#with a yard and i can go apeshit and be loud in the house when everyone’s gone
mariusroyale · 10 months
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
It’s A New Phenomenon
Here’s a little happy story for you my loves.
Hope you enjoy.
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It was a quiet day at the scrap yard. You were there with Letty. You and her had became quite close even though there was an age difference. She had quickly became your best friend when she had defended you from some hang around punks around town. You loved her attitude. You started coming to her place more and she introduced you to her dad Coco. Coco seemed to like you and thought you were a good influence for Letty although he thought you needed to toughen up a bit.
You were a bit shy, always had been. You were a pretty girl but you had always been picked on. Maybe it was because you were some what nerdy? You didn’t know but you never did know quite how to stand up for yourself. Letty had been giving you pointers every now and then and you always shook your head and blushed at some of the things she would tell you to say and do.
“Come on “y/n. You gotta show them you ain’t some pussy bitch!” “LETTY!! I am not gonna throw someone down and threaten to castrate them and say... that... well.. you know...well.. that..” you were starting to blush when Letty cut you off. “What? That if they make fun of you that you will rip their dick off and shove it up their ass?” Letty rolled her eyes as you two walked into the club house. “Really y/n you gotta start sticking up for yourself.” You rolled your eyes and sat down at one of the tables. “I’m gonna go find my dad. I’ll be right back. You nodded your head at her as she walked to the back. Letty found Coco taking a drag of his cigarette when she approached he threw a hand up.
“Where’s y/n? I thought you all were hanging out?” Letty smiled a mischievous smile. “Oh we are. She’s inside. I was trying to give her more pointers on how to stick up for herself she ain’t wanting to listen though.” Coco eyed her suspiciously. “Ah no. I know that look. What are you up to Leticia?” “Nuttin’. I just figured if I can’t talk her into doing it maybe if she’s forced into it, it will help.” Coco raised his eyebrow. “What the fuck did you do?” “I ain’t do nothing. Angel is.” Just then Ez walked up. “What is Angel doing?” Letty shrugged. “Teaching y/n how to defend herself.”
Just then there was a loud crash from inside the clubhouse and and yelling was heard. All three of their eyes grew wide as they took off running when they got inside the sight in front of them was one to be had. Angel was on the ground and you had a look of rage on your face and your hand was balled into a fist. The table was knocked over and the chairs were too. Bishop and a couple of the others were walking out of templo staring at the scene before them. Coco was the first to speak.
“Why is he bleeding?
“Because he is an idiot.” You spoke through clenched teeth.
Letty furrowed her brows and Ez laughed then spoke, “I didn’t know idiocy caused people to just start spontaneously bleeding from the nose?”
“Yeah, well, I think it’s a new phenomenon.” You said as you kicked Angel as you walked by. Angel slowly stood up holding his nose trying to steady himself. Bishop looked at you shocked and smirked. “Yeah but all joking aside, what was that about kiddo?” Bishop questioned. You glared at Angel as you answered him. “Angel said he thought he could show me and Letty a good time and ‘tear that pussy up’ and when I told him that there would be no way in hell that would happen he proceeded to call us both bitches and other not so very nice names and I didn’t appreciate it!!!”
Coco was about to get mad before Letty started laughing. “ so you won’t defend yourself but someone talks about me and you go apeshit? Damn bitch. That’s a true ass friend. Sorry you got punched Angel least we know she can hold her own.”
You looked at Letty, “wait you planned this??” You looked over at Angel. “You set it up?” Letty nodded as Angel slung his arm over you. “We sure did mami. I’d never actually talk to you like that. Especially aboit Coco’s daughter.” Angel smiled at you and kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him. “I should have known better!! You guys are terrible!”
Bishop started laughing. “Remind me not to piss you off y/n.” Everyone started going outside. You went to follow but someone grabbed your arm. You turned around to see Coco staring at you. “What’s up Coco?” You could have swore you seen his cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he stared at the ground. He looked super nervous which you thought was off so you took your hand and gently placed it under his chin and pushed his face to look at you. “Hey, what’s on your mind, love?” He smiled, he always loved when you called him that. Truth was he had really started to fall for you a couple weeks after you came around. There was something about how sweet you were, how gently and kind you were. You were something different and he couldn’t get enough of you. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding and he grabbed your hand.
