#willow is already dib's brother and I love him too just
strawowoberry · 10 months
KOA DRAWING DUMP FRON MY PARTNER AND I'S RP (and outside of it)!!!! CUZ I'M A KOA ENTHUSIAST AND I LOVE THIS LIL GUY SO MUCH FJDHSHDHD he deserves so much love and recognition and attention literally sobbinb
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Carving, Or Not So Much
Nancy Wheeler x reader
warnings: knives/guns
prompt: @imaginesbymk: “could you do an imagine with Nancy Wheeler with the prompt “They’re not allowed to have knives.” <3”
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“The whole gang’s here!” Steve announced as you, him, and Nancy walked through the front door of the Byers’ residence, also known as “neutral territory.” All the kids were sprawled among the couch and floor, this included the one and only Jonathan who couldn’t get up because Eleven had already fallen asleep on his arm.
“Mike, gimme a hand?” Jonathan asked and waited for his brother’s best friend to gently lean El towards him instead, nervously watching her stir afterwards. “Okay, good.”
“Are we gonna carve pumpkins or what?” Steve clapped his hands together and was immediately shushed by the daycare kids. “Sorry, sorry...”
“The pumpkins are in the backyard, my mom didn’t want any dirt getting in the house.” Jonathan explained as he stared at three pairs of shoes tracking dirt inside. “Anyways, let’s go carve some pumpkins.”
“Except for y/n,” Nancy added as you followed Jonathan out the backdoor, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her upcoming reminder, “they aren’t allowed to have knives.”
“What are you, my mom?” You rolled your eyes before she laced her fingers in between yours and brought the back of your hand to her lips, kissing your cool skin.
“Just looking out for you.” She defended as the four of your reached the pumpkins outside, all ready to go thanks to Jonathan.
“Why isn’t y/n allowed to have knives, Nancy?” Jonathan stuffed his hands into his pockets as the cool breeze overwhelmed you all, Steve couldn’t help but keep licking his lips. You told him that was just going to dry them out faster, but he never listened.
“Well, Jonathan, that’s a good question.” Nancy playfully peered over to you and watched you attempt at ignoring her gaze, but you couldn’t ignore her head resting on your shoulder or her arms locking yours down tightly in a loving embrace. “Y/N is a danger to themself and others, isn’t that right, babe?” You muttered in response. “Butterfingers.”
“Well, more for me, then!” Steve tried to call dibs on your pumpkin, but you broke from Nancy’s grasp and smacked your hand on the solid orange fruit and pulled it near you defensively.
“If I can’t carve it, then I have other plans.” You ominously warned, causing your friends to watch your next moves very carefully as you lifted the pumpkin and distanced yourself from Jonathan’s house. They were curious as to why you were walking through the woods, but they wouldn’t ask just yet, all they did was follow. Leaves and pinecones crunched under your feet, you couldn’t count the amount of times you nearly tripped on downed twigs, but you were almost to the clearing.
“Y/N, why are we out here?” Nancy crossed her arms and stood behind you as you set the pumpkin on a stump, brushing your hands together to get all that extra dirt off of you.
“You’ll see.” You smirked and took a couple dozen steps back, a safe distance from your target. All rightfully worried eyes were on you as you reached into your jacket and drew Smith and Wesson revolver that made the crowd go wild.
“Y/N!” Nancy gasped while you pried the hammer back.
“Oh, I like where this is going.” Steve chuckled, but that didn’t change his sense of impending doom just being here.
“Plug your ears, babe. You, too, boys.” You planted your feet on the ground and aimed at the center of the pumpkin, your finger slowly pressed the trigger until the sound of a crack alerted you and all of the birds in the area that you’d just fired a shot. The pumpkin had been knocked over, but not quite obliterated like you’d hoped.
“Why do you have that? Do you always carry that?” Nancy marched up to you with a stern look plastered on her face, you could tell she wasn’t happy.
“Can you blame me? It’s self defense from inter-dimensional monsters and evil scientists, it’s not like you don’t use guns, too.” You shrugged and holstered your weapon.
“Yeah, but I don’t carry it on me.” She raised her eyebrows at you, but you were distracted by how cute she looked when she was upset with you over things like this.
“It’s concealed, Nance. I promise I won’t shoot anything that doesn’t ask for it.” You brushed the hair out of her face, which distracted her from her anger. Then you sniffled a little bit, realizing your nose was running from the cold. “We should get a move-on with this pumpkin shit, though. I’m cold as all hell, I might go make some hot cocoa for the lot of kids in the house.”
“Wait, can I see that for a minute.” Steve held out his hand and you slapped it away while pulling Nancy closer to your chest. The sound of your hand hitting his skin may have been louder than the initial gunshot. “Ow!” Nancy couldn’t help but laugh.
“Serves you right, Steve.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @queenofthehairharrington // @bonniesbabybunnie // @lotsoffandomrecs // @wolfish-willow // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @thereagles // @imaginesbymk //
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Help? Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!Reader
A/N: James, Peter and Sirius want to become anamagi to help Remus on full moon’s but they need Y/n’s help to do so
Warning: Mentions of self harm, suicide and sexual assault, light cursing
The bell had just rung and it was the end of classes for. She waved goodbye to Professor McGonagall before walking out of class and making her way down to the corridor across from the Womping Willow. She sat her bag down and grabbed a sketchbook before sitting in the windowsill so her eyes could see the beauty of Hogwarts grounds before her in a clear distance view.
The girl closed her eyes and let the pencil in her hand move freely liek the wind on a summer day.
Her peaceful anti-depression session was interrupted by the pounding of oncoming footsteps from afar. She opened her eyes and came to see the three figures of James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black before her.
“ And what might your reasons be for interrupting my peacful rest boys?”
The boys came to a stop and moved to sit next her on the windowsill, leaning in as if to whisper. Sirius, the one closet her, leaned in and said,
“ Y/n I know you're an animagus, saw you transform one day during the summer. We need your help to become anamagi. For reasons."
The girl leaned back in shock. How the bloody white did he figure out? Was Sirius Black a stalker? She quickly placed the abandoned pencil behind her ear and leaned in as well.
" First of all, how the bloody hell do you know where I live?! And second thing, don’t attempt to make up some lie to me about your reasons behind doing this because I already know why. You want to help Remus, he’s my best friend why wouldn’t I know?”
Sirius moved back in surprise.
“ I live two houses down from you. But either way, will you help us or not?”
" Of course I will dip shit.”
Y/n pulled away from the group huddle and moved to the floor to scour through her bag for a journal. While doing so the sock on her ankle rolled down slightly to reveal blood-stained bandages wrapping around it.
The girl quickly opened the journal and looked up as James sat next her on the floor and took the book from her, showing it to his other two mates.
This is how she found herself standing in an open section of the Forbidden Forest around a newly found Black Shaggy dog, field rat, A proud Stag and a rain soaked Remus Lupin during a lightning storm.
It was pouring down rain, flashing lightning and her and Remus had just witnessed James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew turn into animagi and back. By then you could see right through their clothing.
Remus was attempting to tell the group something but the pounding rain had been coming down too heavy for them to hear so instead he opted to use his arms and point out what he was saying. The four of them started to run back off to the castle in their anamagi forms as Remus struggled to keep up from behind.
Remus made the four of them change back to human form after they’d reached the castle and Y/n had to wrap her arms around her chest in an attempt to cover her chest. The shirt she’d been wearing was now see-through, as were the others’s. James silently jumped into the air with a fist-pump before Sirius pointed out that they needed to move back to the dorm room before Filch caught them.
Peter suddenly spoke up, causing the rest of them to turn their attention to the boy. “ We should celebrate.”
