#woa that one was a lot of ramble
spade-club · 2 years
Ive been off tumblr mostly for a few days and had the best week of my life (fri-wed)
Anyway, my friends and I are the absolute cutest. We played spin the bottle, just the five of us, and kept going around and around (to be fair we made some fucked up rules so not all of us even kissed eachother really. Others of us kissed 7 times o.o) And idk. I wish I could explain how much fun ive been having this week but its all so blurry and I may or may not have been high for the past 4 days straight which is not a feeling I've felt at all, before about four days ago. Which sounds like addict behavior, and it is, but it'll go away until it comes back later! Later me's problem! No one will be here to give me endless weed in literally two days, and im not here for the hunt, so whateves.
btw this paragraph is tmi sex stuffs ewwie look away if u dont want to know. But yea, I'm like, really understanding why people do these things. I mean, I am still a trauma sponge, so my enjoyment is very closely tied to how sober I am, but I am still understanding and craving rn, two things I didn't know I was capable of! I have never really Got The Point of sexual interactions, but no one has ever made me Feel Like This so uh, hehe, I'm starting to get it. Endlessly, I am grateful for my person <3 I am also so glad they're so understanding and kinda always the right amount of involved when I tell them things. They take what I say at face value and dont assign extra reasoning to things. If I say, "I got triggered during sex but its not your fault, and its okay," they go, "okay, thanks for letting me know!" And that's that!! Now, they sometimes ask me for pain updates during and also take those answers exactly in the way I mean them!!! & then they adjust accordingly and we move on!!! They dont let their insecurity or fear make me feel bad! And they dont make shitty assumptions on my character for no good reason!! I might be falling in love with them... but that's another tangent. I could go on about them for ever and ever
My friends and I have decided that the five of us are a "mostly platonic polycule," which has absolutely short circuit my brain bc that's all I've ever wanted, really, and it's really nice?? We all adore eachother and we paint together, and we kiss eachother, and go on five person dates, and have sleepovers, and cuddle in the back seat of the car while the other two jam to the music, and refer to a group as 4/5 or 3/5 if someone is missing. Idk, it's just nice, I know it's to be short-lived as we would not survive as a couple without the friend who came to visit (and may not be back again for months.) We will fall apart without her. We're all still good friends tho and im excited to see what does happen next!!
I have so many more songs to relate to now lol
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astrxealis · 2 years
hey guys heyy granblue fantasy has a persona 5 collab event rerun right now please play gbf for gbf and for p5 so true so real
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bluetaile · 9 months
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astarriscus · 2 years
hi besties !!!!! i might write for a lot more fandoms soon. if i do get to, you know, actually writing soon.
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ghawst37 · 6 months
the way i see it, Camu and Roland are both Plural (Roland speaking to what he considers his "past selves", Kamui being some sort of alter), so they both kind of understand eachother on that level too. Like, 'oh, you've also got people in your head, alright i get you'. It's important that Camu cannot live outside of Kamui's frame/brain for particularly long - probably because on some level they're the same person and whatever mechanism lets them physically split their M.I.N.D isn't perfect. and also that they're little balls of spite that slowly soften yes :)
Yes! You get me 0)-( Although lore-wise, we never get a hint as to why and how Roland knew about Camu's story anyway, that's why I just had the random thought of "woa the virus in Kamui manifest the shape of Camu, that's how he knew" which is such a delusion lmaoo Someone on twitter have discussed about Camu and Kamui's arc specifically and how PGR's CBT with the start of Camu/Kamui arc compare to the changes we then get in the debut of the game resulting to the lack of context we got.
And due to my weak understand of the way of the constructs, some of the details confuses me. Basically, they concluded that Camu and Kamui makes no sense, in theory they are supposed to be two seperate people (I can only assume that kuro intended Camu and Kamui to be something like a stereotypical evil twin trope, but instead turned into a dark alter persona.) Even if that's the case, how does Roland knew about Camu? Unless he knew Camu personally, which has never happened (correct me if I'm wrong, the first few chapters are not pleasant to dissect.)
