#wip: the boney one
redotter · 1 year
The boney one fashion
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Because of their magic system, the science is the boney one wip is very advanced when it comes to material science, which results in some amazing fashion.
Instead of underwear, they wear what they call skins, which feel like wearing nothing at all, except it provides breast/balls support and some thermal isolation. The crotch is double padded for daily washing. Most skins come in actual skin tones.
Another point is that nudity is accepted and appreciated. In formal attire, breasts are commonly fully displayed or only covered by jewelry. The purple gown Roichi wears above is a unisex piece.
Piercings are more common than not, often being traced back to the respective clan / birthplace / religion.
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thebonejunky · 2 years
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pepsiiwho · 4 months
Wip wip wip wip
"Melinoe you just need to, yaknow, have faith in yourself."
she can't help the scoff that leaves her. It's sour and pinches up her expression "it's not that simple. He's in love with another girl. Some listless shade I'm sure, or maybe even another god or incarnate."
"and you haven't even met him." She looks away, unable to watch her brother's expression "how would you know?"
Zagreus goes silent and seconds later a boney hand pushes his face, interrupting the moment. A chuckle and a high, raspy voice speaks out clearing the tense air like a window being broken. "I met him! And trust me Minnow, he'd jump off a cliff for you!" The words lay at her feet, little shards of glass that reflect back at her. "Well, I guess he'd jump off a cliff regardless but, he'd do it AGAIN for you! If that isn't love, what is?"
Melinoe nods, unable to frown anymore. The sour taste in her mouth stays, still too potent to ignore, but it lessens with the cheerful tone of sleep. Zagreus looks relived at the interruption but the upset doesn't leave his face. If she were to describe it, the look resembled the glass bottles of nectar she'd find outside the crossroads tavern, the ones with hairline fractures waiting in boxes to be tossed for good. Irreversibly broken but, seemingly fine. the thought stirs something in her.
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dappersautismcreature · 10 months
here's an abandoned wip from a couple days ago when we were left with that cliffhanger, i dont wanna finish it cause its so offcanon now :P
i wanted all- bad managed to get on the boat with his son, but he cannot reckon with the eggs he left behind
The waves against the boat were loud, so loud in Bad’s ears. It was all he could hear, besides the trembling sobs of his son against his chest. He felt like he’d never reached the boat, that he’d drowned in the ocean they’d swum through to get here. Deep deep down in that salty water, he was there. Underneath the heavy blue, his heart was resting. Up here, he was a ghost now, far away from everyone else, far away from the horror and suffocating guilt he felt. Those emotions were down in the sandy ocean floor, slowly being buried forever.
Voices echoed in his ears, he was, he was under the water. Still drenched with salty brine, he was not here. Bad could be kneeling on the fake wooden deck, plastic gray planks digging into his boney knees. He could be sitting in a puddle of water clutching his son so tight to his chest he feared the egg would drown in his soaked clothes. Maybe. He felt strange. 
Harsh fingers dug into his shoulder, spinning him around, forcing his head up. The person spoke, voice spiking in volume, mouth moving. Bad watched their jaw flex, their eyes stared at him. What was happening? The waves against the boat. He was on a boat. 
Someone else dragged the other person away, so Bad tucked himself back around his kid, tears mixing with the ocean water. He sat there, rocking gently, until he registered Dapper’s shaking. His kid was cold, wet and cold, and scared. He needed help, dry clothes, he needed. Bad stood up dizzyingly, his body was too long, tall, big. Dapper was light in his arms. Bad staggered over to some people, he should recognize them but he barely could. 
“Needs. Dry.” He coughed out, his own voice far away. The people stared at him. Bad stared back nervously. Would they hurt him? His son? Why? But one of them took his hand gently and led him into the boat’s cabin. 
They found soft white towels, and some fluffy gray bathrobes. Bad ran his fingers through the rough washcloth texture. The person with him was talking, slowly and calm, like they were comforting an animal. Bad’s spine hurt, shoulders overly sensitive. He wasn’t an animal. 
Carefully, Bad took his son’s wet clothes off, rubbing warmth back into their arms and hands. He dried her hair, gently dabbed her ears and horns dry. His baby was so small. So small. Oh gods had he always been this small? Bad inspected his kid, rubbing at deep ash marks, mud patches, running soft hands over the scabbed scratches in his elbows and knees. He hummed their song, and kissed Dapper’s forehead. 
Don’t think don’t think don’t think. Bad sobbed suddenly. His mind tugging him back to the what ifs. Please please please don't think. Pomme should be here. Don't think. Ramon. Don’t. Richas, Leo, Chayanne, Tallulah. Please gods please. Bad turned away from his son, hugging himself. Shut up shut up, bury it bury it now! He wanted to die he wanted to sleep he wanted to be back in that ocean buried in the sand. He wanted to be mindless. He wanted to be dead. His heart was killing him, tearing into the rest of his body and killing him! Gods had anything hurt him more? He couldn't recall. 
