#will comfort him bc he understands even tho he turned to drugs instead of fighting and even tho theyre from opposite worlds
hecksee · 2 years
To the one kid who follows me on tumblr from english class, I am so sorry for all that you will find out about my mental illnesses
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mci-writing · 4 years
Aftermath (Overhaul's Daughter Pt. 2)
Warnings: Child abuse mention, Child abuse, Mental Abuse, Self blame, Child Witness to Violence, Child Violence, Mention Child Witness to Death, Gore's in here somewhere (it's just a mention tho), Crappy formatting bc I hate transferring things from Docs on mobile
Sequel to this
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You hold on to your father's pants leg for dear life, stumbling on your small legs to keep up with him as he sped walk down the hall. You didn't know exactly where he was leading you, nor did you understand the look in his eyes each time he'd gaze to make sure your smaller form was where he last saw you. You feel him begin to pick up speed, leading to your tiny hand letting go of his leg as you tumble to the ground. The impact hurt, leaving a small scrape on your knee. He freezes once he notices you're not there anymore, turning to see you hold back tears from the pain. There's a hesitancy to lift you and once he does, the hold almost feels distantly held out.
"You'll have to bond with your child eventually, Kai" He's quick to pass you over to the boss, nervously patting your back with a quivered reassurance before swapping his gloves out for another pair. His shoulders relax their tension, the goosebumps that were forming easing down and his eyes sending the innocent youth a small glare before rolling themselves in disregard for you altogether.
"I'm not too concerned with that, if I'm being honest" You watch as he walks ahead of the two of you. At the ripe age of 4, you get your first dose of reminder that your father didn't even really want you around, "I've already had to kill one of our best people because they're alive… And I'm not risking another one"
You peak around the corner of the building as the smoke of the battle’s aftermath clears. You’re almost tempted to run out and help the younger girl you’ve spent a majority of your lifetime envying, maybe end your lives together on one last good deed that you owed her after sitting through and letting her take the crap your father dealt to her, but your unable to move your feet as her quirk continues to threaten the boy’s life. You turn your head out of pity as flashback after painful flashback reminds you of just how deathly her quirk actually is.
Another man manages to disappoint your father, another lowlife thinking he can just take the drugs as he pleases. The outcome was an obvious, bloody stain on the wall that you’d seen and even helped the others clean many-a-times “to help build character”. You’d stop shivering each time a man was one-shotted somewhere around useless casualty number fifty. The next part, where Eri came in, always kept you up at night where you wondered when you’d finally been used up to your full potential so they could be rid of you in a similar manner. Overhaul always remarked the second part was punishment for forcing him to get his hands dirty.
You still feel the tight grips Chrono would leave on your shoulder when he believed there was something you should see, even after they faded within a few years per your father’s request. You could still never quite describe what happened when Eri’s quirk was forcefully activated, but the painful screaming is something you can never seem to shake from even some of your fondest memories.
It was always in the deep crevice of your mind that you could easily suffer the same fate some day. Overhaul could always make up some excuse along the way that reminded you of how you were conceived, punishment for your mother's fate of having you, and no one would stop him. The only man that would was currently on his deathbed in position where you couldn't help him, no matter how much you wanted to.
"Hate to do this to the old man, but he was getting in the way" You never exactly knew if he was talking to you as he worked on setting the boss up, but you still listened closely as he instructed before. You knew to never get close, using your telekinetic quirk to pass him the supplies he asks for.
"Does that mean we're helping him?" You know this is wrong and against everything Shie Hassaikai stood for, but speaking up against it would more than likely put you in a similar situation
"We're helping the Shie Hassaikai, no matter what it takes. You feeling sorry for this sets you as a threat as well, understand?"
"Yes, father, I understand…" You didn't understand at all.
A small warmth seems to hit your body as two fairly different hands grip each of your shoulders, a nice set of happy fangs meeting your upwards glance. You struggle to remember either of their names, mainly due to those around you constantly asserting that their involvement with you and the plan were completely irrelevant. The two converse among themselves as they lead you away from the scene, acting almost as if you weren’t truly among them, even after the entirely awkward tumble that even led you to be with them in the first place. You’re positive you don’t want to recall how clumsily they grabbed you during their escape, either.
