dimitribelmont · 5 years
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{ DJ COTRONA, 35, cismale, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was DIMITRI BELMONT i just saw on the slopes. the BODYGUARD has been staying on the mountain for 2 MONTHS and are originally from MANHATTAN. there’s always talk around town about how ATTENTIVE they are, but they can also be SECRETIVE. their favourite winter activity is AVOIDING THE SNOW. let’s hit the slopes! { lily }
hey hey, folks. here’s my last child – dimitri. love him as i do. and thank you to rina for helping me out with his name and freaking out over dj at and with me. <3
name: dimitri nico belmont
age: 35
nickname(s): dima (reserved for special people)
place of birth: manhattan, new york
current residence: wintergreen, wyoming
favorite place they’ve visited or lived: london, england
occupation: bodyguard
tattoos, scars, or piercings?: plenty of tattoos, a few scars.
sports they play: none, but he used to box competitively
sexuality: straight
zodiac: cancer (june 28th)
mbti: entj
relationships and self
parents: catherine belmont (mother), richard belmont (father; estranged)
siblings: alexandra, rose, louise and imogen belmont (sisters; 31, 27, 24, 19)
relationship status: single
past relationships: plenty. nothing too serious, though.
pets: he really wants a cat, but not right now.
how do they feel about their family?: his family are everything to him. he’d do anything for his mother and his sisters. since his father was always so in and out on the family for his entire life until he finally left for good, dimitri is good at taking care of them and always will.
and now for some headcanons…
dimitri is basically your typical tough guy... but also not your typical tough guy. he’s worked as a bodyguard for fifteen years and he loves the job – he finds that it’s what suits his personality the best and he wouldn’t want to do anything else.
but a few months back, the client he was working for was injured when he made a mistake on the job and he was fired from that position. his company told him to take a few months to himself and come back when he’s ready.
so that’s how he ended up in wintergreen. 
he’s basically a giant mess of a man who definitely doesn’t act like he is. he’s a pretty big flirt with most people and will climb into bed with just about anyone he finds attractive if they’re willing. but he’s also got himself some commitment issues – it’s why none of his past relationships have lasted.
he just doesn’t think he’s the type of guy who’s capable of settling down, even though what he’d love most of all is to have kids and a family, but he pushes that wish down in favor of sleeping around and doing things he definitely shouldn’t be doing.
as i said before, he’s a tough guy, except around certain people – around certain people he turns into a total softie. i imagine some of these people are the ones that call him dima, a nickname he pretends to hate but actually doesn’t hate all that much. these people are the ones he would give everything to have safe. he wants the best for them, is hella protective and cares about their wellbeing more than anything. 
will usually be found at a bar or somewhere out of the snow – he doesn’t hate the snow, he just doesn’t particularly love it either. he’d much rather be warm and dry then cold and wet. that just isn’t fun. so a day on the mountains? outta the question.
even though he seems intimidating on the outside, he will be friendly and happily have conversations with most people. unless you’re a dick, in which case he’ll be a rightful dick back. 
grew up with a mostly single mother and four sisters – his father was in and out all the time, stopping by to get his mother pregnant again every now and then and then leaving. dimitri was the man of the household from a young age and helped his mother raise his four sisters from day one. he’d do anything for them and they mean the world to him.
give him some buddies that he goes out drinking with all the time and just chills with. they’re the type of person that he can just talk about nothing with and it’s all cool.
we obviously need some fwb/one night stands up in here. he sleeps around a lot. give him lots of people to sleep with when he’s stressed or just wants to.
i want someone to definitely end up crushing on him and for him to be oblivious bc they’re not making it obvious.
someone he got strangely close to when arriving in wintergreen and he’s still not even sure how it happened but it’s there now so???
also – people for him to be soft with. these people get to call him dima and he gets to be lovely and soft and protective and adorable with them because he cares.
and other things we might brainstorm up!!
so here you have dimitri!! i’m excited to get started with him, so pls hit the like for plots and i’ll slide into ur dms or just slide into mine first and we can get going on the plots!!
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stasiss · 5 years
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{ OLIVIA HOLT, 21, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was ANASTASIA MILLER i just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as a ICE SKATING INSTRUCTOR on the mountain for TWO YEARS SEASONALLY and are originally from WINTERGREEN, there’s always talk around town about how OUTGOING they are, but they can also be ABRASIVE. their favourite winter activity is ICE SKATING. let’s hit the slopes! { marie, 22, est, she/her }
hi, babes!! i’m marie and i’m really excited to be here!! it’s been 86 million years since i’ve rped so hopefully i’m not Rusty. undercut there are some facts and stuff about stasia!! like this or just message me here or on discord ( i’m bubbles!! #2835 )
anastasia was born and raised in wintergreen to two former olympic skater parents who gave her everything she ever wanted, but also pushed her to be just like them. that meant she started skating as soon as she could walk.
if it wasn’t for an injury on the ice anastasia would have followed in her parents footsteps to go to the olympics as well. however, it took her over a year to recover and a few more months to get back on the ice fully.
from not being able to succeeded her parents dreams, stasia takes her instructing job very seriously. she can come off as very harsh and critical but off the ice she’s more relaxed and outgoing.
ana is also a little lost, in what she wants to do with her life since her dreams of having a superstar skating career didn’t work out. she’s taking online classes at the local college but she’s not really sure what she wants to do. 
since anastasia has been in wintergreen for her whole life, i would love some best friends, childhood friends, and exes!! ofc we can talk about more creative plots!!
