#without even being worried that i have an exam tomorrow šŸ¤”
moonandblossoms Ā· 8 months
Fyi, people. Fanfic writers write fics for their satisfaction and interest, that's the first priority. Don't spout condescending opinions and hatred for certain types of fanfictions if they are not your cup of tea. You aren't obliged to read them. Just click the cross button and get off the page instead of troubling them in the reviews or behind the back. You aren't the only person existing in the world. Certain things you may find boring, that's ok but there are others who may find it interesting. Not all fics need to have bloodlust, tragic deaths, super-angsty plots, or whatsoever. Fics with happy endings and maybe some fantasies can exist in fanfiction and that's FINE. That can be boring to you, and that won't stop writers from writing whatever they like. They write for themselves first before the readers.
Not all writers write the same type of troupes every time. They keep changing it for every fic on their own will. One fic might have a hurt/comfort whumptober, another a humor and another bloodlust. THEY WRITE VARIETY OF FANFICS.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l Ā· 2 years
so i passed out last night šŸ¤” i'll read everything tomorrow after my engineering exam but i shall spill the tea akhbdfn
so my uni has this festival thing going on for three days similar to the rodeo? but on a smaller scale (not naming it for privacy reasons)
so obviously i was planning to go with a couple of my friends but in the last minute i find out that they're all going with their s/os which makes it more awkward for me because,, i'm the only single one... and i didn't want to third wheel the entire evening akbhdfn
but lucky for me one of the people in the group brought his friend who by the way was actually pretty cute and vv nice šŸ‘€ who had came home from his uni for the weekend so we both ended up hanging out for a majority of the time because we were the trademark singles of the group akbjdfn :D
the evening was going fine, we were enjoying all the booths and food trucks there and whatnot and we saw that there was a roller skating area so me being me decided to drag him over there because i love roller skating sm and why not do a semi adrenaline inducing event with a cute guy i mean what
so we get our roller skates and begin skating, but what i do not know is that this man has never skated in his entire life so i'm standing there trying to drag his ass across the rink while reassuring him that he won't fall over and break something lol
and it's going nice!! we're having fun!! we're holding hands because that's the only way that he's going to get across the damn rink!! we're laughing to much that our stomachs hurt and we're wheezing!!
and then shit goes down
whenever i laugh i usually throw my head back and after i did that i was laughing so hard that i was wheezing so naturally i did the hands on knees squat thing to catch my breath and when i looked up istg i saw my entire life flash in front of my eyes BECAUSE ONE OF MY FAMILY FRIENDS WAS THERE WATCHING THIS ENTIRE INTERACTION OF US HOLDING HANDS AND NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT IF SOMEONE SAW THAT WITH NO CONTEXT THEY WOULD HAVE THOUGHT WE WERE ON A ROMANTIC DATE AKDBJFNKM someone take me out
he fucking waved at me and smiled while raising his eyebrows and i was standing there shaking my head like a mad man because it really isn't what it looks like and i'm currently panicking because holy shit what did he see who is he going to tell-
but i know he won't snitch because he was there with his girlfriend so i have blackmail on him as well hehe
so yeah that was my evening yesterday šŸ˜­ and an update on the guy: i got his number but i don't really think we'll have anything going on because i found out he was younger than me (he's only two months younger it's legal ahkbdjf) so there goes that because younger men šŸ¤¢
in retrospect i'm glad it was that family friend that saw me over anyone else because i've know him since i was like,, five so if anything he's like my overprotective older brother akdhbj
Omg yeah donā€™t worry about it you focus on your exam!!! Best of luck, youā€™ve got this!!!
ALSO YOUR UNI HAS RODEOS DJAKFJDBEKXJS I think the closest thing at my Uniā€™s something called ā€œSolsticeā€ we have one per quarter and theyā€™re cool djskdjwix
Thatā€™s kinda rude, ngl. Like if they were planning on going with their s/os this whole time then thatā€™s something they shouldā€™ve made clear to you because, as much as they donā€™t think it would be, itā€™s kind of awkward being the single friend amongst people who are dating and it falls under the ā€œinviting people who werenā€™t invited before/without askingā€ category and ugh sorry itā€™s a pet peeve of mine anyway-
OO- TELL ME YOU GOT HIS NUMBERRRR Also Iā€™m gonna hold out that maybe they were thinking ā€œoh rose is gonna be the only single lady lemme bring my single friendā€ which now that I type it out sounds kinda weird just ignore this-
NO STOP. STOP THATS LITERALLY MY WORST FUCKING FEAR AND IT HAPPENED TO YOU ROSE IM SO SORRY SJDOAFIHDNWBSJA also hopefully Mr. Doesnā€™t-Know-How-to-Roller-Skate will take you out on a date but if worse comes to worse your embarrassment will take you out-
If youā€™re lucky heā€™ll just tell his friends if not write your will /hj
HELP YOUNGER HES NOT EVEN THAT MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Strangers to friends to lovers(?)
OOOHHHHHH OKAY okay I was like ā€œNO ROSE NOOOOā€ but in that case itā€™s better, I thought you meant like family friend being your parentsā€™ friend cuz Iā€™m that case your life wouldā€™ve been surely shattered, and I mean that in the nicest way possible šŸ’€ EITHER WAY IM GLAD YOU HAD FUN CUZ IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD FUN!!!!
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