#wintersday miracle
archesa · 2 years
Hope you will enjoy this ^^ This is set in druid Anwen’s verse, as you shall see and can be read as a continuation to this fic ^^
(A little something I had written during the holiday season and felt like posting now 🥰 Originally promoted by @i-mybrunettelady from the Wintersday prompts ❄)
Quick summary : Anwen usually makes evergreen and holly grow for Wintersday but this year all she manages to bloom are mint and mulberry.
Wintersday miracle - A speck of life in the realm of death
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The manor stood high on the hill, garlands and lanterns hanging from the windows ledge and ornamenting the pediment of the house. The Faren's winter's ball was an event looked forward to by everyone, the young and old, meek and the bold.
The party would start in a matter of hours and the household was buzzing with effervescence, masters and staff rushing about to prepare for the soirée. In the reception room, the servants busied themselves with the latest accommodations, a change in the traditional decoration of the hall — holly and evergreen noticeably amiss, as they were replaced by dark emerald leaves and coiling thorns of mint and mulberry. A touch of colour, in the shape of unripe blackberries, and a shimmer of fantasy in that of a few gold trimmed pine-cones were added in hope to make best of the unusual situation. A speck of light in the darkest hours of the year, the triumph of life in the realm of death.
Every year, Lady Anwen bloomed the decorations the very morning of the ball — evergreen, holly, mistletoe — and oversaw their arrangements for the rest of the day before it was finally time for her to don a dress for one of her infamously brief appearance at the party.
But this year, despite her best efforts nothing would bloom under her touch but these two plants.
Mint and mulberry.
Virtue and death.
Wisdom and self-sacrifice.
Poets would deem that the darkness of Orr still clung to her, or that perhaps her heart lingered on these distant shores...
"My dear daughter...", Lady Violet smiled, her eyes glistening knowingly, as Anwen ruffled the garland on the chandelier for the fifth time in a row, and, with a flick of her wrist, tried to bloom yet another ornament, only to be met with more emerald leaves exhaling fresh peppermint. "You really needn't trouble yourself... You simply have love on your mind."
The young woman almost tore her gown stumbling off the ladder she was perched upon.
She did have someone on her mind, someone who had expressed his regrets and declined the invitation, staying with the men in garrison at Fort Trinity. The post had surely been delivered by now, and she hoped he would like the content of the parcel she had sent this very morning. But surely the fact that her heart tightened in her chest when, despite all reason, she looked towards the threshold in hope to see him whenever someone pushed the door, had nothing to do with...
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The night was dark and the spirits high when Anwen arrived at Caer Aval, leaving the strong scent of liquor and the sound of celebration far behind when she noticed the visible absence of the one person she sought.
She took in a deep, shaking breath, willing the trembling of her hand to still before she knocked on the metal door, thanking the cold air whipping the fort from over the bay for an excuse to justify her tremors.
The door cracked open, revealing a most surprised face.
"Happy Wintersday, Marshal. I... apologize for intruding like this, I know you weren't expecting me..."
"I am always happy to see you, friend. What do I owe the pleasure?”
“I-... I received an unexpected gift tonight... some clarity... Wintersday is a time we're meant to spend with those we hold closest to our heart. And I realised there was nowhere else I wanted to be and no one else I wanted to be with..."
She willed to hold his gaze, a shiver running her through as he stepped forth, the cold nipping at her exposed shoulders all but forgotten in the warmth of his smile and the shimmering glow enlightening his features, setting her heart ablaze.
"And there is no one I hold dearest, Anwen."
The sharp whistle of a kettle shattered the moment. She let out a breathless chuckle and melted in his arms as he pulled her in a tender embrace.
"You must be cold. Can I offer you some tea?"
She nodded slowly, basking in the warmth of his glow and the scent of mint and mulberry. "Tea would be lovely."
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tyriannomad · 2 years
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Wintersday 2022
Divinity's Reach: Winter Wonderland
To reach the end of this puzzle, I need a real miracle...
3 notes · View notes
commanderyes · 3 years
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The Commander And The Wintersday Miracle
43 notes · View notes
solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Team Dark: A Holiday Special
Chapter Three: Rouge
One | Two
Word count: 5900 words
Warning: entomophagy again (more eating bugs)
Author’s Note: I believe it’s the winter solstice today, so happy winter solstice! I heard once that there used to be a holiday around this time called Saturnalia to celebrate this solstice (way cooler than my holiday name which definitely wasn’t borrowed from a game)
Thank you to everyone who read this fic, but in particular to @maddgirlzartz, @feliner, and @teamxdark for your wonderful comments! I always love to see what people have to say about my writing, and it was great to read what you thought of this little holiday story I wrote.
Rouge was the first person to wake up on the third morning, which was a surprise in and of itself. Normally, Shadow or Omega would have gotten up by now, but she figured that watching movies until late last night had made both of them need some extra time in bed (or at the outlet).
The bat crawled out of bed and flapped her wings, coming to hover silently above Shadow’s bed. She watched him sleep for a moment (and briefly entertained the notion that this might be creepy before deciding it was his fault for falling asleep in a room with her). All of the stress and worry that normally lined his expression was gone right now, making him look so much younger as he lay curled up underneath a thick quilt. 
She almost felt bad about what she was going to do.
Folding her wings tightly against her back, she crashed onto Shadow’s suddenly no-longer-asleep form and screamed, “Happy Wintersday!”