Y/n walked over to the spare bed in the Mauraders dorm-room and grabbed a handful of random articles of clothing to wear before swiftly moving over to the bathroom to change. She exited the bathroom and went back to the dorm at Remus words.
" Who wants to be tribute and tell the house elves to bring food and drink up here with the cloak?" Everyone but James called out ‘dibs-not’ at the question.
The girl was grabbing one of Remus’ books when Sirius showed up and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her body off the ground and he walked over to where Remus stood, ignoring her continus attempts to get him to stop. Then, he threw her, thankfully into Remus’ arms where he caught and held her to his chest where she stayed and tried to calm herself down from the panic attack eating away at her insides.
Luckily for Sirius, James showed up the very next second, taking away Remus’s opportunity to tell off at Sirius for what he’d just done to the girl. James moved over and threw his cloak on the bed, motioning to where a small cart of snacks and water lay in the middle of the circle of pillows they’d made. Remus slowly pulled Y/n and himself down to the ground where she sat, chest heaving slightly, next him while he kept an arm wrapped around her waist protectively.
“ Okay lads, we’ll be playing a muggle game Remus talked about before. I forgot what it was called but I have a feeling it was called three truths and a lie or something.”
Once the circle went around to Y/n she began to panic, I have no clue what to say. Remus noticed this and took her hand in his before brushing away the hair from her collarbone and peppering light kisses to her shoulder to calm her nerves. Which did work in a way.
She took a moment to compose her wondering thoughts before stating, " I've been to more than four states, my favorite color is blue and I can speak fluent French."
They stared around at each other before Remus confidently said, " Your favorite color is blue, you've been to more than four states and you don't speak fluent French?"
She nodded and exhaled in relief, panic washing away.
Peter looked around the group and grabbed a candy before saying, " We've known you for about four years but we still don't know much about you. I mean we know a lot but I have a feeling there's more to you y'know. I mean, from what you've told us I never would've guessed that you'd even been out of state to begin with."
" Well, we play the other game, twenty questions, next so you'll probably get most answered then.”
The girl leaned back into Remus as the rest of them grasped different food as such and started to much down. Once they’d all finished their foods James decided it was time to start.
“ Y/n, my first question is, do you sing? Like even just lullaby’s?”
The girl nodded slightly and nudged Remus’ side with a cheeky grin.
“ Yep. I used to lul Rem to sleep when we were kids and I stayed over at his house.”
“ shut up...”
"Do you have any friends from other houses?" She sighed in defeat, " The people in Ravenclaw aren't the best friend material so I have a few friends from other houses. You guys, Frank Longbottom and one of my Hufflepuff friends, Nathan Stricklen, that's about it. I only ever talk to other people if I'm in a project together with them.”
Peter continued from where James left off. " Do you have any siblings?"
Remus saw as her body went tense and rigid.
" Yeah, an older sister and brother." Remus noted that Sirius noticed the tension and how he had decided to ask another question.
" First question, how many questions are we at? Second question, why'd you tense up? I really don’t mean to pry I’m just concerned." Y/n sighed and pillow flopped backwards before Remus pulled her back up, gently prodding her up, his hand in the small of her back.
“ Six questions. I have two siblings and I only tensed up because my brother and I don’t see on the same terms and I never see my sister.”
Remus looked at Peter with some weird expression and Peter looked back, shrugging.
Remus sighed before turning to Y/n with a guilty expression. " Peter is too shy and wants to know why exactly you don't see eye to eye with your brother and he also wants to know why you never see your sister. Don't get upset at me if you don't wanna answer either cause it's not my question."
" Okay. My brother has certain, views, on my life of which I don't like. For example, he says I should be shipped off and sold to some random dude halfway across the world who wants me for his wife and I don't want that to happen, he things I have a perfect life with perfect friends and family and grades and crap like that when he basically knows nothing about me, he prohibits me from dating or loving people because he says dad would get better profits from just arranging me a marriage with some 35 year old pervert in Spain, he doesn't care about me at all. I don’t see my sister because she died in her second year. That's your eighth question so hurry up and ask me another one."
Sirius came up and tentatively asked, " You don't have to answer if it's too personal but, how come you hate going home and you never talk about your home life?"
Remus turned to the boy with a glare so sharp it could cut glass.
" My dad became an alcoholic, lost his job, is almost never at home when my brother is. When my brother isn't at home, which happens a lot, mind you, he becomes an abusive, rapist, alcoholic psychopathic maniac and my brother doesn't know about it at all. He's almost always over at a friends house for the whole summer at a time so he's pretty much turned blind to what our "home" has turned into.
" My sister committed suicide two years after my mother died. If she didn't she would be in seventh year by now."
The boys stared in shock while Remus looked anywhere other than my gaze.
" She was in her second year at Hogwarts, age twelve, twelve. I was nine, she was twelve and I was nine, my brother was ten. He never figured out why she did it he just thinks she was mourning mum and it became too much.
Remus looked back at Y/n and bit his lip, slipping his hand into hers and threading their fingers through. Sirius stared at the girl, eyes full of knowing, while Peter hugged his teddy bear and James gaped at her.
" How, how old were you when the abuse and rape started?" James asked. She took a moment to think and Remus laid his hand on her shoulder, whispering.
" Thee abuse started when I was eight 1/2, he was raping my older sister at that time and, I hated it, when she died, he started raping me
" and I was nine at the time. I don't see eye to eye with my brother because he has no idea that this is going on and thinks dad is wrapped around my finger."
Sirius looked at the ground, avoiding the girls gaze while Peter did the same. James kept his head down, gaze on her as Remus started to pull her into his lap, arms wrapping around her waist, hugging her to his chest and chin finding it’s way to her shoulder.
" Guys, it’s really late, we should just crash and go to bed." James and Sirius nodded while Peter hopped up and made a beeline for his bed. James said goodnight before getting up and walking to bed, Sirius turned on Remus's lamp before turning off the big light and getting in bed.
Remus still made no move for his bed.
" Do you want me to move so you can get in bed or?"
The boy shook his head, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
Remus turned the girl around in his lap to where their faces were nearly touching and he closed the space between the two in a loving kiss of which she returned. After they broke apart he pressed gentle kisses to her Cupid’s bow and forehead in an attempt to soothe her beating heart. Remus wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s thighs and lifted her up, wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved over to his bed and pulled the curtains around it.
Y/n pulled off her shirt and bra as Remus looked away and pulled off his shirt. He handed it to her with his eyes the other way. Sure, she was his girlfriend but that didn’t mean he would look at her while she was in the nude without her permission.
Remus soon climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body to his chest as well as pulling the duvet covers of the bed up, after she’d climbed in before him. He nuzzled his head into her neck, placing a soft kiss to her sensitive skin, and right as the girl was about to fall asleep she heard Remus quietly reach out to her and say, “ goodnight kitten...”
Drink some water, eat some food, take a screen break and never forget you are loved.
^ - ^
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asher-west · 4 years
◦ ✧ 🌊 — intro !
