#completely random rant
shiroandblack · 1 month
[TW: abuse, suicide, incest, matricide, pyrophobia, underage sex, Freudian mother-son relationships]
Listen, everyone probably had a vampire phase at some point in their lives. Most of the time it's Twilight and while I definitely did has a Twilight phase, I have to say it's honestly not as bad as my Vampire Knight and Diabolik Lovers phase.
So the thing with Vampire Knight is that the Purebloods, the highest ranking vampires are basically Targaryens. They marry brother to sister to keep their vampire bloodline pure. But that's honestly not the worst part. In fact as someone who's already pretty desensitized to incest in fiction (I reiterate: in fiction), the worst part for me was the fact that Kaname was Yuuki's ancestor. It's not a branch to branch incest, it's incest up and down the family tree. To this day, I have no idea why the author did this. I mean if Kaname had just been her brother, it still would have been icky but not as much as Yuuki getting on with her ancestor. Also the destroying all vampires plot was so out of pocket in my opinion. Partly because the author laid down the fact that most Purebloods eventually commit suicide because they lose all joy/motivation to live after living thousands and thousands of years quite a few times, so I was honestly expecting more of an exploration of what being a Pureblood means. These people are worshipped by vampire society as their kings and queens and yet they're probably the unhappiest vampires of them all, and they are also locked up by their own people (re: Shizuka Hio), they are both the predator and the prey and that honestly would've been super interesting to explore. But I digress.
Next up we have Diabolik Lovers, now buckle up because all those trigger warnings are about to become extremely relevant.
Diabolik Lovers felt like a fever dream and a guilty pleasure all at the same time. The gist of it is the adoptive daughter of priest is basically sent to a mansion filled with hot vampires to be their sacrificial blood bank (thanks, dad!). Now this is where you might think 'oh that's easy all 6 brothers fall in love with her' but hahaha no. No, no, absolutely not.
In the game Yui (our main girl) has a backbone and basically says "well, if I'm getting my blood sucked until I die then it's my right to choose who's sucking my blood in the first place" and so she basically chooses one of the brothers to drink her blood. I much prefer the game because honestly Yui's life in the anime is fucking miserable. MISERABLE. She gets sucked to the point of unconsciousness by all these brothers like very fucking day and she has to suffer abuse under their hands. Basically, in the anime Yui deals with 6 red fucking flags but in the game she deals with only one with you know, sprinkles of kidnapping and shit because other fantasy creatures like demons exist in this world.
But yeah, in all honesty Twilight is absolutely tame compared to the other vampire shit I went through during my phase.
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thegranddewru · 1 year
the thing i hate most about the devolution of Instagram, is that i miss having a place to go where i could just scroll through pictures. The artistry of imagery, sure, but also the type of attention it requires. I don't want to watch videos all the time. That's the thing, and the fact that everyone is just trying to fill the same over saturated niche! That niche is now neglected.
Even tumblr has pages long posts on occasion that sometimes I am just not mentally there to read. I like photography, I miss the simple constraints of the square photo. I hate that it became somethings entirely apart from what it was when I very first joined.
The feed is all snips of reels. The algorithm for what it thinks i want to see in its "suggested posts" is so bizarre and off. (one of it's recs is borderline triggering.) But it all comes down to the fact that I miss scrolling through artistic or aesthetic STILL images. (you could do that with wrung out attention, in a public space, without headphones. I miss that too!)
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idk why probably because it's currently bothering me but I wanna talk about my hair length
most of my life I had super long hair (bc my dad was a traditionalist who literally threw a tantrum when my mum cut mine and my sister's hair one summer) and it honestly gave me headaches because it was so heavy I don't know how rapunzel does it
when my parents divorced one of the first things mum and I did was cut our hair (my sister got a pixie cut as soon as she moved out, she's 6 years older than me). my hair went from being down to my waist to being a little past my shoulders. and that was... fine. it looked good, was less weight on my poor neck.
but about 3 years ago I decided I wanted SHORT hair. so I got a bob cut and it was PERFECT (one time I got layers and when it grew out it turned into a fricking mullet and I cried. safe to say I had a lot of half-up-half-down hairstyles until we could afford another cut) I love how short and fluffy it is, but 1 inch of growth makes it itchy on my shoulders. I dont like the feeling of it on my shoulders but we can't currently afford another cut so I have to just deal ig
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imrisah · 9 months
I call my chronic pain Karen because it starts complaining for literally no reason and will scream for hours at a time, unable to get what she wants because what she wants doesn't exist and is a made up problem
"Karen is here" that's how my partner knows I have to go be the manager somewhere else and be left alone to deal with her.