Shadow gasped and flailed under the covers for a second, before realizing that it was just Rouge and they weren’t, in fact, under attack. He struggled to catch his breath, wheezing, “Why...the heck...would you...do…”
“Because it’s a holiday, hon!” she chirped, grinning wickedly down at him.
The hybrid resigned himself to being Rouge’s new bed. “...happy Wintersday.” he muttered, looking significantly less upset than he should.
Omega had powered on in a rush when Rouge had yelled, and he was now staring at the scene in front of him with something akin to resignation. “What in the name of Chaos are you two doing.” he said flatly, in a tone that suggested that he really didn’t want to know what they were doing.
“Happy Wintersday, Omega!” Rouge said brightly, deciding not to respond.
Shadow said the same, but his statement was rapidly followed by a very loud growling noise.
Omega looked slightly confused, but Shadow just sighed. “Rouge, that was you, wasn’t it.”
“What can I say, hon? It’s wintertime- time to eat!” she said a little too loudly, ignoring the spreading pink blush on her face.
“Sure.” Now it was Shadow’s turn to smirk. “You’re hungry because it’s wintertime.”
“Shut up!” she huffed, smacking his arm. “Anyway, we’re not ready for breakfast yet. I bought something for the two of you first.”
“I thought we were exchanging our presents tomorrow before the party.” Omega said skeptically.
Rouge grinned. “I know. This is something extra.”
She enjoyed their expressions of dread following this statement immensely.
A minute later, Rouge had dug out the crux of Operation: Festive from her suitcase, only to be met with decidedly unappreciative stares.
Omega was the first to realize what was going on. “Oh. Oh no. No way. There is a zero percent likelihood of me wearing that ever. I will not compromise my coolness.”
“What is that?” Shadow asked, using a tone that implied that he was looking at something disgusting, not Rouge’s awesome plan.
“That is what you are going to wear.” She smirked.
His eyes widened in horror. “No.”
“Come on...won’t you please just do this one thing for me?” Rouge asked, using her warmest, gentlest voice. She knew for a fact that neither of them could resist that.
Shadow trudged forward, accepting the offending item as Omega reluctantly snatched his from her hand. The bat felt just a tiny bit guilty, but not enough to make her regret this.
Specifically, buying the three of them matching ugly sweaters.
“Matching as a team can be cool, but never like this,” Omega sulked as he put his on (it had taken a miracle to get one in his size).
“It’s clashing with my stripes…” Shadow muttered unhappily.
Then they both began to glower at her, for some reason. “And yet you still manage to look decent in it somehow.” the hybrid grumbled.
Rouge glanced in the mirror. She supposed it wasn’t unflattering, per se, but it definitely didn’t complement her body type like most of the clothing she wore did.
“Come on…” she said, honestly pleading with them. “If you really hate it I won’t make you wear it, but I was looking forward to this…”
Both of them immediately looked anywhere except at her.
“I guess it’s warm enough.” Shadow conceded reluctantly.
“I will tolerate it for one day and no longer.” Omega informed her flatly.
“Yesss!” Rouge cheered, smiling brightly at them. “I so owe you guys.” 
“Don’t forget it.” the robot remarked.
Overall, the morning was really nice- although Rouge’s family was horrified when Shadow chose to eat his hot chocolate by alternating spoonfuls of cocoa mix and drinks of boiling water instead of out of a cup like everyone else. She loved seeing her family’s reactions to the various gifts she’d brought, since she’d spent quite a bit of time picking those out. Omega was the center of attention, as always, and every child was vying for his opinion on their specific gift.
As Rouge relaxed next to the fireplace, sipping her own steaming mug of hot chocolate (with the powder and water combined, thankyouverymuch), she felt someone tap on her shoulder.
The bat turned to see her mother sitting down next to her, looking very tentative.
“Honey?” she said softly. “I know I mentioned this yesterday, but...would you ever feel comfortable telling me about how you met your friends? I’m not asking because I’m judging them,” she added quickly, holding up her hands, “I just...want to know who they are to you. And you don’t have to do it right now, either, just maybe someday?” She’d begun to rush her words out at the end, clearly feeling at least a little nervous.
“Aw, Mom, you know I’ve been having fun telling stories this whole time!” Rouge got into a more comfortable position. “Oh, but these are some of the craziest ones I have. Promise not to freak out, okay?”
“I’ll do my best…” her mother said cautiously.
Rouge took a deep breath to get started. “Alright, so, I met Shadow when he was trying to blow up the planet with a giant cannon-”
“You what?!”
“You said you wouldn’t freak out!” Rouge protested good-naturedly.
“Yes- but- a giant cannon??” her mother gasped.
“Mom, seriously.”
Rouge was halfway through her story about “that time with Infinite” when it happened. She was leaning extremely far forward- which didn’t happen unless she was truly invested in what she was saying- and holding her mug of cocoa off to the right to keep it out of her way.
Unfortunately, to the right was exactly where the fireplace was. 
And since she was wearing a dangling sweater… the end result was a lot of shrieking from both Rouge and her mother as she swatted furiously at her sleeve in an attempt to keep the fire from burning her arm. 
The younger bat frowned at the end result, though, which was a very scorched and blackened sleeve that did not match the green sweater at all.
Her mother looked rather frightened at this, but Rouge assured her that it was nothing bad, she’d been through far worse- hadn’t she just said as much?
