bnjmin · 1 year
@winebleeds [  TWO  ] :  “ i can’t do this. ” selectively accepting.
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right.  that's  all  he's  been  hearing,  lately;  all  the  things  she  can't  do.  all  the  things  he  can't  have.  he  could  kick  and  scream  like  a  fucking  child  and  still  not  be  able  to  change  anything.  he's  swallowing  every  last  syllable,  every  single  way  he  wants  to  beg,  every  little  thing  he  thinks  he  could  say  that  might  change  her  mind.  ( there's  no  changing  it,  he  knows.  she's  sold  most  of  her  furniture.  she  has  her  plane  ticket.  he  knows  what  time  she'll have  to  leave  to  get  to  the  airport  before boarding, and that she'll probably leave earlier than that. )
i  can't  do  this.  yeah,  he's  not  sure  he  can  either.  but  short  term  wants  have  always  overridden  what  he  knows  is  best  for  him.  he's  been  thinking  about  the  last  time  they  kissed  and how  there  was  nothing  between  it  aside  from  what  should  have  been -- none of the baggage that's between them.
he's  red  faced,  now,  and  he  hates  that  it's  because  of  how  she  makes  him  feel.  anger  seeps  into  every  part  of  him,  a  rage  that's  mostly  just  mourning,  but  his  heart  still  picks  up.  his  breath  is  still  shallowed  in  anticipation,  face  changing  color  when  he  looks  down  at  her  mouth.
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komunion · 2 years
“ i heard you were back in town. ” (teeheehee. and maddie to any of the crew)
meme.    @winebleeds
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"just  for  a  bit."  it's  neither  melancholy  nor  thrilled--  it  is  what  it  is,  and  their  house,  though  fully  occupied,  still  has  the  vast  emptiness  of  months  on  the  road.  he's  petting  angel,  rolled  over  onto  her  back  between  them.  "some  shows  in  town,  then  we're  going  to  vegas."  he  smiles  up  at  her,  leans  back  onto  his  palms.  "come  with  me  tonight.  if  you  ain't  too  busy.  you  can  hang  backstage."
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hcze · 2 years
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Five times hugged |  @winebleeds​ ft. Lizt five times hugged (even with lizt not being a hugger)
i. This one comes easy, out of the whole crew at the bar exists two huggabears. The top one is Astrid, Drew following suit really close. The main difference is that the musician would ask if they can hug you compared to the waitress that doesn’t really know about personal space that much. But this is Liz, they have shared a little more than hugs, so his arms can naturally wrap around her unexpected. Embracing her in the booth at the back, as they talk and enjoy some nice wine and whiskey. ii. Unexpected. Drew is looking at her move around in his kitchen, for one, he nearly burnt it trying to make her some dinner and she is quick to assess his mess. The musician is left to stand against the counter, because apparently he breaks things. So he stays, looking how the tinkering of pots and dishes play a dancing show before his eyes, Liz moving gracefully as if dancing along the rhythm of his colors. Beautiful scene if you ask him. It can’t be helped when he simply walks over and wraps his arms around her waist to embrace, his chin on her shoulder.     ❛ I’m sorry. I did try but... Guess I’m not skilled in this area yet.  Come on, there’s a good restaurant a block from here. ❜ iii. They are dancing this time, hand in hand, hand in shoulder. But some time along the song his arms slide to embrace her as they dance, pulling her closer to his frame. The handles of the clock denote that it is time to close the bar, and it it his turn. However, Steve ( the regular client since 1989 quite probably ) is sitting still  at the counter despite Tom having left the counter an hour ago. They thought him sleeping, hence why Drew had convinced Liz for a last dance before closing and kicking Steve out. It is a surprise then when the man raises his hand, fingers coiled around empty glass and mouth opens to dare and ask for a refill.       ❛ I’m not giving you another drink Steve. You’re drunk, go home. ❜ he chuckles, wrinkling his nose at Liz with an apologetical smile. ❛ I think, our dance has been crashed. I’ll go help him. ❜ iv. His arms envelope her in a hug, a warm and celebratory one. Drew is happy for her, a great achievement or discovery in her work that she mentioned a few moments earlier. He does not get plenty of the technicalities, he has never been good at maths nor sciences to really get it ( only Biology mind you ) but  he can tell that it means a great deal to her. She doesn’t go into details really, but the way her smile shines and her eyes sparkle does not go unnoticed by him. ❛ I’m really happy for you Liz. ❜ v. The week’s shifts had been hard on him, adding the recent nightmares had grown black rings under his eyes. The musician doesn’t want to sleep yet, afraid of another creeping nightmare, so he sits at the couch comfortably snug against Liz while she reads a book. His eyelids feel heavy though, his mind is swarming with faint colors like an agitated wasp nest and he cannot think clearly. His head falls to rest against her shoulder for a moment, his whole frame adjusts itself so he can gently hug her and his face soon nuzzles against her arm.     Drew is not thinking, he is feeling. And what he feels right at that moment gives him butterflies in the pit of his stomach, of words he’s afraid to let slip so casually. Yet she’s there with him just enjoying some time together. He wonders, what is this? Does he really want to know? Would he bear ruining it? Not knowing how she will take this, there is a slight fear in his voice which he tries to conceal the best he can. ❛ I think... I’m in love with you. ❜  
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tckenbythesky · 3 years
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                                              MOODBOARD MEME | accepting!                 ( send 🏰 for a moodboard of important locations in my muses life )                         @skyler-bane​, @winebleeds​, & @agentharrisonofshield​ asked
First row: The Falls at Reedy. Greenville, South Carolina at large. The Medusa Tree.
Greenville is Lou’s hometown. These sites are very important to her, especially in her teen years.
Second row:  Baker’s Dozen, Brooklyn by way of Greenville. London, UK at large. The Vinyl Countdown, Brooklyn.
The Baker’s Dozen bakery is the shop of one Gertrude “Gertie” Johnson, Lou’s somewhat adopted grandmother. It began in Greenville, but moved once Gertie herself relocated. Lou hasn’t been London, but her only living family ( outside her father and asshole uncle ) reside there and there’s a deep Wolfe history there. She’s always been curious about it and someday she’d like to visit. The Vinyl Countdown is the record shop Lou owns and runs. It’s her passion come to life. She hadn’t dreamed of opening such a place or following such a path, but she doesn’t question it.
Third row:  Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn at large. The Cyclone roller coaster, Coney Island.
Brooklyn is now Lou’s home and has been for nearly a decade. She never considered herself a huge city girl, but she’s definitely become one. Hardest part is being able to keep her car Roosevelt.
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grownumb · 3 years
@winebleeds replied to your post: I need the story behind the pacifier msmsms
in reference to this headcanon, after daisy’s second abortion at 21 she went and got high all by herself. roaming around all night until she eventually ended up at a playground at about 3 in the morning. high out of her mind and more emotionally drained than she would have guessed, also crying her eyes out. that is when she found a lost pacifier in the sand. somewhat ironic but she took it as a sign and kept it as a soft reminder of a future she’ll keep denying she wants or would see herself fitting into.
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stfreds-arc · 3 years
VALENTINE’S KISSES / not accepting .
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@winebleeds​​ sent :   💝 (raleigh of course)
[ 2 — on the fingertips ] .
“ HEY, STRANGER ”. too loud, always too loud: reiterating her right to be just as much of a character in this tragic comedy they call HIGH SCHOOL as anyone else. but though most of what concerns her life is a performance, the smile that greets raleigh’s presence is genuine — she knows it’s out of character, the way she looks at him, but so what ? she needs some tenderness, she needs to remember she has a right to be soft. if everyone else gets the fiery, battling, angry kid, raleigh spencer gets actual sunshine and undivided attention. call him LUCKY —— she’d rather call him cursed. “ it’s valentine’s day, you know ? ”. her question stretches at the end, turns into a sing-song mocking tone — head tilted, she’s playing. far more coquettish than usual, she grabs his hand and casually brings it to her lips, kissing his fingertips and not just out of affection, but so he’ll have to drop the highlighter and pay attention to her. always a game. “ i know you didn’t get me anything. it’s OKAY ”. her voice a chirp, mischievous grin curling her lips. “ but you gotta go out with me tonight. ” cue the adoring, pleading gaze: “ come on. you HAVE TO ”. 
