#witch!jimin x reader
wishesunderthestars · 11 months
Of Storms And Vampires // Ch. 1
Pairings: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader x Vampire!Jungkook
Summary: During the worst storm you have witnessed in your life, a bat crashes on your window. When you bring it inside your cottage to take care of it, you realize it isn't simply a bat but a baby vampire. Your past has come back to haunt you because Jungkook's sire is no one else but Min Yoongi, who you had left behind when you disappeared five years ago.
Genre: fluff, angst
Word Count: 9.1k+
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The wind howled outside with the voice of a thousand lost souls. You had read somewhere that the breeze and the sounds of the night were the dead singing. If that were true, tonight they were screaming. 
The storm had hit in the afternoon in full force, getting only worse since then. In seconds, the first few droplets turned into arrows of water falling from the heavens. Dark clouds overtook the sky, wiping out the sun and bringing the night early. Lightning struck every few minutes followed by loud thunder that sounded too close for comfort. You had sensed the storm brewing a few days ago but only yesterday you had realized how strong it was going to be. It was like all the rage of the Gods had been released at once.
The rain splattered on the windowpane relentlessly, a constant murmuring in the background interrupted only by the thunder. You could cast a silencing spell but you needed to be aware of what was happening outside and the sounds were comforting in a way. It was the music of lonely nights and disasters. 
You were curled up in the overstuffed armchair next to the fireplace, a book on kitchen magic leaning on your thighs. The fire flickered and danced, flaming tendrils reaching for above. It was a calm night for you, almost peaceful. You had been casting protections against the storm on your house, your garden, and the small farmhouse of your animals for days. There was nothing to worry about, you were more than safe. But your mind kept going to the town. It was the worst storm this part of the world had seen in decades.
You flipped the page to the recipe for an antipyretic potion and breathed in the smoky scent of burning firewood. Your eyes scanned over the ingredients of the potion and you considered how it could be improved to better fit your magic, without losing its essence. It was hard changing existing recipes and spells but when done right, it could be very rewarding. 
You sensed the presence before you heard the thud. It was small and weak, pulsing in flashes. Something had hit your window but you had only seen a black blur before it disappeared. You closed the book and lowered your feet from the couch, listening for any more noises. None followed. The rain continued like before. 
The aura of something—someone—, that hadn't been there before persisted. You had to see what it was, maybe it was an injured animal that needed your help. The forest would lead them to you sometimes, both animals and humans in need. 
You wrapped your black cloak around yourself and raised the hood. It was woven with enchanted thread for protection and stitched with intentions of blending in with your surroundings. The protection applied to the weather as well, it wouldn't completely spare you from the heavy rain but it would be more like going out during a mild rainfall instead of getting drenched within seconds. 
Outside, the world was dark and ominous. Trees lurched and bent under the force of the wind, its strength was enough to uproot some smaller and more frail ones. The rain bounced off your cloak and thunder boomed overhead. You shielded your lantern underneath your cloak and, with your boots sinking into the wet earth, moved carefully toward where you had heard the sound. At first, you didn't see it in the darkness but when your eyes adjusted, you noticed the outline of the crumbled figure underneath the window. 
The creature was small and it was shivering, probably both by the cold and the fear of the storm. You approached slowly, trying to seem non-threatening. It was a small bat, one of its wings bent at a weird angle and the other hiding its face. 
"Hello, little guy," you said, sending some of your energy to the bat to soothe it. The wind swept your voice away but you still tried. "I'm going to have to pick you up and take you inside. You can't stay out here in the storm." 
With a short incantation, you enchanted the lantern to float in place and slid one hand underneath the bat's small form, covering it gently with your other hand. It struggled a little but settled soon. By touch, you understood two things. It wasn't a normal bat but, in your hands, you were holding a vampire. And it was a very young one. 
"I'm going to take care of you," you promised, cradling the vampire close to your chest. "You don't have to be afraid." 
You rushed back inside, careful not to jostle him. You unclasped your coat, took off your boots at the entrance, and carried the baby vampire into the living room, sitting down on the armchair near the fire. His small body was trembling and the fire would calm the cold leeching on his bones. You laid him on your thighs to take a quick look at his injuries. There were a couple you could see at first glance, one of his wings was broken and there was a shallow gash on his belly. 
You touched his forehead with two fingers and transferred some more of your energy to him. The vampire flinched but when he felt life seeping into his veins, his eyes—which were larger than any other bat you had seen—widened, looking at you in wonder.
“Stay here,” you advised, laying him on the armchair as you got up. “I’ll be back with a few things to treat your injuries. Don’t move too much.”
You kept most of your potions and salves in the kitchen, they were in jars and tins of various sizes stored in your cabinets. Various herbs tied together with thick strings were hanging from the ceiling and potted plants lined the windowsills. The counters were cluttered with multiple ingredients for potions and spells, from the most common ones like dried daisies, mint, and sea glass to some rare—or mostly avoided—ones like bleeding nightshade, dragon hair, and heart crystals.
You opened the cabinet that contained most of your medicinal potions and a few salves. You skimmed over the labels, reciting their properties in your head and contemplating which ones would be better suited for a vampire. In the end, you grabbed a vial of dark green liquid and a small bottle, the inside of which was reflective like a mirror. The first one was to fight off the effects of the cold, it wasn’t easy for vampires to get sick but the vampire was young and he had probably spent too much time in the storm. The second one was to ease the pain and speed up healing and its effects could last for as long as twelve hours. Before returning to the living room, you grabbed a platinum tin containing a salve that would accelerate the process of the skin stitching together.
The baby vampire had obediently stayed where you had left him, his eyes were half-closed and he was still shaking. There was a small pang in your heart for him. Baby vampires weren’t supposed to be alone for more than a few hours, they needed the presence of their sire like humans needed air. But here he was, alone in the forest with a witch and his sire nowhere in sight.
“I’m back,” you said softly. The vampire opened his eyes a little and turned his head in your direction. His eyes were so bright, much brighter than any vampire you had ever met. “I need to take care of your injuries now. You need to drink these, they are going to help you heal.” 
The vampire eyed the potions but, surprisingly, he didn’t put up a fight, opening his mouth. 
“Good boy,” you said and if the vampire was in his human form, you were sure he would be blushing. As much as vampires could blush. You poured the green potion in his mouth first and when he swallowed, he made a face of disgust. “I know it doesn’t taste great but it’s one of the best potions for this.” He tilted his head and to distract him, you started explaining to him what the properties of each potion were.
You applied the salve on his wound with careful fingers, he whimpered but didn’t snap at you like you had expected. He was pretty docile for a young vampire, who could get violent away from their sire’s protection. Then, you made a small cast out of some cloth for his wing.
“By tomorrow night, you will be able to shift back. We can see how much your arm has been affected then. But I believe you will make a quick recovery,” you said and the bat let out a chirp. “Please, in the future, avoid going out before or during storms. Your bat form isn’t strong enough to withstand this kind of weather. You’re very lucky you hit my window.” He made a squeaking sound and lowered his head at your admonishment. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Some of the most sensitive ingredients were kept in the refrigerator that was powered by magic. One of those ingredients, stored in a large jar, was human blood. It was one of the ingredients that was frowned upon but was necessary for your type of magic and a very powerful asset. You poured a good amount into a bowl and put the rest back in the fridge.
The scent of blood made the vampire’s head shoot up as soon as you walked into the living room. “Stay there, I’m bringing it to you.” The vampire made a few more chirping noises as you carried the bowl and set it in front of him. He looked at you and when you nodded, he dived head-first into the blood. “It isn’t fresh but it will have to do. I know that baby vampires need blood.”
He gulped down the blood hungrily and when the bowl was licked clean, he looked at you with his large eyes. 
“That’s enough for now. I’ll give you more later,” you said, picking up the bowl. “Now, rest.”
Vampires stayed in nests with their sires while they were still young, so you tried to make a mock nest for the small bat. On the floor by the fireplace, you bunched up a fluffy blanket, placed two pillows on top, and laid the vampire inside. You thought you heard him sigh as he settled, making himself comfortable. After the events of the day and the two potions, it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. 
Near this side of the forest, there was only one small town from where he could have got lost. You tried to remember if there were any vampires that lived in the town but came up blank. You didn’t visit the town often and your interactions with its inhabitants were rare. Whatever you learned about them, you learned from Seokjin, who took it up to himself to fill you in on all the gossip he could remember. And he had a very strong memory. 
You stayed in the living room for a while longer, picking up the magic book where you left off and throwing glances at the bat every few pages. He was sleeping soundlessly, shifting only when thunder struck somewhere nearby. Soon, you closed the book again and after adjusting the blanket around the vampire’s small form, you retired to your room for the night.
The next morning, you woke up to the sounds of the storm raging outside. The wind whipped the roof and the walls and the rain falling was enough to fill up a river. Outside the window of your bedroom, the world was being suffocated in gray. The sun had disappeared, hidden behind the endless expanse of dark clouds. The storm would last through the day and hopefully calm during the night. However, the signs showed that it wouldn’t be gone soon.
You dressed for the day and braided your hair to keep it out of your face. There were things you had to do, despite the storm outside. Most importantly, there was a baby vampire that needed your attention in the living room.
Said vampire was awake and lazying around in his makeshift nest. He blinked slowly at you before letting out a couple of chirps, shaking his not-injured wing in what you guessed was the bat equivalent to waving at you. You had to admit that he was adorable as he greeted you enthusiastically.
“Good morning. How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?” you asked and the bat nodded his head. He gestured to his belly with his wing and you were glad to see that the skin was already stitching itself together. “This looks good, you are healing quickly. By nightfall, it will only be a small scar and that will go away soon too. But you will still need to be careful, don’t go flying into a storm again.” He squeaked lowly and lowered his head, making you giggle. “Now, let me take a look at your wing.”
His wing was also healing nicely and, as you had predicted, he would be able to turn back into his human form, if he wanted to, by the end of the day. It would make communication much easier although you weren’t sure if you would prefer that over the cute bat. You had found over the years living alone in your cottage in the forest that you were better at interacting with animals than with people. 
You let go of his wing and the vampire squeaked and pointed to his belly and then his mouth.
“Are you hungry? Do you want some blood?” you asked and he responded by pleased chirping. “Okay, I’ll bring some to you since you have been a good patient.”
You poured some blood for him in the same bowl as yesterday. The jar of human blood was enough to get you through more than a year of potions and spells but it could barely last for two days as the main food source of a vampire, especially a young one that needed feeding regularly. You hoped the storm would ease by tomorrow and you would be able to look for his sire. You would have to be on guard because sires were overprotective of their fledglings and if they believed you had been keeping them apart for no reason, it could get ugly.
You placed the bowl in front of the vampire, who chirped in thanks and started drinking messily. Blood stained the fur around his mouth and he looked almost angry at how good the blood tasted. For now, your priority was to take care of him, you would have to worry about his sire later. 
While the vampire was drinking his blood, you bustled around the kitchen. You made a quick and simple breakfast for yourself, a cup of tea with ginseng for energy and bread with homemade strawberry jam. Like every morning, you lit up a fire in the hearth and filled your cauldron with water and a crystalline blue powder you had made for cleansing. Something was always brewing in a witch’s cauldron.
You were going to make a specialized potion for the little vampire to enhance his healing abilities. The effects of the one you had given him last night would have worn off and personalized potions were more effective. Opening and closing cupboards and drawers, you gathered a few of the ingredients you would use, consulting a recipe from a magic book focused on magical creatures. 
After a few minutes, the cauldron was clean and ready for work. You measured the first few ingredients and put them in. They needed to boil a couple of hours on their own before you added a pinch of dried rosemary and red oyster mushrooms. Brewing potions was like performing a ritual, it wasn’t only about the ingredients and the quantities, it was about the timing, the intentions, and each action itself. You had to sense what the potion needed and how it needed it done. Some potions could take days to make and the more difficult ones could be ruined by a single wrong move or even a bad thought. It was a delicate process but you enjoyed it. 
The rain persisted but you had to go outside to feed the animals and make sure that their protections were holding up. The storm must have scared them and your presence would calm them.
The vampire had closed his eyes again, the bowl in front of him empty. He opened one eye to look at you and as you picked up the bowl to return it to the kitchen, he bumped his head against your hand.
“Do you like petting?” you asked, stroking between his ears. He closed his eyes and wiggled happily at the attention. “You do, don’t you? You are really cute, such a cute bat.” He preened at the praise and you cooed. “I’ll go outside for a bit but I’ll be back soon, okay?”
The vampire chirped in answer although he didn’t seem happy to be deprived of petting. You threw on your cloak to protect yourself from the wild weather outside and made your way to the small farmhouse. 
It was only a few meters away from the house, through a cobblestone path that at least saved your boots from sinking in the mud. The farmhouse had been there when Seokjin had first led you to this place but it had been in a much worse condition than the house. The roof had crumpled in and the walls would have followed soon, leaving nothing but a heap of decayed wood. The renovations lasted a couple of months, accomplished mostly by you, Seokjin, Jimin, and a few people from the town that Seokjin had called when he realized there were a few things that, magic or not, you simply couldn’t do.
The ground of the farmhouse was dry, evidence that your protection spells were still holding strong. The familiar sounds of the animals greeted you, the bleating and the clucking, the hooves against the ground, and the flapping of wings. There were ten chickens, six goats, and Daisy, your horse, who had got her name from her fondness of eating daisies. They all had their own fenced areas with enough space to roam and stretch their limbs—the fence of the chicken coop almost reached the ceiling because your chickens could somehow fly much higher than normal chickens could.
You visited all of the animals, petting them and replenishing their food. None of them liked the thunder and the wind howling but, luckily, they understood they were safe inside. They surrounded you and you spoke softly to them. You weren’t an animal witch but you were good with them. You had learned quickly and you had been surprised to find that animals enjoyed your company.
Last, you went to Daisy. You stroked her neck, fed her apples, and promised to take her on a long walk to the fields at the end of the forest and let her gallop for as long as she liked. Forests weren’t the most suitable places for horses but Daisy seemed to like it well enough as long as you took her to the fields from time to time.
Returning to the house, you found the vampire squirming and agitated. Apparently, he didn’t like staying still for such a long time, so you carried him with you to the kitchen. His eyes followed you while you worked on the potion so you started explaining to him what you were doing. You weren’t sure how much he understood or how much he knew about witchcraft but he was an attentive audience. He made sounds whenever you said something interesting and he stopped hopping around the counter whenever you told him to.
For lunch, you heated up some leftover tomato soup from the previous day and you fed the bat a plum. Once upon a time, there was a vampire you had been close with, or you had been getting there, and he had told you that plums were his favorite food to eat when he was in bat form. The little one on your table must be the same because he devoured it. 
He kept you company for the rest of the day and at some point he somehow ended up clinging on your shoulder and refused to budge. He didn’t weigh much so you didn’t mind and you guessed he was missing his sire and needed some contact to stay grounded.
In the afternoon, the potion was ready. First, you poured the potion into the bat’s mouth like you had done the previous night and then filled his bowl with blood. Your work in the kitchen was done and you returned to the living room, settling in the armchair. The vampire curled up in your lap and you petted his head while you flipped through a random book from your stack on the floor. You had run out of space so your books were everywhere now. You should hire someone to make more shelves for you.
The vampire was getting drowsy so you left him in the armchair and you went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for yourself. It was part of your routine to have a cup of tea along with some baked goods in the afternoon. Living away from civilization, you had discovered the comfort of mundane moments and the importance of a nice routine. 
You boiled water and looked through your jars of tea. They were your own varieties, you had mixed their ingredients with light enchantments to boost their benefits. Black tea was one of your favorites to drink in the afternoon so you chose one with maple and vanilla pieces, hazelnuts, nutmeg and honeybush. It was fitting for the weather. The sweet honey fragrance mingled with vanilla tickled your nose when you opened the jar. You filled the teapot with the hot water and added two tablespoons of tea to the infuser. 
In the 4 minutes the tea required to brew, you cut a piece of the apple pie you had made yesterday and plated it. The aroma of the soft, spiced apples and the brown sugar drifted in the kitchen. A tiny bit of magic kept anything you baked as fresh as the day they were pulled out of the oven. Another thing you discovered while living in the forest was your love for baking. When you lived in the city, you had dabbled in baking, occasionally baking chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls, but it wasn’t until you moved here that you truly fell in love with it. 
You arranged everything in a tray, along with a smaller cup in case the vampire wanted to try, but you stopped short at the door to the living room. The tray almost slipped from your hands at the sight of a young man sitting where the little bat used to be. He looked young, with large eyes and messy dark hair that reached past his ears. A silver ring glinted on his bottom lip and more silver earrings adorned both of his ears. He was wearing all black and you could see the beginnings of a tattoo underneath the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
“Hi,” he said, sheepishly waving at you. “I’m sorry. Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to.”
You had to get yourself together, you had known since the beginning that it wasn’t a regular bat you were treating but a vampire that would need to turn back into his other form at some point. You had expected it, it was obvious that it would happen at some point. You shouldn’t be surprised. But you hadn’t expected him to look… like that.
“You didn’t scare me, I was just surprised,” you said, keeping your voice steady. “Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you in this form.”
He fidgeted with his sleeves, making himself smaller. “Did you like my other form better? I can change back. It just makes me feel a little weird when I’m a bat for too long. But I can change back, I can.”
“No, no,” you rushed to say. “I don’t mind really. This form is nice as well.” 
Mentally, you slapped yourself, you couldn’t be more awkward if you tried. At least, the vampire looked pleased at that, a small smile making its way to his face. It was unfair that he was cute even in his human form. 
You approached and put the tray down on the coffee table. “It’s good that you are back in this form. Now, we can finally meet. What is your name?”
“Jungkook,” the vampire replied shyly and you offered your own name. “I wanted to say thank you for taking care of me. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t taken me in. I’m not sure if I would have made it.” His smile tightened and you shuddered just thinking about it. “I’m really thankful for everything. If there is any way for me to repay you, I will do anything.”
“There is no need for that. I wanted to help you and it was the right thing to do. Just promise me you will be careful in the future. Your bat form is small and you saw how dangerous storms can be for you.”
Jungkook nodded, abashed. “I won’t, I promise. I thought I had some time before it hit and I wanted to explore the forest. I’m really sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry to me, it’s you who was flung from tree to tree last night.” He chuckled a little at that. “Do you want some tea? It’s black with maple and vanilla.”
“Yes, please,” he said politely.
You picked up the black ceramic teapot and paused. “I brought a cup for you because I thought you would be in your bat form. Would you like a mug?”
“No, no, the cup is fine,” Jungkook insisted.
You poured some into the cup first and then into your mug. The cup was from the same set as the teapot, black and with the same engravings of flowers and vines. Your mug was a gift from Seokjin during his pottery phase, like many of his obsessions you weren’t sure how or why it started. It was weird cups at first that looked like melting pieces of clay but he got pretty good by the end. Before he moved on to his next obsession, he was able to make things like your mug, which was shaped like a cauldron and he and Jimin had painted it to look like the night sky.
Jungkook hugged his cup in his hands, bringing it close to his face. He breathed in the sweet aroma of tea and closed his eyes in delight. 
“Do you want some honey or sugar?” you asked, taking a seat on the couch. “I usually drink my own without and I didn’t think to bring any.”
“No, it’s okay.” He took the first sip and you could tell that it wasn’t okay. He frowned, but not in the way you had seen when he was drinking blood, and pursed his lips. He didn’t say anything but it was clear he was trying to pretend that it wasn’t too bitter for him.
You chuckled and set your mug down. “I’ll bring some honey for you.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook said, wincing subtly.
You got the jar of honey from the kitchen and added two teaspoons to his tea. That way, he liked it enough that he asked for a refill. While you drank your tea together, he explained to you that he was in town for a few days visiting some friends with his sire. He had spent all of his life in the city and the small town and the forest fascinated him. He knew that there was a storm coming but he hadn’t realized the extent of it. He had been planning to go for a quick flight to stretch his wings before it hit, he hadn’t got to explore the forest yet and he was curious. Unfortunately, the storm hit early and the wind had dragged him deeper into the darkness.
“I thought I wouldn’t make it out,” he admitted quietly, holding his cup close to his chest. “It was so strong and so loud and I couldn’t fight it. I’m not very strong in my bat form, I’m still young and I don’t have much practice. I couldn’t hold on to anything and I couldn’t find shelter. I was thinking about my sire and how sad he would be. He must be very worried.”
The bond between sires and their fledglings was very strong and for the first months after the turning, some sires wouldn’t even let their fledgling out of their sight. For years, the sires would take care of the younger vampires, help them adjust, and teach them everything about their new life. It wasn’t commonly understood but sires needed their fledglings as much as their fledglings needed them. You had read that there was a part of them, an echo of their own blood from the turning in their fledgling’s bloodstream, that called for them to be by their side.
“The storm is messing up with any means of magical communication but as soon as it calms a little, I can send a message to town,” you offered. “We can let him know you’re safe here until the worst passes and you can safely return to town. The townspeople know me, it will be alright.”
“Thank you.” You had lost count of how many times he had thanked you since he had changed forms. 
You finished your tea and roped him into a game of cards to distract him from the thoughts of his sire. He got engrossed into the game quickly and he won two out of the three rounds you played. He had a competitive streak and he learned quickly the rules of every game you taught him. 
It had been a few months since you had played cards with someone. Jimin had been the one to teach you and you had only ever played with him and Seokjin. It was fun to share this with someone else, even when he pouted when he lost. You didn’t care about winning very much so you didn’t mind and his excitement when he won was heart-warming to watch.
He jumped when loud thunder cracked through the night and you told him that he didn’t have to worry. You had applied strong protections on the house and the garden. And the forest protected you too. The storm was interfering with its magic but nothing could change its core and nothing could turn it on you. Turning on you would be like turning on itself and the forest was too wise for that.
You played games until well into the night. Jungkook’s eyes were growing heavy and his mouth stretched in small yawns. It was time to go to sleep. Jungkook curled up on the couch and you carried two knitted blankets to the living room and wrapped them around him. His cheeks grew rosy and he giggled at being tucked into bed like a child. 
You left the fire burning in the hearth to keep him warm in the night.
“Goodnight, Jungkook. Have sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight,” he said, muffled by the blankets. “Sweet dreams.”
There was a change in the air like the turning of the tides. Your limbs were lighter and something different was lingering on your skin. You padded to the window and drew the curtains to the side. The sky was cloudy but it was no longer the suffocating darkness of the day before. The trees swayed and the rain persisted but it wasn’t attempting to drown the earth anymore. The storm was breaking.
You threw on one of your long black skirts and a brown sweatshirt and climbed down the stairs to the living room. Jungkook was sitting up on the couch and already looking in your direction when you walked inside. Supernatural hearing, you forgot about it sometimes. 
"Good morning,” you greeted him. “The storm is slowly calming down. I will probably be able to send a message to the town and by tomorrow, it will be safe for you to return.”
“Thank you so much,” Jungkook said. He was fidgeting with his sleeves again but his smile was unmistakable. “I hope my sire will forgive me for being so careless.”
“I’m sure he will. For now, breakfast blood?”
Jungkook’s smile widened as he eagerly agreed. You couldn’t offer him the amount of blood he was used to, you had to ration it to make sure that it would last. It would be very difficult to get human blood once your supply was gone. 
You hadn’t reached the kitchen yet when you sensed someone pass through your wards. The presence was familiar, the knowledge sitting in a hidden pocket in your brain and you couldn’t touch it. Jungkook hurried to the window, the path leading up to the door could be seen from there. He let out a small yelp before bolting to the door and throwing it open.
“Yoongi!” he shouted the name that had circled your mind for years. The presence was in your house and the name fit like a glove. Against your better judgment, you walked towards them to see for yourself. It could be someone else, couldn’t it? You just had to take a look.
He was clinging to Jungkook, hugging him so tightly it looked painful. Half of his face was hidden against the fledgling’s shoulder but it was unmistakably him. The memories were as clear as when you made them, they resurfaced stronger than any of your nightly musings bordering on regrets. His hair was longer than you remembered, reaching past his nape, his cat eyes were clenched shut and his skin was white porcelain. He was also drenched to the bone.
“I looked for you,” he said and his voice awoke more memories. “I looked for you everywhere I could– But the storm was too strong. We were locked inside for so long. They wouldn’t let me out. Don’t ever do that to me again, do you hear me? Don’t ever disappear on me like that. I was going out of my mind.”
“Never, I promise.” Jungkook was hugging him just as tight and although he was bigger in stature, he made himself smaller in the older vampire’s arms. “I’m alright. I was safe here. The wind carried me here and I was well taken care of. I should introduce you,” he said with excitement, pulling back a little.
Yoongi opened his eyes, their dark color made your heart beat faster. He looked at you behind Jungkook and when your eyes connected you could see the myriad of emotions passing through them. First, there was surprise, then disbelief and confusion and all the minor ones in-between. You had disappeared from one day to another, leaving no trace behind and no trail to follow. He must have believed he would never see you again.
Oblivious to the change in the atmosphere, Jungkook introduced you to each other, telling his sire how well you took care of him and that you kept him warm and well-fed and healed his injuries. You couldn’t read Yoongi, there must have been a point in your history that you had been able to but that was lost now. 
There was silence after the introductions were over. Jungkook’s eyes jumped between the two of you. “Did I say something?”
“No, no, we just– We knew each other. In another life,” you said. Before you had enough of the wary glances and offending questions and fled the city. Before the manifestation of everything you had been afraid of. 
Yoongi’s lips parted and he looked away. “We did. In another life,” he repeated bitterly. 
“Oh.” Jungkook stood awkwardly between the two of you, shifting his weight from foot to foot. 
Thunder boomed outside and you rushed to close the door that they had forgotten half-open during their reunion. That served to remind you about the very important fact that Yoongi was wet enough to have taken a long dive in the lake.
“I’ll bring some towels, you’re dripping,” you said and climbed upstairs. 
It was an escape but a necessary one. It gave you some time to think. Jungkook’s sire was Yoongi. Yoongi, who you had known for years when you lived in the city, who you had tried to forget for years while you lived in this cottage but gave in once you realized it was impossible. He starred in most of your favorite memories from the city. And that’s exactly what he was supposed to be. A memory.
What was he doing in your forest? You had run so far away from the city that no one from your past would be able to find you. Except one. You had one link left to your old life, Seokjin. Seokjin was the one who had shown you this cottage hidden in the forest that spilled into his hometown. When the incident had happened and you were desperate for an escape, he had been your savior and he had swore not to tell anyone about your whereabouts. Seokjin was also Yoongi’s friend.
The dots were connecting. Seokjin and Jimin were the friends Yoongi and Jungkook were visiting. 
You grabbed two forest green towels and paused in the hallway. Seokjin hadn’t told you. The few times you had seen him in the past weeks, he hadn't mentioned anything about Yoongi. A twinge of hurt scraped at your heart. He should have told you. If he knew Yoongi would be visiting, why wouldn’t he tell you? He knew who Yoongi used to be to you. Had he thought you wouldn’t be able to handle it? No one was supposed to know you were here but that was all over now.
You took a deep breath and returned downstairs. Yoongi was where you had left him, a small puddle of rainwater pooled at his feet. Jungkook’s clothes were also a little wet from their embrace but it was nothing compared to his sire.
“Here,” you said, handing him the towels.
“Thank you. I’m sorry for your floor.”
“The floor can be cleaned. You will catch your death like this.”
He rubbed his hair with the towel. “I’m already dead.”
You scoffed. “That doesn’t work on me. I know vampires are not as indestructible as you would like to think. I have a spell to get all the water out of your clothes but I haven’t tried it on clothes that are currently being worn.”
Yoongi looked down at his drenched clothes. “It’s not that bad.”
“You are making a small lake on the floor,” you pointed out. “You didn’t even take an umbrella with you?”
“It was no use against the wind.” 
The wind wasn’t so bad now but you guessed it must have been worse when he set out to find Jungkook. He could have been looking for hours before he stumbled upon your house. Usually, the forest helped along the ones who looked for you but the storm was messing with its energy.
Yoongi gave you permission to use the drying spell on his clothes, his face scrunching up when the water was removed. You didn’t use it often because it left the clothes stiff and weird to the touch for some time. They turned too dry but in the present situation, you didn’t have many options. 
Jungkook was still looking between the two of you in confusion as he held on to Yoongi’s arm, although witnessing the spell had put a smile on his face.
“Now that you’re dry, let’s move to the living room,” you said. “I’ll get the fire going and make some tea. None of you are going out in the rain.”
Yoongi studied you and you felt naked under his eyes. He was the only person from your past, other than Seokjin, that you had seen since you fled. He knew a version of you that no longer existed and you hadn’t been prepared for that. In the end, you should have known. The past always comes knocking regardless of how long and how far you run from it. 
Yoongi didn’t pretend to turn you down to be polite but silently followed you to the living room. Jungkook pointed to the armchair by the fire that he had claimed for himself and gushed about how comfortable and soft it was. However, he didn’t sit there in favor of staying close to Yoongi on the couch. It was clear he had missed his sire and he needed to be as close to him as possible.
You picked up a few logs of wood from the metal box near the fireplace and stacked them inside. You added two layers of kindling and reached for the matches.
“How do you know each other?” Jungkook asked, breaking the fragile silence. 
Yoongi looked at you, staying quiet. He was going to let you share as much as you wanted. You were surprised that he wasn’t asking more questions himself. Maybe he hadn’t cared as much as Seokjin had told you. Maybe it was the shock.
“I used to live in the city,” you started. “I went to the Academy of Magical Arts and Sorcery and we met on campus. Yoongi was visiting a friend of his.”
“Namjoon?” Jungkook asked and Yoongi nodded. 
Namjoon was another person who you hadn’t seen in years. He was a powerful witch but he had chosen the academic route and didn’t practice magic much. You hadn’t been very close but you could have got there. You enjoyed his company and you could talk for hours. You would see him in the library and around campus and you had coffee together a few times and talked about magic theory and how energy flowed through living things. Seokjin was your only link to him as well and you had learned from him that he was still teaching at the University and he had been promoted from assistant professor to professor. When the news reached them, Seokjin and Jimin had traveled to the city to celebrate with him.
“We haven’t spoken since she left the city,” Yoongi said it simply like you had decided to leave one day instead of fleeing in the night, taking the last train to a town in the middle of nowhere. That had been five years ago.
You lit up a match, the action familiar and comforting, and threw it between the logs. The fire spread slowly, enveloping the wood. You stroked the flames with the poker, pushing and pulling the logs until the fire was burning strong.
You got up and wiped your hands on the soot-stained towel that hung from the same hook as the poker. “I’ll make some tea to fend off the cold.”
In the kitchen, you put on your apron with the embroidered mushrooms and marigolds, taking a moment to pull yourself together. It felt like everything was spinning out of control. The ghosts of your past never disappeared but they hadn’t been more than ghosts until now. 
You focused on the task at hand, setting the water to boil and opening the cabinet that housed your tea jars. Echinacea and elderberry tea with dried angel lotus leaves was the most effective for preventing colds and boosting the immune system. Its taste was also nice and soothing. 
You were putting spoonfuls of the tea blend into the strainer when Yoongi walked inside. His footsteps were soundless and you felt his presence before you saw him. Vampires’ energies were different than most creatures. They weren’t alive, not exactly, and energies were tied to a creature’s life force. Therefore, for vampires, their energies were unique and as a witch who could feel life and death very acutely, you could detect them easily.
“Have you been here all this time?” he asked after a few moments of silence. 
The sounds of boiling water caught your attention, steam was coming out of the kettle’s spout. You removed the kettle from over the fire and poured the water into the teapot. 
“I have,” you replied. There was nothing else to say, any explanations you could offer were useless. 
“That’s it? That’s all after all these years?” Yoongi asked. 
You couldn’t look at him, fiddling with herbs there was nothing to do with and glancing at the large clock on the wall for the brewing time. “I don’t know what else to say. You know why I had to leave. I couldn’t stay after what happened.”
“And you chose to disappear without a word?” When you didn’t answer, he continued. “I was sure that Seokjin knew where you were but he swore he didn’t. He said you disappeared without telling him anything and that he hadn’t heard from you since. Regardless of how many times I asked, it was always the same answer.”
“I asked him to say that to anyone who asked,” you admitted. “I didn’t want anyone to know where I was.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi shake his head slowly in disbelief. “Why? Why didn’t you want me to know?” 
It hurt to keep quiet but there was no way to make this better. You couldn’t tell him that you had been afraid although a part of you knew Yoongi wouldn’t judge you, like Seokjin wouldn’t judge you. But your fear had been too big and all-consuming, fear of what he would think and also fear of what you could do. Your magic had proved to be much stronger than you had believed and you needed to regain control of it to ensure you wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
And Yoongi was too strong of a link to the city. Your feelings were too much and too complicated. If he had known where you had run to, there was a chance he would have followed and it wouldn’t be only Seokjin you had doomed to a life in a small town he hadn’t wanted to return to. 
Yoongi sighed. “That's all then. I came here to thank you for taking care of Jungkook,” he said, breaking the silence. “I will forever be in your debt. Jungkook told me of how you found him and how you cared for him. I was out of my mind when I couldn’t find him and I realised he was out in the storm alone. I wouldn’t be able to bear it if anything had happened to him, I would never forgive myself. Thank you for being there for him when I couldn’t.”
“I will tell you what I told him, there is no need for thanks or debts. I wanted to help him and I did. The fact that he is a very cute bat also helped, I couldn’t resist.”
Your attempt at a joke was rewarded with a weak chuckle. “It’s those big eyes. It’s impossible to tell him no.”
“I can imagine that.” You glanced at the clock again. The tea was ready. “I guess you are visiting Jin. Now that the weather won’t interfere as much with my magic, I should send him a fire message to let him know that you are both here and safe. Knowing him, he will be fretting over where you are and driving Jimin crazy.”
“That’s a good idea. I didn’t tell him I would be leaving in the morning,” Yoongi confessed. It made sense, Seokjin wouldn’t have let him leave while the rain was still this heavy and definitely not without an umbrella. “Should I take this to the living room?” He gestured to the tray you had set up with the teapot and the three mugs.
“Yes, go ahead. The tea is ready.”
Yoongi picked up the tray and left the kitchen without saying anything more. There was a painful tightness in your throat as your shoulders slumped. You had to send that message to Seokjin but your feet were rooted to the ground and your knees were weak. You had thought you would never see Yoongi again and although it hurt, after years you had made peace with it. All that was [changed] by the storm and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
You opened one of the drawers and pulled out a crinkled loose leaf of paper from the stack you kept there. On the counter, there was a pen next to the old witchcraft recipe book you had been studying the day before. You gripped the pen and debated how you should start the letter. He had known Yoongi was coming to town and yet he had told you nothing when he knew why you had run away and why no one should know where you were. He was supposed to be your best friend and best friends looked out for each other. For the first time during your friendship, that wasn’t true.
Suppressing your stupid anger, you wrote a quick message letting him know that Jungkook and Yoongi were safe in your house and that you would send them back to town once the rain and the forest’s magic calmed down. Towards the end, you added that you would like to know about any future guests of his from the city. You considered crossing over the bitterness that bled into the page but you let it be. Using black chalk, you drew the sigil for the fire message at the top right corner.
You lit up a blood-red candle and burned some thyme over the flame first. You recited the incantation while you held the message over the fire and watched it consume the paper. The magic was a lazy tingle at your fingertips and a warmth curled in your chest.
Yoongi and Jungkook were talking in hushed voices that were swiftly silenced when you walked back to the living room. The tea had been poured into the mugs but they were untouched. You picked up one of them on your way to the armchair. Conversation was stilted. Jungkook tried to alleviate the awkwardness but was soon shrinking into his sire’s side, clutching onto his mug of tea with both hands. 
“The rain is growing weaker,” you observed. “The forest’s magic is settling, it can be unpredictable during storms and it’s dangerous to tread through it when it is like that. It will be best for you to return to the town before it picks up again.”
There would be another spike in a couple of hours before it broke in the night. That’s how storms like this one worked and what your senses were telling you.
You accompanied them to the door and they thanked you again. It felt like you didn’t deserve it with your past mistakes clinging to you like vices. Jungkook was quieter than last night when you were practically a stranger.
“Here,” you said, handing Yoongi the only umbrella you owned. It was a black one with little mushrooms Jimin had painted on it and enchanted them not to be washed away by rain. “I don’t use it much and I won’t be going into town for a few days. Seokjin can bring it back when he finds time.”
“Thank you,” Yoongi said.
You picked up your cloak from the coat stand and offered it to Jungkook. “And this is for you. It’s charmed to protect you from rain.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, making him look like a baby deer. “I can’t take your cloak,” he said, shaking his head. “You might need it.”
“Don’t worry about that. I don’t have anywhere to go.” You would have to go to the farmhouse later in the day but it was only a short distance away and a little rain wouldn’t phase you. You took it up to yourself to wrap the cloak around him and pull the hood over his head. “I didn’t nurse you back to health for you to get sick now.”
Suddenly, there was a blur of movement and strong arms were wrapped around you. Jungkook was hugging you and, when the shock wore off, you hugged him back.
“Thank you for finding me,” he said, his voice sounding a little wet.
“If anything, you found me,” you joked. You pulled back, although you didn’t want to let go of him. “Go now. The forest will lead you to the town.”
“I will bring the cloak back to you,” Jungkook promised before he and Yoongi left. On the path, Yoongi glanced back at you over his shoulder but you averted your eyes and closed the door.
Five years and your heart still fluttered. But it was different. There was guilt tainting everything surrounding him. You had imagined meeting him again countless times, of course, you had, mostly during restless nights and too quiet mornings, but it hadn’t played out like this in any of your scenarios. It was too… simple, too mundane, even though your heart was still racing, but it also felt a little like the end of the world. 
Their mugs were sitting empty on the coffee table. You placed them on the tray to take everything back in the kitchen and you realized that you had forgotten to at least put some cookies in a plate for them. Vampires didn’t eat much human food but it was simple courtesy to offer.
There was a spark in the air, followed by another, before flames erupted and formed a letter. You caught it before it floated to the ground. The loopy handwriting belonged to Seokjin. The first line was an apology, the second line was an apology as well. He promised to visit as soon as he could to explain and that you had every right to be angry at him. He thanked you for letting him know that Yoongi and Jungkook were safe since Yoongi had taken off in the morning before Seokjin had woken up, otherwise, he wouldn’t have let him go off in the rain. Reading his letter, the jagged edges of your anger smoothed but Seokjin would have to explain himself in person.
You picked up the tray and set yourself to tidying up. It was strange, you had lived alone for five years but the house felt emptier than ever before.
Taglist: @nochuwastaken @blancflms @rinkud @seokteoksworld
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chimcess · 6 days
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→ Chapter Ten: The Beyond Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 9.3k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: ANGST, strong language, PTSD, flashbacks, self-hate, self-depreciation, death, fighting, blood, cursing, new character alert, we have so many characters already i'm so sorry, mauling of an elf, mind reader witch, Clarcton is pretty lame, drinking, drunkenness, nightmares, bonding, missing child (it's not that bad), fear, paranoia, insecurities, regret, guilt, shame, let me know if i've missed anything A/N: We're officially 1/3 of the way through our "little" story. Sorry it's been so long between updates. I've been working on so many things as the same time that TTW got placed on the backburner for a bit. Thanks for reading!
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I never expected Clarcton to be so plain. As a girl, I used to dream about escaping the swamp, imagining a world beyond my responsibilities—a world full of beauty and freedom. But standing in the little village’s town square, those daydreams evaporated like morning mist.
Stover, the tiniest town in Clarcton, was quaint and small, with cobblestone streets and wooden cottages that seemed to lean on each other for support. The townspeople moved with the kind of slow, deliberate pace that comes from a life untroubled by haste. Their eyes lingered on me, and I could feel their curiosity as they assessed the stranger in their midst. I stood out just by being different, my scars a map of battles they couldn’t fathom.
Through a day of shopping, I learned that Stover rarely saw travelers. The elves invading the northern tip had made the locals wary, and I could hear their whispers about my scars. Ignoring them wasn’t easy, but I’d be gone tomorrow. The market was a small square, stalls offering modest wares—fresh produce, simple cloth, handcrafted trinkets. Each vendor seemed to eye me with a mix of suspicion and pity.
Northorn still held strong, its capital unfallen. King Edward had called for aid from Whopping, a fishing town on the east coast. The wolves of Viridi Gramine had decided not to help the humans, heading instead to Bangtan to protect their princess. Hearing the townsfolk speak ill of Hyuna made my stomach churn. These people were ignorant, jumping to conclusions like humans always did since the Sarkans first landed in Lustra.
Starving, I dropped off my supplies and set out for food. Hannah, a kind woman who ran the inn, had pointed me to a tavern that promised a decent meal. However, I was low on money and too frightened to barter. Drawing attention could be dangerous, especially after hearing rumors of elves in town. I’d hidden in shops, body tense, the sight of white hair sending chills down my spine.
Elves all looked the same—pale, white-haired, with amethyst eyes. This party had no women, and when I asked the tailor, he explained that their kind had a queendom where men were lesser beings. These elves were young and inexperienced, sent to weaken before the real conquerors arrived. The tailor believed Lustra would fall when the second wave came.
The tavern buzzed with an overwhelming clamor. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of ale and sweat, and it was clear that I was the only human present. The elves, their pale faces flushed with drink, were loud and rowdy, their laughter grating on my ears. Ale sloshed over the edges of their mugs, splattering the wooden floor. Keeping my head down, I approached the bar and ordered soup and ale, deciding it was safer to stay than to risk attracting attention by leaving too soon.
Finding a corner table, I settled in, hoping to blend into the shadows. The warmth of the tavern was a stark contrast to the chill outside, but it did little to soothe my nerves. As I waited for my meal, snippets of conversation drifted to me. The elves boasted of their exploits, their voices dripping with arrogance. They spoke of battles and conquests, their laughter tinged with cruelty. Each word stoked the fire of my hatred, but I kept my face impassive, my gaze fixed on the table in front of me.
When the tavern maid brought my soup and ale, I thanked her quietly, avoiding eye contact. The soup was hearty, its warmth spreading through my body with each spoonful. The ale, though bitter, helped to steady my nerves. I ate slowly, trying to make the meal last as long as possible.
As I ate, a group of elves at a nearby table grew louder, their taunts more pointed. They spoke about the humans they had encountered, their words laced with contempt. One of them, a particularly burly elf with a scar running down his cheek, caught my eye and sneered. “Look at that one,” he said loudly, gesturing towards me. “Thinks she can hide among us.”
The others laughed, and I forced myself to remain calm, taking another sip of my ale. The burly elf stood, his steps unsteady, and made his way over to my table. “What’s your name, human?” he demanded, leaning in close, the stench of alcohol on his breath.
I looked up, meeting his gaze with as much defiance as I could muster. “None of your business,” I replied evenly.
His sneer widened, and he reached out, grabbing my arm. “Feisty one, aren’t you? I like that.” He pulled me to my feet, and I could feel the eyes of the entire tavern on us. The room had fallen silent, the tension palpable.
The elf’s grip tightened, and I winced, but refused to show fear. “Let go of me,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Or what?” he taunted, pulling me closer. “You’ll make me?”
Before I could react, a flash of movement caught my eye. Another elf, smaller and quicker, appeared beside the burly one. “Enough, Dalion,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “Leave her be.”
Dalion hesitated, his grip loosening slightly. “Why? She’s just a human.”
“Because I said so,” the other elf replied, his tone brooking no argument. “We don’t need any more trouble.”
With a grunt, Dalion released me, shoving me back into my chair. “Fine,” he muttered, glaring at me one last time before returning to his table. The smaller elf gave me a brief nod before following.
I took a shaky breath, my heart pounding. The tavern slowly returned to its previous state, the noise level rising once more. I finished my meal quickly, eager to leave and find some semblance of safety. As I paid for my food, I noticed the smaller elf watching me, his expression unreadable. I decided to go to the bar and finish my night there.
At the bar, a hooded figure sipped clear liquor, the sharp smell cutting through the tavern's haze. The bartender, his eyes darting between me and the elves, asked where I was from.
"Leeside," I lied, knowing he saw through it but didn’t call me out. He knew my destination and that Leeside was big enough to hide in. "Just passing through."
He nodded, wiping the bar. The elves were bothering a drunk old man for money, out of coins and still thirsty.
"Heard about Azamar?" the bartender asked.
I nodded, taking a bite. "Hot. Too bad, I’ve heard it’s nice this time of year."
The hooded figure shifted, drawing my instinctive gaze. Her teeth were too large, canines sharp, and one incisor framed in gold—a mark of an assassin from Whopping, according to Hoseok.
"The plains are worse," she said, her voice rough but feminine. "Hard to see anything if you go that far south."
"The northern tip isn’t too bad," I replied without thinking. "I came in through that way."
She knew I was lying. Keeping my fear in check, I ate. The bartender offered another bowl on the house, which I accepted, knowing hot meals would be scarce. The elves grew louder, and I wanted to leave. Tomorrow, I’d memorize the maps Sam packed.
"Hey! You!"
I closed my eyes, feeling their gaze. They spoke a bastardized Lustrian, discussing my potential in bed and survival odds. I resisted the urge to respond, knowing a fight would expose me. Humans feared magic, as Aldara always said.
"Girl," another elf slurred, "give me some money. I need another drink."
The bartender, catching on, turned his back. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. He knew I understood them. I was obviously not an elf, so the options were shifter or witch—either one could spell trouble if the bartender exposed me out of ignorance.
"I’m talking to you, bicce."
My eye twitched. The bartender noticed, realization dawning. He turned away, leaving me to fend for myself.
Fortunately, he didn't look disgusted by me. His face remained remarkably neutral as he returned with a refill. He carefully placed a napkin on the bar before setting down the glass. I glanced at him, then at the woman out of the corner of my eye. She was tense, her head inclined towards me, her eyes hidden but clearly watching me as closely as the elves were. They were louder now, frustrated by my lack of response. I picked up my glass and read the smudged writing on the napkin.
"I'm Vern."
I took a sip, nodding, keeping my face impassive. Quietly, I ordered another drink, placing a copper coin on the bar, and pointed at the group with my thumb. I didn’t care what they wanted, but I hoped Vern wouldn’t provoke them. With great care, I picked up the napkin.
Crumpling it in my hand, I muttered under my breath, wiping it against my lips before placing it back on the bar. I went back to eating. Vern brought the elf his drink, and their angry taunts stopped. The one who called me a bitch thanked me in a condescending tone. I wanted to tear him apart, but instead, I drank my ale and ate my vegetable soup.
Vern came back, picking up my napkin and walking over to the trash can behind the bar. The traveler next to me was still staring, and I knew she knew what had happened. They both had their secrets. She stayed hidden beneath her cloak, while Vern saw too much. Both of them were searching for something, but I couldn’t tell you what. I did know, however, that lying would only make me look worse. I had given him my first name and hoped that would satisfy his curiosity.
Another napkin appeared in front of me. Vern was wiping down glasses, back turned, and I was sure no one except the three of us understood what was going on. I glanced down.
"Moland. Etta Ketchens’ son."
So, there was another witch around. Moland was the original land of magic. All witches alive today descended from those who first discovered it in the swamps. Bangtan stole the title after witches began making deals with the ielfen. Their world was linked to the spirit realm, and the monsters that lived there were difficult to manage, so they sent them to the forests. The witches were strong enough to keep them away, but the creatures found refuge in Bangtan.
Anyone from Moland had magic, and I had heard of Etta from Thelma. She was from the northeast. I had never met her, but she was known for playing music and throwing great parties. Trusting Vern became easier. We were in the same boat, and witches liked to stick together. At the very least, I knew I had backup if it came down to a fight.
"Bangtan. Thelma Richard’s niece."
He nodded, his eyes wandering to the woman at the end of the bar. She hadn’t taken her eyes off us since the written exchange began. Her eyes seemed to glow within the darkness that surrounded her face, boring into me, waiting for something. Feeling exposed, I stood. It was time to leave. I had done what I came here to do, and the elves were starting to badger people for money again.
Vern shook his head and glanced down at my seat, giving me pause. Gaze turning to the woman, she shrugged and shook her head in agreement. I had no reason to trust either of them, but I had a feeling in my gut. Even if we wouldn’t normally help each other, right now, we had a common enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Aldara would say I should listen before reacting. So, when the woman offered to buy me another drink, I sat back down.
“They’re planning on following you home,” Vern murmured, placing a glass in front of me.
“How do you know that?”
“I’m gifted. You could say I specialize in mind magic.”
Stiffening, I eyed him with new wariness. That’s how he knew I was lying; he could hear my thoughts. Vern nodded, answering my unasked question.
“I’m not concentrating on you,” he clarified. “I’m trying to watch them. I’m just picking up bits and pieces of everyone else. She’s—” He looked at the woman, “—not human either. She’s trying to decide if she should accompany you. You’re both going east.”
The elves were back to insulting me for another drink. I gritted my teeth, my anger and frustration bubbling over. I’d always been a hothead, but my emotions felt so volatile now. I hated them. I hated everything they stood for. Cordelia’s dead body flashed in my mind, and Vern couldn’t hide the horror on his face.
Beside me, the woman turned her attention to the elves.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” she growled.
Their group stopped their taunts, a thick, tense silence falling over the bar. Tensing, I prepared to defend her. She didn’t need to take up for me, but my hatred made the decision easy. I wanted to kill them all.
The elf scoffed in disbelief. Vern’s eyes widened in horror, and he reached out towards the hooded woman. I knew what was coming, and instead of waiting, I took action.
I’d always been a loose cannon, but these last few days had made me feel more unhinged than ever. Anger, sorrow, and hatred coiled tightly in my stomach, driving me insane. The nightmares. The heartache. Yoongi’s blank stare. Cordelia’s lifeless body in the flames. Jimin’s anguish. Sol’s betrayal. All of it consumed me, and for once, I didn’t try to stomp the flames out.
“Swígan!” I shouted, turning to face the elves. I had reached my limit. Knowing I had at least one other witch on my side, I felt emboldened. “Mieltan.”
The iron ring on my finger melted, searing my skin, but I hardly registered the burn. I shot the melted iron like a rocket, stabbing the elf who disrespected me through the chest. Dalion couldn’t scream. When I retracted the metal, there was a hole so large I could see through his body. The other three stared, mouths agape, before turning on me. The dead one fell to the floor with a thud.
The remaining elves rushed at me, their movements fluid and unnervingly synchronized. I didn’t hesitate. The iron ring, now a molten band around my finger, reshaped itself into a thin, sharp blade. I slashed at the closest elf, the blade slicing clean through his raised arm. Blue blood sprayed, and his scream was a piercing wail.
I spun, my instincts sharpened by adrenaline, and kicked another elf, the one who had defended me earlier, square in the chest, sending him crashing into a table. Wood splintered under his weight, and the patrons near him scrambled to get away. The third elf tried to grab me from behind, but I twisted, using the momentum to elbow him hard in the face. His nose crunched, blood spurting as he staggered back, clutching his face.
The elf with the severed arm was still screaming, trying to cast a spell with his remaining hand. I didn’t give him the chance. I lunged, driving the blade into his throat. His eyes widened, a gurgle escaping as he collapsed.
The elf I had kicked was back on his feet, rage contorting his features. He muttered an incantation, and I felt a wave of energy pulse towards me. Instinctively, I threw up a shield, the air crackling with the force of our opposing magics. My shield held, but I could feel the strain. I couldn’t let him overpower me. With a snarl, I pushed back, my magic flaring, and the shield exploded outward, knocking him off his feet.
Vern had been right about the woman. She was a shifter, and now her cloak had fallen away, revealing her true form. She was massive, her muscles rippling under her skin and a pair of black ears poked through her long, black hair. She let out a roar, leaping into the fray with a ferocity that matched my own. She tackled the elf who had been behind me, her nails elongating into claws that raked across his chest. He shrieked, trying to fend her off, but she was relentless, tearing into him with a savage precision.
The elf I had knocked down was getting back up, and I moved to intercept him. He cast another spell, a bolt of energy shooting towards me. I dodged, the bolt sizzling past my ear and scorching the wall behind me. I retaliated with a burst of fire, the flames engulfing him. He screamed, thrashing as the fire consumed him, and then he was silent, his charred body crumpling to the floor.
The last elf was still alive, barely. He was pinned under the woman, her claws at his throat. He looked up at me, eyes wide with fear. I walked over, the molten blade in my hand dripping with blue blood. I knelt down, meeting his gaze.
“You should have left me alone,” I said softly, before driving the blade into his heart.
The bar was silent now, the only sounds the crackling of the flames and the labored breathing of the survivors. The humans who were coherent enough to watch the altercation fled the bar screaming while the others were too drunk to care. I still had energy to burn, shaking with the force of my emotions. Too quickly. I wanted more time with them. I wanted to kill them again and again. I wanted to earn their hatred. I wanted—
“What’s your name?”
I looked at the hooded woman. Her face was covered in blood, and she smiled crookedly. She had deep, pitted dimples, and pieces of jewelry shone inside them.
"Y/N," I replied, keeping my voice steady.
"Lily," she said, giving me a small bow before standing up. Her muscles bulged and twitched with each movement, almost as tall as Jimin. Her hands were adorned with intricate tattoos, and her nails were a vivid ruby red. "Would you mind some company during your travels?"
"Do you know your way through Ozryn?" I asked, eyeing her warily.
She nodded. "I'm from Idris. I'm meeting some friends in the mountains."
Despite my earlier reluctance, this woman might be my only option for crossing the mountains safely. Assassin or not, she was offering her services, and my violent display earlier should deter any funny business. She might beat me in a physical fight, but I had magic on my side, fueled by enough emotional turmoil to last a lifetime. The fact that we were both shifters aided in my trust. We were both wanted citizens if the elves had anything to say about it, and her exposing herself made it hard to justify turning her away.
“You’re obviously a shifter,” I said, placing my remaining coins on the bar. Vern deserved the tip. He'd been an excellent server. "What are you?"
"Maned Wolf," she answered, already walking toward the bar exit. That meant she was half-wolf, half-fox. It would not surprise me if she was the last of her kind. "We should leave. Those humans have alerted the local police about your little... situation."
I looked at Vern, who was quick to agree with Lily’s plan. He would cover for us. Thanking him, I followed the huge woman out of the bar. She hadn't really answered my question, but given the circumstances, I let it slide. I had just murdered four people in a bar. I should have felt more shame, but I couldn't muster any. They killed Cordelia. They deserved it.
“We can collect your belongings from the inn and leave. Okay?”
I agreed. We moved quickly. No one was at the front desk when I entered, making sneaking upstairs a cakewalk. I threw my bag over my shoulder and grabbed the few personal items I had lying around. A deep sadness settled into my chest as I thought back to the fight. I hated flashbacks, but I was starting to realize there was something I disliked even more: myself.
I should have just left and minded my own business. That’s what Jimin would have done. A fight would be a last resort. Instead, I acted a fool for someone I didn’t even know, a woman whose face I couldn’t pick out in a lineup, who could easily have turned her back on me the moment I killed the first man. I didn’t stop to consider that someone else might have abandoned me back there. I was so used to being surrounded by people who loved me that hindsight was 20/20. This time, I had simply gotten lucky. If it had been anyone other than an elf I killed, they would have been disgusted by me. Hell, I felt disgusted by my actions.
Cordelia wouldn’t have been able to look me in the eye after a stunt like that.
Shaking myself out of my daze, I rushed back downstairs. Hannah was at the desk now, and three men wearing navy blue uniforms were crowding her. Quickly, I stopped and kept myself hidden in the shadows, body pressed against the wall as I listened in. They hadn’t heard my footsteps. Human ears were very weak.
“I told you I don’t have any witches staying here,” the human girl barked, clearly fed up with their interrogation. “The old man must have been confused. Vernon even said he was being ridiculous. Those elves were nowhere near the tavern.”
“Well, we can’t find them anywhere else, and it wasn’t just John. Betsy said she saw it happen as well.”
“Betsy?” Hannah drawled, placing her hands on her hips. “So you have a drunk and a schizophrenic's testimony? Have to say, Charles, I expected more from you.”
“Now Ms. Winslow—” one of the men attempted to speak, but Hannah flashed him a dark look. He quieted quickly.
