#pure self indulgent fluff
archesa · 2 years
Hope you will enjoy this ^^ This is set in druid Anwen’s verse, as you shall see and can be read as a continuation to this fic ^^
(A little something I had written during the holiday season and felt like posting now 🥰 Originally promoted by @i-mybrunettelady from the Wintersday prompts ❄)
Quick summary : Anwen usually makes evergreen and holly grow for Wintersday but this year all she manages to bloom are mint and mulberry.
Wintersday miracle - A speck of life in the realm of death
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The manor stood high on the hill, garlands and lanterns hanging from the windows ledge and ornamenting the pediment of the house. The Faren's winter's ball was an event looked forward to by everyone, the young and old, meek and the bold.
The party would start in a matter of hours and the household was buzzing with effervescence, masters and staff rushing about to prepare for the soirée. In the reception room, the servants busied themselves with the latest accommodations, a change in the traditional decoration of the hall — holly and evergreen noticeably amiss, as they were replaced by dark emerald leaves and coiling thorns of mint and mulberry. A touch of colour, in the shape of unripe blackberries, and a shimmer of fantasy in that of a few gold trimmed pine-cones were added in hope to make best of the unusual situation. A speck of light in the darkest hours of the year, the triumph of life in the realm of death.
Every year, Lady Anwen bloomed the decorations the very morning of the ball — evergreen, holly, mistletoe — and oversaw their arrangements for the rest of the day before it was finally time for her to don a dress for one of her infamously brief appearance at the party.
But this year, despite her best efforts nothing would bloom under her touch but these two plants.
Mint and mulberry.
Virtue and death.
Wisdom and self-sacrifice.
Poets would deem that the darkness of Orr still clung to her, or that perhaps her heart lingered on these distant shores...
"My dear daughter...", Lady Violet smiled, her eyes glistening knowingly, as Anwen ruffled the garland on the chandelier for the fifth time in a row, and, with a flick of her wrist, tried to bloom yet another ornament, only to be met with more emerald leaves exhaling fresh peppermint. "You really needn't trouble yourself... You simply have love on your mind."
The young woman almost tore her gown stumbling off the ladder she was perched upon.
She did have someone on her mind, someone who had expressed his regrets and declined the invitation, staying with the men in garrison at Fort Trinity. The post had surely been delivered by now, and she hoped he would like the content of the parcel she had sent this very morning. But surely the fact that her heart tightened in her chest when, despite all reason, she looked towards the threshold in hope to see him whenever someone pushed the door, had nothing to do with...
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The night was dark and the spirits high when Anwen arrived at Caer Aval, leaving the strong scent of liquor and the sound of celebration far behind when she noticed the visible absence of the one person she sought.
She took in a deep, shaking breath, willing the trembling of her hand to still before she knocked on the metal door, thanking the cold air whipping the fort from over the bay for an excuse to justify her tremors.
The door cracked open, revealing a most surprised face.
"Happy Wintersday, Marshal. I... apologize for intruding like this, I know you weren't expecting me..."
"I am always happy to see you, friend. What do I owe the pleasure?”
“I-... I received an unexpected gift tonight... some clarity... Wintersday is a time we're meant to spend with those we hold closest to our heart. And I realised there was nowhere else I wanted to be and no one else I wanted to be with..."
She willed to hold his gaze, a shiver running her through as he stepped forth, the cold nipping at her exposed shoulders all but forgotten in the warmth of his smile and the shimmering glow enlightening his features, setting her heart ablaze.
"And there is no one I hold dearest, Anwen."
The sharp whistle of a kettle shattered the moment. She let out a breathless chuckle and melted in his arms as he pulled her in a tender embrace.
"You must be cold. Can I offer you some tea?"
She nodded slowly, basking in the warmth of his glow and the scent of mint and mulberry. "Tea would be lovely."
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magiccath · 4 months
Tenth Doctor/Reader (could be any Doctor if you squint)
Summary: In which the TARDIS pulls some matchmaking schemes
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The last week had been exhausting. Life with the Doctor usually was, but this week was just a little too much for you. Not just you either, the Doctor was wiped out too.
He pushed the doors of the TARDIS open with a tired sigh, throwing his long brown coat over one of the numerous coral-like branches littered throughout the control room. Then, he made a b-line for his worn-out captain’s chair, slumping into it dramatically. His long, spindly legs stretched out in front of him, making him appear taller than he was - if that was even possible. The way he stretched was more than akin to the characteristics of the cats you had encountered.
You weren’t much more energetic about your entrance, throwing your coat next to his and moving to slump against the circular console.
“Can we please take a break from the running?”
“We haven’t been running that much,” he groaned, though you could tell he was thinking the same thing. He might have ‘superior Time Lord biology’, but he was clearly as tired as you were. Maybe there was a limit to the running he could do.
“Daleks, New New York, then that weird Bio-tech company, followed by the literal end of the universe, and wrap it all up with diamond rain on Saturn.”
“Suppose there has been a lot of running,” the Doctor grumbled again, admitting defeat. “How about a day or two of rest? Get some sleep and relax a bit?”
You nodded, glad he finally understood what you were trying to say. All you wanted was to sleep for at least 8 hours uninterrupted. Ideally, 12 hours.
“Don’t fall asleep in that chair,” you scold, noticing how he already appeared to be half asleep, “you’ll get back pain and then you’ll be insufferable. Go to bed, I know you have one somewhere.”
The Doctor grumbled, not bothering to form a full and coherent sentence. You kicked his leg, not hard enough to truly hurt him, just enough to get him out of the chair. He grumbled again and sat up in the chair, stretching his slender arms above his head.
“I won’t.”
He nodded, already looking slightly more alert. Slightly. Satisfied that he wasn’t going to fall asleep, you decided to head off to your bedroom.
You walked slowly down one of the numerous, winding halls of the TARDIS. You’d walked to your room hundreds, if not thousands, of times by now. You knew exactly where it was, and it wasn’t there. In the space where your door would normally be was… nothing. You tapped around the wall, wondering if perhaps the Doctor replaced your normal door with some kind of seamless door mechanism.
When the wall didn’t yield you let out a frustrated grunt, “What did you do?” you asked the TARDIS, resting your hands on the smooth surface of her walls. The wall was cold to the touch, colder than usual that is. Normally, you felt something when you touched her. The best way you could describe it was a presence. But, at the moment, you felt nothing.
Aggravated, you sulked your way back to the control room.
“Where is my room?” you glared at the Doctor, hands on your hips. Normally, you’d play along. Hide his Sonic Screwdriver or coat somewhere he couldn’t find it. This time, you were far too tired to humor him.
“What d’ya mean?” the Doctor frowned in confusion. “Did you get lost in the hallways again?”
“No, I know where my own room is and it’s not there!”
The Doctor’s frown deepened as he got up from his seat, brushing past you and into the hallway. He took long strides down the corridor, stopping in front of where your room normally was. He slipped his glasses out of his inner pocket, sliding the specs onto the bridge of his nose. His head tilted to the side as his hands ran over the smooth wall, examining the space with his characteristic curiosity.
“Did you do this?”
“What? No, why would I steal your room?” He peered over his shoulder, almost offended that you would suggest such a thing.
“You’ve done weirder things,” you argued, crossing your arms.
“Name one,” the Doctor challenged, mirroring your defensive stance.
“The time you put a pigeon in my shower,” you responded immediately, not needing time to think about weird things the Time Lord had done. It was one of the things you liked best about him, he was constantly strange. It made things fun, but it could also make things incredibly aggravating.
“He needed a bath. Have you met pigeons? They’re filthy.”
“Wash your pigeons in your own shower!”
“That's… that’s not the point here,” he mumbled, clearly deflecting the conversation. “Your room is missing.”
“I noticed,” you deadpanned, not looking away from him. “Can I have it back?”
“I told you, I didn’t take it.” The Doctor threw his hands up defensively.
“Rooms don’t just walk away,” you say, glaring at him. By now, your irritation was bordering on anger. All you wanted to do was fall into your soft bed and not leave until this exhaustion wore off, but you needed a bed to do that.
“Maybe the TARDIS sorted it away,” he shrugged. As if accentuating his point, the TARDIS let out a soft hum. You weren’t even sure it was real at first, maybe it was just the air conditioning kicking on.
“Did she just…?”
The Doctor nodded, confirming your theory that the TARDIS had responded to him. What reason did she have for storing your room away? You were about 98% sure that you still lived on the ship.
“Is this her way of kicking me out?” The TARDIS let out another hum, this one in clear disapproval. Not kicking you out, then.
You let out a small sigh of relief. You’d never admit it, but you had never felt more at home anywhere else in your life. Realistically, that wasn’t because of the TARDIS. It was the Doctor, he could make any place feel like home to you.
“Well then, can I have my room back please?” you asked the TARDIS
The corridor was silent. In fact, the whole ship was silent, if that was even possible.
Something you learned early on in your travels with the Doctor was that the TARDIS was the one really in charge. What she says goes. Always. It doesn’t matter if you were promised a beach vacation and ended up in the middle of winter in Victorian England. And it most certainly didn’t matter if you wanted a bedroom or not. She was a force to be reckoned with, and you respected that.
“I’ll sleep on the couch in the library, we can deal with this in the morning.” You decided it was easier to just let the TARDIS work through whatever tantrum or scheme she was cooking up. Sometimes when traveling with the Doctor it was better to just go with the flow - and that didn’t just apply to ship malfunctions or sleeping arrangements.
You trudged down the corridor, heading for the vast library. It really was an impressive library, even better than the one in Beauty and the Beast. Shelves lined the walls and extended up high for multiple stories. It was easy to get lost in the room because it was so large. Most of the time you just asked the TARDIS for directions if you needed a specific book. Mostly, you just used it as a calm and quiet place to take a break between your chaotic adventures with the Doctor.
Usually, there were at least three couches in the room at a time. Your favorite was a mustard yellow, not a particularly nice color (especially for a couch), but it was beyond comfortable. The issue was that the couch wasn’t there. Furthermore, there wasn’t any couch in the large room.
“Doctor!” you call out loudly, staring blankly at the space where there should be a couch. There were small circles on the wood where the legs of the couch would normally sit, leading you to assume that you weren’t going crazy. The TARDIS had stolen your room and now your favorite couch.
“What’s the issue now?” the Doctor grumbled, rubbing his face tiredly as he strode into the library. He came to a standstill next to you, staring at the empty floor with equal confusion.
“She got rid of the couch.”