Eventually, after some more questions along the lines of “are you sure you’re alright?”, the two calmed down enough for Rouge to resume her story.
Her mother was clearly fascinated (and slightly horrified) by her tales, although she seemed particularly sympathetic to her daughter’s predicament of “I’m the only one with a brain on this team so I’m holding everything together like ninety percent of the time”.
Once she was finished, though, Lila looked at her nervously. “You won’t be too busy with all this work to come visit us...and maybe call occasionally...will you?”
Rouge smiled warmly at her mom. “No way. I love hanging out with you guys! Just because I have Shadow and Omega now doesn’t mean I’m ditching you guys- it just means more family.”
The older bat looked relieved. “That’s good to hear...I love you, sweetie. And I’m so proud of you.”
“...thanks, Mom….” Rouge said, ignoring the tight feeling in the back of her throat.
They hugged again, of course.
When Rouge finally caught up with her other family, though, she found an absolutely hilarious sight.
Somehow, two of her uncles and several kids had managed to wrangle Omega into allowing himself to be decorated with tinsel and lights, so he looked less like a carefully engineered machine of destruction and more like a very expensive Wintersday decoration. Shadow was hiding in a corner, meanwhile, and growling at anyone who dared to come within ten feet of him with any decorations.
Which happened to be just about everyone.
Rouge was determined to see her friends properly decorated, however- and hopefully tease them in the process. She started the process by sticking a poinsettia plant on Omega’s head and draping a strand of lights over his shoulders. He glared at her, but refused to move, likely making sure not to drop the plant on any of the various young children swarming around him. “The pot’s plastic, but you’d better not move anyway.” she warned him, earning an even more intense and furious glower in return.
After that, she rushed upstairs to grab a couple of special items, including one for her makeup kit. She’d dismissed it as unusable and too childish before, but now? Now it was perfect.
Smearing a copious amount of both items on her hands, she walked into the living room (after stopping to grab one other thing from a box just outside the door) and made a beeline for Shadow. He hissed at her, his teeth bared.
“Stop right there.” he growled menacingly.
“Come on, hon!” she protested, fighting her ‘mischief smile’ down. “Do you see any decorations in my hands?”
“No…?” Shadow answered cautiously.
She frowned just the right amount, leaning in slightly to inspect his quills. “Hang on, Shadow, you’ve got something in your quills right there…” she said, trailing off as she began to brush at his uppermost quills.
“What? What is it?” he barked, and she struggled to keep from bursting into laughter.
“There, I think I got it.” she said. “Probably just a-”
Omega interrupted her, his eyes switching to their half-moon shape. “Shadow. You have been pranked most egregiously.”
He looked shocked. “Wh-wha-?” he stammered, reaching up to touch his quills.
The bat grinned the moment his hands came away sticky with glitter gel.
“Rouge…” he snarled, a murderous gleam appearing in his eyes.
She patted him on the head once, slipping a holly sprig out of her glove and tucking it next to his ear simultaneously. His expression morphed from furious to perplexed to- when he saw his reflection in the window- straight-up deathly angry. “There you go, all festive now!” she chirped in a manner she just knew would irritate him.
Five seconds later, a scream that was very much ultrasonic rang through the house, followed by a wild-eyed bat and a hedgehog blazing with chaos energy. A faint shriek of “not the carpets!” came not long after.
Eventually, though, Shadow settled down (after cornering Rouge on top of a bookcase and attempting to climb said bookcase for revenge). He accepted that ‘okay, maybe it doesn��t look completely terrible’, and at least allowed the bat to spread the glitter around evenly.
“None of those moronic hats.” he’d snapped at Omega, who was trying to put a pointed red hat with white trim on his head. “I don’t care if they’re historical or traditional or whatever, I have heard far too many comments regarding my quills and starfishes already in my lifetime.”
Rouge cackled. “Ahah- starfish. That’s too good!”
“Don’t you start-!”
Not long after, though, he seemed to have made peace with his fate, as Rouge caught him curled up like a cat in front of the offending fireplace from earlier, a blanket draped over him and his eyes closed peacefully.
She didn’t really want to disturb him, but by the time she’d walked over he was already up. “What now?”
“Lunch, then the video call.” she said.
“Oh right- I nearly forgot. You did pack the presents, right?” Shadow asked her.
“That was Omega’s job.” she said, before giggling at the flash of panic that appeared on his face. “Don’t worry, I made sure they came with us.”
“You’d better. I didn’t bring a Chaos Emerald and there’s no way I’m wearing myself out with a Chaos Control for Sonic and his sunshine crew.”
Rouge snickered again. “I’m sure Knuckles and sunshine have never ever been compared before in the history of this planet- he’ll punch you out if he ever hears that.”
Shadow rolled his eyes. “Fine. I know you’re trying to be more friendly with him, so I guess I’ll be decent so your sweet-talking doesn’t fail.”
“Good!” Rouge clapped her hands together once. “I still can’t believe Sonic was so impatient he insisted we do this a day before- we’ll all be exchanging presents at the party tomorrow anyway.”
“You can’t believe Sonic was impatient?” the hybrid scoffed. “Please. He’d fail the marshmallow test every day.”
The bat hid a grin behind her hand, before walking off. “Come on. Lunch.”
Shadow grumbled something about “but I’m warm here”, but followed her anyway.
Later, after some frantic rushing-upstairs and fumbling with phones after lunch ran just a little bit too long, the video finally clicked on.
