#wither cult eret
mrmagnetwgd · 1 year
Don't know if y'all on Tumblr know this but I'm actually a professional cosplayer (WitchGender Designs) when I'm not spending 6hrs hyperfixating on DSMP digital art.
Sometimes those two go hand in hand>
Here's my most recent project based on art I did of "Wither Queen Eret". It had been a while since I'd competed but we won an award <3
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ya-boi-haru · 1 year
Writers/headcannoners, I leave the POV to you, what's happening here?
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jaimeski · 1 year
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if being bisexual with big tits was a crime
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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the immortals are beeefffiinnggg
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vpofcookies · 6 months
A closer look at panel 1 of my gift for the mcytblrholidayexchange!
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Had to include the signature sunglasses in the memes of course! My giftee also requested some reference to the Herobrine origins and the wither cult, so I left Eret with her actual glasses in the piece so that you could see his white eyes! For the wither references I added a netherite rib-cage corset and rose detailing on the underside of the cloak! I feel like wither roses are under-utilized. I also added some rainbow lens flare just for fun! My first time adding a lens flare and my first time drawing Eret!
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genevawren38 · 4 months
My headcanons I use within my writing from DSMP, QSMP and beyond;
Dream SMP: -Emerald earrings are given to those blessed by the Death Goddess, which includes; c!Techno, c!Philza, c!Niki, c!Ranboo, c!Eret, c!Foolish, c!Wilbur and c!Tommy -c!Techno, c!Philza, c!Eret, c!Foolish are ageless beings who can travel across the Realms -c!Philza uses his crows to send messages across the servers and dimensions -c!Techno and c!Phil can force their will upon Wither creatures to somewhat guide their decisions, they are still rather unruly beings -c!Techno's hound army is made up of the souls of those he and Phil defeated in battle -c!Techno can summon them at any time to do his bidding -c!Techno and c!Phil can make the conscious decision to leave a realm when they feel they have accomplished enough -c!Phil wears a braid that now has seven beads around the end in my QSMP tellings; Rose pink (Techno), daffodil yellow (Wilbur), leaf green (himself), blood red (Tommy), indigo purple (Ranboo), caramel brown (Niki), ocean blue (Chayanne) and gold (Tallulah) -c! and q!Phil suffered from injuries that greatly reduced his ability to fly for long periods of time, in some of my tellings he loses one or both wings all together depending on the canon the story decides while I write it -c!Eret is also known as Themis, where c!Foolish is their Undying Totem -c!Eret is blind from the long-term exposure to Withers from when they were set to be sacrificed by a Wither Cult. The only way to prevent the diseases progression was the Death Goddess' blessing. -c!Eret is related to Herobrine, where c!Foolish is the Death Goddess' first child with DreamXD until he went off on a power trip. Then She found c!Phil and had c!Wilbur. Which means technicially, c!Foolish and c!Wilbur are stepbrothers in my pantheon. -c!Eret contracted c!Techno to assassinate c!George when he was crowned after c!Eret was dethroned. c!Techno's only exception to his anarchist demands is c!Eret because they are fair and leave him alone, threatening c!Dream to do the same post c!Eret getting their throne back -c!Wilbur can also communicate using his Mother's crows, whether that be within the same server or across dimensions -c!Techno went to comfort c!Tubbo after the fireworks execution cause c!Techno might act like an emotionless badass, but he will always have a soft spot for youth -The Death Goddess is the one who prepares souls for their next chance or ferries them off to their afterlife -Herobrine controls all limbos (I also dubbed them 'the Unknown One') -DreamXD's controls travel between dimensions primarily, the Goddess can also use this ability -c!Ranboo's earrings all have meanings; a small L’Manburg flag (a momento to the nation lost), a bee (c!Tubbo), an allium (c!Tommy), a fox (c!Fundy) and a cookie (c!Niki) all hung from silver chains beside the gold-gilded emerald -The scars of previous deaths persist on your skin in the DSMP universe, as a reminder of how you died. -c!Eret is Harpocrates in the Syndicate, there was just never an opportunity to reveal themself as such. They were sworn in shortly after c!George's assassination.
-c!Technoblade and c!Philza make a point of brushing and braiding each others hair every morning they live together.
