#will only calls gabriel a 'lightworm'
immortal-enemies · 2 years
What's so funny about the whole "Lightworm" joke tho
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Chain of Iron Theories on the Killer’s 5 victims
tinSo we know that the chain of Iron will have a mysterious killer who will kill 5 shadowhunters. Here are my theories on who will die.
1.) Maurice Bridgestock
Lets start with the obvious first, of course this man will be killed. He is Inquisitor and that is a powerful yet cursed position, take it and you will die a horrible  death. I am hoping he dies pretty early, because I have a feeling until then he will be gunning for the Fairchild family. Remember he and his wife were the ones who really wanted Charles and Ariadne to marry. Charles and Ariadne were originally friends, who both figured that being forced into a hetro marriage was inevitable and that they could both do worse. Charlotte and Henry gave there blessing because they thought Charles and Ariadne were actually in love. Once Charles told this parents that he and Ariadne weren’t they immediately gave him permission to break the engagement and gave their blessing for him to marry someone else (who he doesn’t love either, Oh poor messed up fairchild family). This infuriated Bridgestock. Charles and Charlotte know to avoid him unless it is for official business, done in public, with witnesses. Does Matthew? Chapter 4 is called “The King is Dead”; so maybe the Inquisitor is the “King” listed. The next half of that phrase is “Long live the King” symbolizing the transition of power, so that would mean choosing a new Inquisitor. The most obvious ones to get the promotion is one of the TID dad’s given how close they are with Charlotte and the sway her vote would give. According to the cards it looks like she gives the position to Will (cough Gideon would have been a way better choice cough), we will see how that goes.
2.) One of the Wentworth’s
The Wentworth’s will have importance in the COI.They have been referenced and set up like the Lightwood’s in CWA. We know at least 3 of their names, we know that Martin Wentworth is kind of a thorn in Will and Gabriel’s side. We know that Piers and Rosamund have a... tense relationship with our mains, but do have their own friends and seem close to each other. Honestly with how much this family is mentioned/established I was thinking for a while that it would be just like the Lightwoods in CWP. Like maybe Piers was Eugenia’s ex boyfriend, maybe he had wanted to marry her but bad stuff was happening at home, his dad keeping secrets, and he couldn’t get blessings. Then that snip-bit at the party came out and I read about Eugenia being done with suitors and Piers hitting on Catherine. Piers still may be Eugenia’s ex, and he may trashed her rep and then moved on to courting his sister’s best friend. If so and he dies I will not miss him.
I would say Rosamund is pretty safe. She has a fiance now, and is planing her wedding. Wedding are actually great places for interactions and drama. Rosamund is good friends with Ariadne. Maybe Ariadne will try to bring Anna to the wedding, or maybe Ariadne will have Eugenia ask Anna to accompany her to the wedding, because Anna is less likely to say no to that, and then use that as a chance to “win her back.”
3.) At Least One of The Carstairs Parents
Risa Included. We all care about this family, we all wish their troubles could be over, and tat things and the next two books could be rainbows and sunshine for them. And we all know that will not happen. Terrible things will befall London. Elias is unbalanced from PTSD and weak from detoxing after years of addiction, Sona is weak from a difficult pregnancy/ recent childbirth, Risa is a mundane and lacks the ability to kill demons. They don’t have a lot of friends, all three are old. It is not fair and I hope whoever dies is at least given a good death.
4.) Cecily Lightwood Nee Herondale
I hope I am wrong, please let me be wrong. The family tree and CWP2 epilogue say that she will live through this, but those were written 7 years ago and are no longer accurate. The Second book always has one tragedy that will emotionally destroy us and leave us crying till the third comes out. It is unlikely that all The TID gang will live through another series. Other people have been guessing Gideon, but his branch already lost Barbara in COG2. In a book with so many nuclear families why kill from the same one twice? No it won’t be Gideon. After careful analysis I have determined Cecily is the most likely of the one to die.
First off Cecily didn’t come into TID until the final book and she was mostly squeezed in as a secondary character. That means that CC put less time and development into her and while she probably likes her, is maybe less attached to her. Secondly Cecily is some one very important to Both Will and Gabriel, two people Tatiana hates more than anyone in the world. She also played a key role in Killing the Lightworm, she caused it to wound itself to were Gabriel was able to kill it. For Tatiana Cecily would be three birds with one stone. Another reason she might die is Cecily is the only one of The TID characters who I cannot find any information on what her job/role in the clave is. Everyone else has a job listed, is seen investigating or talking at meetings, Cecily is just a mother, okay the best of the TSC mom’s. But having to take so much time off shadowhunting to raise her children might have put her out of practice, and having such a strong bond with her children, nieces, and nephews would make it all the more heart breaking if she died. One final reason is that unlike her Gabriel does have an overall arch. He idolized a fantasy of who his father was, had that come crashing down, then wanted to become someone different. His wife dying would put Gabriel just were Benedict was when Barbara Lightwood the first died: A single father with three kids, one of whom is coincidentally about the same age as Gabriel was when he lost his mother.
I love Cecily and writing this has made me very say (Please let me be wrong about her dying) but moving on...
5.) Tatiana Blackthorn Nee Lightwood
She will die. Tatiana probably joined Belial willingly, she probably does not see it, but Belial is not her ally. The truth is she is just as much Belial’s pawn as anyone he has tricked. When he is done using her and no longer has any use for her, he will kill her to keep her quiet. She will probably die last, her blood is Jesse’s and can be used as a sacrifice. She dedicated her life to resurrecting her son so she could have him back, and she will die with the knowledge that she has doomed him to Belial’s plans.
Bonus 6.) Charles Fairchild
Charles will not die. I originally I thought he might, but he is actually necessary as a foil/parallel to Matthew. Two brothers who grew up in the same family, yet have personalities and struggles that are literally flip sides of the same coin. Cassandra Clare has said she is planning on “developing” their relationship. She has also said Charles will be away for a lot of the book. So that does not leave a lot of space for this development in COI, and Charles has to make it until COT. I believe that he will disappear. No one will have any idea were he went or why, His parents will send out a search, while that is taking place Charlotte task Matthew with assisting her the way Charles usually does. Matthew will hate it. He will hate the piles of work and stuffy meetings; he will hate having less time to see his friends; and especially the cranky, foul mouthed, horrible politicians he has to deal with instead. As time goes by and the Killer at large Charlotte will become more desperate to find her older son. When she cannot find him her and Henry will start to fear the worst and cry over it at home.
Matthew will eventually start looking into his brothers disappearance, not because he misses him, but their parents are miserable and Matthew is tired of having to do Charles chores.  He might learn Charles and Alastair were “good friends” before and try to force information out of Alastair, Que to him learning one of his brothers secrets. While I do think Matthew will be the one to find Charles I do not think it will be until the end of COI or early COT, when Matthews life has morphed into a much bigger mess than it was before. I also do not think Charles will be in the same... way as he was before his disappearance. There will be a whole new list of issues when the brothers meet again.
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shadowhuntertrash · 3 years
Okay but Will being protective of Gabriel is something I need in my life so bad-😩
This wasn't meant as a prompt but I agree so here you go <33
Gabriel was having a dreadful day. Cecily and their kids were currently visiting her parents and he was meant to go out with Gideon but Gideon had gotten wrapped up in work. They weren’t the best of siblings but they needed each other and this was one of those times when he’d simply just needed Gideon.
   Gideon understood that but unfortunately, some things can’t be postponed. Gabriel found himself on a walk around midday, the sun beating on his tan skin. With everything going on and all the demons making shocking appearances, he hadn’t really had much alone time as of late.
   He walked for about an hour before deciding to go to the Institute to see if he could be of any help to Gideon or Will. Gabriel and Will hadn’t ever gotten along but after years of being married to your enemy’s sister and going through a literal war together, they decided to at least try to be civil.
   So they were, civil that is, though the pranks and teasing didn’t stop but there was no venom in the words anymore. Gabriel knew that when Will called him Lightworm it wasn’t personal just as when he threatened to put ducks in his office when Will was being particularly annoying.
   It was all done with love.
   He walked into the Institute and found his way to the library, the first place he always looked for Gideon, and most of the time the place he found him. He didn’t find Gideon but there were three young women, around their early twenties, that he didn’t recognize there. 
   Gabriel made his way over with a charming smile and cleared his throat as to not startle them since they had their backs to him. “Do you happen to have seen my brother, Gideon, around here?” He asked when the women had faced him. One of them shook her head, her blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders, the other two just stared at him. 
   Twitching a little at the staring he smiled at them. “He was here earlier, said he’d be back in a bit.” One of the brunette’s said, her voice unnecessarily cold. Gabriel tried his hardest not to flinch at the brashness. “Of course, I’ll just wait over here then.”
   The girls nodded and started whispering as soon as they assumed he was out of earshot. He wasn’t.
   “Margaret, there’s no reason to be so rude.” The blonde one said quietly to the brunette. ‘Margaret’ just shook her head and held her chin high. “Mary, that was Gabriel Lightwood. He killed his own father, my father told me about it. Not to mention how insane he is. The only reason he isn’t dead is that his brother and Will vouched for him.”
   Gabriel felt a flash of heat run through his body, half anger half embarrassment. It had been years since the incident with his father and he had never been able to ignore the comments. Why people were still talking about it he didn’t know. He tried his best to ignore them but the girls kept talking. 
   “He’s a coward. They said he fought in the war but the only person he killed was his father and robots. How can they call that monster a hero.” Gabriel was ashamed when his vision started blurring. 
   Here he was, an adult male who was crying over girls who were gossiping about him. Damn the rumors, the people. Damn his father who couldn’t keep it in his pants. Damn all of it.
   Gabriel made his way to the door not wanting to hear any more of the girl’s poor attempts at whispering when another voice sounded in the room. “I will not have shadowhunters in my Institute who do not understand simple respect. Gabriel was a war hero, he killed his own father to save our lives. If he hadn’t my sister and most likely I would be dead. He has done far better things than you, seeing as all you do is sit around spreading nasty rumors.” 
   Gabriel saw Will glaring at the girls and tried to even his breathing and will the tears out of his eyes. It was one thing to cry alone but having Will see him would be mortifying. The girls huffed and Margaret stuck her chin out again, although she looked a little less sure. “Yes, but surely he is insane. What kind of man kills his father?” 
   Will’s eyes narrowed considerably and Gabriel had honestly never been so happy to see Will. “What do we do as Shadowhunters?” The girls watched him unsure until Mary spoke up. “We kill demons and keep mundane’s safe.” Will nodded stiffly, his lip curled in distaste. “And was Gabriel’s father not a demon at that point?”
   Margaret had the audacity to flush at those words. The girls kept silent and Will sighed before pinching his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “I suggest you all leave until you are needed here again.” 
   The girls left in a haste, not bothering to stop and apologize or acknowledge Gabriel as they slipped by him.
   Will walked over to him with a frown before clamping a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “Alright?” He asked, anger still settled in his voice. Gabriel lifted his chin proudly and nodded as if none of that had bothered him.
   It fell away though as Will’s eyes softened and he pulled Gabriel into a hug. This was their second hug, the first when Gabriel had been stabbed and almost died of a demon attack. Will had briefly pulled him into a hug before pushing him roughly and yelling at him for being so unprepared.