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saustens · 5 years
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{ VIRGINIA GARDNER, 22, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was SAVANNAH AUSTEN i just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as a WAITRESS on the mountain for TWO YEARS and are originally from SAN DIEGO. there’s always talk around town about how SPONTANEOUS they are, but they can also be OPINIONATED. their favourite winter activity is ICE SKATING. let’s hit the slopes! 
hello hello, welcome to another instalment in lily’s characters. this is savannah. i’m very excited about her. i hope you like her. she’s a human mess. here’s some deets on her:
savannah was born in san diego, california to reginald and louise austen. she has two older sisters, elizabeth and georgina. her family was pretty conservative while growing up and savannah often attended church and also went to christian schools.
because of this, she was pretty reserved during her teen years and didn’t often go out and try new things. it wasn’t until she moved away from home when she was eighteen to go to college that she really put herself out there.
her parents are very religious and also very reserved but her older sisters are a little more outgoing and she gets along with them really well– they’re sort of her secret keepers, in some ways.
she did really well in school as a teenager, too, and ended up getting accepted to stanford, which is where she ended up going. she studied chemistry and biology because science was always the subject she excelled at so she figured that would be a good career choice.
but one year into her course shit went wrong AND THIS IS WHERE THE GOOD SHIT STARTS
she’d started secretly dating a woman a few years older than her, her first relationship ever, and a few months into their relationship savannah, thinking she was serious about the relationship, agreed to elope with her, so she quit college.
luckily elizabeth, her older sister, caught on quickly and stopped the wedding from happening. thinking quick, elizabeth sent savannah to wintergreen to hopefully get her shit together.
they both told their parents that savannah had gotten a really good internship from a prestigious scientist in wintergreen so that they wouldn’t be too disappointed about her quitting college when really, she’d just gotten a job as a waitress.
now, two years later, savannah is still living in wintergreen. she considers the place a little bit of a home now even though she misses san diego and the warmer weather.
but, while her sister wanted her to get her shit together, savannah didn’t really get her shit together and really just used the time to break out of her conservative shell after the almost-wedding and explore all the things she missed out on as a teenager.
savannah is a very outgoing person. different from her teenage personality, twenty-two year old savannah is sometimes hard to shut up. she loves talking, she loves meeting new people, she loves everything about people. 
when you really get to know her she won’t come across as so intense – she’s definitely more chill sometimes when she’s with someone she knows better than new people. she’s a very caring, sweet person under all of her over the top attitude.
and she’s also ridiculously spontaneous, as evidenced in the almost-wedding.
she’s a very big flirt. she loves flirting with people, making them squirm and such. she finds a lot of enjoyment in getting under peoples skin by flirting with them.
and she finds even more enjoyment in getting into peoples beds after flirting with them. 
she’s pansexual.
doesn’t know what the hell she’s going to do with her life since she’s no longer a student and she definitely does not have the internship her parents think she does, but she’s just going with the flow.
she’s also very opinionated. she speaks her mind about absolutely everything and will probably accidentally offend you by doing so at some point.
she may come across as a lot sometimes but is honestly just the softest. she has a lot of feelings about everything and she loves her quiet time, too. she’s very chill when she wants to be and considers her quiet time, her alone time, some of the most important
wanted plots.
give her some sort of best friend, a person she met when she first arrived in wintergreen and someone she spilled all the secrets to and has stuck by her ever since.
plenty of friends with benefits or one night stands.
someone she’s a bad influence on.
someone who is a good influence on her.
give her a crush – someone that’s totally crushing on her but she’s completely oblivious to it. bonus points if they’re a fwb or one night stand, too.
okay, so that’s savannah!! i hope you love her. i love her a lot. if you wanna plot, pls like this & i’ll send you a message!!
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camacaroons · 6 years
{ MILES HEIZER, 23, cismale, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was CAMERON CHASE i just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as a MASSEUSE on the mountain for A MONTH and are originally from CHICAGO, IL. there’s always talk around town about how INNOVATIVE they are, but they can also be IRRESPONSIBLE. their favorite winter activity is SITTING BY THE FIRE WITH A CUP OF HOT COCOA. let’s hit the slopes!
yo i’m sleepy n i’m proud to introduce y’all to my baby cam chase. like this or dm me to plot n i will bring my sunshine to ur life. there’ll be some connections at the bottom too so stay tuned!
quick bio
Cam is one of the younger members of what he feels to be an extraordinarily accomplished family. He’s like eight years younger than his oldest sibling so he’s always kinda felt like he’s playing catch-up.
He’s not crazy smart or amazingly athletic, so he didn’t really shine in school. He’s always been pretty empathetic though and that has earned him plenty of close friendships over the years. He was that one guy in high school who just came across you crying and made it better.
Somewhere around third or fourth grade one of his teachers snatched a piece of paper he was scribbling on during class, and was like,,, what? But this is good?
Queue a lifetime of art lessons and general art history geekery
You could say he’s good with his hands. He can draw beautifully, but his passion in art was always sculpting. In some ways those skills transferred over to his present as a masseuse.
Overall he had a pretty great childhood, really loved his parents and siblings as a kid. However, when he was getting ready to come out to his family as bi the guy he was (long-term) dating put his foot down saying that he refused to be outed with him, even if it was just to the Chases. The secrets tore at him. He’s probably fixed this by now?
uhh warm-weather person for fuckin sure, he can’t understand why his family keeps coming back to hell 2.0
rly rly dramatic, like pRepare urself
he’s p invasive too so if that’s gonna rub ur muse the wrong way n u want drama i’m here for it
exaggerates a lot n sometimes it’s like an outright lie but he doesnt see an issue w it as long as ppl are happy
he absolutely won’t be honest if he doesn’t think u can take it, he’s kind of a wrap cheese around the pill kind of guy
loves being the center of attention, total ig star in the making
online art geek friend
exes and past hookups (he’s more into guys but he’s dated a couple of girls over the years)
regular clients
old friends from resort
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clairefelding · 5 years
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{ TAYLOR LOUDERMAN, 26, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was CLAIRE FELDING i just saw on the slopes. the HEIRESS has been staying on the mountain SEASONALLY and are originally from BEVERLY HILLS, CA. there’s always talk around town about how ENCOURAGING they are, but they can also be CLUELESS. their favourite winter activity is LOOKING REALLY CUTE IN HER SKI OUTFIT. let’s hit the slopes!