“Y/n I just kind of found it sexy the way you stood up for Letty like that. And truth is I’ve liked you for awhile now and I was just maybe wondering if you’d wanna maybe go out to dinner with me or something like on a date?” He quickly took his gaze from your eyes to the floor. You smiled as your cheeks turned red. You couldn’t believe it. You’ve always had a crush on Coco but never knew how Letty would feel about the idea of it so you never said anything but you definitely weren’t gonna turn it down if he was the one initiating it.
“I’d really like that, Johnny.” His head popped up and his smile was huge. He loved the way his name sounded on your lips. He couldn’t help himself. He kissed you and wrapped his arms around you as you kissed him back and tangled your fingers in his hair. You pulled away slowly and smiled and looked at him. “You know, if I knew all I had to do was punch Angel to get you to ask me out. I would have done it a lot sooner” Coco laughed at that and kissed you again. You might not have been happy about it before but you were so thankful Letty set you up with that stupid fight with Angel now.
@angelreyesgirl @auroraariza @spookys-girl @trulysuccubus @stunning-shitz @rosieposie0624 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @skyofficialxx @strawberrywritings @bucky-iss-bae-archive @miss-nori85 @cind-in-real-life @deeandbobbymcgee @starrynite7114 @louisianalady @itsjaybeast @-im-fantastic- @justatiredfool @scuzmunkie @ly-canthropewrites @yourwonkywriter
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natjennie · 4 years
I truly cannot believe america is like “biden harris animal crossing yard signs” “fascism is alive and well and plainly seen” “how is a black person going to be murdered today? (I’ll give you a hint, it’s the police)” “here’s how to get in an uber if youre a woman without being raped and murdered” “the rich are profiting off the backs of our most endangered communities, aka: he bought another house while we’re starving” “our president is an unchecked tyrannical bigoted idiot, everyone knows this and says it out loud every day, nothing is done to stop it” “the death toll is rising because entitled morons won’t wear a mask and stay home” like how the FUCK am i supposed to just quietly go about my day emptying the dishwasher and helping my sister learn the periodic table. I’m literally about to go APESHIT. where are the guillotines? the class gap is larger than it was before the french revolution. I don’t understand! is it selfish to get mad? when I have a roof over my head and food on my table, being provided for me (I don’t have a job and I’m not in school), an 80% certainty that the police won’t kill me for being a human being, and a relatively healthy family. is it selfish? what other choice do I have? I oscillate wildly between abject rage, heaving sobs, and total apathy. I don’t know how to function in this country and I don’t understand how anyone is. I’m so fucking mad. I don’t know what to do. everything sucks, the world is on fire, nothing is getting any better anytime soon and I don’t know how much more of everyone knowing this shit is wrong and not doing or saying anything I can take. I just don’t know. how are you guys doing it?
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? No, I was never into the series. I did watch the first movie and fairly enjoyed it. When was the last time you ran into something? As clumsy as I am, I don’t remember tripping onto anything recently. Do you enjoy dressing up? Not really. Do you live in the city or a rural area? City. I prefer it that way. Would you say you have a sense of style? I guess? I get good comments on my outfits most days so that must mean I’m doing something right.
What's your biggest fear? It changes everyday. For today, it’s knives. Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? No. That’s a big fear of mine too. Are you close to any of your cousins? Yes, I’m close to one of them and I treat him as an older brother. I used to be super close to my cousins on my dad’s side, but since we gradually moved farther and farther away from each other, the closeness faded and we don’t give each other anything more than hi’s whenever we come over to see their family. I wish we could change that soon :( Have you ever been lost in the woods? No, that’s the very reason why I don’t walk around in the woods. Where did you last travel? I went to Nasugbu if that counts as traveling. Do you enjoy driving? If I’m not stuck in traffic for 3/4 of the ride then yes. Unfortunately that’s the case in Metro Manila. What song did you last listen to? APESHIT by Beyonce and Jay-Z. If you have a job, how often do you work? No work, just university life for the next two years. What time do you normally go to sleep at night? It differs every night. There are nights I could stay up till 1 AM, some other times I’d rather be in bed by 9:30. Do you watch a lot of movies? I used to. I haven’t found the enthusiasm to watch new movies recently. Do you like Tom Petty? I don’t really have any comment? Would you rather have snow or rain? I love both. Do you own a lot of sweaters? No, that’s not necessary here. A couple of sweaters is fine. Have you ever tried rock-climbing? Like once. Ever ridden in a police car? Nope. Favorite decade of music? I don’t have a favorite decade.  