All my ramble aside, I do think that if Roland does understand Camu to a certain level, he would very much understand as to why they wanted to live as a "different person." The peole around them fabricating their views and livelihood with lies, keep them both like animals in a cage (both symbolically and literally) and torment them physically and mentally for very selfish reasons. People often make fun of how Camu loves food, but is that like one of the very basic human requirement? To want to eat? And when your fed specific things as some sort of experiment project, of course you would be curious what safe and delicious food is like. Roland just straight up has an eating disorder. And by the time they are very close to meet with freedom, death was knocking at their doors, at that current state they're very passive to fate and had no choice but to accept their own end. They are both very much victims here, and discardable ones (literally the squad in Camu's interludes are just one of many, if they die Kurono wouldn't mind replacing with a new squad. Roland's first few accessable secret just straight up tells you that he's just a normal civilians, a straight up nobody; like any creature being put in a circus show could become a star, doesn't matter which one.) They both wanted to leave and live a peaceful happy life, to be freed, but they are both too far gone. They both wanted to escape their current states but will never be able to, so they adopted personas as their way of "moving on" as they continue to exist and just so they can keep existing is pretty tragic, because they both never had true freedom. Someone will probably tell me such as "they are not the only characters in PGR with this kind of backstory" to which I agree, but that's besides the point. The point is that the similarity in the context behind their true characters. It's a lot deeper, from what I think, it's a "I get where you come from, it's very personal but I know what that felt like." (And then kuro fumbled with the writing, ruining their possible compatibilities forever, missing the biggest opportunity to make them allies, they don't have to agree to each other on most things but I do think they have a chance. And I'm glad that others can see it too :) thank you for this ask)
Delulu-wise however, they're very soft characters with stiff exteriors, really made them wonder how easy it is for them to turn soft towards each other if given the chance (*≧艸≦)
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This is just me rambling about the lotr musical I just saw spoilers for the watermill theatre production of lotr!!
In no particular order
First off I was expecting a new musical (for context there was another musical first performed in 2006 I think) BUT IT WASNT at least the songs weren't I'm not sure about the script since its insanely hard to find anything on it APART from the songs, they can be found online even on Spotify! Point is I thought it was a new one BUT THEN THEY STARTED PLAYING ROAD GOES ON AND MY ASS FELL OFF ISTG Seeing that og musical has been a DREAAAM OF MINE BUT THEY DON'T PLAY IT ANYMORE OR SO I THOOOOOUUUGHT
The music is insane actually it's so good!!!
When I saw the elves and realised they wouldn't have long hair unless the actor already did I was a little nervous since I just find its difficult to portray elves without the iconic long hair BUT MY GOD THEY'RE GOOD I don't know what these guys did compaired to the short hair elves of lotr prime BUT IT WOOOORKS legolas was perfect and GALADRIEL the actress has stage presence if I've ever seen it!!! She had this for lack of a better word fuck ass bob with a gold wreath thing and a PANT SUIT SHE'S MENTAL I LOVE HER!!!
Her voice is insane there was a moment where a group of people all sang together and they seemed to be singing at the usual stage level right but here voice just boomed iver the whole group it was amazing! She was so loud but she did it well!! I find often when people sing that loud it's like shouting but not in a good way, she was SINGING it was beautiful. She captured galadriels aura and power so well every time she was on stage I just wanted to stare at her.
aragorn was so GOOOOD he also sounded a lot like Orlando bloom to me lmao. His outfit was actually perfection and his haircut??? HE HAD this shaved sides thing going on and???!?!?! I THINK I LIKE IT MORE THAN MOVIE ARAGORN DARE I SAY???
Don't even get started on arwen dude. THE COSTUME DESINERS DID AMAZING WITH HER DRESS AND THE ACTRESS CAPTURED HER SO WELL her ethereal feel with a slight bit of young wonderUUuGGHHhHh screams. Her voice is also actually insane I'm chewing bark.
Frodo was done so wellLLLLLLL the moments when he got taken over by the ring were so distinctly not Frodo!! The actor switched between the two moments so flawlessly!! It was like he was playing two people.
AND SAAAm what a sweetheart he is he's perfect in every way can do no wrong ever ever!! His voice was so pretty I'm gonna goble him up for real. Also I think he got slapped in the face?!? I couldn't see it perfectly but that slam sounded very real with the noise so I wouldn't be shocked. Dedication woa.
GIIIMLI meow meow meow he's so good bald king<<<3333 HIS OUTFIT?? punch me in the face please thanks. Bro his face when legolas was being sassy to him MF said >:000 I LOVE HIS PORTRAAAAAAIIIL UGggghhhHHH he's perfect in every way everyone stay back from my bald king RAAAA
Boromir my pookie gone too soon <333 his outfit was so good his actor was so good EVERYTHING WAS SO GOOD UUUGH Meow when he held frodo wrists to get him to stay I was like 🤨🤨🤨🤨😏😏😏 LOTR MUSICAL IS JUST FULL OF HOT PEOPLE
OMGOD GANDALF UUUGH HE WAS AMAZING idk why I thought he's be played by a younger guy in makeup?? Getting an actually older actor makes way more sense and HE WAS AMAZING
Saruman, elrond and golem were all played by this one guy and it was so good?? You could tell visually like his face that it was all him but he differentiates the characters SOOO well!! Bald elrond will haunt my dreams though..
