incorrectbbcrobinhood · 3 months
Much: Which way did they go? Djaq: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess they went left. Much: You could really figure it out from that? Djaq: No, you idiot, they sent me a letter. See?
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scribblesincrayon · 5 months
In honor of My Gang to Me 2024, here’s an old fic in a brand new repost!
Never forget the outlaws!
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Maybe "do any of you know what treason is?" "I know what torture is" is the true heart of the show
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a-heart-of-kyber · 2 years
The best Will and Djaq scene is in 2x4 when he was being held back by All of the Men in the group and is inconsolable, and then Djaq just calls his name. He looks to her and she puts her hand in his chest and he just, stops. For just a moment, he stops and calms down, following her lead.
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sherwood-forest-witch · 10 months
Allan A Dale has always thought mostly about himself. Jennie has always felt so alone. Until they met.
Betrothed to the horrible nobleman Sir Arthur Allston of Northampton against her will, Marian and Robin's gang help to rescue her from the wedding. She then decides to join them in helping the poor. Will she find more than just friendship among the outlaws? What does Allan's eventual betrayal mean for the both of them? Will there be a wedding in the end after all? ** Mostly canon in the broad scheme, in terms of series of events. But some lines/actions of Djaq will be from Jennie (OC) instead. And there will be lots of changes moving into Series 3 territory because BOY did they do everyone so dirty. Also forgive the beginning, I know it’s a little iffy. **
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imagesofcelebrities · 2 years
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Anjali Jay
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not so good today. will be around on and off maybe later.
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eurosleazarchive · 2 years
love seeing the things i support (weird sex) on my dash.
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inbox call. you like this, i go into your inbox and bring chaos to you personally. 
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scribblesincrayon · 1 year
My Gang To Me 2023
In honor of this all-important fandom anniversary (17 years since the show first aired, and 831 years since the day Robin rescued the Locksley Four), I have written RH fanfic for the first time in over a decade! 
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Legacy (415 words; one shot)
The boy huffs, annoyed. He yanks his hand out of his father’s larger one and kicks a pebble across the cobblestones. 
“I’m bored.” 
The father chuckles and ruffles the boy’s hair. “Patience, habibi. We’re on a quest. These things take time.” 
Time, the boy thinks. It took six hours to fly from Jordan to London, two hours on a train from London to Nottingham, another hour on the road from there. All that time, just to wander around an old church yard? 
“Why are we here anyway?”
“Ah.” The father stops, looks down at his son, indulgent. “It’s a tradition, see. My father brought me here when I was your age, and his father brought him, and his father’s father, and so on.”
His curiosity piqued, the boy prods the father for more. “Is that the quest? Are we looking for treasure?” He scuffs the ground with his feet, eyes wide. “Is it buried under here? In the church.”
The father laughs, the sound reverberating across the old stones of the churchyard. “Not that kind of treasure. We’re here to find our legacy.”
He notes his son’s confusion and grabs his hand. “Come with me, I think I know where it is.”
They find it under the arching boughs of an old yew, a short pillar of moss-covered stones, unremarkable, maybe even forgotten. The boy frowns. “Is this it?” He scratches his head and squints up at his father. “What is it?” 
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“It’s a memorial. Like a marker. To honor a man who lived a very long time ago.”
The boy nods. This feels solemn, so he keeps his voice down, even though they are all alone in the church yard. “What was his name?” 
“Will Scarlett.” 
The boy repeats the name a few times, letting the foreign sound--Scarlett, Scarlett--roll around his mouth. “Was he important? Like a king?”
The father leans over and whispers. “No, even better. He’s our ancestor!” 
The boy’s eyes widen in shock. “But…how? We’re not even from here.”
The father smiles, his lesson in legacy just beginning. “There’s a story. Would you like to hear it? It might take a while.”
“I have time!”
Time, the father thinks. It took years of war to force a young Saracen woman to journey to England, and even more years of privation for a poor Englishman to follow her to the Holy Land, and then more than 900 years of birth and love and injustice and death and birth again to bring it all back together, the true legacy of a band of never-quite-forgotten outlaws.
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whcrror · 1 year
INTRO: This is the big topic we wanted to speak about, because it has hurt real people in the community, and while we will not be taking a direct stance ourselves on the nature of this behavior, we do want to warn people who may be hurt by this in the future. In the grand scheme of things, the response to such behavior on Djaq's part has not been quite satisfactory despite her being upfront about the issues she's gone through regarding this topic in the past. However we also have monitored the situation as it unfolded, and do not believe she's being 100% transparent about the entire thing.
PREFACE: we know there are people who would like to call these allegations ridiculous in defense of Djaq. These people claim that the individuals hurt by this ,or the people who find Djaq's behavior offensive are invalid. The main reason these allegations are being swept under the rug, are because 'being sex positive about trans muses is not fetishizing' which we agree with wholeheartedly. we'll continue below.
