#wip: the fairy and the lioness
redotter · 1 month
🔊 Searching for beta readers
Genre: coming-of-age lesbian romance (16+)
Setting: late 2000s Baia Mare, Romania
Summary: Leo and Suzana meet in unusual circumstances, and they quickly develop a very strong friendship and eventually romantic relationship. Together, they navigate their last high school year with the very standard challenges it comes with: escaping arranged marriages, processing abuse trauma, preparing for university, getting diagnosed with mental illness, planning to move to another country, dodging racist and homophobic comments, breaking into the public pool, and coming to terms with their identities.
Excerpt: "Suzana was well aware that she loved Leo, the way she knew there was pollen deep behind the layered petals of a peony. But until that moment, she had never looked beyond the pretty puffy feeling to examine its core."
Word count: 75k
Expected time frame: mid September to end of November 2024
Focus: language (I'm not an English native), pacing, consistency, sensitivity, general opinion/reaction to various scenes.
Requirement: previous experience in beta reading, writing or critical text analysis. HUGE BONUS if you are roma, romanian, queer, bipolar or autistic.
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
WIP Snippets!
For those of you who don’t know, I’m a full time student right now and for anyone that was once one or currently is, you know that second semester can really kick your ass. This, coupled with general writing block, is why I’ve been M.I.A for a few weeks. I hope giving you little pieces of my WIPs might encourage you to stick around for when my schedule frees up and I’m finally able to post them. 
Without further ado, here are some snippets from my active WIPs:
Be Forever Young: After Penelope’s resignation from the BAU, she attempts to set up her tech protégé, Reader, with Reader’s intellectual match yet much older counterpart - Dr. Spencer Reid.
Getting a word in edgewise when it comes to a conversation with Penelope Garcia is nearly impossible. Getting a word in edgewise when it comes to a conversation with Penelope Garcia about Dr. Spencer Reid is impossible.  I couldn’t tell you when the first time she brought him up was, but I could probably tell you just how many times since then she’s mentioned him.  A trillion. At least.  For months on end, he was the only thing she would talk to me about. Morning, noon, and night. Every single day she’d gush about him with the same unrelenting zeal as she had the day before and the day before that. It was both scary and impressive how she never seemed to run out of good things to say about him.  “You would love his apartment. It’s got this super chic dark academia thingy going on. You’d be really into that,” she would say. Or something to that effect. I was never really listening.  Not that I wasn’t interested in learning about Dr. Reid - I was very interested in him. As a superior.
Malchance (PART 2): The only thing Reader can count on is her bad luck and what it’ll get her into. In this case, it’s the lioness’ den - the lioness being Cat Adams.
As Cat became easier to read, the Doctor was slowly morphing into the man I first met - the man who was furious enough to throw an entire set of books off a table. The man who’s darkness made him impossible to read - made it impossible to think he’d ever been seen or touched by the light.  She huffed and spun her head around so fast, it made her hair whip up and over her shoulder. The stern look upon her face fell for the briefest moment, and if it hadn’t been for everything I knew about her, I would’ve thought she looked pretty. She was pretty. But her soul, her sensibilities, they just ruined her. It was a shame really.  She was tainted by wickedness in a way that I never would be, and for that, she had already come to the decisive determination that she hated me. 
The Bones (PART 3): Blake helps Spencer ask Valerie out on a date, Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan help Spencer pick out a suit for said date. 
After hours of drowning in velour, polyester, and wool, this velvet coat was decidedly it.  As I stood in front of the three men, it no longer felt like I was looking at a set of fairy godfathers. I was looking at my grandfather, my father, and my older brother. The three most important male figures in my life who raised me into a man worthy of taking someone like Valerie on a date.  After a moment of silence, Hotch cleared his throat almost like there was a blockage there from poorly hidden emotions. “I, um, I found this tie in my go-bag, and I’d completely forgotten about it until now, but I … I want you to wear it.”  From his pocket, Hotch recovered a black tie with a green and orange pattern. Maybe if I’d looked at it for a millisecond less, I wouldn’t have recognized the very same tie from Hotch’s wedding photo that sat in a frame on his desk many years ago.  “Could you ... could you put it on for me?” I asked through an onslaught of tears I was desperately fighting back.  “Sure thing, Spencer.” He answered, doing just the same.
Three Card Monte: A magician never reveals his secrets ... but maybe Spencer will. 
