#wish i could eat the autism music tbh
3-inch-doodles · 1 year
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oh shit i arted aahhh scary
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rabidmind101 · 7 months
I find myself needing less distraction and stimulation over time. in the mornings now I don’t even listen to music while I get ready. of course I love music but I know there’s no need to listen in the morning. I just put on my noise cancelling headphones and drown all the background out. lots of times I don’t even have a video playing anymore. just complete silence.
when I’m on my break I also noise cancel. I want to practice eating without watching a video. I feel like I could but I’m too worried about someone seeing me and thinking I’m weird lol.
and now when I come home too. headphones go right on. I feel so much safer and comfortable with my headphones. I wish I could get accommodations in my job. I would love to just be able to wear noise cancelling headphones, or have a set schedule, or have sensory breaks incorporated into my day. it would make me much more affective in my role. I would like a diagnosis tbh but I don’t even think you get a paper that’s like “autism level 1”, it just goes on a medical record or something. I don’t want to be accused of faking it tho??
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panticwritten · 3 years
I’m like 99% sure I’m autistic but I haven’t told ANYONE in my family. I keep wanting to make comments on Facebook that reference it but I think I would actually lose my gd mind if my mom jumped on a post like “you’re not autistic why are you saying that” bc I haven’t been able to get an official diagnosis bc no ones doing assessments rn bc of COVID and I have a feeling most of my family would only take me seriously if I had a ‘real diagnosis’
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yellow-r-o-s-e · 5 years
There’s definately something wrong with Roman. He just wants to know what it is
Word Count: About 4500
Warnings: lots of talk of assorted mental illnesses, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and anorexia, pretty detailed description of a panic attack, self deprecating feelings, mentioned past abusive relationship, imposter syndrome, implied gaslighting, let me know if there’s anything else I need to put, I don’t know how to do this, there is a happy ending but please be safe
Notes: This is a fanfic of the wonderful “Love and Other Fairytales” by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors. It’s technically a Sanders Side fanfiction, but you don’t need to know anything about Sanders Sides for her story to make sense. It’s a really amazing modern fairy tale, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who somehow hasn’t read it yet. Also the story below probably won’t make any sense without the context.
In her story, a few of the main characters (Virgil and Logan) are autism coded, which I can relate to a lot with my ADHD, and I ended up projecting said ADHD on a different character, Roman Gage. It’s a bullet fic because it’s so long it would take me a week to write it all out, and also it’s very self-indulgent and I put my own self-insert OC in because noone can stop me from having fun. Not edited because we die like men. Enjoy!
It starts on what should be a perfect day. It’s early September, Logan is off at a “fairy” lesson with Virgil. It’s not too humid anymore, it’s cooled down just enough to be comfortable. And Roman thinks it would be a perfect day for hunting in the woods
Except as soon as he thinks about hunting, he thinks about h i m and he’s suddenly nauseous
But it’s fine, Roman’s fine, besides he has lots of people to talk about it with now. His bfs know and are supportive, and Mamaw knows too now. He doesn’t even miss Dee that much…
And oh mother gothel he does not feel good he needs to think about something else
He suddenly remembers that he is in fact currently having a picnic with Patton and he should focus on that
And he’s aware that Patton just asked a question but he doesn’t know what Patton asked, And he feels really bad but he just smiles and asks Patton to repeat himself
He wishes he could actually pay attention to his bf the first time but life hates him apparently, and Patton’s talking very slowly and carefully because his lessons are helping but he’s still afraid of hurting Roman. And heck if that doesn’t make Roman feel even worse
Anyways, Patton says he’s concerned that Roman hasn’t eaten anything, and offers to go somewhere else for food if Roman doesn’t want picnic
And Roman just laughs and says he’s fine, he just ate a big breakfast. Except. He didn’t eat breakfast at all. He doesn’t know why he said that but now he’s panicking inside as he continues to talk to Patton on the surface level. He’s not trying to not eat on purpose, he’s just really not hungry much
So he’s very worried about himself now as he realizes he’s been skipping meals like crazy recently. He knows he’s not anorexic because like, it’s not intentional. He just keeps forgetting his body needs food to survive??? Is that a normal thing to happen???
Ten minutes maximum pass before he’s spilling all of this to Patton because he’s Very Worried and they’re trying to be more open with each other anyways
And Patton, who’s already been worried about Roman since the whole ’planning to die to save his friends without telling anyone’ thing, is like “have you considered speaking to a doctor”
Roman’s like “Mamaw hates the physician” and then Patton reminds him he’s an actual adult and long story short a few days later he’s having a meeting with Dr. Sherwood
He’s being asked all the standard questions and he’s just realizing ‘oh no, there’s definitely something wrong with me’. He’s having trouble sleeping, trouble eating, trouble focusing, things that used to make him happy don’t anymore…. And Dr. Sherwood says he probably has depression
Which honestly makes a little too much sense after all the heartbreak and loss and isolation and abuse and whatnot
He gets officially diagnosed shortly after
There’s no therapist in Wickhills but Dr. Sherwood offers to prescribe antidepressants
But antidepressants can be very finicky and Roman’s not in immediate danger or anything so he figures he’ll just try Mamaw’s potions and whatnot for now and maybe change later
He’s very afraid to tell Mamaw but surprise, she’s not mad at all. Well, she’s a little upset that he thought he had to sneak away to go to the doctor
They talk, and depression treatment is a lot more complicated than just a quick spell but they agree to be more honest with each other when they’re having bad days (because May’s physical health is not doing great either)
He talks to the bf squad too, and he feels guilty telling them for some reason. He doesn’t want to be someone for them to take care of, y’know, he wants to be the one taking care of them
They’re all like “Roman shut up you’re beautiful and talented and amazing and we love you”. Patton reminds him that he literally planned the picnic they just had. And the entire summer he was like, stargazing or serenading or painting with one of them at least once a week
They remind him that it’s okay for the roles to reverse every once in a while. It's literally not healthy to never ask for help, even if you don’t have depression
He’s already been unofficially working with Patton’s parents for a while and he has a long talk with the Wallers about it and 1) it’s not like they could replace him if they wanted 2) they still want to keep an eye on their son’s bf and learn more about what he’s doing (He doesn’t actually let much slide but they can hope) and 3) they’re nice people
so they work on making his hours flexible but not too flexible so he can miss work if he’s not feeling good but he still feels needed and has responsibility. It’s a struggle but everyone’s doing their best
Plus the Wallers are practically trying to adopt Roman in their son’s absence so it’s not like they wouldn’t be doing this anyway
And Roman starts to feel, not great, but more in control of his life at least
And there are always the good days, it’s almost always good when he visits his bfs, he starts liking acting again more, he starts getting excited about musicals again
And now that he’s a knight and he’s making good memories with Virgil, the woods aren’t making him feel icky anymore
And all the squad talk to him and promise to not undercut his happiness when it’s there. They work to not overreact when he’s surprised to be happy, and tell him he’s never annoying, he’s always free to ramble about whatever he’s excited about
And soon he’s looking into theater college applications, and he’s hanging out with Thomas and Remy, and he sees some touring Broadway shows (Wicked, The Lion King and Mary Poppins) in Cleveland, and Bell and him and sometimes Virgil are hunting in the woods again, and he’s a knight which is amazing, and he has self-confidence again,
And Logan found a perfect college which Roman is very happy about, seeing as he’s the one who did THAT to get Logan a chance to go to college a while ago. And Logan invites Roman to go on his college visit with him (along with Thomas). And Roman does feel a bit guilty because he feels like the only reason he was invited is because of the whole fae deal
But it’s fine, he’s happy to be going with Logan anyways
Virgil says he’ll be fine with Patton, they manage to find a flight that won’t go over any rivers (they don’t know what would happen but they don’t want to risk it). They’re all packed up for a few days and Logan is so happy he’s glowing
Roman can’t stop smiling either tbh, he just nods and listens to Logan rambling about how cool the greenhouses are. And it’s perfect
Until suddenly,,, it’s not???
