qqueenofhades · 4 months
i think this is a pretty decent article in general, but this is a passage i particularly want to highlight:
"The U.S. can’t force Israel to do anything it regards as anathema to its interests. All Washington can do is lay down its own markers, including open recognition of a Palestinian state and a clear warning to Israel that its rejectionism will do significant damage to bilateral relations. The bear hug of support that Biden has provided for Israel over Gaza, at times with no international backing, cannot be gratis. The U.S. has a right, indeed a responsibility, to demand Israeli cooperation on this indispensable priority. Failing that, Washington will have to reevaluate the merits of America’s special relationship with Israel.
That is unlikely to happen before the U.S. election. But Biden might be more willing to apply the full weight of American influence on Israel if he wins a second term. Historically, second-term presidents—freed from the domestic political constraints of seeking reelection—tend to take on such issues with more determination. And if Biden really believes that U.S. interests—and ultimately Israel’s future—rest on the creation of a Palestinian state and normalization with Saudi Arabia, he could act decisively."
like i can't see any scenario where Biden's re-election would make the current situation worse! idk why it's so hard for some people to get!
I mean... yeah. I literally said the other day that Biden would be much more likely to go MORE left in a second term, because he's always gone more left when he's been pushed before, he wouldn't have to face the general electorate again, and because he's already in such a precarious position right before the election (which again, NETANYAHU KNOWS and is using to his advantage in attempting to get Trump back in). There's also the fact that literally nothing, no cause whatsoever for anyone anywhere, would be helped by Trump being elected instead. But that's apparently "baseless fearmongering" for Online Leftists who resent it when reality intrudes on their glorious revolution fantasies and/or anyone points out the basic real-world consequences of their rhetoric, so...
We've already seen that Biden can be successfully pressured, in four short months, to make drastic changes to decades of long-standing US/Israeli policy. There's no reason except sheer brainrot and terminally online idiocy to think that re-electing him will make the current situation worse (and on the other hand, as noted, many reasons to think that now he will be able to act more forcefully and without the worries of being sabotaged in an election year). Yet for the Schrodinger's Imperialists who think all Western and American influence is Always Bad, but Acktually Good when it relies on being used as magical thinking to instantly solve major global/geopolitical crises with literal millennia of roots and sources, this is just really hard, I guess. GENOCIDE JOE. There, that's easier.
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studyquill · 6 years
hi Jasmine! i recently went on my first run and completely failed only 1/3 of the way through. i just couldn’t run any farther. any tips for beginner runners? thanks!
To quote some wise person (I can’t remember who said this) "It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” so basically slow down the pace as much as you need to, heck even go at a brisk walk. Or a slow walk. Whatever you need, until you’ve recovered a bit and can get back into a jog or run. 
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tbhstudying · 7 years
Have you seen Crash Course's new series on study skills? It seems like it'll be really helpful!
i haven’t seen it, but yeah! crash course has been branching out a lot and i’m glad since it’ll help a lot of people ahhh
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biologyweeps · 7 years
How would shapeshifting work? Like I'd like to write a character who could shape-shift and I'm curious.
Please check out this entire tag, I talked about multiple aspects of shapeshifting here. 
The gist is, if you don’t want to go the ‘well, magic’ route is that it would have to be slow process. There are a number of animals out there that undergo metamorphosis as part of their life cycle that may be good inspiration for you. 
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smartstudies · 7 years
Are you excited for senior year?
very!! i know it’s gonna be a lot of work, but i’m just glad to have one last year with my friends :’)
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studynotepad · 7 years
Thank you!  🎉
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I see people say that tumblr is a place filled with edgy people and dark depressing stuff. And well, they aren't wrong. But your blog and the other blogs in these positive and motivation based communities, are amazing. Tumblr, for me, is one of my main sources of motivation. Your blog really helps with t and I'm glad I found you! Not a question but I just felt like spreading some love ❤️
This made me tear up and smile like such a goofball oh my god... you are so kind. I’m so thrilled my blog can bring you happiness and motivation!! That’s what I’m here for!! I know tumblr can be really negative (though it’s fine to be negative at times and to have vent blogs) but it’s really really common and I want to change that. Sometimes it’s all about who you follow, so make sure you’re not following so many negative blogs! Everyone deserves positivity on their dash.