“Who is she?” I asked, speaking more to her than to Morgan based on my line of sight. It was out of the simple fear that if I looked away, I would distort the image of her I was frantically trying to memorize before she disappeared from my view forever. Morgan followed my gaze lending way for a reaction that proved he hadn’t even seen her until just now, which I wondered how that was at all possible.  Would it be wrong to say that the faintest perceptible flash of captivation in his eyes made my hand dangerously twitch into a fist? She wasn’t solely for my looking, but I wanted her to be.  “I don’t know, but let’s take a look.” Now, it was Derek talking to her more than me based on his line of sight. We’d come here for a case, and now we were both sidetracked. Whether or not this was something to regret was still to be determined.
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Evak Fics - Royalty
The royalty au list. Under a read more:
Fuck Fate by KillianJones32 (3.8k words) - Even is destined to slay a dragon, save a princess and live happily ever after but...
The Blind Prince by Jules1398 (4.2k words) - As a baby, Prince Isak Valtersen was cursed by one of the King's ex-lovers
Nattmara by wyoheartsmusic (4.9k words) - The Prince of Næsheim has reached the end of a dangerous quest where he finds the Witch of Nattmara's Forest
now that we're lonely by colazitron (5.9k words) - Even has a celebrity crush on Prince Isak. Eva has a friend she's been hiding
The Prince And The Pauper (feat. Queen Siv) by Jamz24 (6.3k words) - In which Even is a rich bitch, Isak is a little snitch, Prince Harry wants to get hitched (lol)
Make me brunch and tell me you love me by rosecolored_girl (10k words) - 5 times Even appears in a restaurant where Isak works + 1 time when Isak...
I Can't Fall In Love With Him, Stop Me From Falling by bashfulisak (25k words) - Prince Isak of Norway is set to be married to Princess Eva. Then her gardener, Isak arrives...
prize your heart of gold (the way i do) by orphan_account (30k words) - Princess Diaries 2 AU 
A Wolf And A Lioness by Flatfootmonster (31k words) - Trans Isak. Prince Even is in line to the throne, and a desperate search is underway to find a suitor. But this life really never was for him... and then he meets a beautiful Princess who gives him the courage to live the life he wishes to, and find the love he is deserving of.
Dragon Rider by Laika_the_husband (35k words) - Isak is a fairy tale prince. Even is a dragon
As I let you in by nofeartina (51k words) - the one where Even is a prince and they enter into an arranged marriage in ye olden days
Headed Straight for the Castle by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug, safficwriter (62k words) - Isak is the heir to the throne of one of the most powerful nations in the world, but he would rather be anyone else. College student Even
******* WIPs *******
The last letter by onlydeadsoulscantdance (4.5k words) - last update Dec 2018. Even have to marry Sonja to prevent a bloody war. Isak is a slave
Make You Feel My Love by shk_1991 (7.6k words) - last update Jan 2019. Even's parents are desperately trying to find him a mate. ABO
familiar by hippopotamus (16k words) - last update Sept 2019. isak is the grumpy wizard with a pet dragon and even is the prince that needs his assistance
Prince and the Pauper by sockhead (20k words) - last update June 2018. The one where Even is the prince of Norway and Isak is the servant boy who has stolen Even's heart. And his sanity
Things I Yearn to Remember by daigina (27k words) - last update March 2018. Anastasia au
It Just Takes One Twist Of Fate by Evakkk (180k words) - 3 more chapters. last update June 2019. Even had a rough start in life, but later as an MI6 agent, he is sent on a mission which leads to a reunion with a certain Prince Isak
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shirasade · 7 years
Writing tag
Tagged by @darknesshadows & @sapphicalexandra - thank you, darlings! <3
1) How many works in progress do you currently have in progress?
Active WIPs? About 14...
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
I don’t write anything else.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paper. There’s a reason by spare room is a library. 
4) When did you start writing?
When I hit puberty.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Everything I finish I post for the world to see.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
My couch. Sometimes at work. ;)
7) Favorite childhood book?
So many... I was just talking about Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness, though, especially books 1+2. And when I was really young, I loved Grimm’s fairy tales - I still have the well-read paperback of their complete Kinder- und Hausmärchen (over 200 stories).
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
For fun. 
9) Pen and paper or computer?
Computer. I’ve lost the habit of handwriting.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
11) What inspires you to write?