This is Claire, she likes to party! But only very responsibly, of course. High Fashion and Responsibility. Also maybe is an heiress but whatever she doesn’t want people to know that. Here are some cool stats about this Beverly Hills Babe!
Full Name: Claire Elaine Felding Nickname(s): Clary Age: 26 Date of Birth: November 28th Hometown: Beverly Hills, California Current Location: Wintergreen, Wyoming Gender: Cisfemale Pronouns: she/her Orientation: homosexual Occupation: Heiress (though she tells folks she’s a fashion adviser)
Face Claim: Taylor Louderman Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Height: 5′8″ Piercings: Ears Clothing Style: Classic yet modern Usual Expression: Natural smirk
Sleeping Habits: Always goes to bed exactly at 10pm unless partying or at an engagement. Eating Habits: Healthy diet with many colorful foods. Exercise Habits: 30 minute classic workout video daily, alternating. Emotional Stability: 7/10 Sociability: She loves being around people, helping them. Drug Use: Recreational, sparsely Alcohol Use: Recreational
Label: The Airhead Positive Traits: Encouraging, kind, sweet Negative Traits: Clueless, vapid, ditzy Goals/Desires: She wants to be taken seriously Fears: Losing her (daddy’s) money Hobbies: Shopping, modelling
Weather: Warm, sunny Color: Baby blue, pink Music: Any pop, 90s hits Movies: Chick flicks, classics Beverage: Cosmo Food: Lobster
Father: Ben Felding Mother: Elise Felding (deceased) Family’s Financial Status: Money money money
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maxmcco-blog · 5 years
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{ deborah ann woll, 33, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was maxine mccormicki just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as a detective on the mountain for three months and are originally from cheyenne, wyoming. there’s always talk around town about how competent they are, but they can also be destructive heir favourite winter activity is ice fishing. let’s hit the slopes! { rina the top, 19, est, she/her }
tw alcoholism, death
maxine “max” mccormick was born on february 7th, 1985 in cheyenne, wyoming, though her roots lie in wintergreen 
her father captain finnegan mccormick was a wintergreen native and beloved by the town, he spent years regaling a young max with stories of the magic of wintergreen 
after her mother walked out on them from a young age it was just max and her dad, she idolized him, everything he did she copied 
so obviously since her dad was a police captain she too would go on to work in the police force 
 max spent years adhering to a strict moral code she set for herself, she was respectful to teachers and classmates, made good grades, never smoked or drank, by all accounts she was a model citizen 
but her issues with authority began to stem when her father was wrongly disciplined for the mistake of an officer at his station 
she couldn’t understand why her father would take the fall for something he didn’t do just to protect that officer, an action which eventually saw him demoted from his captain’s post 
her dad died about two years ago after alcoholism finally caught up withhim
she began to question the authority around her and question why she would follow every rule if in the end despite her best efforts she could be put down by a figure of authority without question
despite that she pursued a career in criminal justice and spent six years on the force (three as a beat cop, three as a detective) before entering quantico to become a fbi agent 
she quickly rose to the top ranks of the fbi, becoming known as an efficient agent, who handled investigations quickly, quietly, and with finality 
but one year ago her life fell to piece when a tactical error in a hostage situation resulted in the lost lives of three fbi agents 
max, just like her father had, took the fall for her team, and it cost her six years of career experience in the fbi, she resigned shortly thereafter 
having spent her entire life chasing her career dream, without it she began to fall into a hole of depression 
her marriage and relationship with her daughter fell apart, her husband and her are currently separated and he’s taking care of their child
with no other place to go, max moved to wintergreen in an attempt to find her purpose again in that place her father had talked so fondly about
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natesredman · 6 years
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{ TOM HARDY, 38, cismale, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was NATHAN “NATE” REDMAN i just saw on the slopes. the ARCHAEOLOGIST has been staying on the mountain for THREE YEARS SEASONALLY and are originally from SEATTLE. there’s always talk around town about how INDEPENDENT they are, but they can also be COLD. their favourite winter activity is RELAXING BY THE FIRE. let’s hit the slopes! 
it’s lil again. here we have my third human. he was an accidental creation but now we’re bonded forever. here’s some information i brainstormed at 2am last night about him. enjoy his face. 
so, nate is basically a motorbike riding archaeologist and bisexual disaster of a man.
he’s thirty eight, born november 6th 1980 in seattle, making him a scorpio. and he doesn’t really care for horoscopes and things but sometimes he’ll see stuff about scorpios and go “shit, that’s me” and then think about it for hours
he was raised by his aunt and uncle after his mother left him on their doorstep and ran – she wasn’t ready for a child so she sort of just went here’s one for you, sis and left.
but his aunt and uncle treated him better than any biological parent ever could. they gave him everything he needed and they gave him a lot of love and happiness and joy and he’s forever grateful for that
as a teenager, he fell in love with history and archaeology even though it wasn’t the ~cool~ thing to be into. he’d spend his afternoons reading books about ancient history and dreaming about becoming an archaeologist and uncovering cool things
and then, when he finished high school, and after he saved up some money, he went to london and studied archaeology – his dream. when he finished his degree, he spent a year travelling around europe on his own and then he embarked on his career.