MERRY AND PIPPIN UUUGHGHHG I love I love they made a tiny tweak to pip which was that since he was played by a lovely actress pip was referred to as a girl, but it was done very well! Nothing about the character changed, personality, story beats, outfit, everything was still pippin the only difference was a few she's here and there which is very much how this thing should be done :)) if you do need to or want to switch and characters gender it's good to keep them the same in other aspects otherwise they just come across as a new character with a familiar name! But that didn't happen here at all, the actress portrayed pip amazingly
Merry was also so good! His voice was amazing and he was so charming!
THE OOOORCS they were amazing. They were so unsettling!! I wasn't sure how they were going to play them but they had this gassmask type thing on it was so good! Everytime they came in I was excited to see them.
The way they did the nazgul was so fun. They were these skeleton horse head puppets!! They opened their mouths so wide it was really unsettling!!
AND THE SPIIIIDERRR everyone gasped when the spider came on. They opened these big doors in the back of the theatre right and she didn't even walk on she was right there! She was huge. She's this big puppet maned by like it's gotta be six or seven people SHE WAS AMAZING
AND OH OH OH THE FIRST AND LAST SCENES WERE OUTSIDE bilbos party was out in the garden!! We all got to sit around and the hobbit came and spoke to us all like we were invited to the party! Bilbo came out and asked me if I had eaten today if was great!! Speaking of which he was SOO GOOOOD
ANNNNDD they mentioned Tom!! WOOO at the end gandalf spoke about going to speak with Tom bombadil! We all had a giggle it was fun
It was just generally amazing all round
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mothtarts · 10 months
Just wanted to say that you are so real over your post about Cleo and Pearl and their weird ass homo relationship. Their relationship is just weird. I mean that in a good, kind of makes me insane type of way when I look at it from a narrative perspective
Okay. You. Walk with me, walk with me. I truly believe that if we rank duos and groups and yadda yadda based on popularity, Cleo and Pearl’s dynamic is one that is not talked about enough and is definitely underrated. Thats my genuine opinion
I enjoy the angst between Scott and Pearl in DL as much as the next person but I wish theres more discussion and just insane blabbering posts [like me right now] talking about Cleo and Pearl’s dynamic
Cleo became a part of Scott and Pearl’s group in LL, forming the 3Gs. Theyve established a bond, through the heist, the trust that Pearl showed to her fellow teammates to inform them of the rigged boogie [HA] dance room. Pearl is a very loyal person, all of the three are
And it’s this bond, this loyalty and joy over their previous group that Pearl got so excited over possibly teaming up with both Scott and Cleo after turning Martyn away, only to be shocked and hurt over Gatekeep and Gaslight refusing to let Girlboss join. The break up of the 3Gs, the birth of Divorce Duo and the beginning emergence of Scarlet Pearl
Thats something I dont see much acknowledged as well or like you know, be insane over. That while yes, Scott rejected and refused to team up with the person he is soulbounded with, may it be because of pride or just continuously being petty or both. The hurt cut deeper with how Cleo went along with it
The loyalty between Scott and Cleo and their shared disregard and rejection of Pearl are the first thorns to dig within her heart
And it just makes me think. Does Cleo get haunted with the fact that she had a hand in Pearl’s insanity? Do silent apologies in her mind play whenever she is around Pearl, never to be said and the words that do come out only cuts Pearl deeper with how sharp her tongue is? Does Cleo’s heart feel? Does is it ache as they watched Scott wince and grimace and complain over the pain in his shoulders?
[these are just things I think over the headcanons I have, basically feeling each other’s pain not only with the game’s mechanic but in a story sense that even just little things like getting a papercut, accidentally burning yourself while cooking and your soulbond feeling that pain. In this case, I’m referring to my headcanon that Pearl doesnt mind the bite of the snow but it gets to her that shes alone in her tower, in her lonesome with no one to fall back on. Having Tilly helps but only for so long before she cant stand it anymore. So sometimes she cant help but hug herself, try to bring herself comfort but unknowingly digs her nails in through her hoodie, there is pain in her jaw being clenched so tight in an attempt to not let herself be wrecked with sobs only for her to struggle to breathe through her nose because the ball in her throat is making it clogged with the effort shes trying to exert to just not break down from not only losing one friend but two]
So yes does Cleo wonder? Do they think about Pearl alone in her tower? Does she know Pearl does this? No she doesnt. They think that Pearl is probably doing something else that makes Scott also hurt and not get a good night’s sleep. Hahaha you know just thoughts to bring up the angst more
Welp. Anyways this was a lot. I can honestly go on and on about the dynamic and angst and feels between them but I feel embarrassed with how much I already typed. Apologies that you have to be the unfortunate soul to receive this ramble of mine [I’m actually just a lurker and dont really post anything but here have a smidge of my thoughts]
but like on a more serious note woa anon you fucking put it into words perfectly
a huggeee reason i love the dynamic of this season is because pearl has specifically been targeting cleo, no she is out for blood and it’s so fun. the fact that cleo burns her dog pack, the same kind of pack she had in dl makes me go crazy.