“No,” she spoke in a bored, cold tone that reminded me of Yoongi. They even had the same unimpressed, irritated look. “The three of you came barging in here in the middle of the night, ranting and raving about a witch on the loose who, by the way, according to my records, does not exist. I don’t know where any of you got off waking me and my father at a time like this, but he’s far too sick to be dealing with this mess. So, either tell me a name I can work with or get the hell out. Your choice.”
I was impressed with the girl. She had to have known who they were searching for. I had suddenly popped up, and now you have four elves dead in a bar? Too coincidental. Still, she was covering for me, and I was grateful. It was a shame I was out of money.
“Sorry for your troubles, Hannah,” the man in the middle said, tipping his hat. “Hope Maurice feels better soon. We’ll go and ask Martha and Dawn about it. You could be right about the two kooks.”
I didn’t like the way they talked about John or Betsy. They might have been a bit odd, but they were not liars. I hoped their words wouldn’t get them into any trouble, at least not on my behalf. I’d much rather get arrested and escape than let anyone else get locked up. The policemen left, the wooden door slamming behind them.
“You can come out now.”
Walking the rest of the way down, I hoped my face conveyed how sorry I felt. I didn’t want anyone else inconvenienced because of me. Hannah, however, looked very happy. With a big smile, she greeted me. Lily crawled out from under the desk, hood still securely on, and patted the other girl’s head.
"Congratulations on winning your fight," the human drawled, dark hair tousled from just waking up.
"It's not something worth celebrating," I replied, handing my sack over to Lily when she held out her hand for it. "Thank you," I told the massive woman.
"You need a coat," the traveler demanded, her voice brooking no argument. "It's cold."
Opening my bag, she started digging around before finally landing on the cloak I bought this morning. It was heavy, lined in white fur, and beautifully handcrafted. The most expensive thing I bought next to the boots I was wearing. The outside of it had a beautiful ornate flower pattern spun in a delicate silver color, almost perfectly matching the shade of Jimin’s hair.
"This is nice," Lily commented absentmindedly, handing over the cloak. "Good purchase."
I tied it around my shoulders and charmed it like the rest of my clothes. Taking things on and off would take too much time in an emergency. Lily slung my bag over her shoulder like it weighed nothing, and I was glad to be rid of it. Flying would be easier without the annoyance of straps.
Then it hit me. I couldn't fly as quickly as I normally did. If I had a wolf hybrid traveling with me, I would need to travel in the only way she could. On foot. It was almost enough to make me second-guess bringing her along. Alas, I needed the extra hands, and a guide who knew the area was too good of a resource to flush down the drain. Traveling would take longer, but I would have a better chance at living through this.
"The best elves are the dead ones," Hannah yawned. "You should get going. They’re going to be looking for you all night. Vern cleaned up the mess already, so don’t worry about it. He sends his love."
I nodded. "Tell him if he wants to go back to Moland anytime soon, to stay east and travel down the Syrena River. Most of the witches are in Foxglove now. You both could find some protection there."
She smiled at me. "When my father is well enough for the journey, I’m positive that fool will be taking the two of us with him."
There was no mistaking the affection in her voice.
"You two…" I trailed off. "He loves you."
Thinking back to the moment she was brought up, I had not noticed the same tenderness in Vern’s voice. However, the fact that he had spoken to her about me in such great detail pointed to some sort of relationship. It being a romantic one made me unreasonably happy. They were both friends of mine, even if they did not see me in the same light. I was happy they were together. Witches and humans were not a typical pairing, but I could say the same about my own situation.
"Almost as much as I love him," she winked.
"We need to go," Lily gruffed, grabbing my arm. "I can hear them making their way back towards the inn," she frowned at Hannah. "They’re going to bother you for a little while. Sorry about the trouble."
"Like I said," she huffed, "You did everyone a favor. I don’t want to hear another word about it."
"Thank you," I told her. "For everything. Vern too."
"Go," she replied, shooing us away with her hands. "Go around the back. There’s a small nature reserve that stretches on for a few miles. Keep north before heading east. That should take you to Azamar Pass, but stay close to the volcano. They have encampments everywhere."
Azamar Pass was a small stretch of land connecting Lustra to the island where the Ula’re volcano rested. A large bridge connected it to Northorn and another to the land before the Ozryn mountains. It was likely the safest place for us to travel through despite the treacherous terrain. According to my maps, it was filled with hills and jagged cliffs that could kill you easily. Lily seemed confident enough, so I decided to follow her. She knew this place better than I ever did.
"I know the area well," Lily assured the girl. "We will be safe."
I had to trust she was telling the truth.
We slipped out the back, the night air biting through the fur-lined cloak. The reserve Hannah mentioned was darker than I expected, the thick canopy of trees blotting out the moonlight. We moved quickly, our breath fogging in the cold air. Lily led the way, her steps confident despite the uneven ground. I followed closely, every crunch of leaves underfoot setting my nerves on edge.
The silence between us stretched, only the sounds of our hurried steps and the occasional rustle of wildlife breaking it. My mind raced, replaying the events of the night. I had always been a hothead, but tonight felt different. It wasn't just anger that drove me, but a deeper, more consuming fury. Cordelia’s death had changed something in me, twisted a part of my soul that I wasn’t sure I could ever untangle.
"Are you alright?" Lily’s voice broke through my thoughts. She had stopped and was looking back at me, her eyes sharp even in the dim light.
"Yeah," I lied, not trusting myself to say more.
She studied me for a moment, then nodded. "We’re almost there. Azamar Pass is just beyond these woods."
I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. We continued on, the terrain growing steeper as we neared the pass. The ground beneath our feet turned rocky, the air heavy with the scent of sulfur. The volcano loomed in the distance, a dark silhouette against the night sky.
We reached the edge of the reserve and paused, taking in the sight before us. The pass was a narrow strip of land, flanked by jagged cliffs and treacherous drops. It was more daunting in person than it had seemed on my maps.
"Stay close," Lily warned, her voice low. "The winds can be brutal up here, and the paths are narrow."
We started across, the wind immediately whipping at our clothes and hair. I pulled my cloak tighter around me, every step a fight against the elements. Lily moved with the grace of someone who had done this a hundred times before, her large frame somehow slipping through the narrowest of paths with ease.
Halfway across, the ground trembled beneath our feet, a low rumble emanating from the volcano. I froze, fear clutching at my heart. Lily glanced back, her expression unreadable.
"Keep moving," she urged. "It’s just a tremor."
I forced myself to keep going, each step feeling like an eternity. The path seemed to go on forever, the cliffs on either side closing in like the jaws of some great beast. By the time we reached the other side, my legs were shaking and my lungs burned from the effort.
We collapsed on the ground, the safety of solid land a welcome relief. Lily pulled out a canteen and handed it to me. I took a grateful sip, the water cool and refreshing.
"Thank you," I said, my voice hoarse.
She nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "We need to keep moving. There’s a cave not far from here where we can rest for the night."
We got to our feet and continued on, the landscape gradually shifting from rocky terrain to dense forest once more. The trees grew thicker, their branches intertwining overhead to form a natural canopy that blocked out most of the sky. The sounds of the forest began to surround us—the rustle of leaves, the distant calls of nocturnal creatures, and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. The path ahead was narrow and winding, forcing us to move in single file, with Lily leading the way.
After what felt like hours, the cave Lily had mentioned came into view, a dark, yawning mouth in the side of a moss-covered hill. The entrance was partially hidden by overgrown vines and thick underbrush, making it almost invisible to the casual observer. We ducked inside, and the temperature dropped noticeably, the cool, damp air enveloping us like a shroud. The cave was surprisingly spacious, with a high ceiling that echoed our footsteps as we ventured further in.
Lily set down my bag and immediately began gathering kindling for a fire, her movements quick and efficient. I watched her as she worked, unable to shake the feeling that there was something otherworldly about her. Despite her petite frame, she moved with a precision and grace that spoke of years spent surviving in the wild. Her hands were steady and sure as she arranged the twigs and branches, and within minutes, she had a small fire crackling to life.
As the flames grew, casting flickering shadows on the cave walls, I couldn't help but study her more closely. Her face, illuminated by the firelight, seemed both young and ancient, with eyes that held secrets I couldn't begin to fathom. There was a quiet strength in her, a resilience that I envied.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked finally, breaking the silence that had settled between us.
She paused, looking up from her task, her eyes meeting mine with an intensity that made me shiver. "Because you need it," she said simply. "And because I’ve been where you are."
I frowned, not understanding. "Where I am?"
She nodded, her expression softening. "Lost. Angry. Searching for something you can’t quite name."
Her words hit closer to home than I cared to admit. I looked away, the weight of the night's events pressing down on me once more. The memories of the fire, the screams, and the feeling of helplessness washed over me, and I had to fight to keep my composure.
"You don’t have to do this alone," she continued, her voice gentle but firm. "Whatever it is you’re searching for, it’s out there. But you won’t find it by tearing yourself apart."
I didn’t know what to say, the truth of her words cutting through my defenses. For the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps there was a way forward that didn’t involve self-destruction.
"Get some rest," she said, her tone softening even further. "We have a long journey ahead of us."
I nodded, lying down on the cool ground, using my bag as a makeshift pillow. The fire's warmth was comforting, and the sound of the crackling flames was soothing. As I closed my eyes, exhaustion finally overtaking me, I couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as alone as I thought.
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I couldn't see past the smoke. It was a roiling, black mass, punctuated by brilliant yellow flames that danced like demons in the night. Shiloh's voice cut through the chaos, a desperate cry reaching out through the suffocating darkness, pleading for me to return. Inside, the screams were a cacophony of terror and anguish, and I ran, my small feet pounding the earth as I shouted for Auntie. Shiloh's cries grew louder behind me, but I ignored her, driven by a singular need to reach the cottage. I had to get to Aldara.
The distance stretched endlessly, the screams crescendoed, and Shiloh's voice became an unbearable buzz in my ears. I was sobbing, calling Aldara's name, feeling the forest around me weep. The spirits that had once tormented me now seemed my only solace, and I crumpled to the ground. No matter how desperately I tried, the cottage remained out of reach. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw it—a movement that made my breath catch.
There it was, not even ten yards away—a large, midnight-black wolf with eyes like burning coals. The firelight cast a grotesque glow on its face, revealing a blood-stained muzzle. In its mouth was an arm, the ring on it gleaming malevolently. Anger surged within me, turning my vision red as I focused on the ring—a skull etched in fiery orange and yellow. Before I could stop myself, I was chanting a spell, my voice echoing through the forest. Somewhere in the distance, a wolf howled in response.
The wolf dropped the arm and snarled, its eyes locked on mine. The air crackled with energy, the spell building inside me, threatening to tear me apart from the inside out. The wolf lunged, and I screamed, the spell bursting forth in a torrent of raw power. The ground shook, the trees groaned, and the wolf was thrown back, its body slamming into a tree with a sickening crunch.
I collapsed, the spell having drained every ounce of strength from my body. The forest fell silent, the only sound my ragged breathing. I crawled towards the cottage, my limbs trembling, my vision swimming. The smoke began to clear, and I could see the outline of the cottage through the haze.
Aldara lay on the ground, her body limp, her face pale. I reached her side, my hands shaking as I tried to rouse her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me, a weak smile playing on her lips.
"You did it," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling flames. "You saved us."
I nodded, tears streaming down my face. The forest had fallen silent, the spirits watching us with a newfound respect. I had faced the darkness and emerged victorious, but at what cost?
As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, I held Aldara close, the weight of the night's events settling on my shoulders. The forest might have been our home, but it was also a place of danger and despair. And I knew, deep down, that this was only the beginning.
But then everything started to change. The flames flickered and became stars in a velvet sky. The trees twisted and turned, transforming into towering figures that whispered secrets in a language I couldn’t understand. Shiloh's voice turned into a soft lullaby, and the ground beneath me felt like the softest bed I had ever known.
Aldara’s form began to shimmer and fade, her features blurring as if she were being drawn away by an unseen hand. "You must go," she said, her voice echoing like a distant melody. "This world is not for you."
I tried to hold on to her, but my hands passed through her like smoke. The stars above began to swirl, forming a spiral that pulled me upwards, away from the forest, away from the cottage. I was weightless, floating, the screams and flames and shadows all fading into a soft, gentle darkness.
I awoke with a start, the remnants of the dream slipping away like shadows at dawn. The morning light streamed through the cave entrance, illuminating the damp stone walls and casting eerie shapes that danced in the corners of my vision. I lay there, struggling to piece together the fragments of a nightmare that felt all too real. But no matter how hard I tried, the details eluded me, leaving only a lingering sense of unease and the whisper of a name.
"You okay?" Lily's voice broke through the fog, soft yet insistent. I blinked, shaking off the last vestiges of the dream. The cool, damp air of the cave was a grounding contrast to the surreal horrors still echoing in my mind.
"Yeah," I replied, my voice hoarse. "Just a bad dream."
Lily studied me, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she could see through my flimsy facade. But she didn’t press the issue. Instead, she handed me a piece of bread and some dried fruit, which I accepted gratefully.
"We should get moving soon," she said, her tone matter-of-fact. "The sooner we leave, the better our chances of staying ahead."
I nodded, chewing slowly as my thoughts lingered on the dream, the name echoing like a distant drumbeat in my mind.
We packed up quickly, the remnants of the fire reduced to ashes that Lily expertly scattered with her foot. Outside, the forest was waking up, the early morning light filtering through the leaves and casting a soft, golden glow on everything. Birds chirped, and small creatures rustled in the underbrush, weaving a tapestry of normalcy that stood in stark contrast to the turmoil roiling inside me.
As we began to walk, the path ahead seemed clearer, more defined. It was as if the forest itself was guiding us, the trees parting just enough to show the way. I fell into step behind Lily, my thoughts drifting back to her words from the night before: lost, angry, searching for something you can't quite name.
"Can I ask you something?" I ventured after a while, breaking the silence.
"Sure," Lily replied, not turning around, her attention focused on the path ahead.
"Why are you going east?"
She hesitated, tension knotting in her shoulders. "I’m trying to find my daughter," she said finally, her voice low. "We got separated when the incursion started up north. I have some friends in Ozryn who might know where to find her."
"I'm sorry," I said, not knowing what else to offer. The weight of loss was something I understood all too well. “I hope she’s alright.”
"I’m sure she is," Lily continued, her voice softening. "I don’t like being away from her, but I know she can take care of herself. I’m just being cautious with the elves in the area."
“I’ll help you find her,” I promised, a sudden surge of determination filling me. “Once I’ve done what I came here to do.”
Lily chuckled, a sound tinged with both gratitude and disbelief. “Thanks, kid. But I don’t think we’ll need your help. Tinka can’t hide from me.”
“But I’m indebted to you,” I insisted. “It’s the least I can do.”
“You’re assisting me during my journey. You don’t have a debt as long as you do that magic thing and slice and dice whatever gets in our way.”
We walked in silence for a while, the forest around us providing a comforting backdrop to our shared grief. There was something about being in nature that made the pain more bearable, as if the trees and the earth could absorb some of the sorrow that threatened to overwhelm us.
After a few hours, we reached a clearing with a small stream gurgling through it. The water was crystal clear, the gentle sound of it flowing over the rocks soothing my frayed nerves. We stopped to rest, filling our water bottles, the cool water a welcome relief against the weight of our thoughts. 
As I splashed some on my face, the chill sent a jolt of clarity through me, a reminder that life continued to flow, regardless of the chaos that swirled around us. And for a brief moment, I felt the edges of my turmoil soften, blending into the rhythm of the world around us.
As we sat by the stream, the water rushing over smooth stones like whispered secrets, Lily reached into her pack and pulled out a small, leather-bound book. She began writing in it with a pen unlike any I had ever seen—a sharp blade at the end, glimmering as it danced across the page without needing a drop of ink. 
“Why are you going to the mountains?” she asked, her voice carrying an edge of curiosity.
“I’m looking for someone,” I replied, staring at the water’s surface, its reflections shifting like memories just out of reach. “Someone important to me said I needed to find her.”
“Let me guess,” Lily sighed, her tone a blend of weariness and knowing. “Naida?”
“How did you…?” 
“She’s the only thing out there worth hunting down,” the hybrid drawled, pulling her hood down to reveal ears the color of rust, tipped in black, and hair that cascaded like ink down her shoulders. “Must be needing Khione. Do you know what for?”
I cleared my throat, the words heavy with significance. “I’m trying to get extra help in the south. I was told they might be able to assist us.”
Lily laughed, but it was a humorless sound, tinged with bitterness. “Naida might. Khione? I doubt it. That old bitch doesn’t do anything except fuck the little whores she keeps in her castle while my friends starve in those mountains.”
I stared at her, taken aback by the rawness of her words, the pain wrapped around them like a vine. “That’s quite a reputation she has.”
Lily’s expression hardened, the air thickening with her disdain. “Reputation? It’s the truth. Khione has power, sure, but it comes with a price. She doesn’t help anyone unless there’s something in it for her. If you’re seeking aid, you’d better be prepared to pay dearly for it.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach.
Lily leaned back against a tree, her gaze drifting to the rushing water, as if searching for answers in its depths. “She’s got a knack for making deals that trap you. You think you’re getting help, but it’s usually a trap. You could end up worse off than before.”
I let her words sink in, the implications wrapping around my mind like a cold fog. “So, what do you suggest? Just forget about it?”
“No,” she said, her voice firm, slicing through my doubts. “I’m just saying to be cautious. If you really think Naida can help, go to her. But if Khione is involved… just be ready for anything.”
“What do you know about Naida?” I pressed, desperate for any insight that might illuminate my path.
“She’s a force to be reckoned with,” Lily replied, her tone shifting slightly, like the wind before a storm. “A protector of the mountains, they say. If anyone can help us, it might be her. But she’s not easily found, and even harder to convince. You’ll need to prove yourself worthy of her time.”
I nodded, determination battling with trepidation in my chest. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Lily studied me for a moment, her expression softening. “I believe you. Just remember, you’re not alone in this. We’ll figure it out together.”
“Together,” I echoed, warmth spreading through me at the reassurance. It was comforting to know I had someone by my side who understood the stakes.
We resumed our journey, the path growing steeper as we ventured deeper into the forest. The sun climbed higher, casting dappled shadows on the ground, and the air was thick with the scent of pine and earth—invigorating yet heavy with the weight of our conversations.
As we navigated the terrain, our topic shifted to lighter matters, and I found myself laughing at Lily’s sarcastic quips about the creatures of the forest. Her spirit was contagious, and the laughter felt good, a welcome reprieve from the tension that had settled in my bones.
Eventually, we reached a vantage point overlooking a vast expanse of mountains in the distance. The peaks were shrouded in mist, an ethereal quality lending them an almost otherworldly presence. I could almost feel the pull of Khione’s castle lurking somewhere among them, a siren’s call promising both danger and salvation—a promise that felt too heavy to bear.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, creeping shadows across the ground, we stumbled upon another cave. This one was smaller, cozier, and had a natural chimney that promised to keep the night’s chill at bay. The entrance was framed by thick vines and moss, giving it an almost hidden quality, like a secret the forest had kept for itself. As we stepped inside, the air was cool and damp, a welcome relief from the heat of the day, and soon we had a fire crackling to life, its flickering light casting playful shadows against the damp stone walls.
Settled by the fire, I pulled out the remnants of our meager supplies while Lily rummaged through her pack. The warmth enveloped us, creating an intimate cocoon as we prepared a simple meal from what little we had left. The aroma of the dried meat she had brought wafted into the air, mixing with the earthy scent of the cave.
“You’re a vegetarian?” Lily laughed, a sound rich with amusement that echoed around us, almost like a melody bouncing off the walls.
“Yes. Do you have any nuts?” I replied, attempting to keep my tone casual despite the slight twist of discomfort in my stomach at the thought of what she might offer.
Lily shook her head, still chuckling. “That won’t keep you healthy, little one. Have some rabbit. I killed it yesterday.” 
Her words hung in the air like a challenge. I recoiled as she brought the dried meat closer, the odor hitting me like a wave of something unpleasant—savage and primal. “Ugh,” I flinched away, my face contorting in distaste.
Her laughter deepened, a hearty sound that seemed to vibrate within the cave’s very stones. “Don’t make that face,” she teased, her voice rich with mirth. “I have a pack of nuts and mushrooms in my bag.”
I caught the bag she tossed my way, the soft thud of it landing in my hands almost comforting. “Thanks,” I said, rifling through the contents. “You know, not everyone can be a barbarian like you.”
“Barbarian?” she replied, raising an eyebrow, a smirk dancing on her lips. “Just because I prefer my meals with a bit more substance doesn’t make me a barbarian.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” I replied, rolling my eyes as I munched on a handful of nuts, their earthy taste grounding me. “But seriously, rabbit? Did you have to?”
Lily chuckled again, the firelight illuminating her features with a warm glow, casting playful shadows on her face. “You’re too soft. A little meat might toughen you up.”
“I’m plenty tough,” I shot back, more defensively than I intended. “I just don’t see the need to eat something that was hopping around yesterday.”
“Oh, I see. You’re a sensitive soul, aren’t you?” Her sarcasm dripped like honey, thick and sweet, teasing at my vulnerabilities.
“Just practical,” I countered, crossing my arms as I met her gaze. “I like my food to be, you know, not staring at me with big, sad eyes.”
Lily laughed again, a rich, genuine sound that resonated off the cave walls. “You’re a riot. Alright, sensitive soul, eat your nuts. I’ll enjoy my rabbit.” She leaned back against the cave wall, her posture relaxed yet ready.
I shook my head, unable to suppress a smile. “One day, you’ll see the benefits of a vegetarian diet.”
“Doubtful,” she said, a playful challenge in her eyes. “But hey, I’ll give you this—you’ve got guts. I like that.”
“Thanks, I guess,” I replied, feeling an unexpected sense of camaraderie despite our bickering. “I could say the same about you.”
“Oh, you’re just full of compliments tonight,” she quipped, mock bowing as if accepting an award. “What did I do to deserve such praise?”
I laughed, the tension of the day easing like the fire’s warmth. “Just being you, I suppose.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet,” she said, though her eyes sparkled with warmth, a glimmer of something deeper beneath the surface. For a fleeting moment, it felt like we were both trying to shield ourselves from the weight of the world outside, a world filled with uncertainty and danger.
We settled into a comfortable silence, the crackling fire providing a soothing backdrop to our thoughts. Despite the teasing, there was an ease between us, a shared understanding that felt almost sacred in the dim light of the cave. She reminded me of a blend of Cordelia and Thelma—strong yet nurturing, the kind of ally you wished for in times of darkness. 
As I lay down to sleep, the flickering flames began to blur into shadows, and a sense of peace washed over me—something I hadn’t felt in far too long. The nightmare from the night before felt like a distant echo, a whisper that faded with the growing warmth of the fire. I found comfort in the knowledge that whatever challenges awaited, I wouldn’t have to face them alone.
I glanced at Lily, illuminated by the firelight, her features softening as she lost herself in thought. There was a hint of sorrow in the lines around her mouth, a weathered quality I hadn’t fully appreciated until this moment. Her eyes were distant, reflecting something that felt ancient and haunting, as if they held stories of their own.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that swearing is rude?” she barked suddenly, her gaze flicking to me with playful accusation.
I closed my eyes, feeling a flush of embarrassment. “Once or twice.”
“Sleep, little one. I’ll try to keep your nightmares away.” Her tone was softer now, as if she understood the weight of my weariness.
My eyes snapped back open at her words. Lily noticed my surprise and smiled gently, a transformation that made her appear ten years younger, the burden of her past momentarily lifted. 
“You were crying,” she said softly, concern lacing her words.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, shame flooding my cheeks, wishing I could pull the memories of my fears back into the depths of my mind.
“I have nightmares, too. One day, I’ll tell you why they haunt me and why they never leave. But for now, let me share how I manage to survive them.” 
Lily pulled a band from her wrist and swept her hair into a messy ponytail. The movement highlighted her tall, pointed ears, a feature that now seemed almost majestic in the firelight. I couldn’t help but wonder about the rest of her—a creature born of both human and something wild, a mixture of strength and vulnerability hidden beneath her baggy clothes.
“On bad mornings, it feels impossible to enjoy anything because I’m terrified it could vanish. So, I play a little game: I make a mental list of every act of kindness I’ve witnessed. I just do it over and over again. It gets tedious, but after doing it for so long, you get used to it. There are worse games to play.”
Her words settled between us, a fragile bridge built from shared pain. Whatever shadows haunted her, it was clear she wouldn’t share them tonight. I was too wrapped up in my own swirling thoughts to consider her horrors—too many fears to confront, too many questions I didn’t want to voice. I didn’t think she was hoping for anything from me, anyway; she seemed content to offer her wisdom without demanding answers in return.
“Wake me if you have them,” I whispered into the darkness, feeling a strange sense of connection in the quiet. “I can try my best to keep yours away, too.”
“Thank you. You’re very sweet,” she replied, and her sincerity made my stomach twist with unease; if only she knew how wrong she was.
I rolled over, facing away from her, the warmth of her words lingering in the air like a promise. “Go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow,” she said, her voice fading into the quiet.
Lily hummed softly, but I couldn’t hear her moving around. Giving up on being social, I closed my eyes and willed myself into sleep. 
As I drifted further away from consciousness, the last thing I saw was the silhouette of a deer gliding through the trees, its antlers twisted into a heart-like shape against the dusky sky. I lay there, watching the creature as I sank deeper into slumber, just on the brink of nothingness when I felt Lily shuffle closer.
“Idiot forgot about a blanket,” she murmured, and suddenly I was enveloped in warmth, her presence a comforting shield against the unknown that lurked outside the cave. 
The warmth wrapped around me like a tender embrace, and I could no longer hold my eyes open. Just before sleep fully claimed me, I felt the stirrings of peace settle into my bones, allowing me to drift away into the safety of dreams—where the forest would guard my heart for just a little while longer.
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Bicce - Female dog (bitch)
Swígan - Quiet
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Taglist: @greezenini @adventures-in-bookland @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin @yamekomz @chimthicc @michiiedreamer @amorieus @mima795 @yunki-yunki-yunki @vskhn016 @keiarajm
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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taevbears · 1 year
Magic Shop - 09
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One day, when I wake up at 3:00AM, unable to sleep, I will look next to me and you will be there, Sleeping peacefully beside me. And suddenly, the world won't seem so lonely.
⤑ pairing: OT7 x witch!reader, Jimin/Yoongi focused ⤑ genre: magic au, romance, angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.5k ⤑ warnings: implied smut, interrupted foreplay, heavy angst, oppression against mages, jimin as a warning himself tbh ⤑ note: surprise!! i took a few months off from writing this story to pursue other story ideas, but i ended up wanting to come back to this one lol. i have another story in the works, but i do plan to start posting semi-regularly for this series again soon ^^ i hope you guys enjoy! this takes place right after the final of pt 1.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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From the distance, the haunting, sonorous tolls of church bells ring in the hour for the sleeping town of New Haven.
Once. Twice. Three times.
3:00AM. The witching hour.
Monsters and magic are most active at this time of night. Their connection to the Veil – a realm of dreams and demons – is at its strongest peak, opening a window of chaos and mayhem and spilling them into the living world.
For mortals like Park Jimin, the witching hour is dangerous. Humans become prey to these abominations. Kidnapped and sacrificed, they become targets of dark magic, tortured for a mage’s sadistic greed and pleasure.
By law, those cursed with magic are condemned to their high towers and impenetrable castles. But there are some who’ve managed to escape their confinements. Who’ve garnered sympathy from fools they’ve bewitched, and who’ve hidden their unnatural powers to inconspicuously blend in with human villagers.
That’s when the hunters come in.
While the wardens are busy keeping the monsters locked away, allowing them to practice tricks and spells deemed safe by the Devoted, and silently killing them through deadly trials like the Harrowing, it’s the hunters that protect the towns and villages from mages outside their gilded prisons. People who, without law or regulation, take matters into their own hands when facing the Wicked.
History speaks of the war between humans and mages. The human sacrifices, the stolen blood of innocents, the dark summonings, the ominous hauntings, the deals with devils. Magic, after all, is the root of all evil.
And the latest of these horrendous acts is what happened at Blackstone Castle.
Several apprentices rebelled against the teachings of the Devoted and performed a forbidden summoning. The mutiny caused mages to attack the wardens, unleash creatures beyond nightmares into the mortal realm, and escape the castle’s defenses. The leader of the apostate group is rumored to have transformed into a hideous beast that the Warden-Commander had successfully defeated, but by the time the monster was slain, it was too late. Many mages have fled from Blackstone and found refuge in nearby villages, causing fear and suspicion to strike within the communities.
Any mage, surrounded by the temptations of the mortal realm, is a dangerous threat.
Two months ago, when news of Blackstone Castle hit the capital, there was no doubt in his mind what he must do: he had to return to his hometown in New Haven, make sure there aren’t any mages infiltrating his town, and eliminate the ones he finds.
With the key to his grandmother’s floral shop and the blessings of his family from the capital, Jimin returned to town, surprised to see not much had changed since he was last there.
Except for one thing.
The unnamed shop across the street.
The one odd place in town, full of mystery and wonder. What once was ruins and a disarray of abandonment is now warm and cozy with whimsy and comfort. Colorful and mix-mashed, yet in a way that works together. Like it was made of magic. 
And, to his dismay, the cutest shop owner he’s ever seen works there. One that he’s hopelessly fallen head-over-heels with. 
Even though he highly suspects that you are, ironically, the very thing he hunts down.
Jimin reminds himself of that as he sits back on a chair and faces the bed. Under the gleam of moonlight, the dagger in his hand shines. Embedded in the blade are ancient symbols of the Devoted. Once penetrated, it will render even the strongest mage useless, temporarily paralyzing them from using their powers as the effects of the enchanted markings sink in.
An heirloom and a prized possession of the Park family. One that his father used when he became a hero of the town. One that his grandfather used to kill the mage that murdered his parents. And now, one that belongs to him.
He flips the nullifying weapon in his hand over and over. Keeping it close to him, just in case.
In case you suddenly wake – snapping your eyes wide open, the colors of your pupils turning into an eerie, bright gold – and lunge toward him in inhuman speed. In case you levitate off the bed and hurl things flying in his direction. In case the devil’s mark sears red on your skin during the witching hour and turns you into one of them.
Like those corrupted mages – easily trading their souls for wealth, beauty, power, and fame – that the Devoted has warned them about. Like the ones he’s seen attack humans with their unnatural strength and twisted powers. Like the ones who had surely killed his parents.
After all, magic is the root of all things evil.
And you, a mage, are a monster. A human vessel that will inevitably succumb to the darkness and unleash chaos into the world with your cursed power.
His eyebrows furrow together and a deep frown is set on his plush lips
You – the most evil, dangerous, wicked thing to ever exist – continue to sleep soundly on his bed, blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil. The black dahlia – doused with potent lavender extract – is disposed of, but it’s already done its job. Keeping you unconscious. Keeping you vulnerable. Right where he wants you.
Time ticks on and Jimin tightens his grip on the dagger. He has to act, and he has to do it fast. He’s certain once the sleeping effect wears off, you’ll attack him.
One minute passes. Then, two. Then, three more.
Abruptly, Jimin stands with the dagger at hand. The chair legs scoot back against the wooden floorboards as he steps closer to you, blinking away the drowsiness from the potent side-effects of the flower.
Was he wrong?
No, he’s certain you’re one of them. He’s certain that one or more of them in that shop are like you as well. Mages and monsters.
Yet, there’s no trace of a golden glow in your eyes. No objects suddenly falling out of shelves, no picture frames or doorknobs rattling, no unexplained knocks or whispers. No faded bite mark that a demon left as a claim on your skin.
His fingers barely touch your neck when you make a sound.
A moan.
Of someone’s name.
Jimin freezes, eyes wide as he looks at your sleeping face. He can’t be certain if you said his name or—
A chuckle of disbelief comes from his lips and he runs his fingers through his hair. This should be easy. Insultingly so.
Yet, Jimin finds himself sitting back on the chair and facing his bed for the fourth time that night. He’s had that dagger in his hand since you fell asleep hours ago. He has every intent to kill you and the others in that shop.
But not tonight.
Tonight, he silently takes you in. The distinct features of your face that he likes, the way your lips part slightly as you sleep, the slow sound of your breath and the way your eyelashes touch the top of your cheeks. The way the moonlight is cast upon your bare skin, almost making you look ethereal in the night. 
He thinks about earlier that afternoon, when you came to his shop, picking flowers to lay out a message of apology and confession. He thinks about the genuine surprise in your face when he admits that he loves you too, that you already have his heart. He thinks about how he meant what he said too.
And as the shop closes and the afternoon rolls into evening, he thinks about his hand in yours as he leads you upstairs to his room. He thinks about your shy giggles when he kisses your neck, your collarbone, and the top of your breasts until you start to remove your clothes for him. And as Jimin takes in your body, he whispers that you’re beautiful without realizing the words came out of his mouth.
This should’ve been easy. If he had known you were a mage sooner, before he caught any feelings for you, perhaps this would have been different. 
But tonight, Jimin sheaths the enchanted dagger and lets you live for one more night.
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Your dreams. They always start like this.
High walls of a strong, impenetrable fortress made of dark brick and stone. Willow trees in the courtyard, and a prism of sunlight peeking through the weeping, green leaves. Rows of old books stacked together on long shelves with worn bindings and stain-aged pages. Faceless apprentices in uniformed robes, passing through the candle-lit hallways from one lecture to another, their disembodied voices echoing down the long passageways. Plated armor and concealed weapons of guards that look down at you with disdain.
Blackstone Castle.
Once upon a time, that place was all you’ve ever known. An institution where you’ve excelled too well in the classroom lessons and teachings. Where your exposure to the outside world is limited through words on paper and stories from fellow apprentices of what they could remember before coming to the castle. A so-called home where you had the promising future of becoming one of the best enchanters among your peers.
You lean back against your chair in the lecture room. Notes in your handwriting are on the desk, detailed with whatever you thought is important to note. You tilt your head, frowning a bit in confusion as your hand continues to write.
You’re … actually not sure what you’re taking notes on. The longer you look at the scribbled words, the more ineligible they appear.
The sound of giggling catches your attention. When you glance at the source of the noise, you drop the quill in shock.
At the back of the lecture room, Hoseok and your old roommate are snuggled together. Neither of them are paying attention to the lesson, shamelessly making out and touching each other through their clothes. You see her running her hand through his hair and tugging him closer as their tongues slip in each other’s mouths. Although they’re sitting a bit far, you could hear Hoseok as if he’s right next to you. You hear him tell her, “It should’ve been you that made it out of the Harrowing instead.”
“Hoseok?” you utter, your voice pathetically soft. Why would he say that?
When you finally force yourself to look away, Namjoon stands before you. No longer are you in a lecture room, but at the library. His face is completely neutral. Guarded. He asks you, “What is it that you want?”
“I just…” you begin, but before you could answer, he pushes you down on the table.
“I’m not your boyfriend. I couldn’t care less about what we are,” Namjoon tells you as he pins you down. His hand flips up the end of your dress. “There’s only one thing I want from you.”
When you exhale, it’s shaky. Like you’re trying not to sob.
Before anything happens, Namjoon is shoved away. When you turn around, you’re in the ritual room. Seokjin has his hands full, fighting beastly creatures from the Veil with a sword and shield. He shouts for your help, and it takes you a moment to process that you’re in the middle of a battle.
You need a weapon.
The tower rumbles and debris falls from the ceiling. Your heart races as you look through the rubble for a wand, a tome, anything to help Seokjin.
But you’re too late.
An anguish scream cuts you deeper than any blade. Panic and fear seizes your entire body as you watch him slump to the ground. The battlefield is deathly quiet, and you’re sitting there, alone, cradling his head on your lap and crying apologies for what feels like hours.
Through your tears, you see one other person standing in the distance. You sniffle when you recognize who it is. “Jungkook?”
“You did that to him,” Jimin says from the other side of the room, opposite of where Jungkook is. “You couldn’t save him. This is your fault.”
“I know, but—”
“Scary,” Jungkook repeats, both of them looking at you like you’re something evil. Black smoke swallows them whole, thick as clouds. It takes over the room, Seokjin, and eventually, it takes over you as well.
But once it clears, you find yourself in a séance room. Taehyung sits across from you in a black and gold cloak and a crown on his head. He shuffles tarot cards and asks you the same thing Namjoon does. “What is it that you want?”
“Love,” you answer. Exhausted. Heartbroken.
You don’t want to be seen as a monster. You don’t want to have these doubts. These insecurities. This nightmare.
He sets down one card in front of you. The Reversed Hermit.
Betrayal. Isolation. Paranoia.
As it sinks in, you realize that Taehyung has disappeared. Vanished into thin air. Truly, you are alone again.
You’re not sure how long you sit there in the deafening silence. Wax melts from the candlesticks as the fire burns down the wick. The shadows in the room stretch longer, surrounding you in darkness. But the thoughts in your head are loud, calling you loveless, weak, incompetent, never enough.
Suddenly, you hear music playing. A soft, faint melody from a piano.
You don’t want to be here anymore, so you run toward the sound. A sense of déjà vu hits you as you exit the séance room and find yourself in a long, dimly-lit hallway full of identical doors. Just like your Harrowing, each door you enter leads you to the same hallway over and over and over and over. Despite how gentle the music sounds, you feel desperate to reach it. To see him.
Relief washes over you when you finally do.
In the domain where you first saw him, Yoongi stands behind a piano, dressed head to toe in all black with silver jewelry. One hand presses the black and white keys of the grand instrument, absently playing a tune you vaguely recognized. One he’s certain would bring you right to him.
He glances at you expectantly. A faint smile tugs on the corner of his lips.
Without hesitation, you run toward him, lost and then found. Grief, fear, doubt, and anxiety melt away the moment you’re in his arms. “Yoongi!”
Your familiar pulls you close, brushing his lips against your hair, just as a sharp sting claws into your inner thigh. You whimper and gasp from the pain, squirming in his arms, but Yoongi grabs your jaw and continues to kiss you like nothing is happening.
When the pain subsides, Yoongi finally lets you go. You back away from him, breathing hard, and finally, you notice the golden color in his eyes. He doesn’t move as he peers down on you, lips tugging a bit with an arrogant smirk.
Hesitantly, you lift the bottom of your dress to look at your thigh. A strange, red mark is visible on the skin.
Yoongi merely tilts his head and reminds you, “You’re mine.”
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A loud wail is what wakes Jimin from his sleep. His body jerks in reaction, and before he realizes it, he’s tumbling off the chair and onto the wooden floor.
As clumsy as he is, this isn’t unusual for him. He is, however, surprised to see your black cat glowering down at him. Its tail swishes back and forth slowly as an annoyed grumble comes from its chest.
“Sorry,” you apologize, holding a blanket over your body with one hand and shutting the window with the other. “He was crying outside.”
Jimin blinks slowly at you, and then turns his attention back to the cat, who continues to glare down at him. He squints back and whispers, “Isn’t it too early in the morning to be a menace?”
Yoongi gives a grunt of a meow. As if Jimin should’ve known better than to question it.
“I should get going anyway,” you tell him, your voice soft and sad. If Jimin wasn’t wide awake before, he certainly is now. He pushes himself up and sees the redness in your eyes and face. You’ve been crying. “I didn’t mean to stay overnight.”
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jimin gently asks, jumping to his feet. He starts to approach you, but stops himself. His eyes linger at the blanket you have loosely around you, and how, somehow, you’re even more beautiful to him in the daylight. 
You peek at him with wet eyes. Even now, there’s not a trace of wickedness in them at all. “I’m okay. Bad dream.”
Yoongi meows and rubs himself against your legs, trying to comfort you. A wry smile touches your lips as you bend down to pet him, quietly assuring him again that you’re okay. It feels like this is something that happens every now and then.
When the connection between you and the Veil are the strongest.
It’s subtle, but it’s still proof that Jimin isn’t wrong about what you are after all. He’s never been to a Harrowing, and he knows very little about the Veil itself, but mages leave their physical forms behind to enter that dream-like realm. In order to seek truths, gain knowledge, enhance their skills, and meet both good and evil spirits that reside in that world. It shouldn’t surprise him that mages that fall into a deep sleep during the witching hour could be affected by the Veil.
Jimin crouches down to meet your eye-level. There’s a pleasant smile on his lips as he reaches over to rub your back. “Why don’t you stay a little longer?”
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You feel good after a long sleep, a good cry, and dipping into the warm water of a bath. The others at the shop are worried about you, even though you’re just across the street. Yoongi tells you as much as he helps you wash up.
“I know. I meant to go home last night.”
Your memory is a bit fuzzy, but that much, you know, is true. Sometimes, when it feels like you’re dreaming in the Veil, it’s hard to distinguish reality and dreams. You look at your thigh, where you envisioned the devil’s mark to be, and see nothing out of the ordinary on your skin.
He doesn’t say anything as he continues to rub soap on your back and shoulders. It feels nice. You start to lean in on his touch and sigh with content. Then, he asks, “Did anything happen?”
“Other than the obvious? No. I just fell asleep,” you answer, almost certain that there isn’t more to the story. Wake pulled you out of sleep as gently as the nightmare ended, and as you laid on Jimin’s bed, you were overwhelmed with emotion. Every detail, every word from your dream, you remember it. But through the tears in your eyes, you saw Jimin sleeping on a single, uncomfortable chair, facing you and dressed in his clothes from the night before. He had let you sleep on his bed throughout the night, watched over you, and kept you safe. And somehow, just seeing Jimin there with you after a terrible nightmare only reassured you that you were okay. That a dream was just a dream. “I really like him, Yoongi.”
“I know you do,” is all he says. You don’t need to face him to know that he isn’t entirely happy with it. “I just want you to be careful around him.”
“I will, Yoongi. You don’t need to worry about me.”
It isn’t long until you’re out of the bath and dressed up. The two of you are relatively silent as you face a mirror and use magic to fix your hair. Then, Yoongi asks, “Do you want to talk about your dream?”
You glance at him from the reflection. He’s dressed in black clothing and silver jewelry, just as you imagined him. His eyes, however, are normal. Dark, inquisitive, and gentle. Unlike the haunting yellow from your nightmare.
“No. Not yet,” you reply, your hand twitching as you try not to touch your thigh. There’s no pain and no strange mark, but it’s the first time you’ve dreamed of it. The mark that Yoongi mentioned once in passing to further strengthen a bond between a mage and their familiar. “Soon, though.”
You’d think those kinds of dreams would’ve stopped by now, especially after hearing from the boys themselves that they loved you. It feels silly to even question it when it’s obvious that they do. Yet, the same dreams keep occurring over and over, filling your mind with doubt and insecurity.
“Okay.” Yoongi stands next to you as you finish getting ready. “You look nice today.”
You grin at him, a little shy from the compliment, but tease, “Are you saying that I look bad other days?”
“You look nice every day,” he corrects with a shy kiss on your cheek. Then, before you could retort, he’s back into his cat form. You smile at him lovingly and hold him in your arms, feeling the rumble of his purrs vibrate from his body.
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Downstairs, Jimin finds himself in a bit of a dilemma.
He has nothing to eat for breakfast.
Work has him traveling out of the shop often, delivering bouquets to customers, picking up new supplies and flowers, and even stopping by local guilds to pick up any magic-related reports to take up. It doesn’t occur to him that he’s rarely home to stock up on his personal pantry.
He’s still rummaging around for something when you finally come down with Yoongi in your arms. “Jimin?”
“I’m back here!” he shouts, grabbing pieces of stale bread and a half-empty jar of strawberry jam. This will have to do for now, he supposes, though it clearly isn’t enough for both of you. When you enter the back room, he tries to bite into the hard, jam-coated piece of bread and asks, “Breakfast?”
“I think I’m good,” you tell him, looking around. It’s notably empty, you realize, as you turn your attention back to his plate. “Is that all you’re having?”
“Maybe it’s a better idea that we eat out,” Jimin agrees, pushing the half-bitten bread aside. He isn’t hungry for that anyway. If it were up to him, he’d take you right back upstairs and have you stay with him a little longer.
He takes a quick glance at the cat in your arms, who seems to hold a steady glare at him. As if daring Jimin to make a move on you while he’s around.
You smile at him. “I know a place we can go.”
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Across the street, the aroma of baked bread and brewed coffee welcomes you into the little shop. Seokjin is up bright and early, humming quietly to himself as he carefully puts pastries on a display case. Hoseok pours coffee into several mugs and adds cream and sugar to everyone’s preferred taste. Namjoon is doing an inventory check with Taehyung and Jungkook, writing down what he needs to shop for when he goes to the market later that morning. But as soon as the bell chimes from the front door and you step through the threshold, a sweeter welcome awaits you.
“You’re home!” Taehyung exclaims with a big, boxy smile and pulls you and Yoongi into a tight hug. The cat meows in protest in your arms, but it’s muffled when Jungkook giggles and joins in the group hug as well.
“We were worried about you, pretty girl,” Hoseok comments, holding two mugs for you and Yoongi in his hands, though he seems relieved to see you.
“Yeah, you didn’t come home last night,” Namjoon agrees as he and Seokjin come into the entrance together.
“Sorry, that’s my fault,” Jimin says from behind you. He steps into the shop with a sheepish smile on his face, seeing that he’s faced with the very over-protective men you live with.
Seokjin scoffs under his breath. “That explains a lot.”
“Is it okay if he stays for breakfast?” you ask them, hopeful. There’s a bit of hesitance, as if they’re not really sure what to make of you and Jimin still.
“Yeah, why not? The more the merrier,” Namjoon quotes with a shrug.
Your heart feels warm at their acceptance. Seeing the boys all together in one room, all seven of them, it feels right. It feels complete.
Both Hoseok and Namjoon look at you with so much care in their eyes, scolding you lightly for making them worry. Seokjin smiles at you, alive and well, before he takes Yoongi from your arms to help him in the kitchen. Taehyung and Jungkook refuse to leave your side, still keeping you in their hold until Seokjin bats them away.
If this is all a dream, it’s the cruelest one yet.
Hoseok hands you your coffee and smiles brightly at their guest. “I’ll get another mug. Do you like cream and sugar in your coffee, Jimin?”
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Breakfast goes surprisingly well. Laid out on the table are sunny-side eggs, crispy pork belly, toasted bread with butter and jam, a bowl of fresh fruits, vegetable pancakes, and leftover stew from the night before. It’s a feast compared to what Jimin tried to eat at his own shop earlier that morning.
Everyone sits together on the long table, happily chatting and eating. Hoseok feeds Taehyung and Jungkook food from his plate before he eats himself. Seokjin tries to fish for compliments from you and Namjoon for working so hard in the kitchen. Even Yoongi – who strangely appears when the cat disappears – takes a seat beside you and immediately reaches into the fruit bowl for tangerines. 
It’s a little strange, but Jimin seems to fit in really well. Both Hoseok and Taehyung include him in their conversations, asking him what his opinions are about if tigers or bears are the superior animal or the types of cool dances that they’ve seen at the town square. Namjoon and Seokjin make him laugh at their witty banter, and how they bring out the goofiest sides of each other. Even Jungkook is excitedly clapping his hands and giggling at their antics before cutely asking Jimin if there’s any pork belly left on his side of the table. And while he’s certain that Yoongi hates him, he’s surprised when he is offered a piece of his peeled tangerine.
There’s a sense of belonging that Jimin can’t really describe when he’s around you guys. Something that he hasn’t really felt anywhere else.
It’s a stark difference to when he returns to his lonely flower shop afterwards.
Floral fragrances greet him as he walks in the door instead of the aroma of baked good and brewed coffee. There’s a notable silence that fills the room when there aren’t any customers around, unlike at the lively shop across the street, where there’s always music playing and people talking. It feels cold and empty, far from the warm and homey feelings of yours.
Running a shop by himself keeps him busy. It’s hard work and long days, but he likes the smile on people’s faces when they find exactly what they’re looking for, or when he delivers things he’s made to his customers.
Today isn’t any different. Except, it is.
Because just across the street, you’re there. He can see you welcoming curious people inside, checking on the plants outside the shop that Jimin helped you garden with a raven perched on your shoulder, going to the market as Namjoon holds your waist and Jungkook holds your hand, and coming back to the shop less than an hour later and being showered with affectionate greetings from the others upon your return.
Because Jimin can’t stop thinking about how you and the others across the street are supposed to be wicked, evil, vile creatures that feast on the blood of innocents and animal sacrifices instead of tangerines, coffee, and bread. That you must’ve bewitched humans to do your bidding, even though it clearly seems that Seokjin has a mind of his own and wants to be with you all. That you’d use your power to bring chaos and destruction to the world instead of love and comfort in your shop.
Because Jimin realizes that he can’t kill you because he loves you. Even though he shouldn’t. Even though it’s his job to eradicate people like you from his town. 
Yet, here he is, thinking about how concerned he was when you woke up crying. How troubled he felt when he wasn’t able to make breakfast for you. The way he felt a bit nervous entering your shop and facing your other lovers. How they all tried to make him feel welcomed anyway, even if there’s some uncertainty with how they feel toward him. How the morning after with you was nice until he had to return to his shop alone.
The enchanted dagger upstairs is locked away in his room, waiting to be used. Eager for that next opportunity when you’re alone with him. But Jimin, who watches you from his shop’s window with a forlorn sadness, wants to keep you with him a little longer.
And that, truly, is a problem.
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“We need to talk.”
Your heart stutters nervously at the words. Silently, you exchange looks with Seokjin, who is washing dirty dishes next to you. But you know why Namjoon is suddenly summoning you all for a family meeting.
At the market, you noticed it. You’re certain Namjoon and Jungkook did too with the way they tightened their hold around you.
In the town square, they were there.
Many of them are talking about Blackstone Castle and the mages that have escaped. They’re asking townsfolk if they’ve noticed anything suspicious, advising people to stay indoors at night, taking notes of any clues they find through their investigations. The three of you manage to avoid them on the way to the market, but it’s clear that their very presence is a threat: the hunters are here, and they’re looking for you.
“It’s too dangerous now,” Seokjin whispers, worried. His thumb caresses the back of your hand as you sit beside him. “We’ll be safer if we get out of town.”
“Where would we go?” Namjoon questions, a bit frustrated. You can tell he’s trying not to raise his voice. “This is our home. We’ve just started to settle down.”
“All the rooms aren’t filled yet,” Taehyung points out as his eyes lock with yours. He’s been certain that Jimin is the last one. That the final room in the shop belongs to him.
Jungkook sighs heavily. “What do we do?”
Running away isn’t an option. You guys already did that, and you don’t want to leave this place behind. Fighting them would only bring more unwanted attention toward you and the shop. Even you’re a bit stumped with what to do next.
“More and more of those hunters are coming into the town,” Hoseok says with a frown. “We have to be careful. We have to look out for each other.”
Namjoon nods his head. “Just as we always do.”
Yoongi catches your eye this time. “Are you sure we can trust him?”
The others look at you as well. Yoongi doesn’t have to say his name for you to know who he’s talking about. You’re the one who knows Jimin the most. They trust your judgment, despite any divination readings Taehyung has on him.
“Yes,” you answer without hesitation. “I trust him.”
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By the late afternoon, as things begin to wind down, you return to the flower shop with containers of food from your shop. “I don’t know if you ate your dinner already, but we made these for you.”
He smiles fondly at you, touched by the sweet gesture as he takes the containers from you. “Thank you, baby. I’ll eat it well.”
As he leaves to put the food away in the back for later, you take a walk around. His shop is empty of customers. Various flowers in full bloom sit prettily on display in arrangements and in pots. Everything is beautiful and pleasing to look at.
Though, you notice that there aren't really any personal touches in Jimin’s shop at all. No family pictures, despite his father being a hometown hero or that his grandmother had owned this shop prior. No food that he keeps in stock with favorite dishes and snacks. Even his bedroom feels minimalistic compared to what you’re used to at one of the boys’ rooms. 
If he ever decides to live with you, in that empty room on the second floor, what would his room look like? Would it be like this shop? Would it be something different?
As you lose yourself to your train of thoughts, you nearly trip over something.
A bucket of lavenders.
It sits innocently near a painted cart among other buckets of bouquets. Its calming fragrance is masked by the other floral scents in the shop. But it makes you back away from it as if you just saw something truly horrifying.
Arms suddenly wrap around your midsection and pull you into their chest. You nearly scream, wiggling to get free, until you hear Jimin’s infectious laughter behind you. “What’s wrong? Did I scare you?”
“Yes! How dare you!” you playfully shout, relieved it’s just him. He chuckles and starts to kiss your cheek and neck in apology. His lips feel soft against your skin, and your hand reaches back to touch his neck, turning a bit to kiss him back.
It’s easy to be swept up in him. To get lost in the heat of the moment and not think about anything or anyone else. To push your worries about bad dreams, hunters, and the other boys aside and just melt in his arms. You trust him. You know you can.
But something is bothering you. His mouth moves away from your lips to kiss your jaw and the spot just below your ear, and as you turn your head and sigh in content, you notice the bucket of lavenders again. 
“Stay tonight?” he asks against your skin, eyes hazy with lust. 
You’re tempted. But you answer, “I can’t, Jimin. Not tonight.”
With the hunters in town, you have to make sure that the shop is safe. Hoseok and Namjoon have prepared to sage the entire shop to ward off any harmful intentions to you and your family. And you need to cast added protection spells on the doors and windows so that your shop won’t be easy for them to find.
He hums but places another kiss on your face. “We got a bit carried away last night, didn’t we?”
You glance away from the lavenders and meet his gaze. Again, you remind yourself that you love this man. You can trust him.
“Jimin, about last night…” you begin. His smile fades a little as he arches an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. “Did something happen?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m having a hard time remembering how the night ended.”
No matter how hard you try, you can’t remember how you ended up falling asleep in Jimin’s room. The last thing you remember is telling him you had to go back home. That Yoongi would be upset, and Jimin said—
“You just fell asleep, babe. Nothing happened.”
“I see.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“It's not that,” you tell him, not sure how to state this without sounding accusatory. You glance over at the lavenders again and quietly admit, “I just feel like I’m missing something. I don’t know. Did… Did something more happen?”
His hands cup your face, warm and a bit calloused. They contract a bit with the cold, silver rings around his fingers.
“What makes you think I’d do something to hurt you?” he questions, trying to sound a bit offended. But for a split second, you could’ve sworn he almost looked amused.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes flutter close as he tilts your face up, greeting you with soft kisses again. His thumb gently caresses your cheeks, hands slowly gliding down your neck, fingers tracing your collarbone. Despite the light touches, your heart pounds hard in your chest, and you feel yourself chasing after his lips. 
“Should I remind you then? About last night?” he asks, nose bumping against yours and a hand against the back of your neck.
“I can’t stay,” you remind him, eyes fluttering close. But his lips feel so full and soft when he kisses you. Each kiss entices you for more, and he chuckles when he feels you tug on his bottom lip.
“Then should we stop?”
He pulls away from you a bit, teasing you, but you don’t allow him. Your arms wrap around his neck as you needily answer, “No. Don’t stop.”
“Good girl,” Jimin praises and rewards you with another heated kiss. You could only moan in agreement, far too distracted to pay attention to anything but the way his tongue slips into your mouth or the way his touch warms your skin, igniting memories of last night with the way his hands roam your body.
With Jimin, it feels easy to love. It feels easy to simply be. Whether as friends, lovers, or something else you can’t quite place, it feels easy to get caught up in the moment with him. Without overthinking of what this all means, without the worry of what you are to him, without caring when the dream ends.
Your back hits the counter, but it doesn’t break the kiss. He feels you over your clothes, and your hands tug him closer.
“Jimin…” you gasp, panting hard when he finally pulls away. He spins you around so your back is against his chest again. Vaguely, through the lust-filled haze, you’re reminded of the night before.
Visiting the flower shop, an apology and a confession, a night spent together. You were trying to get home. Yoongi was upset. The tattoo on Jimin’s chest. A black dahlia.
“Don’t think about it,” Jimin whispers against your skin. He starts to push you down over the counter. Had you been able to see his face, a chill would’ve run down your spine from the way he looks at you in that very moment – like a predator to prey. “Just trust me.”
The chime of a bell snaps both of you out of it.
“What the hell?” a last-minute customer exclaims, unable to open the door all the way to get through. As if, somehow, the door got stuck. “Jimin? Are you there?”
Immediately, Jimin backs off and clears his throat.
