#with all the other random fanart i draw and never post lol
AITA for telling a school counselor about what my friend does online?
I (F minor) am in middle school. I have a group of friends, about 8 people, but this is about one girl in specific we can call Annie. All of us are mutuals on tumblr, twitter, etc. and we have a discord server too.
All of us are into a lot of the same things, like art, anime, video games, and have a lot of the same hobbies. Most of us also struggle with mental health stuff like anxiety and/or depression so we regularly talk to our school counselor (F, Idk how old she is).
Anyways, we're all really close and we get along really well for the most part, but lately Annie has been doing stuff that really bothers and worries us.
She's VERY into internet discourse. Has 10 paragraph long DNI page, is constantly starting fights with other people, etc. She usually argues about stuff like LGBT+ rights, womens rights, etc. but also a LOT of fandom discourse which is my biggest concern.
A lot of my other friends reblog/retweet stuff like anime gifs, fanart, memes, etc. but pretty much every post I see from Annie is her fighting with someone over shipping or something like that.
A lot of the posts are basically:
Her talking about how disgusting a certain ship or character is
How everyone who likes that specific thing is a degenerate, or freak, or pedo or groomer.
How if you like problematic ships you need to get a therapist, or you deserve to be hurt. Once I saw her arguing with someone who said they write certain stuff due to trauma and she said "You don't have trauma, you're either lying or you actually liked it and that's why you write such disgusting nasty shit"
Fighting with random people and accusing them of being a predator or a pedo
Breaking her own DNI (which says adults, proshitters, etc. DNI) and then getting mad at the other person for responding
It's really upsetting to see because she does this CONSTANTLY. She never seems to use tumblr/twitter to do things she actually likes. I never see her reblog gifs or memes or just silly lighthearted posts about stuff she enjoys.
It's especially upsetting because we're minors and she TELLS PEOPLE THAT. Like she's arguging with people that she thinks are pedos or child predators, while openly telling people her actual age. To me that's like covering yourself in bloody steaks and then jumping into water full of sharks.
I was really starting to get concerned because even in our private discord server she's always talking about how much she hates these people or whatever and how they should die, a lot of the time she says things like "they should get the wall" or "I hope their nasty fanfics happen to them irl that would teach them lol" and it really freaks me out.
She also talks about seeing the "child porn" that these people make which as far as I'm aware is drawings of characters but it still freaks me out how open and calm she is about looking at what she THINKS is child porn. I asked her if it's child porn why is it being linked in callout posts for other people (including minors!) to see and not being reported to the FBI but she just gets mad and changes the subject.
Me and our other friends have mentioned before that we don't like hearing about this kind of stuff but then she just gets mad and goes offline or gives us the silent treatment at school.
A month or so ago I got so fed up and upset, that I took a bunch of screenshots of her tumblr account and discord messages. One thing to note is that her username is VERY specific.
It's a combination of her first and last name and her birth year. Most people will not know that, but if you know her name and birthday, it's easy to tell it's her. She also goes by her real name online which I also screenshotted as proof it's her.
I brought all this to the school counselor, and I told her how worried I was about Annie, and how I think she's doing something really unsafe. Not only is she confronting people she thinks are child predators/groomers, she's telling people they deserve to get hurt in really awful ways, and looking at porn and I don't think this is good for her mental health.
The counselor at first was like "Idk are you SURE it's her? It could be anyone online!" But I insisted that it was and explained the username thing and that this was our private discord server so obviously I know it's her.
She thanked me for letting her know and told me I was being a good friend and then we talked about how I was doing, and then I left. I kind of forgot about it until a week later.
Annie wasn't online at all and I was kind of worried, but then I saw her on Monday at school. I was with our other friends and we called out her name so she would see us and come over and she LOST IT. She started screaming at us and telling us how awful we were, and how we ruined her life.
Idk what exactly happened, but apparently the counselor talked to her and her parents got involved? Her parents now monitor her internet usage, they have child safety stuff on the browsers, and she's only allowed on certain websites for doing research for school, or watching videos on youtube on their account so they can see what videos she's watching, or playing games on steam.
She said that her parents are also putting her in therapy once a week now (with an actual therapist, not the counselor) and she's only allowed to go out with an adult chaperone (either her older sister or one of her parents).
But... None of our friends know it was me who told the counselor. Annie has other friends besides us, so they're also "suspects" for being the snitch. It seems like half of our friends are relieved that Annie is kept away from that kind of stuff and the other half are mad at whoever the snitch is for ratting Annie out and resulting in her having less privacy/freedom.
At first I was happy that Annie was getting help and being kept away from this but now I feel really conflicted. I feel so disgusting talking to her and our other friends and pretending nothing happened, knowing that I was the one who told the counselor.
Annie still talks to us but she's a lot less open. We still have our discord server but apparently her parents will read through the messages to make sure she's not talking about anything bad and that she's only talking to us and not strangers.
What are these acronyms?
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A lot of replies! A bunch about a Florid Prison Warden AU comic from yesterday, a couple about other fandoms, one about antis, a bunch of shippy stuff (Falena/Leona, Lilia/Silver), some spicy stuff etc.
Anonymous asked:
Prison Warden au is back!
Yes!! After almost a year... I am amazed that so many people remember this AU. Thank you...
Anonymous asked:
How long can Floyd possibly hide Riddle in his cell? Also, how did he knock him out to begin with?
Riddle is currently far away from the prison, he was knocked out pretty much for the entirety of Floyd’s escape and has no idea where he is. He is technically in a cell right now... but in a different kind of cell.
Knocking him out wasn’t that difficult, Floyd just went ahead and squeezed him very tightly~ Until Goldfishie fell asleep...
Anonymous asked:
So what will they do to Riddle now?
Anonymous asked:
So Riddle got kidnapped after Floyd escape? Now I wonder what happened.
Well, for now Riddle will stay at an undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere in some dark room, and Floyd will have to take care of him. How the turns have tabled, eh? Now Goldfishie is the one being locked up <3 These two will have a lot of fun during Riddle’s stay! And Riddle is going to end up being traumatised for sure...
But they probably won’t be able to keep him there forever, so who knows what will happen next?
Anonymous asked:
You have made Sukufushi art before??? Omg why was I not aware of this
Hehe yes!! It was ages ago, but I used to draw these two a lot. We didn’t post the majority of my jjk sketches though because we didn’t really post very often back then + didn’t think anyone really wanted to see them, which was kind of true lol
Anonymous asked:
I'm the one who asked about Bobobo.  It's a very silly, nonsensical, random show.  An evil empire is trying to make everyone bald and a man fights them with his armpit and nose hair.  There's also a guy who fights with farts.  It's been awhile since I watched it but I think there were a few serious, dark moments, though most of it's a lead up to a joke.  I wondered if you and Katsu would like it cause the reason I watched Gintama was cause it reminded me of it and iirc you've Gintama
Oh god, so it’s this kind of show (in a good way)!
Dark and heavy moments that are a lead up to a joke is honestly one of my favourite ways to treat comedy+drama, this is why we love Gintama so much (and also Osomatsu-san and also South Park lol). Bobobo really does sound like it has this same vibe.
I don’t know if we’ll watch it anytime soon, but I’ll definitely keep it in mind. Thank you, Anon!
Anonymous asked:
Regarding the sneezing HCs, do you think Malleus will spit fire and roast everything in front of him when he sneezes? Bro has pretty bad control over his magic after all LMAO
Hoo boy, just imagine Malleus feeling like he is about to sneeze and Lilia running from the other side of the dorm to grab his nose because he knows it never ends well.