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⌠ CHASE STOKES, 23, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ASHER WEST! according to their records, they’re a FOURTH year, specializing in THREAT ELIMINATION + DRIVER’S ED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( windswept hair, the smell of the ocean, bruised knuckles, a lopsided grin, ripped denim ). when it’s the ( pisces )’s birthday on 03/18/1997, they always request APPLE PIE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ lily, 19, she/her, gmt ⍀ 
hey, it’s lily back again with another mess of a human being -- everyone say hi to my floridian himbo child asher! i love him a lot and i’m super excited for him to start interacting with everyone -- i binged outer banks the other day, saw chase stokes, and was like --   yep, that one please. ( i’m really not sure why i cursed myself with chase stokes bc at the moment he only has two gif packs, but wahey, i love his golden retriever face -- just be prepared for the same few gifs over and over lmao )
[ c h a r a c t e r ; ]
&. basics
full name: Asher Theodore West
nicknames: Ash, Theo
age: 23
orientation: heterosexual
relationship status: single
date of birth: March 18th, 1997
hometown: Edgewater, Florida
gender: cismale
language(s) spoken: English, Spanish
accent: central American
&. personality
five positive traits: loyal, gallant, reliable, self-sufficient, practical
five negative traits: overprotective, stubborn, undisciplined, impatient, quick-tempered
goals/desires: make a name for himself, support his family, have fun
fears: his dad, disappointing his friends/family, snakes
hobbies: surfing, driving, making people laugh
[ s t o r y ; ]  ( tw: abuse)
asher was the result of a teen pregnancy (his mother was 17 and his father was 18), and grew up with practically nothing in a tiny house by the beach in edgewater, florida
nearly a month after he turned five, his mother gave birth to his little sister, willow -- she was his birthday present, his mom joked, as asher received nothing else that year
unfortunately, the birth of his little sister was the last straw for his dad, a 22 year old who felt trapped by his laborious job at the docks and growing family he never asked for
his dad became violent towards asher and his mom, lashing out for any small inconvenience or mistake, though rarely physically 
then one morning, asher and his mother woke up to find that his dad had disappeared with all their savings
asher’s mom was devastated and took on a job at the local diner, and his aunt cora came to help take care of him and his sister ( although ‘take care’ meant her coming over and passing out drunk on their tiny couch )
asher stepped up and started to practically raise his little sister, taking the burden of the child away from his already overworked mom
at thirteen, he started to take on odd jobs at the docks to help make money
at sixteen, his father reappeared on their doorstep with a bouquet of lilies (his mother’s favorite) and said he was sorry, and his mom welcomed him back, desperate to return to her fantasy of a perfect family
but his dad had not changed, and remained abusive, only this time it was much worse than when they were kids, and asher tried to direct his dad’s physical violence towards himself to save his mom and little sister
and when asher was 18, yet again, his dad disappeared, this time taking asher’s college savings with him
with his dream of college ruined, asher started skipping school to make more money at the docks, no longer caring about his grades
he even started to work night shifts -- but after one of the workers made a lewd comment about his thirteen year old little sister and he decked them, he lost his job 
he started to become implicated in more unsavory businesses, hearing about odd jobs from the more criminal side of town -- he was a getaway driver, made deliveries of ‘goods’, and was even sent to get money from people
as this resulted in him getting beat up, he worked his ass off to train and become better at fighting and driving -- the better he was, the more money he made for his family
when he was 18, he was approached by someone from blackthorne, enticed with the promise that the assassin life would set his family up for life
his two years at blackthorne were awful, and asher became miserable, throwing himself into his classes to try and become the best he could
when it shut down and he transferred to gallagher, it was easily one of the best days of his life
asher became much more at ease at gallagher, starting to enjoy his classes and the prospect of becoming a spy rather than an assassin
his big brother tendencies bleed into his normal life, so he’s protective as fuck of his friends ( and, to be honest, anyone who seems like they need protecting )
he’s a certified dumbass ( he grew up in florida, for chrissakes ) and will get in a fistfight with someone twice his size if he so much as senses an injustice
he misses home like crazy - the sand, the sea air, the heat
he just really wants to do well, so he honestly tries his best in every single one of his classes
that being said, he’s a dumbass and loves to mess around ( like climbing the statue as a dare or trying to get into the forbidden rooms multiple times )
he’s easily aggravated, possibly a trait inherited from his father 
also his biggest fear in life is turning out like his dad
which is why he absolutely GUZZLES respect women juice
he still flinches sometimes when people he’s close to raise their voice around him, or if someone he’s close to waves their hand too close to his head, but he tries to hide it as best as he can
since he skipped most of his classes in his last two years of highschool, he can feel a little dumb around some of the super smart people at gallagher, making him incredibly embarrassed
he’s also very touchy when it comes to money problems, due to his poor upbringing
when he was a kid, before he had to worry about his dad, he got into surfing, and it became his favorite thing of all time -- he misses it loads while at gallagher 
he LOVES to sleep in
loves to make people smile, and just generally likes being in a happy environment
since his mom works at a diner, he adores pies and diner food because they remind him of home
does the ‘hang loose’ sign with his hand way too often -- it started off as a joke when people learnt that he surfs, but now it’s engrained in him
his hair is a floppy mess -- his dad used to have super short hair, and asher thinks he looks a little too much like his dad with short hair, so the hair remains long.
almost too long, tbh, but he can just make a man bun, so he likes it
his sister makes fun of his long hair all the damn time
he’s terrible with technology -- a genuine Old Man when it comes to computers and phones, but he tries his best
he’s really good at cooking, after making most meals for his sister as a teenager
[ W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S ; ]
best friend — i need him to have a super loyal close friend he can bond with, maybe even a partner in crime?
bros — please please please give me some fellow dumbasses he can do stupid things and make bad decisions with!
romantic interests — could be past flings, or current flirtations, but he’s a charming man, and respects women, so he’s a catch and has probably charmed a few ladies around the school 
exes — he despises the idea of ever hurting someone or breaking anyone’s heart, so maybe he has a few exes that he’s still good friends with? or, alternatively, for the angst, there was a bad breakup and he’s plagued by guilt.
budding romance — i’m a sap and a sucker for tropes so please give him his soulmate! 
little sister — i would absolutely love for someone to play his sister - maybe she followed him to gallagher to be closer to him, or to follow in her big brother’s footsteps? i’m gonna put this up on the main but if anyone wants dibs, please message me!
anything else — like i said in calypso’s intro, give me anything and everything, please! i love having a wealth of established connections. 
tl;dr — asher is a lovable, overprotective surfer dude, who grew up poor with an abusive father and a basically absent mother, and he practically raised his little sister, causing him to develop a paternal complex towards anyone he deems in need of help. he will get in a fight with anyone over any injustices, but he also just likes to hang out with friends and ~chill~! 
i hope you all love him as much as i do!
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Quads: Part 3
Pairings: Jason Momoa x Reader
Warnings: All tooth decaying, sickeningly sweet fluff. Maybe a swear word or three. But just straight up fluff.
Word Count: 5,747
Part 1 / Part 2
Is that him?” Your mom asked as you pulled into the marina that housed the pontoon boat Jason was borrowing from a co-worker since his speed boat didn’t have enough shade for the kids. You smiled as Jason, in all his shirtless glory, looked away from his mom, Coni, and waved.
“That’s him.” You said with a wave back as you pulled your SUV next to his truck.
“That’s just not fair.” Kiki said from the back row of seats as she leaned around Sherry to get a better, in person look since all she had seen were photos of his face or him with the babies. “Shit should be illegal.”
“Damn it.” Your dad said as you put your car in park, and unbuckled your seat belt. “I wanted to hate him so much but I just… I can’t.” You laughed as Jason pulled open your door for you with a wide smile.
“Aloha, ke keiki.” He said softly as he gave you a chaste kiss. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, baby.” You returned as you slid out of the car. “We got lots of stuff.”
“I figured as much.” He said as he pulled open the back door to start getting babies out of their car seats. He smirked as he watched your dad reach back between the two front seats, and jokingly push your mom’s jaw closed.
“My mom, Sherry.” You laughed as she whacked your dad’s arm a couple times. “My dad, John, and Kiki is in the back seat.”
