#with switchfoot 16+ years
seafoam-mermaid · 2 years
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Switchfoot and Relient K in the early 2000’s
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use-your-telescope · 7 months
When Everything's Made to be Broken - Chapter 16: We Don't Know What We're Doing
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Summary: Amidst the day to day, Theo and Loki continue to learn new things about each other, including some interesting details about how they view relationships.
Author’s Note: First, I am so sorry this is so late!! I had planned to post on the 28th, but I ended up having some (good) things come up that took up my weekend and meant I didn’t have time to get this to a point I felt was ready to post. I foolishly thought I could have it ready by Tuesday, then by Friday, then Sunday, then accepted my fate and admitted I just wouldn’t have time until this weekend to get this chapter wrapped up and posted (shoutout to a work trip last weekend for making this take an extra week!) I shared a note about the delay on tumblr, but figured I’d share it here so I’m covering my bases.
That being said, spring is a crazy time for me work-wise, plus I’m finishing my second master’s degree this semester (after a two year hiatus!), so this will probably not be the only time things get a bit delayed. I’m pretty sure I will have the next chapter ready for next Sunday (the 24th), but the week after that has some work stuff going on, which means the following chapter would be posted on March 9th. Anyways, thanks for your patience, and hope you enjoy <3 reblogs are always appreciated, and lmk if you want to be added to tag list!
Word Count: 6,789
Song: Amateur Lovers - Switchfoot (Bonus Song: Passing Through A Screen Door - The Wonder Years)
Everyone I know Needs love like drugs Like a common cold We could never shrug My baby and me We're missing the same stuff We've all got a disease Deficiency of love Every day we still try Every night we still cry Driving home on the 805
Months after Theo first promised Loki that she would hang out with the other Avengers, she could not deny the truth: Loki, the little shit, was right.
Unintentionally agreeing to “family night” opened the floodgates of invitations to hang out, and other than the period of time where everyone’s moods plummeted from the string of unpleasant anniversaries, Theo found herself becoming more and more fond of the colorful collection of superheroes that she lived with, and it seemed like they accepted her with open arms.
Even worse, Loki was right and he knew it.
Every time Theo caught him watching as Wanda braided her hair or Yelena talked her into trying (and absolutely sucking at) Call of Duty, Loki cocked an eyebrow and shot Theo the most smug, self-satisfied smirk. When he wandered into the lab and stumbled upon Theo and Helen working on new medical technology with Bruce and Shuri, a downright devious glint flashed in his jade eyes, and his jaw flexed as if he bit back some snarky comment about Theo’s voluntary presence. When they went out as a team and it came to light that Natasha had done Theo’s makeup, Loki bit his lower lip to stifle a snicker. 
On that night, Theo had just finished up working in the emergency department; after showering and changing into an old set of Duke sweatpants and a shirt she stole from Chris the last time she stayed at his apartment, Theo made her way out to the living room with a book in hand.
The sight that greeted her was one she often found at the end of the day: Sam, Bucky, Yelena, Natasha, and Steve sprawled out on some of the more comfortable seating options, clad in sweatpants and worn t-shirts after what was likely a long day of training and briefings. A video game that Theo vaguely recognized, but not enough to identify, broadcast itself from the television screen, displaying a mix of desolate space-esque scenarios and scifi combat. 
Sam sat on the edge of the couch cushions, leaned in towards the television screen with a video game controller clutched in both hands, focusing so intently on the screen that he stuck a bit of his tongue out as he mashed buttons on the controller. 
On another couch sat Yelena and Natasha, with Bucky sandwiched between the two widows. Yelena and Bucky alternated between shoving fistfuls of popcorn into their mouths and shouting at the television as an explosion flashed on the screen, while Natasha sat with her legs curled up under her, sipping a glass of merlot as she occasionally teased Sam about dying in the game.
“Theo, hey,” Steve waved from the other side of the living room, where he stretched across on the couch with sock-covered feet propped up on the coffee table. 
“Hey,” Theo waved as she took her usual seat, curling into the corner of the couch. “So, which game is this?”
“Halo–” Yelena replied between mouthfuls of popcorn, “— Genetically enhanced super soldiers fighting aliens.”
“I thought the point of playing video games was to take a break from reality…” Theo glanced around the room. “How is ‘genetically enhanced super soldiers fighting aliens’ any different from what we already do?” 
“It’s fictional.” Yelena shrugged, despite the knowing grin she wore.
“Hey, bird brain, don’t you have something to ask Theo?” Bucky threw a piece of popcorn at Sam, bouncing a fluffy kernel off Sam’s head; Sam scowled, but kept his eyes on the screen.
“Ask me what?” Theo glanced between the others expectantly, her pulse quickening ever so slightly. 
They must have been talking about her… But why? 
“Fuck! I was so close!” Sam groaned as a message flashed across the television screen stating his team lost. He tossed the controller at Bucky, who effortlessly caught it in his non-vibranium hand. “You try.”
“Is anyone going to tell me what I’m supposed to be asked about?” Theo repeated, her chest tightening as she tried to guess what they wanted. She couldn’t think of anything that she did recently to raise any suspicions, and the way Bucky brought it up made it sound like it wasn’t anything serious…
“Dammit Buck, I was gonna ask her when it was just the two of us.” Sam glared at Bucky, who was too busy setting up the next round of whatever shooting game they had decided on for that night.
“Okay, now I’m just getting nervous.” Theo tried to laugh it off, but it didn’t do much to cover up her ballooning nerves.
“Nah, don’t be - I just need advice… ” Sam rubbed his face with both hands, conveniently hiding any clues Theo might have gathered from his expression. “... Dating advice.”
“Dating advice?” Theo’s brows shot skyward as she echoed Sam’s message back to him. 
“Yeah. There’s a hot doc that you work with, and I want to see if she’s interested.”
Well, that certainly changed things.
Theo struggled to keep her cool, cheeks and jaw tensing to prevent a grin from curling up her lips... 
.. What were the odds that Sam shared Julie’s crush?
“Thing is, the only way I ever run into her is when I need to get patched up —“ Sam continued, “— not exactly great for getting to know each other...”
“… So you want my help getting close to her?” Theo ventured, her mind running wild with possibilities. “Who is it?!”
“Oh hell no, I’m not telling!” Sam laughed sheepishly, “Not until I know if she’s interested too!”
“How can I help if I don’t know who it is?” Theo pointed out, “it’s not like all doctors are the same! What works for Julie won’t work for Helen!” 
If Theo didn’t know any better, she swore she saw Sam’s cheeks flush at Julie’s name; then again, that might have been in her head.
“Watch him when he’s in the ER,” Bucky commented, not missing a beat even as all of his attention seemed focused on the video game. “You'll know in two seconds.”
“As much as I don’t want you to need to go to the ER, now I’m curious - maybe we can beat you up a bit during training so you need to pay a visit.” Theo teased, smirking at Sam. Yelena laughed, offering to beat him up, while Natasha and Steve exchanged knowing glances.
“Not you too–” Sam groaned, before pointing at Yelena and Bucky. “ – that’s the same thing these assholes recommended!” 
“Because it’s good advice!” Yelena huffed, crossing her arms. “You want to see her? That’s how!” 
“Oh come on, you really think that’s my advice?! I’m not that terrible,” Theo scoffed, feigning offense. “My first piece of advice would be to talk to her and see what she likes outside of work, then figure out a way to ask her to hang out and do something she enjoys. But unless you tell me who it is, you’re going to need to work up the courage to stop by the ED specifically to talk to her, or you’ll have to wait until you actually have a reason to get patched up.”
Sam let out a sharp breath, shoulders slumping as he narrowed his eyes at Theo. “And if I tell you?”
“Maybe I can help — invite them over when we do a movie night or something,” Theo offered, this time not bothering to hide her smile. After all, Theo was not above a quid pro quo - she gets to satisfy her curiosity, and Sam gets a chance to talk to whoever he’s crushing on. Win-win, really.
Sam narrowed his eyes at Theo. “… Let me think about it.” 
Theo stood up and stretched her arms overhead; since it seemed like Sam had put an end to the conversation, it was as good of a moment as any to step away for a moment and get herself some water. As she sauntered towards the kitchen, she called over her shoulder: “Your choice, but it doesn’t have to be hard!”
Conversation continued among the others as Theo entered the kitchen, voices laughing and chattering over each other so Theo couldn’t make out what anyone said. 
Theo moved on autopilot as she found a glass and added some ice from the freezer, mind spinning as she tried to recall any details from past interactions that would help her figure out which of her colleagues caught Sam’s eye. Even as she moved to the sink to fill her glass, her thoughts remained so occupied with the new mystery that she barely paid her surroundings any mind.
“You feared the Avengers would never trust you, yet Wilson trusts you enough to seek your guidance in matters of the heart; I dare say that your concerns were unfounded.” A low voice spoke from just behind Theo — a smooth baritone that she recognized anywhere, even if it startled her so badly that she dropped her glass and nearly jumped through the ceiling from shock.
A flash of emerald shot forth. Loki caught the glass just before it clattered into the sink, all the while failing to stifle his laughter at the string of curses that fell from Theo’s mouth.
“Can’t you just say hi like a normal person?!” Theo pressed one hand to her heart in a feeble attempt to settle her racing heart, all the while glaring at Loki.
“When such amusement is a possibility? Absolutely not.” Loki grinned, offering Theo her water glass. She snatched it from him, taking a quick drink of water before turning back to the sink and topping it off.
For a moment, Theo considered finding some way to fuck with Loki so he couldn’t gloat so much, but after Loki had a difficult month (between the shitty anniversaries and Thor nearly dying, calling it difficult was probably an understatement), Loki needed the chance to loosen up and laugh. Besides, he was the first friend Theo made when she moved into the tower, and even if she wouldn’t admit it outright, Theo was grateful that Loki had been right. 
So, she simply rolled her eyes and smiled. 
“You’ve not responded to my original comment,” Loki pointed out, smug satisfaction dancing in his tone.
“Sam’s interested in one of my colleagues,” Theo attempted to brush off Loki’s observation, her cheeks burning as they undoubtedly flushed.
“I heard…” Loki leaned back against the kitchen counter, a lazy smile dangling on his lips as he looked at Theo. “Still, he trusts you.”
“Not enough to tell me who it is,” Theo grumbled,  setting her water glass on the marble counter as she pretended to pout so she could cross her arms. “How long were you lurking there?”
