounted in my one of my manuscripts.
In the City of Berkeley, homeless encampments are protected by city ordinance.  However, 500 miles south of there is a different story. Echo Park is an area northeast of Los Angeles where my mother grew up.  She lived two blocks up the hill from the park itself.  At the time, my grandfather co-owned a grocery store called, “Pioneer Market,” located nearby on Sunset Boulevard.  Echo Park was a white neighborhood.  How white was it?  Well, my mom’s family consisted of the only Jews on her block.  My grandfather wanted his two daughters to marry Jewish guys, so he moved his family to the Fairfax District, about 20 miles west.  Success!  They both married Jews, although my aunt eventually divorced her husband and my mom suffered with my dad for 50 years!  But, hey—stick to your own tribe! (Sarcasm 101)
Now, Echo Park has a large Latino population and LGBTQ residents.  The park itself is right next to the Hollywood Freeway.  When I used to take the express bus home from work on that freeway, I would see that man-made lake to the left.  It looked similar to that of another park, MacArthur Park, on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, only smaller.  There were boats on the lake you could rent, just like at MacArthur Park.  There are many old growth shade trees, perfect for picnics and just relaxing.  There were grills for barbecuing, and bathrooms. The bathrooms were not very nice but, they were there should you really need them.  On the park’s south side, there was a public swimming pool.  In the distance southward, you can see LA’s downtown skyline.
Berkeley is a small university town.  When the college administration threatened to tear down Peoples Park to build college dorms, word got around and, within hours, protests emerged.  The protests soon became riots.  That was when conservatives ran the universities.   Today, conservatives still own the university, but liberals run it.  Finally after a few years, the college left the property alone.
Los Angeles is a huge city, now run by Democrats.  It used to be run by Republicans, until they got voted out of office because of mass corruption.  Back in the 40s and 50s, Los Angeles had a massive transportation system known as the “Red Car.” You could ride an electric train car all the way from Pasadena to Venice Beach on that system.   Then, the Republican city council acquiesced to the oil companies and auto manufacturers and destroyed the “Red Car.”
Now to the “homeless problem.” Because of Southern California’s mild climate, it is easier to be homeless in LA than, say, in Chicago. Most of the homeless are mentally ill, alcoholic, and/or drug addicted.  Enter the COVID 19 pandemic, followed by the economic depression and, like an avalanche, it quickly caused average citizens to lose their jobs and businesses.   Subsequently, their homes were foreclosed upon and/or they were evicted from their apartments when they could no longer make their mortgage and rent payments.  These average, working class citizens became homeless.
There are hundreds of homeless camps in LA, many of them under freeway overpasses.  There are homeless camps on Venice Beach and in public parks.  One park, Poinsettia Park, was where I used to hang out when I was a preteen.  East of that park, you could see the United Artists Studio movie sets stored behind their studio walls.  That park is now a homeless camp.  It looks like a Boy Scouts Jamboree.  
Echo Park became a homeless camp.  The city council representative for the area decided he wanted to clear out the park of encampments because of the many complaints he’d received.  Since LA  is a left-of-center government, they didn’t want to be seen as Fascists preparing to evict poor people into the streets, so, they found a loophole.  “We’ll tell the public that we will be clearing out the park to do needed repairs.   Having people there while the work was ongoing, would present a safety hazard.”  Thus, under false pretenses, the City evicted the homeless from the park and fenced it off for construction purposes.  
Millennial protesters showed up to protect the modern day itinerants from the heartless state.   Homeless residents joined them. They practiced non-violent resistance by standing, their arms locked together, in front of a line of an LAP.D riot squad.  They marched and chanted, but they were outnumbered.  The homeless became nomadic.
A Lumpen proletariat like me knows that, when the Middle Class becomes unemployed and homeless, they are not worried about the “Red menace.” Do you really think that if they utilize the Protestant work ethic, they will, by free enterprise magic, ascend from poverty like superhero's?   And, if they pray to Jesus, they will be saved?  Fuck, no!  What they will find out when they unite and become a revolutionary army is, that they will rise above property rights by targeting their true oppressors, the Ruling Class!
History, once again, is repeating itself.  We now have another Eisenhower mixed with Truman in the White House.  President Biden will be remembered, by history, as the savior of the USA.
It is a two party game.  I am so sick of it!  Republican bad cop and Democrat good cop.  The pendulum will swing from left to right again and again until America has a left wing revolution.  What is happening in Echo Park is happening globally.
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Survey #307
“you lie so much, you believe yourself”
How long has it been since you kissed someone? Like, two years or so. What level are you on Farmville? Never played it. What are you looking forward to in the next year? I hope Covid just withers away, dammit. I truly, truly hope this vaccine is effective. And that people start wearing their GODDAMN masks. Do you use a lot of emoticons? Not really nowadays. Would you ever climb a mountain? No. Even if my legs were capable of handling that, I'd be too afraid of an avalanche. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face’s eyes? Colons. When was the last time you swam in a lake? A looooong time ago. If you could have anything right now, what would you want? It'd be great to chill at Sara's house honestly, I miss that. What’s your relationship status? Single and I think finally starting to truly accept I need to be right now. I wouldn't want to date myself in my current position, so I shouldn't expect anyone else to. When was the last time someone asked you your age? On my birthday when I mentioned in group therapy that I was trying to make it an especially good day about myself. When was the last time you danced? Very, very poorly with Sara years ago lmao. Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you? Someone snatched my arm and yanked me down to look her in the eyes in HS because she was a jealous bitch back then telling lies, but idk if her intention was to actually try to start a physical fight. Are you avoiding someone? No. What’s your favorite primary color? Red. What do you have pierced? Just my ears and bottom lip now. :/ I want morrrreeee. I'm forever tilted that so many of my piercings closed when I was hospitalized. What is your favorite dog breed? I find pugs to be very cute, but I do not support their breeding whatsoever so would never buy one. Besides them, I have a definite bias towards beagles. In your honest opinion, what is the scariest sea creature you know? Fucking Christ, giant squids. Terrifying. Do you believe there is just one love for everyone, or…? No. There are way, way, WAY too many people on this planet for that. What natural disaster scares you the most? Tornados. What outrageous career could you see yourself wanting to do? Define an "outrageous" career... but I can't visualize myself doing anything very unordinary. In what way would you want to help change the world? I truly hope I can make some considerable amount of contributions to natural conservation and animal education. When driving down the road looking for an address do you turn the radio low? I don't drive, but I know I would, considering I can't concentrate on driving if the radio is on anyway. What do you think of when you look at the stars? How little I and my problems really are. It gives me perspective. If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be? Well, Biden just got into office, so I can't really say yet. We'll see what he does. What Disney princess are you most like? Personality wise, I mean. Uh. I'unno. Maybe Snow White because animals? haha Do you believe in astrology? Not in the slightest. Do you look into people’s eyes when you talk to them? I try to, anyway, but I tend to find it very uncomfortable, and I never know if I'm offering too little or too much. So I have trouble maintaining it, especially with people I don't know. You can have one of the following two things: trust or love. Pick one. Trust. What do you think is the most important thing in this life is? Hm, that's a deep one. Perhaps the understanding that you are just as important as the next person and that we should work as one to make this one life that we know of worthwhile. Make the world better than when you entered it. What is your favorite shade of blue? Pastel blue. I just like pastels in general. When's the last time you bought something just because? I don't buy things "just because." If I actually have money to spend, I use it with motivation behind it. What Ozzy lyric describes you best? WHOA NOW HUNNY you are asking the WRONG person because I can just about name his entire discography so there are waaaay too many song lyrics to dig through and pick one for myself. Probably something from "Dreamer," after a short moment's consideration. When was the last time you went for a walk without a specific destination in mind? Not since Sara and I walked down the path near her house. We didn't plan on when we would turn around to go back. Do you daydream? Only all the time. What was your last daydream about? Ha, thanks to that other question, visiting Sara again. It'd be nice, but yeah, financial limitations and corona. Ever won the lottery? Bitch I wish. What was the most important decision you made that screwed up your life the most? Ugh... I'd say putting all my self-worth, happiness, and source of peace into one person was pretty big but also fucking stupid. What is love really about? Don't ask a romantic this and expect a non-essay, haha. But to keep it as short as possible, it's about mutual care, the desire to grow together, trust, openness, the peace to be vulnerable with the other... It's about a lot. It's such a deep, beautiful feeling. What's the most you ever made in a year? lol Do you have an online diary? Only through surveys, really. What's the biggest pot you've won in poker? I haven't played poker since I was a kiddo, so idr. What Metallica lyric most describes your life? Who wrote this and knows my favorite bands????? Like damn. There's a good handful of the sadder songs I relate to; I did some brief digging through ones I know I relate to, and perhaps the one I feel closest is within "The Unforgiven II": "The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true. If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you." Aaaand now I'm gonna go binge Metallica 'cuz it's been too long, thanks. How many concerts have you been to? Just one. :/ Which one was your favorite? I've only seen Alice Cooper, and it was great. What's the most illegal thing you've done? Pirated stuff, oops. Ever get busted by the cops? What for? No. How many pairs of rollerblades do/did you own? I doubt I have any anymore. Ever wear out a CD? What was it? Ahaha... There is some scratching on my mom's copy of Ozzmosis thanks to me playing it so much on my old CD player. Ever have a tornado in your town? Well my city is pretty damn big, so yes, in some spots. I don't think my immediate proximity has ever seen one, though. If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be? I would absolutely need something motivating if that was the case, so most likely "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne. That song touches me so deeply and gives me the courage to do what I can to tackle life and try not to waste it. I know, I'm doing a great job at that. Ever heard of Shinedown? Hell yeah; I was actually listening to them in the car earlier. What does your lawn furniture consist of? We have nothing out there. Ever live off of canned soup and ramen noodles for weeks at a time? Er, no. But when I got my tongue pierced, I had to survive off of popsicles and... I somehow forgot the main thing I ate???? How?????? But anyway it was something that didn't involve much or any chewing, either. I actually lost a little bit of weight in that week or so because eating solids was impossible, and I didn't enjoy "eating" liquids either. That piercing (snake eyes, btw) was soooo so cute tho. I really wish it hadn't started to damage my teeth, or else I'd still have it. What musical group/artist do you love, but hide from other people? I used to be kinda embarrassed by artists like Melanie Martinez when you compare her music to my adoration of metal, but at my age now, I don't give a damn. I like what I like and won't hide it. What is the first meal you remember eating? ... Does anyone actually remember this??? What's in your keepsake box/scrapbook? Good God, a lot. I haven't looked in it in a very, very long time though. It brings a usually painful nostalgia. What did you score on your SATs? I don't even remember if I took them. I THINK I took the ACT instead? I don't even know the difference. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? Hm. Been a while. It's not like I'm out of the house a lot, especially nowadays with quarantine. What colors is your lava lamp? I wish I had a lava lamp, they're rad and really relaxing. What's the strangest thing you've ever hung on the wall? Nothing, really. Can you name every place you've ever had sex? I mean I can but I'm not going to. What's the most important thing you ever lost and never found again? My favorite childhood cat Charcoal. He was an outdoor and intact male, so it was very normal for him to eventually vanish to rove. Please keep your cats indoors. What forms of birth control have you used? The pill and, uh, having "barriers." How many webpages have you created, and can you still find them all? I made Wetpaint sites for my two RP mobs back in the day, but the site has since been completely revised, so no, they don't exist anymore. I checked outta curiosity I think last year. How many people are in your family portrait? We don't even have a proper family portrait. Ever punched a wall? No. When's the last time you really lost your temper? In some argument with Mom I don't remember. Ever thought you (or a girlfriend) were pregnant, but it was a false alarm? I had massive anxiety over it once, but it was irrational and even I knew that. Not that anxiety cares. If 97 is yes, were you glad or sad? I was very glad when my period came lmao. What was the last conversation you had with someone before they died? When I saw my grandma for the last time, I just let her know that I loved her and that she was so, so strong, and she was. No one could believe how long she warded death off when she finally stopped chemo. What do your drinking glasses look like? We have some more unique cups and mugs, but the majority of them are just plain, slightly angular glasses, some short, some tall. How many bottles/containers are in your medicine cabinet? Oh wow, a lot. We're covered for most potential problems. How many funerals have you been to? Uhhh I think one. Maybe even none, just wakes. What was the last bug you killed and what did you use? An ant, I think? I just used my fingers. How many computers in your household? There are three laptops, but no desktop computers. Ever help to solve a crime? There was one occasion years ago when our neighbor's window was busted overnight and cops came to us to ask for any evidence we might have had, but we didn't have any. Idk what came of it. Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket? I've never been pulled over. What was your first legal alcoholic drink? I think it was a margarita, but possibly a daquiri. Ever get published by one of those poetry groups? I fucking wish. I've tried, but to no avail. What's the furthest distance you've moved? Not very far at all. Just to the neighboring town. How many friends from high school/college do you still talk to? Only a few now and then. Girt is the only one I have real conversations with, though. What's the most expensive things your parents ever bought you? Probably the laptop I have right now, but idk. I've never asked how much things they've bought me cost, it seems rude somehow. What's the most expensive thing you've bought? The upcoming revamp of my tattoo. Deposit was $100, and then it's probably going to be another $300-400. I can't afford it all myself; as my birthday gift, Mom is helping me pay for it, but I've got most of it covered thanks to Christmas and birthday money. How many times did you intentionally start to commit suicide? Start to do it? Well, I was trying to run for sharp objects to do it twice, but on each occasion, someone held me back 'cuz they knew I was about to do something rash, so I didn't get very far, thankfully. The only time I fully went through with an attempt was my OD. Ever spent the night in the "loony bin?" How fucking disrespectful to call it that, but whatever. If you put all the instances together, I've been in psych hospitals for around a couple months, maybe more. What is your favorite cover song? Disturbed's cover of "Sound of Silence" is absolutely unbeatable. I'd just about call it a cold hard fact. What's your inspiration? Other's success stories, music, art in general, etc. What's the longest relationship you've been in? Over 3 1/2 years. Did you ever drop out of school? I dropped out of college three times, yikes. Three times is enough; even if I think I want to, I'm never going back. That is just way too much money to keep throwing down the drain, and there's clearly a pattern. Ever raise a child that wasn't your own for more than 3 months? I've never raised a kid period. Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you? Look up what a pilonidal cyst is and know I had one surgically removed. Pretty strange and uncomf. Song that has changed your attitude recently? None, really. What's something that you say a lot to be mean? ... Why would I try to be mean??? Who told you they loved you last? Me mum. Ever had a pet frog? Not technically, no, but as kids, my sister, neighbor, and I saved hundreds, maybe thousands of tadpole eggs from a ditch that was inevitably going to dry out. We transferred them all to a kiddie pool and let them grow naturally, hopping out and into the world whenever they were ready. I wouldn't call them "pets." Your worst enemy? IT'S NO SURPRIIIISE TO MEEEE I AAAAMMM MY OWN WORST ENEMYYYYY Do you believe in karma? No, but I wish it was a thing. What was the last hurtful thing you said to someone? I'm not sure. I certainly try to avoid doing so. Do you love someone enough you'd die for them? There's multiple people. The last song you listened to? I wasn't joking when I said I was gonna go on a Metallica spree, haha. "Of Wolf and Man" is on rn. Your most favorite memory as a kid? Too many, man. If you had the choice to work or not, would you work? Yes. I need something to do that benefits others in one way or another. Ever TRULY wanted to kill someone? I can't say for sure, if I'm being totally transparent. When I found out about Jason's gf after me, I can say with certainty I wanted her dead beyond dead, but I don't know if I wanted to kill her, per se. Just to clarify, no, I don't wish any negativity upon her now. I was certifiably insane before and certainly don't think I am anymore, so... Marvel or DC? I don't care. Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed? Both. I prefer dubbed, BUT only if the voice acting isn't insufferable. I like dubbed just because for me, it's very distracting to have to keep looking down at subtitles. How often do you exercise? I don't... I'm still waiting for Mom to move into her actual room versus the living room couch so I can do WiiFit with some privacy. I'm too uncomfortable to exercise in front of anyone. What is your favorite book series? Warriors will forever have a very special place in my heart. What is your favorite OTP? I will probably ship Rhett and Link for my entire life. Their friendship is truly incredible and so so SOOOOOOO cute. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I've never seen the series, actually.