“Nice to finally meet you.” Jason said politely as he lifted Scarlett’s car seat off the base. “Merry Christmas. Welcome to Hawaii.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, too.” Sherry said as she grabbed the bag of towels you had stuffed behind the drivers seat so she could get out. “We’ve heard so much about you.” 
“Uh oh.” Jason laughed as he pulled the shade over Scarlett, and took the bag from your mom. “All bad I hope.”
“Oh, of course.” She laughed as she moved the middle seats to get Kai’s car seat so Kiki could get out.
“We don’t like you.” John said with a small smirk as he came around the car with Willow and the bag of life jackets, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen for the kids. “Not at all.”
“Well, here’s to hoping I can change that, sir.” Jason said as he shook your dad’s hand. John mumbled, ‘damn’ under his breath and glanced over at your mom.
“He has manners, too!” He whisper yelled as Kiki passed you Celeste’s car seat.
“I sure hope so.” Coni said as she came up behind you. “I’m pretty sure I raised him right. Who knows though.” You laughed as she gave you a hug, since you had already met her when you went with Jason to pick her up from the airport. You did quick introductions with her and your family as Jason grabbed the cooler of drinks and food for everyone out of the trunk.
“Does he have a brother?” Kiki asked only you as she watched him walk away to get the cooler on the boat. “Or better yet, a twin?”
“Only child.” You said with a glance over at her. “And I so dibbed the fuck out of him.”
“Hate you.” She growled as she tilted her head the slightest bit to stare at Jason’s ass when he bent over to put the cooler in the boat.
“You’re drooling, sweetie. And I think you’re even turning a little green.” Coni joked to your sister as she grabbed the bag of towels for you.
“Worth it.” Kiki laughed as she picked up Kai’s car seat, and smiled at Jason’s mom. “Woman kind thank you for gracing the Earth with that man.” Coni, and Sherry burst out laughing as you grabbed Celeste and locked your car. It took a little maneuvering to transfer all your belongings, all four babies, and your family into the boat, and after a little bit of fussing from all of the quads, you got them slathered in sunscreen, in their life jackets, and passed out amongst the adults.
“Alright, let’s go to the beach.” Jason said as he untied the boat, and pulled away from the dock.
“Not to fast, please.” You reminded him as you sat with Willow on your lap.
“I know, ku’uipo.” He said as he sat down in the captain’s chair and reached our for your daughter. “Lemmie see her.” With a small nod, you got up, and passed over your little girl as Jason made his way out of the harbor with practiced ease. You crouched down beside him, and fussed with her pink sun hat for a moment, causing him to chuckle. “Relax, baby girl. It’s all good. Go get some sun.”
“Relax isn’t in my vocabulary.” You said as you stood up, pulled off your bathing suit cover, and went to sit with your sister in the sun at the front of the boat. Your parents and Jason’s mom were already talking about what a difference Christmas was without snow, since you were originally from Northern California where your parents still lived, and Coni was currently in Iowa while they each held a baby in the canopy��s shade.
“Man, I could get used to this.” Kiki said as she turned on the front bench seat with a content sigh. You nodded as you looked back at Jason with a smile as he sat, and taught your ten month old how to drive a boat even if she did have no idea what he was saying. All the same, she answered back with ‘dada’, which all of your children called every man they saw except your dad, who was ‘pa’, ‘up’, ‘mama’, and ‘no’; her favorite collection of words.
“Yea, it’s a great life experience.” You grabbed your phone from the towel bag, and took a few pictures of everyone before sitting back, and getting some sun like you had been told.
“Look at them.” Sherry said to John, Kimi, and Coni as they all watched you and Jason sit right along the shoreline each with two kids standing in the sand against your chests, while they laughed, and screamed with each small wave, and stomped and kicked at the water.
“I haven’t seen him this happy in years.” Coni said as she smiled at her son. “Lisa destroyed his heart when she slept with his best friend.”
“Same thing with (Y/N) and her fiancé.” John sighed as he looked at the giant smile you had on your sun reddened cheeks. “Though, at least she found out before the wedding he was gay.”
“No!” Coni gasped as she looked over at your parents.
“Oh, yea.” Your mom said with a nod as she turned on her chair to gossip. “It was a huge scandal. That’s how she met the kids’ dad. She went on her honeymoon cruise, and he was there for a bachelor party or something…”
“Guys trip high school reunion.” Kiki interrupted. Your mom nodded and pointed at your sister before continuing.
“Yea, that. So they were like… sex friends for a while, and then she got pregnant. He was just supposed to be a rebound…”
“Yea, ‘cause that guy is a low-life piece of shit.” Your dad growled, angrily as he kept an eye on you to make sure you weren’t over hearing them talk about you.
“Oh, I’ve heard all about him from my son.” Coni said with a shake of her head. “It’s so sad for those poor babies, and (Y/N). It just breaks my heart.”
“Well Jason has helped her out so much.” Sherry said as she glanced over as you and Jason walked a little deeper in the calm, warm water with a kid on each hip. “He’s so good to her and those babies.”
“Oh, those kids have him wrapped around their little fingers.” Coni laughed as Jason moved Kai and Scarlett so that they were in front of him, and so he was the deepest in the water just in case. “He talks about them as much as he talks about his own kids.”
“Aren’t you worried about it though?” Sherry asked. “I mean, it’s a big, big responsibility to raise someone else’s kids especially when you have your own. It just worries me that he’s trying to replace his kids since he doesn’t see them as often as he’d like. Don’t get me wrong, I know he cares for her and those babies…”
“I know what you mean.” Coni said with a nod as she glanced at her son. “But that’s not my Jason. He’s falling in love with your daughter. I have no doubt in my mind on that one. And he loves those kids, too. But he’s not trying to use them to fill a void. I’ve asked him about it because I was concerned, too. He said it just feels like his heart has just grown to love all six children equally. He actually can’t wait for his son and daughter to meet them. He’s just waiting until he’s one hundred percent positive (Y/N) is the one. He’s concerned that if he does the introduction too soon and she’s not, that it will hurt his kids if they break up. But I don’t see it happening, not the way those two look at each other.”
“It’s like something out of a movie, isn’t it?” Sherry asked as she looked out to watch Jason splashed the water with his hand softly. You both laughed as all four kids mimicked the movement much harder, and burst into peels of giggles.
“It takes a special man to be a step parent.” John said as he smiled at his grandchildren. “Especially to quadruplets.” The three adults nodded in agreement as Kiki got up off her towel to get in the water and cool off and play with her nieces and nephew.
“I think he’ll be the one to do it.” She said as she stretched her arms over her head. “I’d put money on it, actually.”
“God, they are so tired.” Jason said as he helped you get the kids changed into pajamas after Christmas dinner and a bath so it would be easier for you to put them to bed when you got back to your house.
“They had a big day.” You agreed as you struggled with Scarlett to get her foot in her pj’s. “A big day, and no naps. I’m surprised they made it this long without a major meltdown.”
“Same.” He agreed as he picked up Willow off his couch to put her in her car seat. The moment he put her down, she screamed ‘dada no mama’, burst into tears, and stretched as far as she could toward him to be picked back up. “I know, baby girl. You’re gunna go to bed soon.”
“Come on, Scar.” You sighed as you zipped up her onesie and picked her up off the couch. She too, started to cry, and reached for Jason, nearly throwing herself out of your arms in a desperate attempt to get to ‘dada’ as well.
“Hey J.” Coni said over the cries of all four kids as she watched from the kitchen where she was helping your mom, and Kiki put away the left over dessert. “Why don’t they just stay here tonight? That way the kids can just go to bed, and they don’t have to get woken up when they get home.” You started to shake your head as you looked up at Jason but your mom cut you off before you could even say a word.
