#will get to diabolik lovers because it deserves it's own post
shiroandblack · 26 days
[TW: abuse, suicide, incest, matricide, pyrophobia, underage sex, Freudian mother-son relationships]
Listen, everyone probably had a vampire phase at some point in their lives. Most of the time it's Twilight and while I definitely did has a Twilight phase, I have to say it's honestly not as bad as my Vampire Knight and Diabolik Lovers phase.
So the thing with Vampire Knight is that the Purebloods, the highest ranking vampires are basically Targaryens. They marry brother to sister to keep their vampire bloodline pure. But that's honestly not the worst part. In fact as someone who's already pretty desensitized to incest in fiction (I reiterate: in fiction), the worst part for me was the fact that Kaname was Yuuki's ancestor. It's not a branch to branch incest, it's incest up and down the family tree. To this day, I have no idea why the author did this. I mean if Kaname had just been her brother, it still would have been icky but not as much as Yuuki getting on with her ancestor. Also the destroying all vampires plot was so out of pocket in my opinion. Partly because the author laid down the fact that most Purebloods eventually commit suicide because they lose all joy/motivation to live after living thousands and thousands of years quite a few times, so I was honestly expecting more of an exploration of what being a Pureblood means. These people are worshipped by vampire society as their kings and queens and yet they're probably the unhappiest vampires of them all, and they are also locked up by their own people (re: Shizuka Hio), they are both the predator and the prey and that honestly would've been super interesting to explore. But I digress.
Next up we have Diabolik Lovers, now buckle up because all those trigger warnings are about to become extremely relevant.
Diabolik Lovers felt like a fever dream and a guilty pleasure all at the same time. The gist of it is the adoptive daughter of priest is basically sent to a mansion filled with hot vampires to be their sacrificial blood bank (thanks, dad!). Now this is where you might think 'oh that's easy all 6 brothers fall in love with her' but hahaha no. No, no, absolutely not.
In the game Yui (our main girl) has a backbone and basically says "well, if I'm getting my blood sucked until I die then it's my right to choose who's sucking my blood in the first place" and so she basically chooses one of the brothers to drink her blood. I much prefer the game because honestly Yui's life in the anime is fucking miserable. MISERABLE. She gets sucked to the point of unconsciousness by all these brothers like very fucking day and she has to suffer abuse under their hands. Basically, in the anime Yui deals with 6 red fucking flags but in the game she deals with only one with you know, sprinkles of kidnapping and shit because other fantasy creatures like demons exist in this world.
But yeah, in all honesty Twilight is absolutely tame compared to the other vampire shit I went through during my phase.
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yuikomorii · 7 months
// I’m making this post, as a result of seeing way too much hate and misinfo regarding every character. Nobody stops anyone from voicing their opinion but the need to degrade a character, while providing BAD reasons or stating incorrect/out-of-context facts about them only for the sake of internet validation, is such a loser move.
We’re all in this fandom to have fun and even if you have something negative to say about a character you don’t like, keep it to yourself or in private with your friends.
“I don’t like Ayato, he’s overrated”, omg you’re just sooo different! Definitely not like other girls/guys!
Everyone is allowed to dislike whatever they want but if Ayato is your least/one of your least favorite DL characters, then your opinion ISN’T valid. This is a franchise full of abusive characters and he’s literally the most heroic love interest. Why would you hate the hero…?
“He’s dumb and annoying”, says the person who spends their time insulting FICTIONAL characters. 1) Japanese fans like dumb characters, since they come off as endearing; 2) Ayato outdid everyone throughout the routes.
He did more good than all of his brothers and saying that X, Y or Z deserves the main role more, is fake fan behavior because at this point you’re just setting up your favs.
No, you’re not cool for calling him ugly. It’s okay if you’re not into that type of characters but his design is not bad at all.
“He had no development”, he does in CL. It’s not major but it can still be visible.
The whole Teddy thing might be annoying to some of you, but his fans get why he acts that way. Let’s not forget that he is a victim of neglect.
Yes, he was sexually exploited too. Don’t forget this x2.
“I hate Laito so much, he was so cruel in HDB 😢”; stop living in the past and move on already.
His development shouldn’t be overlooked only because your opinion about him was formed on something that came out more than 10 years ago.
He’s still the most fascinating DL character and I get that he might make some of you feel uncomfortable but don’t project your triggers on a character that’s merely made after a trope.
No, it’s not Shu’s fault for the way Reiji acted. Envy is never a good reason to hurt someone.
“Shu roasts the heroine the most!”, I get that it’s rude but his insults are actually funny?? A bunch of people will like him for being brutally honest or a jerk because it’s literally a game for players with masochistic fantasies. They WANT to be roasted by good-looking men. That’s the point.
“Shu is lazy and stupid, he’s the only one who failed his school year”, genuine question: If you were an immortal creature that doesn’t need food or sleep to survive, would you still care about grades? Besides, he’s really smart.
“Shu doesn’t care about Yuma, he just feels guilty”, in LE he sacrificed himself for him and reincarnated merely because he wished to meet Yuma again and get on well with him in another life—
“He hurt Shu and Yuma”, well yeah but he was shown plenty of times regretting it and trying to fix things. Stop reminding this to Reiji stans because that conflict is already closed.
“He is so mean in other routes”, obviously?? If you don’t teach him how to love, he won’t suddenly act nice towards anyone.
Without him Yui would fail her tests and the Sakamaki household would be in chaos.
“W-What do you mean baby Tsundere is not soft innocent virgin boy? 🥺”; he has never been like that, that’s how YOU perceived him. Stop acting so shocked every time Subaru does something bad because he’s still a vampire after all??
Also, why are so many people reducing his character to Kou and/or Yui—? He’s much more than that and has his own interests, struggles, likes, dislikes, and so on.
“He’s irrelevant”; Diabolik Lovers has 13 love interests, they can’t make everyone extremely important to the general plot. Just enjoy a character as it is, it’s not that hard.
The cat jokes were funny when the Meow Meow Vampire art came out but MOVE ON. I hate that scene and Ruki was in the wrong but come on now, that’s not even the worst thing he has done and MB happened in 2013.
I understand not liking Ruki as a person, because he’s mostly not a good one, but this doesn’t mean he’s not a good character.