   This felt different. It wasn’t rushed or panicked, instead, it was soft and full of comfort. Gabriel bit back the tears as they threatened to fall again. “I’m fine.” He said quietly, cursing as his voice betrayed him and cracked.
   Will didn’t say anything, just tightened his hold.
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*Will grumpily walking into the drawing room to find Cecily*
Will: Cecy, I really don't get what you see in that Lightworm. He can't do anything right.
Cecily: *sighs* What did you two do now?
Will: I asked him to pass me a hotdog but it was only slightly warm. It was a warmdog! Can't you see he's not fit for you?
*Gabriel walks into the room*
Gabriel: For the last time, Will, it's what they're called-
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Hello! May I request prompt #7 with platonic Sophie and Will?
A/N: Thank you so much for all of the requests!! I’m having a lot of fun writing them! 
Prompt: “I can’t do this without you.” 
Will couldn’t think properly. What was he going to do? Despite the fact that he calls the Silent Brothers (Jem, if you wish to be technical about it) more than once a week, it wasn’t as though he knew anything about medicine. Sure, he knew a little bit of first aid; it was a requirement for patrolling Nephilim, after all. But this? 
“By the Angel Lightworm. You had to put yourself in front of the demon like the imbecile you are.”
Gabriel groaned in pain.
“Only the most talented of Shadowhunters like myself can do that.”
“Now’s not the time to scold me, Will.” Gabriel said, cringing at the pain he was no doubt experiencing.
When Will found Gabriel, he almost threw up at the sight of his leg. It was ghastly. Had he words to describe it, he wouldn’t have done so. Worst of all, he had no idea what to do.
“Heavens, what happened?”
“Sophie! Help me! I don’t know what to do.”
Sophie slid to her knee and got one look at Gabriel’s leg before she paled. Nevertheless, she held her ground and examined the leg.
“It’s broken.”
Gabriel tried to let out a breath he was holding but failed. 
“Breathe,” Sophie instructed.
“I’m trying.” Gabriel gasped out.
Sophie looked like she wanted to help, but knew that telling a seriously injured individual to breathe normally was pointless; Gabriel was simply in too much pain. She turned to Will.
“We can’t give him an iratze or his leg will heal broken.”
“I know, but how do we move him? The institute is too far to drag him, and we didn’t bring a carriage.”
 Sophie looked around the alley before speaking. 
“We have to break it again.”
“We break the leg again, make a splint with that piece of wood, give him many, many iratzes and help him walk back to the institute. Hopefully, he’ll go into shock and he won’t feel a lot of pain.”
Gabriel looked like he was contemplating asking Lucifer to take him away.
“The best I can do is give you a numbing rune.”
Will winced. This was not going to be pretty. 
“Or,” Sophie continued. “One of us can run all the way back to the institute, call for backup and have people carry Gabriel back.”
Gabriel shook his head. “Break my leg again. It’s quicker.”
Sophie was surprised. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Do it.”
Sophie exchanged a look with Will and took a deep breath. “Okay. 
Will couldn’t have guessed how much time had gone by, it might as well have been an eternity. Gabriel passed out seconds after Sophie broke his leg again. Will remembered hearing him cry out in sheer pain before the alley was silent, save Sophie’s heavy breathing.
Now, Sophie looked up, sweat and blood on her face. “Will, I need your help. I can’t do this without you.”
Will hesitated. He could barely hold his guts in his stomach. But one look at Sophie's desperate face and he was kneeling across from her, holding the wood in place while she wrapped the bandage around Gabriel’s leg. 
“Is he all right?” Will asked, looking at Gabriel in his unconscious state. 
“Why? What happened? Has he stopped breathing?!”
“No! No, nothing like that. It’s just that he looks…”
“I know.” Sophie said when he trailed off. “I know, he looks dead.”
Will looked away quickly and met Sophie’s gaze. “Are you done?”
She nodded. “The leg won’t heal today, though, no matter how many iratzes we put on him.” 
“We should get him to the institute once he regains a bit of consciousness. Do you think he’ll be alright until then?”
Sophie nodded again. 
“All right then. I guess we just wait.”
Will smiled. “Do you have any interesting news?”
Sophie pushed her hair back. “What do you define as news?”
“Anything out of the ordinary, of course.”
“You mean other than the fact that my brother-in-law is laying on the floor, unconscious, because of me?”
“Silly Sophie, knocking people unconscious is not out of the ordinary for you.”
Sophie rolled her eyes, “I’ve only done it one other time and it was necessary. It was for Jessamine’s own good.”
Will couldn’t really accuse Sophie; after all, if it weren’t for Sophie’s knack for knocking people unconscious, he and Tessa would not have had a particular moment on a particular balcony. 
“What are you smiling at?” Sophie asked, interrupting his thoughts.
Sophie shook her head. “You can’t even say ‘nothing’ without smiling.”
“I was just smiling at our fond memories together.”
“We must have different memories.” 
Will put a hand to his heart in mock agony. “How could you say such a thing?”
“William.” Sophie said, “you cannot possibly argue that, in the past, you were a delight to be around.” 
“No, but I assumed my devastatingly gorgeous cheekbones compensated for my incredibly malicious remarks in the past.” 
“By the Angel. How does Tessa deal with you.” Will opened his mouth but Sophie cut him off, “If you say it’s because of your ‘devastating cheekbones’ I’ll hit you with the blunt face of my seraph blade.”   
“Sophie, you are wonderful for making conversation.”
Before Sophie could answer, Gabriel groaned. 
Sophie locked eyes with Will. “Quick.” she said simply and they both got to their feet. 
They picked up Gabriel, each one of them under one of his arms. 
Sophie drew iratze after iratze, trying to ease Gabriel’s pain as they sped walked to the institute. 
Will shouldered open the institute gates once they arrived. 
“TESS!” He yelled, trying to get her to hear. 
Tessa appeared, got one look at Gabriel being hauled up the driveway, and told Bridget to call the Silent Brothers before racing down the steps to help. 
“That was quite a patrol.”
Will said, once they both cleaned up and Gabriel was being attended to. 
Sophie laughed. “I was afraid you would retch all over me.”
Will made sure to display a face that conveyed offense. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?”
“It’s perfectly accurate, is what I think.” Sophie said with a smirk.
Will shook his head. “You will never let me forget it, will you?”
“Squeamish Herondale? Never.”
“Cruel woman!”
Sophie curtsied.
“Anyway,” she said. “I’m off. I think it’s best for Gideon to come home and stop worrying about his brother. And besides, I would like for the last man I see tonight to be my handsome husband.”
“I’m going to ignore what you are implying by that statement and bid you a goodnight.”
“Goodnight, William. Let your sleep be filled with graphic images of Gabriel’s leg.”
“And yours as well. Adieu, Sophie.”
“Buenas Noches, Will.”
Tagging: @hitheresomeoneusingthus @livia-dovehallow @celias @tsccreatorsnet 
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
I don't know if you'll answer this, you don't have to if you want to avoid possible drama, but I wanted to say that I agree with some of your unpopular tid points. I actually felt like Will owed Tatiana an explanation, and that Gabriel had every right to hate him . And the thing I didn't like was how focused it was on Will and Tessa trauma's, but Gabriel and Gideon having to kill their own father is basically treated like a joke (Lightworm)
Anon, the stuff you said about the trauma and the Lightworm joke - I couldn't agree more.
I see people who says that Will and Gabriel are friends who just pretend to dislike each other because of the drama or something, and that we need more stuff like this. Like... no. NO
Let's take a minute to look through Gabriel's point of view.
So, your father is asshole. But it's still your father, you know?
And he had sex with demons. And this turns him into a big, disgusting worm.
Your father. Who raised you. Who had been there all your life. Turns into a worm.
And you had to kill him/it and ask for help some people who you don't trust at all and who can tell the Clave. You literally have to kill your own father.
You're alone. You have only your brother. No other family and there is a chance your Marks to get stripped and your family line to end.
And then some guy, who you dislike anyway, come and call you Lightworm? Wow. W O W
Like, man, come on. I feel so awful for Gabriel and the Lightwoods brothers in general. Their trauma is so easley dismissed. Jem, who even doesn't have a POV, is paid more attention about his traumatizing past.
I really dislike this Lightworm joke - it's just cruel.
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thanatosangels · 4 years
Omg I loved your last Gabrily fic so so much!!! And can I ask please for 🥰 for them with their kids please? Their family dynamic is so cute, if you feel like doing it of course
thank you so much omg!! i hope you like this one aswell <333
first Gabrily here :)
Cecily rung the breakfast bell for the second time that morning.
Baby Alexander giggled in her arms as she sighed, heavily, and placed the bell down on the table in the hall. She turned and walked into the dining room, seeing only Gabriel seated at the table, half hidden by his newspaper. 
“Gabriel darling, would you take Alexander whilst I go rouse Christopher?” Alexander pointed at himself in acknowledgement of his own name, and Cecily nodded at him encouragingly. He had a gratified look on his face.
Gabriel, however, didn’t even look up from his newspaper. “That’s nice, dear.”
Rolling her eyes, Cecily said, “Oh, yes. By the way, I heard your father returned from the grave and is causing yet more havoc as a giant worm.” 
“Is that so?” He flipped the page.
“Also, I am leaving you for Gideon. We have been having the most wonderfully passionate love affair. In the gardens, the library, even in our bed!”
Picking up his tea, he murmured a thoughtful “Mmm.” 
“And I think we should change our second name to Lightworm.”
At that, his eyes bulged and, choking on his tea, threw his newspaper down on the table. “Pardon?” He spluttered.
She had resolved to keep a straight face and a cool gaze, but she burst out laughing at his expression of bewilderment. Alexander started laughing too. “You didn't listening to a thing i just said, you bloody man!” He was still looking wounded, so as she strode over and handed him Alexander, she planted a small kiss on his forehead which brought a smile to his lips.
“You know I love you, don’t you, Cecy?” 
“I do!” She called over her shoulder as she hurried out of the dining room.
Gathering up her skirts in her hands, she began to climb the stairs. She often found herself wishing it were socially acceptable for Shadowhunter woman to spend all their time in the tight and comfortable gear rather than corsets and heavy skirts, which she felt could be saved for special events only. She was still contemplating this when she rapped her knuckles on Christopher’s bedroom door.
“Good morning, bach!” She waited for a response. Nothing.
Then she heard a small pop! and her stomach dropped.
She knocked again, more insistently this time. “Christopher?”
“Just coming, Ma!” There was a small plume of smoke coming from under the door now. 
Cecily shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Angel give me strength. “Christopher, I’m coming in.”
Tentatively, she opened the door. She saw her son, goggles sitting crookedly on his head, tongue slightly out his mouth in concentration, his lilac eyes fixed on the smouldering beaker in his right hand that he was transferring the contents of into another beaker in his left. She also saw the state of his pyjamas, which were charred at the cuffs of his sleeves and stained with an unknown blue liquid down the front.
She slowly shook her head before lowering it into her hands.
“Darling, those pyjamas were new!” Her voice was muffled. “And we talked about experiments before breakfast!” She sighed, deeply - again.
Christopher, finished whatever it was he was doing, placed the beakers down and went over to his mother. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder and she could feel the excited energy that was radiating off him. 
“I know, Ma, I’m sorry,” As she looked up, and he smiled his lazy, easy grin at her. She felt her heart expand with an all encompassing love for her Christopher, her genius, and all annoyance was immediately forgotten. She reached up -  he was quite a bit taller than her now - and ruffled his hair just as she heard the doorbell. 
