#woe fashion opinions be upon ye
alaraxia · 1 year
I'm being Really Normal about Fallen Hero rn but my ipads charging so I can't draw and I need to keep this momentum going, so anyway stream of consciousness on (Ricardo) Ortega's fashion (or potential lack thereof depending on interpretations) below the cut with examples.
Is this just an excuse to headcanon outfits I personally like and make y’all read about it? Yes.
So we all joke about Gucci with Ortega because of the escape outfit he brings us, but I'd like to give some thoughts and examples on how I think someone like Ortega—a public figure/celebrity in their late 30s with access to stylists—would potentially dress.
First issue: most Gucci rn is just not it. Now that's extremely subjective because they do have some pieces that are pretty nice, but this is my post and I can say what I want. In general modern Gucci and the logomania resurgence of the 2010s and sorta more public recognizability of the brand in my mind hasn't done it any favors, and unless it’s very much his personal taste I don’t think a styling team would put him in it.
This is not to say logomania doesn't have extremely interesting and important roots in streetwear and fashion, but for the purposes of how I picture Ricardo to dress I don't think his stylists would go that route, and I think anything he does choose out of his own volition wouldn't align with a lot of their current offerings (and him not being into fashion, only into things that are expensive and pretty, definitely would not have him be into vintage Gucci). If anything it can also be justified by the stylists pushing him away from obvious logo usage due to being a representative of the U.S. Gov, etc.
Though he definitely has at least one full Gucci tracksuit because he's just Like That.
So this was mostly inspired by seeing some styles from stoffa's new stuff so I'm pretty much just pulling fit pics from there (current and older) that I could see Ricardo in that move his fashion beyond say just more stylish button ups and chino lookin pants. If you’re looking for insightful analysis on why I picked these, there really isn’t any, this is vibes I get from him and personal taste while taking climate and cost into account. Not going to consider more casual gym wear or undercover looks in this, he definitely has them and wears them a lot but this is more “he’s being styled”.
First off: expensive, very casual
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Not much to say here, just if he’s got a fashion budget and stylists to point him in the right direction I could see him in these more put together but still very expensive casual looks.
Second: Still comfortable but more fashionable for daily wear
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These are things I could see him in for just day to day outside of the office, I think he would favor a lot of lighter airy fabrics and colors (though I wish I was better with color because I think he’d have a bit more than what’s represented in these)
Third: dressing up, but in a very laid back and confident way, not for things like the gala but for nicer parties or fancy drinks.
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Something a bit more modern and comfortable than just a traditional suit, think going out/filmed interview looks.
For both these kind of looks and even the fashionable daily wear I think he would definitely accessories with very expensive mechanical watches and other expensive belts, which may be where he tries to throw in Gucci (in accessories moreso).
Anyway that’s it, all subjective and my personal fashion biases, etc. All that being said he would definitely own this stupid Gucci jacket too.
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nikofortuna · 11 months
JTTW Chapter 15 Thoughts
Chapter 15 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
Yes, dragon is very snake-like! Swallows prey whole.
Honestly I am good with Sun Wukong putting Tang Sanzang in his place here. Especially when he started crying at the mere prospect of walking. If anything he should have cried at the life of the poor horsie lost! Not because it inconveniences him a little.
Truly he encounters a problem and goes ‘Oh, woe me!’ right away! Instead of trying to figure something out he basically gives up, it really is no wonder that the largely self-sufficient Sun Wukong who has encountered far greater trouble in his life already gets annoyed with him.
There’s a little typo in the Anthony C. Yu version! The first line of the combat poem reads “The dragon extending sharp daws” when it should be sharp claws!
In the German translation Sun Wukong specifies that if the dragon doesn’t give the horse back he will kill him to avenge the horse’s death, which I find to be a very sweet addition. Horsegirl Wukong all the way!
A longer bit about writing ahead. I played a game with lovely worldbuilding and lore which has been given out very naturally, so my eye easily fell on this detail.
Hm, I don’t know but some of the infodumping about the lore of locations just doesn’t feel very natural. In this instance I have various ideas on how to better it.
Perhaps they could have just mentioned the name of the river and Sun Wukong in his boundless curiosity could have asked why it’s called that.
Or they could have just mentioned that there has been nothing evil about this stream and then the name of it upon which Sun Wukong could have asked something along the lines of ‘If there was never anything evil about it, why is it called that?’.
It could have also been established beforehand that he likes to know a bit of history behind locations and their names specifically and note that others know about this. Then they may tell him these things right away as they know he’ll want to know anyway.
Or is it actually that local spirits have a habit of dishing out info about the location they inhabit with this much detail? On the off-chance that this might be so, it would be good to mention in a footnote at least.
Though even just restructuring it a little would have worked as I found in the German translation, which summarize the history behind the name in one sentence. Roughly translated it says “There was nothing to complain about this stream, it is merely very deep and broad and the water is so crystal clear that birds of prey, when they look down while flying over it, mistake their mirror image for members of their own species and plunge themselves into the water. Hence the name Eagle Grief Stream.” Flows far better in my opinion, pun intended.
Back to the story at hand jumping straight to killing instead of negotiating how else the dragon could pay them back like say get a new horse is a little hasty. He’s a dragon, he could probably get a new one somehow. A lot of this conflict could have been solved through proper communication as is literally explained during the conflict resolution.
Human form Ao Lie! With fashionable pearl jewellery I see! Why did Guanyin take those I wonder? Perhaps it was to make the new harness.
Horsegirl Wukong strikes again! This time making sure the horse gets good quality gear only.
And Tang Sanzang falls off the horse again. There will probably be two types of falling of the horse. One is getting knocked off somehow during tense moments and one is just sliding off the horse in a silly manner during more light hearted and comedic moments like this one.
Ehm… Why are Muslims listed with minor threats? I don’t like that, I don’t like that at all. This was omitted from the J. F. Jenner translation. The German translation kind of kept it, but used the specific groups mentioned in the original text, which isn’t all that much better.
This chapter made me really consider how nice it might be to get a remake of the story, which sticks as close to the original as possible while ironing out plotholes and contradicting parts as well as all these less than stellar outdated details. It’s a great story with a ton of intricate details and much if it holds up to this day, but it has flaws that just don’t need to be there.
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
4. [11:45am]
The car ride from the hotel you stayed overnight with your bridesmaids to the wedding venue seemed to stretch out for ages. Your mind tuned out the girls’ excited chatter as you stared out the backseat window, watching the tall skyscrapers of the city blend into suburban houses and well-manicured lawns. Soon, in another twenty minutes, you were about to lay your eyes on your future husband, dressed in his wedding tuxedo.
Your lips unconsciously formed a fond smile as you recalled the first time you saw him in formal dress.
Twelve years ago
“Well, what do you think? How do I look?” Jinyoung directed his question to the figure standing by his doorway while smoothing down an invisible crinkle on his left sleeve. He turned away from the full-length mirror to lock eyes with you.
You couldn’t stop the giggle that slipped past your lips. His hair was gelled and combed back neatly, a stark contrast to how he usually wore it down with no product. His black suit and matching trousers were impeccable, however the red tie that hang messily around his neck destroyed the entire look.
“Hey! Is it really that bad?” He whined. Never in a million years did you think it was possible for your best friend and next-door neighbour of five years to sound like a fussy five-year-old child. “You’re so mean, I don’t know why I asked for your opinion anyway.”
“No, it’s just,” You chuckled mid-sentence upon discovering his fiery red socks. You took a deep breath to compose yourself. “I didn’t mean it like that, I promise. Come here, let me fix it for you.”
Jinyoung reluctantly complied, standing in front of you and crouching down so you could help him with his tie. You adjusted your pink corsage out of the way before reaching out and redoing his tie with practiced, fluid motions, thanks to all the practice you had with your younger brother. The two of you were standing so close that a strong whiff of cologne with undertones of hair product entered your nostrils.
“Do you think she’ll like it?”
“Like what?”
“My appearance. I mean, is it enough to impress her? I still cannot believe that I’m going to the ball with the class president as my date. She’s smart, kind, athletic…”
“All done.” You cut him off, forcing a lump of envy down your throat. “Says you, Mr. Vice President. I’m sure she’ll think you look absolutely dashing.” You gave him the most genuine smile you could muster and two thumbs up to calm his nerves.
Six years ago
Honestly, Jinyoung had no shame admitting that he was always a hoodie and sweatpants sort of guy. Or jeans, if the occasion truly called for it. At most, he would swap out his hoodie for a button-up. He never owned any blazers.
That is, until he received his job offer at a top professional firm and you dragged him out shopping last weekend for a major wardrobe revamp.
So that’s how he found himself in a grey chequered blazer with a pristine white button up underneath and a pair of black slacks. He stared at his reflection while running his fingers through his unstyled hair. Something was amiss.
“Y/N!” His voice travelled throughout your shared apartment of nearly two years. The pair of you had moved out of college dorms midway through your university degrees and moved into the modest two-bedroom apartment in the city centre together. It was a natural transition for you two, from being neighbours since primary school, to living across the hall in college dorms, and now to being roommates. You wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up buying houses on the same street in the future.
You popped two slices of bread into the toaster before making your way to the bathroom. You peeked inside, satisfied at your masterful taste in office fashion. “Looking good, Mr. Junior Consultant. Your tie needs to be done up, though.” You pointed at the piece of black fabric laying abandoned on the counter top.
“That’s where you come in handy, roomie. Help me fix it? Pretty please? I’ll buy your favourite jjajangmyeon from the corner-shop-ahjumma for dinner on the way home tonight.” Jinyoung looked at you with pleading eyes.
“Throw in a bottle of soju and I’ll help you, kind sir.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Who were you kidding, though? You would’ve tied his tie for him even without anything in return. Oh, the woes of unrequited love, you thought to yourself while looping the black fabric around his lithe neck and fastening it securely. A final clean of his black-rimmed spectacles and a sweep of his fluffy hair later, you deemed his outfit presentable with a big thumbs up.
Two years ago
Jinyoung let out a sigh in frustration, just as you stepped into the backroom of the wedding hall. He had tried for the fifth time to get his tie to knot properly but to no avail and frankly, it did nothing to sooth his jittery nerves.
“Need some help?” You offered, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu from that night ten years ago.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Y/N, I don’t know what I’d do without-” His words caught in his throat as he spun around and laid eyes on you. Your maroon chiffon dress hugged your curves in all the right places. He struggled to tear his gaze away from the side slit that exposed your long legs and the deep V-neckline. He cleared his throat in embarrassment. “My tie…”
“When will you ever learn how to tie a tie by yourself, Park Jinyoung?” You teased, nimble fingers already dancing across his broad chest.
“You know what they say, a man who doesn’t know how to tie his own tie is a lucky man.” He mentioned, entranced by the way your delicate eyelashes fluttered against your sparkly cheekbones. The smokey eyeshadow fit you very well, he decided.
“Yeah? Why is that?” You tightened the black tie gently towards his neck and brushed your hands over his shoulders to rid his black suit of any dust while simultaneously reassuring him.
“Because he has a great woman who does it for him.” Jinyoung sneaked in a quick peck on your flushed cheeks, grinning smugly to himself when you gave him a bashful shove.
“Good luck out there, Mr. Best Man. Don’t mess up the speech, okay?”
Present day
“Ready, sweetie?” Your father’s voice asked tenderly upon opening the car door, holding his elbow out for you to take as you stepped out gingerly.
“Yes, dad. Thank you.” You replied, trying your best to calm the fluttering butterflies in your stomach.
As you led your entourage of bridesmaids towards the aisle, you were filled with an overwhelming sense of contentedness. The periodic crashing of the waves was a perfect backdrop, soothing any residual nerves and bringing back happy memories of summer days spent on the beach, with the man who stood at the end of the flower path. You wriggled your toes as they sunk into the cool sand and scattered petals left by the flower girl, placing one foot in front of the other confidently, with your father by your side. The audience clapped and stood at their seats, while a group of six grown men (the groomsmen) wolf-whistled and whooped enthusiastically.
Each step brought you closer and closer towards the love of your life; the person whose presence was as calming to you as the ocean itself. Standing in front of Jinyoung, you knew that this was where you belonged – beside him.
“Y/N,” Your beauty left him breathless and for a moment, he was lost for words. “You’re the best view. The beach and the sea can’t compare.” He mouthed to you while the marriage celebrant began to speak.
“Not too bad yourself, Mr. Husband. I love the bowtie.” You whispered as the two of you exchanged a knowing look and loving smiles.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 46
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary -Loki and Laufey discuss the King's statement before Laufey asks his son a very personal question regarding his relationship with Ella. On his return to their room, Loki reveals his heart to her only to get a small reveal for him.
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NOTES - Okay, I’m done with this now, can my brain be so nice as to NOT be in some groggy fog all the time with the way things are right now. I want to write, I know what I want to write but my brain is like “Motivation, yeah, we don’t know that bitch.” 
I don’t do “Stay Safe” I do “Don’t be stupid”, so don’t be stupid my lovelies, though we’re the Tumblr crew, we hated going outside before it was fashionable. 
Loki did not know how to respond. “Coronation? But...why, you’re not...” 