Dapper cried out behind him. Bad turned fast. He pulled the kid into a deep hug. They could practically be the same being. He hauled the egg up against his chest and rested him on his hip. With his sort of free hand, Bad picked out a bathrobe, and began fitting it around his kid. It was a little big, maybe a lot big, but Dapper looked warm, which was good. 
Bad felt a little more whole. The demon set his heavy waterlogged coat to the side. His kid handed him a towel and he wrapped it around his shoulders. He finally registered that the other person in the room was Bagi. She had given them some towels and robes, handed the rest to someone outside, and then stared at a painting on the wall for the past two minutes. Clearly trying to give them space while still being there. Bad was grateful. 
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ghoulish-fiction · 5 months
For my Mountain lovers,
A little snippet from a WIP in which Mountain is spending some time as an absolutely massive Creature. I quite enjoy it. He's been my favorite to write about like this so far. Cut for length and for *gasp* swearing!
One of these days you'd like to wake up in your bed only after only eight hours of sleep, but today was not that day. You find yourself deep in the woods being cradled in the disproportionatly long arms of a great beast with spiraling horns coming from a long face of bone. You were nestled against what you can only assume is its chest that is covered with moss and vines. 
The creature doesn't seem to notice that you have roused. Its extra set of hands were struggling with... is that a tablet? Its long boney fingers struggled to tap... tap... tap on the screen. 
"Hi Mountain." You say, voice still groggy with sleep. 
The beast looks down at you, nods, and turns its attention back to the tablet. Two careful taps on the screen and then you hear ringing. 
"Mountain? Look bud I know typing is hard but I can't hear your telepathy over thr phone! We talked about this just do your best." Your heart jumped when you heard that voice, it was Dew. 
"Shhhhut... uuuuupah."
"Mother fucker, did you call me to exert an unimaginable amount of energy just to tell me to shut up? Listen I-"
"You lissssten."
He then hands the tablet to you, you have to take it with two hands, where the hell did they find a tablet this huge?
"Hi Dewy." You say. You don't get to say more than that because Dewdrop immediately shouts, "I'll be right there!" before the line goes dead. You can't help but laugh, Mountain seems to laugh too. At least his shoulders shake. You hold the tablet up to him, but he shakes his head slowly, which makes a sort of rattling sound. He then picks up a messenger bag from the forest floor and hands it to you. You take the hint and stow the tablet in the bag. Mountain then takes the bag and shoves it into some moss near his shoulder. 
With Dew summonded and his possessions safely tucked away, Mountain uses to fingers to motion for you to look him in the eye, or, well, the two dim lights that shine from deep within the skull that is his face. 
You do so for a moment, not daring to blink. Your mind is then filled with the soft baritone of his voice, speaking at a normal pace.
"Can you hear me?" 
"Oh... oh wow. Yes, yes I can."
"Humans cannot hear me like this. One of the many perks of your new life."
"Will I be able to do that when I go beast mode?"
His shoulders shake again. 
"Yes, with some practice."
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adelaidedrubman · 5 months
I know I’m late to this but… “hand in unlovable hand” for the WIP game? 👉👈
THANK YOU FOR ASKING CAYMAN THIS ONE IS. ok so this one is kinda weird to explain ig warnings for violence and some gory imagery but. you know the part in bg3 when you play as durge and you can hack off gale’s hand then keep his severed hand in your inventory? well, i didn’t know about it but i ended up doing it on accident with my durge kyrene. then i committed to it as her canon because it was funny. but the downside to that? kyrene is also my mintharafucker, which means i miss out on a lot of minthara’s hilarious gale roasts during my main minthara recruitment run.
so i had this thought of like. what if minthara still just roasts the severed hand (and kyrene for keeping it). well, ig it’s not as funny as it sounded in my head and i haven’t gotten to the actual roasts part yet but here is some of the set up
Kyrene scurries over with an embarrassed squeak upon seeing Minthara lower herself to kneel and better study the pile, thinking to make a hurried apology about the missed clutter and offer to throw it out now.
But Minthara nudges aside a tattered owlbear plush to reach instead towards worm-nibbled flesh peeking out from the bottom of the pile.
“What depth of filth do you reduce yourself to living in, Kyrene?” she asks as she pinches a boney finger between her own, scowling as she holds the severed hand from Kyrene’s junk pile between them. “What in the nine hells is this?”
“A hand,” Kyrene answers with a stern nod. She blinks, she thinks, she amends, “A severed hand. A hand I severed.”
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KNY Monster AU
Yeah, i made another AU... Lol also some of these designs will not be based on their canon.
The monsters are the demons.. Hashira are the researchers... More on them later..
Muzan: he is basically his finale form, just the teethy mouths on his body replace his mouth on his face, his ears are pointed and his legs are animal like, yes he does have his Tentacles.
He has a tail that looks like a spinal cord with a blade at the tip of it. He has spikes at the base of it, his hands and feet are more animal like.
