#winx tir na nog
winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 7 months
Earth (Tir Na Nog)
Earth is a planet of the Magic Dimension. It's the adopted home world of Bloom, the homeworld of Roxy, the Earth Fairies, Selina and Humans, also known as non-magic people. Earth is the third planet of the Solar System found in the Milky Way. It is inhabited mainly by humans who live in cities, towns and villages like the inhabitants of the Magic Dimension and the only difference is that magic is not a daily part of their lives.
Earth has been protected by the Earth (terrestrial) Fairies for thousands of years. However, this protection disappeared when the Wizards of the Black Circle started the Great Fairy Hunt and captured most of the Earth Fairies and imprisoned them in their own kingdom, except for one last fairy. As, one by one, all fairies of Earth were captured, the Wizards' power grew stronger and wars, intolerance, and all kinds of evil spread on Earth. Because of this violence, hate, intolerance spread on Earth and the humans stopped caring about nature. Later, the Winx released the Earth Fairies and defeated the evil Wizards, restoring the Earth Fairies' protection on Earth, and it became linked to the Magic Dimension once again.
Humans, also called "Non-magic people", they are the majority of Earth's population. They also created technological devices that they use in their daily life mostly as a replacement for magic. However, they're less efficient in comparison of those found in other planets within the Magic Dimension, and many humans are unaware of its existence, despite magic being restored on their homeworld.
Tir Na Nog's main entrance is a small island off the coast of Ireland. According to Tecna, it is cannot be found on any map. There, the gate to the Realm of the Terrestrial Fairies can be found. It is also the capital of the Earth Fairies. All the Major Fairies, like Diana and Aurora, of Earth take orders from the Fairy High Queen of Tir Na Nog, except, till some extent, Sibylla who, as Fairy of Justice, has to remain neutral and treat friends and enemies, and even Good and Evil people all as being equal and cannot take sides. The fact that even Fairies of Tir Na Nog, under Morgana's direct orders, are not allowed to enter her cave when she has provided shelter to the Wizards of the Black Circle confirms that Tir Na Nog's power has limitations there as it is a sacred place, even if Nebula, due in her hunger for revenge, even proposed to attack and destroy Sibylla's Cave to be able to punish the Wizards, though Morgana was against this.
According to Morgana, Tir Na Nog was, before the arrival of Ogron and his Wizards, a magical section of Earth, with magnificent buildings and scenery and the Earth Fairies had contacts with all the other magical realms at this time.
Then the Wizards of the Black Circle developed a way of resist to fairy magic and stealing their powers by plucking their wings. They started the Great Fairy Hunt and captured all the Earth Fairies, sealing them into their own kingdom of Tir Na Nog. Later when the Wizards of the Black Circle started hunting the Earth Fairies, they used the island itself to imprison the fairies, after destroying all the white circles that gave the fairies ways to enter the island (like portal devices), except 1 (which was lost anyway, so effectively they were all gone), It can also be used as a means of contact between fairies and in combat due to its magic-enhancing and defensive abilities. . When the Winx freed the Earth Fairies from imprisonment, it was used as headquarters for the short lived revenge campaign against the humans.
The royal palace is where the Fairy Queen lives. In the underground corridors there are the statues of all the previous Fairy Queens who once ruled the Earth Fairies. The palace itself looks halfway between a building and a tree, as it has gigantic roots at its base, and branches with lots of pink leaves.
There is a mountain on three corners of the island, with the inside being covered in vegetation and the other shores being covered with sandy beaches. There are many menhir-like standing stones all over Tir Na Nog.
The White Circle also allowed Earth Fairies imprisoned in Tir Na Nog to possess free Earth Fairies who were close to it.
The Black Circle is magically opposed to the White Circle and was created during the Great Fairy Hunt to oppose Earth Fairies' magic. According to Ogron, it is the source of the Fairy Hunters' power. When the Wizards captured Earth Fairies and plucked their wings, they also stole their power which was absorbed into the Black Circle, making it more powerful. (i assume the black circle is made by oragon infusing a white circle with his own magic since he is the wizard of Absorption.)
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
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Roxy 🦋
Fairy of Animals
Earth (Tir Na Nog)
Birthday: March 20
Fairy Sign: Phoenix
Star Sign: Pisces ♓
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So Winx season four ? magic returning to earth
How does that go and (since I’m assuming terrestrial magic is different,how does it difffer from magic in the Magic Universe ?)
Thank you so much for the ask!
But I have to say, I already have a more-or-less fleshed out magic system, so magic doesn't really work differently on Earth. The only planet magic could be considered different on is Magix, but it still more-or-less fits within the pre-established rules I made for magic. I will say that Earth is a little odd in that despite its magic being shapeshifting, most if not all fairies are born with a secondary magic of fire, air, ground or water and the rate of people born with 3 or more types of magic is significantly higher there.
I can explain shapeshifting magic and the effects of the return of Earth's magic though!
Shapeshifting has two subsets: Metamorphosis (altering your own appearance) and Transmutation (altering another thing's appearance). Those who struggle to see images in their head tend to be at a disadvantage when performing this magic, though most regard metamorphosis as the easier route to take as you can instead feel the changes happen to yourself as oppsed to having to visualise it.
It is a magic only found on Earth and, as such, it was extremely rare even when Earth still had its magic. After Earth and its magic became lost to the rest of the Magic Dimension it nearly went completely extinct and was actually thought to be dead for a while. That was until Wizgiz joined the Alfea staff and began trying to resurrect the magic with... mixed results.
As of writing this, I have no concrete design in mind for the shapeshifting transformation, though I imagine it looks very unique and definitely would draw more from a person's individual sense of style then from a more generic standard. Names of the transformations are also a WIP (metamorphix sounds too much like morphix for my taste, and transmutix/transmutatix just doesn't have the ring to it I would like it to have).
