#wines delivery
rose7bm · 8 months
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sophsun1 · 11 months
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It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
5.04 The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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doodles of cliff at 29 years old, thriving while living in mineral town & making new friends during his delivery trips to forgotten valley!
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manchesterau · 5 months
im going to infiltrate whatever the fuck dnp has going on and become their lesbian third
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zmediaoutlet · 4 months
dean/crowley and sam/crowley
ahaha well --
technically you don't have to 'ship' things that are canon. :)
that said: I mean, come onnnn. D/Crowley has mUch more canon basis than just about any other "okay, I guess they didn't technically show us kissing" ship in the show. I mean the fivesome alone! But also the obviously canonical pining from Crowley, the way Dean threatens a lot but you can't ever actually imagine him really going through with killing Crowley (because he's soft with guys who've fucked him <3), the way Crowley always Gets what's going on with Dean in a way deeper and more fucked up than anyone else -- even Sam -- even maybe Alastair. The spectator sees more of the game, as they say, and what's interesting about Crowley is that he would never, ever expect to be #1 -- but what he can get at as #2 might be just as useful.
what's also fun about D/Crowley is like -- while it's obviously a mistress ship to the side of the main canon event, it's very... free? Dean doesn't have to pretend to be anything other than what he is. Of course he does, because he wouldn't be Dean without a little gloss of pretense, but like -- Crowley knows him. Crowley knows his worst shitty parts. Crowley probably has a spreadsheet with how many souls Dean shredded in Hell and has polite comments arranged for every one, which he Will Not Say but they both know he could. Dean's guilt encompasses the whole planet but Crowley doesn't give a shit about that guilt, except how he can manipulate it to his own ends, and they both know that, and it's like... all the cards are on the table, you know? In that way it may be a little bit of self-harm for Dean, sure, but he's going into it with eyes wide open and knows exactly what he'll get out of it and it's. Well, 'free' is the only word I can think of. A little corrosive maybe but lots of things have been worse.
also the dude died for Dean, which we should always appreciate as the ultimate simp move. Dean's got a bodycount stacked much higher than Sam's dick. Why isn't the meme about Dean's murderous puss?
would Crowley attempt to seduce Sam? Sure he would. Would he try to get him into a place where Sam might really consider saying yes to it? Of course. Would Sam actually say yes? lolno, not unless LITerally every other option (potentially including his own death) were wasted, because--
unlike the previous ship in this ask, Sam has self-respect. rip Crowley but Sam already learned his lesson with skanky demonsex and like. He's just not that sad. Plus there's zero zero zero interest or closeness from Sam -> Crowley, and Sam's a lot of things but I really don't think he's a 'self-punisher with sex', and he obviously just finds Crowley fucking irritating, lol. He's also never gonna kill Crowley because the network wouldn't let him, but where with Dean you can hear the shouted threat as very empty, with Sam you can hear that he would REALLY LIKE TO and keeps getting thwarted. Crowley might be useful but he's not Sam's friend, and---while I fully believe that Sam can have hatesex---Crowley doesn't feel like an option he'd ever choose. Not least because he knows Crowley would try to use it as a card against him, and he's smart enough to not let that happen.
As an interesting codicil to all this, I also sorta suspect that Crowley respects Sam more than he does Dean. He'd still use the opportunity if it were given, but where with Dean it's a fun way to needle him (we'll ignore his subsequent schmoopy pining, the dope), with Sam, it feels like Crowley would really just find it a disappointment. Like, he expects better. Adds a cool element to their dynamic.
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Wine in Greece isn't cheaper than water last time I checked 🥲 15€ for wine IS cheap which is what concerns me 💀 Like is this bottom shelf cooking wine with a bit of branding? Sometimes you find nice wines for cheap too so I hope it's one of these times for you guys. And of course I'm interested in your wine tasting findings 👀💙
Really?? For some reason I assumed Greece had the wine price range of like, Spain and Portugal and Croatia where you can get a bottle for 2€ 😭 15€ is in no way the cheapest bottom shelf wine (squat wine as it's called), those are around 10€ and non-alcoholic cooking wines even less. I mean it's affordable but not cheap 😄 I was afraid it'd be closer to 30€ but no one would buy it then 💀 I'm usually a fan of sweeter fruity German white wines so I hope they nailed this one ✌️
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fruitgoat · 4 months
Okay, delivery dude. Anytime you want to show up is good for me. Yesterday you called three times and scheduled a delivery for today. You asked me (via my mom yelling towards me while I was ridding the house of a very angry yellowjacket) if morning or afternoon was better. I said afternoon. You said you’d be here early to mid afternoon, emphasis on the early. I enthusiastically agreed. Everything was perfect. Now it’s 3pm and haven’t heard a peep from you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying my current position of sprawled on a couch while reading, but I’ve got other shit to do today.