“Oh! That’ll be Anna,” She heard their servant, Mary, open the door and Anna’s rich, familiar voice drifting up the stairs. Cecily narrowed her eyes and looked Christopher up and down, surveying the damage. “You’re not hurt are you?” He shook his head and his goggles fell down onto his nose, so she plucked them off and discarded them on the chest of drawers by the door. “Then you’ll have to do. Come on, and do tell me what you were doing as we go.”
As they made their way down the stairs, Christopher spoke very animatedly and very fast. Cecily was sure she heard the words “Uncle Henry”, “Magnesium” and possibly even “Arsenic” but she did not quite catch or understand the rest. She simply took a leaf out of Gabriel’s book and nodded along, smiling.
They reached the dining room, and now Anna had joined Gabriel and Alexander at the breakfast table. 
Anna had very clearly not slept.
There were dark bags under eyes that were just a little too bright. Her shirtsleeves were messily rolled to her elbows and her peacock print waistcoat was undone. Her short hair was sticking out at all angles, and she was smiling very widely at Gabriel, who had an amused look on his face.
“Hullo Anna! That is a capital waistcoat you have on.” Christopher said as he seated himself next to his father at the table.
Anna was laughing about the state of Christopher’s pyjamas as Cecily sat down next to her. Cecily leaned over, grinning, and pinched her daughter’s cheek affectionately. “You look like you’ve been busy! Did you have a late night?” She teased.
Anna cast her dancing gaze towards her mother, smiling crookedly. “Dearest Mother, you wouldn't even know the half of it.”
Cecily laughed, and looked around the table at her perfectly imperfect little family. Gabriel, her love, bouncing their beautiful baby boy on his knee, glowing with the contented happiness he wore so easily these days. Christopher, destined for such great things, trying to teach his little brother to say ‘glucinum’.  And Anna, her daughter; her firstborn; her trailblazer; her shining star of hope for the future, smiling right at her.
Cecily often wondered how she managed to get so lucky.
“Mother,” Anna was poking her arm. “Come back down to earth. You look a million miles away.” 
“Just daydreaming, bach.” She raised her voice, so as to be heard from the kitchen. “Mary! Do bring Anna a coffee, will you!”
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livia-dovehallow · 4 years
the long ride back - Cecily Herondale
“I will drive for you. It will be little trouble; Bailos and Xanthos know the way. Henry can drive the Lightwoods.” -Will to Jem, CP2, p. 55
Takes place after the battle at Chiswick House against Benedict Lightworm, in which Will takes the Institute carriage back with Jem and Tessa and Cecily is left to ride with the Lightwoods.
“We could take you with us, Tati, to the Institute—“
“No,” Tatiana snapped. “You will take me to the Blackthorns’.” Cecily sat silent across from Tatiana Blackthorn, perturbed by the way Tatiana acted. She was still dressed in her blood soaked gown, and Cecily decided she was better off staring out the window of the Lightwoods’ carriage and pretending she was not present for the current Lightwood sibling tension. That bastard, Will, leaving her on the steps of Chiswick House to ride back with all the Lightwoods. 
Gideon tensed beside her, but it was Gabriel who responded. “Henry!” he called out the other window. “May we make a stop in Kensington, please? My sister wishes to be left with the Blackthorns.”
It took much of Cecily’s remaining energy not to groan, being forced to spend even more time in that awkward carriage. Gabriel Lightwood had helped her to her feet in the garden, and complimented her, and yet she might as well have been sitting on the top of the carriage for all anyone paid attention to her now. She supposed she could not blame them, though, as their father had just died and Tatiana’s husband was dead. She just wished she was anywhere else but there. It felt like such an intrusion; perhaps she would attempt to climb out the window to ride with Henry instead—
“Miss Herondale?” 
Cecily snapped out of her self pity and turned. Gideon Lightwood was looking at her quizzically. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” she answered, folding her hands demurely in her lab. It felt strange, too, to be sitting in a carriage full of people she was not related to, and while wearing trousers, her hands bare. “Don’t mind me.”
Tatiana seemed to take her statement to heart, as she returned to her lamenting about the family name, and how she was going to break the news to her husband’s family. As hysterical and dramatic as she might have been, Cecily truly could not imagine doing just that. Gabriel, who was also soaked in blood, attempted to quell Tatiana’s nerves, but it was proving fruitless. How could Gideon and Gabriel possibly be related to her, Cecily wondered. 
She returned to her quiet staring of the passing city. She’d never gone through Chiswick or Kensington before. Will had only taken her to the major locations in London that were near to the Institute. It was strange, she noted, to see so many buildings and people everywhere; and it was so gray. The bickers of the Lightwood siblings blended into the sounds of the city as they rode.
The carriage pulled to a halt in front of rather modest looking Victorian townhome. Why Tatiana would rather stay here than in the large expanse of the Institute, Cecily did not want to bother to ask. 
“I will take her to the door,” Gideon said quietly, hopping out the door opposite where Cecily sat. After a moment, the door on Cecily’s side opened and Gideon lifted his hand to help his sister exit. Her face was pinched in distaste, but she took it and left the carriage. The door to the manor opened, and Tatiana immediately returned to hysterics and bolted to the door, Gideon hurrying after her. 
“I’m sorry about my sister,” Gabriel Lightwood said tonelessly. He sat across from her, his face lowered, now, to look at his hands that were still stained red. “She is not one to handle shock quietly.”
Cecily turned to him. She understood, without needing to be told, that Gideon had taken Tatiana to the door because he was not the brother covered in blood. She heard the shrieks of several people as more surely saw the state of Tatiana’s dress and lack of Rupert Blackthorn. “I believe it is I who should apologize to you,” she replied evenly. She was unsure what to do with her hands; she had never been left alone in a carriage with a boy who was not her brother before. “I feel as if I’ve been intruding on such private family matters. Perhaps I should go ride with Henry.”
Gabriel looked up at her and frowned, but Gideon threw open the carriage door before he could answer. “Gracious,” Gideon exclaimed and plopped down beside his brother. “I don’t think I could stand there another second. I cannot imagine the grief they must be going through.”
“I can,” Gabriel muttered, then turned to face the window and did not speak again. Cecily bit her lip. She could still ride with Henry—
The carriage began moving again. She closed her eyes and hoped that the ride from Kensington back to Fleet Street was not a long one. 
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crimziedrawings · 4 years
Hi!! I loved your last Thomastair drabble, I mean it was so so good, loved also how you included how Barbara’s death affected Thomas. And I wanted to suggest if you still are accepting prompts how would you feel doing one with “You need to stop doing stupid shit or you’ll get yourself killed!” with Will and Cecily? I really loved their sibling dynamic in Clockwork Princess and there is hardly any content of them and I think that prompt could fit in their relation. Thank so much !
I love this idea!
Prompt 2, “You need to stop doing stupid shit or you’ll get yourself killed!” – Will and Cecily
The silence that fell upon the pair nearly drove Will mad. He glanced at Cecily, catching the look of rage on her before swiftly looking away. He heard her sigh and his heart was heavy. Yet, he couldn’t find it in him to care.
Will kept his gaze on the road ahead of them.
“Answer me,”
He leaned back, stretching his legs out as much as he could in her little VW.
“Will,” Cecily seethed.
Will continued to ignore her. He was not ready for this conversation.
“Answer me, damn it!”
“Just drive,” Will hissed.
Cecily pulled over sharply and slammed on the brakes. She barely gave Will time to recover before she turned on him. “What the hell is going on?”
“It’s none of your concern,”
“Bullshit!” Cecily yelled. “This is the fourth time I’ve picked you up from the police. I don’t know how you keep getting so damn lucky that I’m the one answering the phone and not mam and dad.”
“You’re so dramatic, Cece,” Will said, rolling his eyes. Secretly, he knew she was right. He was beyond grateful that their parents hadn’t been the ones to find out about him getting arrested yet again, but he was still left with a sick feeling every time he saw Cecily waiting for him outside of the police department. He should be an example for her, his little sister. The girl who used to crawl into his bed whenever thunderstorms became too rough. The girl who would race him to the front seat in a car ride, always losing but still fighting with every effort she had. The girl who, even though she annoyed the hell out of him so very easily, was like his best friend. Now, he could barely look her in the eye.
“Dramatic?” she screeched, causing Will to wince. “You were arrested for possession of illegal substances! Before, it was because you broke into someone’s house. Not to mention the time you got caught drinking, underage, and when you trashed Mr. Lightwood’s house!”
He did not know what to say. He was immensely ashamed. He did not regret his actions, only hated the fact that Cecily knew of what he did.
“Will, please,” Cecily begged. “You need to stop doing stupid shit or you’ll get yourself killed!”
“It’s not what you think,” Will said.
“Then please, tell me what it is. Because I am tired of seeing this stranger in my brother’s place,”
Will looked away, contemplating whether he should tell Cecily the truth. Only, it wasn’t his truth to tell. “I don’t know if I can tell you,”
“You can, Will! You can trust me,” Cecily said. “It’s me. Unlike you, I have not changed.”
“It’s not that simple,” Will murmured, struggling to think of an excuse. He was sick of seeing the way she looked at him, seeing the absolute disgust and disappointment written all over her face. “I have a friend…”
Cecily waited and Will took that silence as a chance to continue.
“I have a friend who is ill. A bad man destroyed his entire world and left him sick. Now, he has to take a certain type of… medicine, or he will get worse a lot faster. And my friend, he is a good guy. He doesn’t deserve this. But obviously the universe or the heavens or whatever the hell is out there doesn’t give a shit,” Will spat. “The drugs I had, they weren’t for me. They were for him. Everything has been for him. His body is now addicted to this drug, it is craving it, and he needs to have it or his body will give up on him. But recently, he’s stopped taking it. I had thought it was because prices were jacking up and it was too expensive. That’s why I broke into someone’s house and was drinking in that alley. It wasn’t me who decided to do that. There are these people, this gang, that has this drug. And it’s not like I have the money for it either so they only way I could get it, to save Je- my friend, is to join them.”
Cecily gasped, her hand reaching to cover her mouth. “Will, you didn’t…”
“We broke into one of the member’s ex’s house to steal some stupid little cat because the guy was too petty to let her keep it. And another time, they were partying, celebrating a successful new deal with another gang, and expected me to act like them, to be like them. I couldn’t risk jeopardizing the whole scheme so I went with it. And tonight, I finally got a deal from a new batch, a good amount, and I left them ,” Will said. He turned, hitting the dashboard. “Then the fucking cops showed up.”
Cecily was quiet for a while before asking, “And the Lightwoods?”
Despite the serious tone, Will smirked. “Lightworm just pissed me off that day,”
Cecily rolled her eyes, yet a smile found its way to her lips. “Who is this friend of yours?”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not my decision for you to know his story,”
“The only thing that matters now is that you’re done, right? No more phone calls from the London Police Department telling me that you’ve been arrested and begging me to come pick up your annoying ass?”
“They said that?”
“No, but I could sense the underlying pleads,”
“Oh, whatever,” Will laughed. “I’ll have you know, I was a delightful criminal. I had so many compliments on my hair, and everyone wanted to know where I got my sweet kicks. Of course, that also included the other people locked up and they weren’t so patient of my being. But that’s the curse of being so damn beautiful and awesome.”
