#idk mags does this make sense
Maybe "do any of you know what treason is?" "I know what torture is" is the true heart of the show
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shadow-the-crow · 6 months
In a youtube comment, someone said that the spider episodes of tma actually helped with their arachnophobia for some reason, and after ep 60 (the observer effect) i think i get what they mean.
I was pretty paranoid as a kid, i often felt like something was watching/following me when i was alone and especially in the dark. It has mostly gone away since, but since i've started listening to this podcast, it has gotten worse again for some reason. So when i saw this episode was about being watched, i thought "well this one might be bad"...
And for a moment, it was worse than what i imagined. The "behind you" really got to me. And then there was the mirror and she said there was something behind her in the mirror, and at that point i was internally screaming, feeling watched myself and frantically hiding under my blanket.
But then there was the description of the face and the eyes and that... really calmed me down. For the rest of the episode, i wasn't really scared anymore. It's almost comforting to imagine that whenever someone is feeling watched - in this podcast or in real life -, it's this face. I think it's because the thing that really terrifies me when i feel watched is having no idea what is watching me. The inexplicable, intangible dread - the feeling that it could be anything and probably something worse than i could ever imagine. Imagining it's a specific entity makes it far less scary - if it's a huge creepy face, okay, it's a huge creepy face, but i know what it is. And i don't care if it watches me, as long as it's not doing anything else, because now it's tangible. Does this make sense?
I think i'm gonna imagine this face every time i feel watched from now on and it will probably calm me down. Thanks to Rusty Quill for helping with my fear i guess.
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dallonwrites · 11 months
feeling silly might submit the one flash piece i have that's submittable (lol) to another litmag just to see what happens.
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thefleshyougoveggie · 8 months
mag 188 is one of the few tma episodes that actually makes me scared, like my body just… gets anxiety…
which makes a lot of sense considering my years of social anxiety hahaha
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clawfootcoffin · 8 months
magnus protocol ep 4
ive got some thoughts
spoilers for the magnus protocol ep 4 (duh) and the magnus archives next!! scroll past if you intend to listen, it's sooo good! ♥♥
tbh i did expect augustus to be Jonah, and initially agreed with every theory that accepted that, but hearing his voice, idk??? it really does sound similar to Leitner. even though he's LONG dead now.
i brainstormed some possible answers & their explanations:
1a. supporting Leitner: I dont like this one much, but it could make sense that the Leitner of This Particular Universe met the same fate as Sergey Ushanka in MAG 65. Maybe he was pursuing an "organization" of the horrors similar to our Leitner's library? Idk.
1b. Leitner: this one is even worse -- maybe, in the death of Elias's body, Jonah took Leitner's body as his next vessel? idk...... i hope it's not Leitner.
2. Jonah: it could make sense that All Three of Them were transported and given the ole Ushanka Treatment by the universe. especially if you consider the possibility that Jon was also recently dead due to being stabbed by Martin.
the voice is just unfamiliar (to us) bc it's his first body's and not Elias's anymore.
3. Jon: I love the Jonah theory and truly hope that's what it comes out to be -- but! I also very much LOVE the idea of An Older, All-Knowing and All-Seeing rugged Jon that Martin is driven away from due to his complete MADNESS... essentially another Jonah. idk. just Horrors. and in this case, its similarity to Leitner's voice could be because Leitner is literally voiced by Jonny Sims' (the writer, not the character) irl father!
that's all. im so very excited to continue The Magnus Protocol!
I was fixated on TMA for 4 years and it was finally ending.... but protocol really brought me back into it. id like to draw my headcanon designs soon! 🖤
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drownedbycoffee · 7 months
Just finished listening to Tmagp8 and here are some of my initial thoughts when first listening to it because OH MY GOD
(Spoiler warning)
This is a bit of a stretch, but you know the Assessment feedback of all of it (Structure & Organization – 50%; Knowledge – 40%; Understanding – 30%; Analysis – 10; Source Material Usage – 10%)? What if that's just Alex saying how much we actually know about the meta plot??
is this the new Robert Smirke??