You instead let your mind wander to your father and Chrono. There’s a small sliver of concern for Kurono- Chrono, seeing as you were completely unable to get even a slimmer of a glimpse of him after the split up. Part of you is hopeful he escapes with the drug and serum, gets it somewhere safe, but another piece of you knows better and no matter how unfair you may believe it is, it’s happened and all you can hope to do is… move on.
Overhaul… your father, was a different story as you watched his final performance from the sidelines. Every ideal and lesson over your lifespan seemed to come full circle with that one fight, the passion and drive over the past few years seeming to lead up to such a climactic event that you’re sure the old man even would’ve enjoyed if he weren’t on his deathbed. Your father-
No, Overhaul. Overhaul deserves this defeat for all the shit he put everyone else through. Even if it was his greater good.
You suck in a deep breath, slowly releasing it to calm yourself of the suddenly defiant and ignorantly emotionally charged thoughts running through your head. What he did was right, this... was just a small detour to his ideal society.
You’re unable to distract yourself from the weird tension in the air as you're forced to sit on the wobbly wooden stool under you. Shigaraki Tomura, the man that, in exact detail, told you how he assisted your father in making his dream come true by robbing him of his arms, sits across from you in an old leather chair. The fake leather peels from the arms and middle of the thing, but Shigaraki and his associates ignore the downside. A weird musky scent fills the bar that’s known to them as their ‘hideout’ (which was either disgraceful to the word or was just an extreme exaggeration for such a… dingy, abandoned clubhouse). It makes being ignored by your father in the comfort of the Shie Hassaikai hideout seem like the sweet life as a small dose of misplaced pity lands somewhere in your being for the League and their low funds.
"You're the last thing standing in my way now, you know? You're the last of that dreadful Yakuza group and I could simply remove you from this level right here if I wanted, kid, but-"
"It smells like ass in here, I'm going home-" You move to stand, only stopping once a knife is pressed to her neck. A soft giggle sounds from the owner, the teenage girl from before that led you away from the rubble of the crime scene with that other guy is standing to your side, her hand pressing the cold blade to your neck. She's bubbly as she threatens you with it, so much so that you almost miss the scarred hand from your other side gripping your shoulder that presses you back in your seat.
You spare the man a glance, his face equally as scarred and stapled. He gives you a small grin of his own back, his hand giving your shoulder a threatening squeeze, "Don't move, kid. I'd hate to burn you to a corpse when you're just so useful"
You stare for moment before slowly turning forward towards a smirking Shigaraki. You hold back a frustrated huff as you come to the realization that you're going to be stuck with the League for awhile and there's a creeping in the back of your mind that reminds you that you'll have no place to go after all of this. There's no reason as to why, seeing as you were one of the most irrelevant pieces of the group. All of their threats were gone, imprisoned by the heroes. Your father had no arms because of this crusty man. And yet, they held you here, wasting their own time for some kid that was nothing but an accident from a highschool hook-up.
You knew deep down exactly what they would put you through, all the threats and torture you'd face for answer on the bullets and the serum. Answers on things you knew very little about-
"Overhaul never cared enough to even glance my way. How would I even be the next threat to your empire?"
Makes prison suddenly seem like a better alternative...
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sweetmvsics · 5 years
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( DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, EIGHTEEN, SHE/HER )┊seems like ADELAINE CARTER has left the isle to come over to auradon. they are the child of HECTOR BARBOSSA and are an ONLY CHILD. i’ve heard they’re known to be DEPENDENT + DETACHED rumor has it they HAVE NOT teamed up with the villains. maybe we should keep an eye on this one. 
more about her below !
‘sup  .   this is adelaine  ,   a yungin’ of hector barbossa  .  
u kno the legendary pirate in pirates of caribbean ?  yah that’s him  .   HERE’S  a linq to the bio for him tho bc it’s been 20 million years since i watched potc too lmfoaoaoa  .  
her mother was some  fair maiden in a town that blackbeard once  ,   but her mom died at childbirth  .   her mom’s dying wish tho was the  NO PIRATE LIFE  for her   (  but honestly that didn’t last too long  )   and hector never found out about her  .  
she was essentially raised by her neighbor who took her in until age ten  ;   but he too was estranged from town  ,   and none of the people liked him  .  
had a wolf as a pet !  