Because the airport is Too Loud, which he tries to ignore
And something deep inside of him is afraid of Logan being away for so long because he’ll miss him but he ignores that too, it’s just excitement probably, right?
And then the plane takes off, which makes Logan a bit nauseous but it’s super fun for Roman, it’s basically a rollercoaster, right? He gives lots of comforting forehead kisses and Thomas is jokingly like ‘ew affection’
But then?? The seat belt buckled signs are still on? And Roman cannot move?
He’s trapped in the seat, trapped in the plane
And it’s So Loud all of a sudden. And he doesn’t even realize he’s frozen until he’s calming down and Logan is Squishing him
And they talk about that a bit and claustrophobia is normal it’s fine
And the trip goes pretty well. Actually, no, it was better than pretty well. Logan found his college and it’s perfect and Roman needs to stop being so Selfish and judging the trips success by his own experience
But Roman is still just worried about Logan leaving, what if he ends up hating the school? What if he gets trapped?
And he’s having flashbacks to the college visit before that ended terribly. Because he still hasn’t really forgiven himself for how upset Logan was when he got locked out of Wickhills after brief freedom. And he Does Not want to hurt Logan again
And then the intrusive thoughts start coming and he can’t stop them. And he’s worried about a ton of things that would never happen
What if Dee’s curse is still there somehow and when they get back Logan’s locked out of Wickhills?
That doesn't even make sense, stop-
What if Logan doesn’t actually want to go to college and he’s just faking because he feels bad for Roman, and he’s going to be miserable here?
Logan can’t even lie and why would he do that?
What if- stop
What if- Stop!
And this has definitely been happening for a while, he realizes, it’s just been much harder to ignore on the trip, where he can’t just block out the thoughts by picking apples (not that that works very well either)
So he talks with Logan and Thomas on the plane ride home and then he does a few google searches while waiting for luggage when they get back
And he’s now 100 percent sure that he’s been having anxiety attacks and/or panic attacks, like, several times a day
And he sees the doctor very shortly after getting back into town
It takes him 20 minutes to get diagnosed with general anxiety
Dr. Sherwood asks ‘is this happening very frequently?’ and Roman asks how often frequently is and it’s about once a week apparently. Which is laughably low compared to Roman. So now he knows that he has both depression and anxiety
His family and bfs know and they’re doing their best to supportive
Roman has a whole bunch of exercises he can do
So now it should be better, he knows what’s going on, right?
But he doesn’t feel any better At All. In fact, it seems to be getting worse by the day
And a lot of Roman’s panic attacks are just him being afraid he’ll have a panic attack and then be a burden. Which is so dumb and cyclical and he knows his bfs won’t be mad but that doesn’t stop it from happening
At least Logan and Thomas know how to deal with panic attacks and help him. And the bf squad all learns they can tell him when he’s being unreasonable. But the trouble is sometimes he absolutely knows he’s being unreasonable and he keeps doing it
He tries to go on meds for a cool minute but he doesn’t get better he just gets exhausted. And May’s potions are more personally suited to him anyways. Not that he’s good about taking those either
But it’s fine he’s strong he can handle it it’s fine it’s okay
Cut to a few months later around late winter
There’s a bright moon, the woods are all quiet, and it’s honestly just so soft and relaxing. And Roman’s enjoying being a knight and chilling with Bell and Virgil
There’s not even anything bad happening that they need to deal with, or anything to hunt down, they’re just kind of chilling in the woods on horseback
Bell’s catching Virgil up on fairyland happenings that he missed because he pays more attention to Patton than the actual court; Roman’s catching him up on what Logan and Elliot are up to
And then, it’s such a small thing, it shouldn’t ruin there night or even pause it, But as they’re laughing and Roman playfully punches Bell and Virgil rolls his eyes
This absolutely harmless garter snake rubs against Roman’s leg
And he’s just instantly Not Okay At All
And Virgil notices immediately and just glares back to see what hurt Roman, thinking some idiot fae with a death wish played a trick on him
Virgil’s really angry but trying to look calm for Roman and he meets eyes with Roman for half a second
Roman sees something incredibly familiar in his eyes and now he’s Even Worse
Virgil takes a very limp and frozen Roman who’s smiling a little too blankly and agreeing with everything V says back to fairyland and is talks to him soothingly but it takes Roman a very long minute before he’s even talking
And Virgil’s just a complete mess
And when he finds out that it wasn’t someone hexing Roman or anything, it was just his a snake that wanted to move and V’s stare, he just switched to exhausted
There might be a bit of crying on both of their parts but don’t tell anyone
And Roman wants to talk more but his voice isn’t working and he’s stuttering a lot
And every question Virgil asks about his comfort (do you want me to call the others? Do you want me to take you home?) makes Roman even more stressed so eventually he ends up snuggling with Roman in that bed for the night
And Bell checks in on them later and is very obviously a part of the Kill Dee Again squad
It had been like 2 months since Roman had the nightmares and he’s never had panic attacks like this before, he doesn’t know what’s happening
He doesn’t know why Dee’s still haunting him? What did he do wrong when he tried to forget him?
He has nightmares but Virgil’s afraid to wake him up, he might completely break down again, and Virgil doesn’t even know what he’d say anyways
He doesn’t think breaking down sobbing again would help
Roman wakes up in the morning just exhausted and starts crying again anyways
He tries to talk but it goes badly so he ends up communicating with Virgil through writing, which is much easier, though his hand is shaking and the paper is tear stained
And Virgil’s just absolutely heartbroken by how helpless Roman looks
Roman tried to apologize for not being able to talk but Virgil points out that he and Logan have trouble talking without thinking first for fae reasons and so does Patton, Roman isn’t going to be a burden on the group by being the same as everyone else
And Logan comes in lead by Bell
And he’s the calm that the other two need right now
He’s stressed too obviously but he translates his stress into logical thinking
And the word PTSD comes into the conversation for the first time
So guess who gets another diagnosis? Our boy
He finds out that PTSD symptoms often take a while to show up, he hopes it will disappear again but who knows
Not him
And the symptoms cross over (avoidance, sluggishness, panic) so it ends up replacing the other two diagnoses
So that means that he doesn’t have depression and anxiety after all??? It was just PTSD?