Now! Onto how the return of magic on Earth affected things!
In summary: chaos.
Magic had been building up in Tír na nÓg for the past 1000 odd years and when it finally got released the Terrestrial Fairies (Roxy included) were given a huge temporary power boost as the magic tried to settle back in. Once magic began to settle back the power boost was lost but random people just started waking up with a new connection to magic and some people even got transformations (alignment depending). This caused a huge amount of fear and panic across Earth because nobody knew what was happening and the fact that there was so much going on in Gardenia with the Wizards and the Major Fairies made a lot of people think Gardenia itself was to blame. Having to get every single human adjusted to the idea of magic was a huge task and certainly took a while, even after season 4 2 takes place.
There was a lot of politics, history books and magical demonstrations before the world could agree that magic should even be legal, and eventually the world agreed that the island the portal was on, Avalon, would be considered its own kingdom with its own laws, ruled by the fairies. Most people were fine with this since the island was uninhabited anyway but there was still a lot of fear up in the air about this kingdom out of legends who were believed to have more power, different to anything humans had ever seen, despite being such a small population.
After Morgana took the title of Queen again, she suggested To Nebula that she take some time to herself and to heal. Nebula went on a journey of self-discovery for one month before realising there was no one to teach magic on Earth. The School of Mystic Arts was then set up near the portal to Tír na nÓg on Avalon so that people new to magic had a way to learn without having to travel off-world and also to educate people on their world's history. Though the school is still new and lacking in both a standardised curriculum and the staff necessary to teach this many new magic users, Nebula is determined to make it work and Morgana has been helping her get in contact with the rest of the Magic Dimension for help in both teaching and in reestablishing Earth among the ranks.
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bo1908 · 2 years
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bunchofdoodlesinspace · 6 months
ALRIGHT. So. Idk how many people (who are not my friends/mutuals and get to hear me rant about this show every other week) are aware, but I'm slightly obsessed with Winx Club. And I've talked off and on about these Winx redesigns I'm slowly chipping away at, and how doing them has sorta led me to rewriting the show itself, since I've redone a lot of the lore around the transformations (esp the later ones).
But because I'm a full-time university student majoring in character design with an interest in Not seriously injuring my wrist/hand, it's taking me. a while to make them (as of writing this, I have rough designs for all the main 6 girls up to Enchantix. 2 of them have finished designs which I shall be posting soon :D), so in the meantime I thought it'd be kinda fun to throw down some of the overall AU headcanons I have about the world and how it works. SO. with that I present:
Cup's Winx Rewrite AU Headcanons:
-What is known as the Magic Dimension/Universe in the show, in my version, is more like the term for a collective of various worlds, united through a variety of portals and links to the distant planet, Magix, which serves as an intergalactic capital. -Part of the reason that Magix exists in the way it does (both as the capital for the universe, as well as being where all three main magic schools in the show (Alfea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain) are located) is in part as a means to prevent another disaster like that which occurred at the hands of the Shadow Phoenix and the Ancestral Witches, which ultimately ended in the complete destruction of the planet, Domino. -The school's themselves both function as academic places of learning as well as training grounds for new guardians to learn how to protect themselves. Each school offers a different magical path for its students: Alfea, the path of Fairy Magic. Cloud Tower, the path of Witchcraft, and Red Fountain, the path of Wizardry (those who learn it being called "Specialists"). While it's uncommon, it is possible for students to switch paths if they find they aren't gelling with the one they started with. Everyone has the potential for any kind of magic, but that doesn't mean every kind of magic works for every person. -Oh, also, there's no gender specifications for any school. Fairies, witches, and specialists of any and every identity under the sun(s) exist in this world. -Fairies, witches, and specialists are not the Only magical beings to exist in the dimension. The planet Andros, notably, is home to not only many land-dwelling beings, but also to mermaids, who live in the Infinite Ocean, a realm that connects to all other oceans in the Magic Universe via numerous underwater gates. -Earth is, or rather, was part of the Magic Universe, for a very long time. This was up until the tragedy that befell the planet's magical creatures at the hands of the Wizards of the Black Circle. This led to its link being cut off from the rest of the other magical realms, and leaving its human society to develop in a world where magic remained a mystery. -This does not mean magic on Earth died. It continued to exist in the fringes, where it was safest for it to be allowed to develop. The bulk of it was/is maintained in Tir Na Nog, the Kingdom of the Earth Fairies, due to its extreme difficulty to locate by mundane means. -Another celestial object that was one connected to this network was one of Solaria's moons: Lumenia. Solaria claims to have lost contact with them eons ago, and refuses to make attempts to reopen the connection. -Since all of this IS rooted in a redesign project, I feel like I should note that there are a multitude of forms of varying power levels open for fairies to utilize. However, only 3 forms are actually taught at Alfea: Winx, Charmix, and Enchantix, Winx being the base form every fairy has the ability to use once they figure out how to tap into their powers. -Enchantix is one of the most powerful forms to exist. Once it is acquired, it serves to be the new base form over Winx. Gaining it also opens the doors for the fairy to acquire practically any other form to exist, most of which serve more to help in certain situations (eg.: Sirenix = Underwater needs). I'll go in-depth about the lore of each form once I've finished their designs. :)
I feel like. that covers most of my bases for now. I have. so many more thoughts sitting in my brain, if anyone is curious about anything please feel free to ask. I'm basically making myself stop for now bc I do have some homework I need to work on tonight JKHFJK
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charmixpower · 1 year
Okay, so Selina the earth fairy as an antagonist
S6 did this by, for some insane reason, by making Selina Bloom's childhood friend who's always had magic which doesn't work on literally every level. So I'm going to try and come up with some ideas that make parts of it work
Selina the earth fairy that was taught by Eldora:
Tbh this is the easiest option
Selina is an earth fairy from the old days along with Eldora. During the WotBC attempted wiping out of all magic users they fled to Tir Na Nog and live under Morgana and Nebula
The Legendarum is a book created by ancient Faries that Selina's family has been in charge of caring for for generations
When the fairies of vengeance are released Selina is soooo excited to help kill the Wizards and the Winx, and their leader Bloom take their revenge away from them by complaining that they shouldn't be allowed to kill the people that tried to WIPE THEM OUT
Selina is pissed, and her teacher Eldora, the woman that saved her life, going on about how forgiveness is the way isn't helping
Season 5 teaches her about the rest of the magical dimension, season 5 teaches her about the Trix
The Trix are blinded by their desire for revenge and make the perfect pawns. They don't care what they lose as long as the winx don't win
And Selina assures them, the Winx will not win
Selina the earth fairy that was Bloom's friend:
This one is a very elegant solution me thinks and it's the FUN one.