“Long enough,” Loki simply shrugged, eyes twinkling from the reflection of the kitchen lights as he looked at Theo. “The exchange reminded me - are you still courting your gentleman caller?” 
Theo couldn’t stifle the snort of laughter that escaped from Loki’s unironic use of the term “gentleman caller;” she slapped both hands over her mouth, entire face now aflame with embarrassment from the ridiculous sound.
Loki tilted his head at Theo’s reaction, brows furrowed in a silent question. 
“Am I supposed to ignore the fact that you just used the term gentleman caller?” Theo finally managed, still chuckling as she repeated the term.
“Is there another term I ought to use?” Despite the neutral tone of Loki’s reply, his cheeks took on a faint shade of pink that stood out against his porcelain skin. “Or am I to presume you are no longer courting him?”
“I’m still seeing him, but I don’t think that ‘gentleman callers’ exist in modern day dating,” Theo couldn’t wipe the smile off her face from hearing the term in daily conversation. “Feminism and all that.”
“Ah, yes, forgive me.” The flush on Loki’s cheeks grew more noticeable. “Nonetheless, you are still courting him?”
“Yeah,” Theo nodded. “Why?”
“You’ve not spoken of him in quite some time.” Loki shrugged; the gesture looked like an attempt to be nonchalant, which matched his tone, but something about the movement seemed a bit… forced.
“You were busy supporting Thor, and I was busy supporting you, so it didn’t seem like the thing to discuss at the time.” Theo offered a sheepish smile as she explained her reasoning. “Besides, it’s nothing serious.”
In response, Loki leaned away ever-so-slightly, narrowing his eyes with a slight frown as he studied Theo.
“What?” Theo tensed as heart quickened in her chest, confused by Loki’s reaction.
“Midgardians often speak of love at first sight; after quite some time, your feelings for the actor seem ambivalent at best, yet you continue to court him,” Loki remarked slowly, continuing to look at her with a perplexed expression. “It’s rather odd.”
Odd - with a silent sigh of relief, Theo relaxed, her shoulders dropping ever so slightly. 
“I don’t believe in love at first sight – that’s lust,” Theo winked, shaking her head. “We’re just having fun and enjoying each other’s company, that’s all.”
“I see,” with a nod, Loki hummed to himself. “Do you foresee the relationship turning into something greater?”
“I don’t know,” Theo shrugged. “Never gave it much thought, if I’m honest.”
As she answered the question, a thought occurred to her: Loki asked about her dating life, but Theo never asked about his… 
“Speaking of dating, did I see you bring someone up to your suite after Stark’s fundraiser a few months back?” Theo cocked a brow at him, a sly grin spread over her face. “What’s going on there?”
“Rest assured, I’ve not kept any partners from you,” Loki replied with a smirk of his own. “I am… not one for attachment, shall we say.”
“So she was a booty call?” Theo giggled, earning a venomously dirty look from Loki. “Well, what would you call it?”
“I prefer to have companions for a single evening,” Loki dryly answered, a pale pink blush returning to his cheeks. “It’s less complicated that way.”
“Is that so?” Theo teased, her grin widening to the point that her cheeks hurt as Loki’s blush grew brighter.
“Yes –” Loki’s explanation took on an edge of defensiveness as his expression teetered on the verge of a scowl.  “It’s not as uncommon as you might think, particularly among our peers.”
Theo barely managed to keep a straight face, all-too-amused by how quickly Loki became flustered.
“Civilians do not understand the nature of our roles, so relationships that are not between two agents or established prior to one becoming an Avenger are practically doomed from the start,”  Loki continued. “Having seen the effect of those failed relationships on others, I have chosen to refrain from courting anyone.”
Theo’s stomach lurched at the observation, her prior amusement vanishing in an instant. She quickly grabbed her water glass, taking a long sip of chilled liquid to ground herself before the implications could make her spiral.
“That being said, physical desire is a near-universal experience, or a need, if you will—” If Theo’s expression shifted, Loki must not have noticed; the usual glint of something clever returned to his eye, as did a wry smirk. “—And sometimes our needs… Well… They need to be satiated.”
“Can’t fault you there.” Theo covered up her discomfort from Loki’s earlier comment with a smirk and a wink of her own. She started towards the living room, glancing back at Loki over her shoulder. “Some of us are hanging out in the living room. You want to join?”
Loki nodded, pressing away from the counter and following Theo into the living room. 
Amidst a chorus of greetings directed at Loki, Theo took her usual seat, but this time stretched her legs out across the cushions so there wasn’t room for anyone else to sit. She looked up and grinned at Loki, who stood in front of the couch like he was about to take his usual place beside her.
With narrowed eyes flitting between the seat and Theo, Loki arched one brow in a silent challenge. Theo simply widened her grin, curious to see what would follow.
To Theo’s surprise, Loki didn’t say anything; instead, he picked up both of Theo’s legs, moving them out of the way so he could sit down; once he settled into his seat, he placed both of Theo’s feet on his lap, as a result returning Theo to her initial position. He capped off the response by flashing an impish grin at Theo, a sort of silent taunt - “you thought you could try me? Foolish mortal.” 
Other than a suspicious glance exchanged between the widows, it didn’t seem like anyone even noticed the exchange between Loki and Theo.
Despite Theo’s playful behavior, Loki’s comment about relationships doomed from the start lurked in the dark recesses of her mind, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. Even as she forced herself to pay attention while Sam and Bucky explained the rules of the particular type of Halo match they selected for the evening, Theo couldn’t shake the vague uneasiness that the comment initially instilled within her. 
A good night text from Chris, something which usually made Theo’s heart flutter in her chest, instead filled her with dread. However, Theo kept her discomfort close to her chest, acting like nothing was amiss as she replied to Chris, wishing him a good night. When Theo returned her attention back to her friends, she tucked her concern away behind carefully crafted smiles and quick-witted comments with such practiced ease that it should have been concerning. 
Only when she had retreated to the privacy of her suite, after turning out the lights and tucking herself beneath her thick, plush comforter, did she allow the matter to crawl out from the shadows and capture her attention. 
When Theo accepted the offer to go on a date, she hadn’t even considered that the difference in careers/experiences would influence their relationship, or the special considerations that she needed to make. Given her career as a doctor, she was used to missing holidays, birthdays, and special occasions because of work. Chris had, up to that point, seemed perfectly fine with that. With healthcare privacy laws, it wasn’t odd for Theo to avoid talking about work with other people, and that naturally flowed into her relationships, another thing that Chris never seemed to mind. He didn’t care that she never brought him up to her suite, and that they always stayed at his apartment. 
Maybe she was overthinking it - they never said anything about getting serious. Besides, she didn’t know the circumstances of the failed relationships that Loki referred to. Other factors could have impacted those relationships. 
Still, the idea of Chris inevitably being hurt because of Theo’s lack of foresight left a bitter taste in her mouth. The last thing Theo needed was to hurt anyone else, but time and time again she made the same mistakes, and innocent people were caught in the crossfire.
Staring up at her ceiling, Theo drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Up until that night, she had no reason to worry about the future with Chris. He hadn’t made any indication that he wanted to pursue a long-term relationship. At that point, they were more of a situationship than anything - they didn’t change their lives for each other, they simply saw each other when it was convenient. That was okay. Theo was fine with that. 
Hopefully Chris was alright with that as well.
You tried to play it down But it never stuck I tried to bail this town I'm getting no such luck, yeah When nobody's around I keep my eyes on the clock There ain't a cure I've found In all my times around this block Every day we still try Every night we still cry We’re driving home on the 405
Between the overly loud sounds that Midgardians called music, the throngs of sweaty people, and the sharp stench of alcohol, Loki vehemently regretted allowing Maximoff to convince him to partake in this particular outing.
One of the local bars, the Hi-Lo, hosted an event they decided to call “Emo Night.” Maximoff’s explanation of “Emo Night” conveniently omitted that the “music” was far too loud and the quality of “singing” was questionable at best. Quite frankly, the quality of the scratchy, sometimes guttural noise could hardly be classified as singing, yet the people around them “danced” all the same - that was, if one could call shoving each other about in a sweaty horde dancing. 
Theo informed him the correct term was “moshing,” but Loki felt “barbaric stumbling” would be more appropriate. 
Some of their entourage seemed right at home. After freeing himself from the Winter Soldier’s programming, Barnes had grown fond of the loud and angsty racket. Maximoff had a penchant for live music, though this escapade made Loki question how the Scarlet Witch defined music. Though Wilson did not seem invested in the performance, he seemed quite comfortable with the strange cacophony – particularly strange given his typically warm and straightforward nature. 
Others, however, shared a response akin to Loki’s. Rogers hung back near the bar, nursing a bottle of beer with ear plugs in as he watched the scene unfold with an openly perplexed expression. Romanoff sat on a bar stool beside him, maintaining her usually neutral expression while drinking some sort of dark-colored cocktail from a cheap plastic cup. Despite shifting his appearance to look human, any passerby could have concluded that Vision’s presence in the midst of the drunken chaos was not natural. Amidst a sea of dark, casual clothing, Vision wore a pastel blue sweater and well-tailored pants. The android’s complexion lacked the flush of alcohol and the sweat from ‘moshing;’ combined with his lack of movement and mild expression, only emphasized the utterly strange nature of the event. Had it not been for Maximoff’s presence in the crowd, the android would undoubtedly have chosen a different location from which to observe the spectacle.
Until that evening, Loki assumed Theo would not be at home in such a ruckus - though she had performed in similar venues prior to becoming an Avenger, her musical prowess seemed far more advanced than this drivel. 
Yet, to Loki’s shock (and concern), Theo also claimed to be a fan of the so-called music; though she initially stood beside Loki as the so-called band performed, after bobbing her head to a couple of songs she disappeared into the sea of people as they jumped and screamed incomprehensible lyrics off-key.  
Left by himself in what might have been his personal hell, Loki cursed Theo for abandoning him, only to chastise himself for such a thought; after all, Theo had attempted to warn Loki of what he would experience. 
Earlier that afternoon, when Maximoff said “You’ll love it Lokes,” to which Loki rolled his eyes — it didn’t matter how many times he told Maximoff, she insisted on calling him Lokes — Theo couldn’t hold back the snort as she countered, “Given your thoughts on Tony’s music, you’ll probably hate it. But hey, you’ll probably enjoy the people watching.” 