And Roman blindly agrees because these appointments are becoming habitual
But it doesn’t feel right?
Because there’s still something about him that feel distinctly Not Normal that PTSD itself can’t explain
Because some of his restlessness, unhappiness, recklessness, has existed since before he made the deal
So he feels like he might be faking PTSD because it can’t possibly ALL be caused by Dee
And be feels like he’s being unfair to Dee and heck if that’s something he can just say to his bfs without them getting on his case
He knows it’s dumb so it shouldn’t be a problem anyways
On a different note he’s still not sleeping anywhere near a normal amount
Dizzy says it’s because “Night Roman” screwed up his sleep schedule
Then there’s also the nightmares
And the lingering feeling that he’s slacking off while sleeping, he should be working on something else
So he talks to Dizzy and does research and he’s not sure if it counts because of his strange specific situation, but he decides he has insomnia in some way or another
And that’s an easy fix with potions (it’s not, they don’t work for long)
And then, before he can blink, he’s in college, and school is a thing
And he Loves acting, he Loves all the literature, he Loves picking his own classes and making new theater friends and speaking other languages with people
But then, during the “actual classroom classes” it’s not good all the time
There is something deeply uncomfortable about being stuck in a chair for multiple hours
Where you have to be somewhat quiet and pay attention to what the teacher is talking about
Like, you have to go at Their Speed, not yours
And he realizes that maybe it’s been like that for a while
Maybe it was his year off that made him realize it, maybe Wickhills is just that different
But he doesn’t like doing his general ed classes
Which is weird because he loves learning
And he’s super focused most of the time, but sometimes he just can’t hear the teachers?
And he remembers homework perfectly UNLESS he writes it down
And he can’t convince himself to do math and science homework no matter how hard he tries but he doesn’t tell anyone just pretends he’s purposely ignoring it
Oh and also whenever people criticize his acting or essays it’s physically painful but that’s probably not a big deal
Oh and schedule changes are the literal worst thing to ever happen in his life
So he thinks he might have hearing problems which is why he misses that they have homework or can’t hear people talking no matter how hard he tries
So he’s tested for hearing loss, tested for tinnitus and nothing
And then he realizes he sometimes struggles to read and write the correct way? He loves literature but he finds out that to other people, the words are not usually messed up like that
So he tries dyslexia, vision problems, dysgraphia, and still just nothing fits quite right
And maybe he’s making excuses and he’s actually just too dumb to be in advanced literature?
So he starts worrying that maybe he just wants to be special
Maybe he doesn’t have any mental illnesses, except just hypochondria
Except as soon as he starts considering hypochondria, OCD comes up
Because he feels incredibly, obsessively worried about everything
And there are times when he just has to do something other than pay attention and maybe those are compulsions
But maybe he’s wrong because the compulsions aren’t usually about fears, he just wants to wiggle around, click his pens, etc.
And that’s when he starts considering Tourettes
But that doesn’t work either because it’s not that severe, he’s way more able to resist impulses than he should be
And Tourettes wouldn’t explain enough anyways
So we’re like halfway through Roman’s freshman year and he’s just very confused?
Is he neurotypical? Does he have every mental illness ever? He doesn’t know
He still has a PTSD diagnoses but hasn’t been triggered as badly as that first time again, so he’s not even sure if he had That
And then Logan comes home for winter
And he’s very happily explaining how college is going in Maine
They already know lots but it’s fun to hear it in person
And Roman asks if anyone suspects he’s a fairy and if that’s causing problems and Logan says most people probably just think he’s autistic
And Roman is confused because that doesn’t seem at all?? related???
But Logan and Virgil start explaining autism and it does make a lot of sense and
Wait a minute is that what he is??????
So Roman just doesn’t freaking sleep for a week after Logan goes back to school because he’s researching autism nonstop
And it doesn’t feel right but he doesn’t know if it’s because of stigma or something else
It doesn’t feel like a bad word when he uses it to describe Logan but that could just be self deprecation he doesn’t know
And the ice cream bar model makes it really hard to tell because there’s so many options
And some of the symptoms are other mental illnesses
So he decides to just go with it for now, try it out as a label in his own head
He doesn’t tell anyone because that makes it more real and stressful and he’d feel guilty if he was wrong
But he starts using headphones to block out noise, gets himself some fidget toys to use in class, he learns that he likes certain stimuli and dislikes others (that’s not proof though that’s every single person, isn’t it?)
he starts getting better at writing conversations down first, bringing index cards actually makes him look smarter, not useless like he feared
So he still feels guilty because he’s pretty sure he’s not actually autistic and he doesn’t tell the boys
He can actually lie unlike some of the squad
And they’re all so used to getting “the world is too loud” from V and L that they don’t even realize something is different
Because remember, they’ve been hanging out with Roman for years, he’s always been restless and argumentative, and outside the college the main difference they see is he’s happier
So cut to a few months later
In some general ed class which Roman despises but that’s life
He’s partnered with the “smart girl” of the class, Serena Miller, on a group project
Which is very lucky because he has no idea what the heck is going on it’s way too theoretical for him
And she’s super patient, and they actually really click and they’re becoming good friends from they’re meetings
They’re hanging out more and more after school and she happily explains mathematical paradoxes and knot theory and he talks about the plots of different musicals
And they both just nod along half the time because they don’t completely understand, but the human interaction is very nice
And anyways Roman has this sudden realization that maybe she’s flirting with him and she’s just doing all of this with the expectation that they’re going to date
He just freaking blurts out “I’m gay and also taken” because God gifted him with chivalry, not subtlety, okay?
She’s confused and pauses for a second
Like “good for you but what does that have to do with three dimensional coordinate systems”
And he’s very awkwardly like “oh sorry I was afraid you were flirting with me”
She’s like “lol sorry for freaking you out, I just really like math, and I tend to latch onto other ADHD people because they’re just so much easier to talk to”
And Roman’s like what did you say???
So after a very long and repetitive conversation he realizes she’s ADHD and also 100 percent convinced he’s ADHD too
He says “wait a minute I don’t have ADHD?” and she’s not even like “oh you don’t?” she’s like “oh, you didn’t know?”
She’s still writing out math problems for the research as this is going on BTW she’s a fidgety girl
So, long story short they head off to a cafe to talk more without being in the middle of a library
And they meet up with a bunch of Serena’s friends, a lot of which Roman knows from theater
There’s Jaclyn Steele who played his love interest when their college did Footloose (they were Ren and Ariel)
And Aïsha Pérez who did a Romeo and Juliet monologue with him a while ago
And Gabriella Clay who’s absolutely going to be on Broadway soon, she already was on it as young Nala in the Lion King when she was thirteen, noone has any doubts that she’s going back
They talk about ADHD, how it’s not actually being unable to focus
ADHD people are actually very good at focusing on things a lot of the time, it’s just difficult to switch tasks
And they can experience sensory overload too
He finds out about RSD, which is a side effect of ADHD basically translates to “misinterpriting wjat people say to think they hate you” disorder, and that explains so many things
And it also has side effects of not being able to speak very well when stressed, so that explains a lot to
And he finds out that literally All of These Girls have ADHD???
