#make sure to capture them as accurately as I could before I branch into a more unusual design!
vpofcookies · 6 months
A closer look at panel 1 of my gift for the mcytblrholidayexchange!
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Had to include the signature sunglasses in the memes of course! My giftee also requested some reference to the Herobrine origins and the wither cult, so I left Eret with her actual glasses in the piece so that you could see his white eyes! For the wither references I added a netherite rib-cage corset and rose detailing on the underside of the cloak! I feel like wither roses are under-utilized. I also added some rainbow lens flare just for fun! My first time adding a lens flare and my first time drawing Eret!
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kujousgf · 10 months
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HOME VIDEO. 18+. mdni.
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pairings: kate bishop + f ! reader
summary: kate's date nights are never... quite what they seem
warnings: hide and seek !, impact play, dom!top!kate, sub!bottom!reader, groping, hair pulling, degradation, strap on
wc: 2.1k
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The sound of Kate’s black combat boots against the concrete made you flinch back into the shadow you were currently hiding in. Your back against the crumbling bricks of an old building, trying to make yourself invisible to her sharp eyes. You shouldn’t have been so careless when she said she wanted to take you out, but you were just so overjoyed at the idea of her taking you on a proper date that you had forgotten who it was you were thinking about.
And now you were trapped.
You had no idea where you really were, just that Kate had been driving for about 45 minutes before pulling into an empty gravel lot and telling you to run— so you did.
You ran until you were out of breath and you were sure she was far enough behind you to find a proper place to try and hide like this was some sort of sick game of hide and seek. And it was, Kate was a predator trying to catch her prey and your only hope was to hide until she decided to take mercy on you.
She never did.
Today was no exception, but unbeknownst to you, your girlfriend did have a little surprise for you. In the form of a small video camera she was using to record your little ‘date’, a special purchase she made about a week ago. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Her voice rang out in a sing songy tone, she needed to highlight just how excited she was to drag you from your hiding place.
She’s been recording for a few minutes now, talking to the camera as she treks through the forest in the direction she saw you run, capturing the trees and the clearly untraveled path as she walked.
Kate turns the camera towards her now as she ducks under a branch and pushes others out of her way, holding the camera out enough to capture above her shoulders. She grins wide, “I wonder how far she’s gotten. There’s a clearing coming up soon, some abandoned buildings, used to be for an old mine, I think. Not that important anyway, what’s important is that no one ever comes around here. The place is completely abandoned except for, well, us right now.”
When she finally steps out into the clearing she pans the camera around once more to get a shot of the crumbling old buildings covered in overgrown weeds and other such plants. There's a larger main building that stands actually quite well, save for the broken windows and rotted wood precariously holding the glass in place, and what appears to be a few scattered small buildings throughout. Though she supposes it would be more accurate to call them ruins, she laughs at her own thoughts.
Grass is crushed beneath her black combat boots as she walks towards the main building, “If I were a dumb little girl, where would I hide?” She wonders aloud, listening to see if she could hear you moving about, but all she could hear was her own breathing and the snapping of twigs beneath her boots. She had already ruled out what remained of two of the smaller buildings, you weren’t one to lay down to hide, and she’d see the top of your head above the rubble. The main building, though, well that was a possibility. If you had wandered farther than this clearing she’d have to really scold you, she didn’t need you getting lost.
Kate hums idly to herself as she walks, making sure the camera is still recording before she walks through the doorway, pushing the barely attached door open. Hm, maybe you didn’t come through here. Either that or you had learned to start covering your tracks, how cute, perhaps you did have a brain inside that empty head of yours. She scans the inside of the building, the light shining through the barely existent windows and the giant hole in the roof made it much easier to see inside than she thought it would be. “Ah, that’s good, my video will turn out nice.”
She does a quick walkthrough, clicking her tongue when you’re nowhere to be found. “Tch, seems my little girl has gotten better at hiding.” She's getting impatient now, wants to get to the main event. She has half a mind to kick down the door opposite to where she came in to scare you out of your hiding spot, but she can be patient, she can wait. There's no use in rushing things, she’ll find you eventually. The door is already open anyway, how convenient, maybe you weren’t as smart as she thought you were.
Kate turns the camera to face her again, starting to speak as she walks. “My baby and I always like to go on little dates like these. She always screams and cries, but I know she likes it. I catch her admiring the marks I leave on her in the mirror. Such a silly little thing, she thinks I won't notice.”
It's as if she’s talking to an audience, like she’s making some sort of vlog to share with her nonexistent subscribers. She laughs to herself again, maybe she should upload this somewhere. Hm, she’ll think about it later. The camera pans back around.
Your breath hitches when you hear the unmistakable sound of Kate's boots colliding with the concrete floor of the building behind you. They always seemed so much louder at times like this. Your back was pressed against the crumbling brick of one of the taller ruins, backing yourself into the corner and trying to be invisible. But now you can’t hear her anymore, presumably having stepped into the grass again. You can practically hear your heart pounding out of your chest, trying to quiet your breathing and become invisible.
“I can almost taste your fear, baby. Don't you wanna be a good girl and come out for me? Won't hurt you too bad, I promise.”
Her fingers are crossed behind her back.
You can hear her laughing behind you as the sound of her voice makes you take off, quickly scrambling to get up and bolt away. She's got you now. “Here comes the fun part.” Her voice is breathy now as she speaks to the camera, she’s getting excited. She loves the chase. She's running after you quickly, she’s always been faster than you, but she seems to gain on you so much faster today. In fact, you don’t get very far before a hand on your back sends you tumbling to the ground, barely catching yourself to avoid a mouthful of grass and whatever else.
“Isn't she just lovely?” Kate stands over you, panning the camera over your body and getting down on her knees, caging you between her legs. Her breathing is ragged as she grabs your hair with her free hand, “I've got a surprise for you, princess.” And then she’s tugging your head up and forcing the camera in your face, making sure to get a nice shot of the shock on your features. What a wonderful expression, she can’t wait to capture more of your pretty face.
“K–Kate, what?”
Why does she have a camera? Is she filming? What is she going to do with the video afterwards? Your mind is racing as you think of all the possibilities.
She pulls you out of your own head with a tug on your hair, grinning at you, “Well, I just thought it would be nice to make our own little movie. Aren't I so thoughtful, baby? Wait right here.” She gets up to find somewhere to put the camera down, making sure to keep an eye on you so that you stay right where you are.
But really, where would you go? she’d kick you back down before you even got the chance to get up, push your face into the grass and dirt and tell you to stop making such stupid decisions, that you’re just a dumb little girl who doesn’t know what’s best for you.
She comes back and crouches down in front of your face, lifting your head up by your hair and caressing your cheek with her other hand. “I'm gonna turn you into my own personal filmstar, baby.” she grins, “Now stand up, let’s have some fun.” She lets go of you to stand up straight, now, what should she do first?
Almost as soon as you’re up, Kate has you doubling over in pain, a whimper falling from your lips as her fist collides with your stomach. She always thought that was such a sweet noise, hopefully the microphone on the camera can pick it up from where she’s placed it. “Stand up, I said.” She punctuates her words by pulling you back up by your hair. “Have you forgotten how to listen already? I haven’t even done anything to you, baby.”
She takes her time in brutalizing you, groping you while she’s at it, making sure to take extra time in squeezing roughly at your ass. Her harsh punches and kicks leave you crying and whimpering on the ground by the time she’s done.
The toe of her combat boot collides harshly with your side one last time and she laughs at the way you curl in on yourself. It felt like she was hitting the same spot every time, but you know she wasn’t. She hasn’t forgotten about the camera though, about the reason she was putting on such a good show. “You’re so mean, Kate..” She laughs at your pathetic whimper and leaves you to yourself for a moment as she goes to retrieve it, she can’t wait to show you the other surprise she has in store for you.
“Look at how pretty she looks like this, all bloody and bruised, beaten.” Kate zooms in on you, panning over your body so the camera can really take you in, so she can really take you in. She clicks her tongue when you try to cover your face, stepping on your thigh and pressing her weight down until you’re whimpering and moving your hands, “Sorry! S–Sorry, I won’t cover my face…” And then she’s removing the pressure and smiling down at you, “Good girl. Isn't it so easy to listen to unspoken rules?”
She kneels down over your body again, knees hitting the ground with a thud, straddling your thighs and sliding her free hand up your stomach, pushing your shirt up and over your breasts. She grins, wolf-like as she zooms in with the camera, groping your breasts, enjoying the way you squirm beneath her.
Her breathing is getting a bit more ragged as she speaks, her pupils blown as she looks down at you. “Did you wear this just for me, baby? You know how much I love this bra. Did you wear the matching panties, too?” She roughly pulls the cups down underneath your breasts and groans, oh, she’s been waiting for this.
Her questions are rhetorical, they almost always are, she never expects you to respond. She knows how empty headed you get when she’s treating you like this, how overwhelmed you get and how dizzy she makes you feel. It would be unfair of her to expect you to be able to form a coherent sentence, and she’s not that cruel.
Her rough hand runs over your skin, nails raking down your stomach before she slides her palm back up, “I have another surprise for you, princess. Are you ready?” She tugs at your nipple to prompt a response this time and you gasp, arching your back. “Y–Yes! Please, I’m ready.”
She coos at you and pulls back slightly to straighten up, one hand still holding the camera while she starts to unbutton her black jeans with her other hand, unzipping them and reaching into her boxers to pull out the thick strap on you always liked.
You don’t know how you didn’t notice the bulge in her pants earlier, it’s not exactly small or unnoticable. She strokes it as she looks down at you, “I think it’s time we change genres, don’t you? I think you make a lovely little actress, so don’t forget to scream and cry for me. you know how much i love it when you do.”
She points the camera towards your face again, making sure to capture the way your pupils are blown and your bottom lip is caught between your teeth. “Now, come here and get my cock wet, princess. I’d hate to hurt you too much.”
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directdogman · 1 year
Im so sorry to bother you with yet another question, mr dog. I know youre a busy hound but this idea has just been festering inside my skull and i must know (if your comfortable sharing that is): WOULD Callum have told Milton about his specific plans for the dial up? From what Ive gathered the two seem extremely close (and gay?) So despite Callums extreme paranoia, would Milt be the exception? Would he trust Milt to keep this secret for him? I know Milton took his life because him and callum disagreed on the subject, and I always figured he did this PRIOR to the actual event of the dial up in '66, which would in turn still make it so absolutely no one knew what Callums true plans were.
Good question! Crown lore isn't perhaps the MOST relevant thing to the main events of Dialtown (or most of the main cast) but hey, I love talking about it, and this is a great non spoilery question, so here I go. The long and short of it is that Crown DID try to tell Milt about his idea for the Dialup (and yes, with his paranoia, Milt was the only person he told this to), not so much as something he was going to do, but instead, something he was considering, and Milt responded negatively every single time it was brought up, eventually giving Crown an ultimatum that if Crown went through with the idea, they'd be finished. Milt liked that Crown's tech brought people together, but giving the whole population mandatory biological upgrades essentially means outright ending bodily autonomy in a way that's never been done before. As you can tell from how things turned out, Crown DID in fact make the decision to go through with the idea and it destroyed their relationship.
Crown's paranoia didn't apply to Milt in the same way it applied to others, nor his wife Marla. With everyone except Marla/Milt, he was sure that if push came to shove, they'd sell him down the river, that they could be tortured for information. With Marla, he assumed (incorrectly, imo) that she wasn't really capable of fully understanding his plans and that she might think he'd lost it. Marla was a very sharp person, but she had a tendency to see through Crown's bullshit. Also, like with Milt, he was terrified of Marla ending up danger if she had vital information that others may kill for. Crown went to the trouble of adding the memory erasure button as an in-built cyanide pill, in case he felt he was in actual danger of being captured and interrogated, after all, and he couldn't just slap one onto Milt, as the guy refused to get an object head.
...With Milt, the bulk of his paranoia was that Milt would reject him and walk away forever. Milt had ethical concerns that only came to light as Crown gained more and more power (and thus, had to make bigger and bigger decisions, many of which didn't necessarily have easy solutions.) Crown trusted Milt more than anyone else, but he was terrified that he'd resign and leave him if he knew about the difficult decisions that Crown had to make behind the scenes to achieve the goals that they set out to achieve together. A president can't rule over both floors of congress and take over the judicial branch without breaking a few eggs, y'know?
There's more to what happened between them than anyone knows (Milt had other hangups), but this is an accurate assessment of the dynamic they had.
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delimeful · 3 years
Helpless (3)
warnings: misunderstandings, spiders/arachnophobia, mild violence
Halfway through the woods, Patton heard the distinct sound of someone mumbling.
He paused mid-step, tilting his head to listen with a fair bit of curiosity. The mumbling was quiet enough that he couldn’t make out any individual words, but he could more or less tell which direction it was coming from.
Whatever the source was, they sounded a little frustrated.
He hesitated. Virgil was always emphasizing how careful Patton needed to be in the woods, though how much of that was due to actual danger and how much was the drider being a worrywart over Patton’s ‘chronic inability to defend himself’, he wasn’t sure.
Either way, this didn’t sound like a dangerous wild animal, so it would probably be okay to take a little detour and see what the matter was!
He followed the noise off the trail into a thick copse of trees, eventually coming upon intricate silvery threadwork that wound between them. He was proud to say he only barely shuddered as he ducked past them, his fear of spiders mostly overcome by his affection for his friend.
The webbing got thicker the further he went, and eventually he came upon the source of the mumbling, which appeared to be a whole person, stuck against the outer edge of one of Virgil’s larger webs.
They looked up upon spotting him, eyes bright for a moment before taking him in and visibly dulling with disappointment, which, aside from sorta hurting Patton’s feelings, seemed an odd response for someone in need of help.
“Hello there,” he greeted, waving. “My name’s Patton, I live over at the nearby town. You seem to be in a bit of a prestickament!”
“No, I did this myself,” the stranger corrected, already looking past Patton with disinterest. “It is an attempt to meet with someone I would like to speak with, and they seem the skittish sort, so I would appreciate it if you moved on.”
Patton hummed, more than a little confused. Something about this seemed familiar. “What are you going to do if this person doesn’t show up, though?”
“My arms are free,” they responded, frowning at Patton’s persistence as they wiggled the fingers of their free hand demonstrably. The other hand was occupied with a worn-looking journal. “I will be able to eat and drink, and thus am in no danger.”
“My friend says these woods can get mighty cold at night,” Patton countered, undeterred. “Can’t you meet your friend in town, instead? Why does it have to be a drider’s web?”
And, oh, that was it! Virgil had just been telling him the other day about someone who’d gotten stuck in one of his webs just like this, a mage who had been all-too-delighted to see him. Patton had hardly registered how they’d met, since he’d mostly been very upset to learn that some people would try to use his friend’s body parts as potions ingredients.
“That’s because the drider is the one I’m hoping to speak with,” the stranger replied, as though it should be obvious. “I sincerely doubt they would appreciate an invitation to town.”
Patton stared at the little notebook for a moment, and abruptly put the pieces together. This must have been the stranger that freaked Virgil out so badly!
And he was lying in wait in one of Virgil’s webs… In that case, there was no way he could leave things like this.
“I don’t think the drider is around,” he offered cheerily. “Sometimes they migrate to different areas for different seasons! You won’t meet anyone while hanging around, so I’ll help you down!”
He circled around the tree where most of the webs were rooted, approaching the stranger’s edge of webbing, and found to his surprise that they really were stuck. How they planned to ambush Virgil while stuck in a web, he wasn’t sure, especially since the gambit hadn’t worked on the first attempt either. Magic, maybe?
“How do you know that?” the stranger asked, craning to look at him with sudden interest. “About drider migration cycles.”
Patton shrugged as he plucked at the threads of the web, testing each one to see where they led. “I’m a good listener, so I pick things up here and there. What do you do?”
It seemed to be the right question to ask, since the stranger perked up, distracted from his inquiry.
“I am a researcher,” they informed Patton. “I’m seeking out information on the more reclusive creatures that live in these lands, like driders! This is the first one that I’ve met in person, so if they’re leaving, I need to catch up right away.”
Patton slid the sheath off of the little paring knife he’d taken to carrying and started sawing at one of the threads. “Are you going to try to capture him?” he asked, keeping his voice as even as he could. “You know, for your research.”
“I’m not a bounty hunter,” they replied indignantly. “The behavior of any being would be unnatural and stilted while imprisoned, especially a sapient one. My research is meant to increase humanity's understanding of driders, not to put them on display for entertainment.”
Patton blinked at them, slicing through another strand. “You… aren’t looking to hurt them?”
“No!” They honestly sounded offended by the idea. “I don’t think I ever could, anyhow, the one I met was very large, and they would likely be able to incapacitate me without any trouble.”
“Weren’t you scared?” Patton asked, remembering the terror that had swept through him during that first encounter, when he’d thought the drider was a giant creepy crawly death dealer. Even after he realized, when Virgil yoinked him with his two front legs, Patton had been a little nervous.
“People are only scared of what they don’t understand,” they informed him, chin lifted stubbornly, “and I know more about driders than any other human. I don’t see any reason to be afraid.”
“Wow… You’re really passionate about this, huh?” Patton grinned as he sliced through the last of the support webbing, and with a few snaps, the researcher fell to the ground, only a few strands of silk clinging to them.
“Of course!” they replied, pausing to pull some of the softer webbing bits off of himself and folding them into a pocket of his bag. “The information compiled on them is often vague or outright misleading, and due to their reclusiveness and occasional aggression, nobody else has been able to correct these false accounts.”
They paused, studying the woods around them. “I am… uncertain on how I’m going to discern which area the drider has chosen to migrate to. I don’t suppose you have any idea?”
Patton patted their shoulder. “Don’t worry about that. I think there’s a friend of mine you should meet properly.”
“Virgil!” Patton called brightly. “I’m here!”
He had been leading the way through increasingly dense and shadowy foliage for a fair while, now. Logan glanced up from their connected hands to see exactly where he was being pulled to, his heartbeat picking up in speed despite the possibility that this was a cruel prank or even a mugging.
Sure, Patton had described the drider that he’d met a couple of days ago quite accurately, but that was no assurance that he was actually familiar with the being. Most of the townsfolk seemed peripherally aware of ‘Virgil’’s presence, after all, so Patton could have glimpsed him before. It seemed more likely than them being friends. Driders were notoriously solitary, and ‘Virgil’ had seemed quite averse during Logan’s encounter with him, after all.
There was a crack from above, like a branch snapping.
In the next moment, a heavy weight had dropped down from above, knocking Logan to the ground and forcing all the air from his lungs. As he gasped futilely, he realized there were two hands pinning his arms to the ground, and some very familiar fangs put on full display, mere inches from his face.
“Leave him alone,” a very angry drider demanded, his regular voice layered with harsh, gravely rattling.
Logan wheezed in response, absently noting that there were multiple small black eyes visible against the dark marks under the more human set of eyes and wondering just how the two different ocular sensory organs overlapped.
“Virgil, stop!” Patton’s hands appeared at the edge of Logan’s vision, pushing back against Virgil’s shoulders until he eased up, lifting his crouched spider half up only slightly, as though prepared to lunge at Logan again at any moment. “He’s fine! He won’t hurt you!”
Virgil’s glare finally flicked away, though it turned more bewildered-angry than murderous-angry once landing on Patton. Logan wasn’t sure, but he thought the smaller eyes remained locked on him. “This is the mage I told you about! It’s not safe, you need to get out of here--,”
“Mage?” Logan asked, his voice still coming out a little winded. “What are you talking about?”
“He’s not,” Patton said at nearly the same time, “I promise, he just wants to know more about you! Right, Logan?”
“I’m certainly not a mage,” he agreed, rubbing at his arm. The full force of a drider grabbing him… that was going to bruise. He wondered if there was a way to measure that power. “I’m not sure how you got that impression, I don’t have any of the tools mages often carry.”
Virgil looked back and forth between the two humans with clear consternation, and Patton was the one who answered. “Well, most people are afraid at just the sight of him. And… you weren’t.”
“Of course not,” Logan said, still trying to grasp the connection between his lack of fear and his alleged magehood. “I was enthralled. He’s very beautiful.”
Above him, Virgil made a choked-off noise and shuffled back, giving Logan space to sit up and regain full faculty of his senses. Virgil had turned his face away, and Patton was muffling a smile behind his hand.
“Was that… invasive?” Logan asked hesitantly, glancing between the two of them. “I apologize, this is my first research voyage, so I may have become... over-enthusiastic.”