Anonymous asked:
About the response talking about antis, yeah it's hard for me to look for fics and fanart because I'll often run into antis...
I feel like part of it might be that they don't look at who a game is for or what genre it is apart from RPG/visual novel/ect, I don't think they know what joseimuke is (and I'm a still lil confused on the target audience of those as well, but I think it's mainly women with a disposable income?) and they think the target audience's age = casts' age, so since the cast is teens, then it's for teens by their logic...even though shows like South Park exist and I ain't showing that to a young kid.
I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they genuinely think they're helping people/doing good things/ect since a lot of them aren't adults, but I can't.  I just can't get that impression from them at all.  The "nicest" I can be towards them is that they're young and dumb and will hopefully grow out of it or they need therapy but can't get it for some reason and this a kind of cry for help
Let’s be honest: if they weren’t dicks about it, no one would even care. We all understand that people don’t like some things, and all of us don’t like certain categories of people in our own fandoms, this is just a human experience. Minding your own business is what matters, and this is what they can’t do.
The majority of them are young and dumb, and a lot of them will grow out of it (or switch their aggression elsewhere because they’ll lost interest in fandom stuff) though. Some won’t, but there always are immature people that are much older... this is where they’re coming from lol
Maybe some of them really do believe that they’re doing the right thing and genuinely don’t know better, but I think for a lot of them finding a convincing enough reason to shit on others is the entire point of fandom experience. So even knowing what joseimuke is won’t stop them, only them losing interest and moving away from these spaces will.
All we can do is shrug and wait... and block people left and right lol
Anonymous asked:
What kind of hentais does Idia read or know of? Does he play eroges? If so what kind?
I think Idia knows every single hentai there is, even if he hadn’t read/watched/played all of them. Alright, maybe not every single one, but quite a lot lol But at the same time, he strikes me as someone who would be into it art-wise and would legit watch porn for the plot. So his favourite eroges are the ones with engaging stories and good character writing... I guess asking for that from a hentai game is a tall order, but Idia would argue and rant about some of his favourite titles if he was told “it’s just porn”. It’s not just porn, it’s an entire experience, the buildup that makes the porn good!
I know a part of me wants to say that he would play “oniichan” kinds of games, but I think he would ironically stay away from those... it feels weird to him somehow... too embarrassing.
He also doesn’t mind really fucked up tropes and scenarios. He could look at a tentacle hypnosis scene or a scene where someone is pushing out an alien egg and say “heh classic”. Truly, the greatest enjoyer of art.
Anonymous asked:
Hello! So I’ve been wondering of all the TWST tops, who’s winning the girth-and-length off?
Personally it could go either for Jack, Rook or Sebek. the Octatrio kind of cheats tho? their merform could pull these off easily.
anyway very curious to hear your thoughts!
Anon, this is such a good answer and I agree with you, even though I did write a post about peen sizes at some point, and I had a bit of a different top3 lol
To us, the winner is Lilia both because we are very committed to this joke + apparently for bats dick-to-body proportions are insane, so I guess there is some meat (heh) to this joke after all.
The second one was Floyd, and I still think the Tweels are one of the hugest, but... Jack and Sebek are absolutely up there, and I think they’ll grow bigger and girthier. They’ll become the biggest ones in a year or two.
I agree that Rook is big, but I think Trey is longer than Rook while still being quite girthy.
I am also 100% sure Yana has a list for this that we will never see...
Anonymous asked:
Firstly, I’m new to your blog and I LOVE YOUR ART AND HCS SO MUCH! They’re beautiful and amazing and it’s incredible seeing a blog being so unabashedly problematic with no shame!
That aside, I’m not sure if you ever talked about him before, but what do you think about Falena. Specifically for Falena/Leona?
I’ve seen some works (all super incredible, of course) of Faleleo stuff in Leona’s perspective, so I was wondering how do you think Falena would be like in the situation he’s loving his little brother a bit too much? We all know Leona’s gonna be a tsun about it but what about niisan?
Anon! First of all, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. Second of all, thank you so much for appreciating our stuff and being supportive of our self-indulgent selves! lol
We love Falena/Leona in theory; we haven’t dived into them because we haven’t seen much of Falena + don’t care much for Leona. Still, we are 100% supportive of this ship! Every time we rewatch The Lion King, I get more and more into Mufasa/Scar...
Regarding your question, it’s interesting because I think the default really is to think that it’s Leona who is obsessive over Falena, and Falena might not even have a clue about it (or have a clue but still choose to be a proper future king instead of fooling around with Leona). But it’s entirely possible for him to also be very into Leona, it could even be more fun this way.
I feel like Falena has always been an adoring brother and Leona greatly underestimates just how much Falena loves him. Not only he worries about his future and cares about him (that’s a given), he also is genuinely impressed by his wit and intelligence; I wouldn’t be surprised if Falena talks about Leona all the time lol Maybe he gets as excited as Cheka sometimes, which is endearing at first, but then feels like Falena is um... a bit too much into him...
Falena also feels like someone who would rationalise his feeling by thinking that him being a king and having a wife and a son is one thing, but being with Leona is another thing, their private special thing that could actually still improve things for the entire Kingdom: if Leona is by his side and works together with him, they will be unstoppable. This is something that Falena wants the most... even if it’s just a way to justify his desire to have access to Leona (and his body) all the time. He needs to give Leona some attention, right? He wasn’t able to do it lately, right? This has to change.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had a bunch of “iffy” moments when they were younger. A sudden closeness during sparring, a hug that lasted longer than anticipated, a bite that was meant to be playfully teasing but ended up being too sensual and dominating. That tension existed for a very long time, and it only gets stronger with time.
Anonymous asked:
God... I am enraptured by Them. Completely obsessed with those first days Lilia started playing with Silver. You think he went slow with touches and inappropriate kisses, or just one day told him they're doing something new and put his whole dick inside him at once??? Silver couldn't have gotten so good at handling anything without trial and error... Have there been times Lilia overestimated him and left him overwhelmed and SOBBING sobbing, like he had to stop immediately or his kid wouldn't be the same person again kind of overwhelmed. Ughhhh I'm obsessed with them and their awful history
Anon, I am so happy you like these two this much. I feel like this awful history is such an obvious but tasty and amazingly working trope for them, it just works.
I guess it’s fair to say that Lilia went slow with his inappropriate behaviour, I honestly think that Silver didn’t even notice the switch, as if it was never there. He’s always been his father’s cute boy. Of course it’s just the way he remembers things... But he does remember the first time he had Lilia’s whole dick inside him!
But also yes, of course there had been a bunch of times when Lilia got too excited and overdid it with Silver. Even though Lilia did try to pace himself, I think he completely broke Silver all over like 10 times; and sometimes he is amazed that he turned out okay with what he went through. But he got better very fast! A miracle of true love <3
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dullorangepulp · 3 months
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persona 5 fans can't keep it in their pants.
an explanation (of my boundaries) under the cut:
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this is the haru fanart i posted to reddit that started this whole mess. this completely non-sexual, completely safe-for-work art prompted this guy & his friend to begin leaving sexually-charged comments under my fanart. After I asked him politely to not say that & to delete his comment, he mocked my discomfort & his friend joined in to downplay his actions.