"I propose that because these spaces are devoid of persistent humanity and consistent time perception, they have thus become dislocated from humanity’s shared mindscape, and there are unique health risks to people who are over-exposed to this phenomenon." And when it says this, is it invertedly commenting on OIAR? Like how they just constantly go through statements without actually stopping and trying to make sense of them and because they all work the nightshift, they are thrown out of the loop of normal daytime cycles in a sense? maybe it's commenting on what happened to Colin? Or why Teddy left? Tbh I think there are many factors of this episode that could sort of reflect how things are at the OIAR (like the tower that Terrance can't enter but still knows of its existence is a metaphor to the Magnus Institute that Sam is curious about but doesn't explore it at first because Alice discouraged him not to. But then like Terrance does actually enter the tower that is forbidden and ominous which is similar to how Sam still is looking into the Magnus Institute, as revealed at the end of the episode)
Also the repetition of "It’s my pleasure to welcome you! You are here! Stay awhile!” could sort of link to now that Sam has continued to explore about the Magnus Institute, he won't be able to stop and abandon his investigation into it. Also links to the whole thing of how obviously in TMA there's the whole thing of not being able to leave and how when RedCanary entered the Mag Institute, they didn't leave. And I feel like this is particularly reinforced by this quote from the chef, "The chef spoke again, and though his tone hadn’t changed, it was clear this was no longer a request: “Stay awhile.”"
Also if we are going with the theory of Jon and Martin communicating with the OIAR through statements, then if Martin chose this one, is he trying to say something about their current situation? Like when it says, "They weren’t even windows. They were gaping square holes and beyond them was nothing at all. Any one of the diners could reach out if they had a mind to and plunge their hand outwards into the dark, foreboding and utterly featureless void. There was nothing. Nothing above, nothing below, nothing at all. Nothing, save the tower and the restaurant." Maybe Windows 95 has a darker side to it that we don't know about yet? Or could just be Martin trying to be poetic and lament about his and Jon's current situation? Could link to how alone they both are, and suspended in a void after the change in dimensions? Like the void referred to could mirror what the computer is like when it's turned off? I know it's a bit of a stetch but yeah idk
Also maybe this part (And so when faced with the prospect of being eaten alive, or leaping out one of those windows into pure oblivion… it was no choice at all. I jumped.") is just Martin trying to explain how he went with Jon when destroying the Panopticon in TMA, but instead of being eaten alive, it's having to live with Jon becoming the bigger part of the Eye?
Then there's the whole thing of Alice saying how she doesn't like all the changes that are happening and she thinks that something is going on in the OIAR which I find interesting considering how she was so prominently detached she was before
ALSO COLIN!! Mental health leave? Seriously Lena? Ik he smashed Sam's phone, which probably isn't a good display of stable mental health, but it feels like she is trying to stop him from figuring out what is happening in true a Bouchard style. Brutal pipe murder when you don't want someone telling your archivist about what the hell is going on and 'interrupting your plans'? No, for Lena it's not-so-kindly removing someone when they start to realise you're a secret evil mastermind who's a failed-murderer
ALSO GERRY IS BACK!! FUCK YEAH! AND GEE GEE?! IM DYING- but it's a bit suspicious how he conveniently doesn't remember what happened to him (idk if this has been explained in the ARG, if it has, then just ignore me) and old books?? give this guy a break pleaseee
Also I feel like Camden Epiphany is going to be relevant later on since Gerry said, "Don’t forget Camden Epiphany!". I searched up supernatural theories about Camden, London and this was the first result:
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it could be related or not, I haven't looked into it properly yet
also mention of the hunt?? what do you mean by that Gertrude-
and i'm 95% Celia is the same one from tma universe considering she is looking into "Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff." but time travel?? Celia what do you know?...
ALSO GEORGIE IS BACK YESSSS but is this the same Georgie as tma Georgie? And if Celia AND Georgie from tma are both in this dimension, does that mean that Melanie is too?
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deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
Elizabeth Hurst headcanons?
Also I'm really sorry this turned out more lore than headcannons???
So I have thought about this a LOT, not Elizabeth Hurst in particular, but all of the Five and her. Imo noone, especially especially especially children, act out for no reason so WHY was Elizabeth like that? The Five, having been caught up with Elizabeth, and of course the reasons explained in JFP, have plausible explanations for why they were essentially spiteful hags (that doesn't make it ok mind you!!!)
But Elizabeth??? There's nothing!!! The motive is explained ofc (her Burn Book like. 70 years before Mean Girls) but why does she like to collect secrets? I know it says it was a way of keeping people close to her but why does Elizabeth feel the need to do this to have friends? And now someone has ASKED me about this!!!