Cecily turned back to the steering wheel and drove back into the road. “You’re a curse, alright. And next time Gabriel pisses you off, you need to take your frustrations out in a different way, not by TP-ing his house,”
“I also egged it,”
“Of course you did,”
Will smiled back his sister, feeling like a weight has been lifted off him.
Prompt list
What ship should I do next? I am accepting idea from TSC, TOG, and ACOTAR series.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #61 part 2
Lucie rushes into the room ahead of Charlotte and James, quickly situating herself in a chair beside Will and holding her arms out for the baby. 
“Slow down there Lu Lu, you’re holding your sister not competing in an Olympic sport.” Will says in an amused tone, using the nickname he gave Lucie when she was a toddler, a nickname that she only lets Will call her. 
“I know but I’m just so excited!” Lucie exclaims, her heart racing when her dad lowers her new sister into her arms. 
“Oh really? It’s not like you’ve talked about nothing else for the past nine months.” Will teases, making sure Mina is settled in Lucie’s arms before sitting back as James walks over. 
“Hi Mina.” Lucie quietly says, letting her sister grasp onto her finger. She is so thrilled to finally be a big sister, it’s something she’s wanted for as long as she can remember, and now it’s finally happened and she could not be more in love with her baby sister. 
“She looks like papa.”James softly says, leaning against Lucie’s shoulder and looking down at Mina. 
“She certainly does, although he’s insisting she looks like your mum, but I don’t think you got all that thick black hair from your brown-haired mama, miss Mina, whatever you papa says, you look just like him.” Will coos.
“Where are mum and papa?” James asks, looking around the room for his two other parents. 
“Your mum’s in the bathroom getting changed and your papa went to buy a new shirt, after Mina spit up all over him.” Will says, biting back a laugh at the memory of the always put together Jem, covered in baby vomit. 
“I guess I owe Matthew money then, he bet me that she’d look like papa or dad, I bet she’d look like mum.” James says in an amused tone. Matthew is always up for a bet, wanting to gamble and bet on the most inane things. 
“Of course he did, does Matthew do anything without putting a wager on it?” Will laughs, though secretly worried about his nephew’s gambling habits, the way he behaves reminds Will greatly of how his father would behave when he was in the throws of a gambling addiction. 
Before James can answer, Jem walks back into the room, causing Lucie and James’ face’s to light up in delight. 
“Papa!” James exclaims, jumping up from his seat and rushing to hug his father. Lucie quickly and carefully passes Mina back to Will, before jumping up and throwing herself into Jem’s arms. 
“Well hello my babies, I missed you too.” Jem says with a laugh, pressing a kiss to Lucie’s head and a kiss to Jamie’s forehead. 
“Papa, I finished my book last night, will you read it?” Lucie hopefully asks, looking up at Jem with hopeful blue eyes. Jem smiles and cups her cheek. 
“I would love to Lucie Lu, I’m sure it’s going to be the best book I’ve ever read.” Lucie smiles brightly. “Have you met your sister yet?” Jem adds, as Lucie and James finally pull back from the embrace. 
“They have and she’s quiet popular with them, though not as popular as you, clearly.” Will grins, as Jem walks to his side and places a hand on his shoulder before pressing a kiss to his cheek and then bending to kiss Mina’s forehead. 
“That will change I’m sure, have you held her yet?” Jem asks, taking Mina as Will passes her to him, and cradling her close to his chest. 
“Lucie has, I haven’t.” James says, before Lucie can call dibs on holding the baby again. 
“Well then I think it’s your turn to hold her Jamie, what do you think Mina mine, do you want to go to your brother?” Jem coos, carefully passing Mina to James, who holds her just as close and tight as Jem had, and looks down at her in awe. 
“I really hope you’re not as annoying as Lucie, word of warning, she’s like the most annoying person ever.” James quietly says to Mina, smirking at Lucie who glares right back at him.
“I would hit you if you weren’t holding the baby, I’ll just have to get you later.” She says, crossing her arms over her chest.
“See what I mean? Super annoying.” Before Lucie can actually attack James this time, the door to the bathroom suite opens and Tessa steps into the room, smiling warmly at her family. 
“Jamie next time Matthew wants to put a bet on, send him to me, I’d like to bet on how long you two can go without arguing.” Tessa teases, carefully lowering herself onto the bed.
“The longest Cecily and I went without fighting was the 7 years we were apart after I ran away from home, then she showed up at Charlotte and  Henry’s and we immediately started fighting again.” Will says in a mock nostalgic tone. 
“Uncle Gabriel says you and Aunt Cecily actually never fight and are really close.” Lucie says.
“Don’t listen to your Uncle Gabriel Lucie, he’s a Lightworm, you can’t trust them.” Will says.
“Is that why you suggested Gabriel be Lucie’s godfather then?” Tessa teases, knowing how Will prefers to pretend he still hates Gabriel, than to actually admit he considers him a good friend. 
“Mum, does Mina look Jamie or me, when we were babies?” Lucie suddenly asks in a curious tone, softly stroking her sister’s hair. 
“A bit, her hair reminds me of Jamie’s, he was born with a mop of black hair too, and she has your nose Lucie, but mostly she looks like your papa.” Tessa says, settling back against the pillows. 
“No way, she looks like you Tess.” Jem insists. 
“You must be blind James, Mina is your twin, the only one of our kids who looks like Tessa is Lucie.” Will says in an exasperated tone. Jem just doesn’t seem to accept that Mina looks as much like him, as Jamie looks like Will. 
“We’ll see as she gets older, I guarantee she’s going to be a mini Tess.” Jem confidently says. 
“When are you coming home?” James asks, eager to have his new sister at home and for his parents to be back home too, while it was great having Matthew and Cordelia to stay and only having his Aunt Charlotte check in every few hours, he does miss the normalcy of every day life, and is eager to settle back into a routine. 
“Probably tomorrow my love.” Tessa says, sensing how much James is missing her and his dad and papa. 
“If it would make you feel better your dad or I could come home and stay tonight, if you don’t want to be home alone.” Jem offers, knowing he wouldn’t have liked to be left alone over night at 17 in the middle of London, with his little sister. 
“No it’s okay, I’m not frightened at night I just miss you and can’t wait to have Mina home.” James says, smiling down at his little sister, who has now opened her eyes and is staring at him and gripping tightly to his finger. 
The next day, around 2:00 P.M., Jem, Tessa and Will arrive home with little Mina, greeted by Lucie, James and Cecily. 
“Oh God, what are you doing here?” Will asks in a mock tone of annoyance, upon seeing his sister.
“Just making sure that my niece and nephew are alive and haven’t inherited your reckless idiocy.” Cecily responds, ruffling Jamie’s hair and sharing a grin with Lucie. 
“My kids being reckless? Your Christopher blew up half of his school and Anna use to steal Christopher’s clothes and sneak out in them.” Will says in an amused tone, remembering how nervous poor Anna was when she had come out as gay and genderqueer a few years ago, it was no surprise to anyone really, and everyone was extremely loving and accepting, but it was still difficult for her.
“Oh Chris did that because Matthew told him to because the school was discriminating against James, Christopher thought he had permission to carry out his science experiments at school, and I knew Anna was sneaking out but I also knew she was well able to take care of herself so I didn’t say anything.” Cecily replies with a wave of her hand. 
“Can you two stop arguing and can we focus on my daughter?” Jem asks with a grin, setting Mina’s car seat down on the table and unbuckling her, before lifting her and holding her to his chest. 
“Oh look, she looks just like you Jem!” Cecily exclaims when she sees her niece for the first time. 
“See? Jem thinks she looks like me, he won’t listen when we tell him she looks like him.” Tessa laughs, as Jem slips his arm around her waist and kisses the top of her head.
“Well she’s so beautiful how could she look like me?” Jem softly says. At the end of the day though, Jem couldn’t care less who Mina looked like, she’s his, Will and Tessa’s daughter and that makes her perfect, no matter what.
Over the next few days, the rest of Mina’s family comes to meet her, with Charlotte and Henry being the first. Charlotte had brought very useful gifts, like bottles and diapers, while Henry had made some toys for Mina, that she will be able to use when she’s older. He had tried to make a swing for her too, but like a lot of his inventions, it ultimately failed.  
“She’s just so gorgeous, isn’t she Henry?” Charlotte softly says, smiling down at Mina in her arms, trying to hold back tears. Just a few months ago Charlotte had found out she was pregnant with her and Henry’s third child, who they were sure was a girl, however a few weeks after they found out about the baby, Charlotte started experiencing a lot of cramping and bleeding, and in the end Charlotte ended up having a miscarriage, leaving her and Henry totally devastated. So it was difficult for them to be around sweet little Mina without thinking about their loss, but being around such a sweet and innocent new life brings them a lot of joy, and hope for the future, hope that when they start trying again things will work out much better.
“She certainly is, I can’t believe it was so long ago that the boys were this size.” Henry quietly says, resting his chin on his wife’s shoulder as he gazes down at the baby in her arms. 
“I know, it feels like Charles was born only yesterday, he always looked just like you, but you always insisted he looked like me, like how Jem insists Mina looks like Tessa and not him.” Charlotte says in an amused tone. Charles has always looked like his father, even now at 19, though he is a more neat version of Henry. Charles takes great care in his appearance (Though not in the same way as Matthew who has about 20 hairbrushes and reams and reams of high fashion clothes) whereas the last thing on Henry’s mind is his appearance, his hair is often in total disarray, usually with a pair of safety goggles pushed up into it, and smears and stains of grease and oil on his clothes, from when he works on his inventions.  
“But Mina does look like Tessa! She’s so beautiful, how could she possibly look like me and not her beautiful mother?” Jem asks in a confused tone, looking between Tessa and Mina, not understanding how nobody else can see the resemblance between them. Sure Mina has his hair and eyes, but everything else about her is all Tessa. 
“Good Lord somebody get this man a mirror, have you not seen yourself lately James Carstairs, you fool? You are beautiful too you idiot, Mina gets her beauty from you, just as Jamie gets his good looks from me.” Will says in a confident tone.
“Ewww, dad I’m right here, can you not flirt with papa in front of me, please?” James groans in a tone of disgust, covering his face with his book. Jem chuckles and ruffles his son’s hair on his way past the couch. 
“Asking your dad not to flirt with your mum or I is like asking him not to breathe.” Jem says in an amused tone, picking Mina’s bottle up from the mantelpiece.
“That’s true I suppose.” James admits in a defeated tone. “Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Henry, can I stay with you tonight? Matthew and I are going to study for English together, he’s going to help me with poetry and I’m going to help him with essay writing.” James asks hopefully. He and Lucie have grown up spending multiple nights at various Aunts and Uncles houses, they are homes away from home.
“Of course you can, you and Lucie are like 3rd and 4th children to us, we love having you to stay, and so do the boys, despite what Charles might make you think.” Charlotte says in a warm tone, smiling over at her nephew. Charlotte and Henry were the ones who helped Tessa, Jem and Will raise James and Lucie the most, since Charles was 2 when James was born and Matthew was 5 months old, they had plenty of experience and were practically experts, whereas Will, Tessa and Jem were terrified, exhausted new teen parents, trying to juggle school and work on top of parenthood. 