Usually it’s because I fall in love with a pairing - I rarely go for the canon ships, so I feel the need to live out my romantic dreams in fic.
Tagging @miazeklos @morgandeeyue @drakamena @thuriweaver @glimmerice @dnteverdoubtme and whoever else wants to do it!
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miriannemiri · 7 years
10 Questions Game
Tagged by @radioactivepeasant
1. How many projects/stories have you written/told?
Ah.  Well.  I don’t actually know?  I’ve gone through a couple of incarnations of online presence in a couple of fandoms, though I’ve been Miri for a decade (yes, I’ve been in fandoms for more than fifteen years), but my main focus has always been on original stories.  Of those, I’ve had one on the radio and one published.  And I have no idea how many projects sitting around in various stages on my hard drive.  I can say I have more than two million words total, and that count is. . .out of date shall we say.
2. Do you ever have multiple WIPs at once?
Pretty much constantly.  All the random little projects I post are while I’m still working on Dreamwalker (which is still ongoing, still eating my brain, and nowhere near ready to post, WHY?).  I’ve missed maybe four days of working on it since I started it in January, and I write at least 500 words a day on it.  Any other project I work on is after I write that 500.  I’ve also got several original projects that I’m semi-working on at any given time, though as mentioned, Dreamwalker is eating up a lot of my creative processes.  As is teaching, as I’ve got the equivalent of an extra class this term.  Several fairy tale or fairy tale influenced stories, naturally.  The first world I ever created gets looked over periodically and tinkered with.  I’ve got a novel in late stages of revision I’m supposed to be working on, but the revision is at a sticky point.  I really just need to declare I’m spending an hour on it every weekend and get it done.  It’s that close!
3.  What’s the first chapter book you remember reading?
Ooh, difficult question.  My parents read to me a lot as a child, and there’s a fair amount of overlap between that and what I started reading on my own.  Probably Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede.  I love how she plays with classic fairy tale themes.  And Cimorene is such a fabulous heroine.  Narnia was also very early.  My first brush with Y.A. lit was in third grade with Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness quartet, and I still love her books.  I started her when my parents said I was still a little too young for most of Robin McKinley, who is my favorite author ever.
4. Do you listen to music while writing? If so, do you ever have specific playlists for specific projects?
Mm.  Actually, I need something going on in the background to focus on my writing.  Music works (though it tends to be whatever I’m listening to at the time, rather than themed playlists).  So does setting my students to a writing exercise and waiting for them to finish, though.  (When I was a student, my “notes” were frequently actually creative writing, and when I took a bit of time between graduation and getting a job for health reasons, I’d go sit in on my father’s classes that he taught partly because they were interesting and partly because it was over an hour where I could just sit and write with background noise and guaranteed lack of interruptions.)  I also frequently put on a crime drama in the background while I write, or a baseball game.  I love baseball, but I like writing while watching it, too.
5. What is your favorite genre to write?
Oh, fantasy, always.  There’s a reason legends and myths keep creeping their way into my Star Wars fanfics.  I grew up on the feminist fairy tale books my mom got me, and I completely adore them still.  But hey, I’m a fairy tale specialist.  I teach them.  I analyze them.  I read them.  I love them.  :)
6. Do you ever experiment with other styles or genres?
Sometimes.  I do blended genres a bit.  The novel that’s in revision is near future fantasy.  I’ve got a couple fantasy/mystery blends.  My Star Wars fanfic tends to get fairy tale themes dragged into it. . .  (No, I’m not obsessive, why would you say that?! *laughs*)
7. What is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Touch choice.  It would vary by the day.  Have a line that probably fits somewhere in Dreamwalker, even if I’m not entirely sure where:
“If you cost me my son, I will set the Galaxy aflame before I follow him.”
8. Summarize your favorite scene you’ve ever written in any of your works:
Hm.  Touch choice.  I’d have to choose between a couple for the first world I ever created.  That’s still the mythology for pretty much every original project I’ve ever written, and I have a bunch of bits and pieces about that world itself, too.  I keep rewriting the first novel set there.  It’s the first novel I ever wrote, and it has about ten incarnations at this point.  I keep experimenting with style and tinkering with the plot.
