#willis ts3
solori · 6 months
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cavernsofdarkness · 1 year
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~ WIP ~
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dreamsongsims · 2 years
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Willy is the owner/operator of the Fish Shop at the beach in Pelican Town. The household is available for download at SFS and TS3 Exchange. All content in the file comes from TS3 Expansions, Stuff Packs, and TS3 Store.
Willy at Stardew Valley Wiki
LTW: Present the Perfect Private Aquarium
Career: Self-Employed Angler
Traits: Adventurous, Angler, Loves to Swim, Sailor, Vehicle Enthusiast
Skills: Cooking, Fishing, Handiness, Scuba Diving
Favorites: Beach Party, Fish-n-Chips, Aqua
Zodiac: Leo
Personal Inventory: Skimtron Outboard Speedboat (Sturgeon Skimmer)
Stardew Valley Sims 
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aisquaredchoco · 1 year
I'm still here, just like to let you all know..🤗
I've been getting myself used to playing the game (yeah not just for testing stuff and taking pics) to take breaks from cc making and that big TS3 related project I spoke about making.
Here's Willie, the doggo I'm currently playing with..
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And also a sneak peek of what I've been converting lately..starting with these rugs from Ikea and Bon Voyage. And more to come hopefully..
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treason-and-plot · 3 years
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There is a knock at the door and they turn to be greeted by Athena's doctor. He introduces himself as Dr. Willis Babb, and he has slicked back mouse-coloured hair and a well-practiced if slightly frayed smile.He explains that Athena's x-rays indeed show she has a hip fracture, but because the splintered bones look like they can be properly realigned he feels the best treatment would be a hip repair, which involves stabilizing the fractured broken bones with surgical screws. He doesn't think Athena needs hip replacement surgery, which is great news! The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and should take between two to four hours. Do they have any further questions?
"How long will Mum have to stay in hospital?" asks Joël. "Probably around seven days," says Dr. Babb. "She should be able to get out of bed the day after surgery. In fact, I encourage it. Over the next few days, she will begin light exercises. The better she does with the exercises, the quicker she'll get her strength and movement back and the quicker she'll be allowed to go home." "How long will recovery take altogether?" asks Joël. "Six months to a year," says Dr. Babb. Anita feels her face growing cold. "Seriously?" says Joël. "Do you live close to your mother?" Dr. Babb asks. "No," says Joël. "We live in Bridgeport," says Anita. "Don't worry, dear," Athena says ."The family of the girl who backed into me said they would organise a full-time nurse for me until I get back on my feet. So there's no need there for you to disrupt your lives for me at all!" "No, Mum," says Joël. "That's really nice of them, but you're my mother, and I have an obligation as your son to-" "Oh my gosh, Athena, that is such a lovely and generous gesture!" gushes Anita. "And it'll be such a relief for us when we get back to Bridgeport knowing that you'll be in safe hands! Won't it, darling?" "Anita-" says Joël. "It's part of the perps’ guilt offering!" says Anita. "It's...what God wants them to do to earn His forgiveness, darling! We can't argue with the will of God, can we?"
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mikminicule · 2 years
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abstractwithturkey · 6 years
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Twins, again.
Meet Pete Nix, and Willy Nix.
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swedishsimmerr · 7 years
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It’s also Johannes’ birthday! 
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solori · 5 months
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verysimmerly · 4 years
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I recently started a generation’s legacy a few weeks ago and I can’t stop playing with them. Meet Oliver Willis and Charlotte Sams. My new babies :D
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dreamsongsims · 2 years
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Why EA? Why? Usually I would just change the hair style to one with longer side burns, but this is the closest match to Willy’s hair from SDV. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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notjustabooksims · 3 years
7, 8, 15, 16, 24 ❤
7. Whats the biggest risk you’ve taken with your story? did it pay off?
That would probably be my latest chapter, lol, since it’s the most overtly sexual thing I’ve posted, but since I’m a pretty big perv fan of smut erotica, I really wanted to take the leap. I ended up heavily toning down the sexual content in gen 2 and it means I’m not nearly as satisfied with it as I could have been. Tbh, I’m not even as happy with it in Heartwood as I could be, because the tone up until the sex has been kind of innocent. Anyway, yes, I think it paid off. The reactions I got to the chapter were pretty positive and I think it made a satisfying climax (pun almost not intended) to the romance arc.
8. What about your story are you proud of?
In general for all my stories, I’m just proud of the fact that I’ve completed them. I’m from a family that has a hard time sticking to one thing, so we tend to go from job to job and hobby to hobby all willy-nilly. The fact that I’m consistent enough to stick to this one hobby which I love means a lot. More generally, I’m also proud every time I manage to subvert common tropes and gender stereotypes.
In more specific examples:
For generation 2 I’m proud of Enzo’s arc and how neatly it’s tied up. Gen 2 isn’t perfect by any means, but I think his story is satisfying, at least it was satisfying for me to write and especially the final confrontation with his dad and his meeting his mum again are high points for me.