for the next eight years he worked mostly in egypt and rome – his two favourite historical places. he lived there with his team a lot of the time and spent 99% of his days covered in sweat and dirt on digs. but he loved every single freakin’ second of it.
when he was thirty he proposed to his girlfriend and archaeology colleague. they were set to marry in december of that year, but in mid-november, she admitted to him that she’d actually been sleeping with another man and she was pregnant with his child.
nate was pretty mad about it all but instead of getting angry and doing something he’d regret, he called off the wedding and fled. 
he worked mostly alone from there on out, doing solo digs when he could. he became a bit of a recluse after it all and was mostly pissed at himself for allowing it to happen in the first place.
during that time he got his motorbike license, started sleeping around more, drinking heavier, being more reckless. he tried to keep his career going during this time, too, but ended up giving up on it, too, and got a job in a supermarket to keep himself afloat.
when he was 35, though, one of his old colleagues from his early twenties contacted him about a dig in greece so he decided, on a whim, to go and do it. he ended up falling in love with archaeology all over again. 
that year, five years after he was meant to marry his girlfriend, he stumbled across an advert for wintergreen and thought it looked like a good place to spend his holidays to detox and chill after working and also to try and finally move past the pain of his ex. 
he’s been spending his holidays in wintergreen ever since and he loves it there a lot. the people, the place itself. it’s just what he needs.
nate is a total sweetheart and utter dork when you get to know him but to strangers he can appear a little standoffish and rude. he doesn’t like small talk or when random people start up conversations and will try and get away from it if possible
he also doesn’t like to sleep around as much as he did when he was on his bender, especially as he’s nearing 40 and wants to settle down. he does occasionally, but only for certain people. he’s not up for sleeping with people he’s just met. thinks it’s a little bit unsavory. 
saying that, if he likes you, he’s a huge freakin’ flirt and he’s not ashamed about that at all. 
he’s not sure about the whole ‘family and kids’ thing, because he came so close to getting that before that he’s pretty sure if he tries again, it’s just going to keep turning out the same way.
seems like a total badass on the outside and might scare some people away sometimes but is a total dork on the inside.
if you get him talking about archaeology and history, he will never shut up. i swear. he’ll turn into a walking textbook and just blurt all the information he’s ever read out to you without shame.
so there you go!! there’s my boy nate. if you wanna plot with him feel free to hit me up here or on the discord (or like and i’ll message you) but i’m v excited to start writing him here and i hope you love him as much as i do!! <3 
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{ NATHANIEL BUZOLIC, 31, cismale, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was DANIEL MIROSLAV i just saw on the slopes. the OWNER OF THE D-RESORT IN ŠIBENIK has been staying on the mountain for THREE DAYS and are originally from ŠIBENIK, CROTIA. there’s always talk around town about how CHARMING they are, but they can also be PRIVATE their favourite winter activity is SKIING. let’s hit the slopes! { it's me again with nevara's wc }
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here is my newest little babe, and i’m hoping you all love him as much as i do, because i really do.
► basics;
Full Name: Daniel Miroslav Nickname: Dan, Danny Age: 31 Birthday: March 14th 1987 Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Owner of a 5 Star Resort in Crotia Nationality: Crotian
► background;
Place of Birth: Šibenik, Crotia Current Home: Šibenik, Crotia, but visiting Wintergreen ► physical;
Faceclaim: Nathaniel Buzolic Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: all of his tattoos are canon for daniel
► relatives;
Father’s Full Name: Eric Miroslav Mother’s Full Name: Anastasia Miroslav Siblings: he’s got an older brother and a younger sister, and he hated being the middle child while he was growing up. of course, he still dotes on his sister because she is the apple of his eye, someone he would take a life for.
► personality;
Positive Traits: persuasive, charming, intuitive Negative Traits: irritable, quiet, illusive
► biography;
he owns a resort in sibenik, and that place is his life. he loves it so much, but the only issue is that the summer season isn’t as long in crotia as he’d like. and during the winter, he still gets tourist but not as many as he’d like. he does do his best though to make the resort a success, and ensures every single customer who shows up is someone he likes to formally introduce himself to.
that’s how he’s met neva who he’s kept in touch with over the years, since she came to visit, and it’s on her insistence that he showed up at wintergreen. he normally is a huge flirt, and doesn’t shy away from it. he’s not entirely a fuck boy, but he does enjoy flirting and having fun with others. but he’s also very--intrigued with most people and loves hearing their stories--somehow that’s what he thinks has helped make him such a good resort owner.
► wanted connections;
crushes: either someone he’s crushed on, or someone crushing on him? friends: no one can ever have enough of them, so yes, bring on all the friends for this guy. he’s actually really nice, and has your back no matter what.  good influence: someone who he is a good influence on, someone he tries to help evolve in a way. bad influence: someone who is a bad influence on him, someone who coerces him into making bad decisions, and has him thinking they are all his own.
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nalafe-blog · 5 years
{ BEN BARNES, 33, male, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was NATHAN LAFEVRE i just saw on the slopes. the ARTIST has been staying on the mountain for 3 MONTHS SEASONALLY and is originally from BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND. there’s always talk around town about how ATTENTIVE they are, but they can also be IMPULSIVE. their favourite winter activity is BAKING GINGERBREAD MEN. let’s hit the slopes! { jaz, 21+, gmt+1, she&her }
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some this and thats 
was born into this crazy rich family in Bournemouth, England. His father owns an Enterprise that has been in the family for many generations, while his mother used to be a so-called ‘socialite’.
