#wip: circus moirai
your-absent-father · 1 year
Okay the poll was a tie with drabble and the vanishing act so I had an idea. I am going to make drabbles of the performance on the Moirai's fairground.
First up, Vicki the clown. Let's see when I am going to dp next.
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Vicki the Clown
In a puff of smoke, a small looking clown appeared in the middle of the circus floor. She was wearing a white tutu that looked almost child size compared to her long legs that were hidden behind black and white stockings. She was wearing the same colored gloves which reached over the woman's elbows. Only skin she was showing was on her face and neck, which was painted snow white. Her clown face was almost comically overdone. Her smile was almost unnerving. Her eyes were hidden behind her giant afro, but you could still feel like she was watching you. 
Flash a smile, my dear
Sing and dance, my dear
Make them laugh so loud 
They forget their sadness and their fear
Don't feel doom and gloom
Just sing along with my tune. 
My dear, let's goof around,
 turn that frown upside down 
And tell some jokes. 
Almost from nowhere, dozens of clowns started running towards her. They started trampling one another with more and more ridiculous ways, like with a giant mallet or with wrestling moves. When they reached the woman, they started dancing the same way the main clown sang, which was very cute with some very suggestive moves thrown in the middle, which felt almost perverse considering her child-like outfit. 
Hello everybody, my name is Vicki
Other clowns would say I smell really Icky. 
I like to dance around with all my friends
I hope this happiness will never end
My skin is white like the christmas snow
Unless you see me in the shadow
When the other clowns were around Vicki, one by one they started to fight to be next to her. When pushing or other ways didn't help, the other people started to fall when the clowns started to knock each other out till only few were left. 
Boys love Vicki
They really love me
But only thing I ever love is
How much money they give me
All the jewelry and fancy dresses
Is all that you need
To buy my fancies. 
Give love to poor little Vicki
So you will get the queen of the clownies.
The few clowns left were satisfied with being close to Vicki. They tried to get close to Vicki themselves. Grabbing her and throwing her all around the arena. Vicki didn't seem to care at all. She was still smiling, no matter what position the other clowns put her in. Her face changed only when one of the clowns poured water in her head, ruining her makeup and making her hair wet. After being still for a few seconds, she started dancing the same dance as in the beginning. 
Flash a smile, my dear 
Sing and dance, my dear
Perform your fucking best
 till the curtain  draws to close
I do not want to go
But it's the end of my show
So I say good night
And say goodbye 
And go.
While Vicki was performing the final steps, all the clowns that had lost the battle of Vicki's affection started to walk closer to her with a giant water bucket. After her final move was up, Vicki put her hands to her chest and started falling backwards the same time other clowns threw the water in her face. In the end, only a water stain was left in the circus arena. 
"That was Vicki the clown! Wasn't she goofy?" K, the ringmaster yelled. "Next up, our queen on horseback and her beautiful cast of animals." 
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your-absent-father · 1 year
WIP INTRODUCTION: The Vanishing act
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Progress: doing the outline. This isn't very high on my priority list
genre: mystery horror
themes: violence against women and other minorities, mental illness, also more when it is more solid
Tropes: mysteriously brooding anti hero, characters frozen in time, time loops, murder mysteries trough generations
content warnings: racism, murder, gore, many types of abuse, disturbing imaginery, suicide
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Amanda Reimann was gaslighted ever since she was 5 years old. She was sure, so sure, that the car her mother had killed herself in 1995 had been empty when it burned down in flames. She was close to forgetting all of it through therapy and getting adopted by the parents of her close childhood friend the Reimann's.
All of her memories started flooding back in when the circus, one that always appeared once a year like magic, came again to Amanda's hometown the same night she heard her adopted sister had gone missing traveling with her sister's best friend. To Amanda's shock, that day's new performers were like copies of the missing girls, and their mentor was like a carbon copy to Amanda's mother the day she killed herself. When talking to, none of them seem to regonize Amanda.
Amanda sets out to figure out the mysterious Circus Moirai's fairground, with the help of Kenji Okura, her sister's best friend's father, who is a detective in the edge of getting fired, and Tobias Akerman, the only person that believed Amanda 20 years before.
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The investigators:
Amanda Reimann - the main character, birth name Amanda Martinsson. Paranoid young woman who for 20 years was lead to believe that her memories were only formed as a trauma response. Maybe a bit intense, but loving to her family, was it biological or not.
Tobias Akerman - Selene Martinsson's close friend and confidant. Has tried for 20 years to prove that Selene wouldn't kill herself, with dimishing results. A former boss in an agency whose first hire was Selene Martinsson, Tobias has ruined his promising life to give justice to his former associate, with every means necessary
Kenji Okura - father of Rea Okura. Kenji has always been a sceptic relying on hard facts, which come in handy with his job of being a private eye. He doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but he does believe in an hiher power, which he believes more than anything after Amanda Reimann shows him his missing daughter flying trought the air as a trapeze artist.