“I can see that,” the Doctor said, his eyebrows raising in interest.
“I’m exhausted, I'm grumpy, and I just want to sleep,” you whisper urgently, almost on the verge of tears. It felt silly to be upset over such a small thing, but you were beyond tired. Your brain was functioning on sheer willpower and that was quickly running out.
“I know, I know,” the Doctor whispered sympathetically, gently lifting your face up to look at him. “Look, you can sleep in my room. She hasn’t taken that.”
“That's where you sleep,” you point out, trying not to show how flustered the endearing touch had made you.
“Normally, yes,” the Doctor smiled slightly, finding your response slightly comical. “It’s a nice bed, though I’m not sure it would matter much to you either way at this point.”
“Where would you sleep?” You frown, knowing that he needs the sleep just as much as you do, even if he would never admit it.
“I don’t need to-” he started but cut off once he saw your glare. “I can sleep in the console room, that chair isn’t really that bad,” he amended.
“You’ll hurt your back, I already told you not to fall asleep there.”
“It’s not like we have any other options,” the Doctor shrugged. It wasn’t that big of a deal to him. He would do anything for you, sleeping on a chair that hurt his back was nothing in comparison.
“I’m not letting you sleep in the chair,” you insisted, crossing your arms defensively. “I’ll sleep in the chair.”
“No one is sleeping in the chair!” the Doctor sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“I could just sleep on the floor, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“No, I’m not letting you do that,” he said seriously.
“What do you propose then?”
“Well… we could…” the Doctor trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. By now, you knew it as one of his many nervous tics. “We could share the bed,” he finally said, his eyes glued to the floor.
“Share your bed?”
The Doctor nodded, still not fully looking at you. At this point, you were too tired to question it, or even really think about it.
“Can we even do that? Are you ok with that?”
“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t. As you’re comfortable with it,” he said back, his tone only slightly less panicked. He wasn’t even sure when the last time he shared a bed was.
“Alright,” you whisper with a slight blush.
“I’ve never seen your room,” you add after a few seconds.
“You haven’t?”
You shake your head, “it could be a torture dungeon for all I know.”
“It’s- it’s not-” he struggled before realizing you were joking. “It’s a normal bedroom,” he whispered, already walking out of the library.
You smile to yourself and follow him down the hall, the only sound the soft tap of your footsteps. His room wasn’t far from where yours would normally be, just a few turns down the hall and to the left. The door was the same blue as the TARDIS, almost identical to the front doors of the ship.
The Doctor opened the door and slipped inside, leaving it ajar so you could follow.
Whatever you had expected when it came to the Doctor’s room, it wasn’t this. Almost every square inch of the place was covered with things. Gadgets and gizmos, rocks, keys, books, alien-looking things, and-
“Is that Starry Night?” you frown, looking at a framed picture leaning against a corner.
“Oh, yeah, Vincent gave that to me,” the Doctor shrugged like he didn’t have one of the most recognizable paintings in all of history on his bedroom floor.
“Isn’t it supposed to be in the MoMa?”
“That one’s fake. Don't tell anyone though, I’m not really supposed to have this one,” the Doctor shrugged, undoing his tie and slipping it off his neck. You tried to not follow the movement with your eyes, the nimble movement of his hands as he undid the knot capturing your attention.
You looked away embarrassed, turning your attention back to the painting. “Did you steal Starry Night?!”
“No, I told you, Vincent gave it to me,” he frowned at you, wondering if the exhaustion was finally getting to you. He had just told you that.
“And you just… decided to keep it on your bedroom floor? Next to your trash can and first editions of Lord Of The Rings?”
“That’s not a trash can, it’s an artifact from B-739. Priceless, don’t touch it.”
“Right, 'cause that’s the priceless item in here that I’m worried about accidentally defacing.”
“If you’re going to bully my possessions, I’m not gonna let you sleep in here,” he grumbled, a pout barely evident on his face.
“I’ll shut up,” you say, looking around the rest of the room. You kept your comments to yourself, instead taking the time to admire the strange collection of things the Doctor kept in his room. It was like a personal museum of all of time and space. That is if the museum prioritized shiny objects and children’s toys from the early ‘90s.
It was all very him, and you couldn't help but feel safe in the room. Sure, you felt safe everywhere on the TARDIS, but this was different. If you could, you would have spent hours scouring every inch, wanting to learn everything you could about the Doctor.
You tugged your attention the the bed. It wasn’t a small bed, but it also wasn’t ridiculously large for one (albeit, strangely tall) Time Lord. The sheets were dark blue silk with a thick woolen blanket on top, also in a matching blue.
“Do you need PJs?” he asked, poking his head out of the closet he was currently in. The doors were a dark oak with a row of ties hanging on the inside of one. The patterns ranged anywhere from solid colors to cartoon characters from your childhood you had forgotten existed. You smiled as your eyes caught on a brightly colored tie with Winnie the Pooh on it.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you nod, turning your attention back to him. A few moments later he came back into the main room carrying two sets of PJs. You’d only seen the Doctor out of his trademark suit once or twice, for all you knew he just slept in it. Maybe he invented some kind of sleep suit, like a three-piece made entirely out of comfortable knit fabric.
He handed you one set of PJs, a classic striped set. He held in his hands another set, that one also striped, just in a different colorway. You’d never put much thought into what the Doctor wore to bed, but for some reason, this made sense to you.
“Bathroom’s over there,” he tilted his head in the direction of a door in the corner. You took the clothes and made your way over to the room, closing the door gently behind you, the ‘click’ reverberating through the silent space.
There wasn’t anything spectacular about the bathroom. By most standards, it was a perfectly ordinary bathroom. Even still, it’s clear to you who this bathroom belonged to. Various products (mostly ones for hair styling) were scattered across the countertop, but you didn’t feel like it was a mess.
There was a bright, puffy, flower-shaped rug in front of the sink that reminded you of something you might find in a Barbie Dollhouse circa 2002. In contrast, the shower curtain was a bright striped pattern that reminded you of a beach ball. In any other room, the decorations wouldn’t have matched, but knowing this was the Doctor’s doing made it all make sense to you.
You slipped the pajamas on quickly. You looked a little ridiculous in the Doctor’s clothes, like you were playing dress up in his closet. They didn’t fit you perfectly, but that much was expected. Even still, the fabric smelled like the Doctor, leaving you with the aching feeling that he was hugging you. You pressed your nose against the sleeve, breathing in the familiar smell before realizing you were smelling the Time Lord’s pajamas.
You shook yourself out of it and exited the bathroom, poking your head tentatively into the main room. The Doctor was sitting on the bed, having already changed into his PJs. His head turned at the sound of the door, smiling slightly at the sight of you.
“Do y’a need anything else?” he asked.
You shook your head, standing in the doorway awkwardly. Seeing him sitting there, on the bed, made it all seem real. You couldn’t do this. How could you share a bed with the man you had the biggest crush on ever?
“I- well, I can’t-” you stammered, trying to put your thoughts into words. Your brain was tired and panicking, the combination leaving you unable to fully express anything. “I can just sleep on the floor.”
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor, just get in the bed.”
You shift anxiously, tugging at the sleeve of the PJs he gave you. There was no way to explain it to him without admitting your feelings. It was a double-edged sword. Or maybe it was paradoxical. It didn’t really matter.
Begrudgingly, you slide under the covers next to him. You lay like a corpse, your hands firmly tucked at your side as you stare up at the ceiling. He had those ridiculous glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling. They weren’t even just haphazardly stuck up there, he took the time to form them into actual constellations. The ones that he’d shown you up close.
You felt a twinge in your heart. It took everything in you not to turn to your side and hug him right now. His hugs felt like oxygen to you. You could be having the worst day ever, but a hug from your favorite alien never failed to brighten it.
The Doctor turned the bedside lamp off, sending the room into darkness. Your eyes were still glued to the stars, their soft glow highlighting them against the black of the room. He settled down in the bed next to you. You felt every single shift as he got comfortable, the feeling of him next to you distracting. It was hard not to think about how much you liked the Time Lord when you were literally in his bed. It was impossible not to feel his presence next to you, the weight of another person weighing down your mind.
“You ok?” the Doctor whispered, pulling you out of your spiral.
“Yeah,” you whispered back. Maybe if you said it, it would be true.
You felt his hand slide against yours, his fingers brushing against the back of your hand. You didn’t dare move, you didn’t even pull your gaze from the cluster of glow-in-the-dark stars above your head. Tentatively, he slid his hand into yours.
This wasn’t the first time you had held his hand. Far from it, actually. You held his hand almost every day. It was easy to get lost in space, it was just easier if you held onto each other. But this time was different, the intimacy of it making your heart thunder against your chest.
Neither of you said anything, the silence filling the room. Eventually, your eyes fluttered closed, the fluorescent greenish afterglow of the plastic stars remaining in your mind. It didn’t take long for you to slide out of consciousness, the heavy weight of sleep taking over and dragging you down.
You woke up of your own accord, a pleasantry you couldn’t remember the last time you experienced. No droning alarm, blinding rays of early morning sunshine, dogs barking, or anything else of the sort. Just your mind and body, having decided they were thoroughly rested, arising of their own accord - an internal affair rather than an external one.
After the initial fogginess of waking up after hours of deep sleep, you became quickly aware of your surroundings. Not just the Doctor’s bed or even his bedroom, but the Doctor himself. More specifically, his arms wrapped tightly around you.
At some time during the night, the exact timing unbeknownst to either of you, the two of you had found your way into each other’s arms. The action was seamlessly smooth, so much so that it almost felt rehearsed.
Your legs slotted together like expertly crafted puzzle pieces, fitting together in a way that made more sense than it should have. Could legs even fit together? You suppose they must if you were experiencing it. His chin rested on top of your head, his nose occasionally bumping the crown of your head as he shifted and nuzzled in his sleep. Your own head was tucked against his chest, your ear positioned right between his beating hearts.
The steady thumping of the twin organs pumping blood through his system was mesmerizing, the sound strangely familiar and comforting. You could feel the vibrations through your body, the asynchronous beats reverberating around in your head.
Slowly, the panic started to creep in, invading the sense of calm you had felt seconds before. You were in the Doctor’s arms. You woke up in the Doctor’s arms. Even worse, the Doctor was going to wake up and find you in his arms.
As if on cue, the Doctor started to stir awake. Low grumbles left his mouth as he buried his face further into the pillow beneath him. You stiffened, the change in posture immediately noticeable. You cursed yourself for drawing more attention to the situation.