ALRIGHT QSMP TIME; -Everyone forgot their previous lives except q!Philza, the Angel of Death, for the first few weeks of that world. Also q!Wilbur, q!Niki, q!Bbh, q!Foolish -q!Philza still closely guards the emerald earring he will always wear
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catsandgoodbooks · 4 months
I have this random AU that I've been thinking about for a while but haven't really talked about before, so yeah. The base plot is just everyone trying to kill each other and failing, and then getting mad when someone actually succeeds, but we need some background information first.
Gods are real, and they are active participants in the world. Occasionally, they bless certain mortals with the ability to cheat death out of an honest desire for companionship, for someone that could understand. This is the traditional way to achieve immortality, the right way. This is how Phil got his immortality, and it's the way that George is heading towards.
Other gods have special chosen mortals, crusaders and champions of their names. Most are not granted the immortality that those who can charm a god are, or at least those can be killed, with extreme effort. Technoblade is the Blood God's champion, and is blessed with supernatural strength and prowess for it, as well as an extended lifetime. Still not quite immortal, but close.
Then there are those rare people who seek out gods to make deals, instead of the other way around. They offer something, and if it is enticing enough and if the god finds their courage amusing or admirable, they get the deal they want. Often, these include immortality.
DreamXD is one of the gods most open to this, as there is something material that he needs and can be offered. That is how both Punz and Foolish's pacts come from - offering to collect and feed him the souls he needs to survive, because gods can still die. Foolish ended up changing the terms of his deal as he settled down but kept his immortality - he can be killed, but XD will just bring him back. Punz still stays with the souls pact; they reap the souls they can and give them to XD, and grow stronger in exchange. For their devotion, XD has bestowed a special gift upon them - being able to suck the soul out of anyone they have skin-to-skin contact with if they have time and can concentrate enough. The proper immortals - i.e. Phil, Sam, Eret, and Foolish; George and Techno aren't quite there yet, even if they have the potiental - all know about this, but no one else does. However, most of them are not very thrilled about this ability and lead some to regard Punz with a bit more detachment and apprehensiveness, as it could cause the permanent death of a couple of them.
Not all immortality is granted by the gods. Some mortals go out and take it instead. Sam is one of these cases, having acquired his immortality through redstone and engineering and cloning. As long as the original body - the real Sam, the one version of himself he did not create - remains intact, Sam can just enter a new one whenever he dies, leaving him essentially unkillable unless someone knows where the original body is.
Not all ascensions are intended, or beautiful. Eret was once human, but their long, extended exposure to the corrupted otherworldliness through the wither cult has made them something...different. Maybe even eldritch. But either way, they can't really die, and that's enough for the others. Phil thinks they might be becoming a god. Callahan knows they're not.
Callahan is a minor god of forests and growth and all things hidden. He uses his power to try to stitch the world together again and again and again; the one thing that never changes is that it is always inches away from collapse, and Callahan doesn't know why. He wants to know why, but, until he does this is the best he can do. As is, he haunts the world like a ghost, there one moment and the next gone. He's...friendly with the once-mortals, he knows what they are and they know what he is, but that's about it.
So, with that over with, Technoblade tries to hunt Sam down post-Daedalus because he really doesn't want this guy to be alive any longer (considering the locked-Techno-in-prison thing and let-Techno's-friend-get tortured thing and the killed-Techno's-protege thing and the kidnapped-a-baby thing), and he ropes Phil into this. Phil knows that they can't actually kill Sam normally, but he's not a big fan of Sam either, so he calls Punz up to see if they can do anything about it. They can, so they show up and Techno immediately distrusts them but leaves when Phil tells him that it's fine and they can handle it.
Then Punz sucks Sam's soul out of his body, which is actually what Phil wanted them to do. After that, Punz decides to not give the millennia-old soul to XD or use it to strengthen themself, but to make a deal with XD to grant Dream that measure of immortality Punz themself has, with the soul as essentially a downpayment. When Phil finds out about this, he is not happy, primarily because he thinks that Dream is fucking evil and does not deserve that power. Punz then storms out, leaving Phil alone with his thoughts, while Punz goes to find Dream, who is, as one might assume, not doing well with his sudden, rushed ascension.
Oh, and Foolish is really really mad at Quackity because of how he's been treating Foolish, so I'm sure nothing bad will come out of that at all.