Thanks again! And thank you for supporting my blog, it means so much!
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justjasminestudying · 7 years
Tumblr media
(I felt so bad doing this- it was so hard to narrow down almost 200 entries! you're all amazing guys, dw if I didn't pick you)
without further ado:
@alinaetude , @rannedomblr , @giraffe-stvdies , @galaxylo , @stupa-study
best url: literally nobody applied for this so I added some in
@studyruels , @studyblr2019 , @rannedomblr
best theme:
@architstudy , @studyblr2019, @alinaetude
best icon:
@studyruels , @sweetlittlestudent , @flowerynotes
best orginals: only one blog applied rip and it's so hard to choose more
most active followers:
@sweetlittlestudent , @rannedomblr , @studyruels , @sivanistudies
random prizes: I scrolled down my followers and picked random peeps
@delstudiess, @wistfulstudys, @studyinswift
as said before, you're all amazing! I love you all so much- ty for bringing me to 1.7K
reminder of prizes:
-a post on whatever you want
-3x promo whenever you want
-a drawing
-whatever you want lettered
-a background
-ummm idk if you think of anything else just let me know and I’ll probs do it lol
and that's it!
I'll be back later, as you may know, I have LOADSS of exams within the next two weeks :((
gtg gna go listen to reputation for like the millionth time instead of revising xD
any swifies hmu ;)
-jasmine xx
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somalang · 6 years
tagged by @wistfulstudys !!!
answer thirty questions, tag twenty blogs
nickname: safi/b
gender: female
star sign: libra
height: 5′8 woo
time: 7:27 pm
birthday: 9th of october
favorite bands: don’t really listen to bands?? but i used to be into the 1975, catfish, 5sos back in the day
favorite solo artists: same as above wowww
song stuck in my head: go go by bts cause i really wanna learn the dance
last movie watched: i haven’t watched a film in a long ass time.
last show watched: doctor strange. this kdrama is too good wOW
when did i create my blog: october 2016 if i remember correctly? idek
what do i post: study notes, resources for langs, my sad life. i have a variety (:
last thing i googled: wanted to know about autosomal recessive genes and how they’re prevalent in metabolic disorders due to its genetic coding cause i need to pass bio
do you have any other blogs: not really. i kinda made one to save a url cause i kinda like it
do you get asks: not really but it’s all fine. im used to this.
why did you choose your url: cause i like langs and somali is my lang so soma(li)lang(uages) bOOM
following blogs: nearly 400 but some of them are inactive rn so imma unfollow some from years ago(:
followers: closer to 1k than 2k rn sIGH
favourite colour: navy blue/maroon
average hours of sleep: 5 max hence why i live the caffeine addict life
lucky number:  1 or 9
instruments: none but i used to play the drums/keyboard/violin ages ago but i forgot now lmao
what am i wearing: sweatpants and a jumper cause im tryna feel great 
how many blankets do i sleep with: one
dream job: anything that has to do with medicine !!!
dream trip: going around europe using interrail and just seeing everything, touritstic and just general local things. or probably a china/s.korea/japan trip
favourite food: idek. i like pastries like croissants tbh but that’s all
nationality: dutch but im ethnically somali
favourite song right now:  anything that’s korean/chinese/dutch cause i listen to alot of things
tagging everyone that follows me cause idk who would want to do this!!
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wistfulstudys · 7 years
wistfulstudys: an intro
I’ve been seeing a lot of these intros for new(ish) studyblrs, and after a lot of back and forth, I figured that I should make one. But, I’ve decided to tackle mine in a different way. I’ll be answering 5 questions:
1. WHO?
Who are you?
So, hello! I go by Winnie, though the Pooh is an acceptable option. I am thirteen years old and entering 8th grade (year 9) in the fall.
I live in the US, New Jersey to be more specific (anyone else?)