Theo was not to blame for Loki’s current predicament; if anything, the only person Loki could truly blame was himself. After all, he was the one who accepted the invitation. 
The sound of distorted guitar shook the walls, his shoes stuck to the floor, and he couldn’t tell if he smelled stale beer or body odor - or both - but the scent was utterly repulsive. There were far too many people packed into such a small place, and they were drunken imbeciles. Even if he wanted to people-watch, it was too chaotic to tell what was going on. With the unnecessarily loud noise coming from the stage, a conversation would be near-impossible, no matter where he stood.
Then again, now that he was alone and everyone else was distracted by other things, no one would miss him if he left. Loki glanced over his shoulder at the exit, debating whether or not he should attempt to slip away at that moment, or wait until a break between songs.
The collision of another person bumping against Loki’s hip interrupted Loki’s train of thought. He whipped around, ready to unleash a series of insults at whoever dared to run into him, only to find Theo standing before him with two identical plastic cups in hand, both filled with a dark liquid similar to what Romanoff drank. The insults died on Loki’s tongue as she offered him one plastic cup, glancing down at the cup and then back at Loki before mouthing “for you.”
Loki lifted the cup and sniffed the drink; the saccharine scent of Midgardian soda intertwined with a spicy, sharp scent akin to some sort of Midgardian alcohol filled his nose, which he quite preferred to the establishment’s fetid aroma. However, Midgardian liquor would not be enough to dull his senses and render the evening tolerable; a tense chuckle – hardly more than a puff of air – escaped him at the thought.
When he looked back at Theo, her previously free hand now dangled a steel flask between two fingers for Loki to see, as if she could read his mind.
“Spiked with Thor’s whiskey,” Theo called out over the music, “You look like you need it.”
Loki rolled his eyes, schooling the discomfort from his face as he took a swallow of the beverage. 
As if the Norns recognized Loki’s frustration from the inability to converse, the ending of the next song brought a short break in the music - just long enough for the performers to switch instruments - after a relentless barrage of sensory overload, the lack of screeching instruments filling the air was a blessed reprieve. 
“Honestly, how can anyone enjoy such nonsense?” Loki leaned in towards Theo, still forced to raise his voice in order to be heard over the hollering from the inebriated audience. “It’s horrendously loud, the musicians are off-key, and the technique is terrible.”
Theo failed to bite back a grin, unfazed by Loki’s ire. “It’s not about perfection, Lo.” 
“Lo?” Loki raised an eyebrow at her. 
Theo faltered, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. “That’s okay, right?”
Loki sighed. “It’s—”  tolerable, at the very least  “—fine.”
Begrudgingly, Loki suspected that there were many things he’d allow Theo to call him that he wouldn’t allow anyone other than Thor to even consider.
“It’s about the feeling behind it. It helps us deal with the bad shit, like anger and sadness —“ Theo glanced toward the stage, then back at Loki. “— Life isn’t perfect. Music shouldn’t be perfect either.”
Much to Loki’s dismay, the band’s vocalist approached the microphone and announced the start of the next song.
Theo, however, lit up, practically glowing despite the dark venue.
“Listen closely to the lyrics—“ Theo instructed (via shouting) as the first chords and the drunken ruckus of the entire venue singing off-key slammed against Loki’s ears, “this is a good example!”
Had anyone else made the request, Loki would have outright refused; however, Loki trusted Theo enough to comply, and begrudgingly put forth a concerted effort to listen closely. 
A few lines in, Theo joined in singing:
“The highway won / I’m listening to traffic reports one on one, coming quietly undone / I was born to run away from anything good / an escape artist’s son / sun drenched pavement in my blood / the first thing that I do when I walk in / is find a way out for when shit gets bad, and…”
Theo kept eye contact with Loki as she sang along; a wistful look in her eyes made Loki recall some of the emotions he’d buried from his younger years. An uncomfortable void swirled in his chest as he stood amidst what he might consider to be the first tier of his personal hell. 
Yet, the song barreled on and Loki forced himself to continue focusing on the lyrical content. Though the writing was not Shakespeare by any stretch of the imagination, the lyricism surprised Loki with its complexity and depth. References to historical events - the Cold War scares of the sixties - interlaced with references to the lingering sentiment within tragedy led to commentary around existential anxiety, loneliness, and the fear of not fulfilling one’s potential.
Loki glanced back over to Theo, who continued to watch him while singing along. She flashed a small, almost sheepish smile as the song reached its bridge:
“Jesus Christ, I’m twenty six / all the people I graduated with / all have kids, all have wives / all have people who care if they come home at night / well Jesus Christ, did I fuck up?”
Even in the poor lighting, Loki caught a glimpse of something painful behind Theo’s expression as she uttered the phrase ‘did I fuck up?’ The expression, however, was fleeting, replaced with a different sort of intensity as Theo locked eyes with Loki for the final chorus:
“I've been looking for tears in the screen door / and I’ve been waiting for another disaster / but I was kinda hoping you’d stay / I was kinda hoping you’d stay / I was kinda hoping you’d… stay.”
Though the song concluded, neither sorcerer made any effort to look away; something unspoken and inexplicable held them in place, frozen in a moment despite the chaos and discord of their surroundings…
… Until said chaos and discord quite literally crashed into them. 
Some drunken oaf had been shoved from the crowd and into Theo’s side, knocking her off balance. Theo let out a shriek of surprise as she stumbled forward in an attempt to not crash into Loki or spill her drink.
Without a second thought, Loki practically dove to catch her before the horde could trample her in their ‘moshing,’ even though it made his drink splash out of the cup in the process. Ignoring the liquid dripping off his other hand, he hoisted Theo up by her elbow and pulled her into his chest to steady her, at least until she regained her footing. 
Yet, when he felt her weight lift, he hesitated to let go.
“Are you alright?” Loki leaned down, close enough that his cheek brushed against Theo’s temple as he spoke into her ear. 
“Yeah, I’m good.” Theo tilted her head back, the soft skin of her nose brushing against the crook of Loki’s jaw as she replied; the sensation sent a pleasant chill down Loki’s spine. “Thanks!”
Theo stepped back, and Loki forced himself to let go; though they met each other’s gaze again, this time neither of them allowed the moment to last. 
Stifled by the sheer volume of the music, the only conversation between Loki and Theo until the end of the event consisted passing comments from time to time - Theo sharing thoughts on a particular song, Loki offering to bring Theo a refill when they both finished their drinks, or one of the pair pointing out something particularly amusing.
Between comments, Loki often caught Theo singing along, though she did so in a far more discreet manner than anyone else in the venue. Despite Loki’s best attempts to focus on Theo’s voice, the sound was lost in a swell of drums and guitars and other voices. The effort invested into trying to hear Theo successfully distracted Loki from the disdain he held for everything else about his surroundings, though it did nothing to dampen the disappointment when he could not hear her far-more-melodic voice floating through the air. 
Perhaps if Theo was the one singing them, or the one playing the songs on piano, he might enjoy them more.
After far too long, the return of overhead lighting and disappearance of musicians from the stage confirmed that the event had finally drawn to a close. Wrangling the various members of their entourage required a bit of teamwork and effort, but it was not long before the Avengers exited the establishment and felt the blessedly cool air of the city against their skin. 
It did not take long before the Avengers split into smaller groups along the sidewalk, a mixture of varied walking speeds and small conversations naturally pairing certain avengers with others. Maximioff and Barnes led the group, laughing and singing along to themselves as they stumbled along. Close behind, Vision and Wilson kept a close eye on their companions as they chatted with Romanoff and Rogers.
From the back of the group, Loki observed his surroundings while relishing the quiet of night. Quiet, of course, was relative - in a city such as New York, the bustle of traffic remained such a constant that it turned into white noise with due time. Strangers occasionally passed on the sidewalk, barely giving any of the Avengers a second glance as they ventured to mystery destinations in the night. 
Farther ahead, a beggar sat near an alleyway, his back against a dumpster so thoroughly covered in graffiti that it would have been impossible to guess its original color; as groups of people passed without paying the man any mind, Loki couldn’t help but notice the man’s resigned sadness.    
“... You survived.” The comment, clearly directed towards Loki, drew his attention from the beggar, though he did not catch the full remark. 
“Pardon?” As Loki replied, he glanced over to find Theo walking beside him, somehow managing to keep pace despite her much shorter stature.
“So, you survived Emo night,” Theo repeated with a coy grin. “How terrible was it?”
“It is certainly not how I would choose to spend my time,” Loki dryly replied. “Nor is it something I would have expected you to enjoy.”
“Thought I had more cultured taste?” Theo teased, bumping Loki’s hip with hers as they strolled along. 
“Clearly I was mistaken.” Loki chuckled and shook his head. “Tell me you do not subject your actor to such nonsense…” 
“You think I can walk into a bar with him and not be swarmed?” Theo cocked a brow as she looked up at Loki. Despite the amused smirk she wore, something bittersweet lurked beneath her gaze. “Even if he could get in without drawing attention, I think the internet would drag me for bringing him to a place like that.”
“Drag you?” Loki echoed, hoping Theo might clarify what she meant by such a term.
“Chew me out. Chastise me. That sort of thing.” Theo sighed, looking ahead once more. “It’s not exactly a luxury hot spot; I’m guessing Chris’s fans would think this kind of place is beneath him.”
“What would he think?” 
“I couldn’t see him having fun, but I don’t really know,” Theo admitted with such nonchalance that it almost seemed odd. “He seems too happy to really get the appeal.” 
Loki froze in place, struck by Theo’s answer. Yes, Loki had endured hardships that others might not understand, but no one could truly exist without heartache, could they? 
Theo stopped a step ahead and glanced back at Loki. “What?” 
“I–” Loki faltered, grasping for the appropriate response. “Surely he has experienced emotions other than happiness?”
“I mean, sure?” Theo glanced ahead at the rest of the group, then back at Loki. “Look, we don’t really talk about shit like that, but I don’t think he’s ever had a bad thing happen to him. If I ever got the crazy idea to talk to him about a bad day at work, I don’t doubt that he’d listen and try to make me feel better, but I doubt he’d really understand.”
“The more you reveal about your relationship, the less I understand the appeal.” Loki shook his head and started forward once more. “I thought that Midgardians valued love for the emotional connection, and yet you seem all too content to avoid emotions in your courtship with the actor.”