Virgil flapped a hand at him, as though trying to physically dispel his words. “What exactly does a ‘research voyage’ entail?”
Logan straightened up, trying to look as professional as possible while still sitting on the forest floor. He suspected there might be detritus in his hair. “It’s a journey undertaken by apprentice-level researchers to expand their knowledge in their specific field. Often, once they have thorough evidence and a compelling thesis, they will return to their teacher and present this in order to advance as a journeyman.”
Of course, Logan had no intention of doing that. He was going to spend as long as he could traveling and learning and compiling his knowledge, until nobody could argue that he wasn’t suited to the world of scholars.
“And your field is… spiders? Monsters?” Virgil asked, eyebrows raised dubiously.
“I am attempting to correct the misconceptions that are so rampant in bestiaries,” Logan corrected. “So many depend on them, but I’ve found very few actually capture the intricacies of the cultures and habits of nonhuman magical beings. They read more like old wives’ tales, passed down and warped with time, and both the scientific community and the beings in question suffer for it.”
“Huh.” Virgil tilted his head slightly, and Logan realized that at some point his smaller eyes had closed, the dark creases vanishing amidst the pockets of shade under his eyes.
“That sounds like the bestiary way to help people!” Patton added, and Logan watched in disbelief as Virgil’s expression relaxed further, the drider snorting softly.
“So all I’d have to do is… be a drider in front of you?” he asked, one of his back legs tapping against the ground in a remarkable imitation of the way a nervous human might tap their foot. Logan nodded. “I guess… it could work. And it’d be nice to have someone else around who won’t scream at the sight of me.”
“New friend!” Patton cheered, looking perhaps more delighted at the idea than Logan’s presence really warranted. “Only the spidaring are cool enough to be friends with Virgil.”
“Is the wordplay going to be a regular thing with him?” Logan asked, his face pinching sourly.
“Better get used to it. He’s punstoppable,” Virgil replied, grinning toothily when Logan shot him a betrayed look. Logan thought he seemed pleased, going by the subtle twitching of his pointy ears.
Logan hid a small smile of his own. Perhaps following Patton wasn't the unwisest decision he'd ever made, after all.
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prettyboy-asmo · 4 years
Aquarium Date
Pairing: Diavolo/Reader(Gender Neutral reader)
Pure fluff/attempt at humor- SFW
Summary: Diavolo asks about your favorite things to do in the human realm, and you tell him about aquariums. He decides you should go to one together.
Huge thank you to @jugodeflores for motivating/ encouraging me to write this and also beta reading for me!
“MC,” You look up Diavolo from your D.D.D, wondering when he’d stopped doing his own paperwork. Instead, his gold eyes focused on you as he propped his chin on his hand, “What’s your favorite thing to do in the human realm?” 
“Well, I guess it depends,” You tell him, smiling a little as he listens to you speak with intense curiosity, “Do you mean day to day, or special occasions?” 
“Special occasions?” He questions, leaning forward in his seat now.
“Yeah, Like vacations, day trips, or dates and stuff.” 
“I’m interested in special occasions,” He answers. 
“Okay, Well, I never really went on vacations or traveled much,” Which in a way, is what had prompted you to sign and mail the mysterious exchange forms that had found their way in your mail one day, “But I liked taking trips to the cities I lived near, just to explore and find new places and stuff. There were a couple of water parks around, and some carnivals during the summer, along with an amusement park a few hours away, a few museums too. I think my top favorite was the aquarium though, alone or for a date.” 
You watch the Prince tilt his head slightly, his expression urging you to continue. “There’s just something about the experience that never gets old for me. Seeing all the different creatures that I wouldn’t see otherwise, and it’s more than just looking at fish too, sometimes they have live feedings for certain animals, and the one I went to had penguins and sea otters and A jellyfish tank. I could watch the moon jellies for hours. And there’s information on everything housed in there, so you can learn about them while you observe them. I went for a field trip in second grade and I fell in love with it.” 
“That does seem like it would be an entertaining experience.” he grins warmly at you, “Let’s go to one.” 
You blink at him, processing his words, “Huh?” 
“Let’s go to a human realm aquarium. I want to experience one with you.”  You feel your face flush when he laughs, “I’ll make all the necessary arrangements.” He already looks so excited that you can feel your heart melt. It’s not like you’d have said no in the first place, but you nod your agreement anyways. 
So a week later you’re visiting the human realm, Your hand gripping Diavolo’s as the Demon Prince led you along to the aquarium he’d chosen to visit. It wasn’t very often you got to see him in casual clothes, So while he was focused on your destination you took some time to admire the way he looked in the dark red button down and black slacks. It was kind of unfair, really, how good he looked. 
Soon, though, you had reached the doors and Diavolo was paying the entry fees, taking a map and leading you into the building farther before stopping and turning to you, “What should we do first?” 
“Well,” you pondered, glancing at the pamphlet he held out to you, “There’s a show with the dolphins in two hours if you’re interested in that. Until then, we can start here and work our way through the building, unless there’s something you want to see right now.” 
Diavolo shook his head, “I want to see it all.” and with that he sets off again, his enthusiasm drawing a laugh from you as he leads you in the direction of the exhibits. His eyes light up as you walk into what you note is supposed to be an exhibit on the Amazon, and the look of wonder that graces his features is something you want to commit to memory for the rest of your life. 
You move along the tanks, and he leans in close to each one. Sometimes, you’re able to point out a specific fish and give a few facts about them, and sometimes you read him the trivia posted around the exhibit.
“It kind of reminds me of Leviathan,” Diavolo says suddenly, prompting you to turn from the sign of facts about Piranhas you’d been reading. You can’t help the laugh that you let out when you see he’s observing a rainbow boa that’s draped lazily on one of the many large branches in its enclosure. The pattern along its body does indeed remind you of Leviathan’s demon form. You don’t have time to respond as Diavolo takes out his D.D.D, double checks the flash is off and snaps a picture. 
You try to peer over his shoulder to see what he’s doing, but with a grin he finishes typing and turns the phone toward you. The Picture of the snake is there, soft iridescent sheen on it’s skin visible along with the pattern, under it is a short message that simply reads, Is this you? And you can only imagine how Levi will react when he opens that message. The thought is amusing but it quickly drifts to the back of your mind as Diavolo starts moving toward another enclosure, attention captured by something there. 
You follow him through the rest of this exhibit, letting him lead you around the rooms and take as much time to observe everything he wants. You’re glad he’s so tall, otherwise you might be afraid you’d lose him in the crowd with how suddenly he seems to take off to other exhibits when something catches his eye. The interest and child-like excitement that continues to shine through him rubs off on you, and soon enough your hands are intertwined once again as he pulls you gently along. You make it through a freshwater fish exhibit before you decide it’s time to head to the show. 
As you’re heading there you pass a group of young children clearly on a field trip, and apparently heading to the same show you are. A few of them stare at you- or, more accurately, Diavolo. One of them whispers to their friend, a not so quiet- “He’s really tall, like, as tall as a superhero!” You feel the soft chuckle Diavolo lets out, biting back your own laugh. Diavolo though turns back slightly, sending a wink at the pair before guiding you to your seats for the show. 
Now, instead of his grip on your hand he wraps his arm around you, pulling you flush against his side. It causes a slight blush to dust your cheeks, but you lean into his side anyways, enjoying the closeness of the moment. “Are you enjoying your day so far?” he asks as people continue to find seats, shuffling around and settling while waiting for the show to begin. 
“I’m having a lot of fun,” you tell him honestly, your own smile bright, but your conversation is cut short by the show beginning. You both give it your attention, though every so often, after a dolphin performs a particularly impressive trick or amusing maneuver, you glance at the demon beside you to see his reactions. Each time he laughs in delight you can feel it move through him, and you can feel the way his arm tenses around you during tricks, can see the awe in his eyes when the trainers explain some of the mannerisms of the animals, the relationships they form with one another, and efforts to help the earth’s environments to help the natural habitats of the animals. 
After the show, you end up at the touch pools- something that sets off a whole new level of excitement in Diavolo. He’s extremely careful when he reaches in, fingers gently grazing the creatures sitting in the shallow water. “It’s fascinating,” the Anemone his hand brushed against swayed gently with the movement of the water. 
“You don’t expect them to feel so...squishy, right?” 
You go through a few more exhibits after that, and you even manage to sneak a few photos of Diavolo, your favorite being the one where he’s nearly leaning against the glass of the beluga whale enclosure, one of the creatures on the other side  staring right back at him, the delighted expression on Diavolo’s face is priceless. You also manage to send it to Lucifer, knowing he’d appreciate it as much as you do.  A while later, Diavolo takes your hand in his again. 
 “The Aquarium is hosting a jellyfish exhibit for a limited time,” he says, leading you along to a staircase that has another attendant standing at the top, “I got us the passes because you said you liked them.” He hands the attendant the passes, who nods as you continue on down the staircase. Even in the dimmer light as you reach the bottom you can see the faint tinge of pink on his face. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you squeeze his hand, smiling up at him, “but thank you, I love it.” 
The pace you took around the exhibit was slower now, moving along the dim rooms and taking minutes at a time to watch the strange creatures drift through the lit tanks. It’s quieter here than the rest of the aquarium, and less crowded, probably due to the fact that it required additional passes- but it feels almost serene, despite the low chatter of the other guests roaming the rooms. 
“I believe I understand what you meant when you said you could watch them for hours,” Divaolo says next to you, his golden eyes are tracking the movement of the Jellies, his features bathed in the blue glow of the tank’s lighting- it makes everything feel softer somehow, the way his lips are curved into a smile, how his hair falls just slightly into his eyes, even his gaze. 
When he turns to you there’s something else in his eyes that makes your face heat up. “They really are beautiful,” he says, and you realize he’s leaning in closer, as he continues, “Almost as beautiful as you,” he finishes, and even though there’s sincerity in his voice- even though you know he doesn’t lie- you have to fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
“That’s...so cheesy.” you say, but you can feel your own grin on your face, your hand squeezes his tighter, and you lean up, almost completely on your toes to meet him in a soft, quick kiss. “Thank you for this,” you say earnestly, “I’m happy we got to come here together.” 
“As am I. I should thank you for putting up with me dragging you around all the exhibits, I’m sure you are used to a more relaxed atmosphere than that.” 
“I think it’s cute.” You answer, satisfaction washing over you at the blush that covers his face, “I like how excited you are. It means I can tell you’re having a good time.” 
He chuckled slightly, “I would say any time spent with you is good.” 
The two of you lingered in the Jellyfish exhibit for a while, silently admiring the displays. 
When you finally emerge you have to blink at the sudden increase in light, but Diavolo is already leading you along again. “I was told that these sort of trips aren’t complete without a visit to the gift shop.”  
“I guess that is kinda true,” you admit, following him into the shop. Immediately, something catches your eye. “Dia, look!” You hold up an almost perfectly round stuffed seal in your hands, squeezing it’s soft sides slightly, “It’s so cute!” It’s little flippers dangle slightly as Diavolo looks at it- and you- with unveiled amusement, “Feel it!” 
He takes it from your hands, squeezing it slightly. “It is incredibly soft,” he turns it over in his hands, squishing it again, “Do you want one?” 
“Wait- really?” 
“Why would I ask If I didn’t really want to know?” 
“I do like it,” you admit- “Reminds me of you, in a way.” 
Diavolo looks at the Seal’s face, then back to you, “It reminds you...of me?”
“Nice to hug. Cute.” 
“Is that so?” Diavolo’s cheeks are flushed pink again, and even though your own face feels warm you can’t help but admire the ability to make the Prince of the Devildom blush. He tucks the seal under his arm without saying anything else- and then it seems that a display of t-shirts catches his eye. “All proceeds go to charity. MC, do you know this charity?”
You glance at the sign. “I do! It’s a good one, they support a lot of rescue habitats and environmental efforts- and they actually use their money for what they say they do, unlike some.” 
Divaolo’s eyes shine as he takes in the shirts, Colorful cartoon fish decorate the fabric, and bold, bright letters declaring “Don’t be Shellfish, Protect our Oceans,” are written on the front. He moves to the display, rifling through the shirts before pulling out three different sizes. 
"One for Lucifer as well!" 
You laugh out loud at the mental image of Lucifer wearing the shirt and nod, "Good idea."  Diavolo wanders around the shop a bit more, when another stuffed animal catches your eye. A beluga whale. Your mind flashes back to the delight on his face when you’d snapped that picture of him and the whale earlier that day. You pick the stuffed beluga up, it’s large and, to your delight, is just as soft as it looks. You glance over at Diavolo and see that he’s distracted by a book display, so as stealthy as you can you make your way to the cashier with the whale. 
You pay, thanking the cashier, then make your way to the door before calling out, “I’ll be waiting outside, Dia!”  
It’s not long after he exits the gift shop with a curious expression, multiple bags gripped in one hand and the seal tucked back under his arm. “MC?” 
You hold the whale out to him, “I thought you’d like this,” you say, pleased by the fondness obvious in his expression, he frees the seal under his arm, handing it to you and taking the gift. 
“I adore it. Is this why you left before me?” 
You grin, squeezing the seal with one arm and linking your free hand with his, “I wanted it to be a surprise, as well as a thank you for all of this.” 
You feel like you’re half asleep when you get back to the Devildom, eyes drooping and legs slightly aching from all the walking you’d done that day. You eat dinner with Diavolo, and then you insist on joining him in his study when he says he has some paperwork to finish before he goes to bed. 
You’re curled up in one of the armchairs, the stuffed seal Diavolo bought you under your head like a pillow as you watch him do paperwork. You feel your eyes droop, slower to open them each time. Eventually you decide it’s easier to give into sleep, figuring Diavolo could wake you before he went to bed for the night. 
“Dia,” You mumble, waiting for him to look up from whatever paperwork he was pouring over now, “Thank you for today. I love you.” 
He smiles softly back at you, “I love you, sweetheart.” You give him one last smile before curling up tighter and letting yourself fall asleep. 
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theyre-just-blocks · 4 years
Star Wars x Dream SMP
Pt. 1
I saw some fanart of a Mandolarian Dream and my brain went brrrrrrr
Anyways, here are some ideas I have for a potential Dream SMP in the Star Wars universe.
Let's say this is all during the prequels/originals?? Like between them or somethin.
They'll most likely be all over the place and some of it will likely not be accurate because I'm new to the Dream SMP and I don't have an extensive knowledge of Star Wars but just think about their OUTFITS.
The Dream Team
He's definitely some kind of Mandolorian bounty hunter who's really made a name for himself
Was he born on Mandalore? Mayhbe??
He's got a green beskar armored suit and is known for speed running his bounties
He's just insanely good at his job and usually just takes up whoever's willing to pay him the most
Currently he's being hunted down though by a Jedi and his crew so he's not too happy with it
He doesn't really give a damn about the Empire or the Rebels so he kind of does his own thing
I'm thinking he's part of the Death Watch branch of Mandos because he refuses to take his helmet off
He's actually a decent pilot, ngl, and his favorite weapon to use is his harpoon
He also has a jet pack he occasionally uses and prefers close combat weapons to traditional blasters
Even though he's being hunted down, he enjoys messing with the people who are hunting him down
He gets caught by them though but they decide to team up and create chaos for the galaxy
Dream works for the Empire and does some bounties for them because they pay him a lot
He then convinces George and Sapnap to join him and work for the Empire just because they pay them good
He has a blue lightsaber
AweSamDude was his master (more on him later)
He managed to escape Order 66 just because he was luckily not around for it (he slept through it)
He was hunting down the Mandolorian so he was safe from troopers
However the lost devastated him and he wasn't sure how many Jedis still remained
Change the glasses into some cool goggles or some shit that help with his color blindness
Currently he's tasked with hunting down a Mandolorian because his master said so?? (I really don't know why he is, this is just manhunt but Star Wars)
He's not too skilled with the Force to be honest :// but he's getting there!!!
Along the way he meets Sapnap and gets him to help him hunt down Dream
Let's say eventually they do capture him but since Order 66 happened, George isn't sure what to do with him
So they form a pact/deal and team up despite their ancestors being enemies
They decide to look for more Jedis and cause chaos for the Empire while doing so
However, Dream convinces them to join the Empire as bounty hunters
But since Geroge is a Jedi he stays out of it as much as possible because he doesn't want to be found out, so instead he continues his search for other Jedis
Bounty Hunter/Smuggler Sapnap
I'm sorry, I just,,, Han Solo but it's Sapnap
Hot headed pilot who's quick with a gun and has nothing better to do so he joins a Jedi on his hunt for a Mandolorian who likes messing with them
Let's give him a blaster
He was trained by BBH!!!
BBH runs the Badlands, an Outer Rim group who trains smugglers and Sapnap is one of them
He's quick witted and even quicker with a blaster but he wishes he could use a lightsaber
He's the one with the ship and isn't that bad of a pilot tbh (George is definitely worse at it)
He doesn't really care for the Rebellion or the Empire, so long as he gets paid, he's good
So that's why he decides to help George hunt down the Mandolorian, because George is supposedly going to pay him
Once they finally catch the Mandolarian though, they decide to team up and Sapnap wants his money
Later on he agrees to join the Empire with Dream because Dream assures him he'll be paid
He works as a cargo pilot for some time before they let him work alongside Dream to hunt down rebels
Sleepy Bois Inc
Let's say he escaped Order 66 and smuggled out his padawans
He got away and hid from the Empire so he could continue to raise/train his children/padawans
He's really great with the Force and his lightsaber skills so he's someone to be reckoned with
Hahahahahahaha,, imagining Wilbur's death but instead of a sword it's a lightsaber-
Like Han Solo's death but reversed
Once his padawans were older though he kinda disappeared and went into hiding until he was needed
That's when he showed up because he heard Wilbur was causing some trouble
Eventually I would think he abandons the traditional Jedi ways and becomes a Grey Jedi with white saber like Ashoka's
At first, Wilbur was all for the Rebellion, he fought alongside the Rebels and helped with his Jedi abilities
I want him to have a yellowish lightsaber
He was basically adopted by Philza and had been training under him for years
Basically he was Philza's padawan
He was a strong Jedi but after falling in love with Sally and having Fundy, he was shamed by the Jedi Council because they aren't allowed to have relationships
So he left the temple and joined the Rebellion with Fundy once his son was old enough to fight
He decides to switch sides after he starts to lose hope in the Rebellion and is betrayed by Eret
Eventually him and Fundy switch sides and join the Empire later on
When they realize he's a Jedi he's granted a red saber or somethin
And in order to keep his title he completely disregards Fundy and basically leaves him on his own
He takes charge of his own fleet and goes mad with power, taking over planets and whatnot, and is eventually slain by Philza who came to try and talk some sense into him
He was adopted by Philza, but when he did, Techno was a little too old to be trained as a proper padawan
So Philza trained him in secret alongside Wilbur since Techno was Force sensitive
When it comes down to it, Wilbur is strong with the Force and Techno is strong in his swordsmanship
His family was killed by the Empire so he has a strong dislike for them
When Wilbur ran off after Fundy was born Techno stayed with Phil to train Tommy for a bit before deciding to join the Rebels
Soon he became radicalized and realized he didn't like the rebels and their ideals
So he broke off from the rebels and decided he would do his own thing
Most likely became a bounty hunter but he doesn't work for the empire
He felt betrayed when Wilbur joined, but he didn't do anything to try and stop him
One of the strongest Jedis Philza has ever encountered
And Tommy knows it so it just fuels his ego
He wants a red lightsaber because it's "cool" but he's stuck with a blue one
Technoblade trained him until he left, shortly after Wilbur left, and a few months before Order 66 happened
After that, Philza continued Tommy's training
Tommy was one of the padawans at the temple who grew up there, but when Order 66 happened, Philza had to get him out
He's very headstrong so Philza thinks that makes him dangerous
He prefers to use his saber more than using the Force
After his older brother's left he was eager to join the Rebellion and Philza let him
Philza knew he'd be hunted down so he told Tommy to join the Rebels while he escaped to the Outer Rim
So Tommy joined and quickly gained ranked, thanks to his older brothers
However, he notices that they start to act different and that they've changed, so relationships start to break
The final breaking point though is when Techno supposedly kills Tommy's friend, Tubbo, after the Rebels find out he's a double spy, which is not entirely true
Tubbo was an orphan who was picked up by Philza and Tommy one day
He wasn't Force Sensitive but they let him stick around anyways
He spent a lot of time with Tommy and not so much the older two
When Order 66 happened, Philza took him as well, afraid of what the Empire might do to him
He helped Tommy with his training a bit but he couldn't do much since he's no Jedi
However, Philza suggested being a pilot and Tubbo wasn't that bad at it
When the older brothers left, Tubbo stayed and did the errands for Philza and Tommy so that they'd be safe and hidden
He was offered a job by some Imperials who thought they could use a pilot like him for cargo deliveries
Thinking he could be a double spy, he gladly took the job and didn't tell anyone
It didn't get him into trouble until after he and Tommy joined the Rebels
Someone found out (quite possibly Wilbur) and Tubbo was interrogated but no one but Tommy believed him
The had Techno execute him, but since Tubbo was somewhat of a brother, Techno made sure Tubbo would survive somewhat
Tubbo did, but suffered several permanent wounds
It wasn't till after Tommy's fallout with his brothers that Tubbo revealed himself as alive to him
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aiorevelations · 3 years
A Number, Not a Name: part 17!