*1 month later*
It is a frosty, cold day almost exactly a month after Mina’s birth, and while James is at Charlotte and Henry’s, Lucie is out with Cordelia, Jem is out getting more nappies and Tessa is resting in their room, Will is pulled from his work by a low cry coming from the bassinet beside the couch, a few feet away from him. With a smile, Will sets his pen down and makes his way over to the bassinet and scoops Mina up. 
“What are you complaining about now, Miss Mina hm? Are you hungry? Shall we get you a bottle?” Will coos, holding her to his shoulder and kissing her temple. Mina’s cries die down slightly, and she nuzzles into Will’s shoulder, griping his shirt in her little hand. 
20 minutes later Will is sitting in an armchair by the fire, holding Mina (Who is much happier and calmer now she’s eaten) in front of him, unable to stop smiling at his sweet little girl, who is a perfect mixture of Jem and Tessa, two of the people Will loves the most in the world. 
“You look more and more like your papa with every passing day, Miss Mina, lucky little thing.” Will coos, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek. When he pulls back, Will is amazed to see Mina’s mouth curve up into a smile as her big eyes light up in delight. “Oh Mina your first smile!” Will exclaims. “Oh your mama, papa and brother and sister are going to be so jealous I made you smile for the first time! We all thought you would smile for Lucie first.” Even at a month old, Mina absolutely adores her big sister, and is always happiest with her or Jem. 
“Just missed it then, did I?” Will hears a a soft, familiar feminine voice ask from the doorway to the living room. He looks up and sees Tessa standing in the doorway, her dusty pink bathrobe open over the silk pajamas that Magnus gifted her, after Mina was born. Her brown hair is up in a messy bun, with a few strands hanging down around her face. She looks as radiant and beautiful as ever.
“Just by seconds. Did you have a good rest, love?” Will asks, as Tessa comes over and leans down to kiss him.
“Mhm, wonderful. Is Lucie still out?” Tessa asks, sinking onto the ottoman at Will’s side.
“Yes she is, though with Cordelia with her I’m not worried one bit.” Will says. “Cordelia’s a Carstairs, Jem’s cousin, she’s a got a good sensible head on her shoulders, unlike our Lucie who’s always off in her own world.” Tessa laughs softly and rests her head on Will’s shoulder. 
“She got all your impulsiveness, while Jamie seems to have inherited Jem’s shy nature.” Tessa says. “I wonder what our Mina will be like, you or me or Jem.” 
“God I hope she’s like you or Jem, I don’t think I could deal with another child who has my impulsive behavior, what do you say Mina mine? Are you going to be a musician like your papa? He’ll be thrilled if you are, and I think you’ll have a natural talent for music, with these long fingers.” Will coos, a smile lighting up his face as Mina’s wraps her hand around his finger. 
“Can you believe it’s been almost 17 years since Jamie was this small, and 16 since Lucie was this size?” Tessa softly asks, stroking Mina’s hair, hardly able to believe how fast the time has gone, it feels like just yesterday she, Jem and Will had arrived home from the hospital with Jamie, all three of them terrified and anxious beyond words. Tessa had been the same age Lucie is now, and Will was Jamie’s age, while Jem was 18. 
“Not at all, I have no idea how we did this as teenagers, twice.” Will says. “I just hope it doesn’t run in the family, seeing as I was 17 when we had our first child and Cece was barely 16 when she got pregnant with Anna, and my mother was quiet young when she got pregnant with Ella.”  
“Oh I don’t think we have anything to worry about, not with Jamie and Lucie anyway, they’re pretty tame kids, much to Anna and Matthew’s dismay.” They hear Jem say in an amused tone. They both turn to see him coming downstairs, smiling warmly at them both. 
“That’s true, thank god.” Will acknowledges. When Jem comes into Mina’s line of sight, her little eyes light up and her hands start opening and closing while she wriggles in Will’s grasp. 
“Hey my little Mina mine, did you miss me? I missed you.” Jem softly says, taking his daughter into his arms and kissing her cheek. 
“She smiled for me a few minutes ago, you just missed it.” Will says, lacing his hand through with Tessa’s.
“Oh is that so? Can you smile for me too, Mina mine, huh? Can you smile for papa?” Jem coos, gently tickling Mina’s cheek. Her little mouth turns up into a smile again and she snuggles further into Jem, making his heart melt into a puddle. “Oh sweet Mina, your Nǎinai and Yéyé would have loved you so much, you and your siblings.” Jem softly says. Even though the three children only have their grandparent’s on Will’s side, they know all about their other four grandparents, Jem and Tessa tell them many, many stories about them, and since Jamie could speak, Jem’s parents have been referred to as ‘ Nǎinai ‘ and ‘ Yéyé’ the mandarin terms for grandma and grandpa, while they call Will’s parents Nain and Taid (Grandma and Grandpa in Welsh) and Tessa’s ‘Grandpa’ and ‘Grandma’.
That night, at around 3:00 A.M. while James lies awake in bed, hopelessly starting at the ceiling, trying to bore himself to sleep, he hears the sharp and high-pitched cry of Mina, coming from her nursery just a few doors down from James’. Without a second thought, James swings his legs out of the bed and quietly creeps out of the room and down the hall, to Mina’s room, hoping he can get to her before she wakes their parents, they all work so hard and take such amazing care of all 3 of their kids, James feels it’s only fair that he helps out in anyway he can.
When James steps into the nursery, he realizes Mina’s crying has stopped, and when he turns up the dimmer switch, he sees Lucie standing over Mina’s crib, holding their little sister and gently rocking her back and forth. 
“Luc?” Jamie asks in a tone of confusion. “What are you doing here?” As far as he was aware, Lucie never had any trouble sleeping and could sleep through anything, as a kid Jamie had always been jealous that his sister could sleep through storms, while he only stopped crawling into his parents’ bed during storms, at 12, so it’s surprising for him to see her up and comforting Mina. 
“Uh what does it look like JJ? I’m calming Mina down so she doesn’t wake mum, dad and papa.” Lucie says, turning to look at her brother. 
“Don’t call me JJ, I hate that nickname! Also, smartarse, I meant what are you doing up? I thought you could sleep through the apocalypse.” James asks in a teasing tone. 
“I was up late reading, I was about to go to sleep when I heard Mina, I’m not tired so I figured I’d come check on her, mum’s still not fully recovered from Mina’s birth, dad was at work today, and papa’s been taking care of the three of us all day, as well as making sure mum is okay and keeping the house clean and helping mum make dinner, they need to rest more than me.” Lucie explains, adjusting the pacifier in Mina’s mouth. She, James and Mina are truly blessed to have 3 amazing parents, who clearly love them so much and work their arses off to provide for them and make sure they have better childhoods than they did, with all three of them loosing loved ones very early on in life, and having to learn to fend for themselves at a very young age.
“Is she okay? Does she need a bottle?” James asks, coming to stand beside Lucie and peering down at Mina in her arms. Mina is wide awake, her big brown eyes taking everything around her in, but she is totally calm and serene in her sister’s arms. 
“No she’s fine, I think she was just lonely and wanted to be held, she stopped crying the minute I picked her up.” Lucie says, stroking Mina’s cheek. She couldn’t love her baby sister more, she is the most perfect sister Lucie could have asked for, and was well worth the wait, Lucie had been asking for a baby brother or sister since she could talk, and now she finally has Mina, and she couldn’t be happier. 
As James and Lucie stand shoulder to shoulder, gazing at Mina and laughing in delight at her cuteness, they hear a familiar and comforting voice from the doorway. 
“What’s going on in here?” They hear Jem ask in a tired tone, clearly having just woken up. 
“Papa!” Lucie exclaims in delight, always happy and excited to see her beloved papa. 
“Hi baby, what are you two doing in here?” Jem softly asks, arriving at Lucie’s side and kissing her forehead, while squeezing Jamie’s hand affectionately. 
“Well I couldn’t sleep so when I heard Mina crying I came into check on her, but Lucie was already here.” James explains. 
“I was up late reading when I heard Mina and decided to come check on her, she was just lonely so I’ve just been holding her for a while.” Lucie tells Jem.
“That’s very sweet Lu, but you really don’t have to, your mum, dad and I are Mina’s parents so it’s up to us to do the difficult things like get up in the middle of the night with her, you and Jamie are still babies yourselves, you don’t have to concern yourself with settling your sister.” Jem calmly and softly says, brushing Lucie’s hair back form her face. Sometimes his eldest two children are too kind and considerate, though he appreciates this kind gesture, he doesn’t want them to spend their teenage years raising their sister, they’re meant to enjoy these years, not worry about getting up with a baby at night. 
“I wanted to papa, I didn’t feel like I had to come in here, I wanted to.” Lucie says. Jamie nods his agreement. 
“Me too, it’s not like we have school tomorrow or anything, I want to help out when I can.”  Jem smiles softly, his heart swelling with pride at his two amazing children. He ruffles Jamie’s hair affectionately and does the same to Lucie.
“I understand and appreciate you wanting to help out with your sister, but there are better ways to do it, you need your sleep more than I do, so let me get Mina back to sleep, and you go get yourselves off to bed, I’ll check in on you when Mina’s asleep.” Jem says, carefully taking Mina from Lucie, breathing a sigh of relief when she stays calm and contended. 
“Okay, love you papa.” Lucie says. Jem smiles and squeezes her hand. 
“Love you too Lucie Lu.” As Lucie makes her way out of the room, Jamie turns and smiles at his papa. 
“Night papa, I love you.” He says. 
“I love you too Jamie, and if you still have trouble sleeping, feel free to come keep Mina and I company, then maybe I could make you some chamomile tea, it helps your mum sleep, it might work for you.” Jamie nods, glad that he won’t be awake staring at the ceiling all night. 
“Thanks papa.” He says, before turning and heading back to his room.
When Jamie and Lucie leave, Jem settles into the rocking chair and lays Mina on his chest,rubbing soothing circles on her back to try and lull her off to sleep.
As Jem sits holding his new baby girl, with his husband and wife sleeping just a few doors down, and his only son and eldest daughter in their own rooms, just one and two doors down, his mind drifts to his parents, and how happy and proud they would be, of the life Jem has made for himself. 
They would love Tessa and Will, because they make Jem happy and treat him well, and they would absolutely adore being grandparents to Lucie, Jamie and Mina, teaching them all about Chinese traditions and helping them learn Mandarin, his mother would cook them traditional Chinese dishes and buy red dresses for Mina and Lucie on Chinese New Year, while his father would teach them to play violin and tell them stories about his youth, and how he met their grandmother. 
There will always be a part of Jem that aches for his parents, and what it would be like if they were still around today, but a bigger part of him also acknowledges that if they hadn’t died and he hadn’t been sent to England to live with Charlotte and Henry, he would never have met Will or Tessa, he would never have fallen in love with them and married them, and would never have had 3 beautiful children with them.
As Jem holds Mina close, he closes his eyes and pictures his parents. 
“I hope you’re proud of me, Māmā, and  Bà, I wish you could be here, but I believe that you are out there somewhere, watching over my family and I. I love you, and I miss you.” He quietly says, tears trickling down his face. 
Not long after, Mina is sound asleep, so with ttea final kiss to her forehead, Jem settles her in her crib. He then stops by Lucie’s room, and finds her curled up in bed fast asleep, the light still on and a book dropped on the floor, clearly she had fallen asleep while reading, typical Lucie. With a soft laugh, Jem switches the light off and moves onto Jamie’s room. Jem finds Jamie curled on his side, also fast asleep, Jem is glad Jamie is finally getting some sleep.