He is his parents first and only son. When he was five years old, his mother gave birth to a daughter; his sister. 
The relationship with his sister has always been difficult. They couldn’t have been any more different. He loathes pretty much everything she loves, and not even on purpose.
The relationship with his parents wasn’t much better. His father has always wanted him to follow in his footsteps, to take over the company once his father retires. But Nathan was everything but interested in taking over his father’s firm. To much disappointment, of his father, of course.
Ever since he was just a child, Nathan could often be found in museums, admiring the art. Even at a young age, he loved to draw and paint. At a later age, he found out he was actually quite good at it. 
It was all he wanted to do, for the rest of his life. And thus, against his parent’s will, he signed up for art school and eventually ended up with a bachelor in arts. 
Over the years he made quite a name for himself, often getting commisions and some of his art is even displayed at the art gallery in Bournemouth. It’s all good enough to make a proper living out of it, for he sure doesn’t have to count on his father’s money anymore. 
Once he officially made clear he won’t ever take over the company, the old man pretty much disowned him. 
It was then he decided to leave for Wintergreen. He had been there before for only a short period of time, and he found it very inspiring and inspirational environment. He’s there to work, relax and think about ways to handle the future. 
more to come! come plot with me bby’s! 
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addymelroses · 6 years
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{ MARGOT ROBBIE, 27, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was ADELINE “ADDY” MELROSE i just saw on the slopes. the BAR MANAGER has been staying on the mountain for FOUR MONTHS and are originally from CHICAGO. there’s always talk around town about how CHARISMATIC they are, but they can also be IGNORANT. their favourite winter activity is SNOWBOARDING. let’s hit the slopes! 
hey everyone! i’m lily (20, pst & she/her) and i’m really excited to be joining this rp. i’ve had my eye on it for a while so i figured i’d just go for it today. anyway, this is addy. i love her a lot and i’m really looking forward to plotting & getting started with you guys! feel free to message me for plots and i’ll post a starter call a bit later!
so, some info about addy:
she’s originally from chicago, born and raised
has two younger brothers who are seven and ten years younger than her from her mother’s second marriage to her step-father
she never got along with her step-father though she really loves her brothers
when she was 23 she got into the bar business and started out as a bartender after trying to go to college and study to become a teacher but realising she hated it. one of her best friends at the time got her the job.
she got into the business quick and realised that she loved the job
when she was 25 she had an affair with the bar manager at her current job, though, and when his wife found out, he fired her. heartbroken bc she kind of had feelings for the guy but mostly heartbroken bc she lost her job, she packed up and moved to new york.
she worked as a bartender for a few months in new york before she ended up getting the bar manager job there and she realised that she loved being in control of it all and managing things.
but just after she turned 27, her old manager and the man she had an affair with in chicago turned up at the bar looking for her – he and his wife had divorced and he wanted her back.
hearing from a friend that a bar in wintergreen needed a manager, addy packed up her stuff and moved to wintergreen to start her career over and hoped that her manager wouldn’t follow her.
now she’s living in wintergreen and working as a bar manager and she loves it. she learnt to snowboard when she arrived so she’d have a hobby and turns out she’s a big fan of it, too.
but she’s also always ready to pack up and move again if he shows up.
she doesn’t really know why she wants to keep moving around because she did like him, but it just feels like the right thing to do, so she does it
overall, she’s a very friendly person. loves being around people, loves hanging out at the bar. even if she’s not supposed to be there working she’ll probably still be there hanging out and chilling.
but even though she’s very friendly and happy, she can be a bit blunt and ignorant of peoples problems; people have called her selfish before, but she calls it self preservation.
she’s 100% a slytherin.
she used to be a hopeless romantic but now she’s not so sure.
also, if they’re human & breathing, she’ll probably love ‘em straight away. big flirt.
here’s some ideas for plots that i had while writing this:
obviously the biggest one would be her ex/manager from chicago. if anyone wants to pick up another character, he’s probably followed her to wintergreen and wants to get her back. and then we can plot if there’s still feelings there or anything!! but lots of angst and drama ofc.
a total partner in crime/bestie – someone she met when she moved here and just clicked straight away. they hang out a lot, talk shit about people a lot and probably cause more trouble than they should. but they’re also 100% there for one another whenever they need to be.
someone she sees at the bar all the time and is kind of friends with. they’re not besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. they know a lot about each others lives, though, bc they always end up hanging out and chatting about random stuff at the bar.
to cause ~drama~ maybe someone new that she met on the mountain and has feelings for, but she’s totally torn bc of what happened with the affair and also bc she doesn’t wanna get attached but like, this person is totally fine and she kinda wants to go for it. and if her ex shows up, even more drama.
friends with benefits, bc why not?
someone that’s a good influence on her because she no doubt needs it in her life.
and vice versa: someone that she’s a bad influence on.
okay, that’s all i’ve got so far but pls hmu if you wanna plot with addy or we can brainstorm other stuff. i’m thrilled to get started & you all seem super lovely so let’s do this!!
