#with my stupid fake PMS yes I have cried about that tonight
fractallogic · 1 year
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Please join me in admiring the hilarious disparity between the number of books I’ve read so far this year vs. the number of PAGES I’ve read this year, courtesy of the 1000-page tome I finished this morning
And yeah the next three non-work books I have on deck are each about 700 pages (two fantasy and one contemporary hockey romance????? Wtf is she writing about for that long????????) (don’t worry I’m starting it tonight so I’ll be able to report back soon), so… given my reading proclivities I should have set the page goal higher than the estimate given by the app. Lmfao. But still.
Anyway you should use StoryGraph if you want to use goodreads but don’t want to support Amazon and would rather support a black-owned, woman-owned independent app!! And if you want fun graphs about your reading! And thematic reading challenges! And you can import your goodreads data!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever tried Turkish Delight? No. I’ve looked up photos of it before and it has genuinely never looked appealing; sorry to those who are delighted (heh heh) by them :/ I’m willing to try it if I ever get the chance, but I really doubt that I’ll enjoy.
Do you have a Vietnamese restaurant in your town or city? They’re a lot less common than other Asian restaurants, but I think we do have a fair share, yeah. The most common are banh mi joints. I think the reason why they aren’t super popular in my country is that Vietnamese dishes tend to be veggie-heavy - at least that’s the impression of most people here - and with Filipinos loving rice and meat in everything they eat, other cuisines simply end up being more popular, like Thai and Chinese.
Do you or have you ever owned a portable gaming console? Yes; we had a couple of PSPs and a DSi as kids. These days, we have a Switch.
Have you ever been in a car with a sunroof? Yeah the Vitara has one. It’s my favorite trick to pull off whenever a friend is riding with me in it for the first time, haha. Everyone always gets so excited about it.
Do you have to have an occasion to eat out or do you just do it for fun? Back in college I allotted a certain portion of my weekly allowance to be able to eat out once or twice a week. Food is the way to my heart and happiness and it just felt good to have nice food, man. I didn’t want to have to wait for occasions to be able to eat at my favorite restaurants.
Have you opened a letter today? No, I haven’t.
How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s around a 10-15 minute drive.
Have you ever been to the emergency room? Nope.
Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? I wasn’t for a very long time, but it’s starting to become that way now that I’ve started having a regular 9-6 shift. I find that I’m way crankier and am prone to crying from anxiety if I don’t make myself a cup of coffee. When I do, I feel super productive and more motivated to do work.
Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? Twice. Once for junior prom and the next was for my college grad photo shoot.
Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They both started out as part of the kitchen crew in a luxury hotel in the city, my mom as a waitress and my dad as a cook. My mom started pursuing my dad when she discovered what school he came from lol because priorities, I guess.
What is your favorite Chinese food? Minced pork with eggplants is a huge favorite of mine. Xiao long bao and pork buns (steamed or baked) are also suuuuuper good.
Would you ever work at a movie theater? Probably not at this point in my life. It would’ve been a nice gig during college.
Do you have a phone charger in your car? Yessir. I need one since I constantly use Waze to get to anywhere for both directions and traffic updates, and the LTE I need for that drains my battery.
Do you live far from your parents? No, they’re like 10 steps away, in another room.
Have you ever submitted a video to Funniest Home Videos? Nope. I always loved the videos though and the show made up a big part of my childhood.
Have you ever been attracted to an authority figure? I’ve found several teachers attractive before, yeah. The biggest crush I had was on my biology teacher...I think everyone else had a crush on her too lol, she was the personification of beauty and brains.
Do you think you have a wide vocabulary? I mean I guess I know more words than most people my age...but I also feel that my vocabulary still would’ve been a lot wider if I just continued to read well into my teenage years and now as a young adult.
What was the last hot food you ate? Lumpia.
Have you ever seen a meteor shower? I don’t think so.
Describe your current position: I’m sitting up on my bed, laptop on my lap, right leg outstretched with my left leg tucked underneath it.
Have you used a microwave today? It’s only 5:01 AM, so I haven’t. We’ll see about today.
What was the last electronic device you purchased? I don’t really buy electronics. I’m more likely to buy accessories for the stuff I already have, and the last one I got was a new case for my phone.
Have you ever slept through an alarm? I think so; only a few times though. I wake up from them easily.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet are where it’s at for me, y’all.
Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? I can go either way. Coffee is coffee. I don’t mind making my own for convenience, or paying a few hundred bucks for a little more quality coffee.
Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? Yeah I have a cup of 3-in-1 barako coffee beside me. I actually made this cup at like, 7 PM last night...then I fell asleep for a bit, woke up at midnight, fucked around for a few hours and now I’m back to drinking it at 5 AM, ha.
Do you have lactose intolerance or know anyone who does? I have a mild case of it. It’s not a complete disaster for me to eat cheese or consume milk, and I wouldn’t say that my trips to the bathroom afterwards are emergencies. My body has for the most part been nice to me, hahaha.
Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not to my knowledge, no.
Have you killed a bug this week? Probably.
What was the first food you learned how to cook? I followed a recipe for onion rings a few months ago and that was super fun, but I haven’t followed that up yet so I dunno if it’s right to say I ‘learned’ it. 
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Journalism.
How many email accounts do you have? Four, but honestly I barely use the Outlook one anymore. I have three main email addresses on Gmail.
Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? My parents come with me because they take care of the finances and insurance that go with things like that.
Have you ever made your own pasta noodles from scratch? Hmm, I don’t think so.
How long is your average shower? 5-10 minutes.
How close is the nearest park from your house? We don’t have any public parks because my country sucks, but my village has a few small parks that residents can flock to and walk their dogs in or bring their kids to play in or whatever. The nearest one is a 10-15 minute walk or a 2-minute drive away, depending on how you prefer to get there. Which household chore do you hate the most? Cleaning up dog pee.
Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet? So many times. They’re very common here and there are a lot of restaurants that solely have a buffet gimmick. Sambo Kojin was my favorite, and I’m really hoping their business wasn’t affected by this stupid virus.
Can you see out any windows from where you are? Yup.
Do you like pineapple on pizza? No, but I also don’t like pineapples and all other fruits.
What color is your soap? Green or white. I don’t really pay attention.
Is anything bothering you right now? Just about all the time, yes.
When’s the last time you had a headache? Sometime this week or last week.
What woke you up this morning? I woke up naturally as I normally do these days.
Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? Yeah my workmates have been watching American Murder on Netflix and all of them so far are raving about it, so I want to give that a shot soon.
Will you sleep alone tonight? I always sleep alone. 
How do you feel right now? Confused at my lack of drowsiness and a little sad but it’s manageable for now.
Is shyness cute? I don’t feel any particular way towards it. I suppose it can be endearing and it can also be annoying.
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? I already am.
What are your plans for tonight? Maybe keep doing surveys or send in my online interview that a company I’m applying to asked me to accomplish. I didn’t even know do-it-on-your-own-time interviews were a thing; it’s super convenient and removes my anxiety of being interviewed in real time by strangers.
Would you rather write in pink pen or blue pen? Blue.
Have you ever kissed the last person you text messaged? Yes.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Just myself. Haven’t cried in front of anyone in a while.
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yep.
Have you smoked a cigarette in the past 24 hours? No, but could definitely use one.
Were you happy when you woke up today? Nah I woke up crying I think. It was one of the more difficult mornings.
Are you the youngest sibling? I’m the eldest.  
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dvoz-alternate · 5 years
Requested by @sweetie-yoongi7
Vernon x reader
Genre: angst → fluff
Warnings: frustration, language, accidents
Word count: ~2.3K
Summary: You grew up with with Seungkwan as a kid and supported him when he decided to become an idol. Eventually, after debuting he decided it was time to introduce you to his group members. Introductions went off fairly well, other than the fact that Seungkwan’s best friend gave you the cold shoulder and walked away. 
-----~ 1 year later-----
It was slow at work, only a few people lingering in the coffee shop. Deciding to people watch you leaned over the counter resting your chin in your palm. Your shift was almost over anyway so you were just killing time. Feeling the vibration of your phone you pulled it out checking who it was. 
[Kwannie] (3:42 pm) : You’re still coming over for game night, right?