His calls are growls and screeches like a banshee.. His diet is raw animal meat and fish. But only certain species of Invasive fish or else he won't eat it.. He pick, the fish also have to be fresh water.
He must be fed 400 pounds of meat twice a day, or he'll get bitchy and screeches till someone feeds him.. He needs 800 pounds daily cause he burns alot of calories from how active he is.
His containment contains a shallow to a 20 foot deep pool, long grass and spider lilies to keep him calm (also his favorite flower) ropes of cable and chains for him to climb on.
He is is like a ferret.. Crackhead then a power nap.. Then more crackhead shit..
Behavior: oddly very playful, friendly and doesn't mind if any of the researchers, he would just be curious and check them out before doing his own thing.
Kokushibo: Basically his monster self just the weird ass appendages all over him are split into two rows on his back, His mouth is normal but he can unhinged his jaw like a snake and his hair is still in its nice pony tail, he does have two horns, but the right one is bigger then the other.
His is shirtless and he has thick furr from the waist down, his legs are also animal like and he has big cloven hooves. he has a thick based tail with a wipped thin end with some furr tuff at the end of it and its about 2 ft long while is tail is 6 feet long. He keeps his normal hight.
The noises he makes.. He is like a cheetah.. He meows and purrs, he can also chirp too..he did have a twin yoriichi but he unfortunately gotten deathly sick and passed. Other then that he is like an orange tabby cat..playful and loves it when you pet him.
His containment contains really long grass, a fresh water pool with some dummies so he can practice his hunting skills. He is a speed demon so everyday they would release him into a speed way type of room for him to run around and go wild in.
He also needs 800 pounds of beef daily. 400 pounds twice a day
Douma: he has a more disturbing appearance. His ScleraI is black, while his irisis are still rainbow with a slit pupil that is also black. His spine is visible and basically is sticking outof his bosy and is made of ice, same with his boney tail with a stinger at the end of it, his mouth is not normal.
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Thats what his face looks like..
He needs to eat as much as kokushibo, he burns allot of calories crawling around in the vents that are present in his containment. He has to be kept in cold temperatures, he is pretty isolated so he gets bored and lonely easily, the researchers are making him a new location so he isnt so lonely. His diet constists of fish and pork, so 800 pounds of pork in the morning, 800 pounds of fish at night. He needs the calories for climbing and crawling at a fast pace.
He is very friendly around females, males don't faze him much, he tries to charm them and cuddle em.. The researchers are currently trying to find someone who is willing to spend the time with him.
He still wears his canon cloths but the back is ripped open for his patruding spine. his legs are animal like but are built for climbing and crawling, his claws are built like that too.
His calls are a number of shrieks and screams.. Basically a distressed demonic cat that is high on crack..
Akaza: he has the skull of a mountain lion, he does have long fluffy dear ears, the rims of the ears are blue. His blue stripes are made of fur, he still does have his hair but it trails down his spine and along his tail. His tail is thin but long. Like a crocs tail. He is a Quadruped and his he has paws.
His calls are like a lions mixed with a snow leopard. His containment contains things he can climb on, punching bags for his hunting skills. a pool so he can swim in. And a grass patch so he can role in it. He is neutral around others, doesn't mind anyone much.. Unless its kyojuro who is responsible for preparing the food..
Bro is all over him liie a touch starved puppy. He is disappointed when he has to leave to feed the others. He is not picky about his food he will eat any kind of meat. At least 200 pounds a day.. 100 pounds in the morn and 100 at night.
Hantengu and his kids (clones):
All of them are quad and bipedal. Each of them have animal skulls as their faces. Urogi should be obvious..
Urogi: hawk skull, his wings are fused with his arms and he does not have the pearl belt around his waist and he has the hawk tail feathers
Karaku: fox skull, ears are long and torn, his fox tail has the leaf shape at the tip (like his fan,also they are all naked but have fur down there waist and arms and have the feet of the animal they represent)
Aizetsu: cougar skull, the tip of his tail is the tip of his spear thats in canon.
Sekido: bear skull.. Nothing much to say about him..
Zohakuten: he is ligit just a nightmare fuel wooden dragon that slithers around.. Like the traditional japanese dragon
Hantengu: he is just a wooden goblin creature that just cowers in the corner and is close to dying of old age.
They eat together and need the same amount of food... 4 tons of beef daily. there exhibit is currently in repair cause urogi decided to be a shit and reck the AC because it gets hot. So they are in a empty temporary.. Room...
Gyokko: nothing much changed about his second form he just has more monstrous features and has a croc like face and his colors are different, he is more piebald with a gradient of blues and purples. His also has betta fish fins at the end of his tail.
Gyutaro and daki: gyutaro was almost a successful experiment, he is a mix of a utah raptor, but he doesn't have the feathers just some spikes that replace them.. Instead of a pony tail on the top of his head its actually a low pony tail. He has his original torso, but his arms and legs are ones of a utah raptor.