“Yes, I’ll be right with you!” he answers, running his fingers through his hair. He stands over you for a moment, protectively shielding you from anyone coming in. When he glances over at you, however, you’re already smoothing over the front of your clothes. Your face is a bit flustered, but not a single hair is out of place. “Are you okay, love?”
“I’m fine, Jimin. I should get going anyway,” you tell him bashfully. He kisses you one last time before he finally lets you go.
With ease, you pull open the front door as the customer nearly stumbles inside. 
When you look back at Jimin, he seems to be staring at you and the door curiously. Then, his eyes lock with yours, and he gives you that same, knowing smile from last night.
The kind of smile where he knows something you don’t. A secret he isn’t meant to find out.
And it dawns to you, just then, that his smile was the last thing you saw yesterday before your world turned black.
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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xoxo-suki · 12 days
Comment if you have specific BTS members in mind for your particular preference of the trope. Alternatively, send me anonymous asks if you'd rather not comment!
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aloneatpeace · 2 years
Library of aloneatpeace
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐛𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟.
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Hello there , this my masterlist for all my work .I'm mostly writing about tv shows , movie and series that i like .my first language is not English so there might be some mistakes so don't mind it . update will be slow so be patient and thank you for reading ❤️✌️.this is my Wattpad
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TV Shows
Teen wolf,vampire diaries, supernatural,wandvison
1.In another universe ✔️
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2.Cosmic Chaos 🖋️
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3. BTS
1.Fall Of Empire 📌
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5.Shadow of the past 📌
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honey-boyyoongi · 2 years
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 6k Words
Warnings ➪ cursing through out; authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood; mentions of anxiety attack; description of an anxiety attack;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Damn it took me months to update this one huh. Sorry for being so quiet lately, I’ll update my Yoongi au soon. I hope yall enjoy this update. As always feedback is appreciated and if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know 💕
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Yoonji runs towards the front door; Seokjin’s eyes are wild and dilated, his usually pristine white blouse is stained deep red. His mouth is covered in blood, his cheeks stained with tears and dirt. His usually styled hair is messy and unkempt. “Oh, my god, Jinnie what happened,” she pleads, “Who did this? Was it Choi? I swear to the gods I will drag him out in the sun myself if he-,’ Yoonji stops when she looks over Seokjin’s shoulder, “Jin, what the fuck did you do?”
Seokjin shudders, “I didn’t mean to, I was- fuck. I haven’t fed since I gave you blood. The council refused to let me into the donor wing, even though it's my side of the Kim clan that created it in the first place. To punish my gluttony they said. I asked Jaeyoung for bags, but he never got back to me. I was walking home, taking my way through the park. I smelled blood, coming from the bushes. I thought it was an animal, but the smell got stronger and sweeter, it was fresh human blood. I couldn’t help it, Yoonie. I’m sorry.” Seokjin struggled to hold in his sob. Yoonji needed to figure out a plan and fast, but it seemed the universe had other plans. 
Yoonji turned at the gasps that echoed in between Seokjin’s harsh breaths. Y/n stood wide eyed, frightened. She knew.
“Oh, shit,” Yoonji mumbled. “Y/n.. I need you to breathe slowly. Please.” The older woman walked slowly towards her younger roommate, hoping that she didn't do anything irrational. 
Y/n evades her, running towards Seokjin, “Holy shit, Jin, what happened?” 
Seokjin sobbed harder into the tile, struggling to find his voice, “I-fuck! I..I was walking..and.” Yoonji could feel her friend’s desperation, she rubbed Jin’s back in an attempt to soothe him.  “I didn’t know.. I swear I didn’t, kitty.” 
Y/n stopped in front of Jin, taking in the chaos that he had brought with him. “Fuck, “she grumbled. She joined Jin on the floor, scanning him for any potentially fatal wounds, “Jin, were you stabbed? Shot? You’re covered in blood, fuck.” Seokjin stared at her, shocked that she would get so close. Their roommate scooted closer to a still Jin, Yoonji watched, frozen. She didn’t want to scare Y/n by trying to pull her away, but she also doesn’t know in what state of mind her best friend would be. There was a large chance Seokin could attack her, if he saw her as a threat. 
“Jimin,” Yoonji hissed, “Jimin, hurry, Y/n is getting too close to Jinnie.” 
Jimin cursed, he hurried from his pantry with their first aid kit, “I’m trying, I have delicate jars in this thing.” 
Yoonji could see Seokjin’s figure tense, his pupils were dilating with every centimeter Y/n crawled closer. “Jimin, please,” she begged. With the wave of a finger and a grunted curse, Y/n fell to her side, they were able to narrowly avoid another incident in their home. The elder was able to catch her roommate, preventing any injuries. 
Jimin anxiously made his way towards Seokjin, “Yoon, take her to her room. The spell I used should keep her asleep for a while, let's hope she doesn't have to work a shift tomorrow. We can’t have more people involved.” He carefully lays the aid kit on the ground, hastily trying to find what he needs. 
Yoonji takes Y/n into her arms, working fast to get her out of the upside down living room. Once Yoonji settled their sleeping roommate on her bed, she skimmed for any bumps or bruises. The female vampire released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, nothing seemed bruised or in need of attention, thankfully one less thing to worry about tonight. 
Yoonji finds her roommates, and a stranger, still stationed in their living room. Seokjin was lying on the couch, his blood-soiled shirt on the floor next to him, dried blood in sporadic places, sweat glistening on his brow. Jimin had finished checking over Seokjin, deeming him free of any detrimental injuries. He was happy to confirm his friend was healthy, but there was still the matter of the man on the carpet. He was tall, and had dark hair. Yoonji was sure he was tan, but the lack of blood is causing him to look sickly. The man was wearing a dark blue matching t-shirt and pants set, with detailing on the hems. 
She makes her way to the middle of the room to help Min out. The elder looks around trying to find something to clean up the dirt and blood stuck on her best friend. Yoonji spots and picks the wet wipes Jimin stashes in their first aid kit. While she hastily wipes down every visible stain of blood, Seokjin doesn't move. He’s silent, attempting to control his breathing. 
“Jinnie what happened, “she whispered. Jin grumbled, slightly shaking his head, “Mmph.. kitty… I’m tired.” 
“I gave him a sedative,” Jimin said, “It’s catered to vampires, so he’ll sleep for a couple of hours.”
“Was that necessary, “Yoonji asks worriedly.
“He was bordering on a feral state; he hadn't been feeding. The overwhelming emotions of fear, guilt, confusion and panic were pushing him to a frenzy,”  he answered. “The last thing he needed was to go into a frenzy, hurt anyone else, and turn feral from the grief. Along with a sedative, I gave him something to keep him settled emotionally after he wakes up. Hopefully his body doesn’t purge it.” Jimin organized the items back into his kit tensely, “Please take the man on the carpet to my work room. I still need to treat him, plus, the smell of blood could set off Jin.” Jimin urgently rose from the floor, speed walking deeper into the house.
Yoonji finished the last of her clean up of Seokjin. Her stomach was less twisted seeing her longest friend safe. She fixed his hair back into place, and makes sure he’s comfortable for his rest. 
Jimin was fixing a variety of creams and tonics when Yoonji came in with the living room stranger. She lays him on the futon Jimin keeps in his work room, for the days he has too many commissions. She closes the door, wanting to keep any noise from reaching Y/n down the hall. Jimin stripped the stranger down to his underwear, wiping him down with a warm cloth to rid him of any grime and blood. Yoonji takes the remaining cloth, assisting Jimin with cleaning the stranger. They work in silence, neither too sure what to say. 
“Excuse me?”
“Namjoon, “Jimin mumbles, “That’s his name.”
The elder stared at her younger friend with surprise. “Did you find a wallet with his ID in it, “Yoonji asked.
“I know him,” Jimin whispered. Yoonji stood shell shocked, “Jimin.. Oh gods, I’m sorry.” They continue to clean Namjoon in uncomfortable silence, until he is free of any grime. “He’s the friend I go on the trails with. He’s always at a park, or working at the plant nursery he co-owns with his roommate. I know Jin didn’t mean to, but I’m so angry.”
Yoonji didn’t know how to comfort her younger friend. She understands why he would be upset, Namjoon was a victim of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. “I know Min, I’m sorry. I understand why you would be upset. Jin didn’t mean it. He must’ve been more blood deprived than we realized, but he would never attack a human on purpose.”
“I know Yoonie. It’s just frustrating to see an innocent person getting caught in the crossfire, especially one that you’re close to, “Jimin sighs. “He’s not hurt, at least from what I can tell. No stabs, claw marks, cuts, or bullet wounds, but that’s not our biggest worry.”
“What is it then? He’s not a werewolf, is he, or a demon?”
“No, since Seokjin was starving, and went into some form of bloodlust. He injected Namjoon with venom,“ Jimin explained. Yoonji cursed, “Fuck! Are you sure?”
Jimin ushered Yoonji to the left side of Namjoon, he carefully tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. He pointed to the very prominent bite marks, “When I was cleaning around his neck, the blood had a cloudy look to it. I knew he wasn’t sick; if Joon was a werewolf, Seokjin would’ve died within minutes. Namjoon’s body would kill itself trying to purge the vampire venom, if he was a wolf. If he was a demon, Jin would be sick, at worst he would have a stomach ache that would last for a few days, and Namjoon wouldn’t have been affected.”
“So he’s human, “Yoonji says. 
“Was, “Jimin answers, “Jin released enough venom when he bit him to start the transformation. If I’m correct, the transition should be finished within 48 hours, maybe less.”
“Less,” Yoonji croaked, “How?”
“Born vampires are the only ones that can turn humans into vampires, correct,” she nodded, “Well, Seokjin is part of an aristocratic family, he’s also ancient. If I'm not mistaken all of that would make his venom more potent. Namjoon is a healthy human, add a potent venom, and boom you have a newborn.”
Yoonji’s mind was going into overdrive, what were they going to do? They had never sired a vampire. From a very young age they’re taught about how serious sire and fledgling relationships are. Sires can be parental figures to their fledgling, if they weren’t romantically involved before being reborn. Fledglings can easily go feral if they’re not guided correctly, or worse their sire’s reject the bond. Things can go to shit so easily. They’ve heard about newborns going feral hours after their finished transition. Seokjin has had to unfortunately, get rid of a fair amount of feral fledglings in his time in the council. It never gets easier.  
“Yoonie,” Jimin whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispers back. 
“Jin, won’t abandon him will he, “he asked. “Yoon, I know to you two he’s the human that got caught in the crossfire, but he’s my friend. Joonie has been a constant presence in my life for the last year. I don’t want to lose him to this. It might sound selfish, but it feels nice to be treated as normal, or at least be perceived as human. I don’t get envious looks for being the grandson of Park Hyejin. I can talk about plants, and not be told ‘I didn’t ask’. I’m not asked about spells, potions, or favors. I’m not asked about how granny and momma are so powerful, and why I’m not like them even though I’m the first born. I don’t have to take inventory of my greenhouse, or my workroom when he comes over. I’ve never had to use charms around him to keep myself safe. I’ve never had to scour myself, or gifts from him for peeping spells. It’s nice not having to watch my back.”
“Jimin.. I’m sorry. I didn’t know things were getting that bad. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I know nothing I say will make it okay. Seokjin will be responsible for Namjoon. Our families have taught us to guide, protect, and love those that we sire. If, for some reason, Seokjin decides to not take responsibility, I’ll become his sire. Namjoon shouldn’t be allowed to go feral, for his mistakes.”
“Will you really, “Jimin asked.
“Yes, I will,” Yoonji said matter of factly. “I might not know him like you do, but I can see you care about him. Like I said he’s innocent in all of this.”
They quietly finished cleaning Namjoon up. Yoonji is beginning to see subtle changes; he’s losing color, his claws are starting to grow out, he’s starting to become free of any blemishes. Namjoon is also starting to breathe more raggedly, she knows soon he’ll stop. The transformation always started physically, while the venom slowly killed the body. Young vamplings were always told the transformation was painful. She’s heard stories of sires sedating their fledglings with all types of concoctions. Most burned through the drugs or alcohol during their transition, or any concussion given to knock them out, was healed. Yoonji doesn’t know how Jimin’s friend will react once he’s woken up after the last breath, but she hopes he’s at least grateful that Jimin sedated him with a spell. 
Being a newborn is hell, she’s seen it. Her favorite auntie was turned by one of her father’s younger brothers when she had just turned 14. She remembers the hunger, the sensitivity, the mood swings her auntie experienced. They were lucky to have had resources back then to ensure her auntie hadn’t gone on a rampage.  There weren’t blood banks back then, and donors were a new concept that few clans had taken up. Yoonji still remembers her auntie complaining about her new fangs aching months after the transformation, and the sunlight sensitivity. It’s not all bad, at least from what she remembers. Her auntie was happy she didn’t have to ask for help with carrying heavy loads, she would spend hours gardening with no complaints of being tired, and surprisingly took on lumbering. Of course being immune to every human disease imaginable was also a plus. 
They finish off the last of the grime on Namjoon’s legs, double checking on his bite wound, to make sure it's healing properly during the transition. Everything is looking good, well as good as the transition from human to vampire can be. Jimin struggles to put some clothes on Namjoon that look a bit small, but it will have to work. Jimin likes tight clothes, and Seokjin would be horrified if anyone caught him in anything less than his finest. Yoonji is significantly smaller than everyone in the house, even her largest garments would fit like doll clothes on her roommate's friend. They wouldn’t even dare going through Y/n’s closet to find anything worthy of his size or any stray pieces from Jungwoo. 
Yoonji helps Jimin clean up the towels they used, putting away the different jars that belong in the first aid kit, and collecting the remnants of Namjoon’s clothes. They continue to work around each other, Yoonji ensuring she stays out of Jimin’s way as he reorganizes to stay calm.
“Min, “Yoonji whispers, “You said Namjoon had a roommate, what are we going to do about that?”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Jimin grumbled. “Hoseok will be worried if Namjoon isn’t home. He’s probably worried sick right now, they make a habit of trying to eat dinner every night. I don’t even know what to do, or what I’ll say to him. As long as I’ve known Namjoon he’s never been gone for more than a few days on his own. Him, and Hoseok always travel together.”
“What should we do, “Yoonji asked.
“I’ll text him from Joon’s phone. I don’t want to, but I’ll just say that I invited him on a last minute camping trip, “he responded. “We’ve been talking about going to the Black Bear Lake campsite for some mushrooms that I’m hoping are in season.”
“Will that work? Do you think he’ll believe it?”
“I’m hoping it will, we’ve been talking about it for a couple of weeks since I gave Joon some samples of my mushroom seasoning, and dried mushroom medley. Hoseok isn’t much of a camper, so we had planned it with only the both of us in mind. Hobi knew we’d leave at any moment, “her roommate explained. 
Yoonji nodded, pleading to the gods that his friend wouldn’t come looking for the fledgling. 
Hobi, Jiminie and I went ahead to the campsite.
We’ll be back by the weekend.
Okay! Be careful and don’t bring back anything that can make us burn or itch.
Or is poisonous. 
No promises
Three hours later Seokjin woke up less filthy from what he remembered. He’s free of any grime, and caked blood. The elder assumes Yoonji was the one to freshen him up. Jin didn’t remember much past trying to find his way home with the park stranger. 
The stranger…
Seokjin knows he bit the stranger, being withheld from feeding caused him more stress than he anticipated. Checking his surroundings, there’s a lack of blood. He cannot smell, nor see a trace of it. The vampire takes a deep breath to ensure everyone in his home is safe; he can smell Y/n, as well as Yoonji and Jimin, but the slight stench of death is sticking to them. Seokjin frantically makes his way to Jimin’s work room, forgoing any form of cover up. 
Seokjin bursts into the room, frightening the duo. The elder vampire sighs in relief. Yoonji runs up to him, embracing tightly, “Jinnie, oh my gods.” Jimin joins next to them, whispering that he’s grateful Seokjin is okay. 
Seokjin can hear Yoonji struggling to keep it together. He knows he worried her into an early grave. “Kitty it’s okay, I’m fine I promise,“ Jin coos. Yoonji lets out the small sob that had been stuck in her throat. “Don’t ever do that again, “she demanded. “Fuck the council, and fuck their donors. I can ask my dad to send us blood packs or have donors come to the house. Don’t ever go that long without blood.” Jin soothed Yoonji, he feels terrible for frightening her, and Jimin. The last time he was in this much of a distressed state was a century ago, but Yoonji wasn’t around to witness it. 
Jimin guided them to a small loveseat at the corner of the room. It’s a tight fit, but Seokjin will make it work. They pile onto the couch; Jimin on his right, and Yoonji on his left. One has their head on his shoulder while the other is on his chest. Seokjin enjoys the warmth Jimin exudes, and Yoonji draws soft patterns on his stomach with her fingers. He further relaxes by humming a small tune, a lullaby his mother used to sing to him in his youth. 
Jimin is the first to speak up, “What happened tonight Jin?””
Seokjin sighed deeply, “I didn’t realize how much time had passed. One day I’m helping Yoonji out of the brink of starvation, the next I’m being sent to Mongolia to aid with a territory dispute.” He paused momentarily. “They had humans.. But they weren’t donors.” Yoonji whipped her head up towards him, “The Mongolians are still taking humans?”
Jin shrugged, “This particular clan did. The Ganbolds are the oldest clan in Mongolia, as well as the most secluded. They’re.. Traditional, at least they claim to be. Anyway, they were fighting with a small vampire village on the border of their shared territory. It took a few days to get there, and even longer to mediate a compromise. I couldn’t even get a decent amount of animal blood.” 
Yoonji furrowed her eyebrows, “Were the Ganbolds not sharing blood? Did none of the other elders have any blood to spare? I know for a fact that Na and Suh have a stash they bring everywhere with them.”
“Please, Na and Suh have made it well known how much they dislike my side of the Kim clan,” he answers. “The Gandbolds were not having the best season, to say the least. They had to ration whatever supply they had. I could survive with a little bit of blood. Also I’d set myself on fire before I asked any of those old bats for any form of help. When we came back I booked a couple donors, but when I had showed up they refused to let me in. Apparently Choi, Suh, and Lee have banned me from the donor wing because of the little binge I had.” 
“How much is a little binge,” Jimin asked.
“It was three,” Seokjin answered. “It wasn’t even a lot. I’ve heard of Lee drinking from at least five donors at times when he feeds, just because he can. They said ‘Kim, your gluttony is unbecoming of a council member. You are now banned for a fortnight.’” The elder vampire could feel his tension returning, he took a couple of calming breaths, just like Jimin taught him. “I texted Jaeyoung to have a case ready for me. I knew I needed blood for the both of us. He didn’t answer me within the hour like he usually does. So, I decided to walk for a bit while I waited for him to respond. I was taking the long way, cutting through the trail by the park. All of the sudden I got the smell of blood. I ignored it at first, but it got sweeter the farther I walked up the trail. I thought it was a deer, or a fox… but it was him. The man had fallen… scraped his knee. He looked up at me, and he smiled.” 
Seokjin swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat. Jimin scooted closer to him, molding himself to fit onto Jin’s side, Yoonji followed his lead. Jin readjusted himself, he pulled Jimin’s legs onto his right leg, and Yoonji onto his left leg. They were practically sitting on him, and the pressure felt relieving. “I was just trying to help him up. But the smell of blood… was too much. I blacked out for a second, when I came to we were full of blood. I freaked out. I couldn’t leave him there, so I brought him home and now we’re here. I didn’t mean to feed on him. I didn’t mean to attack him. I..” The vampire let out the sob that he was holding, “I never wanted to hurt him. I felt disgusted by how much his blood affected me.” 
Yoonji reached up and dried his tears with the cuff of her soft cardigan, “I know Jinnie, you’d never hurt anyone.” She gently caressed the side of his face to comfort him, taking in how much regret he was feeling. Jimin stood up hastily, Jin furrowed his brow in worry. “Min, what’s wrong?” The young witch began to pace, murmuring to himself, “Breathe, two, three. Out, two, three.” He repeated this four times. 
Seokjin gently removed Yoonji’s lower body from their current position, and he approached his younger roommate. “Hey, Min, I know you’re worried and I-” Jimin paused, visibly collecting himself, “I- fuck. Jin, I knew him.”
The vampire visibly tensed, “You knew him. Fuck, Min, I’m sorry. I.. I didn’t mean it. I swear. It was an accident, I swear Min.” Seokjin could feel a tingling sensation on his nose, he started to feel his face heat up as well as his ears. His breaths became shorter and he was struggling to take deep breaths. Jin could feel his chest tightening, and his head got lighter. He could barely hear Yoonji and Jimin trying to calm him down. Seokjin could hear the witch searching through his jars for anything that could help him calm down. 
“Jinnie,” Yoonji whispered, “Tell me five things you see.”
“What,�� he mumbled.
“Tell me five things you see,” she repeated. 
“Uh, Jimin’s vine plant.”
“Good, what else?”
“Your fuzzy red polka dot socks.”
“Good job Jinnie, what else, “his friend asked.
“Jimin’s sunset lamp, my black hoodie that I’ve been looking for, and Min’s overflowing bookcase,” he answered. 
“Okay, tell me four things you smell,” Yoonji said.
“I..uh..smell,” he paused and took deep breaths. “I smell your Eucalyptus body wash, Min’s peach deep conditioner, Y/n’s chocoflan, and burnt candles.”
“Three things you can hear,” Yoonji continued.
“I can hear Y/n’s heartbeat on the other side of the hall, I hear the ‘Alexa’ speaker still playing in the kitchen, and I hear Jimin’s boots,” he responds. 
“Two things you can feel.”
“I can feel… my black trousers, and Min’s wooden floor.”
“One thing you can taste.”
“I can taste lavender, from the calming candy Jimin gives me,” Seokjin mumbles. 
Jimin comes back to Jin, lavender gummy in hand. “Hey,” the witch said, “Jinnie I’m not mad at you. Eat the gummy, once you’re calm we’ll talk.” The elder vampire nodded, chewing the gummy quickly. 
Yoonji guides them back onto the loveseat, arranging him and their roommate back to their prior positions. She fixes Jimin’s legs to go across Jin’s lap, and adjusts herself across both of them. The younger vampire tucks herself under his chin, quietly humming Mrs. Kim’s lullaby. 
When Seokjin wakes up again, his roommates are clinged to him. Jimin is humming a tune of his own, and Yoonji is tracing the tattoo on the witch’s arm. He closes his eyes, enjoying feeling cared for by his friends. The older vampire tries to stall talking about their predicament, but he knows Jimin is aware that he’s conscious. 
“Jin,” Jimin says, “I’m not mad.” He sits up, looking straight at him. Seokjin actively avoids meeting his friend’s eyes, he refuses to see how much he’s hurt him. The witch sighs, “I’m not mad Jinnie, I was scared. Terrified.” Yoonji gestures for him to listen to what their younger roommate was saying.  He nods for Jimin to continue, “Do you know how horrifying it was to see two of my friends covered in blood? I thought someone attacked you both.” 
Jimin paused, taking a moment to find the right words to say. “When I saw the bite marks.. I knew that it was yours. I know that you didn’t mean to. I know that you’d never attack a human on purpose, but..,” he sighed. “But I was still angry. I know that to you, and Yoonji, he’s a stranger, but to me he’s Joonie. I meet him every Wednesday without fail. I’ve met his roommate. I’ve eaten dinner with them multiple times. His roommate, Hoseok, has commissioned work from me for personal use. I’ve been a part of his life for the last year. I’ve never told him about the magic, and spells, and all that supernatural part of my life. It was nice not having to worry about keeping myself protected from any form of hexes, peeping bugs, or befriending him without second thoughts that he was trying to learn about my family magic. I was just Jimin. When I saw him all bloodied and pale, it felt like my bubble burst.” 
Their younger roommate hesitated, “I’m sorry for thinking that you would purposefully hurt anyone unprompted. I was so worried when you were growing closer to being feral.” Jimin sniffled, struggling to keep his tears in. Jin reached out to his friend. He takes a hold of Min’s smaller hand, intertwining his longer digits with his shorter ones. The gesture brings comfort to the witch, and he continues. “It’s one thing to have strangers come up to me with different afflictions, but it's another to see your loved ones in trouble. All I kept thinking about was, ‘What if Joon isn’t human?’ ‘What if Jinnie’s body doesn’t react well to the blood? What if a hunter saw you?’ I thought about a lot of ‘what if’s’. But seeing you hysterical with regret, and grief, I couldn’t stay upset at you. I’m sorry Jinnie.” 
Seokjin pulls Jimin with a gentle hug, swaying just a bit as he rubs his back in comforting motions. Jin knows his younger friend is trying his hardest to keep it together. This evening hasn’t been the kindest to them, and he’ll hold no grudges towards the high emotions that ran. The elder vampire gives Jimin one final squeeze. As they’re pulling apart, without thinking, he leans in and plants a kiss on the crown of his friend's head. “It's okay Min, I understand.”
Jimin pulls the elder back into a hug, hiding his face on Jin’s chest. He can hear Min’s soft sobs, and feel the fresh tears falling on his skin. Jin pulls him in for a tighter hug, laying his head on top of his to further comfort his friend. They stayed wrapped in each other until Jimin had cried himself exhausted. The elder guided Jimin back onto the loveseat, tucking him into the corner with one of the many blankets the witch has stashed. 
The elder vampires decide to take turns monitoring their roommates. Jimin and Y/n were still asleep, while Min’s friend was in the midst of the transition. Yoonji had to be the one to tell Seokjin about Joon’s condition. Jin was nothing short of horrified, not even when he was a young vampling had he accidentally released venom into a human. Animals, maybe, but it paralyzes them. He felt ashamed, completely unworthy of his family’s trust to represent them in the council. Jin knew how important it was to not only be a dutiful sire, but full consent of the transformation was something that was repeatedly brought up. Forever is a long time, no one knew that more than them. 
Seokjin felt horrible taking away Namjoon’s choice. He knew he’d have to tell the man about their world; how they live, the council, who to avoid regarding blood, the sensitivity to everything around them. It would be overwhelming to the new fledgling, but he was determined to be the best sire he could be. 
It’s around the early AM’s when the vampires decide they want to rest. Namjoon’s breathing had evened out, and he was no longer struggling, they felt they could step away to drink some O positive coffee. Yoonji had convinced Jin to change into his most comfortable clothes, dark joggers and the black hoodie in Min’s workroom. They worked together to get a small breakfast going. Jin made their coffees, while Yoonji made them toast; Jin’s with nutella and strawberries, Yoonji’s with butter and mixed berry jam. They make extra coffee in case Jimin wakes up soon, or gods forbid, Y/n wakes up. 
The older roommates stood by their kitchen island, enjoying the quiet in their home. Seokjin took a long sip of his cup, “Did Jimin say how long it would be until his friend finished the transition?” Yoonji nodded as she chewed a large bite of toast, “He said it would take 48 hours, give or take.”
“That soon,” Seokjin murmured, “It usually takes a few days.”
“True, but Jimin said that since not only are you old as shit-”
Yoonji chuckled, “You’re also an aristocratic born vampire, according to him that all factors into the potency of the venom.” Seokjin grimaced, “Who knew my amazing pedigree would be my downfall.” His best friend giggled a bit at that one, “Right, here I thought your lack of filter would be the one to take you out.”  Jin guffawed at his younger friend, but joined in with her laughter. 
In the midst of their carefree moment, they hear the clanking of bottles in Jimin’s workroom. Seokjin gestures for Yoonji to stay in the kitchen. If the new fledgling has finished his transformation he has to ensure his home, and the people in it are safe. The elder vampire carefully made his way into the hallway; he can hear three heart beats, and that instantly lowers his defenses. Jin knocks lightly on the door, opening it slightly, “Min, are you up?”
Seokjin was able to hear the rustling of a blanket being folded, and pillows being arranged. He hears Jimin’s steps being muffled by his piggy slippers, slightly sliding once he’s walking on the hardwood floor. The smell of Dragons Blood incense, and something muskier bleed out from the cracks. Jimin hurriedly squeezed himself out, carefully closing the door to his room. “Sorry, sorry, I had to clean up.” Min gestures for Jin to follow him towards the kitchen, waving at Yoonji as he walks in with Seokjin. She visibly released a sigh she was holding in, relieved it was their younger roommate making a ruckus so early in the morning. 
The roommates finished the rest of their breakfast in silence. No one wanted to pop their little bubble of normalcy. They share their small spread, Jin refilling their drinks. For a moment he can pretend that he doesn’t have a fledgling in the other room. He can pretend that Y/n is sleeping in from how often she turns off her work alarms. They can pretend it’s a slow morning, but reality is never that forgiving. Yoonji is the first one to slightly perk up, she tells them she heard Y/n’s alarm go off and be turned off. Seokjin heard the muffled ‘fuck’ from their roommate’s room, he could also hear the slamming of drawers and the creaks of the closet door hinges. The three of them sat still as Y/n walked out of her room, carefully closing her door and entering the hallway bathroom. 
Yoonji waited until they heard the shower start to say anything. “Min, I thought you said she would be passed out for the next day,” she hissed. Jimin looked at his roommates with just as much confusion, “She should’ve been knocked out until tomorrow, at the least. I already texted her boss that she had been sick all night. What are we going to do?”
The elder vampire vampire was scared shitless, to say the least. “What spell did you use,” Yoonji asked. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, “It was the spell I use on Jungkook when he’s having one of his energy bursts. He’s a werewolf so it only lasts so long on him. Y/n is human, she should’ve stayed asleep for days.” Yoonji visibly grew tense, “She must be one of us. Maybe she has a charm or some form of glamor. I mean you used a spell for a fucking werewolf, she should’ve been sleeping like the dead.”
“That’s impossible,” Jimin answered. “I have powerful spells that remove any form of glamor; spells, potions, or charms. Y/n wouldn’t have been able to take a step across our doorstep if she had done any of that.”
As his roommates were trying to solve their current conundrum, Seokjin tried to go through the list of their kind that could have possibly bypassed the witch’s protection barriers. Every humanoid he thought of could easily be detected by Jimin’s spells, even the weakest of witches. “Have there been any humans that are probably immune to that form of magic,” the vampire asked. 
“I’ve personally never seen it, maybe my granny or mom have, but they’ve never told me about it,” Jimin answered. 
Seokjin thought back to his mother telling him stories about different creatures and humanoids. The only other of their kind that it could possibly be was a magic sensitive, but as far as his mother told him no one in their world considered them supernatural. “What about a magic sensitive?”
“Huh,” his roommates exclaimed. 
“A magic sensitive, “Jin repeated, “It makes sense. Think about it, she’s easily bonded to Kookie, Y/n hasn’t had any form of reaction to Tae, and we all know how hard that is for humans.” Both his roommates nodded in agreement. “She’s mentioned seeing sprites around Jimin’s greenhouse, but he was able to make her think they looked like flies.”
“I remember that,” Jimin says, “I had to say they were fruit flies from my compost.” 
Yoonji crosses her arms in thought, “Y/n is always able to find anything I lose, comes in handy when I essentially lose my house keys on the regular.” 
“I think she has premonitions,” the witch adds. “She’s talked to me about some heavy deja-vu she’s had since moving here.”
Seokjin took in all the information, “Then she’s a magic sensitive. That’s the only logical explanation. She doesn’t have any form of power like Jimin does, and if she was some form of creature she wouldn’t be able to walk into our home unscathed.” 
“What should we do,” the female vampire wondered aloud. Their normalcy was falling apart, and there was no way to stop it.
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colormepurplex2 · 2 years
I Put A Spell On You | Trifecta
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↳ Warlock Jimin x Witch f.Reader | Warlock Jungkook x Witch f.Reader ⤜ Friends/Enemies/Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 5,143 ⚠️ Dub-con. Spitroasting. Blood/blood play. Biting/marking. Rough/forceful sex. Power play. Degradation & praise. ⇽ Previous Chapter ◅ Back to chapter list
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The moon is a ruddy crimson overhead. The shadowed center makes it look like a giant red eye looking down on the debauchery happening in the glen. Jimin's right when he says you wanted to be part of a Trifecta once. In fact, it was all you dreamed about for the longest time. All throughout high school and into university, you obsessed over it. Even through the fuzz of the Imperium potion, deep down inside, you can feel a sliver of your own desire for the power that will come with forming this bond with Jimin and Jungkook. That might scare you even more than the predatory way they both are looking at you right now.
"Do me a favor, love, and make it comfortable for us here in the glen," Jimin requests, his voice dripping sweetness in your ear.
You think of warmer weather. "Temperatus." The spell command comes easy, pulling on the strings of your inner well and manifesting a balmy atmosphere around you.
Jungkook sighs in contentment. "That's heavenly. I knew you were powerful, but damn, that's something extra special," he muses, stripping out of his leather jacket and white t-shirt. Your body warms quickly with the temperature increase, the fall chill no longer touching anything within twenty feet of you.
In a few short moments, Jimin and Jungkook are both down to their own naked glories. Their bodies are lithe, cut, and powerful under the glow of the blue torches and faint crimson blush from the moon. This isn't the first time you've seen Jimin naked, but it is the first time you've seen Jungkook like this. There is a niggling in the back of your mind, a defiant line of thinking that wants to rebel at the indecency. It's an odd sensation, being able to have coherent thoughts but not being able to act on them. You can't help but think if this is how the Imperium potion works for everyone. It's not like you've ever been dosed with it before so you don't know from personal experience and you can't say you've ever had the opportunity to talk to one of the individuals dosed by Jessel, either.
Producing a large blade, Jimin steps up beside you still restrained on the altar, cutting off your internal thoughts. "How about we make you a bit more comfortable, huh, love?"
Inside you say no but you nod the best you can with your head still hanging off the edge of the stone block anyway. The muscles in your neck are already feeling taught and achy from trying to hold your head up to keep yourself from getting dizzy. The sound of the blade slicing through your shirt sends a shiver down your spine. Your left foot is lifted up, Jungkook's strong fingers working quickly at the laces of your boot. It thumps to the ground before he grabs up the other and does the same. It barely registers to you that Jimin runs the tip of the blade along your sternum, right under the band of your bra. You really like this bra.
"Don't," you manage to fumble out, snagging for a momentary grip on your sanity. The murkiness from the Imperium potion rolls back in just as soon as the word passes your lips.
Jimin gives you a sharp look, the blade poised right between your breasts. "Don't? That potion is supposed to be impossible to beat back. Did you do something to screw it up? You better not have lied to me."
You don't want to answer, but fighting against speaking is nearly as effective as trying to chew off your own tongue. "No," you grit passed clenched teeth. It should be impossible to resist the potion. There is only one species in existence that has ever been able to. "I made it just the way Jessel taught me to."
Jungkook harrumphs, snapping the button off your jeans when it doesn't open easily under his fingers. The zipper receives a similar treatment before he's yanking the denim down your thighs and tossing them to the side. Just like Imperium, Relaxant is impervious to natural will, it can't be countered without outside means...unless you're- well, you're not so it doesn't matter. "Sounds to me like your little witch has a secret," he narrows his eyes, glaring at you as he rips your panties off. The cotton fabric leaves stinging welts along your hips with the force at which they're torn away. Tears burn at the corners of your eyes.
"Impossible," Jimin shakes his head, snicking the band of your bra with the knife, "I would know if she had even the smallest bit of Seraph in her system." The material peels back and your breasts pop free and settle with a jiggle. Jungkook doesn't look so sure of Jimin's assurance, but he just shrugs and steps over the small moat to rummage through a bag off to the side. You try to track them both with your eyes, but it becomes increasingly harder with how heavy your head feels.
"I got the chalice. Also, lavender, sage, and three jade crystals," Jungkook lists off the items in his hands, setting them beside you on the altar. "You memorized the symbols, right?"
Even with his eyes black as the night, you know Jimin is rolling them from the way his shoulders tense and then sag with annoyance. "You just worry about your part and I'll worry about mine. Goddess, Jungkook, act like you have a little trust in me. I'm about to make all your dreams come true for fucks sake." He snatches up the chalice, holding it up just high enough so you can see it. You recognize it and a cold thread of fear settles in your belly. It's Jessel's hexing chalice, a powerful vessel carved from the bones of a Salem witch. It's easily the most powerful implement within the coven, and these assholes want to use it during the Trifecta ritual. Fuck.
"Demon asshole," Jungkook mutters under his breath. "Okay, little witch, time for a taste." He licks his lips and moves to stand at your head. "Just relax for me, this will only hurt for a moment but then I promise it'll feel good."
You've never been bitten by a vampire before, but you've heard stories. They don't do it justice. Jungkook stoops down beside you, one hand braced on your sternum, the other cupping the back of your head. "Get on with it and don't be greedy, we need her to be conscious." Jimin's snarking comment registers only faintly, your attention is so focused on the beast looming before you.
Jungkook's eyes have taken on a crimson tinge, a bloody ring surrounding the natural brown. "Maybe once all this is over you'll be able to forgive us and I can ask you on a proper date," he murmurs into your ear as he draws closer. "The bite of a vampire can be addicting," he continues, his nose brushing against your frantic pulse, "So, I won't hold it against you if you become obsessed with me. I'll indulge all those naughty vampire fantasies I know you read about. Jimin told me all about your secret bookshelf." His chuckle is dark and full of promise, sending a thrilling chill down your spine. No, it's not thrilling. You lament internally, berating your body for its reaction; not sure if it can be entirely blamed on the potion or not.
His cold lips press into your clammy skin first. Wetness slides along your neck and you realize he's licking you. It's like a melting ice cube skimming over you. Your mind is trying to remember whether or not the neck is truly an erogenous zone or if the sudden heat swelling in the pit of your stomach is because you're about to be sick. You can feel his mouth opening, his lips pulling back and the thin, sharp line of his teeth settling against the side of your throat.
You gasp and shudder. Pain flares brightly for a moment before it's replaced by what you could only describe as ecstasy. Your entire body feels soft and gooey, but taut and on edge at the same time. There are warring emotions and flitting feelings creating a blurring cyclone within. The well inside you surges up, seeking. Jungkook moans, the sound vibrating along your neck. You can feel the way he sucks your blood into his mouth. The slight suctioning strums directly down to your clit. He might as well be face down between your thighs, but instead, it feels like a phantom lover is worshiping you on the altar.
Jungkook finally pulls away. Warmth gushes along your neck, weeping into your hair from the angle, when his lips leave you. Jimin immediately steps forward and grabs the chalice, holding it out to Jungkook who leans over and promptly empties his mouth into the cup. He's back at your neck nearly as quickly, laving his tongue over the small punctures there, sealing them and stopping the trickle of blood running into your hair.
"Now, me," Jimin instructs with impatience clearly in his tone.
When Jungkook straightens up and swings back around to face Jimin your eyes widen in surprise. You're at the perfect height to see the raging erection he's now sporting. It sways and bobs as he moves, like a hypnotic pendulum. The head is blushed a pretty purple, thanks to the soft blue light emanating from the torches. Jungkook snatches Jimin's free hand, yanking his wrist to his lips. He's not gentle the way he was with you. His teeth viciously sink into Jimin's wrist, easily rending the flesh like wet paper. Jimin hisses, his brow scrunching and lips twisting. The expression on his face shifts, now hovering between pain and pleasure.
"Blegh, it's like licking a dirty fireplace," Jungkook grimaces after spitting a mouthful of Jimin's blood into the chalice to join yours. "You taste much better when you're not geeked out with horns." The idea that Jungkook knows what Jimin tastes like already is like a plumping gloss being spread over your lips, just not the ones on your face. Based on what your body experienced when Jungkook bit you, you can only imagine what would have transpired between these two following that.
Jimin snorts a laugh, his now evident erection jerking with the action. "Whatever. Hurry up, it'll take a while for me to do the symbols."
Jungkook takes his left wrist between his teeth and then adds his own blood to the chalice. You realize he doesn't close the punctures on Jimin's wrist or his own, but the blood has already stopped flowing from their wounds. It's not fair they can heal like that, it definitely puts a damper on the revenge plot bubbling in the back of your mind. How do you kill supernaturals that heal almost instantly?
You jolt when you feel smooth skin pressing against your own. Jimin nudges your knees open, pressing in so tightly you can feel his erection nestle against the apex of your thighs. It's still warm from your temperature enchantment but a cold sweat breaks out along your brow. The words 'harmless fuck' echo in your mind with a brief moment of clarity. You're naked, they're naked...you know what is required for a true Trifecta bonding and it's just now really setting in. Your internal will beats against the purple haze from the potion. It's a fruitless effort, like trying to hold water in a mesh bucket. There are minor moments of cognizant freedom but it doesn't last long as it slips through the cloudy mush and trickles away over and over again.
Warm wetness trickles onto your stomach as Jimin tilts the chalice above you. He begins an incantation, the words are harsh and guttural, a language you've only heard in passing. The last time you heard someone speak Infernal, it was during a shady back alley summoning that Jimin dragged you to. Not your brightest moment, that's for sure. It scared the hell out of you but had Jimin smiling ear to ear. The Trifecta ritual incantation can be spoken in any language, but depending on the language chosen it can impact the effectiveness of the bond itself. Most records of Trifecta bonds report they're done in either English or Latin. You're not sure what kind of impact Infernal is going to have.
You open your mouth to speak, to try to cut off his words, but you end up gnashing your teeth together instead. His slender fingers swirl in the combined blood mixture he dripped onto your stomach. All the heat you felt previously from Jungkook's bite has been replaced with sterilizing and potent fear. You can hear Jungkook inhale a deep breath from beside you. His erection bobs in your peripheral. Your wide eyes are locked onto Jimin as he continues to trace bloody symbols onto your body. The lines and curls of the ritual markings extend from your throat to the tops of your thighs.
"You're so beautiful, little witch," Jungkook murmurs into the quiet after Jimin's voice trails off and his bloody work on your body is done. Jungkook's words shouldn't make you feel anything, but the number of times he's uttered about how beautiful you are tonight has a warm sensation filtering into your limbs. You blame the potion. It has to be the potion.
Jimin repeats the incantation and symbol on his own body. You watch, transfixed, as he dips his finger into the skull chalice and swirls his finger over the ridges of his abdomen and chest. His eyes flutter shut occasionally and the rise and fall of his chest has increased. "JK," he rasps once he's finished.
Jungkook crowds in closer to the altar. One of his hands absently fondles your breasts, avoiding the bloody glyphs, as Jimin begins to repeat the process over his form. As the words trail off once again, they're both panting softly with their eyes locked on one another. "Now the fun begins," Jungkook smirks. His tongue darts out and swipes over his lips before he shuffles around the altar and comes to stand back at your head. "I hope you're not a gagger, little witch."
Jimin sets the chalice beside you on the altar and arranges the lavender, sage, and jade crystals in a way you can't see. "It's time, love," Jimin informs you, his voice soft and sweet in comparison to how it was just moments ago. You can hear the wet sounds of something coming from his direction but it's so hard to hold your head up that you're able to only catch the faintest glimmer of red before you sag back down. His hips roll against yours gently, bringing warm wetness with them, but the way his thick cock presses between your folds might as well be a violent slap to your senses. "You're going to repeat after me, okay?" Wet fingers probe at your body, worming around Jimin's cock and slowly slipping into you then pulling back out. It takes immense effort to not shudder with pleasure and want from the small intrusion.
Jungkook tilts up your head. One of his thumbs flicks over your bottom lip and your tongue peeks out to tease his digit of its own accord. "Okay," you whisper even though you want to scream a stun spell at him instead.
He begins slowly, enunciating each syllable. The Infernal language is not meant for mere witch tongues, but somehow it flows easily from between your lips. Jimin's eyes narrow just a fraction but he doesn't stop the incantation. You're faintly aware of Jungkook whispering the words from above you as well. This part of the Trifecta bond is where wedding vows originated. You may not know the Infernal language, but you know these words all the same. They're promises of devotion and power. There are only two things more powerful than a Trifecta bond, being soulmates among like-paranormals and a mated pair between shifters. You once thought you might discover that Jimin was your soulmate, that you just needed to be patient and let Fate and the Goddess guide you. Where are The Goddess and Fate now, when you need them the most? Is this really what they want for you? Your mind is drifting with these thoughts but your lips keep moving, pushing the words of the final rites into existence.
Silence rings out when you finish. Not even the sounds of insects break the moment. What comes next could be considered a mockery of the archaic practice known as marital consummation. Really, it's the baring of your soul. There aren't many things more physically and emotionally intimate than sharing your body with another being. With one last push to break through the fog and stop this, you latch onto a small slip of coherency.
Victory shines in your eyes, warmth fills your belly in triumph. The clarity holds, somehow you've forced yourself beyond the effects of the Imperium potion. Now, all you need to do is utter one word. Your lips part, the spell you need to stop all of this forms in the back of your throat. The word turns to ash in your mouth, the only thing that escapes is an airy gasp as Jimin snaps his hips forward and fills you completely. The intrusion and violation are accompanied by alien sensations of wicked pleasure.
"Fuck," Jimin curses, hands palming the backs of your thighs with your knees up. "I knew this would be good. You've been holding out on me, keeping this sweet pussy all to yourself like a selfish little bitch. Not anymore, you're our whore now. Isn't that right, love?" He retreats and surges into you again, quickly setting an impressive pace that has your arms straining in the iron bands and your ass digging into the rough stone lip of the altar.
Your voice finally starts to work. "Termi-," your yell gets cut off by Jungkook's hand slapping over your mouth. Jerking as hard as you can, you try to dislodge Jimin from between your thighs. Jimin snarls and shifts his hands to clamp onto your hips instead. He continues to pump into you, forcing your body against the altar.
"What the fuck, Jimin? A curse?!" Jungkook growls, baring his teeth at the other man over you. "She almost just-".
"I know what she almost just did!" Jimin cuts him off. You can hear his harsh breaths sawing in and out of his lungs with the exertion he's putting into fucking you and trying to talk, too. "It shouldn't be possible," he hisses. "But, if she is able to break through the effects of the potion then that's just another bonus for us. Part witch, part Seraph...think of the power we'll get once the Trifecta is complete. Get your dick in her mouth and finish this," his words fumble out, mixed with huffed moans and grunts.
"You better not be lying to me," Jungkook grunts to himself. He moves his other hand to the hinge of your jaw and presses harshly with his thumb. "Curses aren't my kind of foreplay. I'm going to stick my dick in your mouth, little witch, if you try to utter another curse or bite me, I'll snap your neck. If we have to, we'll bond with your corpse then leave you here. It'll be weeks before the coven comes back. What with the terrible things that happened to sweet, innocent Rebecca and all," he chuckles darkly with her name, "It'll be too late for you then, your body will have already begun to decay. You'd get to add zombie to your identification card. So, play nice for me." You wonder if the illusion is still holding strong or if this is really Jungkook showing his true colors.
Your body rocks with the force of Jimin fucking you. The iron bands around your arms, securing you to the altar, bite into your flesh from the strain the movements cause. No matter how much you fight it, even with your head clear of the purple cloud, your body still betrays you. The thought of taking Jungkook into your mouth has saliva pooling around your tongue. You could blame the lingering effects of his bite, but even that has dissipated. The bite of pain from the shackles, the way Jimin's cock rubs along your walls, and the fervent way Jungkook is staring at you like you're The Goddess incarnate has a different kind of feeling building inside. Your well of magic wants to reach out and claim these beings, dragging in streamers of their magic and adding it to your own. Plus, fighting fire with fire might teach these assholes not to fuck with you in the future.
A muffled moan sounds against Jungkook's palm, unbidden from your throat. "Be a good little whore and just accept it," Jimin gives with his own moan. "Don't forget I know all about your fantasies, love, I know you like this, you want this. Give up control and submit before your Goddess!"
Your eyes meet Jungkook's above you. They're still tinged in crimson, if anything the bloody ring has grown. "It's okay to want to be bad, little witch. It doesn't mean you're broken," he ends in a whisper, his eyes softening into something resembling adoration. His thumb that's pressed into your jaw gives a soft, coaxing rub. Definitely the illusion you think. "Open up for me."
The hand over your mouth slowly pulls away, sliding to cup the other side of your face. For a moment, you think his guard is down enough you could get the entire Terminus curse out in time, but you find yourself opening your mouth in silent invitation instead. A throbbing sensation engulfs your lower stomach as Jimin rewards you with a thumb pressed to your clit, swirling small circles over the bundle of nerves. You give him a quick glance through the valley between your bouncing breasts. He's magnificent. Sweat glistens with a blue hue on his skin. The blood-coated muscles along his shoulders and chest are bulging with his exertion. Pitch-black eyes lock onto yours, lips parted enough that you can see the gleam of his teeth as he pants and moans softly.
You glance at the sky above you. The moon is nearing its zenith, lunar energy radiating so powerfully that you can feel it tingling along your skin. It heightens the pleasure. The sensations flowing along your nerve endings spark and undulate with each breath you take. As you settle back, letting your head fully rest into Jungkook's hands and your tongue slide over your bottom teeth, you can't help but acknowledge that they may not have actually needed the Imperium potion after all; the power and pull were always there, you were just scared of the depravity. Though, you can guarantee that their actions will have consequences, they just don't know it yet.
Jungkook nudges the head of his cock against your waiting tongue. The chill of his body is a welcome balm to the heat blaring through you. The angle is odd, tilting your head back as far as it'll go, in order to let Jungkook slide into your mouth like this. You close your eyes against the dizzy wave that consumes you from your head hanging upside down. It might be unusual for you, but Jungkook groans in approval when he easily slips into the back of your throat. The glide is smooth and linear, allowing him to go further than you'd normally be comfortable with. A chill sets in your tongue, reminiscent of sucking on a melting popsicle.
You can feel Jungkook shift, his body pressing over top of yours. A moan vibrates in the back of your throat as his wet tongue swipes over one of your nipples. He nibbles and sucks, earning an approving grunt from Jimin before moving his attention to your other breast. You squirm as much as you can while pinned between them. If your hands were free, they'd be buried in Jungkook's hair or scraping your nails over Jimin's chest. Instead, you clamp your fingers around the lip of the stone to further lock your hands in place, giving your body added stability so you can rock up to meet Jimin's hips.
"Fuck," Jimin gasps when you flex up to meet him. "That's right, fuck yourself on my cock like the dirty magical whore you are." His hips stutter as you do it again. His thumb begins to rub harsher circles over your clit and your walls contract around him in response. Another moan peals from his lips. "I'm close," he manages out with another sound of pleasure. "I can feel the power surge coming, the moon is calling to us."
Jungkook sucks your nipple into his mouth and you can feel the sharp line of his teeth glide over your skin. He continues his assault on your mouth, making an ache settle in your jaw with how wide you're having to keep your mouth to accommodate him. His taste is sweet on your tongue, like warm spice cookies. The flavor contrasts with the ice of his skin and it drives your senses into overdrive. You work your tongue around the crown each time his hips retreat, then hollow your cheeks and suck when he thrusts back in.
Your chest heaves with the surmounting, combined forces in and around your body. The precipice is so close, you can feel the edge coming closer as the moon just begins its crest. With the next flex of your hips, you use the momentum from Jimin's body to push your chest up against Jungkook's mouth still sucking your nipple. He gives a startled jerk as you force his teeth to indent into your flesh and they make the smallest pricks that bubble blood instantly. Your body shudders in response.
The moon hangs directly above, a temptress dressed in crimson. Like a lost sailor at sea, you give in to its siren call. Power floods your system, immediately sending you over the edge. You cry out around Jungkook's cock which is now pumping thick strands of cum into the hollows of your cheeks. It floods your mouth with sticky sweetness that you swallow down around a pleasured scream. Jimin's body locks tightly against yours, fingers bruising on your hips as he pumps his own release deep inside you. Your walls flutter, contracting and milking him with force.
Numbness settles along your bones. Time feels suspended. Slowly, a burning begins at the tips of your toes and fingers. Within moments your entire body feels inflamed. The well of power inside you bubbles and boils; pops of magic sizzle through your muscles. Jungkook pulls back, strands of bloody saliva drip from his bottom lip and down his chin. "Goddess," he whispers with a curse, "the power..." His hips retreat and his half-hard cock slowly slides from your mouth. You gasp in a lungful of air that instantly bats aside the desire to punch him for not moving quickly enough.
Jimin pries his fingers from their grip on your hips before he staggers back. His flagging erection pulls free with a gush of cum and mixed arousal. You can feel it begin to slide down your ass. "It's divine." He throws his head back and laughs, his whole body shaking, arms thrown wide. "Fucking Hell, that's exactly what I needed."
You clear your throat, catching both of their attention. "Right," Jungkook has the gall to actually look apologetic. His strong fingers make quick work of the iron bands holding your arms. "Sorry," he mutters, "you know we didn't mean any harm, we just couldn't help it- it's the blood moon, er- the power and stuff, you know? I mean, you wanted it too, right? So, no harm." You don't acknowledge his explanation, much less his apology. It's not like he sees the truth yet anyway; but, oh he will.
Working your limbs slowly, you shift until you're seated on the altar. Your hair is a mess, your body aches, and the well of power inside you aches with a vigor that's never been there before. You can feel the added power, the strength you took from both Jimin and Jungkook during the Trifecta bonding, but there's also something else; something more potent.
You slide off the altar onto steady legs and take a few steps away, stepping over the shallow stream. It's hard to settle on any single thought right now, there is so much to think about and consider. But, there is one thing you know for certain; your revenge plan begins now. They're both shuffling around behind you, pulling on their clothes. You can hear the distinct slide of fabric over their skin. It feels like it's gliding along your own. The Trifecta bond is a soul-deep connection that gives you all the insight you need. They're both nervous. You can tell by their stilted breathing and the slight tremors in their hands as they do up their zippers. They should be nervous- afraid. Just as you can now feel their power, they can feel yours. They can feel everything.
With a slow turn, you face them again. "Listen, I kno-," Jimin begins but you throw up a hand and his words are cut off.
"Pareo." You put as much power and command into the spell as is safe. Even still, you can tell it burns along their conscious minds, leaving a mark that will take a while to wear away. They both still, bodies quivering with the need to obey you. Sure, you're not supposed to use this particular spell, as it has some interesting side effects such as mindless devotion that may or may not linger longer than a spell typically should...but, no one can stop you, least of all these two assholes. You close the distance between you, coming to stand right in front of them both. They're still shirtless. The evidence of their diabolical plan is plain for you to see. The blood coating their upper bodies has mostly dried into a dark stain that's cracked and flaking where their muscles move. "Now, boys, I hope you can learn a lesson from this. This is no way to treat a friend and just because it's Halloween, doesn't mean you get to be monsters. I think you both could use a lesson in manners, what do you think?"
Both of their eyes are wide, mouths slack. "Yes," they both mumble.
"You," you point to Jungkook, "I'll deal with later. You're part of this, but you're not the one that dragged your best friend out in the middle of the woods and then used an Imperium potion on them. You're nearly just as much a victim of Jimin's bullshit as I am."
Jungkook looks mildly confused but just says, "I understand," then slowly lowers to his knees and waits.
Your eyes slide to Jimin. "But, you, my demonic warlock friend, you're in deep, deep trouble, love." Your eyes flash blue, a feature of your newfound powers you suppose, as you give him a wicked smile and reach for his throat.
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alilbihh · 2 years
!!!!! um... I don't know if you want to write about new ones or not... but I also can't think of any new ideas since I'm freakin out a bit but I'll do some more thinking so.... um... a short little drabble or maybe a snippet of their lives in spring leaves after they confessed, how life is fr them now....?
i had a really fun time with this one, thank you to my designated spring leaves fan for requesting :) I hope it's up to your standards!!
words: 1.5k
There is a quiet peace in marriage that you’re still coming to terms to.
It goes beyond learning each other’s habits, or making time for each other, or even whispered words of love. It is more the realization that you are loved— the knowledge that you can take care of yourself, but now, you are creating a space where you can take care of each other. That you could be trying to open a particularly difficult pickle jar and Jimin could take it and say “Let me help you,” that in it, there exists a prayer for which no words are said: You could do it yourself, but why should I let you, when I am here, and you are loved?
That being loved in this way is a choice, one that you both continue to choose.
Jimin chooses this, still, as he runs in tune with your pace, when you both know he could leave you in the dust.
(That morning, a gentle arm tries its best to slip out from under your head without waking you. When you groggily come to, even in your haze you can see the guilt on Jimin’s face. 
“Sorry,” He says, pulling his arm out the rest of the way to run a hand through your hair.
“S’okay,” you croak, cupping the back of his head to pull him back down to bed. He’s smiling as he complies, lets himself be pulled, be held, and when you wrap your arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around you, too.