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ammagrdner · 5 years
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{ KAYLEE BRYANT, 19, cis female, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was AMMELINE “AMMA” GARDNER i just saw on the slopes. the STUDENT has been staying on the mountain for ONE WEEK. there’s always talk around town about how AMICABLE they are, but they can also be WEAK-WILLED. their favourite winter activity is SINGING CHRISTMAS CAROLS. let’s hit the slopes! { issa rinna }
tw death, homophobia
shortly after her birth by a young georgian woman named endzela kazbegi, ammeline gardner was sent on a plane to salt lake city, utah, never to see her home country again 
she joined as the second child, a younger sister to tabitha, who despite being born in a different country and of a different ethnicity, looked exactly like her 
amma loved her life growing up in salt lake city, raised a devout mormon she became the perfect example of what a young mormon girl should be
her relationship with her family was as close as it could be, her parents loved them endlessly and she could easily say that her best friend was her sister 
and despite some things that didn’t make sense to her, she could always find peace in God and in the church
so amma’s life was set, she would go on mission when she turned 19, then return to marry her longtime boyfriend aaron bingham and spend the rest of her life a happy wife and mother and a dedicated servant to the church
last year that all changed 
despite her parents espousing their endless love for their daughters as soon as they learned of tabitha’s sexuality they sent her packing 
amma’s world shattered, how could these people who had raised them turn their backs on tabi so quickly? 
then 6 months ago the fire only grew larger when her parents died in a car crash 
amma found herself alone in the world at 18, without a parent to raise her or a sister to confide in 
her faith was shaken, how could a God who loved her do this, how could he make her parents act so hatefully and then take them from her with no answers 
so amma made up her mind, she would set her life back on course, she would go retrieve her sister and take her back to salt lake city and once she did, everything would be right 
but now with shaky faith she’s taking her first steps in the world as an adult, and she’s not prepared for the change it will bring about 
okay so that was like super prose-y but i am mused the hell out. so amma was adopted from georgia (the country) and raised a devout mormon. she still is a mormon but is questioning her faith. as a person she’s tooth-achingly sweet, friendly if a little bit shy, and naive to the extreme. this is her first venture into the real world after spending her entire life sheltered. come plot!
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tesshoneychurch · 5 years
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{ DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, 21, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was TESSA HONEYCHURCH i just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as an ILLUSTRATOR on the mountain for 2 MONTHS and are originally from WINTERGREEN, WYOMING. there’s always talk around town about how WITTY they are, but they can also be CANTANKEROUS. their favourite winter activity is SKIING. let’s hit the slopes!
Hey, hey – it’s just Lily again, but with a revamped Tess Honeychurch. I love Odeya and I loved the character that Tess was when she was her but because of the ~muse~ dropping, we’re here with a new-ish baby – Tess, with the FC of Danielle Rose Russell and a little bit of different style. Part of this intro was taken from the first task!!
name: tessa alexandra honeychurch
age: 21
nickname(s): tess
place of birth: wintergreen, wyoming
current residence: wintergreen, wyoming
favorite place they’ve visited or lived: bruges, belgium (visit)
occupation: illustrator
tattoos, scars, or piercings?: one tattoo of a star on her right wrist, ears pierced once.
sports they play: ice hockey (when she was younger, but she misses it now)
sexuality: bisexual
zodiac: aquarius (january 29th)
mbti: entp
relationships and self
parents: adrian and abigail honeychurch
siblings: n/a (but her cousins are the honeychurches and she adores)
relationship status: single
past relationships: she’s had three – all with men + her first serious relationship with dexter chase, whom she’s still in love with.
pets: she doesn’t have any of her own, but her parents own a cat named rick. (she named it. she was five)
how do they feel about their family?: she loves them more than anything. like, her family means the absolute world to her. she would do anything for them and she adores each and every one of them. 
and now for some headcanons...
tess did super well in school. like, ridiculously well. her parents were always insanely supportive of her and her dreams. yet when she graduated she still had no idea what she wanted to do. 
she went to college at nyu the following year and it took her a little while to figure out what she wanted to do, so she picked art bc she enjoyed it and it turns out she loved it. she used to draw all the time as a kid and doodle in notebooks and she actually ended up being really good at it, so that’s what she studied.
her mother is also still a photographer so she traveled around the world with her a lot and used to draw things when she did 
she’s a bit more of a hard ass than tess was before – and she usually goes by tessa but is totally fine with tess unless you don’t know her well. she can get very bad tempered, too, especially on low sleep, so basically don’t mess with her when she hasn’t had at least seven hours of sleep
other than that she’s pretty happy. very sarcastic. very sassy. very bubbly. she’s very friendly but she’s also a bit standoffish of certain people depending on their vibe. 
she’s very sentimental when it comes to family and friends and if she ever gives you a gift, you better love the heck outta it bc she put a shit ton of thought into it. 
she also loves skiiing. she thinks she’s quite good at it and loves being out on the mountain to clear her mind.
i want everything for her okay? 
give her some best friends. some childhood friends. a ride or die. someone she can just sit and talk shit with about anything and everything. 
someone she’s just weirdly different with? like, someone that she just goes extra soft and cute with and isn’t sassy or sarcastic or anything with them and she doesn’t even know why???
some exes maybe?
drinking buddies
someone she always shows her art to for opinions and they tALK HER THE FUCK UP BECAUSE SHE’S GOOD AF (and if they have something similar, she can do the same)
and anything else you may brainstorm up
so that’s the new and improved tessa!! feel free to slide into my dms for plots or like and i will slide into urs. 