No wonder they were so easy to hang out with?
They’re all on the same wavelength
He’s really afraid that having ADHD means he’s broken for a second, but Aïsha explains that it’s not even a mental illness, it’s just a neurodivergence
“Your brain doesn’t work worse than other peoples’ brains, it just works different”
And yeah, they agree it’s a lot like autism
Gabriella was actually misdiagnosed with autism when she was little so she talks a lot more with him about how similar they are
They end up having a sleepover in Serena and Gabriella’s dorm room
(Roman callshome to let Virgil and May know not to worry about him)
They’re all spread out on the floor with blankets, watching the office bloopers on a cracked Ipad until 5am and it’s the best Roman’s felt in weeks
And it’s not like he’s “cured” now but it feels so so so good to know he’s not alone
He ends up talking to Dizzy (who’s supportive but doesn’t understand exactly why Roman cares so much), then Mamaw (who’s happy for him if a bit confused by his excitement, he didn’t really tell her too much about the Search for a label), then the bf squad who’re mostly like ‘heck yeah none of us are at all normal’
And Patton’s not in desperate need of a diagnoses but he says he’s def not neurotypical, and he’s probably not allistic
Roman’s afraid of visiting the doctor again for fear of being denied a diagnosis
He doesn’t know what he’d do if he was told he was wrong
But Patton talks to Emile (with permission of course), and Emile gets help from his own Psychology professors and ends up doing 90% of the paper work and helping Roman with the exact criteria for diagnosis, so Roman has no doubts by the time he walks in to the hospital
Emile is also like oh that’s cool me too so that’s how Roman finds out that Emile is ADHD too
Eventually Roman does get an actually diagnosis and medication that works WITH his ADHD, not against it
And it turns out ADHD isn’t exclusive of the other things he considered, he probably did have actual PTSD and depression and anxiety and maybe more, but at least he has the root cause of so much of what makes him different
Emile also mentions there are a few other weird towns and offers to help get Roman a therapist who wouldn’t freak out about Wickhills
A few months later he ends up video conferencing Dr. Aaliyah Dixon from New Orleans and she doesn’t bat an eye at his talks about making a deal with the fae and having his memories magically separated
So he’s not “cured” by any means, but he knows who he is now, his boyfriends know how to help, he has college friends to bond with, and he’s absolutely not alone
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necer0s · 5 years
So I’m catching up on Miraculous Ladybug at long last (I finished season one when it was out and never got around to watching later episodes when they came out) and I thought I’d just put all my reactions in one post so as not to go overboard.  
So first off, I really like that they opened the season with the Gabriel=Hawkmoth reveal?  Obviously it wasn’t much of a reveal at that point, but it’s good that they didn’t waste any time.  And they immediately set us up for future speculation by revealing that Nathalie knows about Hawkmoth at the same time-- also good!  Plus, I like how GabeMoth deceived our heroes about his identity.  The conclusion they reached about “he was akumatized so he can’t be Hawkmoth” seems a little shaky to me (how do they know that’s not just another application of his power-granting powers?) but the deception was well-crafted and well-acted, and I can absolutely see how it would fool two children who desperately want to believe the best of him.  
Despair Bear:  I like seeing Chloe’s softer side (one-dimensional bullies bore me) but I love seeing Hawkmoth literally go “ah yes, people in close proximity to Chloe Bourgeois, the perfect opportunity to akumatize someone.”  
Riposte:  God, Ladrien is my favorite dynamic in the love square.  They’re both with the person they like… but they don’t want to act like they’re interested in that person in their current form… how terrible!  
I also like the “akuma alert” that shows up in this episode.  Paris has gotten really used to this, huh?  (I guess it’s not surprising, since there’s literally never any lasting damage.)  
I have to say, I really prefer these episodes that spend most of their time on fighting the villain rather than on the high school drama.  
Also… there are people who ship Ladybug/Kagami, right?  Because Kagami staring at Ladybug when she tells her everything is alright is just… *chef kiss* perfection.  That’s the kind of wonder-filled stare that crushes are built around.  (Of course, as a big fan of poly resolutions to love triangles, I’m hoping that Luka will have a similar moment with Adrien so I can build a proper shipping tesseract.)
Befana:  I haven’t actually started watching the episode yet as I write this, but seeing the blurb say that Marinette’s grandma gets akumatized is giving me Thoughts about Paris’s culture and society in the wake of the whole akumatization thing.  Like, insulting someone or being overly cruel to them is just actively dumb, obviously-- you might not suffer permanent harm, but the next couple hours probably won’t be pleasant for you if Hawkmoth is paying attention.  In a non-kid’s-show universe, anyone with common sense would be unusually concerned about hurting people’s feelings at all times.  There’s a lot of “utopia-looking dystopia” potential in something like that....  (Of course, as I watch the episode and it transpires that Grandma is deeply out of touch with current Paris, this seems oddly prophetic.  Kagami was from out of town as well… hmmm….)
  Also: Marinette’s parents fistbumping is Super Cute and I love it.  
Random thought while watching:  Do you think one of the reasons people always run away from Akumas is to give Ladybug and Cat Noir plausible deniability?  
Another aside:  It’s always kind of weird when the dub is Really Obvious about having changed something.  They really think we can’t recognize that the “fairies” here are supposed to be angels?  
My new favorite part of this episode:  Befana making Hawkmoth say “please”.  God, I love her.
Tangent:  I wish they would do more with the purified butterflies.  If they can’t follow them back to Hawkmoth, is it at least possible that they could destroy them?  Hawkmoth seems to have a limited number of them.  Maybe normal damage wouldn’t do anything, but if Cataclysm happens to have not been used yet in the fight, surely that would be enough to destroy the butterfly?  If that became a thing, it would add two interesting new elements to every fight:  a slow countdown to Hawkmoth eventually becoming powerless, and a struggle for Cat Noir to not have to use his power.  
Robostus:  ...The technology level in this is kind of weird.  Not super weird, given how recently this was made, but at least a little weird.  
I really like this akuma?  He’s asking questions of Hawkmoth, unlike most people.  And his tech-control may be the most powerful akuma we’ve ever seen. 
And he’s the first akuma to betray Hawkmoth!  Damn, I love this little guy.  I wonder if this is why Hawkmoth usually hands out relatively weak powers?
Glaciator:  I hate episodes where Marinette is the cause for someone’s akumatization.  I mean, it’s good to have flawed heroes and all, but it’s just so awkward to watch.  Though I do like that she immediately recognized that she was cruel and felt bad about it, instead of needing a hamfisted moral.
I know I said before that Ladrien was my favorite dynamic, but Marichat is pretty great too.  Removing the pressure of the crush from both sides gives us a great chance to see how they work as friends.
Sapotis:  Random thought:  What does Hawkmoth do with his cane when he’s using both hands to infuse a butterfly?  Does it just stand on its own?
Here’s another akuma that I really like.  Multiplying powers are perfect for overwhelming the heroes and for protecting the core object.  “When they eat” is a decent limitation to make it possible for them to eventually be defeated, too.
