#will absolutely delete later
ur-littlestgirl · 5 months
broke down and texted him and it almost hurt worse knowing he responded 6 mins later to my “come over” text but left me on read for hours when I was trying to hear about his day and how he was feeling..
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xxbunnyboy · 2 months
Anyway maybe I am avoiding feelings by rebloging everything
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zoeywades-spouse · 1 year
Applying for the student visa has literally become the bane of my existence 😭
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st-hedge · 2 months
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I can’t believe they’d managed to animate kusuriuri’s insane character design and then decided to make it even more insane. The most character ever
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grvmpysunshine · 2 months
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Doctor Who + Favorite Moments ( ♡ )
If I destroy the prison, your body is destroyed. Your mind with it. But then you’re clever enough to use this whole system against me. If I destroy this planet, I destroy the gravity field. The rocket. The rocket loses protection, falls into the black hole. I’ll have to sacrifice Rose. Except that implies—in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils—that she’s just a victim. But I’ve seen a lot of this Universe. I’ve seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods. And out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her.
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brewed-pangolin · 6 months
Captain MacTavish loves to end every rough and vigorous sexcapade with a lengthy cuddle session.
And cockwarming.
He'll hold you close, your body pressed against his and wrapped within his strong arms.
Both your chests covered in sweat and heaving against one another. His hot breath fanning over your shoulder as you let yourself meld into him. Your skin trembling as he runs his calloused yet tender hands down the curve of your spine while you slowly ride out the last waves of your orgasm.
A reluctant whimper escaping your lips as your walls continue to flutter around him. His throbbing cock still buried to the hilt while your core greedily milked the last remainder of his seed.
"Sshh, m'lass. Jus' relax. I got'ya."
His voice was thick as honey. And just as sweet. Seeping into your pours and soothing the already growing ache within your core that would undoubtedly last for days.
You tried to move, readjust. But the sudden protest of your sore and overused muscles prevented any such motion.
So with a heavy groan, you finally gave in. Leaning your head against his shoulder to let your body ultimately relinquish itself to him.
"Gonnae keep ya like this for a while, lass. Donnae feel like pullin' out yet."
You smiled. The distinctive smugness in his voice was a welcome reprieve as you let your mind and body collapse into him.
Blissfully beaten and bested by the infamous Captain MacTavish.
Oh my God, this sucks. I'm sorry. I'm not tagging anyone because this is stupid, but I did it. Finally, I wrote for the Captain.
Captain MacTavish Masterlist
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3-aem · 3 months
help my cat maybe!
okay I was told to just do this even though i hate it.
but as some of you know i lost my job a while back and it happened at the same time that my cat began semi-frequent vomitting like once every other week to multiple times a week. he appears fine otherwise but it has continued on for the last few months and at this point I don’t think i can continue pretending like he is alright.
the bill for a proper scan and diagnosis is around 780 total which is sadly not affordable.
If it is possible kofi donations would be greatly appreciated so I can bring him in for an ultrasound and blood tests 🙏 the lnk is in my pinned
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itsjustpoopeh · 20 days
weird how no one treats chimney like he's forever irredeemably evil for not shutting down sal delucas homophobic twilight joke ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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seasideoranges · 26 days
y'all i gotta be honest for a sec, the "atla wouldnt change much if aang wasnt there, in fact it might be better" and "the atla finale wouldnt change much if aang wasnt there to fight ozai" debates is the funniest thing ive seen come out of this fandom
#'this show wouldnt change much if the main character wasnt there' hmm me thinks otherwise!#do people just. not realize that the gaangs arcs ESPECIALLY zukos and kataras would not have happened if aang was taken out of the picture?#ppl praise zukos redemption arc sm and rightfully so but aang is such a HUGE factor in zukos arc!#hell you could argue that it kickstarted because of aang#'if we knew each other back then do you think we could have been friends too?' the question that forever changed zukos life#without aang katara would still be stuck in the south pole with sokka and she wouldve never gotten the training she needed#toph wouldve never left if aang wasnt in the picture#hell you could argue the same with suki shed still be stuck on the island#tbh without aang theyd all be dead or at least in serious trouble by the end of the series#and the finale argument... cmon now#did people forget the scene of iroh explaining to zuko (AND THE AUDIENCE) that aang HAS to be the one to fight ozai#ONLY aang could defeat ozai#the strongest firebender in the series#without aang they all wouldve been cooked#by this point both zuko and sokka were seriously injured and katara and the rest were absolutely exhausted from fighting their own battles#ozai is only one guy yeah but again he is the strongest firebender in the whole series#even iroh was like 'nah theres no way in hell i could beat him'#ozai was in the air spinning around like a beyblade shooting fire from all parts of his body destroying everything in sight LMAOOO#delete later#probably
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jaehaerys son of aegon ii
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philtstone · 2 months
things monkey man does that are far more interesting than the “violent revenge good actually” take ive been seeing a lot of
constructed facsimile of godhood w the trappings of power glamour wealth etc used for evil vs real potential of godliness/divine in the average person with no power or trappings other than the true beauty found in nature and human connection
wisdom and healing found in connection with diverse peoples vs trauma and evil found in manipulated division of peoples
rage against injustice as a form of worship
leveraging a very specific genre of action movie (one man kills all bad guys in his path) to explore these ideas
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Modern!Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Contains: nudes, mutual masturbation, phone sex
18+ only
Eddie flopped face down onto his mattress with a sigh. After working all day, playing at the Hideout, and then hauling all of the bands' equipment, he was wiped. He wanted nothing more then to smoke and go to sleep. His phone pinged with a notification. A contact under the name "Loser" had messaged him, causing a split second of confusion before a lazy grin spread across his face when he realized it was you (he had forgotten he changed it when high). You had been unable to come see Corroded Coffin play tonight as you had made previous plans.