“That’s a great idea! We’ll just take your car, and come get you in the morning.”
“Well…” You said as you looked back and forth between the women in the kitchen and your boyfriend. “I mean, I don’t have clothes for them in the morning, or anything for them for breakfast…”
“How ‘bout I drive them to your place.” Jason offered as he took Scarlett from your arms so she would stop trying to throw herself toward him. “And I’ll grab whatever you need.” You nodded at him as you looked back over at your mom.
“Are you sure? I mean, it’s Christmas…”
“Oh, honey. I’m sure.” She said with a nod.
“Look, what she’s trying to say is she’s on vacation and she wants to sleep in and not get woken up at 7 am by the babies.” Your dad, who you thought was napping in the recliner, said as he opened one eye to look up at you. “Because Willow has a set of freaking lungs on her.” You huffed and nodded in agreement as you picked up the daughter in question from her car seat.
“OK.” You agreed as you looked up at Jason. “Wanna help me get them to sleep before you go?” He nodded as he took Willow from you since she was still reaching for him anyways.
“You got the pack and play? I’ll get these two down while you get the other two ready for bed?”
“I’ll help with pj’s.” Kiki said as she came around the kitchen island to kiss her nieces good night with Sherry right behind her. You quickly pulled the half dozen toys from the bottom of the currently childless, pack-n-play and closed it enough to carry it down the hall to the master bedroom. You set it along the wall under the window on the far side of the bed where you now slept and sighed, tiredly.
“Hey, baby girls. It’s alright now.” Jason said softly as he sat down on the bed against the headboard, and laid your daughters on his chest so they would calm down and go to bed faster. Letting them fall asleep for the night on you or Jason or in your arms wasn’t something you typically did because you didn’t want it to become a habit, but with how tired they all were, you were willing to make an exception.
“She must really like you.” You said to him as you kissed your daughters good night. “My mom. I wasn’t allowed to even sleep over at my fiancé’s house on Christmas night but then again, she was never a huge fan of his.” You kissed his cheek and stood up to get your other kids ready for bed with a tired smile. “She must really like you.”
“Well don’t I feel special then.” He chuckled as he rubbed the two girls’ backs and started to sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ to them like he did every night.
“You are to me and the kids.” You informed him on the way out the door. “And that’s all that matters.” You headed back out into the living room to find Kai and Celeste already in their pajamas in your mom and sister’s arms.
“Here you go, baby.” Sherry said with a smile as she passed you your daughter. “Get them to sleep. We’ll just see you in the morning, OK?”
“Sometime after… say 9?” Kiki said with a laughed as she passed you Celeste.
“I think we can make that work.” You giggled as you gave your sister a kiss on the cheek. “Merry Christmas, guys. I love you.”
“We love you, too, sweetheart.” Sherry said as she kissed your cheek and gave you a slightly awkward hug. “Sweet dreams.”
“Where is this going, (Y/N)?” John asked as he folded up the other pack n play and picked it up.
“Back here.” You said before saying good night to Coni as well. You headed back down the hall and pointed with your foot to where you wanted your dad to put the second temporary crib.
“Merry Christmas, sweetie.” John whispered with a smile so he didn’t wake up the girls Jason was still singing to as he kissed your and his grand kid’s foreheads. “See you in the morning.”
“Night, daddy. Merry Christmas.”
“I’ll be out in a few minutes to drive you guys home.” Jason said as your dad walked over to the bedroom door. He nodded at your boyfriend and pulled the door closed behind him as you crawled onto the bed, and laid down with your kids in your arms. He started the song over again for Kai and Celeste, and a small smile spread across your face as you let your eyes fall closed so you could just listen until it was over.
“I’ll just sleep in one of your shirts, and I’ll steal your shower stuff since I have deodorant and a toothbrush here anyways.” You whispered as you glanced at your sleeping pride and joys. “So I just need day clothes. I don’t care what. I need an outfit for each of them, diapers, I’m good on wipes, and stuff for breakfast.”
“Want the sound machine?” You sighed and looked over at him.
“I don’t know.” He smirked and nodded his head.
“I’ll grab it. I’ll bring the towels and stuff back with me, too. I’ll just leave the left over drinks in the cooler for tomorrow.”
“That’s fine.” You said as he stood up slowly so he didn’t wake up Willow, or Scarlett. “Can you grab the car seat strollers, and leave them in the trunk, please?” He nodded as he laid the girls down on either side of the divider that separated your pack n play into two sleeping areas.
“Anything else, baby girl?” You shrugged as you glanced down at the two sleeping kids in your arms.
“I’m too tired to think.” You huffed as he came over to take Kai to help you out. “If you think of something I’m missing, just grab it. But I’m sure we’ll be just fine for the one night with those few things.”
“Alright, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
“If I’m already asleep, I’m sorry.” You giggled as you leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist. He took a deep breath, wrapped his arms around your shoulders, and rubbed his hands on your back.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He said softly as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him with a smile as tears welled softly in your eyes.
“I love you, too, Jason. So much.” A full smile spread across his face as he moved his hands to cup your jaw and gave you a long, deep kiss. You both pulled away entirely too soon for your liking for air, and you laid your head back down on his chest as he hugged you tightly. 
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” He said after a moment as he pulled out of your arms and gave you another kiss. “Love you.”
“Love you.” You replied as you stood on your tiptoes to give him one more chaste kiss before he left. “Drive safe.”
“Always, ke keiki. If you wait for me, I’ll jump in the shower with you.”
“Ooo. I like that offer.” You said as you headed over to his dresser to grab a shirt to sleep in. “Wake me up if I pass out before your back.”
“I will.”
You stood in Jason’s living room in a flower patterned, twisted front, tube top, and a matching sarong, smiling at Celeste, and Willow, who looked adorable in their first birthday hula outfits, and Kai in his bandana, white muscle shirt, and floral bathing suit bottoms that made him look so much like Jason on his days off, it was ridiculously cute. You rocked your hips back and forth, trying to get your daughters to dance while Kai simply stood, leaning on Jason’s thigh while the latter changed Scarlett’s diaper to get her dressed for their party.
“Hula, hula.” You said in a sing song voice to the Hawaiian music you had playing all morning while you decorated Jason’s house. “Hula, hula.” Willow scream laughed, and shook her hips like you did, making her grass skirt shake back and forth.
“Wait, not you.” Jason laughed at Scarlett when she tried to dance on the changing table as well. “You can hula your butt off when you get dressed.”
“Hula, hula.” You laughed as you moved were Scarlett could see you so she would continue to wiggle. 
“Will you quit?” Jason laughed as he quickly taped the diaper and fought to snap the onesie. “No hula!”
“Hoo.” Kai said as he started wiggling his hips as well. You laughed, and grabbed your phone to record your babies dancing.
“Yea, buddy. Hula hula.” You laughed as you crouched down by your kids.
“Hoo!” Willow squealed as she walked over to be the center of attention in the video.
“OK, go hula.” Jason said as he put Scarlett down so she could finally dance like she wanted to. 
“Your turn, baby.” You said as you stood up, and took a step back to get all of your little family in the video.
“Not happening.” He laughed with a shake of his head. 
“J, you gotta hula!” He sighed and quickly shook his hips back and forth for a few moments, causing you and your kids to laugh even harder in joy. “Yay!” You cheered as Jason came over and gestured for your phone.
“Your turn, mama.” He chuckled as he turned the camera on you. You happily got down on your knees between Willow and Celeste and shook your hips with a giant smile.