“We connect in other ways.” Theo’s tone held a certain cheekiness to it, which she paired with an equally cheeky grin. “I could tell you about the se–”
“– No, I think I am quite alright –” Loki replied rather sharply, cheeks burning as he forced images of Theo in a compromising position from his mind. The last thing he needed was to linger on such inappropriate thoughts, particularly with another Avenger.
“– Hey, you were the one who said everyone has needs –” Theo pointed out, far too self-satisfied in her response, “I figured you’d get it.”
“I do not need the mundane details to understand the appeal of physical intimacy.” Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I simply do not understand why you bother with the rest of the courtship if you’ve no interest in further commitment.”
Theo did not have an immediate answer; she drew in a breath as if to speak, but remained quiet. 
By that point, the pair had walked far enough that they were about to pass the beggar Loki had previously noticed; at that point, they were close enough that Loki could clearly make out the creases of age and weathered skin, as well as the faint wisps of silver where a once robust head of hair likely sat. The man’s earlier melancholy lingered in Loki’s memory, and sentiment tugged at Loki’s heartstrings, compelling him to do something. 
All it took was a twitch of Loki’s fingers to conjure some cash in hand; if nothing else, Loki figured the man could use the money for a night of shelter and a warm meal. Yet, before Loki had the chance to acknowledge the man, Theo had already greeted the man by name, then crouched down so she was at eye-level before she extended some sort of plastic card to him, saying something Loki didn't quite catch. The man, however, grinned at Theo, his smile highlighting gaps where his teeth had fallen out at some point, before thanking her for her generosity.
Dumbfounded, Loki offered a quick greeting and extended the cash, which the elderly man thanked him for, though it was not with the level of warmth that the man exuded when he spoke to Theo.
The moment they were not within earshot of the man, Loki turned to Theo. “You know him?”
“Before I was an Avenger, I played a lot of shows in this area,” Theo explained with a small shrug. “Greg used to be the janitor at one of the local bars, but since I last saw him, he had to quit because of some health problems that left him unable to work. Between the treatment and the lack of income he couldn’t pay rent and ended up on the streets. 
“I didn’t find out until a couple weeks ago, when I was walking home and I recognized him, so I stopped to talk to him and learned about what happened. I told myself that the next time I saw him, I’d put Tony’s insane bank account to use and give him enough money that he would never have to sleep on the street again, and he wouldn’t have to worry about making ends meet The card has contact info for some people who can help him with the logistics.”
“Awfully generous of you,” Loki remarked.
“Hey, you didn’t even know him, but you still gave a bit of cash too,” Theo pointed out with a soft smile. “Most people would have ignored him.”
“Yes, well, back to our previous conversation–” Uncomfortable with the direction with which Theo took his remark, Loki quickly diverted the conversation. “–You never answered my question.”
“What question?” Theo glanced at Loki as they rounded the corner, Avengers Tower stretching into the sky ahead of them.
“Why bother with a courtship if you have no intention of pursuing a serious relationship?”
 “You’re reading too much into this,” Theo laughed nervously as she shook her head. “It’s not that I refuse to be in a serious relationship - I just like to go with the flow.”
Yet, contrary to what Theo said, a familiar melancholy in Theo’s eye said otherwise - the same melancholy he caught when Theo sang, ‘the first thing that I do when I walk in is find a way out for when shit gets bad, and / I’ve been looking for tears in the screen door / and I’ve been waiting for another disaster…’
That look in Theo’s eye told Loki everything he needed to know.
We don't know what we're doing Let's do it again, yeah, you know We're just amateur lovers With amateur friends I can tell you what you're thinking now Before you think it you can settle down Our lovin' isn't gonna burn us out We don't know what we're doing Let's do it again Yeah, let's do it again
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hotdadlicense · 1 year
top 5 albums??
laurel....... i love you.
CURRENTLY??? aka the albums featured most heavily in my personally crafted playlists these past few months
gag order - kesha happy i would quite honestly die for you. you are on REPEAT baby girl
dance fever - florence choreomania and daffodil im holding your hands until the end of time. also mermaids but thats technically a b-cut i guess
tell me i'm alive - all time low you're in the car it's late at night you're listening to this album. u know what happiness feels like.
high road - kesha i downloaded u in like 2021 and u still feature on like every playlist i make. love you forever and ever and ever.
mainstream sellout - mgk 100% blame my sister for my mgk phase whatever this album bangs and again i downloaded u in like 2021 and you're still making it onto like all of my playlists. thanks.
OF ALL TIME????? uhhhh
two lefts don't make a right... but three do - relient k (cos i was raised in a christian household and was not allowed to listen to non-christian music so relient k and superchic[k] and switchfoot pretty much owned me. also they all still slap i fuckin still listen to them regularly! they feel like home and childhood, especially this album? also their christmas album is one of the first ones i break out every november/decemeber)
so wrong it's right - all time low (cos they were like the first band i "discovered" when i started listening to non-christian music when i was like 11 or 12 or whatever and this album really REALLY changed the course of my life in MANY ways. like i don't even know the girl i'd be today if i that fake dylan efron on myspace didn't have dear maria as their myspace song. its been like 16 years now and me and my sister were just having a breakdown last night trying to organise seeing them again cos they finally dropped aus tour dates. all cos of this silly album. literally again they feel like homeeeee
between two lungs - florence and the machine (cos when i was a young little dumbass and in my supernatural phase aka when i was like 13, i watched a ship video on youtube between dean winchester (supernatural) and trish wellington (harper's island) becos i wasnt aware of me being #bi yet but i was slightly obessed with ruby 1.0 on supernatual who was played by katie cassidy so naturally i went through and watched like. all of her shit. and this ship video had blinding - florence as the song and i was like. oh this is it. this is me entering a new phase of my life. and i was right. and over the years i dragged my sister in it with me and we've seen her every time she comes to aus together and everytime blinding comes on in the car my sisters like 'idk why you love this song so much but yes we can listen to it. even though she has better songs' anyway. feels like home x3)
idk i could probably put kesha or mgk in here as well given the #stats of my last two year reviews on apple music and just the patten of songs in all the playlists i've made in the past 2+ years but it's still too soon. they're still fresh in my heart. and i'm too baby to commit. yet. and i know there's like homesick - adtr and can't stop won't stop - the maine and even the fucking high school musical soundtrack but like. idk nothing really deserves to be on the same tier as those three above so. TOP THREE BABY.
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whatqueen-wildcats · 2 years
Answer the evens for the music ask 🤪
Here u go finally hahaha
2: A song you like with a number in the title
6/10 - dodie
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Sweater weather - the neighborhood
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Beyoncé RENAISSANCE, just all of it lol listened to it a lot this past summer
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Idk uhh Juice - Lizzo also a very dance-able choice
10: A song that makes you sad
Wolves - Jensen McRae
Don't think I've ever heard this song without crying
12: A song from your preteen years
Stars - Switchfoot (any early sf qualifies tbh, but got to dance and scream to this one live last year with a couple of fellow ex-youth group queers in one of the weirdest and most healing concert experiences I've had yet lmao)
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Whitney Houston haha every time I hear this song I just picture the reception dancing and singing along with a room full of people I love and my brand new spouse and it being such a moment of joy
I don't have super significant ones I want for ceremony or first dance or whatever cause i feel that's very dependent on the relationship, but this tune is a Must at some point on the dance floor
16: One of your favorite classical songs
Mmmm idk which individual piece would be my fave but i do love to listen to Chopin (To be a bit pedantic, he's a Romantic period composer, not properly Classical period, but in the Colloquial Sense of Classical it counts 🤣)
18: A song from the year that you were born
*hastily googles songs released in 1994*
Basket Case - Green Day
Very strong memories of hearing it for the first time about 10 years after its release from my cousins shiny new mp3 player and being SUPER jealous
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Twenties - Semler
Always a bit of a mindfuck to listen to honestly -- lmao press X to skip this monolog but please do listen to the song, it's excellent.
cause I so easily could have (and indeed for most of my life thought I was going to) follow the path of the ex-friend in the song, the good Christian girl just looking for any nice guy to settle down with and meet all those traditional expectations... it's what I thought I wanted. I'm sure if the first boy I wound up dating had actually been a good person and didn't fully shatter my entire already-fragile sense of self, I would've stayed on that path for decades and a couple of kids before even getting close to figuring out why I was so miserable. It's all I knew. And I think of all the people I know who did take that path, the friends i grew up with and no longer speak to... the repetition of the line "how long will you live until your life is your own?" I think of my mother and grandmothers. I hope they're all happier than I would have been had I stayed. I think of all the ways I still people please, and think with gratitude for all the ways I no longer do. I could go on but I won't lol.
22: A song that moves you forward
Idk what exactly this is even supposed to mean? Like, motivates me? Gives me hope? Who knows but youre getting
City - Thao & The Get Down Stay Down
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
tbh I can't think of one? I'm sure there are some, but several that I would've said a few years ago have either come back already or I no longer care for them lol. And of course there's plenty of Before My Time bands that would've been cool to be around for but feel like that's not the point of this question.
Idk, what keeps coming to mind is Foo Fighters - they aren't actually broken up but Taylor Hawkins, their drummer, passed suddenly last year. For the song I'll pick "But, Honestly"
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
So maaannyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ughgh
If We Were Vampires - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Makes me absolutely SICK that I haven't met the love of my life yet and every day that passes is one less that I get to spend with them in this mortal existence 😫
Addendum: I've taken so long to finish answering these that I've found a new answer in the meantime that I'd like to share, Kevin Atwater, several of his songs apply, but going with My Blood is Your Blood *foaming at the mouth*
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Probably the best and most ENCHANTING voice I've had the joy of getting to hear live so far in my life is Florence Welch of F+TM, I'll pick the song Cassandra
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Okay this would be SO EASY but i really don't wanna pick a sad or self-deprecating song. Those have their time and place but I'm practicing them not being my default lol.