“Ruki deserved what happened to him in the past because he was cruel towards everyone”; while I agree that Karma hit him, I wouldn’t say any child really deserves to go through that. He was just a spoiled brat, who most likely wasn’t taught by his parents about modesty or kindness.
“He was so cruel in MB 😣”, and HE HAD DEVELOPMENT! He’s not the same anymore, nobody is.
“He overreacts”, sometimes he’s not in the wrong and has all rights to be angry.
Kou isn’t afraid of going against Ruki, even if he’s the brother he admires the most, as long as he knows that what Ruki is doing isn’t good.
“He beat Yui up in the MB bad ending!😡😡”, it’s a bad ending for a reason, lol.
Pretty reminder that Yuma always tries to help others with Kou and Azusa, and was even willing to save the ghouls in LE.
“Yuma doesn’t care about Shu”, did we play the same game or…?
“Azusa is so horrible, he threw Teddy in the fire!”; and he only did it to save Yui, it was not intentional.
While not all his actions are good, keep in mind that he never means any harm and is overall such a sweet guy.
“He is too clingy”; I know that might not be everyone’s cup of tea but is it really worth hating a character just for wanting affection?
The Tsukinamis and Kino:
“They were too easy to defeat in DF!”; Dark Fate wasn’t entirely about them to begin with. Most routes focused on the boys’ internal struggles with their trauma and how to move past it.
“Kino is sometimes mean for the sake of being mean”; it’s almost as if he’s the ✨villain✨
It’s dumb questioning the morals of characters supposed to have an antagonistic role.
“Kino hurt Ayato in LE”; out of all characters who have wronged Ayato, at least Kino felt bad and wanted to apologize.
“She’s dumb and ugly”; Japanese fans literally love her for being an idiot because it wouldn’t be fun to see the heroine being the best at everything or not making mistakes at all. Plus, her design is definitely not ugly.
Stop creating your own version of Yui in your head and ending up disappointed when she doesn’t act the way you expect her to. No, Yui is not OOC for liking being bitten, having a low learning ability or saying things she shouldn’t in the wrong moments. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their own kinks and flaws.
“She’s too innocent”; she’s not?? If you really want to see her thirsty, go play Ayato’s routes, especially the heaven scenarios.
“She’s weak”, she’s the opposite. Yui is one of the most mentally strong DL characters.
I can’t understand people who hate on heroines when they’re present in all routes and are the most positive characters.
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rougepancake · 1 year
Hello! I saw that your request are open, can i make one? About genya and sanemi(separate and with nothing of yandere themes, i just want comfort) with a reader who is very similar to yui komori from diabolik lovers, that is a girl very gentle, kind, sensitive, shy and positive that had suffered in the past kidnapping(even could make a little drabble about the reader seeing again one of his former kidnappers in the street) and has post traumatic stress disorder because of that, basically a cinnamon roll that not deserves the cruelty of this world.
Its okay if you don't want to make this request, if youre busy ill understand and have a nice day/afternoon/night
Your wish is my command 🙏
Ft. Sanemi Shinazugawa and Genya Shinazugawa
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping and ptsd, angst with comfort I promise just bear with me I like building up the trauma. I would not recommend if you aren’t good with the idea of living with trauma or anything like that. BUT IT DOES GET FLUFFY I SWEAR. Not proofread!!
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He had found you in an abandoned village, with not a single bit of light in your once shining eyes. It was raining, and destruction had surrounded you, a reminder of the pain that had led to this nightmare. Your village was gone and you seemed perfectly content to just sit there and wait for death to find you.
However, something in him just wouldn’t let you die. Typically he’d leave a scene like that and allow the person to move on and grow up on their own.
But he just couldn’t leave you behind.
There was just something about you that drew him in, and he couldn’t figure it out.
So he took you back to Shinobu’s estate and let her take care of your shock and minor injuries. Once those were taken care of, he brought you back to his home and showed you around.
“This is your new home.” He paused and slowly looked over at you. “What is your name? I’m Shinazugawa Sanemi.” It was unlike him to be so caring- so soft towards another person.
“I’m Y/n.” You said simply as he showed you around. You were so quiet, so shy.
Within a few weeks of living with him, the light that once shined in your eyes returned, and you were studying wind breathing under him. You were now beginning to enjoy life once more, having been given a second chance to do so.
“Hey. Are you ready to go out?” Sanemi stood in front of you, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was worried about taking you with him on missions. But he didn’t really want to leave you alone either.
“Of course.” You smiled and ran over to him, giving him a thumbs up before heading out to the path.
You thought it would just be simple demon slaying, with a few weak ones here and there and then one at the heart of it. But you were so wrong.
There you stood, separated from Sanemi as you stood before the very demon that destroyed your village. The very demon that had taken you from your family because you were different. The destruction that had devastated your life and the monster that was responsible for it all.
It all came flooding back to you, washing over you in violent waves as you tried to hold your own.
“I missed you so much.” The demon spoke, slowly slinking towards you. And you froze. Unable to say or do anything as you fought for the mental stability you needed to get out of this. You felt nothing but fear, your legs shaking as you gasped for air.
“Now we can be together for-“ The demon choked, an all too familiar blade piercing through its throat. You screamed and stumbled backwards, watching as Sanemi lopped off its head mercilessly.
“We’re leaving.” He growled, grabbing your hand and rushing you out of the forest. He was trying to forget how afraid you had looked, and he was failing. That damned demon must have been the one to take everything from you, and it deserved its cruel fate.
You were so kind, so sweet, so why did you keep suffering? Why were you constantly being put through such pain?
It made no sense to him.
Sanemi continued to run along, dragging you behind him wordlessly until you came to a clearing. The sun was beginning to rise now, so any demon that had been following you two wouldn’t be able to attack now.
“Come here.” He whispered harsher than he wanted, pulling you into his arms. He wasn’t good at comforting- hell he wasn’t good at making anyone but himself satisfied- but he did his best for you. He held you tightly and said nothing as the world awoke around you.
You didn’t need to say anything, because he knew. He knew more than he should, but he didn’t care. You deserved nothing but happiness, and that was final.
Maybe he’d stop taking you out on missions after all.