You sighed seeing the text and shoved it back in your pocket. Damn it Seungkwan… In all honesty you did forget about game night, and you really weren’t feeling up to dealing with “he who must not be named” this evening. 
Walking into the backroom you pulled off your apron and hung it on the hook switching it for your coat and bag. “Have a good weekend!” you called as you clocked out.
Pulling out your phone you grimaced at the message before sending a reply.
[you] (4:03 pm) : It’s still at 6:30 right?
Pocketing your phone you started to make your way down the busy street to your apartment complex to relax for awhile. 
[Kwannie] (4:06 pm) : YES!
[you] (4:07 pm) : I’ll be there
Unlocking the door to your apartment you dropped your bag on the floor and slid off your shoes. Flopping on your couch you covered your eyes with an arm, “Tonight would be so much better if I didn’t have to see that asshole…”
“Hansol we talked about this already. You need to ‘play nice’ with (Y/N). I get that they aren’t your favorite person in the world, but you can literally cut the tension in the room with a knife when the two of you are together,” Seungkawn eyed his friend. He really just wanted the two of his best friends to get along. “You guys have been at each others’ throats for over a year now!” Seungkwan threw his hands up in the air which earned him an eye roll from Hansol. “It’s not my fault that she thinks she is a princess,” Hansol muttered deciding to scroll through his phone. “For one night. Just one night, please be nice,” Seungkwan said pointing a finger at Hansol’s chest. “Yeah we’ll see.”
Stopping outside the dorm you looked up before letting out a breath bracing yourself for whatever that asshole will throw at you today. Walking inside you waved at the front desk before moving to the elevator. Pressing the button you waited for the lift to arrive before sliding in, as it was closing a hand slid in and stopped it. Glancing up you choked turning away from the beautiful bastard who now occupied your space. Hansol slid into the elevator giving you a quick glare before standing as far away as he possibly could. Finally regaining your breath you leaned your head on the wall next to you and let out a sigh as you closed your eyes. God this is going to be a long night. You thought not bothering to say anything to the man next to you. 
Hansol pulled out his phone to make it look like he was occupied while standing next to you. Taking a peek at you from the corner of his eye he noticed how visibly uncomfortable you looked in the small space with him. Frowning he let out a huff his mood dropping even more. “If you don’t like being around me then why are you even showing up at the dorm?” he fixed his eyes on you. Not bothering to look at him you answered, “You didn’t think I came to see you did you?” Hearing the chime of the elevator letting them know they arrived at the floor you opened your eyes. Hansol shoved his phone back into his pocket before shouldering passed you into the hall. Rubbing your sore arm you followed a few steps behind him. 
Hansol unlocked the door and walked in not bothering to hold it open for you. Making his way into the living room he sat down next to Joshua. Pushing on the door you sighed realizing it locked. “Stupid Hansol…” you muttered knocking on the door. You heard fumbling and rapid footsteps approaching the door. The door swung open and Seungkwan and Soonyoung both fell to the ground in front of you. Laughing you pulled them up. “What is going on with you two?” you laughed as they hugged you. “I wanted to greet MY best friend first,” Seungkwan gave a playful glare to Soonyoung trying to pry his arms off you. “Yeah, but we all know I’m (Y/N)’s favorite!” Soonyoung stuck his tongue out at the younger male. “Well now that you’re here we can start game night!” Seungkwan cheered pulling you by the hand. 
“Guys! (Y/N)’s here!” Seungkwan said doing a dramatic gesture to you. You laughed at his antics as you greeted the guys. Jeonghan got up from where he was sitting to give you a hug, and was followed by Joshua who clapped Hansol on the back as he got up. As Joshua gave you a hug he whispered in your ear, “I’m glad that you could join us.” He gave you a bright smile as he pulled away. Unbeknownst to you, Hansol’s frown deepened seeing the display.
Mingyu grabbed your attention from the kitchen, “(Y/N) do you want anything to drink?” “Um, it’s okay Gyu! I can grab something!” you answered as you started to make your way over. You stopped when you heard Hansol speak, “It’s a good thing the princess doesn’t expect everyone to do everything for her.” You shot him a small glare over your shoulder. “I don’t expect anyone to do anything for me,” you countered before walking away. 
Sucking in a sharp breath you put on a fake smile as you grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before turning to Mingyu, “Ready?” Receiving a nod you both rejoined the others.
“Alright let’s start with something simple, and by simple I mean a stereotypical-basic party game. Truth or Dare,” Soonyoung said pulling you to sit next to him. 
A few rounds had gone by when Chan asked Hansol ‘truth or dare’. “Dare.” “I dare you to tell one person in the room something you wouldn’t say out loud to them.” Hansol’s eyes travelled around the circle of people before landing on you. You weren’t looking at him, but at the floor pulling on the carpet fibers. Standing he moved to sit in front of you. Noticing someone now in front of you you turned to see who it was, only to have your breath catch. He was looking at you with such intensity that it made your heart flutter slightly. “(Y/N). I have always wanted to say this. I find you to be extremely beautiful. You make my heart race whenever we are in the same room together,” his smile said innocent while his eyes were sinister. Your jaw dropped trying to comprehend what you just heard, and your cheeks felt warm. Getting the reaction he wanted he couldn’t help but laugh mockingly at you. “Did you think I actually meant that?” he smirked at you. “Hansol that wasn’t cool,” Seokmin whispered from behind him. 
Now the blood that rushed to your cheeks had a new meaning; it was no longer flattery, but anger and embarrassment. Shoving Hansol away from you, you stood up. “Of course it would be a joke. Everything is a joke to you Hansol! Am I just a joke to you?” you could feel the angry, embarrassed tears starting to fill your vision. “Well you know what, fuck you Hansol.” You gave everyone a quick apologetic look before running for the front door. 
“You dumbass!” Seungcheol breathed watching wide-eyed at your retreating figure. Hansol knew he went too far with that one. Scrambling after you he saw that the door was left wide open. Just recalling the tears in your eyes started breaking his heart. God, I am a dumbass. Who the hell does that?! Hansol was kicking himself mentally as he followed you. 
Running out onto the sidewalk you looked around quickly the raining blurring your vision slightly. You just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. You knew that tears were streaming down your face, but you could care less about that. “Wait!” you heard Hansol’s voice yell from behind you. Panicking you ran into the street trying to get away from him. Stopping in the middle of the street you turned around on him. “Leave me the fuck alone Hansol! You’ve already made it perfectly clear how you feel about me!” you screamed as you held your shaking body. 
Hansol slowly started making his way to your, “Wait, please let me explain!” He held his hands out and tried approaching you slowly. “Stay away from me!” you screamed.
The next few moments seemed to happen in slow motion as Hansol reacted too slowly. A car had come barreling down the road, seemingly out of nowhere and hit you in the process before screeching to a halt. With wide eyes and his heart thundering in his ears he ran to your body. He heard screams and wasn’t sure if it was his or the twelve other boys that just witnessed what happened. “Please, please be all right!” Hansol cried pressing his ear against your chest.
“Visitors for Miss (L/N)?” a nurse came out into the waiting room only to be startled when thirteen men jumped up. The nurse eyed the large group, “You’re all here for (Y/N)?” Seungkwan pushed his way to the front, “Yes, we are here for her.” The nurse gave a small nod before leading them through the hospital corridor. 
“She just woke up from surgery so please be careful,” the nurse said before leaving them alone in the small room. 
Seungkwan pulled Hansol’s arm to stop him from going in. “Why the hell didn’t you just say you like her?” he whisper yelled. “I- I didn’t know how to tell her that I liked her. I didn’t think-” Hansol was caught off. “Of course you didn’t think! If you thought then she wouldn’t be in this mess!” Seungkwan’s voice started to raise ever so slightly. “I know and I’m sorry!” Hansol could feel the tears brimming his waterline. “Don’t tell me sorry. You should be telling (Y/N) that,” Seungkwan said shaking his head pushing Hansol towards the door. 
“Hey guys I heard the cafeteria is selling pudding,” Seungkwan lamely said. Taking the hint the other eleven stood up from where they were sitting to follow Seungkwan. 