Just as you’re trying to gather your thoughts into one coherent sentence, Jimin pipes up from where his nose is pressed into your shoulder, body twisted into an awkward angle as he leans into you, “Gotta go.”
“Where?” You say, then, “Oh. Running? Don’t go. Let’s cuddle instead.”
You feel his lips move before the words are even formed, feel the way they curve into a smile. “I can’t. And we cuddled all night already.”
“So what? Are you tired of me? Am I not appealing to you anymore?”
“So dramatic.” He laughs quietly. “You could always go running with me.”
You think for a second. It’s not like you don’t want to keep him company, moreso that if you were to try and get up, you’re pretty sure your legs would turn to jelly. You would barely walk, let alone run, given that it’s—you squint at the clock(oh my god, is that a seven?)— well. Very early.
“I’ll run with you.”
Jimin blinks. “What?”
“Yeah. Cuddle for thirty minutes and I’ll run with you.” He gives you a dubious look. “I’m serious! Set an alarm. Thirty minutes.”)
As he stops you from snoozing the alarm for a third time and practically puts your shoes on for you, you’d already accepted the fact that he’s well built. Jimin stretches, and jogs, and lifts, and it’s not like you can’t run, rather that you’d prefer to be doing, well, anything else.
Still, he works to match your pace, a gentle rhythm on the pavement as you make your way around the house, through the garden, past the greenhouse. Not through the forest like he usually does, since it’s dry around this time of the year, and the fungi would rather be left alone.
Well. A water break would be nice.
“We’re almost at our bench,” He’s saying, and you’re struggling to understand him past the need to lie down on the dirt and die. “We could rest up a bit and continue, yeah?”
“Good. Good plan.”
You practically collapse on the bench. You’ve sat here plenty of times, what with the way it sits neatly between the garden, the hydrangeas and the back of the house, but never have you felt so relieved to have leftover humidity and dried up dirt on your butt. You pat the bench in thanks. Good bench.
Your head lolls against his shoulder. “I don’t like you.”
“You offered to come! We made a fair transaction!” He laughs, his skin sun-kissed and sweaty and pretty. He leans his head over yours, “C’mon, it’s just a mile left, back the way we came.”
“A mile? Still?”
“It’ll be quick! We can walk the rest of the way.”
Your voice is muffled from how your cheek is pressed to his shoulder, “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of going on a run?”
“If you can be a smartass that means you don’t have to sit anymore,” He feigns getting up long enough to draw a whine from you, and he’s laughing when he leans back. You move to glare up at him indignantly, and take the opportunity to stare. He’s so bright. The sun rose twice this morning.
You bump your forehead back against his shoulder, and he seems to take that as an opportunity to kiss the crown of your head, hands working their way over your arms and down to your hips. “Still don’t like you,” You grumble.
Another kiss. “What was it you said to me yesterday? Something like...'You’re weird and that’s why I like you?’” Jimin presses a trail of them up to your jaw, letting them linger.
“A lapse of judgement.” You say, but you’re melting into him anyway, and when he laughs, it rumbles through his chest and down your throat all the way to the tips of his hands where they now touch your bare skin, the very edge of where hip meets belly.
“Brat,” He smiles against your neck, half-whispered. His hand trails down further until it reaches your fingers, playing with your wedding ring. Something fond flutters in your chest. “Do you ever think about our wedding?”
“All the time,” You say, voice embarrassingly breathy, but you’re too scraped raw to come up with excuses for it. “Still dream about it sometimes, too.”
“Yeah?” He says, soft, but there’s a trepidation, there. Like he’s still trying to find the best way to words his thoughts. You love that about him, so you hold his hand back, letting both your rings tap together delightfully, giving him the space to think. After a while, he continues, “I still regret those first few months. How I treated you.” You open your mouth to reply, take a breath and everything, but he pinches the skin of your hand to stop you, “I know you say I shouldn’t, but I do.”
Because that’s the thing about Jimin: he gives too much of himself away, loves too openly, too eagerly. Never asks to be more comfortable, as long as the other person is. His heart stretches to make room until it bleeds, like a mother’s womb, and you’re worried about what will happen if it ever were to stretch too thin.
(You’d told him, once— you don’t have to please anyone, you know— and, please, put yourself first sometimes, Jimin smiled, a little sad, said: I don’t know how, anymore.)
“I never blamed you for it.” You’re so close you can feel each time he draws a breath. It’s soothing. “There was nothing to forgive.”
“You say that, but. But.” He makes a soft noise. “I didn’t make it any easier.”
I am very much in love. It’s not new, nor a belated sort of realization. It was a belated realization at one point, surely, but not now. Now, it’s as worn through a fact as any other you know, something else to tuck away for safe-keeping.
You are in love, and so is he, and so even if the beginning was rough and unfair, everything that happened in your life that led up to it has been worth it.
You hold him a little tighter. “Not everything can be easy.”
For a moment you both sit there, listening to the gentle breeze, the distant sounds of the waking world. There’s a far-off chirp, like that of a baby bird learning to sing, and overhead, the early morning dew is giving way to a foggy sky. Spring is on its way again. Each one is getting easier than the last.
After what feels like a long time, Jimin raises his head. You stare. Not everything can be easy, but this is. Loving Jimin is the easiest thing in the world.
“Do you want to get married again?”
For a moment, you feel the world’s axis start to tilt towards the sun.
He smiles, something slow and tentative. “Wll you marry me?”
Inexplicably, you laugh. “Again?”
“Jimin.” You feel Jimin grow in happiness. You feel like you’re growing, too. “If this is because you feel bad—”
“No. I want this.” He draws circles over your fingers, tightens his hold. “I want this very much.”
Never has the world felt so vibrant, and so, so lived in.
“I think.” You breathe. “I want that, too.”
(“Can we celebrate both anniversaries?”
“Brat.” Jimin laughs, all curled up around you. Has he always been this warm? “I’ll make sure to schedule the wedding on the same date as before.”
“What the hell!”
He’s still laughing as he kisses you, both hands cupping your neck, and there’s no hesitance in how he loves you.
You think, for a moment, about how every question you had about loving Jimin has been answered: He smiles into his kisses. He rolls his head back when he laughs. And—
He tastes like the sun.)
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captain-joongz · 8 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
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♤ five for five by @bh-archive
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◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
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mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
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hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
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♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
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kim taehyung
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☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
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jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
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step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
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soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
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◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i <3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
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'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
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a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
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step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
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chimcess · 8 months
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→ Chapter Nine: Landscapes Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 10.2k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: ANGST, strong language, PTSD, flashbacks, self-hate, self-depreciation, talks of death, nosey birds, Moland is a lot of fun to write about, (sorta) theft, home sickness, magic, very tame A/N: Don't know how I feel about this chapter. It was a bit difficult to write. I think you'll understand why in a moment. Thanks for reading!
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Namjoon pov
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I stood in the cramped boat house, the scent of Bridd lingering faintly but unmistakably fresh. It was a small concession I could offer Jimin, a flicker of hope in a sea of frustration. Hoseok had instructed me to search outside and follow the trail, a task I’d already performed yesterday. Jimin, in his usual manner, insisted on a double-check. Today’s search yielded better results; I could discern the subtle shifts in the scent. Bridd had stood exactly where I was standing no more than forty-eight hours ago.
“She’s long gone,” Hoseok’s voice echoed clearly in my mind, despite the distance between us—five miles at least. “Wonder where she went.”
“Taehyung mentioned Viridi Gramine,” Hyuna interjected, her focus sharp and unyielding as she scanned for any trace of Bridd. “Do you think she might be headed that way?”
“Doubt it,” I said, tracing the scent from a small cot on the floor to a rusty fridge. “I don’t think she was ever planning to visit our cousins.”
Hyuna mulled over this, while Hoseok wrestled with guilt. We had all chided him for it, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that if he had been able to speak to Bridd and Jimin, none of this would have happened. Apologizing for his perceived failure, the younger wolf returned to pondering Bridd’s whereabouts.
“Not far,” Hyuna mused thoughtfully.
“She could be out of Moland by now,” I said, my tone edged with concern. “I have no clue which direction she might have taken. She could be lost out there.”
The thought unsettled us all. Hoseok, knowing Bridd’s limited experience with the outside world, worried about her lack of navigational skills. Without a map, she was likely adrift. Hyuna, however, believed in Bridd’s survival instincts. If she had to fight, she could, and her shifting abilities would serve her well. Most likely, she had flown over the swamps and into Clarcton—an efficient and practical choice.
“That makes the most sense,” Hoseok agreed, his mental voice tinged with resignation.
Following her scent outside, it abruptly stopped at the small deck adjacent to the house. She must have shifted from there. We had hit a dead end. Hoseok let out a frustrated huff, while Hyuna attempted to calm him. I could now catch my sister’s thoughts, fraught with anxiety and worry. Yeong-Mi had always been prone to migraines and panic attacks; her stress was palpable.
“Shut up,” she snapped at me, her irritation clear but tinged with underlying stress. “He’s right, oppa,” she addressed Hoseok. “You can’t blame yourself. We all know who’s really to blame for this.”
Sol’s face flickered in her mind—distorted and unfamiliar. Yeong-Mi’s memory of Sol was tainted, a far cry from reality. She had no intention of facing the Luna again anytime soon, a sentiment Hyuna echoed with a delighted giggle. Hoseok mumbled something about Sol only trying to help, but none of us paid it much mind.
“Sol can’t bear all the responsibility,” I gently rebuked my sister. “Bridd still made the choice to run off.”
“If she had just minded her own business,” Mini barked, her frustration boiling over, “Bridd wouldn’t have fled! God, how could she say that to Jimin Oppa when we all know how stressed he’s been?”
“An idiot,” Hyuna snapped back, her anger flaring once more. “Between Bo, his brother, and the copiae, the guy hasn’t had a moment’s peace.”
I had tried to remain neutral but found myself agreeing with Hyuna. Sol had overstepped her bounds. Taehyung’s reaction to her misjudgment offered some solace. The boy had yet to touch his mate since Jimin’s frantic panic the night he discovered Bridd’s empty bed. Rumors of their constant arguing since her disappearance were spreading through Bangtan.
“Eun-Jin mentioned that Jimin said Bridd was heading to the Ozryn mountains alone,” my sister added. “I haven’t been around him since she left, so I don’t know the full story, but he’s devastated.”
Hoseok growled at Jimin’s name. Mini defended her favorite alpha while I reminded him of the bigger picture. Sol’s misleading information had set off a chain reaction. Jimin’s reaction, driven by incomplete information, had resulted in his current turmoil. Hoseok vehemently disagreed until Hyuna asked him how he would have reacted if he had believed she was going off to harm herself after recovering from an injury.
“She’s alone out there,” Hoseok grunted, his resolve wavering in the face of his wife’s reasoning. “He should have never let that happen.”
“It’s not his fault,” Jong-Hyun, Jungkook’s older brother, chimed in, having returned from his eastward search. “They’re both stubborn, and I doubt Bridd would have allowed him to come along. Ji-Hyun mentioned they had an argument the afternoon she left. He feels partly responsible for what’s happened.”
I growled, “That boy’s attitude is going to get him hurt. Is that why Callisto’s been even more irate than usual?”
Mini laughed, “I think that’s just how she is around you.”
We shared a laugh, the tension briefly easing. Hyuna and Hoseok had found each other, and my sister was their next stop. She was almost to Syrena, and the couple wanted to go for a swim. We declined their offer—I had no desire to be a magindara’s next meal. Yeong-Mi chose to wait with us, keeping an eye out for any elves.
I drowned out the cacophony of voices, focusing instead on the faint, elusive trail I was following. The swamps were vast and treacherous, a labyrinth where finding Bridd seemed almost impossible. Fear gnawed at me. I hoped to God she was out there, safe and vigilant, though I knew she wasn't invincible.
I sat by the murky water, staring into its depths as if it might offer some answer, until Hyuna’s voice broke through. Taehyung was looking for me. My father was worried about a group of elves spotted in the northwestern corner of Moland and needed me out of the forest. Jimin, stubborn as ever, refused to come home. Taehyung needed my help to strategize. Hyuna had looped back to meet me near Bridd’s now-destroyed cottage.
“We’re leaving him out here alone?” I asked, a hint of disbelief in my voice.
“Of course not,” Hyuna replied, her small red form bristling slightly. “Jong-Hyun and Hoseok are keeping an eye on him. He’s deep in the forest somewhere.”
She was disappointed about their postponed beach trip but chose not to dwell on it. I tried to offer some comfort, imagining them swimming and laughing together another day, but she waved it off. She was grateful, but the thought of discussing it further would only trouble Hoseok.
“And he hasn’t found anything?” I asked.
“Nothing,” Hyuna confirmed.
As I stepped into Bridd’s clearing, the sight of the wildflowers struck me. Her garden was a riot of colors, an oasis of beauty amidst the desolation. Her cottage, surrounded by a lush garden of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, seemed almost surreal. A porcelain birdbath stood at the front, perpetually full, as though enchanted. The perfect, curated meadow seemed a divine attempt to keep Bridd from sinking into despair. Hyuna lay in the grass near the ruined house, her face etched with sadness. Taehyung had said an elf caused the damage. Bridd’s scent still clung to the remnants of her home, but it was fading.
“I wanted to go inside,” Hyuna said, her gaze fixed on the gaping hole in the cottage’s front. Her sadness was palpable. “But I don’t think Jimin would appreciate it. This is the only place that still smells like her.”
“He’s been here,” I said, noting the strong, fresh scent of Jimin. “Is he sleeping in there?”
She nodded. “I think he’s trying to fix things up. Jungkook mentioned it to Cadoc. Jimin’s obsessed with getting everything right before she comes home.”
We exchanged a look. Neither of us held out much hope that our little bird would return soon. I had more faith in Bridd’s survival skills than Hyuna did, but neither of us knew when—or if—she would come back.
Hyuna recalled her trips to Bangtan when she lived in Viridi Gramine. The Ozryn mountains were harsh, unforgiving, and lethal. Despite her royal lineage and traveling with the most skilled guides, there was always a risk she might not return. After finding Hoseok, the thought of crossing those mountains had never crossed her mind until her mother fell ill.
I had never traversed the Ozryn myself, but Hyuna’s memories sent a chill through me. Bridd might very well perish out there, and no one could prevent it. I considered suggesting that Jimin and I abandon Foxglove to search for her, but a single glance from Hyuna wiped the thought clean. We couldn’t leave the village without more information.
Bridd’s death would shatter Jimin, and Taehyung and Sol’s marriage—already strained—would likely fall apart completely. The Park family would never be the same. I desperately hoped she would return to her senses, but deep down, I knew she wouldn’t. The fierce determination in her eyes when I visited her cottage after Sol’s birthday spoke volumes. Bridd had more fire in her than Hyuna realized.
“She’s never seen so much of the world before,” Hyuna whispered, her voice as if confessing a forbidden truth. “How can she know where to go if she doesn’t even know what to look for?”
“She has maps—”
“Maps that predate the industrial revolution,” Hyuna cut me off sharply. “That girl is lost, and you know it.”
I didn’t need to say more; we were in agreement. I reminded her of Bridd’s tenacity when threatened, recounting our fight outside the cottage. Hyuna chuckled, acknowledging Bridd’s fighting spirit but still worried. When Bridd was in the infirmary, the witches had mentioned her fainting spells. How could we be sure she wouldn’t collapse out there?
“We don’t,” I admitted. “We just have to have faith. For Jimin’s sake. For her friends’ sake.”
“And Bridd’s,” Hyuna added.
“And Bridd’s,” I agreed.
A distant howl pierced the forest, signaling it was time to move. Taehyung rarely shifted anymore, so it had to be urgent. Hyuna decided to accompany me and wait for her husband at the Temple, her thoughts wandering to the prospect of confronting Sol, though I chose to ignore it.
As we neared the village, I heard the voices of the other copiae joining the search. Ji-Hyun’s loud complaints about his sister-in-law’s dramatics stood out. Hyuna fought to suppress a snarl, her thoughts simmering with anger. The younger wolf quickly dropped the subject, but my distaste for him remained. Taehyung shared my sentiments and told the Park boy to head home for the day. Ji-Hyun managed to keep his thoughts to himself long enough to change, severing our connection.
“Irrumator,” Hyuna grunted, her thoughts shifting from Ji-Hyun to Sol.
I chuckled. “He’s young. Cut him some slack.”
“He’s older than Taehyung!” Hyuna snapped. “He should know better. What he said to Bridd was out of line. How can you defend him?”
I bowed my head, conceding. I respected Hyuna enough to avoid an argument, especially with the looming threat of war. Disagreements with her would mean disagreements with Hoseok, and that was something we couldn’t afford right now.
“It’s not defending him,” I said, trying to keep annoyance out of my voice. “I just think this is a time for unity. Arguing over something we can’t change is pointless.”
Hyuna huffed but let it go. I felt a small victory in that, knowing we needed to focus on more pressing matters. Taehyung’s thoughts reflected his inner turmoil. While he agreed on the need for unity against our shared threat, he was hurt and betrayed by his closest friend’s disappearance.
Sol stirred complex emotions within me. My yearning to lead had once blinded me to her true nature. When Taehyung was chosen over me, I was disappointed, but any lingering romantic feelings vanished. I was genuinely happy for him, even if my actions didn’t always reflect it.
Sol had always been obsessed with Jimin, her infatuation apparent in her teenage ramblings. Ahn had asked me to escort her while she shifted, and her incessant daydreams about Jimin were the last thing I wanted to hear. I found myself wanting to be at her side, to lead, and her thoughts of me were less than flattering.
Sol’s heartbreak over Jimin’s lack of interest was palpable. She had desperately sought his affection, willing to overlook her mates. Jimin, though kind and cordial, had rejected her advances. I understood now, and it made sense. He was deeply devoted to another.
Sol’s life took a nosedive into chaos the moment she found herself wrapped in Taehyung’s arms. At first, confusion and disbelief painted her world in shades of gray, but soon, that confusion melted into something pure, almost ethereal. It was as if she had been in love with him all along, as if it was written in the very fabric of her being. For Taehyung, the feeling was a mirror image of hers. Before Sol, his heart had been tethered to a local girl named Minji. But love, it seems, has a way of changing the script.
Still, Sol’s obsession with Jimin was almost automatic, a reflex she couldn’t control. They were closer in age than most of us (except Taehyung), though Jimin was still seven years her senior. He was always kind and thoughtful, qualities that drew her in like a moth to a flame. When she heard he might be in danger, she rushed to his side. What she told him, which I knew only because Jimin couldn’t stop replaying that night in his head, was meant to soothe him. Yet, she shoved her friendship with Bridd aside, put her trust with Taehyung on the chopping block, and risked straining her bond with Jimin himself—all to protect his fragile heart. It would have been admirable if she’d taken a moment to think, rather than barreling into his house like a bat out of hell, spewing melodramatic, and frankly, distorted versions of the truth.
The fallout was catastrophic. Jimin’s argument with Bridd was fueled by Sol’s words. The man was already on edge. His pack of fifteen had dwindled to seven, the newer recruits too green to be of much use. Stress and frustration boiled over the moment Sol’s dramatic tale hit his ears. She painted Bridd as a suicide-bound lunatic, claiming the witch was deceiving everyone about her intentions, determined to atone for her past sins. It was absurd, though not entirely untrue, but it came from a teenage girl who hadn’t truly listened. To Jimin, all he could hear was his mate marching to her death to atone for her silence.
The whole situation with Bridd was surreal. I was irritated by her reluctance to share her visions, but that frustration faded when I realized the depth of her fear and helplessness. We weren’t on good terms. Foxglove had distanced itself, and Ahn had been vocal about his plans to visit her cottage. I couldn’t blame her for hesitating to speak up when the threat was uncertain. Ahn might have had her killed.
“He would have been a fool,” Hyuna mumbled, breaking the silence.
“When wasn’t he?” I shot back, my tone dry.
Everyone shared my sentiment. Bridd was the last person to blame. Her actions, once she understood the gravity of the situation, revealed her true care. Cadoc’s account of waking up to find the little witch, broken and bloodied, but still determined to reach Foxglove, was enough to reduce even the toughest to tears. The second her eyes opened, all she could think about was getting back to Foxglove. Any lingering doubts about her intentions evaporated. Only a few, Ji-Hyun among them, remained wary, but they were making an effort for the pack’s sake.
At the village’s edge, I parted ways with Hyuna. She gave me a brief farewell before I shifted. I was more private than the others, especially Hoseok and Hyuna, and they were accustomed to giving me space during the shift. It was my most vulnerable moment, and I loathed feeling exposed.
Bangtan had various items of clothing stashed away, none of them tailored or particularly stylish, but they were functional. My mother was responsible for keeping the copiae clothed and cared for, a job she took very seriously. It was one of the few things my father felt proud of. He often demeaned her, telling her she needed to do better, be better, spouting the same old demeaning slogans the older men in town were fond of. I could never see the faults in any of the women, especially not my mother, but she never commented on it, and neither did I.
I found a pair of large, baggy pants and shifted. After putting on the cotton garments, I decided to forgo a shirt and made my way to the Temple. Taehyung was waiting for me, and I didn’t want to add to his burdens. I felt I had done enough of that already.
As I walked through the town, I saw Jimin’s mother, Mi-Jeong, helping Jungkook’s father chop wood for his roof. The Parks were an unusual family. Mi-Jeong was outspoken, fierce, and refused to bow to men’s expectations. Her stubbornness was rivaled only by her youngest child. My own family often criticized her ‘atrocious’ behavior, but I had always been fond of Mi-Jeong.
Ji-Hyun, on the other hand, was a quiet boy, favoring his mother with his sharp features and moss-brown eyes. He followed his brother around for years without complaint. That quietude lingered into his teenage years, but when he fell for a human girl, it sparked a fierce possessiveness. He fought for her, both verbally and physically, a devotion that changed him. His attitude was often defensive and quick to judge, but his love and loyalty for his family were unparalleled, even surpassing his older brother.
Jimin had always fascinated me. From the moment he was born, he had the village at his feet. His father had been a formidable figure, embodying the strength our people revered. His choice of bride was unusual, but everyone believed Ji-Won was up to the challenge of handling Mi-Jeong. Jimin, like his father, possessed all the traits of a Park: charm, wit, courage. What set him apart was the hidden sweetness he kept from the world. I saw it. I had always seen it.
The first glimpse I got of that sweetness was when he chased butterflies in his backyard. He was no older than four, but even at that age, boys were expected to show maturity. In public, Jimin was the epitome of a perfect child. Yet, watching him blow bubbles and giggle as he chased a monarch butterfly, I knew his public persona was an act.
Now, that same sweetness was on display once more, though in a far more public and painful manner. Jimin had shut himself off, avoiding conversations and shunning his closest friends, hiding away and waiting for the other piece of his heart to return. It was a strange sight: Park Jimin, usually so strong, now weak and in agony.
As Mi-Jeong’s eyes met mine, I saw the same sadness and worry reflected in her. I hoped her family would pull together, but I doubted it would happen until Bridd returned, if she ever did. The thought of the Park family’s fate if she didn’t come back sent a shiver down my spine. 
I didn’t stop to talk to anyone, as I usually did. My mind was too scattered, and frankly, I was done with conversation. A constant stream of thoughts and voices in your head will do that. Fortunately, no one seemed put off by my silence. We were all grappling with uncertainty since losing one of our strongest fighters.
“Anything new, dog?”
The voice slithered through the air, smooth and grating, a rasp that scraped against my nerves. I clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the familiar sting. With a deep, slow breath, I turned to face the source of my irritation.
Seokjin was there, of course. He had become my personal Dante’s Inferno over the past few days. The man had a grudge that could outlast a vampire’s curse, and he still hadn’t forgiven me for taking a swing at his friend. His face was a storm cloud, eyes dark with disdain. Beside him, Yoongi was a ghost of his former self. He looked worse than ever—thin and ragged, like a paper doll battered by the wind. His hair was a disheveled mess, and his once vibrant blue eyes had dulled further, his pupil barely visible.
“Unfortunately not,” I said, keeping my voice even, though I wanted nothing more than to escape this confrontation. “A few are still out searching, but I was pulled away.”
“Hmft,” Seokjin crossed his arms, a gesture that seemed to tighten the knot of irritation on his face. “Figures.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped, irritation bubbling up.
I never did like much about him.
“You don’t give a damn if you find her or not,” Seokjin’s voice was thick with anger, each word dripping venom. “None of you do.”
My patience was fraying, “That’s not true—”
“It’s that bitch’s fault she’s gone,” Seokjin shouted over me, his voice cracking like a whip.
“Stop yelling,” I said, struggling to keep my composure. The scene we were causing was spiraling out of control. My father would lose his mind. “I know what Sol did. None of us are happy about it, but I’m not a god. I can’t rewind time or bring her back. What’s done is done.”
“Yet you still follow her orders like some lapdog.”
“I follow Taehyung,” I corrected, my voice tight with restrained frustration. “By extension, that means I follow his wife. We’re at war, Seokjin. I’m sorry about Bridd, truly, and I hope she’s safe, but my life doesn’t revolve around her. I have a village to protect, a village she isn’t in. I won’t abandon it to chase shadows.”
Seokjin’s face was a furnace of rage now, tears brimming in his eyes. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for him. Bridd was a close friend of his, and she had abandoned them—harsh words, but accurate in the rawest sense. The others had voiced their disgust when she vanished, their anger directed at our governing bodies. Sol had barred them from the Temple after one of Seokjin’s entourage had lashed out. Since that night, they’d remained cloaked in silence, not a whisper of their departure from the Park house.
“You’re going to let her die,” Seokjin’s accusation was a punch to the gut, raw and brutal.
Yes, if it meant saving my own. Bridd was a distant concern compared to the stakes at hand. I barely knew her; respect didn’t equate to prioritizing her over my sister. In this high-stakes game, I had to trust that she could handle herself and accept it.
“Jin,” Yoongi’s voice cut through the tension, soft yet firm. I had almost forgotten he was there. “Let it be. Namjoon has done what he can. Let’s return to Mi-Jeong’s.”
I was relieved that Yoongi seemed more composed than Seokjin. I sneaked a glance at him and was glad to see his hair growing back, a sign he was getting enough to eat. It was a small comfort, considering the grim reality of his condition. Yoongi’s blindness wasn’t just a loss; it was a nightmare. I remembered how his pain had been described—a brutal assault on his senses, panic attacks ripping through him like storm winds. Samanya had said the spell should have killed him, and his survival, with only his eyesight lost, was a cruel twist of fate.
“Drop it,” Yoongi said, his voice a low rumble, stopping Seokjin before he could unleash another tirade. Without turning his head, he addressed me. “I apologize for his callousness. We’re all on edge. I hope you understand.”
This was the most I’d heard Yoongi speak, even during our time at Bridd’s cottage in the Spring. “It’s not an issue. I hope you’re feeling better.”
It was unnerving to talk to someone who couldn’t meet my gaze. Yoongi’s eyes, unseeing and vacant, stared blankly at the village’s edge. His voice was gruff and monotonous, a strange contrast to the depth of the situation.
“I am fine,” he replied. “We’re here because my mother wanted to know how far you believe she could have gone. I’ll tell her that she must have shifted and lost her scent.”
“Thank you,” I said, relieved by his ability to keep Seokjin quiet. “She was on a houseboat for a few hours before she left. Any ideas?”
“Thelma,” Seokjin grunted. “She must have rested and then taken off. Was anything missing?”
I shrugged. “I couldn’t say. Sorry.”
Seokjin shook his head angrily, a futile gesture.
“No need to apologize,” Yoongi said, raising a hand in a dismissive motion. It was unclear what he intended, but I chose not to dwell on it. “We’ll leave you alone now.”
Seokjin opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it. I smirked, feeling a bit of triumph. Yoongi’s presence was a useful deterrent for the annoying one. Scowling, Seokjin wrapped an arm around Yoongi and turned towards the residential district, their figures fading into the distance.
Taehyung was pacing when I finally found him in the Temple library. Books were strewn across the tables like fallen soldiers, pages ripped from their bindings stacked haphazardly at the edge of a massive oak table that had seen better days. His blonde hair was a shaggy mess, the back grazing his neck while the front hung just past his ears. Thick, wavy bangs spilled over his eyebrows, so long they were kept at bay by a headband.
The sight of him worried me. Taehyung was unraveling, a fraying thread in a tapestry of stress. He managed to keep it together during the elder meetings, putting on a brave face to avoid giving Ahn any satisfaction. But anyone could see the cracks beginning to show. Jimin was doing his best to keep Taehyung from falling apart, but he had his own demons to battle.
I had taken it upon myself to pick up the slack where Taehyung faltered. I owed it to both him and Jimin after my role in their exile. Taehyung, ever the forgiving soul, was more generous with grace than Jimin. But I knew I was skating on thin ice. Others might have taken my head for the disrespect I’d shown. Jimin might have if he wasn’t so focused on keeping the peace with his mate.
I needed to focus on the task at hand. Taehyung had summoned me for a reason, and I had to be there for him. His pacing showed no signs of stopping as I entered, a bad omen for the kind of conversation I was about to have. He seemed to find a semblance of calm when we discussed strategy, a fleeting solace in the chaos.
“Sorry for the delay, Tae,” I said, my voice soft and steady, hoping to cut through his distress.
He paused, his eyes bloodshot and glossy, cheeks flushed like someone had poured a pot of boiling water on them. His lower lip quivered despite his best efforts to steady it. Taehyung’s emotional rawness was always a puzzle. He was kind, gentle, a giant child who laughed at his own clumsiness and played with his younger siblings as if he were still a child himself.
He never shied away from tears. When Jimin’s father died, neither he nor Ji-Hyun shed a tear in public, though I knew better than to believe they didn’t grieve privately. Their show of stoicism was celebrated, a mask of bravery they wore for the town. Taehyung struggled to wear that mask as seamlessly as Jimin had.
Taehyung’s father hadn’t died in a blaze of glory. No heroics, just illness. Ahn had called him weak for succumbing to an infected wound, a sentiment not widely shared but unchallenged. My own mother, a loyalist to Ahn, had called him cruel for further tormenting a grieving family.
“I didn’t realize it had been so long,” Taehyung mumbled, resuming his restless pacing.
In that moment, he looked more like his father than ever. Dong-Min had been respected and wise, but he wasn’t the sort to attract crowds. An artist from Viridi Gramine, his works were beautiful, but he remained in the shadows. He’d found his muse in Hana, who had come from an abusive home. They had fled Withertusk together, and their troubles had melted away in Foxglove.
“You’re upset,” I said bluntly. Taehyung preferred directness. “What’s wrong?”
“Have I done something wrong?” His voice cracked, the tremor betraying his tears. “I want your honesty, Namjoon. Have I done anything horrible to her?”
“To who?” I asked, stepping closer to comfort him. His shoulders shook with quiet sobs, an effort to hide his pain from the world. It never occurred to me that he was trying to conceal his suffering so well. I had always misread him. He could only shake his head, eyes squeezed shut as new tears poured forth.
I wrapped him in an embrace, feeling the weight of his grief pressing into me. The last time he had cried on my shoulder was at his father’s funeral, a day when Ahn’s cruel words had cut him to the bone. Taehyung had stumbled out of the building, bleeding and torn, begging me to hold him. My father, showing rare kindness, had taken him home to clean up.
“You could never wrong her,” I said, not great with comfort but hoping my words would help. “Whatever happened between you two is just a wrinkle in time. Sol is angry with herself. She loves you, and she knows how much you love her.”
Tae sniffled, his cries muffled against my shoulder.
“Not Sol,” he sobbed. “Y/N.”
That was a harder pill to swallow. I could spout meaningless platitudes about his mate all day. Their love was a given. Taehyung had been furious with her for talking to Jimin behind his back, but I knew they’d work through it. Their bond was strong. His relationship with Y/N, though, was a different matter. I had never witnessed it firsthand, but I knew it was meaningful. Taehyung saw her as the older sister he never had, but I felt ill-equipped to guide him through this grief.
“You didn’t do anything to her, Tae,” I reasoned. “She made a choice to leave. She didn’t harbor ill will towards you. She even left you a note with your necklace. Doesn’t that say something?”
The red gem from Bridd’s gift pressed against my skin, a bittersweet reminder of her kindness. Taehyung had worn the necklace since reading the note, a gesture he hadn’t truly earned but had been given nonetheless. I had my own connection to Bridd through that journal she gave me, which had turned into a poetry book. I respected her, and that respect guided me in my attempt to console Taehyung.
“I told Sol,” Taehyung whimpered. “I told her after she asked me to keep quiet. It’s all my fault—”
“I’m done with the blame game,” I sighed, gently pushing him back to arm’s length. I gripped his shoulders. “Everyone’s been wallowing in self-pity. Y/N left to find help. No one forced her to do that. You and I both know she’s capable. Stop acting like she’s dead. She’s out there trying to help us. We need to stay focused.”
“What if she…” His voice faltered, unable to utter the word “death.”
“Then we make sure her sacrifice isn’t in vain,” I said, releasing him. “We plan, strategize, and fight tooth and nail against those things. For Bridd.”
I didn’t relish invoking her name this way, but I knew Taehyung would cling to it. Her name was a beacon of hope in this dark time. His eyes ignited with a renewed fire, the heat returning to them.
“For Bridd,” he echoed, as if making a solemn vow.
Inside, I prayed for her safe return. I was unsure how long this newfound fire would last, or what would happen if it burned out of control. Taehyung was obsessive by nature. As a child, he painted like his father, sculpted like our grandmother, and later, dived into gardening. Now, I feared his focus would be consumed by this war. He wasn’t ready for what was coming, but I had to believe in his strength.
“You should go see your mom,” I said sincerely. “I’m sure Jong and Jin miss you.”
I left unsaid my concerns about him being cooped up in the Temple since his return.
He nodded, “I will. Let one of the maids know I’ve left. I don’t want Sol to worry.”
“You’re not telling her you’re leaving?”
He frowned. “We’re not on speaking terms at the moment.”
Oh, Bridd, why did you have to leave? Why did Sol have to stir things up? Seeing Taehyung so defeated was a blow. The fire I had ignited in him didn’t soothe my worries. He was still adrift, and I feared my attempts at comfort had done more harm than good. Maybe it would have been simpler to let him cry it out. Navigating whether I’d said or done the right thing was a far more daunting task.
The day slipped through my fingers like a handful of sand, the minutes eroded by the grind of endless work. After my talk with Taehyung, he had gone off to find his siblings, while I remained buried in the heavy silence of the library. Despite our grim business of war, we still had our East Coast obligations to handle. Hours ticked by as I drafted warnings and travel advisories, scribbling frantically until my hand ached. 
When the time came to face the maps spread across the tables, I hoped the change in scenery would spark a breakthrough. The library was a cavern of paper and ink, and I dived into its depths, searching for something—anything—that might tip the scales in our favor.
But the talk of war had become a cacophony of angry voices. My father and Jimin were at each other’s throats, each stubbornly clutching their own version of strategy. My father wanted to march straight into Northorn, to meet our enemy head-on. Jimin, with his uncanny knack for seeing beyond the obvious, thought it was nothing short of idiocy. He argued that the elves would have the upper hand on unfamiliar ground. Our pack knew the forest better than anyone; it was our home turf, and it should be our advantage. 
Jungkook and I were on the same page, much to my relief. We didn’t want to die, but if the situation demanded it, we would. He leaned towards Jimin’s strategy, favoring a defensive stance in Bangtan. It made the most sense—until the elves found a way to stir up trouble.
The witches from Syrena arrived in the late afternoon, a storm of anger and despair. Their leader had fallen during the attack, leaving them in the care of the swamp witch. I felt a pang of sympathy for them, as they stumbled into our midst. Their rage was palpable, their grief a raw wound that bled into everything they did.
Yoongi was on my mind again. He was adjusting to his blindness, but the idea of him fighting was laughable. He was a fantastic fighter when he could see, but now he was little more than dead weight. It was a shame—he had been a force to be reckoned with, even if a spell had temporarily taken him out. I had no doubt he’d be back, even if it meant defying orders. His death, when it came, would be a dignified one.
Then there was Seokjin. He surprised me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. Despite my dislike for the witch, I had to admit the man could fight. He had defended his girlfriend, taken down countless elves, and even saved his father’s life. I hoped we could set aside our differences and train together. It was crucial that we learned to fight as a unit. I planned to discuss this with Jimin later.
Before I could lose myself further in thought, I caught her scent. The sweet, cloying aroma of Sol was unmistakable, a stark contrast to the damp, cold air of the library. Her bare feet were a whisper against the marble floor, and I braced myself for the encounter. Sol’s attempt to mask her natural scent had always been a losing battle, but I couldn’t fault her for it. Ahn had stripped her of her self-confidence, leaving her to second-guess everything about herself.
She appeared before me, her small figure framed by the ornate grandeur of the library. Her hair, unbound and flowing, was a cascade of dark waves, a sharp contrast to the cold sterility of the surroundings. I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with her exposure. Modesty was an old relic, but Sol had been taught its importance, and Ahn had made sure she lived in its shadow.
“Luna,” I greeted, my voice tentative. “Your hair…”
She sighed, as if resigned to my reaction. Her tone was edged with annoyance, but I couldn’t decipher why. Ahn had instilled in her a warped sense of propriety, and the way she wore her hair now seemed to mock it.
“Does it matter?” she murmured, a hint of bitterness in her voice. “We all know I’m no longer virtuous.”
I frowned. “Your virtue isn’t tied to your virginity, Sol.”
I could feel the discomfort between us, the unspoken boundaries crossed. Sol’s presence was like a weight on my chest, and I had to force myself to remain composed. Taehyung would be devastated if he caught us in such an awkward position. I stood up, putting a respectful distance between us, and turned my attention to the doorframe, trying to look anywhere but at her.
“What’s bothering you?” I asked, keeping my voice steady. “Aside from the obvious.”
I leaned against the doorframe, peering into the hall, grateful for the distance it offered. I heard Sol take a seat in the chair I had vacated, the sound of her movements marking her presence more than her words.
“You must think I’m pathetic,” Sol’s voice was a fragile whisper.
“Why would I think that?” I countered, genuinely puzzled.
She laughed, a hollow sound that resonated with self-deprecation. “You’ve been a constant in my life longer than anyone. You were there before Taehyung. You and I were almost betrothed, according to my father.”
The mention of Ahn made my skin crawl. He was no father of hers. The real truth was darker—Ahn had taken her from her real parents, Cho Haneul and Bong Ha-Yun, who had vanished from the village under suspicious circumstances. Whispers hinted at banishment or worse, but I’d always taken my mother’s word that Ahn had been behind it all. 
“I’ve never been fair to you,” Sol continued, her voice trembling. “I was mean, rude, and cold. I wanted Jimin so badly that I mistreated you. I’m sorry for that.”
I listened, indifferent. Sol’s words were a weak balm to old wounds. I knew her well enough to understand her manipulations, her selfishness veiled under layers of false remorse. 
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.
“You knew me before Taehyung did. I know you didn’t like me, but I trust your opinion. I know I don’t deserve your kindness, but I’m asking for it anyway.”
Her voice was weary, and I found myself disenchanted with her pleas. I reminded myself of her age and the naivety that came with it, but it didn’t soften the irritation I felt. She had made mistakes, breached boundaries, and caused chaos, all while thinking she could remain unscathed.
“Am I a bad person?” she asked, her voice barely more than a breath.
“No,” I said firmly, though it was hard to mask my irritation. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll lie to make you feel better. You’ve caused enough damage, and it’s your responsibility to deal with the consequences.”
Her soft sniffles were a distant echo to my frustration. She had stirred trouble and failed to take responsibility for it. I wasn’t here to placate her. I was here to get through the day.
“I’m not the one to offer you comfort,” I said, turning away. “Seek solace from your maids. They’re trained to dry tears; I’m not.”
With that, I left the library, my mind already set on finding a place to rest. The Temple was no refuge from the turmoil of the day, but it was all I had. Maybe Sam would be around, and her company would be a welcome distraction. Her beauty and confidence had always been a bright spot, even if I wasn’t ready to entertain any advances. Tonight, though, I’d take any semblance of normalcy I could get.
I had no desire to return to my family home. Spending too long around my parents was like slowly going mad. The pretense I maintained with my father was exhausting, and my mother—well, she never had the backbone to stand up to him. My childhood was a grim carousel of beatings, with my mother watching, her own misery forgotten as long as she avoided the brunt of his rage. By the time Mini arrived, those days were behind us, and my father had stopped drinking. Our relationship had improved, but the bitterness lingered, festering like a wound that never fully healed. Sometimes, I wondered if I truly hated them both.
Lately, I had been crashing at Hoseok’s place. But he’d asked for some space, and I was buried in work, too tangled up to find another spot to crash. It was a far cry from the opulent room I had at the Temple, but the Temple had become a place I loathed. I’d have joined Jimin and the rest of the copiae, but the weight of my responsibilities kept me tied down. Stepping down as head council would mean my father or Bo would handle public relations, and the thought of that was enough to make me want to gnaw my own arm off. Taehyung would go berserk if those two were left in charge.
I racked my brain for other friends to stay with. The Parks would welcome me, but their home was overflowing with guests. Yoongi and the swamp witch’s families were still there, Jin’s group was with Taehyung’s family, and the Syrena witches were scattered among the wolf families and humans. They’d planned to stay at the Temple, but Sol had made a mess of that arrangement. Everything had spiraled out of control faster than I could keep up with.
“Lost in thought?” Jimin’s voice cut through my musings. 
I stopped in my tracks, realizing I had wandered into the copiae grounds. Jimin lounged on his porch, a large glass in hand, his face shadowed by a dark expression. The sharp scent of alcohol reached me even from the street. I approached him, trying to ignore the tumultuous thoughts of my father.
“You’re drunk,” I observed, taking the glass from his hand and sniffing it. Mead, probably from Jungkook’s stash. “This isn’t going to help.”
He shrugged, a gesture of defeat. “I know. Just needed a distraction.”
Here I was again, being dragged into someone else’s emotional wreckage. Even if Jimin hadn’t asked outright, I knew I’d end up hauling him inside and making him sleep. At least, I could crash here afterward. Tomorrow, I’d make sure he ate something and then convince him to help me go over documents at the Temple. He was the battle strategist, after all.
“I’m not in the mood for a heart-to-heart,” I said bluntly. “I’ve already dealt with two sob stories today, and my patience is shot. So you’re going to let me help you, and we’ll talk in the morning.”
Jimin leaned back, sweat glistening on his forehead and his hair a tangled mess. He looked uncharacteristically disheveled. I rubbed my face in frustration.
“Fine,” I sighed, “how about this: I need a place to sleep. I can’t stand Taehyung and Sol right now, and you—” I gestured at him, “—look like hell. Obviously, you’re a mess, but the pack needs you to pull yourself together so we can get through this.”
Jimin didn’t move. He remained like a statue, eyes fixed on something distant. “I’ll stay the night. Tomorrow, we’ll talk feelings or whatever. Then, we’ll come up with a plan to get you back in the game. Sound good?”
He rolled his eyes, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. “What’s the point?” His face crumpled in despair. I felt lost at sea, unable to handle his sorrow. Thankfully, he composed himself, though the heaviness lingered. “What’s the point of anything? Without her... it just doesn’t matter.”
I sat down beside him, the cold, rough wood against my legs. I tried to focus on this as a conversation between friends. Jimin had never asked me for anything before. When Taehyung was chosen, Jimin had been the first to urge me to stand firm against Ahn. I had been foolish, ignoring his advice. Now he needed me to be the rock, and I couldn’t let him down.
We couldn’t keep going like this. Jimin wasn’t in the right frame of mind, and I knew the only way to get him back on track was to think of something drastic. My mind was already spinning a plan, one that had seemed hopeless earlier, but now felt like a desperate gamble. Maybe, just maybe, giving him a glimmer of hope might help him pull himself together. Feeling a pang of guilt, I decided to go for it and face the consequences later.
“I know you’re hurting,” I said, trying to soften my tone, unsure if it worked. “I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. When you and Taehyung were gone, the guilt nearly ate me alive. It must be worse for you.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he started to protest, but I brushed it off.
“I think I do. No one else seems to be,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’re in deep trouble right now, Park. We need you.”
Jimin shook his head. “I wouldn’t be much help right now, Joon.”
“I don’t believe that,” I replied. “Honestly, anything you do would be better than the mess you’ve got going on. And by the way, your girl’s on my side. She’d be furious if she knew how much you’ve been slacking.”
That made him chuckle softly.
“That’s fair,” he said, a wan smile spreading across his flushed face. “She’s such a little firecracker, isn’t she?”
I nodded. “She once tried to set me on fire.”
We shared a laugh, remembering that day. Truth was, she scared the hell out of me. If she had really wanted to hurt me, she could’ve. I’d barely escaped with just a few scratches and bruises. Jimin had beaten me senseless when she got hurt, but I had a lifetime of memories that made me untouchable. Bridd, however, was another story.
“What if I made you a deal?” I asked, catching his attention.
He perked up. “What kind of deal?”
“If we make it through the next wave on top, I’ll help you find her.”
His eyes sharpened, a flicker of hope lighting up. “Really?”
Guilt twisted in my gut. I didn’t truly believe we’d reach that point. The elves were everywhere, their grip tightening on Northorn with each passing day. We were far from ready, and with traitors in our midst, the situation was dire. The alliance with the quietus was fragile, and the witch problem was something only Jimin could fix. It could be weeks or even months before we could search for Bridd. Still, I had to use her as leverage. We needed strong leadership, and the witch was the best motivation I could offer.
“I’ll go with you,” I said, doubling down. “We can take a small group. I’ve got connections with a quietus who knows the lay of the land. Finding her could be straightforward.”
“You’d do that for me?” He looked genuinely surprised.
I nodded. “If we’re in a position to do it, why not?”
I watched as he mulled it over, the distant look in his eyes dissolving into something clear, almost serene. He was on board. Hope unfurled in my chest like a fragile flower reaching for the sun. With Jimin on my side, dealing with Taehyung would be a breeze. The older alpha’s desire for redemption would give us a leverage, and if Jimin and Taehyung could join forces, we’d have Hoseok back in the mix too.
Things were starting to tilt in our favor. Soon, the elementals and witches would be joining our discussions, the elder council would be edged out by a new generation of leaders, and the war would start to feel like something we could actually manage. I might even be able to recruit a fresh wave of warriors to the copiae once the village saw Jimin’s renewed determination.
“Stay here as long as you need,” Jimin finally said, and I was doing a mental victory dance. “You can crash on the couch.”
I sprang up, ready to hit the sack, and gave his head a playful shove. He chuckled, swatting my hand away. We used to mess around like this all the time as kids—Jimin always had a knack for winning our wrestling matches. He was slippery as an eel.
“Let’s go, kid,” I said, stretching my arms above my head. “We’ve got an early start tomorrow. Council meeting.”
He nodded, reaching out for my help to stand. He must have imbibed more than I realized; it took a lot for alcohol to hit us this hard.
“Hopefully, Taehyung will deal with the two ancient relics in the Temple,” he slurred, stumbling inside and mumbling about how his bed felt like it had swallowed him whole.
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A/N: So Joon pov??? How do we like? He's not the only pov switch we're going to have, but we will be seeing a lot of our favorite (to hate) alpha joining our main squad. I thought he would be a good outside mind to get inside of since he's not as emotionally connected to Bridd as the others. Any guesses as to who our other switches might be?
p.s. These pov chapters will be a bit shorter than our normal, reader pov ones, but not by much.
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Taglist: @greezenini@adventures-in-bookland@kthstrawberryshortcake-main@zae007live@jimin-neverout@nikkiordonez12@canarystwin@yamekomz @chimthicc@michiiedreamer@amorieus@mima795@yunki-yunki-yunki
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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star-my · 5 months
BTS Fic Recs ☆ Tumblr (ii)
These are all available on tumblr as of April 2024. Some are likely crossposted on ao3 as well.
~Ao3 RECS HERE~ ~Recs (i)~ ~Recs (iii)~
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete. Most are BTS x (F!)Reader.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
If any authors tagged here wish to be removed/untagged, please lmk!
F2L = friends to lovers ; E2L = enemies to lovers ; FE2L = frenemies to lovers ; R2L = rivals to lovers ; BFB = best friend's brother ; BBF = brother's best friend etc
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☆ Crescent Bound series by @parkhabits | Werewolf AU | 32k+
☆ Tainted Souls series by @mininky | ?2l Vampire au, Canon Idol-verse | ?k
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Kim Namjoon
☆ He Loves Me series by @bratzkoo | Sugar Daddy AU | 11k +epilogue to come
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Kim Seokjin
☆ How to Fake A Boyfriend series by @bts-reveries | F2L Fake Dating AU, Youtuber AU, SMAU | ?k
☆ the taming of the bridezilla by @cinnaminsvga | F2L Fake Dating AU | 7k
☆ Arrogant by @dreamyjoons | FWB2L Uni AU | 7k
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Min Yoongi
☆ bloom by @aquagustd | BBF AU | 15k
☆ want a taste by @suga-kookiemonster | S2F2L Mall AU, Rapper AU | 18k
☆ Private Lesson by @dntaewithluv | FWB2L Pianist AU | 6k
☆ what's poppin' by @joonberriess | Sugar Daddy AU, Canon Idol-verse | 2k
☆ angel by @joonberriess | Established Relationship, Canon Idol-verse | 7k
☆ honey bunny by @lonelyhobi | Established Relationship AU | 6k
☆ boseong breakfast by @honeymoonjin | S2F2L B&B AU | 24k
☆ subscribed by @aquagustd | S2L Uni AU, Camboy AU | 15k
☆ eargasm + eargasm, pt 2 by @lavishedinjimin | S2L Phone Sex AU, kind of Uni AU | 24k
☆ first love series by @clouditae | F2L Uni AU, Tattoo Artist AU | ?k
☆ skin deep series by @aquaminwrites | S2F2L Tattoo Artist AU | 47k
☆ ink petals by @yminie | S2F2L Florist AU, Tattoo Artist AU | 11k
☆ love is for the birds, baby by @mininky | (F)E2L Tattoo Artist AU, Author AU | 13k
☆ Arranged series by @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong | ?2L Arranged Marriage AU, Chaebol AU | 111k
☆ punch drunk by @joonbird | R2L Boxer AU, Rival's Sister AU | 33k
☆ Sweet like Candy series by @lysjeon | E2L SMAU | ?k
☆ loser baby series by @dejayoonw | R2L SMAU, Witch AU, Uni AU, kind of Hogwarts AU | ?k
☆ heaven's winter by @jksangelic | Supernatural AU, Angel AU, Historical AU | 19k
☆ under the sun by @mirahuyooo | Greek Mythology AU, Greek Gods AU, Historical AU | 25k
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Jung Hoseok
☆ baseline by @jiminrings | R2L Teacher AU | 3k
☆ Hot & Bothered by @sahmfanficbts | Gardener AU | 3k
☆ the art of war by @wwilloww | F2E2L Historical AU, Arranged Marriage AU, Royal AU | 5k
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Park Jimin
☆ kiss the girl by @sketchguk | F2L Disneyland AU, Coworkers AU | 5k
☆ the happiest place on earth by @dovechim | F2L Disneyland AU, Coworkers AU | 24k
☆ florezco by @honeymoonjin | S2F2L Roommate AU | 24k
☆ Midnight Munchies by @yoongihime | Deliveryboy AU, Uni AU | 2k
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Kim Taehyung
☆ good girls go bad series by @jkstompers | S2F2L Uni AU | 46k
☆ paper cranes by @aquaminwrites | F2L AU | 18k
☆ rubies and roses by @min-youngis | S2?2L Fake Dating AU, Chaebol AU | 40k
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Jeon Jungkook
☆ Part-Time Lover by @sketchguk | Fake Marriage AU, Agent AU, Journalist AU, Spy x Family AU | 31k
☆ the art of series by @venusianguk | S2F2FWB2L Grocery Store AU, Single Parent AU | 95k+
☆ Heartbreak Trials by @dreamyjoons | R2L Roommate AU | 14k
☆ Stress Relief by @strawbkoo | F2L Roommate AU, Uni AU | 5k
☆ ego series by @suga-kookiemonster | F2L Uni AU, Fboy AU | 97k
☆ Confident series by @h0neypjm | FWB2L Uni AU, Fboy AU | 23k
☆ what money can buy by @jeonstudios | Sugar Baby AU | 18k
☆ rich people shit by @nochueso | S2L Uni AU, Chaebol AU, Sugar Daddy AU but you're the same age? idk | 11k
☆ Diamond in the Rough series by @kimvtae | S2F2L Chaebol AU | 25k
☆ glitter & disquiet series by @joheunsaram | Youtuber AU, Chaebol AU, CEO AU | 36k + drabble
☆ oxytocin by @chemicalpink | FE2L Chaebol AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 6k
☆ the lottery offering by @skswriting | S2L Werewolf AU, kind of Arranged Marriage AU | 22k
☆ to tame a god series by @jeonstudios | S2L Werewolf AU, Supernatural AU | 50k
☆ This Mortal Coil by @jinfizz | BFF2L Werewolf AU | 40k
☆ Temptation series by @aiimaginesbts | Werewolf AU | 25k
☆ Law of Nature by @ausblack | F2L Hybrid AU | ?k
☆ deal by @jeonstudios | S2L Demon AU | 20k
☆ calling you cool by @kithtaehyung | S2L Rock Band AU | 12k
☆ his by @thvhoe | R2L BBF AU, Band AU | 6k
☆ most undesirable by @kinktae | S2L Regency/Bridgerton AU | 5k
☆ bad delivery by @jeonstudios | Deliveryboy AU | 5k
☆ Accelerate series by @dreamscript | S2L Racer AU | 8k
Overall Favourite Authors (If I recc'd all their works like I want to/more than I have, I'd have to make this series even longer >.<)
☆ @eoieopda's masterlist
☆ @gimmethatagustd's masterlist
☆ @helenazbmrskai's masterlist
☆ @jeonstudios's masterlist
☆ @jjungkookislife's masterlist
☆ @jkstompers's masterlist
☆ @lovesickjoon's masterlist
☆ @sketchguk's masterlist
happy reading!
385 notes · View notes
caelesjjk · 10 months
make me your villain - collab
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If you’ve ever wondered how the story might have ended differently if the villain got the girl, you’ve come to the right place.
Everyone loves a bit of a morally grey villain who is only good for that one particular person. The kind that would watch the world burn for you and never think twice about it. The kind that are deadly but also deadly hot.
In this collab you’ll find an array of retold stories with that villainous twist. Please look forward to them in the coming months, as there’s no particular posting time.
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Title: The Price Written by: @daechwitatamic Genre: Snow White and the Huntsman!au, angst, smut, unhappy ending Pairing: Snow White!Yoongi x Hunts(wo)man!reader Summary: The Queen is responsible for everything you can claim: your home, your job, your freedom. You live without laying claim to anything else, lest the Queen leverage more pieces of you in exchange for her grace. But freedom isn’t free, and the Queen has just named her price: the young blacksmith, Min Yoongi.
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Title: The Surface Written by: @moni-logues Pairing: prince merman!Hoseok x sea witch!reader Genre: fairytale AU/The Little Mermaid AU, angst, smut Summary: Prince Hoseok has only ever wanted one thing: to experience life on the Surface. You have only ever wanted Prince Hoseok. When he comes to you, desperate, claiming you are the only one who can help him, you decide to play along. You'll help him achieve his dream and maybe you'll satisfy your own dream, too.
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Title: Red Written by: @sailoryooons Pairing: Werewolf!Namjoon x f. reader Genre: Supernatural, thriller, smut Summary: For as long as you can remember, your village has been relatively normal. But when people begin to turn up dead right after a group of newcomers arrive, pieces of your past start to fall into place, and something feels familiar - particularly the quiet man who can't take his eyes off of you.
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Title: A Good Day To Die Written by: @here4kpopfics Pairing: Jimin x reader Genre: Robin Hood!au, enemies to lovers, smut, violence, royal shenanigans. Summary: With a royal wedding looming around the corner, everyone is running around in circles to make sure everything goes according to plan. Three days before the wedding, however, the princess is kidnapped by the infamous outlaw, Park Jimin. Or was she?