Have any of your best friends been your best friend longer than a year? Both of my best friends have been around for more than five years. Even Sofie, even though I’ve drifted away from her already. Ever witnessed a murder? No and I hope to god that’s something I never have to go through. Do you care what people think of you? No, unless I look up to you. Does your room have a ceiling fan? I don’t believe that ceiling fans actually work, so no. Would you consider yourself poised? Most of the time. But when I get jumpy it’s really bad. Have you ever tried blogging? Yes. I never lasted more than four entries on every blog I’ve ever made my whole life, and I made a fuckton of Blogspots, LiveJournals, and Wordpresses. I do last on microblogging though, manifested by my being on Tumblr since 2010. Favorite television channel? I don’t use the television for cable TV anymore... Have you ever lied under oath? No. I’ve never been under oath. What are your religious views? None. Are you a romantic person? I am, but I think I would be so much more romantic if I had more money. My love language for other people is material things; that being said, I loooove spoiling the people I love because they deserve everything. When did you last change your bed sheets? A couple of weeks ago. Would you consider yourself a flirt? As a demisexual, the concept of flirting makes me uncomfortable, so no. At what age do you plan to be married? 27. I wanted it to be 25, but Gabie freaked out at how early it was so we agreed on 27. Do you eat a lot of junk food? Yes I love junk food. When did you last go on vacation? Last April. Are you resilient? Some situations. I’m easy to disappoint sometimes too though. Have you ever failed a subject before? I’ve never failed one in college and I don’t plan to. I cared less in high school so I did fail geometry, chemistry, and advanced algebra. Didn’t keep me from being admitted into the top university in the country though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If so, what was the class? ^ Mentioned it all there. I don’t remember if I also failed calculus or not. Do you wear more bright or dull colors? Dull. Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? Yes, and I know people who have succeeded. It’s a sad reality. What's your favorite quote? I don’t have one. Would you consider yourself mature? I guess, but I have my petty moments too. How many clocks are in your house? Two. There’s one in the dining room and the other one is on our cable provider’s set top box. Do you play any sports? Table tennis. Have you ever been injured in a car accident? Nope.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Somewhere with snow and zero sun. Have you ever had highlights in your hair? Nope, not a fan. Favorite fast food restaurant? Jollibee. In what country were you born? The Philippines. Are your eyes more than one color? No, they’ve been dark brown for the last 20 years. Have you ever caught something on fire? I don’t think so? Hahahaha I’m scared of fire so I think I’ve been extra careful this whole time. What would you consider your biggest flaw? I hate criticism unless it’s told to me super super super SUPER gently. What do you think your best quality is? I’m really good at reading people so it’s easier to understand them and much easier to detect problems. Do you enjoy listening to others' problems? I don’t enjoy listening to someone who’s, say, talking to me about parental abuse, but I do become the dump for my friends’ problems regularly and it at least makes me happy knowing I’m being a good friend from that. Do you keep any plants in your house? My mom keeps the plants. I don’t. What is your mother's occupation? She works at a 5-star hotel as some sort of executive secretary or something. Her titles are always long so I don’t bother to know anymore. Do any of your friends like your musical style? I don’t share my music with my friends. What are you most looking forward to? Friday because this week is going to be shit. What was your favorite television show as a child? Hi-5 was my shit. Are you afraid of insects? Yep. Are you cold-natured? Most of the time. How old were you when you got your first pet? I was probablyyyy 5-6 when we got our first goldfish. Goldfish would remain our staple pet for the next 5 years. Did you/do you enjoy high school? I enjoyed the friends part of it. I had a REALLY great time in high school when it came to my friends; I was lucky to have found a home in my friend group before school ended. I hated everything else about it. Most of the teachers, the close-mindedness, the Catholic education, the unnecessary calculus, blegh. What would you say was your favorite age? Year 16 was unbelievably kind to me. What annoys you most about social networking? It’s a tie between so many people who subtweet and so many people who share their privileged, expensive, flashy-ass lives. Are you the center of attention most of the time? No I hate that. What are you currently reading? Guess what!!! I can finally answer this question!!!!! Gabie bought me AJ Lee’s Crazy Is My Superpower when we saw it at a bookstore while on a date. It’s a super rare find as it’s never in any store, so the second I saw it she swiped it off the shelf and handed it to the cashier. I’m like 30 pages away from finishing it, so I also started on Chris Jericho’s A Lion’s Tale: Around the World in Spandex. Both are wrestling autobiographies, which at the end of the day is my favorite genre of books. When did you last go to the library? Last Wednesday because I needed to get something printed. Are you ill at the moment? Nope. Never am. Do people tease you about anything? Yeah my orgmates impersonate me a lot. How late did you stay up last night and why? 12 AM because I had been reading Jericho’s book. Have you ever written poetry? Only when we had to pass a poem assignment in high school. I hate poetry and only tolerate it when my girlfriend reads a poem out loud to me. Curtains or shades? Shades. It’s what a lot of houses here use. How many people have