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Moirai's fairground performers:
M - The mysterious ringmaster. No one really knows his name, background, or even remember his face. They only remember his silky dark voice that you can almost hear everywhere in Moirai's fairground, and the piercing blue eyes that seem to be looking straight at you, even when you are in a crowd of thousands.
Selene - master of any animals. Selene's fantastical animals started in the 90s only with horses but has incorperated other animals to her number trough out the years. She has been the crowd favorite for ages because Selene's delicate beauty and the beautiful dancing she uses while performing. Many have described her dancing like "a flame in the cold night."
Sara - Sara is one of two first time performers in 2015 show. Agile young woman, she and her trapeze partner soar trough the sky like they have always done so, Sara being the more experienced one of the two.
Rea - Rea is one of two first time performers in 2015 show. Even tough Rea seems to slip on every show of her first night of the show, she is still a talented woman willing to grow and learn. And of course the skill is there, especially when you have your best friend helping you.
Charlotte - dance leader. In carge of any type of show other might say is "normal". She and her back up dancers do a dance number right in the middle of the show. Charlotte is the right hand woman of M, informing everything going on to M himself. She is blinded by her loyalty, which some might mistake as Charlotte loving M. Charlotte was just K's firt performer.
Vicki - the clown of the circus. Vicki is an interesting person with one of the oldest and loved performances of the circus. She is almost always wearing her clown outfit, but it always feels differently off every time you look at her. When you talk to her, you can feel the fun loving person inside, if you get pass the slightly crooked smile.
Bettie - The fiery personality fit for the person in charge of the fire performance show and the fireworks at the end of each performance. Snoopy personality, is most likely to come talk to you after the performance. She may seem fierce but her personality is a total sweetheart.
Claudia - the fortune teller, one of the few notable faces outside the tent, only occasionaly making performance in front of an audience. Quiet and stern person who seems to have power over K, as she is the only person whose small cart didn't have his precense around it.
Lucas - One of the few men performers, showing audiences the old school gun man performance magic. There doesn't seem to be a target Lucas couldn't miss, there are only those Lucas chooses not to. He has everything you want in a southern gentleman, a real southern gentleman.
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WIP's tag: WIP: Circus Moirai
Probably the one which I will update on you the lead lol. Only because its darl subject matters and the mystery aspect.
The pinterest. Might include spoilers
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Here is my little drabble 2 with Rea and Sara from the vanishing act. This is their performance.
You can find the previous one I did of Vicki here.
I am having fun with these lol
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Rea and Sara, the trapeze darlings
"Oh, my darling viewers. We have something special for you tonight. Two new performers, straight from the streets of Japan. They are the best friends that defy the skies, Rea and Sara." K was definitely smiling, even though no-one looking in the arena could describe what his smile looks like. He pointed to the sky where a trapeze had appeared. There were two women that had to be not quite older than 18 or 19. They were wearing flapper-like outfits in a spandex shape. Their hairs are put on clean braids. Their make up made them look younger, because it looked like they wanted to look older. 
Trapeze they were holding on together, looked like it defied gravity, moving in a quick speed over the audience in a circle motion. Slowly, the circles started to get smaller and smaller. Soon enough, they were in the middle of the stage, just up above the ground. Sara, one with dark features, suddenly raised to sit on the trapeze and started to swing. When the trapeze was in more swing, Rea loosened her grip and flew actress the sky, flipping so much it felt like it was sped up. Almost out of nowhere, another trapeze appeared out of thin air. 
As Rea’s trapeze swang back, Rea jumped again, now to Sara’s arms, who was holding on just with her legs. The Audience was clapping while both of the girls stood up holding on to the trapeze like they were pirates from old movies, looking into the distance. They started to swing together, laughing like they were kids playing around in a swing set. They played around in turn, and did the most insane stunts that only people that young could. 
Suddenly, the trapeze started to jerk, like it was about to drop. The girls started to panic, so they started to point at the other trapeze Sara let Rea jump first. She was taller and slimmer, so she flew better. Rea jumped with ease, flipping like a maniac again. As Rea grabbed the other trapeze, she reached her hand towards her best friend. 
When Sara tried to jump, out of nowhere, violet silks dropped from the sky, blocking Sara’s flips. Sara appeared once from the silks, trying to reach Rea but she could only graze Rea’s fingertips. Sara was almost dragged down to a floor while draped to the silks. Rea tried to smile, but she couldn’t hide her panic, like this wasn’t supposed to happen. 