“Hula, hula.” You sang as you reached for Kai to bring him over to you so he was in the shot, too. “We got this down, don’t we babies?”
“Hoo.” Was the only response you got from your son as Jason watched on, fondly. His heart filled with impossibly more love as he watched you slow your hips to match the new, slower song, and you used your hands to make little waves. It took your kids a few moments of watching before they caught on awkwardly to the new hand movements.
“God, you’re so damn beautiful.” Jason said as he looked at you over your phone with a smile.
“Thank you, baby.” You smiled as you looked up at him. He turned off the video, and set your phone down before calling you over with a wag of his finger. You smiled and let him spin you in a small circle to slow dance for a few minutes before your guests arrived, causing your kids to lose interest in dancing since they didn’t have your attention.
“I can’t wait for my kids to meet you.” He said softly as he rocked back and forth. “They are excited, too, but you can tell they are more excited to meet the babies cause there’s four of them.” You giggled as he reached up to adjust the flower headband you had on your head that matched the ones the girls were wearing.
“They’re staying all weekend, right?”
“I have them all week since it’s spring break, remember?”
“Oh, that’s right.” You said with a nod.
“And I was thinking that you guys could stay here tonight. And maybe we could take all the kids to the aquarium one day this week. Maybe go to the zoo and to those tide pools I was telling you about another day. That way you can get to know them, and they can get to know you for a few days. I mean, I did promise I’d take them hiking, and I know Lola wants to see if she can finally tackle the rock wall out back…”
“Honestly.” You said, interrupting him from the rant he was about to start on to try to politely tell you he wanted to spend alone time with his kids as well. “That sounds great. How about we’ll stay until Tuesday morning? That way you have five baby free days to do all the things we can’t do with them yet. Hiking, rock climbing, jumping off those rocks from the picture in the hallway. Oh, I can see if I can get ahold of Max and see if we can go out on the research boat whale watching. I know HBJ pod should be over this way by now.”
“That’s actually a great idea.” He agreed as he pulled out of your arms to answer the door for your first of many visitors. “I don’t think my kids have ever gone out whale watching so they’ve never seen wild whales up close. And I know Wolf will love all the facts you know about them. He loves whales.”
“Well, I have enough knowledge to entertain him for hours. I love my whales… and I miss them a lot.”
“Well I think this sounds like a perfect spring break for all of us.” He said as he opened the door and said high to one of the professors that worked in your department, his wife, and their kids.
“Alright, babies.” You said to your kids as you reached down, and grabbed Scarlett’s hand. “Wanna go bounce? Let’s go bounce in the bounce house.”
“Man, do you go all out, or what?” Your mom asked as she looked around Jason’s backyard at the birthday party, and everything you had spent nearly an entire month organizing. You glanced up as you used baby wipes to clean Celeste’s hands of the remnants of her smash cake while Jason quickly hosed off Willow in the baby pool so she could continue to play.
“They only turn one once.” You reminded her as Jason passed Willow to Kiki to get dried off, you passed Celeste to Jason, Sherry passed you Kai after she had pulled all the cake pieces out of his hair, and taken off his cake covered diaper, and your dad at the very end of the line, was responsible of putting the girls in onesies with the number one and ribbon skirts while Kai was going in a clean diaper and a collared onesie also with the number one on it.
“I think you went a little overboard.” Kiki laughed as she gave her niece a birthday kiss.
“I don’t.” Jason said with a shake of his head. “This is perfect. You have to figure, there’s nearly a hundred and fifty people here. But you couldn’t tell, could you? Not with the way we have everything spread out.” Your family glanced up at your back yard, and you could see them almost trying to count the people that were milling about in your boyfriend’s backyard.
“Why do you think we have a bounce house, and a slide?” You asked as you passed off Kai, and took Scarlett. “And why do you think they are spread out on either side of the visible yard? So that parents watching their kids aren’t piled in one spot.”
“Back doors to the house are open.” Jason said as he turned Kai in the pool, and sprayed off his back. “Gives people the option of going in, and out freely.”
“The food is back by the shed… 
“…which is open for rock climbing.” Jason finished for you as he passed off Kai, and took Scarlett. “I know my ATV’s are out on the trails at the moment because Lola asked if she could take them.”
“She is already back.” You said as you pointed to his daughter on the inflatable slide. He nodded and continued anyways.
“All I’m saying is I have eight and a half acres of land. Bought it fresh out of college when land was still cheap here. I spent years clearing out paths and fencing the whole damn thing in. The floor of my house, and the fence were done with the trees I knocked down, the house was built by the guys I knew in school. I expanded from two rooms to five when I had my family.” He stood up after passing over Scarlett to Kiki and glanced out at his property with a shrug. “I’m just happy it’s seeing love again.” With a small smile, you stepped over to him and put your arm around his waist.
“Well then I take it back.” Kiki said as she toweled off Scarlett. “You guys didn’t go overboard at all. In fact, you’re slacking. Get your shit together.” She said with the straightest face possible as she glanced at you and Jason. “And I call an ATV ride after the party is over. I wanna see the best view you got.” Jason nodded as Lola came running over with a giant smile.
“(Y/N), can I bring the kids down the slide?”
“Sure you can.” You replied as you pulled away from her father. “But you’re gunna need an extra pairs of hands to help them get up the stairs. Want help?” She nodded and ran over to where your kids were waiting some what impatiently for Scarlett to be dressed, too.
“Wanna go slide?” She asked as she held her hand out for Willow’s hand. Your daughter nodded, not understanding what she was signing up for.
“Come on, kiddos.” You said as you began to corral the birthday babies toward the slide with Lola’s help. “Let’s go slide. Yay!”
“God, I love that woman.” Jason breathed as he stood back to watch you play with your and his children.
“You’re not alone there.” Kiki said as she grabbed all the wet towels off the ground. Your boyfriend quickly grabbed them from her hand, and gestured toward the slide with his chin.
“She said she needs extra hands.” He teased. “Go on. Spend with with your nieces and nephew.”
“You go, too.” Sherry said as she took the towels from Jason. “They are basically your kids, too.” He looked over at her with a small smile, and nodded.
“Thank you.” He replied softly as his heart nearly melted in his chest in joy. He quickly moved the kiddie pool off to the side to dump later so the ground wasn’t even more soaked than it already was, and jogged off to help you get the kids up the slide so you would have an extra lap for them to ride down on.
“I approve.” John said as he took a step over to help his wife clean up so you didn’t have to later. “I like him.”
“You and me both.” Sherry agreed as she collected dirty diapers to throw out. “He makes her smile.”
“As long as he only makes her smile.” John laughed as the two of them watched you and Kiki with Celeste between you, and Jason and Kai slide down the slide after Lola and Scarlett, and Wolf and Willow.
“Jesus, John.” Sherry laughed as she turned and head inside. “Sorry to break it to you, but your little girl is in no way, shape, or form innocent any more.”
“Shut up, Sherry.”
“Man, what a day.” You sighed as you closed the door after your last party guests. Jason nodded as he tossed the last bag of trash beside the overflowing trashcan in his garage to take it to the dump in the morning so you didn’t have to wait for trash pick up day.
“It was totally worth it.” He said as he went over to start on the dishes before you could.
“Where are the kids?” You asked as you leaned against the counter with a sigh. He shrugged and turned to glance in the direction of the hall that lead to the two kids bedrooms and the two guest bedrooms, one of which was currently set up as a nursery.
“Well I put the babies and their birthday toys in their room with the gate up so my guess is Wolf is playing his Playstation, and Lola is probably either with the kids in their room or watching a movie in her room.” You nodded slowly and pushed yourself off the counter with a tired groan.
