#with luna or gastón or xavi
soylunathoughts · 1 year
i want nina to be happy...
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
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Anchor imagery and Gastina
I don't know if anyone has noticed that Nina wears a weird amount of Achor patterns on her clothing.
Let me show you:
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These are just the ones I remember. There might be more.
The interesting thing about these is that she wears anchors in a lot of scenes that have something to do with Gastón. Their first kiss, the scene where he teases her about learning to skate, and the scene with Xavi where Nina literally described her relationship with Gastón as "too intense".
Anchor biblically symbolizes hope and it part of the Faith, Hope, Love trio.
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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
Anchors are nautical devices that provide stability to ships during harsh storms, protecting them from being tossed around at sea. Throughout history, anchors have served as a much-needed device for sailors. In the Bible, an anchor is used as a symbol of our hope in Jesus which gives us stability and steadfastness in life. In ancient days, the anchor was used in artwork and engravings as a symbol of Christianity. Anchors appear in the Roman catacombs on the tombs of Christians, showing the Christians’ steadfast hope in eternal life.
I don't mean to get too preachy here and we don't even know the religious stance of DCLA, even when can just assume that everyone is catholic. That being said, I do Hc just a little bit that Gastón maybe grew up a little bit more religious than the rest, and I feel it first with his parents getting themselves out of poverty by a bunch of small miracles. This is not the point of this though.
Anchors symbolize hope and stability. Something that Gastón represents for Nina.
She is a divorce child from a broken home. She has been fought over by her parent for who knows how long, but long enough for it really to impact her mental health and self-esteem. She doesn't feel worthy of any love, because she has been fought over like an object with no free will for most of her life.
Gastón was probably one the first people to just love her unconditionally, without having some need to prove that he loves her more than someone else, and she herself was enough. (I don't mean to leave Luna out of this. We'll come back to her later) Gastón loved Nina for who she was, and who she could be for herself.
I don't think Nina has ever known a happy whole family life without her parent fighting. Gastón is from a nuclear family with two parents happily married (Technically my headcanon, but I think canon speaks for it very strongly). I think Nina was definitely taken into his family right away. His parents very possibly were one of the first exposures that Nina had to a healthy long-term marriage.
Anchor represents hope for steadfastness and security. We didn't see this much, but it is pretty fair to say that Gastón probably was quite protective of Nina, Gary would have not gotten even close to her in S3 if he had been around. He often provides her with stability, full-on physically by often having an arm around her shoulder or waist or just by emotionally. With him, she has a hope of a better future and life for herself with him
These are things she lacks in S3 a lot. She doesn't know what she wants to do, and struggles with clarity and writing, especially with the skating site. Her anchor is gone so to say, and she drifts off to sea.
None of this meant to say that she can't be her own independent woman, she absolutely can and is, but that doesn't mean that she can't consider the person she loves as someone who provides her security and stability.
Anyways, these are the reasons why Nina backtracks in character development. She still has Luna as support, but how I view her development is that she needs both, Luna and Gastón. Luna got her on skates in S1, but it was Gastón who helped her almost as much with it. He taught her how to stop and assured her that it was okay to fall and that nothing bad could happen to her. Luna was the one who Nina moving, but Gastón was her anchor.
When you view things like that, you alos notice how similar Gastón and Luna's backgrounds are. They are both from happy homes with two parents with healthy relationships. This can be also kind of applied to Matteo as well, since he is from a broken home in a different way, and why Gastón and Luna were the people for him too.
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
"Roads That Cross... With Memories"
You can read the previous chapters here: (1),(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26)
Happy early Christmas, everybody! ♡
In the blink of an eye, three whole days had passed since the return of Juliana. The Roller was lively, the music and the colors seeming more vibrant now that everything was back to how it used to be. Well, not everything, but as Nina’s fingers flew around the keyboard, the familiar sound of typing joining the cheery voices of her friends, she contemplated that things were always changing, nothing ever stayed the same forever, and that was okay because it allowed growth. 
Luna wasn’t the same now that she knew who she truly was, but she’d gained more family and the ability to finally let go of the wondering and the empty space. Nico was no longer there, but he’d left for New York chasing his dreams. Nina herself would soon be graduating high school and doing God knows what. Something related to writing, for sure. She had some ideas, but it was still hard to imagine that by this time next year she’d be at university. Her life, and everyone’s lives, were going to change so much, and in ways only the future could tell.  
All of this she wrote on her laptop— Her musings about time and how fast it went by. Permanence. Change. Future. Her mind was full of these things because time, slowly and tortuously, had snuck up on her.
Gastón would be flying back to England tomorrow. 
Nina’s fingers stumbled and stopped their typing. Procrastinating writing philosophical thoughts was probably not a good idea. It helped her think though, and think she had, all these days, exhaustively. She didn’t think she’d thought this much about Gastón since when she was first crushing on him years ago. 
She also thought a lot about herself. About what she wanted. 
She thought of Eric too. 
She even thought of Xavi, sweet Xavi, and of a hundred hypothetical guys she could maybe meet in the future. 
Future. Past. Possibilities. Fears. Wishes. 
In the end, even if she rationalized everything and tried to find the right answer like in the question of a test, what really mattered were her feelings. 
There was no ‘right’ answer because no one knew what would happen— She could only decide on what she wanted. 
And she did.
Taking a deep breath, Nina grabbed her phone to follow through on what she had set out to do this morning. She tapped her screen, going through different chats until she found his contact. 
N: Can we talk this afternoon?
N: I have my answer.
Keen eyes looked through documents; checking, evaluating. 
“Okay, as far as I see it, everything’s in order.” Ana smiled. “This event is going to be great.” 
Ámbar placed a hand on her chest and sighed in relief. “Thank you so much, Ana.” She received the papers from her and tucked them in the folder. “I want this to be the best Roller Jam ever. You’re invited, by the way.” 
Ana laughed lightly. “Thank you, I’d love to come.” She put her phone and pen back into her purse and began to stand. “I’ll get going now, I have a hearing in a couple of hours.” 
“Yeah— Oh! Ana! Before I forget.” Ana stopped to hear her. “Could you contact that accountant friend you told me about and see if they can come here one of these days?” Ámbar asked. “Because with the Open Music I could somehow manage, but this event is bigger and there’ll be a lot more things to consider, I could really use their help.” 
“Of course,” Ana said with a smile. “I’ll call her later and ask her, but I don’t think she’ll have any problem.” 
“Awesome. Thank you so much, Ana,” Ámbar said for maybe the fifth time that day, but she was truly a godsend. “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
“You’re completely welcomed.” Ana waved as she walked away. “See you later, Ámbar.” 
“See you!” 
Ámbar grabbed her notepad and scratched ‘Check the documents with Ana’ out of her To-do list. The preparations for the Roller Jam had been going smoothly thus far. She had shown Simón some reference pics she’d found on the internet of Día de los Muertos decorations and he’d helped her pick what would work best for the event. The budget was approved by Vidia and she had almost all planned out. To be honest, she thought she could have this done in a matter of days if it were only the Roller Jam she had to worry about, like back when she did the Flash Open, but now she had her everyday manager responsibilities on top of it, which left her very little time to work on the event. 
She’d thought of just doing it in her free time, but Simón quickly advised her against it. ‘If they’re not paying you for pulling extra hours, don’t do them; it’s not worth it. I learned that years ago.’ Sometimes she forgot that he had so much work experience. She felt sorry for him for having felt the need to start working so young, but she also admired him a lot for it. He knew so many things that she didn’t, like something as crucial to life as cooking a meal, and he always gave his best at everything he did. She hoped that he could live his dream soon. He was a great musician and he deserved to be recognized for it, he deserved to give his best at what he really wanted to do. 
And then… what about her? 
Ámbar paused with her pen in hand. It wasn’t like being the manager of the Roller was her life dream. After this job was over… what would she do with her life? What did she want to do? 
She spent some minutes looking at the document in front of her, pretending to read it while actually contemplating life. 
A presence came up to her table.
“Hey, Ámbar.” 
Ámbar looked up, snapping out of her thoughts. She was immediately surprised. This was unexpected. 
“Can I talk to you?” Matteo asked her, hesitant, probably because he also knew how unusual this was. “As in, in private?”  
Ámbar’s brows drew together a little. “Uh… Sure.” It was a strange request but she saw no reason to say no. It wasn’t like she was being very productive at the moment. 
She stood from her seat and Matteo walked towards the dressing room, so she followed him there. Once inside, she closed the door behind her. “What’s up?” 
“Well, first of all, I wanted to say that I really like your Día de los Muertos idea for a Roller Jam,” Matteo said. “We were all worried, to be honest, when you first became the Roller’s manager, but I gotta admit, you’ve come up with very good things since then, and I think you deserve some credit.” 
Ámbar blinked. Okay… had she entered some alternate dimension without her knowing or something? Why was Matteo telling her this? “Wow, um, thank you…? I’m doing my best to be the best manager I can be,” she said. 
“Of course, of course. And the best girlfriend you can be too,” Matteo added, this time jokingly. “Should I be offended that you never threw an Italian party for me while we were dating? Nor did you do it for Benicio. Now that I think about it—Do you know if Simón has any Italian heritage? Maybe you have a type.”
She liked him better when he was being formal and appreciative. 
“I’m trying to forget I ever dated you, and Benicio was nothing more than a momentary lapse of judgment,” she said coolly. “Now, is there a point to this conversation?”
Matteo looked nervous again. “Right. Yes. I, um… I wanted to ask you for a favor.” 
Of course. “And what would that be?”  
“Would it be possible for me to perform a song at the Roller Jam?” 
Ámbar frowned a little. “Um… I mean, Simón and Luna are gonna sing one, but you’re not from México, Matteo. Why do you wanna sing? To promote your new song?”  
Matteo averted his gaze, hesitant. “I’m not from México…” He said slowly, “…but Luna is.”
Ámbar’s brows shot to her hairline and her jaw dropped. 
“I wanna do a surprise for her,” Matteo said fast while she snorted in disbelief, “so if you could also not tell anyone that I’ll be singing, that’d be great. It’d only be one song—” 
“You do realize that you’re asking me, your ex, to do a surprise for the girl you dumped me for.” 