He just couldn’t afford to lose you so soon.
Or at all.
“Excuse me. You’re in my way.” He pushed past you, but immediately stopped upon seeing the light in your eyes. You seemed too happy to be a demon slayer, and it boggled his mind.
“Hiya! I’m Y/n!” You grinned and stuck out your hand for him to shake, but he just ignored you and continued on. He wasn’t about to be caught slacking on his tough guy act.
You chased after him though, and just wouldn’t leave him alone. You were determined to speak with him, and he wasn’t interested in the slightest.
Or maybe he was.
Who knows.
“What the hell do you want?!” Genya eventually snapped, turning around and glaring into your eyes. He was hoping that it would intimidate you into leaving, yet you didn’t seem phased by it.
You only giggled and continued to follow him down the city’s streets, curiously observing everything around you.
You were like a child in that aspect and it annoyed him even further.
“Hey can you sense that?” You stopped walking and grabbed his sleeve, tugging on it gently to get him to stop. Your smile had fallen and you looked serious, your eyes scanning the crowd of people before you.
“Yeah…” He spun around and pulled his arm away from your grasp, taking a step out into the crowd, seemingly unfazed by the amount of people that were in sight. He pushed against the current, leading the way towards the strange aura that had just washed over you.
“Wait-!” You called out, quickly following after him and nearly tripping in the process. You stopped when you felt a heavy hand land on your shoulder.
Instinctively, you froze and looked over your shoulder, your fearful gaze meeting the hungry one of the man you knew too well. The face of a man that you swore to never forget.
And here he was.
“G-Genya!” You called out, taking a step back and accidentally bumping into someone else. You muttered an apology and began to panic.
Where the hell was Genya?!?
There he was. And there was your former kidnapper. Lying dead on the ground with a bullet in his brain.
The crowd around you screamed and cleared out, quickly leaving you and Genya alone as the police made their way through the streets towards you two.
“Thank me later.” He grumbled and grabbed your wrist, dragging you away from the scene. He knew you were too happy, and for good reason. You didn’t deserve whatever that man had done or what he was going to do.
The sounds of the police whistles echoed in the background, horrified screams following as they looked at the sight.
“Don’t tell anyone about this.” You panted, looking up at Genya with wide eyes.
“Your secret’s safe with me.” He huffed and pulled you up into a nearby tree to take shelter in. “However…” he looked over at you and raised an eyebrow. “I do have some questions.”
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yuukikanaazu · 2 months
Confession: I lied about my age.
I'll start this off by saying you might remember me as @/yuukanaazu or @/hoshikoyuuki. I used to be really active in the Diabolik Lovers and Diabolik Lovers OC communities.
Late January, I deactivated my Tumblr account after joining Tumblr at the start of August last year. And the reason why I deactivated is simple: I lied about my age - I was a minor during the time I was active on Tumblr under these names. 
I was 17 and a half at the time of making my account, I thought to myself, "I'm turning 18 in a few months. It's close enough, right?" Even you might be thinking that too, that's it's 'not that bad'. But it is. 
I violated many people's boundaries who didn't wish to interact with minors, people who posted NSFW content, I invaded 18+ spaces. And every day for months now I've felt awful about it, guilt eats away at me every day for lying about this and violating people's boundaries for my own selfish reasons. 
I never did anything explicit with anyone, but I did once assist a friend with writing an NSFW story. You know who you are, and to you, I'm so extremely sorry and words can't even begin to describe the guilt I feel for my behavior.
I'm an adult now and have been for a while. However, I'm not going to ask for forgiveness, and I doubt I'll ever rejoin or be accepted back into the community. I fully understand and accept that. What I did was horrible and I don't expect forgiveness or anything from anyone. All I wish to do is confess what I've done, apologize to everyone who I've hurt, get this off my chest and move on. I do not plan on ever rejoining the community myself.
I know how hard it can be to trust people on the internet, so thank you all for trusting me and giving me the benefit of the doubt even though I was lying to all of you. I can only hope this doesn't serve to worsen your ability to trust people online in the future.
Everyone in this community is so unbelievably nice, loving and welcoming, and I'll be forever mad at myself for lying to you all and betraying everyone's trust because I didn't have the patience to just wait a few months. Thank you all for being so kind to me, I'm sorry for taking advantage of everyone's kindness.
From the bottom of my heart, I'm truly sorry for lying to you all. I'm sorry for any hurt, distress and disappointment I've caused as a result of my actions. 
I hope you all are doing well, and I hope you all live beautiful, happy and fulfilling lives. You all deserve them. 
- Admin Kai
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roseadleyn · 1 year
if u truly like diabolik lovers (according to ur fandom list anyways) then any diabolik lovers ocs that you like and/or love?? and do you have any dl ocs of your own?
OH MY GOD. i have another ask like this. should probably stop procrastinating and answer all 87 of my asks but procrastination is life 😍‼️
btw this list is not in order at all‼️i love you all the same <333
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1. helen harrison, aurora, and lae'la by @/nutaella-kookie
laila isn't around on tumblr anymore (deactivated) but i actively stalk all blogs that contain helen posts. she's my favorite oc ever created and i genuinely love and fantasize about her all the timeeee
aurora is the BEST person in the demon world alongside devyn and gilbert. shut up. u don't get to argue because omg i love this woman
and lae'la... she's so objectively wrong but oh my heavens she looks good while she's at it. girlboss, love her.
2. keiichirou seong by @gingerall
okay but i am so in love with this man u do not understand!!! he's written well, he's drawn well, and he's so pretty 😭💞 yes he's a red flag but red is my favorite color so what are you going to do about it huh 🙄🙄
(@gingerall's art SLAYS btw. go check it out. i dare you. rn. )
3. devyn kang by @secretarykang
devyn is so beautiful???? so girlboss???? like, genuinely, this is the rare female oc who's a compelling female character who doesn't need to beat everyone up to be empowering and i just. hhhh ma'am i love u pleaseee
4. maya by @summercreolefanfictioner
BABIE!!! mentally traumatized, but babie!!! i found maya a while back and read her ENTIRE masterlist in one setting. istg i love her, she's so complex (in a good way!!) and deserves the world for putting up with kanato like she does
5. gilbert by @summercreolefanfictioner
SIR??? MY HAND IN MARRIAGE IS HERE??? literally simp over him as a hobby he's too well written and way too handsome for me to not do that okay??? and also he didn't need to die miss summer he deserves a happy ending with devyn!!!