The Doctor looked down at you, his tired brown eyes boring into yours. You blinked slowly, unsure what else to do.
“Good morning,” he whispered groggily, his voice at least an octave deeper than usual. You felt your cheeks heat up, almost certain that a blush was rapidly spreading across your face. He wasn’t moving you away or screaming in horror. If anything, he was holding you tighter now.
“Good morning,” you patored back, unable to form any words of your own. What was there to say? “Sorry, I’m a compulsive sleep cuddler, this totally isn’t because I have a massive crush on you please don’t read into it.”
The Doctor’s thumb rubbed small, concentric circles on the small of your back, his eyes still hung up on your face. You wished he wouldn’t look at you like that, like the most beautiful thing in the whole galaxy, like it was nothing.
As if suddenly realizing what he was doing, the Doctor stopped immediately. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and released his arms from around you, the sudden loss of contact disjointed. You frowned slightly and scooted to the other side of the bed, sitting up in the process.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered hurriedly, his eyes purposefully avoiding you.
“It’s ok, I really don’t mind, I mean honestly it’s probably my fault,” you responded too quickly, your words falling out of you without much thought. “It’s really not that big of a deal,” you lied.
The Doctor finally looked over at you. By now, you were in expert in reading him. The secret was to look in his eyes. It didn’t matter what face he had, his eyes always told you everything you needed to know. You’d never seen them like this, though. An unfamiliar emotion him, a combination of his emotes you were so familiar with creating something you didn’t know. That worried you.
“Yeah,” he whispered, the look gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. He was back to his cheery self in minutes, stretching his body and springing up out of bed. “Let’s get on with it, maybe the TARDIS has found your room. I’d like to go visit The Beatles, what do you think?” he babbled on, striding across his room.
You scrambled out of his bed, almost begrudged to leave the silky warmth of his sheets. You scurried after him, practically running into his back as he came to a sudden stop. An annoyed groan escaped your lips as you peered over him, searching for the cause of the sudden stop.
The Doctor was pulling on his door handle, struggling to get it open.
“Forget how to open a door?”
“I’m over 900, I didn’t forget how to open a door,” he frowned, still tugging on it.
“Let me try,” you pushed him gently out of the way, tugging on the door handle yourself. Sure enough, it refused to budge. You pulled on it again, using both hands this time. Nothing.
Sheepishly, you turn back to the Doctor, ashamed to admit that he was right. “It’s stuck.”
The Doctor crossed his arms and nodded, an ‘I told you so’ look plastered on his face. He swiftly pulls the Sonic Screwdriver out of his pocket, pointing it at the door with his usual flourish. When it does nothing, he presses a few buttons on the device before trying again. After a few minutes of this, he finally gives up and resorts to kicking the door.
“Doctor!” you cry, grabbing his arm and forcibly dragging him away from the door before he can damage it or himself.
“Do you think…” you sigh, feeling guilty for even insinuating such a thing, “that the TARDIS locked us in here?”
“The TARDIS didn’t lock us in my room,” the Doctor says like it’s the most preposterous thing he had ever heard.
In response, the ship lets out a low groan of disagreement. More versed in the language of the ship, the Doctor noticed first. “You locked us in here?!” he hisses at seemingly nothing, but you know who it’s directed at. The TARDIS hums again, this time in a more approving tone.
“Why?” you butt in to ask. You’re met with nothing but silence.
“I don’t think she’s going to answer that,” the Doctor whispers in your general direction. The ship lets out another hum of approval.
You groan loudly, throwing your hands up in defeat. Not knowing what else to do, you slump back down onto the Doctor’s bed. You sit there for a few seconds just staring at the carpet (‘90s arcade patterned, of course) before the mattress dips next to you. You pull your eyes way from the garish carpet to look at the Doctor, his face equally as dejected as yours.
“I suppose there are worse places to be stuck,” you offer, “could be Mars.”
“There’s more to explore on Mars.”
“There aren’t ‘priceless’ artifacts from B-739, a mobile of the solar system that I’m pretty sure is intended for children, a box of Hotwheels cars, and a collection of pirate maps all in the same corner.”
“The mobile was a gift,” the Doctor defended.
“That’s what you got from all of that?” you chuckle. “It’s like the world's most clustered, excentric, space museum in here.”
“I don’t really sleep in here much. I suppose it’s just become a storage room of sorts,” the Doctor says sheepishly, almost embarrassed to be this open with someone. Sharing this much of his life with you felt strangely raw.
“I think it’s perfect,” you smile, the expression lighting up your whole face, “it’s very you. Chaotic, unorganized, other-worldly, and… beautiful,” you whispered, eyes scanning across the room. It didn’t matter how much you looked at it, there always seemed to be something new and fascinating to look at.
The Doctor, on the other hand, was looking at you. He was flabbergasted at how interested you seemed in it all. The tiny twinkle in your eye reminded him of all the stars he had shown you, all of the alien planets and beautiful corners of space. Yet, you weren’t looking at something particularly odd or beautiful, you were looking at his room. His messy, haphazard collection of strange objects and patterns.
Then, you turned that curious gaze in his direction. He felt his hearts speed up, a subtle but noticeable shift within his body. It was a nasty habit, his body getting excited every time you looked at him like that. He was 903, pretty people smiling at him shouldn’t make him react this way. Yet, you did.
Neither of you could figure out what the TARDIS wanted from you, so you eventually gave up trying. There was no point in fighting with the ship, both of you knew that was a losing battle.
You read the Doctor’s first edition of The Hobbit in the comfy warmth of his bed. In that time, the Doctor opted to pace back and forth and fiddle with the door relentlessly. Finally, he gave up and joined you on the bed.
“Do you have any ideas of why we’re in here?” he asked, pulling the book from your hands. You let him slip the paperback from your hands, throwing it on the duvet without bothering to mark your place in the book.
“If I did, we wouldn’t be in here,” you pointed out, looking at the discarded book longingly. The Doctor popped his head back into your field of vision, clearly not taking ‘no’ for an answer.
“It has to do with both of us, otherwise she wouldn’t have hidden your room.”
“Maybe she just thinks we need a few days off.”
The Doctor shakes his head, “She wouldn’t lock us in a room for that, she would just refuse to fly anywhere.”
“Maybe she thinks we’re fighting. Are we fighting?”
“Not that I know of,” he shrugs.
“I didn’t think so. Maybe we pissed her off?”
The Doctor shook his head again, “she doesn’t seem mad.” You didn’t need to question any further, you knew that the Doctor could read the TARDIS’ emotions better than his own sometimes.
“If it’s not anger, what is it?”
“Annoyance?” he said. You couldn’t tell if he was guessing or just generally unsure.
“Has she ever done this before?”
“Once she locked me out of the ship when I complained about her never taking me where I wanted to go, but this is different.”
“Have you said anything mean about her lately?” you asked more out of curiosity than animosity, but the Doctor interpreted it as the latter. He could be quite sensitive.
“No! Have you?”
“I have nothing but love and respect for the ship. She has put up with you longer than any of us ever could.” The TARDIS hummed in agreement while the Doctor scowled.
“I don’t know what we did!” he groans, falling back dramatically on the bed.
“Are you hiding something from me? A big secret?” you say as if you aren’t the one hiding feelings for the other.
The TARDIS lets out a quiet hum that lets you know you’re on the right track and you grin, poking the Doctor.
“I’m not hiding anything!” he swats you away, “maybe you’re the one hiding things away.”
You shake your head. For a second the two of you just look at each other. It’s hard not to get lost in his deep brown eyes, they’re endless pools of wisdom that can only come from centuries of living. Beneath the wary tiredness and stoic armor you can see who he really is, a lost wanderer looking for a place to call home. It was foolish, but you secretly wished you could be that home.
“You have really nice eyes,” the Doctor whispered.
“I was just thinking the same thing,” you whisper back.
“You were also thinking about how nice your eyes are?” he frowns in confusion.
You laugh, a smile taking over your face at his blatant obliviousness. “No, I was thinking your eyes are nice. I like them.”
“Oh… thank you?”
You nod, momentarily getting lost in his eyes again. Your mind was a mess, a kaleidoscope of him, the TARDIS, and your feelings for the former. You wanted so desperately to tell him how you felt, as you often did. Albeit, now was not the opportune moment. If he reacted poorly, you’d still be stuck in the room with him for an unknown amount of time.
And then it hit you. The TARDIS wanted you to admit something. She knew you had a secret, she maybe even knew what the secret was.
“Doctor?” you whisper shakily, surprised to find your voice uncertain and wavy.
“Mhm?” He pulled his attention to you.
“I just wanted to say that I love you.”
The room was silent for a moment. Neither of you moved or said a word, the normally quiet sounds of breathing and movement heightened by the lack of words between you.
“You too,” he finally said, his voice quiet. You knew admitting feelings was hard for him, especially when it came to things like love, so you couldn’t really blame him for the lackluster response.
You nodded, “I mean as more than a friend.”
“I know.”
Now it was your turn to sit in silence, your brain whirling as it tried to process his words. Was it hopeful to assume that he felt the same? That was what he had said, no?
“I’m very fond of you,” he added, sensing your confusion on the matter. “As more than a friend.”
You studied his eyes again. That unfamiliar look was back. For a minute you entertained the thought that it might be a look of admiration, love even.
The Doctor moved his hand into yours, his thumb brushing across the back of your hand. It was a normal action from him, but it still sent your stomach into a frenzy.
“It’s quite an inconvenience, honestly. Makes it hard to get anything properly done when you’re around.”
You chuckle, a small smile forming on your lips.
“You’re my favorite distraction,” he said earnestly. In his own way, it was his way of saying you were the most fascinating, beautiful, unique, and magnificent thing he had ever seen. He’d rather have a day with you than centuries with anyone or anything else.
He leaned closer to you, his face hovering inches away from yours. He waited, giving you time and space to move away or protest. When you didn’t, he slowly closed the gap.
His lips connected with yours, the kiss short and light, but it conveyed the years of affection and yearning. He pulled away, both of you smiling like love sick idiots.
Satisfied, the TARDIS opened the door with a click, the sound echoing around the room.
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gi4hao · 5 months
☆ in which a bag of groceries make seungkwan measure the extent of your love
☆ seungkwan x gn!reader — cw: food, seungkwan’s tits are out (._.)