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pucking-rare · 5 years
pucking rare masterlist 2019
below the cut are all the fics added to the pucking rare collection 2019, sorted by team/relationship. thanks everyone who wrote, beta’d, left prompts and in any way contributed to this year’s collection!
fyi: fics are sorted by who was on what team prior to 1 july because trying to keep track of who is on what team is beyond our capabilities right now.
Anders Bjork/Matt Grzelcyk/Charlie McAvoy; Anders Bjork/Charlie McAvoy
something worth holding onto by cjmasim 
Anders turns over to face away from Charlie. It really doesn't matter how Charlie would react to him being aromantic. He's not going to come out to him just based on a random thought. There's no evidence whatsoever that Charlie likes him like that. If he did, he'd at least try to sleep in the same bed, Anders is sure.
It was a good hookup, and Charlie wants to do it again. Anders wants to do it again. So they'll do it again, and that's all they'll do. If it gets out of hand, well, he can deal with that when it happens.
Marcus Johansson & Brad Marchand
A 1000 Ways by onlypartly (foreverkneeld) 
Marcus Johansson finally gets an apology from Brad Marchand. Sort of.
Rasmus Dahlin/Casey Mittelstadt; Rasmus Dahlin/Victor Olofsson
bloom by eichart
Ras doesn’t mean to keep buying plants for each and every one of his teammates, but he does, creating little explosions of green and orange and purple around the apartment. It’s his nature to look after them, to know when something’s wrong, so he will.
This team: he loves them.
This city: it’s special.
Jake McCabe/Rasmus Ristolainen
emptiness to melody by rawrimmapanda 
Jake knew that the random sore spots were something. He just didn't know what from exactly. After a trip to the doctor he sets off on a mission to find out who is soulmate is.
Bits of You on Me by eafay70 
Three times Jake's soulmate left him injured, and one time Jake was the one to blame.
Johnny Gaudreau/Matthew Tkachuk
sealed with a kiss by iknewhim
“You want me,” Chucky drawls, “To kiss you for hockey.”
Elias Lindholm/David Rittich
We’ve Come Too Far, To Give Up Who We Are by Aer
David’s life has taken more than a few twists and turns over the years, but he’s always been able to see them coming, to some extent.
He never would have seen Elias coming in a million years.
Tyson Barrie/Tyson Jost
soft shines through by somehowunbroken 
Defensemen have to marry forwards. It's a rule, and Tyson's been putting it off for longer than he should've, and now he needs to marry someone before the season starts or he won't be able to play.
Enter Tyson Jost.
J. T. Compher/Tyson Jost/Alexander Kerfoot; J. T. Compher/Tyson Jost
no regrets, just love by ancientdeceiver
The kiss, in the end, is just one friend helping out another friend.
Tyson Jost/Colin Wilson
bring your good times and your laughter too by somehowunbroken 
Sure, the stuffed pink rabbit and balloons had been funny, but it's Tyson's birthday. Colin's maybe in the mood to give him whatever he asks for.
Miro Heiskanen/Roope Hintz
round one, round two by ghosthunter
“Are you nervous?” Miro asks, reaching out and tugging Roope’s thumb from between his lips.
“Are you not?” Roope asks him, his voice quiet. Miro grins at him.
(maybe it's the finnish summer) got me seeing stars when I'm with you by up_and_away 
After they get eliminated, Miro can't bring himself to go home and face his parents' sympathy. He goes home with Roope instead, and finds a way to exhale.
keep it subliminal by carissima
Miro smothers a yawn and opens his door. Roope’s standing there with two coffees and an expression that matches his own mood.
when it hits you by carissima 
And that’s the precise moment he realizes that he may, in fact, have a Miro-sized problem.
Mikko Koivu/Zach Parise
You Know My Words (Look Up the Name) by sleeperservice
Zach's soulmark shows up during his rookie season after a game against the Wild. Nobody told him it would take years to find out who else had one show up that night.
Taylor Hall/Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes
I won't hesitate for you by theshipstorulethemallwrites 
To be 29 years old, made the playoffs once and be a virgin was not in plans for Taylor Hall. Neither was falling for his, much, younger teammates. Yes, there's a plural in that last word, stop judging.
Mikhail Grabovski/Nikolay Kulemin
Windows by blueorangecrush
Kolya's grandmother used to say that dreams were windows into other worlds.
Anders Lee/Devon Toews
I’m on your clock, you’re in control by Mooresomore 
"Breaking up is hard to do...especially when you're not out to the team and you can't let anyone know about it (or that it's over). It really sucks too when you still want the person, but they want nothing to do with you." Mat had never thought those words would apply to him, but here he was.
Brady Skjei/Jimmy Vesey
we’re never gonna win the world by skjei 
Jimmy doesn’t want to die.
(or, jimmy vesey signs with the new york rangers and his live changes more than it ever has).
Carter Hart/Nolan Patrick/Travis Konecny
Hens and Chicks by Hock_hug 
Travis Konecny can’t make coffee
Carter Hart/Claude Giroux/Danny Briere
Shining bright to see what you could truly be by Mooresomore
Just a fluffy look into the life of Carter, Claude, Danny, and their family.
Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick
dumbasses in love by andersens
“So, I talked to Lawson, and it turns out he does think we’re dating.”
“I told you,” Nolan says.
“Yeah and see the thing is, I was gonna tell him he’s wrong. But then he started going on and on about how proud of me he is and how happy. And he was looking at me with his stupid Lawson face with his stupid Lawson smile and I just...I couldn’t tell him he was wrong.”
say that you're into me, let me know how it'll be (if you don't know, just say so) by haruspexes 
Really, the wedding is the thing that sets it all off. Someone self-aware might say it started way before the wedding but Travis has always been a little suspicious about that whole know-thyself thing. So, it starts on an otherwise unremarkable Tuesday afternoon.
“Anyways, you know I’m the best wedding date you could get on such short notice,” Travis fires off. It’s a pretty weak chirp, but the chance to say something is just too good to pass up.
“Yeah.” Nolan nods where Travis was half expecting him to argue.
take down some summer time by manybumblebees
Summer is lake days and fishing and coolers full of beer, the boat kicking up spray in its wake, and Nolan coming to stand next to him on the deck in his too-short shorts, holding his forearm next to TK’s and complaining about his Irish skin, which burns and freckles but never tans.
Or: summer makes TK stupid.
trouble's gonna follow (where i go) by carissima 
The first thing Travis learns about Nolan is that he can’t tie a fucking tie.
Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick; Carter Hart/Nolan Patrick; Carter Hart/Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick; Lawson Crouse/Travis Konecny; Nico Hischier/Nolan Patrick
kiss me & take off your clothes by ghosthunter
“You’re so sexy in the morning, God,” TK says.
“I’m sexy all the time,” Nolan says. “That’s why I make the big bucks.”
Tomas Hertl/Tommy Wingels
blame it, blame it by frausorge
Olive juice? That sounds disgusting.
Anthony Cirelli/Mikhail Sergachev
Once Smitten by verbaeghe 
It isn’t that Tony’s expecting Misha to already be in their dorm room when he arrives per se, it’s just. Well, it’s junior year, classes start tomorrow, and Misha still hasn’t managed an on-time arrival yet. At least he’s consistent.
A Tale of Courtship by Sugarchev, verbaeghe
“Marriage,” King Anton repeats to a slack-jawed Tony. “The council agrees, it’s time we secure our alliances.”
The King’s cabinet falls silent. Stamkos purses his lips, while Victor pretends to notice something out the window. Cally and McDonagh glue their eyes to the tactical map sprawled across the table and Misha…he should sit down before his legs give out.
Anthony Cirelli/Mikhail Sergachev; Braydon Coburn/Slater Koekkoek
How to Train Your Partner 101 by darkone 
Tony’s previous partner retired a month ago and he’s been anxiously awaiting a new one. He’s tired of going on missions with other well established teams because it makes him feel like a third wheel.
Braydon Coburn/Slater Koekkoek
Yours by Lecavayay
He takes Slater’s wrist, holds it to his lips like the name there is his and not some other Braydon waiting for the man in his bed to find him.
Tyler Johnson/Ondrej Palat
The Playboy of Central New York by blueorangecrush 
Tyler just wanted to be a semi-anonymous graduate student, not the funder of a biotech startup with his old money inheritance.
He thought he'd meet a girl who didn't know or care about his money. He was wrong about the "girl" part.
Cedric Paquette/Louis Domingue; Alex Killorn/Andrej Sustr; Jake Dotchin/Yanni Gourde
I Could Stay Here Forever by TylerAndAlexAndCeddyOhMy 
Ceddy and Louis were fall in love while studying abroad
“We should go to Italy!” Yanni yelled. 
“You just want to sleep with Italian guys,” Louis groaned. “We should go to France. The museums! Imagine all the history!” 
“Yeah! Because there is ZERO fucking history in ITALY, you huge fucking moron,” Yanni yelled at Louis. 
“You aren’t even interested in history! You’re interested in dick!” Louis countered. 
“Yes,” Yanni screamed stomping toward his room. “Big Italian dick!” With that he slammed his door.
Frederik Andersen/Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly
Filled Up by eyeslikeonyx
When Auston pictured going on vacation with Freddie and Mo during the bye week, he was expecting to have fun in their hotel room, obviously. He knows Mitch is most likely getting railed on his own trip with Marty and Cees if the suggestive snaps from the night before are any indicator. Auston has been waiting for this trip for a while now, and he’s excited to finally relax and get some much needed sun. He doesn’t want to just have sex the entire time he’s on vacation.
He should have known his body would betray him the moment he, Mo, and Freddie actually made it to their resort suite.
Kyle Dubas/William Nylander
The Lace in Your Dress by elenajames 
There’s a garment box on their bed when Willy gets home.
You’re my golden hour by mozartspiano 
Kyle's condo is terrible. William helps him find a house.
This One’s For You by theshipstorulethemallwrites 
Since his father’s death in a classified military accident, William Nylander has always had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he could be more. And then he gets in trouble in a way that he can’t get out of.
Enter Kingsman
Enter Kyle Dubas
I Hope You Lie by dizzzylu 
"You think that we don't notice?" William asks. "How you take care of us, how you take the blame for us. We notice, Kyle. I notice."
Nazem Kadri/Mitch Marner; Nazem Kadri/Mitch Marner/John Tavares
Knights by eden22 
London Knights are always proprietary with each other.
Mitch Marner/John Tavares
A Monster Under the Bed by eyeslikeonyx 
On the morning of November 9, 1973, Good Hope Sheriff John Tavares is the third man to pull up to the banks of Lake Perry where a body has been found. Principal Patrick Marleau of Good Hope High School was the first, and Deputy Sheriff Morgan Reilly was the second.
Mitch Marner/William Nylander
You Brought Out The Best In Me by Bluejay141519 
Mitch is the sun and Willy's been in the shadows since the day Mitch was drafted. That doesn't mean he loves Mitch any less.
William Nylander/Andreas Johnsson
facts of life (it’s i and love and you) by florabee 
some things change and some things don't. the most set-in-stone fact in andreas's life is this: he loves willy and willy loves him
Brock Boeser/Elias Pettersson
boy with love by lilcrickee 
“Oh no,” Brock murmurs, the reality of the situation sinking in. It’s 11 o’clock in the middle of the offseason and he’s holding a baby. The baby is his. Brock is 22 and has a baby and the mother has run off to work on a cruise ship.
Elias Pettersson/Jacob Markstrom
Waiting Tied and Bound by Sister_Grimm 
Jacob knows exactly how to take Elias apart every time
Nikolaj Ehlers/Patrik Laine
make my heart sparkle like champagne by softEldritch (assbutts) 
Hey, Niky,” he says slowly, enunciating it carefully so he doesn’t somehow mess up the words, “what if we do get married this summer?”