In the words of Connie “You better buckle your seatbelt. It’s gonna be a strange ride.” Though strange may not be the most “accurate” word. Lol.
Liana sat on the edge of her bed, utterly exhausted. She placed her clutch on her nightstand and then reached down and slipped off her black heels. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It had been a very long and tiring evening. On nights like tonight, it was easy for doubt to try and take over her mind. The past five years had been long and exhausting but in a few more days it would all be worth it. At least that’s what she told herself. She sat up from the bed and reached the closet. After sliding the closet door open, she started untying the bow in the back of her dress. She stopped as she eyed her bracelet, thinking back to a time nearly two decades before. Her eyes then landed on the jewelry box tucked in the corner of the closet shelf. Memories flooded her mind as she combed through its contents. Finally, she found it. Her mother’s charm bracelet.
She let out a shaky breath as she held the piece of jewelry in her hand. She remembered her sister’s gentle smile. The tender look in her eyes when she gave her the bracelet. To Neptune and Back. Forever. That’s what they had promised each other. How easily promises could be broken. It had nearly killed her inside, seeing Milena these past few weeks yet not being able to talk to her face to face. Right now they were on opposing sides of the spectrum. For both their sakes it was best to stay out of each other’s lives. The only thing they'd probably agree on would be their hatred for Dalmar. Beyond that, there wasn’t anything to bind them together.
A tear escaped Liana’s eye. She had hoped her and Milena’s love for one another would be enough but in the end, tragedy had torn them apart. 
Tasha lay back in bed; she had to admit, it was rather nice to feel a soft mattress beneath her after all the hours she’d spent on her feet, never mind her argument with Jason.
Only one more day. Thank goodness. She turned over, sinking her head into the pillow. 
She found himself thinking about home, not her place in D.C., but the home she shared with her mom and dad, who had died a couple of years ago. It had been the best of times growing up. Being an only child one could say her parents spoiled her. Dolls, dresses, coloring books. Every gift imaginable they had given their little girl. Yet they had instilled in her a sense of responsibility and hard work. Told her to never quit on a job or task but to see it through to the end. She supposed that was why she was always determined to make sure all her assignments were a success. If only her parents could see her now. Her life as an NSA agent. She severely doubted this was the life they had had in mind for their daughter, considering how protective they had been over her. Every fall or tumble they’d be there by her side. As a girl, she’d sometimes be a little annoyed by their constant babying of her. Being such a free independent spirit all she wanted was to spread her wings and fly. Now what she wouldn’t give for them to fuss over her again. To talk to them just one more time. 
Tasha turned on her side and wiped a tear streaming down her cheek. She wasn’t one to dwell on or show her feelings. She’d push them to the side and keep on going, it was easier that way. To those on the outside, it seemed like she was unaffected or even cold and distant. Like nothing affected her. As if she didn’t feel anything. But the truth was she did feel deeply. Love. Loss. Joy. Pain. Every emotion tugged at her heart. For her, especially in this line of work, it seemed better to try to forget them. It was easier not to open up. To stay closed off. Not many people could get past her walls. She’d supposed it’d stay that way. 
Perhaps that’s what makes me a good agent. My ability to not let my emotions impact my decisions…unlike other people. Tasha shut her eyes and shook her head. Just forget it. Soon enough he’ll be someone else’s headache. She chuckled and glanced at the clock on her nightstand. 4:30. I really need to get some sleep. Tasha closed her eyes and tried to block out the city noises in the distance. 
Suddenly she felt a sharp, almost stabbing, pain in her arm and a hand cover her mouth. Her eyes shot open. She told herself to stay calm. The worst thing she could do was panic. A strong hand grabbed her right arm and dragged her out of the warm bed. As her feet touched the cold floor, Tasha stepped her right foot back behind her and twisted to the right. She found herself standing in front of an older muscular man. Tasha quickly brought her arms down and wrapped them around his legs. She leaned forward and tackled the man to the ground. She flipped over him and brought a swift hard punch to his face, sending him collapsing to the floor.
Glancing up she saw a younger brawny gentleman lunging toward her. Tasha sprang in his direction and jumped on his left leg thigh. She placed her hands on his shoulders and swung around him. She placed her right leg around his neck and then hooked it under the man’s right arm. She put her left leg under the man’s right arm, grappling it. She leaned back behind the man’s back and twisted her body to the left around the man’s arm. The movement sent him flying to the floor as she landed upright on her feet. Seeing no one else in the room Tasha quickly darted for the door. In the darkness, she couldn’t tell if they were some of Dalmar’s men or not. Right now she didn’t care.
Jason brought his fist to the man’s jaw which caused him to stagger backward. The previous man he’d fought had been a lot easier to subdue. He had hoped he and Tasha would have been able to make it back D.C. without any “incidents.” I should have known this was too easy. The man brought his hand to his bloodied face and wiped away some of the blood from his mouth. His eyes were filled with rage. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. The two men faced each other silently for a moment. The man rushed toward Jason. Jason grabbed the man’s arm with his left hand and pulled it as far as he could to the left side of his body. Jason then raised the man’s arm above his head as he brought his right fist to his chest several times. The man dropped the knife and doubled over in pain. Jason grabbed the pen on his nightstand and ran as fast as he could to his room’s door. His heart was pounding and all his senses were on high alert. Capture was not an option. As he stepped outside the door he ran into someone. Instinctively he brought his fist up to the person’s face but realized it was Tasha. He could tell by the look on her face that she was just as relieved to see him as he was to see her. 
“Thank God. It’s you.” Jason sighed. “I have the pen” he held it in front of her.
“We have to get out of here!” Tasha started down the hall.
“Right behind you!”
 Whatever other guests were on this level Tasha and Jason were quite sure they were awake by all the noise. The thing they couldn’t afford was innocent civilians getting caught up in whatever situation they were in. The shouts of “Be quiet.” and “We’re trying to sleep.” confirmed their suspicions. Jason and Tasha had nearly reached the stairs when they saw two men holding tasers by the door leading to the stairwell.
“There’s another staircase at the other end of the hall!” Tasha yelled. They ran toward the other end of the corridor. However, they found themselves cornered as they spotted the same men they’d taken down in their suites coming towards them.
“Where to now?” Jason asked. 
“Um...um” Tasha frantically looked around. Behind them, the men they’d seen by the staircase were coming closer. Things were quickly spiraling out of control, anyone could see that. Tasha spotted a passageway branching off of the main hall just beyond them. “Down that side hall.”
The two of them ran to the hall’s end. To the side, there was a large air vent. Jason quickly ripped the cover off and peered through the opening. “Looks like there’s a vertical shaft up ahead about ten yards.”
 “Terrific. Vertical shafts are my favorite.” Tasha scrambled into the shaft and started making her way up. Jason clambered in after her on his elbows and knees. The shaft was dark and dank. Sharp edges of sheet metal scraped and cut against their exposed skin.
“It’s sure tight in here,” Jason muttered under his breath. “Good thing I’ve been working out.”
“Really. I hadn’t noticed.” 
“Which part? How tight it is here or how I’ve been working out?”
Tasha rolled her eyes as she came to a bend in the shaft. “Do you have to use humor in every situation?”
“It’s how I cope,” Jason took a breath.“So is this how all your other missions go?”
“If you’re asking if I’ve ever had to climb in an air vent in my pajamas. The answer is no.”
“I should have figured.”
“I see some light up ahead. I think it’s the end of the shaft.”
Tasha winced. “Ow.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I cut my leg again on the side of the shaft.” Tasha reached the top of the vent. “We made it to the next floor.” She pressed up against the vent cover and pushed it to the side. She slid through the opening and stood up. Jason quickly exited the air vent. They each looked around, expecting any moment for their pursuers to turn up. The floor level remained all clear and eerily silent. Except for their heavy breathing, not another sound was discernible on the third story. They each eyed the staircase for a few seconds. Seeing no one they gave the other a knowing look and nod and raced to the stairs. Down the winding staircase, they went. The clattering of their footsteps resounded through the building. They were going so fast they nearly tripped on a few occasions. Tasha and Jason had reached the last landing before the ground floor when Jason felt a tingling sensation in his leg. In a split second, it turned into a searing burning pain, like an electrical current flowing through his body. Every inch of his body was in excruciating pain. He felt his legs begin to give way and he collapsed to the floor. He could hear a muffled sound. The sound of Tasha calling out to him yet he was too dazed to make out the words. 
Tasha saw standing in front of her the younger gentleman she’d taken down earlier. Holding a taser in her direction. The left side of his face was still splattered in blood from the punch she’d given him earlier. “Looks like this is the end of the line” he snarled.
Tasha hurled herself at the man. The man fired off his taser gun just as Tasha reached him. The shot fired off at the ceiling. Tasha sent the man flying back into the wall behind him. The man brought his hand up Tasha’s throat. She struggled to breathe as the man’s fingers closed tighter around her neck. She brought her leg up and kicked the side of the man’s head. He released his grasp and slumped to the floor. 
Tasha whipped her head around and saw two other men coming at her. She crouched down to the ground and kicked and spun her leg out toward one of the men, taking his legs out. Tasha flipped over to her feet and delivered a kick to the other man’s abdomen. The man stayed on his feet and grabbed Tasha from behind. He desperately tried to pin her arms behind her back. Before he could Tasha elbowed him in his face and placed her hand firmly behind his neck. She brought her legs to her chest and then down again to the ground, flipping the man over her head as she fell to the ground. She quickly placed her hands behind her head, lifted her legs into the air, and pushed herself back on her feet into a squat. She straightened herself up and rushed to Jason’s side.
She brought her hand to his face. “Jason, are you okay?” 
He struggled to sit up. “I’m fine,” he grimaced.
“Here let me help you up.” Tasha gave him a hand and helped him to his feet.
“Thank you.” He took a breath. “Nice job by the way.”
 “Thanks.” Tasha scanned their surroundings and the stairwell exit making sure it was clear. “Can you walk?” 
Jason took a step forward. It was painful but nothing he couldn’t stand. “Yeah. I’ve had worse.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
“White Falcon have you acquired the targets yet?” Red Sparrow’s voice came through the man’s earpiece as he ran down the hall.
“Negative” the man replied, out of breath. “Acquiring them has proved more difficult than I anticipated. Fortunately, though…” he paused to try to catch his breath “I have several...backup plans.”
“You better.” she snapped. “I’m not paying you all this money to screw this up. Understand?!”
“Completely,” he muttered in response. 
Tasha and Jason ran out under the portes-cochère of the hotel. Overhead the sky was still pitch black with visible stars dotting the night here and there. Two black SUVs with tinted windows were parked by the curb out front. The cars appeared unoccupied. By appearances, all the men had entered the hotel. One thing was for sure they weren’t sticking around. From behind the vehicles, a man suddenly appeared with a taser gun. Tasha and Jason ducked to the ground as he pulled the trigger. They walked crouched to the side of one of the cars and pressed against it. They quickly made their way around to the back of the SUV while the man walked around it as well. Every second felt like an eternity passing. The man appeared in front of him. Jason brought his fist square to the man’s face catching him off guard. He hit him repeatedly in the stomach and flipped him over. The man almost immediately regained his footing. Jason was still experiencing the effects of being tased earlier and could feel himself quickly losing strength. His opponent sensed this as well and punched Jason multiple times in the jaw and stomach, causing him to stumble to the ground. Tasha’s opened the trunk of the car, looking for anything useful. Inside she spotted a tire iron which she grabbed. Seeing the man’s back to her Tasha firmly gripped the tire iron and hit him as hard as she could across the head. The man fell forward to the ground, blood spewing from the gash across his head.
Jason stood up. “He’ll have a nasty headache tomorrow,” he commented as Tasha began to search the unconscious man’s pockets. Inside one of them, she found the keys to the SUV. “Got the keys.”
Tasha jumped in the driver’s seat while Jason climbed into the passenger seat beside her. She twisted the key in the ignition. The car rumbled to life. Tasha backed the car up and drove forward into the street. A shout from the entrance of The Chardell filled the air. Through the car windows, Tasha and Jason could see the rest of the men running outside and scrambling into the other SUV. Tasha spun the car on the asphalt and headed down a side road. She floored the accelerator. Cars beeped and honked. Dust filled the air as Jason and Tasha raced down the street, weaving through traffic. They could make out the car following them at full speed.
Tasha knew at higher speeds the risk of an accident astronomically increased. One could easily spin out of control or slam into another vehicle. However, that was a risk she had to take, she reasoned. She flattened the accelerator as much as she could. The reading on the speedometer went up with every passing moment. 80 mph. 90. 95. 100. The sound of guns firing filled the air. The rear window shattered, sending glass flying in every direction. Their pursuers, whoever they were, were getting desperate.
 “Get down!” Tasha yelled. Jason and Tasha crouched down in their seats. More gunshots pierced the air. Glass rattled and flew every which way. On the floor. The dashboard. The leather seats. Toward their faces. Jason didn’t even want to imagine what would happen if they got caught.
“What the heck are you doing?!” the man screamed.  “We need them alive!”
“We are aiming for the tires! Besides you were the one going on about how we need to take them out fast!” one of the men responded as he fired his gun. 
“Just hold the fire, we don’t need it!” he barked at them. He looked down at the clock located on the car dashboard. “It won’t be long now.”
“What's our next step?!” Jason asked.
Tasha glanced at Jason. Panic gripped her eyes. “Try to get to a secure location. After that, I’ll try to contact Headman. He’ll either send a helicopter for us to an extraction point or try to come up with some rescue plan if we’re taken in. Though I can’t promise it’ll be successful.” Tasha looked back at the winding road ahead. “We knew the risks aft…” Tasha trailed off. Her mind felt suddenly clouded and a wave of sleepiness washed off her. She shook her head trying to shake it off. “After…after all.”
Jason put his hand on her shoulder. His eyes filled with worry and panic. “Tasha! Tasha, are you okay?!”
Tasha felt a pounding in her head and her vision blurred. She squinted her eyes desperately trying to see the road, but it was no use. A nauseous feeling came over her and she found it difficult to breathe. Every passing second she felt worse and worse. 
“Jason…” Tasha struggled to speak. Jason was at a loss of what to do. They were caught in some hellish grave nightmare and there was no escaping. He pulled the pen out he had carried in his pocket. He knew they couldn’t afford for its information to be in the wrong hands. It was basic training. When facing imminent capture, discard any evidence. He quickly pressed down on the black button of the pen which was located below the two metal buttons. He held it down for five seconds. The seconds he counted down in his head. One by one the images it contained were permanently erased. Jason then glanced at Tasha. Desperation and pain were etched on her face. He could tell how hard she was trying to hold on yet she was failing.
“Here let me drive.” Jason sat up from his chair and started to move to the driver’s seat. Suddenly a wave of pain washed over him too, sending him back down. There was no mistake he’d been drugged as well. In his blurred vision, he could make out saw Tasha’s darkened form slump onto the steering wheel. Dear God…help us. He prayed as he slipped into unconsciousness. 
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365days365movies · 3 years
March 9, 2021: Orpheus (1950) (Part One)
Greek mythology was my first mythological love.
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And yes, that is ironically a very cliché thing to say about Greek mythology, since it’s by FAR the most popular and well-known mythology in the Western world, but...what can I say, I’m a sucker for the classics.
When I was 6, my mom got me a copy of the Odyssey, followed by D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, and that book was my SHIIIIIIIIIIT. From the Titanomachy to the Trojan War, from Decaulion to Daedalus, from the Lernaean Hydra to Ladon, and from Zeus to Dionysus (my second favorite Olympian), I LOVE Greek mythology.
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There have been countless adaptations of these stories over the last century of so, some better and more faithful than others. We got Blood of Zeus (which I...genuinely dislike) on Netflix last year, Lore Olympus is a fantastic webcomic and modernized retelling of the universe of stories in general (fuck Apollo, that’s all I have to say), Hercules by Disney is fun (though extraordinarily inaccurate), and who doesn’t like some Percy Jackson (the books, not the movies)?
Today’s entry won’t be the first of the Greek mythology stories this month; after all, it’s DEFINITELY fantasy, so there were going to be a few entries in here. Some will come pretty close to each other later this month, but for this one, we’re jumping forward 10 years from The Thief of Bagdad to 1950. Let’s get back to France, shall we?
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Famous for his adaptation of Beauty and the Beast is Jean Cocteau, legendary French surrealist filmmaker. His stylings definitely capture a sort of practical magic, compounded with clever angles and fascinating visual and practical effects. It’s evident with the classic fairy tale, which I would’ve done this month had I not already seen it. So, instead, we’ll be looking at the middle film in a trilogy known as Cocteau’s Orphic trilogy. This is, apparently, the most important one. And that makes sense, since it’s focused upon...
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Is Hadestown good? I’m real tempted to find a way to watch it, and it sounds like it’s just up my alley. I’ll probably check it out one of these days.
Orpheus was (maybe) the son of Calliope, the muse of poetry, and Apollo, god of music. Maybe. Parentage differs based on the retelling. No matter the parents, he was renowned for his charm and grace, as well as his voice and music. He was loved by animals, nymphs, and maidens alike. He was invited to be the Bard of Jason’s DnD group (AKA the Argonauts), and used Bardic Performance to inspire his comrades (and also helped them overcome the sirens by singing EVEN LOUDER).
But the one whom he loved most was his wife, Eurydice. Unfortunately, a satyr (AKA horny horned half-goat man) chased her right into a viper’s nest, where she was bitten and died. Orpheus was CRUSHED, and his song was so depressing that even the gods cried. They said, “Dude, go to the Underworld, get back your lady from Hades, please!” And he did.
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Hades, the old romantic that he secretly is, agrees to let Eurydice’s soul, on one condition. That he doesn’t look back at her as she follows him out. Orpheus agrees, but the man can’t stop himself from looking back to make sure that she’s there. And she was...and then she wasn’t. So, our sad boi fucked up, and then...well, it’s spotty. 
See, some people say that he stopped worshipping Dionysus (his previous patron), and the wine boi’s female followers tore Orpheus to pieces as punishment. Some say that these same women got a liiiiiiiiiittle too into the Bacchanalia (think orgies, but religious and violent), and ripped him apart in a frenzy. And some say that he only took male lover from then on, and women tore him to pieces for not paying attention to them (also, possible homophobia). You know, it varies. Still, we can agree on the ripped apart by women thing. His head could still sing, and as the women threw his body parts into a river, it sang a song so beautiful that the rocks and branches in the river refused to strike it. His instrument of choice, a lyre, was eventually interred amongst the stars as the constellation Lyra.
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The story of a pained artist searching for a lost love and losing her is all over the goddamn place, with the crazy-ass Moulin Rouge being a solid example of it.
But OK, let’s finally begin Orpheus, or Orphée to be more accurate. Gonna be a weird ride, I guarantee it. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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The story starts with a recap of the original myth, and notes that it doesn’t need to be limited  by time and place. This sort of story, after all, could happen anywhere and at any time. And in this case, that time and place are 1950s-era France, where we quickly meet famous poet Orpheus (Jean Marais).
At a café, he meets a friend, the Editor (Henri Crémieux), where they speak on Orpheus’ fame, which is not well-liked in a cafe frequented by poets. Also arriving there is a young drunken poet, Jacques Cégeste (Édouard Dermit), who is accompanied by his patron, known only as...the Princess (María Casares). Come on, guys, can we give our female characters names, please?
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Anyway, Jacques quickly gets into a drunken brawl with other patrons, which leads to the arrival of the police at the café. They forcefully arrest him, but before they can, he’s hit by a couple of motorcycles, and potentially killed. The police bring Jacques back to the Princess’ car, with the help of her driver Heurtebise (François Périer). For unknown reasons, she summons Orpheus to help them. He agrees, and goes with them to the hospital.