cleo remembers scarlet pearl vividly, more than anyone else since (from what i remember) she got murdured by pearl. she probably got triggered by the dog pack and acted in pure instinct. pearl doesn’t know that tho, she took that personally.
the person that encouraged her soulmate to never trust her again, who made her alone and vulnerable, now coming back to destroy the one lifeline she has in this series??? it’s perfect
cleo has watched pearl through her worst, seen her through her most wretched and evil moments and came out of it stronger, while pearl became a husk of her former self, now longing for the day she becomes a red life and can snap and wreck havoc again.
it’s also not lost on me that cleo has a huge ducking chance of winning, and she’ll prob fight pearl at some point since shell wanna get revenge
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postalninja · 2 years
Hi! From The Masks We Wear:
“It was a rare treat to have her with him in the field during a mission, even more so given the fact that she was dressed so impeccably as a sleek and elegant black cat. Her satin gown was a different cut from the one she'd worn on that unforgettable night in Mendoza, but it fit her just as perfectly, with a mermaid skirt which hugged her curves deliciously, and a strapless sweetheart neckline. Her opera-length black gloves were another reminder of Argentina, and the addition of a pair of tastefully bejeweled cat ears on her head and a Colombina half-mask with painted-on whiskers rounded out the ensemble.
47 hadn't known what to wear, and she had helped him settle on a Phantom Of The Opera costume. Of course, it was entirely possible that he would change his disguise before the night was over, so who was to say what else he might end up dressed as? A vampire, perhaps? Or even a pirate? Those were quite common options, at least according to his research.”
Wondered what inspired you for the costumes specifically, but anything you want to share is great :)
Oooo! This is an easy enough one for me to answer since I wrote this quite recently. So, costumes. Background info, I have a diploma in fashion design, so costumes are my jam. I thought that a black cat inspired-outfit would be fitting for Diana; both sexy and elegant. I started with her Mendoza dress as a baseline, but changed the details to make it distinct from it. And I wanted it to stay classy - no tacky details that would take away from the overall effect (Diana would never!) I actually spent a bit of time researching Venetian carnival masks, because at first I was just using the term 'half-mask', but I wasn't sure whether that would convey that it was the top half rather than the bottom half. So I specified the term Colombina because that was closest to the look I wanted. As for 47, something about him dressed as the Phantom of the Opera just seemed really fitting. Full disclosure, I have never seen the play or the film myself, so I don't know all the details of the story. Out of curiosity, I read a synopsis, hoping that I could borrow some suitable detail, maybe incorporating it into the method 47 would use to take out the target. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to fit very well with what I had in mind, so I leaned into the stage magician aspect instead. Deciding on the magician costume for the target was sort of the first thing that came to mind, but once I had settled on it, it turned out to be really fun! I loved the idea that 47 doesn't know about the classic pulling a rabbit from a hat trick, and that Diana wants to surprise him with that by bringing him to a magic show, knowing his fondness for bunnies ^_^ It was also fun to think about how 47 would view the tradition of dressing up for Halloween. He's always putting on costumes and pretending to be someone else, so I liked the idea of putting him in a situation where that opened up a lot of options for him (though alas, he didn't make use of the opportunity in the end!) The idea of him putting time into researching Halloween beforehand just struck me as so endearing - like, he doesn't completely understand it, but he wants to know what people typically dress up as and such. Adorable! Other than that, one notable thought is that I was inspired by two prompts in the tagset for this fic - the one I filled mentioned costume parties, the full moon, and the details of a mission fic with romantic undertones. But Spicycajun also had a request that mentioned the Isle of Sgail specifically - and that location is one of my top two favorites from the WOA trilogy! (the other is Dartmoor, naturally) It also fit the 'old castle' suggestion, so it was perfect! :D That's the gist of it! Thanks for the ask and letting me ramble! ^_^
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venomousautism · 1 year
New Intro post woa
Greetings :3 my name- or rathers names- are Donatello/Shadow/Toby/Twilight, nicknames r loved and cherished. I get silly (autistic) on this blog 🔥 I am an evil ROTTMNT Donnie, FIM Twilight Sparkle, and Shadow kinner.