- she's an only child. She has to be. If she had grown up with a sibling, she would not have turned out the way she did and I absolutely stand by this
- if Elizabeth Hurst had had a sibling whether brother or sister, older or younger, she would have known about being bonded to someone, to care about someone so much you hate them, and to hate them so much you're filled with only care for them
- idk man, sibling relationships make me really feral ok!!! And it's so crucial to me for Elizabeth not to have one
- she is an only child, and has all the worst side effects from this!!!
- and her parents are SO weird about this. As a child they are always saying to her 'if you had a sister she wouldn't do that/she'd've done this/she would have done it better'
- and ofc there's noone there to be resentful at because she Does Not have a sister!
- and obviously the resentment needs to go somewhere and so Elizabeth learns to hate herself age 7. Which is obviously detrimental to a child!!! So she's already a little fucked up, essentially
- she has a governess until quite late in her teens as her father doesn't approve of the 'nonsense' they teach at girls schools, but he relents as he has been informed a girls with her wits about her is now a desirable match
- age 16 she starts at Deepdean School For Girls
- she's not the cleverest in her class (due to her father's views on girls and being clever) but she is the politest, and the most presentable, thanks to her governess and so very swiftly earns the teachers notice, and approval
- there is one shining first term at boarding school where Elizabeth is happy, she has friends, she was Good Enough for them! She didn't know how good it felt to have friends
- And then her parents arrive, for the half term or the exeat, or a hockey match (whatever holiday makes most sense)
- and she introduces them excitedly to her friends
- "this is Florrie, Florence I mean, we're on the hockey team, and that's Mags- Margaret and Una, we've just started a book club together! Enid's only a dayboarder, worst luck, but Lettice should be around here somewhere..."
- her parents take her out to dinner, and they start telling her how wonderful it would be to have the Five as daughters instead of her.
- her father says "you know, I've always respected scholarship earners. They worked twice as hard to get in! I'd be proud to have Enid as a daughter. Elizabeth, you should be more like her, none of these truly absymal B+ grades you've been producing."
- and her mother says "that Lettice Prestwich was such a beautiful thing, she's going to be SUCH a heartbreaker. I could only dream of such a perfect daughter. Elizabeth, maybe try to be a bit more like Lettice, darling..."
- and all the resentment she's been feeling, and aiming at herself, is now targeting the Five. They become her sisters in her head, the ones her parents think are better.
- she has never been good enough for her parents, so Elizabeth desperately wants to find out why everyone else IS.
- she tears their room apart in anger and frustration, and the secrets come crawling out.
- Nobody is perfect. Nobody is good enough. None of them will ever be perfect, and so she wants them, makes them, stick by her side
- they can pretend they're perfect all they like but Elizabeth knows the truth about them
- they're a fucked up little ecosystem of a family being held hostage by Elizabeth Hurst. But she still thinks they're family.
Also just quickly I think given even the smallest change of circumstances Daisy could have Very Easily turned out like Elizabeth Hurst.
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Hey Saph! @wings-of-sapphire/ @signed-sapphire
Stupid tumblr tends to glitch and not let me edit my drafts for some damn reason so sorry for the inconvenience and that it took so long. I have to screenshot your ask and my response down. 😭😭😭
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- Interestingly enough, Mag’s main motive is not really to gain more power. (It’s still one of the benefits though, so sure. He’ll take power. Yayyy.) But most of the evil actions he does is out of vengeance. Losing his village took its toll on him. The universe turned its back on him so he feels like he’s justified to take something back for himself.
So now, he finds pleasure in putting others under distress in the same way he used to be.
- So as I said in my previous point, Magnifico loves toying/playing with his victims. Giving them that fake sense of hope and security just to see their look when they realise they’ve been fooled. (But this hypocrite hates being the laughing end of that stick lmaooo)
- He can be superficially charming and manipulative to get what he wants. But it is relatively easy to break down his facade compared to Amaya because of his anger issues.
- He would project his own insecurities/issues towards other people to lower their own self-esteem. An “I’m down, so other people are coming down with me” mentality.
- Just like Star, and being a parallel of Star, Magnifico assumes that people only really like him for what he could offer them. So he could be already suspicious and assuming the worst whenever you ask him for a favour. It’s a contradicting feeling. One, he loves the attention. But on the other hand, he’s so pissy on how ungrateful people are and always expect something from him no matter how much he tries.