Gonna answer with one that, maybe doesn't exactly *remind* me of myself? but helps me embrace myself: Hit or Miss - Odetta
Thank you, as always, for facilitating my long-winded nonsense! 💖
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mina-van1104 · 6 months
Tumblr media
🏥𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓵~Commuted to Minden this morning. Had a good lunch break though & beautiful view of mountains as usual. 🩵😍In-N-Out Burger is always the best! Haha. Found out Pentatonix & Switchfoot are coming to town-so exciting!😍🤩 Don't know if I could make it though 🙈 but knowing that they will be in the same town as me, is beyond awesome & makes me super happy! I love them! ❤️
Also one more game until Sweet 16 Gonzaga Men's basketball game! Hope they make it to the end! Elite 8, Final 4, & top 2! Also Nevada Wolf Pack Men's Basketball Team is going to play! Let's see if we make it to Sweet 16 again this year! March Madness NCAA!🏀
Gonzaga University-my older sister Catherine Van-Schwartz (Catt Van)(Former KOLO 8 News Reporter)graduated from years ago in 2012!
Tomorrow is also officially the first day of Spring! Happy early Spring! 🌺🌸🌷
Song played on Instagram is called "Something in the Water" by Carrie Underwood!😍🤩🩵
Always needing some prayers again.🙏 I, Mina Van 文风英 Woon Foong Yin (in Hakka Chinese).Proud nurse, coach. Nevada born & raised.Family living in Nevada for 45 (forty-five) years.Spread kindness.❤️
In the name of the Guan Yin, Ong Lee (meaning Buddha in Hakka Chinese langauge), Yay-Su (Jesus Christ), Ty-uh- ma (Mother Mary Virgin Mother Mary)
In the name of Jesus, Amen!🙏
Then my other successful blood-related family of doctors in my family,🇺🇸veterans,doctors,nurses,coaches,news reporter,lobbyist,good singers,dancers,good photographers, good writers,artists,a cop,a dentist,teachers, etc.Mixed family of Asians & white people.Spread Kindness.
Again, half of our family is Asian half our family is white. Even-though my parents look Asian we have some Chinese, Vietnamese, Native American, small portions of French, German descent, Ashkenazi Jewish descent DNA Ancestry
✞♡ # Selfie # Nurse # Coach # Jumpsplits # NativeNevadan # StopAsianHate # Biden2024💙 # JesusChrist 🦂 # Buddha # GuanYin # MotherMary # NevadaBornAndRaised # HakkaChineseRaised # ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # NevadaNative # athletic # HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016 # 3collegeDegrees # 3MedicalLicenses
•2019:OlderSisterCatherineVan&Adam Schwartz’sWedding&TheirWebsiteOn: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•ReminiscingMoreThan200PeopleCame.
0 notes
wqbytop100 · 11 months
Top 100 (130) for the week ending November 12, 2023
See You Again---Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -1/7weeks ''peak1x2''
I'll Be There---Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -4/4weeks
Other Boys ---Marshmello, Dove Cameron -5/8weeks
Good Morning---Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -13/5weeks
Summertime Friends ---The Chainsmokers -2/8weeks ''peak1x2''
Go Off --Mike Candys -23/7weeks
Diamond Therepy---Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -46/6weeks
Hangin' On ---A R I Z O N A -7/11weeks ''peak1x4'' (the weeks of 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15)
More Baby --Chris Lake, ALUNA -12/8weeks ''peak5''
Spend The Night---BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -9/8weeks
Boyfriend ---USHER -10/11weeks
Sorry Now ---A R I Z O N A -11/5weeks ''peak5''
Strangers---Kenya Grace -3/4weeks ''peak3''
Strangely Sentimental--Anabel Englund -14/22weeks ''peak1x1'' (the week of 9.3.23)
Living In A Haze--Milky Chance -24/19weeks ''peak2x2''
--> Nevada ---Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -[re-entry] 4weeks
At Your Worst --Calum Scott -15/11weeks ''peak5''
Stress You -- Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi --21/5weeks
One With the Wolves---Robin Schulz -29/11weeks ''peak7''
Wanna Dance -- Alie Farber, James Carter, VARGEN -16/6weeks
One Last Dance---Imanbek, Ali Gaie -8/7weeks
Tied To You---Elderbrook -19/8weeks ''peak2''
Jungle ---Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -20/8weeks ''peak6''
Dark Skies--A R I Z O N A -26/5weeks
Drums---James Hype, Kim Petras -25/5weeks
Dreaming--Marshmello, Pink, Sting -30/2weeks
From this Day On---Andrew Rayel, JES -18/20weeks ''peak1x2'' [the weeks of 9/10, 9/17]
Die For A Night ---A R I Z O N A -31/25weeks ''peak1x3'' [the weeks of 8/13, 8/20, 8/27]
Lost & Found--Gorgon City, DRAMA -22/16weeks ''peak8''
AEIOU -- PNAU, Empire of the Sun -17/4weeks
Following the Sun ---SUPER HI, NEEKA -27/15weeks ''peak4''
Light On ---Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -35/16weeks ''peek10x2''
Elevator Eyes--Tove Lo -34/11weeks ''peak9''
De Selby --Hozier -33/15weeks ''peak5''
eMtunzini -- Muzi -32/13weeks ''peak12''
Body Count--Jason Derulo -37/11weeks ''peak14''
Dressed for a Funeral--Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -38/23weeks ''peak16''
Why You? --Adam Melchor -43/9weeks ''peak20''
Moon---Locklead -49/10weeks ''peak26'' ^
Stranger on a Train --SUPER Hi -44/11weeks ''peak25''
Both--Tiesto, 21 Savage BIA -45/5weeks ^
Jacare --Sofi Tukker -40/26weeks ''peak2 on 7/23''
-->It's Euphoric--Georgia - (re-entry) /27weeks ''peak20''
-->Padam Padam --Kylie Minogue - [re-entry] 19weeks ''peak2''
The Beautiful Letdown --Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -50/10weeks ''peak17''
If Only I --Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -41/15weeks ''peak9''
It's In My Head--Provoker -55/6weeks
Smiley Water ---Mike. -52/8weeks
Motive --Armin Van Buuren -42/17weeks ''peak8''
We Could Be Love---Hayden James, AR/CO -56/9weeks
Makeba---JAIN -53/8weeks ''peak42''
Moonlight---Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -39/13weeks ''peak15''
-->Vogue---Noize -[re-entry] /6weeks ''peak35''
The Worst Person Alive -G Flip -51/13weeks ''peak38''
Hip Trumpets --Yolanda Be Cool, KVISION -58/9weeks ''peak20''
Bitter- Freya Ridings -54/9weeks
Down Like That-Bryson Tiller -136/9weeks
In My Zone - 127/9weeks
-->Weird & Bizzare --Posh Choclates -[re-entry] 4weeks ''peak30''
What Do You Do? -Jess Glynne -59/[debut 9/10/23]
We Should Get Married--Dan & Shay -129/debut 9/10/23]
Bite Marks-Ari Abdul -60/2weeks
Ecstacy--MEDUZA, GENESI -73/3weeks
Dress Code --Mau P -75/5weeks
***Get Dirty--Return of the Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -(new)
->Fight My Demons--Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Levan Kali -[re-entry] [debut 10/15] 2weeks
My Own Advice --William Black, ILLENIUM, Alana Springsteen -78/3weeks
What We Know---Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -47/5weeks
On My Way--SIPEPIECE f/Faouzia -134/5weeks
Sad Forever---Lauren Spencer Smith -76/4weeks
Your So High (10 Years On) --Eli & Fur -71/5weeks
Feel It (Club Edit) --Jazzy -66/5weeks
Subterranean---Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -48/5weeks
Blur--KREAM, Marlo Rex -68/5weeks
In The City---Charlie XCX, Sam Smith -98/2weeks
***Dreamtown---Galantis, Neon Trees -(new)
Champagne Shit--Janelle Monae, Latto, Quavo -77/3weeks
The Greatest Thing Alive--Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -102/2weeks
Forever Gold--Siskin -63/5weeks
Can't Take It Slow--Citizen -89/2weeks
It's Gone -Kaskade, Crayskool -86/2weeks
***Joy (Up the Street) --Joy Anonymous -(new)
Alone--Andrew Rayel, Amanda Collis -92/2weeks
Fever--Lewis Thompkins, Punctual, Hight -28/5weeks
Lighter--Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton -94/2weeks
Save My Love -Destiny Rogers -74/5weeks
Preacher---Ownboss, Outflux, No/Me -97/2weeks
Guarantee--Black Eyed Peas, J Rey Soul -125/6weeks
Memories--Sam Feldt, Sofiloud -101/2weeks
***Rinse It--Devault -(new)
***Tension--Kylie Minogue -(new)
Better Off (Alone Part III) -Andrew Rayel, Dash Berlin, VIKKSTAR -80/3weeks
Me & My Guitar--Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -95/9weeks
The Little Mushroom That Got Away -Sultan+Shepard, Lane8 -69/5weeks
Heard It Like This--ACRAZE, Joey Valence & Brae -111/2weeks
***Midnight Zone--Astrality, TAPE ANGEL -(new)
Sunday--Dermont Kennedy -113/2weeks
On My Love--Zara Larsson, David Guetta -103/7weeks
Turn You Up--Kaskade, Winn Winn -114/2weeks
One Of Your Girls --Troye Sivan -104/2weeks
***Rescue Me--Andrew Rayel -(new)
Hands On Me--Jason Derulo, Meghan Trainor -84/2weeks
It Takes Two--Camila Cabello, Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake -85/2weeks
Location--Cheat Codes, A7S -67/3weeks
->Echo--RSCL, REPIET, Julia Kleijn -[re-entry] >>>off next week
Quarter Life Crises--BabyQueen -121/9weeks>>>>Off neext week
Love Music Part 4-Ren -122 >>>
Black Dress-070Shake -110/6weeks>>>
A Lot Like Heaven--Gorgon City, Julia Church -65/5weeks>>>
I Don't Wanna Leave Just Yet-Thomas Day -124/3weeks>>>
***On My Way--Kaskade -(new)
***Stardust--Jazzy -(new)
***Just Think--Video Age -(new)
***Now & Then---The Beatles -(new)>>>
Dancing At the Disco--J Worra, Cherry Tooth -88/4weeks
***Love--BUNT. -(new)>>>>
Wreckage--Gorgon City, Julia Church -57/15weeks ''peak19''>>>
You Need Jesus---Yung Gravy, BABYGRAVY, bbno$ -61/ debut July 9th >>>
All Night--Charlie Houston -64/7weeks
A Lesson In Chemistry--Anabel Englund -70/5weeks >>>
Desire--Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -72/5weeks
When We Touch--Ludo Lacoste, Santelli, Twinflame, Rozegarden -79/4weeks >>>
Waiting For U--Laidback Luke, Ralphi, Jake Silva remix* -82/10weeks
Don't Go Insane--DPR IAN -83/5weeks
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -87/5weeks
Life On The Moon--Duncan Laurence -90/2weeks >>>
Kriss Kross--W&W, Da Tweekaz -91/5weeks >>>
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba, Sasha Gigi -96/2weeks
Bigger Than The Song--Britney Spencer -99/6weeks
The Feeling--Lost Frequencies -100/5weeks
0 notes
theglowingjournal · 11 months
Turning 24
This blog comes right about the time I’m turning 24. I feel like I have lived through alot in a short time and gained some cool insight from people & experiences in my 24 years here. There’s alot more than 24 little lessons I could gather together but I’ll stick to 24 for now. I hope some of these call you to action or thought or even better, God.