I errm post art sometimes but I reblog and will probably ramble a lot :3c mainly abt my current hyperfixations + special interests!! Which, as of the time I’m writing this, happen to be MLP FIM, Sonic, and ROTTMNT!
Idk what else to say erm. I am the self proclaimed number one Knuckles fan and I WILL fight to the death for this title. /j Also I like making friends so please mutual me plsplsplsplspls I am nice I do bite but I am otherwise a kind critter I promise.
Oh wait yeah also I’m 16! Idm if adults interact but I may be weary (for obvious reasons) + the obvious no nsfw stuff lololOH AND!!!! PROSHIPPERS DNI. I HATE YOU!
WAIT OH ALSO I HAVE A CARRD! That’s got more stuff on it so yee 🎉
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
(Ophelia) Hello, Bookwyrm! I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about something (it’s positive thoughts about a positive thing) is it okay if I ramble to you about it? And if you want to ramble about anything I’d be happy to listen! I’m in a very rambley mood right now and I want to take advantage of it and talk to you, it’s okay if you’re not up to it right now though! I hope you’re doing well and you are enjoying your break, emotionally I’m one of those gems that reflects light everywhere!
Ophelia! Hello! Absolutely you may ramble about whatever you feel like, I just can't promise a prompt response depending on whatever's happening irl for me. But I'd love to hear about whatever it is you're having thoughts about :)
I also love to ramble! I will not at the moment because I'm about to go do a thing, but I wanted to answer this real quick while you were in the rambly mood. But! To make up for it I will share a random recent thought that could be the beginning of a ramble!
One of my favorite book series--in like a "this is genuinely really good" way and not the "haha this is a disaster I love it" way like twilight, is the memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan, and I recently read the third book and I'm just. I'm so used to not having representation that reading stories with it, even though I know this story wouldn't be considered representation by many, always lights me up inside like. Woa! Especially when I feel like the representation is closer to me, not just any representation. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for the mlm and wlw and trans stories and love to read them, but it's always a little bit detached because it's not like me. But reading something that's closer, even if not quite, reminds me how much representation matters not just for everyone else, but for me. Sometimes I forget I'm a part of that whole and that, while I do have lots to learn about everyone else and I should fight for others, I'm also one of the people being fought for and learned about. And I think it's pretty cool :)
Anyway, my point is you're welcome to ramble and don't need to ask for permission. I have granted it! And I may not respond immediately but that's not me ignoring you or anything, just life! Emotionally, I am buzzing very very hard right now and all golden sparks!
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chisatowo · 3 years
Yknow, technically I could fit this idea into the sci fantasy au, but I think it'd be funnier if I didn't and just made it it's own thing. It's one thing for your friend to secretly be a weird bird thing when you live in a world where everyone involved more or less knows of the existence of magic in some form, with some of them even being able to directly wield it, but it's another thing for that to happen in a world where magic super isn't a commonly known thing. Idk I just think it could be fun to have a more simple small scale au for once
#rat rambles#band posting#just a nice simple lil au where I dont have to account for literally every character... that clould be nice#if not hard for me because I KNOW I will be tempted to make more people a similar flavor of thing as ran#at the very least I will swear to myself to not make more that one for each band I wont do it#ok so I think Im awake enough to explain the plot of the dream so I will attempt to without it sounding weird#so I believe the backstory was that when ran was like 12 they accidentally got to figure out magic is very much real the hard way#long story short woo hiking feild trip oops crowd too loud time to scedaddle from group oops stumbled into wizard trap oops is bird#keep being bird for like a day while search parties fail to find you wizard finally notices and is like ah oops my cursed trap hit a Child#provide child with some magic that will allow them to be able to return to human form but erase the memory of how they got cursed#except uh oh the magic isnt always super effective and it takes a lot of actual effort on rans part to stay in a fully human form#and when they dont theyll either shift to a much more bird like form or just back to the straight up bird form#which was a finch btw the dream specifically specified finch for some reason#since they dont have any clue when or why this whole bird thing started happening and since that shit is weird and hard to try to explain#they ended up just trying to take the hard route and keep it a secret and just. not tell anyone#and that was the majority of the dream that I can remember clearly because I know in dream I was thinking like 'oh damn cool concept'#and also I wrote it down right as I woke up (albiet sloppily) as opposed to the rest pf the dream which I didnt dmdbdksb#but yeah basically just a very small au abt ran being birb and the rest of afterglow being like woa#and like trying to help them be able to live more comfortably with the curse than they currently are (since theyre yknow spending most of#their energy hiding it) and like I think a big thing in the dream was figuring out how and if ran should tell their dad#since like on the one hand hes possible the person in rans life who could do the most to help make their life easier in this department#but he could also very much do the opposite or just generally make a bigger deal out of it than ran would like#tbh the dream was kinda vague on how big a deal was too big a deal for ran but I think the primary worry was it being like. publicised#which I dont think is something ran's dad would do so thats good#I dont actually remember if that plot like got resolved though so guess I get to decide how that works out now#but yeah this dream very much stood out amongst the crowd of dreams I am very intrigued by its set up
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fueledbysano · 3 years
Hiii, i hope you're doing good!!! Could i request some hcs for armin, levi and connie (separately) when their s/o refers to them as their boyfriend in front of other people for the first time (like, their relationship wasn't a secret but people thought they were just casual lovers😅) please (like, the boys' reactions and what would they say to them after)???