Turns out there’s a lot more to a wedding than just showing up, saying a few words and putting on some rings.
Adam Lowry/Brandon Tanev
while all his body trembled by onlypartly (foreverkneeld) 
(407): It's very finicky. Like baking. or BDSM.
mixer attachments by snailmailed
“It’s a KitchenAid. You have the same one. Are you feeling okay?” He added when Brandon continued to stare at his brand new mixer.
Brandon blinked. “Yeah dude, I know what it is.”
“Okay well it didn’t seem like -”
“I know what it is! Obviously.” Brandon huffed.
(Adam buys his own KitchenAid, Brandon doesn't take it well.)
Nazem Kadri/James Van Riemsdyk
hit me with that by landofpromise 
Nazem isn’t sure what to think when James’ name appears on his screen.
Mathew Barzal/Thomas Chabot
careless with my heart again by aimerai 
Mat looks at Chabby, actually looks at him, and wants to kiss him. This is not a new thought, nor is it particularly damning. Mat wants to make him fall apart, and that’s fine, too. But wanting to smooth out the faint wrinkle of his brow and uncoil the tension from his shoulders is a line he can’t cross. Wanting Chabby to go back to the person he was when he was asleep, carefree, is not something he is allowed. Staying the night was a detour; staying in bed was a mistake, and yet, Mat can’t bring himself to regret it. Some things are an inevitability; this may not be one of them, but Mat thinks he’d have chosen to land here anyway. Even if it’s going to hurt, even as he’s trying to pull himself out of one of the biggest hurts he’s ever had.
Anthony Cirelli/Taylor Raddysh
It Started Out With a Kiss (Or: How It Ended Up Like This) by love_stella 
“Who was that?” Misha asks, cutting him off.
“It was no one, don’t worry about it,” Tony tries to say, knowing damn well it’s going to be impossible to get them to stop now that they’ve started.
“No no no, that wasn’t no one,” Misha says, “You don’t just walk up and kiss no one.”
Anthony Cirelli/Taylor Raddysh/Mitchell Stephens
Magnolia by love_stella 
What catches his eye is a hint of blue floating around the water, but before he can reach his hand in to check he’s hit with another coughing fit, only this time he’s able to catch most of the petals in his palms so he can inspect them to make sure his eyes aren’t tricking him. Surely enough, Taylor didn’t even cough up any of Tony’s flower this time, the petals he’s holding are shorter and a pale blue that Taylor might find beautiful if they didn’t just come out of his lungs.
Eric Comrie/Chase De Leo
Trying To Get That Feeling Again by Mooresomore 
Chase and Eric had been together and things were perfect. What happened when Chase got traded to the Ducks changed all that. Can they find what was missing?
Dante Fabbro/Tyson Jost
all these songs of love by somehowunbroken 
Dante's an aspiring musician, so he'll take whatever help he can get, including a boy in 
his dreams who helps him write his music. Everything's going fine until he looks up during a show and sees that boy in the crowd.
Alexandre Fortin/Jeremy Lauzon/Philippe Myers
this doesn’t look that much different from home by aimerai 
Alex is born somewhere between a hope and a dream, made more of magic than of DNA. He’s not quite a changeling child, but the first time he watches Pinocchio, he cries and cries and can’t stop, until he feels like he’s going to throw up with each hitching breath. It feels too similar, and he’s always known what he is.
Or, the moments that make a homecoming.
Marcus Johansson/Evgeny Kuznetsov
putting broken pieces back in place by ghosthunter 
“Evgeny Evgenyvich,” the stranger says.
“Huh?” Zhenya asks, confused. He stops to look up into the black space where a face should be.
“What would you give,” the stranger asks.
“For what?” Zhenya asks. He considers continuing walking, but he can’t. He considers running, but he can’t do that either. He thinks these things, but his body won’t do them.
“For what you want,” the stranger says to him.
Auston Matthews/Patrick Kane
Half in the shadows, half burned in flames by Caivallon 
Between night and day. In this strange endless twilight between yesterday and tomorrow when everything is possible.
They have played a game. A tempting and thrilling game.
Nathan MacKinnon/Mitch Marner
Pine your way to China by Aderam
In which our hero is surprisingly good at talking about it, but not to the right person.
AKA hockey boys are dumb, but we like them anyway.
William Nylander/David Pastrnak
Love and Marriage by blindbatalex 
“Yeah I got married and didn’t tell any of you,” David deadpans before it’s too late, finally able to form words, and there is a moment when it goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
Taylor Crosby/Amanda Kessel
run it, run it (like a girl) by ghosthunter 
Hockey analysts will make a rivalry out of anything. And if it’s not the analysts, then it’s the media. All they really had in common was they went to the same school and play the same sport.
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome
ain't nothing like them summer nights by liroa15 
Connor's got one boyfriend for home and one boyfriend for away, and somehow they're all making it work. Together. Away from it all.
Alexander Ovechkin/Tyler Seguin; Nicklas Backstrom/Tyler Seguin
Icebreaker by myrthrilmercury
Throughout the league, Alexander Ovechkin is known as "Icebreaker" for his prowess at training the brattiest and most stubborn subs. His latest assignment is to transform the rude, rebellious Tyler Seguin into an obedient submissive willing to do anything commanded.
Sidney Crosby/Travis Konecny; Sidney Crosby & Marc-Andre Fleury
Forever in a Minute by elenajames
Sid lets the league send an alpha match for his heat, and he's not prepared for who they pick.
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mythicallore · 5 years
Dyatlov Pass Incident
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On January 25, 1959, nine Russian students set out on a strenuous cross-country skiing trip across the Otorten Mountain range, in the northern Urals. Eight days after they were due to arrive at their end destination a search party set out to find the missing students. Fighting against the falling snow and sub-zero temperatures the search party finally came upon the flapping remains of a tent pitched on the uppermost slope of Kholat Syakhl, or “Mountain of the Dead” in the native language of northern Siberia. The tent, the search party discovered had been ripped apart, torn to shreds from the inside out.
This was to be the first riddle in an ever-expanding puzzle. The case became known as the “Dyatlov Pass Incident”, and the unfathomable deaths of nine young mountaineers whose cross-country skiing trip ended in a tragedy so horrifying and perplexing that it has mystified experts, and indeed the world ever since.
The group had initially set out for a cross-country skiing trip on January 25th by taking a train to Ivdel in the center of the northern province of Sverdlovsk. From there, they caught a truck to the last settlement of Vizhai and set out for Otorten Mountain on January 27th.
The team consisted of ski instructor Semyon Zolotariov, three engineers (Rustem Slobodin, Yuri Krivonischenko, and Nicolai Thibeaux-Brignolles) and five students from the Ural Polytechnic Institute (Yuri Doroshenko, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov, and Yuri Yudin). The expedition was led by 23-year-old Igor Dyatlov, for whom the pass would eventually be named. Although Yudin stayed behind at the settlement due to illness, all members were experienced with long ski tours and mountain expeditions. They were more than prepared for the trip, but not the mysterious fate that awaited them in the snow.
After skiing across frozen lakes and uninhabited wilderness, the group began moving through the pass on February 1st. Although they had planned to make camp on the other side, a snowstorm with low visibility pushed them up the slope of a mountain called Kholat Syakhi or “Dead Mountain” in Mansi. Realizing their mistake, they decided to camp on the slope rather than a forested area downhill that would have provided better shelter. Yudin remarked after the fact that it was likely because Dyatlov didn’t want to lose the ground they’d gained.
The film rolls and journals that they left behind paint a picture of high-spirited adventurers exhilarated by a breath-taking landscape. With evidence that they set up camp at around 5 PM, investigators believe the group ate dinner around 7 PM before settling down for the night despite frigid temperatures of less than 5 degrees Fahrenheit and wind chills well below zero.
What happened next is unclear, but forensic pathologists estimate that the central event occurred between 9:30 and 11:30 PM. At that point, something terrified the skiers as they were sleeping, and they ripped their way out of the tent and into the freezing night without turning back for coats, shoes, or supplies. As experienced mountaineers, they would have known that they needed protection, so whatever awoke them must have seemed a mortal peril.
Their footprints in the snow show that they initially retreated down the slope to a large pine on the edge of a forest, beneath which they likely shared clothes before starting a fire. Based on wounds on their hands, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko climbed the tree to get a better view of the campsite, but both soon succumbed to exposure. At some point, Dyatlov and two others attempted to retreat back to the tent, but each died in the snow before they could reach their destination.
The remaining team members Zolotariov, Thibeaux-Brignolles, Kolevatov, and Dubinina stripped the clothing from their deceased friends and moved toward the forested area for shelter, before eventually descending into the ravine where they died. Zolotariov, the last surviving member of the expedition perished shortly after from internal trauma and hypothermia.
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Before leaving for the trip, Dyatlov had scheduled the team to return and telegraph their arrival in Vizhai no later than February 12th. However, it was only when relatives demanded action that the Ural Polytechnic Institute began a search and rescue operation that soon expanded into military and civilian authorities. On February 25th, a helicopter pilot spotted the group’s campsite, and investigators found eight or nine sets of footprints circling the badly-damaged tent, which still contained the team’s belongings. They followed the group’s tracks to discover a naked Doroshenko and Krivonischenko by the long-dead fire. They then discovered the snow-covered bodies of Dyatlov, Slobodin, and Kolmogorov at a distance of 200, 400, and 680 meters from the tent, respectively.
After an exhaustive search, three months later, on May 4, the final four bodies were discovered beneath 12 feet of snow in a ravine 250 feet from the tent. They were fully clothed, with items taken from the other members.
Of the four, Dubinina and Zolotariov had crushed chests without any soft tissue damage, and Thibeaux-Brignolles had major skull damage. The doctor who inspected them at the time noted that the force would have been equivalent to a car crash. More disturbingly, Dubinina was missing her tongue, eyes, and other facial tissue. The team’s clothing also had high traces of radiation, and reports noted scrap metal in the area, as well. Although a legal inquest was filed, Soviet investigators were pressured to close the case quickly, and the files were soon archived and classified.
The inquest’s vague conclusion was that the nine deaths were caused by a “compelling unknown force”. At the same time, the very popular region where the bodies were found was closed for three years afterwards, feeding suspicious that something strange had happened there. As a result, the Dyatlov Pass Incident remains a controversial one, with many different interpretations of what happened. What compelled the group to race bear-foot and half-naked into a blisteringly cold night? Some of the most prominent theories include the following:
Paradoxical undressing could explain why 6 of the 9 skiers died from hypothermia, as one-fourth of hypothermia victims remove their clothes due to a false sense of heat.
Some proposed that they were attacked by Mansi tribesmen for unknown reasons and that the Russian government covered it up to benefit land negotiations.
The lead Soviet investigator argued that the group was the victim of aliens, as hikers in nearby areas reported orange spheres in the sky on that same night.
Yudin believes that his friends accidentally entered a covert military testing ground, whose weapon shocked and injured them in the middle of the night.
Many mountaineers have argued that the group’s death resulted from avalanche paranoia, such that they fled from a distant rumbling and became lost in the snow.
A more recent scholar has proposed that the winds around nearby mountains created an infrasound phenomenon called a vortex street that induces panic attacks.
The main difficulty with each of these explanations is the lack of signs of struggle, of animal or human presence, or any clear evidence of what caused the deaths of these nine individuals. Whether it was one of the above explanations or a Siberian Yeti looking for friends, the difficult truth is that we will never really know.
Still, several journalists and researchers have attempted the seemingly impossible work of untangling this mystery but have faced other kinds of difficulties. In particular, Yuri Yarovoi’s 1967 novel dramatized the events based on his experiences as an official photographer for the search party but was heavily censored by the Soviet government. Others have found that much of the files from the original investigation have since gone missing.
In response to the lack of action on this case, Yuri Kuntsevitch founded the Dyatlov Foundation to push for the case to be re-opened and for lost files to be recovered, based on his own experience attending the funerals for the skiers in 1959. At a conference held by the Dyatlov Foundation in 2008, Yuri Yudin, surviving searchers for the group, and technical experts came to the consensus that their deaths were the unintended consequence of a secret military weapons test. Yet despite this, and without conclusive proof, the extraordinary events that took place on that fateful night continues to make the “Dyatlov Pass Incident” one of the great mysteries of the 20th Century.
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timesharesonly · 5 years
Colorado Breweries and Distilleries You Can't Miss
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Taking a Rocky Mountain vacation soon? Adult beverage enthusiasts will love these Colorado breweries and distilleries. From craft beers to locally made whiskey, Colorado offers some of the best places to get boozy. Consider taking a tour or making a visit while away on vacation in the Centennial state.
Breweries Near Breckenridge
Starting in the ski town sanctuary, Breckenridge culture completely surrounds beer and ales. Breck residents look forward to a great first sip of a brew after a day on the slopes. These breweries cultivate the ale-loving audience that resides in Colorado and offer some of the best tours, tastings and experiences.
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Ridden Bike and Brewery Tours If you're looking for a new way to experience the typical brewery or distillery tour, look no further than taking a Breckenridge Fat Bike tour. Perfect for trekking through the snow in the winter or cruising down sidewalks in the summer, this fat bike tour goes year round to take guests to two of Breckenridge's best: Broken Compass Brewery and Breckenridge Distillery. The Broken Compass An expert guide will lead you and your group through Rocky Mountain paths that eventually leads you to the Blue River Rec Path. A popular destination for locals and visitors, The Broken Compass Brewery is just one stop on this scenic bike tour. Open everyday, Broken Compass brewery in Colorado has a community vibe, encouraging guests to "bring your own food." Over a dozen ales are always on tap, ranging from pale ales to IPAs. Swing by on a Tuesday for trivia or live acoustic jams on Sundays. There's also a free shuttle that constantly circulates through Breckenridge. Breckenridge Distillery The second stop on the Ridden Bike and Brewery Tour brings riders to the Breckenridge Distillery. It is famously also known for being the "World's Highest Distillery." With it's most popular and highly awarded Breckenridge Bourbon, the Breckenridge Distillery simply can't be skipped on your next culinary adventure. The Breckenridge Bourbon is a high-rye mash, American-style whiskey that's won Best American Blended four years in a row. They also offer much more than whiskey, including gin, rum, vodka as well as a professionally-run chef restaurant. Breckenridge Brewery Not part of the fat bike tour, Breckenridge Brewery cannot be missed while you're in Breck! Opening its doors in 1990, Breckenridge Brewery & Pub is the third-oldest craft brewery in Colorado. Breckenridge Brewery is located on the historic Main Street and continues to delight visitors as well as locals. They currently send their delicious flavors of craft beers like Vanilla Porter, Avalanche Amber Ale and Agave Wheat to over 35 states.
