#will graham mention
theredofoctober · 1 year
MANNA- Part 2
Dark!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Dark!Will Graham fic, TW for eating disorders, noncon, abuse etc.
"What do you see?" asks Hannibal, forcing you, by an immovable hand at the base of your neck, to stare at your reflection in the mirror. "Speak the truth. It won't shock me, nor should you be ashamed of it."
You have already attempted to close your eyes against the glass, and were gently threatened into opening them again. Now you force your gaze to unfocus, refusing Hannibal in a way that even he surely cannot discern.
He says your name into the quiet with a subtle, yet dangerous edge. It is so rarely used now that you jolt almost guiltily, unsure whether, like Will, Dr Lecter can be frenzied to strike you.
Hannibal's threat is more of a sleek, hunting animal, you think, cunning and serene; he can be cruel in a manner of exact and elegant genius, the bruising of the psyche, and the soul.
"Don't disobey me," he says. "You will not welcome my disappointment."
A tremble of doe-like terror wreathes you in its grasp.
"Doctor," you whisper. "I want to quit. I'll pay you the money my parents sent for me to come here; I'm not a child, and I don't need any of this. I'm not playing your game. Please let me go home."
There is certainly no chance that your family are aware of and approve of this treatment; it is torture under a clinical guise, a sinister, sexual sadism.
Still you cannot deny that the longer you remain here, the more you begin to see Hannibal and Will in the roles that they take within these walls: the strict, hard-handed father, the nurturing and gentle dad.
Each are relentless in their goal to reduce you to their supplicant doll, driving you further into the same hungering madness they wish to cure.
"You cannot leave here," says Hannibal, almost affably. "Your family unburdened themselves by releasing you to more comprehending hands. They think less of your wellbeing, and more of the weight that they no longer carry. Do you believe they would accept you back if you were not cured?"
"There is no cure," you say, bitterly. "You said it yourself. No cure, just recovery and maintenance."
Hannibal strokes the back of your neck, soothing you even as you shudder in repulsion.
"And do you trust yourself to do that alone?"
You don't answer, sinking miserably against the man at your back if only so that you do not fall to the floor in your despair.
"Tell me, little one," Hannibal commands, and his left hand comes down your shoulder, across your breast, tracing your hip with the ease of ownership. "What do you see?"
Swaying, crying, you blink at the horror in the looking glass, this imperfect beast in the arms of so evil and oddly beautiful a man.
"Failure," you spit. "It's disgusting."
Hannibal leans into you, breathing in the scent of your hair, and kisses your temple.
"I see a perfect little girl. Or else one with the potential to be."
You shake your head, certain that he is taunting you. That he is not repulsed seems an impossibility; Will certainly makes no attempts to hide his disdain, even when he fucks you.
"I do not lie to my patients," Hannibal insists. "With instruction, discipline, and loving guidance, you will become everything you should already be."
Warmth under your skirt; Hannibal's fingers cupping your wretched heat, pressing themselves into a self-loathing wetness, a sobbing response to his words.
"You shouldn't do this to me," you say, as always, repeated like a prayer, all frantic fervour. "You're my doctor. You're hurting me."
"It's what is required for you to change. Why do you cling to your chrysalis when it no longer serves you? There is no sustenance in it. You hold yourself here because it is safe. Because it is known. You have grown to love the illness like family."
He circles the heart of your folds with fingers that know you with the certainty of language.
"I suggest that you exchange the subject of your affections for those that will return it."
His lips are soft against your neck, an angel come down in a romantic painting, or fallen, rather.
Your vision of the creature in the mirror disappears into a prism of tears.
"You don't love me, really," you whisper. "And Will... he hates me."
Hannibal pushes you forwards, against the mirror, bending your form in a balletic motion. You are glad that you cannot see yourself in such close proximity to the glass, only the pupil of your eye, black and endless.
"He does not hate you," says Hannibal, softly. "He is gripped by desires that anger him, for he neither wants nor understands them."
Your legs are eased apart, and you whimper as a sudden thickness parts you like a scroll.
"Sometimes he watches you when you sleep," Hannibal tells you. "He finds such beauty in you, when you allow yourself to dream."
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arkashas · 5 months
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Hannibal + the wounds of Christ
The hole in his right hand - Jack The hole in his left hand - Hannibal The crown of thorns - Will The hole in his right foot - Hannibal The hole in his left foot - Jack
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this was the [new something unlocked] that watching hannibal gave me
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cannibalovers · 8 months
the way all the gays have fucked the wrong gays in hannibal is very funny to me
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willsthighsweat · 2 years
Hannibal’s the type of guy to say, "who goes there?" while holding a candle when investigating a bump in the night
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catfindr · 9 months
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idle-skull · 3 months
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“Pray with me”
Self indulgent homoerotic, unspoken OC x Canon with christian undertones
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lupinus-sanguis · 1 year
less flowery language around cannibalism and more animal lust in the picture pls. to eat a person can be read as an act of devotion, sure, but for me, to eat someone is literally and metaphorically an extension of passion, excitement, lust. not romance. it's messy and unsanitary and difficult and fucking hot as hell. i get my teeth on you there's not sweet a thing in the world you can say that'll taste better than your flesh popping between my incisors. i don't care if you taste gamey. im going to carve a hole and fuck it with my tongue
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strawglicks · 3 months
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sometimes i just gotta write/draw them arguing it keeps me going
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chaoticretwtau · 4 months
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artsy-1diot · 3 months
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firesetter that I keep finding excuses to post for and then forgetting
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mismatchsocks · 6 months
hannibal had one conversation with will and decided to kill for him. wow.
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crowlixcx · 8 months
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Michael Sheen on The Graham Norton Show - S31E17, 09.02.2024
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iindigoeyed · 1 year
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i imagine felix explained to kagami that he was transmasc and she was like "you can do that? really?!" and then felix lent them his old binder and well, you get it.
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madness-and-folly · 1 year
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and then they lived happily ever after <3
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suchawrathfullamb · 7 days
when the author gets Hannibal
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