1. Dont hold onto bitterness - living with anger & resentment halts growth and sometimes even opportunity. It’s not fun! Really lean into “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger”.
2. Have a servants heart - who can you be serving in your life? Do you need poured into too? Check who’s filling your cup and whose cup you’re filling.
3. Halt the worst case scenario mindset - don’t live life in worry of the worst happening. Some scenarious call for worst case prep but if it’s causing you anxiety, halt it!
4. Set aside time to be in the secret place - if you feel like you have no time for God, change your schedule.
5. Choose fellowship & community over isolation - sometimes, you gotta fight the urge to stay home and watch netflix instead of fellowship time with others. It could be just what you need! Go be with people.
6. Be confident in who God made you to be - He made you just the way you are meant to be, why want to change that when your very own Creator is perfect?
7. Awkward is fake & made up - that thing you thought was really awkward? You might be the only one who thought it was… and if not? It’ll either be forgotten or you might just be showing someone else that they’re not alone in feeling or being ‘awkward’.
8. Be real with those who value you - we all go through tough times, and the only way to know you’re not the only one who’s been through it is to share. Tell your friends what you need help with and prayer for.
9. Nothing in this world actually brings joy - just Jesus. That’s it.
10. Thank God continually for blessings & trials - remember to thank God for everything He provides daily, even the hard lessons & trials! Knowing He is good and has a purpose coming to fruition is something to be grateful for.
11. Stop overthinking - it’s so easy to get into your head and overthink things, daily! Work on stopping the overthinking process when you realize that it’s happening.
12. No one has it all together - not even the big adults with the big jobs. Everyone is just doing their best.
13. Take more photos, but at good times - as opposed to bad times where you aren’t being present! Capture moments with your eyes & mind’s eye first, then, if so led, take out the camera.
14. No more comparison game - cut out whatever is causing you to compare. Social media? Gossip from friends? TV shows? Out.
15. Read more, but get audible - I always have new books I want to read but I have trouble finishing books/feeling like I have time to read. Get the audiobook & listen while running errands, doing chores; it’ll cut the time in half!
16. Go for the ice cream - Period.
17. Patience goes a long way - pause before responding, and take a breath before getting annoyed. Alot can happen in those few seconds that will go a longggg way.
18. Let God write your love story - He’ll do it better than you could ever do on your own.
19. Communicate with everyone - bad communication is like, the #1 thing that leads to issues. All over the world. Everywhere. Communicate! I am speaking to myself here too; don’t put off texting people back. Just do it.
20. Go listen to The Beautiful Letdown album - Switchfoot’s lyrics are speaking to the world more and more and share such good gospel based messages. Pivotal album, go listen.
21. Baking can be therapy - try it out! Especially when you’re going to give it to others.
22. Lean on God and trust His sovereignty - in every question, decision, emotion, anything, trust that He has it under control and if you’re living in His will, you can live without fear.
23. We’re all in different seasons. Give grace - a reason why we should share with each other what we’re going through. If not, we don’t know what kind of season someone’s in, and can judge their actions or behavior. Give grace, as you want grace too.
24. Go for a walk - it can be silent, a talk with God, listen to a podcast/book, getting exercise, to let go of emotion. Whatever the reason, even if for no reason, get a nice walk in.
If you read this far, thank you! And please message me with what lesson you can start implementing. Peace out!
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Good to know Switchfoot is still decent
Joe's voice sounds great as always
I have so many mixed feelings
If you would have told 10yr old me that Jonas Brothers did a song with Switchfoot my brain would have exploded
The though of Joe Jonas and Tim Foreman in the same room together would have killed me
I didn't hate the song but I don't love it
Would have absolutely loved it 16 years ago
0 notes
californiaquail · 3 years
tagged by @saintmelangell to shuffle play my music and post the first 10 songs :]
1. hardline - julien baker
2. wake (e-bow) - crywolf
3. telepathic - starset
4. running up that hill (a deal with god) - kate bush
5. dear agony aurora version - breaking benjamin & lacey sturm
6. strangeness and charm - florence + the machine
7. without love - the ember days
8. blindness - metric
9. canyons - future of forestry
10. oh! gravity - switchfoot
you may judge me for having moments of mediocre taste its fine. i will tag @faustic-trobairitz @asteriim @not-todd86 @reluctantmystic if yall want!
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Miraculous Writers' Guild presents: the MWG Official Playlist!
For our August Event and in celebration of our two year anniversary, we asked our members to first submit songs of their choice to the playlist. These songs were anything from ones that remind us of Miraculous Ladybug and its characters, of specific fics, or just songs that make us inspired to write in general! Everyone was allowed to submit up to three songs, and these are the songs they chose! (See the full track list and contributors after the break)
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We're so happy to be celebrating 2 years with everyone, and we can't wait to see what the future holds. Happy anniversary MWG and happy listening!
Follow and listen to the playlist on spotify!
1. every little thing she does is magic by the police [by @maggies-scribblings]
2. like i’m gonna lose you by meghan trainor (feat. john legend) [by @team-leo-v]
3. …well, better than the alternative by will wood [by @azuriteartist]
4. limits by little violet [by @azuriteartist]
5. tt by twice [by @marvelousmsmol]
6. le tourbillon by jeanne moreau [by @2manyfandoms2count]
7. follow you by imagine dragons [by @ladybugs-and-black-cats]
8. atlantis by seafret [by mod stsi, who deactivated their tumblr]
9. venus in blue jeans by jimmy clanton [by @alexseanchai]
10. halfway (reprise) by original caste of amélie [by @multimousenette]
11. the moon will sing by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
12. what’s wrong by half•alive [by mod stsi *SHAMES*]
13. build me up buttercup by the foundations [by @alexseanchai]
14. eulogy by charlie allen [by @marimeetsmischief]
15. amazing by rex orange county [by @deinde-prandium]
16. where do we go from here by original cast of amélie [by @multimousenette]
17. it’s time by imagine dragons [by @marvelousmsmol]
18. youth by daughter [by @team-leo-v]
19. love bug by gfriend [by @xiueryn]
20. la vie en rose by édith piaf [by @strangerahne]
21. pictures of you by the cure [by @strangerahne]
22. lua by bright eyes [by @sunfoxfic]
23. paper rings by taylor swift [by @bugchat]
24. metaphor by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
25. moondance by van morrison [by @strangerahne]
26. black cat by mayday parade [by @charcoalhawk]
27. papillon by the sonder bombs [by @marimeetsmischief]
28. shut up and dance by walk the moon [by @charcoalhawk]
29. it was always you by maroon 5 [by @2manyfandoms2count]
30. fearless (taylor’s version) by taylor swift [by @2manyfandoms2count]
31. don’t let me fall by lenka [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
32. you don’t know me by ray charles [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
33. hello by weeekly [by @xiueryn]
34. still into you by paramore [by @team-leo-v]
35. the hawkmoth rap by keith silverstein [by @hanaasbananas]
36. feel special by twice [by @marvelousmsmol]
37. cute boys with short haircuts by anneliese van der pol [by @queer-cosette]
38. hurting each other by carpenters [by @alexseanchai]
39. the sun is in your eyes - voice memo by jacob collier [by @deinde-prandium]
40. shallow river by the crane wives [by @theladyfae]
41. glimpse of us by joji [by @bugchat]
42. lay low (acoustic) by david benjamin and conro [by @bugchat]
43. page 28 by sleeping at last [by @sunfoxfic]
44. in case you don’t live forever by ben platt [by @multimousenette]
45. death valley by fall out boy [by @azuriteartist]
46. i’m serious by day6 [by @xiueryn]
47. the lovecats by the cure [by @maggies-scribblings]
48. walk in the sun by mcfly [by @hanaasbananas]
49. on top of the world by barbie [by @queer-cosette]
50. i’m still here (jim’s theme) by john rzeznik [by @thedreadpirateholmes]
51. to the end by blur [by @maggies-scribblings]
52. you, dear by eloise [by @deinde-prandium]
53. dream boy by waterparks [by @miabrown007]
54. daisy by karine polwart [by @queer-cosette]
55. oh! gravity. by switchfoot [by mod stsi *shames*]
56. i’ve got you by mcfly [by @hanaasbananas]
57. rabbit heart (raise it up) by florence + the machine [by @marimeetsmischief]
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dreamings-free · 3 years
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BRINGING THE LOVE Get to know the wildly adored British pop star Harry Styles before his concert tour hits San Diego. San Diego Union-Tribune  12 Nov 2021
full text under the cut >
By Nina Garin
IT’S HAPPENING. After two COVID-19 postponements, Harry Styles will finally bring his Love On Tour concert to San Diego. And we are ready. We’ve been ready. We can’t handle how ready we are. We have our best outfits (hopefully they still fit after lockdown). We’ve made signs to hold up during the show (hopefully he can see all the way up to the balcony). And we’ve memorized every single set list (hopefully he’ll do a San Diego-centric cover — Andra Day? Switchfoot?).
If you’re reading this and are confused by all the enthusiasm, perhaps you are not aware of the greatness that is Harry Styles. Here’s a bit of background: Born in 1994, Styles grew up in Holmes Chapel, England (not too far from Liverpool, actually). In 2010, he auditioned for Simon Cowell on the seventh season of “The X Factor,” performing Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t She Lovely.” That’s when the world was introduced to the musician, songwriter and actor that consumes so many hours of our days.