(Especially with his belief that his father only valued him as a potential heir and never really saw him as a son. This isn’t true. Oliver is just horrible at communication)
- I imagine Magnifico’s relationship with King Oliver is similar to Shen and his parents from KFP2. How both believed their parents “hated them��� for never reaching what was expected of them.
- Magnifico is highly likely to underestimate things and can be impulsive. Amaya usually helps with giving him some second-thoughts and opinions before he could go and do something stupid.
- Mag smiles at the smallest compliments and gets a tiny bashful at certain flirts.
- Magnifico does get symptoms of PTSD from time to time. He can be set off just with the look of uncontrolled fire and he overthinks and gets stressed when things are beyond his control in the kingdom.
(I am just now remembering Aled’s drawing of the Starboys burning the kitchen down. Hmmmmm……)
And tbh, that’s really all I could think of right now. Idk, he makes more sense in my head and I think it will click when I actually start to get into writing his scenes. I’ve made him quite complex that even I couldn’t put it into proper words. 😅
But if you really want to get to know his vibe, I think these songs might help give you an idea. The first one is like, my go-to song when I think of RFTS!Mag’s character though:
Also, @signed-sapphire, I read through your TFS!Au and if I understood it correctly, our Magnifico’s are basically:
“I’ve suffered through so much, so I’ll do anything I could to keep our people safe and not let it happen again.”
“I’ve suffered through so much, so the ungrateful btches of this kingdom will feel my wrath because I say so-“
Look me in the eyes. Are you sure our AUs aren’t made to be this hilarious Swap!version of the other or something? This is getting freaky-
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celabi · 1 year
Mag, what do you feel about the other writers using sccummy scara but their scara degrades reader? Do you still think it's quite alright? Thougts🤔? -🗣
If you write scara degrading reader, then that ain’t my scummy scara anymore that’s yours 💀💀 no but like my vers of him, he’s a lil cutie pie who would rather DIE then say one mean word to his darling. If he’s mean :( more like his canon self, and not head over heels in love, then he’s not rly THE original scummy scara anymore, he’s just… scara, y’know? Your version. Does that makes sense? Idk
Anywho. Even though I’m the OG 😘😘, and everything i write is CANON purrr, anyone can write him however they want
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wasteland-wrecker · 2 months
Okay, idk if you have answered this questions
How does ur sole feel about the other factions. Specifically, The Minutemen and BOS
He’s actually a Minuteman undercover (I mean, he definetly looks like a Minuteman, look at him!).
He doesn’t believe the Minutemen’s strenght and army could possibly destory the Institute: that’s why he became a sentinel of the BOS. In his head he had this plan: use the BOS armaments and gear (and that Liberty Prime transformer or what) to swipe away the Institute from the Commonwealth, then possibly betray Maxson and blow up the Prydwen after (this is not possible in-game ofc) and STEAL the gear for the Minutemen. He’s not into BOS ideals, but he’s also far away from the Railroads ideals.
MM ideals works fine to him. They’re a bit flat in the game but… he’s the General and he could potentially drive them in the right direction.
Toby’s moral is not black or white, more grayish.
He met Gage while standing with the MM. He thinks that Gage’s plan could actually work if the 3 groups weren’t RAIDERS. Come on, thinking about the long terms as well, how can you deal with 3 gangs of people who HATE each other, do chems and alchool and are eager of more power (Mags, Mason and Nisha). They could like… stab you in the back at any time??? How do you sleep at night??? It would make more sense to keep ONE SINGLE gang to me, or work with gunners instead.
So yeah, he just does it all for Gage.
If Toby could change Gage’s mind with some good dialogue options, he would take him to the MM…
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bubbl3s-dot-jpg · 7 months
Oh boy here we go again
This statement is giving me major stranger and flesh vibes. Maybe a bit of spiral I've been thinking a lot about desire because that's a common theme others have noticed and I see that in this one as well. The desire to eat, the desire to consume. That might be a but out there, idk.
