#winx dufour
akaiitwki · 2 months
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Here's a comic attempt that I've been working on for a few days.
I don't really have a context to it, I just wanted to draw Palladium interacting with Wizgiz and Dufour lol
(However, in my verse, this happens after Palladium and Avalon fixed their problems and start to hang out with D and W. and before Palladium comes to terms with his feelings for Avalon)
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winx-blooms-magic-au · 3 months
DuFour, Fairy of Reflections, Light Magic Professor at Alfea
I like to think Her eyes are mirrors like lapis' from steven universe
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The Staff Learning That Avalon’s Been Hired
Palladium: Apparently we’re getting a new professor.
Wizgiz: Are we stealing them?
DuFour: New or used?
Griselda: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Wizgiz & DuFour, looking between Her and Faragonda: …
Faragonda, to Wizgiz: Yes, He’s from Malacoy Paladion Academy
Griselda, to DuFour: And no, He is not new to teaching.
Ofelia: What’s his name?
Faragonda: Avalon.
Barbatea: What is he going to teach?
Griselda: Magic-philosophy.
(Reposted due to error with previous post)
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existentialcrisis-24-7 · 11 months
Compilation of dumb doodles from earlier post here (with @kronovoi s Wonderful tags). This time they have text below so those who can’t read my frankly appalling handwriting don’t have to suffer :)
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Wizgiz, running with a tree: YIPPEE!
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Griselda: How long has this tree been here?
Faragonda, popping up out from behind the tree: Oh, Wizgiz brought it earlier. I think it looks nice.
Griselda, quietly: ..... this is a dining hall.
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Palladium, after making a poison so deadly it has a cloud of skull-shaped smoke: Perfect
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Griselda: *looking around menacingly with her clipboard*
Two student: *looking back fearfully*
Griselda: *begins writing on her clipboard*
Student 1 in utter fear: We’re dead
The clipboard: Blazers: 7, Jumpers: 5
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DuFour, sitting on her desk surrounded by piles of books with “Charming 101” on the blackboard: And then he just dies! Talk about killing the suspense!
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Barbatea: Of course! Go right ahead into the restricted section! Stay as long as you'd like
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Wizgiz, high as balls and half-asleep on his desk: Class is cancelled
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Palladium and Avalon: *talking*
Stella: Those two are gonna end up together. I'm betting on it.
Tecna: How much?
Stella: 10 Sol
Tecna: You're on.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Note: We've never seen the real Avalon in class (or much at all) so that's why I've specified I mean the impostor.
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Wendie Malick as Headmistress Faragonda
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Poorna Jagannathan as Assistant Headmistress Griselda
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Michelle Gomez as Professor DuFour
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Jacob Tobia as Professor Palladium
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Martin Short as Professor Wizgiz
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Mark Consuelos as Professor Codatorta
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Randall Park as Saladin
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Lorraine Toussaint as Griffin
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Stephanie Beatriz as Professor Ediltrude
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Carole Kane as Professor Zarathustra
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winx-trash · 2 years
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what the shit I have never noticed DuFour in this episode before
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winx-club-headcanons · 10 months
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Headcanon by anon.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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Alfea’s staff, re-redesigned once more! because most of them REALLY needed the update. Info below is copypasted but edited, so check it out fully!
Headmistress Laurelia Faragonda, Ascendix Fairy of Dreams. Is in charge of the Magic Archive and the Magic Animal Reserve. Her power covers light, darkness and illusions, and can erase nightmares and night terrors. A kind and gentle woman, will show you how strong she is if you threathen her students. Has the title of Nymph, as she is the magi that discovered Onyrix. Founder member of the Company of Light.
Vice-Headmistress Silvina Griselda, Professor of Combat Magic and History, Glacix Fairy of Redirections. Stern and punctual, honestly wants the best for the students, and will try her best to help them if they’re struggling. Swears a lot when students aren’t present. Was also a part of the Company of Light, but acted more as an informant than as a frontliner. Her Sources are Wind and Metal, which she has worked into being able to redirect, deviate and return any offensive spell flung at her, hence her title.
Arlan Palladium, Professor of Potionology and Natural Magic, Arborix Fairy of Leaves. Somewhat softspoken and caring, he has a hard time of keeping his students in check during normal classes. Takes on a whole different approach during tests and excersises, becoming very hard on the students. He’s in charge of the Natural Greenhouse, and was good friends with Eldora whenever she visited. He’s one of the few magi that solely focuses on his natural Source, plants.