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mr-jack-letterman · 2 days
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(click for better quality lol)
First time drawing Jeremy and Michael NDNNDND
Their character designs make me so happy and I cannot explain why.
I just rly love that they both have extremely similar interests but kinda opposite clothing styles, personalities, and are like on the opposite ends of the confidence spectrum.
Hyperfix rant below about character design lmao:
Their costume design is especially interesting to me because it shows off their duality as friends a lot.
Michael has a ton of pins and patches on his hoodie to show off his interests, no matter how "geeky" because he doesn't care what other people think about it and he's going to be himself no matter what opinions people have about it. His hoodie is also red, a very loud color that draws attention and shows off his confidence.
Jeremy's outfit in comparison is very bland and reserved. Just from his outfit alone you can't really get a handle on what he likes the way you can with Michael. His cardigan is blue, not only a visual contrast to Michael's red, but blue is also generally considered the most pleasing and well liked color, hinting towards Jeremy's entire motivation in the musical: wanting to be liked/accepted by others, including himself.
This also lends visual credibility to Jeremy's whole "I'm not the one who the story's about" angle. Jeremy's outfit and color scheme doesn't really stand out when compared to a lot of the other characters in the musical. Hell, when you look at both Jeremy and Michael next to each other, Michael looks more like a protagonist than Jeremy does via visual design and body language alone.
Tldr: Jeremy and Michael's visual designs are very smart and I love them dearly okay bye NSNND.
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existennialmemes · 1 month
When I was a kid, I learned a Universal Truth:
Just because I am This Way does not mean Everyone is This Way. But I actually took it too far and for a while I ended up believing that I was the Only One who was This Way.
But then The Internet became a prominent feature of my life, and I slowly started to figure out that other people are This Way too.
Which led me to my next Universal Truth:
If I am This Way then someone else must surely be This Way too. And if I describe something that feels like only I have ever experienced, in meticulous, entirely too specific detail. I am guaranteed to find someone else who has experienced exactly That Thing.
I know so deeply that My Way is not the Only Way, and equally deeply that no matter what My Way is, others are doing it This Way too.
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bespectacledbun · 11 months
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every new piece of worldbuilding that cybird put in ikepri makes me feel this image on a spiritual level
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kuzuhina1brainrot · 9 months
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lallalaallala my favorite boys
I feel like Hajime would be able to acknowledge his feelings at some point while fuyuhiko wouldn’t really try to come to terms with it until someone else says something about it
man, I love this ship so much actually. I can’t tell if I could call it a rare pair or a decently popular yet heavily overshadowed ship??? it has a decent amount of supports hiding in the corners of tumblr, ao3, and a very deep corner of tiktok but not many people know that it even exists, and to me this type of ship doesn’t sound that rare or anything.
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delicris · 1 year
jann wrote "food for your eyes, food for your soul, food for the girls, some food for the boys" for me and me only
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You know, I think what i fear most about all these soulless Disney remakes is that one day they'll take Hunchback of Notre Dame, one of the strongest and most daring Disney movies ever in its depiction of showing the dark sides of religion without demonizing faith as a whole, and that they'll take Judge Claude Frollo and either make him "sympathetic" or way less extreme than in the original, since Disney is nowhere near as ballsy to do something like directly criticize religious extremists anymore, I think, and that would just DESTROY the great impact that movie's messaging had.