I think I'll have to clarify this so that no one thinks i'm some kinda anti-horny, anti-free speech prude: there is nothing wrong with finding a fictional character attractive. there is nothing wrong with expressing your attraction to a fictional character on a public forum. there is nothing wrong with saying that you find a fictional character hot. I find plenty of fictional characters hot, & if I were confident enough, I'd totally belt out my love for a fictional character from the rooftops.
that's not the problem. the problem is that there was no prompting for this comment whatsoever. the fanart i posted didn't have haru in any kind of skimpy fanservice-y outfit, she wasn't doing anything sexual, she's literally just standing in a white void wearing futaba's normal clothes, so there was no reason for this guy to start salivating at the mouth at my drawing of her.
I'll use some fanart I did of a character in a skimpy fanservice-y outfit as an example of when I'm okay with someone commenting how hot she is:
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If someone commented "why is Aigis so hot", I wouldn't be creeped out at all. In fact, I'd probably either express gratitude at them engaging with my post, or I'd just ignore it & not reply. This is because everyone knows playboy bunny costumes are skimpy, fanservice-y outfits worn in adult entertainment spaces. So, it makes perfect sense for someone to comment that they found my art of Aigis in a bunny suit hot, because I drew & then posted this with the awareness/expectation that I'd get that kind of comment. If I didn't want to see people comment that they found my art of "Aigis in a bunny suit" hot, then I would've just never drawn or posted it in the first place. If someone commented that they found Aigis in a bunny suit hot, & I got mad at them over it, then yeah, I'd be overreacting because it wasn't that serious. I'd 100% be the asshole in that scenario, & i'd deserve to get called out for it.
The problem with this guy's comment is just how unnecessary it was. This guy could've just said "why is haru so pretty" or "why is haru so cute" & that wouldn't have made me uncomfortable at all! This is because "pretty" & "cute" are normal, non-sexually-charged compliments that you can just give to strangers & no one would bat an eye. Plus, it'd make me happy to hear that someone found my drawing of Haru pretty/cute, because it'd mean I was able to accurately draw her (since Haru is already very pretty, it's just that me being able to draw her pretty means I've gotten good at drawing characters to look like their canon pretty selves.) I myself have commented on many people's posts & said that I found a fictional character pretty/cute, & it'd be wildly hypocritical of me to say that others can't do the same.
This is especially egregious when you consider that r/churchofharu, the subreddit i posted this fanart on, already ALLOWS NSFW posts! So, this guy could've just made his "why is haru so hot" comment on any of those! But noooo, he had to comment on one of the only few SFW fanarts, & he had to comment "why is haru so hot" instead of "why is haru so pretty" or something else along those lines. You guys just don't understand! He had to tell me "lol just cope" when I expressed my discomfort at him announcing his sexual fantasies to a random stranger, who he doesn't know the boundaries of, whose AGE he doesn't know, & who he doesn't know if I'm fine w/ horny comments in general (which I am, btw, just not on my SFW art.)
That's honestly what upsets me the most; how people online don't take the time to consider how the fanartist themselves feels having to read their degenerate comments. People on the internet in general don't see other internet users as people. & in the internet's post-tiktok era, people don't really see fanartists as people, but as content-creators. This guy & his friend are hardly the first people to not listen to others boundaries, or to overstep them then go "lol just cope" when the person gets upset at them. That's what ragebait is, after all. & everyone knows to just ignore that.
The problem is that this guy isn't trolling or ragebaiting. He's 100% serious, & he actually thinks his actions are perfectly fine. Those are the most dangerous kinds of people; the ones who don't realize the things they say are wrong, who never self-reflect, & who actually treat others like they're not human, because they don't see them as human.
If you got to the end of this & you still somehow think I'm some kind of soyboy, weak willed, anti-sex prude that needs to grow thicker skin, then like, yeah sure, I probably should grow thicker skin (no to all the other stuff tho, did you even read the post? nothing I said was anti-sex or implied that I'm a prude. everything i said contradicts that, in fact). But that doesn't mean that that guy's comment was okay. On any other site, If I don't like a comment on my post, I can just block the person & it'll delete their comment, or I can just delete the comment manually. On reddit though, that person's comment is gonna stay there forever unless a mod deleted it, or they deleted it themself (which I POLITELY asked them to do! you can see how well that turned out -_-)
As a general rule of thumb, don't say things online that you wouldn't say to someone in person. If you wanna say horny things, go to a r34 website or 18+ discord server. If you wanna comment on someone's SFW fanart of a character you find attractive, just say "this character is pretty/cute/whatever". If you think that you can't keep it in your pants & the urge to comment something horny on SFW fanart is too strong, then just scroll past! no one is forcing you to comment on every post you see! & especially no one is forcing you to comment your sexual desires about a character on someone's completely SFW post when the fanartist never asked you to, nor consented to read, nor is old enough to know that you shouldnt normalize leaving sexually-charged comments on people's fanart when you DON'T KNOW THE FANARTIST'S AGE.
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The Thing About Redesigns, Rewrites, and Reimagines…
(Part I: Broader Discourse)
To those of you who’ve been keeping tabs or maybe seen my posts floating around the tag, you might recall me mentioning that I felt a bit of hesitancy toward the prospect of joining in on the recent wave of redesign/rewrite content. In the more likely scenario that you haven’t or do not know what the crap I’m talking about, that’s fine lol. Understandable. It was a little thing I had written into my first rewrite/redesign post about Charlie. In a short aside, I explained that it was because I’d felt “bad about tinkering with someone else’s work like this”, and then I’d left it at that. So… yeah. Why am I bringing it up now?
Well, I don’t think I need to tell you that this fandom is… a lot. Y’know people have been talking…discourse is being had… heated, moral arguments are being hurled left and right. And in light of all the growing, reactionary accusations, I…found myself starting to feel bad again.
My initial issue, the reason why I didn’t immediately jump to sharing my ideas was that, for all her faults, I empathize with Viv as a creator and didn’t want to feel like I was disrespecting her, her characters, and her vision by reworking it to suit my own. I had frustrations and criticisms, but I never wanted to make it seem like I was trying to ‘fix’ her work or her style. I really didn’t want to be one of those pretentious dipsh*ts (the kind that take a piece of art, digest it through their own preferences and biases, then spit it back in the artist’s face with a, “There. I made it better”). In the end, I went through with it because I had a small hyperfixation and a tendency to project my own issues onto characters I love (I’m sure some of y'all can relate). And also, I was having fun. But… then more discourse poured in, and I saw all the concerns I expressed reflected in the arguments presented by other fans and artists.
And well… That made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like perpetuating and becoming the exact problems I had wanted to fight against. So, I took a step back. I reevaluated.
Now, I have thoughts (shocker!).
And they are conflicted.
On one hand I agree with the idea that redesigns/rewrites are not inherently bad or disrespectful things when it comes to productions like Hazbin since Viv is not a small creator with no power. She and her team have ultimate authority over the show’s events, and those plans will not be derailed by what is basically some random tumblr artist’s fanart/fanfiction.
In regards to the critical side of things, that kinda comes with consuming and digesting the messages and presentation of a work of art. Ideally, it should get people to discuss in this capacity, especially when it deals with such sensitive subject matter as Hazbin does (and especially when it is executed with evidently problematic notions which do bleed into the designs at times).
Still, I do think this trend can be disrespectful if the intention and presentation are made with an aggressive holier-than-thou attitude which explicitly seeks to one-up the creator. Though I understand where it comes from, I think that can be just straight, undiluted maliciousness with a generous helping of pretentious, self-appointed superiority. And I don’t think it’s necessary to pick apart the style itself. You don’t have to like it, of course, but I feel like stating your preference for one way of drawing over another and asserting it as if it were some objective truth antagonizes the entire point of individual artistic expression and personal taste. Criticize the lack of diversity (something which, I’d like to add, is not actually unique to Hazbin) and potentially problematic aspects, but not the style. Even then, it’s important to be constructive not destructive.