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calling them your boyfriend for the first time
✧ featuring: Armin, Levi, Connie
✧ includes: humor, fluff, gender neutral reader
✧ a/n: hey! I'm doing pretty alright, quite tired but hey, writing calms me. and thank you for the request, I had fun making this one. ❤️ hope you're doing good as well
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was cleaning the dining table while you scraped off gum and dirt underneath it, as for the clean freak's Captain Levi's orders.
While Eren kept on rambling about his day as the usual, dusting off the cupboards as he rants his heart out to everyone in the room.
“You understand me, Armin, right?” He finally ends his tirade with a question.
“Huh– Y-yes! Of course, I understand where you are coming from.” Armin agrees.
“This is why I trust you a lot.” Eren smiles before slinging an arm over his shoulders.
You adored at how solid their friendship is, them simply just being each other's person.
Eren ruffled Armin's golden locks as he laughs, and Armin's expressions were just too adorable, so you decided to humor the two.
“Hey, back off, man! That's my boyfriend, he's taken...”
Everyone gasped and turned their heads to you, while Eren lets Armin go with a smile.
“Hah, I knew you two were a thing!”
“Connie owes me cash!” Jean yelled. “Yo!”
“Woa, really?” Mikasa asks for confirmation, actually happy for her friends.
Armin paused for a while and an apparent blush was present on his face. “Yes, me and Y/N are really together.”
Everyone was happy at the news, the cleaning chores now long forgotten as all of you gathered around the table to chat.
“Oi, brats! Who told you you can sit your asses?” The voice of Levi's scolding scared you through your cores before you scram back to your tasks, leaving you and Armin alone on the tables once again
Until Armin suddenly finds himself smiling at the thought of you calling him your boyfriend earlier,
and at the very instant, he let go of the wet rug and turned his head to you with a sweet grin. He couldn’t believe it, he dropped his head and laughed a little.
“Boyfriend, huh?” He smiled. “I like how it sounds from you. Please keep calling me that?”
When you called him your boyfriend for the first time, it was also the moment he realized his true feelings for you.
“Excuse me.” You carefully knocked on the door at Levi's office where him, Hange, and Erwin had a meeting.
They would've used the conference room but Levi was currently injured, so they saved him the all the walking and brought the meeting to him.
“Hi Y/N! Is everything alright?” Hange greets you with a warm smile as you walk in.
“I'm just here to bring you these. and Levi, it's time to take your pain medicine.” You brought down a tray with three cups of tea, along some of Levi's pills on the side.
“You shouldn't have bothered, I could've done this.” He actually thinks it was very thoughtful of you to bring his friends drinks as well.
“Hey, you are my boyfriend. I'm allowed to worry and take care of you.”
Boyfriend. He froze at the word and it all sinks into him– it was the first time you are referring to him as that. and you two are very much happy with each other; and he likes you a lot.
“That's all, thanks. Please carry on.”
It wasn't obvious but he had heart eyes for you that only you could recognize, while you head to the door, giving him a wink before heading out.
“So, heichou's really in love.” Hange points out.
“I thought you were like, only messing with each other.” They elaborated.
“I approve of this.” Erwin agrees, now taking his own cup of tea.
“Your suspicion is right, we're only seeing each other is all...” Levi wanted to keep the relationship down on the low first and so he tried to deny.
“Hmm, come to think, you secretly kiss, take each other out, and this?” Hange enumerates.
“How did you even know–”
“Practically dating.” Erwin agreed.
“That doesn't make me Y/N's stupid– boyfriend.” He finally caves.
“Well, I guess you're someone's stupid boyfriend now.”