The two scenes are before the beginning and after the end of the whole saga.  Keep in mind, this is the mythology for my worlds; the characters are gods.  So there’s the classic conflict between the two highest powers, and their children are caught between them.  One of the kids knows far more about what set this conflict off than the other and is willing to pay the price he knows it will take to to end this, however many millennia will pass between.  The other kid, the one who’s actually foretold to end things, she doesn’t know, so she sees their mother’s cruelty as cruelty.  So I’ve written a scene set before the ‘verse starts, with the son and the mother discussing the price he’ll pay, if he’s ready to pay it.  And also that the mother’s reasons aren’t entirely pragmatic, that the punishment is also partly because he looks too much like his father.  And even though it probably won’t be included in any story, except maybe as backstory at the end of things, just that hinted knowledge that the reader and the main character won’t have is fun.  I had to write it.  I knew it happened, and I needed to see it, and it really informs my characterization of both of them whenever I write them.  So even though it may never be included, it’s incredibly important to me.
The other is after everything is resolved, when the son acknowledges that despite being willing, the price he paid hurt him, in a way that isn’t easy to recover from.  It’s the first time he’s ever admitted that.
9. Do you find editing a daunting prospect? Please tell me I’m not the only one.
Mm.  Revision or editing?  Editing I don’t mind, fixing smaller errors and the like.  I don’t always catch them, another set of eyes is still incredibly valuable even though I’m good at this and teach this, but it doesn’t bother me.  I loathe revising with a fiery passion.  It’s incredibly frustrating.
10. Do you ever draw or doodle the characters in your story to help you visualize a scene?
No, because I’m a lousy artist for people and things.  I can’t manage effective stick figures.  However, I do have a sketchbook and drawing pad with maps of several of my original worlds, because I can draw maps.  And that’s fun.  I’m not a visual thinker, so having an image of a world’s geography I can look at while I plan a story really helps me.
And I’m lousy at playing tag games.  Hm.  Let’s see.  Ten questions.
1.  How did you get involved in writing fanfic?
2.  How much do you like including original legends and stories in your writing, original or fanfic?
3.  How much attention do you pay to the little details, like how long a trip in hyperspace should take?
4.  Do you enjoy creating original characters?  Or is it easier to write other people’s?
5.  Favorite author?
6.  Do you have a favorite fairy tale?  If so, what?  (I’m really convincing on the not obsessive front. . .)
7.  Do you find the visual details of characters or the mindset easier to write when writing emotional scenes?
8.  If you could dictate the topic of a Star Wars spin off, what would it be?
9.  Favorite trope?
10.  Have you ever had a trope that really isn’t your cup of tea get into your head and make you try to figure out how to make it work?  (I’m currently suffering through this.)
Hm.  Who to tag.  Well, completely voluntary, but if @kaelinaloveslomaris, @laivaaja, and @flaminganakin would like to answer?  Or if @radioactivepeasant would like tagged back!  :)
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jilyarchive · 8 years
More multi chapter celebrity au's?
Here are a bunch!  The two at the bottom are brand new!
Title: Eight DaysAuthor: BeeDailyRating: MatureGenre(s): Romance, HumourChapters: 6 [WIP]Word Count: 21,677Summary: During a week-long exhibition, professional Quidditch player James Potter encounters Lily Evans, Junior Quidditch Correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
Title: StarstruckAuthor: aceremuslupinRating: TGenre(s): Romance, DramaChapters: 15 [WIP]Word Count: 153,115Summary: Lily Evans is looking forward to summer - until she finds the Marauders, England’s top-selling band, hiding in her barn. Now, she has to deal with rockstar egos, an unwanted admirer, and the dark force that sent them into hiding in the first place. 
Title: After the Quidditch GameAuthor: Lioness AmythestRating: K+Genre(s): RomanceChapters: 19Word Count: 61,318Summary: Lily goes to a professional Quidditch game, England against Ireland unknown to her that there she will meet the inevitable James Potter.
Title: The Art of Successfully Dating a Quidditch PlayerAuthor: DisorderlyandPunkRating: K+Genre(s): RomanceChapters: 18Word Count: 89,492Summary: Lily and James are happily married with a baby on the way. But a visit to Diagon Alley makes them fondly recall their courtship.
Title: Sovereign AffairsAuthor: BookWorm77071 Rating: TGenre(s): Family, RomanceChapters: 20 [WIP]Word Count: 57,543 Summary: Modern Jily AU for the Jily Royalty Fest. Lily is the illegitimate sister of Duke Sirius and Prince Regulus, and is summoned to the Slytherin Palace to take her place by Prince Orion on his deathbed. With the help of her new friends, Lily learns what it means to be a Princess, and just what it is that makes a family.