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BGV's Grand Timber Lodge Where to Stay in Breckenridge Breckenridge Grand Vacations is without a doubt the place to be when you are looking to vacation in this mountain town. There are four fabulous resorts within the brand that are available to rent or buy right from Timeshares Only. Located along the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, choose from Grand Timber Lodge, Grand Lodge on Peak 7, Grand Colorado on Peak 8 or Gold Point Resort.
Dive into Denver Distilleries
If you're heading to the largest Colorado city, you won't miss the local distilleries that are scattered through Denver. Although the centennial state is full of beer lovers and brewers, there are also a ton of spirit-making connoiseurs.
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From Stranahan's distillery in Denver Denver Distillery This is as original as it gets, folks. The Denver Distillery is Colorado's first ever distillery-pub, located inside a historic hotel that has since been repurposed. Visitors can call to schedule a free tour of the distillery, where this team focuses on creating small quantities of grain-to-glass spirits made from local and fresh ingredients. In-house spirits include strawberry-kiwi liqueur, spiced rum or apple pie moonshine. For a lighter beverage, they also serve wine, beer, cider and craft sodas. Mythology Distillery The story of the start to Mythology Distillery in Colorado comes from a ski trip by three Denver natives, where these partners came out with an idea. Their mission is to stay creative, create great spirits and promote sustainability while doing so. With a fantastical spin on their brand, Mythology also sources their grains locally to maintain consistency and quality for every batch. Whiskey, voda, gin and rum are part of the selection, as well as a small menu of finger foods to complete the experience. Stranahan's The home to the first Colorado-born whiskey, Stranahan's uses fine-crafted distilling techniques and the best ingredients in each spirit created. Tours run an hour and a half long, giving visitors an inside look into how Stranahan's achieves such perfection in a bottle. Started by a friendship between a volunteer firefighter and a neighbor, Stranahan's has produced hundreds of batches of their famous spirits since. Each whiskey is made only from four key ingredients: 100% malted barley, yeast, Rocky Mountain water and time in the barrel. Timeshares Near Denver
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Marriott's Streamside Resort at Birch Going on vacation to Colorado gives travelers so many options for where they want to stay. Mountains, lakes and open air will satisfy your adventure travel cravings. While Denver is the urban retreat from the mountains, there are plenty of timeshare options close enough for a day trip. Marriott Vacation Club members can book a stay at any one of Marriott's Streamside resorts at Evergreen, Douglas or Birch. Each of these heavenly properties are only an hour and forty minutes away from the city, making a trip to a Denver distillery simple. Hyatt Residence Club also has a stake nearby at the Hyatt Mountain Lodge, only 1 hour and fifty minutes away. Read the full article
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evelynsmusings · 6 years
Head Northbound in New Zealand (Have Halal Will Travel Article)
New Zealand, with its breath-taking natural sights and equally marvellous towns and cities, is a photographer’s dream true come.
Spectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, rolling hillsides, volcanic plateau, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches – the list goes on. New Zealand is widely known as having the most amazing landscapes in the world; separated by two islands, each with its own unique charm.
However, if you want to explore a warmer climate with hot springs, mud pools, and white-sandy beaches, explore Maori culture, venture through larger cities, and enjoy more cosmopolitan comforts, the North Island is for you.
Here are three reasons New Zealand’s North Islands should be at the top of your travel bucket list this 2019!
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Credit: Giphy
Are ewe ready for this?
 1.   The incredible Culture of New Zealand
For a small country (much like its national bird), New Zealand sure has a big personality. There is a lot that goes into the make-up of the unique Kiwi culture – being heavily influenced by multi-ethnic migration and the cultural input of the indigenous Maori people.  
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 Credit: @laurao_travels on Instagram
 The culture of New Zealand affects the nature, temperament, language and arts of the citizens of the land – it’s important for one to at least know a few things about their culture and traditions. One great way to do is to visit their many cultural sites – try Whakarewarewa at Rotorua.
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Credits: @allthelivelongday on instagram
Explore and experience Maori Culture at Whakarewarewa (try saying that 10 times) – the living Maori village. They provide hourly tours through the Maori village where you can immerse yourself in their incredible history (and maybe their mud baths)! The guided tours are entertaining and informative with a focus on giving everyone an understanding of the Maori history, culture and how the villagers live in the challenging Whakarewarewa Geothermal field.
Here’s a little extra; the full name of Whakarewarewa actually “Te Whakarewarewatanga O Te Ope Taua A Wahiao,” meaning, The gathering place for the war parties of Wahiao.
Address: Whakarewarewa The Living Maori Village, 17 Tryon Street, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua Central, Rotorua, 3010, New Zealand
Opening hours: 8.30am - 5.00pm (Closed Christmas Day)
How to get there: 10 minutes from Rotorua Airport or 5 minutes from Rotorua Bus Terminal
 Visiting a traditional Maori village is not the only way to immerse yourself with New Zealand’s rich culture. How about celebrating the Matariki Festival? Otherwise known at the Maori New Year, the Matariki Festival is a celebration of Maori culture, language, spirit and people.
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Credit: matarikifestival
To celebrate Matariki in Auckland, many significant public buildings and landmarks, including the Auckland Museum, Sky Tower and Viaduct Harbour, will be lit with orange lights. This annual event in Auckland also celebrates with art workshops and displays, flax weaving, kapa haka performances, music, movies and many other events.
Here’s how it goes down: to mark the beginning of the festival, a Matariki dawn karakia (prayer) service will be held at Tāwharanui Regional Park with the participation of local kaumātua (Maori elders) who will recite ancient karakia and lead traditional chants and contemporary waiata (song). 
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Credits: @hauitichick on Instagram
More than 100 events will be running across the Auckland region during the Matariki Festival celebrating Maori culture, art, entertainment, and food!
Address: Various locations
Opening hours:
Fri 29 Jun 2018, 10:30am
Sun 29 Jul 2018, 12:00pm
Admission: Free
Website: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2018/matariki-festival/auckland/great-barrier-island#none
New Zealand’s culture is not limited to just the Maori people – they have an iconic festival called Pasifika Festival, where they bring together Pacific Island communities to celebrate the diverse cultures of the South Pacific!
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Credits: noted.co
 The festival is free for everyone, with authentic foods, arts and crafts stalls and demonstrations, traditional and contemporary Pacific Island music as well as amazing performances. Try Maori nail art at the Aotearoa village, check out traditional Fijian costumes and accessories, see how artisans from Tokelau use time-honoured techniques to create fishing lures from shells, and enjoy dancing and drumming from around the Pacific.
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Credits: @masterfoodsampler on Instagram
Address: Western Springs Park, 731 Great North Rd
Opening hours: Saturday 23 March 9am – 7pm (all villages will close at 5pm with the festival stage continuing to 7pm) and Sunday 24 March 10am – 4pm
Website: https://www.aucklandlive.co.nz/show/pasifika-festival
 2.   The amazing sights of North Island
 New Zealand is known for a lot of natural wonders and crazy Instagram-worthy locations. People say the South Islands have the best spots to get the best scenic views – but let’s beg to differ! The North Islands has its own extraordinary swoon-worthy locations.
Starting with an upcoming festival that will fill your camera with phenomenal shots of hot air balloons - Balloons over Waikato is another one of New Zealand’s free large-scale events! You’d need to be an early bird though to see these beautiful and exotic hot air balloons fill the dawn sky of the Waikato.
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Credits: balloonsoverwaikato.co.nz
 New Zealand's premier hot air balloon festival, Balloons over Waikato is held annually in Hamilton. This five-day icon event it is arguably the most popular event in the city. It attracts balloonists from all over New Zealand and around the world, to come by and experience the fun.
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Credits: balloonsoverwaikato.co.nz
 Just imagine, beautiful hot balloons that fill the air - fill your Instagram with these magnificent shots – be prepared to have nothing but comments about where you took it!
 Address: At Innes Common & University of Waikato
Opening hours: Tuesday 19th - Saturday 23rd March 2019
Website: https://balloonsoverwaikato.co.nz/
  A Mecca for film fans who travel from far and wide, the Hobbiton Movie Set sits within the gentle rolling hills of Matamata - just three hours from Auckland. Wander around the 12-acre set which happens to be filled with hobbit holes, the Green Dragon Inn and the Party Tree – a dream come true for all Lord of The Rings fans.
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Credit: @timeouthomes on Instagram
A living movie set from one of J.R.R Tolkein’s popular movie franchises, Hobbiton is an unparalleled experience that will fully transport you to The Middle Earth.
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Credit: @eurasianstar on Instagram
 You will enjoy it even if you are not a Tolkien Fan - the whole area is simply specular, consisting of green rolling hills dotted with cows and sheep, beautiful unique trees and adorable hobbit holes. I mean – just think of the selfie opportunities!
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Credit: @benjwashere on Instagram
 Address: Hobbiton Movie Set Tours, 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, Hamilton - Waikato, 3472, New Zealand.
Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 
Directions: A 2 hour drive from Auckland, or a 1 hour drive from Rotorua.
 Hobbtion is not the only place you can capture beautiful Instagram-worthy moments.
Tongariro National Park is home to the most remarkable mountain scenery around every corner – colouring it rainbow with red craters, vibrant greens and blue lakes. Did you know Tongariro National Park is New Zealand's oldest national park and is a dual World Heritage Site?  
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Credits: inafarawayland.com
Start with a gander at the most accessible waterfall in Tongariro – the Tawhai Falls (also known as Gollum’s pool); a mere 20-minute return walk from the roadside. It’s definitely worth the photo stop.
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Credit: @jberendtphotography on Instagram
 Prepare yourself for a day-hike at the Tongariro crossing – this hike will take you about 6 to 8 hours and features dramatic landforms, volcanic topography and an assortment of endemic flora and fauna. A veritable playground for avid hikers for sure!
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Credit: tongarirocrossing.org.nz
 On this 19.4km hike, you’ll have ample photo opportunities to get the perfect gram. See the Soda Springs – a flat paved boardwalk trail that will start your journey into the eye-gasmic views of the blue lake, the Tongariro Alpine Crossing is one of many reasons why you should not ignore the North Island!
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Credits: @status_afk on Instagram
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 Credits: Tripzilla
 Tip: Avalanches can occur in Tongariro National Park in any season, but are most common from July through to October, so do some research before going over!
 Address: Manawatu-Wanganui 4691, New Zealand
Opening hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily for Summer and 8:30am – 4:30pm Winter (closed Christmas day)
Getting there: The nearest towns are Taumarunui, National Park Village, Ohakune and Turangi. The small village of Whakapapa is located within the park. Daily national bus services are available to and from Ohakune, Taumarunui, National Park, Whakapapa Village and Turangi.
  3.  Adrenaline junkies, steady your heart
Do you have a need for speed? The thirst for the thrill? The inclination for invigoration? We could go on, but you get the point. If you want the wind in your hair, try these few activities – great for solo travellers and families!
 Ever tried real-life Mario Kart? If you think Singapore’s Sentosa Luge rides are fun, wait till you try New Zealand’s own!
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 Credit: @czech.theworld on Instagram
 Skyline Rotorua is the name of this fun park that has numerous activities in addition to luging: there's the Sky Swing, Zoom Ziplines and, the Gravity Park for mountain biking - all accessed via a gondola ride.
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Credit: Backpackerguide.nz
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Credit: @huiyuan_wen on Instagram
Take the Gondola all the way to the tippy top and you can select from one of three different Luge trails which vary in difficulty! Each luge track is over one kilometre long so there are plenty of twists and turns to navigate - so Tokyo drift your way down!
 1.       The scenic track is a good option for those who want to experience the adventure at their own pace.
2.       The intermediate track is almost 2 kilometres long and includes a tunnel and chicanes, for the more adventurous.
3.       The advanced track is perfect for those wanting a speedy, exciting ride with tight corners.
 Address: 185 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua
Opening Hours: 9am till late Website: www.skyline.co.nz
Price: NZ45 for Adults, NZ29.50 for Children
 Remember those hamsters running in small hamster balls? Ever wished you could do the same? Well now you can, and it’s called Zorbing! On top of a million other things to do in Rotorua, zorbing is one you can’t miss out on. Zorbing—where you roll around within a protective air-filled ball— trust me it’s more fun than it sounds.
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Credit: Discovernewzealand
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Credit: Youtube
 There are apparently many ways to Zorb – wet, dry, zigzag or straight down the hill, there is even something called Zydro Zorbing - which happens to be a cross between a waterslide and a rollercoaster.
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Credits: zorb.es
 Climb inside one of the bouncy balls and take a roll down a beautiful grassy hill solo or with your friends! It’s a fun and safe activity for anyone who loves a thrill and will definitely be something new for you to try!
 Address: 149 Western Road, Ngongotaha, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand
Website: http://zorb.com/world/rotorua/
Price:  Zydro NZD$45.00 Tandem NZD$40.00.
 You’ve heard of wakeboarding, ski boarding, surfing – now how about sandboarding? Just past Kaitaia, New Zealand’s northernmost town (about a four-hour drive from Auckland), you’ll find the mammoth Te Paki sand dunes, which merge with the well-known Ninety Mile Beach.
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Credits: deviatingthenorm
 The Giant Te Puki Sand Dunes reach up 100 metres, with the longest run nicknamed “Devil’s Hook” offering a 350-long metre “surf” down. You can easily do this independently with your own boards or get boards for hire!