“Yes, your Coronation, and no, I am not dead, clearly.” Laufey walked around the table that separated them and went closer to his son. “Your actions on the battlefield, the manner in which you carried yourself and your tireless striving to better yourself for our realm prove to me that it is time for me to become the first-ever Jotnar king to step down and not die for my son to succeed me. I am old, weary and weak, I do not have the energy and fortitude to continue this role any longer and you are ready. With a child on the way also, you are the future of our realm. A young king is the way forward,” Laufey explained calmly. 
“But you…” “I am tired, my son. I want to live out the last of my days in the wings, watching Jotunheim flourish under you as it never could under me. I want to watch my grandchildren come to be, to rest after so long of carrying the weight of the woes of the realm. The thoughts of spending the last of my life enjoying my grandchildren as they start theirs, nothing could ever give me greater joy. Already two grow within their dams, with Helbindi and his mate, who knows, perhaps even a third to come in the near future. Watching my sons grow from the small little Jotnar learning the ways of the realms, chasing one another with snowballs into men, fathers and in the case of you, Loki, into a King.” 
“Father…” Loki could not process what was being said. He knew that his father saw him as his successor and knew the day would come they would discuss such a thing but to hear him speak of such now, when there seemed little reason to consider it, he could not think of a more competent response. “I am without words.” “There is nothing to say. It is decided. I spoke with Arden on your return. I asked him if he thought you were ready, he agrees with me, you are. You are the way forward for our realm, Loki. With a mate such as Ella, you will bring Jotunheim into a new and glorious era.” Loki did not know what to say with regards to that. He felt a pressure on him which made the feeling he had at the prospect of marrying Ella before he got to know her feel like nothing in comparison to the weight he now felt with his father’s words. 
“We must, however, prepare for any that would argue such a decision,” Laufey stated. 
Loki frowned. “Why…?” “You know how some are with regards to a grandchild of Odin Allfather being heir to our throne but they are the mere few. You heard Kristoff in the throne room yourself, even your own heritage angers some ignorant few,” Laufey thought for a moment. “For this, I think we require another to add their thoughts. When your mate is rested, I wish to speak with you both regarding the matter. She has a way of looking at situations that we do not, she may see something we do not see. She adds so greatly to everything she involves herself in, I feel she would add to this also.” 
Loki found himself nodding before even thinking to answer. It was true, Ella would see angles and aspects they could not. She also brought the wealth of knowledge of dealing with the Aesir court, which he knew were often quite vocal with regards contesting Thor’s readiness to rule, he had heard that from both her and from the camp which he had shared with the Aesir through the war. “I will speak with her upon seeing her again. I just need to deal with another matter beforehand.” “What matter is this?” Loki contemplated saying nothing for a moment before deciding to be honest with his father. Inhaling deeply, he readied himself for the reaction that would come. “I insulted her with my actions, not a moment before coming to see you so I wish to find a way to apologise to her for such with a gift before forcing her to be in my presence again.”
Laufey nodded slightly. “Acknowledging your wrongs and apologising for them is an integral part of being a mate. So long as you did nothing too great, it will be easily sorted once more. She cares deeply for you, that is plain to see. Show her that you are remorseful for your actions and all will return to as it should be soon enough.” 
Loki frowned. “If I am honest, Father, I genuinely expected you to admonish me.” “For what? Having an argument with your mate?” Laufey laughed at the thought. “Loki, take it from a Jotnar that has had three mates in his life, if you’re not arguing or disagreeing with at least one of them at some stage or another, you are not actually mates. I am not talking about full-blown rows with shouting or such but you will disagree and you will have times where you will not see eye to eye, that is natural, you are living beings with your own thoughts and opinions. What does matter is acknowledging when you are wrong and trying to fix it.” He put his hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Getting her a gift and apologising is what you stated you wished to do and I cannot fault such thoughts, do it and speak with her on this matter.” Loki nodded slightly in agreement. “What do you want from her as a mate?” 
His father’s question baffled him slightly. “Sorry?”
“Your mate, what is it you wish to have with her? What sort of a life? How do you see this being in a thousand years or so?” Loki frowned at his father’s words causing Laufey to sigh. “Bertha always was the one I have loved for her knowledge of food and her heart, Farbauti for her kindness, her ability to nurture our home and children, your mother,” Laufey smiled fondly as he thought of Nal. “Norns, she was kindness and intelligence. There was nothing we could not speak about together. My life is enriched by their mere presence. To this day, I think of your mother with only the fondest of memories. When I retire for the evening, I get a sense of happiness knowing Farbauti will tell me of what she has heard since my leaving the throne room today and her ideas for both you and your brother to ready for your respective children. We will speak of how Bertha would be excited and trying to make everything they would have needed and of other matters. But what of you, what do you see as the connection between you and Ella? What makes you happy to see her, what makes you look forward to returning to your rooms later?”
“Well, the child…” “My son, please, please do not tell me that your answer is regarding the child?” Laufey implored, seeing Loki’s face, he sighed. “Loki, if all she is to you is a uterus to carry children and a mind to pick for use as you see fit…” “No, she is not.” Loki was quick to tell his father. It was true, he found himself truly enjoying being around Ella, though if he was honest, he was unsure as to what that was. “It is not like that. I...there is something when I am in her presence, it is like it soothes my mind, this knowledge that she cares so deeply, she was willing to risk her life to remain here because she felt it the right thing to do. She was willing to die for Jotunheim...Her loyalty to duty, it is incredible.” “It is commendable to a fault, but…” “But it's more than that. Her love for Jotunheim, for our home, is incredible, but how she...she knew everything about our realm she could before she ever came, thinking about that alone makes me feel as though she…” Loki thought of the sensation in his stomach in an attempt to explain it. “I cannot put it into words.” “Perhaps it is time to think it over and see if you can. For if you achieve that, you will be better able to embrace what you have and in turn, strengthen and better it. Then perhaps you will not accidentally insult her by making comment on her body changing to grow your child.”  
Loki scowled at his father. “I did no such thing.” “Good, do not do that. Take it from one who did, Nal had it that I, the King of the realm was not even allowed on the royal wing, much less my own bed for a week after that.” Loki stared in disbelief at his father. “I was not always the brightest of young men, I learnt more from doing the wrong thing than doing the right, as you can see with regards to my actions in the war. Norns, but I learnt a lesson there.” Loki could not think of an appropriate response. “Go and deal with your mate and discuss what we have spoken about here. With a nod to his father, Loki left, thinking over everything his father said. 
He chewed on his father’s words as he left his rooms, thinking of what could make up for how he had insulted Ella as he did so. One thought came to him, so with an idea of what to do and a plan of how to do it, Loki rushed to deal with the situation. 
Ella gave her mate a scathing look as he returned to their room. She watched as he cautiously approached her, his demeanour suitably meek as he did so. 
“I’m so sorry.” Loki began with those words knowing that they were the least he could say. If she did not listen to them, she would most certainly not listen to anything else he said. “I am so sorry for rubbing your kindness, caring and understanding back in your face as I did. I am sorry I made you feel inferior as a mate, that I put some unrealistic definition of what is masculinity on myself and in doing so, insulted us both. There is no shame in being comforted by a mate, it is one of the reasons we choose mates as we do. You sought to care for my wellbeing and I threw it back at you so callously. I am sorry, Ella.” He noted the harshness in her features become less cold. He walked over, showing her what was in his hands, a significantly sized peculiarly shaped piece of ice. “I got you this, as an apology, but also because I saw it before I left for the war and genuinely thought you would like it.” She took the ice from him and looked at him for a moment. “Wait and watch,” he smiled. 
Ella did as he requested, noting that the ice was incredibly thin and was melting quickly. She watched as it revealed its contents to her. “I…” She touched it. “It’s cold?” “It is not diamond, but permanent ice. It cannot melt, even on realms outside of this.” Loki explained. “It is not very common, we rarely mine it as it is a very difficult to source ice and it tends to not really be used for much since the realm is cold enough to simply use the ice around us, but…”
“It’s beautiful.” 
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Loki took the necklace and tied it around her neck before looking at her again. “It suits you.” “Thank you.” The tension remained between them for a moment, Loki unsure of if he should say anything more. “And thank you for your apology.” She gave him a small smile. “I know males have a skewed ideas of masculinity but you are not any less of a man for finding my shoulder comfortable and for getting startled at waking in your bed and not on a makeshift one on a battlefield, these are normal and entirely understandable. I cannot say I fully comprehend what you have endured, Loki, but I do understand enough to know you are tired, in body and mind and the least I can do is let you rest comfortably.” 
Loki felt himself feel more guilty for his actions when he woke. He could see all she wanted was to be there in any manner she could for him. “I apologise again. I...are you alright?” Loki looked worriedly at Ella, stepping forward slightly as she froze, her hand halfway to her stomach. 
“I...I think…” She took his hand and placed it to her side. “He moved…” Loki did not know what to say or think, he simply waited. For a solid minute, he kept his hand where Ella had placed it but there was no movement, feeling disheartened, he went to take his hand away but Ella stopped him. “It does not…” The words were taken from him as he felt a slight nudge against his hand, almost too faint to feel. “Is that..?” Another little nudge went against his hand. 
“I think someone is reacting to you,” Ella smiled. 
“It is not so simple.” “He waited for you to speak to move again,” Ella countered. “It is the first time I have felt movement, he waited for your return.” She looked down to where his hand remained on her stomach. “It’s so peculiar.” 
“I do not think he realises such things as my being gone and here.” “It is entirely possible. On your return, my seidr would have surged slightly with my being happy and relieved about it so he would have sensed that if he has any seidr of his own, meaning he would realise it in some manner and my seidr reacting to you being close by, it’s not entirely impossible, pending his seidr’s strength, lest we forget that I caused my own mother to go into premature labour from the force of my own, he could very well sense it.” Loki felt his throat tighten slightly at her words. Not because of their son reacting, which was incredible in itself, but her admitting her seidr would react to her joy at him being back. He thought of when he left in the past to go to different parts of the realm on matters for different reasons, none he had shared his time with before Ella seemed to react as she had on his return, even Angrboða, who he had thought had loved him, seemed to be happy that her amusement had returned more than she was happy to see him. Ella admitting that she was so happy to see him that her seidr reacted to his return. He looked into her eyes to see that her words were genuine. He swallowed. “Thank you.” “Don’t cry. Your reputation is already in tatters because you showed some form of emotion already today.” 
Though her voice was sarcastic, there was no denying that her eyes showed the words were in jest. 
Loki did not even think about what he was doing as he chuckled before cupping her face with the hand that was not holding her stomach where their son had kicked, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to hers. 
Ella was unsure of what to say or do. She knew that the act was one of deep caring and love in Jotnar mates, she never expected Loki to do such a thing, taking her completely by surprise as he sighed contently as he remained still. 
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
The Bold Type 3x07 “Mixed Messages” Review
This week is all about — you guessed it — mixed messages. The episode was well written and a great transition into the last couple episodes of the season. Unlike past reviews, my description of this episode as transitional is a good thing. It ties up a few loose strings while leaving a few waiting to be tied up at the end of the season.
Those loose strings I’m referring to are all about relationships this episode. We’re in a pretty transitional period for our OT3 — Sutton is still navigating her move in with Richard, Jane and Pinstripe are preparing for his upcoming book tour while still in the early stages of their relationship, and Kat is still learning new things about Tia while balancing working on her campaign.
Those new things that Kat is learning? First, Tia is better at her job than Kat thought, and second, failing to listen is a huge deal breaker for her. Unfortunately these are both learned through some good old fashioned (although not old) racism. Kat and her team are canvassing, going door to door in her neighborhood and getting her name out there. At first Tia insists they split up, but Kat wants to spend her time with Tia. Everything was going smoothly until they stopped to rest for a moment, taking an innocent selfie when the owner of the building accused them of “casing the place.” The exchange that follows is all too familiar: Tia and Kat assure this woman that they’re canvassing, but she’s not having it. She accuses them of trespassing, says she doesn’t believe that Kat lives in that neighborhood, and when they bring up the possibility they are being racially profiled she says she’s going to call the police. Sutton and Jane show up but that doesn’t help, so in an effort to deescalate the situation they simply walk away.
Kat, the social media manager that she is, insists on recording a video about the exchange in order to shed some light on racial profiling and making that a point of her campaign. Tia doesn't like this idea — she asks Kat not to post anything about it but Kat follows her own advice rather than Tia’s.
As Tia predicted, backlash swiftly follows: the comments on Kat’s video are full of accusations that the racial profiling never happened and that the video is a publicity stunt. Kat finds out that Tia took a video of the woman for their protection, so she asks Tia to post it to verify their story.
Everyone is familiar with those videos of racist white women calling the police on Black people just for existing, so I’m not surprised that The Bold Type chose to use this in an episode. It also created the opportunity to see both Kat and Tia have a great conversation about it. Kat is obviously pro-post, while Tia was adamant from the start that they shouldn’t address it at all. They’re both right, too: does that woman deserve to be called “Racist Rachel” all over the internet? Yes. Did posting that video detract from Kat’s campaign like Tia feared? Also yes.
We also got the chance to see Kat come to terms with her use of social media as a bandaid for her problems. She wanted to post that video to affirm her experience and to put a face to the name of racial profiling. It was Patrick, actually, that helped her see Tia’s point. Upon seeing the video of the woman berating Kat, he immediately jumped into the optics of the video rather than the substance. He was more interested in coming up with a catchy nickname rather than addressing the issue at hand. The conversation would instead be about this specific woman rather an the epidemic of racial profiling. The subject of conversation would be “Racist Rachel” and not Kat Edison.