because her father is hector  ,   she is  TECHNICALLY  half dead  .   
some things that come along with her being half dead  :   babies dun like her  ,   dogs & puppies don’t like her    -   but cats and sharks do !   
she has a way with animals of the night  ,   a sort of  CONNECTION  and  UNDERSTANDING  with them  .  
when she’s on land she luvs hanging with wolves it really do be like that !  
because she’s half dead  ,   she can easily travel between both the under & upperworld  .  
she also doesn’t turn into skeleton into night  ,   and can instead choose when she can    (  so she turns at any time tbh  -  she struggles a lot with control tbh  )  
has some advantages such as  :   inhuman speed  &   strength  .  
sometimes when she touches sprouts / baby plants they die n she used to get upset about it  ,   but she’s used to it now  .  
the townspeople who all knew  EXACTLY  who she was & she knew who her father was  ,   though by the stories she didn’t particularly want to know him  .  
when her neighbor / father figure died  ,   the townspeople were  DETERMINED  to get rid of her and uhhhhhh basically knocked her out  ,   and pushed her into the sea on a boat  .  
but as it turns out  -  adelaine has a knack for surviving  ,   even when cast out to sea  .  
was rescued by peter pan  ,   he swooped in & took her to land  ,  they hung out in town b4 he had to go  .   
but they’re highkey pals  ,   10yo adelaine adored him & 20yo adelaine adores him too !  
but there was a storm brewin’  ...  both literally & figuratively  .  
hector caught word of her  ,   sought out to find her & did  ,   eventually taking her in to raise as his own    (  and another crew member  )  
he wasn’t particularly nice to her  ,   but not awful to her  .   
she found herself bonding with the  DEAD CREW  on her father’s ship  ;  they were who made her not hate him as she had potential too  ,   and a part of her considered them her family  -  despite their violent ways  .  
hector may have essentially ignored her  ,   aside from the occasional order  ,   but she  did  gain thicker skin from that  .  
as a result of being around the crew for 10+ years of her life  ,   adelaine finds herself  desensitized  to  :  death  ,   violence  ,   gore  ,   murder  ,   etc  .  
can hold herself in a fight !  
is also very dependable  ,   and loyal 2 the crew !  
weapon of choice would be a dagger  ,   but likes to have a pistol on her just in case  .  
is more wild these days. 
she takes after the crew lol 
she’s a social butterfly !  but is overly affectionate and  very  touchy feely.  is also a fan of pet names.
she has to be the one to iniate the touching  ,   however
this has led people to thinking she’s not just friendly,  but  very flirty. 
 it’s led to short,  impulsive,  spur of the moment relationships.
falls hard & fast,  then jumps right in.
but often she cuts them off  REAL FAST  because she for some reason gets real freaked when it gets too serious ??  
only had one semi-serious relationship before
has probably  naively & accidentally  broken up a few relationships since she started going to school
isn’t officially teamed up with any villians  ,   but  ...  
she’s  explored  herself more at school.  went outside of her comfort zone,  even dabbled in drugs and alcohol  -  and even still does,  every once in awhile 
is good with  most of  the kids   -   though she does avoid conversations about her dad  .  
she wouldn’t say she loves him  ,   but he is her  FATHER  and he did take her in when no one else would  .  
chooses to follow him bc the crew does
messy by kiara  /  all of billie elishies songs are basically soundtracks to her life
100% steals school vehicles to go on midnight drives 
makes self deprecating jokes,  but only says them once you reach level 10 of friendship
doesn’t really give a fuck about the turf wars 
pansexual af
in chess club lol
a teacher’s pet 
learned languages from the crew !  including but not limited to chinese  & italian  
lokey super smart & rlly good at plans & working out issues lol
chaotic neutral
rlly good at switching up personality depending on who she’s talking to !  will work anything to her favor  .  
relations wanted ??
an ex that lokey kinda  ??  messed with her head bc they were both too yung and too stupid
the ex’s from relationships that she broke up
the other half of the relationships that she broke up
a boi gang that she could trust with her life
a girl gang
ex-best friend bc their views just didn’t agree with each other
a new flirt-ship !
someone who  ( wants to )  date her to get advantage of hector or the crew members  .  could turn into something genuine or not,  depends on where the two go :)
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aiigonorus · 7 years
why not both?