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onlywarmer · 3 years
@winebleeds  :  raleigh & jess.  /  meme,  accepting
Who’s the messiest one: hmmmm i’m gonna go ahead and guess raleigh? he seems a little more clumsy / awkward / lost in his thoughts so he might not pay that much attention. but i don’t see either of them being very messy. edit: solo is the messiest bc his fur gets on every surface lol
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: probably jess. while she likes hugs with certain people, she’s not too big a fan of being touchy in public. i feel like their pda wouldn’t be full on make out scenes but gentle gestures like helping the other put on a coat, holding hands, fixing hair or clothes for them. subtle things.
Who’s the funniest drunk: ral. though it happens super super rare, it’s always amusing.
Who texts the most: i’ll have to guess but imma say ral? i see jess more of a caller than a texter but with ral i’d say he’s putting things down in a text. he also uses a lot of ‘lol’ and similar while jess is kind of a dry texter. except for an emoji here and there.
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: everyone has some skeletons in their basements, don’t they?
Who reads the most: boy they both do. they could both go days just chilling and reading and enjoying each other.
Who’s better with kids: literally both. not only do they both work with kids, they also desperately want a family and just have that instinct and so so so much love. they’d be amazing parents.
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: jess would try fixing things herself because she can be stubborn as hell but eventually would have to call someone for it.
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: not really weird but maybe a bit nerdy, raleigh with his science fiction and more nerdy things he’s interested in ? which jess just absolutely loves to learn more about every day.
Who cooks and who cleans up: jess usually cooks and also likes to clean up but they share chores and switch every now and then. edit: she’s also teaching him how to cook, like, properly
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breathingliifearc · 3 years
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send me   ‘ mistletoe ’  ❤ it's one of their typical staying when everyone else is gone, with drew's turn to close for the night. she takes a break in assisting him, motioning him to the piano. when both sitting there, the mistletoe once hanging within the haze now lays on top of the piano. and, by her smirk, she snuck it there only recently. @winebleeds​
    He’s absent-minded as always, to the point of forgetting where the mistletoe is despite his initial plan on sneaking some above both their heads sometime within the night. But since it had been not a calm one... Well plans didn’t go as thought. Drew follows though, quite giddy despite his honest ( but hidden deep inside ) dislike for Christmas time that seems to wash away when surrounded by people he loves. Once seated at the piano, a quick look at her smirk and he knows.
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    ❛ Oooh, look at that on your lips. You clever sneaky one... ❜ he chuckles, inching closer with canted head to meet her soft plump lips with his own. And he melts, like a marshmallow in a cup of hot chocolate, and fireworks ignite within his mind’s eye as they seem to do whenever he kisses her.
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     ❛ I had been waiting for this all night long... ❜
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tcpimpabutterfly · 3 years
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Status: Accepting
@winebleeds said: 🔥
We as a community have to ABSOLUTELY stop idolizing people in the RPC and treating them like they’re above us. Like no offense because I am a devout role player too, but we’re all just nerds on tumblr dot com putting words next to people who don’t even know we exist and building whole worlds based off of them. There’s no reason you should be going overboard with compliments and saying things like “I can’t believe I’m able to be in your presence and interact with your muses that are 1000x better than mines and anyone else’s muses I’ve seen 😍😍😍🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪”. A simple “ur amazing, ily, ur the best, and I love seeing you on the dash.” Will do hun 💜. Over doing it is what leads to other people getting these weird god-like complexes and starting cliques in the RPC that end up becoming toxic as hell.