Rea couldn’t panic too long. Her trapeze started to move on itself. It started swinging in circles, going faster and faster each second. In a panic, Rea grabbed the trapeze like her life hung on it. The trapeze and Rea herself, started to turn to pink flowers. both of the girls were gone, only leaving an empty arena with silk and flowers. 
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I am having no motivation right now... So you know what that meaans. Another one of my The vanishing act drabbles, now with Bettie the fire performer.
The previous one of Rea and Sara you can find here
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Bettie, the fire performer
“Okay, my dear friends in the audience. Your next performer is one fiery woman I found from South Africa. I must assure you that our Bettie is the master of fire and anything dangerous so you all will be perfectly safe, just if you don’t cross our Bettie.” It looked like the whole circus was on fire for a minute. The red surrounded the watchers of the fascinating circus, but it seemed the circus couldn’t burn so the fire circled like it was a magical spell that hypnotized everyone watching it. As the orchestral music bleared, fire landed in the middle of the arena, splitting in two where a young woman appeared wearing a long dress that looked like it was made of flames that surrounded her. 
In the instant the flames appeared, so did they also dissapear. The woman was now alone with two poles in both of her arms. As the woman walked closer, You could see Bettie smirking while moving her arms around, ready to start a dance. As she raised the first pole, it lit gently on fire, getting hotter as she swung them around. It was as if she was drawing with fire to the sky. 
As she moved, you could almost think there were people in the fire around her, small children running around her, phoenix-like birds flying above her. There were dancers around her, and no one was sure if they were real or just pure imagination made by Bettie’s hypnotizing dancing. 
Suddenly, Bettie put both of the poles into one. She smashed them to the ground, keeping the fire just in her eye level. In just one puff, the fire started to come towards the audience again. Now though, the fire was in the form of a giant dragon flapping its giant wings. The dragon flew once above the audience and rushed towards Bettie. The girl herself stood firm and tall. Once the dragon hit her, there was nothing more left than the fire where she came from.
Taglist?: @dyrewrites @guessillcallitart
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Okay if I would do similar drabbles to all of my circus members like Vicki, who would yo uwant to see first?
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Idk If I should do taglists for my other wips other than atgls.
If you would want to interact with this.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Happy STS!
Choose two of your OCs from any of your WIPs to switch places, so they're now playing each other's roles in the story and/or life in general (i.e. two MCs, hero and villain, etc.) (Feel free to make modifications as needed). How would they cope? Would they survive and/or thrive? Would they not last a day?
Hey and thanks for this ask! and happy... day lmao.
I am using this as an excuse to swap all of my main girlies with each other with some additional so it will make sense so... Thanks for this question from while back and sorry for the long answer lmao.
I used a random generator to choose which one goes to which one and these are... hilarious
Lila in the vanishing act
Omg, first of all, she wouldn't be sad at her mom dying like Amanda because Lila's mom sucks, so there's a harder possibility she would even go to fairground Moirai, the circus it all takes in place. Honestly, she has gone trough so many realities, she wouldn't be such a mess that Amanda is and would solve it in like 50 pages without trusting any rat man with an obsession with her mom.
Beatrix in Mika Connelly vs the power of love
Look, Mika and Beatrix are similar characters that would like each other in this bantering frenemies type of way, but there is a one key difference between Mika and Beatrix which is that Beatrix has undiagnosed bpd and in fact uses sex as one of her coping mechanisms. That's the long way of saying that Beatrix would fuck the cupid, there's no doubt about it.
Amanda in All the great love stories
She would never leave the tower. She would be so paranoid of the idea of leaving that she would stay there in like centuries unless someone comes to rescue her.
Mika in False gods
There would have been no scandal, let me tell you. Mika would have seen through all the mafioso's bullshit so Aurora Four would have gone indie. Also because Mika wouldn't be fucking Stevie, there would be lot less tension.
I urge other people to do a generated swap. This was so fun lmao.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I really just want tp blurt out every twist of the vanishong act, even if I would ruin the plot twists, just so I can giggle over my refrences in my intro.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Rambling under the cut: the vanishing act spoilers
Tw: racism, murder, drowning, guns, war
Okay I am obsessed with making the backstory of the people in vanishing act and how it manifests in the show.
Like for example Vicki, my favorite of the group. She was a cabaret performer with buttload of fanboys and admirers, one being someone very powerful. One problem was, that she was a light skinned black woman in a segregrating club, and pretended to be a white woman. She tried her best to be in her little role and entertain her fanboys for safety. One of her fanboys found out, the one that wad taking in out other people so he thre her on top of his hitlist. Now in th purgatory land of cirvus Moirai she is the same as in life, performer hiding behind a smile.
Other is Lucas, whose perfromabce I haven't written yet but I am obsessed with my idea of it. A lone soldier in war gets distracted by the news that the war is over, being a victim of the final bullet of the final standoff, and is now looking for finally shooting the rival.