“I’ll go get the babies into bed. It’s late so I’ll just worry about baths tomorrow.” You heard Jason huff in agreement as you headed down the hall way toward the nursery first. Your stomach dropped when you noticed the baby gate was wide open and you were just about to yell out to Jason when the sound of Willow’s little giggle came from Lola’s room.
“… and he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew that house down.” Lola nearly whispered to Willow, who blew a small puff of air toward the book and giggled quietly again as you pushed Lola’s bedroom door open. Her once clean bedroom was covered in what seemed like every pillow and blanket in the house and she and Wolf must have dragged the quads crib mattress onto the floor to make a giant pillow fort bed. She and Willow both looked up at you, and Lola shushed you softly.
“She’s the last one awake.” Lola told you as she pointed at Scarlett, and Celeste, who were curled up next to each in a tight ball fast asleep in the middle of the makeshift bed, and Kai, who was sleeping on Wolf’s stomach. “Please can they stay in here tonight? I promise, I’ll keep a close eye on them, and I’ll come get you if anything happens.” You smiled, and nodded your head.
“Don’t stay up too late, OK? Light out after for her this story.” She nodded her head as you crouched down to give your youngest daughter a kiss. “Night baby girl.” With a smile you kissed your fingertips and laid them gently on Lola’s forehead. “Good night, sweetheart.” As Lola continued reading, you backed out of the fort they had made and pulled your phone from your back pocket. You took a couple quick photos of the room and everyone grouped together, before quietly pulling the door closed behind you.
“Look at this.” You said to Jason as you turned your phone toward him with tears in your eyes. “They’re having a sleep over.”
“My God.” He breathed as he dried of his hands to take your phone. He huffed and shook his head with a giant smile as tears welled in his eyes as well. “This…”
“I know.” You responded as you moved to his side.
“This is our family.” He whispered as he put his arm around your shoulder. “Our kids…”
“We’re a family, baby.” You agreed as you rested your head on his chest. “All of us.”
Part 4
72 notes · View notes
fearofaherobrine · 8 years
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Roleplay Log #159
“The Candy Dragon, Steve’s Secret”
[Doc] Is anyone too messed up to walk? I can carry if need be.
[liu] -gets up to follow doc to the castle-
[Smile] Tail wagging carries Grinny out-
[Doc] Is just pacing along. It's a lovely day out, after all.
[TLOT] Hey Liu? Check this out. - He opens his inventory and lets out a couple of colorful flitters that orbit then lazily
[liu] butterflies?
[Doc] Sort of. TLOT makes them from bits of flower petals.
[TLOT] Grins
[liu] they are very pretty.
[Steve] Show-off. You're not the only one that can do that you know. - He knocks on his helm and a couple of touchies crawl out of the eye and nostril holes on his skull helm and follow him.
[Lie] - There are a few honesty ones too
[CP] - Little flying fuckers
[TLOT] Thank you Liu. If I make them out of Lie's flowers they can do magick just like the flowers they came from too.
[Lie] - CP be nice
[Doc] You could make a sobering flitter to hang around Gk...
[Steve] Okay, even I think that's not nice.
[Lie] - I'm not even sure how that would work.  Sobering flowers have to be eaten to work...
[TLOT] Yeah, don't eat my flitters. Just in general...
[Steve] I pity anyone who would try to eat a touchie.
[Flux] - They are full of their own magic...
[Doc] musing-  I wonder how Lj is faring.
[Steve] At Flux- Well... they also can pinch. They'd do some nasty damage the minute you closed your mouth and any other members of the swarm would also attack.
[Flux] - Yes but they are capable of creating
[TLOT] Oh yes. I love their syrup and wine, they're one of my favorite creations.
[TLOT] You can't deny it tastes good Cp!
[Notch] The syrups good on pancakes too.
[Lie] Just sighs at her husbands actions-
[Shuppet] is close to the back of Cp's head right now and looking quite satisfied.
[Doc] Freezes as there's some odd rocking inside hir inventory, with a gasp they pull the green speckled egg out.
[TLOT] excited- Is it ready? Yours took forever to hatch!
[Doc] I think so. -The egg is rocking and clicking and xe sits down on the ground and puts the egg in front of hir on the grass.
-A bit of shell falls off and there's no accompanying spurt of fluid.-
[TLOT] This one is dry! We have to help! - He and Steve and Doc begin frantically pulling bits of shell away until the dragon practically explodes out of the egg like a spring snake from a fake peanut can.
[Doc] Whoah! This one is big!
-The dragons body is almost as thick as Doc's arm and several times longer. They coil in the grass and pant, looking around and blinking in confusion.
[Doc] Hey little buddy, welcome to life. Sorry this world isn't as candy- filled as the one you came from. But I'll make up for it.
[liu] it looks like it is made of candy that's to cool.
[CP] Glances back- I think Endrea is in the library if you want to feed it
[Doc] Guess I'm not going home just yet... - turns back down the road.
[CP] Keeps heading for his own home-
[Notch] is a little torn but chooses to go with Cp and Stevie.
[Stevie] - Bye bye little funny dragon!
[liu] i'll follow you doc.
[Doc] Cradles the baby- thank you
[Endrea] Is watching Willow and Oak while Ashe reads-
[Lie] - I'll head home as well Doc, good luck with the new baby
[willow and oak] -are trying to gum on books-
[Endrea] Gently pulls them away from the books- That's enough, you know better
[TLOT and Steve] Opens the double doors for Doc and the others - Endrea? You know that instant bonding thing? I think I get it now.
[Endrea] Tilts her head curiously- What do you mean?
[willow and oak] -go over to tlot-
[Steve] excited - the one from the candy modded seed finally hatched!
[Endrea] - It has?  How wonderful
[willow and oak] -are sniffing tlots pants-
-The candy dragon huffs a little in Doc's arms-
[Doc] Shhh little sugar, it's okay. These are our dragon friends.
[Endrea] Leans over to sniff the baby-
[TLOT] Leans down to scratch chins and heads on the little dragons.
[Endrea] - Xe certainly has a unique smell...
[Doc] I'm kinda not used to strong smells period, but it reminds me of the candies Lj gave me to experiment with.
[Endrea] Opens her mouth to give a bit of void energy-
-The baby dragon spazzes and struggles to get away-
[Doc] Whoah! It's okay! Maybe Xe thinks you're trying to eat hir?
[Steve] void energy smells weird too.
[Endrea] - I don't know...
[liu] the poor thing.
[Doc] They're all a little different. This one came from a very heavily modded seed after all.
[Endrea] - Then theres is a chance that it doesn't feed on void energy
[Doc] I wonder if offering hir candy would be right? Or weird considering they seem to be made out of the stuff already.
[Endrea] - I cannot say
-The baby tries climbing out of Doc's arms again-
[Doc] snuggles the baby dragon- oh no, you stay with me. You can play with... With your... Cousins when you're bigger!
[Endrea] Chuckles a little while Ashe finally looks up from his book-
[Doc] Hey Ashe, wanna see the servers newest member?
[Ashe] - Okay- He carefully puts his book down and walks over
[Doc] The last egg I was walking finally hatched!
[willow and oak] -are trying to climb doc to see the new dragon better but aren't getting higher then hir knees-
[Ashe] Moves closer to investigate-
[Doc] moves so Willow and Oak can see but not reach. - be careful, little sugar here is a newborn.
[Endrea] - Is that going to be it's name?
