#winged guardian: blep
familylightfox · 1 year
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@sxturn-bxrs asked:
“That is the most beautiful snake I've seen and I never seen a purple one before. Totally awesome ”
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At least someone had decent taste. Harmony had to giggle at the way Blep had stretched himself and opened his wings to either side while swaying like a cobra. Hardly meant to be intimidating.
"My Unca gave him t' me when I was little. I've had him fer 10 years. His name is Blep." Harmony grinned and Blep stuck his tongue out as if on cue. "He used t' fit in my bandana but he got too big for that. Now he hangs out on my quills."
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"pfffbbbtt" He says hello.
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halfling9s · 6 years
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Just doodling some smol guardians from my past...blep blep.
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kausbrai-fr · 3 years
rating the hatchlings of each breed
this is a joke (mostly)
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Bogsneak go blep. Cute, but has an air of cluelessness. Also has a weird drippy thing on the jawline that doesn't seem to be part of the frill. 6/10
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Very cute! I enjoy how feathery it is. I used to think the lower wing was the arm, and that it was lying on its stomach, so it was a real shocker when I discovered that it was, in fact, lying on its back. Otherwise, nice dragon. 8/10
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It has crab hands. 4/10
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Much cuter than adult guardians. Pretty generic yet adorable dragon. 7/10
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Its face kind of reminds me of a cat's, and I like cats. 6/10
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Super happy derg! Very lively. Way happier than I am though, and I don't like that, so I must take off a point. 9/10
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I like him! He has an expression of vague exasperation and disappointment. Two days old and he already is tired. 9/10
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I do not trust this child. He has an expression of maniacal glee, and looks entirely too happy to be genuine. He stares into my soul, and is pleased in a sinister way with what he finds. Also, stop trying to grab me. Rating this 4/10 only because I am afraid of him.
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Whisker.....LONG. He pearl too big for he gotdamn he. 7/10
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Oh my god, this guy is SMUG. Just hatched, and he already thinks he's better than everyone else. Way too arrogant. 1/10
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saltminerising · 3 years
Cool (cursed) New modern
Nose of a ridgeback
Beard of a guardian
Eyes of a mirror
Chin of a snapper
Barrel chest of M pose pearl catcher
Arm wings of a spiral
Scrawny as a tundra
Neck frill of a nocturne
Neck of a fae
Tongue bleps like a coatl
Weird claws of a skydancer
Long body of an imperial
Feathery tail of a wildclaw
Sails/crests of a bogsneak
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i have lots of ideas about sleepy dragons
pearlcatchers curling tightly around their pearls to protect it during sleep.
imperials not being able to sleep too close to eachother because of their antlers and whiskers getting tangled together
spirals sleeping hopelessly tangled in big knots with other spirals.
spirals wrapping themselves around non-spirals to sleep. imperials get a fashionable spiral scarf.
bogs in clans with more social dragons being confused as to why other dragons may try and cuddle them. if a guardian has a bogsneak as a charge it will try and be very close to it, maybe even putting a wing over it. the bog does not enjoy this.
skydancers taking up all of the space by stretching out as far as they can. do not want other dragons touching them though.
coatls blep out their tongues when they sleep. bugs have been swallowed.
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familylightfox · 11 months
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@unsung-heroesofmobius asked:
Of course Jerard is going to be bringing Harmony an awesome present this year. He’s wheeling in a massive terrarium for her to keep her pets entertained in whenever she wants. It’s got a very soumercan jungle vibe to it including a statue head of an old ancient god from the time before Mobians, Quetzalcoatl, in the middle of the back wall of the terrarium. “Happy Birthday, Harmony!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Leave it to her uncle to get her something that was so massive. Volt had to shake his head, completely used to his brother's antics and just gestured to the teen's room. The way emerald eyes had widened when he brought it into her room said it all, but Harmony quickly went to work on making space with the help of her teammates.
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"I saw somethin' like this on a video the other day! The guy had so many things inside." Oh her mind was running with ideas of what else she might be able to house in an enclosure like that. But it did need to pass a certain test.