you spoken to in the last hour? Just my mom. Do you tend to text a lot? I text Gab a lot. Ever lost a great best friend? Yeah. Sofie was pretty solid during the time we were inseparable, but I don’t know...it just dawned on me one day that we have drastically different personalities, and not in the opposites-attract way. Beyond our shared love for Audrey Hepburn, our personalities were worlds, worlds apart. I just knew it was going to have to stop somewhere. She was amazing though. At the end of the day I don’t think about her or miss her a lot, so I think that just proved my point. What is your favorite kind of flower? Whatever flower my girlfriend gives me. How tall are you? I’d say a little below 5′2″. Do you own any guns? Nope. What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? I haven’t christened a book with that title. Do you think you're living a good life? I’m not gonna deny the fact that I am privileged in a lot of aspects. But mental health destructs a lot of that. It’s what’s keeping me from having a completely good life. What's your least favorite part of the day? The morning. Are you an over-achiever? Nah, just an achiever. Have you ever won an award for a speech? No. Do you tend to curse a lot? I do. Have you ever played on the Ouija board? No but I’ve always wanted to! But only with the lights on and in broad daylight. Do you sleepwalk? I did it once when I was 9. Never happened again. Have you ever slept on the floor before? Many times. Are you a fan of public displays of affection? Only between LGBT couples hahaha. When did you last attend a yard sale? Years ago? I don’t really go. Do you wish your life were simpler or more interesting? Interesting. I’m always waiting for something exciting. What goals do you wish to accomplish tomorrow? Get through my class without breaking down. Repeat for the next four days. When is your birthday? April 21st. Which is worse: going blind or deaf? I dunno, that isn’t really a competition and shouldn’t be treated as such. What was the best part of today? Welp it’s 7:42 AM so it’s too soon to tell; but right now I do have the time to finally take surveys again so there’s that. Do you attempt to stay away from drama? I like sipping the tea, but I don’t mix the tea myself. What liquid did you last drink? Water. I only ever drink water... Do you ever prefer to be alone? Some times. Occasionally I’d yearn for the presence of friends too. Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? No. Favorite Disney movie? Tangled or Toy Story. Have you ever been to the beach? Of course, but it’s been two months since I last went. :(  If you have, how many times have you been? Way too many times. I live in an archipelago so beaches are pretty accessible. What was your dream occupation at age ten? My old Grade 4 assignments would say that at 10, I wanted to be a writer. Are you terrified at the idea of weight-gain? No. In fact I’m really looking to gain weight in the next few years because I find myself way too skinny. I can’t wear a lot of clothes because of it; I have had to give away pretty culottes to my sister, who actually weighs like a normal person. Do you drink a lot of water? Sure; I love water. Does your room have carpet or hard-wood floors? Hardwood. Philippine houses never do carpet. Do you take naps daily? As much as I can. Not daily because I’m always busy during the day. Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? My family’s travel schedule is unconventional since we always plan our travels only for when my dad is home, so that we’re complete. That said, we don’t always book trips strictly during the summer. Depending on when he comes back, we can travel right smack in the middle of the school year, a day before my exams, etc. Do you know anyone who is colorblind? I don’t think so. Have you ever been a teacher's pet? I sort of have. I wanted to be my prof’s favorite in his art studies class because I heard he didn’t give 1.00′s (which is the highest grade you get in my uni). So I recited a lot, interpreted paintings even though I had no clue what I was saying, and had a memorized speech for our big Powerpoint presentation requirement. Ended the class with a 1.00. What is your absolute favorite hobby? Going to museums. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once or twice. Ever been to a tanning bed before? I don’t need that. 107,000,000 Filipinos don’t need tanning beds. Are you satisfied with your financial stability? I am satisfied with my *family’s financial stability. I don’t make money myself yet. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet and Kristen Stewart. Do you model your life after anything? No. What's the meanest thing you've ever said to someone? I’ve never gone over the edge with anyone because I know exactly how it feels to be told anything hurtful. Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? Yeah I say sorry to stuff when I bump into them. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Cookies and cream, or anything with cookie or brownie chunks. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? That’s sort of the dynamic of my relationship. If you could, would you have a pen pal? No. What color are the pants you're wearing? Brown, but they’re shorts. Have you ever had a stalker? Nope. What is your life philosophy? You don’t have to be blood to be family. Who last sent you a goodnight text message? My girlfriend, AKA the only person who sends me those things. Do you own any clothes that are your favorite color? Yes for black, none for pink. Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Sure. What's your favorite comedy movie? It’s not limited to comedy, but The Proposal.