That being said, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me (especially if anyone who’s a die-hard fan finds this) Whether you do or not is on you, and that’s okay.
This is more a snippet of my thoughts than a fully developed rant. I just wanted to share where I’m at right now. There will be a part 2 to this expanding some of my feelings while also outlining where I might go from here because things are going on in my head, and I don’t actually know whether I will continue or not with this project. Right now, it feels like it’s drifting toward a more original direction (Charlie feels like an entirely different yet vaguely similar character and dang it I’m attached…It’s kinda weird lol) so….anyway—I digress.
Thank you for reading.
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vanitythevantropist · 2 months
DISCLAIMER: this account is 16+ as it may contain themes that are not suitable for children. Please use caution and always check the trigger warnings. Stay safe❤️
Hi! You may call me Vanity, or Vani, if you want to :3
I’m a 16 year old furry (scaly?) from South Africa! I go by she/her pronouns and am Omnisexual :> I’m a Christian (and also a Satanist) (Shocker, Ik👀)
My disorders consist of; ADHD, autism (ASD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), alexithymia
Over here on this strange lil blog, you’ll find my random thoughts and interactions with other Tumblr peeps, as well as images of my pets! The main part, though, is my art😌 Yeah, I’m a digital artist and am strangely motivated🤣 (My tablet sucks so it takes a while cuz I gotta charge it after an hour-) (Le sigh)
Also, I roleplay as Vanity sometimes ;3 Yes, I do it with asks, too! Feel free to interact with her specifically~
-How to Train Your Dragon
-Wings of Fire
-Warrior Cats (never read the books lmao)
-Helluva Boss
-My Little Pony (haven’t watched the show lol-)
-Cobra Kai (unironically)
-Stones of Gold (original)
-The Underground (fan-story for friend)
-Wings of Fire: the Dragon Pact Chronicles (WoF AU)
-Eternal Twilight (original)
-The Wilds of Pernul (original)
-The Sky of Maroon (original)
-Eyes of Pure Silver (original)
-The Colonies (WC AU)
-The Tempest’s End (original)
-The Divine Deception (original)
-Chasing Echoes (original)
ASKS (n stuff):
Feel free to ask me anything! I’m quite open about anxiety and my disorders, stuff like that :3 The thing you don’t ask are obvious, like sexual things, cuz I’m, y’know, 16💀
BUT! that’s not all!! If you want, you can ask my OCs questions, as well! Whatever you want, really! Want an introduction? Ask em! Wanna ask about their food tastes? Ask em! Wanna know a little more about their toxic ass relationships? Ask em, see if they’ll like that😌 (They probably won’t but you can do it anyway!) (I may or may not draw art for it but probably mostly won’t but hey, who knows?)
-Vanity’s random thoughts; my random thoughts (duh), usually on the shorter end
-Vanity’s ramblings; same as the tag above but *long*
-Vanity’s Lore-dumps; OC lore dumps/info n stuff👀
-Vanity’s lil’ roleplays; Lil roleplays, whether I’m interacting with other people or just posting here :3
-Snake science; ✨Satire Misinformation✨
-“How do you feel about PMs?” Love em! I’m all about chatting with like minded people :D If you wanna drop a compliment, ask about commissions, whatever, feel free!
-“How do you feel about fanart?” I LOVE fanart!! If you wish to draw fanart for me, please make sure to credit the OC/design to me and tag me directly!
-“How do you feel about reposts?” I don’t like reposts. If you want to share my art, please reblog my posts directly. Thank you!
Status: closed
Terms of request (ToR):
-You may request art through my asks or in private.
-The art requested will be drawn as a simple sketch. I leave the complicated pieces to the commissions!
-I draw; furries, dragons, horses/unicorns/pegasi, dogs, cats, gore (artsy), robots, fanart, OCs
-I don’t draw; humans, fish, complicated designs, nudity, overly suggestive, vehicles, hateful art (homophobia, racism, etc)
Status: closed
Commission details:
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krysmcscience · 3 months
Intro post I will prolly edit later, lol
Figured I needed to make a pinned post at some point for people checking out my page.
Here's my ko-fi - And yes, I do commissions. The prices are based on the time and effort it takes me. If you want something cheap and low-effort, I offer '$1 per minute' sketches. I can do more with that time than you might think. (Granted, I also worry way less about pesky things like anatomy and outfit details.)
Here's my Ao3 - My stuff is dark and unpleasant, because my life has been dark and unpleasant, and thus what I write is not meant for either children or people who think censoring dark and unpleasant things helps anyone. :) My stuff is also Pretty Dang Queer.
Here's my original art tag - I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Breach, and a bit of Heavenshine. On hold is The Spirit Marauder, Starlight Killer, and Bleached Canvas, among other stories that I may or may not have posted about. Sometimes I forget to tag character and story names and such, though, because I am bad at tagging.
Here's my fanart tag - Again, I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Cult of the Lamb, and a bit of Among Us. I may sometimes still draw for Pokemon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, and Tokyo Mew Mew, among other things, but most of my older stuff doesn't have the fanart tag (because again - I am bad at tagging). I no longer draw for Homestuck, though I may still reblog posts about it that I find funny, and while I don't think I ever posted art for it here, anyway, my InuYasha hyperfixation died the moment my comfort character was turned into a pedophile. It is liable to never recover. u_u
Here's my art reblog tag - I very rarely reblog other folks' art. Not because I don't like it, but because if I reblogged every bit of art that I liked, I would probably overwhelm all my followers' dashboards. 8|; If you want to see all the stuff I like, anyway, my likes are public.
Here's my everything else tag - I'll usually stick this onto my ramblings, or on reblogs of stuff that isn't other folks' art.
Quick n' dirty deets about me: Filthy socialist (meaning ACAB, fuck MAGA, terfs can GTFO, from the river to the sea, and so on). Also, gendervoid aro-ace aegosexual with rampant AuDHD.
NO, I do not do drawing or writing requests. I do not have the time or energy. I may do random gifts for other artists or writers if I get the inspiration for it, but that's at my own discretion.
NO, I will not mark any of my posts as mature. I do not post smut art, I make clear what my writings contain in both the writings and posts themselves, and the internet is not a safe space for children. If you're a minor, best to steer clear of my page, and if you choose not to - because goodness knows I would have done the same at that age - then heed the provided warnings and proceed with caution. I am no one's parent or babysitter, and no one on the internet should expect me to be.
NO, I will not turn on anonymous messages. The moment my InuYasha comfort character was turned into a pedophile and I spoke out about it, I was harassed en masse by the grossest part of the fandom. If you want to be an asshole at me, you can do it with the full knowledge that I'll be outing you for your assholery the second you do. :)
YES, you can message me, provided you've been following me for more than a week. I don't always know what to say, though, so if I don't reply, that's on me and not you. (It tends to take me a while to reply to things, anyway. I am consistently tired and overwhelmed, plus a massive introvert.)
YES, you can draw or write stuff based off of what I've drawn or written! Of course you can!! Please do!!! Just share it with me first!!!!! OuO
YES, you can spam me with likes and reblogs, I do not mind at all. I don't even care how old the post is, so go nuts, my dude - like and reblog to your heart's content.