Like I am already a history nerd so I am obsessed with how I can weave all the different eras and time periods into the story.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Okay I am unsure about one character on The vanisihin act. To not spoil it, I am asking vaguely
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your-absent-father · 1 year
The vanishing act needs a true crime podcaster. And I have just the girl for the job
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I live every day with wanting to tell all the vanishing act performers backstories and wanting them to be secret
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I keep thinking about making an extra character to vanishing act of like a knife throwing magician non binary person that would be the magician and the helper at the same time.
I don't know what their purpouse would be, but I know that their real life would be.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Self organization moment:
The vanishing act
performance: Vicki the clown
performance: Rea and Sara, the trapeze performers
performance: Bettie, the fire perfomer
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your-absent-father · 1 year
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Hihi get it? Because Eve is my name-
Okay, in all seriousness, hi to old friends. It's been a while. Almost half a year it seems. I took too much pressure on this thing which should have been like a hobby and not... like work. We aren't getting paid to do this so I want my free time to be escapist and fun and not another reason to fall into previous habits.
I am rambling. The tldr is that I am on my rebrand and self care era after a year of disappointment after disappointment so I want to do something fun and have fun.
Who am I?
I am... people on here call me Eve, but I have juggling around new pen names I could start using, mainly because my last one I have used ever since middle school. So, you can call me Eve, but don't wonder if you see other names popping up like Alina Ellis and E.V May that are now the top runners up.
I am queer, probably more neurodivergent than diagnosed but I am too broke to get tested. I live in Finland. I am 22 years old and right now I am trying to get my papers to be a full time teacher's aid, and maybe apply to study to be a elementary school teacher.
I love K-pop, especially stray kids and (g)-idle, classical literature, media about problematic women doing problematic stuff, Taylor Jenkins Reed's historical books, pretending to watch indie movies even tough I would rather just watch musicals on loop.
As a writer, I love to write some good angst. I have recently tried to write some more positive stories and just have fun but I can have fun while writing some pain. I really love complex female lead that has that delicious female rage in her. I also almost always have at least one lesbian couple or/and wholesome guy with a girlboss woman.
my WIPs
All the great love stories
Six love stories all different in nature. An evil sorceress waiting for her turn in the steak falling in love with her guard. Cabaret performer seducing the police officer and getting more that she barganded for. Children of rival mob bosses falling in love. Two soulmates trying to find each other. Mad scientist trying to keep their lover alive. Girl with unbeliavable power who can't seem to die. All of the stories are different but they all have one faithful similarity: All of the stories end in a tragedy.
all writing in one
False Gods
the story of Beatrix Jones, the lead singer of the rising indie rock band Aurora Four. With fame and success on the rise, Beatrix and her bandmates navigate the music industry while keeping their identities hidden behind masks, a decision made after a scandal threatened their careers. Is the hid indentity worth the criminal activity they tangled themselves in.
Tag: WIP: FG
all the writing in one
The vanishing act
a mystery thriller about a mystical carnival whose employees seem all to be identical to missing people trough out the years, and haven't aged a day even if 100 years have gone by. After year of gaslighting, Amanda witnesses her best friend and her mother, looking almost same age, in the circus performing.
Tag: WIP: Circus Moirai
All the writing in one
Mika Connelly VS the power of love
Mika Connelly never thought something like this cpuld happen to her. After pissing off a fortune teller, who was secretly Cupid in disguise, Mika Connelly is forced to live in a teen romance novel so Cupid can prove that everyone falls in love at least someone. Problem is, Mika is aroace, so romance is final thing she could think about.
To escape her rose colored prison, Mika makes a deal with cupid. Cupid has 20 chances to make Mija fall in love. Mika's mission on the other hand, is to make her new love interest not in love with her anymore. If she fails, she is trapped eternally as a high school senior in a warpped version of her old high school.
On the shelve rn:
Children of Jessamine
Fantasy story about a queen who has to make a choice between betraying her country to join her husbands enemy, or protecting her son while the time is ticking. People might soon find out, the crown prince isn't the kings child
Also I have couple on hiatus that some people might remember. I think I'll come back to them at some point.
What I am doing on tumblr?
I am not probably going to be that active on ask games and all of those but I do want to do stuff and be creative so I have couple of ideas that maybe could be fun.
I want to do trailers for my wips. I want to edit again and I don't vibe with any fandom where I could do the edits I want
fake scenes from the books as edits too
more organized stuff
I just want to be creative without putting pressure on myself.
Other tags:
Eve Rambling: My random ramblings
Eve venting: If I need to vent
Eve being creative: creative stuff other than writing
other people's x: Other people's writeblr
So... Sorry for the essay lmao. But feel free to messenge me. I'll follow back. Let's have some fun!
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