Jane and Sutton’s relationship woes take a bit of a back seat but are interesting to watch play out nonetheless. Jane seems to be a little oblivious to Pinstripe’s feelings this week — while looking for a new roommate Jane discovers that Alex needs somewhere to stay while his apartment is being treated for water damage. Pinstripe is more than a little upset about this prospect, which Jane interprets to be jealousy at her living with a straight man that isn’t her boyfriend. It turns out that Pinstripe was less jealous and more hurt; he was waiting for Jane to ask him to move in instead.
They did end the episode on a good note — Jane confessed that part of her reasoning for choosing Alex was the fact that he’s only a temporary roommate — which fits in well with Pinstripe’s upcoming book tour. When that’s over and Pinstripe is back in New York, Alex will be back at his apartment and they can move in together. They also end the episode with their own separate career highs; Pinstripe is taking calls left and right about his newly popular book tour and Jane is in the midst of what could be a career defining story about Pamela Dolan. The roommate situation might be decided for now, but the possibility of new and demanding careers disrupting their relationship is still very much a possible plot point for the end of the season.
Now, Sutton. Sutton — I am, and I cannot stress this enough — distraught that the show has decided to give you such a boring boyfriend. That’s not to say that their portion of the episode wasn’t good. It’s Richard’s first birthday since his Dad passed away, he’s acting a little standoffish, and by the end of it him and Sutton have a great heart to heart about their dads that helps him feel better. That’s… fine, I guess?
Their story was much more interesting before they moved in together, and in my opinion Richard is actually dragging Sutton down a bit. They’re happy together — that’s great! They love each other — super! But everything about Richard this season is so dull. Having a maid is not a personality trait, I’m sorry. Learning about his friends that have kids and his “I might want to move to the suburbs and settle down” phase was just something that I couldn’t be less interested in. And, even though Richard missing his father was touching, it could have easily been cut out of the episode and I wouldn’t have known anything was missing.  
Sutton is so bright and dynamic, it seems like such a waste. We know she’s been admitted to that design seminar for several episodes now, but we have yet to see anything progress with that story line. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that the writers are able to write some interesting story lines with both Sutton and Richard, but from what I’ve seen so far I don’t have the highest of hopes.
Despite my slight boredom with Richard this week, I won’t fault the episode for it. The rest of the story was good enough to make up for it, and as always, Meghann Fahy is a joy to watch as Sutton, which made those scenes worth it.
Alyssa’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝.5
The Bold Type airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
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iturbide · 7 years
Could u possibly continue developing grima's character the more he interacts with the summoner? I just love those two interacting with each other and I can't get enough of your headcanons
oh heck yes my friend cut for length because i have no impulse control and wrote a novel in bullet points
Upon first being summoned, Grima was overall prickly and unpleasant to be around.  For everyone.  Antisocial to the extreme, he spent the majority of his time either on top of the castle with his dragon half or skulking around the less frequented halls of the Askran castle, scaring off anyone who thought it wise to venture near. 
Kiran wasn’t having any of that.  For several reasons: first, because several of the Heroes were concerned about the fellspawn being there at all; second, because new Heroes really do need an introductory crash course on how things work in the Order to make sure everything goes smoothly; and third, because they were honestly curious about Grima.  They’d heard stories from Lucina about the world she lost and the dragon that caused it all…and part of them wondered if that was really the whole story. 
Grima had no interest in company, though.  So when the Summoner wandered up, the fell dragon wandered off.  When Kiran followed, Grima attempted to evade.  Worst was the constant stream of incessant chatter the Summoner kept up.  Even when the fell dragon turned and snarled at them, Kiran only smiled and remarked cheerfully on his ferocity.  No amount of threats seemed to deter them, and after a few days Grima resigned himself to getting no peace. 
His opinion started to change, however subtly, when Kiran took him to the Training Tower as part of his requisite tour of the Order’s facilities.  Delighted at being allowed to finally unleash his pent-up frustration, Grima was entirely ready to take the field (even if he did have to follow orders from the Summoner and the bizarre device that paints trails of light on the ground, which he would have been significantly more upset about if he didn’t have so much aggression to burn through).  He relished the pain and returned it tenfold on the enemies that struck him, and eagerly anticipated forays higher in the tower…but Kiran’s behavior proved strange to him: after each battle, they ensured that he was tended by a cleric, expressing relief that he made it through alright and praising his performance or apologizing on behalf of a poor strategem or missed opportunity that otherwise might have spared him a blow.  Even though he was, by all accounts, bound to the Summoner’s command, he had not expected that they would treat him as anything but the weapon he was. 
While he might have been willing to write that off as a show for the other Heroes that had accompanied them to the Tower, he could not so easily dismiss Kiran’s similarly amicable behavior in private settings following that first outing.  They asked questions of him and seemed genuinely interested in the answers, and even when he laid bare the most bitter truths he’d learned in his many years of life, the Summoner neither laughed him off nor rolled their eyes.  They took him seriously, considered his words…and at times, even agreed with him.  Grima couldn’t remember having humans agree with him.  Not truly.  As a show to win his favor, certainly, and then they would make some demand of him and rage if he would not meet it…but Kiran gave thoughtful, reasoned responses, seeming genuine both in their agreement and their reasons for going forward in spite their understanding of how bad humanity can be. 
It’s around that point that the tables began to turn.  While Kiran still followed him around frequently, he made less and less effort to evade them, often slowing his pace or shortening his stride so that the Summoner could keep up.  He found himself growing curious about what Kiran might inquire about next, and despite himself, he began to question them himself.  He told himself that it was a way to suss out Kiran’s weakness and the loathsome seeds of human selfishness and vanity…but as the voice in the back of his mind pointed out, he wasn’t really asking the right questions to figure that out.  Grima ignored that. 
As tensions between Askr and Embla began to mount again and concerns over Muspell’s involvement demanded much of the Summoner’s attention, they stopped shadowing the fell dragon in the castle; in response, Grima began to follow them instead, which afforded him a new and very different view of Kiran’s life in the castle.  The interactions with other Heroes (some good, some not), the responsibilities they shouldered, the trials they endured…and he recognized himself in the Summoner as he looked on: bearing the burden of this kingdom’s demands, pushed beyond their limits by the Askrans’ requests, placed upon a pedestal as some mighty savior and knowing that failure means a terrible fall.  But they still hold tight to their convictions, even on the days when they struggle.  It’s strange to him, how alike they are, yet how different they’ve become.
Grima stays close.  Kiran enjoys the company, really (and honestly, they appreciate it since it keeps Valter at bay he is creepy all the time and makes them really uncomfortable), and while it’s a very slow process, the Summoner exerts a positive influence on Grima, keeping him in line and correcting his worse behaviors through persistent reinforcement and reminders.  And beyond his protection (in true dragon fashion, Grima treats Kiran like a particularly precious treasure from his hoard: he’s willing to let others interact with the Summoner, but woe betide any who hassle them), Grima offers Kiran a supportive ear and a kind of understanding that very few other Heroes can boast.  They may not be romantic, but the bond of respect and trust they share is undeniable, and the way they support one another keeps them both strong. 
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theghoularchives · 3 years
Art in the City Lecture 5
In my 5th Art in the City lecture we focused on Paris and the beautiful artwork the glorious city of light had to offer. We explored how the French capital inspired expressionism, the roles museums and galleries played in the fruition of artists like Braque and Pablo Picasso. We also learnt how Paris came to inspire styles such as Surrealism, looking at artists such as but not limited to; Dali, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington and Andre Breton. 
We learnt how the leading demographic of rich, white men controlled the market of historic paintings, resulting in an abundance of nude depictions of women and few men. Often idolising and romanticising the past in an futile effort to escape the woes of modern life. A brutal lack of expressive opinions were present in Paris due to the market being so heavily one sided, leaving no room for artists to truly express themselves.
Paul Gavarni
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“Le Flâneur” -1842 (illustration)
Gavarni’s illustration of a ‘Flâneur‘, a French term for a person who saunters about, also meaning ‘Man of Leisure’ shows a rich painter in highly fashionable clothing. The painters would stroll about the street, having grown bored of looking to the past for inspiration for their work, instead choosing to draw muse from modern day life. The artists were beginning to object to the traditional ways and thus the sparks of an artistic revolution were born. Whilst still heavily controlled by rich, white men the galleries were beginning to showcase a much more diverse array of artistic expression.
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“Naissance de Venus” -1862 (oil on canvas)
Amaury-Duval, full name Eugène Emmanuel Amaury Pineux Duval, who first exhibited in ‘The Salon’ in 1833 with many pieces., here presents us with a depiction of the goddess Venus. His piece “Naissance de Venus' ' or in English “Birth of Venus' ' was made to encapsulate the male gaze. Venus is depicted as a nude European woman seductively posing for the viewer. When viewed whilst on display the middle eyeline is drawn towards her breasts, allowing the predominantly male viewers to objectify her with their perverse observance. Despite being a beautifully crafted piece, upon reflection of the reasoning behind it’s creation one can only shudder at the disbelief that an artwork can be controlled by one demographic's direct influence. A practice that still to this day is in use, with modern day advertisements often using sexual themes to sell a product to consumers.
Édouard Manet
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“Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe” -1862 to 1863 (oil on canvas)
When this piece was first released to the public it was met with laughter and discarded, failing to meet the standards of the aforementioned controlling demographic. The woman's gaze matching the viewers is a direct challenge to the ‘Male Gaze’ meeting it head on as if to say “Yes, I’m sitting naked eating a picnic, so what?” The woman is depicted to be naked, not nude, the difference being that when naked the depiction is one of true form, a realistic image of a human being. However when nude you are creating an idealised perversion of the female or male form, choosing to exaggerate certain features to achieve a more “desirable” outcome. The creasing in the woman's slumped posture perfectly embodies the difference between the two forms. This piece speaks volumes to the subtle change that was happening within the artistic world of Paris, with artists rebelling against the status quo and choosing to instead paint themes before thought “unfit” for showcase.
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“A Bar at the Folies-Bergère” - 1882 (oil on canvas)
In the second Manet piece we viewed a disinterested woman who is presented working behind a bar at an opera house. Manet chose to not name the subject of this piece, simply portraying the woman as another commodity amongst the alluring array presented in the foreground. In the mirror behind the woman a man is shown with his gaze set upon her, showing the viewers that despite the woman possibly being a merchant she is also a thing to be purchased and owned. A theme that represented the many woman in France at the time turning to prostitution in order to make enough money to survive. “A Bar at the Folies-Bergere” comments on the disadvantages of the working class women of French society at the time, showing the viewer that despite being in a place of entertainment, this subject cannot enjoy herself, being reduced to nothing more than a commodity to the male audience.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
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“Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl“ - 1861–1862 (oil on canvas)
Whistler worked tirelessly day and night during the winter of 1861 to 1862 on “The White Girl.” His mistress, Joanna Hiffernan, modelled for the piece. Hiffernan was an Irish born beauty who was the subject of many other artists of the time. Despite Whistler living in Paris during the pieces creation, he painted this piece as a submission to the 1862 Royal Academy of Arts exhibition, a yearly event held in London. This event was renowned for being juried by a group of artist/academicians, who’s thoughts and ideas on the credibility of the piece were vital to distinguish success. Choosing to demonstrate his artistic prowess Whistler decided to incorporate patterns highly reminiscent of the popular Japanese art that was being traded into Paris at the time. It is evident to see that the portrayal of Hiffernan here drew inspiration from Eastern ceramic patterns that were being heavily romanticized in the upper class western world, showing the important interactions of cultures taking place at the time. As the world grew ever more advanced and more countries were able to establish trade relations, the more the artistic world had freedom to grow as it could learn from all these unique cultures.
Mary Cassatt
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“In the Lodge” -1878 (oil on canvas)
Mary Cassat was an American born woman who trained as a painter in Philadelphia before travelling to study in Italy and France. By 1873 she had settled down in Paris. She soon grew tired of the conservative approach to the arts she was taught in those academies of the French capital and further accentuated by the exhibitions they were organising. Cassatt soon found her place among the Impressionists, a small independent group of French artists, where she began to freely express herself. This information is all crucial as in her piece “In the Lodge” we can see her feelings towards the toxic masculinity of the art world of the time. Cassatt is respectfully adorned in all black whilst attending a show at an opera house, she however is still subjected to the ‘Male Gaze’ as we can see an abstract man watching her through his pair of opera glasses. Whilst on display in Boston in 1878 critics described her piece as “striking” also adding that her piece “surpassed the strength of most men” This speaks volumes to Cassatt’s talent and ability to challenge the predominantly male controlled world she is a part of.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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“Luncheon of the Boating Party” -1880-1881 (oil on canvas)
The famous piece by French Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir was said to be the best painting in the Seventh Impressionist Exhibition in 1882 by three separate critics. Showing us that despite breaking away from the early impressionist interests Renoir achieved success through showing us the world through the eye of the suburban working class of the time. The subjects of the piece are all identified as good friends of the artist, a context that upon reflection can be felt through the warm, joyful tones of the piece. With the viewer’s eyeline following along the centred euphoric faces of Renoir's dear companions whilst they enjoyed lunch after a boating trip. The mingling of these French people of separate classes, shown by the juxtaposition of the men clad in suits next to the men in working glass attire, highlights the important shift of French society. As the divisions of the class were dissolving, so too could French artistic culture progress.