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melodyfsoul1 · 2 years
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c!EternalDuo vs The Wither Cult
Part 3 of "The Story of an Eternal Duo"
After c!Eret infiltrated the Wither Cult they found out where their hide out is and called c!Foolish to clean up the mess.
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For the Character thing: Eret :3
First impression: Ooo an evil character!!! So so cool I love her “it was never meant to be” line!!
Impression now: Eret my beloved I love you so much you had so much more potential and UWAAAAA
Favorite moment: I have a couple but one that sticks out to me is obviously the betrayal she did and also the red banquet scene with her and foolish
Idea for a story: Eggpire Eret. That is all. I want to see that happen I want to see this woman get feral.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think it’s unpopular but I believe she deserves to be more cunty as a treat— and I wish they would’ve expanded more on the wither cult stuff bc that makes me go unhinged
Favorite relationship: Her and Foolish and her and Fundy before it went to shit— listen I’m a sucker
Favorite headcanon: I love the headcanon that her chat is ferrets and that they follow her around everywhere. It’s a simple but cute headcanon that I love a lot.
I’m a simple woman and I really like Eret’s character, I wish there was more of her and more lore.
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antimony-medusa · 2 years
eret does that mean that wither cult is part of the lore you’re planning for the next season
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sobegaycola-viy · 2 years
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Day 1! Begginins! I like to add stories for my art so here's the blurb! I haven't written a proper one in a while so I apologize!!
c!Eret here is based off of a pirate outfit, she had traveled with c!Puffy and c!Elaina for a while on their ship; The B2! As they traveled they met a god, a totem, someone who intrigued and got along with them. c!Foolish! As c!Foolish joined them, they all started to notice all these different underground cults and allies similar in nature. They decided to check out one harming people the most; The wither cult. They successfully defeated them with a hiccup here or there. As they continued to travel together, a huge storm approached them. One so odd they'd never have thought it to exist. They kept onward though and lightning had struck the boat! It hit right where c!Eret was and brought them to the face of another deity like c!Foolish. He was granted something unknown now, as he's lost his memory since.
You dont want to know how ling this took me to finish...
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Let's go Jimmy, show that blindsided fool what the Codfather is made out of!!!
Also it is funny (and kind of sad) watching everyone else from the Cod-alliance just staring doumbfounded at Jimmy taking charge and being a strategist...
Also also, Techno and Phil joining the alliance against Xorxor? 👀 I know it may not happen, but still...it would be funny and awsome
Joel vs Tommy...didn't think I would need it but now ots everything I wish for XD
Techno, Phil, Pix, Xisuma, and Wels actually were the 'original' Syndicate, hundreds of years ago. They fought wither cults with Foolish and Eret, imprisoned Xornoth the first time around, and of course got banned from nearly half the servers and bars on Skyblock - Patton
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grimaussiewitch · 2 years
Would anyone like to hear my fanfic ideas? Some include but not limited to:
- Deaf/Blind!Tommy + Hermit!Tommy idea dabbles.
- Dream smp members going to hermitcraft for a holiday, Niki sparing with False, Foolish getting sort of over the chandelier, Eret taking photos of builds and mega bases.
- Server hopper!Hbomb who can enter any server without needing a white list. Although a solo traveler, he sneaks Ant, Niki and Eret into hermitcraft for a quick day trip. This might of caused some glitches…
- The egg in hermitcraft. So many different one shots…
- Fusion au that I came up with after realising that my number 1 favourite dsmp member and hermit both have king aesthetics and are in fact hard to draw as a fusion.
- Deep sleep!Tommy au, it’s filled with angst and a badly written Evil X!
- Magical Coma!Dream au that I came up with from a comic I saw on Instagram. It basically Bad takes on Dream’s role through out the L’Manburg arc and when the eggpire arc starts Bad takes his original role back and Punz takes over being a dictator, all the whole Dream is in a magically induced coma.
- Double life role swap au where Grian uses his watcher powers/connections to have scar and BigB swap but this causes everyone else to swap soulmates too.
- Dad!Zedaph and lab!Tommy, a cracked fic my beloved. It’s just adding Zed to the list of “potential white blond British man as a father figure” but not because he can be seen as a father figure but because I love lab Tommy au’s and think it would be funny if Zed made him as an experiment and then dropped him off into a forest to fend for himself.