“I broke up with you for many reasons; only one of them was Luna. And you broke up with me too— And,” he added quickly before she could refute, “didn’t you just say that you wanted to forget we ever happened?” 
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” 
Matteo looked away and tucked his hands in the pocket of his pants. “For what is worth… I’m sorry for how I acted during our relationship. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend, especially the Luna thing… Though, in my defense, Gastón was the one who dared me to make her fall for me.” 
“Gastón did what?” And he had the audacity to act all goody-goody? “Oooh, I hope Nina doesn’t forgive him,” she spat. It was common knowledge to everyone with eyes that Gastón was hoping for something with Nina judging by the longing stares he sent her 24/7. After this? Ámbar was tempted to introduce her to another guy herself. 
“Hey, I was the one who listened to him.” 
“I know,” she told him with a glare; he wasn’t even subtle about it. 
A flash of shame passed across Matteo’s face much to Ámbar’s satisfaction. Good. Now they could lay this whole thing to rest. “Thank you for the apology,” she said in a kinder tone. “You’re two years late, but I guess it’s better than never.” 
“Well, with the way you were acting, I didn’t feel much like apologizing to you.” 
She glared at him again. Fair. Didn’t mean she had to admit it. 
“You’re still asking me for a favor, remember?” She said. That shut him up. “And I was not the only one insufferable— In fact…” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “What about Simón?” 
Matteo frowned. “What about him?” 
“Well, you were unfaithful to me, but you antagonized him for two years straight, including when you publicly humiliated him in that Vidia interview. Did you apologize to him?” She asked with indignation.
Matteo stared at her for a moment with a silly face. “Wow. Who would’ve thought you’d ever get this defensive over someone other than yourself.” 
He sighed, getting back to the point. “I tried, some time ago. He didn’t let me. He told me to forget about it, that it was all in the past. That I’m a different person now and he is happy we’re friends.” 
Ámbar deflated and face-palmed. “Of course, he did.” She looked to the side with mild annoyance. “I can’t believe I’ll have to get angry in his stead for the rest of my life.” 
“Or… you could learn from him and don’t hold grudges,” Matteo suggested. 
Ámbar looked at him like he was insane. “Do you even know me at all?” She extended her hand in greeting. “Hi, Ámbar Smith, we dated for years, do you recall?”  
Matteo laughed slightly, and for a moment it looked like that would be all— they’d buried the hatched, finally. But then his face clouded with worry. “You’re treating him right, right?” 
For the second time in this conversation, Ámbar’s jaw dropped to the underworld. “Oh my god, I can not believe this— Another couple’s counselor!” She threw her hands up. “They’re just everywhere these days!” 
Matteo frowned confusedly. “Another?” 
“I’m not gonna talk about my relationship with you Matteo,” Ámbar told him in all seriousness. 
“I just wanted to make sure—” She gave him a pointed look. “Okay, fine, I get it,” he backed off. He stared at her. “So…” 
“Can I perform at the Roller Jam?” 
Ah right, that. 
Ámbar narrowed her eyes, calculating. 
“You would owe me a big favor,” she started. “Immediate the moment I call it in; non-negotiable. If I decide I want you to repay me by singing ‘Pocket full of sunshine’ dressed in a bright yellow duck costume in front of the whole Roller, you do it.” 
Fear flickered in Matteo’s eyes. “…Simón wouldn’t let you do that to me.” 
Ámbar smiled. “Simón would be the first to want to see that.” 
Matteo remained quiet. 
Ámbar offered him her hand, smiling wide and devilishly. “Do we have a deal?”  
Matteo looked at her hand with clear reluctance and sighed. He shook it. “Deal. But please have mercy.” 
Oh, how she loved having power over someone. 
“I make no promises.” 
As tedious as handling the lockers could be sometimes, there were occasions in which the peace and quiet could be very useful. Lately, for Simón, the downtimes in this room had been the perfect opportunity to work on new songs. 
He spun his pen around in his hand, staring down at the words he’d written on his notepad. 
Es la fuerza que golpea fuerte al corazón
La fuerza incalculable que hay en una canción
Un volcán de cosas buenas que entra en erupción 
That was it, those were all the lyrics he had for now for this song. He couldn’t even call it a song yet. It was more like a concept, but he liked it, so he’d written it down so he wouldn’t forget. They had other songs in the making with Pedro currently, more romantic ones, some fast, some slow. Those were far more developed than this, so maybe, he thought, he should be working on finishing those instead of pondering over random words that came to him, but who was he to question inspiration? Nothing would ever start if he did. 
Not like he was having much luck at coming up with anything beyond these three verses. But, well, that wasn’t unusual. 
He had the beginnings of a melody though, like a tiny spark that if he managed to fuel enough could turn into a full-blown bonfire. He started humming and left his pen on the counter. Maybe focusing on the melody first was the way to go for this one.  
Loud, sharp footsteps and voices snapped him out of his reverie and made him turn his head to the left just as a woman stormed in, followed closely by a glaringly worried Eric who looked like he’d sprinted to reach her.  
Simón remembered this woman. She had come in here with her son only 15 minutes earlier or so.
He did not remember her glaring at him like this back then. 
The woman seethed. “You.” 
Simón abandoned all thoughts of lyrics and music. 
This was not good. 
Ámbar had just sat down mere minutes ago when the commotion reached her. 
She lifted her head from her papers just in time to see a woman furiouslywalking up to her. She was pulling a little boy by the hand with her, and Simón and Eric appeared right behind them, concern on their faces. 
The woman looked middle-aged or maybe younger. She had short, dark blond hair and wore a wine-colored open cardigan over a black floral top. A mom look if she had ever seen one. She stood right in front of Ámbar’s table, her whole stance one of outrage. “You’re the manager?”
Ámbar straightened up and stood from her seat immediately. “Yes, is there a problem?”
“My son just fell down in the middle of the rink because the skates you provided had stuck wheels,” the woman fumed. She showed her the skates in question, lifting them momentarily with her free hand. “Look at him, he could’ve broken something for your negligence! How is this possible?!” 
Ámbar gave a good look to the boy next to her. He didn’t look older than eleven. The resemblance with his mother was obvious in the matching sand blond hair and features. He was wearing a Spiderman t-shirt and jean shorts, which left in plain sight his bleeding right elbow and knee. He looked like he’d been crying. 
Ámbar swallowed and stretched out her hand. “Can I see the skates?” 
The woman handed her the skates and Ámbar checked the wheels immediately, swiping them down with her right hand to make them spin. Indeed, two wheels weren’t working, one on each skate— They were completely tightened up. 
“See?” The woman said with indignation. “Who wouldn’t fall with skates like that? My son has been rollerskating since he was five years old— He never would’ve fallen if it weren’t for those things!”
Ámbar could’ve pointed out that even professionals fall sometimes in this sport, that skating of any kind comes hand in hand with falling, but she gathered it was in her best interest to not agitate this woman even more. 
She looked at Eric, who was standing by the tables in front of the stage, watching everything that was happening with a worried expression. And he was not the only one— Delfi and Jazmín were a few tables over there, not to mention at least four other customers who were listening to all of this. This was bad. 
“Eric, could you please bring the emergency kit from the dressing room? Quickly.” Seeing him following her command, Ámbar looked back at the woman. “I’m so sorry this happened,” she said, heartfelt. “You can treat his wounds here, you should have everything you need.” 
The woman only looked offended. “And you think that is enough? Look at my son!” The kid’s gaze was on the floor, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but there as his wounds shone bright red. “I will not allow this establishment to work like this! I want restitution and I want that boy fired!” 
She pointed her finger at Simón, who was standing close to the bar. His face paled, and Ámbar’s heart jumped to her throat. “If he goes around handing defective skates, I don’t want to even imagine how many more people have gotten hurt! Do you even train your employees in this establishment?!” 
Ámbar’s heart was pounding in her chest. She’d never had to deal with a situation like this. Sure, she’d gotten many scoldings from her godmother over the years, but this was different. She was the authority figure here, she was the one that was supposed to have everything in control, she was the one who had to take responsibility and fix this because it was her job, her subordinates, her establishment. 
The woman’s attitude annoyed her. Her suggestion that the Roller as a whole sucked annoyed her. ‘Train their employees’?  No one had trained her in how to become a manager— they just threw the position onto her hands and now she had to deal with this.   
Ámbar clenched her hands, the only crack in her composure she would allow, the only outlet for her nervousness she’d concede. She had a problem at hand and she had to find a solution. Anything else could come later.
“I can assure you that measures will be taken so that something like this never happens again,” she spoke conciliatorily, with all the professionalism she could muster. “The well-being of our customers is our number one priority. As for restitution, if it’s alright with you, you and your son can order anything you want in the cafeteria, free of charge.” Eric approached her then, handing her the emergency kit she’d requested. Ámbar offered it to the woman. “Here, you can treat him while you wait for your orders.” 
The woman was still in a huff but she accepted the medical box and followed Pedro as he led them to a table on the other side of the Roller. 
Simón went to Ámbar when they were out of earshot. 
“Ámbar, I swear I don’t know how it happened,” he said, earnest, distressed. “I check the skates and do maintenance every day— Those wheels should’ve been fine.” 
“Are you certain you checked every single one of them?” She asked.
“Absolutely sure?” 
“Yes!” He repeated, slightly exasperated. Tensions were running high and she could see in his face that her not immediately believing him hurt, but she had to ask, it was her job. 
Ámbar looked at the woman on the other side of the cafeteria. She was treating the kid’s wounds. Pedro walked over, returning to the bar, probably to prepare whatever beverage or meal they had asked for. 
“Pedro,” she called him over. “Come here for a bit.” She looked to the side. “Eric, you too.” 
She rounded up the three guys in front of her.
“New policy,” she declared. “Each time you supply rental skates, you will check the wheels right at the moment you hand them out, in front of the client’s eyes. Understood?” 
They all nodded. “Yes, Ámbar.” 
Eric raised his hand shyly. “Um, what will happen with the woman?” He asked with apprehension. “She told you to fire Simón, but you’re not going to do that, right?” 
Two tables over, Jazmín snorted. “She’s not gonna fire her own boyfriend.” Delfi shot her a look. “What? We were all thinking it.” 
Ámbar glanced at Simón and her heart fell at how ashamed he looked. 