I’m quite proud of the visuals for Heartwood. Focusing more on set-pieces, interiors, and scenery rather than just showing faces talking has really improved the look. I think it’s a lot more aesthetically pleasing and consistent. Gen 2 had a lot of boring pictures of just sims as they talked and while I still have some of that, I think it’s generally much, much better than it was.
15. What have been the highlights of creating your story?
That will probably always be the writing. I’ve mentioned before that I get, like, super into it when I’m writing emotional scenes - outright tearing up happens, no joke. Writing those scenes is always a rush and a thrill. So even when I look back on a story and realise all the flaws, I can still read those scenes again and relive the emotions and think that what I wrote wasn’t all bad. Structurally and logically, they might be clunkers, but emotionally, I think I kind of nailed a lot of scenes.
16. what about the process do you enjoy?
Heh, well, see the above. But I also enjoy building sets and editing photos, because that’s the part of the process where I can turn my brain off, put on a nice Youtube video, podcast, or audio book, and just be creative. I’m someone who’s blessed with a relatively stable ts3 experience, so I can have a lot of fun with making sets.
24. Are there any characters who remind you of yourself?
Heh, yeah, Enzo from generation 2. Probably mentioned that before, but he shares a lot of my issues, especially feelings of shame and anxiety. I think more than anything, though, I put little bits of myself into all my characters. Gina really loves good food and enjoys life, Lia is a hard worker and motivated to do well at her job, Teo is crafty and creative, and so on. Enzo is the one who’s closest to me, though.
Thanks for asking, Lila! 😊💕
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morgibritt-blog · 7 years
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Apatite: "Don't you go trying to sweet talk me! I will be deciding whether you're good enough for me."
Willie: "Listen here. Don't you go power tripping on me. I will have you sent home faster than you can blink."
Then Apatite went and ruined their cute moment by yelling at Willie and making accusations of him.
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murfeelee · 4 years
Ranking ALL the Sims 3 Expansion Packs - tonitalks
WOW, Tonitalks and I have a lot of similar ideas about the TS3 EPs! ❤️
It’s like, on one hand, every TS3 EP is amazing (especially when compared to the pittance being sold in TS4′s EPs). But on the other hand, EA really dropped the ball in areas where it should have really gone further to expand core gameplay. Even the best EPs had glaring flaws, and tend to fall short of things TS1/TS2 did better. But on the whole, what we got was just enough to keep the TS3 fandom alive even 11 years later. Bless.
MY THOUGHTS (under the cut):
(Unless Tumblr’s flagged it, I could’ve sworn I made an updated Best/Worst post ranking all the TS3 EPs. But the only one still on my blog is my old one I made before I bought all the EPs, though it mostly still aligns with how I feel.)
Toni S A B C D F ranking system is mostly based on which packs have the most content and varied things things to do. Toni’s S A B ranks are her must-owns, while the C D F ranks are her most disappointing games.
S: Generations, Supernatural
Toni’s only complaint about GEN is the Imaginary Friends lifestate, which: same. Frikkin creepy. But the rest of GEN is a MUST-OWN for kids & elders.
And finally! A reviewer giving Supernatural the respect it DESERVES! ^0^ SN was stuffed to the brim; SO much content! Granted, it’s no Makin Magic, and I personally was underwhelmed by Moonlit Falls, as I like Midnight Hollow and Dragon Valley WAY more, but SN is still my favorite TS3 EP, regardless. Anyone who loves the “weird, wonderful and magic“ side of The Sims NEEDS SN. 💯💯💯 (Just make sure to mod the Zombies out or adjust your lifestate settings; whatever works to get rid of them.)
A: Seasons, University
Seasons is an excellent pack--Toni wanted a new world, which: same, but there’s just an ungodly amount of new content in SSNS, it’s the best and most well-made TS3 EP, period. 
To this day I’ve NEVER sent my sims to UNI. I hate school IRL, so unless my sims are going to effing Hogwarts I have no desire to ever bother with the school crap. Toni doesn’t like the 3 social groups, but I actually LOVE them. Almost all of my sims are either Rebels or Nerds. Crazy enough, I love the amount of new content UNI added, I just never use it for my sims’ schooling. I love the radio station, weather machine, whiteboard, skeleton set, etc etc.
B: World Adventures, Pets
For Toni, the main complaint for WA is basically the repetitiveness of the tombs, and their lack of replayability. Yes, technically this is true, as WA veers dangerously close to where TS4 went wrong with all the storyline GPs, as if they’re Castaways or The Sims Medieval. The main difference though is that we can create/download as many new tombs as we want, which 100% keeps WA fresh and interesting for me. But yes, It’s an excellent pack, which is crazy considering it’s the first one for TS3.