“Hiiii!” Sonic called brightly once they could see each other. “Happy Wintersday!”
After the various exchangings (and re-exchangings when people got mixed up) of “Happy Wintersdays”, the blue blur got right down to business.
“So. Presents.” he said, rubbing his hands together with a broad grin.
“Oh, chaos, you wouldn’t believe what I’ve been through just trying to keep his hands off your gift.” Tails groaned, looking tired at the very thought.”
“He wouldn’t let me touch mine!” Sonic whined.
Knuckles sighed and rolled his eyes. “Sonic, you’re not supposed to touch them. It’ll ruin the surprise. You know, he’s spent at least an hour total staring at your present today, Shadow.”
The hybrid smirked. “Did he really.” 
“No!” Sonic shrieked through the connection, his face turning slightly pink.
“Yes.” Tails said smugly, clearly wishing for some revenge after dealing with the energetic hedgehog.
“Ugh, fine, whatever, now can we just open them already?” Sonic huffed.
“Yeah...but you can open yours last.” Knuckles added, earning a horrified look from the hero.
“I’ll go first, then~!” Rouge sang, tearing into hers. The bat let her eyes burn a mocking hole straight through the camera and into Sonic’s disappointed pout.
When she pulled out the present, though, her smirk faded as she gasped happily. “Knuckles! You didn’t!” It was a small white box with golden embossed letters spelling out the name of a well-known jewelry store.
She didn’t fail to notice how Knuckles averted his eyes, looking tense and...slightly upset?
But by then, she’d opened the box and her attention shifted again to the gorgeous diamond necklace inside. It was fixed onto a fine silver chain, and the diamond itself was held in a swirl of more silver.
“I mean...I guess it’s okay…” the echidna muttered weakly.
That was when Rouge noticed the little slip of paper inside the lid: 100% Cubic Zirconia.
So it wasn’t a real diamond- why should she care? It was beautiful and shimmery and a very thoughtful gift, which all counted for plenty in her books.
“It’s wonderful, hon!” she said cheerfully, putting it on.
“Sorry about, you know…” He sighed, his pride clearly wounded. “Guarding the Master Emerald’s a full-time job...and it doesn’t exactly get you the big bucks, you know?”
Rouge smiled warmly and reassuringly at him, making the echidna blush. “It’s nothing to be sorry for. I love it.”
“That’s good, then.” His shoulders sank slightly with relief.
“Now you open yours!” she insisted, changing the conversation. “It took me some serious work to find, so I want to see your reaction.”
Knuckles tore the paper and opened up the cardboard box….
His silence spoke volumes as his eyes widened considerably.
The echidna pulled out a pair of high-tech sunglasses, all points and cool colors. Then a sort of-necklace, made mostly out of metal. Some steel covers for his spikes. A pair of gloves with more steel woven into the fibers….and a long, thin crystal.
He put on all of the gear and grinned at Rouge. “Remind you of someone?”
“As a matter of fact…” she said, watching comprehension dawn on everyone else (except for Omega, who she knew would have some questions later), “...I do recall a certain echidna who saved me from a rather fiery doom…”
“And I,” he added, smirking now, “remember getting called a creep who just wanted to hold a specific bat’s hand.”
They both burst into laughter at the memories, looking back on them now with fondness and a touch of embarrassment.
“Is it my turn yet?” Omega asked impatiently, already holding his present.
Not waiting for an answer, he ripped open the long cylinder, revealing a cardboard tube with something inside. Shaking it out, he found...
...blueprints for a giant cannon. Specifically, a cannon to be installed in his chassis.
Omega’s eyes sparkled- literally, they turned into sparkles. “Yes.” he said, sounding pleased. “Yes yes yes. This will be very good.”
“It’s all ready, too!” Tails exclaimed. “I just need to wire it into you.”
“Do it tomorrow.” he insisted.
The kitsune seemed pleased with the reception of his present, but was all too eager to get to his own gift.
Opening the box a moment later, his eyes also widened to double their usual size. “Wh- what!? An antimatter injector? Some new chaos drives?  You can’t get those anymore! And- is that nanotech assembly gear?? Where did you find these?”
“Oh, you know.” Omega said nonchalantly, pretending to examine his steel fingers. “Places.”
“Very top-secret places.” Rouge said, her face hurting from grinning so much.
Sonic was the only one who looked even remotely distressed. “Isn’t...isn’t that illegal?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve become a G.U.N. sympathizer now, Sonic.” Shadow said teasingly.
The blue hedgehog scoffed. "As if! If it's G.U.N.’s stuff then it's totally fine." 
His pretense of sulking completely dropped when Shadow began to carefully unwrap his own present. The hybrid, unlike his friends siblings, tugged carefully at each corner of the box, making sure not to tear any of the (slightly crumpled) paper.
Once it was finally open, his expression became softer than usual. "You remembered."
"Of course I did!" Sonic chirped. "Can't leave a friend in the lurch, now can I?" he added with a wink, smiling.
Shadow lifted the box out of the paper to reveal a small makeup kit- no, make that two, Rouge realized. One had some eye shadow in several shades of black, silver, purple, and red, as well as a black eyeliner. The other, which she noticed he was hiding slightly, had what appeared to be some jewel-tone and pastel colors in eyeliner, not eye shadow. 