I like that handing out the Fox Miraculous wasn’t an easy choice.  It’s kind of a big deal!  I do think that it’s kind of a weird choice, though-- why should Marinette particularly think that illusions will be helpful in dealing with this?  (For that matter, what makes Fox Illusions important enough to be one of the five central Miraculouses?  The Butterfly makes sense-- handing powers out to other people is a huge power-- but illusions just don’t seem to measure up against stuff like the Rabbit’s time travel.  I have to think that the Fox has more powers to unlock, just like the Ladybug and the Cat.)
Huh, Alya detransformed faster than Marinette even though she had spent less time transformed and used her power later.  That seems to suggest that practice extends how long they can use their powers…  Which makes sense, given Hawkmoth’s ability relative to theirs.  That’s probably why his powers (and Fluff’s, later in the series) are so much stronger, as well… it’s just that it’s hard to judge the strength of most of the powers we’ve seen so far.
Gorizilla:  Hey, Gabriel Agreste?  Do me a favor and DIE HORRIBLY.
Captain Hardrock:  ...So, is Luka being written as autistic-coded?  It seems like he can communicate more easily through music, which (while I’m not entirely sure if that’s a real way autism can manifest) is definitely a way it gets written in some stories.  
Alya: “Some of us are still chained up here, could you stop flirting for one second?”  (I love her so much)
Okay, I’m not a musician, but can Adrien and Gabriel just… play a solo piece as a duet?  Don’t you need a song written for that purpose?
Everyone already knows that Adrien and Luka had just as much a meet-cute as Luka and Marinette did, right?  Good, good.  The Ship Tesseract is a go.
Frightningale:  Marinette is very cute when she gets excited about her idols.
Tikki explicitly and casually saying that she’s proud of Marinette is A+, very excellent.
Plagg: “That costume is what you really wanted deep down, isn’t it?”  What.  WHAT???  So… Miraculous costumes are shaped by the desires of their holders?  I love it.  I love it!  That opens such a delightful future opportunity for showcasing character growth, it’s perfect.
Adrien shows up dressed as Cat Noir:  Marinette.exe has stopped working.
...I really wish they would take this episode as a chance to explicitly say that Miraculous Magic helps protect their identities.  That really needs to be canonized if people are going to stop looking like morons.
Syren:  Wow, we’re jumping right into this akuma.  Very promising for my enjoyment of the episode!  And a delightfully interesting akuma, too-- I’m a big fan of terrain control as a power.
New transformation sequence!  New powers!  I love this whole episode.
And Adrien getting to meet Master Fu is also Very Good.  He deserves it.
Zombizou: Another excellent episode.  I love this Akuma’s power… all the cute of a romance with all the horror of zombies.  A delightfully unusual combination that could only occur in Miraculous Ladybug.
And some delightful character growth for Chloe, which I love. 
 Frozer:  Okay, Cat Noir grabbing a rose to give to Ladybug is cute and all, but… roses are expensive, you know?  It’s like he just swiped a few dollars out of this guys hand.
Kagami, who ships Marinette/Adrien as much as anyone else in the school:  Change targets, Adrien.  Adrien:  *hands her a rose*  Kagami:  Wrong target!
...Yeah, Adrien does not have a lot of good options for love advice around him.  But wow, going to Marinette is hands-down the cruelest and dumbest thing he could do.  
God, I love Marinette’s friends.  They have their own personal fandom going on here, don’t they?
Aaaww, Gorilla Bodyguard is nice.  It’s a shame that he never talks, honestly.
You know, I’m really trying to ship this poly quartet, but it just isn’t doing much for me tbh.
I do like the different forms (and the different transformation sequences) but I have to wonder what the rest of them do.  Surely they can’t all be for dealing with different kinds of environments? There just aren’t that many environments that need magical assistance to deal with.  Underwater, on ice… I can imagine flight, fire resistance, and maybe digging, but that only gets us to five out of seven potions.  It’s hard to think of two more environment adaptations that wouldn’t be covered by the first five.  There must be at least one that has a different kind of power.
Remember how I really enjoy episodes that spend a lot of time with the akuma?  That goes in reverse for episodes that spend a lot of time on stalling relationship drama.  If anyone was actually making any kind of progress, that would be one thing, but as it is…
Style Queen:  Tikki playing Marinette’s crush on Adrien against her crippling insecurity is just hilarious to me.  I don’t know why.
...I really hope this interview isn’t going out live.  Poor Chloe.  She doesn’t deserve that.
Tikki:  *encourages Marinette in every possible way when she’s anxious*  Plagg:  You feel awkward?  It’s because you look dumb.  
How the heck did all of Marinette’s classmates and family get seats in this highly prestigious fashion show?  Front-row seats, no less?  (I could understand a couple tickets for close family and friends, but this is a little excessive.)
Wow, Nathalie is really good at this “accidental” infuriation thing.  
(Side note:  I really like the touch of having Chloe so thoroughly imitate her mother as to even walk like her.  It serves a delightful dual narrative purpose of both explaining much of Chloe’s cruelty and of making Audrey’s cruelty to her daughter even more heartbreaking.)
Okay, again:  How did Nino get the gig of doing music for this highly prestigious fashion show?  Like, did Adrien cash in every favor he had with his father?  And why are all the other rows of the audience still empty?  I normally don’t notice or care about animation shortcuts, but this is all very glaring.
...God, Chloe wants to please her mother so much she’ll even help her akumatized self.  That’s just depressing.
Plaggaclysm is an absolute goddamn delight.  (And, you know, utterly terrifying.)  It makes me wonder what Tikki’s unrestrained power looks like.
Okay, as someone who’s been spoilered a lot, I always wondered how Marinette managed to lose a Miraculous so badly that it ended up in Chloe’s hands, but this is actually a really good explanation-- she thought that the magic clean-up of Miraculous Ladybug would have sent it back.  Which makes sense!  That’s the kind of put-things-back-where-they-were that we might often see from a Miraculous Ladybug.  It’s not great that she just assumed that without checking, but it’s not unreasonable either.
Troublemaker:  ...So, is this out of order or something?  Or is there a deliberate gap between the two Queen episodes?
You know, it’s hard not to wonder sometimes why Hawkmoth keeps trying all these useless-seeming akumas all the time, but Troublemaker does a pretty good job stating their case-- sometimes you just get exactly the right circumstances for victory, even with a power that wouldn’t do much good anywhere else.  Intangibility wouldn’t be impressive outdoors or even in the Agreste mansion... but in a cramped Parisian apartment, she’s one of the most successful akumas ever created.
It’s nice that they’re actually showing us some emotional aftermath of an akumatization for once.  You can just feel that shame radiating off of Penny-- that sense of “how could I do that?  What will they think of me?”  It’s a nice thing to address.
You know what I just realized I desperately want?  I want post-reveal shenanigans where Tikki hangs out with Marinette’s other female friends.  They have such a great girl group, and Tikki would be so much fun hanging out with them.
Queen Wasp:  It’s interesting that Gabriel mentions a “promise” between him and Emilie.  That certainly seems to imply more than just him wanting to resurrect her.  I’m starting to see where the “maybe Emilie was evil too” headcanons come from.