Selina and Bloom are childhood friends and the main targets for Mitzi's bullying. Bloom has kind parents, Selina does not, and for eight hours a day they have to listen to people talk badly about them. Mitzi never puts hands on them but they're social pariah's and deal with constant verbal harassment and false accusations
First year of highschool is more of the same and Selina is prepared for it to be them against the world again in their second year, and then Bloom never comes to class
Selina is alone to deal with the bullying she at least had a confidant in Bloom to at least tolerate it with, and now she's alone
Mitzi tells everyone that Bloom was sent to a school that caters to the mentally ill to finally convince the 16 year old that fairies aren't real, and Selina makes things worse for herself by defending Bloom
They text each other, not often and Bloom won't tell her what new school she's going to but they still text. Selina comes over when Bloom goes back to earth (and goes home before the Trix show up)
And then the next year Bloom goes to Mitzi's Halloween party with her new, cool, pretty, friends. Bloom excitedly tells her about it, she's finally going to make Mitzi the butt of the joke and all Selina can think is that she's been replaced
That's not fair though? Bloom is allowed to be happy at her new school so she bites her tongue and pushes down her resentment and rejects Bloom's offer to come with
Next year is...fine. Bloom comes to her graduation party, and she's a bit mopey that she didn't graduate with honors like her new friends but is over all more excited to hear about Selina's college plans. Bloom goes on a trip in the middle of summer and comes back glowing because "the mistake in my grades was fixed and now I have honors!" And it sounds like a lie but Selina doesn't bother calling her out on it. I mean? What if she's telling the truth
Then season 4 happens, and then it's revealed that Bloom is a fairy
Not only did Bloom replace her with better, prettier friends, but she also lied to Selina about being a fairy. Lied to her face about everything related to magic because apparently Bloom never trusted her
And Selina burns with resentment
Selina stops responding to Bloom's texts and avoids her. Everyone asks Selina if she knew, if Bloom told her, who those aliens are, and all Selina has is half truths from the stories Bloom spun her to respond with
Seeing Mitzi become a fairy, unaware of the dead magic that run though her, unaware that the power Mitzi was given comes with a price no one should have to pay, Selina is furious. Incandescent
Magic returned to earth and Selina can float small objects. She's one of the few people that after the earth's magic core was repaired gained magic and she's on the bottom of the scale of power in a group categorized by how they're not as strong as those who can use magic without the core
Hatred fills her lungs like smoke
Season 5 Selina sticks to herself. Bloom usually isn't on earth like she was last year and this Diaspro chick who came from a different planet to help earth get caught up with the rest of the dimension is on the TV all the time talking about Bloom. Selina hates the fact that this woman who met Bloom though a knock-down drag-out fight knows Bloom better than Selina ever did
Did Bloom ever think of her as a real friend?
(Bloom couldn't take the one person that was her friend though all of that calling her a liar, she comes to regret this)
Eventually, while stumbling around the woods, far away from faces that could mock and lie to her she stumbles across a book. The Legendarum. It promises her power, Bloom's regret, importance. All she has to do is open it, anyone with magic can, her strength doesn't matter with the Legendarum doing the work for her
How could she ever refuse?
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littledekuchan · 6 months
question abt the side characters post! what's a dark fairy in your au? and also you meantioned cindy being an earthly fairy as in she's from earth? that's fun since usually it's just roxy. is there more girlies from earth?
-@parola-di-winx <3
I love answering asks, send me more!!!!
In my au, dark fairies are fairies that were originally witches, examples are Mirta, Kimmy and Faragonda. In the same way that there are good witches, witches who were originally fairies, an example is Endora and Selina, okay Selina is not that good, but she gets the idea.
About earthly fairies. After the end of season 4, magic returned to Earth, with many fairies and witches having their powers awakened in many ways. Cindy was on vacation in Gardenia when her powers awakened, she was playing making snowmen with her cousin, when her cousin decided to throw a snowball at her cousin without warning, because of her fright Cindy created an ice shield to protect her. don't hit her in the face with the ice ball. After discovering her powers, her parents kept saying "Can't you just be normal?" In the end, Cindy started living in Gardenia with her grandmother who, when she was young, met a young witch who lived nearby.
Cindy met other earthly witches and fairies when she started attending Tir Na Nog College, like Carmen who would become her best friend, Macy a little witch, Julia a fairy who doesn't like noisy places, Selina, and other people.
Tir Na Nog College always has its doors open to any magical being who wants to understand their powers.
Few earth fairies went to Alphea, with Cindy and Carmen being one of the best known, as fairies from the Magix dimension consider earth fairies inferior, as they don't have as many abilities.
Roxy is seen arguing daily with fairies with conservative thoughts, Faragonda is already used to hearing from Griselda that Roxy was starting fights with other students.