She shot a glare at Jazmín but kept her voice professional. “I will do no such thing because it’d be too extreme for an isolated event in which no real harm was done.” She fumed. “That woman should be grateful I even let her order for free because his son only got a scratched elbow and knee, and nothing assures me that he wouldn’t have fallen just as bad on his own even with perfectly good skates.” 
Everyone stayed silent, subdued by the tension that permeated the air.
Ámbar sighed. “Anyway, you’re dismissed, get back to work. Pedro, once you have the total of the woman’s order, you bring the receipt to me, okay?” 
“Yes, Ámbar.” He walked away. 
She turned. “And Jazmín, please, don’t make a video out of this.” 
Jazmín pouted. “But it’s so—”
“No. It would reflect badly on the Jam & Roller. I assume you don’t want anything to happen to this place?” Jazmín looked chastised. “That’s what I thought.”
Everything else handled, she walked toward Simón, who was still standing by the bar. 
“Take the rest of the day off, okay?” She told him gently. “We’ll talk later, don’t worry.” 
Simón just nodded and walked away, his gaze not meeting hers at all. Ámbar wished she could go with him, he looked really affected by this, but she still had a situation to deal with. 
Drawing in a breath, she squared up her shoulders and got back to work.  
To be honest, Gastón had all but assumed by now that her answer was no. 
He knew he should have some hope, but a big part of him had seen the calendar move forward, the day before his flight arrive, and gathered that, if he left tomorrow without Nina saying anything, wasn’t that answer enough? There was still time, yes, but he couldn’t stop the calamitous thoughts swirling through his brain, telling him that she could just not have the heart to tell him no directly and so she was just waiting for him to leave as a way to soften the blow. 
Maybe that’d be okay. He had put her in an uncomfortable position to begin with— Maybe it was fair for it to end in whichever way she found easier. 
That was what he’d been thinking until he got her texts. 
‘Can we talk this afternoon? I have my answer.’
Gastón’s heart had leaped to his throat. It still seemed to be there now, as he made his way to the park where they decided to meet, the same one where they had… where he had called things off. He couldn’t help but wonder if that meant something. 
He tried to steady himself as he walked toward their meeting place. Whatever Nina’s answer was, he had to take it, good or bad. He wished he had an inkling of what to expect. During the past few days they’d talked some, but only in passing and with their friends around. He had no idea what was going through her head, and he wished that every single glance he saw her exchange with Eric, every single word or smile, didn’t make him assume the worst, but they did.
The thing was, regardless of what Nina chose, his life would carry on the same way. He would still miss her every minute of every day. The only difference would be in the quality of that pain— It could either be bittersweet, or a dark void he’d had to pull himself out of. 
As Gastón neared the appointed spot, he saw Nina in the distance, sitting on a bench already, her hands joined together on her lap. She saw him too and stood, waiting as he approached. She was wearing a cute navy-blue dress; a cardigan and black tights for the cold. 
She looked pretty. 
She always looked pretty. 
“Hi,” she said when he reached her.  
She was smiling, even if nervously. That was a good sign, right? 
“Hi,” he said back, and ran a hand over the back of his neck. “Um, I didn’t get the time wrong, did I? Did you wait long for me?” 
Nina’s eyes widened. “Nonono, I just got here a few minutes ago,” she reassured him. “I— I was too nervous and couldn’t stay still,” she admitted, “and, by the time I realized it, I was already here.” 
He cracked a small smile. “I get the feeling.” He couldn’t blame the weather for the sweat on his palms after all. 
There was a little silence which he took the lead to break. “Um, should we sit or…?” 
Nina looked at the bench. “Um, no, like this is fine.” 
Gastón’s heart fell. That had to be a bad sign. 
“Okay,” he said either way.  
The park they were in was very frequented by high schoolers and kids in the early hours of the afternoon, but thankfully, it was almost empty this close to the evening. Gastón wouldn’t like to be seen by any bystanders right now. Was the nervous energy between them as painfully obvious as he felt it? If anyone passed by right now, could they tell his heart was crashing against his ribs?  
The lack of people made the silence between them even more evident. A silence which both of them tried to break at the same time. 
“You first,” Gastón said after the mishap. 
“Nono, you go first, it’s fine,” Nina told him.  
Gastón changed his weight from one foot to the other. “Well… Nothing, I just…” He took a breath and mustered the strength to look her in the eyes. “I just wanted to say that, whatever your decision is, I respect it. I won’t be mad or anything, it’s alright.” Eventually, it would be. 
Nina looked down, nervous. “Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking these past few days…” She was fidgeting with her hands. “And I think that…” Her eyes looked at his, just for a moment. Then they drifted. To his jacket, to a spot behind him. “…considering our history, the statistics and all that, the chance of us working out long distance is very low.” 
The air seemed knocked out of his lungs. “Oh.” 
So he had hope until now. 
Gastón had seen withered plants before. He never thought he’d ever feel like one.
“Because, I mean, we already tried it once, and it didn’t work,” Nina said, more quickly. Maybe it was a new tactic; rip it off like a Band-Aid, make the pain last less. “Repeating the same factors in the same conditions and expecting a different result is not… very realistic.” 
Gastón focused on breathing through the growing lump in his throat. “Right,” he managed to say. His voice came out weaker than he would’ve liked, but at least it sounded steady. 
He wanted to scream that it wasn’t the same. That he wasn’t the same. That he knew better now. That he’d never make the mistake of letting her go again. 
He gulped. Gulped it all down. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” 
His head was in disarray. Now what? What was he supposed to say? He had to reassure her, probably. It’s okay, I understand, he had to say.He had to say it. He willed the words to leave his mouth. It’s okay, I understand, can we still be—? 
“But I don’t care.” 
Gastón blinked. He realized that at some point his gaze had fallen, because when he brought it back up, he found Nina’s eyes, staring directly at him. She wasn’t fidgeting, she wasn’t looking at his shoes— Her eyes were on his. 
They stayed on his. 
“I don’t care,” she said again, determined, light, with the beginning of a smile pulling on her lips. “My heart doesn’t care if it’s impossible or if it’s a one-in-a-million chance— I want to be with you.” She moved closer. “Even if it means only talking to you through the phone or seeing you in a screen, I want to be with you, Gastón. Because I love you. So much. And I need to give my heart a chance of being happy. I need to know if this could work. And… and if it doesn’t, well, I tried. We tried. But I won’t give up without having given it my all.” 
The words fell from her lips like light itself; bright, hopeful, and heartfelt. Her eyes were shining. Maybe she herself was light. 
Gastón had been wrong before. She wasn’t just pretty— She was dazzling. 
A soft smile grew on his face. “I always knew you were braver than me, Nina Simonetti.” 
He took the final step towards her and cradled her face in his hands. 
“I promise that this time I’ll give it my all too.” He stared into her eyes and her hands went to hold the back of his own. “Because if there is one thing in this world that is worth it, it’s you.” 
Nina smiled. She smiled big, with teeth and all, and her eyes were a little wet, making them shine brighter. 
Gastón could’ve stared at them forever, but there was something else more pressing. 
Nina surged to meet him when he leaned down for her lips. The wave of warmth and affection that flooded him couldn’t be put into words— There was nothing that could describe the utter joy, relief, love that filled his chest and spread through his veins at the feeling of her mouth pressing against his, soft and perfect. He had missed kissing her too much. He had missed her too much. 
Her arms wrapped around his neck and his circled her waist, holding her close. 
No more names in the sea— No more fate. They would make their own destiny, because this was something worth fighting against all odds. 
When Simón was accused, back in Cancún, of having taken money out of the register, it’d been an unpleasant moment but he didn’t worry too much because he knew it was Benicio and not him who did something wrong. 
When that customer had come to confront him that afternoon, he hadn’t known what to do. Anything he said sounded like an excuse and she didn’t stop to listen to him much either. Simón only remembered feeling this humiliated after the Vidia interview, but even then he’d had someone to blame, and the option to escape the situation. This time, he had neither. 
Simón walked straight to the mansion after Ámbar released him from work, not in the mood to do anything else. Only when he arrived did he hesitate. Usually, he always went to Ámbar’s room, but this time, he didn’t know if he should do it. He’d caused trouble for her today. A customer had yelled at her today because of him, and he couldn’t even give explanations because he didn’t think he was guilty, but he felt guilty— It was hard not to when that woman kept pointing at him and demanding he be punished for his failure. 
‘She’s not gonna fire her own boyfriend.’  
That only made him feel worse; he shouldn’t get any special treatment. 
In the end, Simón waited for Ámbar in her room anyway. She’d told him they would talk later and it seemed like a cowardly move to make her walk all the way to his guest room to find him. He took a shower to relax a bit and put on some comfortable clothing he kept in Ámbar’s room. He had like two drawers for himself now. At that moment, he didn’t know if that was nice or if it made him feel like an intruder. 
He turned on the TV but he was too anxious to really pay attention to what was happening on the screen. Mostly, it just added background noise to his worries. He turned it off immediately when Ámbar walked in two hours later. He didn’t know what to expect. He thought maybe she’d be angry at him or act awkwardly around him because of what happened, but much to his surprise, Ámbar greeted him like normal. She sat next to him on the bed’s edge and asked how he’d spent his free afternoon. He recounted what little he’d done with uncertainty still hanging over him. 
It didn’t take long for Ámbar to show that she was angry— At the customer. 
“…she ordered more food than they could eat and asked for it to be packed to go— That woman was a freaking leach,” she was currently venting, telling him how she’d spent the rest of her afternoon. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d even suspect she tightened the wheels herself. Of course, money is not an issue, but it annoys me that I have to pull money out of my own wallet for that woman.” 
Simón, who’d been listening with his gaze down, lifted his head upon hearing that. “Yours?” He said, appalled. “No, you don’t need to pay for it, I thought it’d be discounted from my salary.”
Ámbar’s brows drew together. “That wouldn’t be fair, you didn’t do anything.” 
Simón scoffed weakly. “Exactly.” 
She held his hands and looked at him earnestly. “No, seriously, my love, I know it wasn’t you. Or any of the guys.”
It was Simón’s turn to frown. “How do you know that?” Had any new information come to light after he was gone? 