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odisn · 3 years
top five fruits
1.   I like mangos .   they own my heart 2.   strawberries are sick  3.   peaches look like butts im here for it 4.   grapes make everything better 5.   I feel like if I don’t say banana everyone will come for me
                         @winebleeds​    /    p.
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bnjmin · 2 years
👔 (liz)
meme.     @winebleeds​
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              she  encourages  him  to  go  to  some  networking  thing.  and  like  most  everything,  he  knows,  she's  right  —  regardless  of  the  faces  he  pulls  and  the  things  he  mumbles.  dress  code  is  business  casual.  and  because  "i'm  not  going  to  look  like  a  tool  in  a  polo,"  he's  wearing  a  button  up  shirt.  (  it's  one  she  got  for  him  —  purple  and  fitted  in  more  areas  than  he'd  like  it  to  be,  but.  he  wants  to  see  the  look  on  her  face  when  she  notices.  )  he  stands  keen  when  she  approaches,  expecting  the  usual  comments,  especially  as  he  shoves  his  hands  into  the  pockets  of  actual  pants.  immediately,  she  reaches  for  his  shirt,  the  buttons,  and  he  casts  a  quizzical,  silent  look  at  her  when  she  undoes  the  whole  front,  only  to  begin  redoing  it.  it's  when  her  hands  are  passing  over  his  abdomen  that  he  realizes  he's  buttoned  it  wrong,  an  extra  hole  hanging  down  at  the  bottom.  he  murmurs  his  thanks,  shows  it  by  tugging  and  then  quickly  releasing  the  fabric  of  her  sleeve.
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komunion · 3 years
[ bruise ] (jamie and... jay seeing it? could even be from dom surprise me)
nonverbal meme     ft.     @winebleeds​
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          "     ----     WHO’D YOU PISS OFF?     "     dom's voice carries this inflection of    humor    while jay allows for     genuine concern.      they manage to strike a delicate balance.      the wound is pretty bad,     swollen and purpling,     and jaylen hands over his water bottle,     half empty but cool,     condensation heavy down the side of the crumpled plastic.     dom continues,   sipping from his own blue container.     "     nah,     but really though.     there some fight club shit going on here,    or what?    "
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hcze · 2 years
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Five times hugged |  accepting @winebleeds​ ft. Jamie five times hugged (astrid & jamie since she's a hugger)
i. The first isn’t a surprise really, Astrid is know for her endless resource of hugs for no reason in particular, even if you don’t ask for one.  And she does not when she enters the bar in a running tackling mood screaming his name. ❛ JAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!! ❜  The bar man, the musician and the boss have to step aside to avoid being pushed away or knocked down like a pair of skittles. She makes her way to him and nearly jumps enveloping him in a tight hug, her chin resting against the middle of his upper arm ( she’s a small one ) and a bit grin on her lips. ❛ I got some Skittles, want some? ❜
ii. There she is, covering her half her face with the blanket that is covering her whole, you can only see her big eyes peering from the fuzzy brim as she stares at the TV. They are watching a movie, popcorn and all. Jamie is sitting next to her seeming to enjoy it and Astrid, well, she is enjoying it but it doesn’t make it less scary. ❛ Stop it! ❜ she demands with a frown, looking at Jamie scoldingly for laughing at her jumping when a loud sound in the movie surrounded them in the living room. ❛ I can handle horror movies, zombies and brains, and ghosts... But when there’s too much blood I get squeaky... What... Don’t laugh! ❜ There comes a loud thud and she jumps hugging him quickly and burying her face behind his arm.