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sabrina-bee-art · 1 year
The Terrestrial Fairies
Let’s talk a bit about the Terrestrial Fairies, because so far, I haven’t really gotten into their whole deal.
So initially I found the idea of this season revolving around the mysterious disappearance of the Terrestrial Fairies kind of intriguing. It’s a question that was introduced all the way back in season 1 and hasn’t been answered since. We do get the answer pretty quickly though, and in a bit of an underwhelming way. Not so much the Winx figuring out the mystery, as the answer getting thrown at their heads by our conveniently monologuing Ogron. But even then we only learn that the Wizards are responsible for their disappearance, not why they did it, or how that affected the course of the Earths history. Or how the Wizards, four rather regular dudes, managed to wipe out this whole culture of Warrior Fairies.
I find the idea of Dark Fairies as antagonists for the Winx very interesting. A sort of opposite of how they perceive themselves as good and kind guardian fairies.
When the Terrestrial Fairies show up in episode 17, we haven’t really taken the time to learn anything about them. They barely ever came up, apart from Nebula possessing Roxy in Episode 9. The circumstances of their defeat by the Wizard’s hands are still unknown to the Winx, as is their culture. The girlies are not really interested in learning about it either, not even Roxy, even while trying to find the Terrestrial Fairies. Maybe they could have looked for clues and stumbled on remains of their existence and pieced together some information. Instead, the Winx start looking for, and find the Fairies, that is Tir Na Nog, within one episode. I felt cheated when I first watched it, especially since this has such enormous ramifications for the remainder of the season when the Fairies turn out to be antagonists. I really like that as a concept, but I found the way it was executed disappointing.
In my opinion, the last third of the season is the strongest part, just because the stakes are so high. The fairies have a clear plan and motivations, and best of all, that is communicated to the audience. Them destroying humanity is a big enough threat to make sense for the Winx to stand in their way, when previously the conflict with the Wizards didn’t challenge the Winx on a character basis. The fact that the Winx don’t seem to feel much urgency once the Terrestrial Fairies aren’t directly attacking, is not great, but I take what I can get at this point.
What I don’t like is how the Fairies coming back and all their antics seemingly have no consequences for the wider world. This should be a huge thing. Diana is attacking the planet via nature, Aurora is freezing half of the northern hemisphere…how does that affect humanity? And – how does it affect the Magical Dimension? How can the girlies just go back to Gardenia and work at the Love & Pet Shop? That is some missed opportunity to do something interesting with the Winx character wise. The girlies fucked up. Even if they couldn’t have known the severity of bringing the Terrestrial Fairies back. They should still feel responsible for the, possibly, thousands and millions of deaths the Terrestrial Fairies caused. Even though the Winx are not responsible for the Fairies actions, it should have an impact on them. They decided to open the portal to Tir Na Nog. How does it affect them emotionally? How does that change their self-perception? What will they do to fix it? It could even spark conflict between the characters, have them deal with some opposing opinions. It’s realistic that at some point in your life you find yourself disagreeing on fundamental questions with your close friends, so that is something the show could explore in a season where they try to have the Winx grow up beyond the school setting. Nothing there though because we have a concert to prepare for!
The Wrath of the Terrestrial Fairies is then resolved so quickly and unceremoniously that it almost retroactively cheapens their threat as antagonists. And honestly, given that the Terrestrial Fairies are probably responsible for a good amount of death and destruction, the Winx just accepting their change of mind feels very lacklustre. There should be some consequences for the Fairies. They should have to make an effort to be redeemed. They did, after all, attack innocent people. Yeah, they are pissed, in way rightfully so, and want revenge, but also, the people they are attacking now are not the same people that lived a millennia ago when they were first fighting the Wizards. It’s a complicated conversation that has real world implications and feels like a much more mature topic for Winx Club to tackle than what we had before, especially when it’s crammed into only 10 episodes. That was maybe too little time for this topic to be explored in an appropriate way. Also, since we never find out the details about the first war between the Terrestrial Fairies and the Wizards, we don’t know anything about the involvement of humans in that conflict. So the Fairies attacking people seems more unreasonable and straight up evil than it maybe would otherwise. We don’t know what happened back then, and we never find out. Did the humans just look away and let the Wizards pull off fairies wings in broad daylight? Or were the Fairies always a little separate from human society as is implied by Tir Na Nog, their Dimension, being a separate thing with a portal in between Earth and the Magical Dimension. And if so, did the humans even really notice what was happening? Context is important when the conflict revolves around revenge for the injustice done to the Terrestrial Fairies and their reaction to it. It’s important for the audience to know so that at the end, when the Fairies come around again, we can also understand that they are not truly evil but came from a place of hurt. Instead of attacking the Wizards, the cause of their hurt, they attack the Earth and humanity and cause a lot of damage. To the audience that is an extreme reaction, especially since “the Fairies Wings grew back” so there’s not really any severe, long-lasting consequence of the Wizards actions. The Fairies behaviour though seems disproportionally brutal, which makes the rushed conclusion of them turning around again, very hard to swallow.
And then, at the very end, they are under attack from the Wizards again. And loose…the super powerful, not even Believix works against them, Terrestrial Fairies can’t even deal with the Wizards. I just. I can’t.
I wish we had seen more of the Terrestrial Fairies as a distinct culture. How are they different from Fairies of the rest of the Magical Dimension? Their status as Warrior Fairies, what does that mean? How does the Magical Dimension react to their reappearance? I mean, I get why we didn’t see more of that, explored their culture a little, because their, lets call it “arc”, was really tacked onto the last third of the season. Now, imagine if in the first two thirds we didn’t spend so much time with the Love & Pet Shop or the Rockband or Relationship Drama and instead tried to find the Terrestrial Fairies and learnt more about them, that could have been so cool, and served as a better connection between the rather separate parts of the season. Ugh. I’m so tired.