Daki, or ume. Was almost successful.. Her genetics were mixed with what were supposed to be Kaigaku and Nakime.. She was given clothing but she is almost fully human, she can eat human food, but her behavior and biology is different..
We don't have an enclosure for them yet since we are still doing testing.
Enmu: He is an interesting one.. He has a lion like nose, half his face is metal, both sclera are black, but he kept his blue irises. His pupils are shaped as X's. There is fluff along his right arm and metal on his left. He has long fennec fox ears that are really fluffy, he has Quadruped legs, one leg is fluffy while the other is metal.. We took some pictures for reference.
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The little hairs that grow from the back of his head.. They were replaced with his ears.. His tale is a long, thick table cord attached to a grappling hook like device.
His enclosure is full of metal scraps and things for him to climb on.. He eats the metal scraps and we refill it once a month.. He screams as comunaction.. Like a baby snow leopard and a fox.. he has screaming matches with rui since the enclosures are next to each other..
Rui: he is the only one that is 95% successful.. His structure and everything, no mutations or any monstrous features.. But his biology still needs work and his vocals.. He sounds like a fox mixed with a cat.. He does haves screaming matches with enmu.. We do put them together, they seem to get along well..
*NOTE: all of the creatures shown are in the juvenile stage. This is not their final form and may mutate further*
This was one of the reported documents we found in the ruin building.. It seemed to contain immataions of beloved characters from the series kimetsu no yaiba.. Or known as demon slayer.. We have received information that the substances and technology used to make these creatures, also made the half the staff.. Their names were
Iguro obanai Shinobu kocho Kanea kocho Kanoa Tsyuri Mitsuri konroji Kyojuri rengoku Gyomei Himejima Muichiro tokito Yuichiro tokito Senami shinzugawa Genya shinazugawa Giyuu tomioka Tengen uzui Tanjiro kamado Nezuko kamado Zenitsu agatsuma Inosuke Hashibira
There has been video footage of the staff getting infected by the same substance used to create the demons. Since there is no trace of them we can assume they are all on the loose.. No doubt that the staff are also mutated creatures as well..
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themandylion · 5 months
Banshee boy?
Both you and @franticvampirereads asked about this one 😅 I guess it's a very intriguing title?
This is a twist on an idea I had for a wingfic AU ages ago, where people's souls manifest as ghostly wings that only a handful of people can see (in this case, Tim). I never got very far when I toyed around with it before because I didn't have much beyond that, and then I struck on the idea of making it a familial trait. And that gee, if someone went through a big life change like becoming a vigilante, that would probably reflect in their soul somehow.
So far it's a weird team-up of Tim and Jack trying to figure out what to do with this kid that Tim found who has very unusual/kinda messed-up wings.
Whatever is going on with this kid, they're dangerous. Lethal in a way Tim hasn't seen since he parted ways with Lady Shiva. Logically, he should back away, head on home, hang up his cape for the night and forget all about this.
Except for how pure logic doesn't always always have a place in Robin's world. The kid sets off all of Tim's internal warning bells, but they aren't attacking. They're hiding, the boney wings curling around them to try and make a protective shell. To shield something broken from a cruel world.
Something aches in Tim's chest, and he moves closer before dropping down into a crouch, careful to telegraph each of his movements ahead of time. "Hi, I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Robin. What's yours?"
One wing flicks outwards, the bony tip spearing through his chest though he can't actually feel it. The move reveals a single pale eye, which blinks out at him from under the cave of the cardboard. It seems to wander aimlessly at first, then fixes on his center mass, piercing and focused.
The kid slowly unfolds, the arm under the outstretched wing reaching out to touch the R on Robin's chest.
Tim lets it, lets him. Doesn't even consider attempting to stop it from happening. He's too busy trying to remember how to breathe, how to think. Well, at least now he has some kind of explanation for the state of this kid's soul.
If anyone in this world is entitled to skeletal wings, it's Jason Todd.
I'm doing a WIP ask game! Ask me about my WIPs :D
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chiarrara · 7 months
Dude I’m sorry if I’m sending you a little too many asks but I am honestly just so thrilled to finally have someone to talk to about the two things I am deranged about
Listen Megumi definetly listens to Joy Division seeing how much of a sad guy he is but
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This makes me wanna shove my head into a blender. You think Gojo got flashbacks when Megumi listened to this
Here purely because of the line “she tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throat and she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew a hallelujah”
Do I need to say anything. (Also Gojo definetly listens to Jeff Buckley)
I needed them to be happy for a moment either this or
this one
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Hiiiii!!!! I'm so excited to dig back into this. I'm sitting in my car at the lake and I'm about to blast each and every song you sent me over my car radio while I type :):):):):) I'm so excited. Let's go:
(1980s SatoSugu AU + 1990s Megumi AU Playlists)
1. Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
Okay, you are so correct about Megumi listening to Joy Division. I love the idea of him connecting so deeply to this song as a teenager with no actual life experience to go along with it meanwhile Gojo is just *thousand yard stare*
100% a song he would put on his sad boy mixtapes
2. Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen
Omg I can't believe this actually came out in 1984. Okay I feel like Geto bought this tape when it came out, and played it for Gojo (who wasn't really into it), but Geto just quietly really connected with this song as like a representation of how he feels about Gojo. it just fits so well honestly...