Krys is pronounced the same as "Chris", not "cries". If we start chatting and get to the point where we start talking over mics and you call me "Cries", I can promise that I while I WILL roll with it, I will also NEVER let you live it down, so if it's easier for you, just call me Terri. It's pronounced like normal, but short for Terrible.
I know it says 'she/them' in my bio, but gender is a nebulous void for me, so I don't actually care what pronouns you use for me.
As of June 17, 2024, I am 36. And yes, I feel fucking old.
Don't bother me with pro/anti-shipping garbage. I do not care about shipping wars. I cannot possibly care about shipping wars, not when half of my own ships are toxic garbage. What I do care about is whether or not a toxic garbage ship is framed correctly, especially when it's aimed at a young and impressionable audience. (LOOKING HARD AT YOU, YASHAHIME.)
If you know me from DA, NO YOU DO NOT. I just went through all my old posts on there, and good GRAVY was I fucking annoying. I should show all that shit to my mom and be like, 'Are you SURE I didn't have ADHD growing up??? Cuz it sure READS like I had ADHD growing up!!!'
I don't know what else to add here at the moment, so I'ma go back to recovering from weeks worth of working on comic stuff now. <:]
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welcome :D
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(images above is not mine, it's an art req by @pokimoko[a cool person :D]!) (i will hold onto these forever tysm dude)
(also AUDHD OCTOLING SQUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(tw!!! I swear here(got that American and Scottish in my dumb self), if you don't like it, you should probably go!!! I don't wanna make people sad :<) 🦑 ★ this abt me temp is by @electricalstemplatesᔦꙬᔨ—!! ╰━ Name: Spike ↭ Age: not telling but here's a hint: I cannot drive a car┊🎮 Pronouns: any! she/her is preferred tho!!! �� __gender: Transfem | orient: lesbian__ꕀ🏆 ✮ l [link]() 🔫➜ I (surprisingly)have a gf who likes to be called Eight/Agent 8!!!↯ . . ੭ ⁠くコ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
⁠ C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 hello, I'm Spike! you can call me Goldie if you want, too. i go by any pronouns! i have ADHD so i may forget to do things... if i do, remind me! ;-;
cake day: jan 19 :D
a furry/avian/lgbtq+ safe space! (if I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me!!! I don't wanna make you feel that way!!!!)
i am opening art requests again after like 3 months lol i can draw:
ocs(that aren't complicated)
reaction images
art prompts
please send asks on @askbfdicharactersorocs i wanna draw objects more
BUBBLE BLOG: @thebubblebfb
BH BLOG: @etherealhole
LIY BLOG: @liythefourbiddenexplorer
TWO BLOG: @two-integer
ROOT BEER(my objectsona) BLOG: @transfem-cowgirl-cook-rootbeer
GOO BLOG: @cheerfactoryco-founder
TEA KETTLE BLOG: @caring-kettle-ii
FOURBIDDEN AU BLOG: @fourbiddenarchives
WEATHERY BLOG: @ask-weathery
you can also find me on: RobloxWattpadBeta.Character.AIScratchRedditTwitter/X
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here's Root Beer V3!
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AND Golden Egg!
about the Salmonling:
ROOT BEER?!?!/!(REAL)(AT 3 AM) :000000000
Spike - yea sure, anybody can call me this Salmonoid - it's salmonling, but they get mixed up often so yea :) Salmonling - sure :) Golden Egg: godamnit 8 I will get you back for that (she kept calling me this when we were at a cafe and due to me having the 'ability' to get embarrased easily of a glass ant with broken legs I was a blushing mess for the rest of the time I was with her--) THING - w h y d o y o u c a l l m e t h i s Person - ok???????? Root Beer - go for it :D Spika - this one's your fault irl fren/silly Pika - other sona's name so ye :D Asteroid - old roblox name, ye :D Asriel/Alphys - my kin so ye :) legal name - big no-no >:( Any other silly little nicknames: go for it!
i run a BFDI/TPOT/II ask blog called @askbfdicharactersorocs! if you wanna ask stuff there, to to that :D i also have a blog that just puts Root Beer in random ass places that y'all ask me for called @puttingrootbeerinplaces!
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i'm a young artist trying to build my following on Tumblr! I draw many things, including;
-{memes(sometimes)}- -{CHANGED}- -{Bugsnax}- -{fanart(sometimes)}- -{Battle for BFDI/TPOT}- -{Mysterious Object Super Show}- -{Otherworldy Ravenous Beast}- -{Animated Inanimate Battle}- -{Open Source Objects}- -{Excellent Extraordinary Entities}- -{Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm}- -{The Daily Object Show}- -{The Nightly Manor}- -{Inanimate Insanity Invitational}- -{and other object shows!}- -{smaller game characters}- -{splatoon}- -{transfurs}- -{My own OCS}- -{UNDERTALE}- -{Cookie Run}-
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and more to come in the future! my blog is mainly for wholesome content cuz do a lot of meme/just straight up wholesome art.
i'm alright with nsfw art of my ocs although i wont draw any nsfw myself. i'm not ready yet...
my asks are always open, I would love to answer questions for you all on both accounts! :D
my account isin't that active with posts since i often forget to finish or just start another drawing...
i appreciate likes and reblogs and I would love for you all to follow me on my adventure through Tumblr! be sure to stick around for stuff like work in progress animations and artwork. <3
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birthday: jan 19 :D
fav colors: 💜purple💜 💙blue💙 💖pink💖
Object Shows
Spongebob(ik sounds generic but yea i love that show)
Roblox: @mayab3020
Cookie Run: Kingdom
sexuallity: lesbian, objectum
Remote (Tpot/Bfb)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
thank you for reading :>
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just-a-carrot · 1 year
Possible Our Wonderland Fanwork Contest (please vote!)
So I've never done anything like this before. Mostly because I am super awkward and anxious and also assume no one would join and then I'd be super sad and look like a doof. So I wanted to do a poll and gauge interest first.
Since this month I'm so out and about with family stuff and also am just a bit burned out so am a bit slow and quiet on posting stuff so I feel a bit guilty, I began ruminating on whether some kind of fanwork contest could be fun over the next month or so. However, I don't want to do it if no one would be interested, thus the poll:
My initial idea for it would be something where people could submit either art or fic (i guess other types of writing would also be fine, too, like if you wanted to write some sort of essay or analysis LOL unsure if anyone would ever want to do anything like this but thought i'd keep it open just in case), and everyone who submits would get a small quick sketchy head-shot of someone of their choosing from me (so like an OC or a non-OC or fanart or whatever) as thanks. And then I would do a random wheel spin thing to select 2 people from everyone that submitted to draw a more polished art piece (there'd be some restrictions on things I'm not super comfortable drawing but would be mostly pretty open; i'll include more details if i actually go ahead with the contest). Unsure yet if I would allow for multiple entries for more draws... I'd have to think. I'd maybe do it but restrict it to two or three or something. And it would have to be a fanwork(s) created specifically for the contest to make it more fair for everyone. And it would last maybe from mid-September to mid-late-October-ish (leading up towards Halloween, which could be fun and spoopy alkdjfalsd).