“You’re a dumbass.” “I’m a dumbass.” “I’m glad we are on the same page Sol. Now why do you look like you’ve been crying?” you asked shifting your hospital gown. Pulling up a chair to sit next to your hospital bed, Hansol sat down before carefully picking up your hand. Confused by the display you raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry for everything.” Hansol squeezed your hand gently not meeting your eyes. “I was so afraid that I lost you,” Hansol lifted his eyes to meet yours. “You’re not playing with me are you?” you tried pulling your hand away only for Hansol to tighten his grip on yours. “No! No. I’m serious. I was terrified that I was going to lose you.” 
You took what he said in for a few minutes before asking, “Game night. Does that mean you actually meant those words?” You could feel your own eyes starting to water slightly. You remember feeling your heart flutter when you heard those words only to feel like a weight had been dropped on your chest right after. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know how to express the feelings I hold for you. I was jealous that you got along with the others so much better, and that I couldn’t bring that smile to your face like the others,” Hansol could feel his chest getting tight. You’re once aching chest was now flickering like a small flame. “Why didn’t you just try to tell me? We could’ve avoided all of this you know,” you gestured to you then the hospital bed, and then to you and Hansol. “I know…” Hansol hung his head. Hansol looked up again when he felt you shift on your bed. You gave him a small smile as you removed your hand from his grasp and patted the spot next to you. He awkwardly took the spot next to you flashing a shy grin. 
“So this entire time you didn’t hate me?” you asked leaning your head against his shoulder starting to feel tired. “No, I never hated you. I am an idiot who realizes he is in love with you,” he murmured relaxing against the pillow. Closing your eyes you leaned further into him enjoying the warmth Hansol gave off. “Y’know, I think I love you too Sol,” you breathed out letting sleep start to take over. Sliding his arm around your shoulders, Hansol pulled you in close to his chest before following your lead.
Twelve heads peeked into the room only mildly surprised to see you two fast asleep on the hospital bed. “Shh, lets let them be,” Seungcheol ushered them out of the room, but not before Seungkwan snuck a picture of you two. “He will thank me later… maybe,” Seungkwan whispered shutting the door.
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grimweaver · 5 years
(( Ending what is probably going to be the last chapter of the year with Malkhai’s revelation to LaChance, that I think should not be too surprising at this point. I, or she rather, have been throwing out hints about it the whole time lol. I’ll be taking a long break so that I can focus on Christmastime stuff and enjoy the season with the fam. Thanks to all who are still reading and all of your encouraging feedback!! LOVE YOU! <3 ))             An invitation to Lucien's home struck me as being different than the prior times we had met privately. My heart drummed in my ears while my mind traveled in several different directions at once. Lost in an emotional and hormonal fog again, I realized too late that I had been staring at the note longer than I should have, and this piqued Farwil’s curiosity.
            “What is it?” he asked me.
            “Oh, it’s just my list for the market. Nothing really important,” I answered with a shrug. I folded the paper several ways and tucked it deep into one of my belt pockets. “I was debating about whether or not I wanted to bother with it tonight.”
            Farwil leaned forward with a hand stretched out. “Why don’t you give it to me and I’ll get everything you need while you stay here and relax,” he said.
            “That is very kind of you, Farwil. Thank you for offering, but I imagine the markets must be closed by now anyway. I’ll just take care of it tomorrow.”                         “Actually,” Gabrelle chimed in, “due to the festivities, the markets here in Sentinel won’t close until midnight! You’ve plenty of time yet to get all that you need.”
            “Oh-ho! Eh-heh… great!” I replied with faked enthusiasm and a forced smile, then wrapped an arm tightly around Ocheeva and said to everyone, “Hey, why don’t we all go out!”
            “Malkhai, when LaChance ‘suggests’ that we don’t stay up late, it’s usually his most polite way of ordering us to hit the pillows early. It’s already after ten o'clock— I’m not going out tonight, and you shouldn't either.”
            I permitted a loud, frustrated groan to bellow out as I dropped my head into my hands. “Yes… you’re right… I suppose I should follow his orders,” I growled through clenched teeth, tapping her on the arm and pointing to the pouch I put the note in. I kept the pointing hand out of Farwil’s sight, but where it was perfectly visible to Ocheeva. What a relief it was to see an understanding fill her face as she mouthed: “Oh!”
            “Then again,” Ocheeva said, “if he expects us to be here at 9:00 am, then going to bed at midnight is really not too late! I’ll go with you, Malkhai!”            “But it might be too late for her,” Farwil argued, then turned back to me. “I know he didn’t say anything about it, but he might want you to train with him at the usual time. Just give me the list and settle down for the night! That’s an order!”
            Panic wrapped around my chest and squeezed tight, but then I started to laugh in a slightly maniacal way as I remembered what he had said a while back in the Imperial City.
            “What’s so funny??” Farwil asked.
            “I recall you saying, and I quote: ‘This time, I promise you, I will do as the Lady commands.’ It wasn’t a written agreement, but everyone was there to hear that declaration.” I then addressed the rest of the group. “Isn’t that right?”            There were smiles and nods all around the circle as they confirmed that truth. Some of the Family members were understandably unsettled by this boldness— an angry Farwil could mean an angry Andel, and that would not sit well with the Listener. But the gamble was necessary.
            I focused on Farwil again and said to him, “You put me in command, which means you can’t order me around!”
            Farwil shrank back. “But… but I…”
            “A knight does not go back on his word, right?”
            “Um… right,” he huffed.
            “Good.” My whole being inflated with restored power and confidence. I stood up straight, with my head held high. “Oh-ho-ho! Why didn’t I remember this a long time ago when I could’ve—? Bah! Never mind!” I crossed my arms as I looked at Farwil sternly and continued, “I am going out with all who wish to browse the markets for necessities—and, perhaps, some stupid, shiny, pretty stuff that collect dust on shelves. You’ll cool your head and either join us, or sit here and sulk about—either way, you’ll not utter another word of protest!” I turned around and started marching towards the stairs, with half of the Family coming along—Teinaava, Ocheeva, and Antoinetta, and Vicente. I could’ve made it easier by ordering Farwil to stay at the guildhall while we went out, but it just wasn’t in me to abuse my authority and deny him the choice to join us. I had to show him that part of being a good leader is treating even your subordinate comrades like grown adults.
            “Aaaaagh-fine!” Farwil growled as he shot up with his arms raised in the air. He followed us as he grumbled some things under his breath. Naturally, Bremman was right behind him.
            “WAIT FOR ME, CHAMPION!!” Dorandil hollered as he bolted from his seat to catch up with us, “I’ll carry your things for you!”
            Oh great. Now there are two latchers that I have to shake off, I thought. I can’t tell him ‘no’ because that would be unfair. After all the work he’s done, without complaining once, he earned this treat.
            Out with another groaning sigh I replied, “Alright, kid… but only if you promise to get to your usual chores when we come back.”
            “Yes! Yes! Yes! I will! You know I will!” He cried, bouncing around and clapping like a wind-up toy.
            “It’ll probably mean you’ll be kept up most of the night. Are you sure?”                  “YES! YES!”
            “Alright then, come on!”
            Dorandil did another little happy circle-dance and followed us down the stairs.
            As we left through the doors, Ocheeva closed the gap between us and whispered, “I’m not going to ask you what your orders are, but I’ll do what I can to ensure that you follow them.”
            “Thank you, Sister,” I whispered back, putting an arm around her again and giving her an affectionate squeeze, and explained at a careful volume, “The Speaker instructed me to meet him alone at 11:30 pm. I’m going to just kill some time in the market until a quarter after. I know Farwil intends to stay on my heels the whole time, so I’ll need one of you to distract him so that he won’t follow me when the time comes for me to be where I need to be.”
            “Will do, Sis.” Ocheeva patted me on the back and looked out at the market. “Looks to me like the streets are still crowded and busy, so that shouldn’t be too hard.”
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undersummerskyy · 7 years
Bechloe: Speed Date Disaster
Hey guys! I’m back! Thank you for all the positive feedback last time. I hope you’ll like this story too. It’s a one-shot for now, but I’m not opposed to continuing it if people want me to. So just leave me a message or whatever if you’re interested in more. 