6. cyra by @mariicake
is she single??? because i am (/j)
okay but like come on. this woman is so. wjsjd she makes me feel things she's so pretty and she slays literally every interaction with those mentally ill vampires and whatever else cooks in the dl abyss
7. asa, akemi and amaya by @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd
(i'm unable to tag your original blog, my apologies!!)
my go to ocs if i need to laugh??? these girls. i absolutely adore their dynamic and the way they're written, a definite 10/10 for character building
8. malorie by @whitechocolatemochaasblog
MALORIE IS THE PRETTIEST NAME EVER OMG. also i just love how cute she is???? she's so baby, i love her with my whole entire heart and soul
9. makoto by @kirua9
poor girl </3 she just wants some love 😭 come here makoto i can treat u better than he ever could‼️
she's so hurt that it makes my heart ache
as for whether i have my own dl ocs... i have my own ocs, but not dl ones!! i'm considering putting my ocs in dl but i'll probably do it after i've organized this blog a little bit, you know???
currently, the ocs that are out are xander, raymond, roselyn, and caelia, and i'm working on emma (that's her old moodboard) rn <333 seven of my ocs have moodboards but i hated the mbs so i obviously had to remake them all; currently four have been remade, fifth is abt to be done‼️
lots of my mutuals have ocs but none of them are dl, so they weren't mentioned here. they slay nonetheless!!!
...and i've rambled way, way too much again, bye bye 😍
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
6, 7 & 22
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition
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I’m going to answer 22 first as it’ll be the longest. Also, a disclaimer:
The question asks for five blogs I recommend to my followers. While I tried to choose five muns based on a variety of criteria, I want it to be clear that if I’m writing with you and you are not listed here, it doesn’t mean I don’t recommend you. Honestly, I could probably answer this question plenty more times with new blogs each time. The better answer to this question is to comb through my blog and see who I’m writing with, as I recommend them if we’re writing or have written threads together.
However, I tried to choose blogs/muns that really do inspire me, contribute great work and/or rph to the community, and aren’t only Danganronpa blogs. Additionally, I tried to choose blogs who have posted IC content in the past two weeks.
22. If you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
Okay, here we go! Five blogs and/or muns that you should be following:
@the-taboo-king - Literally no surprise if you’ve been following me for awhile. I will always be a fan of blogs that put so much thought, time, and effort into taking a canon character and truly developing that character into their own. There’s an excellent balance between main/canon verses, AUs, aesthetics, and crack over here and if you need some writing inspiration? Just read any of their threads. Literally, any of them. Each one of my Sonia and Gundham threads pushes me to be a better writer, to develop my Sonia further from ‘safe’ canon tropes and I’m always grateful for that. These threads are just a joy to write and I’d say that if you have a Danganronpa character or verse and you’re not writing with this Gundham, you’re severely missing out.
I liked Sondam before I joined the DR RPC. Now? It’s probably my favorite DR ship for Sonia. 
@gungambled / @thawedfrost / @spiritusvendid - Because these are all the same mun, they’re all listed here. All of Kitty’s blogs deserve to be in the spotlight! Admittedly, I’m currently only writing with her Celestia at this time (Sonia and Celestia - future BFFs in the making!), but she gives each one of her muses such a unique voice and insight. Her dialogue is excellent and you really get the sense of who each one of her muses is, whether you’re familiar with the source material or not. Kitty’s also so fun to talk to OOC (possibly because we have some of the same hobbies and enjoy making crack plots about our muses)! It’s a treat when she shares mun photos, as she’s a fantastic makeup artist and cosplayer (And I always support fellow cosplayers and roleplayers, two big time-consuming hobbies!). 
@spurnedadulthood - I talk about Livi a lot over here. There’s good reason for that: Livi’s Kensuke Hibiki comes from a game and anime that aren’t too popular over here on tumblr, but with a ton of verses available, Kensuke can come pester your muse almost anywhere. And while his personality takes some getting used to (he’s. a. GREMLIN.), Livi writes him with such sincerity and devotion to his source material that, for the most part, you just have to laugh and shake your head with every response. Also? I’d never heard of the Caligula franchise before writing with Livi. It took about three RP turns for me to fire up Crunchyroll and watch the entire anime to better understand Kensuke and the Caligula verse (I’m not the greatest at those types of games, so the anime was much easier for me to digest!). It’s very rare that I’m inspired to seek out a muse’s source material if I’m unfamiliar with them, but I can attribute that to Livi’s characterizations and writing skills. I’m pretty sure Livi has more than one blog, too? An OC, I think? Anyway, if Livi’s writing a muse, follow that blog.
@trinitytalents - I admit, I am a bit picky when it comes to OC blogs. However, I really like what 7th has done with the variety of Danganronpa OCs that make up the killing game Project Trinity. With a variety of muses to choose from, 7th has made sure each one has a distinct personality, history, talent, and more, and all of them will fit right in with your Danganronpa muse or verse! I’m a bit partial to Satomi and Atsuko myself, but there’s an Ultimate Stylist Sonia needs to meet. In short, 7th brings their original creations to life so well with respect to the franchise that has inspired them and is just a fantastic example of a multi-muse OC blog. I just wish there was more art of all of the Project Trinity students!
@sadisticbloodlxst - For those who are familiar with the Diabolik Lovers franchise, you’ll know that a lot of the subjects in the games and shows are not for the faint of heart. However, this blog handles all of them with such eloquence while writing for every member of the Sakamaki and Mukami families! That’s a lot of muses with a lot of different personalities, histories, and perhaps most importantly in DL, reasons why they’re just not very nice vampires. Each character is so distinct, with writing full of emotion even when the muse themselves is determined to stay stone-faced. They’re taking a small break right now, but when they return, it’s a blog you should be reaching out to if you’re a fan of Diabolik Lovers (or dark plots, angst, nsfw, etc) at all, even just to read the various threads going on with plenty of other muses. Yes, I’m nosy and enjoy reading what all of their muses are up to! I can’t wait to keep developing Sonia’s storyline with Ruki and eventually, maybe, having her meet more of the cast.
6. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now?
I’m not sure what counts as a current roleplay trend, so to speak, but I’ll give this a shot:
- Google doc rules are a good thing, especially to access on mobile. I should do one myself. A lot of times I’ll get followed and I’ve only got my phone or tablet to check out a blog, and a google docs linked in mobile helps me decide much more quickly if I want to follow someone.
- Blogs and promos that focus so much on aesthetics that you cannot read the posts on their blog or you cannot find the rules/muses/info easily on the theme irk me. I’m much less likely to have the patience to move my cursor around your blog trying to find the smallest possible icon to hover over for ‘rules’ than if you have a sidebar icon that just says, plainly, ‘rules.’  My reasoning of following a blog always comes down to: do our rules/values/interests match and can I work with this mun’s writing? No matter how pretty the blog is, if I can’t work with your IC content, I’m probably not going to follow.
- Patience with replies needs to be understood more by the RPC in general. Just because memes and threads are posted doesn’t mean every mun can get to them quickly. It’s fine to ask someone after a week or so (Vacation and other hiatus reasons aside), but before that? Patience. Interact with more muns, post promos, drabble, create moodboards or song lists, or even find more muses to write. Don’t worry, people will eventually respond.
- I wish group blog promos and indie blog promos had different tags. Even in the fandom-specific promo tags. It’s irritating to try and get a promo in the appropriate tags only to have it buried by group blog promos, often mass-spammed with content that isn’t even promo content.
7. What is the one trend you miss the most that’s no longer popular or seen as much as it was before?
I’m not sure if it was just not a trend or just not as further developed, but I miss the RP days of Livejournal and Greatestjournal. A lot less weird formatting and focus on coordinating blog icons in every post. I think for OCs, icons definitely help. But for canon characters that, presumably, the person you’re writing with is familiar with, it’s tiresome to add. Especially if you’re on the tumblr app.
In general, I just miss more of the focus being on writing: developing skills, brainstorming, etc, instead of aesthetics. Whether it’s the blog style or mass-sharing aesthetic posts, I just wish it was more evenly distributed with written IC content in some places.
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derangedsilence · 5 years
Azusa Mukami
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Please feel free to check any of the Sakamaki Bros.’ permission lists.  It’s pretty repetitively the same.
Singleship per verse, please feel free to participate in the plots as appropriate, etc.
*Additional warning for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers: Azusa in particular could be more upsetting than many are comfortable with.  Azusa will often engage in SELF-HARM among other things.  You have been warned.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Azusa Mukami ALIAS. Bandage Guy (Ayato) AGE. Appears 17-18 || Actually significantly older BIRTHDAY. October 28 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Heterosexual SPECIES. Vampire, former human OCCUPATION. High school student of the night school known as Ryoutei Academy. 3rd year in More Blood, 1st year of the college branch if assuming time has passed.   RESIDENCE. Mukami residence, Japan
HAIR. Black EYES. Grey/Purple BUILD. Slim HEIGHT. 5'7'' (170cm) TATTOOS. None PIERCINGS. None. ADDITIONAL MARKINGS.   Deep scar across the bridge of his nose, scar on lower left cheek, scar on the back of his neck. OTHER. Left-handed
ZODIAC. Scorpio  ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Pain  POSITIVE TRAITS.  Polite, helpful, gentle NEGATIVE TRAITS. Timid, uncontrollable, forceful
BIRTH PLACE. Japan? NATIONALITY. Japanese? PARENTS. Karlheinz (adoptive father). SIBLINGS. (Adoptive) Ruki, Kou, Yuma. EXTENDED FAMILY. None, technically. EDUCATION. High school (likely several times over) NOTABLE SKILLS. Knife knowledge, use & collection, the ability to handle Kanato better than most, being more stubborn and dominant than you in his quiet way  LANGUAGES. Japanese, English FAVORITE FOOD. Shichimi togarashi
"IMPURE” VAMPIRE. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing, but not as fast as a pureblood.   TELEPORTATION. Capable of teleporting instantly. OTHER. Azusa can fly during a full moon and displays extreme endurance/resistance for pain. WEAKNESSES. Unlike purebloods, regular vampires do not possess their own magic.  Purebloods can “borrow” that for them using their own abilities, but it’s not quite the same.   DISLIKES.  Being unwanted and not needed
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[*Credit: Appearance section pulled almost-directly from the Dialovers Wiki.]
Azusa has grey eyes and black hair with lighter gray tips.  The longest point in his hair reaches down to his chin, with long bangs that go right past his eyes.  The bangs are parted with one piece in the middle and the rest on either side of his head.  In the back of Azusa’s hair, right on his neck, he has his hair cut straight.  The rest of it looks messy and curly.
He has a pale complexion with a noticeable scar on the bridge of his nose.  He has a scar on the lower bottom of his left cheek and on the back of his neck as well.  There are bandages around his arms and one around hisneck.
He usually wears a white sweater with sleeves usually around his upper arms with diamond patterns on the left and right side and belts on the bottom parts of the sleeves.  He has a long-sleeved blue shirt underneath with a darker blue bordering the top.
His school uniform consists of the black school blazer with the left arm rolled up showing the bandaged arm and a black vest with a white dress shirt underneath and a blue ribbon and black tie.  He wears the usual black uniform pants with black boots.  He also wears a maroon beret and sometimes holds a long white bandage in his hand.
In LOST EDEN, Azusa’s uniform consists of the dark red school blazer over a purple waistcoat with a white dress shirt underneath.  He wears the black school scarf in the ribbon style with a circular brooch attached to it.  He wears black pants and tall white boots to accompany his uniform.
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A clingy, timid and polite young man whose soft nature contains an extreme sadist and an extreme masochist wrapped up into one.  He enjoys being injured to the point of harming himself.  Despite how soft and controllable he may seem, he’s actually extremely difficult to handle and does as he wants to his heart’s content.
Azusa speaks very slowly and often politely, rarely if ever using a demeaning nickname or insult.  He has never used a demeaning nickname or insult to Yui herself!  