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jedlynch · 6 years
ope, just gonna slide past ya and grab the ranch. hello, it is i, ash — here again with another kiddo. this one’s a very special muse 2 me, my best capricorn boi. now watch as i highkey fall in love with this piece of man as his fc. anyway, here’s my british scone:
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—- { ROB RACO, 25, cismale, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was JED LYNCH i just saw on the slopes. the GUITARIST has been staying on the mountain for TWO WEEKS and are originally from LONDON. there’s always talk around town about how PERCEPTIVE they are, but they can also be WITHDRAWN. their favourite winter activity is WRITING BY THE WARM FIREPLACE. let’s hit the slopes!
grew up an only child, had as average of a childhood as one could imagine. he was a smart, level-headed, and observant kid, albeit quiet and happy to keep to himself. a bit of weirdo, but he was fine, really.
however as he grew older, it became apparent that something was holding him back. on the rare occasion that he would talk with others, he consistently spoke too rapidly, his words sounding disorganized and abnormally ‘jerky’. it was difficult for others to understand him, and with several of his school teachers insisting, he was introduced him to a speech-language pathologist who diagnosed him with a speech disorder.
in his own head, he was fine. he never felt to struggle, therefore how could there possibly be anything wrong with him? he was quick to resent therapy, especially as several years passed and he had little improvement. from there, he continued to struggle through primary school, his hostility growing the older he got.
he was 6 when his parents separated, resulting in him being whisked away from one childhood home in london to another with his mother. from there, things got a little rough. god dang kids were mean, his perfect marks suddenly turned into horrible grades, he distanced himself even more… basically, he was miserable. he was bitter and angry at all times, and he was an outcast, his constant silence doing nothing to help the bottled emotions. slowly, however, he found an outlet in writing and music. it helped him to organize his thoughts and words into carefully crafted poetry. it first began in the form of piano lessons, much to the relief of his mother who had come up with the idea as a desperate attempt to help her son find means of expression. from there, with his newfound appreciation for music, he seemed to excel at every instrument he touched.
for the first time in his life, he seemed to be changing… improving. his friend group was small (tiny even, really only consisting of ARDEN), but they were bonded together by a mutual love for music, one that helped them to form their own band first for fun, but it would slowly take them where they never rlly imagined it would. **uhh insert more band things here i rlly need to plot**
as the band progressed into... something, the world suddenly became pretty real. the stress, the sleepless nights, the small crowds, the constant criticism and the feeling of being scrutinized by every person at every moment… it was no place for someone like jed, who tried to hide behind his bandmates and his awkwardly long hair, shying away from any form of publicity as he went.
enter the jed who went from “hello sir, it’s nice to finally meet you” to “ya daughter calls me daddy too”. no more hiding behind his awkwardly long hair, avoiding everyone and everything. nah, he pulled out all the stunts; he cut his hair and he changed his style, forcing a sense of arrogance and swaggering confidence until he didn’t know who he was trying to fool more anymore. he’s hated every minute of it, but he’s become a bit lost in it all
personality & things
jed is… a lot, tbh. his personality is an overall odd and temperamental one that many people seem too impatient to handle. this persona that he’s adopted is no real reflection of him at all. beneath it, he is still very much the reserved young man he once was, with his ever-wandering thoughts that he often gets wrapped up in. for real, he’ll stare off into space without warning like he’s stoned af, but i promise he’s not. he’s too Tired™ almost always to even bother acting interested when he’s not.
he can be quite charming when he feels up to it, but more often than not, he’ll ramble on about nonsensical things with long pauses and a lot of ‘like’s and ‘um’s. get him talking about a topic he knows a lot about, and hold on tight for the wild ride.
he has a permanently unamused face, but beneath that, it’s a party in that head of his.
though impossibly lonely, he prefers his own company and often deters others with a rather brash attitude, but for those that kindly and patiently earn their way to his heart, they certainly have his loyalty and friendship for life<3 tbh, force a few hugs on him, and he’ll eventually love you. after all, he can’t stand to be alone with his own thoughts for long
( you can tell at one point i wrote most of this in a nice bio, but it falls apart here )
constantly aims for that 2013 AM-era arctic monkeys aesthetic, u know the one
has a highkey obsession with bowie, locked himself in his room for a week when he died and still mourns to this day. is also prolly not ashamed to tell u he’s rocked about 13 iconic bowie lewks for halloween or otherwise
wanted to grow up to be bruce springsteen when he was a young lad
is physically attached to his moleskine notebook that he carries everywhere. touch it and die
if u haven’t seen him in a full 48 hours, pls check on him because guarantee he’s been plastered to the tv screen, playing RDR2 with no sleep
manages to look throughly confused in every photo ever taken
low-key wants to enjoy cutesy, stereotypical wintertime activities but ain’t about to let that ruin his ~aesthetic~
writes texts like professional emails — please for the love of god someone teach him text slang and how to properly use emojis before it’s too late
p.s. find a few more stats here !!
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keepingvp · 6 years
{ hailey kilgore, 22, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was alexa jones i just saw on the slopes. the ceo has been staying on the mountain for a day and are originally from london. there’s always talk around town about how goal-oriented they are, but they can also be stubborn af. their favourite winter activity is sledding. let’s hit the slopes!
Ayo it’s sleepy again, n I introduce to you my absolute fuckin workaholic Alexa! Hmu or like to plot.
Btw Alexa is Arden’s twin, and Caspian’s (probably ex) fiancée.
She’s pretty fresh out of school, like finished her business degree class of 2017. (Overachiever much? She graduated like a year early.) Immediately after graduating she took over as CEO of the shipping company her dad owns.
I’m guessing he’s retired? Or at least dropped down a couple rungs to do something less stress inducing.
Lexie’s always been a real go-getter ya feel? Not high-strung necessarily because she knew how to cope, and she never had a melt-down over getting a bad grade or making a mistake. Overall her level-headedness is definitely her crowning quality in business dealings.
She’s literally just arrived to Wintergreen, and she’s never been here before so unless you wanna plot something that she visited your character’s (city) hometown cause business? Yeah she’s never met you before.
Can be a little cold to strangers, she’s black, a woman, and a CEO; she’s probably pretty wary of people. Best way to get under the cold polite smile is just waiting it out tbh, or be very genuine.
She stutters when she lies.
The epitome of self-restraint normally? She doesn’t drink more than like a glass of wine/champagne at a time. Doesn’t smoke either.