3. Lover You Should Have Come Over - Jeff Buckley
Okay, I literally heard this song for the first time on a tumblr post earlier this year and it changed my life.
So, this is literally the next song on the album after his Hallelujah cover. It came out in 1994 (but Jeff Buckley feels too mature for Megumi, and I agree, Gojo listens to Jeff Buckley). So my theory is, this album comes out, Gojo buys it, hears the Hallelujah cover and finally gets it the way Geto did in 1984. Then this song hits right after and he just has an out of body experience.
Not sure what the relationship timeline is in this AU....wonder if Geto would be there in 1994 being like, I told you so...
4. Sunny - Boney M. / Hands Up - Ottawan
I love them being happy :) I'm going with Sunny, just because Hands Up didn't really make it out of Europe until the 90s apparently. But both are good, such bops
I'm thinking Geto is more of the audiophile and Gojo is more casual Top 40. So this is a song Gojo would love, but Geto is the one who starts playing it (either on a tape, or on one of those multi-decade or genre stations that Gojo wouldn't turn to) since it's a little older.
5. In My Secret Life - Leonard Cohen
Great song! Very satosugu coded. But I absolutely refuse to allow them to still be this sad in 2001! I can't bear it
Lol tysm this is so much fun. Playlists below, they are still VERY much WIPs:
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oddcryptidwrites · 1 year
10 Songs Tag
Rules: Use your WIP playlist and put it on shuffle. Write the first 10 songs that come up and quote your favorite lyrics from each song and/or the lyrics that fit your WIP best (they might be the same lyrics), then tag 10 people.
@druidx tagged me in this and I'll tag... @delusionisaplace @wordswrittenbynight @nemaliwrites @missaddledmiss @lili-loves-whump @pga-books @downtoithaca @jubatuslucifer @from-the-depths-into-your-soul @fluffy-with-the-red-clouds and whoever else wants to play!
I'm going to do this one for Not Your Typical Fairytale (a post-post-zombie apocalypse thriller-ish wip). get ready for a WILD fucking ride
1. The House of the Rising Sun -- The Animals
Oh, Mother, tell your children/Not to do what I have done/Spend your lives in sin and misery/In the House of the Rising Sun
2. Dead Mom -- Beetlejuice
Hey mom, dead mom/I need a little help here/I'm probably talking to myself here
3. DARKSIDE -- Neoni
There's no heroes or villains in this place
4. The Snake -- Eric Church
Rattlesnake said to the copperhead/"You know we were the original sin/And I bet my rattle against your copper/The bitch takes the apple again."
5. Unholy -- Sam Smith and Kim Petras
Dirty, dirty boy, you know everyone is talking on the scene/I heard them whispering 'bout the places that you've been/And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
6. Who's Ready for Tomorrow -- RAT BOY & IBDY
I think I need a hero (oh)/I don't have no ego (oh)/'Cause I'm spinning out now
7. The Devil Went Down to Georgia -- Zac Brown Band
The Devil went down to Georgia/And he was looking for a soul to steal/He was in a bind, he was way behind, he was willing to make a deal
8. Rasputin -- Boney M.
For the Queen, he was no wheeler-dealer/Though she'd heard the things he'd done/She believed he was a holy healer/Who would heal her son.
9. Survive -- Jorge Rivera-Herrans
You have hurt me enough/Six hundred lives I'll take/Six hundred lives I'll break/And when I kill you, then my deed is over
10. Hell's Coming with Me -- Poor Man's Poison
He wiped the blood from his face/As he slowly came to his knees/He said I'll be back when you least expect it/And hell's coming with me
Also just for shits and giggles, 1, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are all about the same person (and 9 is someone else referring to that person). @thetruearchmagos here's a little glimpse into NYTF's soundtrack that plays in my head
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redotter · 11 months
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I might just hire someone to color this and add the background
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wingwaver · 1 year
Favorites meme
thanks for the tag @fighter-spirits
Favorite color: Pinks and blues
Currently reading: I Favor The Villainess
Last Song: Rasputin by Boney M.
Last Series: Beast Wars Neo
Last Movie: The Night Eats the World
Currently working on: A Lot. Trying to find the motivation to finish up Far From Home and pick What Do You Gain? back up but I'm also working on an unnamed Digimon fic rn plus brainstorming more ideas for Transformers Desolation and I have a pokemon WIP that idk if I'm gonna make a series or what. Oh! Also still working on a fic for Court of Darkness about my OC for it and trying to figure out how to start one for another OC for Soul of Yokai
Tagging: @thecosmiccherrycoke, @xobitouya, @mamayaga, @boordfles, @cuppajj, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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nightwingshero · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @direwombat @marivenah @simonxriley and @jinfromyarikawa thank you lovelies!