He frequently tries to hurt Yui because he honestly believes she’s a masochist and deserves to be happy by being hurt.  He truly believes that it helps her feel alive and gives her purpose, like he feels when he experiences pain.  He also uses pain to numb emotional distress and will do the same for others.  Azusa has a warped view of physical pain as one of the greatest pleasures.  
Azusa thinks being unwanted is far worse than being dead.
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CHILDHOOD. Azusa’s early life was spend wandering the streets as a beggar.  Three street urchins named Justin, Melissa and Christina would often find and beat him up for any reason they could think of.  Eventually, when they hurt him, Azusa started to express enjoyment.  He felt like the pain was proof he was alive and he was useful to someone, somehow, such as when the children took their frustrations out on him.
Eventually the three children were killed for trying to steal from a noble’s mansion.  When Azusa learned of it, he despaired because no one would be able to beat him up anymore.  Azusa was eventually brought to the orphanage.
At the orphanage, Azusa was frequently beaten by other children.  Azusa followed Ruki around often so that he could be beaten along with Ruki, much to Ruki’s disgust and initial confusion, but eventually he began to treat Azusa like a little brother.  Yuma was one of the first people who refused to beat Azusa and showed him kindness.  Yuma eventually introduced him to Kou, and all four became friends.  
When they attempted to escape the orphanage, it went south.  The resulting mess ended with Karlheinz turning the four into vampires in return for their service.  Azusa hadn’t minded the orphanage the way the others had, but he didn’t want to be separated from his brothers.  He’s loyal to Karlheinz for giving him a way to not be separated from his brothers after the escape went south.
CURRENT. The Mukamis have made themselves known to Eve and must make the choice to continue to attempt to become Adam themselves, assist in one of the Sakamakis becoming “Adam” for their “Eve”, or steal her away for themselves and truly betray Karlheinz.
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Brief summaries of the verses for Azusa along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place.  The second game is included with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis. Whether one of the Sakamaki’s, Azusa or one of his brothers winds up obtaining Eve, Azusa’s life continues.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; AZUSA; MORE BLOOD RIVALS
A verse where More Blood has certainly occured and Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; AZUSA; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; AZUSA; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either verse, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
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Usually refers to Yui as “Yui-san” or “Eve”
Names the wounds he repeatedly inflicts on himself after Justin, Melissa and Christina
Avid knife collector
Weak to heat
Is able to sleep standing up
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THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; azusa
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; azusa
IMAGES: #itt // azusa mukami
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; azusa
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kounfetti · 6 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Lost Eden] Kou Mukami Dark Epilogue Translation
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(TN//  Done with dark, onto maniac~  I changed the formatting so it might be easier to read on pc. (this is a long translation too) THIS took a while to translate, it was at least a good 6 hours. Please don’t put this translation anywhere outside of tumblr- link back to this post only. I don’t mind this being translated into other languages as long as you link back to my blog and ask for permission before hand\\)
Scene: Dungeon
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Kou: (Kino is here.)
Kou: (Because I wanted to hear various things from him, I gave up being able to have meals, but)
Kou: (Subaru knocked me into a nail, I wonder what I should do...)
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Kou: Hey, Subaru. If you’re willing, I’ll take it.
Subaru: Do what you want. Don’t say unnecessary things.
Kou: Yep yep. I understand. 
Flashback Ends
Kou: Haa...
Kou: (Even if I do this, I doubt Kino will answer willing.)
Kou: (I went to Kino quickly, as I need to fix this. I wont leave out the talk of Eden...)
Kou: (If things stay as they are, I’ll be stuck here forever.)
Kino appears
Kou: Would you look at that, You’re here.
Kou: I haven’t eaten, but I’m unbothered by it. Are you unaffected by the change?
Kino: ....
Kou: Well thats fine. But even if you dont eat...
Kou: Hey, Just a moment ago, I was talking about---
Kino: You too? You also dont believe me?
Kou: ..uh..Its nothing like that, I just dont believe that everything is a total lie.
Kou: Its because I remember the look on your face. 
Kou: When I lived in the manhole and other such places when I was a child, I also had that look in my eyes....
Kino: Aah. Thats why. Even when all that happened to me,  you feel guilty?
Kino: Oh I know. Is it because it was that person who took you out of that situation? 
Kou: But I’m scared. I came here to investigate.
Kino: You and your brothers aren’t of the same blood. You’re all just a group of pitiful taken in children.
Kino: Ah-ha, I wonder that If you guys weren’t taken in,  maybe he would’ve seeked me out instead...
Kou: So thats it.
Kou: You really are the son of Karlhienz?
Kino: ....
Kou: (The jail bars... just now they..?!)
Kino: How do you think I got this power? Its whatever you think though...
Kino: Fuaah... Hm, Well I think thats enough. Good night.
Kou: Wai....I cant get out?! The jail bars are broken down yet I still can’t get out....
Kino: There’s no reason for you to leave. This place suits you pretty well....Hahah...
Kou: ....
Scene Change: Sakamaki Castle Grand Hall
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Kou: (Well suited enviorment for me....)
Kou: (Kino... You must have some awful eyesight to see it like that.)
Subaru appears
Kou: Ah...
Subaru: I dont know what you said, but I’ll believe your word.
Kou: ......
Subaru: He was asking for pity. I dont know what I should try but I’m hungry, 
Kou: Haa..? What kind of thing is that? Using your power, you’re capable of stealing from me? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?
Subaru: Wha..thats..
Kou: Always, the principal is to have a habit of doing something they’re not aware of. I feel like I should argue against that. 
Kou: I think that you dont deserve that power.
Kou: I think that Kino deserves that strength, Dont you think?!
Kou: Also, that you should make good use of your strength! Only a thought though!
Subaru: Tch...you bastard!
Subaru pushes Kou
Reiji: Please stop that. Its not a good look on both of you. 
Kou: ..Tc..
Subaru: Tch.
Reiji: Kou, There’s something I need to tell you. 
Reiji: Its about Azusa and your girlfriend. 
Kou: C-Could it be that they are looking for me?!
Reiji: Earlier, while you were there, I recieved this information from a familiar.
Reiji: Apparently, when they were in a forest in the demon world, they were caught by a member of the Vibora clan.