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Title: Serpent & Nightingale Written by: @caelesjjk Pairing: Captain Hook!Taehyung x f. reader (grown version of Wendy) Genre: Peter Pan AU, Fairytale AU, Villain gets the girl, angst, smut Summary: You needed to escape him. You needed to get as far away as you could so he could never bring you back. So you make a deal with the pirate you’ve been told to loathe most of your life. The pirate that you read stories to when you were a child when had no other way to save him. The pirate who insists you seal your deal with a kiss in order to board the Jolly Roger and join him in Evernight, the island he calls home.
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Title: Golden Shackles Written by: @gimmethatagustd Pairing: sorcerer!jungkook x genie!(f)reader Genre: Aladdin AU, fantasy, royalty, angst, smut Summary: For thousands of years, you’ve been forced to grant the wishes of greedy men who want nothing but power. When you fall into the hands of a royal imposter, it’s his rival for the throne who becomes your only hope for freedom.
855 notes · View notes
colormepurplex2 · 2 years
I Put A Spell On You | Under The Blood Moon
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↳ Warlock Jimin x Witch f.Reader | Warlock Jungkook x Witch f.Reader ⤜ Friends/Enemies/Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 3,995 ⚠️Talk of murder, gore, blood, and violence. Jimin lets his demon out to play. Coercion potion and spells used to control the reader and force them into a non-con situation that turns dub-con. Threats of vampire biting. Semi-rough manhandling. Use of restraints with mentions of BDSM. Next Chapter⇾   ◅ Back to chapter list
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"Is it safe to be out here right now? You know, after what happened to that girl last month?" you ask in a whisper, wincing when an errant twig snaps under your boot.
Jimin casts a quick, devious look at you over his shoulder. His cotton candy pink hair catches a beam of moonlight streaming through the branches overhead, making him look like an angel for a brief moment, despite the fact that he's anything but. "Scared of the dark, love?"
A huff escapes with your next exhale, your warm breath misting in the chilly fall air. "The dark? No. Murderers who killed a girl in these same woods not even three weeks ago? Abso-fucking-lutely."
"Chill out, she was barely more powerful than a babe in diapers. Don't let the gossip floating through the coven get your broom bent out of shape. You're a full-fledged, ass-kicking, name-taking witch. Fully capable of defending yourself, I might add. Plus, you're with me," he offers with another glance back at you. The mischief is clear in his dark eyes. Sure, you're powerful and he has even more power than you, but you still feel anxious about being out in these woods.
The 'gossip' he's so eloquently choosing to belittle is more of a coven-wide warning. Jessel, the High Priestess, has issued several decrees about avoiding these woods. Though, every one of them specifically said to avoid these woods while alone. That was Jimin's argument as to why it's okay to come out here. He emphasized that as long as you stuck together, you wouldn't be alone, therefore you weren't going against the word of The High Priestess.
The girl, Rebecca– you think that was her name, that was murdered in these woods was a low-tier witch, barely powerful enough to register during testing. Her family owns the local theatre. You'd seen her perform in a few of the performances over the years. So, you didn't know her exactly, but it's still weird to know of someone who's been so brutally murdered. Her mangled body was discovered by a shifter out for his morning run. His senses had piqued and he ended up following a trail of what later would be revealed as bits of her internal organs. She was strung up between two oak trees, skin flayed, gut open, and heart shoved into her own mouth.
You trudge along a few more steps, trying not to think too much about the gruesome images floating through your mind and flinching every time a stick breaks underfoot or leaves rustle a little too loudly. "Why again are we even out here? Can't we get everything you need at The Brew Pub?" You pull your cardigan a little tighter around your middle. It's Halloween, because of course it would be, so the chill in the air warranted more than just a light coat. Though, the jeans you're wearing do little to thwart the icy breeze that occasionally sinks through the denim. The long-sleeve knit shirt under your sweater doesn't help much, only keeping the air from pebbling your nipples. The moon is full and hanging low in the sky making it easier to see in the dark, but you're still keeping your eyes trained on the uneven ground in front of you. The least Jimin could have done is drag you along an actual path instead of tromping straight through the high and clawing undergrowth.
Jimin abruptly comes to a stop and you nearly bump into him. Your arms fly out as your feet skid over the wet leaves beneath them. A strong hand grips your upper arm, steadying you. "It's a full, blood moon tonight. You know exactly what that means and why. Come on, you're beyond Potions 101 so stop asking questions you already know the answers to." Inky blackness completely eclipses his eyes. It only lasts for a moment but it makes your breath catch in your throat.
"Jimin, please," you rasp as you try to yank your arm free. Jimin gets like this around the full moon, even more so when it's a blood moon. The veil between worlds thins to nearly nonexistent and it appeals to his darker side, the side that kind of scares you, even with him being your best friend. Maybe the fear is evident on your face because his demeanor instantly shifts. The tight grip on your arm loosens and his lips tug up into one of his winning smiles.
"Sorry, love, you know how I can get on nights like this. Let's just hurry and then we can go back to my place and watch some horror flicks. Sounds good?" Before you can respond, his hand drops and he spins around, practically skipping ahead between the trees. You swear you catch the faint outline of horns peeking through his hair as he passes through another beam of moonlight.
You've never seen his other side, not fully at least. It's easy to blame his being a quarter demon on how he acts sometimes. Whenever he's acting like a raging asshole or trying to convince you to sleep with him, despite your adamant and constant refusal because you don't want to ruin your friendship, it's so easy to blame it on his darker side. Though, you often have to wonder just how much of that dark side is really to blame. Jimin is a great friend, he's been there when others haven't. But, after nearly a decade of being friends, he still can get under your skin in a possessive, perhaps even slightly creepy, way.
"You said we're just going to the glen, right?" you ask as a means to distract yourself from that crawling feeling under your skin. You shove your hands into the pockets of your cardigan and wrap it even more snuggly across your middle. The chunky black knit is soft as it bunches under your chin and offers a bit of warmth to your neck.
Jimin hums, nodding his head without looking back at you. "It's a night for recharging, the glen is the perfect place for what I have planned."
"Am I still not privy to hearing those plans?" It's like a shot in the dark when it comes to Jimin on nights like this. A gamble with the devil, perhaps literally. You suppress a shiver thinking about the last time he convinced you to go out under a blood moon with him. Meeting a true crossroads demon was not what you had been expecting.
He throws up his hands, exasperated with your badgering. This is the third time you've asked since he told you to meet him at the park earlier tonight. The sleeves of his black chunky sweater drop to reveal his wrists and the numerous bangles and bracelets he's wearing. Mostly thread and beaded pieces with the occasional jade or silver band. Jimin wiggles his fingers in the air before dropping his hands again. "Part of the fun is the surprise, stop trying to be a spoil-sport. I promise you'll have the time of your life and we'll both come out on the other side feeling much better." His ripped jeans and baggy sweater can't possibly be warm, you think. But, you know he does run warmer on these kinds of nights.
That makes your eyes narrow in suspicion but you bite your tongue to keep from snarking back at him. The more you poke and prod, the tighter he'll clam up about it until you're both fuming and that will truly ruin the night for sure. Going along with his eccentric ideas and plans throughout the years hasn't always been great, but it's more fun than not, usually. Also, the fight isn't worth it, especially if you do happen to have fun at the end of the night.
The glen isn't much further. You've gauged the time of your walk, watching the moon shift in the sky. Being closer to the sacred grove has you feeling less apprehensive. It's like the full moon is beckoning to you, urging you closer to its magnanimous beams that promise a kiss of extra power. You can practically taste the tang of it on your tongue with each step closer. Maybe you have gotten in your own head about being out here, it's really not so bad.
You can finally make out the break in the tree line. Stepping through behind Jimin you suck in a slight breath. The view before you never ceases to amaze you each time you take it in. The gently sloped sides disappear into the darkness down below, and the soft tinkling of the various waterfalls and trickles of water form a silvery, cool stream along the floor of the glen; it's all full of magic. The fact the moon hangs so low overhead, illuminating the stone steps that were carved into one of the sloped sides hundreds of years ago, makes the scene all that more inviting.
"Don't forget to keep to the right side of the steps," you murmur, the words coming out like you're on autopilot, still entranced by the vision before you. It's what you've been told countless times, a constant reminder any time you come to the glen. The left side of the steps have been worn away so much that they're a few degrees away from being a slide and they become slick when the rainy season is in full swing like it is now.
Jimin shuffles his feet excitedly. "Can't you feel it already? Goddess, this was a great idea. Let's go, hurry, we don't want to miss the moon's zenith." His feet thump loudly on the stones as he begins the descent down into the belly of the glen. You follow after him, letting one of your hands trail along the earthen wall to keep steady. The further you go, the less light there is from the moon, but the more you catch bright flashes of the glowing lichen clinging to various points along the path. Many enchantments have gone into making sure this glen stays concealed from the wrong people while remaining a safe and inviting place for witches and warlocks alike.
You feel the moment you pass through the first layer of protection enchantments. They settle along your skin like a warm breeze, penetrating through the layers of your clothing. As long as you're within the enchantments, your immortal soul is tethered to the earth. It's sort of a failsafe. On the off chance something goes wrong during a ritual, Goddess forbid, the soul would remain grounded so the vessel could be repaired enough to receive the person's essence back into it. Essentially, while you're here, you can't die. Your lip curls up in a private smirk when you think about the time Jimin wanted to test the enchantment. He wasn't successful, or rather he wasn't able to actually go through with his plan because Jessel found him before he was able to slit Jungkook's throat. They both laughed about it before they got their asses whooped and were not allowed to participate in any rituals for six months, then they did nothing but grumble and complain.
At the bottom of the stone steps, the valley meanders until the glen opens up into a wider space where the coven holds yearly prayers and divinations to the Goddess. You follow along the silvery stream, letting the glimmering waters be your guide to the altar. The narrow stone plinth is used as a pedestal, holding offerings to the skies and powers above. The trickling stream circles the altar, forming a small and shallow, natural moat.
"Well, well, I was starting to think you weren't going to show," a snarky, gruff voice snaps you out of your admiration of the sparkling water. You have to squint but your eyes finally land on a dark figure standing off to the side of the stone altar in the middle of the clearing. The moon barely highlights the swoop of his black hair, the bridge of his straight nose, and the peaks of his cheekbones, but you'd be able to pick out those broad shoulders, smoldering espresso-colored eyes that seem to glow even in the darkness, and the smattering of tattoos on his right hand anywhere.
"Jungkook?" It comes out as a whisper, practically choked out of your throat. "What's he doing here, Jimin?"
Jimin turns and gives you a once-over. You know he can see the tremble in your hands. His gaze zeros in on your throat, right where your pulse is frantically pounding away. "He's just here to help, love, that's all."
Jungkook shouldn't be here. He's on probation again for stealing ingredients directly from Jessel's private supply but also for trying to cast a spell on an inebriated orc. He claimed it was all in good fun, just a little spell to make the orc shit himself before the next game so their coach would bench him, making the perfect opportunity for Jungkook to take the spotlight on the team. Rafe, the orc, ended up hospitalized with a necrotic small intestine. The poor guy is still going through physical therapy even months after the incident.
"H-he's not allowed to be here," you muster up the strength to have your voice carry enough for them both to hear. The waver barely registers in your own ears, but it makes them both smile, their teeth glinting in the moonlight.
Jimin tsks softly. "Now, don't be like that. He's strong, he's the perfect Third for our Trifecta. A demon, witch, and vampire, you know the power potential as much as I do."
You feel deceived. "Why didn't you tell me he would be here?" You glance over your shoulder, trying to gauge how easy it would be to make a run for it and get back up the stone steps before one of them caught you. Your odds aren't good and you know it, you'd probably end up falling and snapping your neck. Then you'd really be at the mercy of Jimin and Jungkook, hoping one of them would get help or be kind enough to perform the proper spells and rituals to put your soul back into your body; not likely.
Jungkook shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his arms crossed over his chest like he's bored. His leather jacket glints in the moonlight as he rolls his shoulders back and rests a hip against the lip of the altar. The expression on his face is unreadable, but it's hard to miss the distinct coldness that comes from his other half. Your coven is one of the only ones in the area that accepts hybrid paranormals. The fact that both of these men are warlocks on top of being part supernatural predator gets your anxiety spiking all over again. Nothing good can come of this; you should have just stayed home.
"I knew if I told you he'd be here, you wouldn't come," Jimin admits with an irritated huff. "Don't be so dramatic. You used to want to be part of a Trifecta. Put your disdain for Jungkook aside and live a little. It'll be a harmless fuck and then you can kick our asses if you want, or you can try at least." He laughs, amused with the idea of you even trying to fight them after they've gotten their own power boosts.
You shake your head. "No. I'm not consenting to be a part of that, I don't care about the power. Fuck your Trifecta. Have fun, I'm leaving." It's too much, you just need to get away and take some time to cool off. Jimin is in way too deep tonight; his demon side has more control than you realized. The damned blood moon is practically mocking you from overhead. Tonight is supposed to be about rebirth and growth, recharging under the brilliant beams, and then using your extra zing to imbue a few herbs and crystals. Instead, Jimin is suggesting you become part of a Trifecta...you shudder at the thought.
As you turn to retreat back through the glen, the air around you goes thick like jelly. "Cessatione." The word barely reaches your ears before your entire body refuses to follow your commands. "Come now, love, you know I don't mind a fight but it would truly be in your best interest to just give me what I want." Jimin's eyes are voids and sharp pointed black horns peek out from his cotton-candy pink hair as he rounds you and comes into your sightline.
"Jimin, please, just let me go," the words wobble out from between your trembling lips. Tears collect along your lash line, threatening to break free. "I swear I won't tell anyone. Just let me leave."
A dark chuckle sounds from behind you. "She's kind of cute when she begs," Jungkook observes, a coy tone coloring his words. "She smells divine, like a sweet lemon tart. I bet she'll taste even better." If you weren't under the effects of Jimin's confinement spell then your panic would surely be paralyzing you right now.
"Scream as loud as you want to, love, no one will hear you...no one will come to rescue you." You don't realize you're screaming until Jimin says that. Another garbled shriek rends from your throat when large hands land on your shoulders from behind. Jungkook's cold nose presses to the side of your neck, his icy breath displacing your hair as he huffs out before inhaling your scent.
"I love the smell of fear," he grumbles into your neck. A counter spell, one that could break the hold of Jimin's power on your body, is on the tip of your tongue. "Nevox," Jungkook's whisper instantly cuts off your attempt. Fear and panic curdle in your stomach. He shouldn't be strong enough for Nevox...but, words won't come, the only thing you can emit is a low, whimpering wail.
"Get her on the altar. The moon's zenith will be upon us shortly," Jimin flicks his hand toward the stone plinth.
Jungkook takes one last savoring inhale before wrapping his stony arms around your middle and hauling you up over his shoulder. The spell Jimin cast on you tugs on the joints of your arms and legs as they fight against the pull of gravity now. Cessatione isn't a perfect spell, the length that it lasts varies on the magic user. You estimate the effects might last just a minute or two longer based on what you know of Jimin's abilities. Concentrating hard on making your limbs move, you get your fingers and toes wiggling by the time Jungkook dumps you onto the stone altar. It's so narrow that you are hanging off of it. Your ass and shoulders barely touch on either side. Nausea sweeps in as your head drops back, your vision swirling upside down.
Agony lances through your shoulders and elbows as Jungkook cranks your arms out to either side. "Using Cessatione was probably a bad idea," Jungkook mutters to himself, "her arms are still locked up." His grunt is heard just under your pitiful whimpering. It feels as if someone is digging hot pokers into your joints with every jerk from Jungkook. He finally gets your arms out to either side and you're able to clench your hands into fists and swivel your wrists. Cold iron clamps around your forearms, locking your arms down the sides of the rough stone. Your ankles roll, making your shoes scrape against the side of the stone block. Something's got to give first, both of their spell-casting abilities are below yours. If you could just get an arm free or your sounds to be more like real words, you could stun them both and probably make it far enough away to call for help. Your eyes flick around frantically until they meet Jungkooks. You pour as much helplessness and pleading into your gaze as possible, hoping he'll maybe have a change of heart.
"I'd like to see you use something better," Jimin snaps back. "Like Nevox is any better. We need her to be able to speak the words for the ritual, or did you forget that part?"
Jungkook makes a face. You catch the faintest glimpse of his pointed teeth as his lips curl in a silent snarl. "It'll wear off before we need her to be able to speak. I thought you said she was a willing participant. This doesn't seem very willing to me. You told me she just likes to play hard to get and wanted to be strapped down, that she's into BDSM or some shit."
Jimin claps his hands together and snaps, "Illusio." The change in Jungkook is instant, the sour demeanor melting back into his coy deviance from before. A new wave of fear tightens in your throat. There is no way Jungkook will see you as anything other than a feisty plaything for at least the next hour, he'll only see what Jimin wants him to with that spell. You're truly fucked.
"I like the struggle myself, it plays into the primal nature of being a vampire," Jungkook smirks.
Jimin works quickly in lighting the enchanted torches that ring the altar. Soon the clearing is bathed in soft, flickering blue light. "I prefer a calm subject. She actually helped me to make this special concoction last week. I told her Namjoon had asked me to make it but really I needed some help to make sure I got it right. My sweet little love was so eager to help, she hummed happily as she created her own special treat. Just a little something to help her relax."
He pulls a small vial full of shimmering purple liquid from his pocket. You recognize it instantly. It's one of the strongest Imperium potions that can be made. The one you did make. It turns the drinker into a docile and complacent companion for a full twenty-four hours. Jessel often uses them when interrogating someone, the purple mixture making them practically beg to please her in whatever way possible, including divulging their deepest, darkest secrets or doing anything Jessel requests them to do, even taking their own lives if she so says.
"Beautiful. Relaxant potions are nearly as good as a nice edible," Jungkook comments with a devilish gleam in his eyes. "Open up, little witch," he sing-songs, placing his thumbs along your jaw and angling your head upward. He digs into your flesh, prying at your cheeks until your teeth part behind your lips. To him, it must look like a bright green liquid with pink flecks swirling in it. That's definitely not what you see.
Jimin steps forward and places his forefinger on your lips, tugging them apart. "Don't look so sad, love, it'll hurt less this way. You'll be thanking me later."
The taste of licorice coats your tongue. The thick purple liquid gathers in the back of your throat, threatening to choke you if you don't swallow. Jungkook clamps his large hands on either side of your face, holding you steady as Jimin presses a hand over your mouth and nose. You fight it, tugging against the iron restraints and feebly flailing your legs against the altar. It's no use, your vision tunnels right before your throat contracts on its own, betrayed by your need to breathe. Air sucks into your lungs when Jimin pulls his hand back, so much that your ribs ache.
Imperium is strong and the effects are instant. Your face goes slack, peering up into Jimin's pitch-colored eyes. "Jimin," you sigh, his name tasting like candied apples on your tongue. The first word you're able to utter since Jungkook's Nevox spell and it feels like silk gliding over your lips.
"You're so beautiful, love. The perfect witch to complete our Trifecta." Jimin's lips are just as soft as his name as they brush against your dry lips. The kiss lasts only a second before colder, firmer lips replace it, Jungkook pressing his own kiss to your lips. "You're going to do everything Jungkook and I tell you to do, aren't you? You'll be the perfect little magical whore for us, won't you?"
Your tongue flicks out to wet your lips. "Yes," you eke out with reverence.
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antisocial-mochi267 · 6 months
JIMIN fic recs Oneshots Part 2
Click here for Part 1......
Part 1
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I made this list for myself and never planned to post it so..(there might be mistakes).. Hope it helps!! And please leave a comment/like/reblog or any reviews guys the writers should receive the appreciation they deserve (I'll be eventually adding more fics here) MINORS STRICTLY DNI
Fluff :-☁️
Angst :-🥀
Smut :-🔥
Crack :-🎃
Personal Favourite :- ✨
1. Blessing and a curse__☁️🎃✨ (college!au, magic!au, S2F2L) @btsmosphere
2. Home is where the heart is__☁️🥀(single mother, idol jm × idol reader) @bangtanfanfiction
3. Sky fell down in front of us__☁️🥀🎃✨(S2F2L,pinning) @army-author
4. Fleeting forevers__☁️ (neighbors!au & dystopian!au S2F2L). @threeletterslife
5. Into the spiritual realm__☁️🥀✨ (spirited away au, mystery, happy ending). @threeletterslife
6. Reset__☁️🥀🔥✨ (short-amnesia kinda jimin, college au, S2F2L). @dovechim
7. Lovely Demons__☁️🥀🔥✨(Fantasy , E2L, Princes of Hell! Jimin × Witch reader au) @kpopfanfictrash
8. Black Swan__☁️🥀✨ (Yandere, Cursed prince Jimin× princess reader, Obsession). @deepdarkdelights
9. Eternal sunlight__☁️🥀🔥✨(College AU, soulmate au, established relationship) @kidguk
10. First snow last kiss__☁️🥀 (architect!reader, exes to lovers). @taeshobipop
11. Porcelain__✨(Yandere, Obsession, Kidnapping, Murder, dark) @deepdarkdelights
12. Blooming days__☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ (Bf2L , college au) @bluekyun
13. Worshipers of the spring__☁️🥀🔥(GOD au) @jimlingss
14. Everything__☁️🥀🔥✨(supposed Arrange marriage AU, childhood friends/fiance's to lovers, coming of age au) @kpopfanfictrash
15. Nothing a Lil green can't fix__☁️🥀🎃✨ (Best friends au, satisfying ending, coming of age, slice of life au, bittersweet) @threeletterslife
16. Taboo attachment__☁️🎃✨ (Demon AU, contract marriage to lovers kinda). @kpopisthereasonihavenolife
17. Equinox__☁️✨(King of spring!Jimin x Queen of Winter!reader, pinning) @crystaljins
18. The tears of a rose__ ☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ ( archaeology major!jimin x business major! female! , adventure, college au, treasure hunt) @ebonyinktea
19. Reducto your ass__☁️🎃✨ (Hogwarts au). @bangtanfanfiction
20. Cry me a galaxy__☁️🥀✨(guardian angel jimin x reader) @army-author
21. I want to be with you __☁️🥀🔥✨(strangers (fan) to friends to lovers, idol jimin) @oddinary4bts
22. Running through the night__☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ (ballet instructor!jimin x art teacher!, fake dating AU, F2L). @sketchguk
23. Autumn leaves__☁️🎃✨(witch!jimin, witch!reader, arranged marriage au) @alilbihh
24. The duality of a man__☁️🎃(college au, project partner). @taesthetes
25. When the ice melts__☁️🥀🎃✨(ex skater jimin ×skater reader, figure skating au). @crystaljins
26. Sugar spice and everything nice__☁️🎃🔥✨(weak sperm jimin x witch! reader, crack smut mostly) @dovechim
27. Florezco__☁️🔥✨(Soft smut and softie jm, kinda learner jm × guide reader) @honeymoonjin
28. Cookies Charades__☁️🎃✨(Roommate to best friends to Lover, college au). @btsmakesmehappy
29. Bakery 1995__☁️🥀🎃✨ (baker!jimin, bakery cafe au, childhood friends-to-lovers ) @artaefact
30. Ephemera__☁️🥀✨(stranger/penpals to lovers kinda, tragedy). @akinnie75
31. Shadows in the graveyard__☁️🎃🔥✨ (supernatural, horror, established relationship, humour, halloween au). @minisugakoobies
32. The mansion__✨(Yandare jimin× married reader, horror, obsessive, supernatural , kidnapping). @darkestcorners
33. Touched by a fallen star__☁️🥀🔥✨(Prince jimin, fantasy, supernatural, slight smut, soulmate au?) @cutaepatootie
34. Fall like moondrops__☁️🥀🎃✨(Post college au, F2L, whipped jimin, pinning) @madbutgloriouspond
35. Hard to say__☁️🎃🔥✨( bestfriend to lovers, highschool au). @floralseokjin
36. Metanoia__☁️🎃✨(kinda Bad boy jimin , Hogwarts au). @taesthetes
37. Firelight__☁️🔥(Established relationship, camping au). @kpopfanfictrash
38. Prey for me__🔥🥀✨(Yandere, Vampire Jimin × human reader , Stalking, Obsession) @deepdarkdelights
39. Potions__☁️🥀🎃✨(Prince Jimin × Healer reader, royal au, pinning) @taleasnewastime
40. Finding home__☁️✨ (tea witch!reader, nonwitch! jimin , finding home) @snackhobi
41. Peach blossom__☁️🔥🎃✨ ( F2L, magic au + school au) @jinjikook
42. Lonely hearts club__☁️✨🎃( Hogwarts au, frenemies to lovers kinda, Slytherin jimin) @jaeminlore
43. Lonely__☁️🎃✨(Hogwarts au, gryffindor jimin × Slytherin reader). @btsinned
44. To love you__☁️🥀🔥✨(wanted outlaw jimin × Princess reader, fantasy) @alessiamalfoyzabini
45. Fake it till it works__☁️🎃✨(fake dating au, Best friends to lovers) @glassbangtan
46. The pitfalls of silk__☁️🔥🥀✨(spider hybrid jimin × human reader, hybrid au, soft yandere, soulmate au). @ctrlhope
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yoonieper · 2 years
Chronicles of My Witchy GF | JJK
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We made our own magic.
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✵ Pairing: Jungkook x witch!Reader 
✵ Genre: fluff, smut, crack
✵ Rated: W for Which Witch?
✵ Warnings: little bit of weed smoking, lots of cheesy lines (babies in love), Jungkook accidentally eats something he shouldn’t (twice), lots of crying (in the good way), this shit gets nasty, mentions of food play, masturbation (m), dry humping, thigh fucking(?), pillow fucking, tiny bit of breed kink (it’ll make sense later lol), accidental facial, oral (m + f recieving), throat fucking, face sitting, lots of cum (a lot!), unprotected sex (be smart y’all <3)
✵ Word Count: 31.8k (get snacks :’D)
✵ Summary: Just Jungkook and a few cute tales about his witchy girlfriend~
✵ Now Playing…: Freaky Deaky by Tyga & Doja Cat, Lay it Down by Steelix, Under the Influence by Chris Brown 
✵ Betas: Thank you so much to the amazing @jessikahathaway and @xxxanimangxxx for looking over this monster fic so quickly <3!
✵ Author’s Note: This fic is so unserious yall, I don’t know how I ended up writing this 😭 I had plans for a Jimin fic, but I started this hoping to get it done quickly, but this turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be :’) Anyway, I thought I would experiment a little with this type of formatting for this fic~ Hope y’all enjoy, and Happy Halloween! This couple is so cute and has so much drabble potential (I got ideas~)! P.S. Made the banner myself and I’m tryna get better, hope y’all like 😅
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much :D
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Hello to the random person who decided to click on this post! I know the title of this might sound a little strange and no one reading this will believe anything I say, but I was just hoping to rant to the void with the high probable fact that this message will most likely be buried under many other users’ posts. I can’t talk to anyone in my life about this. My friends and family have not even heard these stories to their true entirety, as they include secrets that aren’t mine to tell. For once I wanted someone to hear the tales that have somehow become my life. 
I’m Jungkook (pronounced Jeong-guk) and a few years ago I found myself dating a witch (yep, you read that right). We had recently gone out shopping together and I had made up the excuse that I was going to check out another store. In actuality, I was really interested in going to this jewelry place. 
A couple weeks ago on a late night I ended up on their website looking through the array of their jewelry for a birthday present, but I found myself up all night scrolling through the engagement rings page. I had wanted to see a few of them in person. 
We haven’t been dating too long (6 years isn’t that long right?) and we’re both still young with dreams and aspirations that have yet to be achieved in their entirety. That step has always been something I thought should be saved at a later point when things have gotten less hectic, but I found myself looking at this one ring in particular that I couldn’t stop imagining on her finger. All this has just made me reminisce and think about our future. 
My emotions are a mess right now, but for some reason I found myself here wanting to share with a faceless crowd how weird my girlfriend is and how much I love her. 
*All stories were shared with her permission, she’s helping me write this :3*
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
**Bold words are in Korean**
The way he had come to know you had been purely coincidental. Jungkook had always been the type to try his best in his classes. His grades were pretty good considering the notoriously hard courses he was required to take and his gpa managed to show for his efforts. In high school he never cared too much about that type of thing, but after managing to graduate with a 4.1, he was determined to keep it up. 
It had been the fall semester in his 3rd year that he found himself stupidly enrolled in an Ancient History class after his friend Namjoon talked him into it. He was a numbers guy and the class focused on reading a lot of text that he could hardly understand. He tried to pay attention in class but the only reason he was able to absorb any of the course material was listening to Namjoon happily rant about how interesting the story of Gilgamesh was. 
The first few quizzes and even the exam he had a few weeks after, Jungkook found himself stunned at how terribly he was doing. The assessments were hard on their own, but no matter how much he tried to talk with Namjoon about the meaning behind Gilgamesh’s third dream in the story he still found a 65% popping up once he submitted his exam. 
His heart sank, because he knew if he didn’t do well on the next upcoming unit he was sure to fail the class and he could kiss that 4.0+ goodbye. 
With even more help from Namjoon plus a few of his history loving friends Jungkook managed to float at a 70% for all his quizzes but once the midterm was approaching he knew he had to pass this in order to have any chance at getting above a C. 
But as he submitted his very last quiz before the midterm and that 69% popped up he found himself a little desperate for a solution. Somehow his frustrations ended up being received by Taehyung, his roommate and a good friend of both him and Namjoon. He was an Art Major who always seemed to have a little too much time on his hands and enough weed stashed away to make Jungkook momentarily forget about his problems. 
“I can already see it now, all A’s then that one fucking D…” Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his bean bag chair. After that last quiz his overall grade had now reached a spectacular… drumroll please… 68%. It was bad, really, really bad. 
“Hehe D…” Taehyung quietly giggled to himself.
“I haven't had a D on my transcript since elementary school…” Jungkook thought back. “It’ll be so obvious, my parents will see it immediately.” He feared what they might say, the look of disappointment on their faces… the thought alone made Jungkook want to implode.
“Like BAM… right there, just a big fucking D—” 
Jungkook was hardly able to finish before Taehyung burst out laughing. It took way too much time for him to figure out what was so funny. He just rolled his eyes at his friend’s childish sense of humor when he was trying to have a serious talk. 
Taehyung picked up on the vibes and stared at him. 
“Jungkook, I have no idea why you’re thinking about that class right now. Is this weed not good or something?” He genuinely wondered, despite how out of it he felt. 
“I feel like it’s made it worse.” Jungkook groaned, the only thing his mind could focus on was that one D that was probably going to ruin his perfect transcript and– Hehe, it was actually pretty fun– No! No it wasn’t, he was seriously about to fail this class! 
Jungkook sighed and took another hit from his blunt, hoping that would somehow make all his problems disappear. 
“Ok ok ok… how desperate are you to pass this test?” Taehyung eventually asked.
“Hyung, if this is some weird way for you to say I should sleep with the TA again because I swear—“ Jungkook sighed, knowing where this was going.
“No! No… but you really should consider it— I’ve heard she’s pretty hot and maybe that can be your way to pass the class!” Tae tried to reason.
“Hyung, what did I say?!”
“Plus, when was the last time you got laid?” Taehyung suddenly questioned.
“What do you mean? I slept well last night.” Jungkook said seriously, but he just got a hard slap on the back from his hyung at his joke.
“Jungkook, be serious! You don’t come to any of the parties Jimin invites us to, you’re always crammed up in your room. I don’t know, that TA might be a good option for you…”
“Oh my god.” Jungkook suddenly didn’t know the man beside him,
“You both can like read each other lines from the Iliad as dirty talk.” Taehyung laughed but he was actually being serious. Jungkook’s face flushed, both annoyed that this was still a conversation they were having, but he was also embarrassed his hyung wasn’t even exaggerating. 
It had been since freshman year that he had last gotten down and dirty. The only reason he had done in the first place was to check off that stupid virginity box that didn’t really exist in the first place and his sad attempt to fit in with the rest of his peers. He quickly figured out though he wasn’t cut out for the quick party sex. Handjobs in a pantry, blowjobs in a car, fucking in a bush behind the person’s house was not at all his style. Some may call him sappy but he wanted the rose petals on the bed, the picnic blanket under the stars, the shit that makes you cry in movies— all of that was something he knew would probably happen only in a relationship. 
The realization made him basically avoid every party his friends tried to bring him to and Jungkook couldn’t flirt to save his life in the “real world” so as sad as it may sound… everything Taehyung was saying was pretty much true. 
Jungkook took a long hit from his blunt, somehow this whole conversation just made him feel even worse. 
“Anyway though, that’s not really what I was going to mention.” Taehyung circled back.
“What… are you gonna say I should sleep with the professor next?” Jungkook was joking, but he was truly worried about what bizarre thing Taehyung might say next.
“You said it, not me.” 
“Alright then… What could possibly save me from failing this class?” Jungkook stared up at the ceiling, his eyes trained on the spinning fan above. 
“I know this girl who runs this shop downtown, she actually goes here at our school. I’ve been over there before I had big tests and didn’t really get to study, every time I’ve somehow managed to pass using this stuff she gave me.” 
For a while Jungkook didn’t say anything, too focused on the way the fan seemed to slow down if he paid attention to one of the blades. Then it hit him suddenly at what his hyung was saying and sat up to face him. 
“That’s your solution?” He was in disbelief that he was even suggesting this bullshit. 
“I know it sounds crazy, I thought it was too but I promise every time I’ve been over there I’ve somehow managed to pass my test against all odds. Her stuff is pretty expensive so I can’t go over there all the time, but I guarantee everything she sells works.” Taehyung sounded like a spokesperson for the shop. 
“It’s perfect for desperate situations like the one you’re in now.” Taehyung smiled, satisfied with his marketing. 
“I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think you got scammed.” Jungkook put it plainly, going back to staring at the fan. 
“I’m telling you it works! It was worth every penny.” 
“It’s a scam.” 
“All you need to do is go over and tell her what you need help with, she’ll probably give you the same stuff she gave me. You take it home and you can either eat it or smoke it. I usually prefer the latter—“
“Come on Jungkook, think of it as a last resort. I promise to pay you back on whatever you end up spending if you end up doing badly on your midterm!” The suggestion was serious and Jungkook was confused on how this scam had his hyung confident enough to pay him back.
In the end Jungkook promised he’d think about it before he went to get goldfish to snack on. 
As the days passed, what he never thought he would find himself even considering, started to seem like his only hope. Jungkook still didn’t understand a single line of the Iliad and his other classes were taking up all his time so he couldn’t try and ask Namjoon or any of his friends for help. 
When the exam was two days away and after a couple of breakdowns Jungkook found himself in his room, tears staining his textbooks, absolutely mentally drained from taking a test earlier that day. The only thing he could think about was that midterm that was coming up in a few days and the offer his hyung had suggested. 
It was probably a scam, it was 100% a scam, but he had nothing to lose at this point. Even if it was merely a coincidence that Taehyung managed to pass his exams, or maybe it was just the placebo effect at play, he needed whatever luck he could get. 
That’s how he somehow ended up driving himself downtown to the address Taehyung had texted him the day after he told him about the place. 
Jungkook could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the sign so unironically displayed ‘The Magic Shop’ above the door. It just made him feel even more crazy when he got out of his car and pushed open the door, a pleasant bell greeting him. 
He didn’t know exactly what he was expecting going into a place called ‘The Magic Shop’ but he was immediately hit with the pleasant scents of cinnamon and a few other spices he couldn’t remember the name of. Displayed along the shelves were mainly jars with golden labels with words he couldn’t understand along with a couple of funny looking knick knacks in between.
The place was also appropriately decorated for Halloween, or rather much of it was just tasteful fall decor with a tiny skeleton and ghost sprinkled in between. Part of him wondered if this was because of the holiday or did this place look like this all the time. 
“Hello, I’m over here!” Jungkook suddenly heard a voice call out, making him nearly jump. He quickly tried to calm himself before making his way through the aisles over to where he heard the voice. 
“Over here!” He turned his attention over to the counter. 
On his ride over he wondered what kind of girl could possibly be the type to run such a place. A lot of the time he would picture this weird old lady who had way too many cats, colorful scarves, and who was always found hunched over a cauldron brewing up something evil. Any guesses he would have always flew out the window the minute he remembered Taehyung told him that she went to their school. 
Whatever he was thinking was nowhere near the reality. He didn’t expect to be nearly knocked breathless the minute you looked up at him through your big round glasses. You were absolutely adorable and Jungkook was literally rendered speechless as he watched you carefully weigh spices on your little, gold scale by the register. 
Suddenly Jungkook did not know how to be a human being. 
“Are you just going to stare?” You asked, examining the spices up close. 
Jungkook finally snapped out of his daze and made his way over to you. 
“I–I’m sorry…” Were the first ever words he said to you and immediately he regretted it. 
“You’re fine, no need to apologize. I’m sorry I couldn’t greet you at the door. I have a big order I need to finish so…” Jungkook found himself staring at your lips as you talked, all he could think about was what it would feel like to kiss them. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized again “I didn’t realize you were so busy.” 
“It’s fine, this time of the year always brings more than my regulars and I’m a major procrastinator so I always end up pretty swapped with work. What brings you to The Magic Shop?” Jungkook wondered if he should bring up why he came here considering how busy you were, but knew it would be weird if he didn’t mention it.
“My friend Taehyung suggested I come here–”
“You’re friends with Taehyung?”
“You know him?”
“Yeah, he comes over here often begging me to give him discounts.”
Jungkook suddenly wanted to take it back, the embarrassment making him want to disown him.
“I have a midterm coming up in a class that I just don’t understand. He told me you might be able to help me somehow?” Jungkook felt his face heating up, a terrible sense of shame creeping up at the need to come to you for help. What if you thought he was dumb? 
You stopped what you were doing and stared at him. He couldn’t stop his palms starting to clam up at the weight of your gaze. You probably did think he was dumb.
“I–I’m normally not like this, but my friend made me take the class and the professor’s horrible and I’ve just been so stressed I–” Jungkook suddenly spilled his whole story hoping that would make you think differently but as soon as he started he regretted it.
“Hey woah woah, calm down. No judgment here.” You giggled and somehow Jungkook’s face got warmer as he played with the ends of his blue hoodie.
“Things happen, life gets in the way, people suck. It’s all good.” You reached under the counter and grabbed a sign reading ‘Payment can vary dramatically, all costs go to the ingredients in the remedy.’ in a very spooky font.
“People tend to get shocked when I tell them the price, so I just wanted to brace you.” You said now turning your attention to typing away on the register. 
Taehyung had warned him before coming here that it was expensive, but the ominous warning made him slightly nervous. 
“So when’s your test?”
“Just some basic info I need to account for pricing and to make sure it works the most effectively. So when’s the test?”
“Ummm two days from now.”
“This thursday?”
You typed away.
“Height and weight...” You gently smiled as you trailed off but never asked. 
“No major health concerns?”
“None that I know of.”
It was silent for a while. Jungkook, as much as he tried not to stare, you made it hard not too at the way you cutely concentrated on the screen. What was wrong with him? Maybe his conversation with Taehyung made him finally realize how alone he felt, maybe he was right and he really did need to get laid again, but the way Jungkook’s heart was pounding in his chest made him know that wasn’t it.  
“Soooooooo, do you really own this place?” Jungkook asked in a desperate attempt to talk (flirt) to you. Immediately though he realized how weird that sounded. “Not that–”
“You’re fine. Yes this place is mine– well mostly mine, my grandma technically owns the building and does all the boring paperwork for it, but I’m The Magic Shop’s one and only employee.” 
“Do you just run it for fun?” Jungkook tried to rack his brain at how this arrangement could be possible. 
“Haha, not in that way. She used to work here and then my mom did then me. We used to all work together. This place has become more like a family heirloom of sorts. My grandma eventually got too tired to come here everyday and my mom got busy with her job so it’s just me now.” You didn’t seem affected at all by this.
“You never thought about hiring anyone else?” He asked as you turned to the shelves behind you and started grabbing a couple of the small jars.
“Most don’t qualify and if they do they probably have their own shop already. I don’t mind it just being me though, I’ve been managing just fine by myself over the years. Plus saves more money to buy more high quality products.” Jungkook felt his heart nearly rip in half seeing you struggle to reach up to grab one of the jars on the highest self. You were absolutely adorable. 
“Even with classes?” At this you turned around to face Jungkook, a shocked expression on your face. “Uh– Taehyung told me you go to the same school as us!” What if you thought he was some stalker?!
“Ahhh I see, of course he did… I mean it’s hard on some days but I love my job so I don’t mind the extra work.” You smiled at him before grabbing the last jar and bringing it back over to the register. You opened them all and he was immediately hit with surprisingly pleasant scents that had a smile enveloping his face. It also hit him suddenly that he had really no idea what he was buying.
“Soooo, what’s your major?” He decided to ask instead. 
“Alternative medicine is what they officially call it.” You reached under the counter and grabbed golden measuring spoons and carefully started weighing the ingredients on your scale. “It’s basically me learning about what I kind of do already.” Jungkook nodded, the detail honestly making so much sense. 
“What about you?” You asked eventually.
“Engineering…” While most would consider this something to boast about considering at their college the program was notoriously hard to get into, all he hoped in this moment was that his very logic based major was something you didn’t detest.  
“You really are a smartie then… Alright, I’m impressed.” You smiled pushing your round glasses further up the bridge of your nose. Jungkook’s received many compliments about getting into the engineering program, hell his parents even threw a whole party when he got his acceptance letter, but your words for some reason never made him feel so proud. 
You had managed to weigh all the ingredients and put them on a cloth that you gathered.
You started to type on the register. “Ok that’ll be $50.97.” You smiled at him and Jungkook couldn’t hide the look of shock on his face. Realistically he pictured expensive being at most $20 but even he thought that was unlikely. 
You seemed to pick up on this and pointed up at a sign on the wall that read ‘All products guaranteed to work!’ also in a very spooky font.
If this was any other situation he would have just left because he didn’t want to spend 50 bucks for a scam, but he was reminded that Taehyung was paying for all this if it fails. It didn’t take much to also remember this was a case he was in fact really desperate, and well…you were just hard to say no to.
That’s how, despite his brain telling him this was such a dumb idea, he still found himself pulling out his wallet and handing you his card. 
“Alright cutie, I’ll be right back, this usually takes only 15 minutes.” You said after handing him his receipt but Jungkook stopped listening the minute you called him cute. Either you seemingly didn’t notice your words or it was something you said to everyone.
At first he was about to chalk it up to the latter and this quick crush he formed for you was his reason for looking at it like that, but as you turned around he saw you stop in your tracks before hastily making your way to the back room. 
Maybe he wasn’t reaching?
As the door opened his quick glance into the room showed him a completely different vibe then the rest of the shop. Instead of the cute small town hallmark shop that he was greeted with when he walked in, he’s almost sure he saw a room that almost looked like a dungeon. Stones lined the wall, the lighting was almost non-existent, and right before the door shut behind you he’s almost sure he spotted an actual cauldron, but he just figured that to be a Halloween decoration you never put out in the shop. 
What has he gotten himself into?
While you worked in the backroom Jungkook let himself wander around the aisles of your shop, examining the jars closely and wondering what they possibly could be used for. 
As promised it wasn’t too long before you re-emerged from the backroom and came out with a little bag and handed it to him. 
“So you can either eat it with something or smoke it if you do that type of thing. They’re not any different from each other really and take the same amount of time to come into effect. Take it later tonight and you should do well on your exam— this doesn’t work though if you know absolutely nothing, make sure to look at the material once more and you should do well Jungkook.” You smiled at him and he wanted to say something. He completely missed the fact that he never told you his name. 
“We should hang out sometime?” The words were on the tip of his tongue but all he found himself saying was a simple thank you before he was making his way back to his car. 
As soon as he left he kept cursing himself for at least not asking for your number. Was he really that out of practice at flirting? 
He possibly even had the go ahead to make a move at the way you called him cute… As soon as he was alone in his car he could have squealed at the thought, but he was immediately just filled with embarrassment. 
What if that really was your go ahead? What if he just missed his chance? 
Jungkook’s lack in game was once again so obvious and all he wondered was how he was somehow able to successfully flirt with people at a party back when he was a freshman and managed to get them to sleep with him was a mystery to him as well. Maybe it was the alcohol? 
Slightly dejected Jungkook drove back to the apartment and immediately went to open the little bag you gave him. Inside was another tiny bag that had a ribbon wrapped around it along with a card attached:
‘Good luck with your exam cutie ;)’ 
Jungkook felt his face flush. So he really was an idiot then?
He untied the ribbon and was again met with the scents of cinnamon. In the bag itself was a black powdery substance and he couldn’t help but wonder how this was going to help him pass his exam. Despite his doubts he decided to make himself an early dinner and sprinkled some of the magical black stuff on his chicken alfredo microwave meal.
It didn’t taste like anything but he couldn’t deny that he felt tingles through his body, but he didn’t think that it meant anything. 
Right after he went straight to his copy of the Iliad hoping whatever you gave him wouldn’t kill him and somehow his test scores would improve. 
Two days later he sat staring at the submit button for longer than he wanted to double— triple… he checked over his answers seven times before he finally felt even the slightest bit comfortable clicking submit. He probably would have kept going if the one minute warning didn’t pop up and he closed his eyes as he finally clicked the button.
Jungkook waited a solid minute. His peers that were left in the classroom were already packing up their stuff and leaving the lecture hall, but he waited, praying to every possible deity he could before he finally opened his eyes. 
He could hardly believe his eyes. 
Jungkook could have cried at that very moment, he almost did but he was already getting concerned glances from his peers. 
He left the hall to Namjoon standing outside the hall waiting for him and he couldn’t help boasting to his hyung about his unbelievable score. 
When he got back to the apartment he got a lot of “I told you so”s from Taehyung which he didn’t mind but it did make him wonder what your role might have been. He couldn’t lie, the minute after he ate whatever you gave him and went back to the Iliad, a lot of the lines made a lot more sense and he could remember the countless characters in the story. 
Maybe he just had a good study day or maybe… 
It was a few days later that Jungkook finally managed to muster up the courage and return to your little shop downtown. He was running solely off of adrenaline as he made his way inside to see you. You were behind the counter like you were the first time he met you and you barely got to say hello before he was saying the words he wanted to say since he left. 
“Doyouwanttohangoutsometime?” He said it too fast and as the silence hung in the air and your confused expression seemed to grow even more bewildered that adrenaline he had when coming in started to fade. 
Did he already mess this up? 
“You want to hang out with me?” You repeated back and Jungkook was honestly confused on how you understood him. He pulled himself together and pulled out the card you had given him and tried to put back on his confident face. 
“I think you’re cute too.” Jungkook cringed at his words, quickly realizing he sounded like some middle schooler. 
“I— I ummm I wanted to ask you out on a date… or it doesn’t have to be! We could always just hang out if that’s what you prefer.” Jungkook’s face was growing warm again, embarrassed to the point he feared he may explode. 
Jungkook didn’t really know what you might say but he started turning red when you started laughing. 
“Did your exam go well?” You asked. 
“98%… I could hardly believe it…” He tried to join in on whatever the joke was but he was confused and flustered, worried he fucked this up. 
“Mmmm I’m glad… it seems like it still hasn’t worn off, you were so nervous last time. Alright, where are you taking me?” You smiled at him. 
Jungkook had no way of knowing what that could have meant at the time but all he could focus on was that somehow you agreed to go out with him despite the shitstorm his attempt was at trying to ask you out. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
If you’re curious I finished the course with an 83%, a B, not an A like I was hoping for, but it was certainly better than what I was expecting. Y/n helped me a lot understanding our last two units and I did a lot better overall after the midterm :)
Our first date was at this cute cafe that was decorated with these beautiful plants growing everywhere we turned. Y/n said it was a bit cheesy but she ended up spending the whole time gushing about all the different plants around the cafe. We ended up spending an extra thirty minutes there going around to every catus, succulent, fern, and taking pictures so she could add them to her collection at home. It's still one of our favorite places to visit every now and again.
I’m a little embarrassed to admit we went on more “dates” than I can count. We were more like friends for a while despite being pretty obvious with our feelings. We hung out a lot after class, I helped her a lot with some of her homework, she met my friends and we would all hang out pretty often (I quickly learned she didn’t have very many, but Y/n would always make the excuse and say the people I hung with were just much cooler). 
She steadily started to work her way into my life and finally one day I mustered up the courage to make it official. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Jungkook and you had been hanging out at the park that day. You always said it gave you inspiration so you both tended to frequent there after your last class. You both weren’t saying too much, just admiring the view.
“Would you leave me if you were a bird?” You asked him randomly as you both were looking at the lake, a flock of birds flying over catching your attention. 
Jungkook turned to you a little confused. One of the reasons he liked you so much was simply put… you were weird, sometimes even weirder than he was and many of his friends would agree that was a bar they never thought could have been passed. 
“Mmmm no, I would just be like one of those birds pirates have. I’d live on your shoulder.” He smiled at you but your attention was still on the water in front of you both. “Why’d you ask?” 
“I don’t know… you don’t think you would feel trapped being on my shoulder? I mean you could be out flying and seeing the world, but you’re stuck being my… pet.” This was a weird question, something not entirely out of the ordinary for you to ask, but he could immediately tell by your tone you seemed a little down which was more strange.
“I’m not your pet!” Jungkook giggled, hoping to make you smile, but was still concerned about your somber mood. “I’m just a bird on your shoulder. I could fly away at any time but I like being by your side. You’re fun.” He smiled. 
“You don’t think I’m weird?” 
“No— well, maybe a little…” 
“Jungkook! That was your cue to say something romantic like ‘No Y/n you’re perfect~’” You clasped your hands together and batted your eyelashes imagining how much your heart would have melted. Gone was the sadness from your voice, but this was again just one of those cues that Jungkook had a habit of missing.
“You asked!” He tried to defend, but a gentle slap on his arm was sent his way anyway. 
“I’m trying to help you out Jungkook, we’ve been just ‘hanging out’ for months…” You sighed kicking around the dirt underneath the bench. 
It took him a minute to realize what you were implying, but as soon as he did he felt his face light up again. Things really had been on a stand still since he asked you out last semester…
Deciding not to overthink things Jungkook rested his hand on top of yours and interlaced your fingers. “Is this romantic enough for you?” He chuckled, but he was blushing. 
“No.” You said so suddenly, making his attention turn back to you. “I want to skip all the in between. This slow burn has been going on for long enough, I want you to kiss me.” Jungkook was waiting for you to start laughing but he searched your eyes and you seemed genuine, so genuine it almost hurt. 
Jungkook was operating on autopilot at that point and he started to lean in but your finger came over his lips and stopped him. 
“What if I really am too weird? What if you get scared and run away?” It was a cry that almost seemed like he wasn’t supposed to hear, a thought that had been bouncing around in your head so much you finally had to ask. Of course at the time Jungkook had no idea what you were talking about, but no matter what this ‘dark secret’ was that you were keeping from him he really didn’t care. 
This excruciating slow burn that has been happening for the last few months have been some of the best he could have experienced. He finally had a reason to come out of his room, only in a matter of a few months you had become the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up, and the very thing he falls asleep to. He loved the way you’d text him at odd hours in the night and how you’d FaceTime him to fall asleep. He loved being near you and only wanted to pull you closer anytime you were together. 
In that moment nothing you could have said would have stopped him as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug. 
“You’re my weirdo. Let’s stop playing this game… I want you.” His eyes were trained on your lips and he slowly started to lean in again. 
“Where’d this confidence come from?” You smirked and he could have exploded the minute you glanced down at his lips, the tingles running through his body could have powered a whole city. 
“I told you, I want you.” His tone was low and all he wanted to do was kiss you. 
“Is this what I think it means?” 
Jungkook was going to tell you yes, yes he wanted you to be his girlfriend but he couldn’t stand it any longer and finally closed the distance between you two. 
It was like something you would see in a movie. The setting sun in front of you, as you kissed in front of the little pond. Your lips were so soft as they moved against his own. His heart was pounding but he felt so comforted in your arms, you were so sweet, so his. 
Jungkook had no idea how it happened but somehow you found yourselves bursting through your front door of your apartment, not allowing a moment of separation. Maybe it was his fault… it probably was his fault considering how long it’s been since he’d been with someone like that, or the fact he’s never felt like that before, but in the dark he ended up tripping over your couch. You both laughed and you seized the moment, taking a seat on his lap and rode his cock till he cried. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Our relationship was “normal'' for about a month before I started to notice things. I had noticed things the minute we started hanging out but now that we were official, it started to become a little hard to hide them.
One of the first things I picked up was the fact she knew things I knew I had never told her before. Unlike what happened the first day we met, I would notice there would be times we were talking and she would bring up details of stories I hadn’t mentioned yet, or thoughts I had yet to tell her. At first I figured it was just me forgetting (it’s what I kept telling myself until she finally told me what was going on) but even I started to question myself when it kept happening. 
A specific incident was this one time Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Y/n, and I went out to karaoke. We had played a drinking game and the loser was dared to sing at this bar we knew was hosting Karaoke night. 
Y/n was the one that had lost, we all were prepared to go up there and sing eventually but she was going to be first. None of us, but me especially, was not prepared at all when she got up to do her cover of Ariana Grande’s song Greedy, for her to sound so magical. She seemed so shy, even needing to start over because she ended up laughing, but the minute the song started a second time she blew everyone in the bar away with her voice. 
I was so consumed with trying to process the situation, figuring out a way to convince Jimin to go next because her performance made me a little too excited, and also trying to figure out the quickest way to get us out of there and back to her apartment, that I practically dismissed someone in the background telling everyone to look out the windows. I had looked and noticed that a bunch of pigeons, cats, dogs, rats, and for some reason a deer had seemingly gathered to watch her performance, but I paid it no mind when she made it back to the table because she looked so amazing up there and I enjoyed it way too much when I pulled her into my lap to let everyone in the bar know that this was my girlfriend. 
To be honest, the reason she was able to hide it for so long had a lot to do with my ignorance, a bunch of situations going over my head that might have seemed obvious to someone else.  
There was one time Y/n ended up sick. I decided to stay over at her apartment, despite her protest because I wanted to be a good boyfriend and take care of her.
Well it was weird, but everytime she sneezed this painting she kept on the wall would move completely off center. I had questioned it, but she would always say that it was the wind. It wasn’t a bad excuse because the window was open and it had been pretty windy that day. I’d move it back each time, but everytime she sneezed (I didn’t notice the pattern till later) it would move a good 70 degrees to the left. 
What was even stranger was when I went out to make her some soup I came back to find everything in complete disarray, that painting was upside down, the clothes in her drawer had flown out across the room, and the pile of stuffed animals that sat neatly on a chair in the corner had seemingly been thrown around everywhere. 
You would think I would question it but when she said it was the wind I simply closed the window and went to work trying to fix everything.
Y/n told me eventually that it got to a point where she started to feel guilty about this big secret she had yet to tell me. It was something she felt would be the deal breaker for our relationship that as time passed the harder it seemed to tell me. 
It was at the one and a half month mark of our relationship that the secret finally boiled over. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
You and Jungkook walked hand in hand back to your apartment after a night out in the town. You both decided to head out to celebrate the school year being over and made a little date out of it. 
Jungkook just wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant but when you both were on your way back to your apartment you passed an arcade and ended up spending way too much time and money trying to beat each other at all the games. In the end he had won and in reconciliation he tried to win you this giant stuffed bear that he noticed you had been eyeing all night. 
In one hand was Jungkook’s and the other was the bear that he worked so hard to get you. He was beaming ear to ear remembering his cool boyfriend move, the way he handed you the bear and how your eyes lit up when you snuggled it in your arms. 
That night was just so romantic. You both had walked along the path that was right by the river, the water gently washed by and the moonlight was beautifully reflecting off the water, the moon had been full and bathed you both in its soft light. Jungkook had told you that he was taking you someplace nice so he had dressed up in a suit for the occasion and you had taken hours dolling yourself up, your plum-colored, sparkly dress was immaculate, the back hanging low and a glorious slit coming up all the way to your thigh. The dress tightly hugged your curves in a way that had Jungkook constantly fantasizing about what he might do to you once you got back to your place. 
As the both of you walked and got closer to your apartment Jungkook had still been riding on the high of the date, but he started to notice how quiet you had gotten and the way you started to drag behind him. While he was holding your hand still, it almost looked like he was pulling you along instead of walking with him as you started to get slower. 
At first he wondered if you were just tired from all the walking you ended up doing, already thinking about how you would react if he offered to carry you back, but one glance behind him was enough to see your dazed and almost pained expression on your features. 