The stranger thing is really obvious, but I want to break it down anyway. The approximation of human speech really got to me. It was like I could hear it. And the features replicating acrosses faces. I know I'd never be able to pick that up, but I know that it would feel just the littlest bit off, which would be obviously disorientating. And then the eating flesh thing. There is something to be said for the monstrousness of people who eat other human flesh. There are long recorded myths, legends, and religions that state that those who eat human flesh become sick or otherwise monstrous. It's often that they continue to look human, but are somehow other. I think, whether or not that's intentional, adds an interesting stranger-themed layer
Also the fact that no one noticed the narrator was gone. Sounds like a not-them type sitch. to me
You know what makes me really happy? Gerard sounds happy. He sounds like he's enjoying himself. He sounded cynical and sort of mirthless in his MAG episode, which makes sense, considering he's dead. He sounds genuinely happy. I'm curious about how much of what he said was the truth. He seems to take cues from Gertrude and if she's anything like MAG Gertrude, she has no qualms lying when she feels it's in her best interest.
Also people call him Gerry. He has friends <3
The gifted program at the Magnus Institue is interesting to me. If I were willing to wager my money, I'd say It has something to do with collecting fear from children or marking them like Jon was marked with Mr Spider. The fact that Gerry never went back implies to me that it's something like the former. I feel like the inclusion of books is important here.
Does anyone notice the way the audio crackles when names for people who exist in MAG appear? Georgie's was the most prominent because almost everything else was quiet, but when gerry and gg were introduced, there were crackles as well
This was a really good episode. I was very riveted the whole time. I'm excited to see Gerry, Gertrude and Georgie return later on.
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sirenascelestiales · 6 months
It's been a long time since I read the books so I could be wrong, but I remember that Penelope isn't that mean as Lady Whistledown as in the show. Like she mostly makes comments on clothes and whose courting who and normal stuff happening in the ton, non of the problematic things she did in the show ( exposing Marina, Eloise) ever happen in the books, so it does make sense that the bridgerton are still cool with her and other ton members also don't care . The show on the other hand, I feel like Penelope's reveal might cause way more problems, she has ruined too many reputations ( including the bridgerton's) and even challenged the queen I can't see them celebrating her "accomplishments" like in the book. I really wish they focus on how her writings has caused pain to other people including those she loves and have her reflect some of her actions and realize she was wrong in using her power, but like you said they probably won't.
That’s a good point actually! It does put them closer to the “you HAVE to acknowledge the damage” category. I just don’t think they will. At least, not for very long and not well. Like for all we know the Queen will find out and reward her and use her in a way, like idk help her make her the “official gossip mag” endorsed by the Queen or something equally ridiculous. (Again I think they’ll have a “simple solution” to any problem. Maybe they’ll have Eloise help her! We won’t acknowledge it after they make up! How will they make up? Who cares watch Anthony be cute with Kate and watch a hot scene between Colin and Pen).
Listen, if I’m proven to be wrong and the Bridgerton writers manage to acknowledge Pen’s exposure of Marina/Colin, and Eloise/Radicals (at minimum cause she wrote about everyone right?) on a nuanced level that will be a bonus for me watching pretty people Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan fall in love.
But!!! because I think they’re gonna focus on pretty people falling in love, I’m gonna slide down the glossing over they do so I can watch them fall for one another and bang.
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shadow-the-crow · 6 months
Listened to mag 83 and had some thoughts:
I love the "i need to record it" - how it's becoming a recurring thing.
In season 1 Jon was only recording the statements, just because it was the next best thing to digitalizing them (or at least so he thinks).
In season 2 he starts recording his conversations with his coworkers, and he says "i need to record it" at least once (i don't exactly remember), but he has the excuse of wanting to record exactly what they said so he can construct his paranoid little theories.
Now, in season 3, he has no excuse - there's no logical reason why he would be recording this statement. Saying it's part of his job doesn't make any sense, as Georgie points out, because he was fired (or fled because he was accused of murder, idk). So his only explanation is that it's just what he does - and, again, "i need to record it". Said 2 times, without any further explanation, almost obsessively (funnily making him sound like an addict, right after he said "i'm not on drugs"). And his stammering is making me think he's becoming aware of how illogical this need is. This development is so interesting...
He really must be hungry, huh? I can totally imagine Elias slipping this in the letter box thinking "gotta feed my little archivist"...
Or maybe it really was a warning? Was the mannequin Nikola?
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scruffyssketchbook · 6 months
What type of traits are the main cast(+miku) romantically attracted to?