Kou: (Why? Why would they go to Eden together...?!)
Kou: e-Eh...Ruki’s familiar..?
Kou’s Monologue
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Because of the familiar’s letter, I’m tired.
-----The Sakamaki family was facing a difficult matter when Yui and Azusa headed here. 
And so the letter was written.
Kou’s Monologue Ends
Kou: (Perhaps, it was because they were told about Kino?)
Kou: Why... This is my fault...!
Kou: I’m gonna go rescue them!---
Kou tries to leave, but Subaru pulls him back
Subaru: Wait. If you go, there could be a different outcome of what will happen. 
Kou: I dont care about what you’re saying! I’m going to help them!
Subaru: No. You dont have the strength to go alone.
Kou: ...hh...
Kou: (I dont have the strength.... that may be true, but....)
Subaru: I’ll go and rescue them. You wait here.
Kou: Ha....What are you saying!
Reiji: ....Calm down. I can’t forgive you if you act selfishly.
Reiji: Its probable that the Vibora family that kidnapped your girlfriend will give you a hard time if you encounter them.
Reiji: We have to wait until we can get all the information on the matter. And then we will propose a strategy to go rescue them efficiently.
Subaru: Tch. Thats a waste of time!
Kou: I agree! What if we dont encounter anything awful like you say we will! 
???: Ahahah. What Reiji is saying sounds reasonable to me.
Kino appears
Kino: They will aim for her heart. That girl, is who Karlhienz in the demon world made Eve.
Kino: Her heart is important. Dont try to pretend like its not. 
Subaru: You bastard! How did you get out!
Kino: Hm---? Kou left it open when he left. 
Kou: Wai.... I dont think I left it that open. 
Kou: Anyways, just now, what did you say about not saving M Neko Chan and Azusa!
Kou: If you and Reiji are skeptical that it was a good idea, I honestly dont know but, 
Kou: What if she doesnt know and they try to kill Eve, did you think about that!?
Kou: (About that, Azusa is a vampire. Without her, he’ll think that there’s no reason for him to stay alive....)
Reiji: What other thing can we do? Subaru, go to the Vibora family’s king and deliver him a letter. 
Subaru: Haaah?! You want me to deliver some stupid letter? Anyone can do that!
Reiji: Please understand the position you are in. Right now, you are the king of the vampires, are you not?
Reiji: If you try to start a war with them, our problems will only grow worse. 
Reiji: Make this go smoothly. Dont do something that could permanently harm us.
Subaru: B-But...
Reiji: Subaru. Think about what you’ll do from here on out. 
Subaru: .......I understand. But, Reiji. You write the letter.
Reiji: Eehh? They will probably be able to tell that it is an unfelt letter, and that you didnt write it. 
Subaru: Tch. Dont make me look dumb!
Kou: ......
Kou’s Monologue (Its a bit long so I’m not putting all the screencaps)
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While I was watching them talk to each other, I saw that they didn’t have an inferiority complex. It was only because since I was out of the trap, that I realized this. 
I was supposed to save Yui. 
-----Anyways, In myself, I’m growing impatient not being able to do anything. 
In my own mind, I’m making the decision to not hesitate in doing something. 
But there is a physical problem. Because I dont have my own strength, I have nothing to show. 
When it comes to that important son, it only worsens my thoughts. 
As I grew aware of this, I turned my back on them and chose to leave anyways. 
Even if its a small action, I dont want to hesitate anymore. I dont want to believe that I’m powerless. 
Kou’s Monologue Ends
Kino: Hey, You’re thinking that you want it, right? Subaru’s strength. 
Kou pushes Kino
Kou: ----I dont need his strength! I dont need it!
Kou: I dont need that kind of strength to save M Neko Chan! 
Kou: (Hh...But, If, its her, than I will do whatever I can to help her....)
Kino: But are you being honest?
Kino: We are similar, I understand your way of thinking. 
Kou: ----Hhh! Dont group me together with you!
Kou: Even though you also had a rough childhood, 
Kou: The person of the past’s despair, I cant believe it was just recent!
Kou: I mean it when I say, that I dont believe it!
Kino: But, how much of yourself did he pick up? You uphold Karlhienz’s ideals. 
Kino: Its useless having high faith in him. Thats only what I think though, right? 
Kou: ...tc...
Scene Change: Vibora Clan’s Dungeon
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Azusa: Eve... Are you alright....?
Yui: Yea. I’m sorry, Azusa. 
Yui: (Perhaps, Kou is on his way to the Viboras, as we were captured....)
Yui: (What am I supposed to do here? What do the Viboras want with me?)
Vibora Person A: Tsbaik is calling for you. ----Come. 
Yui: Kyaaa?!
Azusa jumps in the way
Azusa: Dont do it! Dont take Eve!
Vibora Person A: Tch! Get away, there’s no need for you!
Azusa is hit
Azusa: Ugahh!
Azusa falls down
Yui: Azusa!
Azusa: E-Eve, Escape!
Vibora Person A: Fuuh... Shut up vampire! 
Azusa: Guh......!
Yui: Stop hurting him! I’ll do what you say!
Azusa: ..uh... its.. no.. good.
Yui: It’ll be alright. Because, I am not worried. 
Yui: Please show me to where Tsbaik is....
Scene Change: Vibora Clan’s Castle Grand Hall
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Tsbaik: .....
Yui: (..uh..This person is the Vibora clan’s king....Tsbaik...)
Tsbaik: Hey. Release her restraints. 
Vibora Person A: Understood. 
Yui: Eh....
Yui: (Why did he release me?)
Tsbaik: Fufu. Dont be scared. 
Tsbaik: You’re eve. Are you the bride from the demon world?
Yui’s Monologue (Its long, so again, I’m only putting the first screencap)
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The Vibora clan’s king, Tsbaik, seemed heartfelt in the way greeted me, it can’t be imitated. 
It seemed that I was welcomed probably because of the fact that my heart’s owner, Cordelia, was the daughter of Burai, the king of the demon world. 
However, Even though Tsbaik’s words were confusing for me, It was a meaningful opportunity. 
Seeing that---- 
I asked about the state of the Vampire’s castle, but he only shrugged his shoulders. 