Tagging: @detectivelokis @river-ward @sstewyhosseini @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @chazz-anova @shegetsburned @poisonedtruth @voidika @strafethesesinners @playstationmademe @madparadoxum @inafieldofdaisies @ghastlyrider
This is just a little thingy I was working on for funsies with the Wren merc au I have for Resident Evil. And of course none of it is edited, so I’m sure there are tons of mistakes but I’m winging it. 
My muscles screamed in defiance and my hands pounded from the continuous digging of the metal against my palms, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t as quick as I would have liked, but I pulled my legs as fast as I could, the flash of movement catching his attention as he whipped his head back in my direction, but it was too late. While I wasn’t exactly tall, my legs were still nice, one of my favorite features of mine, and they were enough to wrap around his neck and pull him close, keeping him tight between my thighs. He immediately began to fight back, doing his best to pry my legs from around his neck as he looked at me with a mix of shock and anger as he gasped out and grunted with effort. But I just glared at him and gritted my teeth, doing everything to make sure I kept my hold on him. “Think you can…keep me here…I don’t fucking think so…” Every word took effort as we fought for control, his hands gripping my thighs harshly and trying to pull, I knew there would be bruises.
“Didn’t…fucking do that…” he grunted passed clenched teeth as his arms flexed and yanked, my stomach dropping at the show of muscle and the realization that while I knew I never skipped leg day, there was no way I would be able to hold out long with the strength this guy had. If I was going to get out, I needed to do it before he got the advantage.
“I don’t believe you.” I hissed as my hands slipped more, that biting metal slowly coming back up towards my hands. “Keys. Now.”
“Don’t have—”
“Keys! Give me the fucking keys!”
The man didn’t respond as he glanced behind me and froze for just a moment, just enough to catch my attention. I turned, following his gaze, and once I laid my eyes on just what seemed so damn interesting, my stomach dropped. No. We both turned to each other, catching eyes for just a split second as it became clear what we were both thinking. In that moment, time stood still, and I stopped breathing. Licking my lips, I was about to say something before all hell broke loose, but I never got the chance. “Don’t—”
He jerked my body with him as he ran towards the chain and where it was wrapped up to keep me lifted. I tried to squeeze harder as I strained to keep him in my grip and to keep my grip on the chain as my fingers slipped from the sweat and his weight pulling against me. The shackles found the boney part of my wrist and tears sprang to my eyes. I could feel how red my face was getting as I struggled, but it wasn’t as if he was just standing there and taking it, his fingers pried my legs apart just enough to allow him to wrap an arm around my thigh and finally break my hold. A quick inhale escaped from me as my legs slipped from his shoulders, and it was all the warning I had before gravity took over. I cried out as my grip on the chains finally gave out and met the momentum of falling from his shoulders—the shackles immediately slammed into the lower part of my thumb, pain erupting from it and I couldn’t help but beg for it not to be broken as he lunged for the chain on the wall. Shoving the pain aside, I scrambled to capture my footing again, hoping to maybe give a hop up to take some strain off and maybe get another chance to latch onto him, but it was hard with how I swung, my body spinning a bit as I went—the tips of my boots just skimmed the floor at best. Just as I was able to get a grip on the floor, he had already unraveled the chain, wrapping it around his arm and watching me as he yanked it hard. “No—ugh!”
I kicked my feet out in frustration as he hoisted me up, I growled through the pain as I swayed even more from my violent kicks, but he just watched as I finally went limp again and glared at him. “You done?”
“Get fucked.”
He didn’t respond to that right away, but he did give the ring above me some consideration, his brows furrowing in concentration. After a few moments, his attention came back to me. “If I let you down, you gonna attack me?”
I gave him a bored look. “I don’t know what kind of kinky shit you’re into, but usually when it comes to bondage, you need consent. Is this a sex thing? Because if it is, I’m not interested right now, so I don’t give my consent…or I rescind whatever consent I might have given, I don’t fucking remember.” That only made him look even more confused as he took a step closer.
“You’re not exactly filling me with confidence.” He replied dryly and I rolled my eyes at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you doing here?” I retorted. “I’m on vacation, clearly. Such a great spot, friendly locals and social groups, its great. And now its ruined, thank you.”
“I told you—I didn’t do this.” He pressed his finger against his chest, the blue shirt covering him like a second skin and showing off just how muscular he was. “Look, I can get you out of this. I was taken and chained up too. Were you taken by the same guy?”
I frowned as I slowly turned. “Some guy? No? The fuck if I know, who cares? Get me the fuck down.”
“Can I trust you?”
“Doubt it.” He opened his mouth to respond but my back had turned to him as the chain slowly twirled me around.