Ámbar let go of his hands and sighed, looking away from him. Her face looked glum suddenly, like whatever her answer was was not something she wanted to say. “You hadn’t arrived in Buenos Aires yet,” she started, “but did Luna ever tell you that she fell during her test to be the rink assistant because the skates they gave her were defective?” 
Simón felt like he was stuck in a state of confusion by this point. He hadn’t expected the conversation to go this way. He tried to remember. “…Yeah, now that you mention it, I vaguely recall that.”
“Well…” Ámbar brought her hand together on her lap. “The reason why that skate had a stuck wheel was that I tightened it in secret right before her test.”  
His face must have shown his utter bafflement because Ámbar turned to face him quickly, making placating gestures with her hands. “I know, I know, it was wrong, she could’ve broken something— I just really hated her at the time. I lowkey hoped she broke something.” 
“I’m sorry, okay?” She said painfully. “I can’t change what I did, but I promise I won’t do anything like that again. Not to her, not to anyone.” 
Simón schooled his aghast expression, although he was still reeling from her admission, but he could see the earnest look in her eyes and he believed her. 
“Anyway, that experience shows me that it’s actually very possible for someone to sneak into the lockers, tinkle with some skates, and leave with no one being the wiser.” 
“You’re saying that’s what happened now?” He asked. “But who would do that?”
Ámbar scoffed. “Who else? Benicio and Emilia, of course,” she said, pissed off. “Or one of them, I don’t know. But it was at least one of them, I’m sure of it.” 
Annoyance flared inside Simón as well. He shook his head in disbelief, at both them and himself for not thinking of that before— God, it was so obvious. “I can’t believe them, what did they gain from this?”
“Bother you, bother me, or maybe they just get off on wreaking havoc,” Ámbar said, and bent down to discard her boots. 
Simón looked at her. “Why don’t you ban them from the Roller?” After this, she had to, right? 
Ámbar sighed, sitting criss-cross on the bed. “I thought about it, but I can’t,” she said regretfully. “I don’t have proof that they did anything and, even though the Red Sharks team doesn’t exist anymore, Vidia knows them. I’m…” She looked to the side, “honestly scared of what they could say to my superiors if I try to ban them.” 
Any lingering annoyance, tension, or worry from the day’s events evaporated at the look on her face. Simón reached over to hold her hand in his own. “You’re scared they might fire you,” he realized. 
“Yeah.” She looked at their joined hands. “I mean, this is not my ideal job or anything. But the Roller is my ideal place. Or, it used to be, at least. It was more of a home to me than my own house for years. So it feels kinda… special, to me, to be the manager now. I guess I just don’t… want that to end on bad terms.”
He ran his thumb up and down the back of her hand, taking in her words. He smiled. “From queen of the rink to manager… I don’t know if that’s a big leap or merely a formality.” 
That drew a smile from Ámbar. 
They spent some time like that in comfortable silence. After a moment, Simón moved a little closer to her, still holding her hand. 
“Can I ask you something?” He said quietly.
She looked at him. “Of course.”  
He hesitated for a second longer, thinking how to formulate the question. “Why… If everyone admired you already as the queen of the rink, why did you pick on Luna? Why did you choose to antagonize her so much?” 
Ámbar’s face dimmed. She looked down.  
“I just don’t understand how you could already hate her so much as to want to hurt her when she had just arrived here,” he said, gently, trying not to make her feel attacked in any way; he just wanted some clarity. “I… I never truly understood why you ever hated Luna in the first place. You explained to me the thing about the Red Sharks Festival and why you were so pissed at her party at the beginning of the year. But everything before that… Why was it?” 
He’d been wanting to ask this for a while. He had pieces, and he thought he knew a little, but he would never fully understand if she didn’t talk to him. He wouldn’t force her, of course. He’d considered just leaving it in the past and not mentioning it since it’d been a while since Ámbar’s attitude changed, but now, after what she’d confessed to him, he felt it was the right time to ask and see if she’d explain. Just for closure. Just to understand her better. 
Ámbar took a breath and let it out slowly— a soft, long sigh that seemed to give her strength just as much as it snuffed all the energy she ever had. 
“Well, Matteo was a factor,” she started, and her tone could’ve been mistaken for indifference if he didn’t know her better than that. “It was obvious from the beginning that he liked Luna, and that hurt, but… it hurt combined with everything else. Because it wasn’t just Matteo that liked her immediately— She was so easily liked by everyone. I had worked so hard to build my image and my popularity, and in just a matter of days, it was like everything revolved around her.” She grimaced. “I know it sounds like just petty jealousy but…” Her gaze stayed down, but even then he could see the cloud of something cover her face. It was a moment before she let the words out. “I had nothing.” 
Finally, the aching sadness hiding in her voice came to light between them, and it was like a knife in Simón’s chest. 
“If I wasn’t the queen of the rink, I had nothing,” she continued. “If I wasn’t the best at everything then people didn’t admire me, and if people didn’t admire me then… what did I have?” 
Simón’s throat tightened. It absolutely broke his heart how matter-of-factly she said all this, like it was a truth she’d known her whole life, and it weighed on her, left her void until he feared she’d vanish before his eyes.  
Where was Sharon? He wanted to say, to complain. He felt a spark of rage in a dark corner of himself he usually tried to deny existed. Where was this woman that she allowed Ámbar to feel so alone in the world? Where did she get off trying to ruin everyone’s lives and then running off, abandoning all her responsibilities? Why was it so hard for her to show Ámbar a mere speck of love? 
“I had Delfi and Jazmín, I guess,” Ámbar answered herself before he could say or do anything. Simón felt so powerless; frozen as he processed her grief. “We didn’t have the best friendship in the world, but… I should’ve appreciated them more.”  A moment passed and she straightened a bit, shaking herself slightly. “Whatever, it’s… that’s it. I felt like Luna was taking everything from me. My house, my boyfriend, my place in the Roller… so I wanted to take everything away from her too. I wanted her to hurt like I did.” 
Simón had seen the dark flame of anger and resentment in Ámbar’s face before. Many times, even before he got to really know her. This was the first time that seeing it hurt. 
He tightened his hold on her hand, the only thing he dared to do to not disrupt her. He didn’t agree with hurting Luna, of course not, but she already knew that and there was no need to say it. What he wanted her to know was I hear you, I’m with you. 
Ámbar met his eyes and the shadow of rancor faded away into a resigned smile; a tiny, sad thing. She shrugged weakly.  “But whatever I tried didn’t work. All I achieved was to make my life more miserable. I lost all my friends, I lost you…” Her gaze fell to their hands. A tiny smile appeared on her face again, but this time it came with a softness in her eyes.  “But for some inexplicable reason, even when I was at my worst times, you still had faith in me.” 
She reached over and held his hand between both of hers. “You saw I could be better under all that rage and that pain, and eventually, I started believing it too. And I realized that, although Luna shook my life forever… there was nothing I could do to change that. I didn’t get anything from raging at her being Sol Benson. I didn’t get anything from making her suffer, because even if it satisfied me somewhat, my life didn’t get any better because of it— In fact, it only seemed to get worse. So, I let it go,” she said with a light tone. “I let go of that rage I had for things I couldn’t change and Luna also couldn’t change.” She shrugged. “And here I am.” 
The lightness felt almost out of place after everything that had been said, but it was still a relief to see Ámbar okay, at ease, after how much she’d suffered. Simón almost didn’t want to— it felt too much of a solemn moment— but he found himself growing a tiny smile. He was so proud of her. For living all she went through and not letting it pull her under. For turning her life around against all her learned behaviors and finding the best version of herself. 
“Her little goody-two-shoes act still irks me sometimes though.”  
Yep, definitely still herself. 
Simón gave her a look, but there was no bite to it. “It’s not an act; she’s genuinely a good person.”
Ámbar waved it away half-heartedly. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”  
He played with the fabric of his sweatpants. “So… can I assume you two won’t fight anymore?”
“Can I assume she’ll stop being annoying?” 
She rolled her eyes at the look on his face and held his shoulder with her free hand. “I’m kidding. I promise I’m not gonna antagonize your best friend anymore. We’re actually on pretty decent terms now. And even if we weren’t, I’d never put you in that position. You’re worth more to me than any rivalry I could have with anyone.” 
A surge of affection squeezed his heart. Simón brought her into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Thank you.” He pulled back to look at her. “Truly. For telling me all this. For trusting me, and for giving Luna a chance. It means a lot to me.” 
She held the back of his neck. “You mean a lot to me. So everything that’s important to you, it’s important to me too.” Her hand slid to cup his cheek. “There’s very little in this world I wouldn’t do for you, Simón.” 
His chest hurt again. His whole interior twisted and tore apart as if she had clawed him open, but it was the best feeling in the world. 
Simón pulled her close and kissed her. “I love you.” 
Ámbar smiled. “I love you too.” 
Ever since Juliana came back, the Roller guys were more insufferable than ever. 
Benicio was sitting in the cafeteria, nursing a glass of juice as he waited for Emilia to start their morning practice. Lately, everywhere he looked he could see the losers’ smiling faces, hear their ridiculous laughs over the stupidest things, and worst of all, he had to live knowing they used his rink every afternoon. 
Benicio clenched his jaw. He missed the old days. He missed seeing the logo of the Red Sharks followed by his picture on the screens.  But no matter. People would respect them eventually. Everyone would come to know he was the best, one way or another. 
He tapped his fingers idly on the table, switching between looking at his phone and throwing glances at the entrance of the Roller. Waiting would be more fun if he could look at Ámbar while at it, maybe get a rinse out of her— she looked so gorgeous when she got mad— but for some reason, she wasn’t at her usual table today. Maybe she would arrive later. Or maybe he was the one too late to catch a glimpse of her before she went out somewhere. 
The next time he lifted his head to check if Emilia had arrived, it wasn’t her nor Ámbar who he saw. Simón was marching towards him before he was even aware of his presence on the other end of the Roller. He stood in front of him with an accusatory look just as Benicio left his phone on the table. 
“I know it was you and Emilia who tightened those skates.” 
Benicio repressed the urge to smirk. Oh yeah, that had been a masterstroke on his part. At first, he’d been dubious about how much of an uproar such a small thing could cause, but it was just a matter of choosing the right target. Oh, how he would’ve loved to stay there yesterday to watch it all go down, but it was too risky, so he and Emilia left when the woman marched to berate Ámbar. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he responded innocently.  
