#wk toodles
yourdadsbasement · 1 month
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this does make me think of Jared Diamond’s idea that if the rhino was capable of being domesticated, rhino-mounted Bantu tribes may have taken over Europe (someone PLEASE write that AU)
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i have some fanfics for you to read, Chris (it is a major missed opportunity to not have evil Zachbot versions of the brothers as recurring plot complications but i guess ultimately this is a show for kids to learn about animals)
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kittyundercover1 · 1 year
I don’t care if he only appeared in one episode I love him.
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 11 months
I was just in a car accident and Im thinking about how Toodles would've IMMEDIATELY jumped out the car and mauled the guy who caused it.
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vazaez · 2 years
Toodles being chaotic?
He's just playing around 🥰
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deerwolf05 · 1 year
Toodles how could I forget him thank you to @jokerislandgirl32 for the suggestion also should I add salutations? please let me know down below
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kaynai-sama · 2 years
Spy Robot AU is back in it's highest form!
Let's make the introductions (I'm working on the designs)
Okay, here they go.
Toodles (Todd) Varmitech:
Oldest, first one to be created. Android robot, but it uses the hologram function to look like Chris.
His design is practically like the original one from the show, but with messier hair. (Hates to comb, finds it unnecessary)
His main ability includes robotic tentacles that come out of his back, that and physical strength.
Coming to personality, he's the most obedient robot, he has self conscious but not enough to be completely independent. He's definitely an impulsive crazy guy. Attacks directly and just improvise his next strike.
Salutations (Sal) Varmitech:
Middle brother, acts like the oldest. Also using hologram function, his real form is almost identical to Toodles. Zach's favorite.
His design is practically the fandom's design from this character, but he does have a few scratches on his main form, which damaged the hologram to look like scars. (One of Zach's tools had a malfunction while building him, but he was too lazy to fix the damages.)
Coming up to personality, he's cold and distant. Has self conscious and he's more independent than his brothers, but he's devoted to Zach and not that much independent so it's not a problem. His attacking style are ingenious traps easy to fall for.
His ability is to absorb energy and functions from other machines. Let's say that he could drain a part of the power of the CPC discs and use it to transform into that animal without touching anything. And if he drains power from the miniaturizer then he could switch sizes. But these effects are temporary before he runs out of power. Out of that, he can also control Zachbots at his will, something Midtalk and Toodles can't quite do.
Midtalk (Middy) Varmitech:
Little sis. Zach threw her away to the dump basement because she was practically useless. But She managed to stay on without battery and fixed herself. After a year, she discovered how to escape. (It took Zach 3 years to calibrate all of them before starting his plan.)
Her design is Aviva but with a black jacket. Messy hair. Also has a few scratches she couldn't fix. Her real form is almost identical to her brothers.
Her main ability are explosives. She can pull out and explode 200 mini bombs before running out off these. Zach decided to keep her this time just because of that and decided to build more effective bombs for her.
Personality: Completely independent. Has more self conscious than her brothers due to her time in the basement. But she's devoted to Zach. Almost as impulsive and crazy as Toodles. But a lot smarter. Plays good and when you trust her completely, she attacks, focusing on your weak spots.
K. Varmitech:
Oldest, Koki's clone. She was created by Midtalk in her time in the basement.
Her real form looks rusty and unstable, but Zach fixed her. Her hologram covers her eyes with the hair, since Midtalk didn't remember remember Koki's colors, she's just black and white.
She has self conscious but not enough to be independent, she's devoted to Midtalk, doesn't listen to Zach's orders unless Middy repeats them. Pretty crazy and serious at the same time. She attacks directly but develops plans while doing this.
Her abilities are her retractile claws, big and dangerous claws.
J. Varmitech:
Jimmy's clone. Youngest twin. Also created by Midtalk.
His real form is identical to K's and his hologram is also black and white and his hair covers his eyes.
His personality is almost exactly like his sister's, but he's more analytical and brooding. He's kind of a quiet kid.