Alright, what you need to know before you read this story:
-    It happens after Beca and Chloe’s shower incident but before she auditions for the Bellas. -    Amy and Beca are already friends.
Why the fuck is she here? She’s asked herself that question about a million times so far. The answer’s simple, really. She lost a bet.
She lost a stupid fucking bet and now she has to deal with the consequences. She wasn’t going to, because who cares, right? Apparently, Amy cares. She cares so much that she followed Beca here and is now inside the premises keeping an eye on her, making sure she’s actually doing it.
Which is just great.
“Hey shorty, think you gonna find yourself a hot guy today?” The other girl asks then, moving to stand next to her, scanning the room herself.
“That’s not what I’m here for.” She responds, shooting her friend a warning glare.
“Oh okay, cool, yeah. So some hot chicks then, huh?”
Beca shakes her head. “Just here for the bet.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go find myself a couple of guys.”
The brunette watches her friend go, then finds herself standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“Excuse me, miss? You don’t have a name tag yet, I see. Please go get one at the booth over there.” A chipper girl says, shooting Beca a way too big smile that makes her uneasy. The girl pushes her in the direction of the booth, and she lets herself be guided. There’s no way she’s getting out of this now anyway. She’s pretty sure they locked the doors of this place.
As she walks towards the booth, she recognizes a familiar figure. “Jesus Christ, no.” She says under her breath, but it’s too late.
“Beca! Hi!”
“Chloe.” She responds, a tight smile on her face. “Good to see you again, with clothes and everything.”
The other girl laughs. “I’m happy to see you too, Beca. Although, I’m a little surprised, you don’t strike me as the girl to go on speed dates.”
“I’m not, trust me. I lost a bet.”
Chloe giggles, because of course, she does. “Well, we’re happy to have you here.” She says then, looking down as she writes Beca’s name on a sticker. “Who knows, maybe you’ll find your next boyfriend here.”
“Not why I’m here.”
“Or girlfriend, of course.”
“Oh my god, why does everyone keep saying that. Just- give me that thingy. I just wanna get this over with.” She awkwardly gestures over towards the sticker, and Chloe picks it up, then leans over – a little too close than probably necessary – and sticks the nametag on her flannel shirt. She looks up and meets Beca’s eyes as soon as it's in place and then winks at the girl. Beca swallows hard, hating how much of an effect the other girl clearly has on her.
“Good luck out there.”
“Thanks. I’m so excited to meet the love of my life out there, I can’t wait!” She says sarcastically, with a fake smile on her face.
The other girl shrugs and smiles. “Who knows, Beca. A few of my friends have found their boyfriends and girlfriends right here in this room.”
“Oh my god, okay.. I’m leaving now.”  
It sucks. It really, really, fucking sucks. So far she’s had three speed dates and they’ve all been insanely bad.
The first guy talked about himself the entire time. Just non-stop talking for two minutes straight. She’s not even sure if he even took a breath.
The second guy cried over his ex, then proceeded to show Beca pictures of his dog, which made him cry even more. Great. 
The third guy was actually a pretty decent guy, until he decided to tell her ‘they should totally go out tonight because he’s pretty sure that he could totally rock her world and whatever’. Yuck, no.
She’s about ready to walk out of here when a familiar face is heading her way.
“Becaw, hi!”
She’s actually relieved to see Jesse. Ugh, what has happened to her. “Hey, what are you doing here?” She asks him as he sits down in front of her.
“I came with Benji actually, plus I like meeting new people.”
“Of course you do.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m just saying, you strike me as the kind of guy to talk to strangers on the bus to learn about their lives and shit.”
He pretends to be offended. “I’ve never in my life done that.”
Benji, who just finished his date, walks by. “I saw him do that yesterday.”
“See?” Beca says, a teasing smile on her face.
“Alright, okay, I do that, yes. I’m not ashamed of it.”
“You should be, it’s horrible.”
He laughs, then stands up to make room for the next person as the alarm on their small table goes off. “Well, this has been fun. See you around, Becaw.”
“See you around.”
Beca sits through another few horrible dates, and just as this guy – who has seriously been staring at her like a creep for the entire last twenty minutes – is about to get his turn, someone jumps in front of him and sits down in the chair opposite her. The guy has no chance but to move on to someone else.
“Hey.” Chloe says, a soft smile on her face.
“Hey,” Beca answers, “I didn’t know you were allowed to do this.”
“We’re not, unless guys like that are around.” Chloe gestures towards the guy behind them, currently staring holes into the redhead’s back.
“Beale, have you been watching me?”
Chloe actually blushes a little. “Only for your safety, of course. That’s just the rules.”
“Sure.” Beca says as she raises an eyebrow.
“So,” Chloe then says, “Tell me about yourself.”
“Seriously? You wanna do this?”
“Well, it’s not like we have anything else to talk about, we might as well do the speed date.”
Beca stares her down as she raises an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s called a speed date if you've already seen the other person naked” She leans back into her seat and crosses her arms, knowing Chloe well enough by now that if she doesn’t, the redhead is going to be in her personal bubble within seconds.
Chloe smiles brightly. “Right, so, second date then. Well, our time is about up, and I think we both know how a second date usually ends.” She leans over the table and into Beca’s personal space, pulling her forward into her chair and forcing her to uncross her arms - like she predicted - her breath now tickling the younger girl’s face. Beca immediately notices how her heart starts pounding in her chest. Damnit. She should never have come here in the first place.
“Relax Becs, I’m just kidding.”
Chloe is about to move away when Beca places a hand on her arm. “Please, wait. Stay.”
The redhead raises an eyebrow, surprised by what Beca just said.
“Not uh- not like that. That guy is just heading over again and I really don’t want to have to talk to him. Can you just- can you hang out here?”
“Only if you join the Bellas.”
“Dude, come on.”
Chloe smiles a teasing smile and starts to move away from Beca. The other girl quickly reaches over and pulls her closer again. “Alright, alright. I’ll audition, okay? Just, don’t leave me here with these creeps.”
The other girl looks satisfied with her answer and moves back down into her own seat. “Well, you seemed to be having a nice conversation with Jesse earlier. Are you into him?”
Beca rolls her eyes. “No, I’m not into him. He’s just a friend, or well.. potential friend; I just met him the other day.”
“Am I a potential friend?”
“Uh-yeah, I- we’re friends.”
“You don’t sound so sure.” Chloe responds, adding a wink to it.
“Yeah, well, I don’t really know you.” Beca says, surprising herself with a soft smile. She doesn’t know what it is about the other woman, but she feels more comfortable with her than she has with anyone in a long time.
“See, I told you we needed this speed date.”
The brunette rolls her eyes, then ducks her head down to hide her smile. “You’re just here because you want me to audition for your weird ‘just our mouths’ group.” She uses her fingers to make air quotes as she says it, then crosses her arms again.
Chloe winks. “Don’t forget that I’m also here to make sure you’re safe.” She gestures vaguely behind her without actually turning around in her chair.
Beca glances over the redhead’s shoulder before meeting her eyes again. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that guy left.”
Chloe turns around, realizing that the guy had indeed left, along with most of the others. She didn’t even realize it was past 8 pm already. “Right.” She says, then smiles easily at Beca.
“Guess this date,” Beca says it with an eye roll, “has served its purpose then, huh?” she asks, avoiding Chloe’s eyes.
The redhead’s smile widens, before pushing her chair back and standing up. “Maybe, maybe not. See you around, Becs.”
She finds Amy a couple of minutes later. Honestly, she’s still a little taken aback by what Chloe had said to her. She really wishes it didn’t affect her the way it very clearly did, but there was just something about the other girl. Or maybe it was the fact that she was the only person in a room full of people that Beca didn’t really know, or know at all. Who knows.
“Hey! Where’s all your guys?” Amy asks as she walks over, a guy walking next to her on either side.
“Uh, no guys. Nope. Can we just go home now?” Amy nods and pushes the two men away from her, but not before giving them her number of course.
“So,” Amy says as soon as they’re outside of the building, “I saw you talking to that uptight girl from the Bellas.”
“Who, Chloe?” Beca says, surprised to hear that her friend knows who she is. I mean, sure, Chloe seems like the kind of girl that everyone knows and stuff, but still.