[Doc] No, just a pet name for the moment. I didn't have anything thought out because I had no idea what they'd look like and I was starting to fear that egg might be a dud
-The baby wants to get closer to the other babies-
[Doc] Okay! Okay! But I'm supervising. You guys play nice. - Xe sits on the floor
[willow and oak] -sniff the new dragon-
-The new baby sniffs back-
[Steve] is just watching Doc and beaming, he turns to Deerheart and whispers- I haven't seen Doc make that face in a very long time
[Deer] - I don't think I've ever seen it
[Steve] I've seen a similar face when they thought you or the server was in danger, right before the rage snapped down like a mask. Understand that while Doc did have children, they were made with a lot already in place. They came into the world nearly teenagers.
[Deer] - I see, so this time they're starting from the beginning...
[Steve] Yes, and everything that was tarnished with pain and loss is suddenly shiny and new again.
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[willow and oak] -nuzzle the new dragon-
-The new dragon squeaks and jumps around a little-
[TLOT] is happily watching the babies play. He meets Steves eyes and the rough miner blushes sweetly.
[Doc] whispers - so glad you're a healthy baby, now I just have to figure out what you need next...
[Endrea] Hears Doc- I think they need at least a name next
[Doc] Deerheart, come socialize a bit. They should know you as well as me.
[Deer] Kneels down amongst the babies-
[TLOT] Notices something- they don't have any wings at all..
[willow and oak]- climb on deer a little-
[Deer] Pets the babies- Hello little ones-
[Doc] I saw... I'll think of something. But for now they'll be riding on me anyway so it's alright.
[willow and oak] -makes happy noise at the pets-
-The baby dragon rolls around, rubbing it's body against the wood floor of the library-
[Endrea] - I know GK will look forwards to babysitting more babies
[TLOT] I may call dibs on part of the babysitting duites.
[Doc] I think... I'll keep this one close to me...
[Endrea] Hums in understanding- If you need any help, let me know
[Doc] Sneaks a hand closer to Deerheart and clasps her fingers lightly.  - Perhaps Yuanfen would be right for this one. Something to bring my love and I even closer.
[Deer] - That sounds beautiful
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and tilts it's head as it looks at Doc in interest-
[liu] -pets the candy dragon's head softly-
[Doc] Do you like that little one? My sweet little Yaunfen? Ah...
[Yaunfen] Is surprised and falls over from the pet-
[Doc] Looks at Liu. - I know you're unhappy because of your brother, but are you at least glad I brought you here?
[liu] yea it's nice and peaceful and lots of great people
[Doc] Good. I'm glad. Thanks for watching over Smile especially. I know he likes you. I think it might make it easier for me to get through to Grinny eventually.
[liu] he doesn't seem to like me either
[Endrea] Gathers Willow close and starts cleaning her-
[willow] -squeaks-
[TLOT] He has good reason to mistrust humans.
[Steve] Leans over a bit - what'cha reading Ashe?
[Ashe] - A book about pirates!
[Steve] Reads over his shoulder a bit. - I.. should, really do more reading myself...
[TLOT] Seconded. Mining isn't everything, you know?
[Steve] It's still important!
[Endrea] Flips Willow over-
[Yaunfen] Whines a little and looks at Steve-
[Steve] jokingly-  See! They agree with me!
[Yaunfen] Toddles closer to Steve-
[Steve] Aww, you want a hug? - Leans over to pet the little dragon.
[Doc] Is watching very closely.
[Yaunfen] Starts gumming on the armor-
[Steve] Just stares- Honestly... WHY?
[Ashe] - Oh yeah!  The red thing in your boot!
[Steve] Goes very pale - Whaaa.. no! It's nothing!
[TLOT] ...
[Ashe] - But it's really bright...
[Steve] It's just my shoes, they can't possibly see into my boot from that angle!
[Ashe] - But I saw it...
[Steve] Makes a whining noise.
[TLOT] It's okay my lamb, baby dragons just like to gum things.
[Yaunfen] Wraps around Steve's leg as they gum-
[Steve] Meeeeh
[Flux] Having silently followed- I can feel something off about your one foot...
[TLOT] It's nothing....honestly....
[Flux] - But there is something wrong, correct?
[TLOT] Is obviously uncomfortable. - We don't like to....
[Steve] Please don't...
[Deer] Is looking in confusion as she holds Oak-
[Flux] - But perhaps there is a chance I could fix it
[Doc] What is it TLOT... you know you can tell me anything.
[Steve] Please.... I don't think that's a good idea...
[TLOT] Looks down in shame.
[Flux] - What is there to be ashamed of?
[TLOT] small voice- Because it was my fault.
[Deer] - Whatever it is, it can't be so horrible.  We know you'd never do anything bad to Steve on purpose
[Steve] It was an accident. I....
[TLOT] My lamb-
[Steve] I'm also glitched.
[Doc] Steve! Why didn't you tell me?
[Deer] - How badly?
[Steve] I can... walk in lava. It kinda hurts, but I won't die.
[Doc] But you don't have the eyes.
[TLOT] Is startled-
[Ashe] - Even Mama can't do that!
[Steve] I have a small color error. It's why you guys never see me without my armored boots unless I'm barefoot.
[Ashe] - Is that the red thing?
[Doc] So you didn't want it fixed because it gives you some protection?
[Steve] ...yes.
[Doc] Come on Steve, let me see.
[Ashe] - I wanna see it!
[Endrea] - Ashe that's enough
[TLOT] Only if you want to my lamb.
[Steve] I might as well, we're already in the best protected server in the multiverse. - sits down and pulls on his boot. Under the diamond gleam is one incredibly red shoe.
[TLOT] No matter how many times I fix it, it always turns red again.
[Flux] Looks at it curiously-
[TLOT] Even replacing it with a different color shoe doesn't work.
[Endrea] - I see no reason to be ashamed of something so minor.  It simply makes you an even more unique Steve
[Steve] ....
[TLOT] We're worried about him becoming a target because he's glitched. Apart from being resistant to fire, he doesn't have any special powers like a brine does to defend himself with.
[Endrea] - But as he said earlier, this is the safest place you know, so why fear that here?
[TLOT] Because it's my shame to bear Endrea! I dragged him halfway across our seed on the word of Jeb to look for something that turned out to be a trap and nearly got us both killed. Is that a thing you'd like to have well known?
[Endrea] - It would only have mattered if you had failed to survive
[Steve] Especially now that we know Jeb isn't as divine as he made us believe, he isn't even a nice person.
[TLOT] Thumbs at Doc- I think they're the only reason we did survive! I couldn't seed hop, I didn't even know other seeds existed! Doc pulled us out of there... Hid us away... For that I'm eternally grateful.
[Doc] Thank you, to both of you. The first friends I ever had.
[Flux] - This glitch of yours Steve, it's full of your mates power.  You marked him, and this is how he marked you
[Steve] And that is my shame... He's lucky I didn't bite his hand completely off...
[Endrea] - I don't think you could have
[Steve] I was out of my head with so much pain at the time...
[Doc] I would have made him a new one.
[Endrea] - I repeat, I don't think you could have.  Even with your mind filled with pain and rage, you could not have harmed him.  I saw the same thing when my brine was fueled by anger and the only thing nearby was his future mate.  He hurt her so badly, but never to the point of permanent damage
[TLOT] We actually don't know what the full mental limits are on humans vs brines, we've never actually met another bonded pair of our type. Cp and Lie weren't married until after Lie was made a brine, and Deerheart isn't technically human.
[Flux] - I believe Endrea is right, you two were bonded from the start, even if you didn't realize it.  I don't believe he could have caused you more harm
[Steve] I am part of him after all, my hearts came from his chest.
[Endrea] Hums in approval before finishing up with Willow and reaching over to grab Oak for his bath-
[Ashe] - I like your red shoe
[Doc] it's a literal hot foot
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