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Hey I just saw both your Winx and w.i.t.c.h art and they are fantastic and fabulous
I wanna know everything about your hypothetical Winx reboot
Is Aisha half mermaid ? (since part of her family are mermaids)
How come you decided to make Icy and Stella siblings ?
Will Roxy have her own journey to being a fairy or will she be part of the Winx ?
You ever thought of making Tecna part cyborg at one point ?(since she comes technologically advanced planet ?)
What are the worlds like in your rewrite?
I need this cuteness ☺️😊👍
Aw thank you so much!! 🥰🥰🥰 I'll be glad to answer most questions as long it's not something I consider super spoiler-y. If that's the case I'll let you know. Buckle up this is gonna be a long one!
Aisha is not half mermaid but she is related to them. I plan on giving all the Winx their own final fairy forms and Aisha will gain Sirenix which will give her access to a mermaid tail due to her heritage.
It's actually Stella and Darcy that are siblings!
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Though I'm assuming "because ✨drama✨ and I thought it would be funny" isn't the answer you were looking for even though it's true. But the more detailed answer is I have move more expansive backstories for all of the Trix and different world building for the differences in witches and fairies. I even made Queen Luna a witch too! Sorry to be vague but adding to Stella's family felt right to diving deep into my version of her, she loves her family so much flaws and all while Darcy is more openly critical of it. Darcy isn't her only sibling either, there's her OC little brother (which happens a little after the start of the story) and I also made Sky their brother. I'm still on the fence if Sky and Stella should be twins.
Plus in transparent honesty I love Darcy and wanted a much bigger role for her. And yes!! Roxy has her own story, she is a Winx and tied to them but that doesn't change the fact has her own arc plot centered around her. Bloom may be the main character on a technical level but plot wise Roxy, Stella, and Aisha are equally crucial.
I actually did consider making Tecna a cyborg or a full magic AI, it's such a neat idea imo but I felt it would be more interesting (for me personally) to write about them not being the fairy of technology/technomagic. Tecna is a knowledge fairy with expertise/special interest in technology. Tecna actually lives in/is from Solaria.
In fact that leads me nicely into the last bit about the worlds. They're not from a bunch of different separate worlds, it's all Magix which is governed by several courts which are further divided into domains/realms. Each court has a royal family; land (Tir Na Nog though this one might change), sea (Andros), and sky (Solaria) all have a court then their overlap is the "life" court descendants of the Dragon Flame. Actually a majority of the Winx are from Solaria due to being refugees as the courts that would be governed by Bloom is inhospitable and Roxy's is being ruled by Solaria in the beginning of the story.
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eliserael · 1 month
of an infinite cycle
Winx Club Rewrite
Here is what does NOT EXIST in this AU, which exists in canon (not everything is mentioned here but the major things are — I will probably update it later though, after I learn/remember another piece of info from Winx Club).
The Pixies and Selkies — It’s as simple that I don’t like them. I remember quite vividly that whenever the pixies played some role, things would always go worse one way or another and I don’t want to deal with that. And, well, the selkies are just pixies underwater, so yeah.
Charmix and similar seemingly random powerups (c’mon, it’s just overrated purse).
The Water Stars also don’t exist here (but the Council of Elders does, though it is so different, it may as well not exist).
Transformations end with Enchantix (there’s more to it, but no further transformations like in canon).
Dimensions and planets got completely reworked (I, myself, have a massive problem to distinguish what exactly is its own dimension and what is just a planet).
The Ultimate Power that all the major villains want doesn’t exist in any way, shape or form.
The Company of Light never existed because it couldn’t be even formed timeline vise.
Roxy, Selina, and Eldora don’t exist (well, Roxy maybe will be implemented on later date, depending on the plot, but she will be from Tir Na Nog for sure).
The next post should be about the Dragon and the Phoenix and “other” universal mythology which is in some way present in practically all cultures across the Magic Dimensions/Magix (Magical Dimension will be called Magix in future posts).
Note 0.2: The Ultimate Power plot device is actually one of the main reasons this AU came into being in the first place. I was trying to figure out what would Darkar’s whole deal be if there wasn’t anything like that. And then it occurred to me that most of the antagonists in Winx Club are after the same shiny plot decide, which is also never properly described…nice.
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allrandomfandoms · 1 year
Winx Club: Princess Roxy —Aesthetic
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Roxy's Titles
Roxy is the Fairy of Animals. She's also the Last Fairy on Earth. Although Roxy's home planet is Earth, the dimension from which her royal status hails from is Tir Na Nog. Later, it's revealed Roxy's mother is Queen of the Earth Fairies. Thus, it makes her a princess. When Roxy's mother advocates the throne, she passes it onto Nebula who's acting as her regent. This means if she chooses to accept the throne, Roxy can become the Queen of the Earth Fairies one day.
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 7 months
Name: Roxy Pan Roberts
Looks: Roxy is a young girl with a slightly light skin tone. She has waist-length, pinkish-purple hair with blonde tips and dark violet eyes.
History: she is the last fairy on earth, born to Klause Roberts and Morgana Queen of the terrestrial fairies of tir na nog. her mother was taken from her when she was 3 years old, all memories of her wiped from her and her father's minds. she has always loved animals more than people, and her powers didnt truly manifest until she was about 15, which put her in danger.
Personality: Roxy is rebellious, a little shy, and willful. She cares a great deal for animals. She is very brave, and is always willing to help those in need. Towards the people and animals she cares for, she is sacrificial and will do anything to protect them
she can also get confrontational whenever she is angry or feels threatened, sticking up for herself. She can also be very stubborn. But she isalso prone to tears when very confused or scared. she has a bit of a temper.