Assured that all 3 of his children are safe, happy and content, Jem slips back into bed with Tessa and Will, and soon falls asleep, his heat full of gratitude for his beautiful and perfect life.
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Gabrily Wedding
A/N: I’m sorry if there are a lot of terrible mistakes; my teachers thought it was fun to assign a bunch of work these past weeks, so I wasn’t able to edit it well. Hope you enjoy!!
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“I just think,” Will was saying, “Cecily is too young to know exactly what she wants in a husband.”
Gabriel glared at him.
“I told her she must wait, but you know Cecily, too stubborn for her own good.”
“Must be genetic.” Gabriel muttered.
“By the Angel, Lightworm. We’re going to be brothers.” Will shuttered.
“Please, do not remind me.” Gabriel said.
“With all of this bickering, you would think the two of you were getting married.” Sophie said, as she came into the room with little Barbara in her arms.
“As if I would lower my expectations and marry Lightworm.”
Gideon stood up and let Sophie slowly place Barbara in his arms. Gideon grinned down at his daughter and bounced her lightly, to get her to stop fussing. Sophie shook her head as Barbara immediately quieted in her father’s arms.
“I carry her for nine months, and this is how she repays me?”
“Tough love, Soph.” Will said.
“Tell me about it.” Sophie said as she planted a kiss on Barbara’s forehead. “How are you four getting along?”
“Terribly.” Will and Gabriel said at the same time as Henry and Gideon said ‘Wonderfully.’
“Well, that answer simply does not do me any good.”
“It’s going well,” Gideon said, not looking up from his daughter. “Since Will and Gabriel haven’t killed each other yet.”
“Oh, I see that as an improvement,” Sophie said.
“Indeed,” said Henry.
“Well, I’m off. Call me if a problem arises.” Sophie kissed Gideon’s cheek and slipped out of the room.
“Right, where were we?” Will said as Gideon sat down beside Henry with Barbara, “Oh, yes. Lightworm was just considering calling off the wedding and pursuing his life-long dream of living in a cave in the middle of nowhere, where he can never bother us again.”
“You wish to live in a cave?” Henry asked, looking up from where he was holding his finger out for Barbara to hold.
“No, I wish to marry William’s sister and do sinful things with her.”
Will paled and then turned red. “Don’t you dare, Lightwood.”
Gabriel looked away smiling.
“Gabriel, don’t discuss your private life with Cecily in front of Will. I would imagine it would be disgusting to think about it, seeing as she is his sister.” said Gideon.
“That’s not a problem. The problem is that Lightwood is doing sinful things to my sister.”
“With.” Gabriel corrected. “It’s a team effort.”
“Lightworm, I am going to kill you.”
“But it’s his wedding day.” said Henry.
“Better. The happiest day of his life will be his last.” said Will.
“As long as you don’t do it in front of Barbara; Sophie would never forgive me if I let her see that before she reaches the age of twenty four.” said Gideon.
“Why? What happens at twenty four?” Will asked.
“You do sinful things to your enemy’s sister.” said Henry, winking at Gabriel.
“Don’t encourage him, Henry!” Will said. “I thought you were on my side.”
Gabriel smiled at Henry.
Cecily was standing by the closed doors, waiting for Will to come and walk her down the aisle. She thought it was only fitting since her actual father could not be there; it was a Shadowhunter wedding after all, and since neither of her parents were strictly Shadowhunters, they could not be there. Will finally came in and smiled down at her.
“Cecily, ti’n edrych yn brydferth, fy chwaer.” He said.
“Thank you, Will, but I already knew that.” Cecily responded with a smile, which she felt fall. “I always thought they would be here for my wedding.”
Will pulled her in a warm hug.
“I wish Mam and Da were here, too.” Will said, “They would have loved to see it, even if you are marrying a Lightworm.”
“Gwilym, I swear, if you say one more thing—”
“I’m only joking, Cecy.” he said with a smile.
Cecily shook her head.
“Are you ready?”
She nodded.
The doors opened, and she locked eyes with Gabriel. Yes, this was going to be the start of a wonderful life.
And they walked.  
It was over. The second everybody went home, Cecily and Gabriel locked eyes and ran up stairs.
Cecily stood in the middle of the room and Gabriel caught her in his arms.
“Mr. Lightwood.” Cecily smirked.
They sometimes called each other by “Mr. Lightwood” or “Ms. Herondale” and acted as thought they were lovers. Gabriel kissed her.
“My my, you really know how to sweep a woman off her feet, Mr. Lightwood.”
Gabriel lifted her into his arms and Cecily wrapped her legs around his waist.
“I do, don’t I, Ms. Herondale?”
They kissed for a while, relishing this moment they got to share before Cecily pulled away. She lifted her hands and pulled out what was holding in her bun. Her silky black hair fell in waves around her face, framing it so beautifully, Gabriel bit back the urge to kiss her again. She held up the “thing”, which Gabriel soon realized was a stele.
“Shall we?”
It took Gabriel a moment to realize she was talking about applying the wedding runes. They had already put on the one over the hand, though Nephilim tradition called for a rune over the heart as well.  Gabriel nodded. Cecily carefully undid the buttons of his shirt, but looked confused when it didn’t completely fall away.
“Cecy?” Gabriel said, “I think your sitting in it.”
Cecily look down and then laughed. She shifted and the material fell to the floor. “There we go.”
Then her face became masked in concentration as she carefully drew on the rune. Gabriel couldn’t help but think that he never wanted anyone else to apply his runes; only Cecy can put on a rune like that. When she finished she examined the rune and smiled at him. They shared a kiss.
“My turn!” She put the stele behind Gabriel’s ear.
Gabriel put her down on the bed, kicked off his shoes and grabbed the stele. He willed his hands to stop shaking as he placed the stele over her heart and began to draw. Cecily looked up at him through her thick eyelashes and, as though she sensed his restlessness, cradled his face with her hand.
“My silly Gabriel. Don’t forget to breathe.”
Gabriel had, in fact, forgotten to release his breath and exhale quickly. Cecily grinned widely. Gabriel finally finished and they both admired the matching runes.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Cecily said and she drew Gabriel closer to her.
Gabriel and Cecily both gasped for air, which was strange, considering they were both Shadowhunters and, supposedly, had supernatural stamina.
“By the Angel.” Gabriel said.
“Where did you learn how to do that, Lightwood?”
Gabriel shrugged. Cecily locked eyes with him and giggled.
“What are you laughing at?” Gabriel asked, kissing her nose.
“Hello, lover.” Cecily said with a smile
“I have been demoted to your lover?”
Cecily shook her head. “promoted.”
Gabriel shook his head.
“Still, I would say that was an 8.”
“You not satisfied with that?”
“For now. But I suppose with practice, you will naturally get better.”
“Cecily Herondale, you are impossible.”
Cecily threw her hands up. “You signed up for this!”
“I know.” He kissed her temple.
They lay there for a while.
“Yes, love?”
“When are we having our first baby?”
Gabriel’s eye widened and he quickly turned to look at his wife.
“I should hope not for another five years or so.” He said.
“Perfect, we have time.”
“For what?”
Cecily raised her eyebrows.
“Oh, for that.” Gabriel said.
Cecily laughed and softly elbowed him.  
“You’re catching on, Mr. Lightwood.”
“What can I say, you’re a terrible influence on me, Mrs. Lightwood.” Gabriel pulled her close.
They both stared up at the ceiling for a while.
“I think I liked Herondale better.”
“I’ll have to agree with you,” Cecily turned to him, “but I like you more.”
“I am glad to hear to value our marriage over your maiden name.”
Cecily smirked. All of a sudden slapped her hands against her eyes and giggled.
“Cecy? What’s wrong, Cecy?”
She peeled her hands away from her face and flashed Gabriel with a radiant grin.
“We’re married!”
Gabriel nodded. Cecily threw herself in his arms.
“We are husband and wife!”
“Yes,” Gabriel said, “why are you acting as though you just found out?”
“Because I cannot believe it!”
Gabriel kissed her forehead.
“Neither can I.”
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Sophideon Wedding
A/N: Thank you to the Anon that suggested this and for their kind words! I’m sorry for the delay. School and Physics are killing me at the moment but I hope you enjoy! (Anna and Christopher are next!!)
Sophie had never thought she would marry. She had definitely dreamed of it ever since she was young, but ever since she begun working in the institute, it was but a wild dream, distant and unobtainable. And yet, here she was, sitting on a chair, looking at her reflection while Tessa styled her hair into an intricate braid.
“Oh, Tessa, I’m having trouble believing this is really happening.”
“Would you like me to pinch you?” Tessa joked
“Perhaps.” Sophie said. “Tessa?”
“What if we fall out of love?”
What if he falls out of love? Sophie wanted to ask.
“Sophie, you cannot worry about such silly things. You and Gideon love each other too much to ever fall out of love”
“Yes, yes. You’re right Tessa. Of course you are. I’m just stressing over nothing.”
“Nothing indeed.”
For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of the hairbrush running through Sophie’s hair. Tessa sighed.
“What is it, Sophie?”
“Tessa, what if it’s not like I imagined it?”
“What? Marriage?” Tessa said, “It probably won’t be.”
“It won’t?” Sophie asked, her eyebrows traveling up her forehead. That was not the answer she was expecting at all.
“No. It will be so much better.” Tessa said, and squeezed Sophie in a sisterly brace.
“Now enough of all of this fretting, it causes you to age quicker.”
“Then I must look like I’m a thousand year of age.” Charlotte said, coming into the room with Cecily. “I apologize for not being able to help prepare the bride earlier.” she bent down and planted a kiss on Sophie’s cheek. “Charles would not stop fussing.”
“How did you get him to stop?” asked Tessa.
“Oh, I didn’t. I just handed him over to Will.”
In spite of her nervousness, Sophie could not help but laugh along with everyone else. Her problems didn’t seem so bad once she imagined what Will must be dealing with.
The rest of the morning was a blur. While Tessa finished Sophie’s hair, Cecily got a bottle of champagne and they toasted to Sophie’s ‘final hours of freedom’. They had spent hours helping put on Sophie’s wedding dress, which was impossible to figure out. By the time she was ready, Cecily had made them all laugh so hard with tales of her childhood with Will and Ella, that her cheeks hurt. Sophie was gasping for air, when all of a sudden Charlotte said:
“Oh, Sophie. You look so beautiful!”
“Tell Gideon to watch out because I might just steal his bride.” Cecily joked.
Tessa choked on her champagne, fanning herself with her hand as she laughed. Sophie smiled and turned around, so that she was facing the full length mirror. She sucked in air and she ran her fingers over the gold dress. All of a sudden, it felt real. She is getting married. And to the most incredible man she could ever dream of. At the thought of Gideon, it felt like there was a cord around her heart and it was being pulled taunt. She was dreading having to walk down the aisle, in front of all of those Shadowhunters. She knows what they think of her. The whispers that say it’s a shame a fine man like Gideon is marrying a scar-faced mundane like Sophie. Although she knew she should excited for the ceremony, all she really wanted to do was sleep in his arms. She wanted him to love her and for his face be the first thing she sees in the morning. She felt a blush creep up her face.
She turned around and faced her friends.
“So, am I ready?”
