#wip: postapocalyptic polyamory
redotter · 2 years
My immortals :0!!!
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They're the only survivors of the apocalypse, and until they met they had no idea there were others like them, because they all became immortal through different, unique, means.
Commissioned by @eileenbahar-arts thank you, as always it's a pleasure working with you <3
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redotter · 1 year
🥑 - right back at you! Which one would /I/ find most attractive? :D
Hi! You're right, my main and biggest wip is middle-grade-y YA but I have a couple of adult side-WIPs
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Here's Cello on the left, my own bi guy with piercings and long hair lol, and he's weirdest hook-up must be Aelena on the right, who's a part demon anomaly.. They both end up being worshiped as by different post-apocalyptic emergent civilizations and are kinda pinned against each other
art by @eileenbahar-arts
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redotter · 11 months
Find the words tag
Thank you @ieppiq for the tag, I'll do it for PAP
“I could just stop doing the ritual, I suppose,” she told Love the cow, as she was peacefully grazing next to the pond, fighting mosquitoes with her tail.
Magic was weak in isolation, and Aelena was a difficult baby.
Rather than be squished by muscles for hours on end, the baby fell through her mother, down on the ground and then through the ground.
They all thought that admiring her curves and her holes was a sacrificial act of kindness in a world that condemned her other features.
Tagging @aaeoluss @writing-with-melon @words-after-midnight @asher-orion-writes for the words: faint, tear, crisp, kneel and jaw
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redotter · 1 year
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At some point in Postapocalyptic Polyamory, Manu dies, and I used this statue as reference to draw Cello holding her, except I tilted it to look like he's the one who's limp/falling/dying.
The book will probably not contain any illustrations but I wanted to share this :-)
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redotter · 1 year
PAP chapter 2: the witch
When she looked back to her life, Manu's memories were always divided into three equally long acts: her childhood in Papura, her coming of age with the coven, and the rest. It didn't matter how many new centuries she lived through, they never took away from the importance and heaviness of those first twenty years.
Papura was a small fisher settlement on the Danube Delta with barely a handful of houses, if the houses were the size of lentils. The wetlands were murky, the grass tall, the roots reaching for the never-ending muddy bottoms of rivers. Water blended into dirt in rich aromas, then evaporated into the air, thick and slow, always lingering. Birds came and went in flocks so dense they could have been mosquitoes. The Black Sea was just a boat trip away. Everything about Manu’s birthplace was full.
Ibrail was a harbor town right before the Danube broke off into the Delta, immense compared to everything Manu knew until then. The coven was modest, gathered from the Alps to the Urals, from the Baltics to the deserts down south. Witches from different environments used to specialize in different arts, but as their numbers fell, cultures converged. 
They would meet every full moon, in a clearing in the woods. From the sweet dryness of July to the sharp beauty of January, witches always celebrated nature and expressed gratitude for the seasons. [...] They would light a fire and open wine bottles. Some would bring instruments, but all would sing and dance regardless. In the deeper shadows, the older girls were often kissing and touching each other. Manu loved the dense party atmosphere as much as the exhausted euphoria of dawn, when the night became rarer and quieter, and the forest smelled differently. Every full moon, Manu returned to her bed content with joy and belonging.
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redotter · 2 years
Last line tag
Exhausted, Manu curled into a ball and wailed, and she screamed and drooled and clenched her teeth, until sleep released her.
Thank you@writingingraves for the tag! I'm tagging @rcris123 @asablehart @dove-actually @neshamahs
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redotter · 2 years
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Did some other books too teehee
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redotter · 2 years
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People looked past the fangs when the two tips of her tongue spread around the right parts of their bodies
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redotter · 10 months
3: Does your OC behave differently around different people, if so with whom and how? For whichever oc you think fits the question best :)
Manu keeps changing her identity every dacade or so (to cover for immortality) so she's the master of acting differently around different people cause she has to adapt to new lingo, cultures and law.
She only finally lets go of all pretending and lies when society collapses and she meats another immortal but by then her "authentic self" is so butchered by trauma that it doesn't feel real anymore
Thank you for the ask!
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redotter · 1 year
Hey Renu!! Love this ask list you have. Tell me 🌚 👹 🛀 for whomever you want 💕💕 hope you have a great day!
Hi! Thank you Alex, feel free to use :) I'll so them for the PAP cast
🌚 Manu has committed a bunch of crime throughout her life, despite not particularly wanting to. She had to fake her identity every decade or so, and in the 70s she briefly went to jail for synthesing LSD. What she regrets the most though, is betraying her coven to obtain immortality
👹 Cello really tried to kill Aelena after she killed Manu, unsuccessfully, but not for lack of trying.. He went at it for days but Aelena is the unkillable type of immortal
🛀 Mi doesn't technically wash since they became a robot, only maintain their body parts
Thanks a lot for the ask, and I hope your day is lovely too <3
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redotter · 2 years
5, 17, 28!
Hi! Sorry it took me a while to asnwer, i rarely use tumblr on my laptop and i need it to double tab. I'll be doing this for the postapocalyptic polyamory cast :D
5. Who does what chores?
Manu is a jack of all trades. She's the only immortal who needs to eat to survive though, so her priority is dealing with anything food related: gardening, fishing, hunting, storing, cooking.
Mi is fundamentally a rich kid and has no practical knowledge on chores. They have to maintain their synthetic body and the RV, so by extention they're the family's handy man. Their body is equipt with extra-human sensors and their brian with wikipedia articles, so this often comes in handy but not as a specific chore.
Cello's best suited for gathering resources, because he can fly and reach any spot easily. Other than this, he's a musician and comedian - entertainment is an essential chore!