It would be combined across both Twitter and Tumblr because otherwise it would be too hard to manage/split I think. POLL IS JUST 1 DAY THIS TIME BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO WAIT A FULL WEEK so please vote lkjflkdJFDLKAJDL
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waterfalls-bunny · 9 days
HI HI HI sry i disappeared sleep and school eatin my life smh ANYGAY
who's your favorite south park character, what's your favorite hc for them, and what's your favorite canon thing of theirs >:3
also hope ur exams go/went great :D
YIPPEE YOU REPLIED ye i have some things to say (`▽´)
My favorite south park character is Kenny!! (he appears in 99% of my drawings send help) tho other favs are Butters, Wendy, and Kyle in that order :D As for why Kenny is my favorite tbh sometimes i wonder the same thing ( •̀ - • ) LMAO jk but is kinda dumb why he's my fav ig. For this we have to go back to 9yo me who knew nothing about internet but somehow ended up watching a gameplay of SOT and i gotta be super honest my first crush was princess Kenny srs
🚶🚶🚶 not Kenny, PRINCESS Kenny. And that was my first glance to south park ever, I never had interest in the series until like 2 years ago when I decided to screw the bad opinions and give the series a shot best decision ever honestly, so ye I always liked Kenny www but besides that well I can come up here and analyze the little blond in many aspects!! about how he's one of the nicest guys in town, how of a good brother model role he is to Karen, how all he really cares about are his friends and some boobs (silly lol), about his poverty and how I can relate to some point to that too and all of his character lore about his immortality, how it affects him and the many things I as a fan can think based of that!! I also have a Kenny plushie I happen to bring whenever I go to a trip so even my parents who know nothing about south park know Kenny and are fond of the little guy <3 so yeah he's my fav
Now about hc? 「( • ヘ •) I have one stupid hc but is so stupid LMAO so in another post I said I like Luka Megurine from vocaloid and one day i was playing SOT and had a vision:
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Hc Kenny is a Luka simp HAHAHAS
Is so stupid bc it fits him so well 😭😭😭bc for even more context Luka fans are kinda known to be... pervert and unhinged (generalizing not everyone is like that ofc just look at me a repulsed ace guy 「(°ヘ°) but yeah. It has no explanation besides combining my 2 favorites things LMAO and this is a level 4 hc so I'm gonna add another hc more sp related which should be mmhmm wow I can't really think in any right now besides the obvious ones
kenny is the most knowledgeable about drinks, drugs and stuff bc he tried em all (and died some times) bc he knows he will always come back
this also applies to piercings and tattoos, smth along the lines of "death hurt more than getting a piercing"
he will still treat Karen like a baby even when she's all grown up
he's in charge of the groceries at home
he secretly loves being babied by his friends and goes along bc he rarely gets that treatment (watch covid especial for reference about how cartman, stan and kyle treat him like their son sometimes)
for example tho is too basic lmao. I have another hc about Kenny being peruvian because I AM PERUVIAN AND I WILL PERUVIANIZE SOUTH PARK AHAHA /lh also bc after watching the peruvian episodes I gen thought Kenny has more of a peruvian vibe than Craig if I'm 100% honest, like I get the Craig peruvian hc and is cool and all but all he did in those 2 episodes was complaining to the main 4 to the point even Kenny (a very chill dude) was mad at him LMAO and by the plot is that he ended up involved, like if Craig went along to them to pretend to be a mexican band (he denied it at the end of the second episode) then he would've be part of a mexican prophecy somehow too so the argument of "craig is peruvian because he was in the profecy!!" is kinda random to me lol. But I love the fanarts and hc!!! This is just a silly thought bc like no way dude we literally have Kenny dancing to peruvian music and I'm telling from my expertise in being peruvian for 19 years that you need to vibe with the music to be one of us trust, like that yelled at me PERUVIAN pluuus being peruvian to the other hispanic countries is smth very mocked on, poverty hella exists here and I dunno I feel Kenny fits being a peruvian guy? Or well having a tiny bit of peruvian dna im fine with that too *baila que linda flor del grupo nectar*
Last question!! My favorite thing about Kenny canonically is definitely how of a good sibling he is, I also like Kyle for this reason but I think is different with Kenny due to how easy it was for him to give up on his family and not care but he does! I wish we get more interactions between the McCormicks smh stares at Kevin
And well that was it :D I hope ya like it also I actually did well in my exams!!! I'm surviving law 💥💥💥
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yotsubaclover · 6 months
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p3 of blorbo association explanation woohoo and this time it's fugo!!! my beloved!!! who i can still draw quite cutely after all this time aww love my lil guy
song: I HAVE A WHOLE FUGO PLAYLIST it's really OLD but it's so important to me. i always thought the pain and aimlessness and self-loathing of turn off the lights was perfectly post-gw (and early phf) fugo. another very fugo song? lassassymphonie from mozart opera rock.
color: deep red! maroon? i like red fugo the most :3c silver and red on top
animal: genuinely ive never kin assigned him any animal hes just always been a teen boy to me but i said hare bc ... i recently saw bunny!fugo fanart but he is not a cute rabbit he is something a little more square than that. and a hare seemed right. i think they're also a bit shy lol which is also very fugo to me, actually quite timid
food: berry fugo lover says strawberries are him who is surprised
object: diy holes in jeans cos i just think he should do arts and crafts. but also because i saw these pants with heart holes in them in some runway show a few years back and thought "wow i could hypothetically make those jeans on my own actually..." LMAO as for the earrings, i too have strawberry earrings, and anything similar i will call fugo earrings :D
aesthetic: i just like him in more alternative fashion and specifically 90s era stuff too so i just merged both. i think him in 90s casual is also good. i like to draw him in that i think thats why lol
other: smog cos purple haze baby. both kills. one just slower than the other. regret cos i like angst and pain and phf. tomes cos boy is a nerd at heart forever and ever and of course the mysterious killing which changed his life. but like genuinely i think he would hang around the library and pick up a random bigass book and binge it within ... less than a week probably. like. he READS. and he is INTERESTED. i'm not sure if he'd be a philosophy guy or a humanities guy at all but i am optimistic and projecting he is. i think his family would've wanted him to be a lawyer idk. to me he loves some kind of humanities or social science okay
i loved fugo so much i made an incredibly elaborate debate au starring HIM ft a bunch of other jojo characters pls and i did that so i could also love the sport... when i burned out i stopped building the au im so sad i miss passione debate society :")
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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calico-heart · 9 months
Creativite Growth Discord
I have set up a little discord for folks who want to set daily/weekly/monthly goals to create and improve their skills in different arts! :3
It's for artists, writers, 3D modeling, knitting, really any art endeavor! Human, fantasy, furry, fanart, it all goes!
The idea is to both help break down the impulse to only post "complete" or "good" content (which is often a barrier to creating at all), and provide a space where there's a sense of "accountability" by setting a clear, specific goal and having a community gallery to share and celebrate each bit of progress in (though no one will yell at you for missing a goal, this is still ultimately self-paced)
This is a pretty small server right now, with channels specifically focused on creative discussion/tutorials/prompts/etc. Depending on how big it gets, chats might be further added or divided, but it's not my intention to have a bunch of random unrelated chats included, in order to keep the focus of the server clear!
I will also probably cap it if it starts to get too big to manage or moderate effectively so it will never be one of those places with 1000s of members LOL
🔞 While not our focus, we allow explicit and dark content as long as it is appropriately spoilered/tagged, so this server is 18+ ONLY and should also not be joined if the existence of explicit sex, whump, BDSM, gore, etc makes you violently angry. 🔞
Discord Join Link
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Welcome to the Daily Do! The best way to build skills in anything artistic is to practice, and that's what this server is for! To encourage us to create and buddy system our way into improvement and better habits. You can decide for yourself how often and how much you want to set a goal for, and post in our gallery as you complete each one! We can celebrate each success along the way! Once you've complete a Daily Do, post it in #⁠2024!
You can make a single topic to store all of yours together, or post a new topic for each piece individually, it's up to you!