So that was what Shadow had meant by ‘you remembered’. Rouge remembered too- specifically, she remembered Shadow griping loudly because he wasn’t allowed to use her makeup kit when she needed it. It was hers first, after all.
Rouge smirked. "It looks great, hon! I might need to borrow that sometime…" She trailed off, her knowing grin growing to blatantly wicked proportions.
"No!!" Shadow and Sonic yelled simultaneously.
"Dude, I literally got him this so he wouldn't steal yours! Don't you dare!" Sonic gasped, looking more than a little frustrated.
"Relax, boys, it's alright." Rouge said calmly- which only served to rile Shadow up further. "I'm only teasing, you know."
The hybrid scowled and clutched the boxes possessively, making Rouge smile again. He could be such a little kid sometimes, but she preferred it infinitely to the grownup facade he liked to project.
"Alright, Sonic, now you can go." Tails sighed, with the air of someone who had almost given up trying to impose rules on a hyperactive toddler.
"Allllright!" the hero whooped, ripping into his gift with no mercy.
Once it was open, though, he frowned, seeing only a dark wooden box. "Uhhhh...what kind of present is this?"
Shadow leaned forward in anticipation. "Open it and find out."
Sonic flipped open the lid- and froze, eyes shining in shock and pure joy. "No way…" he breathed.
Tails's fur bristled. "Oh, no."
"What? What is it?" Rouge strained to see. "He didn't even tell us, what is it?"
Sonic grinned. "Candy!" he gasped, sounding like an excited little kid. "Loads of it!"
He turned the box around to reveal several rows of neatly stacked candy bars, including several 'extra large' ones. 
Knuckles's eyes widened, the echidna having just gotten his first good look at the contents of the box. "Oh chaos…Shadow, he'll be bouncing off the walls!"
"Yes, but that's your problem, not mine." Shadow sounded sarcastic, but Rouge could see the happiness in his own expression- clearly Sonic's joy was infectious.
"Hold up- why's the bottom so loose?" the hero asked suddenly.
Shadow's smile became almost predatory. "Open it and find out."
Sonic lifted the tray...and his smile grew to rival that of the sun’s rays themselves. “Bro! Dude! You did not!”
“What?” Rouge shrieked, feeling irritated and left out.
“Dude, there’s, like, so much chocolate in here! Where’d you get all this??”
Shadow looked like he was physically forcing down a grin by now. “Places. Also, there’s no dark chocolate, so I’d better get a great thank-you card considering that I decided to cater to your trashy tastes.”
“Yeeeee- wait.” Sonic frowned. “Hold up, I don’t trust you just yet…” he said, glowering at the box. Apparently he was talking to the object, not the hedgehog.
He rattled the tray.
“What the heck, man?” The hero stared into the camera. “How much more is there?”
“You know what I’m going to say.” Shadow answered, raising a brow and looking pleased with himself.
Sonic lifted the tray very cautiously this time, as though there were a bomb underneath.
“Yo! Yo! Yo! You got- you got it, how’d you find this, where’d you get it? I saw it, y’know, on TV, but I thought it was a scam!! Dude! Is this real life??”
“Apparently,” Shadow said, finally giving in and smiling as proudly as he could, “foot-long candy canes are in fact a product that you can buy. Consumer culture has truly come a long way.”
“A foot long?” Omega asked, looking far too interested to have any healthy thoughts about it. “Show us.”
Sonic reached into the box, mumbling something about how his face was starting to hurt, but he didn’t look upset in the slightest. He pulled out a candy cane that was as long as his leg, letting out a little giggle as he did so.
“Look at this! Holy chaos, it’s so big!” He held it up to the light and stared, his eyes bright. “What the- it’s literally, like, the same distance round as my arm!”
Rouge cackled. “I need to get some of that, hon!”
“No.” Sonic hissed, but he was still smiling. “Mine...all mine…” He began to pet the candy cane, cradling it in his arms, and Rouge heard a soft snicker to her right, where Shadow was.
The blue hero had clearly heard it as well, his head snapping around to the camera in time with Rouge’s to see Shadow hiding a laugh behind his hand.
The bat noticed that Sonic’s jokes were more effective than Shadow let on...
As it was, though, they had to say goodbye soon. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow for the party, right?” Sonic asked hopefully.
“Of course. We would not miss it.” Omega folded his arms. “How could you ever think so low of us.”
Tails giggled.
“Well…” Knuckles said reluctantly, “I...guess we’ve gotta go for now.”
“Us too,” Rouge muttered. “People are gonna start a search party if we don’t head down soon.”
“See you tomorrow, right?” Sonic added hopefully. 
“Yes.” Omega confirmed. “Tomorrow. When I will get a cannon.”
“I’ll make sure to do it ASAP!” Tails chirped.
“...happy Wintersweek.” Shadow said, far more warmly than usual.
After another round of well wishes, Rouge shut off the call.
Immediately, Shadow took his treasure and escaped into the bathroom, while Omega began to pore over his blueprints, probably processing (read: fantasizing about) how best to integrate the cannon into his fighting style.
Rouge flopped back onto the bed and sighed, a small smile remaining on her face as she played with her necklace. Shadow and Omega had both looked so happy...and she felt great, too.
Chaos, she was getting sentimental. A far cry from her early hardened days with G.U.N.
Far better than those times, too, she decided. Far better.
It was the Final Dinner Of The Family Reunion, and Rouge was so ready.