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cosmetichorror · 9 months
(Crawls out from under your bed)
Hey (with charisma)
I’m writing again, here’s some WIPS/finished projects
— GHOSTING rewrite, LU, Wind and Wild centric chapter
Wild sighs and pulls his knees up to his chest. With every aching day he can feel his body fading away, and it's painful in more sense than one. Death is a prospect he tries to avoid in what's left of his life. After all- he's only half dead. The idea of being fully dead makes his chest feel tight, as if death himself had grabbed hold of his lungs and began to squeeze with his boney fingers.
He lets his head fall atop his knees as he tries to change the subject at hand. He won't disappear soon– right? Of course, the what if still lingers in the back of his mind. What if he disappears in the middle of the night? What then? What will the others think?
A groan falls out of his mouth as he falls back onto the grass and spreads his arms out, staring up at the evening sky. The sunset is rather soothing this evening. And as the clouds float ahead he fruitlessly reaches his arms up to the sky as if to grab hold of one, his eyes illuminated with a slight glaze. He feels timeless in this moment, until a small, shaky voice called out to him,
And he could have sworn what's left of his soul left his very body as he jolts up, yanking his head towards the source of the voice, his eyes falling immediately on Wind. The sailor looks conflicted, as if hurt but not entirely surprised.
“You’re a ghost,” He said as if he knew it was a fact. “I had a suspicion, I just wish it wasn’t true.”
“…” Wild seems to ponder what to say at first, before sighing with a simple “Yeah.”, as he wasn’t sure what else to say. There certainly was no denying it— Wind may be young but he is no fool.
I don’t think I’ll ever forget (I wish I was like you) Purah centric, descriptions of dead body and insides falling out + gross death stuff and loss of faith
When we removed his shirt, I almost passed out. His skin peeled up easily along with the shirt with a sickening sound. His muscles and tendons were melted and barely held his skin together. His chest overall was a mess of blood, bone and guts. His skin was charred black in some places, peeling up in others with chunks missing to where we could see his innards. Before then I had never seen someone’s guts sticking out, but I suppose everything changes. We quickly removed the rest of his clothes and put him in the tub. As soon as he was in there, it started to fill with a thick liquid of sorts. It was a vibrant blue, and was thicker than water. We watched as it filled up past his face and overtook him completely. Robbie ushered me to put the slate on the pedestal so he’d have a way to get out if– when he awoke. As we ran out before the doors shut on us, Robbie pulled out his bow and some bomb arrows he had been saving, and shot at the stairs as we ran up. I stood outside and yelled at him to hurry up, but he said he wouldn't leave until the stairs were gone. He wanted to make sure if anything broke into the shrine, they couldn’t reach him. As soon as the stairs were nothing more than a pile of rubble, he ran out just in time to miss getting trapped. But we had one last thing to do.
As we ran back down off the plateau, Robbie planted bomb arrows at every crack and weak point, ushering me to do the same. When we ran out of bomb arrows about half way down, we started improvising with fire chuchu jelly, and taking what we could find from corpses nearby.
When Robbie set ablaze those bombs, the stairs came crashing down in a mess of smoke and debris, but it was done.
As soon as our job was done, I fell to my knees and puked. Robbie had started crying, and he took off his goggles for the first time in a while. I think we both sat on the ground (away from my vomit) and sobbed for ages. We were exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and covered in blood, most of which wasn't ours. I think on the way back to kakiriko I had thrown up three more times.
We had only spent a few days in Kakiriko before we went our separate ways. I’ll never forget the feeling of leaving the most important people in my life.
If Hylia is real, we’re her joke book. I wonder if she’s laughing down at me right now, and I hate her. If she’s real, she’s a monster as bad as the calamity. I’m cursed to live with this blight inside my mind, I fear I’ll never be me again. Maybe Hylia is dead, and soon we all will join her as well. And when the stars call my name maybe I can rest knowing I did my best, but I don't think I’ll ever forget again. When I close my eyes I see the horrors, and when I speak all that comes out is a mumble. All I can do anymore is focus on my work, but it’s not the same. In truth I’d rather be dead than live knowing things may not get better.
Okay I actually write those requests I got now lol
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anamazingfuckup · 2 months
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Since I’ve been hiding in the shadows of the writing community for a while now thought it was time to grow up and actually post something, plus this took forever to draw and deserves more that to hide in my gallery.
Meet Acid, or Cid.
Anyway since I’m at a bit of a lost on how to introduce him without absolutely going off on one, this is how he’s introduced in my WIP.
Lion leaned on the work bench, the hands in front of him worked tirelessly, the finger nails worn down to the skin, thin red cuts all over the fingers tips as the fiddled with the shell of the bullet. 
Tap, click, clack. 
The hands moved on to the next shell.
Tap, click, clack.