That's not to say I have anything against sympathetic villains, but Frollo is one that was so strong BECAUSE of how awful he was and the position he held, and that fierce kind of villainy should NEVER be changed in his case imo. Very strong teaching moments in there for kids.
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aurosoulart · 1 year
decided to make a reel of my augmented reality artworks done over the past few months and MAN, it’s.......... suddenly hitting me just how absolutely nuts all of this is
six years ago, virtual reality was still firmly in the realm of science fiction. but now? not only is it real - but it’s possible to have a career working completely inside a virtual world where you have godlike controls over creation. (editing physics, light, gravity - and spawning things into existence on a whim? mind-mindbogglingly, this is somehow just my average workday)
I regularly spend so much time in-headset that it’s started re-wiring my brain; I think of landscapes and buildings as potential canvases for 3D digital artworks, and I sometimes struggle to differentiate virtual objects from reality. (I’ve tried to place real objects on virtual tables, and I instinctively step over/around virtual objects because of how REAL they appear and behave.)
our brains work by building a picture of reality via our sensory input, but what happens when that input is completely virtual? virtual reality is showing us that not only are our brains easily tricked, but that this is already happening even with the technology in its infancy. people using avatars with full-body tracking report ‘phantom sense’ sensations to virtual touch, heat, and cold - and haptic gloves & suits are in development that blur the lines between realities even further.
what will a world look like where we interact with cyperspace as if it was real? where you can meet with anyone, anywhere, in a virtual world you can both touch, hear, and (probably someday) smell or even taste? where job training, 3d design, therapy, education, etc. are all revolutionized by XR in the same way personal computers revolutionized them already?
what does a future look like where we don’t interact with digital media through a screen?
I don’t have the answers, but I think change is encroaching rapidly upon us all - and I think it’s gonna hit us faster than any of us can realize.
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mantisgodsdomain · 5 months
Oh fictional bug geography we're really in it now (<the fool is writing about Bug Fables worldbuilding again and, as is inevitable, running into massive hunks of stuff where the devs Didn't Think About It, and then getting worked up because there are MASSIVE HOLES IN THE SETTING that could have been fixed if anyone took five seconds to consider "wait a minute... how do these bugs eat?"
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lunityviruz · 16 minutes
Do you guys ever go outside or just look at nature and tell when things ™️ Spawned In ??? Because it’s happened to me twice…
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localguy2 · 1 year
Pixane is like such a well written relationship, like damn writers yall went off
You have on 1 hand Zane, a nindroid that thought he was human up until not too long ago, despite being a literal robot this man is full of emotion, literally indistinguishable from a normal human unless he told you he was a robot
And you have PIXAL on the the other hand, an assistant droid who works for Cyrus, she doesn't know shit about feeling human, like for a good portion of early Season 3 she's just "what the fuck is an 'emotion'"?, and who could blame her? To her working as an assistant and following orders has been her whole life, until she meets Zane at least
And ever so slowly Zane starts opening her eyes to the outside world, and helping her understand and feel stuff like happiness, love, sadness, etc., and generally being there for her when she's in such a forgin and unfamiliar environment
And in turn she helps him come to terms with himself and element in Season 4, she's there not only as a helping hand for Zane, notifying him of stuff around him, but she's also an emotional support to him, heck she was the one to help him calm down when he's having a literal hallucination and panic attack in the cave
Thier entire relationship throughout the show is built upon supporting each other, they both have done so much for each other, take either of them away from the other and the cookie immediately crumbles
and hell the show has shown this a lot of times, in Season 6 when Nadakhan wipes PIXAL form Zane's system, Zane almost immediately wishes it all away, and in Season 11, when Zane is sent to The Never Realm, PIXAL literally has a nightmare about losing him
I could go on and on about these 2 driods and how they complent each other so well but this post would end up way too long lmao
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ghostedrider · 4 months
went on twitter for literally 5 minutes today and got so unbelievably pissed off immediately
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guard-en · 7 months
i do this thing where the closer i get to being known or understood by people whose opinions matter to me the more i need to go drive in the middle of nowhere and shoot myself point blank in the back of the mouth.
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