In which year were you born? 1998.
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xottzot · 7 years
Dunno what happened last night. I kept getting woken up ever 1.5 to 2.5 hours. I'd take something in vain attempts to get any sleep, I'd let poor Sam & poor Max outside for their own ablutions, and then we'd return inside to continue sleeping. - All that went on over and over again all night and into Friday before dawn.
And during all that, the THUMPING of that caravans's doors parked on the street verge ? being slammed shut kept waking us as well. - And when all that seemed to stop, then it was the turn of vehicles and car doors doing the same thing...THUMP THUMP THUMP....THUMP........THUMP THUMP..........THUMP....over and over again.....
And then during the darkness continued all the VERY LOUD fucking aircraft noise from Perth Airport flying over this hellhole.......there is NO schedule 'peak' of noise anymore or ANY attempts to mollify or keep down any noise. The airport does whatever it likes. (it actually has the legal rights to do anything it likes). - They've been trying to get to this stage for YEARS and now they have achieved it and simply say fuck you to anyone who objects to any noise. - Already the public relations bullshit is throughout in the news....hey there's going to be great NEW planes here soon!, hey, there's going to be great new holiday opportunities!, Hey there's great news services available at Perth airport and look how pretty we've made it!,.........shit shit upon shit dressed up with a rich spread of colourful shit with a twist of shit sprinkles on top.......
Before 8am....FALSE CALM.
One of the 'white' (aka non-aborignal until it suits him) shitheads (a tall, thin, lanky shit), was walking about and came out of the criminals pedestrian walkway from Bellevue. He carried a small bag on his back (a packpack) and looked (as if going to a 'school' (highschool) via a bus. He's that old. He's not a 'kid' to get out of all laws like the criminal abos do as a permanent matter-of-course. - But the Police never catch him......and are totally powerless and useless in ever trying to.
He walked down Kalara Way street and made sure to make it a point to closely walk past the outside low brick wall that is their front 'fence' which is used by the abo's as just somewhere to sit down on and park their arses whilst they nestle amongst the bushes there and hide from passing Police vehicles and useless authorities and keep an eye upon all neighbours and activity on the roads. Maybe he walked inside there? Or talked to some criminal abos like he always does? I dunno or care.
He's one of the shitheads that tears around on illegal unlicensed motorbikes. And which wehenever the criminal abo's see him, the criminal abo's all go apeshit and yell out for him to do 'wheelies' and shit in front of that place on the roads as he tears around. - Which of course he does, even around traffic who wonder who the fuck is this and why is this shit allowed to happen all the time? But most of the time the traffic just tries to ignore EVERYTHING...because to ever complain is to have Police or authorities then BLAME YOU instead of the criminals because it's so much easier for them since innocent people don't evade them. And all this shit spurs on the criminal abo's too, to tear around on illegal motorbikes and shit.
He often carries around criminal abo's from there illegally on the rear of his illegal motorbike that he illegally tears around upon. He wears a helmet of course to disguise himself from being identified, whilst the abo's he totes aorund on the back of his motorbike (which of course has no way for them to safely be on since it's a single person machine designed only to be solo ridden OFFROAD), they don't wear helmets unless they've stolen them and are hiding their identity for any cameras or passing POLICE. - And of course there's no lights on the motobikes which tear aorund at all hours of any day, daylight or total darkness only relying upon the pathetically weak streetlights (powered by dying glow worms) to tear around on the roads. - All that stops Police from being able to see them and track them.
And so, is THAT why the VERY VERY criminal abo bitch from there has a broken arm in a cast? Because she was on the back of a motorbike (as they OFTEN DO!), and she was hurled over the back and fell off and broke her arm as they illegally tore about on the roads?- And who suddenly disappeard for awhile along with the illegal motorbikes for awhile around the first times she was afterwards seen wearing that cast? - All that occured in a huge rash of illegal shit occuring at that time. - She long since has returned back to criminal shit, because even having an arm in a full cast or not doesn't stop that criminal bitch or slow her down.
ALL that shit is about to restart all over again. - It's the season for criminal shitheads.
I'm NOT posting any of this up yet. Let's see how Friday progresses.......
My predictions of this hellhole.......