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Or he would be, if they were going there. Instead, as they drive off, Orpheus discovers that Jacques is dead already. They aren’t going to the hospital. Instead, they head to a mysterious mansion, as ominous and oblique poetry plays on the radio. They’re soon accompanied by the men on the motorcycles that killed Jacques, who work for the Princess. The plot fuckin’ THICKENS.
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Back at her mansion, they bring the body of Jacques upstairs, much to the confusion of Orpheus, whom the Princess keeps calling stupid whenever he asks questions. However, he’s not proving her wrong, as she immediately convinces him that she’s actually dreaming at the moment. Although...maybe he is?
She sits in front of a mirror, which breaks...somehow. Frustrated, she commands Orpheus to wait there for her to return, as she goes to check on Jacques and her men. Like me, Orpheus is confused. This gets worse for me, though, as the Princess goes to the other room and tells the dead Jacques to get up. AND HE DOES. Well, Jacques’ a zombie, I guess. He identifies the Princess as “his Death”, which she agrees to. She tells him to hold on to her coat, and then...
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...I got questions. I GOT QUESTIONS HERE.
They go through the mirror, and the Princess’ henchmen follow, just as Orpheus walks in. He also has questions, and he tries to go through the mirror, to no avail. Completely confused at this point, he passes out against the mirror, alone in the mansion. And then...he’s outside.
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Yeah, he’s just outside now, and waiting there is Heurtebise, the chauffeur! Orpheus is freakin’ out, and Heurtebise has no answers for him, but has been told to take him back to town once he...arrived. OK. Still questions.
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In town, the disappearance of Orpheus is being discussed by a police inspector, his wife Eurydice (Marie Déa), and her friend Aglaonice (Juliette Gréco). Aglaonice doesn’t seem to like Orpheus very much, as she’s trying to convince Eurydice that he’s cheating on her. And that’s hard to argue, since he was last seen with the Princess. However, just as there’s about to be a scandal reported by a spontaneously appearing journalist, Heurtebise and Orpheus arrive home.
After a rough encounter with the journalist, he arrives home to a relieved Eurydice, and an enraged Aglaonice, whom Orpheus also dislikes heavily. He’s apparently forbidden her from entering his house, and tells her off. The Inspector leaves too, and asks Orpheus to come to his office to discuss the matter of the missing Jacques.
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Eurydice reminds Orpheus that Aglaonice is dangerous, as she runs...the League of Women. Well...I think we know what role Aglaonice is going to play by the end of this. Her and her League of Bacchanalian Women, get me? Yikes. Anyway, the conversation turns into an argument, when the EXTREMELY ornery Orpheus basically just storms off, being a DICK to his poor wife. And when he goes upstairs to his room, he actually sneaks out of the window.
Meanwhile, Heurtebise comes into the house to offer an alibi to the pained Eurydice. While she doesn’t quite believe it, the two share some time together and seem to bond. However, when he smells gas from the stove, Heurtebise lets it slip that he committed suicide by using a gas stove. He covers it up before Eurydice notices the slip-up, but...OK. So, “the Princess” is death. Going by the traditional Greek myth, she’s some form of psychopomp, and the world beyond the mirror is the Underworld, I can only assume. OK...I can dig it.
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Orpheus, meanwhile, is at the car, listening to the strange radio poetry and writing it down. The, uh, “Princess” is busy as well. Like a ghost, she walks into the household and watches Orpheus as he sleeps. A narration refers to her as Orpheus’ death. Funny, I’m pretty sure that’s going to be Aglaonice’s role.
Two days later, Orpheus is increasingly obsessed with the poetry from the mysterious radio and its odd messages. While Eurydice seems to mock this obsession, Orpheus also seems to be far too enraptured in it. But, interestingly, the messages seem to be coming from nowhere known. However, it’s all beginning to affect their marriage greatly.
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On the phone, the Inspector comes calling, and Eurydice asks Heurtebise to answer the phone. He does so, and soon after, we see the phone float into place, as if placed there by a ghost. That’s confirmed as Heurtebise phases to the outside from nothing, where he meets Orpheus and informs him of the message. The two decide to head to the Inspector in his car, rather than the mysterious talking car.
While Orpheus goes through town, looking for the Princess rather than the Inspector, there’s something that I wanted to mention here. Call it an interpretation. Apparently, Heurtebise is often considered an angel by critics and interpreters. However, I’m gonna suggest that he’s actually supposed to be a representation of Hermes, the messenger god and a psychopomp who escorted souls to the Underworld. Not sure about the Princess yet, but Cocteau apparently never meant for her to be portrayed as actual death. Interesting.
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Meanwhile, at the Inspector’s office, both Aglaonice and Orpheus’ poet friends (supposedly) are accusing Orpheus of being involved in Jacques’ disappearance. The Inspector turns them away, just as Heurtebise and Orpheus reconvene in town. While Orpheus didn’t find the Princess, Heurtebise says that she came by, saying that he could stay with the married couple for now.
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Speaking of the Princess, we see her at night, staring over Orpheus. And her eyes are...strange. They seem artificial, and it bothers the EVER-LOVING SHIT out of me. And the whole affair isn’t helping Eurydice either, as she’s tired of Orpheus’ obsession with the car, and is planning on going to Aglaonice for advice. Heurtebise tries to stop her from doing so, but she insists. But when she goes...the motorcyclists come for her. And she’s dead. As proven when the Princess arrives through the mirror.
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Alongside her comes Jacques, acting as the Princess’ servant. She notes to him that their work isn’t easy, and couldn’t be done if she were dressed in the way the humans portray her. So, she is seemingly Death, or at least an aspect of Death. Obviously, as we’re talking about the Greek story, we can assume that she’s meant to be Hades in particular. But, we’ll see. It’s also confirmed, by the way, that the mysterious messages are indeed Jacques’ poetry, recited by him on the radio waves from beyond the grave. Neat.
Heurtebise is clearly upset with what’s just happened to Eurydice. He asks if the Princess actually had orders to kill Eurydice. She avoids the question, and guesses correctly that Heurtebise has fallen in love with Eurydice. He confirms this, and counters with the fact that the Princess has seemingly fallen in love with ORPHEUS. The plot fucking THICKENS.
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Good place to pause, I think. Halfway mark and all. See you in Part Two!
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lokis-daggers · 3 years
Untitled Thor/Loki brothers Fic (1/?)
As you can tell I suck at titles.
Prompt: Thor and Loki shenanigans before everything fell apart in Thor 1, Young adult teenage Thor and Loki. I'm not very well versed in Norse mythology, but I will try to be as accurate as possible.
Warnings: Hot/Cold, Fluff/Angst, Injuries (Whump, like a lot of it), Odin being the bag of shit that he was (abuse).
Poor grammar, tried my best to proofread, but please bare with me.
The wing was blowing through his hair, the smell of forest, mud and fresh rain all blended in the atmosphere covering the stench of sweat radiating from his body, Thor looked back and found his younger brother chasing him through the forest. "Where did you hide my book of enchantments mother gave me!?" Loki shouted from the top of his lungs, Thor smirked and simply continued running, he knew that Loki wasn't as fast a sprinter as he was, "Tell me what you were doing in fathers chambers last night and I'll give it back!" Thor turned around to check on the distance when he slipped on a patch of mud. Lokis eyes widened and took the chance to prance on top of his older, more muscular older brother. He took a branch from the ground, "Give it back now before I stab your eye out!" He gritted his teeth. Thor grabbed Loki by the collar and flipped him onto the ground, he took the branch from Lokis's hand and now had his elbow digging into Lokis's chest. Loki grunted in pain, surely the amount of pressure he was applying was only enough to restrain Loki not to hurt him so Thor was taken back when he heard the grunt of pain from his younger brother, he loosened his grip, "Just tell me what happened in fathers chambers!"
"Nothing! Nothing happened! I went to look for mother!" Loki shouted.
"You were in there for hours!" Thor shouted back.
"I needed help with a conjuring spell!" Loki lied.
"You're a terrible liar brother, Sif saw you exit the chambers last night looking defeated, she had thought that you might have gotten into a fight with Volstagg, but that was not the case." Thor picked him up from the ground and held him against a tree.
"Conjuring spells tire me out, I swear I was conspiring against you if that's what you worried about, now give me my book back!" Loki then took the chance to knee Thor in the groin.
Thor fell to the ground groaning in pain, "Jeez brother, that was uncalled for..." Thor held his hand in midair, the large leather-bound book then appeared. Loki took it back from his hand and walked away.
Thor picked himself back up and ran after his brother, "Do wanna join me hunting before dinner?" Thor asked him in a friendly tone.
"No." Loki walked faster.
"Come on brother! We all know you wanna come along, you can show off your dagger skills!"
Loki stopped in his tracks, "I beg your pardon"
Thor smirked, "Then beg."
Loki rolled his eyes and continued walking back to the palace.
"Sif is still telling everyone that her marksmanship is better than yours across the realms," Thor whispered into his ears tauntingly.
Loki laughed out loud, "Well you can tell her I'm going to show her true skills."
Thor picked up his steps and walked backwards in front of Loki, "Great! I'm taking that as a yes, meet at the city gates 2 hours before dinner!" Thor ran off into the village probably up to something stupid with the warriors three.
Loki dragged his feet back into his room, he calls it a room, but the size was comparable to a Midgardian middle school gymnasium. He plopped down by his desk and flipped through the pages of enchantments. The longer he sat in his chair the sorer he felt. He avoided the healer's chambers at all cost, worried that others would catch on about his mysterious ailments. He walked over to his bookshelf that was overflowing with books sprawled on the floor, he found a book of healing spells, he took the book to his bed and took his leather outer layer off, revealing the green shirt underneath, he lifted his shirt and saw the canvas of red and purple bruises, he sighed and held his right hand over the bruises to apply the spell, his hand glowed green as the pain faded away, the bruises remained. He pulled his shirt back down and rubbed his eyes, he was recalling how he got these bruises. Yesterday morning he was practicing his enchantments when he came up with an amazing idea. He was going to turn Thor into a frog. He baited his brother to the courtyard and when he was distracted he did exactly that, in a blink of an eye Thor was the size of his palm, after poking at his brother who was then a frog he tried to turn him back, but he couldn't, no matter how hard he focused on the spell he couldn't do it. He placed Thor into his pocket and ran to find his mother in the gardens, the issue was, the all-father was also there. Loki fell to his knees and asked his mother to turn his brother back, "Mother I am aware of my frivolous mistake, Can you please turn Thor back?"
Frigga looked to Odin and smiled, "You foolish child." Odin mumbled. Frigga waved her hand and the weight of his full-size brother fell on top of Loki, "Loki that was so cool!" Thor laughed. Frigga helped both her children up to their feet, "Now now, go and play."
Thor laughed and greeted his father goodbye before prancing off somewhere, Loki was about to follow him when Odin told, "Loki, I'll have a word with you later tonight." Loki bowed his head down and ran off to find Thor. Later that evening was standing outside of Odin's chamber. A guard opened the door for the young prince, when the doors closed, Loki felt a bash to the stomach. Odin and stomped him down onto his knees, "Do you know what you are being punished for, boy?" He asked in an ever so condescending tone.
"I was frivolous, foolish, I was not using my wits and caused a mess, I am truly sorry father."
Odin paced back and forth in front of Loki, "What would you have done if Frigga had not reversed your spell."
Loki hung his head low, "I promise father, it will not happen again" Odin swung Gungnir (His staff) towards Lokis's side, knowing to avoid his head to avoid visible injuries. Loki clenched his saw and continued kneeling. The hour or so he was being told off by Odin while taking a few kicks here nod there, by the time Odin got tired he ordered Loki back to his room. Loki hadn't noticed that Sif was right around the corner when he headed back to his room.
Loki closed the book of healing spells in front of him and sighed. This will all be worth it when he gets crowned king he thought to himself.
After some light reading, Loki walked over to his armoury and pulled out his set of daggers and his bow and arrow. He took his horse and headed towards the city gates. He made eye contact with Hogun first, he waved over to Loki, then so did the rest, Thor smiled from ear to ear when he spotted his brother. "Everyone's here!" Thor cheered. Fandral then asked, "So what are hunting today, elks?" Thor shook his head. "Even better Fandral, bandits." Thor was nodding his head. Everyone was taken back, Sif then spoke, "Wait, Thor, you don't mean the bandit camp in the southern forest do you?"
Thor cracked his knuckles and pointed to her, "Right on the nose. I heard father talking about their plan of rebellion and his plan to annihilate the camp with the guards, so I thought, what not a better idea than us going to annihilate the camp proving to Father and the nine realms what we are capable of!" No one else questioned his decision, but Loki. "Brother, I don't think that to be wise, if things go south we could be outnumbered the captured causing chaos in the palace. Then say that we do go and deafest the bandits, the fact that we are going on an unsanctioned palace mission will not make father happy."
Before Loki could begin his next sentence Thor was leading the others towards the southern forests. Loki has a moment of thought where he was going to go back to the palace to alert Odin, but then if Odin found that he left Thor and the others in the middle of the battlefield he would get the punishment of a lifetime, so he foolishly followed.
Thor didn't know what went wrong, one moment they had the upper hand and suddenly they were severely outnumbered, Thor looked around as he fended for himself to ensure that his friends and brother were okay.
Hogun was surrounded by the bandits Loki ran to his side to aid him, but Hogun was stabbed through his left shoulder, the sound of his scream as the blade ripped out of his flesh rang in Lokis ears, "Thor we need to go now!" Loki shouted, Sif ran over and assisted Hogun as Loki ran towards his foolish brother, he slew the bandits as he got closer and closer to Thor, "You idiot, we need to go now!" Loki grabbed onto Thor's shoulder, Thor had blood dripping down his face from a wound to the head, Loki didn't have time to worry about him as he physically dragged his brother back to the horses, Fandral was already running behind Hogun and Sif as he protected them from being attacked, Volstagg was surrounded, nowhere to run. Thor ran back and Loki had realized why, Loki gripped the twin daggers as he ran in to get Volstagg with Thor, at this point, it was 3 vs 20. Thor hoisted Volstagg up and fought his way through, Loki was right behind them, then Loki noticed a bandit aim an arrow right at Thor from between the Trees, Loki tried to conjure a shield of some sort, but it didn't work, when the arrow was released Loki pushed Thor down to the ground, Volstagg falling with him, Loki felt the pain of the arrow rip through him, his right side was on fire before Thor could form a sentence Loki pulled the arrow and aimed it with his bow, he shot the arrow wielding bandit through the eye and continued running. Once everyone was on the horses they raced back to the palace, no one had yet been alerted. It was now 20 minutes to dinner, Odin and Frigga would be in the great hall. Loki was holding a handkerchief to his wound, blood seeping through his fingers, instead of jumping off from his horse he practically fell off if Thor had not quickly caught him. "Loki, we need to get you to the healers," Thor said as ripped a piece of cloth from his cape to press against Loki. Lokis's eyes widened, "No, Thor please, no healers" It was the first time in a very long time that he heard Loki use the word please in a non-sarcastic tone. "Bring me to my room, I have a book of healing spells," Loki mumbled.
Thor dragged Loki to his room, while Frandrall and Sif got Hogun and Volstagg to the healer's chambers.
Thor sat Loki down on the bed, he was barely conscious, Thor found the book on Lokis's desk, Loki was pulling off his armour and shirt to reveal the bruising and scratches. Loki lifted the piece of cloth from his wound. "Brother, you look like absolute shit. I'm bringing mother." Thor turned for the door when Loki grabbed him by the wrist. "Brother, don't. I can handle this myself. Put your muscles to good use and cover my mouth." Loki cringed as the sentence sounded better in his head. Loki adjusted himself so he leaning against the headboard of the bed, he flipped to a page in the spellbook and repeated the phrase in his head, there was now a bright green glow from his hand, Thor placed his hand over Lokis mouth as Loki held his hand to the bleeding wound, Loki was screaming in his hand as Thor watch the skin mend back together and the bleeding stopped. Loki was his hand over scapes and bruises, Thor noticed that some of them were old, the bruising were a different shade of purple than the new ones on his arms, and the cuts had dried blood that was almost brown, he knew from past injuries himself that Loki did not obtain those today, it had to be at least a day old, but Loki was with him all at yesterday, then it dawned upon him, the only time they parted ways when Loki was in Odin's chamber. Thor looked back to Loki was still healing himself, his other hand gripping onto the bedsheets, the way his hand moved was all too familiar, rehearsed, he had practiced. When Loki finished he collapsed onto the bed, Thor was shaking him by the shoulders, "Loki, Loki? Are you okay?" Loki breathed heavily, his voice was hoarse, "I'm fine, I just need to rest, tell Mother and Father I will not be joining them for dinner, come up with an excuse." Loki relaxed onto his sheets. Thor sighed and fetched a palace guard outside of Lokis room, "Yes my prince?" the guard knelt onto one knee, "Inform mother and father that Loki and I are catching up on our studies and will not be joining them in the great hall this evening" Thor used his commanding voice. "Yes. Will that be all my prince."
Thor went to this room to change out of the blood-drenched armour and washed his face. He quickly went back to Lokis's room. He found his younger brother in the same position he had left him. Thor took a basin of hot water and wiped down the blood from his brother's face and body. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess, I guess you can say that we're even on the whole frog thing yesterday and you were right, about us not being able to handle the bandits, I knew you were right, but I just wanted to prove to father that we can do it, that we have what it takes to be king." Thor sighed as he changed Loki into clean clothes. Loki was completely knocked out and didn't hear a word Thor said. Thor adjusted Lokis's body so he was sleeping in the correct position, he covered him with the blanket and stared at Loki, "Were you always this small?" He whispered to himself. Thor sat on the floor at the end of the bed and thought back to when they were children, Loki had just learnt how to shapeshift and Thor was playing in the garden. Loki turned into a snake cause he knew how much Thor loved snakes, Thor immediately picked him up and played with him, Loki saw the opportunity to quickly turn back into his original form and stabbed him with a small dagger, it was nothing fatal, but it still hurt. The laugh that echoed from his little brother and the huge smile on his face will forever be recorded as Thor's favourite memory of child Loki. Thor remembered the small stab wound aching even after the healers applied medicine, he could only begin to imagine the pain Loki had endured when he took that arrow. Slowly as he recalled other memories Thor drifted off into slumber.
It was now the dead of night when Thor was woken by Loki, he was talking in his sleep, Thor ran to Loki, his forehead covered in beads of sweat. Loki was mumbling in his sleepy, at first Thor couldn't comprehend what he was saying, but then he heard, "Father... I'm sorry, I'm foolish, sorry..." Thor felt this anger bubbling inside him. Thor used the cuff of his sleeve to wipe Lokis face, "Loki, it's okay, fathers no here" Thor whispered to Loki, Thor grabbed the other pillow and placed it in between Lokis arms, he knew his brother loved to cuddle in his sleep when they were children and shared a room, Loki had an alligator toy that he cuddled with to sleep every night. He watched as Loki calmed down and fell back into a deep slumber. Thor looked out to the tall stained-glass windows and swore to never allow anyone to hurt his brother like this again.
Notes: Thanks for reading and I hope you excused all my grammar errors. I have a glimpse of what part 2 looks like. Hope to get it out as soon as possible. You are loved, I love you. Talk again soon! - Crystal.
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themuzzleofnemesis · 4 years
2-Memory of the Forest; Scene 8
The Muzzle of Nemesis, pages 71-81
Occasionally strange things would happen in this forest.
Any time I lost the path deep in the forest when I was young, I would be able to make my way home simply by walking along picking up acorns that had fallen in such a way as to indicate the path to me. Any time I fell from a tall tree branch, I would sometimes land in a pile of leaves, and so wouldn’t suffer any injuries.
I was able to settle on the idea that all of these were simple coincidences. But even so, on occasion I would almost get the feeling that the forest itself had a will of its own.
--And right now, that “will” was speaking directly to me in my house.
Through the doll from earlier that Mr. Ziz had scooped up.
<--You need to run out of this forest right now>
Rather than being surprised or scared, I asked the doll…or rather, the “will of the forest”, “Why do I need to run?”
<There are people coming here to arrest you.>
If that was true, then these people were undoubtedly the police.
The S.S. Titanis sinking that had occurred six months before—They must have finally caught wind of the fact that I was responsible.
Kandi had said that he would apply pressure on the World Police so that they wouldn’t investigate. I had hoped that maybe that was possible, given he was a higher-up in the Freezis Conglomerate.
But suppressing it completely must have been difficult even for a Freezis.
“But…why are you trying to cover for me?”