Everyone banded together in the kitchen throughout the afternoon, slicing, basting, cooking, and otherwise handling food to prepare a fantastic, show-stopping feast that all of the family would be talking about for weeks. Rouge had needed to fry, bake, and mash different kinds of potatoes and sweet potatoes, set up a casserole, make half the macaroni and cheese, prep some kind of gravy...and she got a light load.
The best part was when Omega was roped into helping and ended up wrist deep in a bowlful for crickets mixing them with seasoning, she had to admit.
Shadow didn’t give her any dirt at all (something she was still sulking about a little), just generally being quiet and going exactly where he was needed when he was wanted most, sometimes even showing up right before someone called for him.
Rouge groaned internally. It was some weird sort of Ultimate Lifeform stuff, she was sure. (His quiet, antisocial nature probably meant that he wanted attention to be called to himself as little as possible, too.)
But now, her mood took a sharp turn for the better, as the food was finally ready. She practically launched herself into the dining room, vaulting over the back of her chair to sit down.
This was the hardest part, though.
Now, the bat had to literally sit on her hands to keep herself from tearing into the food that was right in front of her. The smells of the various different dishes floated through the air, many of them were placed perfectly within reach, and they looked so good…
And she couldn’t touch any of it until every. Single. Person. Sat down at the table.
“Ugh…” she groaned, attempting to vocalize her discomfort to her companions.
Sadly, when your best friends/idiot brothers are a robot who doesn’t need to eat and a hedgehog who barely needs to eat, you get absolutely no sympathy from either of them. Immature and rude. She huffed quietly to herself.
Thankfully, the promise of a giant meal brought everyone together quickly, they all raised their glasses, and then-
Slamming her glass down, Rouge snatched a serving spoon millimeters from another bat’s fingers. Shadow and Omega watched, their faces morphing into something akin to an awestruck expression as the table exploded into chaos. Rouge filled her plate through sheer cunning and- in one case- a vicious staredown and tug-of-war for control of the meat knife (which she won).
“Remind me never to get between her and food, Omega.” Shadow whispered behind her back.
“Affirmative.” the robot muttered.
Several minutes later, Rouge’s plate was filled to her liking and she began to devour her food, as did the rest of her family. Some of the relatives who were significant others, not related by blood, watched with an equal mix of fascination, morbid curiosity, and horror as the bats at the table scarfed down the food as though there was no tomorrow.
Eventually, Shadow took some food, but Rouge didn’t look at what. She had more plans in mind for the other member of Team Dark.
When Omega turned his head for a couple of minutes to display the various hilarious robotic spinning motions he could perform, Rouge snagged several pieces of food and rapidly arranged them on his plate.
The robot returned to the table to discover a giggling Rouge, a smirking Shadow, and several slices of meat, some green beans, and artfully placed ketchup that, among other things, formed two circles on the top of the placement and an omega logo on the upper right part of one of the meat pieces.
Essentially, it was a food Omega.
Rouge had expected some irritation on his part, a shout of “THIS LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME”, perhaps, but instead Omega took several pictures.
He fiddled with his phone for a few minutes (tiny phone + giant robot hands = lots of difficulty), before sliding it over to the bat.
All of his profile pictures, on every social media site and all of their group chats, were now displaying the same image as his plate.
“Yes! He appreciates art!” Rouge yelled, showing Shadow, who promptly snickered behind his hand.
“Excellent. Let’s go hang it in a museum.” he remarked dryly.
The rest of the dinner passed relatively without incident (although one of Rouge’s uncles and one of her aunts had to be pried off of the fruit platter after both refused to let go).
When dessert showed up, however...things changed.
The main creation that Rouge’s mothers had brought out was a three-layer chocolate cake made with lots of icing. Various other sweets surrounded it, and Rouge noticed several members of her family looking at it with a near-vicious gleam in their eyes.
She was definitely surprised- but pleased- to see Shadow’s reaction, though. 
He stared at the cake like it was a Chaos Emerald and he’d just fired a few hundred Chaos Spears without a break. Rouge grinned as she saw him lean forward slightly in his seat, never breaking eye contact with the sweet confectionery. 
“You like that, hon?”
Shadow jolted back to reality, clearly unaware that he’d just been eyeing the cake with an expression normally reserved for feral lions when they’d spotted a particularly plump zebra.
“It seems...well made.” he conceded.
“Okay, so in Shadow-speak that means ‘I want some and I want it now’.” Rouge corrected, smirking at his indignant expression even as she turned to her mom. “Hey Mom! Can Shadow have some cake over here? A big piece?”
Within seconds, a large slice of cake was handed over and Shadow was left speechless. He blinked, then picked up his fork and poked it once, as though he expected it to disappear. 
“Are you going to eat it? You can’t do that with your eyes, you know.” Omega remarked from Rouge’s other side.
Shadow glowered at him and stabbed the fork into the cake, bringing up a piece and shoving it contemptuously into his mouth. The glare faded the second he tasted it, though, his eyes widening again.
“What’s in this?” he asked, the moment he’d swallowed his slice. (Rouge cursed to herself again at the loss of teasing material. Maria had really taught this guy his manners when he was young...)
“It’s nothing much, honey.” Rouge’s mom said warmly. “It’s just a lot of chocolate and cocoa.”
“It’s amazing.” he said quickly, before turning his undivided attention back to the cake and scarfing it down in a manner that made Rouge proud.