The amber eyes of the hands, lock in a deep focus of each bullet. Scrappy copper hair fell onto a pale forehead decorated with freckles, thick eyebrows knotting as they struggled to achieve the all important click. He repositioned himself, lifting his boot up onto the stool he sat on, a boney knee poking out of a rip in his sea green overalls. A pink tongue beginning to protrude from his lips, pressing out from two white teeth a thin gap separating them. 
Click. Clack.
Tap, click, clack.
Tap, click, clack.
“ACID!” The man jumped, Lion’s hand slamming down in front of him, he looked around disoriented as if coming out of a trance.
Maybe I’ll post some more of my characters, maybe I’ll never post again, I like it keep the mystery alive.
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wip word search!!
rules: go through your wips and look for the words given to you and post a snippet with that word.
i was tagged by the ever-lovely @sidekick-hero, my fellow metaldeputy enthusiast 💟🫶
my words were: breath, hair, smile, fingers, blue, love
putting it under the cut!
breath (from my sailor!steve x rockstar!eddie fic)
Chief Bond speaks up from his spot along the wall. “You assholes are fucked, you know.” and takes a drink from his be-faced cup. The other four boys deflate a bit more. “Yeah, we kn—.”  the shortest of the four starts before getting cut off by the door slamming shut. Harrington's hands go to his hips once the door is closed, his head hanging with the long breath he takes. “Ste–” He whirls around, fury boiling beneath his calm expression. “Whatever extra duty I get for this, you assholes are taking from me after.” he states, glaring at the four younger sailors. That look on his face should not be affecting Eddie the way it is.
hair (from pt. 2 to my summer fanworks challenge fic)
Robin appears in his doorway, arms crossed across her chest. He watches her examine him for a moment, then looks away. She heaves a sigh, “C’mon Doofus, let's get you cleaned up, huh?” Eddie lets her sit him up on his bed, hunching forward with his legs crossed and arms holding his own chest together. Why does this hurt so bad? It wasn’t even real. The mattress sinks with her weight when she sits behind him, poking one of her boney knees into the small of his back. She reaches forward and sweeps his hair back from his face, raking her nails through one side, then the other, slowly detangling it with her fingers at first, before he points out where his hairbrush had been abandoned this morning.  This morning? Was it really only this morning? Fuck..
smile (from my ghost!eddie fic)
“Hi!” the girl says, bouncing to a stop in front of him. “Uh, hi? Who are you?” “I’m Chrissy!” she grins, her smile bright yet slightly crooked. “Hi Chrissy, I’m Steve, uhm…what the hell is going on? Who are you? Why are you in my dream?” “I assume it’s because I died at Forest Hills.” She shrugs, as if it was the most benign news in the world. Steve blinks at her in the darkness, takes in her uniform– “Oh my god, you’re the cheerleader who died! Are you–are you my ghost?”
fingers (from a little thing i'm doing based on a tiktok i saw lmao)
The double doors whir open before him and he grabs up one of the mismatched baskets, nodding politely to the woman manning the one open register as he passes. He wanders the aisles, drumming his fingers on the metal handle of his basket to the somewhat familiar new Fleetwood Mac song that’s echoing down on him from the speakers embedded in the stained ceiling tiles, when he rounds the corner to the most unbelievable sight. He literally cannot believe what he’s seeing. At first Steve thought there was no way. That the frizzy head of unkempt waves before him had to belong to someone other than the one person he wanted it to. But no. The person’s own basket is dropped unceremoniously onto the floor to whisk their dark hair up into a bun.. and there’s no doubt. The scarred cheek, the dark brows, the same strong nose...It’s Eddie. The newest, most bat-chewed member of their party, who sped out of town with his uncle as soon as he could (which is more than fair, honestly; he wasn’t going to get anywhere in Hawkins), is dancing. In the middle of the bread aisle. To Fleetwood Mac.
blue (from destiel!steddie / spn!au pt 7!)
He grabs a yellow colored pencil first, scribbling wildly over the page, then drops it in favor of a blue one, scratching that over the whole page as well. Dustin is watching too, “Where’ve you been that’s blue and yellow?” Eddie thinks for a moment, “Nowhere that I can remember.” Will drops the blue then, picking the yellow back up to add a blob of the color directly in the middle of the page. “Ah.” Dustin says suddenly, “I get it.” No one speaks for a moment, waiting. “Care to share?” Hopper finally asks. “He doesn’t have any more green. He’s just using blue and yellow to make it.”
love (from pt. 2 of my witch!au)
“But there are some that are rumored to be true love spells, soulmate spells.” She continues on when she sees the look on his face. “Rumored, Steven, only ever rumors.” “Okay, so what do the rumors have to say about them?” “Every spell like that I’ve ever heard of of this nature is specific to each caster.” “So I’ve had this spell on me for possibly my whole life, and there’s no way to know anything about it or about the caster.” “...I’m sorry, honey.”
i'm going to tag...@thisapplepielife, @its-steddie-time, @thefatedthoughtofyou, @anthotneystark and @wolfstarendgame!
your words are: ignore, second, road, soil, term, circumstance
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