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Credits: thestar
 The Te Paki sand dunes don’t just attract the thrill seekers anxious to sand board. They are also a remarkable sight to take in while you stand at the foot of them. On a day that has a bit of a breeze, you can stand and watch the dunes change shape right before your eyes. If you do have the energy, then walk up to the top for some amazing panoramic views.
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Credits: @ chris.goes.global on Instagram
  Address: 47 Te Paki Stream Rd, Cape Reinga 0484, New Zealand
Opening hours: 24 hours
Price: Free (but rental prices for Goggles NZ$2, Board NZ$15 each)
Directions: From Auckland, take a plane to the Kaitaia Airport, which is a five-minute drive from the Sand Safaris office
 With the overload of sensationalist information and commentary in the media, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. New Zealand is a good opportunity to get away from it all and appreciate the natural world. Every moment can be breath-taking and scenic even if you're sandboarding or taking a hike down while heading to the festival therefore the North Islands has something for everyone!
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airbnbfestivals · 6 years
Long time Superhost is about to break. Two illogical one star reviews within the span of a month from a property that consistently got 5 star reviews. Very long story... looking for advice on how to move forward.
Background of the Host and the property in question:My mother (M for short) has been doing Airbnb since the early days that the site first existed. She has always been savvy at trying to find ways to make extra money and she found out about Airbnb before it got extremely popular as it is today. She has gotten a few of her friends to start Airbnbing their properties due to her success and she has started to transition management of these rentals to me, her eldest son.M has been a superhost for years now and this week is the first time I have ever seen her in such despair over her recent bookings. She owns multiple properties throughout the US garnering a consistent 5 star rating on all of the units she owns and she knows all the nuances about succeeding on Airbnb. Unfortunately, a waterfront property (LH for short) has become an anomaly within the very stable business she is running.Unfortunately, M and I could not logically figure out why LH is suddenly getting atrocious 1 star reviews. LH would consistently be 5 star rated and the property is by all means well maintained, clean, and the locale is beautiful. Price comparisons with the other rentals and hotels in the area always shows that our property is a great bargain for what you get. The apartment has 3 bedrooms with 2 queen sized beds, full kitchen, 2 bathrooms, central A/C, cable TV, wifi, and all the other basic amenities that any normal house would have.The property that is advertised as LH on Airbnb is a house that contains two apartments, the bottom floor being the Airbnb rental, and the top floor being my apartment from which I help keep an eye on how things are going with the renters and can help anyone with any issues that arise. I have only recently moved into the owner apartment a few months ago and generally keep to myself unless anything is needed from our guests (this will be relevant later).The pros are all the amenities I mentioned, the privacy of a whole apartment to the guest, and the serene locality of the lake that is only a few steps away from the screen door and patio outside.The cons are a dated decor (that is still clean, circa 80s) and the weak cellphone reception near the lake.The events that have played out in quick succession which burnt out my Mother (M):A month ago we had a guest who had no prior reviews but was obviously from a wealthy background (codename L). She stayed at the apartment for a few days and did not contact M or I about any issues that she was having with her stay. Upon viewing her review, she gave 1 star reviews across the board. She complained about decor even though the photos on the site were accurate down to the placement of the furniture (yes we are meticulous). She also complained about towels even though there was a whole closet of them and even more reserve towels down the hall incase more were needed. Again. 1 star reviewed across the board by this 65 year old baby boomer from the yacht club. Since M is polite in her response to reviews, she told L about the honesty of her ad and that the towels that were missing were in a closet within her apartment but she never bothered to notify M or ask any questions. M lost her Superhost status over this review.The review L placed caused an avalanche of problems for the rental property after that. All booked guests messaged M about towels and began harassing her over the fact that they thought there were no towels. M tried her best to calm all incoming guests and offered them refunds and rebookings if they had any doubts. No one decided to get a refund or cancel their booking (yet).Within a week after L slammed us with her 1 star review, we had another older baby boomer couple come stay at the apartment... They had come from the South and the gentleman seemed kind enough to me and any requests he made I said yes to because I needed to get a good review from him. His wife was very very mean to me when I introduced myself to her and refused to say a word to me in favor of calling her husband to talk to me instead. The first interaction with her clued me to the fact that she had some problem with me or my appearance or something about me, but I brushed it off when the husband was cordial with me. This couple extended their stay 2 extra days, and the only issue they had was that the dock was not in deep enough water for their boat because the lake water level has been lower this year. Basically things that we as hosts could not be responsible for. Want to guess what review was given? 1 star reviews across the board. The review was one sentence: "I would not recommend this place to anyone".That very day the second 1 star review was placed another guest around 40 years old had arrived and did not stay at the apartment for more than 1 hour. She demanded a refund and said "you should not advertise this as an apartment, you should advertise this as a camp" and that "My cellphone signals are terrible here". M was in complete shock and horror had a meltdown. She refunded the guest and even paid the guest the difference that Airbnb took as payment to shut her up. She told the refunded guest to not leave any reviews because at this point it would break the property rental. To this day I don't know what planet that 40 year old came from because no "camp" I have ever been to has had A/C, wifi, free parking, and a whole damn house worth of appliances.Another guest (Needy) which was slated to come within a week had already been harassing M about towels and doubted the ad for LH. Needy later mentioned to M during discussions that she is a friend of L and that L had a terrible time and she doesn't want to have the same experience. M after getting 3 terrible experiences back to back, M decided to cancel her first guest in all of her time in Airbnb... Needy was cancelled a week before her planned stay. Needy proceeded to yell and berate my Mother over the cancellation and said things like "you have no right, blah blah". But M could not handle it anymore... She could not risk another 1 star review from someone who she and I knew would likely leave another 1 star review since she was personal friends of L, the monster who started all of this.The conclusions M and I have drawnAirbnb is changing fast and I think a lot of veteran users are getting lost in the shuffle. The influx of new users who have zero idea how the rating system works are now flooding the platform and causing massive issues for Hosts. With an influx of new and ignorant users, there has likely been an influx of users from a crowd which frankly M and I realized will never allow us to get 5 star reviews (as long as I live at the property that is).What I am about to say may be controversial, but its an honest observation from M who later on shared her thoughts with me...Airbnb has unfortunately zero ways to quantify or determine racist/bigoted reviews or reviews made in bad faith. Gasp! How could I go there? M is my mom afterall right? Wouldn't racists/bigots opt for properties owned by people they "identify" with? Let me explain...My mom is white, born and raised as an American. I am a mixed child of Pakistani and American descent. My mom has a very pretty caucasian name that has nothing "sinister" about it. I on the other hand have a Muslim name that is one of the most common Muslim names in the world. Since M is the account manager for Airbnb, renters see her name and face as the representative of the properties, I assume that these guests assume they will be dealing with only white people.So... when I show up saying "Hey! My name is [insert stereotypical terrorist name], please let me know if you need anything!" it probably shocked them and maybe pissed them off. I know for a fact that the 2nd couple made me repeat my name twice and they had a hard time processing that I was my Mothers child.I had my doubts about racism but I didn't want to voice it to M... afterall, she has seen me get bullied for being different as a young child and I saw what that did to her. Until M came to me, I was blaming myself for doing something to the property and jeopardizing my M's 5 star record. The only reason why I found out that my suspicions about racism/bigotry were true was because M came to me after cancelling Needy and told me she found a book left behind by the second boomer couple who left 1 star reviews.The book was a Christian conversion book.M told me that while my intention and service is good, the location where we rent is primarily conservative white Christians, and based on these reviews it seems like I am the problem. I still help manage the property and clean and maintain things, but from now on I have to pretend I am a ghost.I can't say if I will continue doing Airbnb if M ceases to be the face of the business. If my face and name is such a problem to some that they need to hurt me by giving me one stars, then I will either go to a different rental platform which can protect hosts from malicious reviews or convert the property to a private long-term rental. I feel helpless in all of this and I feel like its my fault for ruining M's Superhost status. I have begun looking into long term solutions to this problem and have no issue with moving to another site which would allow for more accountability against bad players who leave inaccurate reviews.Anyways, thanks for listening and I hope that no other hosts here have had similar experiences with guests. Found here ''' Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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ahighlandfling · 5 years
Last month, we went back to Bavaria, Germany, and enjoyed some hiking time amongst some of the most stunning mountains and lakes you could clap eyes on. I’ve composed a little photo-diary of what we did on our first stop on this trip.
The last time I was in Bavaria was March 2018, and we experienced the Bavarian alps in all their snowy winter glory.
Riley looking all majestic (2018)
There was quite a different feel this time round with highs of 24 degrees Celsius, and the last of the summer sun still gracing the sky. Our first stop after catching the train from Munich, was the little town of Kiefersfelden, on the border next to Tirol, Austria.
We picked this spot to stay for a few nights because we fancied staying somewhere new for a short while, before heading on to Riley’s favourite place in Bavaria, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
  Day one saw us walking all the way to Austria (again!) to a different town this time: Kufstein. The trail took us via a lake, Hechtsee, a stunning expanse of water just beyond the border, and a short climb from our AirBnB. Surrounded by mountains, the water is clear as glass, and we happened upon an abundance of beautiful fish hanging out by the shore. Anyone who says watching fish isn’t relaxing is dead wrong – I could have spent all day there.
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After spending some time admiring the lake’s tranquillity, we headed on to Kufstein for some dinner, and caught the train back to Kiefersfelden just before dark. It had been a very long day (we’d been on the go since 4:50am to catch our flight) and on top of that, fitted in a hike to Austria all on our arrival day. The perks of travelling early – you can gain loads of extra time to sight see! Going to bed at 8pm felt perfectly justified as a result, and I got a hefty 13.5 hours sleep that night. Talk about waking up feeling refreshed – I wish I could get about thirteen hours every night.
The track down to Kufstein
Fortress by the river in Kufstein
Day two consisted of a hike to Giessenbachklamm, a stunning gorge straight from a fantasy novel. It’s worth noting that the gorge is closed from mid-November until Easter time due to avalanche and ice fall dangers.
Schopper Alm was our next stop, a traditional Bavarian Beer Haus/accommodation, in the mountains (though we didn’t stop for a beer). We stumbled across their very friendly resident goats, and you could purchase feed for them from a little dispenser on a tree which I though was a nice touch. Animal time always makes my day.
  We hiked back down through the mountains and finished up with another walk round Hechtsee (I was keen to see the fish again). Dinner on the balcony watching the sun set with a Fritz-Kola in hand (my favourite drink ever) was the order of the evening. Perfect way to end the day, in my opinion.
When in Germany, you must try this!
Day three, our last day in Kiefersfelden before heading on to our next destination, saw a lengthy hike to Hocheck in the neighbouring town of Oberaudorf, through/over some mountains. Google maps may say the route we took, takes 1 hour and 43 minutes, but let me tell you, with my dodgy knees and lack of cardio – it took closer to 3.5 hours. To be fair, we also stopped for snacks on route.
  The hike to Hocheck was an interesting one. We walked through quiet forests, and saw parts of a river that had alpine water so turquoise, it looked like it should be from the Caribbean. Then we discovered a tiny cabin (we thought abandoned since it had a busted lock swinging from the door). After a peek through the window, Riley opened the door and it looked like someone had potentially been in recently given the freshly chopped wood in a pile by the door. I’d post the photos I have of the inside if it wasn’t for the nude calendar girls on the walls (and I know the demographic of readers for my blog varies drastically). I’ve also seen far too many horror films, so I was keen to move on after seeing the axe propped against the door, and the large hacksaw by the bed.
  The scene that greeted us when we finally arrived at Hocheck was very Sound of Music-esque. It was quite a breathtaking sight to climb out of the shadowy woodland, and suddenly see hills of rolling green, mountain chalets, and hear the faint but familiar cowbells in the distance.
We decided to park ourselves here for a while, much to my delight as there were more loose goats roaming the hillside to befriend. We then lay on the grass (I napped while Riley read his book) and spent some time relaxing in the warmth of the late afternoon sun.
  As the sun drifted from view behind the mountains, we headed down into Oberaudorf (the next town over from where we were staying) to catch the train back, but not before I found some ponies (and of course), I had to stop and say hello.
  Picking up a pizza from the Snack Haus on the way back to our AirBnB was the next order of the evening, and it was enjoyed with yet more Fritz-Kolas on the balcony.
That is how we spent our few days in beautiful Kiefersfelden. It’s a quiet little town, there are a few supermarkets/eating places but it’s mainly a hub for hill walkers and skiers in the winter season so if you’re into the outdoors, it’s a lovely place for a few days break.
Once again, another little Bavarian town that was a real treat to visit, and it had some breathtaking (not just because of the steepness) mountain countryside to enjoy!
  Kicking Back in Kiefersfelden Last month, we went back to Bavaria, Germany, and enjoyed some hiking time amongst some of the most stunning mountains and lakes you could clap eyes on.
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meditationadvise · 6 years
Trump`s Grandfather Worked Under John D. Rockefeller, Uncle Translated Tesla`s Stolen Work
Before you trust a power gamer, checked out up on their history.
The history, family members, and associations of a power player are essential requirement information, if an individual genuinely wants to understand who they are and also what they do.
Since we're required to manage Head of state Donald Trump, let's have a look at what he was born right into. He inherited numerous bucks from his US military associated real estate baron father, Fred Trump.
His uncle, John G. Trump, was an engineer functioning with the military commercial complex associated school MIT, as well as examined fantastic engineer Nikola Tesla's stolen documents after his death.
Donald Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump was an immigrant from Germany to the US. Fred and John G. Trump inherited the structure of their chance from Frederick.
Frederick Trump had issues with immigration in his life time, and was denied the ability to again become a German resident, after leaving to the US to evade army service (not that there is anything incorrect with staying clear of offering in the armed force of a federal government you do not think in).
At the age of 16, in 1885 Friedrich Trump landed in New York after emigrating from Kallstadt, Germany. He succeeded in the Pacific Northwest during the gold-rush era, selling dining establishment rooms with prostitutes and alcohol to miners attempting to find gold.