If that isn’t enough to win you over to Team Harry, here are 12 more reasons why we love him:
1. He put in the work
Though Styles didn’t make it as a solo artist on “The X Factor,” he was placed in the boy band One Direction with fellow promising singers Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan. (At 16, Styles was the youngest). The band signed to Cowell’s Syco Music label and released five chart-topping albums: “Up All Night,” “Take Me Home,” “Midnight Memories,” “Four” and “Made in the A.M.”
2. He’s loyal
Styles stayed in One Direction even after Malik left in early 2015, continuing with the band until it officially went on hiatus in December 2015.
3. But he’s also independent
In 2017, Styles released “Harry Styles” — a record that Rolling Stone called “a superb solo debut.” His follow-up, 2019’s “Fine Line,” was a global success thanks to songs like “Watermelon Sugar” and “Adore You.” That Grammy-nominated album is essentially why the world is in its current state of Harrymania.
4. He’s a star of stage and screen
Along with being a full-time rock star, Styles also takes on unexpected movie roles, like playing a soldier in Christopher Nolan’s “Dunkirk,” and it was recently announced that he’s joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Eros, brother of Thanos.
5. He gives back
“Treat People With Kindness” is a song from “Fine Line,” but it’s also the slogan he uses to raise money for charity. Styles has raised over $1 million for local charities through merchandise and ticket sales;
causes around the world include the North Texas Food Bank, the Munich Refugee Council and the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund.
6. He’s funny
Styles has been doing skits on “The Late Late Show With James Corden” since his One Direction days, including some “Carpool Karaoke” drives and a “Crosswalk Concert.” He also did a memorable Mick Jagger impression on “Saturday Night Live” a few years ago. In 2019, Styles was both the host and musical guest on “SNL,” and — bonus to local fans — in the sketch “Airline Pilots,” he actually says “San Diego.” (Squee!!)
7. He’s fashionable
Styles made headlines in December 2020 for being the first man to be on the cover of Vogue, and he did it wearing a dress. But even before that cover, Styles has always dressed provocatively and androgynously, with looks that include a pearl necklace with a frilly collar, a pink pantsuit and a custom Gucci leather suit with accompanying feather boa. Yes, queer icons like Billy Porter have been dressing this way for ages without the same attention and adulation, but in mainstream circles Styles is helping to change the dialogue around what’s acceptable in men’s fashion.
8. He keeps good company
Which is your favorite friendship? Styles and Lizzo? The two have covered each other’s songs and famously flirted on camera at the 2020 Brit Awards. Styles and Stevie Nicks? Clearly inspired by her 1970s rock vibe, Styles befriended the Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter, who has has referred to Styles as the son she never had. In 2020, Styles inducted Nicks into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. What about Styles and Ed Sheeran? The two British pop singers have been friends for ages and even have matching tattoos.
9. Speaking of tattoos ...
The 27-year-old musicians has over 50 of them — from the oversize butterfly just above his stomach to the tiny guitar on his shoulder.
10. The gift of ‘Sign of the Times’
This one’s very specific, but anyone who watches dance in real life or on TV has seen an interpretation of Styles’ intense and moving song “Sign of the Times” — it usually involves a lot of floor work and stomping. It’s a staple at dance competitions around the world and has been performed on “So You Think You Can Dance.” One of the best versions is by Korea’s G.NI Dance Company.
11. He appreciates his fans
Usually when you dress up for a concert, you don’t actually expect to get noticed by the performer. But Styles is extremely attentive, treating his fans more like friends and joking with them throughout his performances. He reads and reacts to homemade signs, offers relationship advice, and even did a baby gender reveal for fans during a show.
12. The spirit of Harryween
The best thing about Styles is the level of enthusiasm and commitment he brings to anything he does, exemplified recently over Halloween weekend. He threw not one, but two costume parties/concerts at New York’s Madison Square Garden. On Oct. 30, he and the band dressed up as characters from “The Wizard of Oz” (Styles as Dorothy, obviously) and sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” then on Halloween night he wore a vintageinspired clown costume and performed Britney Spears’ “Toxic.” We can’t wait to see what he’ll do in San Diego.
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avatardoggo · 2 years
#1, 12, 16, 18, and 19 for the song asks?
tysm for the ask! <33
a song that you've only recently discovered?
hmmmm cranes in the sky. like ik the song and album are like 6 years old? but idc i love it music is eternal
12. a song in a language you have studied/want to study?
oooo this one is interesting. dite moi (which is french for those of you who don't know) it's a cute song i would sing with my little cousin who knows like 3 languages but i only know it bc i had to do french from 4th-9th grade bc canaidan schools make it mandatory
16. a song from a film/TV series?
1 True Love by 4*Town has been my JAM for like 2 weeks. once i hear the intro it's OVER
18. a song that reminds you of yourself?
okay wow this one is actually hard im going through my playlists and i think i'll go with forever/beautiful grace by kirk franklin especially the end part of the song like i feeel it in my soul like ya he's talking about me (please go listen to that song and like the whole album it's really good)
19. a song that you'd recommend to me?
idk if you listen to switchfoot so idk if yak this song but needle and haystack life is my like Jump Around Screaming Bad Dancing song and i love it
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nottiedtotheground · 3 years
List 2: Favorite songs.
1. Gravedigger - Dave Matthews Band
2. Motorcycle Drive By - Third Eye Blind
3. Into the Ocean - Blue October
4. Fifteen Fathoms, Counting - Bring Me the Horizon
5. Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick
6. Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
7. Hero - Family of the Year
8. Sex & Candy - Marcy Playground
9. Octopus's Garden - The Beatles
10. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
11. The Giving Tree - Plain White T's
12. You & Me - Dave Matthews Band
13. You're Not Alone - Saosin
14. Perfect Symphony - Ed Sheeran ft. Andrea Bocelli
15. Point/Counterpoint - Streetlight Manifesto
16. Learning to Breathe - Switchfoot
17. One Foot on the Gas, One Foot on the Grave - Streetlight Manifesto
18. Mama - My Chemical Romance
19. First Class - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
20. Transatlanticism - Death Cab for Cutie
21. Love Shack - The B-52's
22. Stickup Kid - Atom Smith, Burkey
23. Any Man of Mine - Shania Twain
24. Goodbye Earl - the Chicks
25. Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest
26. Newport Living - Cute is What We Aim For
27. Rebubula - Moe.
28. Start From Scratch - Passafire
29. The Carpal Tunnel of Love - Fall Out Boy
30. Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups
31. Corazon Sin Cara - Prince Royce
32. G.O.A.T. - Polyphia
33. Honestly - Cartel
34. Your Graduation - Modern Baseball
35. Breezeblocks - alt-J
36. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
37. Take A Chance On Me - ABBA
38. Ripple - Grateful Dead
39. Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
40. Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
41. Sirens - The String Cheese Incident
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thecoveys · 3 years
all 30 music ask questions 😌👊🏻
holy shit okay jhsgajdhasd
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Green Light - Lorde
2: A song you like with a number in the title
1 step forward, 3 steps back - Olivia Rodrigo
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
Bonfire Heart - James Blunt
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
This is Home - Switchfoot
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
I'm Still Standing - Elton John AND Candy - Robbie Williams
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Lost Cause - Billie Eilish AND WAP - Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion
7: A song to drive to
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Sober - Demi Lovato
9: A song that makes you happy
Still Into You - Paramore
10: A song that makes you sad
Alabanza - In the Heights
11: A song that you never get tired of
Life on Mars? - David Bowie
12: A song from your preteen years
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Never Ending Story - Limahl
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Say You Won’t Let Go (Cover) - Sonya
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
Man Down - Zhavia
16: One of your favorite classical songs
The Four Seasons: Winter - Vivaldi (if that’s the kinda classical we’re talking about asdfkghf)
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
Suddenly Seymour - Little Shop of Horrors
18: A song from the year that you were born
Livin’ La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
19: A song that makes you think about life
Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Half a Heart - One Direction
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Heather - Conan Gray
22: A song that moves you forward
Mr. Perfectly Fine (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Hollywood - Lewis Capaldi
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
If I Could Fly - One Direction
25: A song by an artist no longer living
Heroes - David Bowie
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Tee Shirt - Birdy
27: A song that breaks your heart
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Leave it All to Me - Miranda Cosgrove
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Little Me - Little Mix
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wqbytop100 · 11 months
Top100 for the week ending November 5, 2023
See You Again --- Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -3/6weeks ''peakx1''
Summertime Friends----The Chainsmokers ---1/7weeks ''peak1x2''
Strangers ---Kenya Grace --4/3weeks
I'll Be There ---Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -9/3weeks
Other Boys ----Marshmello, Dove Cameron -8/7weeks ''peak5''
Nevada---Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -87/4weeks
Hangin' On -- A R I Z O N A -2/10weeks ''peak1x4''
One Last Dance---Imanbek, Ali Gatie -10/6weeks
Spend The Night ---BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -11/7weeks
Boyfriend -- USHER -12/10weeks
Sorry Now -- A R I Z O N A -6/4weeks ''peak6''