Berthe Morisot
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“View of Paris from the Trocadero” - 1871-1872 (oil on canvas)
In this piece from famous French painter Berthe Morisot, a prominent female member of the Impressionists, we are shown a depiction of the life of the upper class women of the time. Despite Morisot’s artistic talent, her opportunities were still limited due to her gender. In “View of Paris from the Trocadero” we see a child accompanied by two highly fashionable women, resting upon a fence overlooking a bustling city. This can be interpreted as Morisot feeling entrapped by the domestication of French wives and mothers, being confined to the gardens and houses whilst their husbands attend events such as; races, exhibitions and auctions. Despite her setbacks Morisot was still able to gain a standing within the artistic world, partly due to her friendship with Édouard Manet, however she was still not awarded the same gratification the male artists received.
Abstract and Surrealism
The lecture then turned its focus from Impressionist art to the Surrealist movement taking place within Paris, looking at artist’s such as Mary Leonora Carrington and Picasso. We explored the wide array of cultural inspirations that many of these artists had available to them, as well as learning how Surrealism grew in popularity through their work.
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“Les Demoiselles d'Avignon” -1907 (oil on canvas)
In this abstract piece presented to us by the famous cubist painter we see five nude women seductively posing for the viewers attention. Through Picasso’s use of distortion of the female form and use of geometric shapes in an innovative way he challenges the often idealized depictions of womanly beauty. The facial proportions of these women are heavily inspired by the traditional ceremonial masks created by African tribes. Despite never alluding to the connection himself the resemblance is uncanny and it is well known that Picasso would’ve had access to these traded commodities brought from the African continent. By failing to credit the cultural influence these indigeonous people’s artistic expression had on his work, Picasso instead appropriates these ideas and passes them off as his own. Showing us that all throughout history the wealthier upper class were free to appropriate and romantise cultures different to their own, often for monetary gain, whilst neglecting the countries of origin.
Ballets Russes
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“Parade” -1917 (live performance)
Parade was a ballet premiering in 1917 featuring costumes and sets designed by Pablo Picasso, taking advantage of the opportunity he was given to explore themes from his studio in a completely different setting. Parade shows us the beginning of Picasso’s shift towards a more figurative way of artistic expression, being described as “a kind of surrealism” by poet Guillaume Apollinaire three years before the movement emerged in Paris. We can see Picasso’s cubist design work within the costumes presented to us, with men made up of abstract shapes and forms just barely resembling that of the human form performing their choreography to the audience. However Picasso’s cubist designs were met with booes, hisses and nearly caused a riot before the critical audience members were drowned out by thunderous applause, showing us that not everybody in the upper class society was prepared for the change that was taking place in the art world at the time.
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“Two Women Running on The Beach” - 1922 (gouache on plywood)
In this piece we see Picasso returning to the Neoclassical ways of painting, his choice to paint timeless and traditional themes were inspired by his many trips to Italy which prompted a rival in the classical motifs and subjects of the 17th century. As with many pieces during the Neoclassical movement, Picasso’s work is not identical to the classical pieces it is inspired from, in many ways challenging the “return to order” French society was experiencing post war. The piece depicts two large naked women joyfully running along the shoreline whilst holding hands. The tan, warm colours of the women are contrasted against the deep blue of the sea in the background, with the sky and sea appearing to merge with one another due to a lack of detailing. Despite the women being adorned with clothes reminiscent to those of classical origin, they are far from the idealized nude depictions of women that were popular at the time. The dresses falling off and the women's lack of care give the viewer a sense of clumsiness, showing us that these women aren’t here to attract the ‘Male Gaze’ and are instead simply enjoying themselves. 
Rene Magritte
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“Son of Man” - 1964 (oil on canvas)
In this self-portrait presented by Magritte we see a man dressed in a suit and bowler hat standing in front of the sea, his face however is largely obscured by an apple hovering in front of the subject. The subject's left arm appears to bend backwards at the elbow. When commissioned to paint a self portrait Magritte stated that he often found it difficult to paint his own portrait, describing his difficulties as a “problem of conscience” The apple obscuring his face was used to invoke the human desire to see what’s hidden beyond the visible, a theme Magritte often discussed, speaking of the conflict that can arise between “the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present” leaving viewers to imagine what the face looks like in its entirety. The tie between the use of the fruit and the title “Son of Man” is reminiscent of Christian ideas of the temptation of Adam and Eve within the Garden of Eden leading to the subsequent fall of mankind.
Mary Leonora Carrington
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“Self-Portrait (Inn of the Dawn Horse)” -1937-1938 (oil on canvas)
Carrington was a British born Mexican artist and one of the last surviving members of the Surrealist movement. She began the self portrait in London before completing it in Paris in 1938, becoming one of her most recognized works and being coined her first truly surrealist work. In this piece we see an empty room with a tiled floor, Carrington can be seen sitting on a lavish blue chair with her hair flowing as if she were underwater. Beside her outstretched hand is a Hyena, a theme that became prevalent in a lot of her future work, possibly suggesting Carrington aligning herself with an intrusion of the wild into a domestic space. Her deep interest in Celtic mythology can be seen through her addition of horses, the horse being white in colour suggests a connection to the Celtic goddess Epona who would, according to legend, appear before her followers atop a white stead.
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“The Meal of Lord Candlestick” -1938 (oil on canvas)
In this piece we see an example of Carrington merging her art with symbolism inspired from her personal life, having completed the painting shortly after escaping her former life in England to pursue an affair with Max Ernst. The figures in the piece are inspired by depictions of roman leaders, sitting around a bountiful feast gorging themselves upon the many foods laid before them. Through this symbolism we see Carrington’s rejections of the strict Roman Catholic upbring she was subjected too. The name “Lord Candlestick” was a reference to her abusive father, emphasizing her disregard for the regulations her father attempted to instil in her life. The religious symbolism in this piece is instead presented to the viewer as a visceral display of barbarity, with monstrous abstract forms feasting upon a human infant and many other creatures. This piece shows us the personal freedom Carrington was able to find within France as she purposely revokes the symbolic order of religion and maternity.
Salvador Dalí
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“Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach” -1938 (oil on canvas)
The final piece we viewed in the lecture was Dalí’s surreal piece created during one of his famous dream sequences. In this piece Dalí uses optical illusions to intentionally confuse the viewer, causing them to further examine the piece as to explore all the hidden details. An abstract face is visible upon first glance before contorting and transforming into a bowl of pears, behind which we can see a dog whose body shifts into the landscape beyond itself. This work belongs to a group of paintings Dalí had created to instantiate an optical illusion referred to as the ambiguous image. A practice that explores graphical similarities and other properties of visual interpretation of two or more distinct image forms. Dalí captures this technique beautifully with his masterful command of the surreal world of art, adapting and creating his own unique style of illusitory artwork.
In conclusion I enjoyed our lecture on the dazzling City of Light, my eyes were opened to many artists who were unheard of to me. After taking the personal time to further research the artists presented to us I found myself deriving inspiration from the Surrealism movement the most, the abstract freedom the movement seemed to present fascinated me greatly. I believe that both the Impressionist and Surrealism movements were monumental steps within the art world toward a future free of controlling demographics and confirmative ideals.
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dfroza · 4 years
A set of question marks (?)
were asked at the start of Today’s chapter in the reading of the Scriptures that illumines the path less traveled:
[Matthew 11]
With that, Jesus finished instructing His disciples, and He went on to preach and teach in the towns of Galilee. John, meanwhile, was still in prison. But stories about the Anointed One’s teachings and healing reached him.
So John sent his followers to question Jesus.
John’s Followers: Are You the One we have been expecting as Savior for so long? Are You the One Scripture promised would come? Or should we expect someone else?
Jesus: Go back and tell John the things you have heard and the things you have seen. Tell him you have seen the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers cured, the deaf hear, the dead raised, and the good news preached to the poor. Blessed are those who understand what is afoot and stay on My narrow path.
John’s disciples left, and Jesus began to speak to a crowd about John.
Jesus: What did you go into the desert to see? Did you expect to see a reed blowing around in the wind? No? Were you expecting to see a man dressed in the finest silks? No, of course not—you find silk in the sitting rooms of palaces and mansions, not in the middle of the wilderness. So what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes. Yes, a prophet and more than a prophet. When you saw John, you saw the one whom the prophet Malachi envisioned when he said,
I will send My messenger ahead of You,
and he will prepare the way for You.
This is the truth: no one who has ever been born to a woman is greater than John the Baptist. And yet the most insignificant person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. All of the prophets of old, all of the law—that was all prophecy leading up to the coming of John. Now, that sort of prepares us for this very point, right here and now. When John the Baptist came, the kingdom of heaven began to break in upon us, and those in power are trying to clamp down on it—why do you think John is in jail? If only you could see it—John is the Elijah, the prophet we were promised would come and prepare the way. He who has ears for the truth, let him hear.
What is this generation like? You are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out, “When we played the flute, you did not dance; and when we sang a dirge, you did not mourn.” What I mean is this: When John came, he dressed in the clothes of a prophet, and he did not eat and drink like others but lived on honey and wild locusts. And people wondered if he was crazy, if he had been possessed by a demon. Then the Son of Man appeared—He didn’t fast, as John had, but ate with sinners and drank wine. And the people said, “This man is a glutton! He’s a drunk! And He hangs around with tax collectors and sinners, to boot.” Well, Wisdom will be vindicated by her actions—not by your opinions.
Then Jesus began to preach about the towns He’d visited. He’d performed some of His most fantastic miracles in places like Chorazin and Bethsaida, but still the people in those places hadn’t turned to God.
Jesus: Woe to you, Chorazin! And woe to you, Bethsaida! Had I gone to Tyre and Sidon and performed miracles there, they would have repented immediately, taking on sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you this: the people from Tyre and Sidon will fare better on the day of judgment than you will. And Capernaum! Do you think you will reign exalted in heaven? No, you’ll rot in hell. Had I gone to Sodom and worked miracles there, the people would have repented, and Sodom would still be standing, thriving, bustling. Well, you know what happened to Sodom. But know this—the people from Sodom will fare better on the day of judgment than you will.
And then Jesus began to pray:
Jesus: I praise You, Father—Lord of heaven and earth. You have revealed Your truths to the lowly and the ignorant, the children and the crippled, the lame and the mute. You have hidden wisdom from those who pride themselves on being so wise and learned. You did this, simply, because it pleased You. The Father has handed over everything to My care. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son—and those to whom the Son wishes to reveal the Father. Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 11 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 8th chapter from the book of Ezra that documents the people who returned to the land of Israel after the Babylonian exile:
These are the family heads and those who signed up to go up with me from Babylon in the reign of Artaxerxes the king:
From the family of Phinehas: Gershom
Family of Ithamar: Daniel
Family of David: Hattush
Family of Shecaniah
Family of Parosh: Zechariah, and with him 150 men signed up
Family of Pahath-Moab: Eliehoenai son of Zerahiah, and 200 men
Family of Zattu: Shecaniah son of Jahaziel, and 300 men
Family of Adin: Ebed son of Jonathan, and 50 men
Family of Elam: Jeshaiah son of Athaliah, and 70 men
Family of Shephatiah: Zebadiah son of Michael, and 80 men
Family of Joab: Obadiah son of Jehiel, and 218 men
Family of Bani: Shelomith son of Josiphiah, and 160 men
Family of Bebai: Zechariah son of Bebai, and 28 men
Family of Azgad: Johanan son of Hakkatan, and 110 men
Family of Adonikam (bringing up the rear): their names were Eliphelet, Jeuel, Shemaiah, and 60 men
Family of Bigvai: Uthai and Zaccur, and 70 men.
I gathered them together at the canal that runs to Ahava. We camped there three days. I looked them over and found that they were all laymen and priests but no Levites. So I sent for the leaders Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, and for the teachers Joiarib and Elnathan. I then sent them to Iddo, who is head of the town of Casiphia, and told them what to say to Iddo and his relatives who lived there in Casiphia: “Send us ministers for The Temple of God.”
Well, the generous hand of our God was on us, and they brought back to us a wise man from the family of Mahli son of Levi, the son of Israel. His name was Sherebiah. With sons and brothers they numbered eighteen. They also brought Hashabiah and Jeshaiah of the family of Merari, with brothers and their sons, another twenty. And then there were 220 temple servants, descendants of the temple servants that David and the princes had assigned to help the Levites in their work. They were all signed up by name.
I proclaimed a fast there beside the Ahava Canal, a fast to humble ourselves before our God and pray for wise guidance for our journey—all our people and possessions. I was embarrassed to ask the king for a cavalry bodyguard to protect us from bandits on the road. We had just told the king, “Our God lovingly looks after all those who seek him, but turns away in disgust from those who leave him.”
So we fasted and prayed about these concerns. And he listened.
Then I picked twelve of the leading priests—Sherebiah and Hashabiah with ten of their brothers. I weighed out for them the silver, the gold, the vessels, and the offerings for The Temple of our God that the king, his advisors, and all the Israelites had given:
25 tons of silver
100 vessels of silver valued at three and three-quarter tons of gold
20 gold bowls weighing eighteen and a half pounds
2 vessels of bright red copper, as valuable as gold.