He functioned under the direction of John D. Rockefeller's investment near Seattle in the last years of the 1800's. Inning accordance with a write-up by researcher Gwenda Blair released in Politician:
"Friedrich Trump's Seattle restaurant flourished, however he maintained his ears open-- another aspect of the Trump household MO. In 1894, he listened to that John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest male in the world, was moneying a mining procedure in a little community north of Seattle called Monte Cristo. Without delay, Trump scoped out the very best place there, secured it by submitting a fraudulent mineral case, developed a resort on the parcel even though it didn't really belong to him, and also started offering the clients, again, exactly just what they wanted: plenty to eat, great deals to consume alcohol as well as of course women.
When Monte Cristo verified slow to supply on its promise, Rockefeller publicly repeated his assistance while secretly arranging a departure. In the summer of 1897, Trump also determined to squander and also return to Seattle-- making him, along with Rockefeller, one of the couple of financiers in Monte Cristo to end up champions instead of losers.'
Although this doesn't indicate any kind of sort of close partnership in between Rockefeller and also Trump, it is telling somehow that they both made their ton of moneys in the same environment. It paints an image of where power today originates as well as just how it inherently behaves.
Whether or otherwise John D. Rockefeller had a relationship with Friedrich Trump, Donald Trump today has a connection with Rockefeller's Requirement Oil company, which is currently ExxonMobil.
Donald Trump's Secretary of State is Rex Tillerson, ex-Exxon executive.
Continuing from the article:
' In the New Arctic Dining establishment as well as Resort, which he opened in the raw new community of Bennett in Could 1898, he once more provided 'exclusive boxes' for women, facilities that included not just a bed, but a range for considering the gold dirt used to pay for solutions.
It was the most effective dining establishment in community, one newspaper reported at the time, but included that it 'would not recommend respectable females to go there to rest as they are reliant listen to that which would be repugnant to their sensations and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex."
The tale is proceeded by Wikipedia:
' He acquired all the needed supplies, sold his remaining property in Monte Cristo as well as Seattle, and also moved his 40 acres in the Pine Lake Plateau to his sis Louise. In 1900, Louise sold the building for $250. In the winter season following Trump's departure from Monte Cristo, the community suffered some of the most awful avalanches and also floodings in its short background, and also this time around, Rockefeller rejected to rebuild the virtually vital railway to Everett.'
The same author created an additional short article in the Week, proceeding the tale into the 20th Century. It states:
' Friedrich died in Might 1918, prior to completion of World Battle I. There was a rising trend of anti-German sentiment in America, materialized in accusations of disloyalty versus individuals with German backgrounds, diatribes versus music by German authors, even bonfires of publications by German writers. People with German names transformed them, and readership plummeted for the country's numerous German-language publications.
This intolerant atmosphere had a profound influence on Friedrich's older son, Fred (named after Friedrich yet in an Americanized form). Just 12 years of ages when his dad died, Fred was now the guy of the house, and also he started to meddle with his family history-- that is, to tell it like it wasn't. Despite growing up in a German-speaking home and also speaking his moms and dads' language on brows through to Kallstadt, he said he didn't recognize German, and by the start of Globe War II, he stated his family members was from Sweden.'
So that brings us to Donald Trump's dad, Fred Trump. When Fred Trump's father Freidrich died, 13 year old Fred became the male of the house.
By age 15, his mother aided him begin a profession in building houses and also real-estate, using the wide range built up by Freidrich: Donald Trump's dad was provided a more modest silver spoon compared to Donald, however a silver spoon nonetheless. With the inheritance from his dad as well as his operate in real estate, Fred Trump aided his bro John G. Trump go into academia.
Fred Trump became a millionaire dealing with the United States Armed force in WWII, developing barracks and also homes. Inning accordance with Wikipedia:
' During The second world war, Trump built barracks as well as garden apartments for UNITED STATE Navy workers near major shipyards along the East Shore, including Chester, Pennsylvania, Newport Information, Virginia, and Norfolk, Virginia.
After the battle he expanded right into middle-income real estate for the families of returning professionals, developing Shore Place in Bensonhurst in 1949, and also Beach Sanctuary near Coney Island in 1950 (an overall of 2,700 apartments). In 1963-1964, he developed Trump Town, an apartment building in Coney Island, for US$ 70 million.'
This is how Donald Trump was born into a position to develop his own lot of money, following his father right into the realty business with both his cash and also service connections.
The precise amount Donald received from his papa to start his life is questioned. Hillary Clinton (not that she is to be relied on or appreciated) declared he received $14 million.
Donald Trump asserted he obtained a 'small' sum of $1 million to start, as well as other proof recommends that he got other finances from his dad. He likewise obtained a $1 million count on, as did his brother or sisters. Inning accordance with the Washington Blog post:
' The online casino paper listings numerous various other car loans from Trump's dad to his kid, including a $7.5 million loan with at least a 12-percent passion price that was still superior in 1981.
In a 2007 deposition, Trump admitted he had actually borrowed "a percentage" from his father's estate: 'I think it was like in the $9 million variety."
During the moment that Fred Trump gained his ton of money, his bro and also Donald's uncle John G. Trump was dealing with the mad scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), de-coding fantastic designer Nikola Tesla's taken papers.
MIT is a main center of scientific research for the army commercial facility, as we have actually damaged the surface area of in previous articles. Scientist and also writer Peter A. Kirby extensively exposed the root of geoengineering (spraying the skies) in MIT, and his most recent post could be found here.
John G.'s association to Tesla was summed up by Huge Think:
' A few days after Tesla died on January 8th, 1943, his ownerships were confiscated by officials from the amazingly-named government Office of Alien Property. Regarding 3 weeks then, all of Tesla's things as well as documents were offered an extensive exam by a team of FBI representatives that consisted of none various other compared to John G. Trump."
John G. Trump created concerning Tesla's taken documents, but possibly his declaration was suggested to discourage individuals from believing they found something of worth in them, to keep the searchings for a secret. He said:
Tesla's ' ideas and also initiatives throughout at the very least the previous 15 years were mainly of a speculative, thoughtful, as well as somewhat marketing personality," but "did not include brand-new, audio, convenient principles or approaches for understanding such outcomes."
More standard info concerning John G. Trump could be gathered from Wikipedia:
' During 1942, Trump became Assistant of the Microwave Board, a sub-committee of the NDRC. The director of the Microwave Board was Alfred Lee Loomis, the millionaire physicist, that determined to develop a laboratory. He selected a site for it, selected a suitably discreet and also unclear name for it and also moneyed the construction, up until the Federal administration was developed. The new institution was the MIT Radiation Laboratory, or the 'Rad Lab'.'
So what does this say concerning Donald Trump? Something is particular: he is not brand-new to the game of political power, to the military industrial facility, or to wealth.
He has never ever had a history of caring concerning our course of individuals, and he has actually filled up the White Residence with nothing however lenders, oil barons as well as individuals who loot as well as loot our class of people.
Just as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama stood for forces bigger compared to them, from Goldman Sachs to the contemporary incarnation of Rockefeller's Criterion Oil (ExxonMobil), every one of them approve cash and also instructions from the precise same entities.
It is purposefully hard to differentiate who is against who in this powerstructure, yet it's risk-free to say none of them have our ideal interest at heart.
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localfreshies · 6 years
New Post has been published on Local Freshies | Be a local wherever you go
New Post has been published on https://localfreshies.com/2018-california-avalanche-workshop-recap/
2018 California Avalanche Workshop Recap – Shame & Embarrassment
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This time of year, there’s a ton of excitement for the upcoming winter from ski movie premieres to the first resorts opening up. Besides getting amped for sliding down the mountain, we should all make sure that our minds are ready as well. We do this by heading over to the annual California Avalanche Workshop. It’s an opportunity to hear from experts and some 1st person accounts of when things didn’t go right. We HIGHLY recommend everyone that ventures into the backcountry check out their local avalanche workshop. Here’s a recap of the 2018 California Avalanche Workshop recently held in Lake Tahoe.
Winter Recap 2017-18
David Reichel
David started the event with some mind “push-ups” on getting us to think a bit. Looking around the conference center, he asked everyone:
“What would your ideal winter consist of?”
“How frequent would the storms come in? How long of a break in between?”
“What about temperatures?”
Early season avalanche at Mt. Rose backcountry
No matter the answer, the 2017-18 season wasn’t ideal for anyone. We started the winter early with a storm on September 22nd with turns being had on Carson Pass. It was followed by a large, high snow level storm in mid-November that got people out into places like Mt. Rose. With a long gap in storms, it caused the initial snow to become faceted. This meant a deep persistent slab formed and subsequently caused a massive avalanche on Mt. Rose with 2 people caught. The eerie thing is that this EXACT situation happened the season before in 2016. Lesson learned: Rotten, early season snow can be very dangerous, so watch out for red flags like whoomphing & shooting cracks. A few small storms then happened in January and February, but due to long dry spells, even safer terrain found on Castle Peak was triggering on 2/26 & 2/27 after a foot of snow.
Scariest Avalanche From Kids Sledding
Week In Review is a great new tool for occasional backcountry users
Then Miracle March happened. It went from no snow to deep persistent slabs. Natural avalanches were happening everywhere on March 3rd & 4th with big consequences. This was the case throughout March. The scariest one was on Elephant’s Hump. Kids were playing in the sledding area and just above them they were unaware that they triggered a slide. Fortunately, it didn’t slide into their area, but it shows that as soon as you step out of a car in the backcountry, you better be prepared.
Overall, while on the surface we received 194% of average precipitation… we only got 69% from snowfall. The major problem last year: deep persistent slabs. Something that the Lake Tahoe region, due to maritime snowpack, rarely sees. But, that’s the new normal…. Variability.
New for 2018
The Sierra Avalanche Center understands that most of us can’t check the avalanche advisory everyday. So, to help us out, they’ve now created a Weekly Summary. This is especially helpful for those of us that only occasionally head out. Worth checking out this season.
Avalanche Resuscitation
Dr. Eric Stendell
Of course, prevention is more important than treatment. But, what if an avalanche does occur? For many of us, after the probe strike in companion rescue, we have no idea what to do next. The first major step is to assume that they’re hurt. This means making sure you have a shovel strategy. When digging, create a platform so you can have them lay flat.
The ABC’s of Saving Your Companion’s Life
After that, the next thing to do is check their airway and see if it’s obstructed with snow. Asphyxia is the major killer and if their airway is blocked, that’s a major issue. Second, if the airway is clear or cleared, check if the person is breathing. Lastly, once the patient has a pulse and breathing, it’s about circulation. 30% of avalanche victims die from hypothermia. It’s critical to get them OFF the snow (put items underneath them & try to keep them warm).
In 2010, the American Heart Association changed the sequence from ABC (Airway, Breathing, Compressions to CAB). For avalanche victims, it’s still ABC because you don’t have oxygen in your blood. Of course, getting a first aid certification is key but if something does happen, follow your ABC’s & it’s 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
How Do You Know Your Hypothermic?
An easy rule of thumb is if the person has been buried for more than 60 minutes, they’re hypothermic. This means you have to warm them up & handle them gently.
The Scary Statistics
No one has ever had a meaningful recovery without a pulse. Just some simple statistics to consider:
After 20 minutes if there’s no pulse, you’re not going to come back.
60 minutes + Blocked airway even with pulse, no one has survived in the history of humanity.
60 minutes + Free airway, people HAVE survived so swing away!
In summary: Handle gently, use the “ABC’s,” and the next piece of gear outside of the standard backcountry arsenal you should consider is getting a CPR mask with assisted ventilation. Because, ultimately we all don’t wanna deal with our buddy’s snot-sicles!
Motorized Recreation At Mt. Shasta
Nick Meyers & Dr. Sean Malee
The view of northern California from the top of Mt. Shasta Image taken by: Zack Holm
For those that have ventured up to Mt. Shasta, you’ll know that it’s a beautiful peak but it’s also home to some very “special” kind of folks. The reason is because it’s considered the root chakra of the world. It’s also a place for amazing backcountry recreation. Ever since snow machines existed, Shasta has had them. It’s only in the last decade due to new machines and rising snow levels that conflicts between snowmobilers and skiers have begun to arise in the Mt. Shasta area.
Thank The Motorized Folks For Keeping Shasta Avalanche Center Open
Before the 2013/14 season, the Mt. Shasta Avalanche Center had barely enough budget to keep open. It wasn’t until they received money from the CA OHV grant were they able to up their forecasts to 7 x’s/week and hold 3 paid positions. As of today, they now get 47% of their seasonal budget from the grant. To give back, they’ve reached out to these recreationalists and provide an annual avalanche course geared towards snowmobilers. With most not having avalanche education, this is key to keep people safe. So, the next time you head to Shasta, remember that if it wasn’t for those snowmobilers, you wouldn’t have the Shasta Avalanche Center.
Doin’ the Bull Dance, Feelin’ the Flow
Travis Feist
Human powered backcountry enthusiasts can learn a lot from the “flow”
As the resident “sledneck” of the Sierra Avalanche Center, Travis has spearheaded the motorized section of their education. Human powered backcountry travel is very linear and binary… you move slowly, follow a skin track and slowly make it to the top. In contrast, snowmobiling is much more dynamic. Things happen fast and very non-linear. So, why are they surviving? Similar to Happy Gilmore, they’re feeling the “flow”. Instead of rigid concepts, they use procedures to make sure they keep safe. This allows them to adapt and manage change more easily. Even for human powered enthusiasts, this is a great idea to have when venturing out into the wilderness in addition to the concepts.
Avalanche Alphabet Soup
Mike Ferrari
Mike helping explain the Avalanche Alphabet soup
Acronyms are king in the avalanche world. Each organization, event and workshop has one. The question is what the heck are they and what do they mean? Mike helps us understand them a bit more.