“Is that her name? I didn’t really listen last time.”
“How do you know Chloe?”
“How do you?”
“The activities fair.” Beca answers.
“Oh.” Amy says, but it sounds like she almost doesn’t believe her or something.
“What?” She asks, confused.
“Nothing, just, the way you two were looking at each other made it seem like you knew each other a little better than just ‘the activities fair’. I mean, that’s where I met her, and I’m not looking at her like I want to bone her.”
“Dude!” Beca says, now realizing she’s blushing too. God, this night just keeps getting better and better for her. “I don’t – I’m not- I don’t want to.. bone.. her. She’s just.. just Chloe.”
“Sure, sure. Whatever you say, shorty.”
There’s a pause between them. Beca hopes that if she just stays quiet, Amy will drop the topic and she can just return to her dorm room where it’s quiet and peaceful and she can put on her headphones and forget all about this stupid fucking evening. Seriously, she’s never participating in any kind of bet with Amy, ever again. But of course, the Australian girl doesn’t drop the topic.
“Listen, Beca, all I’m saying is that she was the only one in that room that made you smile the entire evening.”
“You were staring at me?”
“I was trying to make a video of you doing something embarrassing so that I could relive the experience.”
“Great, thanks.” She says, crossing her arms and staring at her friend.
“Anyways, I know I don’t know you very well, but I feel like I know you well enough to say that there’s something there. You may not want to admit it, or maybe you’re just an idiot and you can’t see it at all, but the second Chloe sat in front of you, you were like a whole different person. And she didn’t want to leave either. I could see her other uptight friend shooting her death stares from behind you, but she didn’t care at all.”
“There’s nothing there, okay? I’ll just see you tomorrow.” She answers after a short pause. She doesn’t do well with this stuff. Especially after an exhausting day. Amy understands though, and just wishes her a good night.
As soon as she’s in her dorm room, she puts on her headphones and starts working on her new mix. Usually, it clears her mind, helps her process and forget what happened. However, this time, she can’t help but think about what Amy said to her. What that really true? Then, she thinks about what Chloe said to her. ‘Maybe, maybe not.’ What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Just as she’s about to give up on this night and just go to bed, her phone chimes and a new message pops up. It’s from Amy, and there’s a video attached.
She opens it, turning the volume all the way down. She watches herself, watches how she’s talking to that extremely boring guy, watches how the creep walks over. Then she sees Chloe walk over and sit in front of her, and her own face on video almost makes her throw up. Since when does she smile like that? It’s really only for a little bit, because she pulls herself together and shoots Chloe one of her famous glares. But still, it’s weird, and she’s never seen herself like this.
When the video ends, she notices Amy sent her a text message as well.
CB: 404-555-0189. Think about it.
Maybe she will.
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ghxul-x · 7 years
Prank gone wrong? {Colby Brock x reader}
"Hey guys!  It's Colby Brock here and today I'll be pranking my girlfriend (Y/N) with the help of Devyn" he said turning the camera so it was facing Devyn.
"You wanna tell them what we'll be doing?" he asked her. Devyn nodded and started speaking into the camera: "Well at first I didn't want to do this, but Colby convinced me!" she paused for a second and then started talking again: "We're gonna pull a cheating prank on (Y/N)".
Colby turned the camera so it was only facing him as he started to explain how exactly they were going to prank you.
~time skip to when you are coming home~
"Guys, (Y/N) just texted me that she'll be  home in about 5 minutes so we have to set up everything pretty fast!" he said and then hid the camera, climbing into the bed with Devyn.
Your POV:
"Hey Corey!" you said. "Oh, hi (Y/N) what's up?" he gave back turning around to face you.  "Do you know where Colby is? " you asked smiling.  "Yeah, he should be upstairs, but before you go up I got to tell you something! " he said lowering his voice. You looked at him with a questioning look on your face as he dragged you into the kitchen. "Okay listen,  I heard Colby and Devyn talking about pulling a cheating prank on you and as you know Devyn pulled one on me a while ago, so I figured we could give them the payback they deserve! " he said grinning.
"Oh I've got the perfect idea!  Thanks for telling me Corey! " you grinned.
You started walking upstairs hearing them giggle.  Putting on a concerned face you entered the room and looked at them in shock. "What the fuck?! " you said raising your voice. Colby got up and walked towards you. "B-babe, it's not what it looks like!  I can explain, I swear! " he stuttered as you backed away from him with faked tears in your eyes. "There's nothing to explain!  It's over,  I'm leaving! " you yelled at him and started running out of your room making your way to your car and taking of fast.
On the way to a friends house you face timed Corey: "Yo, (Y/N)  that was hilarious! " he laughed as he answered your call. You started laughing "what is he doing now?" "Wait a second." he said as he went downstairs to check on Colby and switching his phone camera so you could see what was going on.
Colby was pacing around in the hallway, Devyn standing next to him with a concerned look on her face.
"Shit,shit,shit! I think we went too far!" Colby said to Devyn. She just nodded.
"Fuck, what do I do now?" he said near tears. That's when Corey decided to say something as well: "Dude, what happened? Why did (Y/N) take of like that?"
Colby explained the whole thing to him whilst you tried your hardest not to laugh, because you were still face timing Corey. "Shit dude, I think you messed up badly!" Corey stated after Colby finished explaining. "Yes, I know!" he said with both of his hands in his hair. "Well you better tell her it was a prank soon!" Corey said and started walking back upstairs to his room. "Oh my god, that's hilarious!" you laughed. "Heck yeah it is, but what's the plan now?" he asked concerned.
"Well I thought about ignoring him for the next few days and then I'll come back whilst he's home and pretend that I'm packing my stuff together and then I'm gonna reveal the prank!" you laughed.
"Omg, that's gonna make him freak out!" he laughed.
You ended the call as you arrived at your friends house which you were going to stay at for the next few days.
Of course Colby tried calling you a lot these two days you were gone, but you just ignored him like Corey and you had planned. Corey kept you updated on what was happening whilst you were at your friends house.
About two days after you had left you texted Corey:
(Y/N): Hey Corey, I think I'll be coming over tonight to "pack my bags", so please get Colby to be at home!
Corey: Sure thing! See you later!
~time skip to about 9 pm. ~
(Y/N): I'll be there in 5.
Corey: Ok, good. Colby's in the kitchen right now, I'll get the camera!
~5 minutes later~
You unlocked the front door and got in.
Colby turned around to see who was coming home. His eyes widened as he saw you and he immediately walked towards you and tried to hug you.
It hurt you a little to do this to him but you walked away from him without saying a word. You walked into the room you two shared and started packing.
As Colby saw what you were doing he started to panic. "(Y/N) please let me explain! It was just a stupid prank, I'd never cheat on you! I love you!" he cried out as he tried to stop you from leaving.
"I don't care if it's just a prank! I'm done, we're done!" you yelled as you grabbed your bag and walked downstairs, Colby running after you. "No (Y/N) please don't leave me!" he cried even harder.
That's when you dropped your bag, ran towards him and hugged him tightly.
Colby had a more than just confused look on his face but hugged you back desperately. You pulled away as Corey came out of the kitchen with a camera an shouted: "Welcome, to the prank war!" Colby's mouth flung open: "Oh my god, are you kidding me?" he said and you hugged him again and said: "Payback is a bitch!"
"You scared the shit out of me (Y/N)!"
Colby stated hugging you back and looking down to you.
"That's what you get for pranking me babe!" you laughed and kissed him.
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lala-kate · 8 years
Pulse Points:  Chapter 7
This chapter is dedicated to @lillie-grey and @sometimesangryblackwoman. I hope you enjoy it, my dear friends and sisters. 
All mistakes mine. You can read it here or on ff.net. :)
It’s been five days.
 Five miserable days since she ran out of his house in a panic. Five lonely days of ignored texts, unanswered calls, and of him wondering just what the hell happened after he left his bedroom and walked into the kitchen.
One minute, they’d been kissing and touching, smiling and discussing what he should fix for breakfast--the next…
 The next minute she’d shot out his front door like a frightened hare, her face wet from tears she tried to hide from him, her legs as unsteady as her voice.  What in God’s name had terrified her so badly?  What the hell had he done wrong?