Strictly speaking, I didn’t know who the “you” I was speaking to even was. I hadn’t asked, and they hadn’t made any effort to explain.
Even so, I had a hunch that I was talking to the “will of the forest” right then. Perhaps...This was the being that devotees of Held referred to as the “Great Land God”.
The “will of the forest” didn’t answer me, instead saying, <Keep this in mind. There are beings in this world that will try to protect you, that you cannot see. In this forest…and in the depths of the world.”
<We don’t have time to talk much. Though I’ll be able to stall these invaders for a short time…But that has its limits. Come on then—get going>
“—Thank you.”
I quickly made preparations to leave the house.
There wasn’t a lot that I needed to take with me.
<…There is also one other thing I’ll tell you, while we’re talking>
The doll again spoke up to me as I was getting ready.
<If, in the course of your life—you ever run into a person by the name of “Lich”…Be extra cautious around him>
“’Lich’? Is he some bad guy?”
<I’m not so sure on that, but…What I am certain of is that he’s a being unlike those of this world. There is a lot that I can’t read into in his actions>
“Hmm…I don’t really understand, but alright. I’ll make sure to watch out.”
First thing’s first, I needed to get away from the clutches of the police.
I finished my preparations and dashed out of the house. I had considered for a moment that perhaps I ought to take that doll with me, but it wasn’t mine to start with. And the less I had to carry, the better.
I decided to sneak west, avoiding the established path. That was the fastest route out of the forest.
…Ah. What should I do about Mr. Ziz?
He was currently in that underground lake in the cave.
Though it’s hard to imagine the police would arrest an octopus…
Even so the fact remained that Mr. Ziz was the main actor in the sinking of the S.S. Titanis. It was a matter of what if.
I slightly altered my course and made my way towards the hermit cave before leaving the forest.
…That decision had been a bad one.
Before I arrived at the cave, I encountered the people chasing me.
They were—a dark-skinned man, and a woman with white hair.
They were both carrying guns.
“—There she is! The ‘Beastmaster’!” the man shouted.
Beastmaster—that was something of a nickname used among my friends. I had objected somewhat as I was really only able to summon Mr. Ziz, but it had a better ring to it than ‘Octopus master’ so I ultimately accepted it.
Contrary to my expectation, these two were not wearing World Police uniforms.
I briefly wondered if I should be thankful for that. There was a chance that they were remnants of Midas’ goons, or that Kandi had betrayed us.
Whatever the case, I had one option…And that was to find a way to escape from them somehow!
…They’re fast!
I was pretty confident in my ability to play at chasing in this forest. I’d been living here since I was born.
However, the man aside…the white-haired woman was making her way towards me in defiance of all the trees lined up around us.
I couldn’t shake them very well. And on top of that, unlike them I wasn’t carrying any weapons on me. If I were to face them head on, there’s no way I would win.
A method I could use to oppose them—was the magical arts that Nikolay had taught me, but I couldn’t imagine it would do me much good in this situation. About the only thing I was really capable of doing was creating a lump of ice about the size of my thumb. I had to wonder what would even happen if I tossed it at them.
That just left…nothing other than calling on Mr. Ziz.
Fortunately the cave was right before me. I would be able to turn the tables of the situation as soon as I ran inside. Nikolay might have been there too, and I was sure he would help me.
“You can’t escape!”
The woman fired at me.
Despite the fact that we were in the forest, and both running at that, her aim was comparatively accurate, and the bullet whizzed past my head.
I forced myself to keep running despite my fear nearly seizing up my legs.
“Hey, Shiro, don’t kill her! We’re capturing her alive!”
“I know…She’s running into that cave!”
I sprinted into the cave’s entrance, listening to their voices from behind me.
The cave was a straight path that led to a dead end. Now that I’d gotten inside, it would be difficult to escape.
“Mr. Ziz!”
I called out my accomplice’s name as I ran. I was sure he could hear me.
I thought we would be able to join up immediately, but I couldn’t see him anywhere.
And as I ran I reached where the underground lake would be.
--It felt much colder than it had been before.
“Oh, Nemesis…What’s gotten you in such a state?”
Rather than Mr. Ziz, Nikolay appeared before me.
“Nikolay. Please, you have to hide me! I’m being chased!”
“…Ah, I see,” he replied, his voice calm. “Who’s chasing you?”
“I don’t know! Maybe the police, or—”
“Well then, I suppose we ought to go meet them.”
“No, don’t do that, just find me some place to hide—”
“There isn’t such a place in this cave.”
It was as Nikolay said. I hadn’t come here to hide in the first place.
“Mr. Ziz! Where are you!? If you’re sleeping, wake up!” I screamed at the lake.
…And then, finally, I realized that it was different.
“What in…”
It was only natural that Mr. Ziz didn’t show.
The water of the lake had completely frozen over.
It wasn’t winter right now. No, even if it had been in the middle of winter, I had never seen this lake frozen over like this.
--Someone had frozen it deliberately.
And…there was only one person I knew of who could do that.
“Nikolay, what have you—”
Before I could ask him, my pursuers showed themselves.
“There you are! In here, Bruno!”
First the woman walked towards me, gun in hand. And then the man came my way after her, also holding his gun.
…But the dark-skinned man seemed surprised to see not me, but rather Nikolay nearby.
“--!? You’re—”
“…Oh, my my. If it isn’t Bruno Zero. I haven’t seen you since Loki’s trial.”
It appeared that the two of them knew each other.
Nikolay carelessly walked up to them, showing no fear of the fact that they were armed. “You coming here like this must mean that PN is after her…or rather, Gallerian is.”
“Not quite. He’s not involved in this. PN conducted the investigation alone, and identified this ‘Beastmaster’ here as a suspect…To think, you were the mastermind behind this.”
Nikolay gave a half smile and shook his head at the man named Bruno’s words. “—Hey now, have you gotten mixed up on something? If you’re talking about what happened with the Titanis, I’m not involved.”
“Then why did this ‘Beastmaster’ run in here?”
“I dunno. Of course, we live in the same forest so I know her at least, but…it’s not like she and I are family or anything.”
What are you saying, Nikolay?
Certainly, what he said wasn’t a lie. He had no involvement with Midas or the S.S. Titanis, and he and I had no blood relation to each other. It was true that we were mere acquaintances.
But even so, I had thought that surely he would protect me.
When I spoke up to him, he turned around.
His usual kind smile was nowhere to be seen.
“…Nemesis, if you have done something bad then you need to properly atone for it.”
“You can’t—”
“You see, I—once worked as a man who judged people’s sins. And so I can’t shield a criminal now.”
Listening off to the side, Bruno snorted and said, “Hmph, look who’s talking. Hanma…Weren’t you the one who did exactly the opposite of that, time and again in the past?”
“And that’s why I can’t now, Bruno. It’s been fifteen years since I quit my job at the Dark Star Bureau. Perhaps you don’t believe this, but during that time I’ve done my thinking, and I’ve changed.”
“…You’re still wanted by the World Police. For the crime of violating the ‘special law on witchcraft’.”
“Naturally. I know that. So then—are you going to arrest me too?”
“PN is not like the World Police. Our stance is contradictory to the special law on witchcraft in and of itself. …Besides, if you really are ‘Elluka’s apprentice’ as the World Police says—then we have no hope of being able to arrest you.”
“…Ha ha, how ironic. That you who have seen the existence of magic with your own eyes have been promoted to a position that denies its existence.”
Bruno pointed the gun at Nikolay. “—We’ll be taking in this ‘Beastmaster’ now. As long as you don’t interfere…we’ll leave you be.”
“I don’t mind, do as you like—While you’re here I’ll give you some information you might like.”
Nikolay took out a sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to Bruno.
“And this is?”
“A map that indicates Zeus’ hideout. She forgot it here earlier. This should help you in capturing the others, shouldn’t it?”
“…I appreciate the cooperation.”
That told me everything.
Before I had even run in here—Nikolay had already decided to sell us out.
And that was why he had frozen over the lake…If he was trapped within the ice, then Mr. Ziz couldn’t still be alive.
“You traitor!” I screamed at Nikolay—then tried to take advantage of the confusion to run towards the entrance to the cave.
--But my feet tangled up and I tumbled down.
At some point my ancles had been encased in ice-shackles.
“Traitor…Hm. You’re wrong, Nemesis. It was—you who betrayed me first.”
“What are you…I don’t know what you mean.”
“I had though that as long as I could raise you right, I would always continue to protect you. But in the end, you caused such an awful tragedy…I guess you are her daughter after all.”
“Her…You mean my mother? What about my mother!?”
“She was a great one, your mother—but I cannot agree with her as the man I am now.” Nikolay glanced back at Bruno. “Go on, take her away.”
Bruno and the woman with him walked up to me and picked me up off the ground. And then, instead of ones of ice, they put real manacles on my wrists.
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks x Reader {Kingdom AU}
Buy me a coffee!! <3
Why do birds deem it necessary to shout during such early hours?
The matutinal chirping was that which your mind vehemently claimed to hate, and yet you couldn’t get enough - you remained unsatiated, even as the chorus reached its most deafening. Your hunger for the oddly-mellisonant noises grew with each passing day.
It tells me that they're still alive. When did I begin longing for such an ensemble, so spirited…so within my grasp? Perhaps they hide the key to my cage…to this prison of self-spite and deceit? If only I could capture one. I would ask it all that I wish to know - its infinite knowledge of my future…if I am doomed to live. The birds here…they’re so, incredibly free. I yearn to have that same liberty.
With a drawn-out sigh, you added, That's but a mere fantasy, a childish day-dream. It is certain to disappear with time. These shackles are the curse of my birth. Freedom…true freedom…it will forever evade me.
Your untamed, maudlin delusions penetrated every crevice of your being, but as you rose from a half-slumber, you pushed them down. Shifting your focus to something real, something imminent, was the best course of action. So, exhaustion-glazed eyes ghosted over the makeshift bed to which you had confined yourself. Or, more accurately - to which the villagers had confined you. This was far from a gesture of concern for your health, although disease was often rife amongst the peasantry. No…this was the result of their refusal to so much as acknowledge your existence. Only work managed to rouse you. Work - the very warrant for your ostracization. In a way, you supposed that was valid. You never wanted such unsavoury jobs, but how else were you to make ends meet…especially now?
What if I simply abandoned my post? Would I be punished? Executed? Either way, I am deserving of it. If only death could cleanse me of my sins…Is food off the menu today, too? It is becoming nigh-impossible to find enough, even for a single day. No-one sells to me anymore. Not even that kindly old woman near the village outskirts…
"Is that my fate then, to die of starvation?" Despite the indifference lacing your tone, you prepared for an onslaught of tears.
This world, infinitely cruel and rotten as you perceived it, seemed to loath your very essence. It slowly whittled you to the bone, rejected your abject cries and those pitiful, helpless tears. Yet, not a soul threw you pity - not even an ounce. Nothing should have tethered you to this ground, this filthy house, where the faintest illumination of a flickering candle was all the hope you could afford. Though, lack of money was never truly the problem. No…the fault lay solely with the villagers. And the King. If only you hadn't been threatened to assume your mantle. If only this was the fantasy - this bloodthirsty kingdom, the ignorance to such plights as yours, the senseless slaughter of your parents…
By my own hands. I cannot masquerade as the victim forever. They already haunt me…the ghosts. All the ghosts…
"It would be a fitting end, I suppose." The breaths that tore apart your lungs failed to distract your wandering gaze.
It fell suspiciously upon an unopened scroll, donning a sickeningly-familiar wax seal. Had a member of the Royal Guard crept inside, under the cloak of night? It appeared that even the most highly-trained soldiers in the land would wretch at the thought of an encounter with you, awake and alert. How utterly ridiculous. A young, sullen-faced girl couldn’t exactly compete with the King's personal guards, even if you were able to wield an axe. Your defeat would be anticipated, underwhelming. You strolled over to examine the parchment, malnutrition forcing your slowed movements. It was a fresh order, you wagered, straight from the King himself.
I had hoped to be proven incorrect. No bother. Well…perchance with another few coins, I could convince a poor villager to sell me some bread? A nice loaf, maybe?
Your stomach grumbled its agreement. 'Kill or be killed' wasn’t simply an idle comment, after all - it encompassed the very nature of humanity.
"Brutish." A susurrant sound tumbled from your lips. "But I am no better."
If honesty must prevail in this world, then I shall attest to being so much worse.
The scroll's seal broke with ease, leaving you to unfurl the paper and trace the words, bile endeavouring all the while to scale the walls of your stomach. The name engraved in black ink was a recognisable one. He, alongside his unfledged son, worked as palace servants. The latter was especially flighty, always being reprimanded by his seniors. This, you had witnessed on occasion. A fleeting glance was all you ever allowed yourself, and that name never once caused your skin to crawl so horribly, as it did now.
"XXXXX Takami…a thief?"
Is there no justification? I wonder if he truly stole anything. The King is most likely in the mood to watch an execution today. If so, then this will not be the first instance of an innocent dying by my hand.
As guilt poured from your eyes, silent and crystalline, you muttered, "I cannot profess to be his champion. Nor even my own…Why must my resolve be so frail?"
Why must cruelty reign supreme?
Your reflections were quelled by the searing pain exuding from the mark that tainted your wrist. It was customary for executioners, but designs varied. You were unfortunate enough to be branded with something simple, yet imbued with the weight and meaning of an entire people. It was as though your words, however few, and your actions, spoke for all your kin. It was curious, as the symbol was the runic ᛒ, although Japan was far removed from any other civilisations. The deplorable truth of the matter, was that it solidified your societal status. It served as a reminder that you wouldn’t ever escape from the Burakumin - the lowest class. The peasants. The dirty, the untrustworthy, the sinners. You couldn’t cover it up. To do so might be counted as treason, fighting against the authority of the crown. You would be executed, just as your parents, and now…as this conceivably blameless man.
…This father.
You would so disturb the structure of a family?
Have I any other choice?
Life never presented you with choices, different paths to follow, to branch off from the main narrative. The door to your cage was securely chained. The key, presumably, rested within the bulging pocket of the King. Your sleight-of-hand skills weren't masterful enough to allow the evasion of every soldier at the King's command, so you couldn’t ever move to grasp self-sovereignty. That worthless tyrant had to understand this. He likely laughed at the image. You couldn’t simply neglect your responsibilities, for this one man, for his youthful son…
What use are sentiments, if only to distract from this morbid reality? Their family cannot be satisfied, if he would stoop to thievery. Criminals cannot proceed unpunished.
"Though they can, and often do." The glimmer of remorse reflecting in your eyes alluded to the ever-dwindling fire in your soul - you couldn’t comprehend your position…why you still lived, after everything - every rolling head, every spatter of blood, every jeer and taunt…
Between the burning of the brand on your wrist, and the nipping of the tears in your (e/c) irises, you decided that a moment of respite was needed. You perched on the unsteady floor, clutching both face and wrist. Why was this happening now? Morning-tide shouldn't be harder than any other time - least of all early afternoon, when families would gather around the execution grounds, blithely chatting away and gnawing on bread, or the rare sliver of cheese that almost compelled you to salivate. Honestly, it was a miracle you could still hold the axe aloft, in spite of your meagre diet. You sighed, rehearsing the time of this newest dispatch. Three hours…that was hardly fair. It required far longer to mentally prepare for such a killing. This man had a wife, surely, and a son! As you defended against the sick feeling nestling in your stomach, the repugnant sight of ebony in the corner of the room caught your attention. You wished so desperately to sacrifice that garb to the flames of Hell. You couldn’t bear to look at it, let alone adorn it.
Why do I bother to wear a mask, when they all recognise me?
Oh, of course…"It veils my tears."
And also, perhaps, my rugged appearance. I cannot even claim to resemble a respectable young woman. The villagers would sleep easier without beholding such an unsightly face. I should pay thanks the gods that the cloak disguises my figure, as well.
Broad shoulders and pancake-like breasts plagued your waking thoughts, but they were well-shielded underneath the dark, flowing robe you had just picked up. You utterly despised them. With less than three hours before the execution, you slipped on the cloak, but left the mask. It couldn’t be properly washed by hand - the blood of hundreds, innocents and sinners alike, had seemed to seep into the very essence of the fabric. It repulsed you, and yet an odd warmth accompanied it. Maybe…because it was the only constant in your life? The only thing providing purpose, whether you desired it or not? The fragrance was familiar, sometimes comforting on a particularly savage night. It nearly stung.
Just as a sorrowful breath escaped your lips, a series of frantic knocks alerted you to the door. Your entire being shuddered, nerves exploding. A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead. If you opened that door now, which now appeared more foreboding, who would you greet? The Captain of the Royal Guard? That once-lovely elderly woman, who used to sell you bread? A tax collector? A thief? Nobody in their right mind rapped on the door of an executioner…an outcast. They must have a certain degree of battle prowess, then. Shakily, you started towards that wooden entrance.
The knocking never ceased. In fact, was it intensifying? Whoever this was, they were desperate.
There would be nowhere for them to hide, in this small house.
The door swung open, revealing a dishevelled young man.
Is this…him?
The moment his words flooded your ears, the whole world collapsed around you. "Are you the executioner who is going to kill my father?"
You wanted to deny, to beg for forgiveness, but you couldn’t. Instead, with an averted gaze, you responded, "I am afraid so."
"You don't…you don't want to? You aren’t excited about this?" His tone indicated confusion, perhaps even sympathy.
To where did his formalities retreat? What a brazen boy…
You shuffled in discomfort. "I apologise for not taking pleasure in my work."
He looked unsure. "Please don't kill him. He is not thief - it's a lie!"
"That is quite a claim. Do you have any proof?" You didn’t wish to interrogate the poor soul - he was about to lose the greatest role-model he would ever know.
"No…" He stared at the ground briefly, before a fiery determination illuminated his eyes, and he looked back up. "…Would you…would you help me save him? Please?"
Does he assume me a hero? Or a vigilante?...Me?
The idea was half-baked, teeming with flaws. Wasn’t your capture, and subsequent execution, almost inevitable? Clearly, this had been a spontaneous decision, and the consequences floated just outside his mind. You swallowed down any further words. Something about him, something he exuded…pain? Fear? There wasn’t a single spark of confidence twinkling behind those golden eyes, and yet…you felt your heart pounding in compliance. In truth, did you not yearn for such an opportunity? Did you not wish to bellow to the universe, that you were capable of possessing a righteous nature, even at the expense of your life? If you couldn’t save one innocent from your own axe, you would never again begin to dream of redemption. It would set in stone your utter worthlessness.
Paranoid, (e/c) eyes skirted around the boy, searching for any characters of suspect. With a heaviness burrowing amid your heart, you ushered him inside your humble abode. Immediately, he spotted the scroll lying on the table. You made no effort to divert his attention.
After a few moments of tense silence, he spoke. "(L/n) (Y/n)…that your name?"
"Yes, though I rarely hear it anymore."
"Would he be in the dungeons right now? My father, I mean." He was deep in thought, incredibly serious.
Your gaze strayed - this boy was far too ethereal to be viewed by your peasant eyes. "Yes, along with the other prisoners."
"You believe me, don't you?" Shock was evident in his voice.
"Should I not?" You questioned, still refusing to glance his way.
A low chuckle tore from his lungs. "You should. How long do we have? We need a proper plan, right? Unless you're leaving me to do this alone. Something tells me you aren't willing to do that…"
"Alone, you would achieve nothing."
"Haha, well, behind every man there's a strong woman, right?" He displayed a closed-eye smile, blinding you for the few, sparing seconds you allowed yourself to witness it.
You couldn’t have realised the crimson hue worming its way on to your cheeks. "Absolutely not."
"Why're your replies so short? You not like talking to me, or something?"
Is he forgetting his reason for being here, so quickly?
"What of this plan? What of your father's fate?" You asked, hoping to remain on topic.
He chuckled again, sourly this time. "The plan…I was thinking, would it be possible to sneak him out of the dungeon? Or…replace him with someone else? I know it's horrible, and I feel awful about it, but…"
"The first one would never be possible. If we entered as two, and left as three, would you expect not to be questioned?" You bit your lip in contemplation. "On foot, journeying to the castle will take an hour. No matter our plan, we have to leave soon."
"You're right…of course you're right." He smiled, crookedly. "Is it bad to say I hate that?"
Shaking your head, you muttered, "Once in a while, the prisoners will wear masks, to shield from the jeering eyes of those in the crowd."
"So…if we had someone with a similar figure…" He trailed off.
Is this…a choice? Do I really have the option to save someone? To do a modicum of good, for once in my life? I…I have to...I cannot tear apart this family. I cannot accept that responsibility.