Blizz: I wouldn’t say he’s outwardly romantically attracted to anything in particular, but he does seem to be attracted to leafeons because of his huge crush on Daisy when they were kids. He’s pretty oblivious to his own feelings romantically. He’d say things like “I like hot chicks!!” But wont react to one unless they are on a Playpoke mag because Flame told him once that that is how he should react when seeing the magazine and Blizz was like "ok!". This changes with leafeons tho. I suppose it’s familiarity? Tho either way, it takes time for him to genuinely become attracted to anyone. Complements will expedite this process.
Dusk: Dusk is into feminine features (and Sylveon). But also!!! He cant help becoming romantically attracted to pokemon that he’s spent a considerable amount of time with. Pokemon who know him and spend time with him, and seem to genuinely care about him. He actually falls for others pretty hard and fast, but he bottles up his feelings and tries to not show them to them. Which honestly just hurts him in the end, but fear is a big factor in it, I suppose.
Eve: Eve is attracted to intelligence and good looks? Idk lol normal tween girl stuff? She doesn’t get easily swept up in romantic words, but she does get swept up when someone does something for her or gives her gifts. If you just try to lure her in with sweet words, she’ll respond with a snarky reply. Gotta put in the effort!
Vay: Vay is not romantically attracted to any traits. Acts of service makes him happy, I guess.
Bolt: Bolt is also not romantically attracted to any particular traits, unlike Blizz, there is no thing that he’s even a tiny bit attracted to out of the gate. He does admire strong willed individuals, but that’s not romantic attraction. I can say that romantic gestures WILL make Bolt very flustered. Like do enough of those and show genuine care for him and he will fall. But! Aside from that? Nothing much lmao. He hates loud, noisy, and destructive individuals though- Like, if you stress him out, he’s like no thank you.
Flame: Flame SAYS he’s romantically attracted to WOMAN. ALL WOMAN, No matter the shape or size. But actually!!!! That’s not quite the case lmao. Flame has only experienced real romantic attraction to individuals that share his hobbies and thoughts. Individuals that are on the same wavelength as he is, regardless of their gender or how they look like. If they share the same views and spend time with each other, Flame will fall HARD (to his dismay). It’s very hard getting close to Flame, as he’s closed himself up to everyone, but if you do break through his hard shell, and spend time with him, you in! Well, unless you remind him of himself. He cant handle being with people that remind him too much of himself because he kind of hates himself.
Daisy: Daisy is romantically attracted to strong individuals. Look STRONG, be HOT, and Daisy will instantly be attracted. But this strength doesn’t just have to be in looks, it could be in other aspects, like your will power, your confidence, how passionate you are in a thing you love doing, etc etc. But ofc, If you butter her up with complements, she will be even more attracted lol. She also likes pokemon with a bit of an adventurous or mischievous side to them, and she LOVES Bad Boys/Girls. Like Villains are her favorite characters. Villain to good guy archetype 10/10.
Dawn: Dawn is romantically attracted to pokemon that have lots of MONEY. (Joking) Dawn is romantically attracted to pokemon that at a baseline- are not horrible. BASICALLY, Dawn has a very high sense of justice, and she despises pokemon that don’t treat others right. You may think this is hypocritical, but Dawn lives by the golden rule “Treat others the way you want to be treated” and if you don’t follow this rule, she’ll TM 15 you into oblivion. Dawn loves complements, and loves communication, she likes loyalty and honesty too. and ofc! Dawn loves a family man lol. She wants a BIG FAMILY, so anyone who shares her want for this and has the other traits is an instant yes for her! Also!!! She doesn’t like overly serious pokemon, or pokemon that hide their feelings from her. Communication is Number one!!!!
Miku: Miku is romantically attracted to Dusk. That is all.
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dandyleyen · 5 months
Spoilers, duh !
This one was a rough listen, y'all. On one hand, it was so interesting. It makes a lot of sense that this is where Jon is going with his whole,,, everything. We've seen him slipping a bit more into actively using his powers as of late, and we got to see that again in the last ep. At first, he wasn't aware he had powers at all, and then down the line when he becomes more aware of certain entities/fears existing, he was often not aware that he was even using his in the first place. Then we see a shift where he is aware of these powers and actively trying not to use them very much while knowing he still has to feed his, which is a rough time for him (the whole podcast is a rough time for him lmao rip buddy), and now we've seen another shift. He is actively trying to use his powers and his moral compass might be shifting a little bit ? He still is very much the Jon we know— in the sense that he is still feeling a lot of guilt (survivor's and otherwise) over past events and that he's trying to find control in his life while doing his best to help. But we also see that he's getting more... at ease, I suppose, with feeding into his being an avatar of the eye.