 He touched his lips, remembering the taste of her, the feel of her, how warm she felt pressed into his body, how perfectly she fit him in more ways than one. He ached all over, longed for a glimpse of that smile that had dazzled him from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in his restaurant, craved her laughter that tickled his insides, missed her touch that left him burning, remembered her scent that drove him wild.
 Regina. Christ, he just missed her.
 She’d left him a bruised and battered man living in a fog of his own creation, a fog he had to shake in order to get back to living.  He’d had a life before her, after all, one that wasn’t so bad, actually, one filled with family, friends and a son who brightened his entire world. One regulated by schedules, salaries, and late night poker over a few beers, one that resulted nightly in his lying down in an empty bed, a bed that had once been warm because of Marian’s presence in it.
 A bed now colder than ever because of Regina’s absence.
This was ridiculous--no, he was ridiculous. He had to forget her, this woman who rearranged his heart before he’d even realized she’d set up residence. Forgetting her shouldn’t be that difficult, actually, not when she’d waltzed into his life and nearly broken his nose a mere week ago, all five feet and three inches of her. But she’d somehow worked her way into his psyche and under his skin, and she refused to leave him alone, even when she wouldn’t acknowledge his calls.
 The problem seemed to be his and his alone.
 But she’d laughed at his stupid jokes, had been brave enough to stay the night after he’d ruined their dinner and presented himself to her in his boxers and socks. She’d let him talk about Marian, had held his hand when he spoke of her death, had listened to story after story about her Lupus and Roland’s birth before sharing her own about adopting Henry. They’d compared notes about raising boys, being single parents, about trying to balance work and family, about dealing with guilt when personal needs arose at massively inconvenient times.
 He’d told her there had been no one since Marian, that no one had even caught his eye since her death. She admitted that it had been years since she’d had sex, that she kept a vibrator hidden in her nightstand drawer and that she lived in semi-fear that Henry would happen upon it one day. He’d kissed her in a way he wouldn’t have believed possible for him again, and she’d kissed him back with the same fervor, one he’d savored and devoured, one he now replayed over and over again in his mind.
 She’d let him see her naked, had allowed him to kiss the scar she found so daunting, the same scar he found beautiful because it meant she lived. He’d touched it, tasted it, had memorized it’s texture as his breath painted assurances over exposed skin.
 He’d thought they were on the verge of something special. But she obviously felt differently. Why else would she leave him high and dry without an explanation, a text, or even a note for five days? But that explanation didn’t make sense, either, not after the night they’d shared. No something was off, something he was missing, something that should probably be glaringly obvious and would probably bite him in the end.
 Shit. Just shit.
 He didn’t love her, that wasn’t possible, not after a mere two dates and one night together, no matter how mind-blowingly incredible the sex had been. He didn’t think she’d faked anything, hoped to God he hadn’t somehow inadvertently hurt her. She’d cried her release into his mouth, his shoulder, his neck, had cinched and fluttered around both his fingers and his cock.
 But it had been more than sex for him, and he’d thought it had been the same for her. She’d told him as much as they’d lain wrapped up in each other, naked and sated and so very tired. She’d shown him as much over and over again, through touches, smiles, caresses and whispered confessions that felt every bit as intimate to him as being inside her body. He may not love her, but he was in the process of falling, and damn it, it was next to impossible to stop mid-air and reverse the laws of gravity.
 But he had to, it would seem. She’d made that choice for him after he’d already stepped off of the cliff.
 “Daddy. I don’t feel good.”
 He set down his reheated coffee, this morning’s leftover brew he’d microwaved to ward off a simmering headache still bitter on his tongue. It was his night off from the restaurant. God, he was supposed to have been cooking dinner for Roland and himself while he’d been staring at his silent phone, brooding over a woman who’d written him off.  But one look at his son’s face let him know that dinner probably wasn’t going to happen tonight.
 His boy was pale, his cheeks flushed a bright magenta.
 He moved to Roland and laid a warm palm on his son’s forehead. Christ, he was burning up. He pulled Roland to his chest and scooped him up gently, somewhat alarmed at how limp the boy felt in his arms as he moved to the medicine cabinet and took out the Children’s Ibuprofen.
 “Here, Roland,” he murmured, sitting his son down on the toilet seat, popping open the lid and pouring the red liquid into a plastic measuring cup. “Drink this.”
 Roland grimaced as he swallowed.
 “It hurts,” he muttered, pointing to his neck. “My throat. And my arms.”
 Robin ran some water into a small glass and brought it to Roland’s mouth.
 “This will help,” he assured him, stroking curls that seemed droopier than usual. Roland drank without protest, his face scrunching as the liquid made it’s way down his throat. He raised his arms up towards his father, and Robin picked him up again, glancing at his watch, noting that it was already a little after 6:00 pm. That eliminated calling his pediatrician, he realized, wondering then if Roland’s temperature would warrant a trip to the emergency room.
 He grabbed the thermometer and gently nuzzled it into Roland’s ear, growing more concerned as it took longer than usual for the device to beep. 102.3. Yes--it was definitely time for a trip to the ER.
 He bundled Roland up in his heaviest coat, grabbing his Captain America blanket for good measure as he carried him to the car, cursing himself for not warming up his vehicle ahead of time as winter cold stung his cheeks. But Roland didn’t seem to mind, his eyes drooping to half-mast as Robin buckled him into his car seat and tucked the blanket in around him. How had this happened so quickly, he wondered?  Roland had been unusually tired this afternoon, had refused his regular after school snack, had actually fallen asleep while watching Peppa Pig, but he hadn’t been hot when Robin picked him up from preschool. Robin had assumed the boy had just had an overly busy day, but he should have paid more attention, should have checked him when he’d refused his snack, should have quizzed about his symptoms before this fever had spiked.
 Shit. He hoped it wasn’t the flu.
 But it was making the rounds among both students and teachers at Highlands Montessori, as was strep and the dreaded stomach bug, and he breathed a word of thanks that at least Roland wasn’t vomiting. Adding that to his high fever would be adding insult to injury.
 Snow flurries grew into decent-sized flakes as he drove, but the roads remained clear as he made his way to the nearest hospital and parked as close as he could to the ER entrance.
 Roland didn’t protest as Robin scooped him out of his seat, his head falling onto his father’s shoulder as one small hand patted his father’s back.
 “Cold,” Roland uttered, prompting Robin to walk even faster towards the door.
 “Yes,” Robin said, rubbing his son’s back through the blanket. “But we’ll be inside in a second, and it will be nice and toasty in there.”
 It wasn’t as toasty as he’d hoped, but it would have to do, he observed as they made their way to the front desk. Shit--it was packed in here tonight. God only knew how long it would be before it would be their turn. He carried the clipboard with the necessary forms in one hand while balancing Roland in the other, sitting down clumsily as far away as he could from any other sick person in the waiting room, a difficult task when practically every seat was taken.
 “Want me to take that up to the desk for you?”  
 A young woman in Cookie Monster scrubs with brown hair and a nametag that identified her as Belle: RN Pediatrics stood in front of him, her hand extended towards the clipboard. He smiled, nodding as Roland snuggled further into his chest and groaned.
 “Looks like your hands are full enough,” Belle observed, leaning in to feel Roland’s forehead. “How long has he had this fever?”
 “Just a few hours,” Robin answered. “It hit him out of nowhere.”
 She nodded, looking over the boy’s chart.
 “Sounds like flu,” Belle said with a sigh. “We’re seeing a lot of it this week. I’ll try to get you two back to get checked as quickly as I can. The ER is so swamped tonight with the multi-car pile-up on Storrow Drive added to cold and flu season that they’ve called in extra help, including me. We have a make-shift peds area set up with two extra pediatricians on hand so the babies and children won’t have to wait too long.”
 He closed his eyes, swallowing hard.
 “Thank you,” he muttered, kissing Roland’s curls after tugging off his toboggan. “I appreciate it more than you know.”
 Belle smiled and carried his chart up to the registration desk, speaking with the woman in charge a few moments, giving her instructions. Robin slid down into the chair, trying to get as comfortable as possible as he adjusted Roland in his lap until the boy’s head lay flat against his chest. Even with extra hands on deck in pediatrics, there was still no telling how long they would have to wait, and he felt his own eyes start to droop as CNN played softly in the background and various people coughed and hacked around them.