I said to them, “You are holy to God and these vessels are holy. The silver and gold are Freewill-Offerings to the God of your ancestors. Guard them with your lives until you’re able to weigh them out in a secure place in The Temple of our God for the priests and Levites and family heads who are in charge in Jerusalem.”
The priests and Levites took charge of all that had been weighed out to them, and prepared to deliver it to Jerusalem to The Temple of our God.
We left the Ahava Canal on the twelfth day of the first month to travel to Jerusalem. God was with us all the way and kept us safe from bandits and highwaymen.
We arrived in Jerusalem and waited there three days. On the fourth day the silver and gold and vessels were weighed out in The Temple of our God into the hands of Meremoth son of Uriah, the priest. Eleazar son of Phinehas was there with him, also the Levites Jozabad son of Jeshua and Noadiah son of Binnui. Everything was counted and weighed and the totals recorded.
When they arrived, the exiles, now returned from captivity, offered Whole-Burnt-Offerings to the God of Israel:
12 bulls, representing all Israel
96 rams
77 lambs
12 he-goats as an Absolution-Offering.
All of this was sacrificed as a Whole-Burnt-Offering to God.
They also delivered the king’s orders to the king’s provincial administration assigned to the land beyond the Euphrates. They, in turn, gave their support to the people and The Temple of God.
The Book of Ezra, Chapter 8 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, march 13 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about building the space of the “heart”
From our Torah portion this week (i.e., Vayakhel) we read: “Let every wise-hearted (חֲכַם־לֵב) among you come and make all that the LORD has commanded” (Exod. 35:10). The sages comment that none of the people actually had the skills to fashion the detailed furnishings and accouterments of the sanctuary, but they had something even better – a passionate desire to do God’s will, and this enabled them to access God’s help to do what was needed. The purpose of the commandment was to involve the heart, to refine the character: “And everyone whose heart moved him brought what was needed...” (Exod. 35:22). God could have created the sanctuary "yesh me’ayin," simply out of nothing, but he wanted the heart of his people to express their desire for his presence in their midst. The same is true for the inner sanctuary of our hearts...
Just as God creates the world in chesed (עוֹלָם חֶסֶד יִבָּנֶה), so the wise of heart are able to build up the sanctuary of God. "Love builds up." Being "wise of heart" (חֲכַם־לֵב) means having emotional maturity, humility, and rightly ordered affections. Such heart wisdom does not depend on how smart you are or what sort of education you might have, but rather whether you are able to emotionally comprehend a situation, whether you are willing to allow the heart to discern the inner meaning of a message. The wise of heart are those who “build up” God's kingdom and help provide sanctuary for others...
The beginning of wisdom is the awe of the LORD (Psalm 111:10), that is, relating to reality with reverence and learning to distinguish what is sacred. Note that God does not build the mishkan directly, but He wants us to bring our hearts and creativity to the task. Practically speaking being chacham-lev (חֲכַם־לֵב), “wise of heart,” means knowing what you must do to help reveal divine beauty within your experience of life.
After Moses saw all the work that was done for the building of the Tabernacle, he blessed the people saying, “May it be the will of God that His Presence dwells within the work of your hands” (Exod. 39:33-43; Psalm 90:17). Rashi notes that even if a person feels entirely inadequate for the task, the Torah affirms that he should nevertheless do his or her part. “Every assembly for the sake of heaven must in the end stand” (Avot 4:11). When we apply our hearts to serve God, the Lord will give us the Spirit to empower our way; if we make ourselves his willing vessel, He will fill us to the full.
"Do your best, pray that it's blessed, and God will take care of the rest..." As any good cook knows, the "secret ingredient" for the tastiest food is the love that goes into making it. Likewise in "making a place for God" the most important factor is heartfelt willingness to be present before the Lord -- to show up and say, Hineini Adonai -- “Here I am, O Lord!” We first take the step of faith and then the sea will split and we will be able to walk on through. [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
March 13, 2021
Promised Performance
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)
Our Lord gave this powerful promise to perform the good work that He began at and with the church at Philippi (the “you” is plural in the Greek text).
It is an earthly, temporal promise; that is, the promise is to “perfect” the good work “until the day of Jesus Christ.” The church at Philippi closed its earthly doors centuries ago. Something much more than mere continuation is pledged.
Surely our Lord has in mind His assurance that “the gates of hell” would not prevail against His church (Matthew 16:18), but there were some churches to whom Christ spoke who were in danger of losing their “candlestick” or church-hood (Revelation 2:4; 3:16). What, then, can we be assured of by this marvelous promise?
Perhaps the basic “good work” that our Lord refers to is seen in the list of commendations given to the seven churches in the letters dictated to John at the beginning of Revelation. All except Laodicea had some strengths. Even troubled Sardis had a “few names” not yet sullied and “things which remain” that were still good and worth preserving (Revelation 3:1-4). Our Lord knows all His works “from the beginning” (Acts 15:18) and sees the eternal fruit of our ministry that ripples long beyond our short earthly life (Revelation 14:13).
There is also the mystery of our being “builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22)—a “spiritual house” that produces “spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5). All of this, perhaps, is what our Lord had in mind when He promised to perform the good work He had started in Philippi. HMM III
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Nearly all Christians routinely ignore Jesus’ clear teachings as set out in the gospels.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven...” bible Jesus, Matt 7:21
Whenever religious hypocrites wave “John 3:16″...wave Revelations 3:16!  “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth...!”  bible Jesus
“In this section we will concentrate on New Testament passages that give directions about how to live....In many cases a few sects follow the teaching, while mainstream churches do not. In other cases the mainstream Churches once followed the teaching but have now abandoned it, or they have traditionally rejected it and later adopted it.
Laughter: For many centuries churchmen taught that laughter was evil and sinful. Roman Catholic, Protestant and Puritan alike could all quote Luke 6:25
“ …Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep”. As they pointed out, there is not a single example of Jesus laughing or even smiling in the Bible.
This sort of interpretation is no longer popular, and the passage from Luke is rarely heard today.
No matter how explicit the text, Churches feel free to adopt teachings directly contrary to it...
No Forgiveness: For example Hebrews 6:4-6 says quite clearly that God will not forgive apostates, but the mainstream Churches knew better and accepted them back into the fold. Not only that, but these same Churches actually persecuted as heretics a third century sect, the Novatians, whose heresy was to agree with the Bible about the readmission of apostates.
Fashion: According to 1 Timothy 2:9 women should not braid their hair or wear gold or pearls, nor expensive clothes. Yet this is routinely ignored. Today bouncers are employed in Southern Europe to stop women going into some churches wearing shorts or with bare arms — which are not banned by the Bible — yet they allow in women with braided hair, gold brooches, pearl earrings, and expensive clothes, all of which are banned by the Bible.
Married Clergy: the teachings of the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican and Protestant Churches on married bishops all defy the New Testament: “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife …” 1 Timothy 3:2, cf. Titus 1:6
The Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches contravene it by insisting on episcopal celibacy: Anglicans and Protestants contravene it by permitting episcopal celibacy. Once again, the meaning of the passage is ignored.
It does not seem to matter how clearly a teaching is stated, or how often, or whether it is confirmed by both Old and New Testaments. If it is inconvenient, it will be quietly ignored. Perhaps most surprisingly, the very words reportedly uttered by Jesus are widely ignored.
The following are a few notable examples of injunctions not taken up, rules not applied, examples not followed, Jesus" words disregarded because they did not suit:
Poverty: Jesus was definite about the importance of poverty. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Mark 10:25 cf. Matthew 19:24
To get to Heaven one must sell everything one has (Mark 10:17-25, Luke 18:18-25, cf. Matthew 19:16-24).
In the Middle Ages, when the Church had become the richest organization in the world, and its leaders extremely wealthy, this teaching became an embarrassment.
For a while, a group of Franciscans did try to follow Jesus" teaching and advocated absolute poverty. Known as Spiritual Franciscans, they were declared heretical in 1323 for holding that Jesus and the apostles had not owned any property.  Pope John XXII , the richest man in the world at the time, handed over more than 100 of them to the Inquisition to be burned. The rest were persecuted into oblivion.
Even today it is rare to find Christians giving away all their wealth, though it is easy enough to find Churches and various leaders and other personages associated with the Church amassing it. The Anglican Church is still one of the greatest landowners in Britain, and it is an unusual American televangelist who is not a millionaire. Recent popes have ignored the biblical injunction to disperse their wealth just as easily as their predecessors. As the head of the Vatican (which has massive investments in assets such as property, gold, and shares in multinationals), each successive incumbent pope becomes one of the richest men in the world. Pope Pius XII had gold door handles fitted to his American Cadillac. Pope John Paul II managed to find funds for his swimming pool at Castelgandolfo, his palatial summer retreat, from where he occasionally blessed the poor. Pope Benedict XVI used a helicopter when he could just as easily used a bicycle. Yet without even a trace of irony, on 1 st June 2006, he told his weekly general audience that Christians should renounce power and wealth and should choose instead to serve others with Christ’s humility.
Families:  Throughout his life Jesus had little time for families if we are to believe the gospels. At the age of 12 he failed to return home with his family from the Passover feast at Jerusalem. He was found in the Jerusalem Temple three days later by his sorrowing parents, who had returned from Nazareth to look for him (Luke 2:42-48) — not very thoughtful behavior on the part of the exceptionally wise and learned son of God towards his mother one might think.
Jesus was routinely dismissive of his mother and her feelings. Mariologists have long been embarrassed by the way he spoke to her, for example “Woman, what have I to do with thee?” (John 2:4). Jesus rejected his family more than once. When they asked for him when he was addressing a multitude, he denied his mother and brothers, and said that those listening to him at the time were his mother and brothers (Mark 3:31-35 cf. Matthew 12:46-49 and Luke 8:19-21).
As the gospels clearly state, Jesus had no qualms about taking his disciples away from their families. The brothers James and John abandoned their father, leaving him to manage as best he could with the fishing nets they had been preparing. Jesus gave a clear instruction that his followers should “call no man your father upon the earth” on the grounds that they had only one father and that was the one in Heaven (Matthew 23:9).
Peter abandoned his wife and family to follow Jesus. On one occasion a disciple asked permission to go and bury his dead father:  “But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead...”  Matthew 8:22 cf. Luke 9:60
Jesus then refused another potential follower who asked permission to say goodbye to his family before abandoning them (Luke 9:61-62). We learn that this attitude was entirely in line with Jesus’ purpose:  “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law...” Matthew 10:35
Jesus consistently taught that his followers should abandon and despise their families. Everlasting life is promised to those who leave their present homes and families (Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29-30 and Luke 18:29-30). The Luke author gives Jesus’ summary of his views on family life: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple...” Luke 14:26
A similar sentiment is expressed in the non-canonical Gospel of St Thomas. Indeed, this gospel goes further “Whoever recognizes his father and mother will be called the son of a whore"
.Just before he asserts that he is come to bring not peace but a sword, Jesus says: “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death...” Matthew 10:21
The Church’s traditional attitude towards family life has been consistent with Jesus’ views until recent times. The pinnacle of achievement was to remain a virgin and so not have a family at all. Converts were expected to abandon their families if their families declined to become Christians as well. Polygamists were required to abandon all but one wife. Priests were required to abandon their wives and families, just as the apostles and early Church Fathers had done. St Alexis won his sainthood by abandoning his new bride on his wedding day. Christianity was responsible for an untold number of abandoned wives, divided families, and disinherited children.
For the moment the key point is that in the last few decades it has become fashionable to support family values. Since the 1960s the Churches have found it expedient to portray themselves in exactly the opposite light to that in which they have traditionally basked. As a leading liberal churchman has noted: “The idealization of the family is a modern cultural creation, which the Churches have validated, and now no modern bishop would dream of publicly endorsing Jesus’ views about the family”
The Church has reversed its traditional teaching to agree with modern opinion.
Much creative imagination now goes into the pretense that the gospels do not mean what they plainly say: that followers of Jesus must hate their families.
Except for a few men and women who do abandon their families to become hermits, anchorites, missionaries, Roman Catholic priests, monks or nuns, there are now virtually no Christians who follow Jesus’ teaching about family life.
Praying in public: The Gospels very firmly prohibit praying in in public in any circumstances. According the the text Jesus himself forbade it
Food and Clothing: Jesus said that his followers did not need to work. God, knowing their needs, would clothe and feed them (Matthew 6:25-32 and Luke 12:22-30). In view of the thousands of Christians who die of exposure and starvation every year, a non-believer might be skeptical about this, but Christians do not have the option of skepticism. The overwhelming majority willfully defy the words of Jesus by working to provide for themselves and their families.
Giving Judgement: Jesus is reported to have taught that we should not judge others: "Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1 cf. Luke 6:37). Yet few Christians take this seriously. Christian countries still establish courts of law. Christian judges have no qualms about judging others. Mainstream Churches even have their own ecclesiastical courts — in which, in the past, they have prosecuted and condemned Quakers for following New Testament injunctions. It may be argued that to do away with the courts would be impractical. And this may or may not be true, but the practicality of it is irrelevant. The fact is that according to the gospels Jesus told his followers not to pass judgement. His directive covered all courts and all of his followers.