Simón scoffed. “You’re always like that; throwing the stone and hiding your hand, blaming others. Even back in Mexico. You’re a coward, Benicio.”
“Don’t project on me, Simón,” he said simply. He laid back on his chair, his hands clasped together casually on the table. Maybe he had to look up at him due to their positions, but he was the true superior one here. “Whatever problem you had doing your job has nothing to do with me. And, I mean, why do you even worry? You have your little girlfriend to defend you. Oh, right, your boss, sorry.” 
Simón shook his head, staring at him with a mix of annoyance and incredulity. “You’re just never going to stop, are you?” He said. “Does seeing me with Ámbar really make you that jealous? Well, pity, because that’s not going to change.” A smile full of hostility and condescension appeared on his face. “All your little stunt with the skates achieved was that we had a very deep conversation and now we’re closer than ever. So, thank you. And give my thanks to Emilia as well, okay?” 
Benicio tightened the grip of his hands until it hurt. Simón placed his hands on the table and leaned closer, dropping the fake smile. “Stop wasting your time and don’t cause any more trouble for Ámbar or you’ll be dealing with me,” he said sharply, his expression dark and serious. “If you really cared about her, that’d be the minimum you would do.” 
Simón stormed away, not deigning him with the luxury of a comeback.
Benicio stayed in his seat, festering in his anger. 
Simón could laugh all he wanted now but Ámbar would be his in the end. Step by step, he would make sure of it. 
Okay I’m sorry for pointing this out myself but it’s so funny because: 
Simón: Ámbar is so much cooler than me, she’s seen the world, her default is luxury, she’s smart, she’s driven, she’s gonna go out there and eat the world up and I’m gonna be here waiting tables. 
Ámbar: Simón is so cool, he knows so many things that I have no idea about, I don’t know how he manages to be a waiter, I wouldn’t have the patience for it, and with a smile no less! He always gives his best, I admire him so much, I hope someday I can be half the person he is. 
Also, how ironic is it that me, the writer, realized this juxtaposition just now as I was writing it? 😂 Like, I didn’t plan on Ámbar having that introspection moment there, it just happened, and then I went… oh. skjfdnskf. Simón, my boy. He had a rough time today but it ended on a high note <3 He’ll miss that eventually.  
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Cause' you wanted DCLA asks and I need this for the statistic research (lets just pretend I am actually doing that).
Haley, give me your outline of SL S3 if Gastón came back to BA for good after Matteo ends up in the hospital. How would Matteo's (and Lutteo's by association) story change? And how Nina's? Roller Crew's in general? Pay especially attention to how salty would Eric be and what stupidity he would try get up to
Gastón returning after that would have been sweet. I’d just be happy to see the boys reunite honestly.
Gastón would tease Matteo mercilessly but also be so happy to see him in one piece.
I think he’d also help him with his memory stuff and drag him on stage at the Flash Open (Gastón’s in it now yay!!). He’d also encourage him to tell Luna how he feels and not beat around the bush but then Matteo would uno reverse card that about Nina.
I think Gastón would feel guilty about how he left stuff with Nina and try to support her new relationship with Eric. I think Eric would be super intimidated by him.
It’s been a while so I forget if the fence fall is before or after Niric is a thing and Eric is weirdly possessive before they’re a thing so he might be super weird to Gastón if that’s the case like being like GET AWAY FROM HER and Nina’s like it’s fine we’re still friends lol. If he’s already dating Nina at that point he’s a bit more mellowed out and I think would just be shy and awkward around him.
But I think we wouldn’t see the Gastón we saw in s2 who was about to fight Xavi lol. I think he’s gonna play nice with Eric maybe even too nice. Maybe like offer to help him with his shyness and both Nina and Matteo are like wtf.
But it’s all out of guilt like he messed up and he just wants his friendship back with Nina. And Eric is just like yeah you got unfinished business I think I should go to New York to be with Nico. And Nina finally agrees but still won’t tell Gastón exactly why they broke up because she’s not ready to go there.
And maybe after she quits her writing job they both decide to go back to Oxford (by chance even? Like without even planning to because they assume the other is staying?) - I still like the idea of them both ending up in London. She always deserved to travel abroad!
So there ya go hope that answers that lol
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bookishjules · 3 years
For ship ask thingy. Tell me about Lutteo and... l am bit curios what what thing peple can muster about Gastina so let's get that in as well
thank you for asking!! <33
okay so for the record i love both of these ships with my whole heart (lutteo admittedly more so) and everything written here is out of love, I swear lol
The scene you started to dislike them in:
lutteo: "qué? novia? no, yo no tengo novia" [s2ep52] when Matteo is doing the live interview makes me want to SCREAM. like matteo, no. That is not how you treat a girl.
gastina: when Nina meets Xavi for the first time! [s1ep34] I know his presence is kinda annoying later on, but this first encounter is just so sweet and Xavi really showed Nina what it was like for a boy to simply take notice of her and pour his attention on her irl
The worst scene of them:
I know I should be more objective about this one and try to find more scenes that I hate, but the breakup scenes hit too hard not to mention. I hate them all.
Something about them that just makes you annoyed:
their inability to acknowledge and appreciate that they wanted to be together like these fools could have been together for almost the entire show instead of pining in angst for episodes on end
the whole gift of the magi plot. Nina gets Gastón into oxford, so she also plans to go there, but then Gastón gets Nina that internship so she has to stay. like goodness can we not communicate?
Which one is the worst in the relationship:
depends on the arc lol generally though I would say Matteo, both for how he treated their relationship during the solo career plot and how he led Luna on for the entirety of the time he was with Ámbar in s1 (woah.. just started seeing parallels there. Matteo's career to Luna in s2 is like Luna to Ámbar s1)
gonna have to say Nina for putting herself in the way of their relationship again and again bc (a) she could have had Gastón so much earlier if she had just agreed to meet him like Nina you aren't ugly in the slightest, and he already knows everything else about you?? and (b) for taking an internship in Buenos Aires when I'm sure there are similar opportunities in the UK--and she ended up not liking it by the end anyway!
If you can see any appeal to why others ship them:
obviously, yes
obviously, yes
If there is any scene of them that you actually think is okay:
taking this to mean underrated scenes bc they're all more than okay imo
their performance in s1ep40. like the tension?? the silent communication?? I'm sorry but these two were clearly made for each other
the book exchange!! [s1ep69] like I swooned
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klausalvatores · 3 years
glo rewatches soy luna 2
I finally finished Season 2 and I enjoyed it better this time around because the first time it wasn’t posted on Disney+ so I had to use really bad subtitles so I kinda had a hard time following along, which wasn’t enjoyable for me so i’m really happy I got to rewatch it because this was the season that was a huge blur for me. I knew Season 1 and 3 really well but not 2, in terms of storyline-wise.
Anyways, I’ll just share my thoughts for this season:
Lutteo/Matteo got really toxic this season especially at the end, which was so frustrating and sad because in the middle of the season they were doing so well
Lutteo is a really funny but angsty ship… it’s a weird combination but it works
I love the way Lutteo teases/flirts with each other… they also do a little bit of role play lol
Every time Matteo or Ámbar start regressing as a character i’m like WHYYYY YOU WERE DOING SO WELL 😭
Season 2 really showed how lonely and miserable Ámbar really was… and we saw a glimpse of her mental health with her constantly talking to herself in the mirror
I only saw Ámbar genuinely happy around Simón and when he left her, she turned really dark
It’s very little but I LOVE seeing the genuine moments between Luna and Ámbar when she’s not obsessed with sabotaging her
I totally forgot about the Vidia cameras… I wasn’t a big fan of that storyline because there were constant invasions of privacy
I loved how this season we got to see Nico’s loft so we get a lot of great Roller Band brotherhood bonding moments.
Jazmín is so annoying constantly shoving a camera in your face. She represents all those annoying paps and youtubers
I’ve never seen a character with higher morals than Simón JFC. He doesn’t do anything wrong.
Jim never trusted Nico. I hated when they were together because she was constantly obsessed and insecure with him. I was so relieved when they decided to just stay friends
I forgot how the whole Eva/Ada thing completely ruined Pedro/Nico’s friendship… things got super violent that’s what you call a real telenovela
I remember how much I hated Juliana at first but I love her by the end. She’s definitely a better coach than Tamara because she speaks from a lot of experience
The whole Underwheels storyline bored me to DEATH. Fer was embarrassing and annoying thinking Matteo would ever look at another girl other than Luna
I never liked Benicio. I wish he didn’t become a main in Season 3 UGH
I didn’t remember Gastina angst but it was pretty good having Xavi and Matteo’s cousin (I forgot her name) come back to stir up drama
Gastón and Nina are really selfless putting each other first and helping each other achieve their dreams despite risking their relationship (such a shame they weren’t endgame)
I noticed Matteo lacking screentime and that really bothered me… but I get it since he was off doing his own thing
I loved the whole storyline of Simón going off and being a solo artist for a little while but then joining Roller Band again
I felt really bad for Matteo when his album got cancelled… he literally risked EVERYTHING for his music career. He confronted his dad and lost Luna in the process… so in the end it wasn’t even worth it SMH
I’m kinda glad it was Matteo’s dad that eventually got through to him when he was shutting Luna and Gastón out when he was spiraling. It had to be him.
Ámbar being lied to about her identity was so fucked up. I mean she was already struggling with that so it was even worse when she believed she was Sol
I hated how even after Ámbar found out she wasn’t Sol and Luna was, she still helped Sharon deceive everyone. She was always so loyal to her and i’m like WHYYYY. Sharon is the reason why Ámbar is full of hatred and resentment because that’s how she was raised
Ámbar is not a very good strategist. She’s very impulsive and doesn’t think before acting which gets her in a lot of trouble
It breaks my heart when Ámbar has to remind herself to control her feelings and shuts off her humanity. It’s literally like a switch she turns off.