While we agree, being sex positive of trans and cis muses alike isn't fetishizing, that's not the issues being raised with Djaq anyway. However, again, we understand if trans or non-binary people DO NOT have an issue with Djaq's actions. However that DOES NOT and WILL NEVER diminish the feelings of those people who are trans or non binary, WHO HAVE BEEN HURT BY HER BEHAVIOR.
So before going on, we'd like to say that the issue here is not regarding the idea of 'Djaq being "not allowed" to smut with, smut against, or write smut for muses that are trans'. We do not believe that has anything to do with it.
We believe the issue raised initially was regarding putting too much emphasis on genitalia in general, when it is in relation to gender. Cisgender, or transgender muses alike. (There's also another issue we'll discuss when we review the post, having to do with mutation)
To be transparent as well, we'd like to tag @whorrcr, @nintcnhoe , @whorrcr-moved , and @thewhorrcrs despite our respecting her decision not to engage. That is not the point of this point.
Now that we have that out of the way..
THE BEGINNING / INITIAL ANONS/SITUATION REGARDING SOMEONE FINDING DJAQ'S BEHAVIOR OFFENSIVE: The issues raised had been so on a now deleted blog. The URL of this blog was chryscs/laetuus (same blog, the url was just changed), and it was deleted as a direct result of the situation we'll go on to detail. Unfortunately we do not have screenshots of the original posts, however while we do not expect anyone to take our word for it: we have seen the post that originated the initial complaint regarding her behavior.
What we do have are the screenshots of the catalyst to the blog: chryscs/laetuus, being deleted. These include anons Djaq was sent by a concerned party, who is non-binary, that had been hurt or otherwise exhausted by her behavior. This individual saw it as a genuine issue. We will include those below and talk about it.
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First we'd like to say that it seems Djaq was, and is open to the criticism. We're not trying to say otherwise. We've kept the URL private whom sent the ask, however you can read the screenshots above regarding the issues raised by this individual.
FETISHIZATION: We would like to say that while we do not know whether or not this was the opinion shared by the individual who sent the ask, we can understand that the issue of fetishizing is likely more-so in relation to the amount of smut that is featured on Djaq's blog. Smut is at the forefront, self admittedly, of Djaq's blogs and always has been. The amount of smut featured these days (and for the tenure of the recent URL whorrcr) is more-less the entirety of it, which supports the fetishization claims. If smut is the only thing a character is being used for, it could be seen as fetishization. Especially when putting such a heavy emphasis on this.
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Like we said, the issues raised above in the ask (while Djaq hasn't been transparent about everything) can be read and digested at your own leisure, and we do not wish to make a direct statement either way. Other than perhaps an attempt to explain the overall point that was trying to be made, we can trust you to formulate your own opinions. I'm not sure which of Djaq's friends or defenders have seen this due to it having appeared on a deleted blog.
DISCUSSING A POST MADE BY DJAQ REGARDING THE SITUATION: This post, which is the pinned post on Djaq's callout blog (thewhorrcrs), She addresses these allegations. This is because we've brought them up in our first post. We'd like to break down some of the things we find upsetting in this post.
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This was directly referencing the ask. While we would argue the ask certainly wasn't taken well, that's for you to decide as well, as an adult individual ingesting this information. However, the post Djaq made about wanting to have equal amounts of ftm/mtf muses was taken poorly when in direct relation to her previous behavior, which began with this specific incident.
WHAT INCITED THIS ASK BEING SENT TO DJAQ: If we recall, the POSTS specifying genitalia that prompted the asks shown above, were either small bios or starter calls (made by Djaq). These bios specifically mention the specific genitalia of each muse. We'll speak more about the post she's referring on her 'old blog' later , or in a separate post -- as I do think this might warrant two parts. However I don't want to get too off-topic.
DELETED BLOG: Djaq mentions she wasn't sure if she deleted the blog chryscs/laetuus, but we find that hard to believe based on the two post that Djaq had made directly FOLLOWING the posting of the asks she received (again, shown above).
Here's the claim made on thewhorrcrs:
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Here are the posts that came before the deletion of chryscs/laetuus:
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DISCLAIMER/REMINDER: We would like to make sure that everything is addressed here, considering the seriousness of the allegations raised in all of these screenshots. We apologize if we bounce around a little in terms of topics, however we are trying to organize all of the information in relation to the screenshots. We appreciate your understanding.
POTENTIAL BI-PHOBIA/ERASURE AND HOMOPHOBIA: Now, let us go on. It is referenced in this post that even after making changes, she's been labelled as bi-phobic, homophobic, and a terf. We have some potential reasons of why that might be, other than the fact that as far as we are aware, two of the three people she's attacked in the past have been bisexual, or lesbian.