The concerned expression painting his face was replaced with one of terror, of guilt. Clearly, this was an unexpected turn of events, and he opened his mouth, about to protest. He was likely to spew some nonsense regarding being young, throwing your life away…but you would remain resolute. You wouldn’t waver - not on such an important matter. As the years slowly trickled away, you had already reached a conclusion about your life, about your future. You reasoned that it wasn’t worth all the hassle, all the blood, sweat and tears. It wasn’t worth anything. So…why bother? Why bother living it, only to be thrashed around, ripped to shreds and then eventually killed, anyway? You adored nothing of yourself. You adored nothing of anyone. Without a meaning to your life, weren't you simply a husk? A broken shell of a once-pure, youthful girl?
"You?" His voice was quivering, as if he was infinitely opposed to your proposition.
A single, solemn nod confirmed his query.
"But…" He managed, trying to find a different solution. "…aren’t you the executioner? And…why does it have to be you? Can't we find someo-"
"It should be me." You cut him off, desperate to put this behind you. "I am not the only executioner. The other one…I have no doubt he will assist us, voluntarily."
All his dreadful emotions clogged his throat. The words wouldn’t exit seamlessly. "Why you? Tell me why…"
Your sigh was drawn-out, heavier than all the previous ones. "I can bear this world no longer, Takami. This job…even this house…everything is a cage, a prison. I cannot continue to live this way. I need you to understand, and respect my decision."
If not for the dire circumstances, a blush would have exploded on his face; you referred to him by name. Though…he couldn’t fathom the idea of you being separated so soon after meeting. For years, he had watched you, silently admiring all your adorable little quirks. All the features you despised, he loved with the passion of a thousand suns. To him, you weren't any less than human…no, in fact, you were a goddess, sent from the Heavens to bewitch him, to make him swoon, all while erecting an ignorant façade. He spent hours upon hours, mostly during nighttide, wondering, praying, that you had taken note of his presence…that you saw him, as you glided around the castle. He wished so desperately to be your swain, but despite being little more than a peasant boy himself, he still held the higher title. He knew of your job, but he witnessed your anguish. He observed the unrelenting tears that dripped down your face. He knew you were hurting.
Was he honestly now granting assent to your death?
"Keigo." He suddenly made a grab for your hands, feeling them callous and trembling slightly. "My name…it's Keigo."
You nodded, plunging into uncertain waters. "Keigo…"
"Please call me that, every time you address me, from now until…" His head fell; was this really happening?
Was he truly unable to stop you? Unable to change your mind? Even as this thought rocketed around his brain, he knew the truth. He couldn’t ever hope to stop you. It was clear - your decision was final.
He waited until you nodded again. "We should probably go now."
No response came, but none was necessary. The two of you ran, bounding towards the castle, side-by-side. You were determined - Keigo and his father would live. In this cold, cruel world, they would flourish…they would become something. And you would watch this, his adventure…from another plane. Perhaps it was Hell, perhaps Heaven, perhaps neither. Either way, you wouldn’t let this be the end. If you had the chance to keep walking by his side, even in death, then you would welcome it with open arms. You wouldn’t shy away from it, from providing him with security - you could ward off all the negative energy, all the malign spirits, threatening to cause him harm. You would be there.
Even in death.
The courtyard approached. Tugging on his sleeve, you directed him to a large, metal door, complete with padlocks and some ominous-looking scratch marks. So far, nobody seemed to have paid you any mind. You thrust the key into the lock, hoping that the sound of metal against metal wouldn’t attract too much unwanted attention. Keigo was fixated on the patrolling guards, who were thankfully more interested in showing off their swords to the noblewomen. You slipped inside, unnoticed. Awaiting you was Keigo's father, alongside a few others, mostly unconscious. From severe beatings, you presumed.
"(Y/n)! What is he doing here?"
You shushed him. "Shinya…I need to call in a favour."
"I have a bad feeling about this." He pointed to the two males, now attempting to comfort each other. "Does it involve them?"
He managed to unlock the shackles, so easily?
"Yes. You must listen to me - I am begging you."
He was hesitant, but replied, "Alright. What do you need?"
"I need you to execute the criminal in my steed. This, I cannot do." You answered, pouring your heart into the words.
"The criminal…" He paused. "…You are not speaking of Takami, are you?"
You shook your head. "I am afraid not."
"Then…" He sighed, as the truth dawned. "…You are speaking of yourself."
A glint of sorrow lingered in his eyes. "Are you certain? You cannot recover from death."
"I am certain, beyond question." There was no hesitance in your voice, no doubt…not even a hint of anxiety.
You sounded free. At long last, you sounded free. Finally, you could dictate which path you took, and when it all ended. To object your wish now…Shinya couldn’t imagine the guilt. Forcing his heart to agree was no uncomplicated task, and he wasn’t likely to cease grieving for many moons, but…he couldn’t deny you. He couldn’t strip you of what little serenity you were able to feel, in this moment. He was already dressed in his executioner's garb, anyway. Nobody would recognise him…not until everything was over. The head probably wouldn’t be checked, either. Not for a while. By that time, Keigo and his father should be liberated, freed from the clutches of the evil King Enji Todoroki. Hopefully, they could settle within the boundaries of land of King Toshinori Yagi, or All Might, as most affectionately named him.
That loathsome, ebony robe slipped from your body, and Shinya presented you with some smaller, dirtier clothes. You didn’t mind. In fact, you relished in it. Finally, finally...something was happening on your terms. You would die, on your terms, not by the instruction of the King. And…even though it signalled the end, the extinguishing of your life…you couldn’t have been happier, in that moment.
"(Y/n)…" Your young accomplice whispered, half-adoring, half-fearful. "…Do you really intend to do this? Isn't there anything I can say, to stop you?"
What sort of…no, that would be giving himself false hope. Your intentions were crystal-clear. He couldn’t sway you. Before a single word fell from your lips, he took a chance, he grasped at straws. He did something for which he had waited a lifetime…something that ignited a passionate flame within both your hearts.
He kissed you.
Time, obligations, fate…everything ceased to exist. Your lips danced together, like they were created for that exact purpose. It felt natural…It felt right. When you parted, gazes burning into one another, everything clicked into place.
"I will always be with you, Keigo. I swear, not even death will do us part." The words you uttered…they weren't scripted, weren't rehearsed, but…maybe they had forever nestled on your tongue.
Maybe it was something I always longed to say?
A sad, little smile perched on his lips. "I know, and I will always look for you. I will see you in everyone…in everything. I will be yours, until the very end."
"I wish you would live…I wish you would marry." Your whispers caressed his ears, and he shivered.
"But you know I won't."
How things progressed so far, you knew not. A loud bell-toll, a harbinger of death, echoed across the castle. This was the end. You captured his lips again, swiftly, and then you pushed him away. He couldn’t be allowed to witness such a tragedy. He looked about to cry, about to compromise this entire plan. You placed a finger in front of your mouth, as a reminder. You wanted this. You had always wanted this. Shinya donned the mask, but you saw his strife, the melancholy swimming in his eyes. You smiled. You smiled at Shinya, at Keigo and his father, and at the glaring sun, as you were led out, into the courtyard. The mask obscured your vision, but it would have been difficult not to realise how brightly the sun was shining.
I am certain that it will shine brightest when the axe is at my neck.
In spite of the agonising loss, the newfound frigidity of his heart, Keigo ran, his father in tow. Nothing would tempt him to glance back. Nothing could. Your promise, your wish for him…all except the marriage, he would honour. To be caught now, imprisoned, killed…your bodies would never again find comfort in each other, for there was a separate, less well-kept burial space for people of the Burakumin. If he was captured, he wouldn’t be buried with you. And your spirit might wander eternally, never finding him, never achieving peace.
So, he continued to run, tears cascading from his eyes. It seemed merely a second, but the reality was hazy. He was panicking now, whispering, then screaming at the top of his lungs. He knew it was idiotic, he knew it was a death sentence, but he was lost...so, hopelessly lost.
"Father! Father, where are you? Answer me, please!"
That wasn’t the man with whom his body collided. His tears were incessant, stinging.
This…this was a Royal Guard.
In an instant, he shattered all your hopes…all your dreams. A crow, no…perhaps three crows, flew close, carried by the gentle wind. Keigo collapsed, exhaustion, shock and unadulterated grief stabbing at his heart. Your head had just rolled…hadn’t it?
[Word Count: 4128]
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The Sisters of Despair
[Back at the Future Foundation]
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I see. So the mission was a success?
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Partially. I’d hoped to capture Shirogane in the process, but she got away.
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I see. Well, thank you for what you’ve done for us, Officer Kinjo.
*The Future Foundation branch chief meeting room is not completely full. Makoto, Hajime, Byakuya, Kyoko, Seiko and Impostor are present. Tsurugi, Rei, Maki and Kaito are taking the open seats.
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I am under the assumption that Momota will be staying with you?
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That’s the plan. Unless you have any objections?
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Of course I don’t. My part in this is over.
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On that note...Why don’t you introduce yourself Mr Momota?
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Ok, sure.
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I’m Kaito Momota: Luminary of the Stars. Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut!
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So, I’m guessing I’m gonna be working with you guys from here on out. Don’t know how, but I’ll do whatever I can.
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But uh...Sorry, I got one favor to ask. Would you mind uh...taking in one more?
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One more? Did you find another one of your old friends at the base alongside Momota?
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No, not exactly.
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She should be outside. I’ll go get her.
*Rei gets up and leaves. She re-enters a few seconds later with Mii-Yu behind her.
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Wh-What the...?
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This is Mii-Yu. She’s a robot that Tsumugi was holding captive in that building.
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A...A Robot?
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Yes. That is an accurate description.
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Sh-She’s pretty cute!
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*Sigh* This is not a development that I expected.
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Well, we have space for new recruits in spades. We shouldn’t treat her any differently just because she’s a robot.
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I can vouch for Mii-Yu too. She’s pretty capable and helpful.
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I’ll see if I can work something out.
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For now though, thank you Maki Harukawa.
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Why are you thanking me? It’s not like I did this for you, you know?
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I thank you regardless. You saved lives today.
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Speaking of lives, there’s a question I had...
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More specifically...to you, Mr Hinata.
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Him? Why?
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I’ll be blunt...
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Is it true that you are Izuru Kamukura?
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I...Y-Yeah, it is.
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How did you hear that name?
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Mii-Yu told me about it. How Kamukura was the leader of the Ultimate Despairs and how he and Hajime were the same person...
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And...I think there’s something you should know...
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The reserve department...!?
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You’re kidding me! All of them!?
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No, not quite. Truth be told, I had my men do a sweep of this so-called “graveyard” when we were done with the mission. Supposedly there are over 2000 members of the reserve course, however, we only found 340 pods.
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What could they be doing with those students? They aren’t trying to revive them, are they?
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I don’t think so. It would be pointless. They clearly have another goal in mind...
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Whatever that goal is...I think...
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We should put them out of their misery...
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Hajime...you mean to say...?
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Destroy the lab. And the pods...
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Are you sure? You might be sacrificing countless lives, you know?
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Nah. Those guys may have been preserved, but they were pretty fucking dead...I don’t think they’re gonna feel it when you blow them up...
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...Ms Kirigiri? Is that ok?
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...Yes. I’ll see to it.
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You needn't worry. We’ve already prepared for it.
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Just leave the extermination to us.
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Oh. Thank you Officer Kinjo and Ms Mekaru.
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You’re welcome. But...
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Don’t worry. I intend to uphold my end of the bargain.
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We’re using the machines to bring back the people you requested as we speak.
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...Thank you Kyoko Kirigiri. You don’t know how much this means to me...I’ll remember this...
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In that case...Meeting ajourned.
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So like...it’s pretty late now and...well...
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...What is it?
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You want something, right? What is it?
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Well...I kinda, just got here, so there’s no way I’ve got a place to live now...
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So uh...you’re uh...rooming with Shuichi and Himiko, am I right?
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Yes, you can come.
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You’re going to ask if you can crash tonight, right? Yes, that’s fine by me.
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Cool beans! I guess we should probably introduce the gang to Mii-Yu too.
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Speaking of which, where is Mii-Yu? Or Tenko for that matter.
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She went off chasing Himiko to prove she was alright. Looks like they were really worried about each other...
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I want to talk to Mukuro next chance I get...About Junko Enoshima.
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Sounds good, but be careful. You might upset her if you dig up old crap...
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Is something the matter? You seem lost in thought...
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Huh? W-Well, I’ve just been very busy lately...and...
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Look I...I missed you, ok?
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Aw. I missed you too, Maki Roll.
*Kaito pats her head. Maki swats his hand away gently.
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I can’t say I relate though. I’ve been locked up in that dumb cell for so long, I gotta move my body some!
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It’s smart to take breaks, especially with everything that’s going on in the world...But I understand why you’re antsy.
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Then here’s an idea...Shuichi’s under house arrest right now, but if I put a good word in with my boss, then I might be able to set him free for an hour or so.
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Oh, I getcha! Training tonight, huh? I’m in!
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Actually, I wanted to...talk to you about something else...Something...important...
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I...promised myself I would say this after the mission was over, and when everyone had a chance to recover...but even I have urges...I uh...
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“I love you Kaito...”
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That’s what you were gonna say, right?
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Or...was I wrong and just made this awkward?
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If I made it awkward, go ahead and punch me.
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Y-You definitely made it awkward...but you also made it easier...yeah, I was going to say that...
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I...I already told you this...moments before you died on me in fact...I just wanted to ask if you remembered that...
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Of course I do...
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I respect you as a person, no matter how stupid you may be sometimes...And I’d understand if you didn’t like me back, romantically I mean, but...I still had to tell you...
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Maki Roll. Give me your hand...
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*Maki slowly gives Kaito her hand. He gently kisses it.
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I’m gonna admit it...I’m not the most romantic person out there...And I’m kinda dumb when it comes to relationships...
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And I’m not sure if I could make you happy...But it’s like I always say...
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The impossible IS possible. All you’ve gotta do, is make it so!
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So...I’m definitely gonna try. For you.
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...So...my feelings...
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aren’t unrequited?
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Yeah. Like I said, I love you too...I’m just not that good at showing it...
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I ain’t hightailing it outta here while I’ve got people expecting me. That’s just not cool...
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*They embrace.
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neptunesnxpple · 4 years
he doesn’t seem like a demon [1/?]
18+ only, Minors Do Not Interact
Shigaraki Tomura x M!Reader
Warnings: sharp nails, sharp teeth, blood (not a lot and definitely not the focus)
Tags: male reader, demon shigaraki, reader tends to a garden in the mountains, not like an enemies to lovers thing but I guess like an opposing threats to lovers
Word Count: 1751
[Part 1] | Part 2 | Part 3
At mornings twilight, you rubbed the crust from your eyes, staring at the empty blackened window and waiting for the first inkling of energy to send through your body. First to your toes and your fingers, then up the arms, the legs, stalling at your torso before filling the rest of you with a dull sense of awareness. You sat up, and slowly got dressed without a single sound as though the morning was wrapped tight and the tiniest noise would pop the plastic keeping it all together. While you didn’t directly see any proof of a sun, the skys’ blue was more of a grayed over murky blue than the inky one that covered the night, fading stars clinging for as long as they were able to. You locked the door behind you, going through your morning routine. You stocked up at the shed, shovel, shears, fertilizers, signed in on the sheet, and wheeled it over to the far corner of the many acres surrounding the visitors center, each side rimmed with a thick layer of wisteria, their purple flowers dangling delicately from the branches. Because of how thick the mountain passage was, it took a while before any light could cut through the scrub brush and towering trees. The only relief was the wisteria patches, their downy foliage creating gaps and leading to the inner gardens, an assortment of decorative fruit and flowering trees along guided paths. You began by picking up the fuzzy seed pods, placing them in the pouch of your apron and getting your pruning shears. You were torn from your morning routine by a gravely voice,
 “Boy, do you have anything edible in that cart? I’ve been travelling for quite some time and haven’t found lodging,” the man said, his lithe, spindly body seemed to be wasting away. He had unnaturally white hair, cut choppily and dressed only in tattered black pants. The latter was not unusual in these parts, people often came to train in the mountains,
 “No, sorry. We do have visitor housing beyond the main gates, if you’re in need,” you smiled nervously, trying to meet his eyes. You watched as he scratched at his neck with untamed nails, although claws or talons was more accurate of a description.
 “Could you come closer? I couldn’t hear you,” he rasped, if anything he looked labored by this interaction. You took it as feeling weary, the proof being the toned musculature on his arms and stomach lending you to confirm it for yourself: this was someone in training. You stood, walking over and planting yourself within the furthest edge of wisteria, the flowers looming overhead.
 “We have visitor housing available, although you will need to enter through the northern wisteria gates and follow the stone path towards the main pavilion. We offer food to our guests as well,” you had long since stopped trying to find his wandering eyes, taking special note of the strange scratch marks covering his limbs. He wrinkled his nose, baring his sharp teeth,
 “I never understood why people enjoyed that foul smelling flower,” he complained, digging into his neck harder before stopping, an unusual sense of calm washing over him as his muscles relaxed and a twisted smile took place. He offered a hand,
 “Nonetheless, would you mind coming out here and showing me the way?” his eyes, red and impossible to look away from captured your attention forcefully. As if on impulse alone, you started reaching outward for his hand, fingertips exposed. Before he could grasp onto them, you heard your supervisor shout from behind you. You whipped around, retreated your hand as you took in their message,
 “Don’t! All visitors must walk around the perimeter and enter through the northern wisteria gate!” dazed, you stared hazily as they ran across the grass, desperate to catch up before it was too late. Their sense of urgency confused you. Your head felt heavy, unable to make sense of it. No matter, you were more drawn to the stranger on the other side reaching out again- you had to- when an arm looped around your midsection and yanked you back. “Don’t trust him, there’s a reason he wants you out of the wisteria. Look at his hands- rough and sharp like a beast, if he catches your eyes you won’t be able to resist,” they warned, pulling you deeper into the wisteria. You watched as the stranger got further and further away, unable to break eye contact until eventually he disappeared into the woods.
 “He didn’t seem like a beast, just someone training in the woods. He asked if he could spend the night here in the visitor housing.” Your fingers fumbled with the fluffy wisteria seeds in your pocket. Your mind felt muddled, aware of the conversation but doubting its integrity. Something was overpowering your voice of reason.
 “They never do. There’s a reason why we keep the wisteria hanging around the edges, and it’s not just for aesthetics. These creatures can’t touch wherever their shadow lands, they hate the calming scent, and they absolutely will do whatever it takes to get someone to cross that boundary,” they finally released you under the awning of the main building, checking your hands and wrist thoroughly, and lastly your neck. Satisfied, they let go.
 “I will take care of the minor parts of your duties for today, just do what you can to wash that creature from your mind. You can come back to work tomorrow, but you’re no use to me if you’re unable to think clearly,” they reached over, doing one last check behind the ear as if searching for a tiny tick before sending you off. You wandered towards your modest cabin, unable to tear your mind away from that mysterious figure. The strange scratches all over their body, the lack of bruising, the scabbed and raw neck with the devilishly sharp nails digging into them. He didn’t seem like a beast. Maybe a little rude, but not a beast. Overwhelmed with exhaustion, you laid in your bed, unable to crawl under the sheets, and settled in for a nap.
 When you awoke, the window was dark once more. You checked the clock, the hand ticking and ticking letting you know that time had not stopped on your account. While you weren’t sure of the dreams you had, that face seemed to pop in and out. Hollow, ghoulish grin with red eyes. Teeth sharper than any animal you’d ever seen and shock white hair, untamed. His nails were exceedingly long, dragging across your neck one by one until red lines formed. There seemed to be some sort of protrusions sprouting out of his head. You rubbed your face, pulling yourself out of the thought. It was earlier than you’d usually wake up for work, and you were starving. Had a whole day really passed? You checked your pantry and the counter beneath it. Already you felt more levelheaded, the cloud that hung overhead no more, and your wits sharpened as you ate quietly. Watching the window. Your supervisor mentioned not to make eye contact, but there was no harm in conversation as far as you could tell. You would again tend to the wisteria, this time with more success. Who was to say if he’d even come back? Your growing curiosity gave way to disappointment at the thought. What if he never returned? Logically, you knew it would be for the better, at least if he were truly a beast. You took your time, writing and crafting until you had nothing left to say or add, and went to the shed where you once more signed out materials and returned to your spot from the previous morning. The pods were still in your pocket where you left them.  You resumed as you were, picking up wasted pods and the leftover seeds they spilled, it was easy enough to get back in rhythm. The hair on your arms and neck prickled.