I’m an African American, both of my parents are from Nigeria, I was actually born there, not in the US (yes, I’m a full-blooded Nigerian, but I was raised here)
I’m the second oldest of five kids
I’m a proud Pisces
I used to enjoy drawing, recently that passion has died, though I’m trying to kick it back into gear again
I only speak English, though I would love to learn Yoruba, Igbo, and I’m taking Spanish 1 this school year
I’m quite the introvert, but I love a good conversation where I can bounce ideas off friends or just talk about random stuff
My favorite color is yellow, a soft pastel yellow. Purple is a close second
I would die for Spongebob, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Peppa Pig, The Amazing World of Gumball, and The Loud House
I like to read stories/comics (fanfic or novels), watch YouTube videos, and play games (nothing serious though, like BTD5 or Epic Battle Fantasy on my laptop, Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on my DS lite, yes I still have mine, or Fairune on my phone)
I’m just a young girl striving for academic excellence. 
2. WHAT?
What is this?
This is an intro post for my studyblr, not sure how you missed that, where I plan to post lots of study-related content.
This will include:
notes for classes I’m taking
calligraphy practice
occasional DIYs
bujo spreads
books I’m reading (+annotations)
advice posts
reflective/goal posts
reviews of products I bought
pictures of things I saw that look nice/aesthetically pleasing
and more!
I hope you can find my posts enjoyable! :D
What classes will you be taking this year?
I will be taking:
Honors English 8
Honors Algebra 1
Honors Science 8
Honors Social Studies 8 (US History)
Spanish 1
And I plan to join Academy (Debate Club) this year.
Where is all of this happening?
All the photos and text posts will be on my tumblr (of course) if you want to check it out. I take photos from inside/outside my house or wherever I ended going for the day. If we go somewhere exciting, maybe for vacation or a field trip, I will be sure to notify you guys.
4. WHEN?
When will you post?
I would love to post everyday, but unfortunately seeing as I am very young, I burn out incredibly quickly. So, I try to post at least every other day. I might occasionally do back to back posts if I’m being really productive. When school resumes, the posts might space out for a while as I try to get back into the swing of things. (Sorry in advance!)  
5. WHY?
Why did you make this studyblr?
Most of these intro posts say they’ve been stalking the studyblr community for years, but I actually only heard of it like late June-early July. But, despite it being very new to me I fell in love with the studyblr community really fast. I made a blog as a sort of promise. For each year of middle school I have had a goal.
For 6th grade I wanted to establish myself, get used to middle school and learn how everything works.
For 7th grade, I wanted to build connections, focusing on improving relationships with my friends and learning more about them.
I decided halfway through 7th grade that 8th grade would be the year of self improvement. When it came to school, I was a good student, but I mostly bullshitted my way through it. That’s not a good way to go about handling school, and I cannot carry those bad habits to high school if I don’t want to have a breakdown every few weeks. I know this studyblr won’t make me the perfect student, not even close. But, I believe it will help me to get better. I don’t want to lie to you guys, so if I want to maintain a good studyblr image, I actually need to apply these in my life. This blog is a promise to myself that I will do better, and I will try harder.
The studyblr community is one of the most positive I’ve seen and you guys motivate me to be better. I’m hoping with this blog I can do the same for one of you.
Dang, now I’m all emotional ;u;
Studyblrs that have inspired me to start this journey:
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tbhstudying1 · 5 years
aaaaaa!!!!! thank you very much for ordering and i’m glad you like it <3 <3 <3 hope you’re having a wonderful day and stay warm and cozy with the hoodie :”)))))
from for the dreams i want to catch http://bit.ly/2R5NFZL See More
wistfulstudys: ordered @tbhstudying merch and it came today in the mail! (can’t show my face online,...
Tumblr media
ordered @tbhstudying merch and it came today in the mail! (can’t show my face online, hence the heart) I really like it!
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tbhstudying1 · 5 years
aaaaaa!!!!! thank you very much for ordering and i’m glad you like it <3 <3 <3 hope you’re having a wonderful day and stay warm and cozy with the hoodie :”)))))
from for the dreams i want to catch http://bit.ly/2R5NFZL via See More
wistfulstudys: ordered @tbhstudying merch and it came today in the mail! (can’t show my face online,...
Tumblr media
ordered @tbhstudying merch and it came today in the mail! (can’t show my face online, hence the heart) I really like it!
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