hagothehills · 10 years
"There is far too much white-washing going on in the occult, pagan, and witchcraft communities for my liking when it comes to our leaders and teachers. It’s so much easier to conveniently forget and push aside all the unpleasant things a person has done and cherry pick the parts we like instead of questioning if we should be following and passing on that person’s teachings at all"
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hexenwildling · 11 years
Forest Spirit
Today's witching.
Finally managed to give Sarah Lawless' Forest Spirit Ointment a try today. It has a lovely smell and was very helpful on my trip to my spacial place in the woods.
I prepared with some light meditation and spellwork before I anointed and left. By the time I reached the hedge, colors were appearing sharper and I was noticing things a little differently. In the woods I suprised a few roe deer, who are in the rut right now. There was much barking to be heard at sparse intervals throughout the day.
Once deeper in the forest I caught sight of something large moving on silent wings, most likely a harrier or buzzard, who knows it was just a big flapping shadow. I must have seen some bird of this type about 5 today.
When I reached my place I put sealed the deal on my spell and started meditative/absorbing the sounds of the brook and birds and barking roe. At last I asked for a sign that it was done, at which moment I heard a hawk call and looked down in front of me, at the former resting place of the fox. Lo and behold, a big owl pellet! It was wet from the past few days of rain but it was an unmistakeable tangle dball of bones, fur etc. I must have nearly sat right on it when I settled down, but didn't see it until just that moment. Then there was a tick crawling on my leg and start walking around. Decided to finally find the source of the meandering brook and along the way,
I found a bird skull, a perfectly dry feather, a magpie's wing (still bugs on it eating the leftover flesh though), wild strawberry plants (soooooon), 
RAMSONS!!!!! A big fat patch of them. I gathered up a bunch and had them stir fried with rice and veg for dinner.
All in all, fabulous time, very magical and the forest spirit ointment certainly didn't hurt ^__^ (also it smells fantastic)
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eirecrescent · 11 years
Who is the strongest witch, sorry I know some people don't like that term, that you have ever met? What did they do?
I don’t think I met anyone that was super “strong” to be honest. I think everyone has particular things that they are good at…
Though, there is one person in particular that I respect and greatly admire (even though I doubt she even knows who I am!) Her name is Sarah Lawless, she has a tumblr and website, etc. see link:
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dianasson · 12 years
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