Immediately Jungkook stopped and turned to face you, extremely concerned. 
“Are you ok?” He asked gently. 
Silence passed for a little while and each second he started to become more concerned.
“No.” You mumbled. Jungkook noticed the quivering in your voice and immediately he started to panic. At that point he had never seen you cry like this before. 
What could have possibly made you so upset on what he thought was one of the greatest nights you’ve shared? He tried to rack his brain on what he might have done to make you so upset but everything he thought of just resulted in a big ERROR which made him panic even more. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He tried to stay as calm as possible, but his words finally made the tears in your eyes spill over and he immediately felt his eyes welling up. 
You broke down right there, your sobs made him feel like he might as well have been cut in half seeing you like that. He hastily pulled you into his arms and gently caressed your hair, trying his best to soothe you but your sobs easily got to him and the tears were quick to start rolling down his cheeks as well. 
Your arms wrapped around him tightly almost as if you were pleading him not to leave you alone and hugged you tighter to hopefully let you know he would never. 
You both were standing there for a good few minutes, Jungkook trying his best to console you and you just poured out all the emotion that you had kept bottled up inside. 
Eventually you finally pulled away and looked up at him, your tear streaked face and sniffles had all new tears spilling from his eyes. 
“Ba— Y/n… please, what’s going on— what-what’s made you so upset?” He looked you in your eyes, pleading for you to tell him. Just the thought of it possibly being something he did… 
“Did—did I do something?” He finally asked.
You seemed to panic at this. “No! No Jungkook, it’s nothing that you did.” 
“What happened then?” There was a sense of relief knowing he didn’t miss up tonight, but he couldn’t hide the confusion in his voice knowing how that opened up a whole new can of worms.
“Nothing happened… or well— it’s me I guess, I happened.” You looked down at the ground, seemingly ashamed. 
“What do you mean you happened? Y/n you can tell me anything, you know that right?” He grabbed onto your hands and gently rubbed his thumb over your digits. 
“No I can’t…” You said softly, a tear occasionally running down your cheek. 
“I have a secret that I’ve been keeping since we met… I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I just… I don’t think you’ll look at me the same way and—“ You hurried out, looking up at him with watery eyes. 
“Y/n what do you mean?” 
“Jungkook I really… really, really, really like you and I’ve never told someone this before and I’m just scared… scared you’ll be scared of me.” You sobbed and Jungkook was just puzzled. 
He grabbed onto your shoulders making you look up at him again. “Y/n is this the part where you tell me you’re a serial killer with twenty victims and are about to make me the twenty first?” 
He could have melted when he saw the way you cracked a smile at the joke. 
“No I’m not.” 
“No victims?”
“No.” You smiled slightly.
“Well then what you’re about to say can’t be that bad!” He reached up and caressed your cheek softly, wiping away your tears. 
“You don’t know that… I just… I don’t want you to leave me once you find out.” You gripped tightly onto his suit jacket, scared if you let go he might go running. 
“I promise I’m not leaving you because of this.”
“But you might—“ 
“Y/n please tell me so I can prove you wrong. I feel like you’re building this up too much. I’m not leaving okay? You can tell me.” He sent you a reassuring smile. 
You looked up at him, knowing you had to do this at this point. You couldn’t keep this from him any longer and you hated lying to him. 
With a deep breath you grabbed onto his hand and speedily led the both of you back to The Magic Shop. You didn’t live too far from where you both stopped so it was only a 10 minute speed walk until you were crossing the street to head into the shop.  
You hurriedly pulled out your keys and grabbed onto the golden, almost cartoonishly fancy one and pushed it into the keyhole unlocking the door and pulling you both in. 
Jungkook was confused on what this secret had to do with The Magic Shop but he still followed you as you led him to the door that went behind the counter and further back to the door that went to the back room.
At this he was honestly intrigued. Despite knowing each other for months he had never been into the back room before. Most of the time he would hang out with you in front of the counter, but occasionally especially when he came over to tutor you, you would let him sit behind the counter as you both worked through your calculus problems. 
The only inkling of what was back there was when he saw you go back there the day you both met and from what he remembers it was… interesting. 
You didn’t glance behind you as you pushed open the door to reveal the room. 
Just like he had seen that day, stone lined the walls with another door on each wall, the room was dimly lit, boxes stacked against the walls and right in the center of the room was that same golden cauldron he had sworn he had seen before the door closed behind you that day. 
“What’s this?” He asked as you brushed past it. 
“Oh, I got it for the shop for Halloween two years ago but it was too big for me to put it anywhere. I’ve been meaning to put it away but it’s heavy and I’m lazy.” You said turning around to face him and he awed realizing his first assumption was right. 
“What’s behind that door?” He pointed to the left. The door on his right clearly had a bathroom sign and you were standing by the door in front of him. 
“Oh, it’s just a storage closet, plus where I keep inventory for the shop.” He nodded. He was mainly asking questions wondering how any of this could be a hint at the big secret that made you break down like that, but he was just confused. 
He moved so he was standing with you in front of the door. 
“I’m assuming this is where the big secret is?” He asked and you nodded. You moved so you were facing him. Jungkook noticed your grip on the bear he won for you was extra tight. 
“Promise not to freak out?” You asked. 
“I promise, I’m not running away.” He smiled at you trying best to calm you down, sensing you were nervous. 
You took a deep breath before opening the door. Jungkook really didn’t know what he was expecting but a small closet with a couple of mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies was not what he was expecting was going to be the big reveal. 
He looked at you a little confused. “This is it?” He questioned. 
You shook your head.
You closed the door. “Open it again.” You commanded and moved so you were standing beside him again. 
Jungkook was confused by this but when he felt your hand snake into his and grab onto him tightly, he hurriedly did as you asked. 
Instead of the utility closet he saw before, was a room he couldn’t even recognize belonged to the same building. Jungkook slowly stepped in and tried to take in everything in the room. 
It seemed like something out of a fairytale. The room was huge, a second floor somehow fit along the side of the room, the entire wall being covered with books. A light pink cauldron with flowers covering it sat in the center of the room along with a pedestal and what seemed like a fancy book sitting on top of it. On the wall furthest to where he stood were shelves of vials filled with brightly colored liquids. 
The room was also covered in scarves, the fabrics draping along the walls, hanging from the ceiling and was wrapped around the banister on the second floor. Giant windows sat in the wall opposite to the bookshelves, the light outside so bright you couldn’t see out of them, but casted the entire room in this ethereal, heavenly glow. The room had an elegance he couldn’t quite comprehend, the regal furniture that decorated the room, the paintings as well seemed like something straight out of the renaissance. What really made this room stand out was the sparkles that shone in the sunlight and the countless amount of books and vials that were seemingly floating around the room. 
The room didn’t seem real and Jungkook’s logical brain tried to wrack how any of this was possible, how he even got here in the first place. A tad bit overwhelmed, he turned around to face you.
The sparkles that were in the air crowded around you and your soft gaze made his heart melt. You were absolutely stunning and why his brain was desperate for a why and how all he could focus on was you. This, all this, for some reason felt like he was seeing you truly for the first time. 
Jungkook walked back over to you. 
“Y/n…” His voice was soft, truly at a loss for words. 
“I’mawitch.” You hurried before you lost your confidence. 
He didn’t react the way you expected. Anytime you ever thought of bringing someone back here it always resulted in them running out here, ready to burn you on the stake, but he looked at you with so much adoration you didn’t really know what to say. 
He looked around the room, now that he was facing you, he could also see the countless amounts of brooms that lined the walls as well, but his attention quickly went back down to your eyes. 
“Are you scared?” You finally asked after he didn’t say anything. 
“This is all… it’s magic…” He asked, glancing around the room. 
You nodded slowly. “I know this might be a lot to take in right now and you probably have so many questions and I’m happy to answer any one you might—“ You didn’t get to finish before Jungkook pulled you close and kissed your lips. He was so soft and gentle and you could have screamed at how much he gave you butterflies. 
When Jungkook slowly pulled away he was shocked to find the sparkles in the room had formed together to create small butterflies flying across the room. 
“Did you…?” He looked at you. 
You nodded once again. “That kinda happens in this room… you give me butterflies.” You chuckled nervously and you felt his grip on your waist tighten. 
“Y/n I have no idea what’s going on right now and I probably will have a billion questions about this later but… this is so beautiful, seeing you like this is so beautiful.” You looked like a goddess to him with the sparkles around you and this dress shinning even more in the light. “You’re so beautiful, my mind is blanking and all I want to do is take you over there on your fancy fainting couch and—“ 
He finally stopped and let himself breathe for a second as he pulled you closer to him. “Y/n I need you so bad right now it hurts…” He could have cried, he felt the tears wanting to come up but he didn’t let them, instead he kissed you softly and peered into your eyes. 
“You’re not scared?” This was definitely not the response you were expecting. 
“Not at all, just confused and horny.” He moved down to your neck and started kissing it gently. 
Part of you wanted to cry, all your life you had expected the worst if you ever got to this stage with someone. Your mother and grandma would always tell you the only human that was allowed in your special room was the person you felt you were going to marry. Your whole life you feared people getting close and finding out this side of you, the first person outside of your family to see you truly and to see it had this type of effect on him… Jungkook, the man who gave you butterflies…
You hurriedly threw the bear you were holding onto a chair and wrapped your arms around him as he started sucking lightly on the soft skin. The room was suddenly shrouded in red and all the candles that sat around the room lit up. Jungkook noticed this and he nearly whined as he hurriedly picked you up and over to your dramatic fainting couch. He quickly got on top of you and started kissing you once more. 
“Oh my gosh you’re so fucking hot.” He couldn’t stop the whine this time as his hand felt the skin between the slit of your dress, his desperate hands squeezing your thigh. 
“I didn’t know magic would get to you like this…” You giggled as he started hiking up your dress. 
“Are you kidding? I had the biggest crush on Sailor Moon when I was younger…” Jungkook recounted as he pulled you to the edge of the couch and got off the couch and moved you so your thighs rested on his shoulders.
He wasn’t lying either, her posters were sprinkled in between all his comic book posters back in his parents house. 
He was a major fucking nerd and his nerdiest of nerd dreams was a superhero or one of the sailor moon characters swooping into his room and bringing him along on their journies as they fall in love. 
You were a dream he didn’t know was possible, come true. 
He wanted to ask so many questions, he probably was going the minute he could stop thinking with his dick for one second, but you were so cool and hot and—
He tugged down the soaked thong you were wearing, nearly tearing it off in the process. 
“I love you so much…” He confessed right then in there before he hurriedly dove in to ravage your soaking pussy.
This is the night you wholeheartedly admit to crying. You cried as he gave you more orgasms then you could remember, you cried when he came up and fucked you on your couch, you cried in his arms afterward as he was asking you about every possible detail of your life as a witch. 
It was all so… it was honestly the most magical night you ever had. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
I won’t tell you everything she told me but I learned a lot that night. All witches are women (this was also the time how she went on a tangent about how The Magic Shop won’t have another employee unless she had a daughter one day— making my love sick ass immediately start fantasizing about the possibility) who just have more abilities than the average human. She assured me that she wasn’t evil and only practices magic in order to help people around the world. She also explained the way she practices magic. 
Most of the time she only uses her abilities to ‘enchant’ people’s orders. It was through a combination of different ingredients and her magical touch was, as she put it, the “secret sauce” to bring it to life. But Y/n also has a lot of other fun abilities. She took this time to explain a lot of weird things that have been happening in our relationship. One time when I stayed the night at her place and she was showering, she didn’t notice me sneaking in and I ended up scaring her pretty badly— well right in that moment a pipe burst. I laughed at the horrid timing but apparently that had been magic at play and I was just horrible. 
After that day in her special room we became closer than ever. Our last year of college passed and we ended up moving in together. At that point I was hardly at the apartment anymore anyway. The only times I went over there was to hang and occasionally smoke with Taehyung (but she usually came with me during those times), or to get something to bring over to her apartment so the switch wasn’t all too dramatic. 
She had ended up surprising me with a key to her place at the graduation “party” we had with our friends. I had been mainly using the spare key she had, but it was my own fancy key that was similar to The Magic Shop’s. 
I moved all my stuff out over that summer and was pretty quick settling into everything. 
The whole situation was perfect timing as the apartment she lived in was in the space right above the shop. The downtown part of our town is pretty expensive to live in but since her family owned the whole building it worked out for the better. 
I got a job a few weeks later at a software engineering company that wasn’t too far, campus also wasn’t too far and I ended up going back to school to get my masters so it was great for my schedule. 
Y/n began opening the shop Monday-Friday and it became her full time job, she wanted to take some time to establish the shop a little more before she would go back to school to begin her long journey at getting her doctorate. 
The years we’ve been living together have all been amazing, but I just wanted to conclude this post with a couple of funny anecdotes because living with a witch has been an… interesting experience. 
(He’s loved it >:D)
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Jungkook had come home a little earlier than usual. After getting off of work he checked his phone to see that his class had been canceled and headed straight home. He was excited because his weekend was finally starting after a long week and he had been missing you all day. 
You had woken him up with breakfast in bed because earlier he had called in about coming into work a little later after the fact he’d gone to bed with a bad fever. You came in there looking like an angel as you handed him pancakes and oj, saying it contained your special touch. You checked his fever and it had gone down a little in his sleep but the minute he started eating the breakfast he instantly felt a billion times better. 
He was tempted to just call in sick for work that day because after he finished you both cuddled (something he claimed was the last touch to make him feel better) and the last thing he wanted was to tear himself away from your warmth. He hated when the alarm went off to tell him to get ready but he had an important class to go to after work and he knew he wouldn’t go out later if he stayed. 
In the end he found himself at his desk for a few less hours than normal as he spent the day texting you occasionally to tell you how much he missed you. 
That important class that forced him out of bed earlier ended up canceled and as much as he would have enjoyed that free day he could have had, he was also happy to still have that sick day. 
So he went home after stopping to grab a little desert for you both at that plant cafe.
As Jungkook opened the door he was a tad bit disappointed to not find you anywhere, but he quickly figured you must be in your special room. 
He had learned soon after you told him about this secret side of yourself that there was actually a door you used to get to the room upstairs in your apartment. It had been a door you kept locked and beforehand always just told him it led to a storage room, but he was quick to learn that it was a way to get there without going downstairs to the shop. Ever since Jungkook moved in you always kept the door ‘unlocked’ so he could come in at any time. 
Jungkook knocked slightly before pushing open the door. Usually you would be there working on some type of order for your clients, who typically were other witches or firm believers in alternative medicine. 
Sometimes he was a little shocked at how many clients you would typically get considering if they weren’t a witch no one would know that your products really work the way they say they do. 
The Magic Shop had made a name for itself though, after your grandma founded the business and your mother ran the shop for a little while, the name had spread across town. There were apparently a lot more witches in the town than he originally thought and the shop had a loyal fan base of people who preferred alternative medicine and a bunch of curious people who would stop by to check out the place. Not to mention all of the witches who would stop by for ingredients or ready-made enchantments. As a result you sometimes seemed more swamped with work than he was. Considering he had a full time job and still went to school, Jungkook would often come home to find you busy preparing orders long after he was ready to turn in for the night. 
He was expecting to see you with your big round glasses looking into that fancy book with the cauldron glowing like he usually might, what he didn’t expect was a sight straight out of a horror movie.  
The typical bright room was dark and your cauldron was spilling this ominous red smoke that settled at the bottom of the room. If that wasn’t bad, right in front of him was a glowing symbol on the floor and right in the middle of it was you, hovering in the center of it. Your pupils were gone and you had this terrifying ghostly appearance that Jungkook had never seen before that had him instantly reacting. 
“Y/n!” He practically screamed, fully believing something went wrong and something bad was happening. 
At his voice you quite dramatically dropped to the floor, all the eerie ambience being sucked back into your cauldron. 
Jungkook quickly ran over to you, terrified at what might have happened. 
He picked you up and his panic only got worse when he saw your eyes were closed. 
“Y/n! Y/n wake up please!” He was so panicked and almost on the verge of tears but your eyes started to flutter open.
“Ow…” You groaned, your back sore from the fall. 
“Y/n, are you ok?” He asked, concerned. What he didn’t expect though was your annoyed glare at him. 
“Jungkook, why'd you need to scream? I was almost done with the ritual too…” you sighed. 
He looked at you confused and it was only then that you realized how surprised he probably was at the sight. You were still annoyed though, that took you nearly all day to do. 
“I was doing a ritual… I wasn’t possessed or anything. I was trying to increase our chances at winning tonight’s lottery, the prize reached 500 million dollars.” You could still taste the margarita you were gonna have on your private island if you and Jungkook won. 
Jungkook awed and almost looked like a kicked puppy when he realized he interrupted you doing something important. 
“I’m sorry…” He whispered and you hated seeing him so sad. 
“It’s alright… no need to panic though next time you walk in to see something like this. Rituals are a bit… strange but I’m fine, don’t worry baby.” You grabbed ahold of his hand and smiled at him. 
“Can I make it up to you?” He asked, and you could tell he still felt bad. “I don’t have 500 million to give you but—“
“Gimme a daughter, at least maybe with an extra set of hands I can retire to that private island quicker.” You were both joking and being completely serious. You expected him to laugh with you, but you noticed his face getting red. 
“For now though you can just give me a massage. I hurt my back when I fell.” He pepped up at your request and grabbed your hand to lead you both back to the bedroom. 
“Y/n…” Jungkook called you as you closed the door to your special room behind you.
He suddenly turned around to face you. “I promise you won’t have to work as hard some day… I’ll make sure of it.” His words were sweet but there was a fire in his eyes that made a shiver run down your spine. 
You knew exactly what he meant by that.
◎══════ ❈ ══════◎
Jungkook was hanging out with you in your special room on a Saturday he had no work to do. Normally, he liked to give you your privacy whenever you worked here, but he was bored and you said it was fine to watch. 
Not too much had happened while he was there, you had mostly been reading in your fancy book— you explained earlier that most of the time you’re just researching and experimenting with different spells and enchantments. Your cauldron glowed slightly as you stirred the mysterious liquid inside, each time you tossed in a new ingredient small little fireworks would shoot out. 
The whole process you feared would bore him, telling Jungkook occasionally that he could leave whenever he got bored, but he continued to sit on one of your fancy bar stools by the cauldron, entranced and completely fascinated by your work. 
A while ago, soon after you showed him the room he finally asked you where all your fancy furniture came from, to which you explained that it had always been here. Apparently the room is tied with your abilities. 
You told him that witches undergo a special ceremony when they turn 13 that allows them to open their own room, which then unlocks a majority of their magical abilities, young witches only are able to do so much until they are ready to open their room. The room was created around you essentially and it’s looked like this ever since you opened it for the first time, besides a majority of the books you had bought over the years along with the brooms you’ve collected. 
Jungkook just stared at you as you worked, finding this whole thing still a bit unreal that he was dating you. He couldn’t help reminding you every few minutes on how cool you were whenever you would toss in a new ingredient or when you emptied a beaker you would toss it up and it would float back over to your shelf, and how sexy it was to watch you work. The sparkles that shined around the room flocked to you and made you shine so prettily and your look of concentration was incredibly endearing to watch. You made his heart melt without even doing much. 
The fact you liked him back was something he found a little hard to believe at times, seeing how extraordinary your world was and then looking at his own… extremely ordinary world. 
To make matters worse he knew that you were a hot topic in the community, a young witch as pretty as you were who ran a successful shop by herself was something all the witches would talk about, especially the families who had warlocks in their family. Yes, they exist, it is pretty rare to have a guy get passed down the spark that witches would have, but it happens very very occasionally under special conditions that no one has managed to figure out yet and two apparently lived in your little town. 
One Jungkook had never met before and you never really talked about too much, but the other, his twin, was someone Jungkook knew frequented the shop often. He’s seen it first hand, even when he was standing right beside you helping you out downstairs, Victor (ew >.<) would just walk in and hit on you. Jungkook even knew there were others outside the town who knew about you and would come by hoping to come by and win your heart. 
You had also told him that a lot of people would have jumped on the opportunity to date a warlock, they were rare, powerful, had a lot of influence, and your future kids together would be extremely powerful with both magical parents. Victor wasn’t a bad looking guy, he’s someone a lot of your witchy friends often swooned over. He was just a little older than you both, him and his brother graduating the same year as Taehyung did, the three of them somehow knowing each other (Taehyung not sensing drama, made sure to add when Jungkook was ranting to him that he “loved those guys” and “that they threw awesome parties”). His family was also pretty well off owning another successful magic shop. 
Victor wasn’t even a bad guy, he was just very adamant about dating you. You’ve told him he’s someone who's highly respected in the community. 
All of these details made him so confused on how, despite the opportunity, you still picked him. He tried not to think about it too much because he knew that mentality would make him incredibly insecure and jealous, that being a clear recipe for disaster in a relationship, but watching you here right now made him think about it sometimes. 
What if you were better off with Victor? (I want Jungkookie >:O)
Jungkook’s eyes widened when he suddenly felt your arms wrap around his shoulders. You lightly kissed his neck. 
“You okay? I’m sensing a whole lot of negative energy over here…” You chuckled lightly, but you seemed worried. 
Jungkook didn’t say anything and spun around in his barstool so he was facing you. He rested his hands on your waist and pulled you close so he could kiss you. You were a little surprised, but happily melted into it, enjoying the way his lips moved against yours. When he pulled away he pulled you close once more into a hug and rested his head on your shoulder. 
“Thinking things I don’t want to…” He sighed. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, now really concerned.
“No— it's not that big of a deal, feel better already hugging you like this.” He really did, holding you like this made any of those silly thoughts go away. You picked him at the end of the day and he wanted you to keep picking him everyday. Just the thought of not being able to be with you like this was enough to fuel him into wanting to go over to Victor’s fancy ass mansion and punch him in the face the minute he opened the door and tell him to actually fuck off. 
You loved him, your family loved him, his family loved you, all the people whose opinions really matter approved of your relationship. Who fucking cares about stupid Victor?
“You sure?” You reaffirmed. 
“Yeah, sorry for disturbing you.” He apologized when he looked back over at the bubbling mixture in your cauldron. 
“It’s fine, things weren’t going well anyway.”
“Yeah, I can’t figure out how to make it not result in someone spontaneously combusting— I think I put too much Yvetris in it or—“ You rambled.
“Wait what?” 
“Don’t worry about it, I was just going to ask if you wanted to take a break?” You smiled at him, a little tired of working. 
Jungkook eagerly nodded already a few ideas about what to do during this break, the main one involved you bent over one of these tables, naked and screaming his name, because fuck Victor. 
You smiled but then your attention turned behind him and he turned around to see you were looking at your wall full of brooms. Your eyes lit up at an idea. 
You ran past him and over to the wall. 
“Do you actually ride those?” He questioned, always a little unsure of what they were up there for. 
“What did you think I did with them?” You laughed, searching for the right one. 
“I don’t know, I thought they were all replacements for that broom.” He pointed over to the one that was sweeping beside him and it swiftly came up and hit him. 
“Ow!” He groaned, rubbing his head as the broom almost sassily went back to sweeping. 
“Now you offended him!” You sighed, turning around and looking at them both. You knew your broom did not forgive easily. 
“Sorry…” He looked back at the broom as it flew up to sweep on the second floor. 
“You didn’t know— but no, he’s a different kind of broom.” You chuckled, going back to looking through your collection. 
He honestly should have figured, the broom that would always sweep around your special room was a lot more plain compared to the brooms that lined your wall. The handle being made of a ridgid dark wood, and the gray bristles was something he always pictured a witch’s broom to look like. The ones on your walls came in all kinds of varieties, they all seemed to sparkle the same way you did in here, some were made of white wood, dark wood, some sparkled of gold, and the engravings into them were unreal. 
“Which one?” You turned back and asked. 
Jungkook pointed at the one that he deemed a classic, a beautiful dark wood with light strips running through it and golden bristles coming out the back. The engravings are what made him love it, the indicate swirls and patterns completed it so well, he always found himself staring at that one in particular whenever he was in here.  
You smiled at him and he watched as the broom flew down into your hand. 
“Where’d you get all of them?” Jungkook asked as you walked back over to him. 
“I pretty much bought most of them. I’m a big fan of collecting brooms as you can probably tell. I used to compete in tournaments when I was in high school and the prizes often were these really cool brooms and it kinda inspired me to start collecting them.” You giggled. 
“Wait… tournaments?” 
“Yeah there’s this team that we have here and we compete against other nearby towns, sometimes even on a national scale, and there was once we made it to the world league. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good and won a lot.” You pointed over to the corner where you kept all your trophies and medals, sitting on top of the case was your bear that he won you a few years ago. 
“Why does my girlfriend keep getting cooler and cooler?” Jungkook wanted to say something about Quidditch, but he couldn’t think about his joke anymore… 
“Stoopppp, now, cmon, let’s go for a late night ride~” You turned the broom to the side and Jungkook watched as handlebars and a long bench appeared on top. 
“Holy shit…” Jungkook awed as he got up from the bar stool. He felt like he was dreaming, high, or maybe even both. Then again, he’s felt this way ever since you showed him this part of your life. 
You hopped on top so you were straddling the bench and grabbed onto the handles. You ushered him over and told him to hold on tight. It was only when he sat down did he realize you were already floating. 
You smiled back at him before the broom started flying up to the circular, stained glass window that was at the top of the wall of windows. Jungkook held onto you tight like you advised, laughing and cheering as he watched you both rise higher off the ground. 
Jungkook then turned his attention to the circular window and how it disappeared before you both quickly flew through, sparkles coming flying out with you. Jungkook had no idea what he thought the outside of this room led to, but he was shocked to see you both flying high above in the sky, the clouds far down below and the moon, full, big, and beautiful shining over your little town. 
Jungkook just stared down and around at the amazing view, unable to believe what he was seeing. 
This had to be a dream. 
“No one can see us! I’ll fly us a little lower!” You yelled over the wind quickly rushing past. Jungkook hardly had any time to prepare before you both were soaring downward straight for the town down below, all he could do was hold on and watch as the ground got closer. 
He was screaming, was he terrified? A little, but he loved things like this and he was excited because he trusted you. 
The buildings steadily got closer till he could make out the cars and which buildings were which. Over there was the river you both walked along the day you told him you were a witch, he could also see downtown, and way in the distance the park he had finally asked you to be his. Jungkook was so into admiring everything he hardly realized that you were still heading straight for the ground. 
It was only when the buildings started getting a little too close did he start noticing the ground was right there. Jungkook felt his life flash before his eyes when you finally pulled up and started zooming past the cars rushing by. 
You turned around and chuckled at the look on his face and he was quick to join in, now too caught up at how cool this was. You flew them through traffic, through a tunnel, and you were beating the speeds of the train that was beside you. It was an unreal experience and even though he nearly had a couple of heart attacks, the whole experience was bewildering as you flew across the little town. 
After the initial excitement you both flew over places that took you down memory lane, you essentially gave Jungkook a glorified tour of the town since he didn’t grow up here and didn’t go to too many places when he was in college. You flew him over the spots you would frequent when you were younger and showed him some of the prettiest sights he had ever seen as you both went over the woods and the lake he didn’t even know existed. 
It was also then that Jungkook noticed a few other witches riding by on their brooms, soaring just a little over all of the buildings. 
It was amazing. 
You both were now back over the clouds, cruising along as Jungkook held onto you tightly. Not out of fear, or the fact that he was supposed to, but he just didn’t want to let you go. 
He really didn’t. He never would. 
“Y/n…” Jungkook mumbled into your shirt. 
“I love you so much…” He confessed and he felt the tears welling up slightly in his eyes. “Don’t leave me okay?” He tried to laugh it off. 
In an instant your broom stopped. Jungkook looked around a little confused, until you flipped around so you were facing him. 
“I should be saying that to you idiot…” You looked at him a little concerned. “Like it’s you who’s the one walking around with that pretty face, and who looks a little too good in the suits you wear all the time for work. You have all these girls drooling over you every time we go out, or should I mention Vanessa from work who always calls you even on the weekends. What if you think one day I’m too weird or something and leave me. You have so many better options…” You pouted and Jungkook could hardly believe what he was hearing. 
“Weird? Y/n you’re the coolest person I know, no one could ever compare to you. Sometimes I think you’ll find me too boring and run away with Victor, or his brother, or one of the other warlocks who keep coming to the shop… How could I ever think you’re weird– like with who else could I do this with–” 
“Just you ok, and fuck Vanessa and fuck Victor and everyone else who made us think like this.” Jungkook smiled at you and you hurriedly pulled him into your arms. 
Yep, he was yours and you were his.
“Not to ruin the moment or anything, but I think I heard you call me pretty and say I look really nice in suits.” He cheesed, thinking back to it. You simply nodded as you buried your face in his shirt, already regretting confessing one of your deepest darkest secrets.
“You’re cute~” He laughed, feeling all fuzzy inside seeing you like this. All in the moment, once again, his insecurities were washed away. You really were his. 
“By the way, I think you’re prettier.” He smiled and immediately you lifted your head, taking offense to that. 
“Jungko–” Before you could finish, he pulled you close as he pressed his lips onto yours once more, not wanting this to turn into a long debate, because to him, there was none. He was right.
◎══════ ❈ ══════◎
Back in college, when people would first meet Jungkook there were only two ways first impressions went for him. One, he’s been told that they thought he was probably some arrogant frat boy jock (always soccer for some reason) because they would always see him at the gym. Two, the minute they talked to him they would quickly get that he’s just this quiet nerd who could talk about why Spider-Man was the best superhero for 5 hours straight (really longer if you didn’t stop him). 
For some reason that impression came with the image of being a goody two shoes and whenever he told people he lived with Taehyung they could hardly believe it. ‘You guys are just so different’ was something they would say that always confused him. Jungkook was strange, he knew that, but his hyung and him always got along so well. They were weird in their own ways, but their personalities contrasted each other perfectly. 
Jungkook was just someone who spent way too much time studying and reading comic books all day, basically locking himself in his room, and Taehyung was just… Taehyung was someone everyone seemed drawn to. 
Jungkook was the slightly awkward guy who hung out on the sidelines and made sure to keep his hyung in check and Taehyung would always be there to bring him out of his shell and give him advice when needed.
It was this same idea that whenever Taehyung brought people over to smoke at their apartment that when Jungkook asked to join them, he would always get quite a few shocked looks. You were also on the list of people who were surprised when he brought you over for the first time to find his bong covered with Marvel stickers, sitting on top of one of his shelves.
It wasn’t like he smoked often, he really only did it when he was stressed, but he was in college and an engineer major so that might seem a little contradictory. After he graduated though and moved out from the apartment he pretty much quit cold turkey. Taehyung didn’t live in the same town anymore and he was way too busy (and a little lazy) to try and go out and get it himself. That really wasn’t it though, he was literally dating someone who had a stash of it for the shop downstairs. He more so just considered that phase of his life pretty much over, adulting duties were more so a priority. 
But sometimes… on rare occasions when work and classes were just too much he found himself asking you for help and you’d let him take a bit from your stash downstairs. 
It was one of those occasions that day. Jungkook had been taking hits from his bong and was just laid out on the couch playing some music. It was the weekend and he had a pretty big assignment due on Monday. It was the first time in the past two weeks that he just relaxed and stopped thinking about the deadline. The assignment was done, he just needed to look it over a couple more times before submitting. 
Well, whenever Jungkook smoked he would always suffer from a horrible case of the munchies and so eventually he found the energy to roll himself off the couch and head to the fridge. 
You were downstairs busy running the shop and Jungkook was way too high to notice he grabbed something off the top shelf. You had told him when he started coming over often that you used the top shelf for in progress orders or ones that would require refrigerating. In this case it was neither, rather something you were trying out for the shop. 
Jungkook learned the hard way never to go in the fridge while he was high because after he heated up the tasty looking muffins and took a bite he experienced something he could only describe as the most embarrassing day of his life. 
You had come back upstairs later that evening and you were shocked to not find your boyfriend inside, and the lights were all off. You convinced yourself he just stepped out for a moment, seeing that his bong and lighter were still on the coffee table in the living room, but the minute you went behind the counter of your kitchen you knew immediately something had happened. You were quick to find out what. 
His clothes were strewn around the floor and an opened container with a top you recognized was for the shop was at the scene of the crime. Nearly scaring you to death was a voice coming from above you. You looked up and screamed, shocked… or rather not shocked at all to find your boyfriend on the ceiling staring down at you. 
“Y/n look!” Jungkook exclaimed as he started to climb around on the ceiling. 
Oh great…
“Jungkook what–”
“Y/n, look, I think– I think I’m spiderman!” He beamed as he crawled into the corner. You couldn’t stop the dumbfounded look on your face at his words. 
“Baby, you ate my–”
“I was but a humble guy living in a small college town when a radioactive spider came one night and bit me in my sleep. I woke up with–”
“Jungkook, get down from there!” You interrupted knowing he was about to give you a weird rendition of spider man's origin story. You know, you’ve heard it only a million times. 
“Y/n, I’m spiderman now I gotta go protect the world I can’t come down!” He tried to defend and you were tempted to laugh but decided against it. You would definitely bring this up in the future. 
“No you're not, you ate my enchanted muffins I didn’t perfect yet.” You called out as he started climbing across your walls. In truth the only thing your muffins did at that point was make him able to stick to the walls. You could tell from his eyes alone he was still very high.
High, naked, and on enchanted muffins was a horrible combination.
“I’m spiderman Y/n, look at my suit.” You had no idea what he was seeing, all you saw was a naked man with his dick hanging over your head three feet above you, climbing around on your walls. 
“Jungkook get down here!” You sighed.
“Y/n my suit–”
“If you’re talking about that birthday suit, then yeah I see that. Now come down here.” You crossed your arm.
“The Green Goblin is coming! I gotta save the world!” He was not at all listening to you. 
There was nothing you could do about this. He was just really high and because this was an intermediate stage on an enchantment you didn’t have the “cure” researched already. Besides, with work in progress spells they all wear off by midnight and it was 9:37. 
In the end you ended up spending two hours and twenty-three minutes running around your apartment, picking up all the shit he was knocking down and making sure he didn’t hurt himself. 
When midnight hit you luckily was able to guide him so he was over the couch when he fell down quite dramatically on the cushiony surface. Somehow you were able to guide him to the bed a little later. 
Let’s just say, when he woke up the next morning, he was confused, embarrassed, and you had enough pictures and videos to haunt him for a lifetime.
Safe to say Jungkook learned to be more cautious when picking things from the fridge.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
I feel like as I wrote this, it turned more so into our love story essentially. I have so many other stories I could have told, but these were just a few that came to mind first. I hope you all enjoyed reading! You can make up your mind whether any of this is real or not. For all you know I could be a guy living in his parents basement with way too much of an imagination or by the end of this you might be fully convinced my girlfriend’s sitting beside me right now helping me write this post. 
Whatever you believe this was made for fun and for your entertainment. 
Anyway, that’s it from me! 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
You glanced over his shoulder as he typed the end of the post. “You’re not gonna do the other story?” You couldn’t help the giggle as you watched his face turn red.
“No, why would I write about that…” He said bashfully, already knowing what story you were referring to. It followed up the third little story, and all he could think back to was how embarrassing it was. It was definitely not appropriate for a post like this.
“Mmmm good idea… you were a mess but… even you yourself said that it was kinda hot.” You recounted back to his words.
“I mean…” It was hot, extremely. Jungkook was embarrassed about that day in particular because it was no exaggeration… he was a mess, but the event encouraged you to make a modified version and you both would bring it out on special occasions. 
It was the day you finally decided to get another fridge.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Jungkook never thought he’d be one of those guys who’d own one of those big comfy chairs. He’d always picture guys in their 40s with too many stains on their wife beaters who would just never get up from them. 
You both had been out shopping for a new couch when you passed by a little nursery model room and you stopped to admire how the pretty oak set was. Jungkook wanted to take a seat on the rocking chair that came with it just to imagine what it might feel like one day, but ended up nearly falling asleep right then and there as you went off and looked at the other model rooms. 
You had shaken him awake eventually and that’s pretty much the moment he fell in love with comfy chairs. You finally made it to where the couches were and as you both were trying to deliberate on which one you’d buy Jungkook took a seat on a cloud— or at least he thought it was one. The soft fabric made it perfect and it had that right amount of squishy to hard softness that made it so he never wanted to get up again. It was almost like finding the perfect mattress. It somehow got better when he found out there was a massage feature. 
Jungkook had gone on about the quality of the chair with no intention of buying it. You both came for a couch anyway, but it was only two months later on his birthday that Jungkook came home to find the same chair in your living room with a big bow on top. 
Every time he would come home and sit down in his little slice of heaven, suddenly his increasing age became even more obvious, at the ripe old age of 25 he felt ancient at this point. Maybe he was just having a quarter life crisis, but he felt like an old man anytime he would recline his feet up and fall asleep to a random channel on the tv. He was happy though. 
It was this coziness that had him falling asleep in the chair after he came back home from a long day of work. He remembered you vaguely trying to wake him up and get him to come to bed, but ultimately your attempts were in vain. He was just too tired and the chair was too cozy. Instead you gently draped a blanket on top of him and he was out for the rest of the night.  
Jungkook got up that morning, confused, and with sleep still weighing on him heavily. He should have learned the first time never to go in the fridge when he’s out of it, but the minute he woke up he found himself craving waffles like his life depended on it. 
Before he went to work yesterday you had been in the kitchen, humming along beautifully to your favorite song, as you were testing out your new waffle maker. If Jungkook wasn’t in a rush he would have stayed for breakfast, they smelled so good and he was hungry. He had been thinking about them ever since he left that morning, even dreaming about you… the waffles… and a lot of whipped cream. 
Jungkook just hoped and prayed there were leftovers still and low and behold, there were some. He was too sleepy and hellbent on eating the waffles that he once again ignored that they were on the top shelf. To be fair, waffles had never been something you did for the shop and the other shelves were crowded, so he just tried to convince himself that you had set them there because of the lack of room. 
In the moment before it all went… wrong… Jungkook fucked up them waffles. They were as delicious as he had been thinking, which wasn’t a surprise, everything you made was absolutely amazing. Maybe if he hadn't slathered them up with syrup, whipped cream, and an assortment of different fruits, he would have noticed the magical tingling that came with eating your enchanted foods. Maybe he did all along but just chose to ignore it because those waffles were so damn good. 
Jungkook even ended up making a few more for himself and for you when you woke up. As the sun started to rise, the better Jungkook started to feel. It was a glorious Saturday. 
You had come out right as he was taking out the last waffle, looking absolutely beautiful. Jungkook felt his heart swell as you walked over to him, taking a minute to appreciate how amazing his life was. 
“What’s all this?” You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“I really wanted waffles.” He giggled. “I made you some as well~” He pointed over to the plate. 
You squeezed him a little tighter.  “Someone’s in a good mood today~” You lightly pressed kisses on his neck and he shivered. Suddenly all he could think about was the way you were covered in whipped cream in his dream. 
Jungkook nearly whined when you pulled away, tempted to ruin this peaceful Saturday morning by licking whipped cream off your titties. 
You turned around and opened up the fridge to get the oj. He was really going to ask you but the reality came crashing down of what he had just done. 
“Hey, Y/n how do feel about whipped cream—“ 
“Jungkook… wait, where did the waffles go that were in here?” You asked concerned, distinctly remembering they were there last night, right on the top shelf. 
“Oh those? I ate the leftovers from yesterday first— I know mine won’t be as good as yours but I thought—“ 
“Jungkook…” You sighed, immediately knowing this was going to be bad. You looked at him and he seemed confused and you wondered how this could happen again, especially after what happened the last time he ate something from the top shelf.
“Jungkook, that was an order for a client. I thought we’ve been through this, the top shelf is for the shop.” You were both a little frustrated you would have to make the order again and a little concerned with the fact he ate all of them… 
You saw the weight of your words hit him in the face and any ill feelings you had disappeared for a moment because you knew he genuinely didn’t know. 
“I ate them about an hour ago…. nothing’s happened.” He looked at you with pleading eyes that this wasn’t going to turn out like what happened the last time. 
“You can relax, you won’t go all Spider-Man this time.” 
“Don’t tell me I’m going to turn into like a goldfish or something…” You couldn’t tell whether he was joking or not but you laughed anyway. 
“No, you won’t turn into anything— glad you didn’t eat the quesadilla beside it because we might be having a whole other conversation—“ 
“Y/n, what’s going to happen?” He exclaimed. You looked at him sensing the panic and took a deep breath because this was going to be a weird conversation. 
“It’s nothing too bad um… The order was for a guy and his wife who are trying to have a baby. They came to the shop hoping for some fertility help so um…” You stared at him knowing this was about to get awkward. 
“You might feel extra horny is the main thing it does, just don’t cum because it’s going to make it even worse. So if you can make it to midnight without any touching or anything it won’t be too bad.” You tried to smile at him, but you couldn’t because of one glaring detail. 
There were three waffles you made for the order. You had designed them so both the guy and his wife would take one each and possibly split the last one for another time. You hadn’t researched what might happen if one person ate all three.
“Then again Jungkook, things might not be as manageable since you ate all three of them. Just take it easy today, ok baby.” You ushered him over to his comfy chair and took up serving for the both of you. 
Jungkook tried to pay attention to his food, but as soon as you told him that the waffles he ate earlier were enchanted it was as if all the effects started hitting him all at once. 
When you came over to bring his plate he couldn’t tear his attention away from your legs. You were wearing a baggy shirt, something he knew was the only thing you were wearing. Maybe he was just thinking about it too much but he couldn’t stop staring at you, even when you went back over to the dining table. 
He tried to turn back around but even when he started eating all he could picture was your legs and covering your body with whipped cream. How nice would it to lick it off your body. He thought about the look on your face and all those pretty sounds you’d make, you’d be so sweet for him… so, so sweet. 
There was no denying he was hot… but as the minutes ticked away and you both ate, the more that normal level of need seemed to spiral. 
It got almost unbearable so quickly, he was sweating and had every urge to do the one thing that you said not to. He wanted to get up and take you right there on the dining table. As much as he wanted to play with the whipped cream that would have to wait for another time because he wanted you so badly. 
“Hey Jungkook, you ok?” He heard your voice cut through the fog. He wanted to hear what you would sound like with his cock inside you. 
“Erm— um, just getting a bit hot.” Jungkook tried to chuckle, but he was very much trying to downplay it. All he could think about was finally giving you the daughter you always wanted.
“I don’t know… are you sure? You seem a bit shaky over there…” You asked, a little concerned. He knew you’d feel so nice, you always feel so nice for him. So nice and all his.
It was starting to hurt.
“Y/n, can you put the whipped cream away…” Jungkook asked as calmly as he could.
“Whhyyy?” You questioned his odd request. 
“It’s making me think things—“ His voice was straining just even mentioning the white, fluffy substance. 
You got up and hurriedly put it away. “Jungkook you got this, ok? All you gotta do is make it to midnight tonight.” Your words were meant to be comforting but he could have burst into tears.
He had to manage this until tonight and it was— 10:38 in the morning?! It already hurt so much, how was he going to not do anything till then??!!!
It was probably only about 10 minutes later that it got to the point of being unbearable. He hurriedly slipped away and headed straight for the bathroom, a little ashamed for you to see him like this.
As soon as the door closed behind him he took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to do. Jungkook hardly managed to withstand an hour of the waffles effects. Usually he was so much better at restraining himself, but, but, but—
Before he could think about it anymore Jungkook slipped his thumbs underneath the waistband of his pajama pants and slowly pulled them down until his cock popped out, hissing at the way it slapped his stomach.
Immediately his mind thought back to all the times you were on your knees for him, the way you always knew how to make him a mess for you. Jungkook thought back to that time he was in this exact position, his back against the bathroom door and you on your knees pleasing him so well. 
The minute his hand wrapped around his aching length, a sigh of relief slipped passed his lips at the instant satisfaction he felt. Jungkook hadn’t touched himself like this since before you started dating, it’s been so long but it’s never felt this good before. 
The minute his hand started to move, the more the relief came and again he so desperately wished you were here in front of him. He got back to the routine that kept him sane throughout his sex drought in college. 
He thought about your legs again and how easy it would be to take off that shirt and have you bare and needy for him. 
“Fuck…” He sighed into the echoey bathroom. What he would do if you were here.
The thought alone had his hand speeding up and a feeling he knew he had to stay away from settling in the pit of his stomach. 
All he needed to do was not cum. That’s all he had to do.
He kept telling himself that but it just felt so good, he couldn’t stop despite the fact he was going to cum soon.
The way you look up at him when you’re on his knees, like you wanted him just as much of a mess as he is now.
“No, no, no…” Jungkook cried. It pained him, but he slowed his pace to something a little more comfortable so he wouldn’t explode. He shouldn’t give in that easily. 
Jungkook hurriedly scrambled to think of the most unsexy thing possible. Normally he would have a go-to thing for times he feared cumming too quickly, but maybe it was the enchantment, his mind was blank besides the most unholy thoughts on what he wanted to do with you.
The way you would do this…
He imagined your hands in place the way you would stroke him before focusing on the tip, something that would always have him crying out and closer than he wanted to admit. Jungkook matched your movements and he wasn’t surprised to notice the amount of pre-cum leaking from the tip. You were making him such a mess and you weren’t even here.  
“Ennggg— fuck, Y/n…” He moaned out softly as his thumb rubbed over the the slit, just like the way you would do it. Just like when you’re in front of him, Jungkook quickly felt himself heading straight for the edge. 
He was just so sensitive, this fucking enchantment, why did this have to happen today of all days? He already woke up eager to play with you today, and his fucking whipped cream plans had to be canceled. 
Jungkook already had a plan of convincing you. He would have grabbed the can after he told you he was interested and sprayed it in the spot on your neck he knew made you weak for him and licked it right off of you. In his dream earlier this morning you were intrigued and somehow he convinced you to let him lick it off of you… everywhere.
Just the fact that you were here made it hard to resist going out there and asking you to help him. He wanted you so bad. 
That was apparently the last straw because his hurried pace returned and he was so so fucking close. 
In his mind he quickly tried to go through the mental gymnastics to justify giving in and cumming now, but he knew you said it would only get worse if he did. As tempted as he was, and he was so close, he still found himself letting go, despite how much he wanted to. 
How was he going to make it through this day? 
After a little while the feeling dissipated and Jungkook felt considerably more hot and bothered than before and he couldn’t stop his hand wrapping around his length once more.
There wasn’t any way he could do this…
It took a little while for you to realize that Jungkook was gone for so long. You had been still enjoying your waffles and got lost in thought thinking about some of the things you needed to do at the shop today. It really wasn’t much, just a few clients coming in to pick up their orders and you needed to check inventory. Well, that’s all you would have to do if Jungkook hadn’t eaten the waffles, you have to redo the order. Luckily the couple wouldn’t be coming till tomorrow, but this was something you wanted done and in the shop since they were picking up their stuff early in the morning.
You sighed getting up and going ahead and doing the dishes from your waffle feast. You also decided to try and be a little productive and go ahead and get a head start on working on the enchantment again so you can head to the shop downstairs. 
You headed over to your bedroom and that’s when it finally hit you that Jungkook had disappeared for a while. You wouldn’t think much of it, thinking he might have maybe been in the shower and he liked to take long showers for some reason, but all it took was a second of you standing still to hear the watering wasn’t running, but the sound of a soft moan from the other side. 
Your whole body lit ablaze at the thought, knowing the sight on the other side of the door would be absolutely otherworldly, but you reminded yourself of the situation. 
You went over and knocked on the door. “Jungkook…” You called out. 
“Ughhh—— yes…” His voice was soft but you could hear the strain. 
“Jungkook, what are you doing?” You asked, but you knew. 
“Y/n… it hurts… wanna cum so bad—“ He whined and once again you wished you were on the other side of this door.
“I told you that’s not gonna help. It’ll make things worse and it seems like it’s pretty bad already.” You tried to reassure, but you knew that wouldn’t help. Jungkook’s usually pretty good at not giving into temptation, the fact that the effects of the waffles has him a mess this much already made you a little concerned. This was bad. 
Silence passed for a while, but through the door you could hear his labored breaths on the other side. 
“Y/n, I want you so bad— fuck…” He moaned, almost like an invitation for you to open the door. “Please… please… I’m not gonna make it till midnight.” He begged and it took everything for you not to open the door. 
“You know we can’t do that… I promise at midnight if you want to, we can have some fun.” You tried to give him hope, but once again you knew you probably weren’t helping. 
Silence passed again, except his moans were a little louder this time. 
“Hey Jungkook…” 
“Ye— yeah?” 
“Why are you in there? It’s just me out here, you know?” You chuckled lightly, but you were curious. 
“I’m a mess, this is so embarrassing…” He sighed and you could hardly believe he thought that. 
“What do you mean embarrassing? You sound so hot just here from the other side of the door.” You smirked, oh what you would have paid to watch. 
“You wanna watch me?” He almost sounded baffled at the idea and you could have laughed. 
“So badly baby, I bet you look so pretty. I’ve never seen you touch yourself, wanna see how you do it.” You were hot, and you thought he would tease you for it but suddenly on the other side you heard his moans get more pained and desperate. 
“Y/n, stop-stop talking! Fuck, you’re gonna make me—“ He cried.
“But you won't, right?” You quickly interjected and you heard him cry out before he started to calm down. Oh, he’s so hot.
“You didn’t cum right?” You asked eventually. 
“No, but I almost did— we really shouldn’t be talking like this…” Jungkook sighed.
“Yeah, you’re right…” Stupid fucking waffles… 
“Did you need to come in here, sorry if I—“ 
“No! You’re fine, just was about to change so I can head to the shop in a bit.” You almost forgot why you were even in here. 
“Yeah… we can’t keep talking, oh my gosh—“ At his words you finally realized the implications of your own. 
“Just the thought of me naked makes—“ 
“Y/n! Please…” He pleaded, you were getting him so riled up so easily. This wasn’t good at all. 
“Sorryyy~” You chuckled, finding a little too much amusement at the situation. “Anyway, I’ll be in and out. Don’t pay me any mind and again… try not to do anything. Don’t give into the temptation, alright~” 
“You make it sound so easy, but alright please be quick.” 
“Promise, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me!” 
You kept your promise and you were in and out of the room quickly. Your brain was a little scrambled from what happened, but you remembered you had another order to reprepare so you got yourself to focus and started back on it. 
You went straight to work, taking some of the elements out of your special room and preparing the ingredients for later. Typical fertility enchantments didn’t take too long but you always wanted the best experience for your customers and the guy and his wife were high payers. You made sure to throw in everything that would guarantee that after they ate the waffles they would finally get that positive test plus have a great time doing it. 
E. Pasos— was a powerful ingredient that really helped increase sexual desire so they would have the urge to do it more = higher chances of it working. 
L. Umtra— was the nasty ingredient that was really biting Jungkook’s ass right now. It added a little more onto this effect, making it so each “round” would only increase the desire, the passion, added once again to increase activity = higher chances of it working. 
F. Earo— is typically the most popular ingredient when making fertility enchantments. It’s a general ingredient that makes their bodies more suitable for conception, the effects are most easily seen in males— increasing sperm count and producing healthier sperm. 
P. Omer— was a fun one you threw in, it increases sensitivity and pleasure felt during the experience. So many times have you heard couples who’ve been trying for kids forever does sex start to become a chore, and your heart was soft for the pleading couple after they told you they had been trying for 4 years, so you threw in some extra spice to make the day they try this out a wonderful experience. 
U. Haqo— was another fun one you threw in that increased oragasm quality.
There was also a bunch of base ingredients for enchantments and others that were a little more technical that essentially go into the enchantment actually working. All the ingredients took a while to prepare and make sure they were perfect before you could add your special touch, that brought the enchantment to life, turning the ingredients from well… ingredients into the magic that you would cook into the waffles again, a request from the clients themselves. 
Some find the process incredibly tedious, your mom did when she worked at the shop, but you found it all calming. Work stressed you out more often than not, but you loved it so much. 
You were happily humming along to that song that’s been stuck in your head for the last week as you plucked off the leaves of R. Tinbi, one of those base ingredients for the enchantment. You had managed to get most of the ingredients prepared, now only left with the simple ones, when suddenly you heard footsteps. 
You didn’t even look up to know Jungkook had finally made his way out of the bathroom and was making his way over to you at the island. You really didn’t think much of it, almost forgetting about the whole predicament once again, but when he finally came into your peripheral you were instantly reminded. 
You finally turned your head to see him hunched over the countertop, his baggy short sleeved shirt that had a picture of Iron Man on it was long gone, and his red, plaid pajama pants haphazardly clung onto his tiny waist. That very prominent v-line that always made your mouth water was on display and suddenly you forgot what you were doing. 
You tried not to stare though, not wanting to make things any harder for him. You went back to plucking off the leaves. 
“P-Please tell me you’re working on a way to fix this…” He sighed, leaning over the counter a little more. It was also then that you realized his hair was a little wet and you noticed the shininess to his skin. 
“Baby you know if there was any way to fix this other than letting it take its course then I would help you… it would take longer than the time left to research—“ You suddenly heard his hand hit the counter before you saw him walk over to you from around the island. 
You watched as he got closer till he was standing right in front of you, you stared at him wide eyed, confused about what he was doing. 
He looked down at you with pleading eyes, his hand coming up and grabbing onto your waist, and you knew what he wanted. You wanted to tell him this wasn’t a good idea, but you couldn’t deny him when you felt him lift you onto the counter, you didn’t want to either. 
Jungkook looked at you with so much need, you could feel it too, how much pain this enchantment has caused and how much you wanted to help him. You felt tingles run through your entire body when his hand came up and caressed your bare thigh, making you instantly open your legs wider so he could be even closer. 
No time left was spared as Jungkook hastily pulled you close smashing his lips onto yours. He was hungry, desperate and he made sure you could feel it, kissing you with such ferocity you could hardly keep up. His hand had snaked up to cup your cheek to keep you close, even taking a second to breathe seemed hard. 
You were also sent the painful reminder that your boyfriend never wore underwear when he was home. Jungkook eagerly chased your hips, you both falling into a clumsy rhythm that made your whole body burn each time he whined softly into your mouth. 
You felt his hands hurriedly reach in between you and he fumbled with the button before he hurriedly pulled the zipper down on your shorts. Your hands ran up his toned arms, feeling the ink that over the years started to decorate his right arm, running up over his shoulder to tangle in his long dark hair. You tugged on that lightly, knowing how much he normally enjoys that and you were rewarded with a beautiful moan that was swallowed into the kiss. 
It was then that you started to feel the tug on your shorts. The angle was awkward since you were sitting on the countertop, it made them hard to pull down without separating long enough for you to try and wiggle out of them. 
At the challenge Jungkook broke away, clearly frustrated at the stupid barrier. 
“Why shorts, why did you have to wear fucking shorts…” He whined, still trying to feel you the best he could and he found it so difficult to stop long enough to make more of an effort to try and get your shorts off. 
The moment apart finally gave you that clarity you needed to realize what you both were about to do. 
“Jungkook, wait, we can’t do this…” You were sad, and you wanted so much to have him like this, but you knew things would only get worse if you continued. You didn’t want to see him in any more pain. 
“No… please… please Y/n, I feel like I’m going to explode.” The desperation in his voice made it harder to deny him. “I can’t make it to midnight, I can’t, I can’t—“ 
“But you’ll just end up feeling worse, plus I have things I need to do—“ You suddenly felt his hand move from your waist and reach between you both once again as he buried his head in your shoulder. 
You looked between you both and a whole new wave of tingles spread through your body as you watched your boyfriend tug down his pajama pants slightly and pull out his cock. 
Oh my g—
“You said you wanted to watch…” He shakily breathed out as his hand wrapped around his length, pumping himself slowly. 
It felt almost wrong to bear witness to such a glorious sight. Even with your shadows in the way you were reminded how beautiful your boyfriends cock was, the tip red and angry, that vein that you loved to lick ran along the side, and pre-cum was just oozing from the tip. To see that along with his pretty ass tattooed hand wrapped around was almost too much.
“Mmmm, oh— fuck, wanna cum so bad.” He said moaning into your skin. 
Knowing you could have a guy as beautiful as Jungkook such a mess and all for you made you want to give in so bad. 
You relished in his soft curses, the way he would moan, and the shaky breathes he would let out each time he would make it to the tip. The scene was lewd, and so much hotter than you could have ever imagined. 