- Ghostinnit befriending Cleo
- Hermit!Tommy BUT he doesn’t go to boatem. An au with a bunch of half baked reasons.
- Jimmy isn’t a toy but he is made out of porcelain and has a realisation with Joel shoots him in the eye. Bonus if Fwhip helps Jimmy out.
- After double life ended everyone goes back to their main servers but the empire members end up in hermitcraft and the hermit players end up on the empires server. The hermits have amnesia like False because of story magic while the trapped empires members are fully aware that they’re on the wrong server.
- One shot of season 1 empires!Joel making clay clones of himself. (A headcanon that he’s made out of magical clay) He stops after Lizzie disappears so the Mezelea Emperor dying of a broken heart was literal.
- One shot of Tommy becoming a champion of DreamXD, other champions include Philza (under the goddess of death), Jimmy and Grian (both under the watchers)
- Scar some how ends up on the dream smp and becomes a capitalistic rival with Quackity. Scar is made out of cartoon logic and Quackity HATES it.
- ElainaExE being a sort of demj god and is fighting DreamXD to let her go onto the dream smp to visit Eret and Puffy. The last two times she did that Puffy got caught in a storm and Eret died fighting ex-wither cult members. Also she’s made out of stars.
- Maidbomb terrorising people one shots uwu.
I dunno, would anyone like to hear my in depth rambles?
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residenthesitant · 2 years
timeline shenanigans
alright so i realized that my whumptober prompts wind up skipping around the timeline a WHOLE lot so i think i should probably put an explanation of how that all goes on here!
TLDR: i see dsmp canon as being considerably longer than what we have in terms of IRL time. longer explanation under the cut
okay. so. lets talk timeline. my main dsmp canon timeline centers ctubbo and how old he is which. is kinda funny but also makes things hard to explain. so let’s try to figure this out. i also operate under the assumption that the world is filled with WAY more people than we see on stream, so keep that in mind.
5000+ years before DSMP: philza (32) dies. in her grief, trixtin (31) ascends to godhood and becomes Death, making philza her angel
1000+ years pre-DSMP: eret and foolish meet. at some point, eret dies, and foolish makes a deal with death so that they reincarnate.
~370 years pre-DSMP: eret is reincarnated as a royal
~200 years pre-DSMP: wither cult era. victorian england type vibes.
~100 years pre-DSMP: eret and foolish reunite on a train (link to a fic!)
now we get into the tubbo-centric stuff. this is how i understand the timeline which. rip. let’s see how we do with this. in terms of time, assume that like cctubbo, ctubbo’s birthday is in late december
4: tubbo is found on the side of the road by philza (5000+) and taken in
10.5: tommy (10) is found by wilbur (19-20) and taken in. elsewhere, the royal/greater SMP is founded
11: tommy (10.5), tubbo, and wilbur (20) go out into the world, meet eret (19), wind up in the territory known to us as the Dream SMP
11.5: l’manberg is founded, starts as a small commune of sorts, and people begin joining.
12.5: fundy is born, ages at a 7:1 ratio (by the time he is 1 full year old, he is the equivalent of a 7 yr old)
14: l’manberg declares independence, war begins
15: fundy’s aging slows down once he reaches adulthood (3 years of existing, equivalent to 21 human years)
16 (may/june): final control room and deal with dream happen. l’manberg gains independence
16.9 (like. november.): wilbur (26) decides to hold an election
17 (january): schlatt wins election shortly after tubbo’s 17th birthday. tommy (16.5) and wilbur (26) are exiled, form pogtopia
17.9 (december): manberg festival happens Weeks before tubbo’s 18th birthday.
18.4 (may/june): manberg vs pogtopia war. wilbur (26) names tubbo as interim president, blows up manberg city square as cleanup efforts begin, dies
18.5 (june/july): ranboo (18.7) moves to the DSMP
18.7 (october): interim president tubbo is named Real President amid chaos following wilbur’s death
19 (january): shortly after birthday, george’s house is burned down. investigation takes a month (start of february), and at the end, tommy is exiled.