Abilities: As the Fairy of Animals, has animal-based powers. Roxy can empathise with animals and feel what they are feeling, and can calm them down if they are scared, hurt, or angry. She can speak to them and summon them telepathically. Roxy can also grant animals the ability to speak like humans. Roxy has also been shown to lend magical strength to them, as she did to Artu, allowing him to break free of Gantlos and return to her side. Roxy also has the ability to read an animal's mind and make them act under her control allowing her to tame wild animals. Her magic is colored aquamarine/blue green.
Roxy can also make an animal out of inanimate objects, such as ice structures, and make them act under her command. Roxy's spells can take on animals such as a kaleidoscope (group of butterflies).
in many ways, she sees bloom as her older sister (after she accepts being a fairy)
at the start of season 5, she enters alphea and is skeptical and nervous about fitting in there.
by season 7, she gains her enchantix and in the season gains butterflix and tynix along with the winx to help them. and by the end she will have graduated and become the guardian fairy of earth, but also being the crown princess of course
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More winx au stuff.
@emsartwork @drops-of-moonlights since you two are some of biggest inspirations for this I'm tagging you so you can look at this if you want. If you want to ignore me you can. I'm very sorry for being pushy and wanting you guys to see this. If you two want me to stop I will.
So long story short my mom got a new iPad and gave me the old one. So I redownloaded procreate to do some art that wouldn't be impeded by a horrible camera quality.
I'm going to do art of all of the Gardenia Gang but I got Levina's done first.
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I dont know how to make her sparkly or how to make the image transparent yet I'm sorry about that so yeah.
This is her Basic transformation which I have dubbed Basix.
Since Basix wings are so small, she isn't a real stable flyer due to her center of gravity being off due to being short part of an arm.
Later transformations with larger wings are better for her flight-wise. She's able to balance better with larger wings.
She learns how to free run and parkour in order to keep up with the rest of the Gardenia gang since she's the fastest of all of them since lightning is very quick.
her transformation is supposed to be like a tracksuit or jumper being streamlined for easier movement and so it won't get caught on much. She has shoes that are good for running and a glove that would protect her hand from magical backlash and helps her grip things better.
Here's more about Levina, her friends call her Levi or Vina.
Since I'm placing bloom at 18 at the start of season one Levina is 8 years younger than her being 10 at the time. She's still ten when the Trix arrive in gardenia to steal Bloom's dragon flame and is traumatized by being dropped down the portal to the omega dimension the Trix summoned in their floor and dropped Mike, Vanessa, and Levina down in order to tire Bloom out. It's left her with a really bad fear of heights.
She was 14 when the whole snafu with the Wizards of the black circle happened. For context when she lost her arm she was hanging out with Mike at the fire station on a Saturday, it had rained heavily the night before so there were puddles of rainwater everywhere. Levina had started to show interest in being a firefighter at the time and Mike decided to show her around the station and tell her how things worked around the station. She was standing in a puddle in galoshes looking at and holding onto a metal structure the firefighters used to practice when Anagan redirected one of Tecna's spells into a transformer causing the transformer to overload and explode and release a lot of bolts of electricity/magic. One of these bolts struck Levina in the left shoulder. Electricity follows the path of least resistance and as she was standing in a puddle in rubber galoshes while holding onto a metal structure that was bolted to the ground all of the electricity went out of her arm.
Her arm was severely damaged, from the electrical burns to muscle and nerve damage from the electricity along with micro fractures from the heat of the energy coursing from her arm, the worst places were her shoulder and hand, being the entry and exit points respectively. Her arm was amputated above the elbow and she lost a lot of feeling in the stump and lost mobility in her left shoulder. she has a Lichtenberg figure on the back of her left shoulder and down her stump. She gained a fear of sudden sound noises after that incident.
Timeline wise this occurs offscreen between 16 and 17 of season 4 as a frame of reference. Levina spends the rest of season 4 in the hospital before being released around the timeframe of episode 6 of season 5.
Because the winx left earth around this time Morgana takes over the love and pet shop keeping the shop up and running. A few minor fairies from Tir Na Nog also work there as a way to slowly re-integrate magic to earth as abrupt shifts in the balance of magic on Earth can be lethal an example being Duman.
She tens to short out electronics and cause power outages when distressed or angry so she writes most everything down by hand.
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Hey what the best and worst thing about writing your rewrite (currently reading it btw.Very good stuff)
For season 4 (if you ever get to doing that I mean) is it gonna stay similar to how it was in show or is it a complete overhaul in general ?
If so what changes do you have in mind for Believix ,Roxy,the earth fairies, Tir Na Nog and the white /black circle?
Thank you so much for the ask! I'm sorry, I got started writing and couldn't stop but since I'm at my computer I manged to hide this post that got Extremely long under a cut.
Also to anyone reading this who might be curious on my magic system, I have an abridged post explaining it here.
The best part is lore and worldbuilding and the consequences of those because oh boy do I sure love space and weird magic fuckery! I also greatly enjoy getting to expand on the things that were in the original story or at least implied but were never fully explained (such as timeline issues or planets that get brought up once and never again).
My least favourite part is kind of a weird one, it being the characters. You know, the whole reason for the story. But this is kinda because 1. I don’t have much skill in writing people and 2. Because I actually never learned how people work irl for whatever reason and tbh I hardly even know how I work, so having to get into the minds of characters and figure out how they think feel about things is definitely a struggle. Though I wouldn’t have started this rewrite if I wasn’t up for the challenge!
As for Season 4.
Here’s the thing, about season 4. There's a lot I really like about it and it introduced some really cool new elements to the story, but there’s a lot of things about it that I really don’t like, which is why when I first started this rewrite and planned out my general timeline, I made the very controversial decision to swap season 4 and season 2. I'll explain:
If Lord Darkar is basically a god of darkness and has been pulling the strings the whole time then it makes sense that he should be more of a final boss and have a build up instead of being revealed in season 2, doing fuck all and then getting defeated and never mentioned again. I want to build him up as an imposing evil that beings even as powerful as the Ancestral Witches kneel before. Which isn't really a thing that can be done in 2 seasons with the goal of the first season being defeat the Trix and getting Bloom used to the magic dimension.