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there’s a tension growing in your upper back from carrying so many grocery bags on your own. giving yourself a quick shoulder rub, you make your way to your bedroom whose door is still shut.
carefully opening it, you’re relieved to see it’s still pitch black inside; you’ve apparently been quiet enough not to wake seungkwan up. or at least you have been until now:
“hey sunshine”, his drowsy voice greets you from the bed. in the dark, you can barely make out his arms stretching over his head. “where were you? what time is it?”
he leans to the side to turn on your bedside lamp; the sight of his messy hair and sleepy eyes make your heart swoon just a little.
“10 am. i went grocery shopping, figured the supermarket would be less crowded in the morning”, you reply, sitting next to him.
and you were right, there was practically no one in the aisles today; which was more than welcome considering you had to buy enough groceries to feed all twelve members’ stomachs tonight.
“you should have woken me up!” seungkwan protests, but the way his eyes are still struggling with adjusting to the light proves how much he needed to sleep in. “…did you find everything you wanted?” he asks, lifting one end of the covers to invite you in.
you nod as you happily snuggle against his bare chest, something that might be due to the fact that most of his comfy t-shirts are hidden away on your side of the closet.
“i bought some peanut butter for the cookies, of course i’ll also make regular ones for vernon”, you start explaining, trying to remember the items in your bags: “some paper towels too. i also got some mangos to make those smoothies cheol told me about. oh and i found jun’s shampoo! the one that was sold out everywhere! he asked for two bottles just in case.”
cheek pressed against his skin, you can’t really see his smile growing a bit more with every sentence. but something about the way his fingers start to gently rub your scalp lets you know how grateful he’s feeling.
because not only have you made active efforts to remember these little details about the people he loves, you’ve made them happily and willingly. as if loving him and loving the people he cares about naturally came hand in hand to you.
“i think it’s about time i start gatekeeping you”, he eventually blurts out, bringing the covers up to your nose. “i’ll call the guys, tell them tonight is cancelled. i’m never letting you out in the world again.”
a bashful smile tugging on your lips, you prop yourself up on an elbow to look at him: “you can’t do that. you love showing me off too much. besides, we can’t rob the world of our insane chemistry.”
your words draw a chuckle out of him, because not even him and his usual wittiness can’t deny what you just said.
“i love you”, he simply replies, his fingertips lightly scratching the back of your neck.
you’ve been hearing these three words on a regular basis for the past couple of years, yet you’re still unable to suppress the giddiness in your eyes.
“i’m glad you do… because i paid the groceries with your credit card”, you reply teasingly, but it doesn’t take more than a few seconds before you add a sincere: “i love you too.”
basking in the intimacy of your old lamp’s yellowish hues, he leans forward to leave a delicate kiss on your lips, your breaths intertwining as his hand lays a bit flatter on your neck.
his smile echoes on your face when you finally break the kiss, as you watch him readjust his position to rest more comfortably on the pillow.
“you know, i might not actually gatekeep you forever… but i’m gonna borrow your freedom for one more hour”, he says, arms keeping you close to him, “i’m not ready to start the day yet.”
and for the next hour, neither of you can find their way back to sleep. instead, the room fills with waves of mundane conversations, laughter and soft kisses, reflecting the simple happiness of knowing you found the right person to spend a lifetime of mornings with.
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huxkisser · 1 month
ok i need a soft fluffy kylux fic where like. hux puts a tracker on millicent’s collar so she can wander around the finalizer and explore but also he gets the idea to attach a small recording device as well so he can like. idk listen to make sure ppl aren’t being a dick to millie when she wanders around and he’s not there to watch her.
and one day millie finds kylo looking broody and depressed (could be set at any point so he’s sad over han or getting his ass kicked by rey or one of the many other things that happened). and kylo’s like “why tf is there a cat on this spaceship go away” but millie just curls up in his lap or something so he kinda breaks down and starts crying and venting to millie and just silently petting her. and eventually they fall into a little routine where millie will find kylo and sit in his lap while he rants or just softly talks to her. she brings him stolen garments and whatever else a cat would find on a spaceship w no other wildlife to cheer him up.
and of course after hux discovers this is happening he listens INTENTLY to kylo’s recorded chats to millie (which kylo has no idea abt) because OF COURSE he wants to hear what ren’s saying when he thinks no one else is around to listen and he’s not gonna pass up this opportunity.
but eventually kylo starts telling millie abt his repressed feelings and how he wishes he had a certain other ginger curled up in his lap…
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aaaamsy · 2 months
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Xiao knows he doesn't deserve you.
You've told him before how much you dislike the way he thinks these things; his hands stain all that it touches, not a single life left unscarred by the presence of the vigilant Yaksha. Even straying near the adeptus could leave a mortal kneeling, and not from worship. His hands hurt, covered in blood from both guilty and innocent. He uses them to claw, grip his spear tight in the midst of battle, to reach and grab all he needs to destroy. Xiao does not know how to do much more, how to use them in such a gentle manner the way you do for him. The flowers by his bed tended to with such careful touches in fear he'll ruin the few gifts he's ever received. The nervous way he holds your hand in case you'll notice how desperate he is to keep you, to have you love him. A man like him has no right to have such a bright star stand next to him as if they were the same, as if one doesn't exude destruction and the other represents all that is good in life.
Every touch, all the miscellaneous trinkets, every time you call his name, oh how he savours it all. He kisses you like it's the last time he'll ever have the honour, grip tight and careful, feelings flowing over where his words could never replicate. There was never a world where he ever thought he'd ever have the privilege to love, to be loved, and to have that special person be you, after everything.
The remnants of battle still linger on him and everything he does, there is not a moment of rest when all he knows is to fight, war does not bode well on one's mental state. Yet the Yaksha is one made to hurt, to kill and erase, to cleanse and protect. With nothing but the threat of tomorrow, his days are spent wide awake. His mind is loud, the voices that stain him remind him so at every moment, they never really go away, it's almost like he never left that place. You take his hardened soul and put it to rest, he never knows how you do it but he's always too weak to resist, as if he'd ever pull away from you. A quiet respite in the arms of war, a soft smile when the world bleeds too much, someone to keep him company when all have left.
But that's all he is, a man sent to hurt, he's never known to be anything else.
Yet, soft, untainted hands roam all over the face of a murderer like you were the lucky one, as if the thoughts that have plagued his head for millennia are simply wrong. That everything he was, that he is, is in fact, good enough for this. That he is good enough for you.
It's a silly thought. He isn't one to doubt your word; he would slaughter all the Gods in the sky and below if you'd say the word. But this, how you say such fickle sentiments of his true worth when he knows better. It might be the only thing he'll never believe you for.
In the darkest pits of the moon he wonders when you will be punished as well for staying with someone like him, your deeds will come back to haunt you, you will not stay. It's not something he's ready to face, the thought of the night sky without you by his side. He's grown much too attached, it scares him. Soon enough you will realize the weight of his sins, how his hands represent the lives he's cut short, the pain you will face because of him. And you will leave, you have to. He's thought much about it, in the life of an immortal like him, things like this will become a mere memory soon enough. He won't blame you once you find your answer, if one day you chose to turn your back on the man you swore to stay with he will merely nod, watching as you find a better life for yourself, a better partner who will surely give you more than he ever could. Still, the thought brings the stinging ache to his heart, every time his mind wanders to the point, the uncomfortable notion of wanting to keep you holds him.
Xiao is not a good man. Not in general and definitely not for you. He's cold, indifferent, he hurts. He hurts you more times than he might be aware of it; every time you flinch, all the times you've backed away, the days where you leave and don't come back. He wonders what you see in him, how you've managed to endure this long with him by your side, surely it must be tiring.
But he's selfish, with you at least. He wants to keep you for as long as you allow him, to hold you in the sea of violence for as much as he wants. You bring him light, and like a moth, he would gladly be burned alive if it meant you would shine for him for just a little longer.
You told him once that you loved him, it made his heart stutter like he believed it, like he deserved it. He doesn't doubt your affection, he shelters it, hides it away for only him to find. But it's so difficult to believe, to believe that after years of suffering that this would be one time where he was given his hope, that this would not end up like all the other blessings of his past. His freedom payed with the price of thousands of lives, his friends taken by the Gods they were sworn to keep, and you, Xiao would die if anything were to happen.
No act of kindness nor passage of time will soften him enough to be able to hold you in the way you deserve, yet despite his aloofness, despite his sharp words, you're still here.
During the nights where the stars dim and the voices dig a little deeper, it's you by his side that makes the hurt a little more tolerable. You don't posses any otherworldly power, you don't cure his head from the world he's constantly stuck in, and you don't offer him anything more than your company. But he'd go through a thousand wars if it meant getting to come home to you for one more day, he'd pray to every God in this world dead or alive to keep you by his side, he'd endure all the anguish of the damned if it meant you'll still love him at the end of the day.
Xiao is not a good man, his hands are stained and rough, his heart yearns selfishly for something he can't keep, he's rude and uncaring. Yet for once in his doomed life he wishes to believe. You tell him you love him, and he wants so badly to believe you.
Xiao wants to deserve loving you.
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kueren · 1 month
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my gravity falls oc<3
Annabeth was born to a wealthy family in the 1900s in the newly founded gravity falls, during her birthday she died in a freak accident due to their chandelier being improperly installed, falling and crushing 14 year old annabeth.
She haunted the forests of gravity falls for many years attempting various times to communicate with the townsfolk, unfortunately for Annabeth this always ended in screams of terror and ghost hunts.
All until a strange new man moved right into the thick of the woods and immediately began experimenting and exploring the paranormal side of gravity falls that everyone else never even dared to acknowledge, she watched him for a long time a stir of hope building up inside of her. He never feared the monsters he came across no matter how terrifying, the only thing she could ever read on his face was pure fascination 
She considered revealing herself for a long time, but all in all her fear of rejection was far greater than her need for a friend, at least she thought.
After a particularly dangerous mission, encountering a monster ford had not yet documented, he was rendered unconscious. After barely distracting the monster with a small rock slide she managed to bring him out of harm's way and back to the shack.
While trying her best tending to his wounds he suddenly woke up. She immediately froze, preparing for the worst. He would be terrified, he would think this was strange, he would try to capture and experiment on her. But instead, he only asked one question, his voice filled with pure excitement.
“Are you a ghost?”
She couldn’t speak for a moment, it was obvious wasn’t it? Ford was not a stupid man, she knew that. Why ask something so obvious? She realized her silence was growing more and more prolonged by the second, so with a shaking voice she managed to squeak out. “Yes”
Immediately, he starts rattling on and on about how extraordinary this was, a “passive ghost” as he called her. Yes of course he’d encountered the supernatural before, but never anything like this! 