You were in a trance at the sight until you felt his lips on your skin, kissing lightly until he reached that spot. You sighed and pulled him closer. Was this enchantment contagious? Maybe it was your boyfriend working his own magic like he always finds a way to? Whatever it was, was working on you too well. Oh, you wanted him so bad. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck, easily grabbing onto his hair and pulling it just the way he likes. He whined and rutted into you, so sensitive. 
You tilted his head so your lips were right by his ear. 
“Is this what you want?” You whispered softly and you got the most glorious moan out of him.
“Oh g—“ You didn’t give him time at all to finish before you were sucking hard on his neck. You felt his hand come up on your waist, both trying to pull your shorts down and pulling you closer to him, while he rocked his hips into you. 
“Close— Y/n please I’m so close—“ He whined, getting even more desperate at tugging at your shorts. You certainly felt it too, his quickened pace and started to get a little more inconsistent, desperate. 
You took the opportunity and pushed him away slightly. 
“N-No, please please!” He cried as you hopped off the countertop but you were quick at pushing him so he hit the counter across from where you were. He watched you wide eyed as you slowly walked over to him till you were standing only inches away. 
You took a moment to admire the view, giving him a once over at how much of a mess he truly had become. His skin glistened even more, his lips were shiny, and his hair was all frazzled and in his face. Oh how much you wish you could absolutely devour him. 
“You seriously don’t think you can make it to midnight?” You tried to look him in the eyes but his cock was right there. 
He shook his head. “I can take anything, your pussy, your mouth, fuck, I’ll be good if you let me squeeze your boob at this point.” You couldn’t help but giggle at that last part. 
“You don’t care that it might come back even worse?” You asked again, getting a little closer. 
“All I care about is now and you standing right in front of me, I could give a fuck about what happens 5 minutes from now.” Jungkook grabbed onto your waist hoping you won’t leave him. 
“Wellll…” You backed away and turned back to the island, grabbing onto the R. Tinbi leaves. “Someone ate my order today so I’m a little busy but—“ You leaned against the counter and arched your back in a way you knew made your ass look great. 
Jungkook quickly took the hint and grabbed onto your waist already rubbing himself against the rough fabric. 
“You’re perfect…” he sighed, grabbing a fistful of your ass and using his other hand to pull your hips back against his. You moaned lightly trying to focus on the leaves, but Jungkook was quick at making that task impossible. 
“You should see yourself, so fucking hot and mine.” His voice was already shaky again. He was so right, you knew deep down in your heart from the moment he first saw your special room there would be no one else, no one could make you feel as good as he did. 
Dazed and with your attention still on the leaves you felt his hand snake around and slipped down your panties, quickly finding your clit. 
“Oh fuck! Jungkook—“ You whined when he started rubbing your clit. You really weren’t expecting him to touch you at all, but leave it to your boyfriend, even in a state like this, to still try to make sure you felt good too. 
“Shit, you’re so wet for me baby… You like seeing me like this?” Jungkook was trying to tease you but he was so fucking turned on right now saying it out loud just made things worse. He had been so worried about embarrassing himself in front of you, but hearing, feeling you were turned on by his situation was more than he could take. 
Your moans were enough to make rational thinking seem impossible, suddenly the goal of getting your shorts down your legs seemed like it would take too much time and his brain just wasn’t working anymore. 
In a haste Jungkook did the most highschool thing he probably could have done in that moment, lining himself up before pushing himself right between your thighs. Jungkook’s face burned from how embarrassing this was, but he could care less right now. 
“I’m— so sorry, I can’t— I’m sorry—“ He moaned as he started literally fucking your thighs, his pace not holding back at all. 
You were a little confused by what was happening but while his hips were quick so were his fingers, speeding up so fast any questions or witty remarks you had left your brain in an instant. 
“Oh— fuck, fuck!” You moaned.
“So good, you feel so good Y/n!” You could tell just by his voice he was getting close. Part of you was tempted to ask him once again if this was really worth it, but you felt repeating it was redundant at this point. He had already made up his mind. Instead you just squeezed your thighs a little tighter together, hoping that might help.
“Ennnggg, oh-oh my gosh—“ Jungkook hurried his head in your neck, so close he could practically taste it at this point. His pace started to falter. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok…” You tried to reassure, sensing he was holding back. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—“ Jungkook didn’t know what he was expecting if he came, the build up was just too much he knew he would feel better if only for a little while. What he wasn’t expecting, never would have expected was, as the ropes of cum started to shoot out, the most earth shattering orgasm he had ever experienced. 
As that wave of pleasure washed over him, he swore he transcended to the 10th dimension. He couldn’t speak, scream, moan, the pleasure too much, it was as if time stopped for a few seconds. The sensations were so intense, it felt like it lasted forever, a forever of bliss he couldn’t describe. It was better than a high he had experienced, a better high than he knew other drugs were capable of. It only seemed to get better as the seconds ticked away.
Part of Jungkook thought he had died, that he had transcended to a plane somewhere else, somewhere far beyond this earth. He swore he could see colors that never existed, 7:00 was purple, October was roast beef, Jupiter was a quarter. 
You were at first a little confused about what happened, he had suddenly gone almost silent except a few whimpers you felt in your skin as he steadily continued to rock his hips and how the hand gripping your waist was shaky. It was then that you remembered the U. Haqo and knew that whatever it was, was probably good. 
It was a solid few minutes before he finally came down, as the pleasure slowly faded, Jungkook was hit with another satisfying sensation, the feeling of complete normalcy.
You suddenly felt his weight shift on you completely. 
“Woah, are you ok?” You chuckled as you finally asked. 
“No… so good, feel better, but tired…” Complete sentences seemed impossible right now, that oragasm turning his brain into mush. You were luckily able to pick up on what he was trying to say.
“I bet, you ate all 3 of those—“ You had been so focused on Jungkook you had yet to actually look down, your attention finally drifting downwards when you felt something running down your leg. You weren’t prepared for the sight. What was going down your leg was the least of your worries, right there running down your island was an obvious white stream you knew wasn’t there before. 
“Holy shit, Jungkook…” You were stunned but once again you realized this was another ingredient to the enchantment at work. 
“Mmmmm?” He groaned lazily, still trying to still come back from that orgasm. 
“You came all over our island.” You laughed. 
This was enough to finally get him to lift his head and he was met with the same sight you were. Jungkook could feel the embarrassment creeping up, but his post-nut bliss was enough to keep him from freaking out about it too much. He knew this would make him scream into a pillow later though. 
“Sorry…” He sighed, gently caressing the skin where your shirt had come up slightly. 
Even with your limited Korean knowledge, you knew he had apologized. “It’s fine, it's another thing from the enchantment. I’ll worry about this, you go head to the bed. I’ll come back soon so I can put you to sleep before it comes back, hopefully you can sleep this off till midnight.” 
He nodded and slowly wobbled himself back over to your bedroom. 
You were quick to get to work knowing time was of the essence. You grabbed a towel and wiped the cum off your leg and the island, and headed straight to your room where Jungkook had already snuggled up in the blankets. 
Part of you wondered if he might go to sleep on his own, but as you got closer you noticed the pained look on his face. 
“Is it already back?” You questioned.
“Not yet, but I feel it coming.” He looked up at you. 
“Alright, hopefully this will keep you asleep till midnight, but since it’s magic vs magic, I can’t make any promises. You’ll at least be able to have a few hours with some peace.” You sat down on the bed and ran your fingers through his hair. Jungkook nodded, sleepily. 
“Wish you could stay, wanna cuddle…” He pouted and you were this close to throwing away all your responsibilities for the day away just so you could snuggle with him. 
“I do too, I’ll hop into bed with you as soon as I come back from the shop I promise.” You smiled and he did as well. It was then that you leaned down and softly kissed his cheek, you watched as his smile started to fade as his eyes quickly fluttered closed.
Oh you were so tempted. 
But nevertheless you hopped up and headed straight for the shower, even though you already took one earlier this morning, you figured you needed another after your time with Jungkook. 
You were out quickly and went back to work on getting the enchantment made as quickly as you could. You knew your clients would be coming in soon to pick up their orders and the couple called you when you got out of the shower and asked if they could pick up their order early because of a schedule change. 
Luckily most had already been done before Jungkook came in. You finally finished plucking the leaves and got the two remaining ingredients ready and carried them all into your special room for mixing. It was a good thirty minutes before the sparkly white powder was created and ready to be mixed in with the waffles. 
In no time at all (you did have a little help from your magic utensils helping you out) three hot and ready waffles were on the plate and you took them back to your special room. You closed the door behind you, waited for a second, before opening the door back up to the back room of The Magic Shop. 
It wasn’t long after you got there did you hear a knock on the door and you were delighted to see the couple peeking in through the door. You happily guided them back over to the register where you showed them the waffles wrapped up. 
“Thank you so much for doing this— this is one of our last chances at trying to do this the natural way.” The wife smiled at you. 
“I’m so glad I could help you both, hold up let me just—“ You quietly snapped your fingers making sure the waffles would stay warm until they both decided to eat them and then handed them over to them. 
“Let’s hope this works…” The husband looked over at his wife and squeezed her hand a little tighter, but then turned to you. “We have high hopes though, we heard amazing things about this place so we’re really hoping for the best.”
They were one of your many clients who knew nothing about what was actually the secret behind all of your products working so well. Part of you wished you could tell them so they would be reassured. 
“Really hoping for you both as well, I wish you guys luck.” The couple thanked you before heading back outside. 
As soon as they left you went back to your special room and started bringing out all of the other orders of people you were expecting today. You sighed looking at them all knowing you would probably be down here for a while, hoping that Jungkook would be ok upstairs. 
The first thing Jungkook felt when he came to was pain, it didn’t hurt necessarily but there was no other word that he could describe it with. A need so desperate it almost was painful. The sun had gone down outside, a dark blue hue filling the room, and the clock on his nightstand read 8:34 when he finally looked over. 
You were right, it was so much worse. 
Jungkook was tempted to just make himself cum right now, unable to fathom how he would be able to make it nearly 4 hours. 
He couldn’t. 
This still didn’t stop him from trying his best. Jungkook gripped the blankets and shut his eyes hard, hoping maybe he could make himself go to sleep again. Only after 5 seconds he knew that wasn’t going to happen. 
He was just so— so…
Jungkook shifted his hips slightly and the fabric of his pajama pants was enough to make him lose his mind. 
Gosh, where were you? Jungkook hoped when he woke up it would be midnight (or at least close to it) and you were cuddled up in his arms like you promised. At least if he was going to fail, he’d rather do it inside you this time. 
Jungkook groaned softly thinking back to what went down in the kitchen, how nice your body felt against his, how wet you had gotten at his flustered state. If only he had enough sense to have gotten your shorts down, what he would have done if he did... 
He was tempted to run downstairs and beg you to let him fuck you, he was tempted and honestly he would have done it if he didn’t know the fact you were still downstairs meant you were working. He didn’t want to be any more of a pain than the mess he’s already caused for you. 
He really should have fucking known those waffles were for The Magic Shop, there really was no excuse for his actions other than he was hungry and didn’t care enough to realize what he was doing. 
Fuck— but he just missed you so much. He wished so badly he had opened his eyes and felt your arms wrapped around him, that when he had turned over he could have seen your smile. He would have kissed you and—
“Oh g—“ the moan got caught in his throat when he slid his hand under the waistband of his pants and hurriedly started pumping his cock. Jungkook was not at all prepared for the sensation, so intense, so fucking good he could already feel himself spiraling over the edge once again. 
In a rush he had to let go, knowing in that moment if he didn’t stop he would reach the point of no return already. 
Jungkook sat there for a second staring up at the darkened ceiling, just wondering how the hell he was going to somehow make it to midnight. If you were you— no if you were here, he would have cum already. 
He contemplated once again, heading downstairs, desperate to be inside you at this point, but being a good, respectful boyfriend mattered more no matter how horny he was. Jungkook flipped around anxiously, wondering how he was possibly going to get through this, when in the darkness your empty side made him focus on your pillow. 
Jungkook, you're better than that— is what he tried to tell himself, he was screaming at himself that he was better than that, but he wasn’t, not when he felt like this. 
He finally kicked off his pajama pants and flipped over, staring at his pillow with so much shame, but that didn’t stop him as he slowly pushed the pillow further down. As soon as it was close enough, he steadily started rocking into it. 
Jungkook immediately thought of you again, when you would be here underneath him like this. Jungkook would always watch your pretty face as he thrusted into and— oh fuck, when you would moan his name and tell him how good he was making you feel. 
He hurriedly picked up the pace. “G—g, oh my g—“ 
You would always take him so well, you were so fucking perfect. He wanted to be inside you so bad right now. He missed feeling the way your walls would embrace him, you were always so fucking tight, and wet, and warm, and—
He was absolutely delusional at this point. He could see you underneath him, feel you underneath him, he could hear your moans and the way you pleaded for him to go faster. 
Gosh, he wanted to fill you up so fucking bad. 
It nearly hit him in the face when he felt himself hastily getting way too close, he had to quickly get off the pillow. 
His whole body cried and contorted, trying to get the feeling to pass. Jungkook nearly thought he was going to cum anyway, but he steadily calmed himself down. 
How the fuck is he going to make this? He knew he should stop, he knew that it would be better to wait it out than keep putting himself through this torture but he wasn’t thinking clearly at all. All he cared about was chasing that high as close as he can, until finally midnight rolled around and he could finally fucking cum. 
Jungkook got back over the pillow and rocked his hips a little slower. Maybe this might help, if he goes slow he can get the best of both worlds. A little bit of pleasure but also so he wouldn’t risk going too far. 
Jungkook moaned lightly at the feeling. This will be fine. He can go this, he can do this.
It wasn’t until a little after 11:00 that you were finally making your way back up to the apartment. You were annoyed as hell because you pretty much worked an entire extra shift and of course today had to be the day that this happens. You had a couple of people who were picking up orders call and say they would be late, and late turned into two whole hours later, before you were finally closing the shop for good. Taking inventory also turned into a whole mess, the site where you normally get your ingredients from acted up and you were basically on the phone for a good three hours getting your order straight. And then you ended up spending an extra hour getting the shop ready for Monday, knowing you had absolutely no plans on coming in tomorrow. 
In turn, you were stuck downstairs almost all day thinking about your boyfriend upstairs. You kept hoping that the enchantment was strong enough and that he was still asleep, but like you feared as soon as you opened up the door of your special room once again you could immediately hear muffled moans. 
You hastily made your way down the hall and you honestly didn’t know what you were expecting when you rounded the corner, but you still found yourself shocked when you finally realized what you were looking at. 
The bed had basically been deconstructed, all the pillows and blankets had been thrown to the floor and the sheets were barely staying on. On your side of the bed was your boyfriend, his pajama pants were now gone. In one hand was your purple vibrator you typically kept in your nightstand, the could hear the slow, light buzzing as he slowly ran it along his cock. In the other hand he gripped hard, what you could only assume was your pillow, tightly over his face, making you instantly rush over because what the hell was he doing?! 
“Jungkook?!” You cried, ripping the pillow away. You heard him whine as you pulled it out of his hand. You were met with his wet face. You would have just chalked it up to be sweat, but noticing that his cheeks were noticeably damp making you realize he had likely been crying. 
He blinked up at you a little confused. 
“Y/n, is that really you?” His voice was a little horse. It was then that you also realized one of your lingerie sets bottoms was beside him.
You got down on your knees. “Yeah it’s me baby, I’m sorry I’m late…” You reached over and stroked his cheek. 
“Please tell me it’s 11:59…” He whined, a noticeable tear rolling down his cheek and onto your hand. 
“Almost it’s…” you looked over at the clock “11:21.” You reassured thinking that might be some sort of good news, but he just groaned and more tears spilled from his eyes. 
“How am I going to…” He quietly trailed off, not even bothering to finish. 
“Jungkook, what were you doing with a pillow on your face?” You asked, a little concerned. 
“Your pillow smells like you, missed you so much, I’m sorry.” He softly apologized and you felt instant relief knowing it wasn’t what you thought was happening. “Where were you? Thought you were gonna be here when I woke up…” He pouted. 
“I’m sorry, things kept holding me up downstairs, took me forever to make it back up. A lot’s happened though since I left.” You chuckled, pointing out how disheveled the room was. 
“It’s been so hard, you don’t even wanna know…” He sighed and it was also then that you realized he never turned your vibrator off. 
“You didn’t cum, did you?” You asked, not tearing your attention away from the way he gripped his dick with one hand and the way he ran the vibrator along it, how he shook every time he reached the tip. 
“Ennnggg— once— it was on accident, I had just woken up and… I don’t know what happened, but I ended up cumming on my pillow and—“ 
“Wait… how would you…?” Your imagination had immediately started running wild. 
“I missed you, and it’s embarrassing…” 
Jungkook had reached some of his lowest of lows today. He had fucked the crease between his girlfriend’s thighs because he couldn’t get her shorts off, and then he ended up fucking a pillow. 
It was right after he convinced himself that he was going to be able to do this. He had gotten caught up in imagining the pillow was you and he still was so sensitive from how he almost came earlier from his last attempt, but he really wasn’t ready for that wave to hit him like that. Jungkook didn’t even get a chance to try and stop it, his cum all of a sudden all over his pillow case and the shame, pleasure, and relief he felt in that moment for another earth-shattering orgasm. 
Shakily he wobbled over to the laundry room to toss it into the washer and he almost ran back to the shower and turned it on the coldest possible setting he could before hopping in, hoping it might cool him down a bit before the feeling came back. That didn’t help at all, magic being difficult like that, and that’s how he ended up stumbling out of the shower, grabbed the first thing he saw in your underwear drawer, along with your vibrator and had been here since trying his best to make it till you finally made it back. 
He’s nearly come more times than he could count at this point and just seeing you standing here next to him finally had started making things harder than ever before. 
“What time did you wake up?” You asked. 
“8:30– I’ve been edging for nearly 4 hours… feel like I’m gonna explode.” He couldn’t laugh at that anymore, because he really did feel like he actually might explode at this point— on you, fuck, he wanted you so bad. 
Your hand along his cheek sent a fire in him and this unbearable, unquenchable lust that he’s felt all day, was starting to reach a pinnacle that made his skin burn hotter than any fire. Gosh, a lust enchantment and he hasn’t been able to fuck you all day? 
To make matters worse even before the enchantment he was feeling extra needy, work this week for the both of you keeping you apart and he was looking forward to this Saturday to make up for all the lost time. 
You started noticing the look of distress on his face the more you looked at him. “Baby, you ok?”
“No—fuck, no I’m not ok. Can you leave? I don’t mean to be rude but you right beside me is making me think things, I fucking want you so… so, so, so fucking bad right now and I feel like if you stand here any longer touching my face I’m gonna cum and— it’s already so bad I don’t know if I can do this again—“ 
“What if you did?” You were still dazed staring at his pretty cock and your vibrator. 
“What?!” He sounded pissed, he was pissed, here he was begging you—
“I mean Jungkook there’s only a little over 30 minutes left of the day~ What if we take advantage of this enchantment and you can fuck my brains out or something till midnight hits.” You finally turned back to his face to see him staring at you.
“Take it as an apology for making you feel so miserable all day and… I swear watching you all day has made me so wet, so maybe we call it even and we have a little fun.” You smiled, hoping he might say yes.
He continued to just stare at you.
“We don’t have to if you’re not up for it, I know things have been hard and you might just wanna make it throu—“
“Shut up if you don’t fucking mean it.” He suddenly said, sitting up on the bed. You were a little taken aback by his harsh words, but then you realized what’s going on. 
At the position change you reached up and ran your hands over his toned thighs. “I fucking mean it baby.” You smirked up at him and you heard your boyfriend literally whimper. 
“G—god I swear I’m gonna cum if you keep talking, please— fuck, please do something, anything, I just fucking want you.” He cried and you couldn’t have been happier. 
You were about to have so much fun. 
You watched him throw your vibrator across the room and scoot to the edge of the bed. You didn’t even try and tease as you ran your hands further up his thighs. 
You watched his eyes flutter closed as you made your way closer to where he wanted you. You watched his face intently as your fingers finally wrapped around the base. 
“Mmphh— yesyesyesyes, don’t stop please.” He gasped and this fueled you to push further. 
You slowly brought your hand up closer to the tip and enjoyed the way he whimpered under your touch as precum kept leaking from the tip. 
“Does it feel good?” You laughed slightly, seeing how much he struggled to keep it together. 
“Feel like I’m gonna explode…” His brain was just spaghetti at this point, not even realizing he switched over to Korean. 
Jungkook leaned back so he couldn’t watch you, the sight was too much already and you barely had started. Instead he gripped the crumpled up sheets tight as he felt your hands run over his length. It was just so good, he wanted to cum so bad—
As much fun as this was, seeing your boyfriend like this made you so eager to please and you quickly decided it was finally time to put him out of his misery. 
After working him a little further you brought your hand up to eagerly rub over the slit as you leaned down ready to take him in your mouth. 
“Oh—fuuu—“ He was not prepared, neither were you when his orgasm hit him so suddenly. You couldn’t help but stare as you watched the bliss wash over him, the way his face cutely scrunched up, the sheets were tight in his hands, and just like what happened earlier in the kitchen, you only heard him whimper quietly, the pleasure seemingly being too much. You were so entranced, you didn’t even realize some of it landed on your face.
It took a few minutes for it to finally wash over him, and just as he was starting to come back he let go of the sheets and put his hands over his face.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You chuckled. 
“I’m sorry— that was— I’m so confused, fucking embarrassed, but ughh that was so hot.” He finally looked down at you, seeing the white streaks on your face. 
“Oh my g— so fucking hot— Y/n please don’t stop—“ He whined impatiently. 
“You sure? You just c—“ 
“I don’t care, don’t stop…” he pleaded, needing to feel you. This night was not ending without him being inside you at least once.
You chuckled as you grabbed a tissue and cleaned your face and hand. You didn’t waste anymore time and happily took him into your mouth. 
Jungkook was not at all prepared to feel your mouth around him— for 13 hours straight he had simply made do with the best he could, his hand, your thighs, a pillow, your vibrator on the lowest setting possible— they were fine and some even managed to push him over the edge. Maybe it had been so long since he felt your touch or this enchantment was absolutely insane because the minute you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and started taking him… he was not at all prepared. You would have thought he had never been touched before in his life at how quickly he felt he could cum again, that feeling returning instantaneously.
His hand quickly went down to tangle in your hair as you pushed down as much as you could. He made the awful mistake of sitting up, wanting to look at you, but it just made things so much worse, seeing the way you were staring up at him as you took him so well. 
“You’re so good to me…” He sighed and he didn’t realize he said that out loud until he noticed you giggle as you came off him. 
“Is it that good? I’ve barely done anything yet.” You chuckled. 
“Mhmmm, go slow, don’t wanna cum too soon.” He pleaded. He wanted to savor every moment of this and this enchantment made it so all he wanted to do was cum down your throat.
Not yet though.
You nodded before going back down and swirling your tongue around the tip. You went slow like you promised and this was enough to get a frustrated whine from him. 
“Y/n— don’t do this to me please.” He looked down at you and you couldn’t help that wave of need travel through your body, making you squeeze your thighs together. Maybe on another day you would have teased him for longer, but you finally took him in your mouth as far as you could go. 
As you pulled back and went back down again, you enjoyed his soft sighs of pleasure he would let out occasionally, and by the look on his face you could tell you were doing well.
You brought your hand up to softly run over his thigh before wrapping around his length as stroking what you couldn’t take. At the combo, you relished in the moan he let out as his grip in your hair tightened. He looked so pretty like this, all you wanted to do was please him, so you steadily sped up your pace anticipating seeing that look of just pure euphoria wash over him once more. 
You were hellbent on getting him to cum in your mouth and you knew he was close, you could tell by his moans getting more desperate, and how he subtly held your head down making sure you wouldn’t leave. You were waiting for the moment, so close, but as you were sure he was right about to cum suddenly you felt him pull you off. 
You looked up at him confused as you saw him try and calm himself down. What was going on? Isn’t this what he wanted? 
You were not left confused for long as Jungkook shakily got up, you at eye level with his cock, shiny from your antics as precum leaked from the tip. You felt his hand cup your chin forcing you to look up at him. 
Jungkook was staring down at you, his lip tucked between his teeth as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“So fucking pretty…” He sighed as he looked at your delicate features staring up at him. So fucking pretty and you were all his. He wanted to absolutely ruin you.
“Wanna fuck your mouth baby~” He said so softly, his tone almost not matching at all with what he was asking. You felt his thumb reach into your mouth slightly to open your mouth a little wider. 
Your attention went back down to his cock right in front of your face, the way his tattooed hand came up and started stroking it slowly as he moved a little closer to your mouth. Your whole body ached with need, wanting this man inside you immediately. 
“Is that ok?” He shakily asked. 
Instead of responding, you nodded your head slowly leaning in a little closer so your lips brushed against the tip. You enjoyed the whimper you got out of him as a result. 
“Eeeehh— Open your mouth— I mean open your mouth please, fuck!” Jungkook moaned and you instantly followed his command and he moved his hand so it was resting on your head and he guided you straight to his cock as you slowly took him. 
“Ohhhh, yes, yes, yes…” He sighed the minute he saw the last inch disappear into your mouth. You could feel his hand on your head start to shake lightly, and you could only figure he must be close.
Jungkook slowly pulled his hips back before shakily thrusting back in. He was trying to be gentle but your mouth and this fucking enchantment made that almost impossible. 
You felt so good around him and the way you were looking at him as he stared down into your eyes… he was so close. 
He sped up slightly. 
That sensation quickly returned, the overwhelming feeling quickly boiled over into a blinding white light, so so good. He had to force his eyes to stay open as he watched himself cum in your mouth. He wanted to see. 
You let him recover before pulling off eventually. 
Jungkook didn’t let the peace carry on for long before he was pulling you onto your feet and even quicker were you pressed against the dresser behind you as Jungkook kissed you hungrily. 
“You— you sure you want to keep going?” You asked in between his kisses. You were honestly baffled he hadn’t collapsed yet, but that enchantment was all to thank for that. 
“Yes— can’t stop.” He really couldn’t, this enchantment already having that craving back faster than ever and with an intensity that he couldn’t imagine as somehow worse. Jungkook wasn’t done yet with you at all, this was still just the beginning. 
He made the point clear by pulling you back with him so you both fell back on the bed. Jungkook didn’t waste any time as he wrapped your legs around his waist and he was hurriedly leaning over so he could kiss you. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. You wanted him and you knew you were just on the cusp of feeling him inside you. You got even more excited when you felt him tugging on your shorts. 
“Are you serious?!” Jungkook exclaimed as he struggled to get them down once again. They were just comfy shorts you threw on, hoping these might be a little easier to deal with than your jean shorts from earlier, but it seems you thought wrong.
Jungkook got frustrated and instead focused on pulling up your shirt and helped you get it over your head and you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room. You didn’t think too much of it, ready to finally get naked and busy, that is until you noticed his gaze locked on your chest.
You were about to question him, but his hand quickly came up and started massaging the softness. Oh. 
You moaned softly as his thumb flicked over the nipple before leaning forward a little more and sucking it. You were a bit taken aback by his actions, but Jungkook’s eager mouth was quick at pulling you back in the moment. 
“Can’t wait to see you covered with whipped cream.” He mumbled softly, but his eyes weren’t on yours. You honestly had no idea what he was talking about or if he was speaking to you or your boobs? 
“Baby, what are you talking about?” You chuckled slightly, running your hands through his soft hair. 
“Our plans for tomorrow, wish they were for now but— ughh— Y/n, need you please.” His gaze finally met your own and he made sure to accentuate with a firm thrust. 
You were about to say something when you felt his hand travel down your body again and tug on your short strings. You hoped this time he would manage to get them down your legs, but you could sense the growing frustration at the fact he couldn’t even untie the little bow you made. 
“Why?! Why can’t I—?!” The more he pulled the worse the knot he had created got tighter, this enchantment seemingly making his brain all scrambled. 
As funny as it was to watch, you were more eager for what was going to happen next so you pushed him away slightly so you could finally shimmy your shorts down your legs. 
Jungkook looked at you thankful for the help and his whole body seemingly cried when your shorts and panties were gone and flung across the room. Seeing you naked, fuck, he’s wanted you like this all day. As much as he wanted to feel you around him, Jungkook was more interested in pleasing you. 
You expected him to get back on top but he laid back over on your side and started ushering you over on top of him. 
“What’s this about?” You wondered. 
“Sit on my face.” He was blunt but the enchantment allowed for nothing more. You were a little shocked once again he was still finding it in him to take care of you when he’s like this, but were you really? This was Jungkook you’re talking about, the guy who thrives on your pleasure. 
You laughed slightly, but quickly obeyed his wish and moved so you were hovering over his mouth. 
You gripped your headboard tight when you felt his hands come up to stroke your thighs as you slowly lowered yourself over his mouth, worried about squishing his head. Jungkook was quick at pushing those worries aside as he pulled you down to eagerly start lapping between your drenched folds. 
You weren’t at all prepared, your back arching and a moan escaping your lips before you could stop it. 
Even in a state like this Jungkook made sure to remind you he knew your body well after years spent together. 
“Jungkook— fuck, fuck yes—“ You groaned when he used his tongue to circle your clit, occasionally sucking on it. Your whole body was on fire, if someone was watching they might have also thought you had eaten some of the enchanted waffles along with him at how desperate you seemed.  
Truth is, you missed, you missed him so much. You had missed him all week, long hours keeping you both apart even before enchantment came into effect. You missed him all day today, you were stuck downstairs as you thought about what might have happened if you had opened the bathroom earlier, what if Jungkook had fucked you on the counter, what if you agreed to stay in bed with him. All of the possibility was dwarfed by how hot you were thinking about what actually happened. Trapped downstairs on the phone with the fifth tech support person trying to help you with your order, all you could think about was your boyfriend’s pretty ass cock and how much you wanted to be pounded into oblivion right then and there for the guy on the phone to hear. 
You’ve been hot all day. As hard as you knew this was for Jungkook, it almost felt like you were being punished being forced to watch. 
Having him like this, below you, eating you out like his life depended on it made you so fucking hot. 
When your thighs started to get a bit shaky, you finally looked down at him a little surprised to see his dazed gaze on you. You happily took one of your hands off the head board and let them tangle into his long brown locks. 
You felt the subtle vibrations of the way he moaned. You watched as one of his hands that was gripping onto your thighs let go and hastily reached downward. Curious, you broke away from his gaze and to turn behind you and you felt a whole new fire light inside you at the sight of him hurriedly pumping his cock. 
You quickly turned back down to him and noticed his eyes had glossed over, this whole thing apparently getting to him more than you thought. 
Suddenly you were back in the moment and was painfully aware of the skilled work of your boyfriend's tongue, playing with your clit, licking between your folds, and even into your hole. You knew you would cum soon at this rate. 
“Are you enjoying this that much?” You teased breathlessly, moving your hips in a way that the new angle had your grinding against the tip of his nose. Fuck.
His attention shifted back to you, albeit still dazed. 
You gripped onto his hair tighter when he didn’t answer, even though how could he with your pussy in his mouth. You watched intently as the way his eyes started rolling back. Hot. 
You weren’t in the mood for games, you just wanted to fucking cum at this point. 
“Fuck Jungkook, you’re so good to me always. Love you.” It was a hasty confession as your attention turned towards chasing the high that’s been dangled in front of you all day. 
Jungkook seemed to speed up at the praise. It didn’t take long for that built up tension to finally snap when you cried out as you experienced one of the most toe-curling, mind numbing orgasms you’ve ever had. 
Jungkook gave you no time to recover though, because even after he worked you through it and you started to lift up, he showed no signs of stopping. 
You looked down at him and he nodded up at you, needing no words to explain.
He wanted to watch again, have you cum all over his face one more time. You were so sensitive, confused at the blissful sting of overstimulation, but still extremely turned on because holy fucking shit was this hot. 
Jungkook quickly had you back to that point where that feeling was back all too soon and you were crying out once more and your orgasm hit you faster than a freight train. 
Your brain didn’t know how to comprehend what happened as you sat there for a second, letting your heart and breathing calm down. What just happened? You felt fuzzy all over, loved, comforted, and—
Jungkook’s hand suddenly fell from your thigh as you finally looked down once again. You were delighted to see the fucked out expression, his eyes were closed and you cooed internally at the way his eyelashes tickled his cheeks. He was so pretty. His brows were furrowed as the hand that had long left your thigh continued to move. That’s when you remembered what you saw last time. 
You turned around and was shocked to see the cum covering his toned stomach, but he was still harder than ever. Suddenly you were hot all over again. 
You turned back to Jungkook once more, noticing how pained his delicate expression had gotten. 
“Please, inside…” He finally opened his eyes to look up at you. You also noticed how red he seemed and you wondered if he was just hot, flushed, or was it embarrassment? Maybe all three considering? You could also see how wet his face was, you didn’t know whether that was just you or the tears that had especially collected around his eyes. 
You swung your leg over and took a seat next to him. Jungkook was quick at sitting up and turning toward you, you both just looked at each other before Jungkook got too impatient and hurriedly pulled you into a kiss. 
He was hungry, desperate, and had you breathless by the time he moved you both so you were on your back and he was slotted between your thighs, ignoring the stickiness between you. 
You moaned into the kiss when you felt the steady grind of his cock between your folds. Despite having just come (twice), you still found yourself eager to have him inside you, finally. 
Jungkook pulled away to hurriedly line himself up, ready to finally fucking finally feel you, but just as he was about to push in you remembered something. 
“Wait— Jungkook!” You called and he looked up at you, a little startled. 
“Mhmmm?” He almost sounded like he was drunk, his attention quickly turning back down to your pussy and was entranced at how wet you sounded, his eyes glued to the way his cock looked as he pushed it through the slickness of your folds. 
“Do you think we should use a condom?” You asked, a little concerned. You never typically did these days, but with this enchantment it may be better just in case. 
Jungkook was trying his best to pay attention to your words, but fuck, he was so close and you felt so good. 
“I don’t know if my birth control can go up against this enchantment.” 
“Eghhhh— I don’t mind if you think it’s better. It’s up to you.” His brain was not working, of course he had a preference and that preference was clouding any sort of logical thinking. 
“What— you don’t mind if this gets me pregnant?” You giggled at the comment. 
Jungkook's eyes returned to yours but then back down between you both. “Feel like I could give you octuplets right now.” He chuckled weakly, both trying to joke along with you but he was also incredibly serious, painfully serious.
You just laughed realizing you shouldn’t really be asking him when he’s like this. “Ohhh, that’s just the enchantment talking baby~” You smiled, somehow endeared by his words. 
“I’m serious though, whatever you want to do— but wait, we haven’t used condoms for so long I don’t even remember if I have any left.” He panicked. Just the thought of stopping now made him want to throw something out the window. He felt close already.
“Please hurry baby…” He moaned, trying his best to stay calm but this fucking enchantment was making it very hard.
You sensing the urgency decided to think about this. 
There is no way you wouldn’t end up pregnant from this if you just do nothing— or well, there’s just a great chance. Considering you weren’t enchanted by the waffles maybe that would be enough? You also had no idea anyway if you had any condoms in the room anymore. Maybe you would be fine? You could make your own remedy of sorts in the morning as well just for good measure. 
And would it really be that bad if all that fails? Sure you weren’t at that point of your life where you were ready to start having kids, but this was with Jungkook, not some random guy from a one night stand. If things didn’t go to plan, it wouldn’t be that bad. 
Your judgment was questionable though considering you were just as eager to finally feel him inside you and the way his cock slid over your clit made your mind a little fuzzy. Might you regret it in the morning, maybe, but you would solve that issue when you get there. You had a plan as well so—
“Alright— I have a plan for tomorrow, but just get inside before I lose my mi—” You were hardly able to finish your sentence before Jungkook hurriedly pushed inside you, not even making it in all the way before he buried himself in your neck and let out the most glorious moan as he came inside you.  
You were shocked but you still rubbed his back lightly, trying to help him through it. You could only imagine at this point how intense things have gotten for him, the thought turned you on and for a brief moment considered one day downing three of these waffles and seeing what happens. 
Jungkook eventually pulled away and you immediately noticed the tears that stained his face and quickly brought your hands up to wipe them. 
“Was it good?” You chuckled, but you were starting to get a tad bit concerned seeing how fucked out he was beginning to look. 
He shakily nodded his head. 
“You’re lucky I said yes.” You laughed hoping that would pep him back up back you could tell he was hardly paying any attention to what you were saying.
“S-s-sorry.” His voice was soft and you couldn’t help yourself as you brought him closer to kiss his cheek. The lights were dim in your room, but once your lips touched his skin you finally felt just how wet his face was. 
“It doesn’t hurt right?” You asked immediately as you pulled back.
He shook his head. 
“Feels too good.” He sighed as he steadily started to move his hips again. 
Jungkook was not at all prepared for what it would feel like to be inside you with this enchantment. Maybe he was so sensitive from how many times he’s cum already, or things really have escalated to a point that everything has just become so overwhelming, but the minute he started moving his hips he was rendered speechless. 
The enchantment only seemed to enhance every sensation the warm embrace your walls always gave him. It was so good, you were so good to him. Every sense of his made his brain go haywire, the way you wrapped around him, the way your hands ran along his back, the way you looked up at him as he fucked you, your expression, your eyes alone was enough to get him to cum again. 
He loved you so much. 
“Fuck.” He whispered so quietly he doubted you heard it, he couldn’t say it any louder even if he wanted to. Despite the odd circumstances and how frustrating the day has been, being here with you like this made it all worth it. 
Jungkook didn’t even realize how much his eyes had watered up until your expression started to shift to worry when you brought your hand up to wipe his face. 
“Fuck— Jungkook are you sure you’re ok?” You asked, once again concerned. 
“Mhmmmm, good, so good. Don’t wanna cum yet, wanna make you feel good too.” He cried. He was desperate to make you feel even an ounce of what he did. His pace had remained painfully slow, knowing the minute he sped up it’d be over. 
“This feels good— don’t worry baby this is about you, ok?” You smiled up at him. It was meant to be reassuring but it only made him feel worse. 
Jungkook picked up the pace and relished in your delighted moans and the sound of the bed frame creaking at your escapades. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming, that feeling, that need to fill you up once more became harder to ignore. 
He tried his best to distract himself by kissing you hastily but that only seemed to make things worse. It was just so good. 
“Oh— oh go—“ 
It felt like he was hit with a train the way his orgasm knocked him so suddenly, somehow it was even more intense than before. It felt like a fervor dream, he was delirious, and maybe it was this enchantment, but as he coated your walls with his cum there was some strange part in him that wanted all this to get you pregnant. 
It was a guilty confession that he knew he would regret later, but it’s what fueled him despite how exhausted his body felt to flip you over so you were on your hands and knees so he could do it again. 
The position gave him a great view of your ass, and he cursed to himself quietly as watched the way it’d jiggle anytime he pushed into you. 
“So—so good Jungkook…” You whined. 
“Close?” Was all he could ask and you hurriedly nodded. 
Jungkook’s hand quickly came down to smack your ass and gripped on the soft mounds hard, loving the way you moaned for him. As much as he’s enjoyed the thought about whipped cream all over your titties all day, your ass will always be his favorite. 
Jungkook felt your walls tighten around his cock and he knew you were close. 
He pulled you close so your back was against him, the new angle allowing him to fuck into you easily, while his hand went down to rub your clit and his mouth kissed your neck.
The position had him reaching spots inside you that made your mind go blank as you soon felt him fill you up once again, but he didn’t stop until you were soon cumming all over his cock. 
You were hardly able to recover before Jungkook was pulling out of you and laying down only to usher you so you were hovering over his cock. He looked up at you with pleading eyes, and it didn’t take much to figure out what he was asking from you. 
You were already starting to get a little tired and barely coming off your last orgasm you still found it in yourself to sink down onto his length once again. You felt his hands come up and grip your hips tightly as you began to slowly move. 
You also surprised yourself with the fact that you were keeping up with him, no enchantment fueling your efforts, just your love for this idiot who ate your waffles.
You marveled at his soft sighs of pleasure and how beautiful he looked. He had grown more quiet like back in the kitchen and just by the look on his face you knew things had really gotten intense. You could only imagine, you’re not even sure how many times he’s cum at this point.
“You’re so pretty baby~” You breathlessly confessed and he let out a strained moan as one of his hands moved up to play with one of your tits. For some reason you knew he was close once again.
“You’re gonna cum again for me baby?” You asked but you knew. You noticed his eyes started getting watery again, tears falling from his eyes.
“Y-yes.” He strained and you could hardly hear him.
You decided to speed up a little, not wanting to drag this out for him. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of his cock filling you up, focusing on keeping a steady rhythm. It wasn’t too long after you started losing yourself in the pleasure that you felt his grip on your hips tighten before you heard Jungkook out a moan as his eyes rolled back and you felt him fill you up once again. 
You smiled but Jungkook was quick at moving you so you laid on your side, your back against his chest before he was entering you from behind. He didn’t move for a little while and it was then that you were able to look over at his nightstand to see the time. 
Almost there.
Jungkook also noticed that this was finally about to come to an end and knew he wanted to make the most of it. One more time. 
Jungkook grabbed ahold of your thigh and lifted it up so your leg could rest ontop of his so he could fuck into you easier and slowly started to move. 
“One more time.” He sighed, kissing your neck.  
He wasn’t talking about himself. Four minutes at this point was enough time for cum at least twice, but he was thinking about you. He wanted– no, needed to feel you cum around his cock once more. 
Jungkook quickly found a good pace and reached around to find your clit once again. 
You moaned for him, not honestly thinking you could cum again, but Jungkook always had a way of proving you wrong because you quickly felt that growing need once again. 
It was so good, he was so good. Being close like this, his length buried deep inside, his fingers on your clit, his lips on your skin, you felt so loved and still being a little sensitive from your last orgasm you felt so close so quickly.
As much as he wanted to wait until you were closer, the way your walls were gripping made him spill into you quicker than he liked but he never faltered, speeding up instead determined to make you cum around him before midnight.
“Fuck, fuck please baby–” He pleaded and you cried. 
You were close, so fucking close. 
With a couple more thrusts you felt that blinding surge of pleasure spread through your whole body and moaned his name as he somehow gave you your fourth orgasm of the day. It hit Jungkook as well, your orgasm suddenly having him spilling into you once again. 
It was a blissful end. 
Jungkook shakily worked you both through the waves of pleasure as the clock changed to 12:00. Instead of this neverending sea of desire Jungkook had been swimming in all day, the calm silence of that relief was slowly gifted to him as well. 
You both just sat there trying to collect yourselves because– woah. Despite the circumstances this definitely was a night to remember. 
The longer you laid there the more you just wanted to head to bed but you were sweaty, covered in cum, and your room was still a mess. After a little while you finally found the motivation to pry yourself away from Jungkook’s warm embrace. When you turned around you were a little shocked, or well not that shocked, to see his eyes closed and seemingly asleep already.
You didn’t blame him, honestly surprised he didn’t fall out sooner than this. 
You were about to jump out of the bed to start your shower when you felt a hand on your wrist, stopping you. 
“Don’t leave me please…” His eyes were still closed and he sounded so drowsy. You leaned in closer and pushed the hair out of his face, the ends noticeably damp. 
“What’s that baby?”
“Don’t leave.” He looked up at you. The only thing on Jungkook’s mind was falling asleep with you in his arms.
“I don’t want to get up either, but I was just going to shower and maybe get started a little bit on all the laundry–” 
“Don’t leave.” He said once again.
You leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. “I promise to be back soon ok, you’ll probably be asleep by the time I get back anyway.” 
“But I want you with me…” He pouted. 
“You can come join me in the shower if you want.” You suggested. 
“Tirreeeedddd, can’t this wait till morning.” He sighed and you couldn’t help but giggle. He always gets really baby when he’s sleepy. 
“I’ll be back ok~” You reassured him and headed for the bathroom.
As tired as he was, unlike the last time he went to sleep, Jungkook wanted to make sure you’d be in his arms when he wakes up. Despite how everything and everywhere in his body ached, he still found himself joining you in the bathroom. 
You were shocked but found your cheeks warming when you saw him groggily walk into the bathroom to join you. 
You didn’t want to make the shower take too long, he was tired and you were as well and you had laundry to start. Jungkook was hardly awake, almost falling over a couple times as the warm water fell over you both. 
When you went to shampoo his hair and gently massaged his scalp, even in his delirious state he almost felt teary. This was so nice, you were so so good to him.
“Y/n…” He quietly got your attention. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“What for?” You couldn’t hide your confusion at what he could possibly be apologizing for.
“I’ve been a burden all day, ate those waffles, made things hard for you. I’m sorry.” His brain was hardly working, but he’s felt bad about this all day. 
“It’s alright, I should have gotten a fridge for the shop already anyway.” You laughed. “And you haven’t been a burden alright, today was fun!” You weren’t lying, you definitely had fun today. 
Jungkook smiled and pulled you in for a hug, not wanting at all to let go. Not now, not ever. 
You both eventually made it out of the shower and the minute Jungkook got his clothes on he collapsed onto the bed, sleep becoming too much to fight at this point. You had managed to wiggle the sheets out underneath him, still being visibly damp from earlier.
You went ahead and grabbed everything else and took it to the laundry room, but after seeing how much you had to do, ultimately decided it may just be best to save it for the morning like Jungkook suggested. The shower made you sleepy so instead you went to bring out your thick blanket.
When you got to the room you were a little surprised to find Jungkook sitting up on the bed, looking half out of it. 
“I thought you fell asleep already?” You giggled as you went over to caress his cheek. 
“Mmmm, wanted you here. Can’t fall asleep yet.” He sighed, nuzzling into your hand. 
You took the hint and made quick work on tossing the blanket out over the bed, grabbing the pillows that were on the floor, and climbing into bed with your boyfriend.
As soon as you got in the bed, turned off the lights, and got you both situated he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. It probably didn’t take even a minute before you heard his light snores and you were sure it didn’t take long after that for you to join. 
What a day.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
“You think anyone will believe this?” You asked after he clicked the post button. 
“Probably not, but that’s the point. Feels good to talk about these things though.” Jungkook smiled, his heart warm from reminiscing all day. 
You smiled and hugged him. 
“Alright, I’ve been here long enough, I have classes to get to.” You sighed, hopping up from the bed. “I’ll be back from the shop before 6 so I can do dinner today.” You kissed his cheek and was about to run off to put on your shoes, but Jungkook grabbed your hand. 
He looked down at your intertwined fingers, imagining once again that ring he saw in the shop earlier on your finger, how pretty it would look until you both got matching bands. He was feeling a little too sentimental at the thought and how much he wished it was already on your finger. 
“Ummmm, watcha doing?” You asked, noticing him staring at your hand. 
“Ermm– sorry.” He leaned down and kissed your hand. “Be back soon ok, miss you already.” He sighed, hating that you had to leave him on his day off. 
You leaned down and kissed his lips, Jungkook wholeheartedly melting into the kiss, thinking about what it might be like to kiss you like this on your wedding day. 
You pulled away with a big smile on your face. 
“Oh right! Don’t forget to take the broom over to my mom’s, he’s really been missing her these days.” 
Jungkook groaned. “You know your broom hates me, it’ll take forever just to get him out of the room.” He recounted the last time he was responsible for taking your broom out. 
“Cmoonnn you guys need some bonding time anyway, and plus my mom also wanted to see you as well so… good luck.” You said as you left the room. 
“Alright, come back soon! I’m making bulgogi tonight!” He yelled out to you and he quickly heard you running back and giving him another hug before running out the room again. 
“Bye!” You called out, before the door closed behind you, leaving Jungkook alone. 
How this was his life was still a mystery to him as well, who gets to say they need to take their girlfriend’s broom out? 
Who gets to say they need to take their fiance’s broom out?
Who gets to say they need to take their wife’s broom out?
Jungkook’s face flushed at the thought. Maybe this trip won’t be so bad? He had something he needed to ask your mom anyway.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
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chimcess · 1 year
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→ Chapter One: Blessed Under Moonlight Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 19k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Cursing, panic attack, blood, self injuries, ritualistic scenes, pining, long haired jimin (this is a warning), mention of death, not much to say here A/N: Not me doing a complete overhaul of the series. Yes, it is a lot, and yes, there are a lot of changes happening, but I do think that they are good changes. This series has become more than I ever thought it would be and I wanted to make the changes I thought would line up with what I would have written back then with the knowledge that I have now- to the point that I have changed the name of the series itself. Don’t worry, nothing is changed too much. Thank you so much for reading, babes!
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The night was warm, the air thick and wet despite the gentle breeze that barely stirred the leaves around my home. Another howl echoed through the forest, sending a chill down my spine. Just a few more minutes, I thought. I felt the familiar itch at my ankle, scratched it quickly, and resumed my pacing. I had to make it in time. They promised they would wait. It was tradition, and traditions were sacred. But I knew their leader’s patience was thin. My steps quickened.
For a thousand years, my family had pledged allegiance to the Gods of the Moon. A desperate cry in the dead of night had turned into a curse. Each generation had to choose a sacrifice, a child who would replace the old. We were the Bridds, witches charged with guarding Lustra and its people. I was the chosen one, the only girl born since my mentor Aldara, and the youngest ever to wear the cold metal chain around my leg.
After Aldara's untimely death, I was thrust into the role of leading the blessing ritual in the wolves' village. It was a ceremonial occasion, marking the boys' transition into men. The pack was lost, and the Gods turned to me. I was thirteen, a child forced to take on this burden, blessing the wolves every year since. It was the only time I was allowed out of my cottage as a human.
Tonight was Kim Taehyung's eighteenth birthday, a significant age for the wolves, marking the day one could become a warrior. Yoongi, the kitchen witch deep in the forest, thought Taehyung would be like any other pack member. But I knew better. I had more contact with the wolves than any other witch. I was the only outsider permitted on pack land. I continued to pace. I could not be late.
Finally, I felt it. The thin, indestructible chain around my ankle began to tighten gently, glowing with an iridescent light. Pleasure washed over me, a cool sensation caressing my skin. The chain broke, and I stepped out. It would stay open until dawn. I grabbed my lantern, my pack of magical items, and slipped on my shoes. I whispered a spell to stop my cottage's magic, needing all my stamina for the night. Teleportation was too draining; I opted for meteor powder instead.
As I moved through the trees, the birds chattered. My friend Patto, a yellow-crowned night heron, perched on the bird bath the pack had gifted me. I knew I couldn't ignore him. Briefly, I stopped to exchange words.
“Human tonight?” he asked, hopping closer.
“It’s a man’s coming-of-age ceremony,” I explained, wrapping my shawl tighter.
“I won’t keep you then, Y/N,” Patto said, nuzzling my cheek before taking flight.
I pulled out my bag of meteor powder, a lavender-colored substance for quick travel. Drawing a detailed picture of the ritual site, I threw the powder onto the sheet. The page ignited in a bright purple flame. I spoke the destination's name clearly and hopped onto the flame.
When I opened my eyes, I was in the ritual cave. I thanked the Gods for allowing my magic to work and began setting up. The men and women required different candles and items. Betas were straightforward, omegas needed finely ground pearls mixed with paints, and alphas required more preparation. Jungkook, the only blessed child in a hundred years, needed sage during his ceremony.
In the Foxglove pack, there were three alphas. Jung Hoseok, who handled trading and pack affairs, Kim Namjoon, the voice of the people, and Park Jimin, the most mysterious of the three. As always, thinking of Jimin left a sour taste in my mouth.
After arranging my altar, I pricked my finger and drew a circle with my blood. The wolf would stand in the middle, trapped by salt and peonies. Unlike Aldara, who chained them, I found this method less cruel. Satisfied, I painted myself, adhering to the pack's customs. My colors were blue, red, and black, representing the raven.
I heard the wolves approaching, their scent filling the cave. My prey instincts urged me to run, but I stood my ground. I was a witch. Nothing scared me, not even predators. When it was silent, I knew it was time.
“Bless this child, Y/N,” came Ahn's voice, the pack’s Chief Elder.
Carefully, I sealed the circle and lit the candles, the orange glow illuminating the cave. Taehyung stood naked, as tradition required, his eyes filled with anticipation. I began the chant, feeling the tension in the room. They hoped for a fourth alpha, a status symbol in the wolf world.
Then, it hit me. The husky, woodsy scent of an alpha, stronger than any before. The pack's excitement was palpable. I continued the incantations, bracing for the struggle. Taehyung was becoming an alpha, and the pack's future hung in the balance.
Though I had done this three times already it never got easier. However, Jungkook had been the last wolf I guided through the change, and the sickeningly sweet scent that rolled off his young body made Taehyung’s feel like a gentle breeze. I could hear small exclamations of joy happening around us. The real party would be when this was over. I moved from one incantation into another seamlessly and braced myself for the fight to come.
I grabbed the bowl of white paint I had prepared and the bone knife, feeling the weight of the night pressing in on me. Silver was strictly forbidden in the village, no exceptions. As I continued to sing the incantation, I sliced the palm of my hand, letting my blood drip into the bowl. I walked over to Taehyung, bracing myself, and snatched his hand. This was why the circle was necessary; it held him in place, preventing him from breaking free and attacking me. I made a quick cut on his hand and placed the bowl under the wound. Taehyung howled in anger, too far gone to feel the pain. I backed away before he could shift, watching as the large, sandy wolf snapped and snarled at me.
I retrieved a new paintbrush and approached Taehyung again. Using magic, I forced him to shift back into a man and positioned him on all fours. My concentration didn't waver. I drew the pack’s symbol on his back: two large, parallel trapezoids. Then I traced the Aquila constellation on the back of his neck. My hands heated up as I chanted, calling for the Gods to bless the wolf through me. Taehyung screamed as the symbols branded into his skin, forever marking his transition into manhood. The scars turned from red to white within seconds, shining in the candlelight. The ceremony neared its end. I removed my hands and blew out the yellow candles, then lit the blue ones. 
Kneeling before the altar, I raised my arms and chanted, feeling a burning sensation in my back. My voice remained steady even as two large, metallic black wings tore through my flesh, the pain nearly unbearable. Blood pooled around my calves, but I couldn't stop singing.
The wings sprouted fully, and I reached with trembling hands to pluck a single black feather, placing it on the altar. I cupped the feather, continuing the chant. It lifted from the altar and began to spin. I moved my hands, lifting my arms straight up. The feather followed, glowing like my chain had earlier. My head felt like it was splitting in half as a blue jewel grew from my forehead and fell. I caught it before it hit the ground and placed it on the altar next to the feather. As I said the final words of the incantation, the jewel vanished. My wings retracted into my back, and the feather floated down. The cave fell silent.
Seconds later, cheers erupted around me. Exhausted, I smiled and leaned on a nearby rock. Despite my fatigue, I had one more task before I could leave. Using the rocks for support, I stood and grabbed the feather. It was tradition for the blessed wolf to keep the feather. Before the wolves came to Lustra during the Century War, they sacrificed birds for this occasion. Now, the Bridd took on the sacrificial aspects of the rituals, making such sacrifices unnecessary.
I approached the circle where Taehyung lay in his wolf form, horse-sized and yellow-furred. He looked smug, glancing at his younger siblings. Ignoring the pain in my back and the blood from my wounds, I forced myself to stand tall.
“Kim Taehyung,” I said, presenting the feather, “this represents your newfound freedom. I wish you the best in the future.”
Kneeling, I used magic to blow the salt away and placed the feather in front of me. Taehyung hesitated but finally took the feather in his teeth. I smiled at him, waving my hand to shift him back and clothe him in the robes Sol had laid out. The elders would award him his alpha sash at the feast. Taehyung smiled at me, his boxy grin innocent and sincere.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Thank the Gods, not me,” I replied, nodding. “Congratulations, Alpha Taehyung.”
Standing, I bowed to the new alpha before using magic to dismantle the altar and tools. Wolves, like witches, were unembarrassed by nakedness, so I felt no discomfort undressing. The bloody clothes stuck to me, and I was grateful to be out of them. Unlike wolves, I got cold easily and rarely left my cottage in winter except for ceremonies. 
Calling out to Luna Sol for permission, I packed my candles and prepared more meteor powder and another drawing, this time of my home. The few remaining wolves included the other three alphas. I ignored them, knowing it was best to stay out of wolf affairs. Even as a trusted ally, I was still an outsider.