Yay, Marinette’s getting what she deserves!  Boo, Chloe doesn’t deserve to have this happen in front of her!  Very mixed feelings.
...But wow, Chloe did not choose a great way to react to that.  I can’t blame her at all, but still…
I wish they’d given more time to the Queen Wasp fight.  I mean, I get that obviously they couldn’t do much since a single strike on her part would defeat them, but such a powerful akuma deserves more attention.
Chloe saying sorry is just… That’s Growth!
Reverser:  I’m enjoying this episode, but the number of people who seem honestly confused about the fact that Marc is an akuma is baffling.  It feels like this really ought to be a Season 1 episode.
This really seems like an episode where they should be handing out other Miraculouses to get some help?  I mean, Alix said it pretty explicitly.  I can imagine a lot of ways that Rena Rouge could help out here, for instance.  
Random thought:  How come Ladybug can capture and purify the akumas anyway?  It doesn’t really seem to fit Tikki’s theme of Creation.  Is it because she’s one of the top two Miraculouses, and therefore has some amount of power over the lesser Miraculous?  That would make sense, I suppose.  And I... guess it sort of counterbalances Plagg’s ability to destroy the Miraculouses.
Anansi:  Adrien excusing his father’s behavior as being “overprotective” is physically painful to me.  
Honestly, Nora has a point.  How are the people of Paris supposed to tell the difference between akumatized people and people in costumes?  (Well, presumably it’s easier to tell the difference in a non-animated world…)
Marinette being a Chaotic Good trickster is my everything.  Almost as much as Alya being all dramatic as she walks out is.
The irony of this ordinary, non-magical fighter saying that Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Nino are clueless about the dangers of akumas is smothering.  
Is it just me, or does Marinette look unusually worried in this transformation sequence?  I thought they just reused the same thing multiple times, but this definitely isn’t her usual cheery transformation.
I’ve been waiting a long time for Cat Noir to use Cataclysm as a way to protect his Miraculous.  It’s a fairly obvious application of the power, and it’s nice to see that finally happen.
Ladybug:  This Cat empty, YEET!
God, Nino is a terrible liar.  Which puts him in good company in this show…
Malediktator:  Obviously we can’t have Chloe maintaining her positive character development.  Clearly, we need to backtrack that immediately!  /sigh…  I suppose it makes some sense in that she’s spending more time with her mother and learning from her.
I feel bad for the Mayor.  Audrey is too cruel to deal with, and Chloe follows her example.
I saw the “everyone celebrates Chloe leaving” bit coming a mile away, and I still laughed for a solid minute.  Of course, then Adrien has to come along and spoil it with her being his “childhood friend” and “the only person his age he knew for years”, but whatever.
God, I can’t believe the Lucky Charm in this episode.  Can we have more of that, please?  Massive laser gun weapons for the win.
The one thing I can’t stop thinking about is how Cat Noir’s Miraculous is clearly only saved by narrative convenience.  It’s frankly very jarring.
Sandboy:  Some interesting worldbuilding going on here.  Too bad it comes at the cost of Nooroo having to deal with Gabriel “Evil Bitch” Agreste.
Anyway, worldbuilding.  Miraculous holders can apparently control their kwamis!  That’s… awful.
And, as I’ve wondered for a while, it appears that the Miracle Box is in fact magical in and of itself, and not just a spiffy container for the Miraculouses-- it apparently has a kwami pocket dimension.  
Kwamis can’t say their owners’ names, which makes sense.
Nightmare!Adrien is horrifying.  
I’m a little disappointed with the singing kwamis.  That could have been a lot more mystical.
Adrien’s nightmare is… incredibly depressing and disturbing.  Yeesh.
Hawkmoth reverse-tracking the kwamis is hugely dangerous.  I hope Fu moves to a different apartment after this.  (And speaking of Fu, I’m a little disappointed by his nightmare.  I hoped for something a little more revealing.)
Have I told Gabriel Agreste to die in a fire recently?  Just in case… die in a fire, Gabriel Agreste.
Catalyst:  I’ve been looking forward to this one, yes I have…
God, there’s a statue of Adrien’s dead mom right outside his room?  Was his life not awful enough somehow?
Yeesh, Lila.  I probably should have rewatched Volpina at some point so I had a better sense of what’s going on with her, but there’s only so much Lila nonsense I want to deal with.  And apparently she’s lying to both her parents and to the school?  Honestly, why?
Ugh, Marinette lying.  Honestly, I just straight-up skipped past this.  Among my many personal problems with this, I also feel that having everyone say in front of the entire class what they’re doing for Heroes Day is… really weird?  I mean, that would be an unfair way to force children to compare themselves to each other even in a world without akumatizations-- and in this world, it’s an actively dumb thing to do.
Volpina(/Lila) is such an interesting character because she so entirely embraces the power Hawkmoth grants her, and is so willing to help him even when she loses that power.
Catalyst is a fascinating akuma choice.  I don’t think it would work for anyone but Nathalie, and for her it fits perfectly.  And from the very instant she appears, it’s obvious that she may well be the most valuable akuma ever created.
Watching people stare down the akumas is awesome, I have to say.  
I love these Miraculous handing-outs.  Alya once again proves herself the queen of everything.
Mayura:  Ohhhh yes. I’ve really been waiting for this one.
Dark Cupid + Scarlet Moth is a particularly inspired combination.  Honestly, at this end of the episode I can’t possibly imagine what would lead to Hawkmoth never doing this again.
Plagg sharing his cheese may be the most heartwarming moment this series has ever seen.
The Peacock Miraculous is fascinating in oh-so-many ways.  It creates (or maybe summons) creatures from strong emotions with a material focus, just like the Butterfly Miraculous.  What makes those two so different from seemingly every other Miraculous?  Is it something about the way they’re used?  And how was it damaged?  My initial guess is that some of the feathers were destroyed by a Cataclysm for some reason.
...It just occurred to me that Adrien probably thinks that Marinette is stammering and clumsy around lots of people.  (I feel like that’s been addressed in a previous episode, though…)
Having reached the end of the episode, I’m still not sure why they wouldn’t repeat the Catalyst -> Scarlet Moth -> Dark Cupid combo in the future.  As far as I can tell, there’s no downsides to this-- it seems to cost them no more than normal, and even if they can’t get Dark Cupid, the rest of the combo still works.  Why would Gabriel and Nathalie bring back Mayura and not Catalyst?  
Chameleon:  Ugh, Lila.  I honestly just skipped the first third of this episode and read a summary.  Her lying is painful in almost every way.
Fortunately, what she lacks in believability, she makes up in pure willing evil.  Grabbing an akuma and demanding to be akumatized?  That’s how you make a petty villain look dangerous.
(Also, “Oops!  I lied” is a fantastic line.  Slightly funny, dangerously unrepentant… delightful.)
Chameleon’s powers are an interesting twist on Lila’s usual Volpina powers.  They’re clearly weaker, but also more personal, and they allow the possibility of an actual attack with her kiss-- a capability that Volpina lacked.  On the whole, I find myself less impressed with these powers than with Volpina’s (not least thanks to Lila’s less-subtle actions this time around), but it at least opens up some future possibilities.  Still, I think for Lila to be a real threat in the future, she’s going to need to steal the Fox Miraculous.