He asked her a million questions, who she was before she died, the after life, what shed whiteness in her nearly a century being dead.
But as he talked she still couldn’t believe it, some part of her almost didn’t want to. It was too good to be true wasn’t it? 
Weeks turned into months and she kept visiting more often, he told her about life outside of gravity falls and gave her the education she was never offered as a young girl in her time. He invented gloves that allowed them to interact, her hair was long but she wouldn’t dare cut it so each night he would braid it. 
Things were good for a long time, Until he came.
(this is not a ship like at all she's 14)
i got on just to post this drawing and my brain decided no your gonna write a bout the silly characters in your head and your gonna do it NOW!!
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iguessigotta · 2 years
no thoughts head empty what if alt!Gabriel x reader warnings: none here, but there will probably be some with alt!Gabe in the future
you obviously get big scary dog privilege i mean come on
no one's touching you but him
which......might not always be a good thing...?
at least you're safe from the other alters
he wraps you in his wings a lot
i headcanon Alternate Gabriel to be like 12ft tall so. you're tiny compared to him
he puts his hand on your head a lot. just like. engulfs your entire noggin
i also headcanon that he's able to change size to some degree (look he's probably Literally Satan he can do some Weird Stuff ok)
which means he is able to shrink himself down a bit
but 7'2" is the shortest you've ever seen him
he tends to watch you. a lot
i mean he's gotta perfect his disguise and what would be more helpful than a live subject to study?
listen he loves (well...love might not be quite right) you in his own way but he is also some kind of Creature so he's gonna be a bit odd
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its-not-sof · 1 year
feels like
mark smut + fluff (virgin!reader)
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It wasn’t your fault you didn’t check the weather forecast that morning before you left for work.
As you stared up at the dark, angry sky, you contemplated the easiest way to get into your apartment building unscathed by the pelting rain. Instead of making a run for it, you sulked in your car, letting out a frustrated sigh.
You suddenly felt your phone buzz, and the face of your newly acquired boyfriend lit up the screen.
“Mark?” You answered his call, a hint of desperation evident in your voice.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Usually you’re back by now, so I already let myself in.”
You smiled warmly. It had only been a few months since you’d started officially seeing each other, but you felt so drawn to him immediately. He made you feel loved, safe and so happy. It was almost like a spare copy of your apartment key had just spontaneously made itself and appeared in your hands for you to give to him last week.
And boy, were you glad for it right now.
“Mark, can you do me a huge favor? I need you to grab my umbrella and bring it out to the parking lot. I’m going to get so soaked on my way in.”
Mark laughed.
“Of course, just give me a second, okay?”
Within moments, your boyfriend came into view, holding your travel umbrella precariously over his head in the windy storm. You steeled your nerves and quickly threw open your car door, taking off into a run towards him. Mark smiled and laughed, amused at your urgency.
“It’s just a little rain, Y/N,” he joked, calling out to you before you landed in his waiting arms.
Even your desperate sprint wasn’t enough to save you from getting drenched, your dripping clothes and skin clinging to your boyfriend’s jacket. When he stood for a moment without moving, you pushed against his chest.
“What are you waiting for, get inside!” You urged, huddling as close as possible to him.
Mark laughed again and pulled you close, teasingly hovering the umbrella just out of your reach for a moment before returning it over your head.
“If I catch a cold, it’s going to be your fault,” you huffed, ringing out your soaked hair in the kitchen sink. “From now on, I’m revoking your ‘holding the umbrella’ privileges.”
Mark smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and pressing a kiss to your cheek,
“You know I’ll be here to take care of you,” he mumbled. “No promises on changing my umbrella technique, though.”
You playfully swatted at his arms, laughing as he quickly tickled at your sides before releasing you to resume your work.
It had taken you a moment to remember that your clothes were completely soaked through. The drenched garments clung to your figure, and your white shirt became particularly see-through.
You turned to face Mark, finding him staring at you intently. You met his gaze and found the most adorable blush dust across his cheeks.
“Oh, don’t mind me— just enjoying the view,” he murmured.
Now it was your turn to blush. You had never undressed in front of Mark before. In fact, there were a lot of things you’d never done before. But the way he looked at you and the way the flirtatious comment rolled so easily off his tongue made you want to try.
Mark sensed something off in your reaction, and immediately backpedaled.
“You should get changed, love. You’re really going to get sick if you keep those on,” he said, a comforting smile gracing his features.
You felt a feeling of boldness bubble up inside your chest. You sucked in a quiet breath.
“Do you… want to help me take these off?” You whispered, letting your eyes meet his and impart your desires where your words lacked. Mark’s eyes widened in return, eyebrows raised at your sudden boldness.
“I mean, yes… yes please,” he purred. His tone shifted, only slightly to one of gentle concern. “Are you sure?”
You held his gaze, without faltering.
“Yes,” you breathed, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. “God, yes.”
Mark instantly pulled you impossibly closer, tangling his fingers in your wet hair, kissing you back with a fervent desire. His hands trailed down your back, brushing against your spine. You weren’t sure if your shivers were because of the cold, or the way his skin made contact with your bare back.
You pulled away only slightly, looking him in the eyes again.
“Can we do this in my room? I just— I’ve never—“ you sighed. “I’ve never done this before,” you admitted.
Mark smiled sweetly, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek.
“Oh, Y/N,” He pressed another kiss to your lips. “Yes,”he took your hand, allowing you to lead him down the hallway.
You pushed open your door, turning to face him before crashing against his lips again. You ran your fingers through his hair, hoping your enthusiasm would make up for your lack of experience.
Mark took the lead, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and pulling gently before reaching for your waist again.
His nimble fingers slipped underneath your soaked shirt, sliding it up slowly. You pulled away for a moment to help him rid you of the wet garment. Mark’s eyes fell to your lace bra, perfectly showcasing your soft breasts. He let out a gentle puff of air before he reached for them gently.
“Tell me if you need me to slow down or stop, okay?” He whispered sincerely, gingerly caressing your skin. You nodded and placed your hands on top of his, guiding them to your chest.
Mark’s hands cupped your breasts, slowly massaging them and quickly finding your sensitive peaks through the lace. You let out a soft sigh as he began to tease them between his fingers.
“Mark…” you sighed, feeling a warmth begin to form in your core. You pulled him closer to you, and in turn, closer to your bed. He took the hint and pressed your body down into the mattress.
He reached behind your back to unhook the lace garment, and his eyes widened as it fell from your shoulders.
“Y/N… god, you’re so beautiful…” he whispered, thickly.
“Mark, please, I need you so bad,” you responded, placing his hands back on your body.
Mark didn’t waste any more time as he let his fingers stroke your soft skin and attached his lips to your exposed neck. You leaned back and threaded your fingers through his hair, keeping him in place. He sucked hard enough to bruise, soothing your raw skin with the tip of his tongue before continuing down your chest.
He stopped at your perked nipples, looking up at you before taking one into his mouth, sucking and licking at it until he heard you moan.
“Y/N, that is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard,” he purred. Your face flushed, and you refused to meet his gaze.
“I hope I get to hear that again tonight,” he smiled as he began to lavish the other breast with the same attention.
You felt a slickness begin to blossom between your legs, and suddenly your wet jeans became even more uncomfortable than they were before.
“Please, get these clothes off me,” you begged, scratching lightly at his shoulders.
Mark complied, carefully unzipping your jeans and sliding them down your legs. His fingers brushed against your thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He took a moment to take in your beauty— topless, flushed, soaked panties, and pert nipples. He’d never been harder in his life, he thought.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
You felt your heartbeat race as more of your clothes came off, almost entirely exposing yourself to him. You reached forward and slipped your hands underneath his hoodie, urging him to take it off.
He complied, swiftly removing the garment over his head. You immediately pulled him closer, running your hands over his exposed chest and shoulders.
“You’re beautiful too, you know,” you whispered, giggling softly. Mark smiled into your shoulder, leaving kisses there before pulling back to look into your eyes.
“Y/N, I want you to tell me if anything is uncomfortable, or if I’m going too fast, okay? Promise me?”
You nodded, kissing him gently. Mark smiled, and carefully prompted you to spread your legs.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he hummed, softly tracing the outline of your folds through your thin, soaked panties. You shifted your hips slightly, swallowing hard as he found your clit and began to circle it.
Your breathing began to quicken as he continued with his agonizing pace, softly teasing you.
“Mark, please,” you whined, grinding down into his touch. Mark laughed softly.
“Okay, okay,” he cooed. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties and slowly slid them down your thighs, exposing your dripping center.
You felt the urge to close your legs, suddenly embarrassed at him staring so intently at your most intimate area. Mark’s hands gently coaxed your thighs back open.
“Don’t be shy, love,” he murmured.
You shifted again, relaxing your hips and allowing your legs to fall open for him.
“That’s it,” he whispered, soothingly tracing your skin. He began to lower himself down onto the mattress until his lips were inches away from your core.
“Can I?” He requested, soft breaths fanning across your flaring heat.
You nodded quickly, sucking in a shallow breath.
Mark smirked and slowly licked a stripe up your folds.
“A-ah!” You sighed, squirming already at his touch.
Mark eased your thighs over his shoulders and held you in place while he gave a gentle suck on your most sensitive peak.
“M-Mark, oh god,” you jolted at the unfamiliar sensation, but immediately found yourself longing for more.
“Let me know if it’s too much, okay?” He soothed, diving back in with gentle fervor.
You threw your head back onto the pillows as he began to suck and lick mercilessly at your heat, fingers massaging your inner thighs.
A gasp escaped your lips as his tongue began to flicker quickly across your clit, your hips bucking off the mattress. Mark’s hands held you in place, not allowing you to shy away from the pleasure.
Your breaths became ragged and heaving in between long, languid moans. You could almost feel Mark smiling as he kissed and hummed against your sensitive center.
“Mark, I-I’m getting close,” you whispered, locking your legs around his shoulders. You slid you eyes closed and focused on the feeling.
His lips closed around your sensitive peak once more, sucking hard and circling it with the tip of his tongue. The sensations became too much as his mouth pushed you over the edge for the first time.
“M-Mark!” You cried, feeling him tease you through your orgasm as your walls fluttered around his tongue.
Your chest heaved with uneven breaths as you came down from your high. You opened your eyes and saw Mark’s smiling face looking up at you from between your legs, his lips glistening with your release.