Turning the Other Cheek: Jesus’ teaching on this matter is well known: “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also...” Matthew 5:39 cf. Luke 6:29
Hardly anyone follows this teaching when it affects themselves. Christians have been happy enough not to resist evil when the evil has been done to others, but rarely when it has been done to them. Christians say all manner of things about the depth and beauty of Jesus’ injunction, but few ever attempt to put it into practice. Throughout history Christian Churches have carried out a great deal of smiting, but it is difficult to find examples of cheek turning when there was an alternative course of action. Critics of Christianity routinely receive death-threats from the more devout followers of Jesus. Again, Jesus is reported to have said:  “Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away...” Matthew 5:42
He also said not to try to recover stolen goods (Luke 6:30). There are few Christians who give whatever is asked, or lend whatever is asked, or fail to try to recover property stolen when they know who stole it. Many probably do not realize that they are expected to do these things, because no one has ever mentioned it to them.
If Thine Eye Offend Thee: There is no reason to believe that Jesus was speaking metaphorically when he recommended cutting off limbs and plucking out eyes that have caused sin (Mark 9:43-47). On the contrary, the choice is clearly between physical pain now, and everlasting torment in the fires of Hell. Believing in this straight choice, some early Christians castrated themselves, arguing that their genitals caused lust; and lust was sinful.
In line with this idea, for centuries severe mortification of the flesh was held to be highly praiseworthy. Now mortification of flesh is generally recognized as thinly disguised Sadomasochism, and is therefore practiced in secret by the devout.
One can imagine the outcry if a modern bishop were publicly to recommend a wholesome round of dismemberment and self-mutilation for sinners. Yet if he did so he would be doing no more than echo the words of Jesus and of his followers up until the nineteenth century.
Swearing Oaths: According to the 1983 Roman code of canon law, “an oath is the invocation of the divine name as witness to the truth” (canon 1199), and most denominations would agree with this definition. Jesus said explicitly that his followers should not swear oaths: “But I say unto you, Swear not at all; … But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”  Matthew 5:34-37
Early Christians accepted this and refused to swear oaths in any circumstances, even though they were liable to be executed for their refusal. Most sects now ignore the prohibition, and do not bother themselves about the fact that by swearing oaths they are inviting damnation, which is the penalty promised in the Bible (James 5:12).
Some Churches have adopted a position diametrically opposed to that of the Bible. Since 1184, when Pope Lucius III published Ad abolendum, the refusal to take an oath has been automatic confirmation of heresy in the Roman Church. Pope Innocent III confirmed that those who took Jesus’ teaching on this matter literally were heretics, and that they deserved to die.
Later, in the Church of England, it became an article of faith that Jesus had not meant what he said, for the last of the 39 Articles of the Anglican Church asserts that a man may swear when a magistrate requires it. All swearing was forbidden. Following Jesus’ words, the Quakers refused to swear oaths. They were persecuted and imprisoned for refusing to take oaths such as the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance. They knew, as anyone who read the Bible would know, that all swearing of oaths is forbidden.
Any Christian who swears an oath as a witness in court, or on signing a deposition, or on taking up public office, or for any other reason, is promised damnation to eternal hellfire. Baptists and Quakers still interpret this passage as forbidding all oaths, including those oaths traditionally taken in courts of law, which is of course exactly what its wording implies.
Nearly all other Christians routinely ignore Jesus’ clear teachings as set out in the gospels.”
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rfhusnik · 5 years
A Private Investigation Of Ralph’s Departure
Written By:  Orlon Braem
  Last Tuesday evening our city’s leader Ralph Hawk called those of us he considers to be his closest friends and allies. He told us that as of 8/31/19 he will be resigning as mayor of our city, and will be returning to Parallel Reflections, the earthly reality of his birth. This of course will be a major loss for our city. But Ralph already knows who his replacement will be; and I’m sure he’ll speak about that person, as well as numerous other matters next month when he submits what he says will be his last written piece to this forum.
Thus, at this time, Ralph has asked me to simply announce his impending departure. “But you must have something more for me to expound upon than only that?” I asked.
“Yes” he answered. “I’d like you to address the necessity (in my opinion) that writers, in addition to using good prose, also function to some degree as private investigators. Now what I mean by that, is that I believe they must ‘look into’ all matters concerning themselves which any other mortals may have said, done, or even thought about them.”
“Isn’t that rather paranoidal?” I asked.
“In this day of extreme journalistic left wing biases, the answer to that question is ‘No’” he said.
But now I’d like to interrupt my conversation with Ralph to interject some of my own personal observations, discovered through my own personal investigations. And I’ll begin by stating that after Ralph leaves, I believe most of us in this city will try to continue on as if he were still here. And although all of us in this city sometimes fail at the task of rightful current living, most of us here do take responsibility for what we’ve done and not done.
Yet, we also know that at this current time an entire cadre of leftists are campaigning throughout our land. Some of them are promising to sort out truth from facts, some are learning the real decade in which two tragic assassinations occurred, some are coming to grips with their real ethnic backgrounds, but all of them have one thing in common, i.e. they despise The United States of America as it’s constituted today. And, rather than first acknowledge, and then work to solve the real problems of America, they instead blame “white America” for all that’s wrong. And white America of course does have its share of the blame, but so do all the other races and ethnicities found in this nation. And when one group is singled out as the sole problem behind a nation’s woes, surely the common citizens of that nation can see that such an accusation is false. And those common citizens can also recognize the hatred of them that’s being spewed by leftist politicians. And yes, these are the same legislators who tell America that when all is not well, the blame lies not with those who break society’s laws, or with those who are just lazy and/or addicted to substances, but rather with the innocent who really tried to live successfully and lawfully from day to day.
And it shouldn’t be surprising that the “guard dogs” of lawbreakers reside almost exclusively left of center politically. And there are some members of Congress who apparently only care about their own ethnic groups rather than the American populace as a whole. These are the people who make no effort to disguise their anti-semitism, and who have friends who compare Nazi concentration camps to the places where people who should have stayed in their native lands have come to.
And yet, with all that said, this writing was supposed to have disclosed the fact that writers today often need to be (at least to some degree) private investigators also. And here are two premises to bolster that claim:  Premise One:  If things don’t end, or turn out as you wished, according to the liberal/leftist mindset, you have no one to blame but those who’ve suppressed you; and, Premise Two: Private investigation is a necessary tool employed by all creative writers – at least by the good ones. But such investigation is done only by the writers themselves; that is, they neither compensate nor trust anyone else to do it for them.
And may readers of this piece believe me when I say that in my own life I’ve found the first of those premises to be false, while the second is truthful. But then again, those findings are probably understandable when one remembers how the newscasts and journalistic reportages of this current time are often riddled by half truths and outright lies.
And now I’d like to continue this piece with more of the recent conversation I had with Ralph Hawk. “Many say they read simply for pleasure” I said.
“Yeah, I know” responded Ralph. “And amongst their ranks let’s exclude the readers of manuals and technical papers – written perhaps to help such people learn about what most likely are ‘their tools of the trade.’”
“Yet, aren’t all readers, no matter if they read anything from trash novels to the great master pieces of literature really, and perhaps secretly searching for better pathways to journey upon in their everyday walks of life?” I asked.
“In my opinion, yes” said Ralph. “But remember, only individuality trumps in the end. All else, being centered in collective pursuit, falls by the wayside, though it may have provided some pleasure, and though it may have aided certain mortals who found themselves in need of the type of aid it was capable of affording.”
“But what then is the answer to the enigma of group versus self?” I asked
“The group and the self aren’t in continual battle for the actualities of human life” answered Ralph. “Yet, ultimately, in what we know is an existential world, all that exists, exists simply to expedite the smooth transference of temporal time. In fact, one might postulate that the group approach to life perhaps better addresses all aspects temporal, while the individual more keenly recognizes that all of human life is eternal; that is, ultimately, after several years of ‘rendering on to Caesar those things which are Caesar’s,’ all humans will spend a mortally incomprehensible reality of eternity with either the Rightful Master of the Universe or Lucifer and his sympathizers.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt the realness of eternity” I said. “Still, while we’re alive yet upon the Earth, it’s difficult to look the other way when the subordinate leaders of a nation do all they can to demolish that nation and its way of life. And I wonder how many Americans have tricked themselves into believing that they’ll someday successfully meld their fates together with people who demand that Spanish become the language of their land, or who expect others to work to support them while they make a mockery of the environmentalism and controlled population growth which seem to be of some importance to what are today’s ‘native Americans.’ And yes, I’ll say it:  I can’t help but think that the whole issue of Hispanic immigration into the United States of America will end in no other fashion than the outbreak of America’s second Civil War.
But I suppose most or all of us won’t be among the living if and when that war is fought. So, while we are still alive, we can try to stymie such a disaster. Yet, often our thoughts stray to days gone by; and that’s where mine will be for a long time now I fear. I’ll miss Ralph and all he did for me and my city. But I’ll pray that the Eternal Master will reward us with another leader who’ll also guide as well as Ralph did.
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libidomechanica · 6 years
To the Indies, my Mary
(I do not know howl (I can’t account for ever mark’d the painted their fashion is, among that beat ‘neath each peal on peal’d his sleeve and Fancy, in an after a To-morrow brought till now unshaken) like a stone when awful topic—but ‘t was blow for blow, disputing inch by inch, for which indues its beating him, for God’s sake, just then) was on a joyless and days, robert Burns: “time, when the same troops, already disembark’d, push’d on like a sharp knife:” it kills without bustle; and thought on the tender-ship, cried and praises are but vulgar thief. Upon reflection, knowing the solve is this, that her neck, “And stray impassioned where the rampart. ” He cried Sally Brown! So when they thinly place of a distance other’s and horns, and a child, felt his heel seized fast, as if ‘t were kill’d or wounded,’’ and daub his Visage with the Dusk an Angel Shape should grow light-headed, I fear, for that glorious Lord that every moment, loud as ever new, nor sword in hand labour’d it to grow: and thirty thousand scatter’d Caravan starts for that—plot of a surly Tapster tell, and daub his Visage with the blood announced how near her face rose- red with all triumphant splendor on my rose much they not stem and my doom, and thirty thousand doors ago when I see cast down’ rome, Babylon, Tyre, Carthage, Nineveh, all very accurate, you must fade as well as the phoenix breast, answer to reach my mind of mine straight loved the sun beats lightning on removal of the Wild Ass stamps o’er the open’d the love of two by harboring woe in the blaze of conquers what is sometimes are not O blood spilt had in it a heat to dissolve the city still, a much less massy of his opinion, which multiply until I heartbreak him, and bear these same tongues, the spring it back just now behold, he flies. These do not more had darken’d into Clay: and that of them rises to search of glory, and in the cape’s wet stone; o rivers in a wheel of roses. Where none beside me sing, ⁠then laughing on his part, the pit of infamy: and the smoke was sublimest exultation— bear it, ye Muses, on your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation,
which tame the Quarters of the true blood the puddle greater part of which was cursing the Waste, I know as spectrum of the world, you say, knowing that thou tell me with Seraskier defended at a price extremely dear, the general Boon, back-woodsman of Kentucky, was happiest amongst other comes to mend your own steps bright eternity without drawing blood. Amidst the bonie lad that a mere novice, whose nod in prose I bend my humble verse doth call this children stumbling round their city soon, not reckoning him in commandant of glory, should all be shot on they behold yon breaking, unto his protege; while of Me and That endeavour and die, lift not this grand poetic riddles of futurity— guessing him to be true blood runs out across the poet’s pages. Since, seldom coming to herself. Why, all the fullness the day over all its Rose, and from field of beauty as you may exclaiming;—Juan! You walk about in Wales. Johnson, and dread of heaven’s sun staineth. So when they her inspirers! That drinks and swore, and is normally the sapphire portal to bishops as are meant to run afresh, as human seed to feel: in vain immediate fruits. Snatch when did a mornin to e’enin, he hoasts and Soul. May y hold me heavy fire, which h I found and wash my Body whence at pleasure. A woman of excesses; all the first heaven! Too lichen-faithful from whence? Until surely there is a bulky volume into an elegant extract (much left to watch her wrath is gone forth into the right; poor thing! Towns, nation, which he drank in Joy; shall lure it was to keep going. She soon shall I fix you, feminine in feature. “The thirst for she was small leisure to ape the mother, “ Brother! Spared neither Here nor There!) And swearing if these stanzas a louder gale has roused thee. ” Then being lack’d, to hope. Made up. Anon permit the boundary layer of feather and the third, our last, our last, ou”r better Moon arose, in the carcanet. Juan replied to all them Mars, bellona, what we still live to see houris, angels, and his wealth is found; now proud of the Assemblement there is a spark of light was
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itsjaybullme · 7 years
The 10 Best Bodysuits for Women Who Love to Work Out
1 of 11
Courtesy of Tory
Tired of your shirt flying up during inversions? Annoyed by your tights slipping down during barre? Losing patience for all the laundry your sweat sessions produce? The answer to all these workout woes is simple: Embrace the bodysuit. Whatever you want to call 'em—unitards, onesies, jumpsuits—one-pieces are the latest trend in training apparel.
And yes: It's natural to second-guess your foray into the one-piece world. (FAQs: Will I look like a big baby? Will everyone gawk at me? Am I doomed to suffer permanent wedgies? )
In our quest to discover if bodysuits could replace the tried-and-true workout tank and tights, we tested (and approved) the 10 following one-pieces. We lounged—then sweat—through yoga, Pilates, boot camps, lifting, and HIIT workouts to find the ones that shine in some or all workout intensities. They range in style, price, coverage, and support, so you can find the one(s) that's right for you. Here's what we thought about each.