Sigh… another disobedient akuma making things harder for Hawkmoth.  At this point, it’s less relieving than it is predictable.
Honestly, I really like the idea of Lila?  Marinette and Ladybug having the same dedicated enemy is something that the show otherwise lacks, and her use of lies morally opposes her to Marinette in an interesting way that could be used to explore the moral complications of the secret identity.  It just sucks that she’s so very poorly implemented.
(Side note:  I’m reading the Miraculous wiki of this episode, and it points out that Hawkmoth has tried to akumatize Marinette and gotten someone else twice now, and both times the new person has had kiss-based powers.  I wonder if that might be foreshadowing for what an eventual akumatized Marinette’s powers might look like?)
Backwarder:  Again, I’m skipping the first part and reading a summary.  I’m just… so tired of love square shenanigans.  There’s a reason I shouldn’t binge watch this show…
Hawkmoth in a train bathroom should be funny to me, but I just can’t comprehend that negative emotions are really so rare in Paris that he absolutely can’t miss this opportunity.
Hawkmoth is getting a dangerous amount of information about Fu from Backwarder here.  I’m increasingly starting to think that the first eventual Big Plot Development will be Hawkmoth finding Fu and either controlling him or taking some of the Miraculous or power-up potions from him.  
Really, Gabriel?  You couldn’t even skip your monologue on a public train?
I love that literally everyone who likes Marinette ships her and Adrien.  It’s adorable.
Weredad:  Listen.  Gigantitan was a cute gimmick once, when it was an accident.  And when Scarlet Moth showed up, there wasn’t any particular reason why he shouldn’t be re-akumatized.  But what could possibly possess Gabriel Agreste to repeat the event?  Gigantitan is almost completely incapable of stealing the Miraculous.
Anyway, skipping past the love square stalling nonsense…
Finally, an akuma who can grab the Miraculous when ordered.  
Eh.  I know it’s because I’m just so tired of the love square right now, but this episode did nothing for me.
Skipping Animaestro altogether.  I’ve heard nothing good and the summary looks to back that up.
Bakerix:  This really feels like it was supposed to come before Backwarder.  Is the train they’re unveiling somehow not the one the Agrestes rode in that episode?
You know, normally any plot that involves the words “get them back together again” worries me, but I find I have unusually high hopes for this one.  (Although the lying is not a great start…)
Marinette, you live in a bakery and you don’t tote bags of flour daily?  Pfft.  (Though with how huge her dad is…)
Granpda Dupain is seriously traditional.  They’re really playing that up.  Probably to distract from the otherwise-blatant racism metaphor of him disliking rice flour in the family bread.
Very cute ending!  And see, we can have a nice emotional episode without using the love square!
Silencer:  I debated whether or not to actually watch this, because Lukanette really doesn’t do much for me, but what the hell.
Wow, Bob Roth and XY are the scum of the earth.  
I love the Kitty Section visuals.  Armored death kitties is a flawless concept, without a doubt.
God, I love that Marinette sees this problem and her solution is just to go right to the top.  I feel like being Ladybug has altered her sense of scale.
It’s astonishing that Bob Roth can look at his son’s costume and unironically call Kitty Section an inferior garage band.
I am not thrilled with the way that Luka gets more coherent and talks less about music when he gets angry.  I don’t know why, but I don’t like it.
Huh.  I didn’t think Silencer could be an effective villain with his powers, but cancelling her active powers isn’t a bad move.
Cat Noir’s reaction to Ladybug’s loss of speech is priceless.  But boy, is he bad at charades.
...Shit, they really did make Silencer a scary villain.  Nicely done.
Aww, Lukanette is cute.  It’s too bad it’ll probably never get a fair shake.
Oblivio:  Another one I’ve heard a lot about.  Hell of a way to start the episode, that’s for sure.  
Adrien and Marinette “introducing” themselves is goddamn adorable.  Now this is my kind of love square content.
Ooooh, I love Oblivio’s design.  Super blank and creepy.  
Okay, question:  Is the highlight sight thing magical or not?  (Upon looking it up, it is apparently not.  I think we can all be forgiven for the mistake, given how it always shows up.)
“SuPeR PeNgUiNo”
Worldbuilding-wise, I think the most interesting part of this episode is the fact that two people can be akumatized into one villain.  There’s room for a particularly terrifying villain to be created in the future by combining Hawkmoth and Mayure...
Stormy Weather 2:  I’ve heard a lot of shit about this episode, but I like the start so far?  Let’s see where it goes.
Oh wait shit, is this a clip show?  Yuck.
Did Stormy Weather just summon a God Damn Volcano?  Holy shit.
This is frankly disappointing.  It’s not the worst clip show episode I’ve ever seen, but I wish they’d chosen a different villain to make a reappearance.
Locker Stalker Adrien will never not be funny to me.
Oni-Chan:  UGH, LILA.  Alright, let’s do this.  (Me, two minutes later:  UGH, LILA.)
Is the skylight above Emilie Agreste’s coffin new?  I don’t remember that being there.  It’s weird that they have two separate underground lairs with skylights.  How does no one notice that?
Adrien:  “I don’t have any girlfriend.  Plagg, claws out!”  Plagg:  Noooo there were so many things I wanted to say in response to that!
Huh.  Oni-chan’s powers are a little underwhelming, but very interesting.  And a reasonably interesting solution to fighting her, as well.
This is easily the cutest Adrigami has ever been.  If they were always like this, I would ship them a lot more.
Lila and Gabriel teaming up is honestly fascinating.  Each one of them thinks that they’re using the other, but Gabriel currently has the clear upper hand because he’s the only one who knows about Hawkmoth, which means he can play Lila from two different positions.  But Lila has an advantage of her own in that she doesn’t care whether Gabriel or Hawkmoth is manipulating her, because she’s already getting what she wants out of the bargain-- power and influence.  
Honestly, if it weren’t for the scenes where people inexplicably believe Lila’s more ridiculous lies, I would love her as a villain.
Miraculer:  Yet another episode I’ve been looking forward to!  I do love Chloe development.
Wooow.  That’s a dark scheming side of Nathalie we haven’t seen before.  I like it, but as always happens with Nathalie, I’m left wondering where her commitment to this plan comes from.  
Ah, Marinette.  So savage.  So delightful.
Remember me talking in the last ep about people believing the most ridiculous things from Lila?  Here we go again.
Mayura is using her power surprisingly freely all of a sudden.  I thought the Miraculous was broken and it damaged Nathalie to use it?  Hmm….
Okay, I hate to blame the victim, but for a professional lackey, Sabrina is terrible at figuring out what Chloe would want her to do, and worse at not saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Chloe fighting off Hawkmoth is super badass, I love it.  Only she could have the absolute HBIC confidence needed for something like that.
...Wow, I’m actually kind of starting to ship Sabrina/Chloe.  Or possibly wanting Sabrina to get out of the relationship she’s in with Chloe…
Hawkmoth being the one to tell an akuma not to take a hero’s Miraculous?  That’s new.