Season 4 in place of season 2 is a bit more complicated to pull off but it still feels more coherent to me this way because you can introduce Roxy and Aisha together. And even if Roxy is a couple years behind them in school they can at least be trauma bonded together (/j). It also puts nearly everyone on uneven ground, giving them a lot of opportunities to develop and bond with each other as they all learn and adjust. It also helps that the Wizards are relatively lax enemies who aren’t showing up all the time to just generally ruin the Winx's day like the Trix, meaning there’s more room to show that growth too.
so to answer the second question, yes I'm doing season 4, but it is a complete overhaul.
As for the changes I'm making with season 4 plot points, there's a lot of them.
First and foremost, Believix. Due to the fact that season 4 is now season 2, the main 6 are going to be earning charmix (Roxy will earn it in season 3 instead of Enchantix because she is younger and far more inexperienced with magic), though how they do so will have a few tweaks (most notably that they actually know about Charmix prior to earning it). Believix as a transformation might be used in a possible story after the main one (seasons 1-4) ends, though I can say if it is, it will definitely be altered significantly. What I will be using, though again altering, are the Gifts of Destiny for the new season 4. I'm not gonna be elaborate a whole lot about this specific topic right now as I'm still progressively making my way through the first 2 seasons with an occasional thought thrown into the 3rd.
Secondly the Earth fairies, Tír na nÓg (teer-na-nohg, the original Irish spelling that I am Infinitely petty about) and The Wizards of the Black Circle are also Very. different. This would've been brought up in a post about the timeline I have yet to make for whatever reason, but using actual Irish myth about Tír na nÓg and a little bit of finaglling, I did my best to fix the weird timeline issue and because I don't forsee myself making a post about this any time soon I'll just explain it all here (though be warned because while I tried my best to explain things thoroughly (which also lead to a lot of text), I, as someone rewriting a story, have the benefit of foresight and so there are many interconnected plot points and elements that I haven't gotten around to explaining yet that might be a little confusing).
First off, The White and Black Circles. A Circle is a physical maifestation of a magic oath that binds you (and however many others there are) to a cause. Once the cause is completed, the circle will dissolve and you can go pursue other things in life, but until then you are constantly pulled back and even caused some pain if you attempt to stray from the goal. Breaking a circle requires an incredible amount of magic and is still not easy for even the most skilled magic users. "The Oath of the Black Circle" was an oath made by a Clann wizards, a few years before the fall of Domino, with the goal of ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies, who spread themselves out across the Magic Dimension like a plague. They split off into different, efficient factions, effectively eliminating a significant number of fairies and removing their wings (which, in my rewrite, do not grow back and leave a permanent scar). For the most part however, they weren't effective enough and, with the outbreak of war in the Magic Dimension after Domino's fall and the rise of the Company of Light, nearly all factions were eliminated before they could truly complete their goal. All but one. The faction sent to Earth.
Earth is at the edge of the Magic Dimension and the people of that world generally like to keep themselves and their magic to themselves, so it wasn't until the Wizards had already begun attacking the world that they actually discovered what was going on. The Wizards were ruthless in their hunt, hardly stopping at fairies after they discovered they could take the magic from other magical beings too. Earth was completely unprepared for an attack of such voracity and despite Queen Morgana and her Regent Nebula's best efforts to organise an army, they and every other magic being ended up having to retreat through a portal to Tír na nÓg opened by their Nymph, Lugh (Loo), fairy of shapeshifting.
(Before I go on I will just explain that, for each type of magic there is a being who is said to have made it (fire and the Great Dragon), a dimension dedicated to that magic exclusively (water and the Infinite Ocean), and each world has a main magic type that the vast majority of magic beings born there will have (Earth being form manipulation/shapeshifting and that magic being almost exclusive to Earth). The best ways to open a portal to a dimension is to be on a world with that magic and to be a user of that magic)
As everyone retreated to the safety of Tír na nÓg, the Wizards found out and began figuring out a way to use this as a trap, Duman helping to come up with a spell that could seal the portal and prevent anyone from getting in or out, which under the clause of their circle, counted as ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies if they could round them up through the portal. Lugh caught wind of this and him along with Morgana and Nebula managed come up with a spell that would seal away Earth's magic to Tír na nÓg should the portal be blocked off. This, in their eyes, was protecing their magic.
Both plans ended up working, though with some consequences. Morgana and Nebula lost their wings and were trapped in Tír na nÓg with everyone else. Lugh had to stay behind, both to protect Earth and to make sure the spell stuck, though in his efforts to do so, he also lost his wings. The Wizards though, they got caught up in the seal, freezing them inbetween dimensions and between time. Nobody on the other side of the portal knows how things played out beyond that both plans worked, and the rest of the magic dimension having minimal contact with Earth anyway and still being busy with war knew even less, just that Earth somehow lost its magic and everyone magical on it almost overnight.
The magic art of shapeshfting and form manipulation was subsiquently lost until Wizgiz was hired to work at Alfea and he began teaching it in an effort to revive it. It's not an exam subject though so everyone just treats it as a doss class.
The White Circle was formed by Nebula after she gave into grief and rage, swearing along with several other fairies that should they ever get out Tír na nÓg that they will not rest until the Wizards have suffered as they have. This mindset swept through the scared and angry people of Tír na nÓg causing a revolt against Morgana who only wanted to move on past this horrific event. Morgana and her husband were kicked off the throne and became outcasts for many years, enduring the violence of the people that they once ruled.