You see, by stating this shit...a lot of the time it seems to bizarrely stop it from occuring. That is the mantra of this hell....to try to predict hell simply results in making hell worse for you and to make you a liar so you are never believed.....and THEN it happens after others are not about to witness anything......
Illegal motrobikes will go tearing all about on the roads and school oval and streets as soon as the shitheads arrive back from 'school'.....
The criminal abo's will carry on......
The criminal abo's will be all over the streets......
They'll be going to the Koongamia shops, then walking all about throwing their shit everywhere to blow around in the high winds......into peoples yards........
They'll be making dogs bark all around the neighborhood everywhere......
There'll be false calm and whenever that happens there will be other things going on...like authorities doing surveillance that's useless as always.......
A LOT of noise will go on. (already had that happening on Thursday afternoon and evening, and it was not just the damned planes)
Okay...it's later on now....let's see what has been going on shall we?
As I said, it's very 'quiet' day......
A woman comes walking along the streets carrying in her arms a little feral female brat. It looks like one of the criminal shits from the aboriginals, or an associated one.
She puts the shit down on next to the road, and straight away without any hesitation the shit starts running as fast as it could into an innocent residents yard. However, because somebody innocent was watching all this going on, just before the brat can run into the yard, the woman shows a TINY amount of responsibility (only because from being seen) and so rushes and grabs the brat. The brat instantly then starts loudly bawling and almost loudly shrieking, demanding like a feral animal to be let down. And the two of them go off to go through the criminal pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road, and they went left, into and through another walkway down into the area where another abo criminal ghetto is. Another criminal ghetto area of houses where years ago thugs hid from Police after smashing into and attacking Fatguts the criminal abo drug dealers place at the end of Kalara Way. And so that entire area which I have always rightly long suspected, is certainly another criminal ghetto area. And they're all connected. And they all have other shitheads all about them. And they all love to wander about and be criminal.
From that area has come (not today but in the recent past and forever), endless 'parties' and drunken/drugged shoutings and yellings and fights at anytime day or night, all through the nights. That shit spreads out from there too, and comes thru the criminals pedestrian walkways/highways.
That little brat running around and quite feral is just another part of it all.
The shrieking of the brat caused innocent dogs in the neighborhood to start barking a LOT. And all that shit is what causes poor dear Sam & dear Max to be always so upset added to us all missing dear Fliss so terribly much and wanting to be with her.
So LITERALLY....it is IMPOSSIBLE to just sit in your own house/hovel and have everthing quiet around you as you get ever closer to death. Whilst alive being FOREVER tormented FOREVER. -- Hell itself would be a holiday camp compared to this.
And this is a VERY VERY 'quiet day'.......
Not long later, within 20 minutes, a criminal abo on a bicycle came riding out of the abo criminal household and he began riding all over the roads erratically. He's the SAME one as always. He's already a criminal shit thug. His fate is to be either endlessly rewarded and undulged by departmentals, or to die in one of his endless pieces of shit criminality he indulges in with utter glee and brainlessness. Of course he doesn't go to any school. That is his criminal destiny and has always been even long before he was born, being born of criminals.
If any abo does die, then they literlly just 'disappear', because the criminal abo's have long now forced all media to not ever show an image of the previously alive person. (voodoo bullshit crap)
If YOU think that's whacko enough.....then listen to the following which I saw in some news and I really wish I'd noted down a link to it to spread about to be fully known to everyone who hasn't got any idea about the hell......
Aboriginals are supposedly free at ANY TIME in their lives to just change their entire names as the whim takes them. It doesn't have to be 'official'...they just do it.
So much for their signing contracts or entering into anything offical, or any official records ever about them because it's all negated and fucked up by that. And this stone-age bullshit is supposed to trump all the current era of humanity's intelligence. - And people wonder why so much shit goes on in Australia with shit like this?
Somebody gets into being a criminal.....simple....just change your entire name and identity and hey presto, instant new person that in no way is connected to the 'other' person........
Honestly...they just sit around thinking up new ways to keep being forever having 'excuses' to be criminal......
Next up I'm sure will be the total exemption of abo's ever having to have legal drivers licences at ANY age. - Why? - Ooooh, because it's too hard to make them have licenses and be normal. - Watch what shit all THAT will cause.
If you think that's just fantasy.......then in reality there's already massive amounts of pressures being done to free vast amounts of abo criminals already in jail because...... (actual news item stuff) because they're being 'disconnected from their lands' and it's stated THAT'S why they 'got into trouble', and so they all need to be freely released so they all can get back to their native lands and suporting people and be okay again. And they reckon THAT will fix everything. Except they don't go back. That's where they came from and don't ever want to go back. Not when there's easy criminal pickings to be had amongst the innocent populations of Australia they prey upon and the authorities don't give a shit about.