You can call her Lexie, Lex, or Ally if you’re friendly with her.
Was a total tomboy up until high school, played sports, never started wearing makeup until an internship her senior year. One of the female associates took her under her wing, and Lex became Alexa: makeup, dresses, the whole shebang.
She worries about image a lot more than she should, always sacrificing her needs for the needs of the company.
Annnd one last tidbit: she still hasn’t had her first kiss. She’s never had a boyfriend, despite the fact she almost got married, and she has a really blurry recollection of being in bed with one of the groomsmen.
She’s in Wintergreen to fix things with her fiancée, and doesn’t intend to stay for long, that’ll probably come off in how she reacts to things.
fellow londoners
someone to show her around maybe
her personal assistant would be awesome if anyone wants a new character
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ardenfxkingpenrose · 6 years
{ CHANCE PERDOMO, 22, cis male, he/him } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was ARDEN PENROSE i just saw on the slopes. the MUSICIAN has been staying on the mountain for TWO WEEKS and are originally from LONDON. there’s always talk around town about how DRIVEN they are, but they can also be DENSE. their favourite winter activity is PLAYING CHRISTMAS CAROLS FOR PEOPLE. let’s hit the slopes!
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hi welcome to chilis!! it's me, captain gremlin again with arden, and i'm really excited to bring him to life?? again, he's a new muse so his personality might be going everywhere for a bit, but i have strong muse for him. so here we go! also, like this if you wanna hit me up for plots!!
so arden penrose is not his real name at all, it's his stage name and how he introduces himself to everyone because he wants a cool rockstar name™
his actual name is leslie jones but he feels like that's not cool enough
grew up kinda poor in london but his father had a business that he grew from the ground up so by the time he was 18, they were pretty cushy 
has a twin/older sibling (wink wonk) who is all business and responsible and focused 
arden is not™
he's got big dumbass energy
he's not stupid but lord is that boy dense sometimes 
loves his momma
he's always been doodling and writing lyrics down in his notes since the dawn of time 
he loves love 
he's a romantic 
probably cries at everything 
he's a pisces sun, cancer moon, pisces mars, aquarius venus and aquarius/pisces cusp in his mercury sign
so this boi is so soft oh my god
he knew he wanted to be a rockstar after hearing bohemian rhapsody for the first time when he was ten
he got into classic rock really hard and then started studying classical music
buckled down into music studies and actually got into a music school in london because of his talent 
has a beautiful and powerful voice 
and a hell of a range 
i don't have a voice claim yet but i'm looking 
chose the name the raptors because he was trying to come up with a short but catchy band name and he also loves dinosaurs 
he's been touring england with his band, playing small shows but he was like "we need an album, we have to write one" 
and then of course he was like "we need to go away to someplace secluded so we can write this" 
came to wintergreen because that was where they could get the best deal for the four of them to stay 
he's got a cat because one night after a show, he heard meowing coming from the gutter storm drain and he stuck his hand down there and pulled out a friend and boy
his name is gutterball
he can play the piano well too
he's also not too shabby at drawing and art
he's a soft in person but on stage he turns into a sex god and he doesn't even know it
idk what else 
wanted plots
if you feel like picking up another character, there's his twin/older sibling and his three bandmates!
give me midnight runs to the 7/11 friends
take him star gazing on the mountain you cowards
a friends with benefits is always good
someone who hates him and he doesn't know why
give me a muse so he can write songs about them and draw on their skin and fall in love with and maybe break his heart
a groupie would be amazing
all the friends
drinking buddies and bad decisions
someone he can just pour out his guys and go on geeky conversations with
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orlacooke-blog · 6 years
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{ kaya scodelario, 26, cisfemale, she/her } can i get a yeehaw? i think it was ORLA COOKE i just saw on the slopes. they’ve been working as a PHOTOGRAPHER on the mountain for ONE YEAR and are originally from BELFAST, IRELAND. there’s always talk around town about how ATTENTIVE they are, but they can also be CYNICAL. their favourite winter activity is TAKING SANTA PHOTOS. let’s hit the slopes! { hadley, 21, gmt+10, she/her}
pls be my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!
hellOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i’m hadley and i’m a pos but i swear i’m nice and i’m always easy to plot with ! a bit about orla, 
she’s this kind of wound up ball of cynical energy
she’s always out and about the resort, taking photos of everyone and everything // she thinks that these sort of candid photos make for better material for the resort // they also sell better $ 
she goes stir crazy a little , but you will rarely find her on any sort of snowboard / set of skis , she’s usually just chilling on the slops with the camera, to the dismay of a few athletes and a lot of clumsy skiers
she’s born and bred irish, and since she’s from the north she has an extremely thick irish accent, something she finds a nuisance as sometimes americans , ignorant as they sometimes come , can’t understand a word she’s saying !
orla is most definitely running from home atm, her family are very traditional and are currently expecting a marriage / child from her, the last thing she’s after
she’s probably super easy to get along with, unless your character is SUPER cheerful ! she tends to bring the mood down slightly with her cynicism, but she still has her moments of optimism
orla is a fucking bi!con , so all are welcome to plot , romantic, friendship or family wise !
she’s one of those people that has a million ideas and no idea where to start. her most recent endeavour is a magazine, so . . 
give her all the irish nicknames ,, she’ll fucking hate it
if your character is interested in writing, they could pair up for her magazine idea ?? orla is strictly a photographer so she would need help !
give ......... me ......... FRIENDS FOR ORLA fucking someone put up with her shit
fwb you know she’s down
im a slut for frenemies
photography muses ? i feel like she’d get transfixed on certain beautiful people ! 
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