“Hell, no.” Cecily said as Tessa nodded solemnly and they got back to work.
Nooooooo no no no no no no no, no. Gideon thought as he looked around the room. Will, Gabriel and Charles were seated on the floor, staring at him while he ran around the room, looking for his shoes.
“They’re not here!”
“Calm down, Gideon. They didn’t sprout feet and just walk away.” Gabriel said.
“They wouldn’t need to.” Will said, wincing as Charles pulled a fistful of his unruly black hair. “Shoes are like foot-gloves, they would just bounce away.”
Even Charles looked confused.
“What I meant to say, was that they are not capable of going anywhere without assistance.” said Gabriel
“It doesn’t matter whether they walked away or not, all that matters is that I don’t have shoes.”
Gideon was growing restless, which was strangely out of character, since he always carried a calm demeanor. He took a breath and let it out.
“Will,” he said, “could you get one of the ladies?”
“Okay.” Will said quickly, his face scrunched up as Charles continued to pull his hair. He had finally managed to pry Charles’ hands away from his hair and turned to Gabriel, as though to hand Charles over to him. Gabriel put his hands up.
“I’m not taking that hair-yanking demon.”
Will grunted, saying something about Lightworms being ruthless before shutting the door. Gideon sat down and immediately got back on his feet and opening the door.
“Will!” he yelled.
Will turned around.
“Don’t get Sophie.”
“When I said ‘get one of the ladies’, I meant any of them that other than Sophie. Don’t get Sophie.”
“I wasn’t planning to! Do you really think me that stupid?”
“Yes!” Gabriel called from the room.
“Shut up, Lightworm!” Will turned back to Gideon. “I’ll get Tessa or Cecily.”
“Alright.” Gideon let himself breathe.
He was going back into the room when he heard Will curse in Welsh. Over his shoulder, he saw that Charles had, once again wrapped his hand around one of Will’s curls and was yanking it hard.
Tessa was sitting down for the first time in what felt like ages. Her sister-in-law Cecily was hunched over Sophie, adding the final touches, when Will came in through the door. Charles had Will’s soft curls wrapped around his fist and was pulling, rather harshly, causing Will’s cheeks to turn an adorable shade of pink.
“Charlotte, your brat seems very keen on making me bald before I reach the age of twenty.” He said through clenched teeth.
“Give him here,” Charlotte said.
Will handed him over with obvious relief. Then he looked around the room, as though seeing it for the first time.
“Sophie, you look wonderful.” He said.
“Thank you, Will. Though, sadly, I cannot say the same for you.” Sophie said, looking at his hair which, thanks to Charles, was sticking out in every which way.
Will and Sophie’s friendship grew for the better after Will discovered he was not cursed anymore. There used to be a time in which Sophie couldn’t stand Will. Now they act as siblings, joking around and laughing over memories. It was strange to think that out of all of the five children Charlotte and Henry practically raised (Jem, Jessamine, Will, Sophie and Thomas) only two remained present. The thought was Jem sent a pang through Tessa’s heart.
Will laughed, locked eyes with Tessa and walked over to her. The other girls were back to gossiping when Will sat down next to her.  
“Tess, could I talk with you?” He said so that only she could hear.
“Of course. What’s the matter?” She said, as she massaged Will’s head, where Charles had yanked.
He looked at the other girls and signaled her to lean closer. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered in her ear.
“Gideon has lost his shoes.”
Tessa’s eyes widened.
When Tessa came into the room, Gideon felt as though cold water was dropped on the back of his neck, after a very hot day. She immediately knew what to do. She forced Will to take off his shoes “You won’t need them during the ceremony” she had said. Thankfully, Will’s feet were only a little bit bigger than Gideon’s shoe size, which they fixed by putting fabric in the empty areas.
“So, am I going to be in my socks the entire time or—?”
“Just ask Henry for his, I don’t think he’ll mind. Come to think of it, he probably wouldn’t notice either.” said Gabriel.  
“What?” Henry asked, looking up. When Will came back with Tessa and saw that Henry was there, he practically threw Charles into his arms.  
“Could Will borrow your shoes for the wedding?”
“Of course! It’s not like I’ll need them.” Henry replied, smiling down at his legs.
“Thank you, Henry, but I’m not sure they will fit like a glove.” said Will eyeing Henry’s shoes.
“Why would they fit like a gloves? They’re shoes.” Henry said.
Before anyone could respond, Cecily Herondale burst into the room. She locked eyes with Gideon before speaking.
“I need you to come with me. It’s about Sophie.”
Gideon stiffened. Everybody in the room stood up, ready to help Sophie. Well, except Henry for course, but he did straighten up, which was his equivalent to standing up.
“Just Gideon.”
“Is she hurt?” Tessa asked, clearly worried.
“No, she’ll be okay.” She said as she steered Gideon to where Sophie was.
Sophie didn’t remember ever feeling this way before. It was as though, all of a sudden, she couldn’t breathe. Her hands were sweating and numb. She was trembling like a small dog. She felt cold all over. It was a though someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over her body. By the angel, she can’t breathe. Charlotte had a hand on her shoulder and was telling her to remain calm. She was standing up when the feeling had come, though she was now on the floor, leaving against the wall closest to the door. Her panic had subsided when she heard a knock at the door.
Sophie wanted to cry. She wanted to shrivel up and disappear. She wanted her face to not be scared, she didn’t want to walk down the aisle. Not because she didn’t want to marry Gideon, because she had never loved anyone as much as she loved him, but because she didn’t want to hear the whispers.
“Sophie, can I come in?”
“No!” She said, though it came out sounding something in between a gasp and a whisper, “It’s bad luck!”
“Sophie, I don’t care if it’s bad luck. If you need help, I will do so to the best of my ability.”
Sophie was about to argue that Charlotte and Cecily were here, only to find they were, in fact, gone, probably to give her and Gideon some space.
“It’s alright, Gideon. I’m fine now. It was nothing to worry about.”
“Soph, I’ll close my eyes, just please let me in.”
Sophie closed her eyes and nodded when she remembered that he couldn’t see her.
Gideon opened the door and, sure enough, he had managed to blindfold himself with what she was sure was his cravat. He felt around the wall and Sophie couldn’t help but smile at how silly and adorable he looked.
“A little bit more to the left.” she said, helping him.
Gideon sat down beside her. She put her head on his shoulder, and he held her with both of his arms. She breathed in his lovely scent as he pressed a kiss on her head.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“It’s silly.”
“No. You do not worry about silly things, Sophie.” he paused, “Is it b— do you not wish to marry me?”
Sophie pushed away.
“No. No, Gideon of course I want to marry you. You are all I could ever dream of marrying.” Sophie’s eyes were stinging. Did Gideon truly think she did not return his feelings?
Sophie swore she felt Gideon relax beside her. He turned to her, even though he couldn’t see.
“Then what is the matter, love?”
Sophie swallowed. How could she tell Gideon about the things she hears? The whispers behind her back. The ones that say Gideon is throwing away his life. That he is further disgracing his family name by marrying a mundane, despite the fact that Sophie is an ascended shadowhunter. She couldn’t burden him with that. She looked over at Gideon, who was patiently waiting.
“Are you sure you want to marry me?”
“I have never been more sure of any decision in my life.”
“My face is ruined.”
Gideon turned her face and ran his fingers over it, until finding her scar. He kissed her left temple, the place where her horrible scar ended. He kissed a line all the way down to the other end of her scar. He kissed the corner where the scar and her mouth met, and then hovered other her lips. He gently nudged her nose with his own, as though he were asking for her permission. She leaned in and their lips met. Gideon kissed her softly, as he always did. Sophie held her hand to his face and stroked his cheek with her thumb.
“Your face is beautiful.”
“I just want you to be happy, Gideon.”
“But Sophie, I could never be happy without you.”
Sophie looked at Gideon. She wanted to see his entire face and his beautiful eyes, not some stupid cravat across his face. She held her faces up to his face and lifted the silly blindfold from his face. Gideon looked at her in surprise.
“I love you, Gideon Lightwood.”
“I love you, Sophie Collins.” He kissed her forehead.
Sophie smiled. “That’s not my last name anymore.”
“Yes, but I met and fell in love with you when you were still Sophie Collins. It was the name a whispered before I went to sleep, and for that reason I could never think of you as anything else. Besides, Sophie Ashdown does not have the same ring to it.”
“What about Sophie Lightwood?”
Gideon smiled and kissed her. “I like the way that sounds.”
“Me too.”
They sat there for a while, Sophie in Gideon’s arms, occasionally stealing small kisses. Then, all of a sudden, Gideon sat up straight, and put his hand over his eyes.
“Sophie, you didn’t want me to see you before the wedding! It’s supposed to be bad luck!”
“It’s alright, I think our love can survive a little bad luck.”
Gideon smiled, but proceeded to cover his eyes with the blind fold again. “Nonetheless, I shall leave you to finish up here. Are you alright?”
“Are you are sure?”
“Okay then.” He kissed her one more time, and felt his way out the door.
Sophie smiled. One day, she will tell Gideon of the whispers. Or maybe he will hear them for himself. But this was their wedding, and it was going to mark the start of the most wonderful life she could ever imagine. One that she would discover hand-in-hand with Gideon Lightwood.
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Matthew x Lucie Part 3 (Final Part!)
Author’s note: Hello again! This is the final part of my Fairondale Fanfic. I apologize in advance for it’s length. Here are the other parts if you haven’t read them yet: Part 1 Part 2. Also, if you have any requests (a ship or a scene between two or more characters) feel free to send me a message! FOUR MORE DAYS ‘TIL CHAIN OF GOLD LET’S GOOOO!!!!
-Ana (aka imherongraystairstrash)
The night dragged on, and after their intricate plan was done, Lucie and Matthew stood together, their shoulders touching.
“Soak it in, Luce. This is the last time our parents will look at us with love for a long time.”
Lucie couldn’t help but smile.
“Are you ready, Fairchild?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Matthew gave Anna a thumbs up. She had initially refused to help, but even she could not resist their pleads. Thomas had managed to round them all up, and now they were talking amounts themselves. Anna walked out of the shadows, and moved her way towards the table. She greeted them all and stayed with them chattering along. Matthew looked at Lucie.
“Here it goes.”
Matthew, got on one knee. He looked up at her, through his blond hair. Then, he began talking nonsense, quietly enough so that they could still hear what their parent’s reactions.
“Lucie, since the day I met you, I knew we were destined to be together.”
“Is that Matthew Fairchild proposing to Lucie Herondale?” They heard Anna say.
Although the action did not make sound, Lucie felt like she could hear their heads turning.
“Lucie Herondale, will you marry me?”
Tessa gasped. Charlotte paled. Henry was smiling absentmindedly, probably not even aware of what was going on. Will, who had usually held a calm dementor, was clutching his glass tightly, whispering something to Charlotte.
“Matthew,” Lucie said, “I would love to, but I do not want you to marry me if it is not out of love. I not even sure if it’s yours or Thomas’.”
“Lucie,” Tessa began, “What are your talking about?”
“Mother! How could you not know?”
“Know what?” Will and Tessa both asked.
“I’m expecting.”
At that moment, Will, Tessa and Charlotte were in complete shock. Later, Sophie and Gideon joined them, realizing that their son, Thomas, could potentially be the father. Cecily and Gabriel looked relieved that for once Christopher was not the one that screwed up. Henry just looked confused.