Just as she reached a hand into her quills, the large serpent poked his head out to bump a finger and take a look. Red eyes looked over every detail, slithering down an arm and into the terrarium, right up until he was nose to nose with the ancient deity. It was like a staredown.
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All before he turned to face those outside the tank, flare his wings, and stick out his tongue.
"I think it's Blep approved."
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@mobiankaiju asked:
Iijoon stares at Blep. The little AG knows not of what they're looking at.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They don't know what they're looking at and in that some instance, Blep has no idea what he's looking at. Without his charge or Volt around, it's hard to assume what the other wanted, so time to improvise.
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Stretching his neck and upper half up like a cobra, spreading his wings out as far as they could and give them a few solid flaps. Followed by the old standby.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@quilledprincess asked:
" - Was that a snake I just saw Harmony with?" ( she is confused & hasn't been around all that much until now :'D )
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sometimes Volt forgot that not everyone was used to Harmony's pet being out of his tank. Normally he was good at just settling in and around her quills in a way that no one saw him. Meaning they wouldn't even know he was there unless he stuck his head out.
Be it that the serpent was getting more bold, or he simply just didn't give a shit, he was usually wrapped around the teen's quills like a hair tie lately. So all he could do was offer a look of apology to Sonia and chuckle as the beady red eyes glanced over to her when mentioned.
"He's... harmless. Kinda. 'S a long story, but you don't have to worry. He won't bite you."
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Hopefully, that would help to quell any fears as Harmony finally seemed to notice the eyes on her and smiled, one hand currently occupied with scratching underneath Blep's chin affectionately.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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Anonymous asked:
"Harmony does your stupid serpent bite/eat people?" the masked Mobian asked nervously.😅
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Did they really just refer to him... Well if the beady red eyes didn't look judgemental before, they certainly did now with the glare fixed to those dark glasses.
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"If he bit ya it'd be yer own damn fault fer bein' an asshole." The teen managed to get her pet to stop giving the hairy eyeball by using her claws to scratch under his chin. "He ain't gonna eat somebody cuz I feed him regularly and he dun consider Mobians food. But if yer gonna continue t' be a dick about it. I'm gonna have Fafo take a chunk outta yer ankle."
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"mrrrrrp?" Said feline just picked his head up from the counter. Oh did someone say he could teach someone the reason for his name~
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familylightfox · 1 year
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Character Study: Blep
Harmony's winged guardian was a gift from Mephiles who she absolutely adores and spoils. The rule was that he would only ever get as big as she was. He spends most of his time in her room at the Inn, but can also be found in/around her quills.
The flaring of the wings is an intimidation tactic to those trying to get close to Harmony (Buddy has already been subjected to it) but he's mainly just a content loaf. He can in fact get himself airborne by striking at the air and flapping his wings, or he can stretch up his body to reach high points and cinch along.
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Inspiration for him comes from a Reticulated Python and a Black Mamba.
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familylightfox · 3 years
     With the attack on the city behind them, the Freedom Fighters had doubled down on their efforts in trying to head off Eggman before he could infect any more of the world with his virus. Harmony stepped into the main room, shifting to the side so Antoine could pass by with what looked like a heavy box of supplies.
      “We’re evacuatin’, ain’t we Miss Sally?” It wasn’t hard to see that everyone was moving the majority of their supplies and equipment to the Sky Patrol. The preteen had watched as Rotor transported her father to the medical bay so they could continue to monitor him earlier. A part of her had felt bad for startling Sally, but her question remained as she waited near one of the packed boxes near the door.
     “It’s our best chance of catching up with Eggman. The goal posts are too unreliable in sending the teams to areas that haven’t already been infected and I think your father’s Warp Ring will run into the same problem. Even with the vaccine, I don’t want to run the risk of anyone being injured.” The tornado had been loaded up earlier as well, so if there was a fight to be had, they had a way down that didn’t involve just jumping out of the airborne headquarters.