Lorenzo Wizgiz, Professor of Metamorphosymbiosis and Biology, Enchanter of Therianthropism. Loud and expressive, prefers to show his students how magic works rather than making them study it from books, and is very helpful and understanding when students struggle in his classes. He’s the oldest teacher of all three schools, but has kept a young spirit and, thanks to that, a young appearance. His Source is Fauna, but his grasp of Healing has lead to ease of metamorphosis.
Marianne DuFour, Professor of Applied Magic, Vocalization and Chemistry, Enchanter of Harmonic Machinework. Is in charge of the Simulation Chamber. Jovial and prone to cracking jokes, her approach with the students is to simplify terms to help understand more complicated formulas. She frequently drinks water and has a humidifer in her classes, as her mermaid heritage makes her prone to dehydration. Her powers cover electricity and metal, as well as sound.
Luxiano Avalon, Professor of Metamagic, Dispelling and Defensive Magic, formerly a Valiantix Fairy of Holy Light, now acting as an Enchanter-Fairy-Paladin hybrid. A former Roccaluce Paladin, he’s a very quiet and to the point man, with unnatural amounts of patience. He’s very hard on discipline. Similar to Arlan, he focuses almost exclusively on his element of light. He was afflicted with a terrible aura-damaging spell that rendered him unable to fully transform again, so he summons his Paladin armor instead. He’s still able to form his wings and Valiantix Tiara, but trying anything more than that injures him severely.
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lunar-draws · 2 years
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Faragonda Kamel, the Headmistress of Alfea and Fairy of Fairytales. She’s the second oldest of the staff and the strongest. She’s well renowned in the Dimension for her strength, though many doubt her true power, being unable to stop Valtor and the Ancestrals all those years ago.
Griselda Stallard, the Vice-Headmistress and the teacher of Defense and Athletics. Students say she has a heart of steel, but she’s protective of her students and others as the Fairy of Shields.
Palladium Alamilla, the Potions, Natural Magics, and Maths teacher. He tends to be very laidback compared to all the teachers and the one to get in between the fights of students. The first year for the Winx was his first year teaching, returning to Alfea barely thirty-five years after graduating. He’s the Fairy of the Luminous Willow.
Chantal DuFour is the Classical Literature, Spellmaking, Theater teacher. As loud as she can be, she very often just blends into the background, scaring staff and students when making her presence known. She’s the Fairy of the Moon’s Song, surprising many that she doesn’t direct any of the music classes.
Cian Wizgiz is the Transfigurations and Transformation teacher, as well as the overall Magics teacher to the fifth years. He’s the oldest of the staff at Alfea and the Fairy of Metamorphosis. He, with Faragonda’s help, helps run many things around Alfea. Such as the green house and fairy animal sanctuary.
Avalon Caito is the youngest of the teachers, though his face doesn’t show it. He was actually in Palladium’s graduating class and they’ve been close since their final year. Avalon is formally known as the Fairy of the Celestia, the Magic Dimension’s angel equivalent.
Ofelia Fujimori is Alfea’s School Nurse and the Fairy of the Hearth. She was once a holder of a Water Star but to rebalance the Gods’ Magic, was taken. The first time she transformed after that, her wings were extinguished, a side affect from the Water Star being the opposite of her own fire source. She sticks to using her healing source now and hasn’t been much of a fighter in over a century.
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winx-blooms-magic-au · 6 months
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I miss her
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Griselda: Shh! Did everybody hear that? Do you know what that sound was?
The students & the rest of the staff of Alfea: *All look at each other nervously*
Faragonda: What?
Griselda: That was the sound of my patience shattering into a billion little pieces!
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
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Winx club fashion aesthetic
Professor dufour
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existentialcrisis-24-7 · 11 months
Royalty send their kids to Aflea under the assumption that they will get good magic education while also teaching their kids how to be future rulers, completely unaware that all the staff are fucking cartoon characters who choose chaos every time.
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darlenicy · 1 year
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To see how Dufour speaks for centuries since she was young, it still makes it logical that the fall of Domino also happened centuries ago and Daphne somehow managed to send Bloom through space and time back then. Dufour does not look as young as Bloom & Co, but definitely younger than Faragonda and Griffin. This leads me to the conclusion that the fight against Valtor, the ancestral witches and the fall of Domino may have taken place a millennium ago. Which explains why nobody now knows that Domino was actually an influential and beautiful planet anymore.
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staerplatinum · 2 years
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she was quite underrated and appeared only in comics, but i love her
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