A3 versus AIARE
The American Avalanche Association (A3) is like a union for the professionals. They help provide financial backing for workshops such as the California Avalanche Workshop and consolidate data from across the country. AIARE (American Institute for Avalanche Research & Education) is the national non-profit that creates the curriculum that Providers must follow. They also train instructors and teach professional classes.
The National Avalanche Foundation (NAF) & International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) are both events that happen every two years. The NAF is a five day school that occurs every two years focused on training professionals primarily in the ski patrol realm. The ISSW is a gathering of snow science researchers and practitioners who share and exchange ideas and experiences.
Managing Risk In The Backcountry
Steve Reynaud
There are many ways to help manage risk in the backcountry. The first and most important is choosing the right partners. Having someone that is “powder hungry” could lead you into places that are way too dangerous. The next consideration is of course carrying the right tools (beacon, shovel, probe) and understanding how to use them. The last key to the puzzle is to understand WHERE we’re traveling. To help, the Sierra Avalanche Center introduced the concept of avalanche problems as part of the advisory six years ago. Combined with the danger scale, it helps backcountry travelers navigate around the problem areas that day. It’s a good idea to understand, based on the forecast, if we should ski simple terrain or if we can enjoy challenging or even complex slopes that day.
ISSW 2018 Highlights
Andy Anderson
This year, the ISSW was held in Innsbruck, Austria from October 7th – 12th and some interesting findings were given. Snow scientists are making great strides in modeling based on equations which will help with forecasting. There’s also been some advancement with remote sensors. Concepts like using planes, drones and satellites to see how the snowpack is doing and if there are avalanches occurring in remote areas.
Storm Snow Just As Bad As Surface Hoar
Some of the results from scientific research were fascinating. They were able to confirm that storm snow is just as bad at bonding as surface hoar. And that even though surface hoar does get better at bonding over time, it’s still VERY weak.
Bottom line, there’s no such thing as “average” conditions anymore. From rapid warming to snow loading in the early season, it has become much more variable and difficult to forecast.
Leading With Intention
Erin Laine
Two words should come to mind when you think of a great leader – Inspire and Empower. People that are true leaders won’t point the finger but instead help the ones surrounding them become better. The bad ones are like cornered sheep with a flamethrower. Even in backcountry travel, each person that’s part of the group should consider themselves a leader. It’s up to us to make the group stronger.
Authority Versus Leadership
Team dynamic when heading into the backcountry is critical
There is a BIG difference between authority and leadership. Authority is when its given to you while leadership is the decision to lead. So, how do you lead? Here’s some good points to consider:
It’s always easier to point the finger and say it’s HIS or HER fault, pushing the blame to someone else. But if you’re a leader, you understand it’s your responsibility on how your team responds.
Being an effective communicator isn’t just about spewing words. It’s about listening, facilitating discussion and setting expectations. If you do this, you will enjoy the day out that much more.
Managing Stress
All of us have weaknesses. Understanding when you’re put into a stressful situation how you’ll react, the better you can handle it.
To make a stronger team, you must build trust. It’s OK to make mistakes, but it’s how you all learn from them that truly matters. Making this connection and caring about each other will help you succeed.
Shame and Embarrassment
Todd Offenbacher
For those unaware, Todd is a legend not just in Lake Tahoe but around the world. In the past few decades, he’s been everywhere from Tibet to Antarctica to his home stomping ground of the Sierra Nevada range. In his 25+ adventuring years, he’s never been caught in an avalanche until that fateful day of March 25th, 2017. Out of all the things he’s done, him telling this story might be the most courageous. Putting a mistake out into the public can lead to harsh critics, but he understands the importance of sharing & learning.
Objective – Ski Mt. Tallac
Image appears courtesy: First Tracks Productions
On one of his guiding journeys up to Svalbard in Norway, he had met an 18-year-old that recently came to Lake Tahoe. Three years later, he’d come into town and wanted to go skiing with Todd. Todd suggested hitting up Mt. Tallac since it was the most iconic peak in the Lake Tahoe basin.
All Signs Point To The Cross
Image appears courtesy: Matt Bombino
The plan was to head up to the peak after Todd got out of work at 9:30 am. He did the normal things like checking the avalanche forecast which stated that there was going to be rapid warming and hazards would increase. But as they climbed up, the air temps were below freezing, and a thin cloud cover blocked the majority of the sun. They did a few sample test slopes and everything seemed in order. Todd gave his guest the option of hitting low angle untracked pow or venture to the more iconic line known as the Cross. His partner eagerly suggested hitting the Cross.
The Unimaginable Happened
Around 11:40 am, Todd dropped into the line making a skier cut. Suddenly out of nowhere, the top 6 inches of snow gave way. The martini glass shaped bowl caused the snow to funnel quickly into the center chute, catapulting him out like a cannon. Barely missing some trees, he continued his dangerous slide right over the massive cliff next to the Cross. In the middle of the air, Todd knew this was going to be bad.
Safe But Embarrassed
He’d broken one of his skis but luckily landed safely with only a few cuts and bruises. After the adrenaline had given way, a sudden flood of shame rushed over him. “How could this have happened? Did I miss some red flags?” The one thing he didn’t realize was how strong a late March sun could be even through the cloud cover. The bowl had absorbed the sunlight creating rapid warming that he wasn’t as aware of.
After a night of soul searching and looking back at it, Todd realized that he needed to talk about it and use it as a learning experience.
In his words:
“I hope this has an impact on changing your life so that you can learn from it.”
As you venture out this winter, remember that having fun is key but so is coming home safely. Here’s to a great 2018-19 season!
0 notes
glenkerrygolf · 6 years
Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed
NORTON, MA – SEPTEMBER 03: Bryson DeChambeau of the United States reacts on the 15th green during the final round of the Dell Technologies Championship at TPC Boston on September 3, 2018 in Norton, Massachusetts. 
Bryson goes back-to-back
This time in 2016, Bryson DeChambeau didn’t have his tour card. He’s now weeks away from cashing golf’s biggest paycheck.
Fresh off a resounding win at Ridgewood, the 24-year-old ran the performance back at TPC Boston, his final-round 67 good enough for a two-shot victory over Justin Rose to capture the Dell Technologies Championship.
“Consistency has been a big thing for me,” said DeChambeau, who will be No. 1 spot in the FedEx Cup standings heading into East Lake no matter what happens at the BMW Championship. “I’ve been trying to get that week in and week out, and I was able to kind of figure something out last week on the putting green and that’s kind of progressed me to move forward in the right way.”
DeChambeau began the weekend seven shots back of the leaders, but made his charge on Sunday, an eight-under 63 earning him a spot in the final pairing with Abraham Ancer. Bryson put an early end to the afternoon with five birdies on the front nine, his steady ball-striking (sixth in sg/tee-to-green) and short game (sixth in putting) keep contenders at bay.
DeChambeau is only the second player to win the first two legs of the FedEx Cup (Vijay Singh accomplished the feat in 2008). The win also comes near the two-year anniversary of DeChambeau, in the Web.com Finals after struggling in his first summer on tour, grabbing the DAP Championship to earn promotion to the bigs. Moving to No. 7 in the world—a ranking better than Rory McIlroy, Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Jason Day and Patrick Reed—and a Ryder Cup bid looming, don’t think you’re going to see DeChambeau back in the minors anytime soon.
Speaking of Ryder Cup…
Finau making life easy on Furyk
The most important responsibility of a Ryder Cup captain is choosing his at-large selections. And also the most scrutinized. Case in point: Darren Clarke picking Lee Westwood and Martin Kaymer due to their experience rather than their play in 2016. A move that backfired, with the two going 1-6 in seven matches at Hazeltine.
Which brings us to Jim Furyk, manning the helm of the American squad this fall. Furyk technically has four picks at his disposal, although—thanks to strong seasons, their roles in the team’s brain trust, and frankly, their importance in promotion and marketing—many believe Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are already on the team. That leaves two spots, one of which DeChambeau has essentially locked up. And if DeChambeau’s work the past two weeks have earned him the nod, the same could be said about Tony Finau.
A week after finishing runner-up to DeChambeau at the Northern Trust, Finau turned in another fine display, finishing T-4 at TPC Boston. Following Sunday’s round, Finau was not shy about this Paris ambitions.
“The more solid I play each week, I’m making it tough to not pick me, if I’m being honest,” Finau said. “I’m not the one that gets to pick, I’m the one that just gets to play. But I’ve played some nice golf these last couple weeks, and if that’s what it comes down to when (Furyk) makes his decision to pick a team for the Ryder Cup, and that’s what he’s waiting for for those picks, then I think I’m going to be a hard guy to look past.”
Finau makes a compelling argument. Finau is crazy long (third in distance), racks up the red numbers (sixth in eagles, 11th in birdies), is tough as nails (remember that 68 at Augusta National after dislocating his ankle?), and only Dustin Johnson has more top-10 finishes this year. That three of those came at majors doesn’t hurt his cause.
The only real knock on Finau is his lack of wins—his only career victory came at the 2016 Puerto Rico Open—but it’s one he’s not giving much thought.
“I’m trying to win every time I play,” Finau said. “I haven’t been able to do it, but I just feel the more I give myself opportunities, it’s going to happen. And my game feels as good as ever.”
Furyk will announce three of his picks on Tuesday, with the final selection coming after the BMW Championship. Theoretically, Furyk could announce Finau next week. But the 28-year-old doesn’t need another tournament to make his case.
Short-game slump continues for Tiger
At one point, he was three shots off the lead on Monday. That was the good news for Tiger Woods. The bad is the 14-time major winner remains flummoxed on the greens.
Woods went to his third flat stick of the year in Boston, desperately seeking answers for a short game that ranked last in New Jersey. Though his putting showed signs of life earlier in the week, it failed him again as the tournament progressed, posting negative strokes gained totals on Sunday and Monday and needing 33 strokes on the greens in the final round. Trouble that transformed a possible top-five standing into a T-24 finish.
To be fair, it wasn’t just the putter that was off on Monday, as Woods’ usually-stout second-shot game failed to fire on all cylinders. His driving didn’t do him any favors, either.
Still, if Tiger hopes to make it to the Tour Championship—and perhaps more importantly, be formidable in France—he needs to right the ship with the short game, and in a hurry. That this week’s BMW Championship is at Aronimink Golf Club, one of the harder venues in the country, won’t help.
A brutal missed gimme
Of course, Woods’ putting woes are nothing compared to this.
“This” being Joe Durant at the 17th hole of the PGA Tour Champions’ Shaw Charity Classic. Durant was tied with Scott McCarron, looking at a birdie attempt to take the lead into the final hole. Alas, Durant’s attempt failed to find the cup.
And so did his par putt from gimme length.
Oh no!
Durant misses a short one at 17 and falls out of a share of the lead. @ShawClassic pic.twitter.com/3IXLGWd2iW
— PGA TOUR Champions (@ChampionsTour) September 2, 2018
Ahead, McCarron birdied the final hole, and though Durant also made bird, the gimme ultimately cost him a shot at a playoff.
Personally, I blame the yellow ball.
Mahan regains tour card
Hunter Mahan has lost his way inside the ropes the last few seasons. The former World No. 4 fell to a low as 859th after last year’s U.S. Open and, following a failed attempt at the Web.com Tour Finals, lost his tour card for the first time in his career. He’ll start his revival bid in earnest next season, with full exemption in tow.
Mahan, who made appearances on the tour this year thanks to past champion status, accumulated enough non-member points to earn a return to this year’s Web Finals. The six-time tour winner made an auspicious showing at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship, the circuit’s first postseason event, but it was his performance at the DAP Championship that is sending him back to the big leagues. Mahan bounced back from a so-so 71 start to turn in a 66, 65 and 67, rounds good enough to vault him to a runner-up finish at Canterbury Golf Club. The T-2 bestowed $88,000, a sum that guarantees Mahan will receive one of the 25 cards dispersed through the tour’s Finals.
Mahan, who’s made seven Ryder and Presidents Cups appearances for the United States and $30 million in his career, has just one top-10 finish on the PGA Tour since 2015. Mahan asserted that fighting his swing back happened to coincide with starting a family, and admitted he was unable to adjust according on the course.
“We have a lot going on,” Mahan said. “Mentally, you’d like to deal with one thing at a time. I think it overwhelmed me and I lost track of my swing a little bit. It feels like an avalanche, but it’s just a snow flurry.
“I’m a father and a husband, and I have to be there first. It’s hard to be there mentally in both places.”
This past year, Mahan’s family also dealt with the loss of his sister-in-law Katie Enloe, wife to SMU coach Jason Enloe, to leukemia.
However, Mahan had showed signs of life prior to the Web Finals, nearly winning the alternate event Barbasol Championship in July. With his tour card in hand, Mahan likely won’t return to the world’s top five. But he’s only 36 years old, and proved this week he still has plenty of gas left in the tank.
Source: golfdigest.com
This article is from Dew Sweeper, your one-stop shop to catch up on the weekend action from the golf world. 
The post Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed appeared first on Glenkerry Golf Course.
0 notes
oliveglenngolfclub · 6 years
Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed
NORTON, MA – SEPTEMBER 03: Bryson DeChambeau of the United States reacts on the 15th green during the final round of the Dell Technologies Championship at TPC Boston on September 3, 2018 in Norton, Massachusetts. 
Bryson goes back-to-back
This time in 2016, Bryson DeChambeau didn’t have his tour card. He’s now weeks away from cashing golf’s biggest paycheck.
Fresh off a resounding win at Ridgewood, the 24-year-old ran the performance back at TPC Boston, his final-round 67 good enough for a two-shot victory over Justin Rose to capture the Dell Technologies Championship.
“Consistency has been a big thing for me,” said DeChambeau, who will be No. 1 spot in the FedEx Cup standings heading into East Lake no matter what happens at the BMW Championship. “I’ve been trying to get that week in and week out, and I was able to kind of figure something out last week on the putting green and that’s kind of progressed me to move forward in the right way.”
DeChambeau began the weekend seven shots back of the leaders, but made his charge on Sunday, an eight-under 63 earning him a spot in the final pairing with Abraham Ancer. Bryson put an early end to the afternoon with five birdies on the front nine, his steady ball-striking (sixth in sg/tee-to-green) and short game (sixth in putting) keep contenders at bay.