On the other hand, this episode was also genuinely hard to listen to. You can really hear the character's distress and how pained she sounds by having to relive her trauma and then feeling like she can't escape it or Jon. She has no clue who he is, just that he's some freak of a guy who kinda took her autonomy away for a moment there and forced her to tell her story that she did not want to tell. It's rough. Also it really highlights the more creepy aspects about The Eye.
I've also seen the theories about her either lying or it maybe not being Jon (he wasn't at all mentioned by name), but I think the lying would be a,,, particularly bad choice on the end of the people writing the show for obvious reasons. Slippery slope thing. On it possibly not being Jon,,, idk actually. He wasn't mentioned but I think it would be a nice addition if it was him because it makes sense within the current narrative since we do see him struggling with his humanity. But hey, who knows. Could be some other supernatural bs. Haven't mentioned the ending much but Martin,,, I love and adore you but you are incredibly frustrating this season. I understand why, but lord. Still love him, I just don't like this plotline for him too much but it does make sense in the narrative so I'm locked in. Also shoutout to Daisy for being the only one here with critical thinking skills !
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houseofpendragons · 8 months
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Well considering the hunger games was originally meant to be a stand alone, I don’t see why she can’t also turn the Ballad into a trilogy…
Yes, I understand she wants something meaningful to write about when she does but there is so much going on in the world that she could pull from.
Also, there is so much left open with Snow at the end of the books. What happened completely between him and Tigris, what other things did he implement into the games, and hell I’ll read his campaign run. We don’t even have to bring Lucy Gray back, leave her a mystery with her song flying around his mind through the last two novels.
The next one could be about his first year as a game maker, now he’s really pulling the strings from behind the scenes, and this time he’s allowed. If he’s already in control, what rules did he find to break regardless. What goes on with him and Gaul. Does he eventually overshadow her and gets rid of her or does she stay with him till she dies?
We can see Mags games, and learn more about her. Was she silenced? I believe so. Those eels at the end of the movie, since she’s the district 4 victor, could be for her games. Who would be the mentors, since it was determined using students was a bad idea but there isn’t possibly enough victors at that time. Did they use university students, the game makers themselves (🤯), or other people? Does Tigris suggest the stylists for her own prerogative, maybe to help a little in all of Coryo’s hurt?
Did they use the same arena based on that throw away line about having cameras down there next year? Or a new arena all together? Do they still keep them in the zoo, only under better conditions, or somewhere else?
Speaking of, I saw something interesting stating that Snow turned his own apartment building into the place where the tributes are taken during Katniss games, bc it has 12 floors. If this is true, how did that come about and when? What happened to the Plinths? Did they ever find out? Probably not, but I want to see this dynamic as well.
Also I want to see what his offer was when he was running for president. Who did he poison, who did he trick and manipulate, and who was on his side? Also HIS WIFE! Did it end up being Livia Cardew
No matter who it is that is something I want to see after his catastrophe with Lucy Gray cause damnnnn. Also her name, Livia Cardew…Livia Drusilla. Oddly, Coryo reminds me more of her than the actual character. It’s rumored she used poisons to subdue her and her husbands enemies, both for his and her own person gain and rise; very snow reminiscent. But what if this is also Livia. Like he originally try’s to hide it but eventually comes to help him if that make sense 🤨
Idk but anyways it could be a trilogy, she could explore the corruption of politics and power in general. Presidential candidates lie all the time, they tell you what you want to hear, they manipulate others into voting and a lot more goes on behind the scenes that were just not privileged to know. She could explore that with snow. Power being corrupting could also be snow but it’d be interesting if it was Livia his wife. Imagine she’s against him but eventually she becomes like him as well because the power becomes her cloak. Tigris and Mags could be a call back to Lucy and Snow from the first book maybe, or something of their own. I like to think that Mags knew Coral and Mizzen they could both bond on losing the ones they loved. Mags about Coral and Mizzen and Tigris about (the old) Coriolanus.
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