Halfway through the piece, the younger bat grinned at him. “See? You’re practically related already.”
Shadow looked like he didn’t know whether to scowl or keep eating, so he settled for a rapid glare in between bites. 
Rouge laughed for a full five minutes after that.
Late at night, after her shower, Rouge walked back into their room only to see Shadow sitting upright, his silhouette framed by the rays of the moon. Omega was still awake, too, just two red circles of light showing and the rest of his body shrouded in darkness.
“You two okay?” she asked carefully.
“I’ve been thinking…” Shadow said quietly. “...about how much you’ve had to do for us. You single-handedly built this team up from the ground, even as Omega kept on going off to do his own thing and I dealt with...various issues. I wish there was some way I could express...how much...” He trailed off, clearly unable to find the right words.
Rouge felt a big smile grow on her face. “Awww…” she said gently. “I did this because I wanted to, don’t you know that? Sure, I wanted you two to stop fighting, and sure, I figured it just made sense at the time, but in the long run...we really work well together, you know?”
Omega spoke up next. “Regarding what you said yesterday, Rouge...I do believe that I am better off with you two than alone. Mostly because it enables me to achieve my-
“-actually, forget that. Never tell anyone else that I said what I am about to say. Or…or else. I have, for a while, had one goal: to destroy Eggman and his inferior creations. However...I have also had, for a somewhat shorter amount of time, a second goal: to...protect and...help, in whatever way they require, my...teammates, or friends, or siblings, whatever you call it.” 
He had trailed off into mumbling by the end of it, clearly disliking how much his little speech had contradicted his usual ‘big bad robot’ personality.
The only noise after that was a high-pitched ‘aaaaaaaa’ from Rouge.
Shadow smirked faintly at her reaction. “Do I need to make a dramatic announcement as well?”
“Shut up.” Omega muttered petulantly. If the robot could scowl, Rouge knew he’d be doing so.
“No, hon. Only if you want to.” Rouge said to Shadow, ignoring Omega’s comment.
“Then I suppose…” He clutched one inhibitor ring for a moment. “....I will simply say that I am...happy. Here. With both of you.”
After a couple minutes of comfortable silence, Rouge and Omega both made their way over to the middle of the room, where Shadow’s bed was. Somehow, they worked it out so that all three sat on the mattress and the bat and the hybrid each leaned against one of the robot’s sides, their arms meeting around the back of his metal casing.
It would have made a strange silhouette if anyone could have seen them then, a spiky head and a bat wing the only defining features next to the bulk of a giant robot. But they didn’t give a single thought to how anyone else viewed them.
They were good for each other, even if nobody else had the sense to realize it. All their rough edges and jagged pieces from their pasts just meant that they understood what it was like to go through difficult times and come out the other side.
All three had been alone at some point.
But none of them would have to go through that again.
And Rouge decided on something as she leaned against Omega, her hand on Shadow’s arm. 
The family you find is just as important, and just as real, as the one you’re born with. Many people have one but never the other, but Rouge realized that despite all the terrible things she’d been through…
...somehow she’d been lucky enough to have both.
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thebiscuiteternal · 4 years
This stuck in my head. 1 competent charr and a couple of idiots teaching babby chronomancer their first well spell.
"Alright, so, Well of Eternity. Nice and useful, heals multiple targets at once. But you're only getting one target for now, and that's Cliffjumper over there."
"Oh, woe! Oh, agony! Won't some kind soul heal my poor broken body?"
"Shut yer yap or you're gonna *need* healing."
"But... what if I screw up the well?"
"That's why we're starting you off with the healing one. Short of fucking up on a scale currently unknown to mortalkind, the worst you can do is singe off some fur."
"And the mangy asshole could use a haircut anyway."
"Hey! I'll have you know I smell like a fresh mountain spring!"
(Sigh) "Just try the spell like I showed you, cub."
"Whoo! I'm cured!"
"Yeah, yeah, it's a fucking Wintersday miracle."
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It’s a wintersday miracle feat.WOW that sweater really does just go up to the midriff huh
Also three bonus shots because... you can hear the echo in his head, the windows screensaver braincell hitting the corner, there is no thought in there, what a guy
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The Tyrian Charity Foundation is back, and ready to raise money for kids in 2019!
Date: Saturday, November 2 ~ Sunday, November 3, 2019 Times: 8 AM ~ 8 AM Where: Anywhere in the world! Online or otherwise.
We've defeated another Elder Dragon - and we bring up arms against the might of Jormag. We are not the only ones fighting out there. There are many children fighting wars of their own. They are struggling valiantly against a variety of conditions and diseases. These kids need our help - so will you take a moment to lend your assistance? 
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For a 7th year in a row, the Tyrian Charity Foundation is back on a quest help sick and injured kids in our local communities, part of the ArenaNet Super Team! To fulfill this quest, we (and other Extra Life participants) will be gaming for 24 hours from Saturday, November 2 to Sunday, November 3, starting at 8 AM and ending at 8 AM. Through this 24 hour event, we will be raising money for our own, chosen local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. The money we raise will be used to treat thousands of children each year, regardless of their illness, injury, or even their family's ability to pay.
That's where you come in.
We need your help to reach our goal!
Your donation will allow for a Wintersday miracle to happen for families that desperately need them. Every donation donation matters, and they are even tax deductible! To make a safe and easy online donation to a member of our team, click on the "Donate" button at the top of the team page! 