Group is LGBTQA+ friendly.
Server is 18+, we do not allow underage users. Circumventing this rule is grounds for permanent removal and ban.
Be polite and respectful. Maintain healthy boundaries.
No real life politics, religion, or social justice issues; no callouts posts or promoting drama.
Human-made art, writing, knitting, sculpting, 3D modelling, sewing, etc etc is all allowed.
No AI art or writing, these are not in the spirit of building personal creative skills and habits.
Tag and spoiler work that contains graphic, dark, heavy, or nsfw themes, so people can choose what to engage with.
Explicit real-life or (hyper-realistic content that cannot easily be identified as fake) is not allowed (i.e. Pornhub videos, lewd photography.) This is mainly to prevent any inadvertent violations of Discord's ToS.
If work appears to be created in bad faith, i.e. to be deliberately inflammatory or target other users, it will be removed.
Everyone has a different social battery, but as this is a 'buddy system' type group, please try to also acknowledge other people's contributions, even if just with an emoji reaction! Don't just post your own work and completely ignore everyone else.
Rules may be added or changed as necessary.
You set your own goals based on your own situation, we're just here to encourage and offer a kind of "accountability" to it by having a place to organize and post each Do!
If your goal isn't working for you, you can change it!
✅ Good - Simple, direct action to take and time frame to do it:
Draw x amount of time per day
Write at least x words a week
Sketch something in Photoshop with a different brush every Tuesday
❌ Bad - Vague overarching goal, no accountability or specific steps to take:
Get better at art
Do more writing
Learn to use photoshop
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eerna · 7 months
Hello! This is incredibly random, but as a fanartist, enjoyer of critically examining media, and critic of capitalist corporations (*cough* Disney), do you have any thoughts about fan art being a form of unpaid labour?
Context is I’m writing an essay about digital labour and how fan creation is basically kind of like free PR for big corporations… and now whenever I do fanart I can’t get that thought out of my head uGH. I want to believe that drawing fanart is my own form of creative expression and way of showing love for the media, but at the same time I’m like “am I being exploited???” since I’m helping advertise smth for free and these corporations are just capitalizing on my love for said media??? and I can’t reconcile these thoughts 🥲🫠
Also I’m struggling with the essay LOL my eventual conclusion is that we as fans do have agency but we kind of still are being exploited… so it’s not a very optimistic outlook haha. Doesn’t help that the scholars’ articles I’m reading are all very negative about this digital labour thing. Help.
Sorry if this is unexpectedly deep!! 😅 just really curious to hear a fellow fanartist’s thoughts, and I respect you a lot for being unafraid to criticize media 🙏🙏
Hi! First of thank you for your kind words~ Second off, what a cool concept to discuss. Your message is pretty much how I feel. It is very frustrating to remember that so much of the media I love is so closely tied to the harmful cycle of capitalism. I grew up in a country that didn't have access to merch or much in the way of official media so piracy was my go-to most of the time. This means I was introduced to the concept of consumerist aspects of fandom via the Internet as a teenager and started feeling bad about "not supporting" stuff I love, but I told myself "Well I pay back by doing fanart and talking about it online". And then I found out about the way capitalism shapes the media landscape and started feeling bad for playing into it, the same as you. It gets even more conflicting when I am talking about something I dislike made by a company I dislike - yeah, I am probably preventing some people from interacting with the media for themselves, but I am also probably making others interested. What makes me feel better about the entire thing is that the "digital labour" I do is that I'm doing it for other fans like me, and to express myself. I love things so much that it makes me feel like I am going to explode, but pouring it out onto paper helps with it! Of course, I don't have to post it online for it to be worthwhile, but sharing it with others who feel the way I do makes the feelings even better. BUT one of the most important aspects of the issue is how willing those companies are to let me gain something monetary from the relationship. Are they ignoring fanworks being sold as fan merch, as commissions? It is illegal, but I feel like it should absolutely be allowed as a sort of unmentioned perk of being a fan worker, and the companies that don't allow that are evil. My audience gets bigger, I sell more prints, and so do they. (This is also why I never accept money for fanworks made by small creators, such as webcomics)
There's also the fact that lately I've been seeing the rise of "If you REALLY love this piece of media, it is your DUTY to consume it as much as possible and spread the word about it as much as possible and make the company as much money as possible if you want to see more things like it!" takes. These are utter bullshit and where enjoyment of media goes to die. The moment you reduce your love for something only to how much money it can make the evil capitalist overlords who allowed it to grace your eyes, you completely deny any kind of artistic worth. Media should exist because we deserve to have our hearts touched by stories, not because it makes someone money.
I don't have a clear answer or feel like my approach to the issue goes entirely along with my morality. But I don't think we can find a way to feel good about the entire situation as long as our media is dictated by capitalism. It's the sad reality of loving something in a system that will squeeze any money out of you that it can. But we gotta march on, remember that we are the ones allowing them to survive and not the other way around, and love while we do it. Good luck with your essay, stay positive!
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kitty-ception · 1 month
A warm welcome to my page under the cut! :)
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Let’s start things off with a simple introduction:
Who am I? My name is Everest! However, you can also call me by my username. I don’t mind ^^
Sexuality? I am asexual! Inappropriate posts and comments make me very uncomfortable, so please be respectful! Unfortunately, I am aware this is the internet, so not everyone will abide by my boundaries, but let’s try to at least keep it mostly PG here.
Pronouns? I go by factory settings, so she/her please! Honestly, I can go by any, but this is the one that I’m more used to hearing lol X3
What will I be posting?
Mostly fandom content or fanart! The fandom I’ll be mainly posting about is Invader Zim, which is my current interest. Unfortunately, this may change at any moment. For now, all you’ll be hearing from me is them while this obsession lasts!
Oc/Self insert drawings or textposts! Cringe culture is dead, so why not insert myself into my current interests? We’re all weirdos one way or another. Just a warning: All of my self insert and canon interactions are all COMPLETELY PLATONIC!! (There is only one exception to this, and it is Sebastian from Stardew Valley. What can I say? He’s great.)
Writing prompts/ideas! My brain comes up with lots of scenarios, but I myself can’t write. Feel free to use any of mine as inspiration! I’d be honored.
Random thoughts/updates in my life! Of course you’re going to see these, because what is a blog page without a “OMG I SCREWED UP SO BAD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!” scattered here and there?
Reposts/Reblogs! Sometimes I’ll see a really good artwork my friends made or someone making a headcanon for a character in a fandom I like. Naturally, I’m gonna show it on my page because “HOW HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF THAT CONCEPT EARLIER???”
What is your opinion on [ship]?
Honestly, I would say, “Cringe culture is dead, why shouldn’t we let people do what they love as long as they’re not hurting anybody?” but I know people witch-hunt others if they see something they don’t agree with.
So, I guess I have to put my opinion out there, so the right people can stay, and others can find a better blog to go to. Stay safe out there.
Let’s start with the fandom I’m in right now: Invader Zim.
Just a disclaimer! I view most of the main characters in this show as children! If you create or consume content that contains inappropriate material with these characters aged up or not, it is safe to say this is not the page for you. Please find another one to go to. (Also, the fact that you have to age up characters to do anything with them is pretty self explanatory.)