“Felt good?” He murmured, gently stroking your thighs. You giggled softly.
“God, yes,” you ran your fingers through his slightly disheveled hair, tucking a few strands behind his ear. “But, I want to make you feel good too, Mark,” you whispered, scratching lightly at his scalp.
Mark’s eyes were gentle yet full of lust. He knew exactly what you wanted from him.
“Are you sure, Y/N? I don’t want to hurt you.”
You looked into his eyes and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips.
“Yes. I’ve never been more sure of anything,” you promised.
Mark released you from his hold and crawled back up to kiss your neck.
“Okay, love,” he murmured. “We’ll take it slow, okay?”
You nodded, pulling him close and tracing your fingers across his bare back. You felt him grind his clothed hips gently across your core, and you felt him.
“Just do it, Mark,” you begged, palming him through his sweatpants.
He hissed as he felt your touch, and his reaction sent another wave of arousal through you.
You quickly freed his length from his clothes, and you tried to hide your intimidated reaction as best you could. He was bigger than you expected.
Mark sensed your hesitation immediately.
“We don’t have to do this now,” he murmured, gently stoking your cheek. You shook your head.
“No, I want to. Please?” You asked, looking up at him with confident eyes. Mark leaned in to kiss you slowly.
“Okay. Please stop me if it hurts, Y/N,” he said. “Promise?”
You caught his lips in another quick kiss.
Mark nodded and carefully returned to your core, swiping his fingers along your folds before inserting one slowly.
You winced slightly at the unfamiliar sensation but quickly relaxed in his gentle hold.
“You okay?” He asked, gently making a ‘come hither’ motion with his index finger inside your walls.
You gasped, nodding quickly, adjusting to the feeling before he added another finger.
“God, you’re so wet, Y/N…” Mark leaned in close to whisper in your ear as his fingers sped up. You could hear a the faint sound of your arousal coating his digits.
“I’m ready, Mark, I promise,” you huffed, your breathing growing heavy again.
Mark placed a kiss behind your ear and trailed down your neck before removing his hand. A string of your wetness clung to his fingers, and he immediately dragged them across your swollen clit. You squirmed, waiting for him to give you what you really wanted.
“Mark…” you whined, shifting your hips impatiently.
“Alright, pretty girl. Just relax for me, okay?” He murmured, spreading your legs a bit wider and positioning himself at your entrance.
You braced yourself as you felt his tip against your folds. You unconsciously tensed a bit, preparing for the impact.
“Relax,” Mark whispered soothingly, massaging the backs of your thighs. “I got you, okay?”
You nodded and released the tension in your hips.
“Good girl,” Mark purred, feeling your muscles relax.
You hissed at the quick, dull pain as he began to push into you. You couldn’t help the quiet whimper that left your lips as you felt him stretch your entrance for the first time.
“Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?” He asked, running his fingers through your hair and looking deeply into your eyes.
You shook your head, trying to ignore the tears prickling your vision. Blinking them away, you met his gaze again.
Mark brushed his thumb across your flushed cheek, catching the tears that fell.
“Just a little bit more, you’re doing so well for me, Y/N. Relax and breathe, okay?”
You smiled at him, urging him to continue. He carefully pushed into you again, causing you to let out another whimper.
“I got you, I’m right here, okay?” Mark soothingly stroked your thigh and cupped your cheek, talking you through his every move.
You soon felt his shallow thrusts beginning to bring a slow wave of pleasure to your core, and he slipped a hand down to gently circle your bundle of nerves. You bit your lip and cling to him tightly, your nails digging into his bare shoulders.
“Y/N, you feel so good,” he groaned, losing himself in your tight hold. “Talk to me. What do you need, love?”
Your mouth fell open as he sped up slightly, moving at a still slow but sensual pace.
“I-It feels good,” you cried. “Please, Mark, don’t stop.”
Mark continued his thrusts, holding you close and whispering soft praises in your ear. It wasn’t long until you felt another high approaching.
“I-I’m gonna— I think I’m—“
You moaned softly as your walls fluttered around his length, and simultaneously bringing him to climax along with it.
“Y/N!” Mark cried, pulling out quickly and releasing across your bare stomach.
Mark’s shoulders heaved as he came down from his own high, taking in the sight of you before him. You looked at him and began to laugh.
“Mark… I can’t believe—“ you smiled and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
Mark beamed at you, his eyes full of love.
“You did so well,” he murmured, stroking your cheek and brushing a few stray hairs away from your face. “My beautiful girl. I’m so lucky to love you.”
You giggled at his words, feeling like you were floating on air. Mark got out of the bed and quickly returned with a warm, wet towel, gently cleaning you up.
You couldn’t deny the dull pain that still ached in your core. Mark saw you wince as you shifted your hips slightly, and reached out to massage your inner thighs.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, did it hurt too bad?” He asked, a bit panicked.
You shook your head.
“No, no— it’s not your fault.”
Mark refused to let go of your gaze, not convinced.
“Let me run you a bath, okay? Your hair is still wet from the rain, we should get cleaned up anyway,” he insisted, carefully removing the wet towel.
You nodded. He was right.
“That sounds amazing,” you sighed, smiling at him.
Mark leaned in for another kiss before heading to the bathroom.
You watched him walk away, then pause and turn to look at you before reaching the bedroom door.
“Hey. I love you.”
You smiled, almost giddy.
“Hey. I love you too.”
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
18+ mdni, Dom Steddie, Sub reader, subspace ish, fluff
Just thinking about having a bad day and just needing daddy!Steve and sir!Eddie to help you turn your brain off.
You find Eddie and Steve on the couch, watching TV. You come to stand in front of them, head tilted to look at your fingers as they pick at your skin, bottom lip slotted between your teeth. They both look at you expectantly as you feel their heavy gazes piece into you. You mumble out a quiet request. One that gets you a stern “speak up” from Steve.
“F-follow me, please?” you ask in a slightly louder squeak.
Usually you aren’t allowed to make demands but from the small, almost sad look on your face they know you need them right now. And as much as they hate to admit, you have them wrapped around your finger, so they let it slide. For now.
Eddie is the first to stand, reaching his hand out to you, letting you drag him into the room, Steve following closely behind. You let go of Eddie’s hand as you enter the room, Steve closing the door behind you as you sit on the edge of the bed.
Steve then slowly stalks towards you to stand next to Eddie facing you at the foot of your bed, Steve standing with his hands on his hips, Eddie with his arms crossed, curious but soft looks on both of their faces. When you don’t speak up right away Eddie breaks the silence.
“What do you need, pretty girl? You wanna play?” He asks with a smirk and a fake pout to his voice.
You weakly shake your head no, stuttering out “A hug, p-please daddy, sir?”
Both of their faces immediately soften.
“Oh, baby,” Eddie murmurs with a real pout this time.
“You don’t have to as for a hug like this honey,” Steve coos as he comes to pick you up, sitting on the bed with you in his lap, Eddie sitting next to you both, head resting on Steve’s shoulder as he rubs your back, your head nuzzling into the opposite side of Steve’s neck where it meets his shoulder.
“O-oh, right..” you say with real confusion. When you’re like this it's hard to get yourself out of that mindset, even when you know you aren’t playing with them.
You stay like that for a moment, strong arms around you and rubbing your back gently. You feel Steve’s steady heartbeat under your ear, the rhythm gently drumming away all the stress and anxiety from the day. It helps, having them close, feeling their skin against yours, hands against your back.
For a second your brain is finally quiet but the bliss doesn’t last long. As you feel the dark cloud of thoughts start to bubble up again, you sit up, head peeling away from its comfy spot on Steve.
They look at you expectantly, and god they're so cute, so much soft concern for you behind their eyes.
“I want you to turn my brain off… Don’t wanna think right now” you whine.
They share a look that tells you they knew this was coming. Smirks playing on both their lips as their personas turn back on.
Eddie’s hand comes up to caress your cheek, thumb swiping over your bottom lip, “Yeah? Wanna be our dumb little baby right now?” You nod excitedly, first mistake.
Steve’s hand comes up to wrap around your throat, warning you, and by the look on your face you know you messed up. “With no thoughts happening in this pretty little head?” Steve adds, testing you.
Your brain has already started to fog, the promise of what's almost here making it hard to focus on anything but you don’t dare disobey them again, not when you’re this close. You muster up any ounce of brainpower you had to help you whisper out your request:
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thesylverlining · 5 months
Might be spite-writing baby's first Disco Elysium fanfic
Because a bitch (me, I'm bitch) saw one too many things that slimmed Harry down (presented as an unambiguous Good Thing) so I had to write Kim adoring his belly before I turned into the got dang Joker
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heeracha · 2 years
[ 3:47 PM ] — jay looks at you as he rests on the passenger seat. you were silent which was so unlikely. jay feels uncomfortable with the silent tension, wanting to talk to you. but you were obviously giving him the cold shoulder, keeping your eyes on the road. jay doesn’t know how long you’re going to keep this up, but he also doesn’t know that you can’t resist him.
“what the hell were you thinking, jongseong?” you said, pretending to be mad, but you were just so worried for your poor boyfriend.
“…you?“ he softly chuckles and he sees your hand become whiter as you tighten your grip on the wheel. “i’m sorry, i don’t want you to break up with me?”
“why the hell would i break up with you?” you say.
“you seem to love cats so much, so i thought if you find out i’m allergic, you would get bored at me because i can’t take care of your cats with you, bring you to cat cafes, all cat related stuff!” jay says with a small frown on his lips.
stupid boyfriend, sigh.
stupid adorable boyfriend with such pure heart.
you asked jay if he can take care of your cat along with your dad’s cats with you. he said yes. unknown to you he was allergic as fuck and that he prepared his anti-allergies and more allergy medicines. he started to sneeze after an hour, running to your bathroom with his bag until one of the medicines fall off his bag and you saw.
“jay,” you softly sigh. “it doesn’t matter. i love you no matter what. it’s especially not worth it if you’re going to be hospitalized every damn time!”
jay frowns and you sigh. “i appreciate it, okay? i really do, jay. it’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me, but don’t do it again, okay?” you say and jay sighs.
“you’re not breaking up with—“
“oh my god.” you say and he sheepishly chuckles. “nothing will ever make me breakup with you, okay?” 
“okay.” he softly says. “i love you.”
“i love you, too.” you smile.
you really do.