POTENTIAL BI-PHOBIA / CHANGING GAEA'S SEXUALITY: Djaq's main original character Gaea's sexuality has been notably changed on more than one occasion. Mostly from pansexual to heterosexual. We could see how this could be described as erasure. We do have evidence of this, we'll include it below (first two being same character sheet with different sexuality - first from glysimachia-blog, the second from herbtm):
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The idea of 'sticking to what I (Djaq) know' has also been said in relation to her changing the sexuality, as well.
DEHUMANIZING TRANS PEOPLE: Now I'd like to specifically discuss the 'portraying trans muses through the lens of being mutants or unnatural'. (issue raised in ask). I'll allow Djaq to explain:
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I'd like to bring up that Djaq did mention that 'someone else' (aka the person whom sent the ask displayed above) had brought this up, and it had not been taken well.
Either way, there is not much responsibility taken, or understanding shown on Djaq's part. Especially regarding why this specific portrayal (or any of the issues raised back then, or now) could have offended trans, or non-binary people. It seemed to be all about Djaq defending herself instead of empathizing with others. We think this point is adequately raised by the non-binary person who sent in the initial complaint, so I'll let them explain below with an excerpt:
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DEHUMANIZING/OFFENDED INDIVIDUALS: I'd also like to bring to light another trans individual who has raised their discomfort about the same behavior, and this is only relevant because people who defend Djaq are sweeping this behavior under the rug as something that does not effect trans people:
It doesn't matter if her friends that are trans don't have an issue with it. That is their human right. However, multiple people DO have an issue with it, and it's not fair people who are being hurt by this are being diminished and it is being reduced to not a big deal:
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This was done to this character specifically for fetish purposes, and is fetishization. Period. This is admitted by Djaq to have happened, which is why we are treating this current topic as fact.
Here's another post below that backs up claims about the initial complaint being about heavy emphasis (unneeded emphasis) on genitalia, and the Lady D situation:
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Djaq has said multiple times that she wants to learn from this behavior, which is much appreciated. However the tone we find she (Djaq) uses is very accusatory and not encompassing of the entire situation. It also includes language that may diminish the problem at large, and it will come into play while discussing the more recent attacks launched on cartaxus, Djaq's more recent inclusion on DNI's, and how this prior situation and how it was handled by Djaq played a role in people becoming uncomfortable with her more recent posts and behavior. (Reminder that the situation lead to the harassment of another individual on behalf of Djaq's friends, and arguably more than one individual which have been discussed prior).
Below i'm including a post we'll revisit in part two because it is relevant, but it is just another example of a trans person indicating the issues with Djaq's behavior (both in the past, and in relation to what she has posted more recently), and how they were effected by it. This screenshot was taken from a publicly available DNI before it was removed, and any identity has been left out for privacy (click for better quality):
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The post above also validates the idea of the issue being far from the portrayal of different walks of life.
This is all for part one: as in part two we would like to get more in-depth on what has happened more recently -- all which lead to the DNI made by cartaxus, and the subsequent false smear campaign that followed )by those associated with Djaq). It goes over some additional behavior that could be identified as unsavory, in relation to this initial conversation. I believe it will be more beneficial to go over this in a separate post so that nothing is confused.
Thank you for reading and have a lovely night. Please remember do not harass anyone, including Djaq. See you soon.
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unvendaval · 1 year
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how dare you . how dare you !!! i don't like talking about myself . * proceeds to write like ten paragraphs * let's see ... i think i'm proud to see how far i've come around here , specially considering english is not my first language and it shows BAKSDHFKJS but i've gotten better . and i think writers on the same boat as me deserve way more credit than they get . i learned english on this platform , and it's opened my horizons to not only more perspectives , but it's also helped me access other dimensions of my creativity and , of course , meet some pretty cool people . when i say this blog is a study of the music in my mind & the yearning in my heart , i mean it : learning a new language has worked for me as a safety blanket for expressing inner thoughts , being vulnerable ( because YES , it's a silly hobby but it's also a vehicle for sentiment & vulnerability ) , new ideas , & ultimately forming deep , long - term bonds with people around here . the challenge of writing here has shaped me into a better artist & a better co - worker when it comes to my artistry , which i'm so thankful for .
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sherwood-forest-witch · 4 months
alright alright alriiiiight! we got lucky chapter 13!!
ehehe things are about to pop off from here lemme tell you...
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imagesofcelebrities · 2 years
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Anjali Jay
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mygangtome · 1 year
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An AU of series 1. Upon discovering the “King” is a false one, Much runs first to the gang, and to Nottingham. As…
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adveanture · 2 years
tswift tag drops:  allan a’ dale,  bbc robin hood pt. 2
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   robin.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   the  gang.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   guy.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   marian.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   djaq.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   kate.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   will.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   much.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   john.
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