So they keep plugging them into the areas of populations already established, peaceful and law abiding. - And it fucks everything up. - And they have the gall to blame the victims of the criminals.....and THAT is getting so much worse too......
It's going on all about in Western Australia, and in Australia. And there's seemingly endless amounts of money being used to get all this done, this dropping-in of criminals and utter ferals into established areas in the vain hopes that by doing so that the thugs will become 'normal' and everyone will 'get along'.
And if anything untoward happens, there's endless quango departments and resources to come rushing to 'aid' the 'poor unfortunates', but never the innocent victims of all the shit. - You often the victims, such as elderly men and women, heavily beaten up and gashed and slashed and bleeding and bruised, and it shortens their lives dramatically, and destroys their very lives. -- THAT is what is happenng to innocents, and meanwhile the criminals just keep getting worse and worse and worse......and DEMAND everything.......
See how it's working out huh?
The vehicle that was attached to the large carvan parked on a steet verge has been detached and driven away. -- BIG MISTAKE THAT IS IN THIS HELLHOLE. -- The large caravan is liable to be stolen by being hooked up to a thieves vehicle (or a stolen vehicle) and towed away and never seen again. -- Or simply towed away, ransacked, burned out and left for authorities to clean up the debris....just like they do with all vehicles. -- (All those tactics started around Cullacabardee many years ago and grew utterly rampant with even the Police seemingly secretly pleading with the aboriginal thieves, yes you can steal any cars and stuff but don't set fire to them because that's dangerous....you'll be good alright?)
Of course I don't WISH any of this to happen....I'm just pointing out what might happen and is probable, especially given how this is hell.
That wikipedia webpage is constantly being toned down and sanitised so that its resemblance to reality has been eroded away greatly.
"families are dysfunctional"......no.....they're CRIMINAL. And they've been farmed-out into all manner of innocent unsuspecting places in urban Western Australia now, spreading out the criminal shit. -- The entire webpage of that wikpedia entry has diminished and pared down over the last few years into slowly becoming extinct, because certain factions WANT it to become extinct and never known about and only want brainless foetid 'good news' shit to be forever what you get if ever you search for anything.
Oh, close to midday noon, the towing vehicle returned loaded down with several matresses in a trailer as the inhabitants start to furnish their house.
Meanwhile, around the corner and down the end of the road at Fatguts odl abo drug dealing house, the abos there are all out the front with the tiny just-out-of-being-toddlers-in-diapers wandering all about next to the road.
Meanhile, whilst the newest neighbours moving into their own house...,SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM goes the dual-cab vehicles doors. So all that previous slamming was not just the caravan door but also of the vehicles doors. (how many times can you open and LOUDLY close/SLAM! vehicles doors? - Not enough it seems.)
All that SLAM SLAM SLAM has upset neighbourhood dogs and poor Sam & poor Max.
It's innocent noise. Caused not by the criminals. But the poor dogs don't know that. And it's worse when it goes on at night.
Because the poor dogs have have had to endure MANY MANY months (years) of criminal noises, and the criminals causing LOUD NOISES, SMASHES, THUMPS, even at/in the empty houses which now have residents, it's impossible for the poor dogs to be able to discern any difference.
Poor Rusty is upset....poor Sam and poor Max are upset...other dogs are upset.....
So far.....there hasn't (as far as I know) been the endless streams of abo's from the criminal houses going from and to and to and from the Koongamia shops. - Or maybe I was busy dying to notice.
Not long after midday noon now.....
Usually this is the time when wandering criminal abo's and criminals wander along the streets endlessly going to and from to the Koongamia shops, buying foodstuffs (because they're NOT so hard-up for money you see), buying fast food that they throw the wrappers around everywhere with, or buying booze from the booze store for endless 'parties' (pre-riots) at day or night.
Just publishing this will make it NOT happen. That is why I'm not posting this up until later, to see if today/tonight it occurs as usual or not.
When will it rain?
Not today. Rain WAS forecast for the next several days and in the coming week, but now they've suddenly changed it all and now all that's to be had (maybe if we eat all our overpriced vegetables) is two days on this weekend (maybe) of rain......AND there might be a thunderstorm....maybe....but the gambling percentages of that happening are dwindling now.
But it's criminals perfect weather preludes......