19 (early early may): tommy (19) escapes exile; butcher army + techno’s execution happens. one day later, tubbo goes to visit tommy, discovers that he has “died”
19 (july): doomsday; stays in royal SMP territory for a while
19 (august): disc confrontation; dream is put in prison
20: sets out of the SMP with a number of l’manberg survivors and founds snowchester. nukes begin being built
21 (jan-april): gets married, adopts michael (3). tommy (20.9) is trapped in the prison, dies, is revived around march. nuke goes missing.
21 (may): red banquet happens
21 (june/july): wilbur (26, mentally 40) revived, las nevadas formed
22: invited to las nevadas
22 (march/april): burger arc
22 (july): prison break, ranboo (22.9) dies; revengers save michael (4.5)
edit/sidenote: ive got fics that divert from this bit specifically. within the king of kings timeline, michael is rescued from snowchester and brought to the castle, and stays there until after ranboo dies.
22 (september): wilbur apology tour
that’s as far as we have, so that’s what i’ve got in terms of timeline! hopefully this makes things make a little more sense when it comes to how much time is mentioned to have passed later on. some fun facts about this list: 1) wilbur is dead for five years instead of six months. the limbo time dilation stays the same though. 2) dream is in prison for just under two years.
okay that’s it. xoxoxo
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alexanderwesker · 2 years
hello, i am back from my little cave, and i come with some more questions about your gods. ^^
is it taboo at all to not follow any gods in your world? like, how common is it for people to be like quackity and make their own destiny?
in atol, quackity says he'd rather become a "servant of prime" than do something. where did that phrase come from?
there was also a part in atol where tommy prayed to all of the gods he could remember the prayers of to protect the wilburs. so do the gods all have their own prayers? are they kind of like catholic prayers or are they different? what are some of the more notable ones?
have there been any other rulers who have been blessed by a god, or was the sovereign the first?
so scott has a name in ancient. does timedeo also have one?
i also really wanna hear more about the nether gods. i kinda know about eren and the foresaken one. but are there any others?
do those who follow eren observe any specific celebrations or rituals or anything like that?
are there any other ways to blaspheme the gods besides purple lights?
ok that's all i can think of for now, but knowing me, i'll return within the next month or so with some more questions, because your worldbuilding always has so many different layers to wonder about, and it's literally so neat ^D^
Sorry it took me so long to answer, I forgot I had put the answer in the drafts.
As for your questions:
1. It's not taboo per se, but it's very uncommon, since the Gods are an active part of everyone's life, it's rare that people don't end up following one or another God.
2. That's just Quackity showing his contempt for religious people by calling the Clerks of Prime, Servants. As for their roles, it's very much like that of catholic priests, though Clerks of Prime are made eunuchs so that they have to be chaste.
3. Each God, from the Major to the Minor ones, have their own prayers. They are more like small chants, each of which as it's own tone and rhythm. The most notable one is that of Prime which is: "Great Prime bring your thousand eyes to look upon me as I hope for your Blessing in what that I'm about to do [then add the specifics of what needs to be blessed] and if by Your Will it may go through, I promise to bring my boon to your Church."
4. Sovereign was the first to have been overtly, without any doubt, Blessed by a God.
5. He does. Ophalék, which means 'The moment the sun let's darkness rise'
6. There are others, the major of the Nether Gods is the Blood God, then there are many smaller ones that are mostly followed by the Piglin tribes. The Wither is a sort of Divine Beast/Demigod for the Netherfolk.
6. Eret doesn't really have a following cult anymore, though he used to have one.
7. Being disrespectful of the God or their ministers(last thing of which Quackity is guilty of). Mixing up rites of different Gods in one, even if someone follows them and there is a celebration for them the same day, the rites should be kept separated.
Hope you like the answers, sorry again for taking this long. And feel free to send more asks my way, I love answering them
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melodyfsoul1 · 2 years
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c!Eret, the Wither Prince @theeretblr
Motif is based on two head canons:
A) c!Eret being, at least partly, a Wither Hybrid, (a head canon I have seen floating around in the fandom and like a lot)
And B) my personal head canon, that back when c!Eret & c!Foolish had to fight the Wither Cult, c!Eret joined the cult to spy on them for a while. This is their Wither Cult Outfit made from fire proof fabric and armor made from Wither Bones
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