Dang, Miraculer is powerful.  It’s almost hard to imagine a stronger akuma.
And Mayura vs. Queen Bee is everything it’s been chalked up to be, of course.  I love it.
Damn, the sheer confidence in “I will always be Queen Bee”.  Magnificent, utterly magnificent.
Timetagger:  Poor Mr. Pigeon.  Constantly transformed by Hawkmoth and equally often getting the stuffing beat out of him by Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Aaaw yeah Bunnix!  Honestly I’ve already seen this episode, but there’s nothing about it I don’t want to watch again.
I really thought that “what if today’s the day we grow up” was going to be a lead-in to Ladybug using her powers twice in one transformation as a sign of growth.  On a second watch, it’s really very disappointing to know that’s not the case.  This episode would have been the perfect opportunity to showcase Ladybug and Cat Noir’s growth and give a visible, power-related symbol of that growth.  Maybe it will serve as foreshadowing for their ability to do that by the end of the season…?  We can only hope.
11 notes · View notes
drunkensurvs-blog · 7 years
How slowly or quickly would you say you eat? In general I’ve noticed I’m a slower eater when it comes to meals. I’m not that person at the table who everyone else is waiting for to finish, but I don’t finish first really. When it comes to snacks like popcorn though I can’t shove that in my face fast enough.
Do you remember how you felt on 9/11? Tbh I felt my age: 11. I knew something serious/bad had happened but I didn’t fully grasp how horrific it was until I was older. What stands out the most to me on that day was all the kids getting pulled out of school by their parents.
What outfit makes you feel the most attractive? It’s more about my makeup and hair than my outfit, so I don’t really have one.
Do you wear any make-up and, if yes, what? I wear makeup about 5-10 days a year. And I’m not exaggerating.
What do you think of people who always wear make-up? If it makes them feel good about themselves/pretty then I’m all for it!
What’s a smell that absolutely makes you gag? Plenty of things I’m sure.
Is there a smell that gives you headaches? You know that awful perfume smell you encounter while walking through a mall department store? THAT.
What about one that reminds you of the past? This certain laundry smell. Smells can transport me to a certain time so quickly and vividly it’s scary.
When you think about marriage, what thoughts come up? Honestly, very pessimistic ones. I KNOW lasting love exists. But I just don’t think it happens nearly as often as people want it to.
What’s your least favorite thing about summer? How fucking hot it is. I don’t like that shit. If the temperature is not between ~55-74 Fahrenheit my ass is not happy.
What’s your least favorite thing about the holiday season? Figuring out what to buy people on a budget.
Other than yourself, who knows you the best? My best friends.
How long have you known this person? 17 years. I met them both the same year :) love them.
Do you have any embarrassing qualities and, if so, what are they? I’m sure I do, idk.
What did you do the last time you were with friends? Gambled, ate, drank, talked, slept haha.
Did you enjoy this activity, or not so much? 100% happiness.
How long have you had your current group of friends? 17 years and counting.
What’s one complaint that you have about school? I’m not in school right now. But as far as high school goes they really need to focus more on important stuff and realistic planning for the future of each student.
What do you do while you’re on campus but not in class? In college when I lived on campus I went back to my housing. When I moved off campus I either walked to my off-campus apartment that was still super close or I waited in the library.
What do you think of people who’re home-schooled? Eh? I don’t think I’ve ever met a home schooled person. So my opinion would be based on the media, which probably isn’t fair. 
Do you know anyone who has Autism/Asperger’s syndrom? I know OF people.
Has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you? I don’t think so? Even if they did unless it was blatant I would just think they were being friendly haha.
Are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not? I’ve asked myself this before in an effort to be open and self aware. But at the end of the day it always comes back to the fact that I just love men. I can’t think of a single instance where I’ve looked at a woman and had any sexual or romantic desire. On the other hand I cannot sit here and say never because I haven’t met everyone on this planet, you know?
Do you ever look down on people you don’t know? Fer sure, but only if they deserve it.
Do you think boys look good in skinny jeans? I’m a fan. And if they have a man bun...delicious.
Do you think it’s okay for boys to dress like girls and vice versa? People should wear what they feel comfortable in.
Have you ever dressed like or worn clothing belonging to the opposite sex? I’ve never made an effort to dress in traditionally masculine clothes if that’s what you’re asking. I wear what I like.
When and how did your favorite band become your favorite? Blink 182 has been in my life for so long. I just know as a young human I loved their silliness and how uncensored they were.
How often do you listen to this band? Not as frequently as I used to, but enough to be considered a fave?
Do you know anyone who has crappy taste in music? No one has crappy taste in music because it isn’t anyone’s place to judge the music people listen to. <--THIS.
Do you judge people by their music preferences? No, but I definitely judge people who are smug about their own music preferences. <—I despise people who will say crap about the music someone is listening to. <---THIS ALSO.
Do you know anyone who acts like someone they’re not? Nobody comes to mind.
What about purposely trying not to conform? No.
Would you befriend a loner and why or why not? Yeah? Just because someone is a loner doesn’t mean they’re not an awesome person/friend.
What do you think of people who litter and do you? Honestly, it does piss me off. It’s so easy to just NOT. And no I don’t.
When was the last time you climbed a flight of stairs? Climbed makes it sound so treacherous haha. But about an hour ago.
How much time do you spend online daily? 5ish hours directly. But a lot more if you count apps and stuff.
Is this more or less than you spent online three years ago? The same, maybe a tad more.
Do you remember your first time using the internet? Sadly, no.
Do you remember life without the internet? Yes.
What went wrong in your previous relationship? I fell out of love. Crucial and fundamental differences.
If you’re in one, is anything wrong with it now? Single.
How would you react to being cheated on? I’d break up with the person. At least I hope I would. Speaking as someone who has been on the other side...ending it would be the right and best thing to do.
Would you ever consider cheating on another person? In the nicest sounding way...been there, done that.
Is drinking and smoking a dating deal-breaker for you? I mean, smoking would be a struggle. And as you could probably tell from my blog name the drinking wouldn’t be a problem hah.
Or do you drink and smoke as well? I drink.
What other sites are you on at this time? Pandora and youtube.
Do you have a favorite survey-maker and survey-taker? No.
Do you wear sunglasses regularly? No. I wish I knew where mine went actually...
Would you rather have six months of extremely cold winter weather or six months of blistering, brain-frying heat? Cold. If there is one thing I cannot stand it’s being hot. Fucking hell. You can always put more on if you’re cold. But being hot..forget it.
How would you describe your wardrobe? Bummy.
Is there anyone that you think is ugly? Well yeah hah. I’m not blind.
Have you ever found yourself to be ugly? Not facially...haha. but in other ways for sure.
How much have you eaten today? Plenty!
Have you read the Twilight series and do you like it or dislike it? I did! I liked it well enough because of my low expectations and also my low standards.
Do you prefer Harry Potter, or perhaps some other series? HP is infinitely better than Twilight in all ways.
How would you describe your current surroundings? Bedroomy.
Who was the last person that you asked a question? Mi madre.
0 notes