 “You didn’t come back yesterday. I couldn’t find the gate.” Somehow, that felt like a lie. You kept your head down, pruning adventurous branches.
 “If you continue up this side and turn left you will walk by it.” Sweat dotted your forehead, hands shaking and heart thrumming. You wanted to take a peek. You couldn’t remember why you were so enthralled the day before, or if it was just some phantom dream that made you so curious. Your supervisors’ harsh words stamped firmly on any contradictory thought, fighting it for now.
 “It would be easier if you were to show me. I’ll leave you on your way,” he persisted, unmoving. You wondered how he got here without making a single noise. You tried to ignore him, ignore the urge to face him. “I had to sleep outside last night,” you couldn’t help it, your head swiveled sharply as if controlled by a higher being, eyes wide and blinded by the man in front of you. Part of you was relieved. The haunting illusion in your dream was not as frightening in person. There were no stumps growing from his forehead. No jagged teeth jutting out of his mouth. Perhaps it was because you had seen him hours earlier in slumber, or perhaps it was the supervisor’s words echoing in your head, but you found it easier to cast your gaze downward. Earning a disgruntled noise. Just as you thought, his nails didn’t seem as sharp, not like you remembered. You stood.
 “I’ll walk you towards the gate,” you carried the shovel with you, gripping the wooden handle and walking underneath the wisteria trellis, not stopping to see if he’d follow. The soft crunching of leaves told you he was. Your heart leapt into your throat. If he were a beast, he couldn’t come in. But then what? You had never met one before, not sure of the proper protocol, or of the signs. It was when you turned the corner toward the northern side that the soft rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs stopped. You halted your gait, “is something the matter?” your grip tightened around the shovel, sweat dripping down the sides of your face and mouth dry.
 “I’ll come back another day, I have training to do.” He stated, a hint of bitterness at the end of that. The heavy air around you vanished, causing you to collapse on the ground, panting with arms shaking to hold yourself up. It took you until the sun fully rose to finally gain the strength to stand, returning to your gardening tasks and using the grooming as a well needed distraction.
 You didn’t see the mysterious stranger until two weeks later, startled awake by a vision. The same ghoulish face, haunting, fangs poking out of his mouth and this time you were sure of it- two sharp horns curling out of his forehead and pointing right at you. Although this time you had a feeling he was… hungry? You checked the time. Five in the morning. More than enough time to whip something up and set aside something on the off chance your dream became a reality. If not, a nice snack for later. You boxed up the rice and greens, not really sure what to bring along, and switched into your work clothes, smock full of pods. You grabbed the shovel, shears, and extended leaf trimmer, bringing a five-gallon bucket along for the ride and set yourself up in the wisteria. It was short work before your guest arrived, this time you heard them approaching and stop short at a neighboring tree.
 “You haven’t been around recently.”
 “I’ve been training.” You hummed in acknowledgement, setting your tools aside and rummaging through your bag, pulling out the container of rice and greens and a complementary set of cutleries. You placed them gingerly out from underneath the wisteria.
 “I brought you something to eat,” you retreated back within its grasp, picking up the tree cutter for the hard to reach spots. You ignored the way your chest tremored with pride as you heard the scraping against the bowl, all quiet except for the occasional grunt. The bowl rattle as it was placed on the ground.
 “Why didn’t you add any meat? It was almost not even worth eating,” he retreated back to the base of a neighboring tree, watching.
 “You ate it all, did you not?” you replied between hooking small branches and trimming. You’d have to bring a ladder later on to get the topmost branches. “What team do you train with? I haven’t seen anyone else around recently.”
 “The rest of the team prefers to train at night, and rest during the day. We’re a newer group,” he began the dull scratching of the neck.
 “And you don’t? Must be pretty lonely.”
 “I do, I just can’t sleep as easily.”
 “And where do they stay? That you couldn’t also?” You could tell the question took him off guard, the only sound being the creak of the tree branches pulled by the wind and the tattering of their leaves. It was beautiful in the spring, the young fresh green leaves and the comfortable temperature. Chilly in the morning with dew leaving a damp sheen on all of the plants. You again heard the sound of snapping twigs coming closer, something lightweight placed beside the bowl. You carefully traced the ground, the lost petals, the pebbles, all the way to a small pair of black gloves placed beside the bowl. Neat, sleek, with a small gold charm in the shape of a hand attached to the cuff. He was gone. You didn’t touch the bowl or the gloves until you finished your work. You held them in your hands, turning them over. They were work gloves. Although they looked far too slim for your hands, let alone strong enough to hold up against a sturdy root or a thorny branch. Even so, you slid your hands into the gloves, feeling the smooth fabric stretch around your hands.
 You took your lunch inside, searching for your supervisor and tucking the gloves in your pouch.
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malecsecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @royaltybane!
Read on AO3
The Epic Trials of Alexander
Magnus turned his face up to the weak December sun. It wasn’t enough warmth to totally banish the chill of the New York day, but even a little bit of light brightened his already joyous mood. Closing his eyes, Magnus breathed in the cold crisp air.
“Here,” a very familiar voice said. Magnus opened his eyes and looked down at the large New York pretzel. He took the treat automatically and grinned at his father.
“Thanks dad,” Magnus took a bite of his favorite treat and scooted over on the bench, watching curiously, as the Lord of Underworld took a seat next to him. “What brings you topside, father?”
Asmodeus smiled at his only child. “Well you know your mother couldn’t leave Hades right now and she demanded that I come immediately and find out why our son was so joyous that his light reached even the darkest corners of our kingdom.”
Magnus laughed, knowing his mother very well. His smile grew even larger and he turned to share his bliss with his father. Unbeknownst to either of them, they had an observer, or perhaps eaves dropper would be more accurate. The Angel Raziel, who had been alerted immediately once his older brother left the Underworld, hid behind a nearby building, shamelessly listening. Magnus continued unaware of his audience. He laughed as his father, impatiently asked, “What’s his name?”
Magnus sighed, dreamily, “Alexander, father, and he is more glorious than the Angels themselves!”
Both father and Angel wore different expressions, Asmodeus watched his gushing son with fond eyes, while hidden nearby, Raziel’s eyes narrowed and he wore a scowl. “Humph, more glorious than Angel’s!” Raziel turned away from the touching scene, ‘I must see this Alexander for myself,’ he thought, shooting his brother and nephew one last glare, Raziel vanished.
Asmodeus looked away briefly from his son’s glowing face, something had caught his eye. He had felt a presence, someone watching, and seeing the brief flash before it vanished confirmed his suspicions. ‘Ha,’ he thought, Asmodeus would deal with his nosey brother later. For now, his attention returned to Magnus. He listened as Magnus went on and on about this Alexander, before pausing and looking at his father almost shyly.
“Alexander has asked me to marry him, Father.” Magnus in a rare show of bashfulness blushed.
Asmodeus put his brother out of his head and reached over to grasp Magnus’ hands. “That’s wonderful!” his face bearing a huge smile. “When?”
“He wants a Yule wedding but first,” Magnus paused and shot his dad a smirk. “He wants me to bring him to you so that he may formally ask for my hand.”
Asmodeus was shocked; a Nephilim willingly asking to be brought to Hades was unheard of! Those of Angel blood considered themselves to above those that dwelled below, forgetting that Asmodeus himself was Angel blooded. “Well then, I shall make sure that Charon and Cerberus behave themselves.” Asmodeus laughed.
Magnus rolled his eyes, “Please do, I want nothing to scare Alexander away!”
“Where is your intended, anyway?” Asmodeus couldn’t wait to meet this special man who had captured his son’s heart so completely.
“He went to tell his parents and officials about the wedding.” Magnus looked down with a small frown.
Seeing this, Asmodeus gave his son’s fingers a gentle squeeze. “You are concerned about this, why?”
Magnus visibly shook himself before smiling once more at his father. “It’s nothing; his family has been most welcoming. I am just being paranoid I guess.” Taking a deep breath, Magnus’ face became serious. “Father, I love him so much. I want everything to be perfect!”
Taking Magnus into his arms, Asmodeus hugged his son tightly. “It will be Magnus, this I swear as ruler of the Underworld. Nothing will get in the way of your happiness with Alexander.” Asmodeus silently also vowed to see just what his troublesome Angelic brother was up to.
Raziel stepped into the halls of Alicante. The small group around a tall Nephilim fell silent, their smiling faces turning serious as they greeted him. He accepted their bows and greetings then turned his attention to this Alexander. “I would like to speak to the boy alone.” He ordered. Everyone filed out, a dark-haired woman going last, after shooting the tall Nephilim a concerned glance. Raziel observed the young man standing before him. He could find no fault in the carriage of the man, indeed Alexander stood straight and tall, hands clasped behind his back and head lifted proudly. His hazel eyes were fixed firmly in the distance. The Nephilim was strong, and Raziel could tell he trained hard; he was a fierce warrior for the Angels. Raziel decided he didn’t like him, nope not at all.
Raziel walked a circle around Alec. “So, I hear you wish to wed the heir of the Underworld?”
“Yes, my Lord, Magnus and I wish to wed this Yuletide.” Alec stated, voice firm but blank.
Raziel came to stand directly in front of Alec. “One of my Nephilim has never bonded with one from the Underworld. Traditionally the two worlds have not intertwined.”
For the first time since the Angel appeared in the halls, Alec looked Raziel in the eye. “Traditions change, especially those based on ignorance.”
“Very well, Nephilim,” Raziel’s smile turned cruel. “I shall bless this union, but only after you successfully complete a mission for me.”
If possible, Alec’s spine became even straighter. “To win the hand of Magnus in marriage I will conquer any challenge.” Alec proudly boasted heart full of conviction.
‘Foolish boy,’ Raziel thought, so be it. “Bring me the Mortal Instruments and you may wed your heart’s desire and I will even bless the union with immortality.”
“Good going Alec, you just had to open your big mouth!” Alec berated himself. ‘The Mortal Instruments!” he mumbled. “No one has seen them for centuries!” Sighing heavily, Alec slumped, seated on a bench in the Institute’s gardens. He ignored the snowfall and the cold, too caught up in the misery of his mission. Head hanging low, he was unaware of his visitor, that was until the ear-piercing screech of an owl jerked his head up. Perched on a lone branch of one of the few trees in the Institute’s courtyards was a large black owl, its eyes trained firmly on Alec. Before Alec could unglamour his bow, the owl transformed.
Having seen paintings of Magnus’ father, Alec immediately jumped to his feet and bowed deeply. “My Lord,” he whispered.
Asmodeus waved away the greeting and took a seat on the bench. “Why so glum, Alexander? I can call you Alexander, yes?”
Sitting back down numbly, Alec replied before thinking. “Alec, my Lord. I go by Alec.” Flushing he snuck a glance at the Lord of the Underworld. Remembering something very important, Alec jumped back to his feet, straightening his spine and clasping his sweaty nervous hands behind his back, Alec stammered out his request. “M-my Lord, I uhm love, no adore, n-no worship your son, Magnus!”
Asmodeus smirked in amusement. “Yes, yes, I am aware my son is Magnus,” he teased.
Flushing even harder, Alec plunged ahead. “N-no, I mean I know you know Magnus is your son,” biting his lips, Alec struggled to get his scrambled thoughts in some kind of intelligent order before his future father-in-law thought him nothing but a blundering idiot. “What I meant to say was that I love Magnus so very much and with your permission Sir, would like to marry him, uhm, Magnus, marry Magnus I mean.”
Asmodeus slapped his knee and grinned happily up at the tall Nephilim, he decided right then he really liked this boy! “I think that’s a splendid idea! But why did you look so glum upon my arrival?”
Alec’s shoulders sagged in relief. “I can, you mean it’s okay? We have your blessing?” At Asmodeus nod, Alec sank back onto the bench. Hanging his head, thoughts returning to where they had been prior to Magnus’ father’s arrival, Alec felt dejection once more gripe his heart. Wringing his hands, Alec thought frantically of any possible solution, finally he turned desolate eyes to Asmodeus. “Sir, Magnus has his heart set on a Yuletide wedding but the Angel Raziel gave me an epic quest I must fulfill before he will grant us his blessing.”
So that was what his pesky brother was up to! Asmodeus’ grin grew sly and he couldn’t help but look forward to messing with his brother’s plans. Dusting his hands off, he rose and grinned down at the young Nephilim. “Well, what are you waiting for, lets get started!”
“B-but you don’t even know what the trial is! And he didn’t say I could have help!” Alec was shocked and a little scared, was Magnus’ father really going to help him?
Taking a hold of Alec’s arm, Asmodeus pulled the stunned young man to his feet. “He didn’t say you couldn’t either, did he?” With a swirl of his fingers they vanished!
Alec had no idea where they were. In front of them was a palace! It looked vaguely familiar, like something he had maybe seen in some mundane history book. Asmodeus also gazed at the building before turning to Alec with a knowing look upon his face. “Let me see if I can guess this epic quest of yours. My younger brother ordered you to find the Mortal Instruments and return them to him, Correct?”
Alec just nodded. “How’d you know?”
Shaking his head, Asmodeus started dragging Alec towards the palace. “It’s what he always asked. The Angel knows he is not that original and he was always possessive of his toys when younger, doesn’t know how to share at all. Father always scolded him for it, but even Angels cannot learn new tricks.”
Dragged through the stately front doors, up a grand staircase, Alec was more than surprised that no one stopped them, but Asmodeus never paused. Throwing open the doors to the ballroom, Asmodeus slammed them shut behind them. Alec had expected an opulent but empty room, but what he saw had his jaw dropping open. The entire room, floor to ceiling was filled with ornate cups, millions of them! Alec almost cried. “How I am to find the mortal cup in all this!”
Asmodeus scratched his chin. They had definitely added to the collection over the centuries, he didn’t remember there being this many! “Well tell me what you know about this mortal cup.”
Alec recited from memory. “It’s gilded; glassine chalice carved from adamas and dipped in gold. It can create Shadowhunters if the mortal survives and can control demons.”
Pacing around, Asmodeus thought heavily before spinning around to face Alec and snapping his fingers. “I have an idea! A brilliant idea if I do say so myself.” Frowning a bit, he looked back over the mountains of cups. “It may still take us deep into the night to accomplish, but there is no other way.” Looking at the Nephilim seriously, Asmodeus warned, “Don’t freak out on me now,” clapping his hands three times, Asmodeus summoned them.
Alec would swear to his dying day that he did not in fact squeal and duck behind his future father-in-law. Peeking from behind Asmodeus, Alec’s face whitened at the group of Ravener demons who gathered at Asmodeus’ feet. The little slimy boogers were chirping away at the Lord of Hades, who watched them almost as a fond parent. Chuckling at their antics, Asmodeus pulled Alec forward. “They won’t hurt you, they are here to help. They are the finest of hunters, watch.” Looking down at them, he gave his orders. “Find a chalice dipped in gold and made of the finest glass, bring it to us.” And Alec be dammed if they didn’t immediately start diving into mounds of cups and throwing rejects over their little tails!
Some time later, Alec had already given up standing and sat on the floor, the little demons scurried back to their master. Lined up in front of Asmodeus were a smaller number of cups, but it still numbered in the thousands. “Great job!” Asmodeus praised.
Alec threw up his hands. “Great job! There is still so many! Now what?”
Frowning over at him, Asmodeus scolded. “Now what kind of attitude is that, they have narrowed down the field, now it’s your turn!”
“My turn, how am I to pick among all these cups? Yule is less than a fortnight away! Magnus is counting on me!” Alec felt like crying, and despite his position, despite his age, he pouted.
“You youngsters today give up so easily. Now you said that the cup can be used to control demons. Well I gave you demons and cups, so get to it!” Asmodeus waved his hand and a throne appeared, seating himself he waved Alec forward. “Pick a cup and order the little ones to do something, but please make it interesting.”
Narrowing his eyes at Magnus’ sire, Alec thought for a moment, before turning back to the waiting demons with a smirk. Picking up the first cup, he ordered, “Demons! I command you to dance!”
The Ravener’s did not move a muscle. Hours later, the pile of discarded cups grew larger than the one remaining. Alec’s voice had grown hoarse with ordering the little demons around, glancing over at Asmodeus; Alec’s mouth fell open in disbelief. “Are you eating popcorn?” he demanded.
Asmodeus nodded happily, “best invention mundane ever made.”
Alec could only shake his head; he did have a momentary worry that this was the family he was marrying into. The sun finally rose on a new day and at long last only one cup reminded. With nervous hands, Alec picked it up. The sunlight hit the glass and brilliant rainbows erupted around the room. With bated breath, he issued his last command. “Dance, and oh make it a good one.” Asmodeus could only watch in disbelief as the Ravener’s began to dance around the room, he was pretty sure they were doing the hustle.
With a whoop of victory, Alec shot to his feet and he joined the little demons hustling his way around the room. Asmodeus covered his eyes in horror and made a solemn sacred vow to never, ever, tell his son the sheer disaster of a dancer he was marrying. Before the boy could seriously hurt himself, Asmodeus banished the demons and the throne back home. Alec’s face bore a huge smile as he came to stand before Asmodeus. “Where to now?”
This time the scene was more desolate and scarier. They stood upon a great cliff and Asmodeus pointed to a cave deep within the stone. “This one you must conquer alone I am afraid.”
Alec gulped nervously, eyeing the dark cave. “What’s in there?” he whispered.
“A truly terrible creature, but if you want the sword you must enter and take it.” Asmodeus put both his hands on Alec’s shoulders and turned him to face him. Adopting a serious expression, he asked Alec a critical question. “Now don’t take this the wrong way I am an understanding and supportive parent, but do you swing both ways like my son or are you purely a dick man?”
You’d think Asmodeus had just told Alec he and Magnus were siblings or something, with how horrified the boy looked. Asmodeus rolled his eyes and shook the Nephilim a little. “Seriously boy, this is important!” Wiggling his eyes brows, Asmodeus asked again, “So do I need to repeat myself?”
Tearing himself away from Asmodeus, Alec shook his head, face furiously red, he stammered out, “Gay! I’m completely 1000% gay!”
“Excellent!” Shoving Alec forward, Asmodeus almost pushed him all the way into the cave. “Then you should be fine, go get them!”
Alec ran the rest of the way to the cave, not so much eager for adventure as eager to get away from his future father-in-law! Alec pulled out his witch light as he moved deeper and deeper underground. The twist and turns of the tunnels finally opened up into a large caravan. Some light from the opening high above him provided Alec with enough light to see his goal. Standing taller than Alec himself was a stone statue of the Angel Raziel himself and in the stone hands was the mortal sword! Alec moved disarmingly towards his prize, stopping before the statue he reached careful hands towards the jeweled hilt of the sword. Before he could claim his prize, Alec heard a strange noise behind him. The sound was almost a slithering sound, like skin moving across stone. Next came the strange hissing noise. It became louder and louder until it sounded right behind Alec.
With dread churning in his stomach, Alec turned. Before him stood a horror like none he had ever encountered. The creature towered over him, it had the lower body of a snake, the torso of a woman, and its head! The face was of a heavily made up woman, but where there should have been hair was nothing but a wiggling mess of snakes. Their mouths were open, forked tongues flicking at Alec as they hissed and danced around the creature’s head. Alec fell to his ass in shock. It was a Gorgon! The creature bent, face peering at Alec with a sick twisted grin, but as Alec stared at it, the grin faded to be replaced by puzzlement.
“How is it that you can look upon my face man?” The Gorgon demanded. “All men who gaze upon my beauty are forever more turned into stone!” The creature hissed, the snakes reaching out with their mouths trying to bite Alec.
Alec scouted back before rising to his feet. Shrugging his shoulders, he tried to appear harmless. “Not sure what to tell you, um, ma’am, Gorgon, snake lady.”
The creature hissed and moved towards Alec again. “Tell me what sorcery you possess to withstand my image!” It demanded, hands reaching for him as Alec frantically moved further away.
Mind racing, Alec thought quickly. “How about a bargain then, I’ll tell you my magic if you agree to hand over the mortal sword?” The creature thought about this before giving Alec a calculating look and agreeing. “Well the simple fact is that Women just don’t do it for me, what can I say. I like men.”
Alec would like to say that the Gorgon was educated, enlightened, showed progress in some progressive thinking, but at the end of the thing’s epic rant, Alec simply beheaded the Gorgon and emerged victorious, sword in hand.
Asmodeus met him topside with a ‘bravo’ before grabbing his arm and issuing a warning. “Now our next stop might be a bit of a shock. My advice is to hold your breath and what ever you do, don’t swallow any of the water.”