It is certain that there was an intrustion there. There is nothing to be afraid about, as I know there will be a letter to arrive. 
In his hand, he had the letter of the Vampire king, Subaru. 
I unexpectedly got weak and needed to lie down. 
Yui’s Monologue Ends
Yui: ....So, is Kou not coming cause it isn’t safe for him.....?
Tsbaik: Just because it wasn’t written in the letter, you’re worried if he’s alright or not? 
Yui: I guess its like that. 
Yui: (If Subaru had to write a letter, it must be some special circumstances,)
Yui: (Seems like that ever since the Sakamaki family was attacked, they’ve been doing strange things.)
Yui: (But, they are alright, I think....)
Yui: (Still, I am worried, Kou, what if you are suffering from an injury?)
Tsbaik: Even as a vampire, he seems to have your heart. You dont think its wrong, right?
Yui: Really?
Yui: (Tsbaik seems to be friendly and kindhearted....)
Yui: (However, this means I dont need to stay here, right?)
Yui: (I need to help Azusa out, and together, we can escape.....)
Dark 10 ♥ Maniac Prologue
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We present you an event so cool to believe xD! "15 days of Diabolik Lovers" Because we think that each boy deserve their own special day٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و! Hosts: @dialover-author-couples and @ariadnasmtk ❤️ Starts on Monday, July 31!! :3 ▶️Rules: 🔼RESPECT EVERYONE!! 🔼You can participate with fanarts, fanfics, edits, or just plain text posts sharing what you like about the boy of the day. Show everyone your stuff :D But remember not to repost stuff that you didn’t make! 🔼Tag your stuff with #15daysofDL and be sure to like & reblog other people’s posts too!! Spread your creativity or the others!!! SFW & NSFW are allowed, however if you're making NSFW tag it and place your art below a "keep reading" or "under the cut" (≖ ͜ʖ≖). 🔼Each guy has its special day~: 😴Day 1: Shu Sakamaki 📖Day 2: Ruki Mukami 🖌️Day 3: Carla Tsukinami ⚜️Day 4: Kino~ ☕Day 5: Reiji Sakamaki 😻Day 6: Kou Mukami 🐺Day 7: Shin Tsukinami 😏Day 8: Laito Sakamaki 🥕Day 9: Yuma Mukami 🍰Day 10: Kanato Sakamaki 🗡️Day 11: Azusa Mukami 🏀Day 12: Ayato Sakamaki ⚰️Day 13: Subaru Sakamaki 🌸Day 14: Yui Komori ⭕Day 15: Whatever/whoever you like (your favorite character!) 🔹We hope you all participate and have fun, which is the most important thing to do! 🔹We'll reblog the rules so you won't get lost or you can look for them with the #15daysofDL 🔹If you have any question, feel free to ask one of the hosts~☺️ ‼️Gurls! Please help us with a reblog, let's spread the voice! @barbiebrival @married-to-a-diabolik-lover @the-sloth-woman @there-was-evelyn @0takudl @captaincosmosthings @pinkcaseotakadl @amyohtheotaku @pokegiratina3019 @camilynn22 ------------------ ❌Español: ¡Chicas de habla hispana! Si gustan saber acerca del evento, sin dudarlo pueden preguntarnos tanto a mí @dialover-author-couples como a @ariadnasmtk ambas sabemos español. ¡Son bienvenidas! ❣️
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diabolikdrabbles · 7 years
Hi yes I am a new blog ;~; can you give me tips on how to start up a dia boys imagines blog? Like, I'm having so much trouble.... my name is @diabolikwritings and I just really wanna write ya know? You've got such a good blog going pleaaaase help me 😭
Oh dear Anon, I don’t deserve such flattery from you. I started this blog only less than two weeks ago, and it’s my first time starting an imagines blog. But I hope my advice can aid you in some way, so I’ve broken it down to the main points for you.
READ. I mean literally, read as much as you can. Reading helps improve your writing skills because you pick up on how sentence structures are formed, how to use proper grammar, different adjectives, which styles you like from various authors, etc. It doesn’t matter if you read a magazine, newspaper article, book, poem, or good ol’ fan-fiction. Just read and improve your writing style and skills. Not only will this benefit you for future trials, your readers will enjoy reading what you write and appreciate your style.
RESEARCH. Research as much as you can for the Diabolik Lovers series since that’s the imagines blog you wish to write for. But make sure the sources you look at are credible and trusted! It just can’t be junk. If you do your research well, you can write for any of the characters properly and have a good grasp of what they may be like or how they would react in certain situations because your requests have no limits unless you put one in yourself. This is super important. Even I still do my research when I’m unsure about a certain character’s reaction to something.
DECORATE YOUR BLOG! My blog certainly is not decorated at the moment, but I will give it a face-lift as soon as I hit spring break. Organizing your blog with #tags and pages will help your readers a lot if they just want to read about a certain character or genre. Plus, it’s aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and it will catch the attention of Tumblr users. Add music if you want too!
PROMOTE YOURSELF Ever heard of self-advertising? You’ll have to start that to gain the attention of the DL fans here on Tumblr. You can certainly ask other imagines blogs to promote you, but please be courteous and kind to them since you are asking them for a HUGE favor. They already have their own fanbase, so for them to send some of their fans in your direction is already a gracious act. Be nice when asking for promotions and show your appreciation. 
SHOW US YOUR SKILLS! I didn’t have any requests when I first started, so I began by just making my own post filled with headcanons about the Sakamaki brothers as husbands, and IT BECAME A HIT. You’ll get requests when you demonstrate how good of a writer you are, and people will want more from you. Be creative and original (plagiarism is a no-no) and don’t forget to have fun too! The blog belongs to you, so write what you are most comfortable writing about. Make up your own rules and limits. You don’t always have to cater to what your readers request/want.
I think I basically hit the main points for you, so I hoped this help in some way. I am excited to see another DL imagines blog writer here on Tumblr because there aren’t a lot of us around anymore. I highly encourage you to be brave and bold, and I look forward to your writing one day. I hope this post also encourages other fans to join the writing field of the DL fandom and start an imagines blog too. My thirst for scenarios of my fave diaboys will never be quenched until then.
-Admin Yuuzuki
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