[ZaDr]: Mostly neutral, but partial to liking it. Sue me, I think it’s cute. Well, actually, don’t sue me. I can definitely see it, and I don’t mind having it on my feed if it’s appropriate. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaGr]: Completely neutral. I can see it happening, but I have no opinion on it. It’s just girlbosses in love. As long as it is appropriate, I have no issues with it. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[ZaGr]: Mostly neutral, leaning towards dislike. I personally cannot see this happening at all. I do think it’s really funny that Zim and Dib’s rivalry went so far that Zim started dating Gaz. Imagine your worst enemy dating your sister - I would never recover. Good luck, Dib! (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaZr]: Neutral, slightly dislike. I will admit, having to hide your relationship from the irken government does sound pretty cool. However, Tak absolutely hates Zim’s guts, and vice versa, so I don’t see it happening anytime soon. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaDr]: Mostly dislike. I know that in the show, Dib did try asking Tak out, but it just doesn’t seem like the right match. Tak was only using Dib for information, and Dib depended on her for being one of the only ones to believe him. Sounds pretty toxic to me. But hey, maybe in the future they’ll chill out, and perhaps it’ll work then? (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[RaPr]: Neutral. I think it’s alright. Pretty amusing to have a militaristic-centered government being run by two dumb gay aliens. I think everyone on the Massive would know they were somewhat in a relationship, because these guys are not subtle in the least. (View disclaimer above for character ships.)
Any other ship I didn’t list: Same rules apply for both characters I view as children and characters that are viewed as adults or young adults. If it’s not inappropriate or illegal, then it is fine in my eyes. Just don’t be weird and only ship them to sexualize them. That’s real uncomfortable.
Well, that’s about it folks!
Anything else that I have missed, or if I have gotten any information wrong, please do reach out to me either in private messages or in my asks. They’re always open, and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks for visiting my page, and reading so far! Keep yourself safe and be respectful on the internet! :)
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cqtlatte · 1 year
hiii your art always make my day better, so hope u had a good day too. But can I ask what brushes you usually use in your arts? Like the way you use brushes and colors are so good TuT I can't fathom it sometimes. How do u make those kinds of textures. I'm new in this tumbler, so apologies if it's already been answered before. <33
Heyo anon, thanks for asking and no problem! I've answered this a couple of times before across all my platforms, but ig this is a good opportunity to answer and add to my carrd FAQ! <3 Let me break down what I use them for a bit too. (lots of blabbing below so I'll but a read-more tab)
 (sketching) Design pencil (default in CSP, you can probably find it on the assets store because it was from the earlier version of CSP)
(sketching/coloring/general use) G-pen
(sketching/coloring/general use) Dense watercolor (same case as the design pencil)
As for brushes that I use for texturing and painting, I use the Daub brush pack for CSP. My favorites come from the aenigma, pigmento, and basiliscus sets. You can find them on gumroad, or just google! I believe they have brushes for procreate and photoshop too but I think the brush packs aren't the same across platforms. 
For making the texture itself, it's kind of a random process that idk how to explain properly lmao. Let me link my Kokomi timelapse so you can see how much I jump around the canvas to carve out the textures:
 I like to use different blending modes and layer tons of different colors. The color jitter function is super amazing too for that purpose, but probably shouldn't be overused for the sake of balance. (personally still trying to avoid over-saturating my works with textures tbh)
To be 100000% honest though, I tend to jump around a lot, and I certainly don't use all of those brushes in every piece.
I used to lurk around a lot myself and hoard tons of brushes other artists were using, until I saw a comment of an artist I admire: "sometimes the brush you use really isn't important. Without practice the painting will be ugly."(not the most accurate translation probably because it was written in another language)
After that I had like… an epiphany moment where I really believed them, and drew a Bonanus fanart in June. I made the lineart with a g-pen (which I never used cuz I always thought I'd be somehow inhibiting my creative power using default brushes or something), and the piece ended up blowing up on twt much to my surprise.. LOL. After that, I started to care less about other's brushes and instead of looking for more, try to figure out how I could make cool textures and strokes with the ones I currently had at my disposal.
(said bonanus art)
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This isn't a statement to say "stop looking for other artist's brushes, copying brushes bad, etc" because there is a LOT that you can learn from using other artist's brush inventory.
But you can also have a lot of fun drawing when you focus less about what other's use, and more about what brushes YOU are comfortable using + feels right to you. Sometimes you may even need to tweak them a bit in their brush settings instead of using their default form before they feel comfy for you! It's a matter of exploring and figuring out what works and what doesn't in your workflow, hehe.
Anyways I hope this answer helps as we all continue our art journey together. Sending positive vibes your way anon! <3
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xyumichux · 11 months
Hi I'm Sleepy, just a tired artist and idiot. I'll post artwork and sometimes post random things of different fandoms I'm in. Feel free to follow if you want!
My main oc/mascot for my accounts is Yumi! She's a small kitten 🩰💕🩷
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🐰♡ Bio and info about me ♡🐰
~☆Name: Sleepy
~☆Age: 19
~☆Pronouns: She/Her
~☆Gender: Female
~☆East Asian: 🇨🇳
- ☆~Before you follow ~☆
🩰. I have an Oc x Canon ship so if you don't like simple leave me alone.
🩰. I never shut up about my obsessions so I might be annoying at times.
🩰. I curse a lot but I try to calm it down.
🩰. I have a lot if comfort characters and tbh I can't even name them all lol
🩰. My pms/ inbox are open!! So feel free to send an ask or message! (Just don't be weird or creepy...)
~☆ My f/os or comfort characters ☆~
☁️~ Okay with sharing~☁️:
♧ Transformers ♧
- Bumblebee
- Optimus prime
- Soundwave
- Ironhide (Bayverse)
♤ Hunter x Hunter ♤
- Kurapika
☁️~ NOT okay with sharing ~☁️ (Doubles DNI)
♡ Death Note ♡
- L Lawliet
I was going through a rough time in my life when I started watching Death Note, and he generally felt comforting to me, I loved him ever since so doubles for him kinda make me uncomfy.
♡ Transformers ♡
- Transformers Shockwave
I love Shockwave in all series and believe it or not, I find him comforting. Everytime I see him on screen I go crazy. 0<0
(Please understand and don't be mad at me....)
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~°•°•°• My ocs •°•°•°~
Original story ocs: ☁️🌸🪼
🌸 Yumi 🌸
👾 Luka 👾
♠️ Ivy ♠️
🪼 Coco 🪼
🍓 Rosey 🍓
🐍 Saya 🐍
Death note oc: 🥀📓💀
Transformers oc: ⚙️🎀✨️
My little pony oc: 🦄🔔✨️
🩵Bunny Bell🩵
Hunter x Hunter oc: 🎣🪀⚡️
❤️ Ami Okimi ❤️
~°•°•°•° More info on them on my toyhou.se 👇 °•°•°•°~
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- ♤~ Do not interact/follow ~♤ (I'll block you immediately)
- Proship, Zoo, Maps,Transphobes,Homophobes, and Racists
-♡~ About my artwork~♡
🍥 . Arttrades are for moots only! ♡Closed♡
🍥 . I like to draw fanart or ocs (especially ocs XDD)
🍥 . I don't take art requests! So pls don't ask!
🍥. If I've made art for you, you're free to use it however you want!!
🍥 . Please do NOT trace/copy my art or ocs
🍥. If you repost my art that's fine just give me full credit!!
🍥. Please do NOT put my art into AI
-◇~ My current interests right now ~◇-
🩷 . Death note (main obsession rn)
🩷 . Transformers (main obsession rn)
🩷. My little pony
🩷. Sanrio
🩷. Hunter x Hunter
🩷 . Madoka Magica
🩷 . Sailor Moon
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Artwork by:
🌸 Other social media's 🌸
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