More Baby ---Chris Lake, Aluna =18/7weeks ''peak5''
Good Morning---Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -17/4weeks
Strangely Sentimental ---Anabel Englund -33/21weeks ''peakx1'' (the week of 9/3.23)
At Your Worst -- Calum Scott -15/10weeks ''peak5''
Wanna Dance ---Alie Farber, James Carter, VARGEN -14/5weeks
AEIOU ---PNAU, Empire of the Sun -27/3weeks
From The Day On ---Andrew Rayel, JES -29/19weeks ''peak1x2'' (the weeks of 9.10 & 9.17 2023)
Tied to You ---Elderbrook -16/7weeks ''peak2''
Jungle---Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -13/7weeks ''peak6''
Stress You ---Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi --7/4weeks
Lost & Found ---Gorgon City, Julia Church -24/15weeks ''peak8''
Go Off ---Mike Candys -19/6weeks
Living In A Haze--Milky Chance -5/18weeks ''peak2x2''
Drums ---James Hype, Kim Petras -25/4weeks
Dark Skies ---A R I Z O N A -26/4weeks
Following the Sun ---SUPER Hi, NEEKA -21/14weeks
Fever---Lewis Thompkins, Punctual, Hight -20/4weeks
One of the Wolves ---Robin Schulz -22/10weeks ''peak7''
***Dreaming ---Marshmello, PInk, Sting -(new) /1
Die for a Night --- A R I Z O N A -35/24weeks ''peak1x3'' (for the weeks of August 13, August 20, August 27)
eMtunzini ----Muzi -45/12weeks ''peak12''
De Selby --- Hozier -36/14weeks ''peak5''
Elevator Eyes---Tove Lo -46/10weeks ''peak9''
Light On ---Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -30/15weeks ''peak10x2''
<> "Padam Padam" ----Kylie Minogue ->reentry
Body Count ----Jason Derulo -56/10weeks ''peak14''
<> "Dressed for a Funeral" ----Groupthink, Sunday Scaries ->reentry
Moonlight ---Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -55/12weeks ''peak15''
<> "Jacare'" ---Sofi Tukker ->reentry
If Only I --- Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -49/14weeks ''peak9''
Motive---Armin Van Buuren -51/16weeks ''peak8''
<>Why You? --- Adam Melchor ->re-entry ''peak20''
Stranger on a Train ---SUPER Hi -57/10weeks ''peak25''
Both---Tiesto -48/4weeks
Diamond Therapy --- Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -31/5weeks
What We Know---Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -38/4weeks
Subterranean---Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -40/4weeks
Moon---Locklead -61/9weeks ''peak26''
The Beautiful Letdown--Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -62/9weeks ''peak17''
The Worst Person Alive----G Flip -109/
Smiley Water----Mike. -97/7weeks
----> Makeba---JAIN -[re-entry]
Bitter --Freya Ridings -93/8weeks
<>It's In My Head---Provoker -/5weeks
We Could Be Love ---Hayden James, AR/CO -94/8weeks
Wreckage---Gorgon City, Julia Church -110/
Hip Trumpets---Yolando Be Cool, KVISION -122/
What Do You Do? ---Jess Glynne -153/
***Bite Marks---Ari Abdul -(new) /1
<>You Need Jesus----Yung Gravy, BabyGravy, bbno$ -
Fight My Demons---Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Leven Kali -85/4weeks
Forever Gold ---Siskin -39/4weeks
All Night---Charlie Houston -70/6weeks
A Lot Like Heaven---37/4weeks
Feel It (Club Edit) ----Jazzy -65/4weeks
<>Location---Cheat Codes, A7S - (re-entry into TOP100)
Blur---KREAM -28/4weeks
The Little Mushroom that got Away ---Sultan + Shepard, Lane8 -44/4weeks
A Lesson In Chemistry---Anabel Englund -53/4weeks
You're So High (10 Years On) ---Eli & Fur -42/4weeks
Desire---Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -81/4weeks
<>Ecstasy ---MEDUZA, GENSIS -(debut 10.22.23)
Save My Love---Destiny Rogers -92/4weeks
Dress Code ---Mau P -93/4weeks
***Sad Forever--Lauren Spencer Smith -125/2weeks
Champagne Shit---Janelle Monae, Latto, Quavo -140/2weeks
My Own Advice---William Black, ILLENIUM, Alana Springsteen -142/2weeks
When We Touch---Ludo Lacoste, Santelli, Twinflame, Rozegarden -80/3weeks
Better Off (Alone Part III) ---Alan Walker, Dash Berlin, Vikkstar -139/2weeks
One More Memory---Andrew Rayel -34/4weeks
Waiting For U---Laidback Luke, Ralphi *(Jake Silva remix) -78/9weeks
Don't Go Insane--- DPR IAN -50/4weeks
***Hands On Me---Jason Derulo, Meghan Trainor -(new) /1
***It Takes Two---Camila Cabello, Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake -(new) 1
***It's Gone ---Kaskade, Crayskook -(new) /1
You're Hired---NEIKED f/Nyra Starr -59/4weeks
Dancing At The Disco----J. Worra, Cherry Tooth -88/3weeks
***Can't Take It Slow ---- Citizen -(new) /1
***Life On the Moon ---Duncan Lawrence -(new) /1
Kriss Kross---W&W, Da Tweekaz -71/4weeks
***Alone---Andrew Rayel, Amanda Collis -(new) /1
<>Running Blind----Aluna, Tchami, Kareem Lomax -2weeks
***Lighter---Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton -(new) /1
Me & My Guitar---Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -52/8weeks
***Ohh LA LA ---Idris Elba, Sashi GiGI -(new) /1
***Preacher---Ownboss, Outflux, No/Me -(new) /1
***In The City---Charlix XCX, Sam Smith -(new) /1
Bigger Than The Song---Britney Spencer -84/5weeks
The Feeling---Lost Frequencies -43/4weeks
***Memories---Sam Feldt, Sofiloud -(new)
***The Greatest Thing Alive---Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -(new)
On My Love---Zara Larsson, David Guetta -68/6weeks
***One Of Your Girls---Troye Sivan -(new)
***Idolize---Dorian Electra -(new)
<>Deep Inside Of Me---Bob Sinclar, A-Trak, Mele - (re-entry) 2weeks
<> Blanket---Kevin Abstract - [re-entry] 2weeks
If Summer Was A Sound---Goldfish, Malou -47/4weeks
***Crossroads ----Sophie Simmons -(new)
Black Dress---070 Shake -91/5weeks
***Heard It Like This---ACRAZE, Joey Valence & Brae -(new)
Sing With Me---Goldfish, Keanan Eksteen -58/4weeks
***Sunday ---Dermont Kennedy -(new)
***Turn You Up---Kaskade, Winn Winn -(new)
<>Resolution -Adam Melchor -2weeks
I Love Hollywood---Slayyter -94/4weeks
<>I Feel Love--Freya Ridings -[re-entry]
<>Westside---SIDEPIECE -[re-entry]
***Shades---Andrew Rayel -(new)
California Child---Goldfish, The Palms, Hi-Def -60/4weeks
Quarter Life Crises---Baby Queen -97/8weeks
<>Love Music Part 4) ---Ren -[re-entry]
<>What Are We Waiting For--- for King & Country -[re-entry]
<>I Don't Wanna Leave--Thomas Day -2weeks
Guarantee-Summer Mix ---Black Eyed Peas, J. Rey Soul -32/5weeks
Chamallow---Polo & Pan -66/4weeks
In My Zone ---S.O. GIDI -64/8weeks
<>The Greatest---Tones & I - [re-entry]
We Should Get Married ---Dan & Shay -67/9weeks
Over Now---7Lions, Above & Beyond -72
Alive-Roosevelt -73
She's On My Mind -Romy -74
Let Me Go--Jigitz -75
On My Way--Sidepiece-76
19-Stephen Dawes -77
Down Like That-BrysonTiller -79
React--Switch Disco -80
Everything Is Changing--Goldfish -83
Where You Are--John Summit -86
Die Young---Venbee -89
All In A Dream--LP Giobbi -90
Looking For Love-Disclosure -98
Take Me Back-Chri$tian Gate$ -100
0 notes
got2ghost-archive · 4 years
10 niche interests
i was tagged by @jlf23tumble for niche interests (I THINK? it was like a month ago) i somehow...... got to ten. 
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1. this soriku manga that is kind of extremely dark and about riku’s possessiveness over sora that he literally lets sora’s pet chocobo get hunted by a stray cat so that sora will cry in his arms. i read this originally when i was like. 13 and it just stayed with me for my entire life! the power of stories! i love this entire mangaka’s work because she goes from them as childhood friends all the way up to dream drop distance where riku is much happier and realizes how wrong he was which is a RELIEF. i literally... consider her work canon. even tho it is not at all
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2. this list is gonna just be about embarrassing things i have done and said in my life...... manip of jack and will from the pirates of the caribbean gif that was on photobucket i remember frantically searching drarry edits on photobucket dot com and somehow this will and jack MOVING MANIP appeared. i was not a huge pirates stan but there were very cool girls in elementary school that i wanted to be friends with that talked about it CONSTANTLY and bc i wanted to be involved in their convos i said “YEAH LIKE THAT TIME THAT JACK AND WILL KISSED” and addi, the cool girl, said “that never happened.” level of shame and exposing how gay i was 16/10.
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3. every child has a movie they attach to and this was mine. i haven’t seen it in years but i’m very sure that the main artists did a lot of LSD. 
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4. my comphet crush on skandar keynes who literally only acted in the narnia movies and then disappeared. 1) he looks like a lesbian but also 2) i wanted to look like that so it was mostly just gender envy
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5. speaking of gender envy how i LITERALLY HAD AN OC THAT WAS JUST A MALE VERSION OF ME? this is combined with my obsession with mafia stuff as a teen? 
6. MAFIA STUFF.... I GUESS. i used to literally “cosplay” as stereotypical mafia shit. like white button downs + suspenders + fedoras and slacks. me and my friends would watch mafia movies and we all became disconcertingly good at doing new jersey accents that i still hold this talent today.
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7. ALL OF THE MYTHOLOGY OF ARCHANGELS. i grew up in a very baptist state, first of all, so i was barely exposed to catholicism AND i grew up buddhist, so i have no idea how i became so enamored by archangels. i specifically the fall of lucifer! and the inherent eroticism of michael being the perfect model angel fighting with lucifer who loved god the most out of all the angels??????????????? DADDY ISSUES!
8. this is archangel related still. this song is incredibly beautiful and intense and passionate and the story goes that tartini was visited by the devil who played him this song and he woke up and wrote it as closely as he could, but he said that it couldn’t even capture a 10th of the actual song. ANYWAY. every time i listen to it i think about as lucifer’s lament being cast out of heaven and it’s SO GOOD AND YES! I HAVE SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL!
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9. this list is UNEXPECTEDLY CHRISTIAN? how many times have i watched this movie? once. how many times have i listened to the soundtrack even tho it’s LITEARLLY christian rock? countless. i don’t know WHAT IT IS about switchfoot but it still remains as one of my most listened to albums and also mandy moore’s voice is just so sweet.
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10. MCFLY. we’re ending on a boring one? it’s not too niche but basically if you aren’t british or were weirdly obsessed with lindsay lohan’s last movie before she dovetailed, just my luck, you’d never know about them! they did write a couple 1d songs as well, but they were my bandom for like. 3 years and i wrote fic and modded for mcflyslash on livejournal! 
i’m just gonna tag my wife @scottspack​ I WOULD LOVE! TO KNOW! 
and then tag some pals who i want 2 see this! @alienfuckeronmain​ @newleafover​ @pattern-pals​ @vibey-lesbian​
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