pairing: eisuke ichinomiya x MC x soryu oh.
rating: mature. it’s nice & smutty.
requested by: just me, lmao. definitely send me a request if you have one tho pls!
word count: ~1700.
author’s notes: okay so this is my first fanfic, crossing my fingers that it’s alright! i wrote this while i was at work on my phone, so pls forgive any errors. anyway, i just had to write this bc every time i look at the picture below, i’m like “man i’d give up my ability to eat chocolate ever again if i could sandwich myself between them”. in addition, since they’re two of my fave characters, the idea of them both being totally whipped for MC & doting on her makes me really happy?? i’m rambling, just pls read it & let me know what y'all think! enjoy 😘
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            we’re already on round two, my trembling body firmly straddling eisuke’s. a light sheen of sweat shimmers on my skin, long ____ hair tumbling wildly around my shoulders as wisps stick to my forehead. my lungs are burning, half from the exertion & half from not getting enough air, eisuke’s lips effectively cutting off my supply. his cock is seated fully in me, going so deep i swear i can feel him nudging against my womb. round one had been rough & fast, almost animalistic in its ferocity, which is what i expected from my ceo lover. but this time, he’s going slow, his hips barely moving at all from where they’re sitting on our bed. i’m growing frustrated at his cock hitting all the right spots, just without enough force to give me what i want & need. i try desperately to move my hips, but his fingers tighten on them, keeping me in place. “now now, baby,” he coos, smirking deviously. i whimper as he continues the tortuously slow pace, his lips moving down to my neck to leave a mark there. “who said you could be in control here?” that arrogant tone, as always, sets my teeth on edge. but as drugged with his sex as i am, i’m completely at his mercy, & we both know it; there’s no way i can return with some snark like i usually do. just as i think the torment is going to go on forever, i vaguely hear the door open over the sound of my own heart racing in my ears & i feel cool air on my bare back. he must be home.
            “tch. what, you’re back already?” eisuke doesn’t seem pleased, but that doesn’t stop his cock from driving into my dripping pussy. there’s no answer, just the sound of keys settling on a surface & a jacket being pulled off. i can barely get my eyes open, & when i do, all i can see is eisuke’s handsome, & currently displeased, face. but i do feel the bed dip behind me, & suddenly a broad chest is against my back. “i’m home, princess.” i automatically lean back into his warmth, my mouth still hanging open from eisuke’s thrusts. “think you can handle more?” hands slightly larger than those of the man currently inside me slide around to cup my breasts, fingers tugging at my nipples as i moan quietly. “i’m taking care of her, soryu. wait your turn,” eisuke snaps, apparent jealousy causing him to slap his hips against mine is a blessingly savage thrust. i cry out in response, nails digging into his damp shoulders. “i was asking her, not you. will you let me make love to you too, ______?” unable to form words, i simply mewl incoherently, one of my hands blindly reaching back to slide into the neatly slicked back hair of my other lover. as if i would ever turn either of them down, is what i want to say. instead, i turn my head, searching for a kiss. he’s pleased by my reaction, if his throaty chuckle is any indication. his lips take mine, the gentle nature of them at odds with eisuke’s ferocity. their opposing natures balance each other perfectly, like yin & yang; together, they make up the perfect lover.
            while i’m already tired, soryu’s appearance only adds to my arousal, & i know i can’t stop now. i moan into his deep kiss, eisuke echoing the sound with a hiss as my pussy clenches around him. i’m in no need of wooing or foreplay, & soryu seems to understand that, as he momentarily breaks away from our kiss to strip completely. there’s a twinge of regret that i can’t do that myself, or even just watch him do it, but that’s quickly washed away by the feeling of his fingers on my clit. i quake under the pleasure, one hand wrapping around both of their necks. it’s eisuke’s turn again to kiss me, & no one kisses quite like eisuke ichinomiya. he’s claiming my mouth, tongue conquering the soft cavern like he owns it– & he probably does. the wet muscle is mimicking the motions of his cock inside me, & it takes a moment for my hazy brain to register our change in position. he’s standing by the bed now, hands under my thighs as he wraps my legs around his waist. he’s easily holding my weight, the sudden help of gravity causing him to slide impossibly deeper into my weeping pussy. i almost choke on my own tongue in response until i feel soryu’s large hands trailing down my sides, causing me to shiver. then he’s softly pulling my pert cheeks apart, & i feel a wet finger breach my hole.