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theflirtmeister · 8 months
bbc news: did everyone survive the TRAUMA of dry january
me: i feel like you misunderstand your target audience
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umilily · 1 year
define germany: i just learned that apparently until very recently a children's choir called "Pfälzer Weinkehlchen" existed, which roughly translates to "palatinate wine throats" and aiuwudvöibvalr-
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rose7bm · 7 months
What characterizes the appeal of big bottles of wine, and how do they contribute to special occasions and celebrations?
Embracing the Grandeur: The Appeal of Big Bottles
Understanding Big Bottles of Wine
When it comes to making a statement at special occasions and celebrations, nothing captures attention quite like big bottles of wine. Whether it's a magnum, Jeroboam, or even larger format, these grand bottles bring a sense of grandeur to any gathering. The allure lies not just in the quantity of wine but in the unique characteristics that contribute to the overall experience.
Showcasing Elegance and Festivity
The size of the bottle itself adds an element of elegance and festivity to the occasion. A well-chosen magnum or larger bottle becomes a centerpiece, commanding attention and setting the tone for a celebration. The visual impact of a large bottle pouring into glasses creates a sense of abundance and generosity, elevating the entire experience.
The Charm of Organic Wines in Big Bottles
The Rise of Organic Wines
In recent years, there has been a growing appreciation for organic wine—wines made from grapes cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms. This commitment to organic farming practices aligns with a broader trend towards sustainability and a desire for wines that reflect a respect for the environment.
Organic Wines in Larger Formats
The appeal of organic wines extends to big bottles, adding an extra layer of significance to special occasions. Winemakers who prioritize organic practices often extend their commitment to larger formats. Choosing a magnum or Jeroboam of organic wine not only offers a substantial quantity but also reflects a dedication to quality and eco-conscious winemaking.
Making a Statement with Cases of Wine
The Power of Quantity and Quality
For those who wish to make an even grander statement, investing in cases of wine is a strategic choice. Cases provide an assortment of bottles, allowing hosts to curate a selection that suits diverse tastes. Whether it's a mix of varietals or a collection of wines from different regions, cases of wine ensure a well-rounded and memorable experience for all attendees.
Convenience and Consistency
Cases of wine offer the convenience of having a consistent supply throughout the celebration. Hosts can avoid the interruptions of frequent bottle changes, allowing them to focus on enjoying the festivities. It's an excellent solution for large gatherings, ensuring that everyone has access to the chosen selection without the need for constant restocking.
Buying Wine in Singapore: A Hub for Selection
The Wine Enthusiast's Paradise
Singapore has become a hub for wine enthusiasts, offering a diverse selection that caters to various preferences. When it comes to buying wine in Singapore, the options are extensive, from boutique wineries to established labels. The city's vibrant wine culture makes it easy for individuals to explore and find the perfect big bottles of wine for their special occasions.
Access to Organic Wines
Singapore's wine market embraces the global shift towards sustainability, with a notable presence of organic wines. Those seeking to make a conscientious choice for their celebrations can easily find a variety of organic options when buying wine in Singapore. This accessibility allows hosts to align their choices with values of environmental stewardship without compromising on taste.
Elevating Celebrations: The Final Pour
Creating Lasting Memories
In essence, the appeal of big bottles of wine lies in their ability to create lasting memories. Whether it's the grandeur of a magnum, the variety offered by cases of wine, or the sustainability of organic options, these choices contribute to a unique and memorable celebration. The final pour from a large bottle becomes symbolic, marking the culmination of a joyous occasion shared among friends and loved ones.
Read also -What factors should one consider when choosing between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, and how do they complement various dishes? A Toast to Grandeur and Sustainability
As you raise your glass to toast the success of a special moment, the choice of a big bottle becomes more than just a practical consideration—it becomes a celebration of grandeur, sustainability, and the art of winemaking.
So, the next time you plan a significant event, consider the impact of a magnum, Jeroboam, or even cases of wine, and let the celebration unfold with the charm and allure that only big bottles can bring.
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cowlovely · 1 year
wedding of river song stupid stupid episode of television BUT the wedding scene on the roof DOES make me cry the entire time. shut up.
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seostar01 · 1 year
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neonsbian · 2 years
bad day ☹️
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zmediaoutlet · 4 months
what about lucifer/sam?
ooh good one --
i mean let's immediately discard the sort of porngoof uwu romance stuff that's in kinkmemes or whatever -- much like with exiling lolitaSam to the pits of sticky pornlet wannabe hell, let's not even pretend that "nice" Sam/Luci is even a thing
that said: fucked up Lucifer/Sam? HELLLL YES.
pun intended
it's good in so many ways! Gaslighting Sam in a fake universe inside the cage to make him think that he really does love Lucifer and then pulling the rug out from under him? Delish. Hard long-torture stockholm stuff where Sam is finally desperate for any kind of relief and goes to his knees and Lucifer gets the crowing glee of almost conceding, and then shoving Sam down to the dirt anyway? Scrumptious. Just straight-up gnasty noncon that Sam grits his teeth to get through and Lucifer smiles at him and says hey, the Grand Canyon wasn't eroded in a day!, and Sam knows it'll happen again, and again tomorrow, and again the day after that, and that the nature of hell means he'll never be numbed to it but that his nerves will always be this raw wild edge and it'll hurt this much every time and that's all he has to look forward to, forever, because he 'beat' Lucifer and now has to suffer the consequences of his victory? I need a cigarette. Hot damn.