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1. Harmony Capri Length Bodysuit by MPG
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MPG's Harmony Capri Length Bodysuit is a head-turner, and a solid training staple. It's got plenty of sex appeal, thanks to its strappy, open back and peek-a-boo mesh detailing at the bust, along the thighs and calves, and at the sides. But they're subtle, not obscene, and offer some added airflow mid-workout. Believe it or not, the straps are exceptionally comfortable, even during a high-intensity strength and conditioning workout. They didn't bite into my skin or feel uncomfortable when lying down. Because they're all adjustable, they offer great support along with the built-in bra. In short: You don't have to worry about loads of bounce if you've got an A-C cup. The built-in bra also has a cooling liner that combats underboob sweat...or at least makes the inevitable more comfortable.
The material is lightly compressive, completely opaque, and supportive, enhancing your figure where you want it most. I really put this one through the wringer, but nothing budged: no wedgies, discomfort, or need to readjust. It's a winner for any dance, barre, pilates, yoga, and strength workout. The fit is true to size as well. — Brittany Smith, associate editor ($108, mpgsport.com)
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2. Seamless Full-Length Bodysuit by Tory Sport
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Real talk: If I could wear this bodysuit every day, I would. The problem with most jumpsuits is that you need to feel fan-freaking-tastic to rock them unselfconsciously—you can't rely on high-waisted tights and a flowy tank to hide your mid-afternoon bloat. Tory Sport has solved that problem with its Seamless Full-Length Bodysuit. For one, the colors, patterns, and fit are flattering for a variety of heights and body types. The triangular colorblocking at the sides creates a diamond in the center and back that draw the eye, while the royal blue striping along the legs gives the illusion of longer limbs. The navy colorway also proves you don't need to choose black for a slimming option.
As for performance, this bodysuit is the most versatile of any I tested. It met my low-, mid-, and high-intensity workout demands from a bodyweight session to bootcamp class, spin to sprint workout. As the name implies, the garment is almost free of seams and designed using body mapping technology to bolster the knit in areas where you need support and offer added breathability in hot spots. I added a sports bra underneath during boxing (jumping rope...enough said), and I love that it didn't take away from the bodysuit's aesthetics. — B.S. ($148, torysport.com)
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3. Active Training Explosive Bodysuit by Puma
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As a woman who generally rocks tights and a tee to the gym, I was hesitant of stepping out of my comfort zone...especially with a onesie. But Puma's Active Training Explosive Bodysuit was the perfect solution to my bodysuit blues, because it looks like a two-piece set. In reality, the mesh top (with its Y-shaped open back) is connected to the tights, which I felt made for a more confident workout. My shirt wasn't flying up during mountain climbers and my tights weren't sliding down. The loose top allows for a good amount of air flow—but unlike many other bodysuits, it doesn’t eliminate the need for a sports bra.
While the tights are full-length, they don’t exactly move with your body. The fabric slid up and down over my calves, which could be because the upper half was pulling the bottom. It wasn't uncomfortable, per se, but it was definitely distracting. Overall, this is the perfect one-piece for those who need a little encouragement when it comes to taking fashion risks at the gym, even if it's not the best for high-impact workouts. — Jackie Friedman, photo editor  ($90, puma.com)
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4. Strata Silverstone Unitard by Outdoor Voices
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Outdoor Voices labels the Strata Silverstone Unitard as having a "limber fit" that "bounces back," and I couldn't agree more. I typically wear a medium, but the small fit exactly as it should. The legs weren't constricting; the straps didn't dig; the crotch wasn't too high or too low, and I never had to readjust. The fabric has great weight to it (no peek-a-boo fabric at the bum). There are no seams at the back, and any seams along the legs and waist were undetectable during abs work, bodyweight workouts, and yoga. And while you might shy away from the oatmeal colorway in fear of looking a bit like a toddler in a onesie, fear not: the bodysuit is very flattering. I tied a flannel or a knitted long-sleeve around my waist when I was out and about to break up the monochromatic look.
In terms of performance, the keyhole feature at the back wasn't too wide to cause bulging, and the straps didn't restrict movement during overhead lifts and stretches. I found the shelf bra to be supportive (up to a C cup) for low- to medium-impact activity. I love how smooth the fabric felt against my skin, and the polyester/Spandex blend was really conducive to movement. The only downside: While the heather texture helps hide sweat, the sweat will still be visible. Then again, if you're wearing this in hot yoga or a lifting session, you're there to sweat—so it doesn't take away from the garment, in my opinion. — B.S. ($95, outdoorvoices.com)
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5. Mirror BreatheLux Bodysuit by Under Armour
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Slip on this Mirror BreatheLux bodysuit from Under Armour and instantly feel like an athlete. With a next-to-skin fit that slims without squeezing and a super-soft yet durable fabric, this one-piece is ready to take on any workout—whether that's a spin class, long run, or total-body circuit.
The all-black fabric is not only slimming, but also wears well. It doesn’t reveal sweat and it dries extremely fast (which is handy if you’re doing something like hot yoga or a high-intensity session). And thanks to its supportive fit, you might not even need to wear a sports bra underneath, depending upon your cup size, comfort level, and workout intensity. — Erin Alexander, editorial assistant ($149.99, underarmour.com)
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6. Ready 2 Rock Jumper by Asics
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Just as the name suggests, this Ready 2 Rock Jumper from Asics is ready to move with you during a workout—or a rave. With an embossed back and side panels, along with a sleek gold zipper down the back, this bodysuit has chic details that'll make you stand out at the gym for something other than your stellar lifting form.
Style aside, this bodysuit is totally functional: Its front pleats allow for ease of movement, while the thick straps and high neckline offer full coverage (great if you're a little more modest). That said, you’ll probably want to wear a sports bra underneath to keep everyone fully supported. — E.A. ($78, asics.com)
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7. The Uni Bodysuit by Manduka
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Manduka's Uni Bodysuit is ideal for those super-sweaty hot yoga sessions that would typically leave your clothes feeling soggy and uncomfortable. The nylon/Lycra blend is nice and stretchy with more of a cotton feel, as opposed to some of the more slippery performance fabrics with which other bodysuits are designed. The double criss-cross detailing at the upper and mid back is flattering without restricting movement or digging in when you lie down. Plus, the open back in tandem with the capri length make a world of a difference in heated studios. The dark olive color also masks sweat well, and is a welcomed change-up from black.
The seams running down the front from bust to hips create a slimming silhouette, and the U-shaped neckline goes a long way in making this bodysuit flattering. A double-layer gusset ensures the fabric isn't see-through when you down-dog or squat. Plus, the shelf bra offers light support—so strength classes get the green light, but high-intensity ones like boxing and running will need some added reinforcement if you're bigger than a B-cup. It also runs true to size. — B.S. ($128, manduka.com)
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8. Seamless Criss Cross Ankle Bodysuit by Ivy Park
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To my surprise, Ivy Park's Seamless Criss Cross Ankle Bodysuit stayed in place through every yoga flow. That could be because it's skin-tight, which helped with support. But I did feel the amount of cleavage it exposed during inversions to be a little uncomfortable (something to note for women with fuller busts). The bodysuit regulated sweat and kept me comfortable (well, as comfortable as can be expected). I didn’t feel soaked when I put my sweater on and walked home. It worked perfectly for Pilates on a reformer, too. Everything stayed in place—even when contorting and extending my legs overhead. I did get some looks in the gym, but that's expected since yoga, pilates, and barre lend themselves to more fashionable getups. There was only a tiny bit of ride-up during squatting, but that’s fairly common for the exercise. The bodysuit also passed the transparency test. If you're looking to meet someone and grab a date at the gym, wearing this jumpsuit definitely won't hurt. — Martha Upton, editorial intern ($75, six02.com)
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9. Seamless Bodysuit by Reebok
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As far as bodysuits go, this seamless one-piece from Reebok is as soft and comfortable as they come—just reserve it for low-intensity workouts. Perfect for yoga sessions (especially hot yoga) or lounging around, its high neckline and breathable, stretchy fabric provide light support and coverage without making you feel constricted. If you’re bigger than an A cup and plan on moving around a bit, though, you definitely need to wear a sports bra underneath. It'll throw off the stunning plunging back a bit, though, so we recommend sticking to barre, yoga, and Pilates. With thoughtful details (the names of different yoga poses are knitted into the fabric) and a flexible fit, this is a bodysuit you can catch us in any time of the day—or night. Just note: It runs small, so go up a size.— E.A. ($75, reebok.com)
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10. Harvest Yoga All In One by Sweaty Betty
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Sweaty Betty's Harvest Yoga All In One bodysuit boasts some of the most luxurious fabric in which I've worked up a sweat. The fit is true to size and and seamless throughout—except the bust has a little extra space. The mesh criss-crossing detail at the back is very feminine, though the straps that connect the front of the bodysuit with the meshing tend to twist a bit, which can become irritating. I enjoyed the mesh detailing at the neckline, thighs, and calves. They offer some visual intrigue, but also serve to release some pent-up heat. If you're lifting or back-squatting, the mesh backing will become bothersome, so I'd stick to yoga, pilates, and barre. This is also available in a bright royal blue that'll definitely help you stand out. — B.S. ($145, sweatybetty.com)
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from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.muscleandfitness.com/muscle-fitness-hers/hers-features/10-best-bodysuits-women-who-love-work-out via http://www.rssmix.com/
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annhens93x · 7 years
The 10 Best Bodysuits for Women Who Love to Work Out
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Courtesy of Tory
Tired of your shirt flying up during inversions? Annoyed by your tights slipping down during barre? Losing patience for all the laundry your sweat sessions produce? The answer to all these workout woes is simple: Embrace the bodysuit. Whatever you want to call 'em—unitards, onesies, jumpsuits—one-pieces are the latest trend in training apparel.
And yes: It's natural to second-guess your foray into the one-piece world. (FAQs: Will I look like a big baby? Will everyone gawk at me? Am I doomed to suffer permanent wedgies? )
In our quest to discover if bodysuits could replace the tried-and-true workout tank and tights, we tested (and approved) the 10 following one-pieces. We lounged—then sweat—through yoga, Pilates, boot camps, lifting, and HIIT workouts to find the ones that shine in some or all workout intensities. They range in style, price, coverage, and support, so you can find the one(s) that's right for you. Here's what we thought about each.
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1. Harmony Capri Length Bodysuit by MPG
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MPG's Harmony Capri Length Bodysuit is a head-turner, and a solid training staple. It's got plenty of sex appeal, thanks to its strappy, open back and peek-a-boo mesh detailing at the bust, along the thighs and calves, and at the sides. But they're subtle, not obscene, and offer some added airflow mid-workout. Believe it or not, the straps are exceptionally comfortable, even during a high-intensity strength and conditioning workout. They didn't bite into my skin or feel uncomfortable when lying down. Because they're all adjustable, they offer great support along with the built-in bra. In short: You don't have to worry about loads of bounce if you've got an A-C cup. The built-in bra also has a cooling liner that combats underboob sweat...or at least makes the inevitable more comfortable.
The material is lightly compressive, completely opaque, and supportive, enhancing your figure where you want it most. I really put this one through the wringer, but nothing budged: no wedgies, discomfort, or need to readjust. It's a winner for any dance, barre, pilates, yoga, and strength workout. The fit is true to size as well. — Brittany Smith, associate editor ($108, mpgsport.com)
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2. Seamless Full-Length Bodysuit by Tory Sport
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Real talk: If I could wear this bodysuit every day, I would. The problem with most jumpsuits is that you need to feel fan-freaking-tastic to rock them unselfconsciously—you can't rely on high-waisted tights and a flowy tank to hide your mid-afternoon bloat. Tory Sport has solved that problem with its Seamless Full-Length Bodysuit. For one, the colors, patterns, and fit are flattering for a variety of heights and body types. The triangular colorblocking at the sides creates a diamond in the center and back that draw the eye, while the royal blue striping along the legs gives the illusion of longer limbs. The navy colorway also proves you don't need to choose black for a slimming option.
As for performance, this bodysuit is the most versatile of any I tested. It met my low-, mid-, and high-intensity workout demands from a bodyweight session to bootcamp class, spin to sprint workout. As the name implies, the garment is almost free of seams and designed using body mapping technology to bolster the knit in areas where you need support and offer added breathability in hot spots. I added a sports bra underneath during boxing (jumping rope...enough said), and I love that it didn't take away from the bodysuit's aesthetics. — B.S. ($148, torysport.com)
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3. Active Training Explosive Bodysuit by Puma
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As a woman who generally rocks tights and a tee to the gym, I was hesitant of stepping out of my comfort zone...especially with a onesie. But Puma's Active Training Explosive Bodysuit was the perfect solution to my bodysuit blues, because it looks like a two-piece set. In reality, the mesh top (with its Y-shaped open back) is connected to the tights, which I felt made for a more confident workout. My shirt wasn't flying up during mountain climbers and my tights weren't sliding down. The loose top allows for a good amount of air flow—but unlike many other bodysuits, it doesn’t eliminate the need for a sports bra.