During this period, Morgana found out that she was pregnant which both her and Klaus were terrified about, knowing this was not a safe place or situation to raise their child but being unable to cope with the idea of losing it. They hid the pregancy from Nebula and the Major Fairies until their baby was born, where they still continued to try and hide. The Major Fairies were beginning to grow suspicious of Morgana and Klaus however and the couple knew that if they didn't do something soon, all 3 of their lives could be in danger.
It was around time that Morgana felt a shift in the barrier, like something had caused a small crack, and with enough magic it could be opened just enough to send a person and their baby through. Nebula felt this too however since she was also involved in the creation of the seal. She assumed Morgana was up to something, probably trying to escape without everyone else, and sent out an order to arrest her. In a panic, Morgana and Klaus agreed that he would leave with their child and he would wear a ring that muddled his memories and generally hid the two of them from magic since they didn't know if the Wizards were still lying in wait for someone to try and escape. It was a risk they were willing to take though if it meant the safety of their child.
And so Morgana was permanently imprisoned within the dungeons of Nebula's new kingdom and Klaus managed to just about get out with their kid. Klaus's escape had managed to open the gap just enough to let the Wizards slowly get out too, one by one.
Every single one of those 6 entered a whole new world when they got out due to the nature of Tír na nÓg. While it had only been 10 years in Tír na nÓg, it had been a thousand years everywhere else. Klaus immediately got to work setting up a life for him and his kid, almost completely forgetting about any life he might have had prior, and the Wizards realised that somehow, they had missed a fairy because their circle hadn't broken. They spent the next 15 odd years trying to get their bearings, figure out what the world is like now, and find a way to locate a fairy that seems to be completely hidden from their magic.
A huge magical event involving the stealing a certain Flame is what drew them to begin investigating Gardenia.
and there you have it! the entire history leading up to season 4 2's events!
Not exactly what you asked for, but I do hope you got something interesting out of this!
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
What is your opinion on World of Winx?
Recently, I saw someone incorporating the WoW storylines into the season four, and although I doubt this is something you were planning on doing (since I believe you only focus on actual events from the Winx Club series seasons and movies), I wanted to give you my opinion on some of these and maybe you could give yours and all!
Note: Not all of the following opinions are from what I saw, some, if not most, are my own while I was watching the show. Note also that I watched it quite some time ago so maybe some of these opinions may actually just be headcanons or other.
I think my biggest change would be with Matt Barrie. I really don’t think he should have any romantic involvement with Tinker Bell, considering she was in love with HIS FATHER. Instead, either she should be his mother (maybe weird in this context but trust me), or idk, his sister or maybe just something that doesn’t make them a thing. Also, I believe either Peter Pan should stay his dad or, Matt should actually be Peter Pan, or his incarnation or some stuff like that, idk if that make sense tho.
Another change I think could be nice, would be Neverland and its history. I’m not really advanced on that one, so sorry if it is confusing. I think it could be interesting for it to be linked to Tir Na Nog and the Wizards of the Black Circle. Tinker Bell could have either be a Major Fairy or just a fairy that was hunted and then "tortured" or other by the WotBC. Neverland could have been forgotten like Tir Na Nog was, and only a very tiny part of magic would have survived. With that, Tinker Bell could have "changed", becoming more revengeful of what the WotBC took from her. Maybe some small breach between the two "worlds" (Earth and Neverland) could have been formed and that’s where Tinker Bell would use her power to steal magic from humans whose magical abilities have been lost for decades/centuries, making them either disappear or go insane from the lost of it. If she was a Major Fairy, she could have been the Major Fairy of Dreams or something else and after she changed, becoming the Major Fairy of Nightmares (that’s actually not that good but you see where I’m coming with that lmao). I think this plot could be much better worked, changed and really make sense with the story of season four.
The whole Venomya/Baba Yaga plot. Had potential but could actually be used for so much more.
I think the romantic aspect as a whole. WoW didn’t have much romance and the specialists weren’t mentioned once. Assuming that they weren’t here or didn’t exist, I think they were a lot of potential for romantic stories but if I base this on the season four, depending at what moment or if after, most of the girls would stay with their respective partner. But, I think Jim/James Hook could have definitely flirted with one of the girls, trying to gain their trust and all. My guest would be Bloom since she was the one he shared the most scene with. Another pairing I think could have been great if done well, but that may be just me, is Aisha and Tiger Lily, but that could be weird to some people and I would understand. Also I think the idea isn’t bad but I don’t know how that could work on paper. Matt could also just be aroace, or gay, or bi, but to be honest i don’t really know. I think Matt would become the closest to Aisha, Flora and maybe Tecna too.
As for the WOW show, I think the idea wasn’t bad, especially for their searching of people with magical potential but, I don’t think it actually fit the girls. Maybe after the Earth discovered that magic was real and the Winx became popular but even then, I think it would be more weird than anything and they wouldn’t really be "undercover". So I think the whole idea of the show could be scratched and redone but I’m not really advanced on that.
I think there is so much more I could actually say but this is already very long so I think I’m gonna call it a day. Pardon also my English which may be not that good, I am not a native speaker.
Also, I am almost done with your season three rewrite and I cannot wait to start season four.
Sorry again, that was very very long, and mostly me ranting so again very very sorry. However, I would love to know your opinions and headcanons on World of Winx.
hi! So I’ll be honest I really can’t reply to any of this cause I never watched WoW, I was just never really interested
But I’m glad you enjoy the rewrite!!!
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Round 1
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While Daphne is questioned by Tritannus about Sirenix, Alfea is under attack from a Trix dark lion spell and the Winx search for the Gem of Courage.
The Winx girls return to Tir Na Nog with the Wizards of the Black Circle, but wind up in the fight of their lives when the kingdom is in peril.
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