This also works with Hallucifer, or arguably even better because it's all Sam's terror lurching up to mock him even when he should be safe in the waking earth. Fits with all Sam's post-cage life, too, although I'm not a fan of Hallucifer showing up after the "craziness" transfer (however dumb it is, it's canon, so I go with it) -- but like, Dean smiles at him a particular way and Sam gets a crackling flash of another face; or, worse! but awesome!, he touches Dean in a particular way and realizes oh shit oh no he accidentally copied one of Lucifer's moves. That shit is crack. Lawdt.
Anyway it's very cool. But only when it's messed up. I need more energy for messed up ship writing, it's fun as hell. (Not for Sam, but... he should be used to that by now.)
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blackthornass · 2 years
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thefinewinecompany · 1 year
Sauvignon Blanc: What to Know and 6 Bottles to Try
When it comes to exploring the world of wines, Sauvignon Blanc is a name that often comes up. Known for its vibrant flavors and refreshing characteristics, this white wine varietal has captured the hearts of wine enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the nuances of Sauvignon Blanc, discussing its origins, flavor profile, and food pairing possibilities. Additionally, we will introduce you to six exquisite bottles of Sauvignon Blanc available at The Fine Wine Company Ltd, giving you the perfect opportunity to embark on a delightful wine-tasting journey.
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I. The Basics of Sauvignon Blanc
1. What is Sauvignon Blanc?
Sauvignon Blanc is a popular white wine grape variety that originated in the Bordeaux region of France. Renowned for its crisp acidity and vibrant aromatics, it has become a signature grape in several wine regions around the world, including New Zealand, California, and South Africa.
2. Flavor Profile
Sauvignon Blanc offers a diverse range of flavors that can vary based on the region and winemaking techniques employed. Generally, it exhibits pronounced citrus notes, such as grapefruit, lemon, and lime. Additionally, it often presents herbaceous and grassy undertones, with hints of bell pepper, freshly cut grass, and even jalapeño. These bright and zesty characteristics make Sauvignon Blanc an invigorating choice for wine lovers seeking a refreshing and lively drinking experience.
3. Styles of Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc can be produced in different styles, catering to various preferences. Two notable styles are
Crisp and Dry: This style showcases the varietal's signature acidity, emphasizing its citrus and herbaceous flavors. It is a popular choice for those seeking a vibrant, refreshing wine.
Sweet and Dessert: In some regions, Sauvignon Blanc is used to produce sweet white wines with luscious flavors. These dessert wines offer a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity, making them a perfect accompaniment to rich desserts or enjoyed on their own.
II. Food Pairings
Due to its vibrant acidity and versatile flavor profile, Sauvignon Blanc can be paired with a wide range of dishes. Here are some excellent food pairing suggestions to enhance your culinary experience:
1. Seafood Delights
The bright and zesty nature of Sauvignon Blanc compliments seafood beautifully. Try pairing it with grilled prawns, fresh oysters, or delicate fish dishes to bring out the best in both the wine and the food.
2. Goat Cheese and Salads
The herbaceous and grassy notes in Sauvignon Blanc make it an excellent partner for goat cheese and fresh salads. The wine's acidity cuts through the creaminess of the cheese and adds a delightful contrast to leafy greens.
3. Light Pasta and Vegetarian Dishes
When it comes to vegetarian options or light pasta dishes, Sauvignon Blanc can be a great choice. Its bright acidity and citrus flavors help cleanse the palate and enhance the flavors of the dish.
III. Six Bottles of Sauvignon Blanc to Try at The Fine Wine Company Ltd
Now that you're familiar with the characteristics and food pairings of Sauvignon Blanc, let's explore six exceptional bottles available at The Fine Wine Company Ltd:
Iona, Sauvignon Blanc, 2022 (Case)
Umbrele, Sauvignon Blanc, 2022 Bottle
Ant Moore, Signature Series Sauvignon Blanc, 2022 (Case)
Greywacke, Wild Sauvignon Blanc, 2021 Bottle
Tinpot Hut, Sauvignon Blanc, 2022 (Case)
De Martino, Estate Sauvignon Blanc, 2022 Bottle
Each of these bottles offers a unique expression of Sauvignon Blanc, showcasing the diversity and excellence of this remarkable varietal.
Sauvignon Blanc, with its vibrant flavors and refreshing characteristics, is a wine that captures the essence of summer and pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes. Whether you prefer a crisp and dry style or a sweet and luscious dessert wine, Sauvignon Blanc offers an exciting range of options to suit your taste. By exploring the selection of six outstanding bottles at The Fine Wine Company Ltd, you have the opportunity to embark on a delightful wine-tasting journey, discovering the nuances and pleasures that Sauvignon Blanc has to offer. Cheers to an unforgettable experience with this remarkable white wine varietal!
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