iii. They are at work, the bar packed like a holiday one but it is just a regular night really. It is someone’s birthday at the back she thinks, heard it from one of the boy’s mouth yelling ‘ shots for everyone! ‘. It’s loud, the jukebox changing songs like a maniac since they cannot seem to choose one freaking song at a time. ❛ If we’re not careful they might break it. ❜ She tells him, glaring her eyes towards the crowd and then, it happens. The loud boy throws a glass to shatter to the wall to everyone’s surprise, gasps and mouths agape at the action. And he is feisty! Nodding daringly at Jamie, who to Astrid’s perspective, is now fuming. She’s quick to leave the tray on the nearest table, her arms going to hug him gently to try and tame as little as she can the oncoming storm that is winding up in him and she whispers. ❛ Be careful... But go beat that guy’s bum and come back without a scratch alright? ❜ iv. ❛ I bet you five bucks that I can get Larry to give me a piggyback ride. ❜ her tone is determined, her squinted eyes mirror the smugness of her curved lips.   ❛ Wait, five bucks and a five minutes hug without resistance. ❜ index finger points at him, waiting for an answer.  She can do it, the red-head has a soft spot for her but for anyone around them, it sounds like an impossible mission.  ❛ I really don’t think she’ll make it ❜ Tom tells him, as he overheard the conversation, yet remains interested in the outcome. At the distance, the boss is picking up some chairs and placing them upside down over the tables. Astrid shares a last glance of mutual understanding before throwing herself onto the floor dramatically, feigning she has hurt her ankle. Least thing you know, Larry is carrying her on his back towards the office. Ten minutes later, she’s hugging Jamie like a koala and not letting go. v. The fifth and last. This one is needed, she doesn’t say a word which is unusual to her character. Her short arms just slip around him from behind and she buries her face in his back in silence. Astrid doesn’t want to talk, not yet anyway, and she hopes he can understand that sometimes as she gives hugs so freely, sometimes she just needs one. 
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mystiika · 3 years
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@winebleeds​ asked:  3, 12, 17, & 26
meme: multimuse asks status: accepting
oo3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
probably eragon. when it comes to source canon, his is the one that the most time has past since reading. i also really only write him in his modern verse which is VERY different from the series itself. i also write him among the least bc people are less likely to be familiar with him than other characters. i’m a few chapters into my reread tho so i’m hoping to be able to write him a little easier after that
o12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
i can’t control them. i’m how they interact with the world but i don’t decide shit. just bc we plot something we like doesn’t mean it will work bc at the end of the day, i’m not the person who gets final say. i’ve tried to force characters into situations i wanted to write but it felt bad so now if i get any sort of negative vibe bc it sounds like a situation my muse doesn’t want to be in, that’s it. this does not mean that i don’t want to write with you tho ! it just means we need to plot something else out bc that just isn’t working anymore & there’s nothing wrong with that.
o17. do your muses get along with each other?
for the most part, yeah ! i tend to like affiliated muses so i end up weaving a lot of them into the same storyline bc it’s a lot of fun. i have muses that are blood related, i have muses that are dating each other in different verses etc. there’s def some combos i think wouldn’t work but for the most part, a lot of them would be friends for sure
o26. which muse is most likely to have kids?
so i’m going to exclude the muses that already have kids for simplicity’s sake. in reality i think most of ( if not all of ) my muses want kids eventually, but i think the ones who want to be a parent the most are isaac & jamie. for different reasons but they just both really want to be a dad & can’t see a future where they don’t have kids whether they’re bio or adopted or what have you
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outsetian · 3 years
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stfreds-arc · 3 years
@winebleeds​​ / valentine’s day applications / accepting .
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name: raleigh age: 30 do you like to cuddle?: yeah can we make-out?: uh, sure a night in or dinner out?: either is fine with me. ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: both? what makes you a good valentine?: uh. i don’t know. im funny? would you cook for me?: i can try… would you let me cook for you?: yeah
“ you know, for being the SMART ONE —— you really don’t learn from past mistakes, ral, do you ? ” the smile may appear bright on her lips: it hides way more sadness than it will let on. way more GUILT, too —— but the rose in her cheeks, that’s all surprise. the good kind: the old, familiar, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind. only when she’s joking, the smile grows brighter. “ i regret to inform you, however, that my skills in the kitchen have not improved ONE BIT from back then. so, i think you’re gonna have to do the cooking ”.
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