There were a lot of moments where Simón defended Matteo saying he’s not a bad guy. Sitteo boyfriends so true
I don’t remember if I cried the first time when Luna found out she’s Sol but I did this time… that whole scene was just so beautiful and emotional for me. And I love that song in the background
Nina is such a good detective. She found out Luna was Sol before her… and so did her parents
The dance skating scenes is literally my fav part of the series. I’m not really educated but I think the actors do their own stunts because I’ve seen the live concerts and they seem to be all professional skaters, which I love. They’re so talented 💜
I was literally waiting for the episode Tini guest starred. My two worlds colliding. Makes me so happy :) Cause the first time I didn’t watch Violetta so I didn’t know who she was
Sabrina Carpenter also guest starred which I thought was really random since she doesn’t really speak Spanish but I think at that time Girl Meets World was really popular and so was she
Jam & Roller didn’t win Roda Fest but they won the Glass Skate which is a much bigger prize so I loved that. I love how they don’t always win because that’d be unrealistic and predictable which I usually expect from Disney shows but not them
Season 2 ending with a Matteo/Luna/Simón cliffhanger was so CRUEL. It always goes back to that triangle.
I remember the season ended with Footloose… that made me so happy. I loved the original movie and the song is such a vibe
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coffeeequaltolife · 7 years
maybe i’m overreacting but i noticed the rose that gastón gave to nina was red, meanwhile xavi gave her a white rose, so I did a little research and supposely a red rose reflects a pasionate love, and a white rose an innocent love maybe the writers didn’t intend to give that message but i think the roses reflect exactly the kind of relationship gastón/nina and xavi/nina have/had
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assim-eu-sou · 4 years
Temporada 2, Capítulo 50
- Lutteo sure went downhill fast
- We don’t really have a ton of Ámbar/Yam interactions… too bad this one is negative
- OH I bet I know why Yam is gonna lose now
- NO I thought that Gastina was coming back but he was REAL quick with the “ex-novio”
- Gastón, you need to chill... YIKE
- Mora and Ana BOTH don’t want Ana to move back into her house pleasssssse
- “I’m very happy that you’re here!” Awwww
- A nice Jim and Nico friendship moment
- Ámbar looked so satisfied when she got knocked out of the running
- Yam :(
- Monica has once again heard something she shouldn’t have… Rosa exposed
- The staff stays overhearing things they shouldn’t… Monica and Amanda…
- Gastón saying “You’ve never forgotten the lyrics before”… just wait until S3….
- Bruh, stop interrupting Nina when she’s talking to Gastón
- Roller Band reconciliation
- Dang the way they just stood up to Ámbar
- I mean I still feel bad for Ámbar because she has no one but she doesn’t help her case
- And. Ámbar’s life is about to get a lot harder for her
- Gala time!
- OHHH That’s why Gastón and Nina’s dynamic always seemed weird when I watched Roller Jam scenes
- Ramiro, what a showoff…
- Do they all have to go dance for Juliana?
- I love Nina’s outfit so much, I would definitely wear it… my style for sure
- Simón looks so puppy-esque
- There’s my baby…oh Ámbar, it pains me to know that’s about to happen
- Simbar simbar simbar simbar simbar
- She really just dragged him to dance with him
- Aw, that dress looks cute on Luna
- Simbar looking at Matteo like “aw, they’re cute”
- Ámbar looks so soft???
- That dress and hairstyle is a nice look for her
- HAHA they have to sing together
- 2 outfits from the Roller Gala I would wear: Nina’s dress and Simón’s all black suit
- Come ON don’t keep the truth from Miguel…
- Simón = PUPPY
- If there were subs, they would say [dances aggressively]
- Aw Ámbar’s little dancing
- OOP. Luna really do be having to choose
- NO I’m NOT ready for Ámbar’s traumatic moment
- Aw, the roller band boys were ready to sing with Simón
- Bro… Xavi… don’t make Nina be the thing your choice hinges on
- Of COURSE Gastón walks in
- Simón already knows how this choice is gonna go
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huffletiika · 7 years
Gastina Vs Xavina is coming!
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mylutteoheart · 6 years
Also I cannot help but think how funny it would have been if Matteo was as salty as Gastón with Xavi when they were having dinner with Michel and he was talking about 'stalking' Luna
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smolfangirl · 6 years
choose only one favorite: 1.) Character, 2.) Ship 3.) Song 4.) Season 5.) Episode 6.) Moment 7.) Interaction 8.) Sentence 9.) Performance 10.) Competition
Hello nonnie, I hope you’re enjoying today :D
1) Let’s be real I am weak for Matteo
2) Lutteo of course, forever
3) Princesa
4) Rn it’s s1 but I feel s3 might top that after next week
5) I would have to be able to remember the specific episode numbers to answer that ^^
6) s1, Luna goes to talk to Matteo about switching skating teams and he’s writing Siento. The moment he sees her, he starts typing super fast on his keyboard because one look at her is enough to turn his feelings into beautiful lyrics and I need help here with my emotions
7) Okay I know it was petty and childish etc but Gastón word dueling Xavi was the funniest thing ever
8) “No puedo evitar mi estupidez.”
9) Matteo Balsano - Quiero verte sonreír (Días de los Muertos)
10) s1 ep 40 *-*
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from-red-string · 7 years
Maybe, we could’ve had that
Day 2 - Ghosts
Happy halloween week! 
That’s truly amazing, I love this. This is my first officially co-writing fic, bless Miranda @lunambar for being so open to all the changes I bursted out of nowhere haha. For you, a little text:
We live in different time zones and speak different languages, our contries are very distinct fom each other but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m always here for you, how maybe not physically but I’m on your side whenever. I love you, M💛
And for you, I hope you enjoy our fic! 
Ámbar is bored, she can't believe she spent her Halloween night with the two dorks, by the bright side Simón is also there so this night it's not a total waste. Anyway, Halloween might is never boring, she waits all year for that, it can't be blank because Nina didn't want to go to the Halloween party, Ámbar would make it remarkable somehow.  
"Luna, why do you need to go home now?" Ámbar asks watching the small kids running around, she eyed Luna. "Are you scared of being out after 10 PM on Halloween?" She smirks, Luna shook her head.  
"No," Luna is scared of being outside late night. Her nightmares are already enough to get her scared, of course, she wants to be home before it's late. "I'm just tired." Luna pauses looking to her friends, they clearly don't believe her.  
"It's okay, Luna." Simón says, then turning to Ámbar whispers. "Bonita, we can leave Luna and Nina and go somewhere else." Ámbar bits her bottom lip but she isn't ready to give Nina and Luna a break, not after making her night so boring.  
"We can get home alone, I don't want to bother." Nina clarifies making Luna wide her eyes, shocked. Ámbar watches the kids again, noticing every kid avoiding a certain old house. This is about to get interesting.  
"No way, Nina." Ambar fakes a smile, Simón frowns at her. "We just need to make a small stop."  
"A stop?" Luna questions tilting her head, while Nina realizes the danger in the question before it escaped Luna's mouth. "Where?"  
"There." Ámbar points to the old house that seemed even darker than two seconds before, two girls ran through the gate screaming as if they are being hunted by a zombie version of Sesame Street.  
"No." Luna squeals in fear, being the small one she could only imagine she is the first to be caught by whatever was waiting there.  
"What are you afraid of? Do you expect to grumpy ghost to come get you?" Ámbar mocks, earning a hard look from Simón.  
"You don't need to do that." Simón voices trying to make Luna calmer, Ámbar rolls her eyes.  
"There's nothing to be scared of. Ghost doesn't exist, physics already explained death is death and dot." Nina vows with a sure in her tone, there's finally some way of proving Ámbar wrong. "Must be people who enjoy scaring others on Halloween, nothing to be scared of."  
"Come on, Lunita." Ámbar insists. "Just a little fun tonight. We get candies and run home like you want."  
"Okay." Luna gives in, annoyed with the situation so they crossed the street reaching the gate. "Do you at least know who lives here?" That ask gets Ámbar thinking that she actually didn't know who live there, she never truly noticed that house before, it looks so old, grey and weirdly familiar.  
"Yeah, an old couple." Ámbar lies, trying to remember any time she saw someone in the house, Simón takes her hand in his. He knocks on the front door and it opened. Luna jumps entangling her arm to Nina who just frowns.  
"It's open." A male voice says Luna stepped inside, pulling Nina and Ámbar started laughing.  
"That's the lamest thing ever." Ámbar grins walking through the door. The dim light that had in the room went completely dark when the front door closed, making the four turn their back to each other forming a circle.  
"Lame?" Another male voice growls, Ámbar starts to shake her whole body, shutting her eyes.  
"No no no." She murmured, scaring the girls and Simón who paced closer to her. "It's not real."  
"Ámbar?" Simón called standing in front of her with his hands on her shoulder.  
"Ámbar?" The male voice tests the name, rolling out of his tongue. "What a small world." Ámbar shivered feeling the voice closer. Suddenly, a candle lighted up in a corner then three more and behind the lights two guys.  
"Gastón?" Nina yelped shook and amaze rushing through her body, she can't believe she is seeing him again at the same time she wants to believe it.  
"No!" Ámbar screams scaring Simón who can't understand her sudden change. In a second she was making them go into the house, in the next, she is pale and shaking in fear.  
"What's wrong, Ámbar? Don’t want to see us?" The guy with curls in his head asked moving closer. Simón switches standing behind Ámbar watching the guy who looked too bright to be human, his image quivering the whole time as if she would disappear in a blink of an eye. The guy also watched him. "I don't know you. I'm Matteo, Ámbar's ex." Simón felt a bit threatened.  
"I'm Simón, Ámbar's - " Simón started just to realize he doesn't have a word, Luna saved him.  
"I never heard of you before. Are you sure you dated that Ámbar?"  
"Until the day I died, I dated that Ámbar," Matteo answers waiting for the brunette to realize what he said. "But she didn't need a day to forgot me." He eyed the blondie with pain in his eyes.
"You are dead? Wait, dead dead?" Luna repeats shocked. "You're a ghost." She states while Matteo watched her green eyes getting brighter. "I can believe you're a ghost. You look too good for this." Matteo tilts his head and she keeps babbling. "I mean, you look good for a dead person. Also, for a living person." Matteo smirks down her.  
"Nina!" Gastón recalls loud, making Nina jump noticing him by her side. Gastón was trying to remember her name the whole time, but a dead person's memory is a tricky land to search facts. Luna's eyes widen analyzing the whole scene, she lifted her hand up.  