The idea of you getting to call him your boyfriend was enough for him to cool off.
It's the first time in a while that Hange and Erwin witnessed a rare, genuine smile from their friend.
After the meeting ended, Levi went straight to meet you at your room, brushing off the cramp in his foot just to see you.
“Levi– what are you doing her–”
“Thank you, for taking care of me...” He sends you a sweet smile before taking a seat by your side on the bed.
“Awe, of course.” You were surprised at how sweet and smiley he was being.
“Are you freaking out because I called you my boyfriend?”
“Ahh, so you liked it...” You teased.
“That's a secret...”
It was no secret to your fellow cadets that you have a special relationship with Connie, being practically inseparable from each other.
But you have yet to confirm your relationship to them, especially your friends.
It was your day off when you've been looking around for him the whole morning, wanting to go spend the day off with him around town.
“Have you seen my boyfriend?” You spot Eren, Mikasa and Armin sitting under a tree, and your question caught them off guard. It was the first time you referred to Connie as your boyfriend.
“So he really is your boyfriend...” Eren pondered.
“I'm pretty sure he went out with Jean and Sasha.” Armin recalls.
“Here they are.” Mikasa points behind you and there you see Connie with an evident blush on his cheeks, while Jean and Sasha smiled from ear to ear by his side.
“Ah! Yes, here's your handsome boyfriend now! I'm sorry, we just went to the market.” Connie saves the silence by greeting you with a warm smile and draping an arm over your shoulders.
Even him can't believe that you are his now, and the label “boyfriend” coming from you just sounded so sweet to him.
and he gladly went along with it.
“So this is a real thing?” Eren points at you two.
“Hey, they look very happy.” Armin mentioned.
“Awe, I thought you guys were just screwing! I didn't know you were in love! Come here!” Jean teases, now pulling the two of you in a group hug.
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abel-draws · 5 years
It’s Erika’s Birthday!
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Yeeeet! <3
As per usual, rambling and old drawings under the cut :D
I think I managed to find the first ever drawing of her
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It’s from February 2013. The protess most of my ocs have been made is: I doodle random characters on and on on my sketchbooks until I find a design I kinda like. Then draw the character several times to see if I’m gonna stick with them and if it does click with me I’ll keep them, name them and the story and personality will come along. 
At this time I had no idea of what her story would be about, but it progressed as I drew her more.
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She T.T face is the one that fits her the most lmao (this way I’d decide she’ll be kind of a cranky person and so on). I gave her pretty simple clothes because I was still figuring out her story
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Now here I did have her role decided. She’d live in the streets and accompany Arckan on his journey at some point, so I gave her........... those clothes. Because young me thought that was the logical option for someone who lived on her own in the streets. Forgive me for that x’D (also I drew feet??? Woa, that’s new)
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A year or two later I kept on drawing her and Arckan, since they were my only ocs (I drew a *lot* but just random characters that came to my mind, pokemons or fanarts for videogames, I was not as focused on my ocs as I am now x’D). I drew both of them interacting so I set my mind on their personalities and how they’d interact. 
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And also some vent arts I’ll not show because they’re kinda impacting and are spoilery ashkjflsag
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Some time later I tried doing character sheets for my characters. I must’ve shown them in Arckan and Ginger’s birthdays. At this point I had already created Arckan, Erika, Evial (a minor character), Deal, Ginger and Altair (another kinda minor character), so I had way more relationships set. I still have to develop Erika a bit more tho, luckily I still have time.
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Last year I redesigned her outfit a bit so I mas happier with it
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Here you can see it with color! And!!!!!!!!!!
I got some f a nar t s of her
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LOOK AT HER SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY I CAN’T EVEN THANKS @danlg-stuff But that’s not all he did!! He also!!! did!!!1 THIS
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This is my favourite drawing of her ever and I love it to pieces I have it in my bedroom and it’s staying there forever. a. <333333
That’ll be all for now! I have more doodles of her but these where the most important and non spoilerty that I could think of, thanks for reading if you got here! <3
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mphfpc-n-stuff · 7 years
So I’ve always imagined Millard to be half dutch: his mother was dutch while his father was English, and he is bilingual. I also have a headcanon that Millard’s mum died when he was 9 ish and his father wasn’t around much, so he had to look after his 2 younger sisters. Also, when he started manifesting, he showed his sisters but not his father, and ran away from home when it got to a certain point. But he would come back and visit his sisters when he could.