“Expecting what?” He asked.
Lucie and Matthew just looked at him. Surely he knew what they were talking about.
“A baby.” Matthew said finally.
“Oh. That’s great news!”
“No, it’s not, Henry! They’re sixteen!” said Charlotte.
“Actually, I’m seventeen.” said Matthew.
“Matthew, I don’t care how old you are right now, all I know is that, at this moment, it’s not old enough to have a child.”
“Lucie,” said Tessa, after regaining some of her composure, “Whatever do you mean by you don’t know who’s baby it is.”
“Oh, right. Well, it was a wild night, there really is no way of knowing.”
Will and Tessa looked like they might just pass out right there.
“Lucie, Matthew, what have you done to our parents?” asked Jamie, seemingly come out of the shadows.
“I just told them about the baby.”
“Lucie! You were supposed to wait for us so it would soften the blow when we confessed our wrongdoings.”
Every turned to Jamie.
“What did you do James?” asked Will
“Oh nothing.”
“James Herondale, whatever you did, I don’t think it could be worse than what your sister did, so tell me what happened before I hurl you into the pits of Hell.” said Tessa
“Hey Jamie.” Said Matthew
“I think you should tell her. I’ve never been to Hell, but I have lived with Charles my entire life, so I have a pretty good idea on what it must be like. It’s not good.”
“Thanks, Matthew!”
“What did you do?” interjected Tessa.
“Oh right, well I was strolling through the park one Sunday afternoon—”
“Sometime today please.”
“I set loose approximately 50 ducks in the institute.”
Will choked on his water and fell out of his chair.
“50 ducks?”
Will turned to Tessa. “Forget about hurling James into Hell, throw me instead! I would rather burn in Hell than come home tonight.”
“Mum, dad. I got a tattoo in Spain.” Thomas said.
Sophie seemed to be having difficulty breathing.
“Are we confessing?” said Christopher out of nowhere.
“NO.” Cecily and Gabriel said in unison.
“Yes,” said Anna, “Do you have anything you would like to contribute?”
“No, not really.”
Gabriel released the breath he had been holding. Cecily got up from her chair and embraced her son tightly, kissing his cheeks and forehead while repeating “My sweet son.” It was a heartfelt moment nobody seemed to what to break.
“Well I do have a confession.” said Anna out of nowhere.
Everyone turned to her.
“I’ve decided to learn to play the Pibgorn.”
Everyone looked blankly at her except for Cecily and Will, though their expressions were completely different. Cecily looked like she had just seen a ghost. Will looked very amused.
“Well Cecily, it looks like you’re in for a treat!”
“Shut up, William. Your daughter has a 50% chance of being pregnant with either a Lightworm’s or Matthew Fairchild’s offspring.”
“Oh, that reminds me.” He turned to face Matthew. “I’m going to have to kill you.”
“What? The baby could be Thomas’ just as much as mine!”
“Yes, and despite the fact that he is a Lightworm, it would be an honor to have my grandchild be half Thomas.”
“Why, thank you Mr. Herondale.” said Thomas
“You’re very welcome, Thomas.” Will said “Alright, where was I? Oh yes, I was going to kill Matthew. And then I’m going to kill James because he betrayed me.”
“You can’t kill me!”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m your only son!”
“Tessa’s immortal, we can make another one.” Will rebutted, while Tessa made a finger gun, and pretended to shot it at Jamie.
“It’s a good thing I am not pregnant than.” said Lucie
It was Tessa’s turn to go up the Lucie and hug her.
“I was ready to peel your skin off.” She told her.
Will turned to Jamie and raised an eyebrow.
“Where would I find 50 ducks, father?”
Will stared at Jamie.
“It’s going to take a while before I can trust you, son.”
“I can live with that.”
Anna reassured Cecily she was not planning on learning the Pibgorn anytime soon.
All eyes fell on Thomas.
“Oh, I really did get a tattoo.”
Gideon considered him for a second before saying:
“Well, we are Shadowhunters…”
Even though it wasn’t at all funny, all the parents laughed like crazy. It was probably out of relief that their children were not going to be parents or learn instruments at time soon.
They were all outside. James and Will seemed to be playing a game of some sorts were they had to touch the other’s shoulder without getting their shoulder touched by the other. Lucie and Tessa were watching them, laughing when Tessa told Will to duck, and Will looked over his shoulder yelling “Where?!”. Matthew was kneeling down beside his father.
“So, Lucie is not pregnant?”
Matthew laughed. “No, it was just a joke.”
“I don’t think your mother found it very funny.” Henry laughed.
Matthew couldn’t help but join him.
Soon, the Herondales had to depart. Matthew said goodbye the Aunt Tessa and then Uncle Will.
“I apologize for wanting to kill you today.”
“If he really did get Lucie pregnant, I would have killed him too.” said James
Finally he said farewell to Lucie.
“It’s a shame Cordelia had to leave on such a short notice.” said Matthew.
“It is. She would have loved this.”
They stood there.
“You never answered my proposal.”
“Lucie!” Tessa called.
“Coming!” she turned to Matthew, “Until next time, Fairchild.”
Before leaving, she planted a kiss on Matthew’s cheek. Matthew stared at her as she ran to her family, getting caught her father’s embrace.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog instead of reposting!
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Shadowhunters Short Story #16.
“What do you think, Anna? Isn’t he adorable?” Gabriel softly asks his daughter, as she stands on her tip toes to peer at her little brother in her mother’s arms.
Shortly after Anna turned two, Cecily and Gabriel began trying for another baby, and it didn’t take long for them to conceive. They were so delighted to be expecting again, and couldn't’ wait to tell everyone. Thankfully this time Will didn’t try and hit Gabriel, the two men and been getting along much better since Anna was born, they could fight in front of Cecily and she would just brush it off, but little Anna wouldn’t understand why her papa and uncle didn’t like each other, so they made an effort to get along and found out they actually enjoy each other’s company, though Will still loves to tease Gabriel about anything and everything and hasn’t quiet grown out of the habit of calling him Lightworm instead of Lightwood. Anna wasn’t too pleased to be getting a little brother, but when Gideon explained to her that she would get to teach the baby everything and help him and protect him, Anna warmed up to the idea of being a big sister, and stopped asking if they could trade the baby for a puppy. When Cecily was 7 months pregnant, Tessa and Will excitedly announced their own pregnancy with a healthy baby boy, when they announced the wonderful news, Tessa was 5 months along, they had kept it quiet for a while in case anything bad happened. Everyone was thrilled for them, Cecily and Tessa immediately began planning days out with the boys and Anna, and it brought Will and Gabriel closer together, whenever Will was nervous about some aspect of being a father, Gabriel assured him it’s not as daunting as it seems and that everything would be alright once the baby arrived.  
After a smooth, full term pregnancy, Cecily went into labor in the institute while spending time with Will, helping him organize things for when his own son arrived in two months time. When her waters broke, Will had completely panicked and overreacted, running around frantically trying to figure out what to do, while Cecily sat back and watched, amused. When her brother finally calmed down she told him there was no need to summon Brother Zachariah yet or even the midwife, Cecily was barely feeling the contractions and they were at least 20 minutes apart. 
While Cecily was in labor, she had Tessa, Sophie and Charlotte by her side, while Gabriel, Gideon and Henry waited outside and Will looked after Anna in the playroom. 
Her labor was quick but painful, and at 6:04 p.m. on February 20th 1887, Christopher Edmund Lightwood was born, healthy as can be. While Anna was a perfect mixture of her parents, little Christopher looked just like his father, with a few tufts of brown hair, Gabriel’s mouth, nose and bone structure and Cecily’s eye shape. He also had the most beautiful, amazing lavender eyes. They had no idea where he got them from, but it didn’t matter one bit, he was still their perfect little boy. 
 Anna had been having so much fun with her Uncle Will while her mama was having her brother, she was mad at her brother for ruining the fun, as soon as aunt Tessa came in and told them her brother was here, Uncle Will scooped her up and practically ran to the infirmary. But little Christopher was very cute, and having a brother meant there would be suit jackets and waist coats Anna’s size for her to take, instead of her papa’s which were far too big for her. 
“He cute.” Anna says, as Christopher grabs onto her hand. She leans forward and presses a kiss to her brother’s forehead, and adds
“I won’t put him in the bin!” Cecily and Gabriel laugh before Gabriel kisses his daughter’s forehead and softly says 
“Well thank you Anna, that’s very kind of you.” Anna nods as if this is the most considerate thing anyone has ever done and says 
“I be good big sister! I teach him everyfin.” Smoothing his hand over Anna’s dark hair, Gabriel softly says 
“I know you will my love, he’s very lucky to have you.” Anna nods her agreement and says 
“I hold him?”  
“Of course baby, here sit beside me first alright?” Cecily gently says, patting the space on the bed beside her. Anna clambers up and holds her arms out for her brother. 
Cecily carefully passes the baby to her and helps her support his head. 
Anna looks down at her little brother as he squirms around in his blankets, his head full of brown curls nuzzling into his big sister. Anna smiles softly and looks up at her parents, saying 
“He knows I keep him safe!” Gabriel and Cecily share a soft smile, relieved that Anna’s jealousy hasn’t resurfaced and she seems to love her brother very much. 
“Yes he does, and he loves you very much.” Cecily softly says. 
“Uncle Will?” Anna suddenly says, looking around the room for him. 
“Right here Anna.” Will softly says, crouching beside her at Cecily’s bedside and softly running his fingertip's over his nephew’s brown curls. 
“You want hold him?” Anna asks, holding the baby out towards Will. In a stage whisper, Anna then tells Will “I only share him wif you Uncle Will, because you my favorite!” Will laughs and says  “Well thank you cariad! I’d love to hold your brother, but only if it’s okay with your mama and papa.” 
“Of course it’s alright with us!” Cecily says. So Will gently gathers little Christopher into his arms, terrified of dropping him or hurting him. Looking into his little face Will felt a rush of love just like he did when Anna was born, and an urge to protect this little boy. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to hold his own son in a few months. 
“Well hello there Christopher.” Will softly says, smiling widely at his nephew, beginning to feel giddy about being an uncle again and about almost being a father. “Look Tess.” Will softly says, turning to his wife. “Isn’t he perfect?” Tessa smiles softly down at her nephew and gently strokes his little cheek with the back of her finger, she had a feeling he would be much calmer than his big sister, who you could hear coming from a mile away. 
“He certainly is. Hello Christopher, sweet boy.” Tessa softly coos. 
“Do you want to hold him?” Will asks. Tessa is hesitant for a moment, before she nods. Once Will hands her the baby he steps back and watches her softly talking to him and kissing his little forehead, she was going to be a wonderful mother and Will could not wait to see her with their own child. 
Little James Herondale was born two months later, making the institute a very busy place, with four adults, two babies and a toddler. 
When Christopher and James were thirteen, Will was delighted to see them become good friends, along with Matthew Fairchild and Thomas Lightwood. Anna remained extremely protective of ‘her boys’ as she referred to James and Christopher (and later on Matthew and Thomas), even when they boys were in their late teens and early twenties, Anna was always watching out for them. In years to come, when only Tessa was left to remember her children and nieces and nephews, one thing that always stuck out in her mind was the close bond between Anna and the four boys, there was something special about those five and their relationship, and Tessa could never forget it. 
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