DeChambeau is only the second player to win the first two legs of the FedEx Cup (Vijay Singh accomplished the feat in 2008). The win also comes near the two-year anniversary of DeChambeau, in the Web.com Finals after struggling in his first summer on tour, grabbing the DAP Championship to earn promotion to the bigs. Moving to No. 7 in the world—a ranking better than Rory McIlroy, Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Jason Day and Patrick Reed—and a Ryder Cup bid looming, don’t think you’re going to see DeChambeau back in the minors anytime soon.
Speaking of Ryder Cup…
Finau making life easy on Furyk
The most important responsibility of a Ryder Cup captain is choosing his at-large selections. And also the most scrutinized. Case in point: Darren Clarke picking Lee Westwood and Martin Kaymer due to their experience rather than their play in 2016. A move that backfired, with the two going 1-6 in seven matches at Hazeltine.
Which brings us to Jim Furyk, manning the helm of the American squad this fall. Furyk technically has four picks at his disposal, although—thanks to strong seasons, their roles in the team’s brain trust, and frankly, their importance in promotion and marketing—many believe Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are already on the team. That leaves two spots, one of which DeChambeau has essentially locked up. And if DeChambeau’s work the past two weeks have earned him the nod, the same could be said about Tony Finau.
A week after finishing runner-up to DeChambeau at the Northern Trust, Finau turned in another fine display, finishing T-4 at TPC Boston. Following Sunday’s round, Finau was not shy about this Paris ambitions.
“The more solid I play each week, I’m making it tough to not pick me, if I’m being honest,” Finau said. “I’m not the one that gets to pick, I’m the one that just gets to play. But I’ve played some nice golf these last couple weeks, and if that’s what it comes down to when (Furyk) makes his decision to pick a team for the Ryder Cup, and that’s what he’s waiting for for those picks, then I think I’m going to be a hard guy to look past.”
Finau makes a compelling argument. Finau is crazy long (third in distance), racks up the red numbers (sixth in eagles, 11th in birdies), is tough as nails (remember that 68 at Augusta National after dislocating his ankle?), and only Dustin Johnson has more top-10 finishes this year. That three of those came at majors doesn’t hurt his cause.
The only real knock on Finau is his lack of wins—his only career victory came at the 2016 Puerto Rico Open—but it’s one he’s not giving much thought.
“I’m trying to win every time I play,” Finau said. “I haven’t been able to do it, but I just feel the more I give myself opportunities, it’s going to happen. And my game feels as good as ever.”
Furyk will announce three of his picks on Tuesday, with the final selection coming after the BMW Championship. Theoretically, Furyk could announce Finau next week. But the 28-year-old doesn’t need another tournament to make his case.
Short-game slump continues for Tiger
At one point, he was three shots off the lead on Monday. That was the good news for Tiger Woods. The bad is the 14-time major winner remains flummoxed on the greens.
Woods went to his third flat stick of the year in Boston, desperately seeking answers for a short game that ranked last in New Jersey. Though his putting showed signs of life earlier in the week, it failed him again as the tournament progressed, posting negative strokes gained totals on Sunday and Monday and needing 33 strokes on the greens in the final round. Trouble that transformed a possible top-five standing into a T-24 finish.
To be fair, it wasn’t just the putter that was off on Monday, as Woods’ usually-stout second-shot game failed to fire on all cylinders. His driving didn’t do him any favors, either.
Still, if Tiger hopes to make it to the Tour Championship—and perhaps more importantly, be formidable in France—he needs to right the ship with the short game, and in a hurry. That this week’s BMW Championship is at Aronimink Golf Club, one of the harder venues in the country, won’t help.
A brutal missed gimme
Of course, Woods’ putting woes are nothing compared to this.
“This” being Joe Durant at the 17th hole of the PGA Tour Champions’ Shaw Charity Classic. Durant was tied with Scott McCarron, looking at a birdie attempt to take the lead into the final hole. Alas, Durant’s attempt failed to find the cup.
And so did his par putt from gimme length.
Oh no!
Durant misses a short one at 17 and falls out of a share of the lead. @ShawClassic pic.twitter.com/3IXLGWd2iW
— PGA TOUR Champions (@ChampionsTour) September 2, 2018
Ahead, McCarron birdied the final hole, and though Durant also made bird, the gimme ultimately cost him a shot at a playoff.
Personally, I blame the yellow ball.
Mahan regains tour card
Hunter Mahan has lost his way inside the ropes the last few seasons. The former World No. 4 fell to a low as 859th after last year’s U.S. Open and, following a failed attempt at the Web.com Tour Finals, lost his tour card for the first time in his career. He’ll start his revival bid in earnest next season, with full exemption in tow.
Mahan, who made appearances on the tour this year thanks to past champion status, accumulated enough non-member points to earn a return to this year’s Web Finals. The six-time tour winner made an auspicious showing at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship, the circuit’s first postseason event, but it was his performance at the DAP Championship that is sending him back to the big leagues. Mahan bounced back from a so-so 71 start to turn in a 66, 65 and 67, rounds good enough to vault him to a runner-up finish at Canterbury Golf Club. The T-2 bestowed $88,000, a sum that guarantees Mahan will receive one of the 25 cards dispersed through the tour’s Finals.
Mahan, who’s made seven Ryder and Presidents Cups appearances for the United States and $30 million in his career, has just one top-10 finish on the PGA Tour since 2015. Mahan asserted that fighting his swing back happened to coincide with starting a family, and admitted he was unable to adjust according on the course.
“We have a lot going on,” Mahan said. “Mentally, you’d like to deal with one thing at a time. I think it overwhelmed me and I lost track of my swing a little bit. It feels like an avalanche, but it’s just a snow flurry.
“I’m a father and a husband, and I have to be there first. It’s hard to be there mentally in both places.”
This past year, Mahan’s family also dealt with the loss of his sister-in-law Katie Enloe, wife to SMU coach Jason Enloe, to leukemia.
However, Mahan had showed signs of life prior to the Web Finals, nearly winning the alternate event Barbasol Championship in July. With his tour card in hand, Mahan likely won’t return to the world’s top five. But he’s only 36 years old, and proved this week he still has plenty of gas left in the tank.
Source: golfdigest.com
This article is from Dew Sweeper, your one-stop shop to catch up on the weekend action from the golf world. 
The post Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed appeared first on Olive Glenn Golf and Country Club.
0 notes
windingrivergolf · 6 years
Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed
NORTON, MA – SEPTEMBER 03: Bryson DeChambeau of the United States reacts on the 15th green during the final round of the Dell Technologies Championship at TPC Boston on September 3, 2018 in Norton, Massachusetts. 
Bryson goes back-to-back
This time in 2016, Bryson DeChambeau didn’t have his tour card. He’s now weeks away from cashing golf’s biggest paycheck.
Fresh off a resounding win at Ridgewood, the 24-year-old ran the performance back at TPC Boston, his final-round 67 good enough for a two-shot victory over Justin Rose to capture the Dell Technologies Championship.
“Consistency has been a big thing for me,” said DeChambeau, who will be No. 1 spot in the FedEx Cup standings heading into East Lake no matter what happens at the BMW Championship. “I’ve been trying to get that week in and week out, and I was able to kind of figure something out last week on the putting green and that’s kind of progressed me to move forward in the right way.”
DeChambeau began the weekend seven shots back of the leaders, but made his charge on Sunday, an eight-under 63 earning him a spot in the final pairing with Abraham Ancer. Bryson put an early end to the afternoon with five birdies on the front nine, his steady ball-striking (sixth in sg/tee-to-green) and short game (sixth in putting) keep contenders at bay.
DeChambeau is only the second player to win the first two legs of the FedEx Cup (Vijay Singh accomplished the feat in 2008). The win also comes near the two-year anniversary of DeChambeau, in the Web.com Finals after struggling in his first summer on tour, grabbing the DAP Championship to earn promotion to the bigs. Moving to No. 7 in the world—a ranking better than Rory McIlroy, Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Jason Day and Patrick Reed—and a Ryder Cup bid looming, don’t think you’re going to see DeChambeau back in the minors anytime soon.
Speaking of Ryder Cup…
Finau making life easy on Furyk
The most important responsibility of a Ryder Cup captain is choosing his at-large selections. And also the most scrutinized. Case in point: Darren Clarke picking Lee Westwood and Martin Kaymer due to their experience rather than their play in 2016. A move that backfired, with the two going 1-6 in seven matches at Hazeltine.
Which brings us to Jim Furyk, manning the helm of the American squad this fall. Furyk technically has four picks at his disposal, although—thanks to strong seasons, their roles in the team’s brain trust, and frankly, their importance in promotion and marketing—many believe Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are already on the team. That leaves two spots, one of which DeChambeau has essentially locked up. And if DeChambeau’s work the past two weeks have earned him the nod, the same could be said about Tony Finau.
A week after finishing runner-up to DeChambeau at the Northern Trust, Finau turned in another fine display, finishing T-4 at TPC Boston. Following Sunday’s round, Finau was not shy about this Paris ambitions.
“The more solid I play each week, I’m making it tough to not pick me, if I’m being honest,” Finau said. “I’m not the one that gets to pick, I’m the one that just gets to play. But I’ve played some nice golf these last couple weeks, and if that’s what it comes down to when (Furyk) makes his decision to pick a team for the Ryder Cup, and that’s what he’s waiting for for those picks, then I think I’m going to be a hard guy to look past.”
Finau makes a compelling argument. Finau is crazy long (third in distance), racks up the red numbers (sixth in eagles, 11th in birdies), is tough as nails (remember that 68 at Augusta National after dislocating his ankle?), and only Dustin Johnson has more top-10 finishes this year. That three of those came at majors doesn’t hurt his cause.
The only real knock on Finau is his lack of wins—his only career victory came at the 2016 Puerto Rico Open—but it’s one he’s not giving much thought.
“I’m trying to win every time I play,” Finau said. “I haven’t been able to do it, but I just feel the more I give myself opportunities, it’s going to happen. And my game feels as good as ever.”
Furyk will announce three of his picks on Tuesday, with the final selection coming after the BMW Championship. Theoretically, Furyk could announce Finau next week. But the 28-year-old doesn’t need another tournament to make his case.
Short-game slump continues for Tiger
At one point, he was three shots off the lead on Monday. That was the good news for Tiger Woods. The bad is the 14-time major winner remains flummoxed on the greens.
Woods went to his third flat stick of the year in Boston, desperately seeking answers for a short game that ranked last in New Jersey. Though his putting showed signs of life earlier in the week, it failed him again as the tournament progressed, posting negative strokes gained totals on Sunday and Monday and needing 33 strokes on the greens in the final round. Trouble that transformed a possible top-five standing into a T-24 finish.
To be fair, it wasn’t just the putter that was off on Monday, as Woods’ usually-stout second-shot game failed to fire on all cylinders. His driving didn’t do him any favors, either.
Still, if Tiger hopes to make it to the Tour Championship—and perhaps more importantly, be formidable in France—he needs to right the ship with the short game, and in a hurry. That this week’s BMW Championship is at Aronimink Golf Club, one of the harder venues in the country, won’t help.
A brutal missed gimme
Of course, Woods’ putting woes are nothing compared to this.
“This” being Joe Durant at the 17th hole of the PGA Tour Champions’ Shaw Charity Classic. Durant was tied with Scott McCarron, looking at a birdie attempt to take the lead into the final hole. Alas, Durant’s attempt failed to find the cup.
And so did his par putt from gimme length.
Oh no!
Durant misses a short one at 17 and falls out of a share of the lead. @ShawClassic pic.twitter.com/3IXLGWd2iW
— PGA TOUR Champions (@ChampionsTour) September 2, 2018
Ahead, McCarron birdied the final hole, and though Durant also made bird, the gimme ultimately cost him a shot at a playoff.
Personally, I blame the yellow ball.
Mahan regains tour card
Hunter Mahan has lost his way inside the ropes the last few seasons. The former World No. 4 fell to a low as 859th after last year’s U.S. Open and, following a failed attempt at the Web.com Tour Finals, lost his tour card for the first time in his career. He’ll start his revival bid in earnest next season, with full exemption in tow.
Mahan, who made appearances on the tour this year thanks to past champion status, accumulated enough non-member points to earn a return to this year’s Web Finals. The six-time tour winner made an auspicious showing at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship, the circuit’s first postseason event, but it was his performance at the DAP Championship that is sending him back to the big leagues. Mahan bounced back from a so-so 71 start to turn in a 66, 65 and 67, rounds good enough to vault him to a runner-up finish at Canterbury Golf Club. The T-2 bestowed $88,000, a sum that guarantees Mahan will receive one of the 25 cards dispersed through the tour’s Finals.
Mahan, who’s made seven Ryder and Presidents Cups appearances for the United States and $30 million in his career, has just one top-10 finish on the PGA Tour since 2015. Mahan asserted that fighting his swing back happened to coincide with starting a family, and admitted he was unable to adjust according on the course.
“We have a lot going on,” Mahan said. “Mentally, you’d like to deal with one thing at a time. I think it overwhelmed me and I lost track of my swing a little bit. It feels like an avalanche, but it’s just a snow flurry.
“I’m a father and a husband, and I have to be there first. It’s hard to be there mentally in both places.”
This past year, Mahan’s family also dealt with the loss of his sister-in-law Katie Enloe, wife to SMU coach Jason Enloe, to leukemia.
However, Mahan had showed signs of life prior to the Web Finals, nearly winning the alternate event Barbasol Championship in July. With his tour card in hand, Mahan likely won’t return to the world’s top five. But he’s only 36 years old, and proved this week he still has plenty of gas left in the tank.
Source: golfdigest.com
This article is from Dew Sweeper, your one-stop shop to catch up on the weekend action from the golf world. 
The post Back-to-back for Bryson, Finau’s Ryder Cup case, more putter woes for Tiger and a brutal gimme putt: What you missed appeared first on Winding River Golf Course.
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