"You all know each other," Luna exclaims excitedly. Ámbar shakes her head heavily. "Simón," Luna called. "How do you know them?"  
"I don't-" Simón is clearly weirded out by everything happening.  
"I'm out." Ámbar hisses shifting and finally eyeing Matteo and Gastón, her eyes wet. "I can't." She running through the door and Simón follows her. Both ghosts stand in front of the door looking at the couple, their faces showing disappointment.
"She definitely doesn't want to see us." Matteo announces forgetting about the girls behind them for a second.
"Maybe she's not ready yet." Gastón guesses. "She turned her back on death, that's her way of dealing with it."
"Ámbar hadn't ignore it, she listened what everyone heard and tried to keep going." Nina declares getting the boys attention so she asks what really was stuck in her mind. "You've died, I know you did. How? What? You shouldn't be here."  
"Nina, it's Halloween. The night when ghosts, wizards, and whatever creature is free." Matteo chuckled. "There is no explanation, by the morning we're 'dead' again and you can't see us again."  
"Now another question. You are dead but what happened? You lived in this house?" Luna asks sitting on the floor, she felt calm to see that ghost aren't those horror movies creatures, horrific things starving for revenge.  
“We were killed in this house,” Gaston says, looking straight at Nina with dark eyes. “A year ago at a party here. We were killed by Xavi, your ex. He felt threatened by us. So when we were wasted, he used his father’s stolen gun and shot us in a bathroom upstairs,"  
By the time he finishes, Nina and Luna are both huddled next to each other, keeping their breaths held in. "Xavi?” Nina asks. “I mean I knew he was crazy, that’s why I dumped him but I didn’t think psychotically crazy."  
"Well, believe me. He was,” says Gaston. “From what little we saw of the crime scene investigation, they didn’t want such a terrible story going around own. So they covered up how we actually died by saying it was from alcohol poisoning or some stupid shit like that,” Matteo says. He’s been looking at Luna the entire time. His eyes never leave her face, staring deeply into hers with such intensity. While Luna only stares back at him as well, curiosity taking over her brain of the strange ghost boy who seems to attractive for his own good.  
“I can’t believe it, that’s the craziest thing ever. Did they ever put Xavi in jail? Gosh, I hope they did,” Nina babbles. “No,” Matteo continues. “He escaped Buenos Aires without a trace. They had been undercover searching for him, but he hadn’t been under their radar. That’s all I know of it,"  
"This is all too much for me. First, I see ghosts then I find out they were brutally murdered by my best friend’s ex. I need a juice right now,” Luna says while rubbing her temples with shut eyes. Matteo chuckles. “Well, there’s nothing more you can do about it. What’s done is done,” he says sympathetically.  
Nina looks down in her lap sadly, playing with the hem of her skirt. Gaston floats slowly over to her in an attempt to comfort her. With enough concentration, he takes his hand and concentrates it on making it solid. When it forms, he rests it on the girl’s knee making her yelp and jumps back several feet.  
“You-you just touched me!” Nina quavers. Gaston tries calming her down. “I know, yes. We can do that. But only for a short period time and with enough human presence and concentration,” he explains. Nina seems to calm down a bit but still looks at him anxiously. She holds her hand out and shakily touches her finger to his palm, amazed by the solidity of a dead person. He grabs her hand completely with his and holds it, making her blush furiously.  
Matteo floats closer to Luna, making her lift her eyelids up. The butterfly motion, batting her long eyelashes and looking at him with her piercing green eyes, making him lose everything inside himself. It was completely wrong of him to feel anything since he’s dead after all. It would only be a matter of minutes until he disappears for god knows how long it felt like.  
He concentrates on making his hand solid. Her eyes light up when shes the transformation right in front of her. He brings it to her cheek, caressing her jaw oh so delicately. She just sits completely still, following the motions with only her eyes. “You know Luna,” he begins. “Either if I had known you when I was still alive or if I were still alive right now, I think there could’ve been something between us,” he whispers. Her lips curve into a soft smile, staring at the hand in her face, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “Maybe,” is all she says. “Maybe, we could’ve had that."  
They turn when they hear a gasp coming from the girl next to them. She has her phone out looking at the time. Luna peers over her shoulder to read it. 11:55. Had it really been that long they thought?  
"So we’re gone in five minutes?” Gaston asks with a croaking pain in his voice. Matteo looks at Luna sympathetically, taking his hand from off of her cheek and entwining it with hers.  
Nina gets a panicking feeling in he chest. Since they had come here and discovered the two boys here, she knew she had to let Gaston know the truth before it was too late. So she let her mouth run the words before her brain could think. “Gaston, before you go, you have to know this. For the longest time, I was deeply and incredibly in love with you. I wouldn’t dare say this to you if you were alive which is why I’m saying it know. I was never brave enough to ever talk to you then, I never had the nerve. Just know that whenever you did try and talk to me, I never avoided it on purpose. I was scared. And now I’m losing you all over again when you weren’t even mine in the first place.” She’s crying by the time she finishes
Gaston is too stunned by her words to notice that his body is slowly dissolving into thin air. He gets out a few final words for her. “Nina, I liked you a lot too. You just never gave me the chance to show it before. But I understand why. I think about you still when I’m not on earth. And I promise that you’ll still be on my mind when I’m gone. Just know that I feel the same. And I wouldn’t forget you.” It’s too late for him to solidify himself anymore at this point to touch her one last time. He is more and more transparent.  
Matteo still hasn’t disappeared yet either, still remaining intact. Luna gets a worried face. “You’re leaving now?” she chokes. Matteo so desperately wants to hug her and protect her with immense warmth. But of course he can’t, even a copious amount of concentration wouldn’t be enough for a full body solidification.  
By surprise, he uses up the last bit of it as possible to form his lips. He leans over and presses his lips to hers. He pulls away almost immediately. Time is up now. He begins growing more transparent, but he says his final words to Luna. “We’ll meet again soon. In a dream or another life. But you’ll be there. I’ll make sure of it.” Luna cracks a small smile, his reflecting hers. The two girls wave together as the clock strikes midnight on the phone. The two boys disintegrate into the air. And they are left by themselves in the emptiness of the old home.  
They get up, moping and hobble over down the steps, walking back toward the house. “Nina, is it true? Do you really think we’ll see them again somehow?” she asks her best friend. “I don’t know,” she answers back. “Maybe somehow, some way. But there could be a way. Just not today.” Nina poetically responds. And the two of them step back into the house where Ambar and Simon anxiously waiting for them on the couch.
"Not a word about that house." Ámbar specifies seriously. "Forget about it." She turned her to them and climbed the stairs with Simón. The girls sighs looking at each other, they didn't need to say a word to know that none of them could ever forget what happened. It's impossible.
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I really should start mapping out the rest of the S2 AU, because there are events and scenes I have been planning in my head, but still I need to figure out how this narrative fits to S2 as a whole, mostly considering Lutteo and Luna's past.
I really have been tempted to just have the change of circumstances justify cutting the Gastina conflict entirely... but I feel like I can't...
I feel like I can still fix it, so to say, make it make more sense and go how I have always wanted to go. I think Xavi will get cut and maybe even Flor too, because they won't serve a purpose anymore.
I actually recently came up with a scene where Gastón talks with his Dad about Nina when they're in the outs. I don't think he'd tell him what she did, since she knows that his parents would sue her and he doesn't want that to happen. But like kind of have heart-to-heart anyway, because like I feel like I haven't really fleshed Marco out that much.
He and Isla are more often than not a unit because obviously, they are "Gastón's parents" and often viewed as a unit, but I feel like I have made Isla a little more distinct. That's probably because I am a woman, so it's easier for me to write her as a character, and because all the family stuff for Gastón comes from her side because Marco's family is dead outside of his brother.
So, I wanna write little more of Gastón's relationship with him. Although, I don't think Gastón has a specifically closer relationship with one of his parents than the other.
One thing I really like about this AU, is fleshing out the adults (Why is most of my Gastón's parents content in timelines that never happened canonically?). They won't be besties as Monica and Miguel obviously work for Isla and Marco. But they absolutely will stand for people that are under their charge once Sharon tried to cause trouble.
I mean like many people in the fic keep saying that they are good people and they really actually are. I really wanna show that. Gastón has very clearly been well-raised, given how great he is. They might be millionaires now, but came from nothing and didn't always have people looking out for them. And obviously, they take shine to Luna because Luna is pretty loveable and charming and Gastón'a parents emotionally adopt people easily.
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shayghafa · 7 years
That hot Gastina one was so good, so unexpected but I loved it! Could you do another one, but obviously a different situation this time :) ? i love your fics!
Your wish is my command! You want hot Gastina, I give you hot Gastina. I hope you enjoy!
A/N: This takes place in the same setting as my Lutteo x Gastina one-shot “Between the four of us.” If you haven’t read that one yet, you can read it here.
The worst timing in the world
Gastón’s nerves were getting the best of him. Nina had been talking to him the entire time and he had just completely zoned out. They were walking through the hallways of the hotel they were staying at. The entire team of Jam & Roller was in Mexico for the finale of Rodafest. Gastón still couldn’t believe they had made it this far. He was a little bit worried though, because the level of the competition was high. To him skating was more of a hobby, but to some of his friends it was a lifelong dream. He thought about Luna and how the girl hadn’t stopped jumping around since they had landed in Cancún. Gastón had been afraid she wouldn’t have any energy left for the competition anymore, but it only seemed to fuel her even more. He didn’t know where she got all that energy from. Gastón was starting to see why Matteo liked Luna so much.
“Hey,” a soft voice shook him out of his thoughts. The voice belonged to Nina. She looked at him, worry evident in her deep green eyes. “What’s wrong?” Nina asked. Gastón sighed.
“Nothing, Nina. I’m just really nervous, that’s all.” He replied. They had stopped in front of the door of Matteo and Gastón’s room. Nina took his hand.
“You guys are amazing. You’re gonna do great, don’t worry. I’ll be there on the side cheering you on. Kind of like a good luck charm.” Nina said. God, he was head over heels for this girl.