Very soon it will be endless MONTHS of no rain at all at this hellhole, where it's bloody VERY HOT DAY AND NIGHT, being unable to sleep because it's always so fucking HOT even just laying on top of the bed or the floor, and so hot that everything dies with smoke unending everywhere day and night making even breathing intolerable, criminals set fire to everything, and NOBODY is allowed to use any water...probably unless you have 'traditonal' rights to water maybe.....meanwhile everyone else is made out to be criminal if they dare wet the ground outside their houses to stop it all going crispy dry dead and a fire hazard.
Meanwhile....rich places can use all the water they like. And all around places that politicians frequent and live are lush and verdant with green growth and shade and coolness.
But hey! - There's already also LOTS of planted stories in the news and has been for weeks now of 'responsible' deliberately setting fires, even close to populations, to vast tracts of land anywhere, by 'traditional owners of Australia', as they set fire to everything to stop it all from becoming on fire. -- It's like paying politicians not to be greedy and to be responsible. Setting fire to everything and burning it to down to acrid thick smoke and ashes to stop it all from getting on fire......
Fucking smoke and unable to breath and CONSTANT HEADACHES....
You think I'm joking? - Here's some news for today for what IS coming and will hang around long afterwards...
The pithy NEWS states: Smoke may reduce visibility on some roads and motorists should take care, turn on headlights and travel at appropriate speeds when travelling in these areas.
People with asthma and pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular illnesses should follow their pre-prepared treatment plan.
People with conditions exacerbated by smoke should take precautions in line with their medical advice for these circumstances.
Yeah...like fucking STOP BREATHING AND DIE ALREADY....
All this shit goes on even when its VERY VERY HOT making everything even worse and intolerable....not quite that stage of heat yet....but it's what's coming......it's hot, turn OFF all airconditioners and DIE,....if you turn them on the smoke will come in and kill you so just do it.......
And forget about being able to sleep in SMOKE, with your eyes in pain, and streaming, your throat burning, and on top of all that being so fucking HOT........
And in typical (lets not ever name or describe the outright criminal) NEWS....
A 13-year-old boy has been charged after allegedly pointing a toy gun at a bus driver and demanded money at a Perth train station.
Notice how they use the word "boy" instead of 'youth'. It's a legal piece of shit that's used to get lower sentences and arrests being disallowed.
Toy gun....next it'll be toy knives, or toy pices of wood, or toy bicycles......or maybe running somebody over in a car that looks like a huge 'toy' in somebody elses opinion except for the victims....
So they arrested the bastard...that means nothing. It'll all get swept under the carpet.
Meanwhile all the bullshit excuses are no doubt being prepared behind closed doors.....oh he was just 'playing'....he just needed some money to get some food.....he just needed some money to travel back home maybe by bus......he was made to do it by very bad other people and so he was forced to do it but he's really really really innocent.......he's good boy.......don't you dare arrest my boy!.....this is discrimination!.....give me money to take care of him and he'll be okay.....he was just showig teh sills he has with firearms so Police should offer him a firearms course and get him a job as a security agent for buses......
Shit like this goes on and on and on with every incident...its gets more and more unbelievable and ludicrous but nobody says anything or is allowed to say anything.
I wonder how long it'll be before Australia and Western Australia will have shitheads and fuckwit kids trying to use realistic 'toy' guns against Police ala the USA ? - Then getting shot. Then riots arising...
3:32pm.......the criminal abos are all over the streets and ranging to the Koongamia shops....it begins.....
Laying down.
Great pain.
Trying to relax and wind down whilst loud THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP's of doors goes on all the time outside.
Trying to relax in preparation for the shit of the weekend....maybe first will be the motorbikes tearing about.....maybe Police sirens all about.......maybe that will all meld into the (maybe) forecasted rain of Saturday and Sunday.......smoke, rain, and all shitty air to try to breathe......
I wish I could get drunk and comatose on the short way to non-existance.......
Maybe I could use an empty gun and point it at police and get shot dead...that seems to becoming a trend in Western Austalia.....
I'm not going to tell of you of last nights nightmares.....
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. I hope you are okay. Poor Sam and poor Max certainly are not, and neither am I without being with you just as you promised us. Max is once again prowling the yard looking for you, then poor Sam worries greatly that Max has gone and starts looking for him and you. - And then they're brought back into this hovel and they see you are not anywhere, and they despair greatly....more than anyone knows. It was a totally lost cause to save their lives end end up having to subject them to all this shit and hell. They should have been killed as innocent puppies. - But you don't care about us?
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