Loser: How did it go?? Good?? Bad??
Loser: Was that one chick who wants to be a groupie there??
Eddie: went ok. Y u jealous?
Loser: just curious lol
Eddie: sure. Wbu?
Loser: Good! Robin and Nancy came. We had a nice dinner. We did paintings! Robin's looks better then mine. Mine looks like shit 😔 now just taking a bath and relaxing.
Eddie: show me?
Loser: lol no???
Eddie: y not? I'm sure it good
Loser: you sure?
Eddie: yes
Loser: fine
Eddie doubted your painting looked bad. You always tore yourself down, even when you did amazing things. He always wanted to throttle you, but knew he would be a hypocrite if he did. Eddie rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling. He would convince you one day that you were awesome, but until then he would just have to keep reminding you. His phone dinged with a new message from you. He opened it and saw a picture attached and-
Immediately dropped his phone. His heart picked up speed. His eyes widened and face flushed. Eddie dove for the phone as if it were a life preserver and he was drowning. He couldn't believe his eyes. He licked his lips and stared at his phone.
A picture from your neck down. Bubbles in the bath around you. Water was running down your collarbone towards your tits. Your nipples barely covered by the bubbles. One boob having no bubbles around it at all, but your hand flipping him off blocked him from seeing more. He was greedy. He wanted to see more, and had never imagined you would send him this to begin with. Eddie looked down at the tent that had formed in his boxers.
Loser: ask nicely next time 😤
Eddie groaned and his dick twitched. You had totally misunderstood him, he had wanted to see your painting- of course he was more then glad for this outcome. However, he couldn't quite unsee what you had sent, nor would he want to. Eddie reread your text. Next time means more than just this once. Means maybe he could see more. Means maybe he has a better shot with you then he thought. He already overthought things with you many times, and now his brain had just switched to overdrive.
A million thoughts ran through his head as his hand traveled south. He paused briefly," Oh fuck it." He grabbed his dick over his boxers, causing the outline to be very noticeable. He took a pic before sending it to you. He would have felt bad about not sending a message with it, but he would have sat there for ages trying to think of a response. And he couldn't find it in himself to care as he pressed lightly against his dick.
He dropped his phone on his stomach. All Eddie could think about was you as he pulled his dick out of his boxers. Your soap covered tits. How beautiful they looked.. He licked his hand before slowly grasping his dick and squeezing the base, causing the tip to flush more. The pressure causing him to moan. He slowly stroked up and down his length. He picked up the pace, canting his hips up to meet his hand. Part of him wanted to go slow, but the rest of him wanted to get this over with quick so he could do it again and again and again. His chest heaved and sweat started to form on his brow. A sigh fell from his lips that quickly turned to a moan at the thought of it being your hand wrapped around him. How small your hand would look on his dick. How-
His stomach tensed and he jolted as his phone started vibrating and your ringtone played. The vibrations on his lower stomach felt so good, he was tempted to let it keep playing, but the urge to hear your voice was stronger. With his free hand he grabbed the phone and answered. "H-hello?" Eddie asked, panting into the phone. "Oh fuck, Eddie," your voice higher than normal sounded like music to his ears. Eddie moaned and your response was a whimper. "Fuck babe, see what you do to me?" Eddie's voice felt like sandpaper, he was surprised he could even find words. "Uh-huh." The sound of water splashing caught Eddie's attention," holy shit. Are you touching yourself?" "Wish it were you."
Eddie's mind went fuzzy as he picked up speed. The schlick noise picking up, his mind filtering out everything except your moans. "Sound so good. Wish I was there." Eddie mumbled, feeling his tip leaking generously. He was so close. "Fuuuck Eddie I'm gonna-" your sentence was cut off with a moan and he lost it. His hips bucked without rhythm and cum spurted everywhere. He never understood the phrase of people seeing stars behind their eyes until now, but they were more like fireworks. He had never cum this much in his life, not even when he had first found porn.
He slowly came back down, a euphoric feeling enveloping him. A warmth spread in his chest as it heaved, trying to catch a breath. He looked down and saw his shirt covered with his release. Your chuckle pulled him back to earth. "Uh so that happened...so whatcha gonna do about it Munson?" He hummed," Think i should ask you for a date." "You should."
Eddie had the biggest grin when you finally got off the phone, date planned for Friday night. He looked down at your contact name before changing the s to a v. He was going to find that painting you did and make sure it hung over his bed, so he could remember this night forever.
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reegis · 8 months
hey siri what does it say about me that i cant draw hnoc merlin hangin upside down like that without it somehow giving off vaguely h*rny pinup girl vibes
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lietpolski · 1 year
one day i'll write lesbian robul to unleash my dykey vampire fantasies but until then stay strong soldiers
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viivie · 6 months
a few days ago when the christmas banner got announced i immediately wanted to sit down and draw the new 3h alts but. im having trouble actually drawing anything serious rn so. have some sillies instead 😔
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zhongrin · 2 months
dick owners who are bodily able and living in an enviromentally capable conditions to flush toilets in a shared bathroom but don't,
fuck you 🖕🏻
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