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— rbs, likes and feedback are highly appreciated !! drop a hi in my inbox if u want <3
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yeosangs-horizon · 2 years
Slow Mornings (Rei x Reader)
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Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1k Content Warning(s): Mentions of Anxiety & PTSD
You stirred in your sleep as you heard the tapping of the rain against the washroom window. You felt your lover behind you shift as he held you closer to him, burying his face in the crook of your neck. The tub was large enough to fit the two of you, it wasn’t comfortable but not uncomfortable by all means. You much rather have preferred a bed but in Rei’s state from last night, he wouldn’t have been comfortable and you would rather sacrifice comfort to keep him feeling safe.
Last night was pretty rough, you were sitting next to Rei in the tub as he held his head down, trying to suppress the anxious thoughts that were coming to mind, triggered by his past. You sat there stroking his back and rubbing his shoulder, telling him it was going to be okay. He was never vocal when it came to dealing with his PTSD, he only recently allowed you to stay by his side when he was feeling this way and you two had been together for over a year. He trusted you to take care of him and be there as someone he could lean on. “Baby it’s going to be okay, he’s unable to hurt you anymore. I’m here…” you whispered, trying your best to soothe his aching mind. It was the first time that you saw a tear slip from his eye and it glistened against the moonlight. He let you lace your fingers with his and leaned against your figure. “Deep breaths Rei, deep breaths.” He did as he was told to stabilize his breathing. “You can rest now, I promise everything will be okay.” He let himself go, the haze that clouded his mind slowly slip away as he fell against your shoulder with exhaustion. You softly placed a kiss on his forehead whilst wiping the tear away from his soft pale cheek. “You deserve so much love Rei… I love you.” You covered him with a blanket and settled beside him, trying to get comfortable in the multitude of pillows that were in the tub that he placed down for you. 
You focused on the pitter patter of the rain against the washroom window as you knew this was going to be a slow morning. You knew that Kazuki and Rei had the day off, meaning Rei could slumber for as long as he wanted to to recover from last night’s events. You shifted a bit to turn yourself around to face your lover. You stared at his peaceful sleeping figure, wondering if his nightmares and anxiety subsided. You hoped that you had given him enough comfort to get a good nights rest at the very least. You placed a hand on his cheek and admired his beauty. His stone cold stare that he gave most people softened once he saw you and during his slumber. ‘Cute…’ you thought. 
You smelled the scent of fresh eggs and potatoes wafting through the bottom of the door as your stomach grumbled. Kazuki must be cooking breakfast for Miri, your thoughts were confirmed by muffled high pitched laughter and mumbling beyond the washroom door. You looked back at Rei, feeling guilty that you were a bit hungry and wanted to go snag a bite of food but also didn’t want to leave his side. You pressed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose and whispered, “Be right back.” Just as you were able to untangle yourself from his arms, you rose from the tub, trying to maintain your balance. Just as you were about to step out of the tub, you felt a hand grasp at your wrist. “(Y/N), stay…,” he mumbled. Who were you to go against his cute groggy voice. With his eyes still closed, he gently held you close to him and planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Thank you… for last night.” 
You hummed in approval. “Of course Rei, I’m here. I’m not leaving your side. You feeling better though?” You saw a small smile form in his face before his eyes opened just a bit to gaze upon your face. “Yeah…” Even after a year of being together, he still got flustered at the sight of you and your beauty, but he loved to stare at you and admire you. You pulled him in for another heartwarming kiss as he relaxed into your touch. “Hope the tub wasn’t too hard for you to sleep in…” he mumbled after you pulled away. “It was fine, I know it’s hard for you to sleep elsewhere during tough times like last night.” “I’m so lucky to have you…” he confessed. 
You leaned it and peppered kisses down his cheek and neck. It took him awhile to get used to your touch but he learned to love it and even to this day, he still got butterflies in his stomach when you kiss him like that. The two of you didn’t share your first kiss till 6 months into the relationship. He never even thought that he was capable of loving, much less being loved, but your demeanor and personality kept him captivated. The first time you held his hand it felt foreign to him, but he felt safe and slowly he learned that it felt right. He loved your touch, it made him feel at home. He loved slow mornings like these when mostly everything was peaceful and quiet and he could have you all to himself. He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes again with a smile that only you could see. 
Everything being peaceful would have entailed the door not being knocked on and door handle being jiggled with high pitched giggles outside. “Rei Papa! Come eat with me and Kazuki Papa! (Y/N) too! I’m gonna eat all the pudding if you don’t hurry!”
“We’re sleeping!” Rei yelled out in annoyance as he rested his head on top of yours again with his eyes closed. 
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nathiyy · 1 year
My self-indulgent ass wrote this and I don't know how to feel about it ⚰️
this may have some grammatical errors but im too lazy to bother correcting them.
Anw, made Ryusui x fem! reader
theme is just all fluff hshshshshs
also 2,136 words hihi
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Sitting comfortably on the couch, you scrolled through your phone viewing posts and videos around. Arms were placed each beside you, making you look up to see a blonde man closing the gap between you two, placing a quick peck before pulling away.
Ah...right, how could you forget? Your so-called "Greediest man alive" of a husband. He does his typical humorous laugh and snaps his fingers.
'How is my lovely dear doing?' He speaks his usual flamboyant voice, placing himself beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist, you sighed softly and pats his head, with him leaning towards your touch, despite his extroverted and open personality, it's still adorable to see this side of him to you.
Before you could answer his question, he made himself comfortable around you by laying on your lap, pulling your hand on his head for pats and your other hand with his to fiddle around with, definitely loving this.
"I'm doing fine as always, Ryusui." You giggle at his antics and began patting his head softly while your other hand was played around with your husband, intertwining your hands and rubbing your knuckles time to time.
To be honest, you never even expected to be with a guy like him, moreover to get married to him, or even expect for him to be the one who fell for you at the first place.
You were just walking around the town, trying to find the library, possibly going to find some books that pique your interest and rent them for awhile to enjoy reading them on your apartment.
Through your walk, you passed by a flower shop, you stopped to take a glance at the flowers that were displayed around, before considering to buy some later when you finally get some books to read, but you noticed a man in the shop, of course buying some flowers but it looked weird because of the flower shop owner and this man seemed to be arguing, curious, you hesitantly went in to help with the poor old owner.
'I desire this bouquet!' The strange man exclaimed, with the owner fidgeting nervously "But sir, those are not for sale !" the owner mentioned, trying to reason with this man. Before they could bicker further, they heard the door open with the bells hitting, signaling your presence, you looked at the both of them as they stared right back at you, surprised, but the old man composed himself and welcomes you in the shop, you bowed slightly and roamed around the shop trying to find flowers to your liking, not uttering a word.
You originally planned to offer help but it's better to listen in what the problem is before helping, in the meantime you can also find flowers that you'll buy later.
The old man looked at you before trying to reason with the man again, to not disturb you finding flowers. "Like I said sir, these aren't for sale..." You heard what the owner said as your eyes landed on a certain flower, sighing as you finally found something, you stood up and slowly walked towards the two men, understanding the situation now.
You saw the flower that the strange man wanted to buy and you faced towards him.
"Is there a special occasion for you to buy flowers?"
He laughed humoursly and snapped his fingers, smiling brightly. "There is, pretty lady !"
You chuckled lightly at his response "May I ask what that occasion is? If you don't mind me asking.." looking at him with calm eyes, he looked directly to yours seeing his hazel eyes shining before responding.
"Today is my beloved mother's birthday! And I am here to buy a bouquet of flowers as my present along with my other presents for her!" His voice tells that he really loves his mother and always is grateful to have her within his life. You looked over the flower he wanted, seeing a Yellow Carnation, ah that's why the owner wouldn't give it to him.
"Well, I guess this type of flower isn't fit to be something you'll give to your beloved mother, sir." You spoke, he looked a tad confused.
"What do you mean?" Confused by your sudden remark you explained to him briefly.
"As you can see, Yellow Carnation can mean rejection or disappointment on someone, and I'm sure that's not something you feel towards your mother, am I correct?" You motioned to face him waiting for his answer.
He was quite shocked by this discovery but immediately exclaimed once again "Of course! I do not hold any hatred towards my mother!"
You giggled with his response and looked around the shop to try and find other flowers that is fitting to be a present.. You caught a flower and picked a bouquet of it and gently placed it infront of him.
"I suggest these Pink Carnations instead, it symbolize gratitude, love and respect, fitting to be a present to your mother." You smiled while eyeing the bouquet then looking at him.
He stared at you for a moment, you were sure that you saw his cheeks flush for a moment then turning back to normal, he smiles and takes the bouquet from you.
"I must say, your knowledge about flower symbolism is something very admirable pretty lady !" He laughed cheerfully and faces towards the owner who's been staring at the both of you for awhile now ' I'll get these instead sir!" The owner nodded as the transaction went peacefully.
"You two would honestly look good together." The owner said with a smile on their face, you looked at them, a bit surprised, same goes for the man before you both chuckled.
"You really think so sir?" The man asked before turning back to look at you "Well, I do think of that aswell" He smiled at you making you break your calm facade by being flustered.
He chuckled and took your hand, kissing the back of it quickly and gently let's go of it, making you blush more.
"My name is Ryusui, Nanami Ryusui, may I know your name? Or are you okay of being called 'pretty lady'?" He teased making you chuckle lightly before saying your name to him.
You two went outside the shop, presumably about to get going on your own matters.
"What a beautiful name you have, it is nice to meet you!" He wanted to talk with you more but the conversation gets interrupted by a phone call, he excused himself for a second to take the call and you let him.
It took about 3 minutes before the call ended, you didn't notice that he was finished as you were preoccupied with staring at the towns library ahead, he gently pats your shoulder that surprised you for a moment before facing towards him.
He explained that he had to go because of his mother's party and all of that, you understand what he meant but before you two could go, he wanted to have your number, you were a bit suspicious at first but with your interactions with this man, it gives you the reassurance that you can trust him, you both exchanged numbers and bid farewell to each other. Though the man stopped and looked back at your dainty figure walking away, he smiled and continued to go off for their own matters.
You sighed contently, remembering how you two met, that didn't go unnoticed by Ryusui
"Is something wrong my love?" He asked, looking at your face, you smiled and continued patting his head.
"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered how we met in the first place." Your husband chuckled and sat up on the couch, pulling your petite figure on his lap, placing his arms around your waist, and burying his face on your shoulder before sighing.