            the added sensation causes my eyes to fly open on a gasp, staring up at my beloved narcissist. my head falls back against a strong shoulder, finally managing to catch a glimpse of my beloved mobster’s face. both men’s eyes are narrowed with lust, though soyru’s gaze is just a tad gentler. “relax for me, princess.” i’m overwhelmed by both the sensations & being surrounded by the two most attractive men i’d ever met, but that doesn’t matter. my body is so well trained by them both that it’s already following orders, tense muscles easing so his finger can slide all the way in. another two are added in rapid succession, & i’m this close to cumming all over eisuke’s dick. soryu seems to realize this however, & quickly pulls his fingers from my ass. “you don’t cum–” “–until we say.” oh sure. these two bicker constantly & fight over my attention, but now they agree. damn men. my hostile thoughts are cut short when eisuke suddenly pulls out, only to return with a brutal thrust; this time, soryu’s cock joins him. a keening cry escapes my lips as the sudden penetration rocks me up, breasts bouncing against eisuke’s chest. a duo of rough curses can be heard after my cry fades away, eisuke’s hands tightening on my waist while soryu grips my ass. “fuck, you’re tight.” i moan weakly in response, my arms wrapped around eisuke’s neck for dear life.
            i’m now impaled on two throbbing cocks, & i’ve never felt so full in my life. my closed eyes well up against my will at the overload of sensation, but my tears don’t get a chance to fall; fingers brush softly at my left eye at the same time that lips caress my right, soothing away any unease. they give me a chance to take a breather, & i find the comfort only their arms bring. i nod after a few heartbeats, using my hold on eisuke’s shoulders to pull myself up higher. “move.” then they’re taking me, their hips moving in dominating thrusts i swear i can taste in the back of my throat. huffs & the sound of of skin hitting skin fill the room, my moans & the occasional masculine growl adding into the mix. they fill me so completely & are pressed so tightly against me that i can no longer tell where i end & they begin, & i’d have it no other way. i love the two of them more than anything, & while our relationship isn’t the norm, it makes me happier than i’ve ever been. & as i switch back & forth from kissing them both, i can tell they agree. the emotions flying in our little bubble seems to spur them on, their thrusts speeding up. each keeping a hand on me for support, one of their hands finds my clit & the other pinches my abused nipple. “cum.” my body is no match for the union of their hoarse voices giving me an order, & i obey, clenching hard around their members as i gush around eisuke’s cock. my scream fills the room, the tightening of my passages around them sends the men over the edge with me, their grunts & hisses like music to my ears. i shiver anew when i feel two warm spurts inside me, both my holes filled beyond capacity. 
            i wilt back against soryu’s chest, unable to hold myself up. they both pull out, my pussy twitching at the fresh stimulus of their cum dribbling out of me. with great effort, i turn in soryu’s arms as he lowers us back to the bed, nuzzling against his neck. he runs his fingers softly down my spine as eisuke leaves, the water running before he returns. he gently spreads my legs, dutifully cleaning up after himself & his friend/rival. he tosses it in the general direction of the bathroom, leaving it for the maid (aka me, i think with a glower) to take care of before returning to bed. i’m still basically a limp noodle, so they pull me up to the pillows, bringing the sheet up to cover the three of us. i sigh, completely content, giggling as they lean in to lick their bite marks; they each left one on either side of my neck, despite how i complain about not being able to cover it with my uniform. i suppose it’s only fair, i think smugly, my eyes trailing over the nail marks on eisuke’s back & the hickey on soryu’s neck. we just can’t seem to help but mark each other, it appears. i yawn hugely, & we get into our usual sleep position: eisuke lying flat, me tucked firmly against his side with an arm across his chest & one of his large hands wrapped possessively around my thigh. soryu is at my back, curling around me protectively, arm draped around my waist. i rest one of my legs over eisuke’s, the other pressing back to curl with soryu’s. tomorrow will be another morning of making coffee & omelettes, but for now, i drift off to a sleep, a soft “i love you” on my lips. i can’t work up enough energy to say a name, but it doesn’t matter; they both answer anyway. “i love you too, princess.” “i love you, baby.”
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