#wn slowly does get more confident
menimimimeni · 7 months
Modern AU in which Wen Ning becoming a fierce corpse is just him becoming emo.
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mycomplex · 6 years
Pt1 I have a theory on the whole gdyb motte/white night. My cousin and I are quite similar too. When I was younger I was the loud outgoing one and she was the quiet reserved one but as we grew up we switched roles. And I can see that a bit w/gdyb. It’s not good or bad, it just is. Ofc GD has been bombarded w/nonstop in his face fame that he would wish for normalcy and bc kjy is shy and reserved opposite from gd. Whereas pre/debut yb was quiet and reserved but he broke out of his shell slowly.
Pt2 so therefore we got to see and experience the energetic, friendly and trolling Youngbae. I mean I’m sure he always was but he only really showed that to bb and close ones but as time went on he became more confident as well as not live up to the standards of what he thought an idol should be, that’s when he broke out of his perfectioness and became more relaxed (and sadly some fans didn’t appreciate that, they wanted him to stay Taeyang circa 2009 forever faux hawk, forever alone, forever shy and innocent Taeyang with his crisp clean choreo instead of doing the dougie and free style, at least my friends who were YB fans back then says and whenever they said that it really irked me bc how can they not see the struggle he went through trying to be someone who he thought he had to be? But I’m getting sidetracked, sorry. I guess what I’m saying is I understand the dynamics we got from both gdyb. I loved and preferred WN too but I am super appreciative (not that you or the rest of VIPs aren’t too) of Jiyong’s vulnerability. I know he wasn’t as lively as we were used to but we should look at it as a good thing. He was Kwon Jiyong, he IS Kwon Jiyong. And to really take it in we have to differentiate that they be may be bff and from the same group but they were and is going through something entirely different at that moment of their life personally and professionally. I feel like they did reverse theirPt 5 (I promise this is the last of it) but by no means does that mean I love them any less. Back then Taeyang struggled w/showing his true self and now GD struggled w/showing Jiyong. I’m not eloquent in explanations but perhaps it was understandable enough. This is my opinion/observation anyways. I will always love and cherish all my BB live concert experiences though. And it is such a blessing to witness them grow professionally and personally, well not personally but you know what I mean. :) 
I forgot where I heard him talk about it but Youngbae was asked the question on what the difference, or is there a difference between Dong Youngbae vs Taeyang and his answer firmly that Taeyang is just a stage name and he knows that offstage he is Youngbae. Unlike Jiyong where his whole concept of Motte/KJY is GDragon vs Kwon Jiyong and the struggle between the two very different sides of him. 
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Film Techniques in Henry V Related to the War with France
The take uses various techniques to feed a particular image of the war against France. What is that interpretation and how does the establish hold of convey it?\n\nAlthough the Branagh translation of Shakespeargons henry V remains truly close to the text, with only a few lines left expose of the film, the movie portrays a rattling clear and distinct content well-nigh war and Branaghs confidence on the matter. hydrogen V is fundamentall(a)y a quicken about war, and it would have been very(prenominal) easy for Branagh to work up his version of the play into a film that glorified war. Instead, Branagh took the opportunity to make a statement about what he felt was the unfeigned essence of wars - both mediaeval and modern.\n\nIt is clear through Henry V that Branagh thinks that wars ar a waste of precious tender life, and in the end are fruitless, causing more overtaking than gain. From the very first skirmish at Harfleur Branaghs low tactual sensation of war is sho wn. When we first bump into the fighting, it is dusk and the sky is moreover darkened by smoke, at once creating a morbid feeling. feature with the muddy and sealed terrain, the somber soldiers and the overbearing size of the castling which they hope to achieve, it is clear non only that the position forces must fight against all the odds to win, but that eventide the conditions are detrimental to the side cause.\n\nThe scene where Bardolph, Nym and Pistol are backing a elan from the appointment to save themselves is an important cellular inclusion to the film. Had Branagh intended the film to be a glorification of war, this elflike scene could have slowly been removed. However, he chose to keep it in his film because it actually assists the mental object which he attempts to convey. This scene, although still understandably comical, as Shakespeare intended it to be, it implies that not all soldiers are adventurous and brave and that war is so terrible that soldiers a re impulsive to desert their friends and fellow countrymen because of the outrageous nature of war.\n\nAfter the interlocking of Harfluer is won by the English and they begin to make their way towards Agincourt, Branagh seizes the opportunity to show the informant the victorious army. Although he could have shown them to be joyful with their win, Branagh instead shows the war-weary, bloody, wet and muddy soldiers. It is raining and so the already miserable...If you want to get a full essay, company it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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