     Dear Gaia would her father be having a heart attack if he could see the stunts she was pulling now.
     The thought made her frown but she looked up at the gentle hand to her shoulder. “You’re doing so well on your own right now Harmony. I know it’s hard, but we’re going to find a way to save everyone. Like we always do… I promise.”
     “I know Miss Sally. You and everybody else are workin’ really hard. So I’m gonna work hard too, t’ make sure that we can beat Eggman and save the world.” After taking a step back, Harmony pointed to the nearby box. “Is this the last of the stuff ya need?”
     “Just that and any personal items that you might want to bring along. I know the bunks aren’t the comfiest on the Sky Patrol, but it’ll only be for a little while.” That was really all the preteen needed to hear before she lifted the box and easily settled it on her shoulder. The slight tilt of her head came with Sally shaking her own with a smile. “I sometimes forget just how strong you are for your age. Let’s get everything loaded up and I’ll see if Antoine would be willing to make us all something warm to drink.”
     With a nod, the two set off, only stopping long enough in the room that Harmony was using so Sally could grab the preteen’s satchel. The look on her face at the weight shifting to mild surprise at the black snoot that popped out the flap. Harmony giggled and reached over to boop it back into the bag so there wouldn’t be anymore freak outs once they loaded up.
     “He can’t fit in my bandana anymore, but I promise he’s friendly if ya ain’t tryin’ t’ hurt me.” A little bit of reassurance that came with a raspberry sound from inside the satchel. The pair made their way out of the HQ and down to the air strip where their transportation was waiting for them. Once within a safe distance, the box on Harmony’s shoulder was lifted with a teal aura and brought inside by Silver. She offered her teammate a wave and then took her bag from Sally to go get herself situated in a bunk.
     The rooms were sparse, but with four bunks to a room, at least she wouldn’t be completely by herself. Judging by the items in the other bunks, Harmony could tell which of her teammates had chosen which bunk. With a smile, the satchel was set on the bed and opened to allow the large snake a chance to slither out and get comfortable on the pillow.
     For just a few minutes, the preteen took some time to spend with her winged guardian as he placed his head in her hands. The rough pads of her fingers smoothing over the scale between his red eyes. The repetition allowing her to get lost in her thoughts for the time being, even as Blep scaled up her arm to wrap around her shoulders in what could only be described as a hug from the serpent. It might not have been from someone she so desperately wanted it from, but it was more than enough to have her return it by holding the side of his body with her hands.
     “Thanks Blep.” She continued to pet his scales.
     “Oh wow. I didn’t know you had a pet! What kind are they?” Emerald eyes moved to the doorway, watching as buddy enter and approach. The Wolf’s curiosity getting the better of him as he got up close and personal with the blackish snoot, only to step back slightly as the mouth opened in a yawn to expose elongated fangs. Was that a warning? It could have been considered one, but Harmony was too busy snickering at the raspberry that followed.
     Blep was still just as lazy as ever, perfectly content to remain coiled around his charge. Stubby claws scratched under his chin as red eyes watched Buddy move about.
     “He was a gift from my Unca before he went away fer awhile. He’s a winged snake and my guardian. I named him Blep.” The sound of a raspberry followed. “Cuz he likes t’ do that.”
     “Winged snake? You mean like those of the legends?” He scratched the back of his head once he saw the tilt of Harmony’s head. “It’s a really old legend that I saw one time in the G.U.N archives when my mom used to let me look at them.”
     “I doubt it. But maybe. I dunno, since it ain’t like he’s gonna tell ya anything.” Harmony smiled as Buddy took a seat next to her and reached over to pet Blep, stopping just before his nose to give him a chance to decide. Seemingly undisturbed by the action he pressed his face into the hand a few times as approval for the extra attention.
     As the Sky Patrol took to the skies, the pair continued to talk and were joined by both Silver and Whisper not long after. The four spending a bit of time just talking. A perfect way for the preteen to be able to forget some of her worries, just for a little while.
     Just what she needed at the moment.
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