"I'm very delighted to have met you back then, who knew a flower symbolism expert would caught this greedy heart of mine." muttering on your shoulder, you chuckled and looked down, smiling, seeing both of your ring fingers be accompanied by a ring that signifies both of your undying love for each other, this somewhat feels like a dream.
"indeed I'd never thought someone like me would do such a thing" you heard him chuckle before kissing the back of your ear.
"You're too humble my dear, you should be proud to be able to pull such a person like me." He mentioned, while clearing the hair around the back of your neck, he slowly kisses it and returns back to placing his head on your shoulder.
"I remember that time where you confessed to me... infront of a crowd...." He laughed as he remembered that beautiful time.
You two were out in your typical friendly date, ever since you've met in the flower shop, you started to interact more and go out more, probably to a cafe or a restaurant and discuss things, probably work related, personal things, or anything.
While you both were walking towards the cafe that the both of you usually go, Ryusui suddenly stopped with you walking Infront, you noticed him and stopped to look back at him confused.
"Is there something wrong Ryusui?"
He doesn't really respond and just stares at you for a few minutes.
This man has already fell for you since the flower shop incident but he wasn't sure if this is someone he wanted, someone he desires, but at this moment, he made up his mind, all your memories together was something he always cherished and he wants you to be with him and only him everytime you meet up. He smiles brightly before shouting.
"I desire you!"
That was something you never expected him to say, he began to walk towards you slowly, the crowd of people taking a glance or two at them, you knew some were listening but that didn't really matter at the moment. He gently grabbed your hands and holds them softly.
"I desire you, your affection, your attention, your presence, your smile.... and your love."
He looks at you with an endearing face, he is being serious with this, and even if you reject him, he won't stop pursuing you anyway, when there's something or someone that he wants, Ryusui will make sure that he'll get them.
It took you a few seconds to process what is happening, you felt the same way with him and always had, it only started when you got to know each other more, the more you talked the more you fell for him, but you've kept it to yourself until the perfect time comes. 'It seems that time is today' you said to yourself.
You looked at him for a moment, you still couldn't say anything, might aswell show it than say it right? Actions speak louder than words they said.
You slowly lifted your hands to his cheek before pulling him into a kiss, definitely surprising him, as the shock slowly disappeared, he returns the kiss aswell. The crowd around you clapped and cheered for the both of you. Right, you forgot that you were in public, you both pulled away and start chuckling.
"I originally planned it to be somewhere romantic.." He sighed, placing his forehead on yours, you were looking up to him with your arms around his shoulder and his arms around your waist. You giggled at him for his remark.
"I guess you don't like it here then?" You asked as he slowly shook his head.
"I'm very happy that you're finally mine, that's what matters."
That was honestly years ago when it happened but it felt like all of that happened yesterday.
Ryusui looks at you with a loving gaze, if anyone was in the room right now and saw the both of you, they would say that this man is very madly inlove with their partner, which is very very true.
You sighed contently before leaning back on his chest feeling comfortable, he hums as he still wraps his arms around you, not showing any signs of letting you go.
"Time passes very fast huh?" You muttered making him hum in agreement, he's enjoying himself right now by snuggling on your shoulder, his cheeks very flush with a big wide smile on his face, you look back and chuckle at his expression, although you're no different either as your cheeks are flushed aswell.
Turning back to face him, hugging his chest, and enjoying each others presence. You look up to see him smiling endearingly at you, before pulling you into a soft and sweet kiss.
"I love you...my love.." Ryusui mutters, looking at you with loving eyes, you smile brightly at him.
Indeed, he is the greediest man in the world. as he finally captured the heavens to his heart.
"I love you too."
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
#Fc89ac (Cupid's Parasite)
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Heyo! So...I might or might not be addicted to Cupid's Parasite...
Nah but really; Y'ALL! I've started playing it recently and my goodness Ryuki is the best! (Granted as of writing this I'll have likely finished the game if not most of it so it's up in the air on who'll truly be my favorite) His route was so fun and addictive and just- YESH! I wanted to write something for him and Lynette and that's exactly what I did lols. I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ryuki's struggling with his latest design and what color to make it. Lynette helps through unconventional ways.
Lynette scrolled through her search history with a small laugh, shaking her head. Since she fell in love with the fashion designer, it seemed like this was all she ever looked up. Not that she minded it of course; she loved her boyfriend with her entire heart- even if she had to look up several of the colors he mentioned on a daily basis.
Recently it seemed he was stuck on the color pink- his sketchbook filled to the brim with various dresses and skirt designs with various notes and hexadecimals. Around one particular dress several of the numbers were crossed out and re-written, a sign this particular garment was driving Ryuki insane. “No, that’s not it…it’s too muted.”
Another hexadecimal. Lynette tapped it into her phone to find “Soft Pink”. It was lovely. “I like it. It’s pretty.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t really go with the theme of the outfit.” Ryuki scowled down at the paper, narrowing his eyes. “Everything’s either too muted or too bright- I need something in the middle.”
Rolling onto her stomach, Lynette used her arms as a pillow as she peeked at his work. Unsurprisingly, the dress was gorgeous- flowy and fun with a mix of both western and japanese elements incorporated. “Wow, it’s so beautiful!”
“You haven’t been truly wowed yet- wait until you see what it’ll look like in person.” A touch of pride entered Ryuki’s voice as he puffed, starting to smile. Then that smile dropped as he looked at his endless bouts of notes. “If we ever get there, that is.”
Not good. Lynette sat up and clapped her hands. “Break time! Maybe you need to step back and revisit it with some fresh eyes?”
Ryuki looked ready to argue, but he gave in with a sigh after meeting her raised brow. “Maybe.” Closing the sketchbook, he moved everything aside and gave a small stretch. “But just for five minutes- then I’m going right back i-EH!”
“Fifthteen minutes. I demand a proper break.” Lynette argued, poking him in the ribs. “We’re having green tea and snacks- maybe even a walk.” She poked him again and again, watching him twitch and scrunch beneath her finger. “We can hunt down a crepe stand. They’re usually out this time of year.”
“H-How is tha-ahat gonna gehet done in fi-fiihfthteen mi-inutes?” Ryuki yelped between jabs, grabbing at her wrists as he thought down giggles. “Stop thahat!”
“Well, we’ll just have to take as long as we need, won’t we?” She teased, bringing her other hand in when he refused to release her. Scooting closer, she quickly scribbled into his open side, making him yelp and fall backwards. “You’ve been working on your designs all morning. Five minutes away isn’t gonna be enough.”
“Ihiihiht’ll be pleaahhanty! Geahhaha, Lynaehehehehhette!” Ryuki didn’t have the strength to remain sitting up, crashing unceremoniously against the pillows as he batted at her hands. “Cuhuhhuhut it ohoohoohohut, I’m wohoohhoohrking!”
“Noooo!” She cried back in glee, giggling up a storm as she threw herself across his torso. Her fingers danced up and down his sides, kneading here and there to make him arch and yelp. “I’ll never stop! I’ll keep tickling you until you agree to take a break!”
“Thahahaht’s nohohohoht hahahappehehehening! Geahhahahaha!” Ryuki squeaked when her fingers dug into his highest ribs, making him arch within a sudden boost of mirth. “Dohohohohoohn’t nohohohohohohohohoo! Aheahahahahahha Lhihihihihihihiynehehehehehhehehette!”
“Oo, is this a bad spot?” She cooed at him, enjoying how pink his cheeks got. “It must be with how much you’re blushing! I could listen to you laugh all day long, cutie!”
“Shuhuhuhuht uuuhuhuhp! Iihihihi’m nohoohohohot cuhuuhuhuhte!” He argued through his laughter, trying his best to squeeze her hands out. “Thahahaht’s it- cohoohme here!” With a sudden burst of strength, he reached out and grabbed onto Lynette, flipping their positions. “Now you get what’s com-ehehehehe, nohohohoho!”
“Huh? What was that? What do I get?” She teased, wasting no time as she grabbed at his ribs once more. “You gotta move faster than this, Ryuki-kun! Hehehe!”
Unfortunately for her, Lynette’s reign of mischief was quickly ended.
“AH! Aheahhahahahha nohohoohohohoho!” She squealed when Ryuki managed to grab her side, squeezing rapidly. “Nohohoohoho fahahahhair, nohoohoho fahahhair yohoohohu son of ahahah-”
“Goohoht you nohohow, yoohohu-GAH DOHOOHN’T!”
Their “battle” continued on as they rolled around in the bed, sheets crinkling and pillows flying as they grabbed and prodded at any and every tickle spot they could find on eachother. By the end of it all, they were gasping for air, cheeks flushed and hair a mess as they laid side by side in their messy bedding.
“Sohoohoho who wohohohn?” Lynette gasped out, hair falling free from its braid like a halo of sakura blossoms. Ryuki reached out, brushing her bangs back with the gentlest of touches.
“Mehehehe, obvihihihously.” He snorted, making her smile. She was especially radiant today- her natural hue the softest of pinks. It reminded him of…
“#fc89ac.” He mused out loud, then blinked. “That’s it-”
Lynette watched him sit up, scrambling for his sketchbook. While he did so, she quietly pulled out her phone, searching up the number.
Tickle me pink. She barely stifled a laugh as the coincidence of it all.
“Yep, that’s it. That’s exactly what shade I was looking for.” Ryuki nodded, something relaxed entering his expression as he circled the hexadecimal with pride. “You’re truly brilliant. Thanks for all your help, Lynette.”
“Aww, you’re too sweet.” She giggled as she sat up, tucking her phone away. “Can I have a crepe as my reward? That tickle fight made me hungry.”
Ryuki blinked before bursting into laughter, unable to hide his amused smile. “You’re too cute! God- I love you so much.”
She’s heard him say it before so many times now, and the effect was still all the same. Her cheeks warmed and her heart raced at the words, making her entire being feel soft and tingly. “I love you too.”
The crepes they got soon after were extra tasty.
Thanks for reading!
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kennedy-brooke · 6 months
i promise I’m working on something guys, i just want to have more than one part done and it’s all yours. pcd is a great motivator (the title might change so don’t count on it)
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kaistinlove · 1 month
Another Meet Cute AU for @summerofbuddie's Week 2!
A visit to the dentist doesn't normally land him an impromptu job as a caretaker. The number of times that has happened is absolutely zero, zilch, nada. It definitely has never landed him a boyfriend.
Boy, is Eddie Diaz in for a surprise.
There is a guy there who keeps insisting that Eddie be his... boyfriend?
The wisdom tooth removal loopy-Buck AU.
You can read it here!
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