 The voice shook him out of his stupor, and he stood, locating a young man with closely shaved black hair and round glasses holding his chart and motioning him towards a door.
 “I’m Carlos,” the nurse stated, leading them back through a maze of hallways and equipment. A man either in extreme pain or high as a kite was yelling obscenities in the background, but Roland didn’t even stir, a fact for which Robin was both thankful and alarmed. “We’ll get you two settled and I’ll check his temperature.”
 They made their way through curtains into a small, rectangular space which held a chair, a bed on wheels, and an assortment of medical equipment that left Robin cold inside. He’d seen too many rooms like this during his marriage, especially during Marian’s pregnancy and right after Roland’s birth, and he swallowed down bile, forcing himself to focus on Roland and only Roland as Carlos checked the boy’s temperature.
 “101.6,” Carlos stated. “Did you give him any medicine before you came?”
 “Children’s Ibuprofen,” Robin answered. “It was 102.3 earlier, so it has gone down somewhat.”
 Carlos nodded as he scribbled something on the chart.
 “I’m going to check him for strep and flu,” he stated. “So I’ll need you to hold him still, if you don’t mind.”
 “Of course not,” Robin uttered, adjusting Roland so he faced the nurse and leaned back against his torso. The boy nearly gagged on the throat swab and tried to hide his face when Carlos leaned in to swab his nose for the flu test, but they got it done without too much difficulty.
 “The strep test takes 5-10 minutes to produce a result, the flu test about 15-20,” Carlos explained. “After we have the results from both, Dr. Mills would be in to see you.”
 He nearly shot out of his seat at that.
 “Dr. Mills?” Robin asked, his voice rising in pitch as his tongue doubled in size.
 “Trust me,” Carlos stated as he pulled back the curtain. “You’re in good hands. She’s one of the best.”
 Dr. Mills...a pediatrician…and a female pediatrician, at that. It could be a coincidence, but his heart pounded all the same, robbing his mouth of moisture as his mind scattered in one hundred directions at once. Roland snuggled back into his chest, asleep within seconds, and Robin was glad for it as he stroked the boy’s hair, his heart in tatters as Marian’s memory, Roland’s illness and Regina’s proximity turned him into a sodding mess.
 Twenty minutes seemed like a bloody eternity.
 He finally heard a shuffling from behind the curtain, and he watched as a delicate hand drew it aside, only to find himself staring at the very woman who had haunted his every waking and sleeping moment for the past five days staring at him with wide, tired eyes.
 “Robin,” she muttered, moving into the small cubical, looking down at Roland in concern. She seemed surprised, but not startled, and he knew that his son’s chart had given her a few seconds to compose herself before facing him. How in God’s name would they have handled things if neither of them had been given any warning?
 “So you’re alive,” he said, hating his words as soon as they left his mouth. She had the decency to look sheepish, but she composed herself quickly, forcing herself to meet his gaze head-on.
 “Yes,” she returned. “I’m alive.” The air was thick, his every nerve on high alert as he watched her look back down at Roland’s chart and clear her throat. “Roland’s flu test was positive.”
 Just like that, they’d changed course. He was actually glad for it.
 “Did he get a flu shot this fall?” she asked, and Robin nodded, trying to get his train of thought moving in one direction rather than twelve. “Good. That means he should recover quicker than he would have without one.” Her words continued, something about Tamiflu being a possibility but not really one she would recommend as Henry had a reaction to it last year, about lots of fluids and rest, and would he be able to get his family to cover for him at the restaurant while he looked after Roland?
 “I owe you an apology,” she then stated, catching him off guard, her voice far calmer than he felt. His insides churned, and everything hit him at once...Marian’s death, his night with Regina, their love making, her running out the door, Roland having the flu….
 “Yes,” he said. “You do. An explanation would be lovely, too.”
 She looked hurt, truly hurt, and he hated himself for making her look that way.
 “It wasn’t you,” she began, her tone barely above a whisper. “You did nothing wrong, it was…”
 “It was what?” he cut in, impatience and pain prompting him forward. “Is this where you tell me it was all you and that I shouldn’t feel bad about it? Because I do feel badly about it, Regina. I feel like shit, to be honest.”
 She closed her eyes, swallowing hard before looking back at him.
 “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “I never meant to hurt you. And if it makes you feel any better, I feel like shit, too.”
 A bitter laugh forced itself out, leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
 “Then why did you run away? Why do this to both of us?”  He stood, holding Roland to his chest, staring at her directly, willing her to tell him the truth. But her eyes fell to the chart, her cheeks heating as her breath hitched.
 “It’s complicated,” she finally said, her hands shaking slightly. She looked so small and vulnerable then, and his heart squeezed until it hurt, until every part of him wanted to yell, to throw up his hands and run out in the cold until he was past the point of feeling.
 “Then tell me,” he practically begged. “I’m a fairly intelligent man, Regina. Complicated stories are usually something I can manage to comprehend.”
 “This isn’t the time or place,” she cut in, taking a step in his direction. “I have patients to see, and you need to get your son home and into bed.”
 His chest deflated at that, and he felt like the worst dad in the world for allowing his heartache over a woman he’d known a week interfere with his concern for his son. She seemed to sense this, God, she sensed too much about him, and she handed him a paper with instructions he couldn’t quite make out at the moment.
 “He’s going to be fine,” she assured him, her tone more personal than professional. “Regular fluids are the key. Pedialyte and Gatorade would be good to have on hand because he’s likely to have little to no appetite for a few days. If he won’t drink, give him popsicles. I used to have to do that with Henry.”  She smiled softly, her gaze moving to the dark curls splayed over his shoulder.
 “So no Italian Cream Cake.”
 His own words surprised him, as did the small smile that danced across her features as she stroked Roland’s hair.
 “If he feels good enough to ask for Italian Cream Cake, give it to him,” she instructed. “Nonno and Marco’s cooking might do wonders for him, especially if they can whip up a nice, healthy broth.”
 “You know those two,” he muttered, unable to keep from smiling himself. “They’ll deliver it by hand if it’s for Roland.”
 “Yes,” she breathed, looking up at him, seeing into him one glorious second before the mask of the physician slid back into place. “They would.”
 He knew the moment was gone, and he missed it already, that one brief moment of emotional intimacy enough to let him know that something was off here, terribly, terribly off. If only she’d let him know what the hell it was.
 “Alternate Tylenol with Motrin every four hours until his fever breaks, but know that it’s likely to continue to come back for several days. If his fever goes higher than 103, becomes unresponsive to medication or his symptoms linger for longer than five days, take him to his regular pediatrician to get  him checked again.”  She paused once more, avoiding his eyes, weighing something carefully in her mind before she swallowed hard and met his gaze. “Or call me. I’m happy to check up on him any time.”
 His lips pressed together as he nodded, words pressing through dry lips before he could call them back.
 “So you’ll take my calls now?”
 His name feathered over her lips, lips he wanted to kiss even as he wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake the truth out of her.
 “Sorry,” he uttered. “That was unfair.”
 He moved towards the curtain, preparing to take his leave when she reached out to touch his sleeve.
 “No,” she stated, her tone low and private. “It wasn’t.”  Emotions he couldn’t identify rolled over her features, but he was able to discern turmoil. It was palpable between them. “I’ll take your calls and your texts,” she continued. “I’m sorry for not answering them this week. It’s just...things have been...things are…”
 “Complicated. I get it.”
 They were standing close now, so close he could smell the sweet, floral scent of her hair mixed in with the strong odor of disinfectant. Her eyes were dark, her lips practically free of lipstick, and he saw then that she’d had a long, probably sleepless tenure here what with her taking on ER duties on top of her regular office hours and patients to help sick children. He wanted to comfort her, of all things, wanted to hold her to his chest, to kiss her forehead, to tell her that they’d work out whatever she thought was so tricky that it prompted her to run out the front door. But it stung, the rejection she’d served him up on a cold platter, so he stepped back instead, wondering if he’d actually call or text her, knowing he probably would because he was just that pathetic, wondering if she’d ever tell him the truth about what had scared her so badly.