“Excuse me, Bridd?” Hoseok’s voice stopped me. 
I turned, meeting the gazes of the alphas. Fighting the urge to glance at Jimin, I maintained eye contact with Hoseok, who was smiling.
“Alpha Hoseok,” I greeted, bowing. “Can I help you with something?”
“Namjoon and Jimin have lists of supplies they require,” he said.
I bowed to Namjoon, who had a calming warmth despite his intimidating mono-lid, and then to Jimin. His feline, sharp eyes were pitch black in the cave's darkness, his silver hair glowing. He was the palest member of the village, his silver wolf matching his hair. I forced my eyes away.
“Alpha Jimin.”
Hoseok handed me the lists. 
“Do you need new paper and ink? Your mate is still visiting family,” I said, glancing at the lists.
“You know everything,” Hoseok joked. “Yes, I’ll need more. Hyuna’s not back for three days. I’ve accounted for that.”
I nodded, placing the papers in my sack.
“I’ll need four days to prepare everything. I’ll be useless tomorrow and maybe the day after.”
“Of course, Bridd. In that case, disregard the extra paper and ink.”
Namjoon added, “Our pack is forever indebted to you. Please rest.”
“Thank you, alpha. I will.”
After bowing and saying my farewells, I returned to my drawing and powder. Saying I wanted to go to my cottage, I threw the powder and stepped into the flames. I ended up across the clearing from my cottage. Groaning, I threw the powder into my bag and cast a small spell to reach my front door. 
I still had two hours of freedom, and I intended to use them.
Inside, I slipped off my shoes and stowed my ceremonial gear on the small shelf by the door. Realizing I'd left my lantern in the cave, I quickly penned a letter to the pack, asking Hoseok to return it upon his next visit. I called out to Shiloh, my barn owl familiar who lived in the tree by the kitchen window. She delivered letters in exchange for treats or tips on where to find mice burrows. A bowl of crickets usually sufficed. I put the kettle on before changing into something more comfortable and washing off. This rare time without the need for magic was a luxury I savored.
As I tugged my shirt down, the kettle whistled. I returned to the kitchen, removed it from the flame, and fetched a cup from the cupboard. It wasn’t often I had this much time after a ceremony. Taehyung’s wolf hadn’t resisted, aside from the usual discomfort. Unlike the other alphas, whose ceremonies stretched until dusk, this had been relatively quick. The deep wounds on my back were just beginning to scab over. I’d never seen the scars, but I knew they’d turn purple before becoming a strange, almost-silver color. My body had learned to endure the abuse.
Shifters, blessed by the Gods, were seen by many as slaves, but I knew our abilities were gifts. The wolves were cursed to protect the land, their Gods ensuring their village remained plentiful and its people blessed with extended lifespans. Similarly, the role of the Bridd was a sacred gift, hand-picked by the Gods to serve for all days. In return, we received our magic and other blessings. The cottage would outlast me, serving future generations. I would become a bird, a spirit of the forest. This was my purpose.
I placed dandelions and a large tea bag into my cup, then went outside to enjoy the night air. I was never allowed outside during the day, confined to my home by the chain. I remembered frolicking in the clearing as a child, playing with the rabbits. Those were the years I was still Y/N, and the forest was my haven. Auntie had allowed me more freedom than previous Bridds, knowing my love for magic was strong. She’d told me I was special, that my connection would serve me well. The Gods would bless me for my love. But now, she was gone, and I was thrust into a world I was barely prepared for. The Gods had taken her from me, and one day they would take me from my student. It seemed too unfair to be a blessing, but I held out hope. Bitterness wouldn’t serve me well, even if it was all I felt.
The forest came alive at night, and I immersed myself in its glory. The sounds of crickets chirping relaxed me, and I took a deep breath. It felt nice to be free of blood and paint. Hoseok and the Luna were the only ones who had seen me without ceremonial gear. No one else visited, and my inability to wander the forest outside of bird form made it impossible for others to see me as a woman. This was the life of the Bridd—a quiet one filled with solitude and the honor of being a forest guardian. A lonely honor for only the best. I took a gulp of tea and sighed at its warmth. I loved it as much as I hated it.
A rustle in the bushes caught my attention. Two large white dots glowed in the darkness. I smiled, placing my cup down. It was a wolf, probably a young pup curious about me. Hoseok often spoke of how the children described me in town. I stood and reached out my hand.
The wolf hesitated before stepping into the light. Its color was hard to discern in the dark, but it was light-colored. In its mouth was my lantern. I gasped, moving toward the large animal. This was no pup; it was too large. I didn’t see the wolves often enough to tell them apart. They all smelled the same after the change. Its fur glowed in the moonlight.
“Thank you,” I said, taking the lantern.
The wolf touched its nose to my hand, a sign of understanding. I patted its nose gently, laughing when it nuzzled further. It might have been a teen like Jungkook, but the white fur set it apart from the prince. Jungkook was midnight black and less fluffy.
“I’m surprised they let you leave during such a joyous occasion.”
The wolf looked at the grass, and I laughed in disbelief.
“You snuck away, didn’t you? Bad wolf. What would your alphas think?”
The wolf made a chirping sound, laughing. Shocked, I stared at it. The wolf laughed harder, flopped onto the ground, and rolled onto its back.
“Alpha Jimin would be very displeased with you, pup,” I mocked, bending to rub its chest.
The wolf hummed in satisfaction.
“That’s not fair,” I mumbled. “He’s better to be around than Ahn.”
The wolf stared at me, and I snapped out of my trance. Wanting to forget my outburst, I grinned and scratched the wolf’s chest. It wiggled happily, its large tongue flapping out. When I scratched its ribs, its leg kicked.
“Aren’t you the sweetest thing?” I laughed.
Shiloh called from the tree beside my window. The sun would rise soon, and I should rest. I sighed, looking at the wolf. It seemed upset that I'd stopped.
“I have to go inside now,” I said.
The wolf whimpered, nuzzling its head into my lap.
“It’s my duty, little wolf.”
It finally moved, understanding duty. The pack thrived on duty and devotion to the Gods. I patted the wolf and stood. It followed me to the door, towering over me. I picked up my cup and used magic to open the door. The lantern went on its hook, and my cup floated to the sink, hopping in the air.
“It’s time to go, friend,” I said, hands on my hips.
The wolf nuzzled its head into my chest. I rubbed its neck and scratched behind its ear. Sadness filled me at the thought of it leaving. I laughed at my melodramatics. This wolf was a stranger, not my friend. I shouldn’t grow fond of it or cry about it leaving. I wasn’t that lonely.
“Go on,” I pushed its head lightly. “Before the pack realizes you’re gone. Alpha Jimin begins his rounds soon.”
The wolf nosed my hand once more before bounding off into the night, its white fur glowing under the moonlight. As I closed the door, the chain on the floor slithered toward me like a living thing. I walked toward it, and it wrapped itself around my ankle once more, a chilling sensation spreading through my body. I quickly performed my altar ritual before heading to my room. Sleep came easy, filled with dreams of brown eyes and the smell of smoke drifting through the air.
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When I awoke, my shop was a cluttered mess of bottles, sacks, and labels. Hoseok’s request for supplies had never been this extensive. The volume of healing supplies and medicines I needed to prepare was overwhelming. I quickly labeled everything, feeling my sanity slipping with each passing minute. The monotonous process of making enough for all 200 wolves was draining. Slicing my finger, I hissed in pain and put the knife down. It was time for a break. I was running low on supplies anyway, so I sent Shiloh to Yoongi’s home to scrounge for extras.
Namjoon’s request for a new shipment of medicines had me restocking their entire inventory. Jimin’s order, though, was the real challenge: a convoluted and, frankly, unnecessary potion. I wrote to Enver, a young witch in the northern swamps, for the toads I needed. With Shiloh out, I relied on Delinah, a doe who helped me in exchange for fruits and vegetables.
Jimin’s order included a healing potion that wolves could take without shifting, portable heat suppressants, and a camouflaging potion. The healing potion was one of the most difficult recipes I’d ever made. With 15 wolves in Jimin’s party, I needed a surplus. The camouflage potion was even more challenging. For the first time in years, I had to reference Aldara’s grimoire.
Shiloh sang, signaling her return, and I rushed to her window to take the sack of supplies from Yoongi. He included a letter explaining the missing items—the sea witch coven had taken a lot for their rituals. I needed Shiloh to fetch the rest from Seokjin, a Solar witch.
“Alright, Lolo,” I said, running my hand through my hair. “Let me get you a new basket.”
“What now?” she deadpanned.
“You need to make a trip to Seokjin’s for the remaining supplies on the list.”
“The Solar witch?”
“Yes, Shiloh. What other Seokjin do we know?”
I began preparing another sack with a new list. Delinah was due back any minute with the toads, so I could begin the fifteenth, and hopefully last, trial of the camouflage potion.
“Why must you send me there?” she whined, flapping her wings in agitation.
“Because he always has a surplus of herbs and flowers, and I need them to complete my order for the pack,” I replied, securing the pouch around her neck.
“You know I enjoy Jin’s humor at the best of times,” Shiloh said, her voice already taking on a whine. She despised Jin’s familiar, a dog called Mannix, and I was throwing her into the deep end by sending her there. Unfortunately, I had no other choice.
“Shiloh,” I chuckled, putting the letter inside the bag. “Seokjin is one of the most brilliant witches in the land, and I know Mannix isn’t that horrible. It’ll be quick, and tonight I’ll be more inclined to go hunting with you.”
She agreed begrudgingly before flying away. I went back to the kitchen and started up the flame to my cauldron again. Using magic, I charmed all the completed potions to sort themselves and get into their bags before beginning to brew the camouflaging potion. The toads would be the last to go in this time. Delinah arrived, placing the jar of toads on my countertop.
“Stir this, please,” I asked.
The doe nodded, walking over to stir the potion with a wooden spoon held in her teeth. I put on gardening gloves, preparing myself. The potion required three whole toads, and despite trying alternatives, nothing worked as well. I placed the frogs to sleep with a spell and tossed them into the cauldron. Delinah and I switched places, and I saw the potion turn grass green. I began to chant, watching as it turned clear like water. I cheered, hugging the deer beside me. She nuzzled into my neck and gave me a lick.
“Good job, Y/N,” she said.
“Thank you, Dee,” I replied, retrieving a large sack filled with cabbage heads. “I’ll have apples next time.”
Delinah happily took the sack and left. I bottled the potion, confident it was correct this time. Shiloh hated testing potions for me, so I wanted to avoid another crisis. I turned to the packaged boxes of medications, curling the ribbons with my favorite bone knife. Like many forest witches, I collected bones and had a habit of foraging during my nights. Aldara always teased me about my “crow brain” and love for shiny things. My collection of gems and bottle caps was testament to that. Crafting was another love, and I enjoyed making my packages look neat and professional.
Aldara never stopped me from decorating boxes and collecting bones, even if she didn’t care for it. I spent hours making packaging boxes and pretty bows, but now I used magic to do the work for me. I matched the potions within, included a card explaining their use, and tossed in a magical card that would take anyone to my shop in case of emergency, except during my unavailable hours when it would send them to Yoongi’s instead. The stamper would stamp the box with a large bird, a brush would paint the Aquila constellation along both sides, and a ribbon would wrap itself around it. However, for Jimin’s packages, I opted out of decorations, keeping only the constellation.
As I placed the finishing touches on the orders, I heard the bell above my door ring and large, booming footsteps. Hoseok had arrived, and he wasn’t alone. I abandoned my ribbons, dusted off my apron, and went to greet him.
“Good afternoon, Hoseok,” I said, not paying much attention as I charmed the camouflage potion to begin packing. “My apologies for the orders not being ready. The things Alpha Jimin requested are time-consuming and challenging to make. Once my familiar returns with some herbs, it’ll be ready.”
I was a whirlwind in my cottage, curling ribbons one moment, writing cards the next. Hoseok was used to my informal address in my home, and I was sure whomever he brought along was informed of my rudeness. I was too busy to care if some wolf thought I was a poor host.
“I apologize for the strain I have caused you,” a sweet, melodic voice spoke up.
My body froze, as did everything else in the room, before it started up again. I turned to the two men and bowed deeply, my heart racing.
“I am so, deeply sorry for disrespecting you, Alpha,” my voice shook. “I had not realized who had come in.”
Hoseok laughed, clapping his hands together. He always enjoyed seeing me flustered and would have a field day talking to Namjoon about this later. It seemed like Jimin was the only pack alpha who paid me little mind. I forced myself to look up at the man.
Dressed casually, more casually than I’d ever seen, his silver hair braided down his back, Jimin’s small frame still towered over me. That menacing aura surrounding him was intact. Even in daylight, Park Jimin was untouchable. And yet, a familiar longing found its way into my heart, and I knew I needed to distract myself.
“How much longer will your owl be, Bridd?” Hoseok asked, unbothered.
“I’m not sure,” I admitted.
“Aren’t you lot meant to be infallible?” the alpha joked.
All Bridd were blessed with gifts. The first of us, the spirit, was responsible for selecting the ability, and those spirits became our companions as Shiloh had become mine. The Gods chose the gift that best served the forest. Aldara could only speak with owls and had a bit of foresight. The only other witch I knew with the same affinity was Enver, but his was more complex and accurate. I had my own limitations, unable to perform high-ranking spells due to the energy drain. My gift was both a blessing and a curse.
“That would be my aunt,” I joked back, unaware of the glare Jimin sent Hoseok’s way.
While Aldara’s gifts brimmed with power and the ability to foresee when to wield it, mine were rooted in the forest and its spirits. I could talk to any animal, regardless of my form. Yet, the most profound gift from Lilith was the power of mediumship. Auntie always said it was an intense gift, given only to those deemed worthy by the Gods. But I never fully believed that. As a child, weak and unable to grasp the gift's magnitude, spirits would possess me. I'd black out for hours and wake up somewhere random in the forest. They were trying to communicate, but I was oblivious. Though more attuned now, I still occasionally lost control.
Curling ribbons and assisting my charmed furniture with packaging, I half-listened to Hoseok rambling about Sol’s birthday. He wasn't interested, being mated for years, but was eager to see which of the three alphas Sol would choose. I made small talk, reminding him that the Gods made that choice. The Goddess of the Moon chose mates within the wolf packs. I found the idea of soulmates endearing. What would it feel like to be loved like that?
Every now and then, I stole glances at Jimin. He kept quiet, his eyes taking in my space with curiosity. I tried to recall if he'd been here before. Briefly, I remembered him helping me to bed after my first blessing ceremony with Namjoon. I was so battered afterward that I could no longer walk. Jimin, still a boy then, had assisted me with Hoseok, who was due for his own ceremony the following month.
“I am looking forward to the Luna's blessing ceremony,” I said, keeping the small talk lighthearted.
“I’m sure it will be an interesting experience,” Hoseok commented, touching every box of herbs he found. “How different is it from ours?”
The cottage hadn’t always been this cluttered. Auntie kept it neat and organized. She had just enough for the both of us, making it cozy in winter when we’d lay by the fire. Now, alone, I found it impossible to maintain the same structure. Where we used to lay was now a large table with herbs, flowers, crystals, and jars of specimens for potions. Beside it, a bookshelf filled with spell books. The rest of the Bridd grimoires were in the cellar. My little kitchen and potion-mixing station were overrun by bottles, boxes, and magical decorations. My bone collection sat in a display case by the front door, and my knives hung over the fireplace mantle.
“I’m sure Bridd does not want to answer that,” Jimin scolded Hoseok.
I forced myself to keep moving, though my body burned at the implication. Park Jimin defending me? It was almost too much to handle. I had a small flame for the alpha, but I knew better than to believe anything could happen between us. It would be too complicated, and we hardly knew one another. Still, it didn’t stop my skin from heating under his gaze.
“It’s alright,” I whispered. “It’s very different, but I’m not completely sure how. I still have a month to figure it out.”
“I wonder who the alpha will be,” Hoseok mused, grimacing at the bookshelf of grimoires before digging through the boxes again.
“Who knows,” Jimin answered before I could.
Shiloh returned then, angrily shouting about the “stupid dog” and his “even dumber owner.” I rushed to tend to my familiar. She looked disheveled, her normally cream-colored face caked in dirt. I could imagine her run-in with Mannix had gone as badly as she thought.
Fighting back a laugh, I took the basket from the owl before taking her into my arms.
“Whatever happened?”
As usual, Shiloh dramatically squawked and screeched about how much she disliked going to Jin’s house. She was on fire with anger and wanted to rip out the eyes of the “stupid, barbaric mutt.” I suspected she was trying to get more than a mouse hunting trip out of this. Knowing Shiloh, she’d complain until I agreed to visit Morla with her. For a spirit guide, Shiloh was surprisingly catty.
“Seokjin. Oh, that monster!” She placed a wing across her forehead. “He let his godforsaken, loudmouth, drooling mutt out on me!”
“Mannix,” I smirked, placing a hand over my heart. “Is a puppy. He’s not much bigger than you.”
She screeched in protest. “That dog is a giant, Y/N! At least fifty pounds and growing!”
“Oh, Shiloh, I’m so sorry,” I chuckled.
Mannix was just a baby the last time I saw him. Jin had gotten him from the market in Clarcton and called him a St. Bernard. They weren’t native to Lustra, so I knew little about the breed. Apparently, they grew much bigger than I thought. I’d have to write Jin and let him know his familiar was too big and rowdy to play well with mine.
“It was so embarrassing,” Shiloh grumbled, finally snapping out of her dramatic performance.
“And then the bees! I had to ask them for help. Me! Shiloh, the Bridd’s one and only familiar, asking those mongrels for help. Never send me back there again, Y/N. I beg of you!”
I rolled my eyes, walked her to our room, and helped her squeeze into her nesting box. While she usually slept in her large, cone-shaped nest outside, I let her sleep in my room when she stayed awake during the day to help me. I had built it as a child, gathering the wood while Aldara helped with the cutting, screwing, and other dangerous tasks. It was a nice size, 4x4, solid wood with a hole large enough for her to squeeze through. The inside was filled with dirt and sticks, just as she liked, along with a stuffed animal I’d given her when we became connected. The owl sighed and rushed to the dark side of the nest.
Chuckling, I went back to the kitchen and called out to Delinah from the window. She was still eating the cabbage I’d given her. The fawn looked at me.
“Whenever you’re finished, would you mind asking Nixie, one of the sea witches, if she could spare a vole or two? Shiloh is being dramatic again.”
Delinah laughed. Animals did it too, though not many were easy to detect. I had known the deer since she was a small fawn, so I knew her laughter well. Behind me, I heard Hoseok’s loud footsteps and remembered who I had in my house.
“Of course,” she replied.
I quickly spun back around and began to fix my hair. I hadn’t grown it back yet, but the nervous tick was still in full force. Hoseok was still looking around, unbothered, while Jimin remained rooted in the same spot. I worried I had annoyed him with our antics. While Hoseok was fond of the shenanigans in my home, Jimin was not. I’d always heard he was stern and serious with little patience for nonsense, but his stoic expression gave nothing away. I began to stack boxes and watch as they found their way into bags.
“Sorry,” I awkwardly laughed. “My familiar is a bit of a drama queen.”
“How is Shiloh?” Hoseok wondered, finally breaking away from the hundreds of items around him.
“Spunky,” I replied with a small smile.
I returned to the counter and started pulling out the items Seokjin had spared me. Just as I thought, he included everything I’d asked for and more, along with a note. With the boxes of medicine packed and ready to go, I decided to read the letter before diving back into work.
How splendid of “you” to drop by. I know Shiloh came in your absence, but I’ll expect you tonight. I’ll brew your favorite tea. Here are the ingredients you requested:  
- 2 sunflower stems  
- 12 sunflower seeds  
- 3 baby’s breath bundles  
- A small comb of honey  
- 10 sprigs of vervain 
I’ve added some extras for the gardening tools you made me this year. I know you use a lot of mint and sage, so expect plenty. I’ve also started growing lavender to balance out the sea coven’s needs for Yoongi.  
- 2-3 cups honeysuckle flowers (whole)  
- 2 cups water  
- Wild honey to taste  
Much love,  
I quickly put my cauldron on the flame and began to write back.
Thank you for the supplies. The mint is lovely, and I’m glad to hear about the lavender. Remember, full sun and well-drained soil are best. Yoongi would be a better source for tips. The tools were a gift for being such a wonderful person and friend. Pass my thanks to Mannix. Shiloh came home with her dramatics again. Haven’t I told you to stop picking on her?  
Tea sounds lovely, but I prefer the honeysuckle crushed. No honey—you know my diet.  
May the Gods bring you joy,  
“As dramatic as always,” I said, folding the paper and stamping it with a wax seal. “Auferetur,” I commanded, and the paper incinerated.
“Sometimes I forget she’s not a person,” Hoseok joked, coming to the counter to watch me work.
The alpha enjoyed seeing the process of potion-making, though he didn’t pay much attention to the details. I used to explain what I was doing until I realized he just thought the cauldron was cool. I used to be the same as a child, but things change quickly in this life.
“Well, she’s technically a spirit, but I understand what you mean,” I said, throwing in the vervain sprigs.
Healing potions were the strangest to make. As soon as they were done, they had to be taken off the heat and placed into jars. Then, suspicious stones were added to preserve them. Without the opal, the potions only lasted two days before losing potency. Next was the baby’s breath.
“Is everything in your world a spirit?” Hoseok cocked an eyebrow.
“Hoseok,” Jimin warned.
He did it again. Of course, I didn’t need Jimin to save me from Hoseok. They were both at my mercy here, and it was impossible to imagine Hoseok ever harming me. He reminded me of Mannix more than any wolf, and his heart-shaped smile only added to his puppy-like nature. Still, I was touched by the gesture. I was reminded of how poorly I’d spoken of him last night and felt ashamed. Stealing another look, I appreciated how his waist tapered to a pair of long, straight legs.
"Just about," I murmured, using my magic to get the bottles to scoop up the potion themselves, leaving them hovering above the kitchen island, ready for action.
"Isn't it hard to do all of that at once?"
"Hoseok," I slipped, my irritation showing, "I'm the Bridd. Do you truly believe that little of me?"
He laughed, a sound that somehow felt like an embrace, "Well, no. I've just never seen any other witch do it before."
"Do you see other witches often?" I teased, a smile playing on my lips.
Jung Hoseok, a master charmer and one of the politest gentlemen in Lustra, grinned back at me. His mate, a woman I scarcely knew, was lucky to have him. It was rare for an alpha to mate with anyone other than an omega, but they had grown up together and fallen in love despite her beta status. Their wolves had always gravitated toward each other, but the true depth of their bond only became apparent after they both went through the change. She would have come to help Hoseok today, but she was taking care of her ill mother back in her hometown of Viridi Gramine.
"Only the grumpy man who lives near the pixie coves." I snorted.
"Yoongi?" I confirmed, amused. "The kitchen witch?"
Min Yoongi was another close friend of mine. While not as personable as Seokjin or the sea witch coven, he was reliable and ready to help at a moment's notice. Of course, he complained more than anyone else I knew and loathed uninvited guests, but I knew it was because he hadn't had proper time to make them a meal. He became reserved so he wouldn't let on how much he enjoyed company since it was so rare on his edge of the forest. It made me happy to know that Hoseok’s visits weren't limited to me and that the kitchen witch fed off his great energy.
“He’s a kitchen witch? Could’ve fooled me.”
“He’s unorthodox, that’s for sure.” The potion was finally complete, and I quickly began lifting portions and filling the molds. “However, he is not a very sought-after host, so he can be clueless about manners or formalities. I’m afraid you’ll have to pardon him on my behalf.”
The entire house smelled of vervain, and I knew I would never hear the end of it. Shiloh was very particular, but I had grown used to her babbling. She hardly ever listened to any of my warnings until I reminded her that her reincarnation as a mortal relied on her being a good familiar. And yet, she always found a way to make my life harder. Still, I couldn't deny that the owl was my best friend. Or that I would be devastated if she didn’t get her wish granted. I wanted more than anything for her to become the beautiful red-headed woman she had always dreamed of, even if she liked to fly in like a bat out of hell and moan about bees attempting to make friends with her.
“What makes him a kitchen witch?” Hoseok always asked questions he never cared to learn the answer to. Anything to fill the silence.
It was a common question for non-magical people. While I would never consider a pack member a mortal, I knew better than to lump them in with us. Guardians, but all of their mysticism came from their shifting abilities, and since most wolves thought they were untouchable, they never did learn about magic regarding others. Witches, however, were expected to know everything there was to know about it. At least, that was my job, and as someone who did both, it was a tiring existence regardless.
“Well, all witches have the same base knowledge, but we can also have specialties,” I explained.
“And his is cooking?” Hoseok’s eyebrows knitted together.
I shook my head. “Something like that. It’s how he goes about cooking. There’s a fine art to kitchen witchery,” I tried to explain.
I was never considered a kitchen witch and knew only what I did because of our friendship. Growing up together, Yoongi, Seokjin, and Wendy, a girl from the sea coven, had been as thick as thieves. Our families were close, and our small group of four had gotten into enough trouble to last multiple lifetimes. Still, I knew the bare bones of each of their chosen magic. I was a forest witch like the other Bridd, but it had never bothered me. Generational magic was a common occurrence within covens.
Hoseok hummed in acknowledgment. Again, I looked at Jimin but couldn't pick anything out of his cool expression. He was no longer looking around the cottage and instead took to looking out of the large, rectangular window that took up the entire left side of the living room wall. He looked so ethereal in the sunlight. Agitated with myself, I again went back to pretending he wasn't here. I couldn't remember when these feelings began, but it had to have been years ago at this point. I could recall the warmth surrounding me during his presentation ceremony and how his wolf went frantic to get close to me. Of course, that was normal, and I paid it no mind, but I still allowed myself to wonder. My infatuation had only grown since then, a fact he had to be aware of, and I was grateful he never commented on it. Even the custos of Bangtan was a gentleman. Another wave of shame overcame me.
“What kind of witch are you?”
“I’m a forest witch,” I replied curtly, making sure to keep my eyes away from Jimin.
Hoseok didn't ask about my magic, but I assumed he thought it was too self-explanatory. Once all the bottles were filled and on the counter, I began to quickly place the stones in the center of the liquid. Soon it would become a jelly-like consistency that tasted like strawberries. It would be a week before the stones were dissolved, and they wouldn't be usable within that time frame. I moved swiftly, aware that they had been here far longer than they should have been. Hoseok never minded the longer visits, but I would feel guilty if I held Jimin up any longer than I already had.
“Are they ready to be used?”
My concentration slipped momentarily, causing the bottles to drop slightly. Quickly regaining control, I lifted them back up and continued putting the stones into the bottles. I hadn't expected Jimin to speak, and his silky voice threw me off. He was so soft-spoken, and the tone of his voice was sweet and smooth that it was difficult to imagine him as the war leader. His cherub face only made it more difficult. Jimin was too beautiful to fight.
“No,” I replied with great effort to keep my voice even. “They will need a week to be fully effective. Don’t open them until the stones are dissolved, or they’ll spoil and be useless.”
“Is everything else ready now?” Hoseok chimed in.
While I was pleasantly surprised he had been listening, I didn't let it show. He would most likely close his ears the second he grew bored. Boredom and silence were Hoseok’s worst enemies, and his mind drifted even more when Hyuna wasn't around. She was one of the few people that could make him hang on their every word. The only others I had seen the same restraint with were the other alphas and his older sister.
Just as I had thought, Hoseok was back to touching things and wondering out loud. I never minded. He was unusually quiet today, and I guessed that Jimin had something to do with that. He always said the younger man was far too serious and concerned about unimportant things. However, I found that hard to believe. If he were so strict, he would have demanded I move quickly and would at the very least look annoyed with how slow I was moving. Instead, Jimin seemed comfortable waiting however long I needed. Still, I didn't want to push my luck.
“How do you even make these?”
The stones were all in the bottles, and I charmed the corks to cork themselves. That was the worst part of potion making, and I refused to make myself do that. Aldara had done it all by hand. Looking at what Hoseok was talking about, I smiled brightly.
“Bones, sandpaper, and a lot of patience.”
My knife collection was my most prized possession, only beat out by the cellar. All of them were made with bones I found while foraging and various types of leaves to make the handles. None of them were the beautiful steel that the people of Northorn used, but I adored them nonetheless. My favorite, by far, was the small one on the very far right. It was the first knife I ever made, and while the unsightliness of the bunch, it held a special place in my heart.
It had been made after a deer I was fond of passed on. His name had been Davian, and he was an older buck filled with fun facts and information. I was heartbroken when he stopped showing up to our playdates, and Aldara agreed to look for him after a few weeks. We ended up finding his bones, and Aldara comforted me with the idea of keeping a piece of him the way she had with a bird friend she had as a child. I took his scapula, and we came up with the idea of a knife. He quickly became my new favorite hobby. I had an entire wall in the cellar dedicated to my knives and hoped my future student would get great use out of them in the future.
“They’re beautiful,” Jimin complimented in his soft, angel-like voice.
The enchanted items made quick work of the boxing, and I took my time writing the note card. Since these suppressants worked differently than the liquid version, I needed to be highly detailed in my instructions. Unlike normal alphas, Jimin couldn’t drink his medicine since his wolf had a habit of rejecting it.
“You can take them now if you’d like.” I turned my attention back to the two alphas once the note was secured in the final box.
The air shifted slightly as Jimin joined me at the island. He was taller than me by several inches and had a sturdier frame. Unlike Hoseok, Jimin’s scent was faint. Almost nonexistent, really. It was normal for higher-ranking alphas and how they kept those below them in line. Jimin’s pack smelled like lavender and dandelions, while he smelled of nothing. It always piqued my curiosity. I always wondered what he smelled like to those he cared about and if it was just as intoxicating. 
Jimin reached out to one of the bottles. He moved slowly and cautiously as if afraid he’d spook me. It was rare for people to see witches practice magic, but he didn’t need to handle me like I was prey. Still, the closer he got, the drier my mouth became, and I couldn’t bear to look at him. I was sure he was getting some sort of enjoyment from how flustered he made me.
His hand brushed against mine. Just a light touch, but it sent shivers down my spine. I turned my head to see him looking directly at me. His expression was soft and his gaze was warm. He was aware of the effect he had on me, and I felt the embarrassment rise within me again.
"Thank you, Bridd," he said softly, his voice as gentle as a caress.
I managed a nod, my heart pounding. "You're welcome, Jimin."
With that, he took the bottle and stepped back. Hoseok, oblivious to the tension, clapped his hands together. "Well, that’s that! Let's get these to the pack."
They gathered up the boxes, and I walked them to the door. Hoseok gave me a playful wink. "Don't be a stranger, Bridd. We like having you around."
Jimin nodded in agreement. "Yes, please visit us sometime. The pack would be honored."
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me. "I'll consider it. Safe travels, both of you."
As they left, I watched them disappear into the woods. The cottage felt empty and quiet without their presence. Sighing, I went back inside, already missing the brief company. Shiloh swooped down from her perch, landing gracefully on the counter.
"They're quite something, aren't they?" she commented, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
I couldn't help but smile. "Yes, they are. Quite something indeed."
With the potion complete and the cottage returning to its usual stillness, I allowed myself a moment to reflect. Life as the Bridd was often solitary, but it had its moments of connection and warmth, reminding me that even in the depths of the forest, I was never truly alone.
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The sun was setting when I finally woke, and I was thankful the change hadn't woken me up. Transforming had not always been so painful for my family, but legend says that once Rosette became the first Brigg, her natural ability to shift had become the most painful experience in her life. Aldara told me it was a sacrifice she made to protect her sister, but I always thought it was a cruel and unusual punishment. The sun was almost completely set, and Shiloh was nowhere to be seen. She must have left already. I would have to fulfill my promise another day.
Stretching, I decided to head into the kitchen and put down some towels. Blood was a nightmare to get out of fabric, but I’d take that over scrubbing the hardwood floors. There was already enough staining on the dark wood, and I didn't like adding to it. After setting my towels down, I sat and waited for the sun to set.
Suddenly, I felt the metal around my leg loosen slightly and knew it was time. I stood up, and instant, contorting pain took over. The world began to get bigger as I shrank down, and I cried out as the first feathers burst from my legs. Having seen Bridd’s transformation with my own eyes, I knew how horrifying it was to witness, and I was glad Shiloh and I were the only ones to see me like this. More feathers ripped through my skin, blood staining the floors, the sensation akin to a hot branding iron pressed against my flesh.
My body burned and twisted in agony. Falling to my knees, I screamed as my beak began to break through my skin. Even after all this time, shifting never got easier. Aldara had said it was the only true pain a Bridd could feel. If I could, I would tell her she was wrong. Flashes of fire invaded my vision, and I fell to the ground, a loud caw echoing off the walls.
It didn’t take long to get out of the pile of tattered clothes surrounding me. I was glad I was wearing something I wasn’t overly fond of. I’d use the scraps as tea towels and sew something new. Still, I should have considered taking off my clothes. I really was out of sorts today.
Flapping my wings, I felt light and energetic in this form, a stark contrast to my weighed-down human body. There were pros and cons to being a raven, but I always wished I could be like this more often—or at least whenever I chose. I resented my sun and moon routine, but this was the life of my kind. There was nothing I could do to change that.
I took flight and set off toward the trees. Shiloh would be with Morla now since the mice usually didn’t come out until the moon was higher. For her, I could sit and waste away my nights listening to overdramatic and hyperbolized stories and then eat mice that never tasted very good. I hoped this would ease her mind about this afternoon.
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A few days later, I found myself sitting at my dining table. It was freakishly large, round, and stained a disgusting teal color, but Aldara had loved it, and so I did as well. None of the chairs matched, but I think it added to its charm. I hoped all the windows in the house would let in the fresh spring air. Beltane was a week away, and I was happy to celebrate the return of summer. I would write Jin and ask if he could bring me some wood for my fireplace so I could have my own little bonfire.
The morning sun was soft, and I smiled at the smell of rain that clung to the air. My meadow rarely saw the fog that covered the rest of Bangtan, but I adored the way dew smelled on the grass. Everything sparkled and shined, made more magnificent by the sprouting wildflowers slowly making their way through the ground. Sights like this made me even more excited for the return of summer. This year, I would try to host a Summer Solstice gathering for Litha, but I’d likely forget about it.
I made a mental note to write it down, but I also knew I was likely to forget that as well. Then, I told myself not to forget. I scoffed at my internal dialogue. Taking another sip of my tea, I sighed as I stared out the window. My favorite seat in the cottage gave me the perfect view of the flower fields, and I began to reminisce about playing in the grass as a child. Most of the memories I had were with Yoongi, but Jin and Wendy made their way into our little duo eventually. We were older when everyone got close enough to be considered best friends. I frowned, thinking about how complicated things got once we all reached our late teens. It saddened me to think that we would never be as close as we were as pre-teens.
“I’m going to sleep for a while,” Shiloh’s soft voice reached my ears. She was in her nest; I could make out the sounds of her talons against the wood, and I knew she was exhausted. She had spent the entire night out with Morla and Patto. “Wake me if you need something.”
“You should sleep outside,” I whispered back. “I will need to use the kitchen in a little while and might wake you.”
Shiloh shuffled around some more, and I heard her fly out the window. The faint rustling of tree leaves made me grin. My hearing was not as good as Shiloh’s or any of the wolves, but I was pleased with what I could make out. All my friends found it impressive when we were kids, but after Jin said I was a showoff when we turned twelve and made me cry, the conversation surrounding my slightly enhanced senses dropped.
I went through two more cups of tea before I saw the flash of white from the other side of the tree line. Squinting, I tried to make out the shape but couldn’t see enough of whatever it was to be useful. However, its size gave me a few hints. It was a wolf, and if the gentle whimpers were anything to go by, it was hurt. Putting down my cup, I called out to the wolf.
“Are you injured?” I asked, knowing the wolf could hear me once the whining stopped. “If so, then I can help you. I have enough supplies to get you back to the forest in a few minutes.”
The wolf seemed to consider this for a moment, as it didn’t move toward me. I suspected this was the same wolf from the other night, but I couldn’t say with certainty. White wolves were not a rare occurrence—Jimin was a beautiful white-silver color, as was Ahn. I scowled at the comparison. That was where the similarities ended. While I was busy with my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed the wolf getting closer until it was almost at my window.
“Come around the other side. You might need to shift back to fit through the door.”
The wolf seemed uncomfortable by this. I saw red stains on his hind legs, but I would need him to let me help if he wanted them to heal nicely. Wolves could heal scars and injuries like anyone else, but magic sped up the process and ensured a good recovery. This wolf would know that, but perhaps he felt self-conscious about someone knowing him as weak. Wolves were too prideful.
“Or,” I sighed when I realized the wolf wouldn’t shift, “I could teleport you inside and back outside. It feels a bit strange at first but it’s harmless.”
The wolf’s tail wagged happily, so I took that as my answer. I began to sing an incantation while picturing the spot in my living room. I thought about the red and white patterned rug as well as my sewing chair. I counted every stone that made up my fireplace and the knives that hung above it. I began to think about my small kitchen with its black cabinets, too large dining table, and mismatched chairs. My altar sat in front of the large windows at the front of the house, with beautiful, scented candles on it. All of it combined into one perfect picture of the cottage with a complete rendition of the rug I wanted the wolf to walk on. Feeling confident about my image, I began to draw the shape of a door with my fingertips and pushed it open with my hands.
The wolf looked excited by the magic show, and his tail began to wave frantically. I frowned when I noticed the slight limp he walked with, but he was already walking through the door I drew outside. In the next second, the door opened into my living room, and the wolf walked inside. I gawked at the sheer size of the white wolf and hoped he wouldn’t break my things. I might have to shrink him down to size after all. I asked the wolf if that would be alright, and he sat down like an obedient dog. A picture of Mannix came to mind, and I hid a giggle with a hand.
The wolf was now only twice the size of a coyote. A far better size to move around in my tiny space, the wolf limped off the rug and onto the wood floors. I stopped him from going any further and asked him to lay down so I could look over him.
I approached the wolf with little caution. I was glad to see my anxiety from the other day was gone, and I could touch the wolf’s wounds with ease. I could faintly feel my breathing get heavier but not uncomfortably so. I could help this wolf, who I was now certain was the same one from before. He had the same bright eyes and fluffy hair. Touching the bloodied fur, I scowled. These were teeth and claw marks, and I was angry at whoever had done this to my little friend.
“You’re really something, aren’t you?” I teased, trying to cut through the gloom that had settled between us. “Sneaking out of the village and now brawling with who knows what. What would your mother say?”
The wolf huffed, though his eyes sparkled with a touch of amusement. They were warm and rich, like polished mahogany, but with a glimmer of amber. It was an odd mix, but somehow it reminded me of Jimin’s eyes, though I’d never seen them quite so alive with emotion. 
I chuckled, rising to fetch the healing salves I kept scattered around. After all the times I’d sliced my fingers and burned my hands, I’d learned to keep remedies at the ready. This particular cream was the best I’d ever concocted and would be one of the first things I taught my successor. Simple but effective. The wolf remained still on the floor, watching me intently.
“Well, little wolf,” I said, my smile softening as I kneeled beside him. “Let’s get acquainted. I’ll start, and the next time we meet, it’ll be your turn.”
I began applying the salve to the jagged wounds on his flank. The healing was already underway, but I hoped to prevent any lingering scars. The salve clung to his fur, and I knew it would aid in the healing process. Nothing a good bath couldn’t fix later.
“People call me Bridd,” I said, concentrating on the application of the salve. “But if you’re going to hang around here, call me Y/N. Bridd sounds too formal for friends.”
“Y/N was the name my aunt gave me when I arrived. No one really knows how we ended up here, but we all agree the Gods had a hand in it. Aldara saw me and knew immediately it was the right name.”
I rifled through the tin, quickly discovering how much of it was sticking to his fur. I had to do the other side, so I went in search of more containers. I returned with four more and resumed my work. The wolf raised an eyebrow at me, clearly amused, and I laughed at my own absent-mindedness.
“I wish I knew your name,” I muttered. “Or your gender. Calling you ‘wolf’ seems rather impolite.”
The wolf let out a strange laugh, and I was taken aback. I’d always thought deer had the oddest laughs, but I was wrong. Wolves took the cake. Perhaps it was just this one. I grinned, contemplating a game.
“Shake your head yes or no,” I said. The wolf lifted his head from his paws. “Are you a woman?”
He shook his head.
“Fluid?” I asked, aware of the existence of wolves who didn’t conform to traditional gender roles. The wolf shook his head again. “So, you’re a man?”
The wolf nodded, his eyes twinkling with humor. I smiled and gestured for him to turn over. This side was more battered, and I scolded him for making me wait. He huffed and rolled his eyes, clearly not a fan of being fussed over.
I paid closer attention now. The bites and claw marks were deeper here, reaching the underside of his ribcage. I worked in silence, pushing fur out of the way to see the wounds better. The white fur tickled my wrists as I worked, and I struggled to keep it aside.
I cleaned off the bloodstains, revealing more bite marks. After applying more salve, I double-checked his body and hips. Once satisfied, I rewashed his fur. The wolf’s leg kicked when I scrubbed his right side, and I laughed.
“You’re good to go,” I said, patting his side.
The wolf’s ears pulled back, and he seemed reluctant to leave. We both knew he needed to get back to the village before they sent out a search party. As much as I wanted him to stay, I knew he’d be uncomfortable if they found him here. He shuffled closer and placed his head in my lap. I played with his ears, reluctant to let him go. It was nice to be around someone who simply enjoyed my company without any strings attached.
“Don’t worry, little wolf,” I whispered, burying my hand in the fur on his head. “You’re always welcome here.”
A week and a half after Hoseok’s visit, I had reignited the cauldron to tackle an order. Yoongi had back orders, and the sea coven was growing impatient. The potions were straightforward, and Delinah had gone to secure the necessary supplies. I’d sent Yoongi a letter to let him know I was back on my feet. He had sent bowl after bowl of soup laced with the finest healing magic and enough drinks to stock a small bar. I had to beg him to stop before my fridge was overflowing. He would be relieved to know I was back to magic and foraging.
I planned to visit Foxglove after sundown. Sol had asked me to come when I was well enough, and I figured now was as good a time as any. I’d finish my daily tasks, then prepare to see Sol. A shower was in order—I smelled terrible. After the meeting, I’d fly to Foxglove to hand-deliver a couple of apology letters to Jimin and Hoseok for my outburst. I knew they weren’t strictly necessary, but I’d feel better once I’d done it.
“You have a letter,” Shiloh called as she entered the kitchen, a small blue envelope clasped in her beak. Probably Yoongi again.
“Thanks, darling,” I said, reaching for the envelope.
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Since Shiloh’s been by, I’m guessing you’re on the mend and well enough for her to make the journey across Bangtan. Do write back and let me know how you’re faring. Can I drop by tonight? Just want to make sure you’re still kicking.
I chuckled, shaking my head. It wasn’t like Yoongi to ask for permission to come over. We were close in age—he was two years my senior—and his mother had been a close friend of Aldara’s when she was alive. Back then, we’d run wild in flower fields until I got possessed, and Yoongi had to undertake the daunting task of finding me. My power had been far more volatile and frightening back then, but he still thought I was the most incredible witch around. Even if he couldn’t say it outright now, I knew that sentiment lingered. I prepared some paper and ink to write back.
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The night was windy, my feathers ruffling with the breeze. I’d just finished meeting with Sol. We had to meet in shifted form; my bird could only speak with wolves who were fully shifted. As a human, I had no such luck. It was a limitation of my abilities, but it didn’t trouble anyone too much. The elders were also present to ensure Luna’s safety. I caught Ahn’s gaze, which was full of barely concealed disdain, and had to bite back the sharp retorts bubbling in my throat.
“I’m glad to see you’re recovering,” Sol greeted me.
“Thank you, Luna. I’m afraid I’ve caused quite a stir in Foxglove. For that, I apologize.”
Sol laughed and gave a lazy swat with her paw. “Please, Bridd. No need to apologize. You were already exhausted when the alphas arrived. It’s no wonder your instincts took over. We are predators, after all.”
After exchanging pleasantries and assuring everyone I would be present for Luna’s presentation ceremony next week, they bid me goodnight. Sol sent me home with a small gift—a wolf pendant adorned with pearls. When I asked what it signified, she merely smiled before shifting back into a human. Her silence left my curiosity hanging, but it was quickly overshadowed by my second task for the night.
Hyuna had returned less than a week earlier, so I avoided interrupting their reunion. I slipped the letter into their mailbox but felt it was a bit impersonal. Still, I knew they would understand and appreciate it. I could almost picture Hyuna’s face turning bright red when she realized why I had kept my distance. The thought made me smile, lifting my spirits as I flew toward Jimin’s home.
Finding the alpha’s residence was straightforward. He lived in the barracks with the copiae, the village warriors, in the largest bungalow. Unlike the other homes, which boasted furniture and decor, Jimin’s place was stark and barren, giving no hint of its occupant. His mailbox was a small, black box with a slit at the top. I couldn’t find a way to alert him to my presence, and knocking was out of the question. Seeing the lights on, I decided to find him.
I took a deep breath and began circling the house until I spotted the alpha. He was awake, sitting at his desk. His hair was pulled up into a messy bun, strands sticking out in every direction. He wore a white tank top that clung to his well-defined muscles like a second skin. The tribal tattoo of the copiae, an Aquila emblazoned on his creamy neck, was partially covered by his shirt. I took a moment to enjoy the sight, wondering how long it would take him to notice me. In the moonlight and candle glow, Jimin was a vision.
A strong gust of wind threatened to give me away. Aldara had said my scent could be detected from a mile away. Jimin lifted his head, sniffed the air, and then turned sharply toward the trees. Our eyes met, and I hopped onto his windowsill. It took him a moment to grasp what was happening, but soon he was opening the window, a small smile playing on his lips. He looked so young and approachable, and I lost myself in his scent as the window creaked open.
“Good evening, Bridd,” he said, his voice smooth like silk. I inclined my head in response.
“Oh,” he chuckled, “I forgot we can’t speak like this.”
I nodded and shook the bag from my neck. Jimin’s eyes lit up as he picked it up. My heart raced. He had always been a figure I both admired and feared, but right now, he was simply a man I cared for deeply. I often felt foolish for desiring someone I could never truly have, and guilt for even considering a relationship. But in this moment, with the moonlight dancing on his face and the warm glow of candles behind him, those thoughts felt distant.
“Is this for me?” he asked, and I nodded.
Jimin extended his hand, and though it felt strange, I hopped onto his waiting palm. We’d never been this familiar, but perhaps seeing me in a state of panic had stirred some pity in him. That thought bothered me more than it should have, but it was easier to think of it as him extending an olive branch, wanting me to feel at ease. That was a far more pleasant notion.
“I’m glad to see you flying around again. I heard you were bedridden the past few days.”
I tilted my head, and he understood the unspoken question. “Morla,” he confirmed. It made sense.
Jimin placed me gently on his bed, and I took in the room’s warm ambiance. The stark contrast to the outside was striking. His room was softly illuminated by candles, with a rich vanilla scent wafting through the air. Sage burned in a corner, and various pieces of armor decorated the walls. A large scroll with his name and two small paw prints hung prominently. It was a tradition for wolves to display such symbols after their presentation ceremony. Above the scroll hung his family’s sword, alongside drawings of his family. Jimin settled beside me and began unpacking the bag. He opened my letter first.
My Dearest Alpha,
I’m writing to offer my sincerest apologies for the outburst that transpired. I’m at a loss to explain what overtook me—one moment I was calm, and the next, I could barely breathe. Panic is a frequent visitor, though it’s usually not triggered by wolves. I hope you can forgive me. To make amends, I’ve included a small gift.
I trust you’ll find the knife to your liking. It’s one of my older creations, made from an elk’s scapula and shaped into an arrow-like blade. I wrapped the handle in twine, tree sap, and moss to give it a sturdier grip, though it was too cumbersome for my use. I hope it finds a better home with you rather than gathering dust in my cellar. There’s also a tin of tea leaves included. Would you care for a cup?
Jimin’s face lit up with a bright smile as he examined the items I’d packed. I turned away, feeling a tinge of shyness. The knife, crafted with care from an elk’s scapula, had been a labor of love. Its handle, thick and wrapped in twine, tree sap, and moss, had been designed to be sturdy, though it had always felt too unwieldy for my own use. Seeing Jimin’s appreciation for it, as though it were forged from the finest steel, swelled my chest with pride.
“Tea sounds lovely, amica. I’ll prepare my favorite.”
The term “amica” was unfamiliar to me, though it sounded endearing. Wolves had their own array of nicknames; Hoseok and Hyuna used “caritate,” meaning love. This new word could mean friend or something akin. I’d have to ask Hoseok about it when next we met.
Jimin, though short for a wolf, was still towering over me. At two feet taller than I, his lean, muscular frame was devoid of excess fat. His physique was as agile as it was strong. I couldn’t recall ever seeing him stumble or hearing the faintest sound of his footsteps. As I admired his form, a fresh wave of heat coursed through me—he was nothing short of divine.
“Come,” he said, extending his hand once more. “I’d like to enjoy a cup of tea with you while we chat.”
I hopped into his hand without hesitation, savoring the warmth radiating from him. Wolves, much like vampires, were unaffected by the chill of the night. Where vampires were icy to the touch, wolves maintained a comforting warmth even in a blizzard. Jimin’s skin was a soothing contrast to the windy night.
His home mirrored the coziness of his bedroom. Personal artifacts adorned the walls, and warm light bathed the space. The living room featured a large sofa, a table, and a fireplace, with a glass display case on the mantle showcasing significant mementos, including the feather from his ceremony. I spotted his alpha sash tucked away in a corner. A large bay window, previously unnoticed, was lined with blankets and pillows, with a slender bookcase nearby. An open book rested atop the fabric mountain, its title hidden from view.
The kitchen was modest, akin to my own, with only the essentials. I marveled at his stove—a sleek, black, cast-iron model with a firewood compartment. It far surpassed the one at my cottage. The only personal touches were two towels draped over the oven handle and a bottle of red wine on the counter. The label indicated it was from Virdi Gramine. Though not as prestigious as a Northorn vintage, I’d heard eastern wines were delightful.
Jimin placed me on the counter and set about boiling water for the tea. He examined the tin of lemon balm tea I’d brought—a favorite of mine, sent by Thelma whenever I was running low. While I usually drank black tea, hot and unsweetened, lemon balm was a robust change of pace. I hoped Jimin would find it to his liking.
“Are you feeling better?” Jimin asked with a chuckle, clearly forgetting my current form made conversation challenging.
I squawked in acknowledgment, wishing for the ease of silent company like I had with Seokjin. Jimin held up a finger and disappeared into his bedroom, reemerging with ink and paper. I was touched by his effort; it was rare for someone to accommodate my avian form so thoughtfully. Dipping my talon into the ink, I scrawled, “I’m feeling better” in my clumsy bird-like script, my usual handwriting much neater.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Jimin said, his smile bright. “I hope you’ve been getting some rest. I apologize for rushing you so soon after Taehyung’s blessing. It won’t happen again.”
He retrieved a bowl of blueberries and a lemon from his cooler. Curious, I leaned in as he zest the lemon and added it to the blueberries, then poured everything into the kettle. It was a new trick for enhancing tea, and I was eager to learn from it.
After sealing the kettle, Jimin poured the tea I’d brought into it and retrieved five other containers from the cupboard. I chuckled softly—never had I witnessed such a convoluted tea-making process. It reminded me of Seokjin, who would relish such complexity. I watched with renewed interest as Jimin began his elaborate preparation.
“Is this too much?” I asked with a laugh before he could protest.
I dipped my talon into the ink and began to write, a task I’d grown accustomed to. When urgent messages needed sending in the dead of night, I had to be swift and clear. Jimin’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he waited for me to finish.
“Not if it’s something you like. My friends would probably enjoy this tea, and I’m curious.”
Jimin’s smile widened, shy and warm. “This is something my sister-in-law taught me.”
She must be quite particular to use all these blends. I assume you’re fond of blueberries.
“Clever girl,” he teased, and I blushed at his gentle ribbing. “Do you not like them? I can make something else.”
I love blueberries.
He hummed thoughtfully. As the kettle began to whistle, Jimin swiftly removed it from the heat and prepared our cups. I admired him again—my previous impression of him as big and intimidating was shifting. Seeing him now, meticulously blending chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, and hibiscus into his tea, I realized how little I truly knew about him. Outside of his duties, Jimin was a kind soul.
“Now we steep,” he said, extracting empty tea bags and another kettle. He placed the mixture into two bags and filled the kettle with water. I tapped the counter to get his attention and began writing again.
Do you add sugar?
He shook his head, removing the tea bags and adding blueberries to the mix. He gestured for me to relax in his living room while he brought over the tea. I flew to the sink, turned on the water, and rinsed off the ink to avoid leaving a mess. Shaking myself dry, I found Jimin watching me with a soft smile. I settled at the table as he carried our cups to the sofa.
The tea was sweeter than I preferred, but I sipped it slowly, lifting my head and opening and closing my mouth to get it down. Even though the process wasn’t the most relaxing, I found no reason to complain in Jimin’s company. He drank deeply, seemingly unaffected by the heat. He glanced at me with curiosity, his eyes holding a hint of wonder.
“You didn’t have to apologize.”
I knew I didn’t, but I needed him to understand. Something inside me had urged me to make amends, despite my instincts telling me he wouldn’t hold a grudge. I had to show him how much I’d been thinking about him, how deeply I cared.
“Did you do the same for Hoseok?”
I nodded and started to write again. Jimin stood and retrieved a towel from a small closet by the bedroom door. I finished writing and hovered so he could place the towel underneath me.
Hoseok was busy when I flew by. I left him a note with a plate of muffins. He quite likes strawberries.
Jimin hummed in approval, seeming pleased with my response. I felt a flush of shyness; Hoseok would have dismissed my gesture. Jimin, however, remained an enigma. His shifting moods were bewildering, but it was becoming clearer he was trying to connect with me. He even apologized for any fright he may have caused.
“Well, while I’m grateful for everything, it wasn’t necessary.”
I didn’t know how to respond. Jimin was right; I had overdone it. I should have simply dropped off the items and left. He would have discovered them on his own. Even if a curious wolf had found the tea, it would have been less disruptive than making him feel guilty. Feeling like I’d made another misstep, I stopped drinking my tea and prepared to leave.
“Though I must admit, I’m enjoying spending time with you. You’re close with the other alphas—except Taehyung. I’m a bit envious.”
My heart skipped a beat. Jealous? Of the others? It was impossible to keep my heart from soaring. Was he truly fond of me? Why only now? The part of me that worried about his mate tried to surface, but I pushed it aside. My feelings for him blossomed into something beautiful, though I knew it could never be reciprocated.
“I should only blame myself for that,” he continued, placing his cup down. “I wasn’t very good at making you feel comfortable talking with me, and for that, I apologize.”
I hesitated but hopped closer, hoping he could see my gesture of forgiveness. He didn’t quite grasp it and continued to murmur apologies for his supposed “rudeness.” Frustrated, I tapped the table again and began to write. Jimin grew silent, leaning in to read.
You did nothing wrong, Alpha. I promise.
“I’m happy to say we’re friends now,” Jimin said with a bright grin. “Hopefully, I can brag about our closeness like Sol does.”
His kind words and affectionate tone confused me. Jimin had always seemed distant, reserved even. Now, his gentleness was a revelation. This moment was ours alone, and I knew I’d keep it close, away from the prying eyes of others, particularly Jin, who had long known of my quiet admiration.
“It’s very late, amica. You should head home. Dawn is approaching.”
I squawked and gave a quick bow. I heard the soft call of “ten” and realized I needed to leave immediately. I had to fly swiftly to make it home before dawn. I mentally thanked the spirits for their guidance, took one last look at Jimin—his smile gentle, eyes heavy with exhaustion—and squawked once more before taking to the night sky.
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Taglist: @greezenini @adventures-in-bookland @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin @yamekomz @chimthicc @michiiedreamer @amorieus​ @mima795​​
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So, this is very different. After rereading the first two chapters I felt like they could have been handled so much better, and I set out to remedy this as quickly as possible. We have a new title, new banner, and even a new nickname for our MC. I hope you guy enjoy this new-ish journey we are about to embark on and I, for one, am super stoked for the future. Love you.
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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