Aw, that’s so bittersweet! I’m glad he could visit his sisters though, that’s really nice! I like the Danish and English bilingual touch, it’d be hella cute to see Mill doing all the little quirks and habits bilingual peeps do. My main Mill hc backstory has changed a lot over time, but as of now he comes from a big family of sisters were he’s the only boy (we got the sister thing in common haha!), maybe either one or both of his parents being black (both English but the Danish is rubbing off on me lol), which leads Mill to having complications where he wants to pursue a career in education but finding difficulty via his skin color and the era. His ma and pa support him and try and lift him when he’s down but he gets hella frustrated, usually wishing out loud he didn’t have such a dark skin tone. And, wouldn’t you know it, he wakes up with a missing foot! Kind of a “don’t know what you got until it’s gone situations”, like he wishes away the tone of his skin and only after loosing it realizes it’s worth and how much he misses it. Woa, sorry for the depressing ramble!! Your hc’s are super interesting, and I might actually pick up a few things from them haha!
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shinymegabidoof · 7 years
My journey to self-love and self-acceptance has been a long one. I find that I tend to go from good to bad fairly quickly, although it isn’t as bad as it used to be. I still struggle with some aspects of myself, especially as I grow older, and I’m still dealing with some particular issues that I’ve internalized over the years (my anti-bias education class is really making me think hard about myself this semester hohoho). But I feel that I’ve made great strides!
I’ve been making an effort to work out at least 10 minutes a day, not just purely for appearance sake but also for health reasons. I know that I will never look like I did when I was 20 without doing something potentially harmful and not good for my body, but it’s hard at times, so I’m slowly just trying to build myself up a little at a time. I’m just going to have to learn to accept my perpetually chubby cheeks I guess. On a positive note, I’ve definitely gotten stronger because of all the squats I’ve been doing! I also feel a lot more energy now that I work out a little bit every day. AND I try to drink more water nowadays. I have to run to the restroom even more than I usually do but I think it’s been helping my body and skin quite a bit.
Also, I have been making great efforts to budget and save money for emergencies and retirement. I’m planning on putting most of my tax refund into my emergency fund, opening a retirement account, and putting the rest into paying off debts (woa look @ me go!) I still have trouble spending money on food lol but it’s gotten much better!
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jacksgreysays · 7 years
not really for the a fake fic event, but in the pokemon!dos fusion, if team 7 were pokemon what reflected their personality and such, what 'mons would they be? Like, I'd imagine Naruto to be Ampharos, haha. They're electric-types who can light up their tail so bright that they can guide people who are lost. Electric types are also sporadic and tends to be overexcited too! Oh, & Sasuke can totally be a Luxray, what with their temperament + special, enhanced eyesight that can look through things!
(2/3) I want to say that Shikako is a Xatu?? Psychic type, sees the future. (It also “eyes the sun’s movement” a lot) I’m torn between that and Azelf (the latter can learn explosion! woa) And Ino is totally a Florges or Milotic! No questions there aha. Sakura’s a shiny Lopunny who goes into Mega-form when doing her super strength! aaaa it’s so much fun to play in your pokemon!au. Hope you don’t mind that I’m just rambling all over the place. (> v
(3/3) I guess my ideas isn’t really “if they were a pokemon, what ‘mon would they be.’ Rather, it’s what fits them best? Like, sure ninetales = kurama, and fire-types can be just as spunky and exuberant, but ninetales is a wise, mystical, almost deity-like pokemon, and that doesn’t really fit Naruto’s character. Ampharos might be a bit of a stretch, but I find their type & special characteristics to be more appropriate, yea?
No worries, anon, ranting about Dreaming of Sunshine and Pokemon is one of my favorite things ;)
The Pokemon teams in my AU were more representative of the characters’ abilities than their personalities, so I never really thought about it. I mean, the clan kids have their “clan Pokemon” of Sawsbuck and Politoed and Talonflame, etc. etc., but I suppose as Pokemon themselves it’d be different.
Like the difference between the normal Pokemon games and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, I guess?
At the same time, though, I do like the idea of them being their clan Pokemon and just having different personalities. Like, Shikamaru and Shikako are both Deerling, but Shikako is super adventurous while Shikamaru’s just… nah, I’m gonna chill here. And then whenever someone is exasperated with him they’d be like “Are you a Deerling or are you a Slakoth?”
Although Ino as a Grumpig doesn’t work so well, even though that is what I have as the Yamanaka clan Pokemon. Maybe a Delcatty? She never really had a Feebas phase, so probably not a Milotic… Unless she’s just the most fabulous Grumpig that every lived.
And I figure Sakura would probably be within the Chansey line given they’re healing and the super powerful physical attacks…
But, yeah, I haven’t really thought about making them Pokemon. It’s an interesting idea, anon!
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