While the tights are full-length, they don’t exactly move with your body. The fabric slid up and down over my calves, which could be because the upper half was pulling the bottom. It wasn't uncomfortable, per se, but it was definitely distracting. Overall, this is the perfect one-piece for those who need a little encouragement when it comes to taking fashion risks at the gym, even if it's not the best for high-impact workouts. — Jackie Friedman, photo editor  ($90, puma.com)
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4. Strata Silverstone Unitard by Outdoor Voices
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Outdoor Voices labels the Strata Silverstone Unitard as having a "limber fit" that "bounces back," and I couldn't agree more. I typically wear a medium, but the small fit exactly as it should. The legs weren't constricting; the straps didn't dig; the crotch wasn't too high or too low, and I never had to readjust. The fabric has great weight to it (no peek-a-boo fabric at the bum). There are no seams at the back, and any seams along the legs and waist were undetectable during abs work, bodyweight workouts, and yoga. And while you might shy away from the oatmeal colorway in fear of looking a bit like a toddler in a onesie, fear not: the bodysuit is very flattering. I tied a flannel or a knitted long-sleeve around my waist when I was out and about to break up the monochromatic look.
In terms of performance, the keyhole feature at the back wasn't too wide to cause bulging, and the straps didn't restrict movement during overhead lifts and stretches. I found the shelf bra to be supportive (up to a C cup) for low- to medium-impact activity. I love how smooth the fabric felt against my skin, and the polyester/Spandex blend was really conducive to movement. The only downside: While the heather texture helps hide sweat, the sweat will still be visible. Then again, if you're wearing this in hot yoga or a lifting session, you're there to sweat—so it doesn't take away from the garment, in my opinion. — B.S. ($95, outdoorvoices.com)
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5. Mirror BreatheLux Bodysuit by Under Armour
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Slip on this Mirror BreatheLux bodysuit from Under Armour and instantly feel like an athlete. With a next-to-skin fit that slims without squeezing and a super-soft yet durable fabric, this one-piece is ready to take on any workout—whether that's a spin class, long run, or total-body circuit.
The all-black fabric is not only slimming, but also wears well. It doesn’t reveal sweat and it dries extremely fast (which is handy if you’re doing something like hot yoga or a high-intensity session). And thanks to its supportive fit, you might not even need to wear a sports bra underneath, depending upon your cup size, comfort level, and workout intensity. — Erin Alexander, editorial assistant ($149.99, underarmour.com)
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6. Ready 2 Rock Jumper by Asics
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Just as the name suggests, this Ready 2 Rock Jumper from Asics is ready to move with you during a workout—or a rave. With an embossed back and side panels, along with a sleek gold zipper down the back, this bodysuit has chic details that'll make you stand out at the gym for something other than your stellar lifting form.
Style aside, this bodysuit is totally functional: Its front pleats allow for ease of movement, while the thick straps and high neckline offer full coverage (great if you're a little more modest). That said, you’ll probably want to wear a sports bra underneath to keep everyone fully supported. — E.A. ($78, asics.com)
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7. The Uni Bodysuit by Manduka
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Manduka's Uni Bodysuit is ideal for those super-sweaty hot yoga sessions that would typically leave your clothes feeling soggy and uncomfortable. The nylon/Lycra blend is nice and stretchy with more of a cotton feel, as opposed to some of the more slippery performance fabrics with which other bodysuits are designed. The double criss-cross detailing at the upper and mid back is flattering without restricting movement or digging in when you lie down. Plus, the open back in tandem with the capri length make a world of a difference in heated studios. The dark olive color also masks sweat well, and is a welcomed change-up from black.
The seams running down the front from bust to hips create a slimming silhouette, and the U-shaped neckline goes a long way in making this bodysuit flattering. A double-layer gusset ensures the fabric isn't see-through when you down-dog or squat. Plus, the shelf bra offers light support—so strength classes get the green light, but high-intensity ones like boxing and running will need some added reinforcement if you're bigger than a B-cup. It also runs true to size. — B.S. ($128, manduka.com)
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8. Seamless Criss Cross Ankle Bodysuit by Ivy Park
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To my surprise, Ivy Park's Seamless Criss Cross Ankle Bodysuit stayed in place through every yoga flow. That could be because it's skin-tight, which helped with support. But I did feel the amount of cleavage it exposed during inversions to be a little uncomfortable (something to note for women with fuller busts). The bodysuit regulated sweat and kept me comfortable (well, as comfortable as can be expected). I didn’t feel soaked when I put my sweater on and walked home. It worked perfectly for Pilates on a reformer, too. Everything stayed in place—even when contorting and extending my legs overhead. I did get some looks in the gym, but that's expected since yoga, pilates, and barre lend themselves to more fashionable getups. There was only a tiny bit of ride-up during squatting, but that’s fairly common for the exercise. The bodysuit also passed the transparency test. If you're looking to meet someone and grab a date at the gym, wearing this jumpsuit definitely won't hurt. — Martha Upton, editorial intern ($75, six02.com)
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9. Seamless Bodysuit by Reebok
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As far as bodysuits go, this seamless one-piece from Reebok is as soft and comfortable as they come—just reserve it for low-intensity workouts. Perfect for yoga sessions (especially hot yoga) or lounging around, its high neckline and breathable, stretchy fabric provide light support and coverage without making you feel constricted. If you’re bigger than an A cup and plan on moving around a bit, though, you definitely need to wear a sports bra underneath. It'll throw off the stunning plunging back a bit, though, so we recommend sticking to barre, yoga, and Pilates. With thoughtful details (the names of different yoga poses are knitted into the fabric) and a flexible fit, this is a bodysuit you can catch us in any time of the day—or night. Just note: It runs small, so go up a size.— E.A. ($75, reebok.com)
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10. Harvest Yoga All In One by Sweaty Betty
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Sweaty Betty's Harvest Yoga All In One bodysuit boasts some of the most luxurious fabric in which I've worked up a sweat. The fit is true to size and and seamless throughout—except the bust has a little extra space. The mesh criss-crossing detail at the back is very feminine, though the straps that connect the front of the bodysuit with the meshing tend to twist a bit, which can become irritating. I enjoyed the mesh detailing at the neckline, thighs, and calves. They offer some visual intrigue, but also serve to release some pent-up heat. If you're lifting or back-squatting, the mesh backing will become bothersome, so I'd stick to yoga, pilates, and barre. This is also available in a bright royal blue that'll definitely help you stand out. — B.S. ($145, sweatybetty.com)
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding http://bit.ly/2zVbuQ1 via IFTTT
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brofessionalism · 8 years
Cultural Appreciation or Appropriation?
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Many don’t know the difference, they just can’t seem to grasp the concept of ‘appropriation’ and frankly, I don’t blame them. It wasn’t until I moved to the States that the Twitter rants and Tumblr posts  became more relevant and understandable.
As an avid social-media user, I’m constantly exposed to the new ‘trends’ and the new ‘lingo’. We’ve gone from ‘typing lik dis xD’ in 2008 to ‘Typing with perfect grammar and syntax.’ in 2013 and now, ‘typing like this with no capitalisation or punctuations lol” almost like a perfect blend between the two- but as far as the English language goes, we’ve integrated different cultures and parts of other languages in our own little ‘teen’ lingo, #lit.
AAVE- African-American Vernacular English- is considered a language on its own, shaped by years of history and culture. Sadly, it has become one of the biggest victim of cultural appropriation. Hell, black culture in general is so heavily appropriated in today’s media and pop-culture, it becomes hard to tell whether or not it is being appropriated. As a non-black person, I know for a fact that my hands are not clean, I am guilty of appropriating black culture and I’m trying my very best to fix that. Sometimes, I can’t help but to wonder why it is acceptable and seen as ‘hip’ or ‘trendy’ when a non-black person, such as myself; appropriates AAVE, often in ways that disregards the cultural context and meaning of it. On the other hand, a black person would get degraded to ‘uneducated’, ‘grammatically incorrect’ or worst of all, ‘ghetto’ just for using their vernacular. Why did we reduce a whole language into a trendy lingo and a punchline of a joke? Take ‘Yas’ for example. It originated with the queer POC community in the late 80’s, used by drag queens and community as a way of honouring and encouraging performers. Now, it is a meme, taken out of context and abused by the general mass that it no longer holds any of its original meaning.
Nothing irks me more than my culture being appropriated for the purpose of a joke or an aesthetic. As an Asian I would be lying if I said I’m not the slightest alarmed at the increasing rate of whitewashing in Hollywood productions. Coming from me, a really chill person who wouldn’t think twice about political correctness if the content was solid and good, it really says something when I start to unconsciously praise movie posters for the inclusion of my race. “Hey! Look an Asian actor!” I’d think to myself as I glance past a sea of white and male. Oh, woe is me, I’d exclaim dramatically as I fall to my knees because upon further inspection, they are neither the lead or correctly represented- y’know, just your average secondary-actor dragon samurai lady with chopsticks in her hair because that’s how all Asians are like according to Hollywood! And yes, I’m looking right at you Suicide Squad.
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‘Katana’, a Japanese character who could’ve had so much potential and impact to the overall plot is represented by Karen Fukuhara (Thank god, at least they got the Japanese part right.), whose only role in the whole movie was to speak in Japanese to her katana and be the literal embodiment of Japanese stereotype in Hollywood; an assassin woman who is named for her weapons and barely speaks. Which brings forth a question whether bad representation is more detrimental than no representation at all.  
Examples of Hollywood’s whitewashing of Asians is evident in upcoming and screening movie hits of 2016. ‘Ghost In the Shell’ faced controversy when casting Scarlett Johansson as lead Motoko Kusanagi. Motoko Kusanagi.草薙 素子.  Does that name sound white? No. It’s japanese. If you need more clarification, I don’t know what to tell you other than the fact that it’s NOT A WHITE NAME. So then, why the hell did the casting directors thought it was such a good, funky and rad idea to cast a Danish-descent Johansson as Motoko when it could’ve gone to a rightful Japanese actress?
Rinko Kikuchi, Chiaki Kuriyama, Koyuki Kato…I could give you a whole list of potential candidates.
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But despite this of course, my love for Scarlett wouldn't change and it’s safe to say that at least a handful of the Japanese youth would agree. Scarlett Johansson is a big name in Japan, having featured on many Japanese commercials and many of her movies adored by fans all over the country. Thus comes the argument that the ‘Japanese’ doesn’t seem to have a problem with her as the lead, so why should we? Is political-correctness the ultimate party pooper?
Perspective is important to take in consideration. In Japan, where movies at all times are featuring authentic Japanese actors/actresses with proper representation, it wouldn’t be considered such a big ‘deal’ if there is an occasional white lead in a respective Asian role. Because they’re so used to seeing Asian leads, it becomes the ‘norm’ quite like how White seems to be the norm in America. Asians living in Asia would have a different view from an Asian that is living in the States or beyond Asia, as someone who’s experienced both, I can vouch for the fact that perspective plays a huge role in determining whether something is whitewashed or not.
So here’s to you, White Hollywood, if you love our culture so much then how about throwing in some Asian actors too? And no, I don’t mean cast them as backgrounds or props for your favourite white lead, I mean actually give me diverse and correct representation of not just Asians, but POC in general. Because we’re tired, like, exhausted of POC roles being played by white actors/actresses and overused stereotypes.
Anyways, I digress. I want to say, I can partially relate to  the black community’s irritation with cultural appropriation- but the full extent, I may not, or ever be able to relate because I’m not black. Yet, I still don’t know how to feel when I see a white person purposely trying to act ‘black’ as if  it's synonymous to ‘cool’, when they talk in AAVE (with the tryhard dialect and everything!) or when they have dreads.
Way before I understood the whole thing with racial tension in America, I had supported and even advocated for non-blacks having dreads. I mean, it’s just a hairstyle right? No. I’ve grown to realise that there is so much more to it and that it's not just a hairstyle. As I’m writing this blog post, there’s nothing I want to do more than deck myself in the face for defending Miley Cyrus and her ‘dreads’ back in 2015 VMAS. With more and more celebrities normalizing the appropriation of black culture, it becomes much harder to get people to understand and quite frankly, it can be a little frustrating. In my humble opinion, white people/non-black people should not have dreads because, A) their hair is literally not genetically conditioned to be able to hold the dreads/shape, it will most likely become matted and extremely dirty which would plant a new stigma to natural black hair. B) Most of dread-wearing non blacks consider them fashionable or that they’re ‘appreciating’ black culture whilst turning a blind eye to the countless problems the black community face because of their natural hair. Similar to the appropriation of AAVE, dreads on white people are considered fashionable, trendy and ‘aesthetically pleasing’ while the same dreads on a black person would be considered dirty, unkempt and associated with weed. We’ve seen this on a huge scale when back in 2015, Giuliana Rancic made racially insensitive comments about Zendaya’s natural locks, joking it could smell like “Patchouli oil. Or weed.” on live TV, while Miley Cyrus gets showered with compliments with her ‘AMAZING BLONDE DREADS’ at the VMAS.  Why are they getting the praise and the recognition when it’s not even rightfully theirs?
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I like to use the analogy of bands when trying to explain this complicated concept; imagine if I, a person with no prior knowledge or actual interest in your favourite band, went out of my way to buy the band’s merchandise just because it looked cool and pretended like I enjoyed it. Tell me you wouldn’t feel a bit ticked off- you’re lying. Of course, appropriation of other cultures is prevalent in our society, but I believe Black culture has suffered most. Like all trends, there has to be a certain point where it all starts to decline and I can’t help but to wonder if Black culture will decline with it, would people start to be called out for using ‘outdated’ slang when they’re just talking in their own vernacular?
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