He has an iron tube... He's pretty good at combat techniques and especially with that tube, not to mention his great strength. He loves it almost as much as Jimmy loves his controller.
And that's it. Those are the members of the Varmitech team. I'll come up with the designs later, since I'm already working on that. (Plus, perspective)
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ink-for-dinner · 2 years
Back at it whit some Tooddles doodles (see what I did there)
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I thought it would be funny if Zach always thought that Chris had green eyes bc blue guy has blue eyes so green guy HAS to have green eyes right? jqhdjahhdh
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jokerislandgirl32 · 1 year
Which butterfly would you assign to our dear friend Toodles?? I'm partial to the red-bodied swallowtail myself 👀 [free-n-wild!]
@free-n-wild Ohhhhh Toodles, now this is an interesting request! He deserve a butterfly just as edgy as he is! In response to my WK Assignment Post!
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I looked up the butterfly you mentioned (I love swallowtails so much, omg), and I completely agree! This is an absolutely stunning creatures, and the butterfly matches him so well!
See below the cut for the butterfly and some fun facts! Be warned, animal collection, which includes animal death is mentioned, but this butterfly is a fighter!
The Red-Bodied Swallowtail (Ruby Swallowtail) or Pachliopta polydorus!
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A few fascinating facts about this butterfly!
1)The fact that stuck out to me the most, and made me think of Toodles, is that these butterflies are not easily defeated when collectors attempt to kill and mount them. The practices that most collectors use to claim the lives of these beautiful creatures only serves to stun the Red-Bodied Swallowtail. Kind of like how Toodles cannot be “killed” by the show, he might have only been in one episode, but he keeps coming back time and time again in the fandom! He and this butterfly will not go down without a fight!
2)The Red-Bodied Swallowtail also has developed other protective measures to ensure survival. The buttery has adopted a slow, erratic flight pattern which makes predators take notice. Once the predators observe this unusual flight pattern they then see the unusual color and markings of this butterfly, particularly the bright red coloration, which provide the predators with sufficient information to tell them to stay away! This potential meal could make them sick or worse! Like Toodles, who looks so much like the charming green brother, this butterfly manages to trick and deceive others with it’s looks.
If anyone has any other recommendations for characters/butterflies, send them my way!
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kratt-au-void · 9 months
Cosas que pasaron este año!
A Marvelous Tale
Salutations y Toodles en vampirillo
Desarrollo de Magic sans Freedom
Magic sans Freedom Future (eso solo en mi cuaderno pero está planeado jeje)
Su Voluntad
WK frozen AU 10 years anniversary
Desarrollo de vampirillo
el estúpido animatic de vaivén
Primer aniversario de mermaid kratts
Rediseño de Siochikattl
Primer aniversario de This Everlasting Nightmare
más cosas de las que esperaba, sobretodo porque wild kratts estuvo en segundo lugar este año :0 a ver qué sorpresas nos tiene el 2024🎉
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bonniebeanie · 2 years
Your local revenge wanting robot
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shinyelectracey · 2 years
Toodles can't understand why Chris is flirting with a jaguar
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yourdadsbasement · 1 month
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this is me as a bird
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lmao this is 100% me and my sister, her doing the auto work while i’m daydreaming at a lizard
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AHem oh man i got something BIG stuck in my throat
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this man can lift a BABY RHINO UGH WRECK ME martin kratt
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ah! there is plot happening!
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AAAAAAAAAAH LOOK AT HIM WHAT A SMUG LITTLE SHIT (also “Toodles” is so a word Zach would use but not Chris, should’ve tipped Martin off right away)
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i CAN’T 😂😂😂
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chrizach officially canon
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 2 years
New fic idea: Toodles kidnaps Chris but jokes on him he's into that.
Prepare your asses for badly written Chroodles Smut! MWUAHAHAHAHAH
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vazaez · 2 years
Toodles Teef? 🥺🥺🥺
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offbrandproducts · 3 years
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Redrew a screenshot but with Salutations n Toodles bc it had evil energy (*´v`)
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kaynai-sama · 2 years
Oh no...
Toodles vibes...
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