Aelena is really distant and self-preserving at first, and she does nothing but sulk in a corner. Once communication and trust is established, she shares her ancient skills on foraging, medicine and making clothes.
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
This depends on which decade they're in (the book takes place over millions of years), but in general they all love passive time together, in a safe place. A warm fire, and each in a different cozy spot, reading, napping, roasting chestnuts, painting... They love each other but they're literally the only people left so they also love alone time.
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
They draw and write songs about each other. Otherwise, almost every single object reminds them of each other, especially as time passes: every piece of clothing, decoration or tool was made or found by one of them.
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redotter · 2 years
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Manu Cer
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redotter · 3 years
Renu's WIPs masterpost
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Summary: When she is abruptly sent from London to her mother's native Transylvanian town, 13 year-old Wendy gets to explore the unknown half of her heritage: a rural setting, a new language, a peculiar Grandpa, and twelve magic types. As much as she misses her father, Wendy is determined to partake in her mother's culture. She activates her magic - teleportation - but this skill comes with both opportunity and danger. Wendy uncovers not only the rules and history of her new home, but also the mysterious plot orchestrated by the ruling family.
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy that I'll publish as YA because it's less of a headache advertising wise
Setting: The fictional town of Zbor, in technically historical but not really because magic society is not sexist/racist/homophobic Romania in the 1940s.
Main characters:
Wendy Willow: fancy by education, mess by nature, curious enough to get involved in mysteries, awkward enough to be bad at it
Felix Feier: comic relief by choice, animal lover, gets annoyed when people assume he's not smart because of the first two things
Sasa Adam: gnc wood child living on spite alone (and pickpocketing)
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ART BY Miguel Membreño from google images, I don't have a ncie header for it yet, will edit
Summary: Climate change, air-borne disease and nuclear war join forces to take humans down, but as it was collectively agreed by the remaining population, the event that marks Year 0 is the Fall of the Internet. The only survivors on the entire planet are four Immortal beings, who have no idea there's others like them. Because they all became immortal through different means, each of their backstories brings a new flavor of existentialism to the table, but they'll have to learn to cope and make a living together.
Genre: Adult Fantasy/SciFi
Setting: Deserted Earth, mostly after 2200.
Main characters:
Manu Cer: sold her soul for power and her power for immortality. Technically a witch but has only one spell left - the one keeping her alive every month.
Mi: two lovers shoved their consciousnesses in an android body and they became one person. They're convinced the whole "magic and satan are real" thing is a malfunction of their synthetic brain.
Cello: he was stabbed by a stranger and now he can't die? Was that stranger God? He didn't ask for any of this.
Aelena: older than Cleopatra, took a nap during the Renaissance and woke up to the three idiots above looking for an extra brain cell.
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ART BY @rcrisdraws
Summary: Blu magic users never had an advantage in battle because of their short range, low impact style, until Roichi figures out a game-changing move. She's thus the first Blu to be accepted into an elite state training program, but when her first mission is to assassinate the crown princess, her loyalty is being tested. As the tensions between magic users rises, Roichi is traveling the country and undoing the brainwashing she received from both sides, to come to terms with her own principles.
Genre: (Young?) Adult High Fantasy
Setting: Fictional country of Ochiya, on fictional planet
Main characters:
Roichi: assassin with imposter syndrome, cool and mysterious on the outside, confused and overwhelmed on the inside, has two flying cats.
Lumen: half his face is missing (except for the bones), looks scary and this fits his agenda. Mute, angry and determined.
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Summary: Leo and Suzana were in a bad place when they first met - both literally and metaphorically. During their senior year, they inspire each other to grow as people, work through their traumas, be vocal about the country's flawed systems and plan for a better future. When walking hand in hand, their grey little town doesn't seem so hopeless anymore.
Genre: Young Adult Slice-of-Life/LGBT Romance
Setting: Baia Mare, Romania, mid 2000s
Main characters:
Suzana (the fairy): on two spectrums, artsy and good with languages, all she wants is to run into a flowery meadow and wait for the world to forget her
Leo (the lioness): bipolar 2 lesbian, music and math genius, all she wants is for the world to acknowledge her (though the flowery meadow doesn't sound too bad)
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redotter · 3 years
I posted some writing on insta, thought I'd share
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redotter · 2 years
Name Meaning Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @writingingraves !
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Wendy Willow
Wendy - owed to the character Wendy Darling from the 1904 play Peter Pan (it was more or less invented for the character)
Willow - everybody knows what Willow means (I chose it cause I like alliteration)
Felix Feier
Felix - from latin, meaning 'lucky', 'fortunate'
Feier - romanian spelling of the hungarian Fehér, meaning "white" (now that I think about it kinda ironic since Felix is rroma, but his paternal grandfather was white)
Alexandra (Sasha) Adam
Alexandra - from greek, meaning "to ward off, keep off, turn away, defend, protect"
Adam - romanian pronunciation of the biblical character
Postapocalyptic pals:
Emanuela (Manu) Cer
Emanuela - from hebrew, meaning "God is with us"
Cer - from romanian, meaning "sky"
Cello Grant
Cello - from the italian word violoncello, meaning "little violone"
Grant - from french, meaning "tall" or "large" (he's like 180cm 5'9" but all my pap cast is tall)
combination of the names of the two original humans, Naomi and Misha, as well as phonetically similar to the pronoun "me", which they started using after their consciousnesses converged
no last name since society kinda fell apart at that point
latin version of the greek name, meaning "shining light"
no last name since she's the illegitimated child of a witch peasant who was cast out of her coven a couple centuries BC (also she has a bunch of fathers)
Tagging @nectargrapes @asablehart @radley-writes
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redotter · 2 years
I'm posting snippets daily on insta :)
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(it's red.otter)
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