If you cannot donate, then spreading the word helps as well. You can even support us by watching us stream.  Last year - we raised over $680 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals as a sub team under Team ArenaNet! This year, we’re hoping to reach a similar goal - and all of our donations will count towards Team ArenaNet’s total as well, helping us reach those sweet, sweet milestones.  We may also be giving away some other things on our own individual streams... But most importantly - we’ll be helping the kids.
So if you can spare anything - feel free to donate, or support us in any other way. Any little bit helps, and we can't do this without you!  You can find our sub team page here:
~> http://www.extra-life.org/team/TCF <~
Thank you so much for supporting our efforts and helping these kids! 
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theroyalchallenge · 5 years
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The Royal house is starting to get a bit busier, though with Dario able to fend for himself and the two toddler occupied, Akira was able to have a quiet moment to celebrate his birthday.
Even though the family has very little, Snow and Akira wanted to make sure the kids could celebrate Wintersday, it wasn't much but a small stack of presents and a wreath was all it took to attract Mr Windersday himself. Dario was thrilled to get a present and while Kinley was too shy to ask for one, she did still say hello.
Even though she didn't get a present, she did get a cake for the next day was her birthday!
Dario starting to show quite the apptitude for the academics, putting lots of work into his school projects and pretending to be a doctor helping people.
Look, it's a Wintersday miracle! (oops Snow)
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many-voices · 7 years
Nora:  A Wintersday Miracle
(( part of @luxelen’s hilarious mistaken-gift prompt. )) Nora’s high-pitched squeal began at the front door of her family’s house -- where she first saw the finely wrapped gift -- and remained at full volume all the way to her room on the third floor.  She slammed the door on her brother Jonah’s holler of, “Ma, someone sent Nora a--,” and immediately turned the latch on him.  Brothers. She tossed her Seraph training gear on the bed and floor rather than the rack meant for that purpose.  Still wearing her linen padding, she sat cross-legged on the bed and drew the box onto her lap.  It. Was. Gorgeous.  Perfect paper, delicate colors, a ribbon.  Two ribbons.
It must have been - no, her aunt wouldn’t send this.  This was the sort of gift a woman received.  From a man.  Was it for her mother, from her father?  Nooo. They were old, and they barely talked outside the shop.  Someone must have seen her at the Ball, oh Lyssa, someone saw her from among all those people...
She ripped the paper off the box and flung the lid aside.  She looked at the contents, then tilted her head and kept looking as if the change in angle might give another clue.  “Oh!” she said, high-pitched. Then, after figuring out what she was looking at, her voice dropped into a lower register and red bloomed on her fair cheeks.  “Oh.”
Her squeal cut the air like glass.  Jonah, still outside the room, called, “Ma! She’ll scare the dogs!”  Nora buried her face in her pillow and kicked her feet in helpless glee.
(( hey, @lordgriggs!  Was something supposed to go to your wife, maybe? ))
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archesa · 2 years
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Wintersday prompts - Holiday cheer
On the first wintersday, my guildmates gave to me, a prompt for a season jolly.
1. First snow
2. Have you been naughty or nice?
3. Omnomberry candy canes and cinnamon cookies
4. Merry and bright
5. Surprise gift
6. Wintersday miracle
7. Ghosts of wintersday past, present and future
8. Best worst wintersday
9. Wintersday shopping
10. I'll be home for Wintersday
11. Far from home for Wintersday
12. Working on wintersday
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Feel free to reblog and use for your own beebs (OCs, blorbos, or poor little meow-meows in need of holiday cheer), all fandoms included, or to request asks 😁
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Citizens! Your attention please!
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The Tyrian Charity Foundation is raising money for Extra Life 2018!
Date: Saturday, November 3 ~ Sunday, November 4, 2018 Times: 8 AM ~ 8 AM Where: Anywhere in the world! Online or otherwise. 
As Wintersday begins to approach, the charitable atmosphere already fills the air as we finish our shopping sprees. The season of Colossus is brought to an end with the distribution of gifts amongst our closest friends, starting the season of Zephyr in the new year with a wonderful glee. The warm feeling of seeing the delight on our friend’s faces is enough to get us through even the darkest times.
Despite not being out among the front line of Jahai Bluffs, there are many children fighting wars of their own. They are struggling valiantly against a variety of conditions and diseases. These kids need our help - so will you take a moment from fending off Kralkatorrik to lend your assistance?
Let us bring a smile to these children’s faces in time for Wintersday.
The Tyrian Charity Foundation is on a quest help sick and injured kids in our local communities. To fulfill this quest, we (and other Extra Life participants) will be gaming for 24 hours from Saturday, November 3 to Sunday, November 4, starting at 8 AM and ending at 8 AM. Through this 24 hour event, we will be raising money for our own, chosen local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. The money we raise will be used to treat thousands of children each year, regardless of their illness, injury, or even their family’s ability to pay.
That’s where you come in.
We need your help to reach our goal!
Your donation will allow for a Wintersday miracle to happen for families that desperately need them. Every donation donation matters, and they are even tax deductible! To make a safe and easy online donation to a member of our team, click on the “Donate” button at the top of the team page!
If you cannot donate, then spreading the word helps as well. You can even support us by watching us stream.
Any little bit helps, and we can’t do this without you!
Please visit our team page here for more information.
~> http://www.extra-life.org/team/TCF <~
Thank you so much for supporting our efforts and helping these kids!
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