#wintersberg roleplay
lovestruck007 · 1 year
Wintersberg RP
Hello! I would like to do a Wintersberg Role-Play, I’m over 18 years old and have many years of RP experience. I do medium to longer replies (I try to always at least  make them 200 words) in third person and have a good understanding of the English language and grammar. If you’re reading this and think that this sounds like a good RP partner match, please contact me =) I will only feel comfortable doing any non-platonic stuff if you’re 18+  
I would prefer to play Ethan
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moldybabyman · 1 year
I love these near daily arguments..
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polarpuppet · 1 year
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So I’ve been really REALLY into Resident Evil Village and 8 lately, specifically with the ship Wintersberg, so I wanted to do a Roleplay with it by making it a fix-it of sorts.
- I will play the role of Ethan
- This will take place in DMs
- No this is not OC friendly. I feel like I don't have to say this, but I know someone will ask.
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winters-ishere · 1 year
rp request
Hoping to find a fellow minor to roleplay with. At least 14-16, I have a lot of free time so I respond as fast as I can. I'm open for the following ships(one on one),WintersBerg(Ethan Winters and Karl Heisenberg),WinterField(Ethan Winters and Chris Redfield), Hannigram(Will Graham and Hannibal Lector). I play the following out of those, Ethan and Will, DM/PM me at kae#3940 on my discord we can chat and see if we suit each other to be roleplay partners and go from there.
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steriotypicaloutlaw · 2 years
Yo! Go follow my ask blog, please?
There's not anything there yet, I need some asks. Come converse with an idiot who cosplays/roleplays Ethan Winters, ships Wintersberg, and heavily simps for Karl Heisenberg!
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trash-opossum-mel · 3 years
Resident Evil Village Roleplay
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Hiya, I'm looking for people to RP with when it comes to RE8. I'm over 18 and would prefer to only rp with people 18+, I don't do NSFW and I tend not to RP with OCs unless I know a bit more about them.
The characters I can play consist of Karl Heisenberg and Salvatore Moreau. I enjoy shippy stuff (as long as it isn't toxic or shipping the lords together) I also enjoy angst. My preferred ship is Wintersberg but I have shipped Heisenberg and Chris Redfield.
Hit me up if you'd like to roleplay and if you prefer Discord I can send my info.
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animusbaby · 3 years
Just another humble call...
for Heisenberg RPers to play opposite my Ethan in a Wintersberg roleplay. Open to discussing ideas and plots!
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moldybabyman · 1 year
I feel called out....
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moldybabyman · 2 years
Karl: -stomps in the house, slamming the door behind him-
Ethan: Hey, hey! What's wrong! -hugs him tightly-
Karl: Well, I did what you said and tried a new flavor of slushy after the gas station got rid of the last one I liked right?
Ethan: Mmhmm?
Karl: -stomps his foot- They got rid of that one too!
Ethan: -holds him tighter, rocking him a little- Would you like me to get you some ice cream?
Karl: -sniffles a little- Yeah…
Ethan: Okay, let's go get some ice cream.
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moldybabyman · 2 years
Thinking about Karl Fucking Heisenberg and just-
I can't deal.
I can't go a single fucking day without thinking about him.
I'm screwed, I have fallen for this man harder than I fell for the mother of my own child and l don't know what to do.
It doesn't help that we share a house.
It doesn't help that his belongings are scattered throughout the place.
It doesn't help that everything fucking smells like him.
It doesn't help that when he saw how bad my hand made me feel he immediately started sketching out plans for a prosthetic.
It doesn't help that he treats Rose like she's his own daughter and plays with her and takes care of her.
It doesn't help that every time Rose leaves to spend time with her mom or go to school, he latches onto me and won't let go like he's scared I'll leave too.
It doesn't help that he looks at me the way he does, or that he teases me all the time.
It doesn't help that any time I get scared he holds me, even if it was just a slight startle, and I have to pry him off.
It especially doesn't help that he insists I sit on his lap when we watch movies..
It definitely doesn't help that he made me a pin claiming me as his, and made me a collar, and only laughed when I stole one of his necklaces.
It doesn't help that when he overheard me talking about my love of poetry to The Duke, he tried desperately to write me a poem..
Yeah... I've fallen hard... and I don't think I ever want to get back up.
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moldybabyman · 1 year
Karl has been sick lately and all he wants to do is cuddle. It's kinda nice because he's always working on something and we hardly ever get time to cuddle unless we're in bed, but at the same time I feel bad because I need to get up to make him food and stuff and he doesn't want me to. But he has to eat, you know? So now he's crying that I abandoned him in the living room because I'm making him soup instead of cuddling with him on the couch, even though we were just cuddling for three hours straight.
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moldybabyman · 2 years
So uh... I kinda have a little Karl now...
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moldybabyman · 2 years
Why does Karl have to be so damn cute? I swear, he was sleeping on the couch with Rose sleeping on his lap and when he woke up he looked at me with this helpless little look. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "she's so small, I need up but she's so small and I don't want to move her." Had to convince him that it's okay to pick her up and move her, only for him to get up, stretch, pick her back up, lay down instead, and then cuddle her to his chest and go back to sleep.
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moldybabyman · 2 years
-sigh-So I broke down and bought the fucker his own slushy machine. He said he doesn't know when his birthday is so I decided it's today. You should have seen his face!! He was so excited!
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moldybabyman · 2 years
So, Uh, I may have a shrine dedicated to Karl...
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Pics of both with and without the candles...
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moldybabyman · 2 years
Can someone please beat the shit out of me and force me to finish this chapter of this damn story that I've been working on for a whole ass fucking month?!?!?
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