Title: A Right Royal MixupAuthor: Lily ItriwiRating: TGenre(s): Romance, DramaChapters: 28Word Count: 77,597Summary: She was a dead ringer for a runaway princess.So British tourist Lily Evans was hired to impersonate the missing monarch - at her arranged engagement to a prince!
Title: One Wild RideAuthor: twilightstargazerRating: TGenre(s): HumourChapters: 3 [WIP]Word Count: 14,405Summary: Breaking News: Lily Evans and James Potter are not so secretly snogging. The internet is losing its shit.
Title: Young LightningAuthor: flagpolesRating: TGenre(s): Romance, HumourChapters: 5 [WIP]Word Count: 8,991Summary: So you didn’t hear this from me, but Lily Evans and James Potter are writing songs together in the middle of the night or the Rock Band AU.
Title: Maraudermania Author: greysky3 Rating: TGenre(s): RomanceChapters: 26Word Count: 22,358Summary: It's 1965, and England is gripped with Maraudermania. Everyone is talking about the wildly popular band and the Fab Four: James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. But behind the fame and music, tensions brew within the group, especially when James meets waitress Lily Evans. Will the group survive to release another record? AU/AH.
Title: Tomorrow Never KnowsAuthor: greysky3 Rating: TGenre(s): Romance, DramaChapters: 5Word Count: 7,534 [WIP]Summary: Four blokes from Liverpool rising to international fame and becoming 1966’s most popular band is no simple business, but it’s never been more complicated with Liverpool in unrest due to serial killings. Whisperings are going round the city, terrible whisperings that the Marauders are next. Sequel to Maraudermania, AU/AH Jily.
Title: Rainbows Are Very Punk RockAuthor: lieselpalmerRating: TGenre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AUChapters: 3 [WIP]Word Count: 5,735Summary: Sirius has a crush on the cute boy from the coffee shop across the street from the record store he works at. James has a crush on the pretty girl he met on Tumblr. Remus and Lily are trying to figure out the best way to ask someone out. Everyone is struggling through their first year of uni.
Title: Rock Chicks, Pricks and the LovesickAuthor: thequibblahRating: TGenre(s): Romance,HumourChapters: 2 [WIP/abandoned]Word Count: 5,215Summary: Girl-band The Coven has a formidable rivalry with international sensations The Marauders. When the eight teenagers are suddenly forced to tour together, only madness can ensue.
Title: Eight DaysAuthor: BeeDailyRating: MatureGenre(s): Romance, HumourChapters: 6 [WIP]Word Count: 21,677Summary: During a week-long exhibition, professional Quidditch player James Potter encounters Lily Evans, Junior Quidditch Correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
Title: Fairy Tale RobberyAuthor: preciselypotterRating: MGenre(s): Romance, CrimeChapters: 4 [WIP]Word Count: 12,919Summary: Meet James Potter: modern-day Robin Hood, con man, thrill seeker. He and his merry Marauders have been hired to steal from none other than the highest in the land. Meet Lily Evans: the Queen’s sister, activist, (likewise) thrill seeker. Lily Evans is James’ mark. James Potter is in for a few surprises.
Title: friends, trolls, jily stansAuthor: highandlonelydestiny, LadyLaiRating: GGenre(s): RomanceChapters: 1 [WIP]Word Count: 8370Summary: James chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ll be keeping me around a good, long while, though.”   “Only if we’re shooting for a happily ever after.” Lily laughed. “Lucky for us, you hate tragic endings.”   “Lucky us.” James grinned, shifting a little closer to Lily and bending down to be inside the frame as well. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, smiling fondly as he hugged her tight. “We’ve really got it good.”
Title: Falling to Pieces Author: TwilLil Rating: K+Genre(s): Romance, HumourChapters: 3 [WIP]Word Count: 6,650Summary: She finally knew what it was like to be free. Here on stage with her four best friends, she didn't want to be anywhere else. The Marauders are a world famous band. Yet they still face struggles, in a world where being famous is the norm, The Marauders struggle to remain independent. But with betrayal and romance in their midst who knows what they'll do. SBRL JPLE
Title: Rock OnAuthor: That1.WeirdChick Rating: TGenre(s): Friendship, RomanceChapters: 1 [WIP]Word Count: 294Summary: The Band Au: The Marauders and The Flowers two separate bands with lead singers that hate each other, or at least pretend to. Will they admit their love to each other during their joint tour? Not quickly, first you must endure the pinning.