 Because she was scared of something between them. That much was obvious.
 “Goodbye, Regina.”
 The words tasted bland on his tongue as his insides shut down, and he watched her flinch before her eyes fell and she nodded, accepting what she obviously interpreted as rejection in a manner that seemed practiced and well-used. She shouldn’t get to him like this, shouldn’t matter this much, but as he turned and walked out of the hospital, she was still with him in his head, in his heart, and he cursed once he had Roland buckled in securely, turning on the heat before slamming his hands against the steering wheel until his hands stung.
 He couldn’t know that she’d slid into the bathroom after he left and locked the door, that she’d cried as she hadn’t cried in months, that she was cursing herself with the same ferocity as he just had, that her heart now lay in tatters around her feet but that she was too frightened to pick it up. He couldn’t know that she went through the rest of the night as a robot, her emotions trailing behind her like a slip whose elasticity had broken, her scar throbbing even though it could generate no pain. He had no idea that his name was what she whispered when she finally fell into bed at 2:00 a.m., pulling the covers up to her chin and tracing the very scar that now stood between them.
 He couldn’t know that they both thought of Marian and each other as they finally fell asleep. He couldn’t know how badly she wanted to let herself fully trust him, fully love him, how she wanted to tell him everything yet feared his reaction too much. He couldn’t know that she replayed their encounter over and over again in her mind as the minutes ticked by, wishing she’d handled it differently, wondering just what he thought of her now, knowing she’d probably never hear from him again, crying over the fact even though she thought it was for the best.
 He only feared she’d just stepped out of his life forever, cursing himself and this bloody insomnia as the night’s events held him hostage, knowing deep down that he’d never be able to get over what could have been.
Something was terribly wrong with his mom.
 Henry knew that she’d worked longer hours than usual last night, which was disturbing in itself as hard as she worked anyway. That’s why she’d let him spend the night with Aunt Mary Margaret and Uncle Dave, because she knew how late she’d be and wanted to make certain he got a good night’s sleep. But she’d been upset by something earlier in the week, something he was sure had to do with Robin, the guy in the restaurant she’d liked, the one he’d known had liked her, too. She’d been a nervous wreck before their date, but she’d been a bigger wreck after it was over, and that wasn’t okay with Henry, not one little bit.
 If Robin had hurt his mom, he wanted to let the guy have it.
 He’d asked her several times what had happened, but all she’d say was that Robin was nice, but that they just weren’t meant to be. She was a terrible liar, even though she thought she was really good at it, and Henry knew there was a lot more to it that she was letting on. Besides, if Robin was such a nice guy, how could she know that they weren’t meant to be so quickly?
 “She is acting weird,” Mary Margaret had stated. “I agree with Henry, David. Something had to have happened with Robin.”
 “Okay,” David had returned. “Let’s say that something happened between them. It’s still none of our business. If Regina doesn’t want to talk about her love life, she shouldn’t have to.”
 “Mom doesn’t have a love life,” Henry said. “You know that. This is the first date she’s had since her surgery.”
 “And she needs to talk about it, David,” Mary Margaret argued, patting Henry on the hand as he ate his bologna and cheese sandwich. “You know how Regina tends to keep things all bottled up inside of her until they eat her alive. A little nudging from her friends can’t hurt.”
 “Yes,” David returned. “It can. We should stay out of this, Mary Margaret.” He paused, looking directly at Henry and pointing a finger in his direction. “And so should you.”
 Mary Margaret said nothing else, but she’d shot Henry a look that let him know that she had no intention of dropping it. Good. He had an ally.
 The two of them were now alone together at his house, chatting as Mary Margaret was slicing vegetables for a salad that would accompany the spaghetti that was boiling on the stove.
 “Do you think she’ll work as late tonight as she did last night?” Henry asked. Mary Margaret sighed, turning to look at him from her position by the kitchen counter.
 “Who knows?” she returned. “Regina told me that last night she didn’t get home until 1:30. Let’s hope there are no more multi-car pile ups and that she can make it earlier tonight.”
 He nodded, tapping his fingers on the counter.
 “I think something happened last night, too, you know. Something personal.”
 Mary Margaret paused, her eyes narrowing.
 “You mean with Robin?” she asked. “Why do you think that? It could have just been a rough night with patients, Henry.”
 “Aunt Mary Margaret, I know my mom,” Henry replied. “Something besides work was bothering her this morning, something she wouldn’t talk about, and that makes me think it has to be about Robin.”
 He’d seen it in the way her shoulders drooped, in the way her eyes looked almost dead, had heard it in the flat tone of her voice. She’d had her hopes dashed, something she’d gotten used to as they’d waited and waited for a suitable heart to become available for her, and he couldn’t let his mom go there again. She’d been a dark, lonely place for too long.
 The only person he’d seen lately who’d raised her hopes as far as they’d been raised earlier this week was Mr. Robin Locksley. Therefore, he had to have been the one who’d dashed them onto the ground.
 “Crap,” Mary Margaret muttered, raising her index finger to her mouth. “I cut myself. Where are the Band-Aids?”
 “There are some in mom’s bathroom,” Henry answered, already halfway up the stairs as he yelled back his answer. “I’ll bring them down.”
 He pushed open his mom’s bedroom door, shaking his head at the clothes that had piled up in the corner. She hadn’t left messes untended like this since right after her surgery. This wasn’t a good sign. She’d come so far--they’d come so far, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her drifting back into depression. He sighed as he walked towards the stack of dirty clothes, intending to put them in the hamper before he grabbed the box of Band-Aids. A paper fell out of a pocket, and he stared at it as he dropped the clothes, picking up the paper, his breath catching when he realized what it was.
 It was a letter. His letter. The one he’d written two years ago and sent to the family of the person whose heart his mother now had.
 Why did his mom have it? How did she have it? He’d never even told her that he’d written it, had relied upon Mary Margaret to help him get it mailed so as not to upset his mom any further. There was no way she should have it, it had been mailed years ago, unless the family hadn’t wanted it and had returned it, somehow, unless she’d met the family and had figured things out, unless...
 Wait. Robin. Robin!
 His wife had died...wasn’t it two years ago?  Wasn’t that what his mom had told him? Hadn’t she revealed that the woman had been an organ donor, Robin’s late wife, because Henry had then stated that that was a quite a coincidence, that Robin’s family had helped someone just like someone had helped the two of them?
 His eyes flew open as the truth hit him like a bolt of lightning.
 “Aunt Mary Margaret!” he yelled. “I know! I know what happened!”
 He dashed down the steps, the Band-Aids forgotten, stopping dead just in front of his very startled looking godmother.
 “What’s this?” she asked, plucking the paper from his fingers, her eyes widening as she took in the truth.
 “It’s my letter!” he replied. “The letter you helped me write. It was upstairs in mom’s pants’ pocket.”
 “But how?” she muttered, confusion still clouding what he’d already put together. “How did she…”
 “Don’t you see?” Henry asked. “She must have found it at Robin’s house after their date, which would mean…”
 “Oh my God,” Mary Margaret breathed, her eyes doubling in diameter. “His wife. Regina’s heart once belonged to Robin’s dead wife!”
 “Exactly!” Henry cried, jumping up in his excitement as Mary Margaret’s hand rested on her slightly rounded stomach. “That’s why she’s been so upset. That’s why she won’t talk about what’s been bothering her, because she thinks it’s her fault. She always thinks it’s her fault.”
 “Even when she’s done nothing wrong,” Mary Margaret uttered, dashing over to the oven and turning off the burner. “Come on, Henry. Get your coat.”
 His heart sped up in his chest.
 “Where are we going?” he asked as he slid on his navy beanie. Mary Margaret turned to face him, a determination he knew well enough to respect staring back at him through greener than green eyes.
 “To L & M’s Pub and Trattoria,” she replied, scooping up both her car keys and her purse. “We need to find out if our theory is right, and to do that, we need to go straight to the source.”
 “And if it is?” Henry questioned, his brows slanting upward as they walked out the front door and down the front steps.
“Well,” Mary Margaret smiled, her focus narrowing as they reached her car. “Then we’re going to give your mom and Robin a good, hard nudge in the right direction, whether either of them or David wants us to or not.”
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