Toni's biggest criticism for Pets is how high maintenance horses are, which YES. Unless your sims are rich and own a lot of property, horses are almost impossible to own...but that’s how horses are IRL anyway, so IMO I don’t see that as a negative. The only problem is when you want horses in CC worlds that are too small, where you can't fit in enough 64x64 lots. (So it’s no surprise TS4 didn’t even bother. 🙄 )
C: Ambitions
Toni felt that more could’ve been done with the professions & careers, which, YES! Too many rabbithole careers, and not enough interactions. I freaking love that they added professions with playable firehouses and private investigators, but I too wish that every career could just be opened up; I hate rabbitholes. And she thought Twinbrook was meh, but I think Twinbrook’s one of the better EP worlds. (The Store worlds are where it’s at, though -- eff most of the EP worlds, tbh.) Overall I really really like AMB; it was headed in the right direction, though I can see where it could’ve easily let people down who were expecting a lot more from the professions/careers. (EA obviously learned NOTHING from AMB’s feedback, considering what Get to Work did....)
D: Showtime, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Showtime: Toni said “what was this game?“ 😂The Genies were a poor fit, the professions should’ve given us WAY more, there’s no acting career in “Hollywood,“ etc. Exactly. Not to mention the dumpster fire that was Simport. But I have a love/hate relationship with SHT. I actually treat SHT the way I do UNI & IP -- I really like the side content it added; I just never bother with the core game mechanic: superstardom, schools, and underwater. That makes 50% of the game useless for me, which is why I always get EPs on sale. ^_^
I agree with Toni that Island Paradise should’ve been like World Adventures, with different vacation locations. It could’ve been more like Castaways, with Tiki/Polynesian/Melanesian islands, Asian islands, Caribbean islands, Mediterranean Islands, etc. Plus, both of us didn’t like the mermaid system. Making them requires too much effort for them to not do all that much underwater. But to be fair, IP added A LOT Of new content. For what it did add, there is an impressive amount. Island Living sure can't say the same! 🤣
Into the Future however.... I understand why Toni was so hard with this pack. Trust: I ran the main thread at the officials that asked for a Time Travel expansion, so ITF holds a very special place in my heart, cuz EA for the most part kinda listened? ITF is awesome. It added some super cool content that I use religiously; ITF’s one of my top 3 EPs. But yeah, choices were made that had me like WTF?? Toni wanted ITF to be more hi-tech, which SAME! I wanted more of a Star Wars Blade Runner cyberpunk neon metropolis, and a steampunk/dieselpunk industrial dystopia. I have no idea where TF that “utopian” Willy Wonka zany Hunger Games nonsense came from. It was kinda retro-futuristic Jetsons Star Trek TOS in a way, which I like, but...? Choices. EA definitely could’ve done more with ITF, for sure. IMO itr needed to be more like WA, too. U_U
F: Late Night - I hollered! 😭
Y’all know I effing hate Late Night. Only reason I keep it installed is for the musical instruments & highrises. It’s certainly no Apartment Life, and it’s definitely no Night Life, but it’ll do in a pinch. The obnoxious Celebrities/Paparazzi, Twilight vampires, cramped Bridgeport...no thanks. Especially with Boroughsburg out here just SHAMING EA. SHAME! I wish someone would remake Bridgeport as a cyberpunk world, that would be awesome. Otherwise most of LN is useless to me. :\
So basically, if I were to follow Toni’s S A B C D F ranking system, and classify TS3′s EPs based on its content quantity, and EA’s dedication to thematic cohesion, my list would be as follows:
S: Generations, Seasons, Supernatural
All radically overhaul the core mechanics of the game/world itself: age states, weather, and lifestates/occults.
A: World Adventures, Pets
World Adventures added 3 new worlds and cultures; and Pets added animals. It’s just arguable whether EA should’ve done more with them all or not.
B: University, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Chock-full of new activities & skills, but your mileage may vary.
C: Ambitions (AMB didn’t really come with as much as it should have)
D: Showtime (SHT included a lot, but not much of it made thematic sense)
F: Late Night (LN needed to commit to what makes a celebrity--music/movie/fashion/etc CAREERS--rather than the hollow lifestyle of a celeb)
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godivasims · 6 years
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gameplay style evolution challenge (that i’m late as hale on) ty for including me @whistsims @mewpixel @sunshinesiims <3
once upon a time not long ago during gen two i literally just cropped shit i didn’t even know that edge smoothing was a thing. talk about about a content glo up amirite lmfao. recent is some from some recent stuff i actually haven’t posted yet that didn’t make the cut.
Post two photos. One earlier gameplay photo (at the very latest would three months ago but preferably go even way back), and one of your most recent ones (within the past month).
The only restriction is they must be from the same game (so two TS2 photos, two TS3 photos, or two TS4 photos).
State when the photos were taken, and include a link the post itself if it’s still around.
Tag 5-10 people once you’re done.
i have no idea whose done this and i’m sorry so i’m just gonna tag u guys all willy nilly @foursims @sul-sul-motherfckers @twistedsimblr @mellocakes @yuyulie
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