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redotter · 4 months
Guys!! Not to jinx it but I've been working on The Fairy and the Lioness for a week straight and pushing 1+ chapters a day, with an outline and all :OOO This might actually be publishable in a year from now??? Renu from 2025, give me good news!
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redotter · 2 months
ask me about leo and/or suzana please i need to talk about my girls >:3
Context: they're late teens in 2000s romania in my coming of age lesbian romance / teen drama and they look like this (guess which one has bipolar and which one has autism)
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redotter · 3 years
Renu's WIPs masterpost
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Summary: When she is abruptly sent from London to her mother's native Transylvanian town, 13 year-old Wendy gets to explore the unknown half of her heritage: a rural setting, a new language, a peculiar Grandpa, and twelve magic types. As much as she misses her father, Wendy is determined to partake in her mother's culture. She activates her magic - teleportation - but this skill comes with both opportunity and danger. Wendy uncovers not only the rules and history of her new home, but also the mysterious plot orchestrated by the ruling family.
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy that I'll publish as YA because it's less of a headache advertising wise
Setting: The fictional town of Zbor, in technically historical but not really because magic society is not sexist/racist/homophobic Romania in the 1940s.
Main characters:
Wendy Willow: fancy by education, mess by nature, curious enough to get involved in mysteries, awkward enough to be bad at it
Felix Feier: comic relief by choice, animal lover, gets annoyed when people assume he's not smart because of the first two things
Sasa Adam: gnc wood child living on spite alone (and pickpocketing)
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ART BY Miguel Membreño from google images, I don't have a ncie header for it yet, will edit
Summary: Climate change, air-borne disease and nuclear war join forces to take humans down, but as it was collectively agreed by the remaining population, the event that marks Year 0 is the Fall of the Internet. The only survivors on the entire planet are four Immortal beings, who have no idea there's others like them. Because they all became immortal through different means, each of their backstories brings a new flavor of existentialism to the table, but they'll have to learn to cope and make a living together.
Genre: Adult Fantasy/SciFi
Setting: Deserted Earth, mostly after 2200.
Main characters:
Manu Cer: sold her soul for power and her power for immortality. Technically a witch but has only one spell left - the one keeping her alive every month.
Mi: two lovers shoved their consciousnesses in an android body and they became one person. They're convinced the whole "magic and satan are real" thing is a malfunction of their synthetic brain.
Cello: he was stabbed by a stranger and now he can't die? Was that stranger God? He didn't ask for any of this.
Aelena: older than Cleopatra, took a nap during the Renaissance and woke up to the three idiots above looking for an extra brain cell.
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ART BY @rcrisdraws
Summary: Blu magic users never had an advantage in battle because of their short range, low impact style, until Roichi figures out a game-changing move. She's thus the first Blu to be accepted into an elite state training program, but when her first mission is to assassinate the crown princess, her loyalty is being tested. As the tensions between magic users rises, Roichi is traveling the country and undoing the brainwashing she received from both sides, to come to terms with her own principles.
Genre: (Young?) Adult High Fantasy
Setting: Fictional country of Ochiya, on fictional planet
Main characters:
Roichi: assassin with imposter syndrome, cool and mysterious on the outside, confused and overwhelmed on the inside, has two flying cats.
Lumen: half his face is missing (except for the bones), looks scary and this fits his agenda. Mute, angry and determined.
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Summary: Leo and Suzana were in a bad place when they first met - both literally and metaphorically. During their senior year, they inspire each other to grow as people, work through their traumas, be vocal about the country's flawed systems and plan for a better future. When walking hand in hand, their grey little town doesn't seem so hopeless anymore.
Genre: Young Adult Slice-of-Life/LGBT Romance
Setting: Baia Mare, Romania, mid 2000s
Main characters:
Suzana (the fairy): on two spectrums, artsy and good with languages, all she wants is to run into a flowery meadow and wait for the world to forget her
Leo (the lioness): bipolar 2 lesbian, music and math genius, all she wants is for the world to acknowledge her (though the flowery meadow doesn't sound too bad)
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redotter · 2 years
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Did some other books too teehee
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