“My little good luck charm.” Gastón said as he caressed her cheek. He was thankful for her at moments like these. Before all of the drama with Oxford and Xavi, he had taken her for granted. He didn’t realize what he had until it was gone. Now that he had her back, he wasn’t planning on letting her go. Not now, not ever.
“Thank you. I-” Gastón stopped himself. He had wanted to say it, but he simply couldn’t. What if it wasn’t the right moment? What if she didn’t feel the same way? Nina looked at him confused.
“You what?” She asked. Gastón pushed away the doubts and gathered all of his courage.
“I just wanted to tell you how amazing you are. But honestly, words simply aren’t enough.” He took both her hands. “You’re always there for everyone, you put others first, and you are so incredibly talented. You are amazing, Nina Simonetti. And I love you.” For a moment Nina went completely silent. She neither moved nor spoke. She kept her eyes fixed on Gastón’s. Then, after a terrifying moment of silence she finally replied.
“I love you too, Gastón.” Gastón could not describe the feeling he felt at that very moment. Gastón’s heart was racing. He couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to kiss her so bad. Without thinking, Gastón grabbed Nina by the face and kissed her. Gastón pushed open the door of the hotel room. It was messy, but apparently it had been cleaned because it wasn’t as messy as it had been this morning. The beds were made and the bathroom had been cleaned. The only mess was some of Gastón and Matteo’s clothes sprawled over the furniture. Nina and Gastón would soon celebrate their one year anniversary. They had never done anything besides making out. Gastón knew that Nina was shy. He didn’t want her to do anything she wasn’t ready for yet. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t have the desire. He had to stop himself multiple times because he would get too caught up in a make out session. Whenever they kissed it was a gentle kiss, but this one was different. This one was full of passion, full of desire. Not only from Gastón’s side. It felt as if something in Nina had changed. Like a switch inside of her had flipped. The way she kissed him was without holding back and without hesitation. She was relaxed. Gastón could feel it in her movements. They waltzed through the room, their lips never breaking contact. Nina dropped herself onto the bed and the two of them smiled through the kiss. Nina helped him take off his shirt and threw it across the room.
At that moment, they heard the sound of the door unlocking. As fast as lightning, Gastón rolled off the bed and fell to the ground with a loud thunk. Matteo walked into the room to find a flustered Nina sitting on the bed, her back leaning against the headboard. Her hair was messed up and her glasses were crooked. She smoothed out the folds in her skirt and smiled.
“Hi Matteo.” She said. Matteo looked confused for a second, but as soon as he saw his bestfriend lying on the ground, shirtless, a wide grin appeared on his face.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asked.
“No no not at all.” Nina replied. Matteo could tell by the look on her face that she was lying through her teeth. Gastón was still laying motionlessly on the ground, not making any sound.
“You okay bro?” Matteo asked him.
“I’m fine.” Gastón groaned. He got up from the space between his bed and Matteo’s bed. “We were just, uh, looking for something.” He said, trying to make up an excuse. Gastón looked at Nina and she nodded.
“Yeah, I uh, lost my contact lense.” Nina lied.
“You’re wearing glasses.” Matteo noted.
“Yeah, I wear them both. I have really bad eyesight.” Nina replied in a franatic tone. Gastón went with it and nodded.
“Really, really bad.” He repeated after her. Matteo just acted like he bought it. He felt bad for cockblocking his best friend, but he needed him right now.
“I need your help with something.” Matteo told Gastón.
“And it can’t wait?” Gastón asked annoyed.
“No, it can’t.” Matteo said.
“Come on. And don’t forget to put on a shirt.” Matteo reminded his best friend before he turned around and walked towards the door. Gastón looked at Nina apologetically. She was red as a tomato. Gastón tried to keep in his laugh. He couldn’t help but feel all giddy about the situation. He was going to have to get back at his best friend for interrupting his moment with Nina. Gastón put on his shirt and gave Nina a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll see you later.” He said. She smiled and nodded. Matteo was waiting for Gastón in the door opening. Gastón cast him an angry glance.
“Oh come on! You have the absolute worst timing in the world!” He said when he was sure they were out of reach so Nina couldn’t hear it. Matteo just laughed.
“I’m sorry Romeo. It won’t happen again.” Matteo assured him. Then the two of them strolled off bickering and laughing.
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countessofravenclaw · 3 years
For the character ask game: Nina, with all the numbers you feel like you can/want to answer about her :D
My favorite character! How fun. This is going to be long as I answered almost all the questions.
My first impression of them
I literally don't remember, but i always stan her for not being a doormat in her first appereance
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I have always loved her. Again I don't remember, because I first watched S1 in 2018. I just naturally rooted for her since I identify with her so much
A song that reminds me of them
How many people I ship them with
Only Gastón. I don't really ship characters with multiple characters. She and Xavi were kind of cute in S1, but only in S1 and only before you realize that he is in University and NIna was a sophomore
My favorite ship of them
Do I even need to say it? You all know. Gastina. Nina deserves someone who puts her above everything else and he was so good for her. Never pressured her, but still brought her out of her shell. Gastina is the healthiest couple in SL. One more thing that I just love about Gastón is that even when he was mad at her in S2, he never yelled at or badmouthed her and heard her out. And it was clearly physically hard for him to walk away from her after that discussion and he was clearly suffering away from her. I just love that scene at the lockers in S2E36. I have said this before, but Gastón is the most husband material out of all the Roller Crew guys. Also, his love language is clearly physical touch and I adore the fact that he can't keep his hands off Nina, which she clearly enjoys. She never needs to guess how he feels about her, which is very good for Nina since she is so anxious person. Gastina was built on emotional connection. Neither of them knew how each other looked like and they didn't care. i just love that the relationship was very balanced with the fact that they had a strong emotional connection and attraction, but on the need, there also was a physical attraction there, for Nina from the beginning since it is Gastón, and he is also very clearly physically attracted to her especially in S2. Like I said, he can't keep his hands off her. Is this enough rambling? You all already know that I love Gastina
My least favorite ship of them
Again, do I really need to say it? Okay, here is my full ramble about why I hate Eric. I don't bother to waste my energy to write it all again
A quote of them that you remember
Every Felicity quote? Is that a cop out anwer? I especially love this one since, even if it was written for Xavi, it brought her to Gastón in the end
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Your favorite outfit of them
I literally adore all of her outfits in S3 (aint that ironic?), but I also love the outfits they give her in S1a after she has broken up from her shell. These are couple of my faves
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Your least favorite outfit of them
Okay, so I agree with Jazmin about lot of her stockings being ugly and I have never liked the shoes they put Nina in. i know they needed her to be taller, but the weird platforms just didn't do it. But my least favourite outfits? There are definitely couple:
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Just get plaid away from her! She is not Simon!
Describe the character in one sentence
Girl, you deserve everything good you have! Stop getting away of your own happiness!
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Her glasses and how I think she didn't really need them and they maybe should have gotten rid of them after S1, since they even broke.
Sexuality hc!
I am gonna be fully honest here. I don't really feel qualified or educated enough so assign people sexualities. So I am just gonna go with what canon gives me: she is attracted to men, but that doesn't need to mean that she is straight
Your favorite friendship they have
Her and Luna. Again, I have been quite vocal about that Luna bugged me a lot when it comes to giving Nina relationship advise and not really reading how she is feeling, but I still really love their friendship. There were two people who helped Nina out of that dark place she was in in the start of S1, and they were Luna and Gastón. Luna is supr good at bringing someone's mood up and raising their self esteem. Luna was also sometimes up front with Nina and told her the truth when she needed to hear it, like when she told Nina to reveal Felicity since it starting to cause her harm.
Best storyline they had
The whole Felicity plot-line. she learned that once she started to be herself people definitely would like her, and she didn't need to hide who she was.
Worst storyline they had
The whole Oxford application thing. I know she only tried to help and didn't want Gastón to regret anything, but it was not her choice to make. She had nothing to feel guilty about since she never asked Gastón to stay. He made that decision on his own acord, because it was what he wanted. He wanted to be with her and not leave everything else in his life behind. This is the core example of Nina just not valuing herself. She didn't think that she was something worth staying for. Gastón would have never regreted it, since I never got the jist that Oxford had been his big dream since they never really say why he wanted to go. Arnd as I always say, if he had stayed at BAfor S3 with his friends, bother and the love of his life and fighting the red sharks with them, he sure would have not been thinking:: "Man, I really wish I would be alone at Oxford at this very moment". I totally understand why Gastón was angry at her.
A childhood headcanon
This is going to be very sad but here it is anyway. Ana and Ricardo's marriage started falling part very quikly after Nina was out of the toddler phase. She used to eavesdrop on their arguments ans ended believing that it was her fault
What do you think their first word was?
Book title or something similar
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I think she was bit more livelier and confident as a child, but the divorce and trauma from that made her shrink back into her shell
The most random ship you've seen people have with them
Simon and Nico
A weird headcanon
I have said this in a ask before. She has a very sensitive spot behind her right ear
When do you think they were at their happiest?
During the show? Between the S1 finale and S2E35
Outside of the show? I would say 2024 when she has graduated from Oxford with masters in literature, gotten engaged to Gastón and moved back to BA with him. Then they may or may not gone to an Europe excursion with Lutteo and Simbar and end up back in time but thats besides the point
When do you think they were at their lowest?
During the show? S3, enough said.
Outside of the show? Pre S1. She had no friends and no self esteem. I am sincery worried about what would ahve happened to her if Luna hadn't showedup
Future headcanon
I said this already but might as well say this again. She goes to Oxford and her and Gastón get back together. They get engaged month before they move back to BA after getting their masters. Nina also works on a book during university and it does quite ell in the sales
When do you think they acted the most ooc
When she sent that Oxford application. Look above
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
Everytime she was with Gastón. There are literally scenes where she can just ramble on about library's or physics and technology in front of him freely without feeling like a weirdo. After he left she doesn't really do that anymore
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
The Oxford application thing, again look up. And standing up Gastón on the date. I know she was scared, but nothing bad would have happened
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
I think that many would see Nina as very overprotective and stressful mother, but I don't actually think so. I think that she would aim to avoid everything that her own mother had done that had ended up hurting her. And I think Gastón would be very good at balancing her out.
The funniest scene they had?
The scene where she says that she wants Gastón for dinner accidently. We know where her mind went
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