With that, Alec found himself sinking fast to the bottom of Lake Lyn, cup in one hand, sword in the other. Cursing Asmodeus’ lineage, Alec frantically kicked for the surface, only to see once he broke into fresh air, Asmodeus standing upon the shore bent over at the waist laughing his ass off. Calling his future father-in-law every name in the book, Alec worked his way to the shore. Coming to stand before the still laughing deity, Alec shook himself like a wet dog, water flying over the Asmodeus. Before he could berate Magnus’ father, a blinding light followed by a sonic boom shot up into the sky.
Raziel, looking his most majestic, appeared astride a white steed over Lake Lyn. Asmodeus finally stopped laughing and faced his younger sibling. Raziel sneered at them. “The bargain is forfeit, he cheated.” Raziel said.
“Nonsense,” Asmodeus argued. “You said nothing about Alexander having help on this epic quest of yours. He fulfilled your demands and brought you the mortal instruments.”
“What about the mortal mirror?” Alec whispered.
“Lake Lyn is the mirror,” was Asmodeus’ whispered response.
Raziel would have looked more imposing had he been upon solid ground, but as it was the kicking of his feet only had him appearing as if he had to pee. “No, the deal is off, he did not complete the quest himself, you did it for him!”
“RAZIEL, you brat! Come down off your high horse immediately!” Asmodeus voice shook the skies and he stood before them now clothed in robes of midnight. In each hand he held scepters made from the bones of man. “If you do not give them your blessing I will glue your ass to your golden throne. Not only that, but I will tell father and our siblings of your actions this day!”
“Fine,” the Archangel spat. With a wave of his hands the sword and cup flew towards him and he grasped them firmly. “But do not expect any wedding gifts from me.” With that, Raziel vanished.
Alec turned to look at Asmodeus. “That’s it, its over?”
Asmodeus slapped Alec across the back, the force moving Alec forward a few feet. “Yes, that’s it, Congrats and welcome to the family! Now all you have to do is survive the bachelor party!” They decided it best to keep their adventures between themselves and not share with their better halves. When asked where they disappeared together, Asmodeus would only boast to getting his son-in-law drunk and something about some really bad dancing.
So on that Yuletide evening, Alec and Magnus stepped out under a canopy of snow-covered trees and exchanged their most sacred vows. It wasn’t some grandiose setting, they instead chose to pledge themselves under the Yuletide night sky with the stars bearing witness. The guest stood silent, in awe of their surroundings, even the forest animals that came to investigate, stayed to see the event. There was not a dry eye in the group as the pair so obviously in love vowed to stand together forever more. There was also not a prouder set of parents who walked their sons forward to meet their chosen destines. When Magnus and Alec sealed their promises with a kiss, the stars above twinkled in joy and approval.
While the future tales of Alexander’s epic trials had everyone shaking their heads in confusion, no epic lessons were learned, none could argue that the wedding of a Nephilim and the heir to the throne of Hades was the most moving event in history. The grooms only had eyes for each other, not caring that the guest lists was the most eclectic ever gathered. Angels, stood beside those of demon blood, creatures only heard of in tales mingled with those of heavenly influence, and the in-laws got along famously!
It was the later that sent Magnus and Alec fleeing, seeking their nuptial bed must earlier than was polite. However, when their parents started planning family vacations, sharing baby pictures, and embarrassing tales, they could take no more. The final straw came when a drunken Asmodeus started handing out coins to give to Charon to cross the River Styx, he wanted visitors he loudly proclaimed. Magnus and Alec fled. All in all, it was a beautiful Yuletide wedding, and of course Magnus and Alexander lived happily ever after.
Oh and by the way, Raziel did end up sending a wedding gift after all. He bestowed immortality to Alexander so that he could live really happily ever after with Magnus!
The End
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
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The Infinity Saga is over. The MCU is moving forward into uncharted waters. Disney+ has pushed back certain shows and moved up WandaVision. Black Widow finally has a well deserved movie, postmortem. The future is wide open but, before we get on a brand new pain train, i wanted to take a look back and talk about some of my favorite movies from the first eleven years of the MCU.
Avengers: Infinity War
This movie, man, is probably peak MCU. There are better films in the series but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a film that walks the line of comic book and cinema to deftly. This is the penultimate tale for that first decade and what a f*cking climax it was. Holy sh*t! There was just so much good in this film, from character development to visual flair to legitimate stakes. I’m a massive Marvel fan and i am well aware of the Infinite Gauntlet saga in the comics but seeing this sh*t? Seeing Thanos actually Snap? I never though in a million years that would happen onscreen. And then it did. It was at that point i absolutely knew the MCU was about that life. I knew to expect the unexpected because , with the wealth of the Marvel universe to draw from, they were going to craft some motherf*ckers of stories.
Like, I f*cking cried when Pete got dusted. I shed legitimate tears and I’m not even embarrassed to say it out loud. For a film to move me like that? and it’s not Forrest Gump? Motherf*cker had to be on point, for sure. The entire theater was silent as those strings hummed and Thanos sat on his farm, smiling contently. I had never experienced that before The entire auditorium - completely silent. We were in disbelief. We were in mourning. I saw Infinity War in theaters four times and literally every time, the same thing happened. In two hours and some change, Marvel had gave a theater full of people straight emotional trauma. Your movie has to be absolutely on point for that to occur.
Speaking of Thanos, yo, how was this big ass purple grimace looking motherf*cker one of the best antagonists of film, period? How was this cat written so well? I lost my sh*t when they teased him at the end of Avengers and that little bit we got of him in Guardians was cool but i was not prepared for how goddamn formidable he turned out to be. Josh Brolin brought this character to life but the writing gave me real agency. I was flabbergasted by how great this character turned out to be. Thanos felt real. He felt flawed. He felt legitimate. Id have to put him up there with The Dark Knight Joker and Hans Landa as one of the best antagonists ever.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming
I adore Spider-Man. Ive written at length about that love. He’s the reason i even picked up that Marvel comic all those years ago. I’ve seen every cinematic iteration of Webhead and i mst say, this portrayal is the truest to the source material i have ever seen. Cats get on the MCU about making him Tony Stark jr. but most people don’t understand that’s where he was going anyway. Most people don’t know that, in the comics, he’s basically Reed Richards jr. and since the MCU has no Reed, Tony is a pretty smart substitute. But that argument is inconsequential because the core of who Spider-Man is, the actual spirit of the character, has been captured so perfectly by this version of Pete, it’s borderline miraculous. I love Tobey McGuire’s take in Pete because he was the first to do it. Kind of like how i have such nostalgia for the 89 Batman. That version of Spider-Man felt like the old Lee/Ditko version from the 60s. Andrew Garfield was adequate. He didn’t get a fair shake though, mostly barbecue the writing in his run was so goddamn terrible. But this new kid? This casting was as perfect as RDJ was to Iron Man.
Tom Holland kills it as Spider-Man. His version of the character feels right. It feels modern. It feels like Ultimate Pete but grounded in the spirit of the 90s cartoon version. He’s this massive geek, this kid really, granted power in tragedy and it feels so goddamn authentic, i couldn’t believe it. The second he showed u in Civil War, i absolutely knew Underoos was about to be a star in these films and that is saying a lot considering how loaded this cast has become. Homecoming was the first film we got to see Pete stretch his legs and it was f*cking brilliant. Everything about this movie is what a great Spider-Flick should be and the MCU nailed it! if i never got another Spidey appearance, this movie was more than enough to sate my appetite. Homecoming is my second favorite MCU movie. I loved every second of it!
Also, how about that Aunt May stinger, though?
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Look, i love the Dark Knight. For me, that is the pinnacle of a capeflick. That movie was a great crime thriller first, a Batflick second. Nolan approached it with a grounded sense of reality that left you, as an audience, breathless. It is one of the best films i have ever seen in my entire life and Ledger gave one of the most brilliant performances ever captured on celluloid. There is nothing as good as that film in the MCU. The Winter Soldier comes f*cking close, though. This movie made me sit up and realize that the MCU had some teeth. Until this thing came out, i thought we were going to get a bunch of flamboyant costumes and snarky Wedonisms. I wasn’t mad, mind you, Avengers was dope, but Winter Soldier took all that campy bullsh*t out back and murdered it. This movie was the MCU growing up and almost everything afterward has been brilliant. The Winter Soldier forced everyone to step their game up with how goddamn brilliant it turned out to be. I can’t say there were any performances as great as Ledger’s Joker but i can make the argument the overall writing was better than The Dark Knight, and that is stupid high praise.
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Guardians of the Galaxy
This film has no right to be as good as it is. I went into this thing on a whim, mostly because I thought it was going ti be filler like Ant-Man or something, and then it wasn’t. It was great. Legitimately great. I had no idea the MCU could take a C-rate team like the goddamn Guardians and uplift them so beautifully. James Gunn took those characters and wrote the best Star Wars film since f*cking Empire and I didn’t think that was possible, not with this wayward branch of Marvel History. Seriously, if you do even a minuscule amount of research on who the Guardians are, they’re a joke. I mean, they have a f*cking talking Raccoon on the team! Gunn had the wherewithal to lean into that and he produced one of the best in the entire MCU. He took these loser clowns and injected so much emotion  and humanity into them, you couldn’t help but love their rag-tag asses. This was the first MCU movie to move me to tears. That stuff about Quills mom? I felt that. Both times. On an extremely personal level. I was the young Quill. I watched my grandma, the only person who i believe loved me unconditionally up to that point, die just like Quill’s mom; Cancer and everything. I was about his age when it happened, too. That sh*t f*cked me up. To this day, i have nightmares about it. Seeing that sh*t so accurately captured in a capeflick was the most for me and I legit had to leave the theater until the first part of the movie passed. To this day, i can’t watch that scene. I can just barely make it through the Dance of to Save Th Universe, but that opening gambit? No way. It hits way too close to home for me. Still, for a comic book movie to solicit such a response? It has to be special and Guardians is one of the best.
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Iron Man
Boy, we’ve come a long way since Tony Stark uttered those fateful word, “I am Iron Man.” But none of these other films would even have the opportunity to exist if he hadn't said them. Iron Man had the tall order of being the first, proper, MCU film AND compete with The Dark Knight. N one thought a film about B-List superhero, narcissistic billionaire, and straight up lush, Tony Stark, would amount to anything. How wrong everyone turned out to be. I knew, from that second i saw the teaser and concept art by Adi Granov, that Marvel was taking this sh*t crazy serious. Then there’s the casting of Robert Downey Jr. That sh*t was a boon, for real. The entire cast of this first film was impeccable but RDJ makes this movie. He IS Tony Stark. Even before he got comfortable with the character like in the later films, fresh out the box with the scripts, you can tell he knows how to bring this tinkerer to life. You had to nail that aspect in order to have any chance to  build something great and Marvel hit a goddamn bullseyes, for sure. Revisiting this flick, Iron Man isn’t as good as the later films in the Infinity Saga but it still holds up against the vast majority of entries and that’s saying something.
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I love these films, man. As a geek growing up reading these stories, reenacting them with their action figures, sitting glued to the television every Saturday as their cartoons aired, I never imagined id see such a berth of fantastic media brought to life on the silver screen. Seriously, some of my favorite interpretations of these characters appear exclusive in the MCU. War Machine, Thor until recently, Ant-Man, f*cking Hulk? i never gave these assholes the time of day in the comics but in the MCU? They’re fantastic! And it has everything to do with how well written they are in-universe. There are over twenty films in this run an i love all of them to varying extents. Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Panther, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Ragnarok, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 all could have made this list. For sure, they’re 6 - 11 or whatever, but that speaks to the sheer depth of the MCU. I’m not even counting flicks i would consider B-tier like Captain Marvel or Avengers or Iron Man 3 or Doctor Strange; All of which are still dope in their own right.
There is just SO much great in these films and i can’t wait to see where we go next. With Disney acquiring Fox, Marvel finally has the full toy box to play with and i am absolutely a tizzy with the potential arcs they can adapt. Secret Wars? Annihilation? Age of Apocalypse? Avengers Disassembled? Dark Reign? F*cking Onslaught?? I have no idea where we are going but i am, for sure, jumping on this pain train once again.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
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The Infinity Saga is over. The MCU is moving forward into uncharted waters. Disney+ has pushed back certain shows and moved up WandaVision. Black Widow finally has a well deserved movie, postmortem. The future is wide open but, before we get on a brand new pain train, i wanted to take a look back and talk about some of my favorite movies from the first eleven years of the MCU.
Avengers: Infinity War
This movie, man, is probably peak MCU. There are better films in the series but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a film that walks the line of comic book and cinema to deftly. This is the penultimate tale for that first decade and what a f*cking climax it was. Holy sh*t! There was just so much good in this film, from character development to visual flair to legitimate stakes. I’m a massive Marvel fan and i am well aware of the Infinite Gauntlet saga in the comics but seeing this sh*t? Seeing Thanos actually Snap? I never though in a million years that would happen onscreen. And then it did. It was at that point i absolutely knew the MCU was about that life. I knew to expect the unexpected because , with the wealth of the Marvel universe to draw from, they were going to craft some motherf*ckers of stories.
Like, I f*cking cried when Pete got dusted. I shed legitimate tears and I’m not even embarrassed to say it out loud. For a film to move me like that? and it’s not Forrest Gump? Motherf*cker had to be on point, for sure. The entire theater was silent as those strings hummed and Thanos sat on his farm, smiling contently. I had never experienced that before The entire auditorium - completely silent. We were in disbelief. We were in mourning. I saw Infinity War in theaters four times and literally every time, the same thing happened. In two hours and some change, Marvel had gave a theater full of people straight emotional trauma. Your movie has to be absolutely on point for that to occur.
Speaking of Thanos, yo, how was this big ass purple grimace looking motherf*cker one of the best antagonists of film, period? How was this cat written so well? I lost my sh*t when they teased him at the end of Avengers and that little bit we got of him in Guardians was cool but i was not prepared for how goddamn formidable he turned out to be. Josh Brolin brought this character to life but the writing gave me real agency. I was flabbergasted by how great this character turned out to be. Thanos felt real. He felt flawed. He felt legitimate. Id have to put him up there with The Dark Knight Joker and Hans Landa as one of the best antagonists ever.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming
I adore Spider-Man. Ive written at length about that love. He’s the reason i even picked up that Marvel comic all those years ago. I’ve seen every cinematic iteration of Webhead and i mst say, this portrayal is the truest to the source material i have ever seen. Cats get on the MCU about making him Tony Stark jr. but most people don’t understand that’s where he was going anyway. Most people don’t know that, in the comics, he’s basically Reed Richards jr. and since the MCU has no Reed, Tony is a pretty smart substitute. But that argument is inconsequential because the core of who Spider-Man is, the actual spirit of the character, has been captured so perfectly by this version of Pete, it’s borderline miraculous. I love Tobey McGuire’s take in Pete because he was the first to do it. Kind of like how i have such nostalgia for the 89 Batman. That version of Spider-Man felt like the old Lee/Ditko version from the 60s. Andrew Garfield was adequate. He didn’t get a fair shake though, mostly barbecue the writing in his run was so goddamn terrible. But this new kid? This casting was as perfect as RDJ was to Iron Man.
Tom Holland kills it as Spider-Man. His version of the character feels right. It feels modern. It feels like Ultimate Pete but grounded in the spirit of the 90s cartoon version. He’s this massive geek, this kid really, granted power in tragedy and it feels so goddamn authentic, i couldn’t believe it. The second he showed u in Civil War, i absolutely knew Underoos was about to be a star in these films and that is saying a lot considering how loaded this cast has become. Homecoming was the first film we got to see Pete stretch his legs and it was f*cking brilliant. Everything about this movie is what a great Spider-Flick should be and the MCU nailed it! if i never got another Spidey appearance, this movie was more than enough to sate my appetite. Homecoming is my second favorite MCU movie. I loved every second of it!
Also, how about that Aunt May stinger, though?
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Look, i love the Dark Knight. For me, that is the pinnacle of a capeflick. That movie was a great crime thriller first, a Batflick second. Nolan approached it with a grounded sense of reality that left you, as an audience, breathless. It is one of the best films i have ever seen in my entire life and Ledger gave one of the most brilliant performances ever captured on celluloid. There is nothing as good as that film in the MCU. The Winter Soldier comes f*cking close, though. This movie made me sit up and realize that the MCU had some teeth. Until this thing came out, i thought we were going to get a bunch of flamboyant costumes and snarky Wedonisms. I wasn’t mad, mind you, Avengers was dope, but Winter Soldier took all that campy bullsh*t out back and murdered it. This movie was the MCU growing up and almost everything afterward has been brilliant. The Winter Soldier forced everyone to step their game up with how goddamn brilliant it turned out to be. I can’t say there were any performances as great as Ledger’s Joker but i can make the argument the overall writing was better than The Dark Knight, and that stupid is high praise.
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Guardians of the Galaxy
This film has no right to be as good as it is. I went into this thing on a whim, mostly because I thought it was going ti be filler like Ant-Man or something, and then it wasn’t. It was great. Legitimately great. I had no idea the MCU could take a C-rate team like the goddamn Guardians and uplift them so beautifully. James Gunn took those characters and wrote the best Star Wars film since f*cking Empire and I didn’t think that was possible, not with this wayward branch of Marvel History. Seriously, if you do even a minuscule amount of research on who the Guardians are, they’re a joke. I mean, they have a f*cking talking Raccoon on the team! Gunn had the wherewithal to lean into that and he produced one of the best in the entire MCU. He took these loser clowns and injected so much emotion  and humanity into them, you couldn’t help but love their rag-tag asses. This was the first MCU movie to move me to tears. That stuff about Quills mom? I felt that. Both times. On an extremely personal level. I was the young Quill. I watched my grandma, the only person who i believe loved me unconditionally up to that point, die just like Quill’s mom; Cancer and everything. I was about his age when it happened, too. That sh*t f*cked me up. To this day, i have nightmares about it. Seeing that sh*t so accurately captured in a capeflick was the most for me and I legit had to leave the theater until the first part of the movie passed. To this day, i can’t watch that scene. I can just barely make it through the Dance of to Save Th Universe, but that opening gambit? No way. It hits way too close to home for me. Still, for a comic book movie to solicit such a response? It has to be special and Guardians is one of the best.
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Iron Man
Boy, we’ve come a long way since Tony Stark uttered those fateful word, “I am Iron Man.” But none of these other films would even have the opportunity to exist if he hadn't said them. Iron Man had the tall order of being the first, proper, MCU film AND compete with The Dark Knight. N one thought a film about B-List superhero, narcissistic billionaire, and straight up lush, Tony Stark, would amount to anything. How wrong everyone turned out to be. I knew, from that second i saw the teaser and concept art by Adi Granov, that Marvel was taking this sh*t crazy serious. Then there’s the casting of Robert Downey Jr. That sh*t was a boon, for real. The entire cast of this first film was impeccable but RDJ makes this movie. He IS Tony Stark. Even before he got comfortable with the character like in the later films, fresh out the box with the scripts, you can tell he knows how to bring this tinkerer to life. You had to nail that aspect in order to have any chance to  build something great and Marvel hit a goddamn bullseyes, for sure. Revisiting this flick, Iron Man isn’t as good as the later films in the Infinity Saga but it still holds up against the vast majority of entries and that’s saying something.
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I love these films, man. As a geek growing up reading these stories, reenacting them with their action figures, sitting glued to the television every Saturday as their cartoons aired, I never imagined id see such a berth of fantastic media brought to life on the silver screen. Seriously, some of my favorite interpretations of these characters appear exclusive in the MCU. War Machine, Thor until recently, Ant-Man, f*cking Hulk? i never gave these assholes the time of day in the comics but in the MCU? They’re fantastic! And it has everything to do with how well written they are in-universe. There are over twenty films in this run an i love all of them to varying extents. Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Panther, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Ragnarok, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 all could have made this list. For sure, they’re 6 - 11 or whatever, but that speaks to the sheer depth of the MCU. I’m not even counting flicks i would consider B-tier like Captain Marvel or Avengers or Iron Man 3 or Doctor Strange; All of which are still dope in their own right.
There is just SO much great in these films and i can’t wait to see where we go next. With Disney acquiring Fox, Marvel finally has the full toy box to play with and i am absolutely a tizzy with the potential arcs they can adapt. Secret Wars? Annihilation? Age of Apocalypse? Avengers Disassembled? Dark Reign? F*cking Onslaught?? I have no idea where we are going but i am, for sure, jumping on this pain train once again.
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